LOCAL AND GENERAL. I r or . __Loca! Dews is deeply, desper -m-Irt CBSAM-IfyO" Wish tO Rfft a Dice *fi ICream, call o W.HOM I the Bakery. He dish of I<* bre*". lxk M eery fine article. Mr II A. BEEBY. of the Owego Ga to learn, has lost bis Pile daught.r --£. yeArv..Shediedon Ttanfaj last. ■A-On windy dy the dost in our street* , Arable Where is the street sprinkler 7or tet°us all for ra '°" t FROST — On Saiurday night last this TWSS vi-ited with quite a severe frost. Corn. Ac.. ptnds was considerably "bitten.- Tb. peach- H'SD !• informed, suffered considerably. The well known horse called the " El . 1 V , PHTFR PIEKCB, of Elmira. was aold enlleß ' a ' for eighleen huodred dollars. ■ A. The fire OD the mountains in this vicin itv i still raging presenting a magnificent view from rl" rifiw '• "* Ma * " tremely dry spriug, thus lar. Bar THE TAX ON COAL.~The Senate Com mittre has reported the Tax bill back to the Senate. The te ported >. tbtM —* • ''° Cu.l. except such u i. HOP". i Ibe '*> " <*' fifteen cents per ton. On Bituminous Coal, one-eighth ol one cent per bushel." goy- New COUNTERFEIT. —A new $3 coun terfeit on the Back of Tingi has m ide its appearance.— 'Jhe vignette is a farm scene, with a group of females seated or, the foreground. On the left lower corner is an engraving of a woman with a sheaf of corn. The name of the Bank on the genuine bills is green and red, and on the counterfeits with tiDted. B• -retarie* will be very particular to have these reports died uut so as to give the true history of the operations of the schools lor the year, othenvie they must be re uraedfor correction. C. R- COBURN. The Bradford County Teachers' A 3SO :iati<>n will meet at Litchfield, at 10 o'clock, a. in., on L'riday, the 13th ol June. | Lecturrr—H. Ke!er, alternate, C. K. Phelps. | E>say\sts —-Misses A.M. Iveaon and R. F. Vanghan. J)tchiiners —W. K Thompson, C. K. Canfleld. Readtrt- -Miss H.C Gates. J. F Blochcr. lnteresti-.g questions will be discussed. Public atten dance is invited. CQu SuicibE —Eiiph alet Stephens, one of "ie oldest residents of Nicholson township. Wyoming .lanty, committed suicide hy hanging himself, on Suu •iiy. the I.Bth inst., at a sobooll ouse. near the place ol bis rr-ideuce. Mr. Stephens was about seventy years of |e and the father of a large and respectaWe family. Ue had been subject to fits of insanity and had attempt <4suicide at various times before, but was prevented 'Aroughthe-v gliauoe-of his friends. SIMMER —Nearer and nearer comes the jfntlefresd offSaramer. Over the green fields, and on pt hill side, and iu the valley, and along the winding "ad, the grass is growing brighter in its hue, and the vth happier in its verdure. Now among the closely ' ffn free fops the swelling buds are opening to the ge ttisir. warming into life by day, and drinking in the •'"-tiedue, in the quiet hours of the night. -How more *-ao all the ether seasons of the year the Springtime * Lack the scenes of earhsr years wbenjife flowed like jppy dieam, and the clouds and gloom of alter time ve but a myth, that never was to be reality to us. Say* The Bradford County Medical Society -'Ut the Odd Fellows Hall in the boro igb of Towanda '■ 'to o'clock A.M., according to previous notice, Vice t'identE. G. TRACY in the Chair. The Secretary be '•I ibsent, Dr E. P. ALLEN was elected Secretary pro On metien of Dr. MASON, Dr. <. P. Truer and G. Coitus w-re elected members of the Society. A nuns wof patients were presented from different parts of the -anty, to the clinic, and were examined and prescribed The Society adjourned until two o'clock P. M. | E Society met according to adjournment, Dr. TURNER President in the Chair. Meukhtn vwsent—Drs. Turner, Ladd. Bliss, Mills, Cla. f'" A*h.Wkwen,Hortan,K. G. Tracy. G. P. Tracy, | oniet' "nkhn, Mason and Allen. Medical students— i } and Gibbs. Th reading of cases was taken up. A LLtS rt 'l ,orle d a case of successful treatment of a ,ir ff e hidrocele. Dr. CLAUETT reported a case of in. • afl( * excessive suppuration of the parotid g ' and "vorery. Dr. UOBET, a case of rupia. Dr onw read an Interesting abstract of bis practice dur - past year. Dr. MASON related a pcculiarcase o f •.inita. hydrocele ; Br. AXTELL related a case of con ■ jdrooele ; Br.TaxcY related a case of erysipelas; . , " i " NEK a case of strangulated hernia, sue c y reduced, after bringing the patient under the influence of chhwofmrm. Dr. ROCEWIXL re a case of strangulated hernia, seccesafully treated •A large doses of morphine ; .Mr. MOOBT read a case of fracture of the base of the scoll; with recovery. ... " w r| g preamble and resolution >\as presented adopted : * tREIs ' 1. Madill, M. D-, was supended from at Hs regular meeting In May, 1861. for ir. k '. , r practi ' e ' whereas the said Taos. F. MADILL *} 00 10 restore hi# standing in the Soci. *Pra" en :v ' ted t0 90 • bul 00 the contrary continues Br,;. 