Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 05, 1862, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, June 5, 1362.
©riginal KJoctrj.
(For the Bradford Reporter.)
the watch-fires brightly are gleaming,
Along the Potomac to night;
As many brave-hearted freemen,
Are gathering there for the fight.
Are gathering from every hearthstone,
Are gathering from every cot !
Are gathering 'round the bright camp fire,
To share a soldier's lot.
Are garthcring from every hamlet,
Many brave hearts, loyal and true-
Are gath'ring rouud the oid standard,
To fight fir the " Red, White and Blue."
GOD bless those true-hearted-soldiers
Who have gathered rouud it to-night;
GOD bless that dear cause of freedom—
The only true cause,and the right.
Arid when the storm-clouds of hsfttle,
Ilover darkly, drearily o'er ;
May victory follow the eagles,
Of the Stars and the Stripes, as of yore.
Our Flag—that dearly loved banner,
Arouud which our forefathers died ;
Is freedom, for which they were slaughtered,
To us, their decendauts denied ?
Our Flag—Columbia's escutcheon.
Which traitors at euspted to seize ,
We'd keep the galaxy unbroken.
And fling thy bright folds to the breeze.
Our Flag—like that glorious banner,
Whose eagles o'er Austerlitz fletv—
We'd rais* a like shout for thy glory :
It was—" Vive le Red, IVkite a id JBltic
311 ct! ci)&a Ic.
(From The t iaciauati Commercial.)
My Hospital Experience.
hv A I-ADY.
" What shall I do to pass* ir.v lime away ]
pleasantly and useful ?" was the question I
put to myself nfter the last " good by"' had 1
been spoken, the la.t kiss exchanged, and the j
parting words of my husband hud died out o? j
the now desolate room, leaving a Humoring!
echo in :uy heart which sounded like desola i
tiou. "It will never do to sit down idly, and
brood is vain regret during his absence *, and
surely, if he thought I should do nothing but
pine and grieve for bun, it would add a heavi j
er weight than now rests upon Ins mind, lor !
then two causes for trouble would rest upon j
him. It is enough to feel that our dear coun- i
try calls for him its her affliction, and GOD go |
with hiiu in her cause. I slio'ild blu-h for :
Inru if ho held aloof now, nor offered himself j
in the full vigor and pniile o! his young life, ns ;
a rhield against the arrows of destruction j
which threaten her, and which Imve already j
severed some of the brightest links which unit- !
ed our beloved nation. And while he has j
gone forth,brave in defense of right and truth, i
shall I sit down and cry like a inisrable, selfish j
child, because it cannot have the toys it loves >
best always in its inwid ? No, no. That will '
never do ! I should never claim to be a i
daughter of my proud,beautiful mother, Airier- ] 1 could foi one moment bt guilty of such
u selfish weakness.''
So ran my thoughts as I stood beside the
window, listening to the last cia g and clatter
of the bell on the boat which bore him away,
■Slowly it put off from the waif, and then
"up to GOD went as deep and fervant a prayer
as ever a wife breathed,for guidance and safety.
Jlis hist kiss was still warm upon my lips—lns
fast words ringing in my ears—and soon, per
haps, that voice, with its loving tones, will be
forever hushed, and the warm lips cold and
mute, under the icy seal of death i iTet not
for one moment would I have recalled him,
even while I grew sick at heart, and a heavy
dread strove to creep into my brain, driving
away its usually hopeful and pleasing fan
"It is right and just," I murmered, as I
turned away, " and GOD wII go with him. I
know wliai I shall do. I shall go arid take
care of the poor sick boys at the hospital "
To think, with me, is to act. In a moment
my bonnet and cloak were donned, and I was
jou my way witti light heart. Are there any
I I or sisters who will wonder how
The zsiv'- 51 hearted, when I had just
freak of the bridegiovnP, battle—pei Imps
raged, he prudently held his peact 1 ■ I will
the ceremony to proceed.
A few words will explain the motives ot .
When Louis XIV came back from his grea
campaign To the Palatinate, he determined "U
urate Ins son.wliose valor and daring in the wa
had greatly pleased him,to oue -of the wealth}
wards of the crown.
He proposed the onion to the yoeng Du
chess of Bdlicereoe, and found her lavorablj
i iuclined.
