JtffscrilHitrous. BXZVXX2. BSMOREST'3 QORTERLY REVIEW OF FASHIONS, VTJITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND A DDI- j W t.ior.3, the summer number contains four large I splendid fashion-plates,three full-sized patterns of dressee. I comprising the new French Waist,an elegant Sleeve, and ; a Misses Sack.and a sheet ot new and beautiful Braid and Embroidering Patterns-together with nearly one handred engravings of all the novelties for summer bonnets,cloaks, trimmings, children's dresses etc., and valuable informa tions to Milliners, Dress makers, Mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best IFashion Mag azine In the World. published 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 eta., cr Yearly sl, with the following valuable premium: Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for j the selection of S(J cts. worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room, or they may j be ordered and sent by mail any time during the Tear, by paying the postage. Splendid inducements to Can- | vassers. Summer No. now ready. _____ fTTHIS IS TIIE ESTABLISHMENT A where von can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. I am also agent for the sale of D. E. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri ees from $8 to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in anealaud workmanlike mannerand war ranted. WM. A. CHAM BERLIN. VALUABLE MILLS FOR SALE, THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL HIS Grist Mill, Saw Mill, and PlastT Mill, with five Dwellings and ont-houses, and about 2> acres of land, wit A some line vonng fruit trees thereon, situated in the township of Monroe, Br.ulford county, Pa., and on the Barclay Ra.lroad five miles from To wan da If desired a ■art o! the purchase money can be left ou mortgage. I think this a chance for some one to make a good bargain, as I want to sell. Any person desirous of purchasing can find me at tha office of Laporte, Mason & Co.. Bankers, Towanda, Pa. G.F.MASON. Towanda. Feb. 12, 1862. XV. sr. 6i EL HAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 4,1861. Trains will leave Wa verly at about the following hours, viz : WKSTWARI) BOPKD. j EASTWARD POI ND. Buffalo Express.. .5.01 P M N. Y. Express.. .11-4* A M Night Express.... 3.49 A M Night Express.. .350 A M Mail 8.01 P v steamboat Express 3.43 P M Fast Freight 9.50 A M j Fast Freight 9.55 A M Way Freight 9-15 P M i Way Freight.... 5.05 P M Accommodation.. 1.15 PMI The Night Express. N. Y. Express, Fast Freight eas and Fast Freight west ran every day. Night Express to Sundays runs through to Buffalo, bat docs not run to Dunkirk The Mail west remains over night at Elrnira CHA'B. MINOT. Gen'l Sup't Good Flour and Good Bread! WHY" IS IT THAT SO MANY FAM I LIES HAVE POOR BREAD 1 Ask the lady of the house, and yon will invariably receive in answer The flour is no ror the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir utiles buy your Hour always at FOX'S and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of W.ieat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, nil allow prices, at the Cash Grocery Store. E. T. FOX. Jan. 28,1862. New Furniture and Chairs.; r nAYE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE 1 and extensive assortment of Solas, Moiiogany Chairs Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fin ane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom, Hair, Cane-teat and ane back Rockers, Looking-Glasses, Cord and Tassels, icture Frames, Ac., Cheajrer than the Cheapest. Vf Plea.-e call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda, June 26, lbol. CHESTER WELEA. ~60 TOZNTBT IRISH HMD PUSTER, ' I FOR SAT.LI: AT WM. A. ROCKWELLS. _JTo wanda. Jan. 8, 1861. Threshing Machine Agency*! ATTENTION! FARMERS! THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT j 'in the county of Bradford and the neighboring conn- i ties in Pennsylvania aud New York, for EMERY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMBRTS ONE AND TV/O HORSE POWERS, are 1 too well and popularly known to need any description! from me. and i will only say that they continue to de- j servo the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of , being the " best Endless Chain Horse Power in use." ! There Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos- j •eased by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region. It has no endless chain straw j carrier, hot separate - all kinds of grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass' Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and : the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly. without wasting, ail kinds of grain. It will not eheke, run easily and steadiiy. without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to be prononneed by every experienced hand at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS k SEPARATEES are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, j aimple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds AG&XCUXTT7RASi IVUiCHINERY at manufacturers prices and term*. 457° For farther information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., appi v to R.M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa.. July 30. TB6l. Cheese Worth Satin?. | HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE DAI- A rv of Cheese from Court land County, as good as was ever'brought into this town. Please call and try P. if yon iike it you can buy it cheap. E. T. FOX. IfVX ECUTOR'S XOTlCE.