1 "* " " m ®P i> thy and consult with Homoepatbic •sdinv 08 ' a ' S ° * nostr,| nis and patent medicines, therefore ' WSHJ! 1 : 11 "N E . P / ID THOR - F - M -DTLL. M. D..1 Dr Hr e *P e "ed from membership iu this Society. •■oold luJ K J 0N moTeJ ,hat wbtn the Society adjourned it Sm>V' rrito meet in Towan< l a on the third day of p r n * xt ' The motion was agreed to. of the s" i ! ktd t0 excused frora cting as Chair "v ct IL, ' I:I ' UR Y Committee, and moved that Dr. HOB" *• ELECTED P 'D*' WH ° WM DO 'Y TLEO ' ED " DR -TUAXZA Lxu T , r , tioaTON's alternate to the State Medical ' * Society adjourned. P- P- ALLEN, Sec'y pro (em. Hfccto Sttfomfssiiteitts. road! pHANGE OF TIME COMMENCING \J MONDAY, NOV. 4,1861. Trains will leave Wa verly at about the following hours, viz : WESTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND. Buffalo Express. .4.18 P M N. Y. Express.. .11 33 A M Night Express... 3.1* A M Nigh: Express. .1244 A M Mail 6.55 P Steamboat Expresss 08 P M Way 9.10 A M Way 150 PM Way Freight 9-25 A M Cincinnati Exprvss4 21 AM Accommodation.. 1.07PM Way Freight 3.10PM The Nigh Express—east and west—runs every day Cincinnati Express runs Sunday*, bnt dies not run on Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over night at Elmiru. CHAS. Ml NOT. Gen'l Snp't. NOTWITHSTANDING THE HARD times, the subscriber baa a little CASH, WHEREWITH TO PURCHASE Farmers' Produce! And bas on hand a large stock of CROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, To be exchanged for the CASH. C. B. PATCH. Towands, May2o, 1862. IR,. W. 33 HAS RETURNED FROM THE CITY, Where he has bought for cash a remarkable stock of GOODS which he would call the attention of the pub lic to, asking them to give his stock an inspection before purchasing ; believ he can give them better bargains than has ever been offered in this market before. I have a gen eral assortment of CLOTHING! HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS,COLLARS, NECKTIES. CANES, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, AC. I would call particular attention to my stock of TUR HATS, which are 25 per cent, cheaper than ever sold in the country. Also the MONITOR CAP, which is all the rage in the city—a tine article. I have the summer pattern of the celebrated ©MUFiDL'B 3J IS aLVA from Philadelphia. Call and see. No charges to show Goods. R. W. EDDY. Towanda. May 14, 1862. LOW AND 3M EDIVM PRICES, READY MADE CLOTHING FOR Men's ard Boys Wear. ALSO, GENTS* FT7B.NISHXG GOOES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS. THE BEST AND Cheapest stock in market ever offered ! rPHE BUYER IN SEARCH OF CHEAP JL and desirable goods should uot tail to see my stock, if they want t-, save money by buying goods at "the low est price which can be had, at the clothing store M E. SOLOM A.TNT, No. 2 PATTON'S Block. Towanda. Mny 15. 1862. THE OLD STAND STILL. IN OPERATION. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY' TO JL. the citizens of Bradford County, that he has on hand the Unrest stock of CAKHIAGB WOKK that was ever offered in Northern Pennsylvania, consi-ting of 4 top I)d"gies. 1 slide seat top buggy 4 two horse democrat wagons, 2 with tops, 4 one horse democrat, 2 open bug gies, 2 lumber wagons, besides several second hand wag ons. All made of the best material, mostly of Eastern timber, and o. th- latest style, and better made than any jiher carriages in Northern Pennsylvania. The work is suck that I warrant it to stand all reason able use. The above will be sold low for cash or approved credit, as 1 wish to get out of the business. I also have 3 sul kies tor sale. N. B—Work made to order and repairing done on short notice. U. 11. DRAKE. Towanda, April 23, 1862. 2m NEW ARRANGEMENTS. pHAIR, BKSDTEAD& FURNISHING \J WAKEROOM ELI BROWNING respectfully in form- the public that he has purchased Irom James Mack iiis.iu his stock of Furniture. and rented his shop & rooms and is prepared to offer to purchasers g eat inducements in all articles in hisline. He wiil manufacture and keep on bind at all times a stock of CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, Washstands, Tables. &c., Ac.. of jJWSW different styles and prices, suited to the wants of the country. He asks jtewiea ai.1 1—• rw-rwj ,be attention of those wishing to i ijSflbuy to the articles kept by him as ' I|bllhhS| lei ' l6 determined that in the quality gs&nt his work, the excellence oi mate j ■ i 'kjyial and the |irii-e not to lie ouutdon *. 