She had just come to court, having just
emerged from the couvent where she bad com
pitted her education.
She had seen the young Count often,thong J
I be had never designed to cast a glance upon
I her. tihe knew he was brave and. noble,
a end, she thought handsome. Tne bar sinister
n in his escutcheon was no objection. She se
ll cepted him.
kf Unfortunately, Louis of Franche Compte,
y *ho, like his father, wa* something of a rep
| a "ie, would not accept her.
I fl My son,'' said the King, " I have resolved
1 tf y° a B * ia " marry." , „
f . Ay worthy sire and most excellent father,
I |, Y1 Ntwd the Couut, " I have resolved to do
s f 1 nb® n He was not lo tbe babit
Til el
use for you yet, and in a few days you'll be P
and ready to shoulder your musket ugaiu
" Don't you think so ?"
His eyes sparkled in their deep soek?ts,
a momeutary flush ro-o to his pale cheek.
" Oh, if I could only think so ! But l ' ie
lime drags so slowly, and here I lie use*-' 83 ,
helpless, keeping those who could fight i ,va y
to take care of me."
"0, needed a little rest any tay,'
I suid cheerfully. " Now I want to do ome
thing to cure you. Do you want your lace
bathed ?"
" Yes, if it is not to much trouble," h 6au l
" Not a bit. Now be easy, and I'll So| 3 fl
Lave you Deling nicely."
1 got a basin of water, combs, b'shos,
sponge and soap, and came back to hir- Bis
large dark eyes rested with child-like feasare
on my face, as I cheerfully bathed I s Dee
and hands. He had grown so feeble l |at he
could scarcely connect a sentence 'ithout
pausing, and lay panting on bis pill> ;V fro:f
the slightest exeition. After bathim his lace
I took the comb and straightened out tbc
snarled masses of long black liair h a > grew |
thickly over his brow. I soon found thit ill- i
ness hud made him childish, though I at G ,
started at his childish blunt! ess.
" You're mighty party," he sai' suddarlf,
and for a moment 1 did not kit-' what 5o ,
say, but then, J thought, " I nuijseem >•>
him, poor fellow," and only sm lei in r!?pljb
" What's your name ?" he utx' a keJ.
"S replied.
" You ain't mariicd, are you T
" Yes, and my husband's gone to fightjas .
vou did at Fort Donelsoti."
" Oil,dear," he said fretfully, 'Dm so wf ?■ J
What did you get married for ? Never iliud j
I'll put a spider in his dumpling when 1 (get
! well " . .1
With the last word-, a niishevious light,
broke over his face, and his hlak eyes twink
led. I laughed merrily at him, and lie .-"sued
to enjoy it hugely. Boor leiio - little eiwigh
amusements he had. if he eo id aiuust liiui
self at my expense, I would av e no >|>jec
My next patient was an otphan boy.j tix
teen years of age. Frank L 5- beiwiged
to Dirge's sharpshooters, and aj braver lieart
never beat in the hose.a of un/rtal thai that
which throbbed in his.
While bathing his face, I asked bin/what
indue d hiiri to leave Ins home and friejida in
Nebtai-ka, to come awuy aiiperil his 'lite at
such an early age. If is reply is worthy to be
written by that of the noble/ Nathan ila!e,
who regretted having but " am lite tyOi'er to
liis country." lie said : " /joined tife army
liecanse 1 was young and string. 1 mve but
one life, and that would I e worth mining to
me if not offered to my comtry."
i " Nutile buv ! How maiy more 'ijke him
i have fallen willing sacrifice !
'i*tie next day I carried a basket j apples
I oranges, pies, tea, &c., tc the hospfal. A- j
I went in,several of the li u lifted thtir heads j
i and nodded pleasantly.
' " I'm glad you've cO'ie back," fiid ouf,
| and another thought " itiooked so? (lomelipe
j to see a woman amongst:hem."
