[Continued from first poge ] ib i 3 the right of the father to have the protec tion, The education and guidance of that child. AoA-because of the relation between him and ij>,it the duty of the latter to honor and obey the father. Here are corelative ob ligations and duties springiug up from the re lations that exist between them. So, sir, in the relation of fuuiilit-s there are obligations and duties that spring from that relation Sup pose you meet a poor fellow being by the way side unable to lift himself upon his feet, from the relation that exists between you and him as members of the same greet human family, j.ou aro bound to administer to bis wants even if there w as no law, human cr divine, requiring it. Justice, truth and virtue are everlasting principles that spring from the relation of things. Human laws ani homim constitutions •te supposed to embody these eternal princi ples ; and when they do embody them nre: in harmony with tbem then they are legal IT and morally obligatory, but when they con travene these prior principles tbej aie per st null ond void. If the law of GOD aud nature demand a thingand the law of the land pro hibits it, thejaw of Go* and nature are par mount. If the Almighty commands a thing, and the Constitution forbids it, 1 say GOD'S law first—and I am neither a fanatic or a trai tor. Now, mark, sir ; I believe the Constitu tion of this country, rightly interpreted, is the embodiment of the everlasting principles of jus tice aud truth, liberty and right ; hence when I swear to maintain it, I swear to maintain the principles that the great Creator has or darned of old. But 1 follow this abstract prin ciple a little farther. I did not come here to preach, although probably there are a3 great shiners here as any w ere. Now, t-ir, how does the Senator's doctrine operate ? Let me look iat it ? You observe he did not confine himself to the Constitution meroly ; he was buttling this " higher law" principle that has been hissed at and hawked at. How doesfi s position strike in certain directions ? whom does it effect practically? The old Statesman Daniel was prohibited by the Constitution of the country from praying. Ycu recollect the history, lie fuced the window, prayed to GOD and took the conseqiieucer. Was he a fanatic or traitor ? You remember when the image was reared by lrgai authority, and every man commanded to fall down ami worship it, there were three men who slood erect and said " GOD Rrst and afterwards," They were thrown ito a fiery furnace, hut the form of the fourth was with them, and tbero was not so much as the gtnt-li of fire upon their par mcnts. Were they fanatics or traitors ? The Apostles were sent forth alone and single budded to do battle against the wot Id. No kingly smiles illumed their pathway ; no royal patronage attended their progress ; without titles, moneylc*s and friendless, their rule of duty, their hope and heritage wus thus : " Go preach. Lo ! Icm with you " The authori ty of the land forbade them, under penalty of death, and their calm reply was, " Judge ye whether it be right to obey GOD or man."— They acknowledged a higher law ; were they fana tics or traitors? How was it with Re formers—with old Luther, when he woke up, ran against the Greek Testament, and found that the church ar.d the world were all estray? He lifted the trumpet to his lips and blew a blast that shook el! Europe ; the Vatican quivered and the Pope cowered. The legal authorities commanded him to desist ; but bis reply was, " I shall go to the D.et of Worms, though there stood in my way us many devils as there ere tiles on the house tops." And he went. Was he a fanatic or a traitcr? Ola Banyan, tho eloquent thinker,and author of u work that imortalizes him, was forbidden bv the great naliou of England to do what was abstractly and absolutely righ—forbidden to preach the Gospel to the poor. lie refused compliance, went to jail, lay there twelve years, and dariug these years wrote a work that adds more to the glory of England to day than the martial conquests of any king that over sat upon the throne. He bowed to the supremacy of a higher law. Poor old limner Pilgrim's Progress ! Though the good and the great honor him now—though his native land, in atouement for the past, rears monu. raents to his memory, what nvails it ? Accord, img to Berks county Democracy, he was either a traitor or a fanatic ! What shall we do with the patriot fathers of "IG ? They lived under a Constitution, one too, that was perverted to their oppression, uud they