5 by any establishment. Being satis fied that the READY . PAY system is the best for both purchaser and seller, his business will be conducted upon hat system. He will, however, take in exchang for orx, all kinds of Country Produce, at the market pe rice TURITIITG, Ofall kinds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason able rates and on nhort notice. JC9T The Undertaking Department will lie conducted, as usual, by Mr. Mackinson who is prepared with a new and splendid Hearse to atteud to all calls in his line. Towanda. April?,lß62 UAF.r*I AN'S SALE.—III pursuance of X of an order of the Orphan'* Court of Bradford Coun ty, there will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, at one o'cl ick P. M , on Saturday, June 21, 1862, all the tight, title and interest of the minor heirs of Horatio B. Bowen, late of Warren township, in a certain tract of land situate in the township aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at stake and stones in north line of Jacob D. Burbunk's land and corner of land of Wm. Kin uy Jr., thence north 3J° east 18 9-10 perches by land of siidKiuny to stake and stones in centre ©f highway, thenoe 82° east 10 perches along said highway to a spring of water, thence north 67° east 2.ty perches to stake and stones ,'thcnce south 3J° west 30 6 10 perches by land of War. M Chiitfee to stake and stones, thence north 88° west along the noTth line of J. D. Burbank's land 33 2-10 perches to place of beginning ; containing 5 acres, be the same more or less, ALSO—Another tract of land situate in the same town ship, bonuded as follows : Beginning in the centre of the highway, north-east of Win. M. Chaffee's shop, thence by the centre of the road north easterly 12 rods to the corn er of Calvin Dodge's lot, tbence north-westerly by i he said Dodge's line near the course of the mill road sixteen rods, thence south 20° west 21 r 'd< to the centre of the highway west of the said Chaffee's shop, thence east by siid highway 14 r h to the place of beginning ; contain ing 1 j acres, be the same more or less, all of which the said Horatio B. B iweo died seized. I'EKMS—Une-hslf on confirmation of sale, and balance in one year with interest from confirmation of sale. LUI'INOA BOWEN, Guardian of Sarah A. Bowen, Cyrus F. Bowen, Martha L. Bowen. May 19. 1862. WAS. CLAIMS HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS With a Solicitor in Washington, we are prepared to prosecute claims of every description against the Unit ed States, especially those arising out of the present war, for bounty, arrears, widowi and invalid pensions. MORROW A MRECUR. Towanda. May 12,1862. EXECUTOR S NOTICE -Notice is liere by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of libUBlN GRIFFIN, dee d., late of Sheshcquin township, hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons lisving demands against said estate wi.l please present them duly authenticated for settlement. May 13. 1862. JOHN X- ORIFF.N, Executor. Ron SALE" A PAIR OF THREE YEAR OLD: MULES, well broken, will be sold at a bargain. Rome, May 20,1862. I. D- PRINCE 1 Seta Siltoertfjetoentfi. W. S. MERCIJR la now receiving a new supply of SPRING GOODS Purchased since tie late reduction in prices. THE special attention of customers from ill sections of this and adjoining counties is invited to this Large, Choice and Attractive Stock, which will be off:red at the lowest prices. Towanda. April 9. 18Ui. PRINTS & DOMESTICS. The cheapest in the market, for cash at MOITTAJsTYES, (Corner of the Public Square and Main Street.) TOST OFFELL FOB SALE MERRIMAC PRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cts. Per Yard And other Goods In proportion. The puh] c are Invited to call and examine for themselves. All persons knowing themselves Indebted over six mouths, will do well to call aud settle MONTANYY-S. March 17. 18C2. New Spring & Summer Goods. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RE moved to the south corner of the Mercur Block, are now opening a rge Stock of Sll 20.00 Mens Pants Irotn 0,75 to 10,00 Mens Vests from '.7 o 6,00 AST Mens, Bovs and Youths Clothe* made to order, large selections of Fabrics always on hand. The public are invited to give us a call, f.s we are de termined not to be undersold tor cash. Most kitds of Farmers Produce taken in exchange. N. B—Also sell FINK LEA LYONS celebrated Shuttle Sewing Machines, makiug tne lock stich alike on both sides. A. WICKHAM A SON. Towanda April 3, 183'2. "178 62! MEW SPRING GOOD S, AT TRACY & MOORE'S. BARG A 1 A S FOR CASH PURCHASERS. Towandy, April 8, 1*62 TRACY A MOORE. Garden Seeds of last years Crop. THE LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN, of almost every variety, in large aud small pack ages. A large assortment of Peas in packages. ALSO, TURNIPS AND BEET SEED BY THE PJUND. Please call and make y aur selection of seeds frota our assortment at FOX'S. Towanda. April 10. ISG2. ADM! NI STR A TOR'S NOTICE.—Noi ice is herey given, that ail persons indebted to estate of Henry Ransom, late of Orwell twp., dee'd.. are requested to make payment without delay , and these hav ing claims against s i <1 estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IVM. RANSOM. Adm. March 11.1*62. WA NTED 1--5> II EEP PELTS AN 1) WOOL, for which the highest price in cash will bo paid at Towanda. Sept. 13.1561. PATCH'S. New Arrangements. FLLHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FORM I ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for merly carried on by J. D HUMPHREY n the store op posite the Court Ilonse. where they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BOOTS 6c SHOES, and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir ed lor a country trade. A full assortment, of Shoe Findings, Harness Trimmings, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS GLASS, GROCERIES, Ac., Ac. We expect to increase our fncilitic-i in the m inufactnr ing department, so a.-i to bobbin tosupfly dealers with a superior article . at prices rivaling all competition, and especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to community to foster domestic productions as far is prac ticable. Having purchased the stock (if Harness and Saddlery owned by Messrs. Gulp 4 Kirby, and rented the shop foi merly occupied by them, we offer tor Rule a large stock of HARNESS, B : IDLES, TRUNKS, TRAVtLINS BAGS.&C I and will make to order almost anything in this line. We respectfully invite public attention to our whole ! stock in its various branches, trusting tint by strict nt j tentiou to business and zealous exertions to supply the I wants of community, we shall merit an! receive a lair 1 share of public patronage. We are prepared to make to order anything in our line. Also, do all kinds of repait iug on very short notice MT Cash paid lor Sheep pelts. Hides and Skirts. J. D. ILL'MPHKF.Y, IK A. B. BULL, J. E. DAYTON. Towanda. April 21, ISFI'I. DISSO LUTKIN OF CO PA RTN E R8 HIP The copartnership heretofore existing betv.'een the subscribers under the firm name of Goodrich. Newbcry 4 Peck is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN E GOODRICH, GEO. N. NEWBERY. GEO. L. PECK. The notes and accounts of the late firm are in the hands of F. A. Pierce for collection. All persons indebted will please take notice and save -cost. Troy, April 7.1862. rpoWANDA BRIDGE COMPANY.— X Tlte Stockholders of this Company are hereby notifi ed than an election will be heid on Mond ty, the sth day of May next, for ore President, six Managers and a Treasiuer to serve for one year. B. S. RUSSEILL, Towanda. April 3. 1662. Bec'y. Notice to Collectors. \- r OU oco hereby nnthorized to deduct five X per cent, from the State tax of every individual who snail pay his or her State and County Taxes in full, on or before the 21st day of June next. i d the same shall be allowed yon in your settlement with the T easurer, provided the same is by you paid into the Coua"y Treas ury on or before the 26th and 27 th days of June next. By Order of the Commissioners, E B. COOLB AUGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, April 10, 1862. SiIERI FF'S SALE. —By virtu!. <>r a writ ol Vend Expo., issued out of kie Cour'; of com mon pleas of Bradford county, to me cireeted. will be exposed to public si le on THURSDAY, the 2)lh day of MAY. A. D..1562, at. the court house, it Towanda, at 1 o'clock, JJ. rn., the fi Rowing described lot, piece of parcel of land situate in Burlington twp, boutiied on the north by lands of Geo. C. Hill, east by Morris J. Smi'.h, south by Mountain Lake at U Harrison Dodd's land, and west by Franklin Brown and John F. Long. Containing 63 acres, about 30acres improved, with a log house, frame barn, and fruit, trees thetecn. Seized aud taken in execution at the unit of A. and J. Morley to use of Alex. Allen, Jr. vs. Bernett Denton. A. H.SPALJJNG, fSheriff. Towanda, May 7, 1862. KEROSINE OIL, FORSALE CHEAI* at FOX'S. Aug. 29,1861- Ureal. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN BRADFORD COUNTY—In pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 13th.day of March, 1815, and other Acts of Assembly, will be exposed to Public Sale, at tie Commissioners Office, in Towanda Borough, on the 2d MONDAY in JUN E, 1862. the tracts o' unseated land described in tbe toll .wing ii.-t. unless the taxos upon tbe same are paid beiorc that time. No. Acres. Warrantee Name. . Taxes. ALBANY TOWNBHiY. 91 91 Anderson Joseph, 110 67 107 Barron John Jr. 12 56 78 CasUtor Fredeick, 9 20 50 Morris Samuel, 5 90 84 Pear Abel. 9 89 188 Rooerts Robert, 22 22 193 Roberts Hugh, 23 07 93 Rash Moses, 10 85 250 Wagner Adam Harris Reuben Jr. 29 05 50 Bowen Timothy owner, 6 90 BCRLrNQTON. 442 Sackett SH, for '6l. 19 89 CANTON. 60 Brady Wm. 1 69 250 Shafner Casper, 10 14 COLUMBIA. 1167 164 Welling Charles, 3 89 franelin. 113 Cunningham D H 8 08 67 Cooley Henrv, 8 14 400 Edge Samuel, 66 60 171 Edge George, 28 40 200 Haga George, 14 25 400 Hardy James, 66 60 400 Hardy Andrew, 66 60 400 Hardy Simon, 66 50 400 Hardy Nathan, 66 60 400 Hardy Paul, 66 60 300 Ladley Andrew, 21 38 400 Ladley Peter, 67 00 330 Ladley Joseph, 23 52 80 Norton Win. 7 60 355 Stuart Walter, 25 42 265 Stuart Deborah, 18 89 400 Siddons Samuel, 66 60 400 Siddons Joseph, 66 60 325 Siddons James, 54 02 175 Siddons Peter. 29 13 200 Wallace Samuel. 14 26 407J Adlam John, 29 05 407 j Biddle Mark. Jr., 29 05 136 Bawn John, Jr., 22 62 205 Biddle James. 48 71 313 Baron John, Jr., 22 23 377 Riddle Wi ham, 26 89 130 Baker William, 30 88 397 Collins Jamea, 29 22 250 Cox Jacob, 60 38 150 Curry Joaneah, 35 62 155 Dundass Thomas, 36 82 214$ Gratz William, 16 30 275 GratTJohn, 18 24 200 Graydon Andrew 47 CO 365 Govett William, 25 94 250 Hall William. 69 38 375 Hiltzliner Robert, 26 86 255 Hiltzimer Jacob 17 91 454 Hiltzimer Jacob 53 92 250 Levi Aaron, 69 38 275 Shoemaker James, 19 62 LEIIOY. 407$ Antis Hrnry. 32 75 202 lieatis Frederick, 5 40 402 BownJohn Jr. 10 75 837 Douglass Audrew, 29 03 407$ Morgan Jacob, 32 79 413 Pleifer George P. 10 99 181 Witzell John, 11 61 200 Beck Henry, 6 15 414 Biddle William M., 33 23 2*5 Baron Joliu, Jr., 22 90 427 Boyd John. 34 34 179 Beck Henry, 14 45 200 Biker W' ! ifara, 16 05 15G Ciiupham-on Samuel, 12 52 200 Duudass Thomas, 16 05 3*l Graydon Andrew, 30 66 349 Gratz Michael, 28 09 221 Gratz Ilyman, 17 72 340 Gerjtieworth George, 27 29 395 Gratz Barnard, 31 74 380 Grutz Simeon, 30 60 408 Henry Joseph, 32 73 4*5 Hall Charles, 38 89 388 Han non Josiab, 31 13 414 Lloyd Peter, 33 65 437 Pennington Benjamin, 35 10 335 l'utton John, 26 90 222 Read Collinson, 17 83 435 Shoemaker James, 34 ■ © R ~ 3 a P a> to. Pa • IF S3 I 61 N o-S p, £ p S.® ATHENS TWP. 1859—M0-row Wra. House and Lot, 1 03 .... McAsa James, 32 32 92 .... Ncrmaile John, Lot 31 Park-George, 50 60 1 03 1860—Gorton W A. 40 40 96 .... Kain Cornelias, 40 40 65 .... Watkins Wm. house dt lot, 103 ARMENIA. 1859—Fields Widow 100 Wfl 1 14 .... Maura Wm. 50 50 3 09 .... Stockwell Chsrles, 2tK 800 12 3u 1669—Field Widow, 190 10-9 S'i .... BallardFL. 80 80 ? 49 Zefißl .... Ryu Martin, 60 60 396 .. fetockweli Charles, 11 70 .... Hougbly John, 131 132 296 albany. 185&—Boyiagton 00. 100 100 902 .... Murphy Stephen Jr, 130 130 11 72 .... Corson Icbabod, 119 119 8 04 .... Martin John W. 200 200 18 04 .... Harris Thomas, 220 220 19 84 iß6o—Corson Ichaood 119 119 8 63 Castor Isaac, 100 I 98 430 Donohue Mia J 60 60 4 73 .... Martin John W. 200200 2 64 Nicbols Edward, 100 9 e8 „.. Boyington OO 100 100 968 ajyll*. 1859— Macnffee Susan, 134 134 200 .... Ward C L 400 400 13 20 ISCO Mac iffee Susan. 134 134 2 00 .... Vsnderpool Heniy, 70 70 127 .... Wearm Jacob, 36 2 34 46 .... Ward C L 400 400 13 82 .... Webes Chaa F. 140 36 135 494 BPRLINOTCH. 1569—Hairy Samuel, C7 30 37 214 uvkltsotov west 1869—Bailey Nathan, 60 60 91 .... English James, 48 10 38 110 .... Hernmiugway Daniel, 14 14 26 .... Totter Harrison, 60 13 37 98 1860—Bailey Nathan. 60 60 91 canton. 1859— Baxter A P 10 10 19 .... Geggee James 40 i 36 72 COLUMBIA. 1860—Ben job John 200 M 2007 75 lEBOf. IB6o—Bailey Jert, 43 S 40 33 .... Craumer Perry, 60 60 50 31 UTcartxcD. 1869—Good sell Zina 50 25 25 160 .... Owens Est. 79 79 1 43 .... Sherman LH, 50 15 35 2 40 .... Stanfest Joseph 106 106 190 .... Snyder Wm. 60 10 40 144 .... Drake Marcena, 27 15 12 1 03 1860—Claifiin B E 25 25 50 MOMROE TWt. 1869—Corbit George, 300 300 6 74 .... Jackson An ire w, 100 100 5 70 .... N.Y.& Pa Iron&C.Co 400 400 7 60 .... NagleeS.C. 250 1000 160 14 3s .... Towandalron AC Co. 1100 1100 26 36 1860 Corbit George, 300 300 6 40 .... Jackson Andrew, 100 100 6 40 .... Mnuaban Dennis, 60 2 48 83 .... N.Y-APa.lron &C Co. 400 4uo 720 .... TowandalronA C Co. 1100 1100 29 73 OVERTON. 