! My " admirer" with tie black ejtf c laspc
jmv ban I wheu I offered in orange, a>d kiiS:t
j it gratefully. i I
i "if 1 live," he .said, ' I'll elwnys jiuy GL'D ■
;to bless you. If i die, I'll Wilt eh tier you ■
! from Heaven."
j " Door fellow ! I wonder, 1 frfn t'tat j
I heaven to which ins sjirit has fioyfi, D ;
| watching over me tonight usl jpen laese j
i lines T
; Frankie's blue eyes preeted meitwth t glad
i smile before I was near enough ■> su/ak to;
! him. When I wett operand a Jed >ow he,
I felt, lie answered me cheerfully/ ssfing lie j
j hoped to be ablesco.l to retunJo his regi
ment, ' / j
| I bathed Ills 'age,cave him a J'p *Thot tea, j
| with some toast, and left him l-ephg sweet-j
j ly. I I
i Those who lave never vifitejf 'ln hospitals, I
j cannot conceive of the wreft'litß omdition in ;
j which tiie men are orciighijmji) tjem. 'liiatj
j day twenty-eight were broJg't in from Fort
: Donelson mid Savannah. xnd'jstiei objects I
I never saw Their fages hndliaiil were stiff
i with coal dust, and bonii/g wth fever. I heir
! hair long and mat'.ec'i Ldird ijeut aud full of
j dirt.
It vvp.Sa serions tvskAo p.! iifpt rendering j
them confortabie, liti'il did shrink from |
it. On he contrarf, J felt ff'Ved at mv in |
ability h serve norl tfati owl' a time. Oh j ;
! liow I Imged for the purer fwtir some of m; j ;
i own sei, who ir. I'.ilt nwn ptscd the days iI ,
j though less idleness t< actioij if only for di ,
| hour, to assist in Ifiming tise poor suffer/- (
|to acrmfortafcie (yndticn. } I
Frcm moriinpytitlnoon, IfOiiid faithfully, ;
* .'rom my Inltrt md thnftfiv for the in)-
doc! 3'iitflie ttere. I went home anji i
" veejng ti ed, wailed to lie dowk i ,
exclaim then I liad rfrunsed to briu{ i i
She pa.. bf\s in thi afternoon, and i
ed her braiu'-fled till I bid clone sc i
While she id rest aiy time, whih (
what the Dub. t" -. f id Lver, perhajs ,
One night, abont dghey could mt
riage, the Duke, plainly at.
a cloak, roamed through the -^aii,
Autouie, as was his wout, in d i
turet. i
As he tarncd the corner of one of In
row lanes that intersected that quartei
I period, a piercing shriek burst upon his ear,
naingled with suffocating cries for assistance.
The Duke's sword was out in an instant
He was brave to rashness. Without a mo
ment's thonght he plunged into the lane.
He beheld a female straggling to tbe grasp
of a man. • .
The roan ffed precipitately at bis approach,
and the girl sank into h'ts arms, convulsively
exclaimed: —
" Save me, oh, eave me 1'
The Dake shoatbed hte sword aod endeav
ored to calm bw fears
i " V'hy, Fronkie, what is the matter ?" I
asked bending over him.
" ()h, yon have come ! I did wish for yon
eo much. Oh,l shall die, and I wanted some- j
body by who seemed to care for me a little.— ;
You do like me, don't you,dear Mrs. S ?
Yow've been so kind to me. Oh ! this pain ! j
I cirn't stand it long !"
Ilis hands grasped mine nervously, and eve- !
ry fibre of his frame quivered with pain. I ■
saw that the dews of death were standing
thickly already, on the broad, beautiful fore
head over which the fair hair clustered so pret
tilv, and my eyes filled with tears of sorrow
deeper than words can express I stooped to
kiss him, and a glad cry escaped the poor
t.'ue lips of the dying boy.
" Oh, kiss me again, won't you? That is
like my sister. Do kiss me once more ; I feel
better. Oh, I wouldn't mind to die if my sis
ters were here to tell me they loved me. You
do love me a little, don't you 1"
" Yes, a great deal, Frankie, as much as if
I were your sister. Don't you think so ? I'm
! sure you're a good boy, and I am sorry to see
you suffer so."
He drew me down toward him, and press
! ing his luce close to my arms. 1 could endure
no more. The poor boy's mute appeal for tend
• erness and sympathy in his dying hour, far
I from home, breathing out his young life amid
j strangers, unnerved me I drew that young
I bright head to my bosom, and my tears fell
fast upon its sunny curls.
Did the gentle sister he loved, have ono
thought of tbe scene that WUH transpiring on
that night, while perchance they sat and talk
, cd of hru, their only and pretly brother, iu
i their far off home in Nebraska ?