were blessed as we are, with sopho more tutors, who declared that there was no higher law than the Constitaton. Their re sponse wa3 as they drew the sword and threw away the scabbard—" resistauco to tyrants is obedience to GOD " Were they fanatics or traitors ? Allow me to say to Senators, that our Constitution, the best, I think*, the world ever saw, acknowledges its own possible im perfections by containing within itself * clause providing for its own amendment, while the perfect, unchangeable, infallible, everlasting code of GOD and nature coutains no such pro visions. Ah ! sir, I must tell the Seuator from Berks, that while he may be a very good lawyer, be is a mo3t miserable divinity schol ar ; while he may live long enongh to deserve LL. D, he must recant the heretical, and 1 will add silly, principles asserted by him yes terday, or he never cau become a D. D. Mr. Speaker, the simple truth of the whole question is this : It is the providence of con stitutions nnu laws to embody and enforce what is naturally and intrinsically right and just. Wheu they do this it is the duty of men to respect ond obey them. When they fail to do this, it becomes a duty to change, nod if neer's be, to resist, and overthrow them by force. This is the higher law doctrine, and it is neither fanaticism nor treason. You must indorse it or reprehend the patriots and sages, the moral heroes and reformers of ali past time. There is one other position taken by the Sen ator to which I call attention, lie challenges us to show that the Bible anywhere prohibits slavery, or that the teachings of Christ require its übolition. That challenge, air, i accept.— In support of his theory he avowed that the cho stand at the foot of Slant, and while thuuder rock the hills about you, listen to that omnipotent voice that speaks from be hind the curtain ot cloud: "Thou shall not steal! ' Tuerc is no equivocation, ao qualhicalioo accompanying it. Steal what ? Thou shall not steal a man's L irse, Ins money, or his coal. If it totbids you to steal the rags that cover a man's back, does it allow you to steal the man h.mself, bis wife and child—his home and joys—bis heart and biaitis—his iute.lectual cultuie and moral de velopment ! But bear the next clap ol thuuder : '• Tiioa shall not kill Kill what ? The body, of course. While the Almighty prohibits the killing of the poor clay body, does he sanction the tnurd r of the soul—the kmiug of the manhood—tue crucifying ot the affections? Let Berks county answer. Follow the subject yet farther, " proclaim liberty to all the inhabitants of tlie land.'' Are you willing to do it? There is your Blole commanding it. Mr. t>peaker, yon and myself went in company, a lew days s'nre, to Fh laielphiu, and tor the Urst tune in my'life 1 was in the old State House. I went into Hint hall and looked around upon tho-e walls, and saw the portraits of the mighty ones of the past looking down u ion me; their faces were eloquent and radiant with hallowed names and recollections ; and the very walla seemed to re echo the sayings of those hon ored uK-n. and I confess, sir, a strange impulse went steal ing through my veins as 1 came around and looked upon that old bill that stood there—the first bell that ever rung out the glory 01 the 4th of July—the sune bell that caught up the notes of the Declaration of Independence that was read on thooe steps iu ITT6, " that ali men are created equal and t ndowed with certain inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness.'' Taat bcil caught the n >tes and rung the a oat; and they went nugiug out from sea to shore and fro n shore to sea; the nations ot Europe caught the sound, and while the poor uian wept ia his sorrow lie listened to that western ori .oa and l i his heart of h -aits ex banned, " there is h - wunda, for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the fiilth day of MaV next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to tho Coroners and Justices of the Peace and* Constables, of the County ol Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. w.tb their record*, inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otfice appertains to be done ; and those who are hound by recognizance or oth erwise to prosecute against the piisotiers who are or may be in the jail of said County, o." who shall i.e bound tu appear at the said court, are to lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall be jut. Jurors are re quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 27th of