—Notice is here 'J by given, that ail persons indebted to the estate of JOHN NORMAN, dee'd, late of Springfield twp., are hereby requested to make paytneut without delay; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. 18 \AC N. COOLEY, CALEB S. BURT, Feb. 12,1862. _______ Executors. ADMIN IBTR ATORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the eatate ot Mary Russell, dee'd., late of Orwell township, ae t herby requestud to uiake payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS COOK, AdmistrJtor. March 25,1862. COOPERING. — A large supply of Firkins and Batter Tubs, Barrels, Cask-*. Churnes, Well Buckets, Wash Tubs, and all kinds ot Cooper's work kept constautly on hand, and all orders promptly filled at ROCKWELL'B Rhop, nearly opposite the Rail Road Home. *S° WANTBD. —A good journeyman Cooper to carry •n a shop, call at * W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Feb. 18. 1862. KEROSINE OIL, FUR SALE CHbAT at FOX'S AogM.lMl. ittfscellanrous. NOW READY! BIRTIEHSNEWmOHWORKS TOWANDA, PESNA. THE Subscriber begs leave to call the at- j Uutios of the public to the fact that he has enlarged j his motive power and purchased and set up additional machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen ; than formerly, so that be is now prepared to execute or- i ders for Castings cr Machinery with promptitude. He has at his works all tne PATTERNS in use by the late firm of Wm. H. Phillips & Son ot Elmira N. Y., and has alsa added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL IRONS furnished for Grist Milts, Gang, Gate, Circular and Muley Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES different slzos and styles and in fact almost any kind : Castings or Machinery in common use. Steam Fitting* tueh a Steam Pipe*, Elbow*, Return Joe"d s, Reducer*, Coupling*, Globr- Velvet, Check Yalva, Guage Cock*, Oil Cup*. Whittle*, 4~c. always on hand and made to order. He ia also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERB of any siz< or kind wanted Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook ing and Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured and for sale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand. Persons who want GEARING of any kind are informed that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than auy other concern in this part of the country. They would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus sav< delay and expense in getting up work. He makes also a large variety of Pulleys. Balanbe Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Glimmers, Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons, - Plows, Ac. | His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with jffhe design of being able to do any job which might be offered, whether large or small. In short his effort has been to get up in ail respects a first class establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for Old Pewter and Brittania. Works situated on Vain Street near Barclay R. R. Canal Basin. O. D. BARTLLTT. Towanda, April 11. 1861. Proprietoi. ~~GREAT BARGAINS! ~ From $3,000 to S4OOO Worth or Fashionable Furniture TO BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY Ilaving bought recently the Athens C; binet Ware Rooms,) And entire stock of FURNITURE from (he late pro prietor, R. M. WELLES, it will be sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. tRPIIE STOCK IS LARGE! -i and very complete, has been well selected, and is well adapted tor the wants ot the country. N.B—lt is a common remark made by visitors to this establishment, "Why, I had no idea you had such a large and splen j did assortment of Furniture. I have ; seen nothing like it short of the city."' We have BEDSTEADS from $2 50 _____ and upwards. COTTAGE and other ft-aCHAIRS, in great variety, from $4,00 \\ Ar to $25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 _Jr \l upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. In every style, size and price, to suit the means and taste i of any and all customers, fiw" Call and see our >.* ck. I Athens, Pa.. July 24 1861. F. N. PAGE. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY DESIRABLE STOCK OF Fall and Winter (Clothing ! FOR MEWS & BOY'S WEAR, HATS AND CAPS, j BOOTS AND SHOLS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, In all colors and sixes, for the present season, which I i am offering at ASTONISHING LO PRICES j All those wishing to get good bargains may call at the ! CLOTHING STORE M. E. SOLOMON, No. 4 Patton's Block, TOW-A-ISriD A, HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS* FARMERS,\ AND ALL WHO WANT jvuniß wiqwrb I HAVE just received from the City, a Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, |of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS has been pur ' chased tor CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching i Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever bt I fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine m,7 stock before pun basing elsewhere. I have facilities fpi purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Llqnorr are warranted pure and nnadnlter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of Ever brought to Towanda, which liavine been pnrehasc ! directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, tnabld ! me to compete with the Wholesale Tobaccouists ot the ; city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invites ' to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars | and To 1 acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I am enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale er Retail, less than like goods can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so : licit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, Jone 14. 