" You will stay with me to night, won't
you he pleaded again. " Oh, you won't
; leave me to die alone 1"
I " No, Frankie, I'll stay with you."
lie was comforted, and became more quiet
as I clasped his hands and tried to sooth tiitn.
Gradually a purple hue overspread his face.—
Now Ins lips become whiter, and the large
clear eyes grew restless. When he could no
longer speak, those eyes plead for some token
i of endearment, and each time that I pressed a
kiss upon his forehead, a look of deep and
, earuest gratitude softened the suffering ex
; presMous of his face.
About nine o'clock he breathed his last,and
| tow every time I look down at my hand and
fee the little ring of mine he wore before he
' died, I seem to see the parting look of his great
•ad eyes ere they fixed in death. How sad the
ask to brush back the damp locks from the
' cold brow, and compose the blue limbs iu their
last repose ! That night I wept and prayed
i for the sisters no I hud never wept and prayed
for myself, lor he was all they hud. j
A. tew days after this, another of my pa-.
Ileitis, one who was fast recovering,l thought/
had a relapse, nod was again confined to IJ \
berth. There had been a storm that dasli/' ;
in the windows, u:ul he got wet.
On Friday, he a.-ked me to write !
ters, to his Li others, sisters, and his btl/ot li
ed. 1 dul so, while he dictated, lie 4pcar- ,
; ed to be well educated, and bad a rid/win of
mirth and sentiment prevadirig his jslure.— j
Tnis I soon discovered in his dietgno" s , and
was much interested. He showed r~' the m ' n " !
iatures of his friends, and talked soon re
turning home Bade me suy to I>s sister,that
'he was coming soon, if he rouldn't get a
| furlough, lie would make one, /c.
Saturday found me nlmost'iiind from infta
; tiou of the eyes, and I did tot get to the hos
pital again until Monday nyrniug. Sad faces
i greeted me. Matron, physicians and nurses,
I wore serious faces, and /e Steward quietly
placed letters, miiiiaturi/ and discription roll
in my hands. I looku/ toward Fredv's place
! —it. was vacant.
Oh, that vvus sad fcsk that I had then to
I perform ! To sit down, three days after writ
ing those pleasant; hopeful letters, and tell
them that the he"'t which dictated them was
still forever ! I wrote to the lady he would
I have made his A'ife, od returned her letters.
\ I hud rather Jave performed any other task
on earth. The poor old father end mother,
whose bent/onns were fast tottering to the
grave—the bright, sweet faced sister —the
loving brother ! To all these I must convey
tidings i'"-t would sting the hardest heart.—
Yet. hti'h is the fortune of war !
Thse are but a few of the many instances
of th kind which might be given to the pub -
lie. Every day, for three or four weeks, 1
witnessed such scenes, performed such tasks as
those I have named.
Since that, however, fortune has called me
to scenes of a more startling nature. I have
seen where the conflict raged, the forms of the
dead, dying, and amongst those who yet lived,
suffering as the heart could not conceive with
out the eye having witnessed it. Forms mang
led, cru.-died—to live and suffer for a lew days,
and then to die in the most horrible agony.
Oh, Hod 1 when will it cease ? When will
the hand of the father full listless, as he at
tempts to cleave his 6on to the earth, and
brothers cease to regard each other as foes ?
Will peace roer be restored? Shall we ever
again be united ? Aias ! will we ever love each
other again, or give room in our hearts for
other than revengeful, bitter feelings ?
figg- It Is computed that in a life of forty
years, a man makes upward of five hundred
millions of respirations, drawing through his
lungs one hundred end seventy tons weight
jdr, and discharging nearly twenty tons of
■* .). carbonic acid; and a quantity
one way r. „ pel . i n io.?' lQ
_an honorable -
The Duke was in despair and at his wu.
end. He bad a stormy scene with the &ng i
who threatened to send him to the Bastile if
he did not retain to tbe*Duchess.
6© he came to Bergeronette on the four
teenth day, to meka a final effort obtain
her. Tb°y were alone together in the g&r-
Here me. Bergeronette,' he cried when
he bad exhaasted every argument and foana
I her still firnij ' I swsar to yoo wire l freo.
The Marvelous Tower.