March,in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred oud sixty tvro, r.'id of the Independence of the United States, the eighty sixth. A. II SPALDING. Sheriff. .. I X the. matter of the Assignment of J lira m IV. i Root, in ih" Common Pleas of Bradford County, ,Yo 479, Sept. T., 1857. Notice is hereby given that Thomas Smead, accepting Assignee oi Mi rain W. Rot, has filed in this dike, hi final account as such assignee, and tint said account will lie allowed by said Court, on the tir-t Monday of May next, unless cause can be shown,by that time, why Suid account shall not be allowed. K O GOODRICH, Trot. Prothonotary's office, March 17, 1562. I Xthe matter of the Assignment of the Farm -s- e's Union I,an. ai.ee Company, Xo. 155, S-pt. Venn 16od Notice is hereby given that Henry C- Baird a cepting Assignee of.i <1 Farm r's I "ninn lusuran e Oompau;. ,li i tiled in this oilke, hi~ dual account as such assignee, arid that said account will be allowed by said Court, on the first Monday ot May next, unless cause be shown, by that time, why said account shall not be allowed. E. o.GOODRICH, Prot. Prothonotary's office. March 17. 1862. A UDITOR'S NOTICE—/ the matter ,f Ji James It. Uemony, dee'd. In the Orphans' Court ot Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed bv said Court to distribute turnls in the hands ot administrators, aris ing from saie of personal property and real estate of said decedent, will attend to the duties ol his appointment at his office in tiie borough o. Tow.uid i, <>n i'uc day. the 2.'d day of April, A. P.. 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m , and all per--, HIS having darns on sa d m-uiies uni~l present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. BEN'J. M. PECK. March 12, 1562. Auditor. [X the matter of Partition of the estate of John Dnnnotly dee d., late of IPyaluting township, county of Bradford and Slate of Pennsylvania. To Margaret and Grace Donolly : Take notice, that on petition ot guardian of Sarah and James Donolly, the Or phan's Court ot the countv aforesaid awarded an Inquest and a Jury of Inquest will be held on the premises, on 15th day of April, A . D. 1862. between the hours of 10 A 12 o'clock, to ascertain whether apiece of land situate in the township aforesaid, described as follows, can be di vided without injury to the whole, Ac. On the north by lands of Joscpu Vanankin. on the cast by lands of Cornelius Bump .ind James McCrossan on the south by land of James Boyle and Charles Summer, and on the west by John Doniiolly, Held no Huff and Henry Nurse, containing 76 acres, of which the said John Donnelly died seized in tec simple. A. 11. SPALDING. Towanda, Feb. 18,1862. Sheriff. T>ItOCLAM ATlON.—Bradford County,ss. X LYDIA ANN* MILLER by her next friend, C. C. Brooks vs. GEORGE M 1 LLER.No. 5'.!0 Sept. Term, 1861. To George Miller —Whereas a subpoena in Divorce was issued to September Term ISGI. which was duly return ed non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said ease, returnable December Term. 1861, up on the return of which, proof was made that the said George Miller could not he round in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require yon to appear be fore the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next to answer said complaint, &c. A. H.SPALDIXG, Towanda, March 17.18G2. Sheriff. PROCLAMATION —Bradford Conntv cs DANIEL E. WESTBROOK vs. JULIETTE WEST BROOK, No. 570, Dec. Term, 1861. To Juliette West brook—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce was issued to December Term, 1861, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said case, returned to Feb. Term, 1862, up on the return ol which, proof was made that the said Ju liette Westbrook could not be found in ray bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first MondayofMav next to answer said complaint, &e. A. H.SPALDIXG, Townnla. lfareh 17,1862. Sheriff. NOTICE— Notice is here -Li by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHX XURMAN", dee'd,. late of Springfield twp.. are hereby requeued to make payment without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IS \ AC X. COOLEY, CALEB S. BURT, Feb. 12, 1562. Executory. ADM INI ST RATOI t'S N (>TICB —Not ice -Fi. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Mary Russell, dee'd., late of Orwell township, are .hereby requested to make payment without de lav, and all persons having demands against said estate wii'i present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS COOK, Admistrator. March 25,1562. ADM INISTR ATO R S NO IT CE —Not ice is herey given, that all persons indebted to estate cf Henry Ransom, late of Orwell twp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims, against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. WM. RANSOM, Adra. March 11.1862. WA NTED ! —SHEEP i'ELTsj AND WOOL, for which the highest price in cash will te paid at Towanda, Sept. 18,1861. FATCH'B. jfttcrchanfcljf, Stc. EHHPNfSS.STTLI 6 BHUTI. NOW IS YOSJH TEfifiE TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP ATYOUR OWN PRBCES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! J UST RECEIVED.—A Larjje Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, at J. CORN'S Elmira Branch Clothing Store. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, that he takes the foremost ol the Clothing Merchants ot Towanda. Eigtbeen hundred and sixty-one has come, and the light and beauty of Spring shines upon us. with all its radiant splendor. I shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man. as my goods aie all bought cheap for cash, and they will be sold cheap for CAS H- T My goods are all manufactured in Elmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to say, 1 have everything in the line of CLOT HING! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &C., That is kept in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it ware, O'er the land of the free. And the lmrae of the bravo I While her Stars and Stripe# Shine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin." a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can do the best, regardless of the cross and soar looks of old fogy merchants. 1 invite you to come and see me—country as well as the city are Siftited—every person, richor poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Come one, come all, and stop your speed, We've Goods enough for all in need, The boys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone ran supply a host. O'er other dealers in this town. These same boys have won renown. For selling the cheapest and the best, And selling more than nil the rest! Hurrah ! hurrah! o'er bill a d plain, Accept our thanks, and call again, Among our assortments you'll always find, Goods to fit, and please the mind. We're on hand, and always willing, 9 o sell our Goods, and earn a shilling ! So hold your horses, atid come this way, We sbali be glad to see you at v day, At JOHN BH LAM'S Clothing Store, next door to U.S. Mercur's Dry Goods Store. Main Street. Towanda. Pa. N. 13.—We wish to lie understood. that we are not to be undersold hv any man. or combination of men. per No charge for showing our Goods. Towanda. March 12,162. J. CORN. News from the Great Rebellion ! EXCITING KEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR! It. AV. EDDY, HAS PURCHASED THE ENTIRE stock and tixt res ot E. S. BENDICT, first door south of POWELL'S Keystone Store. STILL LATER NEWS! lie has just returned from New York, where be has bought for cash, at war prices,a remarkably fine sto> k of poods, all made to order for this market, and warrant ed as represented, which he flatters biinselt be can sel' lotger for cash than has ever been offered in this market, for the same quality of goods. His stock consists of Overcoats, from $5 up, Superior French Cassimere Coats and Silk Mixed Coats.aada lower grade. J? .A_ IST T S , Doe Skin. French Cassimere, Silk Mixed Cassiaaere. Saiinett. VESTS , Silk Velvet, Grenadier, Doe Skin. French. Cassimere, Silk Mixed Cassimere, Farmer's Satin. S.itinett. and low priced Undershirts and Drawers, he has 20 doz, at ALT a DITTOES ! Wool Socks, Celebrated British J Hose, a large assort ment. I,inen Shirts and Colla'-s, a big lot. Neck Tics, Stock®. So- enders. G! • 25 44 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle lotion 44 37J 44 < Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder 44 25 44 | Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison 44 25 44 r Dr. Porter's Black Ink 44 25 14 . Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid 44 LT'J Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison 44 25 44 Dr. Porter's Citrate MAgnesia 44 25 44 Hcuicai Advice given gratuitously at llieofliie Charging only for Medicine. narThankful for p :-t libe ml patronage would respect I rally announce to his friends and the pnl.lic that no pains 1 shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance ot • their confidence ar.d patronage, at the Cash Drug* Store ! Corner of Main and Piuc street*. | Toiranda, Sept. 5, D'til. .Susniifljamia Collfjialc institute, TOJt'AJVDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : Rev. JAMES M••■WILLI \M. Principal. Professor of An cif.ni Ungnsges. and Mental ana Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. PiSLER. A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof.CHARLES li. CUBUR.N County Superintendent, General Director oi Normal Department. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Pieceptress. I ; Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocaland lastrnmen tal Music. ; Mr.D. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. | Mrs. D. C. DAYTON. Matron. The Spring Term commences WEDNESDAY,MARCH 26, and will continue H weeks. tuition, rr.it TEitsi : [Payable Invariably in advance, or one-half on entering tlie school, and one halt at the middle ot the term—fuel | and contingencies included.] Primary, per term .. $ 4 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 oo Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged fl per term for i fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : French- $ 3 oo Gerina' 3 yo Drawit 6 00 Board in he Institute, per week, including fuel and ligit 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The* inniversaiy exercises will be held at ■ the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not.as heretofore, he taught in the Institution,but by special arrangement —a class will be taught in a hall adjoiningthegrounds ofthe Institute | by the Teacher ol Vocal Music. This arrangement lias been adopted for the past term I and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to' i the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be j taken to secure the greatest "progress of those wishing to take lessons hi this branch. Terms will be as heretof. re : j Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO o<> Use of instrument on which to take lessons * to do for practice 2 (F Pupils boarding in the Hall will own tow els, Ac., and the table silver ai their option; It is desira j ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding ; when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be j fnrnisM at a slight. charge, j It is strongly recommended that students from abroad j should board in the Institution, as better opportunities I for advancement in study are thereby secured. /Vormal Department — Special exercises are arranged j without extra charge for those preparing themselves as | Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C.R. COBUILV, the , able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools , in the county, lias kindly consented to organize the Tea j cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present* to conduct its exercises as often i as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects j connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage inteach ; ing for the winter, will tind it greatly to their advantage i to be present during the Fall term. ' I Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not t such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. • No pains will he spared, on the part ofthe Faculty and i Trustees in sustaining the high reputation the iustitu ; tion has hitherto enjoyed, and iu rendering it more wor thy ot tutnrc patronage and support ' March 23, INS. ,AM * W "-UAM. Prlnrtp... Uturtnrss earns. BENJ. M. PECK, a TTORKt'v ' LAW, TOWANDA, PA-All \ { LY AT to his care, will receive prompt atent ****%• i C °l JinT'ci;!"' ' 1 k^CC** 44 *! rpIiOMAS j AAT LA VP, LA PORT K, Sullivan ~ if lt M Y ———— r.ly J) a If N. WILLIAM-, A TTO It XT v I I • LA W. CANTON PA., W,II attend, * AT no,S3 entrusted to his care in the courts oi ii, !,? "" Wi. Lyo.n.g and Sullivan Cos. —istt E. OVKTTTON, JK — -L. fkVERTON k MONTAKYf T'/^ " ' .Vri'.S- AT LA M'-Oflbc itl. J ,T OK j occupied by'Jss. M acfallam: | )R. K.H.MASON, PHYSIcJaxL^ SL UGh OA .offers his professions; * people ot 'IV.v, TIT ds a:,-I vh-kiitv. OFir. M I cwt li on Pine street, where he can always oefanna" "r^r.ct professionally engaged bm LT B- PARSONS, ATTORNEY-i J.J* LA IV , TROY, Biadford Co.. p a < M. A 11. F. Long's store. ' SMITH, having retail^ lJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office o„v u 1 Store. Dec. 1. 1c.,7. W 1 DA YIES, ATToliXpffZ , 1 Tow ? I:(Ja - Rrsdford county p. A With \Vra \Aatk.ns, Esq., a few doors north of House. — J f, lti \\T JEM OT k W A TKINS. yy AT LAW. TOWANDA. PA.-OaJI r occupied hy IT. Mcrcur. 