1859 Campbell G W. £0 69 81 CusiekJohn, iO 8 52 60 .... liiumanA Paik, 400 400 12 40 .... Ha.\ thorn John, 50 50 81 .... Leahy Patrick, CO 6 44 31 .... Willey John. 33 33 49 1660—Campbell W E 300 13 282 805 .... CampbellO W. 60 60 69 .... Hinman A Park, 400 400 10 80 .... Haythorn John, 60 60 59 . McMichals Peter, 67 67 1 17 .... Willey John, 33 33 49 ORWELL. 1859—8u1l Ann E. 36 36 72 1860—Bull Ann E. 36 3Q 72 .... Mathews Geo. 18 18 36 fixe. 1859—Humphrey W 115 16 100 302 Vanaukia Amas 143 149 1 71 1860—Vanankin Amas 143 149 1 78 RIEOBCRY. 1869—DeLaney Edward 2d 20 20 29 .... Donovan Eken 100 10 80 123 •••• Wallace John 9 8 1 56 SMITH FIELD. 1859—Allen Jonathan 50 60 I 06 .... Beats T J 60 60 1 27 .... McNintiy Patrick 50 8 42 1 20 .... Marcelus Carl 25 25 53 ... .g Pease Jesse, House A Tannery Lot 1 11 Robbius Moses 100 16 84 2 47 .... Secley Montillioa 50 5 45 1 03 .... Strong John 20 7 13 60 1860—Robbina Moses 100 16 84 1 47 SOUTH UREEE 1859—Berry John 75 10 C 5 281 .... Berry Geo 60 50 4 64 .... Berry Joseph 50 st) 464 .... BilUrdOP 200 10 130 3 10 .... Ferris Emmet 50 50 2 80 .... Hsight Cornelius 110 10 100 878 .... Hathzway A Griffin 440 440 16 45 .... Kcrrick Mahioa 45 5 40 3 26 .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 3 74 .... Murdock W 67 15 62 5 55 .... Overton Edward 50 60 1 37 .... Parybett R 50 30 20 223 .... Quail Robert 34 34 1 28 1860—Eramett Ferris 50 50 1 05 .... Hathaway A Griffin 440 440 589 .... Kerri.k Nets',n $64 1 64 1 44 Kerrick F A Tubba 3 3 2o .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 1 32 .... Preston Ebenezern 100 100 I 99 Quail Robert 34 34 45 STANDING STONE 1860—Sill Charles 100 20 50 3 25 SnESttEQL'IN. 1859—'Vought Laurence 1 22 TERRY TWY. 1559—Brown Julius 50 50 1 CO .... Fessendon Theodore 60 CO 1 92 Wheeler Richasl 4 3 2 32 1860—Uosenbaum CO 60 72 TC'W AND A BOKO 1859—Carrier Sylvester, 1 House and Lot 59 TCSCARORA. 1859—Lacey J W 171 . 171 615 WARREN. 1859—Morse lliram 2 2 26 WTALDWNO. 1559—McCracken Lode ma 20 2 18 35 WELLES. 1859—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 13 20 1860—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 50 60 W It MOT. 1859—Kirhankin Charles 43 43 53 Stalford G H 65 65 7j 1860—Aents John 35 35 43 .... Carroll Pat 63 63 1 08 .... Kenedy Charles 40 40 49 .... Park John 12 12 14 .... Sullivan W 52 52 62 N. B —Notice is hereby given, that an amount snffici er.t to pay taxes and cost will be required in every ease where the land is sold, at Uie time of sale, an 1 unless terms are complied with the iands wiil be again exposed to sale. FRANCES WATTS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, March 25,1882. iisrsxjßA.isrcE. THE undersigned lias been appointed ;bo Agent of the Insurance Company ol North America, located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks, in town orcounty. This Company is one ol the oldest 111 the United States, having been chartered in 1793. it has a capital of i 500,000, and is managed by a board of Di rector„ of the very highest character for honor and in tegrity. All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are as low as those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case of loss. B. S. RUSSELL, At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL & CO. March 18,1862. —nll-tf. HARRISBURG NAIL WORKS. THE undersigned has on hand a supply of Nails, from these well known work. The nails are made from Pennsylvania Iron, manufactured expressly for this purpose, and are of a uperior quality. For sale to dealers only, andon better terms than thev can obtain in New York. Enquire at the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL A CO. B S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Match 18,1862. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP The copartnership heretotore existing between the subscribers, under the firm name of WA R D. LANCAS TER, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to the late firm, are hereby notified to make payment to It. D. LANCASTER, who will also pay all debts of said firm, having purchased of W. Lancaster his entire interest in the business and property of the late copartnership. W. LANCASTER. R. I). LANCASTER. Albany. Feb. 24.1862. DISSOLUTION. —The copa-tnership here tofore existing between the subscribers, and known as the firm ofMADILLA PATTON, is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts of said firm are in the hands of J. G. PATTON for rollec- T F- MA DILL. J. G. PATTON. Dr. MADILL will continue the Drug business at the old stand of MA DILL &. PATTON, where he may be found at all times, when not professionally engaged, by close atten'ion to bnsiness, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Towanda. April 3.1862. TIMOTHY SEED—I2O BUSHELS OF fine Timothy Seed, for sale by . March 24,1852. H.;s. HCTTUR. Ecflal. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ Levira FACIM i saucd out of the Court of common pleas ot Bradford courty to toe directed, will be ex- Sosed to public sale 00 iiiLRbDAY, the 29tb daj of [AT, A D 1862, at tbe court house, in Towauda, da. at 1 o'clock, p. m the following described lot, piece or parcel ot land situate la the Township of Frankl!n,and Overton. no l-ouctieu as loliows;—Beginning at a beech In the south cast line of tho iisct surveyed in the name of George Moore, and a corner of the two tracts surveyed In the name of Joseph Bett and Henry Bctz ; thence ( along the said line of the tieorge Moore tract, and Isr.ds of Barclay Railroad and Coal Co., north 30® east 1, 090 perclLse of land oi>re or less to a hemlock corner ot tracts sun eyed in the names ol Samuel Edge and Simon Hardy ; thence diagonal!y through the tracts surveyed in the name of S-iauci £ u*e. raui Hardy, A, Hardy and Gcorgo Temple, on a line running south IC°, east 860 pr., more or lews passing a stone by a maple the comer of the two tracts surveyed in the name of Andrew Hardy and James Slddons, till it strike the line between the tracts suiveyed in the name of Geo. Temple and I'anl Moore at a post ; thence said line continued south 30° west 637 pr., more c>rk;s on Leech the easterly comer to a tract, sarveyd to the mime of Henry Bryson; thence along the line of thct and the J-sepbLetz tract north 60 s west 695 pr , more or le-> to the place of be ginning. Containing 2909 ace-, .;.u ..lio ,vance |for roads, Ac., excepting and ie*eivicg oevt.rthcleaa out of, and from the above described tract of laud, tbe following tract or piece of land intended for a town plot, and con taining 100 acres, described as follows Beginning at a post on the south bank of Carbon Creek; thence north 61 s west 100 pr., to a stone corner ; thence north 3a"® east, 160 pr.. to a stone corner ; thcn.c south 61° eaat 71 pr., to the 14th mile post, from To war. da on the Bar clay E. R.; thence outh Go° east 29 pr.. to the south bank of the same .the several comeis md distances there ot to tbe place of beginning ; bein* :n the twp.: of Franklin,being the same premises which John A. Brown, Francis N. Bnck and James P.. Pattori. Trustees of tbe North Branch Iron and Coal Co.. by indenture even date herewith duly czecuu-d and acknowledged, immediately before these presents,fur the consideration money there in mentioned, one-fourth part of which is hereby secured and conveyed into the said Thomas T. Wk-mun, his heirs and assigns, as by reference thereto v,ill more folly appear. Seized and taken in execution at the sc.it of William H. Winder, Crrlah Hunt and Francis Huskina Trustees, vs. Thomas T. WJeimaa. A. H. SPALDiNO, Sheriff. Towatnla, May 7, 1862. FLA NTS, GMA APE VINES, ROSES, VERBENAS, I Dialettias, Peonies and Flower pots, ior salt attha Garden of HABBV MIX. Isabella 20 eta.aeh.i Concord .... 60 " " Clinton 20 " " Hart'd Prolific CO •' *' Delaware 100 " " 1 Brown's Ca'vva 20 " Rebecca 60 " "iW Sweet Water6o " " Catawba.. 20 " " I Diana 60 ' M No'n Muscadineso " " 1 The grapes of our own country are quite distinct spa cies from tbe wine Grape ot Europe, and are usually stronger in growth, with longer and more entire foliage, and in their native state with a peculiar foxy odor or fla vor, and more or less hardiness of pulp ; these traits, however, disappear in process of cultivation ; and we have already obtained from the wild type new varieties, of high quality, and of superior hardiness aud productive ness in this, our riortheinclimate,among the best I know I offer for .sale at exceedingly low prices, all of which I warrant true to name. SLOWER POTS, At prices that will satisfy the reasonable, all sizes, from 3 to 14 inches. Early Winningatadt Cabbage C eta. per doc " Ox Heart •' 6 " " " Sugar Loaf " 6 " " " York " ... b " " j * Large York " * 0 " " 1 Large Early Dutch Cauliflower t '* " Walcheren Bracoli. 6 •' * ! Late Dutch Cauliflower ti " " I White Chinese Tomato G " " Early Purple Egg Plant 10 " " Large Round Purple Egg Plant 10 " " I Large Sweet Pepper Plaut.. 10 " " I Large Bull Nose PeppeuPlant.... 