The morning sun shone brightly upon lb Q
cliff built towers of Toledo, when King Lode
rick issued out of the gate of the city, .4 the
head of a numerous train of courtiers a d'cav
aliers, and crossed the bridge that erodes the
deep and reeky bed of the Tagns. 'he shin
ing cavalcade wound up the road loads
among the mountains, and soou cacof in sight
of the necromantic tower.
Kiug Roderick and his courtifs arrived,
wondering aud amazed, at the fof of the rock.
Here was a narrow arched wa'cut through
the living stone, the entrance t> the tower. —
It was closed by a massive iro gate, covered
with rusty locks of divers wor-manship, and in
the fashion of different cenaries, which had
been affixed by the predecafors of Don Rod
erick. On either side of Ufi portal stood the
two ancient guardians of t.e t . wer, laden with
the keys appertaining to-be locks.
The King alighted, nd approaching the
portals, ordered the gitfdians to unlock the
gate. The hoarv beared men drew back with
terror. " Alas !" criJthey, " what is it your
; majesty requires of u* Wculd you have the
mischiefs of this to\r unbound, and let loose
to shake the earth o its foundations ?"
The venerable Urbino likewise
implored him dis/urb a mystery which
j had been held stored fm generation, within
i the memory of Jiftu ; ind which even Ctesar
! himself, when rovereigi of Spain, had uot ven
tured to evade. Tho youthful cavaliers, how
ever, were eager to ptrsue the adventure, and j
encouraged him in I>s rash curiofity.
"Come what ra/" exclaimed Don Roder
ick, " i urn to penetrate the mystery
of this tower." IjP saying, he again commaoci
ied the guardian^ 0 unlock the portal. The
ancient men obtpid with fear and trembling,
but their baud/hook with age, aud when they
applied the k<J, the locks were so rusted by
lime, or of s/h strange v■ orkmanship. that
: liiey resisted/heir feeble efforts ; whereupon
; the vouug cajraiiers pressed forward aud lent
their aid. /still the locks were so numerous
and diffictJ, that with all their eagerness and
strength,/great part of the day was exhaust
! cd befof/-he whole of them could be mastered, i
1 The j/ieticc of the king was now exhausted, j
and be/dvanced to apply his band ; scarcely, j
i howev? , did he touch the iron gate, when it 1
57 ;,.( i/slowly open, uttering as it were, a dis- i
nisi /oan, as it turned reluctantly upon its I
' bin# l '- A '-old, damp wind issued forth ac- ]
by a tempistous souud. The hearts j
oph.e ancient guardians quaked within them, j
jj-i their knees smote together ; but several of i
fie youthful cavaliers rushed in, eager to grat- j
iffy their curiosity, or to signalize themselves
in their redoubtable enterprise. They had
scarcely advanced a few paces, however,
when they recoiled, overcome by the baleful
air, or by some fearful vision. Upon this, the
king ordered that, fires should bo kindled to
dispel the darkness, and to correct the noxious
ami long imprisoned air .; he then Jed the way
into the interior : but though stout of heart,
he advanced with awe and hesitation.
Alter j ."oceeding a short distance, he enter- j
ed a hall, or antechamber, on the opposite side j
of which was a door; and before it, on a pedes- j
tal, stood a gigantic figure, of the color of
bronze, and of a terrible aspect. It held a
huge mace, which it whirled incessantly, giving
such cruel and resounding blows upon the earth !
as to prevent all further entrance.
The king paused at the sight of this appall- !
ing (igure ; for whether it was .living, or a j
statute of magic artifice, lie could not teli. On j
its breast was a scroll, whereon was inscribed I
in large letters, " / do my duty." Altera little ;
while Roderick plucked up heart, ar.d address-'
ed it with great solemnity : " Whatever thou
be," said he, " know that 1 came not to violate
this sauctuary, but to inquire into the myste
ries it contains .; 1 conjure thee, therefore, to
let me pass in safety ."
Upon this the figure paused with uplifted
mace, and the king and his train passed unmo
lested through the door.
They now entered a vast chamber, of a rare )
and sumptuous architecture, difficult to be de- ;
scribed. The walls were encrusted with the
most precious gems, so joined together as to
lorai one smooth aud perfect surface. The lofty
dome appeared to be self-supported, and was
studded with gems, lustrous as the stars of the
firmament. There were no windows, or other
opeuings to admit the day, yet a radient light
was spread throughout the place, which seemed
to shine from the walls, and to render every
object distinctly visible.