'riuer.y DAVID WILMOT- | G II Watytv. May 2.1851. AMI - RIcA N HOTEL, TORTVTT XX Pa., (near the bridge.) M. T 1 or-.m ' Towand i.N-v. 20. ltftl Rri-loF.U, _ __— tdlL. 1 ' "P^ietor. HR. 11. W I!STON ])R V aUe®SovKL'.^™ anpnt: - v 'ocatcd -a Tow,*;., Oi t 1. Ta OIIC ot>ol iHouth ol Hlilr XeKm. ' Towanda, Feb. I'.I.ISS'J. lia 'le, A&M US . o. IX. WOODRUFr-DEKTIST "OERM A NEXTLY located in Towinda £ Office No S, Brick Row. over H. W. No" 'JI Entrance one door south ot Tracy & M.iores^- dJJti r. G. cobduw, A 1 ' ORNEV AND NOTARY PUBLIC Afl lrsal ljUs ine-;9 atteuJeJ to with promptness and To wand i, ing. 21, tf. WAHD BfOTTsmnP - Sowanda, Pa. SnE'criher* hu*iny the barrel 5r pound. Mi ats will be promptly delivered, at unv place with c the corporation. Towanda. August 12,1559. J JfcCABE. RAILROAD HOTEL A'f :ir the Barclay Railroad trt minus, TOWANDA, PENN'A. j R- JORDAN respect fully informs the s • the public that he has leased the we'l-kncv: -... I era stand 101 Mtfly occupied by M. T. CsafeAk. i the lower part ot the borough of" Towanda. vbtih bsi ri been letitted and thoroughly re funiiihid. he iutitr-i. patronage of the public with every ci utidcace thatir can give entire satisfaction to such at inav lev.-:- with a call. His Ra will be kej;t stocled with the ! e~t qctlitimf I • ' I Extensive stsbifng is connected with the koofr. Mil reliable attendants w ill rnfy b: kept. No pains or expense w: 1 uc spared to de*errrf.*f pt- 1 ronage of thepntdie—an" D; charges wi.i Arr.xi.iua ble. Towanda. April 1, D-rl. XZxtraordiuary Saduceincuis TO 771F, BUYERS OF FUR ML PRE AND CRAWL HAVING greatly Increased mvfnrro vfl " ** Cabinet Ware and Chairs. lis determined to dispose of these accatutas tions rapidly, and with that iesign offer all articles H unprecedented low prices forC.ish. tlocd S.das at flu to S2O. fine Cane Seat Chairs 75 eti each, a nice Bedstead lor 20 shillings. I have now more than 60 different patterns of Chi't Bnreant, Desks for the famer or mttkit. Look ; t da-ses tjOOKing ginss Hates, Fort rait and Picture frsim of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut cornc pattt rns of Stands . extension, diuing.tea and uorkli l.h s Hall "tarnls, and in fad anything that can . tioai in a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a pol Hearse ready, at all times. Purchaser's w II be sure to find the right place, wfil side of the public square, one door east of Montarrw I T 'wnndv Dec. 1, 1559. CHESTER WELIA THE OLD STAND i STILL IN OPERATION THE subscriber wcrnM annotmre jirfSr-T. to the public that he hit noir on hand, and will make to order s'.l "". 1 _ Kinds ot i A PIMA FURNITURE,I JiHI such as Sof Pi van s bounces. On tre.Cnrd. pining mi BreaWastTa- Able. Jlnh-gsny. Walnut Maple*ra W I Chern pi rc.ius. .-lands o: iar: t * kinds, (Tiairsand Bed-teadsofevrr description, which are. and will be made of the best no terial and workmanlike manner, aud which thev will -<■ for cash clteaper than can be bought .n any other Wiff room iu the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the mostrM -onal.le terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished' Funeral cccanions. JAMES MACKINSO.Y Towanda, January 1.1857. NEW FIRM. CODDING cN RUSSELL HAVE purchased the large and well known nu nt of I). C. Hall, aud me now receiving lie® York, the largest and most complete assortment of HARD-WARE. ever offered for sale in this market, which* CHEAP lor Cash orappoved Creoit. I We have a large and well selected stock y ' |n j ■ Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety ot . H Stoves, which we can. and will sell as ■ purchased in this or any adjoining county. ' " aud complete assortment of IROM AND STEEL, I Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils. 110 ;e Trims sp •. 1 iage Trimmings Springs. Iron mm ha Tools, Cross-cut, Ciicuiar ana*- Saws, Tabic and Pocket of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pump ß ar ® ' I Itßll'T.4\\ 11 i.\a> II.4TEU^ 4B ■ the latest and most a|>proved paff< vs. A 1 -' : of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE. t'T'll'L-etiiM Patent Stretched Leather BELTIXCi. * vtr ) form of FARMING TODIS. JOB WORK done on short notice and wn Tj.|' ftrtl GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper. Britunnn. ■>;' ■ wax and Feathers, taken in exchangetoro We invite 44 the whole world and the re.-' to rail and examine our onr goods t'efare Onr motto will be use every man welDnafS' m ina wrung. ~ tar One door south ot Tracy and q, 00 :LixvfU- I Block, Main street, CODDING x e- WHS A.CODIIt NO. I . c fl c. s. ai spell. I Tcwacda. 1 •