1860. NOTICE. —J. CORN has bought the en tire stick of Ready Made Clothing. Gents Furnish ing Goods, Hats and Caps, and all the rights, title and in'erest and claims of JOHN SHLAM.andis ready to sell off his old stock ot Fall and Winter Clothing 10 per cent leas than first cost, and he will be very thankful to all ot bis old and new customers, if they will give bira a call. N. B. All the debtors of the establishment are request ed to catl and pay then debts to J. Corn, immediately. Remember the ploceasOne door Bonta of H. ,8. Mer enr's store J. CORN. Towanda. Jsooary IS, 1962 JHCscellancous. BOOK BINDERY." rirHE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus 1 building would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Wardliouse, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where heps now prepared to btnd all kinds oi Books iu the most approved and workmanlike manner.— Having to share mv profits with no second person I flat- j ter inyseli that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub- Ire appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in th® luture to merit the continuance oi public support. Particular attention given tc re-binding Books. All work will be warranted. Terma, Cash. 49* Also, a large assortment of STATIONERY of the beat quality, at the lowest prions. Justices' and Consta ble's BLaNXS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, roaad, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHANN F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11, 1860. Bookbinder and Artist. LINCOLN TOJEIEELECTED. YET till these seem only to increase the business and prosperity of the Old Foundry and MACHraU SHOP, (Sonth side of Pine st., one door East of H. 8. Mcr cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the tact, that he is prepared to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to bin with dispatch,and in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP NfILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and YVARRANTED to give satisiac tion. PLOYVS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda. Oct. 15. 1860. Coal, :Lime, Cement,* Fire Brick, Brain Tiles, Ac. THERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh burnt I Vhile Lime, made irom the best quality of New York 1 me stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and I'2s cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse Water Lime at 11 15 per barrel, and Fire Brick at 8 cents each. Jjiain 'files 2,3 and 4 inch sizes at 2. 3 and 6 cents per foot, a very nice article for drainin bnd or about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beard-ley's .drpj by the dozen. Jack Screws, for moving buildings, to let a". 25 cents per day each. bare'ay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump Coal and f 2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents ner load. All the above for sate at the office of the Barclay R. 11. A Coal Company, Towanda. J. MACFARI.AIN. Towanda, Feb. 22.1361. Gen. Superintendent. CAUTIONT " To be, or not to be— hat is the question ! Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings anil arrows of outrageous opposition. Or by taking up arms against a sea of printing ink, And opposing, end them." THE proprietor of the Mr-gut takes o casion In adver ti>ing his Binder)" to indulge iu an uncalled for fling about a *■ sort of a concern," which is hoping " to delude the public."' As 1 have opened a Bindery on my own ac count,the inlcrem-e is that if the public hiingtheii binding to me. they are in no danger ot being detiauded. For two years 1 have worked fur Mr. I'aksons, and Iu has taken great pains t satisfy the public I was the " best Binder in America," as the columns of the Argus wil testily. Ha-he been all that time " deluding the pub lie?" If I have been engaged in a fraud, he has been th principal. But I refer to my work during that time a evidence that tiieie has been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery husiress, I have resumed business here on mv own ac count, as I know of nothing which prevents me from fol lowing a legitimate anil hawfulcalling tor inv support.— I shall endeavor by good work and attention to iny busi cess to give public satisfaction. March 15. JOUANN F. BENDER. Binder. niGARS & TOBACCO. I lie be*t brands of Cigars in town at lowe-t price also, Smokiug and Chewing To acco, wholesale and re tail, at FOX'S, gPiTfai NEW ATTRACTIONS ! TT At Ceo. IX. Wood's Gallery jfc TOWANDA, PA. You can procure, at low prices, f| \ IF HO TO© TRAPES, Jj \Of all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re v# touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al mc st all other kinds of types. Pictures iu good ciu-cs lor 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotyprs made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. July 25,1861. LATEST FR(MW.A. K. W. A. ItOCKYVELL is again on hand with the first New Goods of the Season ! DRESS GOODS. GENTLEMEN'S YY'EAIt, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. LEATHER, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN YVARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give ns a call, as the hard times will not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we M confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda. Sept. 25.1861. SPECIAL NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, I have concluded to sell Goods FOR READY PAY! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and most of them prompt paying ones, but future prosperity in busir.es I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patroDs. si* Those who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda, August 1,1861. THE WAR TO BE SETTLED! THE OLD TAILCR SHOP STILL IN MOTION. F H. HUNTING, THE OLD STAND VX BY TAILOR, would iniorn th? public that he is still doing business at hi- old stand, where he is still pre pared to execute all kinds of work in his line on the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Having lately secured oLe of the most perfect systems for cutting in exister.ee, he can warrant smooth and easy (its with safety. By an arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled to get np suits at a very low figure, for cash. He would inform the public tint he is agent tor A. Bartholfs Sew ing Machines, the best machine extant—which will be furnished for cash, ft r from S3O up to SSO, as may be de sired N. B —He is prepcred to clean and mend garments at reasonable rates, to suit the times—making them look nearly as nice as new. Call and try him. 4S*Cutting done is usual on short notice, fchop oti Main St.. opposite Codding & Russell's hard ware store, and three doors sonth ot Dr. Carter's grocery. Fashions received every six mouths. G. H. B. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1861. FINE ASSORTMENT OF GROCET.IES 4 FAMILY SUPPLIES, Tea than can't he boat, the b<*t black Tea In town, also iSugar, Coffee. Soap, Fish. Pork, and almost everything n the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S. JURIED FRUIT, 7~ GOOD DRIED API I EB, Blackberries. Raeplienies and Whortleberries, cheap POXfT JtterchanMff, &t. CHUPNESS. smi & sunn. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE ! TUST RECEIVED —A Lr S e Stock of W FALL AND WINTER CLOTH ISO. at J. CORN'S Elmira Rranch Clothing More. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, that he takas :te foremost of the Clothing Merchants or Towanda. Eigtheen hundred and sixiy-one has come, and the light and hennty of Spring shines upon us. with all its radiant splendor. I shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods aie all bought cheap lor cash," and tbey will be sold cheap for cash. My goods are all manufactured In Elmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to aay, I have everything in the line of CLOTHING! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &C., That is kept in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the laud of the free, And the home of tire brave ! While her Stars and Stripes Shine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin." This_.s a free country ; therefore it Is free for all to do their trading where they can do the be-t, regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogy merchants. 1 invite you to come and see me—country as well as the city are invited—every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Come one, come all. and stop your speed, We've Goods enough for all in need, The hoys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone can supply a host. O'er other dealers in this town. These same boys have won renown, For selling the cheapest and the best, And selling more than all the rest! Hurrah! hurrah ! o'er hill a d plain, Accept our thanks, and call again, Among our assortments you'll always find, Goods to fit. and please the mind. We're on hand, and always willing. To sell our Goods, and eain a shilling ! So hold your horses, and come this way, We shall be glad to sen you a"y day. At JOHN SHLAM'S Clothing Store, next door to FI. S. Moron's Dry Goods Store. Main Street, Towanda, Pa. N. B.—We wish to be understood, that we are not to be undersold by any mail, or combination of men. jg" No . lmrge P>r showing out Goods. Towanda. Mireh 12. H62. J. CORN. News from the Great I ebcllion ! EXCiTING NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR! 11. AT.IEDDY, HAS PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock and fixti res oi K. P. BENDICT, first door south of POYY ELL'S Keystone Store. STII.L LATF.It NEWS! lie has just returned from New York, where he has bought for cash, at war prices, a remarkably tine stock of goods, all made to order for this market, and warrant ed us represented, which he flatlers himself lie can set' lower lor cash than has ever been offered in ibis market, for the same quality of goods. IDs stock "insists ol Oveicoats, from $5 up. Superior I-r inch ' ass (me re Coats and Silk Mixed Coats, aud u lower grade. PATTTS, Doe Skia, French Cassimere, Silk Mixed Cussimere, Satiuett. TESTS, Silk Velvet, Grenadier, Doe Skin, French Cassimere, Silk Mixed ('assimere. Fanner's Satin. Satinett. and low priced Undershirts atid*Ora iters, he has 20 doz, at ALL PRICES ! YVool Socks, Celebrated British k Hose, a large assort inent. Linen Shirts and Collars, a big lot. Neck Ties, Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Mittens. Umbrellas, Canes Monkey Jackets, Baskets, Overalls. Overshirti, HATS AND CAPS, Of ail Binds, and prices to suit the times. Also, CHAS. OAKFORD A SON'S Celebrated Philadelphia Silk Hats. The best article made in the United States, all of which he is anxious to sell to the public at a low figure, for cash only. P.. W.EDDY. Towanda. Oct. 3.1861. Ihe Argus Book bindery Again in Tull Operation ! UTF. have the gratificatir n nfannouncing toonr frfrnds, customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do BOOK BIKDIKO, in all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, and on the most favorable "errna. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. C. tVniTKKAit, a finished workman from Philadelphia, and having added extensively to the fixtures of the con cern—giving greater facility than formerly—we can pre sent to the public the most positive assurance of our abil ity to please our patrons. *3r Customers should on particular to remember that the " Argus Bindery,'* is in the Argus Building, as form erly, (first building north of the Ward House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing Office, where all work should be delivered. CAUTION.—We are compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old customers, us well as to prevent an imposition upon the public generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that falsely holds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery This fraud s practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work guarranted. *jjr Country Produce of all kinds taken In payment for work. Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattean, at prices as low as elsewhere. Sowanda, March a. 1860. E. A. PARSONS. NO COMPROMISE! AT TUB UNION MABBLE WORKS! Located at Towanda, Pcnn'a. GEORGE Xc CASE i WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS I and the peovle of Bradford connty in general, that he has purchased the Marble Yard formerly owned by Taylor A Cash, and has added to his stock a large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public, to see his large stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as he has the la-ges stock ever in this county. Customers purchasing nt the shop or sending their orders wili save at least .00 percent, and not lie troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before ! the corpse is buried, and who are not, responsible. Come j and see what yon are getting. Having i.een in the busi ness for the last 26 years, in the city of Philadelphia, he j intends to keep a variety always on "hand of Ma ride Man tles. Monuments, Grave Yard Posts, Head Stones and Tombs, at city prices. Yard on Main street, opposite Gen. Patten's. N. B.—Alterations and Repairing promptly attended Towanda, Dec. 18.1661. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Mnnfy Market having had the effect to place man)- kind-'of Goods within the reach ot Ca*h buyer*, at much low'er prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned beg 9 to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten daya and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never oeen squall ed in this market. Dec. 10. 1860. JOSEPH POWELL. "CMELD TEAS, for *ate at A POX'S. JttcSfrsl. DR. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE. Already admitted to b The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA I WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities' and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention .pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become TFiUS &&3ia BSE® 3795H With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Irapor tera or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est pqint for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS 8C DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive stork will be sold Cheap for Cosh ! PRICES REDUCED, VIZ: Of £onps, Perfumery, Bruges, Combs, Pocket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Light. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WIN:S AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All (he Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin tx Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Edtclif, Botanic and Homeopathic Medicines Spicf, Dird Serrl. Lamp Shade and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE. AMMUNITION, &c. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing i the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the '."ash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHEXE! Dii. PORTERS ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivailed by any in th> Market. DFL. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For riril>Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted to what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 37J cent- Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 23 " Dr. Porter'- Tonic Elixer *• 150 " Dr Porter's Worm Syren " 25 " Dr. Poller's Conip. Syr. Ifypophosphites. . " 100 " Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic " LOO " Dr. Porter's P.IAI k./erry BALAAM " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. I'oitcr's Cephalic Snuff •• 25 • Dr. Porter's Tenth Powder • 25 Dr. Purler's Triogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile. " 25 " Dr. Porter s Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter'* Horse and Cattle Lotion " Dr. Porter's Hor.-e and Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bed Rug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black ink •• 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " Dr. Porter's Itat and Mice Poison " 25 " I)r. Porter's Citrate Magnesia • 25 " Ufdiral ldvicp atlheolliu Charging only for Medicine. AUrThnnkful for pat liberal patronage would respect fully announce to his friends and the public that no pain slmll be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of theirconfiilenge and patronage, at the Cash Drug- Store ! Corner of Main and Pine streets. Towanda, Sept. 5. 