In the centre of the ball stood a table of
alabaster, of the rarest workmanship, on which
was inscribed in Greek characters, that Her
cules, Alcides, the Tbebao Greek, had founded
this tower, in the year of the world three thou
sand and six. Upou the table stood a goldeD
casket, richly set round with precious stones,
and closed with a lock of mother of pearl; and
on the lid were inscribed the following words :
" In this coffer is contained the mystery of
the tower. The hand of none but a king can
open it ; lut let hiin beware ! fur marvelons
events will be revealed to him which are to
take place before his death."
King Roderick boldly seised upon the cask
et. The venerable archbishop laid his hand
upon his arm, and made a last remonstrance.
"Forbear, my eon '."said he, "desist while
there is yet time. Look net iuto the mysteri
ous decrees of Providence. God has hidden
them in mercy from our sight, aud it is injuri-
M|to rend the veil by which they are coc
"hat have I to dread frets a knowledge
-e ?" replied Roderick, with an air
cbiie.sumption, 14 if good be destined
"Oh I anticipation ; if evil, I
ter, and smote' So 6ayiug, he
dealing a blow tha.
against the wall, hie hut a
with engtisb. The terribld*f CO p.
blinded bim for a moment. it
his throat. "Ob ! wbat bate I
treated tt> H There newer, never w
I their saddle backs, and they carried banners
! with divers devices. Above them were in
: 6cribed in Greek characters, "Rash monarch !
behold the men who are to hurl thee from thy
! throne, and subdue thy kingdom 1"
! At the sight of these things the king was
troubled in spirit, and dismay fell upon his at
! tendants. While they were yet regarding the
paintings, it seemed as if the figures began to
move, and a faint sound of warlike tumult
arose from the cloth, with the clash of symbal
and the bray of trumpet, the neigh of the stead
and the shout of army ; but all was heard in
distinctly, as if afar off, or iu a reverie or
dream. The more they gazed, the plainer
became the motion, and the louder the noise,
and more distinct; and the linen cloth rolled
forth aud amplified, and spread out, as it were
a mighty bauner, aud filled the hall, and ming
i led with the air, until its texture was no long
er visible, or appeared a transparent cloud ;
and the shadowy figures became all in motion,
and the din aud uproar became fiercer and
fiercer; and whether the whole were an animat
ed picture or vision of an array as imbodied
spirits, conjured up by supernatural power, uo
one present conld tell. They beheld before
them a great field of battle, where Christians
and Moslems were engaged iu deadly couflict.
They beard the rush and tramp of steeds, the
blast of trump and clarion, the clash of eyai- |
Vials, and the stormy din of a thousand drums. :
There was the clash of swords and raaces, aud
battle axes, with the whistling of arrows, aud
the barling of darts and lances. The Chris- :
tians quailed before the foe ; the iufidels press- i
ed upon them, and put them to utter rout; the
standard of the cross was cast down, the ban-1
ner of Spain was trodden under foot, the air I
resounded with shouts of triumph, with yells |
of fury, aud with the groans of dying men
Amidst the flying squadrons, King Roderick
beheld a crowned warrior, whose back was
turned towards him, but whose armour and j
device were his own, and who was mounted ou :
a white steed that resembled bis own war- ;
horse Orelia. In the confusion of the flight, '
the warrior was dismounted, and was no long- •
er to be seen, and Orelia galloped wildly
through the field without a rider.
Roderick stayed to see no more, bst rushed
from the fatal hall, followed by his terrified
! attendants. The tfc-d through the outer cham
| ber, where the gigantic figure with the whirl-
I ing mace had disappeared from his pedestal,
i and on issuing into the open air, they found
! the two ancient guardiaus of the tower lying
| dead pi the portal, as though they had been
| crushed by some mighty blow. All nature,
1 which had been clear and serene, is now in i
| wild uproar. The heavens were darkened by
! heavy clounds ; loud bursts of thunder rent the
j air, and the earth was deluged with rain and
rattling hail.