10 " " j Red Cherry Pepper Plant 10 " " Ftqee Island Tomato 10 " " I Lycester's Perfect id Tomato 10 " " j Red Cherry Tomato.... 6 *' " Large Smooth Yellow Tomato C " '* j Large Smooth Red Tomato 6 " " TETES ISLAND TOBTATQ, ! Is a variety introduced by C'apt. Frazic-r.of l'Liladelph!* from tbe Fejee Island, large size an i beautiful pink col- I or, very firm in flesh, and con.-iUi.ifd one of the best cv- I r Introduced. LYC ESTER'S PERFECTED TOMATO, i Large size, flesh abundant and firm, it ranks with th Fejee, and many think it best of ail. Color, pale purple. ; These varieties are new and have been distributed spar ingly. Robert Buist A Son. of Philodciphia, told me c.t better variety could be raised. PERPETUAL, OR EVER BLOOM INC ROSES. A few dozen of choice and rare rarie'y, having the I quality of blooming tbe full season, from white to the darkest color. Depend upon it. I offer Rises of real mer it, baili in Europe aud Amen- a.a very decided acquisi tion in the Luc 0: roses. Price from 60 cents to sl. PEONIES. Rase scented, pink, large size, beautiful and fine shape- White do., very large HUJ tplendtd, both of whkk are N great ornament to u fiovver garden. 25 cents each. DTALETRIAS, Oneol the most graceiul flowers that decks the flotal de partment. 25 cents each. VERBENAS. The finest variety, all in pots, at prices that shall he satisfactory. Call and see them. CUCUMBER PLANTS, I In pots, 12? cents each, which can be turned ont with 1 safety, making an early crop, so much desired. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, ! Fifty cents per hundred. All sweet potatoes ace raised by setting plants. All may depend upon a supply this Spring. lu tine condition to set irom the 15th of May to the 2.ith of June. This gives ample time for the potato togrow.asilie plant is quite old—even three decree* south of us they do uot set before the Ist of June. They areofearly euituie. and three plants to tbe hill, and can be raised in Bradford county. Any information wanted, inquire at the garden. All late cabbage plants, out door culture, 25 cts. per hundred. CELERY. At 25 cts. per hundred. Thousands in fine condition to set from the lifteeutli of May to the first of August. *#" Much pains will die taken to make plants strong and stocky as possible, by transplanting, Ac. Plants, Grape Vines, and all I sell, may be carried any disUuce, as they will be packed in moss exceeding well. AS" 1 havea good pair of TEAM HORSES, a very ex cellent Lumber TWO 110RSE WAGON, and team har ness to well. Terms made known to the applicant. A good bargain offered. Call and see them at my burn. Towanda, Apiii is, I>G2. NEW SPRING GOODS! AT J. M. COLLINS', (First door South ol Codding A Russell's.) TUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK tJ an unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Casemers Yestings. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps, which will b'6 sold at greater bargains than before. OUR SPRING STOCK Will comprise almost every article woru by man or boy. BUSINESS SUITS, COATS, PANTS Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Cloves, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to o"ur New Style of CLi)THS, CASIMERES AND TESTINGS, Which are reedy to make tip to order, on short notice, and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some eight years experience in this line ot business, my cutter, Mr. PENEPAUKER, will be on hand, at ail times to do cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get ua good aa represented, call at COLLINS'. If you wish to get the worth ofyour money, and bay new fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and yon will b satisfied. No trouble to show gooas and no forcing to buy. Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS. Towaoda, April 21.1862. A DMIM STRATOR'S NOTH .'R. -Notice is hereby given, thatall persons indebted to the ea tate of I. H. STEPHENS, late of North Tovranda, dee'd., are requested to make payment witholl delay,and those having claims against said estate will 'in-sent thens dufy authenticated for settlement. Jo3> IJcMAHON, April 16.18G2- Administrator. IHSTRA Y.—Came into the enclosure of the J subscriber, on or about tbe 2d instant, a YEARL ING BAY COLT. Tbe owner is requested to prove pro perty. pay charges and take it away. Orwell. April 23. 1*62. A AHON COLE. (lAUTIOX. —Whereas my L wifeSALY ./'ANN, bs left my bed and board wlthont any Just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persona, harboriog ber on my account ar'l will pay no dett of her cottU acting after thta date. Varies. April iO, XBCJ. IIC'AT ARNOLD.