1861. Jsiisqiteljauna Collrqialc Institute, TOIVANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : Rev. JAMES McWILLIAM. Principal Professor of An cietti Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. FiSLER. A. I!. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof. CHARLES R. COBUPN County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacherof Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Mr.D. CANFIEI.D DAYTON, StewarJ. Mis. D. C. DAYTON. Matron. The Spring Term commences WEDNESDAY,MARCH 26, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, PEK TERM T [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-halt at the middle of the term — iuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 4 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and "2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 OTI Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. I>. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : TREND- $ 3 FTN Germ*- 3 00 Drawit 5 00 Board IT, he Institute, prr week, including fuel and LIGYT 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The tnniversaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. . No deduction will be made for absence, exeept in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught in the Institution. but by special arrangement— A class will be taught in A "nail adjoining the grounds ofthe Institute, by the Teacher ol Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the pa-t term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing t take lessons in this branch. Terms will he as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 3*) do for practice. 2 O F Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver a, their option. It is desira hie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when othei wise, these will be I furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the institution . as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. formal Department — Special exercises nrc arrangea without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. IT COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to tie pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburu'S connection with tiie institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties "f his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repnlatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in tendering it more wor h y of future patronage and support JAMES McWlLLlAM,Principal. March 23, 1862. Business earns. BENJ. M. PECK, A TTO IF A'/ V ~ LAW, TOWANDA, PA~AII K • Y A7 to bis care, will receive prompt attempt" Ce ? C '2vsm'&r r 7rJi 4 RPILOMAS J. JNGIIAM. Afford J. At LAW. LAPOKTK, Y UN WILL! AM<, A TTO RNFFT~~ • LA IV, CANTON PA., WILL STUL , Y ness entrusted to his care in the couits of N, 7? *" TOD- Lycorng and Sullivan Go's. BEDFORD, Ti,,, "EC.T, JSET E. OVERTON, JR Q D . rtVERTON 4 MONTANYE' \J NE YS AT LA It- Office in C N ' £ \ T OR y occupied by JAS. MACFAKLANX. DR. E. H. MASON, PIIYSICIA Y 7,7 SURG EOS. rs his profession, i ' V people ot Towanda and vicinity. Office at*V*' CM { k on l ine street, where he can always be foLa professionally engaged. . Un,i when oc , J] R- PARSONS, ATTOIUn^ U LAW, TROY, Bradford Co. p, Y AT M. AH. F. Loag'a store. ' *^ R ! OR ERY I? LIIA NAN SMITIIV havinw AJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office < * Store. Dec. 1.1*57. ER HSROU-' WT DA VIES, ATTORNppTm • LA IV. Towanda. Bradford count • r> Houae W " ,KIU8 ' K>Q '' * FEW DOOR ' °R.H of & — Jan. 3. II)JL V\Tl L M OT k W A TT AT LAW, TOWANDA PA nm occupied by U. Mercui. ' UFFICT DAVID WILMOT. I G B May 2. 1801. ' U " H - W ATKI?S. AMERICAN IIOTEU foivTxP: -AI- Pa . (near the bridge ) M TFINMLL Towanda. Nov. 20, 1801. ' I " R "pneto ß flESjpl DII. 11. WESTON ~dfv eimA P ni]y LOCATTD ' TOWAL Towanda, Feb. li lsaT D<>oR#OUTB J O. H. WOODRUFF DENTLST PERMANENTLY located in Towanda' JL Office NO 5, Brick Row, over H. W. \NN YV Entrance one door south ot TracvA Moores. r. G coßimrr, A TTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC CH - ALI LESJL attended to withpromptHMind Toward 1, Aug. 20. 186 L tf. "W HO Towanda, Pa. rTTTE SoUserilters haeing lensed thin Wt! , JL known Hotel for a tenn of years would I„FNR™.I friends and the traveling puWic, thai, tbev will happy to A, commodate NIL wh„ may Uv'.r them W,T call. It will be the aim ot THE present NRONHEFTI' . make the W AKD HOUSE at X • We invite " the whole world and the re-t° to call and examine onr our goods HEFURE Gur motto will be use every man wellandsubtc-' ina wrong. SIT One door south of Tracy and Block, Main street, CODDING A •' JOIIS A.CODDIXO, F ,] I C. a. RfsaKLT.. F Towanda. BE MARK TIM® J, ,1 FORWARD ! -MAIPK TO TIIB , , H NEWS K 9 Lfl'l Where You can set ihr Late> - AND IF YOU WANT TO XX well posted on the events that ,RE ' N|£ the American people, just ask for one THATED PAPERS. They are REAIJ price we U-k for them. And while VU ■ may as well get a MAP showing ALL BRLLT VLIH in the country. Or, you may W , AI ?' , STV ; E of friends, and you ran get the verv OTIC NOTE PAPER AND F.NV ELOL TDT Come and see what w have go • R OYI BK, •elve*. Don't forget the place-THE- - Towanda, Jnne 12,1861