The king ordered that the iron porta! should ;
be closed ; but the door was immovable, and
the cavaliers were dismayed by the tremendous
turmoil and the mingled shouts and groans
that continued to prevail within. The king
and his train hastened back to Toledo, pursued
and pelted by the tempest. The mountains
shook aud echoed with thunder, trees were up
i rooted and blown down, the Tagus raged and
I roared above its banks. It seemed to the
I affrighted courtiers as if the phantom legions
! of the tower had issued forth aud mingled with :
the storm; for amid the claps of thunder,
aud the howling of the wind, they fancied they
heard the sound of drums and trumpets, the
1 shouts of armies, and the rush of steeds. Thus, i
I beaten by tempest, and overwhelmed with bor-j
' rer, the king and his courtiers arrived at Tol- ■
; edo, clattering across the bridge of the Tagus,
! and entering the gate in headlong confusion,
HS though they had been pursued by an enemy. |
In the morning the heavens were again ,
! serene, and all nature was restored to tranquil I
ity. The king, therefore, issued forth with his ;
cavaliers, and took the road to the tower, fob i
lowed by a great multitude, for he was anxiocs j
once more to close the iron door, and shut up |
these evils thut threatened to overwhelm the j
laud. But lo ! oncoming iu sight of the tower, i
a new wonder met their eyes. An eagle ap- j
peared high in the air, seeming to descend from (
i heaven. He bore iu his beak a burning braud, !
! and lighting on the summit of the tower, fan
ned the fire with his wings. In a little while
the edifice burst forth in a blaze, as though it
had been built of rosin, and the flame mount-:
ed into the air with a brilliancy more dazzling
than the sun ; nor did they cease until every j
stone was consumed, and the whole was reduc- j
ed to a heap of ashes. Then there came a vast i
flight of birds, small of size and sable of hue, j
darkening the sky like a cloud ; and they de-!
scended and wheeled in circles round the ashes, j
causing so great a wind with their wings that ;
the whole was borne up into the air and scat
tered throughout all Spain ; and wherever a
particle of those ashes fell, it was a stain of
blood. It is, furthermore, recorded by ancient
i men and writers of former days, that all those
I on whom this dust fell were afterwards slain
| iu battle, when the country was conquered by
I Arabs, and that the destruction of this necro
j rnautic tower was sign and token of the ap
! proacnicg perditiou of Spain.
ART or SWIMMING. — Men are drowned by
raising their arms above water, uubtioyed
weight of which depresses the head. Other
animals have neither motion nor ability to act
in a similar manner, and therefore swim natur
ally. When a man falls into deep water, he
will rise to the surface, and will continue there,
if he does net elevate his hands. If he moves
his hands under tho water iu any way he
pleases, his head will rise GO high as to allow
him free liberty to breathe ; ami if ho will use
his legs as in the act of walking (or rather of
walking up Btaire,) his shoulders will rise above
the water, so that be may use the less exert w viiean
with his hands or apply them to when she
These plain directions are
recollection of those who have njey'U oever (bic) lean*
swim in thfjr yrq* 'h. • ' '
odv;- 11 the world • ***• Mfc wiU,
rwVfrod! 1 bMWc) Woodf wfc.f. b
VOX,. XXIII. —XsO. 1.
THRIU.INC DISCOVERY —The following vrdn
derful story is told by the London correspon
dent of the Poublin Evening Mail
This is the age of discoveries, and one of
such a startling nature has just been made in
an English county that it seems out of place
i in the region of sober fact, and to belong pure
ly to the atmosphere of the three-volumed no
vel. Here are the circumstances : the named
for the raomeot 1 am not at liberty to indicate.
The Earl of married uot long ago, and
brought his bride home to one of the old fam
ily mansions which members of the English
aristocracy regard with an affection amounting
i to veneration. The lady, howevir, being more
continental in her taste, after a short residence
in the apartment, appropriated to her use, ex
pressed a wish to have a boudoir in the vicini
ty of her bedroom. The noble Earl would
gladly have complied with the reqnest, but up
on examination, it was found that rooms, as
■ sometimes happens in antique buildings,, wero
j so awkwardly distributed that by noconcoiva
-1 ble plan of re arrangement could the desired
boudoir be fitted iu. Thereupon it became ne
cessary to invoke professional assistance, and
an eminent architect was summoned from Lon
don. He examined the house narrowly, and
said there seemed to be nothing for it but to
build, though at the same time he could uot re
j sist the iraptession that there must be another
undiscovered room somewhere in that wing of
the mansion. The r.oble Earl laughed at the
ieea : the oldest servants and retainers of the
family were questioned, and declared that they
, never had heard even a rumor of its existence.
The ordinary methods of tapping, Ac., wero
j resorted to, but without effect. Still, the ar
! caitect retained his conviction, &ad declared
i himself ready to stake his professional reputa
tion on the result. The Earl at last consented
to let the walls be bored, and, when the open
ing had been made, not only was the room
found, bat a sight presented itself which al
most defeats attempts at description. The
apartment was fitted up iu the richest and
most luxurious style of 150 years ago. A
; quantity of lady's apparel lay abontthe room,
jewels were scattered on the dressing table,
and, but for the faded aspect which everything
wore, the chamber might have been tenanted
half an hour previously. On approaching the
bed the most carious sight of all was seen, and
i this is which affords the only clue to the mys
j tery. The couch held the skeleton of a female,
and on the 2ccr, underneath the bed, half ia
and half cut, Jay another skeleton, that of a
man, presenting evident traces of violence, and
proving that, before he expired iu that posi
tion, h • must have received some dreadful in
jury. The secret connected with this tale of
blood has been well kept, for not merely had
the tradition of the scene faded away, but even
• the existance of the room forgotten, Thesnr
i vivors probably walled up the apartment at
the time, and its contents remained hermetical
ly sealed up till the present day, when, accord
ing to the calculations, after the lapse of ft
century and a half, daylight has accidentally
penetrated into this chamber of horrors, which
to the surprise of all concerned, has been dis
covered in one of the noblest mansions iu the
county of .
MEN'S NOSES. —These handles to men's face*
may be divided into four classes, thns :—Gre
cian, denoting amiability of disposition, equa
nimity of temper, imagination, patience 4*
j labor, and resignation in tribulation. Roman,
; imperiousness, conrage, presence of mind, no
j bleness of heart. Cat or Tiger, cunning, de
' cei t, revenge, obstinacy, and selfishness. Tug,
imbecility of mind and indecision of character.
Of these classes there are innumerable grudes ;
the Grecian descends to the pug, the Roman
| to aquiline, but the cat or tiger is sui genesis.
The Grecian nose is most conspicuous in quiet
j scenes of life—in the study. The Roman, in
| spirit-stirring scenes of life—iu war. Men of
| science often, of imagination always, have the
: Grecian nose. Daring soldiers generally have
I the Roman. Every one knows what a pug is,
j for it provokes our smile. Yet do not sneer at
a man because he has a pug nose ; you canco*
I tell what may " turn up" yourself!
Cociovs PERSPIRATION.—A young medical
| student, who had been screwed very hard at
! his examination for admission to the faculty,
on a very warm day, was nearly overcome by
j the numerous questions put to him, when thic
following query was added
" What coarse would yon adopt to produce
copious perspiration ?"
After a long breath, he rb>erved, wiping
his forehead, " I icon Id have the patient cram- JH
incd before a v.edieal society." ffl
Unsuccessful authors, turned critics,
j are reputed the gardianr of literature for the
i some reason that St. Nepcmirk rs the patrou
| saint of bridges—because he himself lost his
life by a fall from one.
teg" " There, now, 1 ' cried a little girl white
rumaging a drawer in a bureau, " there, now,
gran'-pa has gene to Heaven without his spec- .rid
jj|t •
The shte which fc beautiful rs often the
side which is true ; it the eyes of Love- are
bandaged, ! perceive a triple bf-wilage over tho
eyes of Hate. ~ JKaM ot bsi pr
How foolish for a better wife thanhe't
brains, for the sake of pleasing just the right age for
tho boitcm of his mouth. ,o say ?—that Arrabella
square i" , ' JVATS older than the minister?
~WiMSk it was apitty if I didn't know
Let/iiJo daughter's age, Mrs Smith 1 If some
! j mend thy folks would mind their owu bosioess, as x aOi
I'd thank them.
wSk_ * There's a woman at the bottom of
every mischief^
Char lay; 'when I reed to ge.
chief, my* mother was at the Po^i