~ LOCAL AND GENERAL. geflu The river still continues in excellent rtlting condition, and lumber, dec., is constantly passing thU pl ce - We see by the West Braneh papers that water has been let iuto the West Branch Canal, aud n ,vigatiou resumed. The Barcluy Railroad has been in op eration for the past week, and we understand the Com pany'"intend shipping a large quantity of coal during the season. fgjf Owinsr to the crowded state of otr columns, we are obliged to defer till next week, the pub jicali"o of several communications, obituary notices, ad rertisements, £c. gaff- KICKED BY A HORSE —On Thursday afterno- B last, a young man by the name of Timothy Dadden was leading a youug colt,— havihg hold of the , B d of the halter .the colt wheeled and kicked him iu the face, injuring him severely. saj- Sunday last had more the appearance of Spring than any previous day of the season. The sun ,boae beautifully aud the air was quite mild. Snow, however la stilt visible on the mountains. tSf "S EW FIRM —J. I>. HUMPHREY has ns aociated himself with Ins B. BULL and J. E. DAYTON, and the business of that store hereafter will be conducted M der that firm. Their advertisement will appear next week. We notice the names of several volun teers from Sullivan aud Lycoming counties, who were either killed or wounded at the battle near Winchester. We believe uoue of the Bradford boys were in that en gagement. ter The Bradford County Medical Society -will meet at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in the borough of Towanda. oa Wednesday, May 7th, 1882, at 10 o clock, A.M. It is hoped there will be a gcnci al attendance. C. M. TURNER, President. We notice the side wulks in certain parts of town are in a very dilapidated and dangerous condition. In some places the planks are decayed and broken and in other places have entirely disappeared.— The walks should be repaired before accidents occur. fcajf* Umbrellas have been recognized as prcpeity at last, octd are to be taxed for the benefit of the government five cents each. As the tax is to be paid by the party in possession . we may expect t< -ee a sudden ret t-I of borrowed umbrellas when the collector Is ex peeled. jß®"Firk iv BARCLAY —We learn that on 1 Sunday m -raiag last, about 4 o'clock, one of the largest dwelling louses Barclay was destroyed by fiie. Two trinities occupied the house, aud tU family occupying the part 111 which the fire - rigiuated, saved nearly ail t oils. The other family barely es ;aped tfc-mgh the sec ond story wind -w with their liv.s, saving not-even their clothing. The loss to the Compau y is between SSOO aud JtuQ. gSr Hon EDWARD MCPHERSOX presented President L'.VC ILN with a rare caao, on the the Bth inst It rajfflacu;:tured by JOHN HANKS, of Rcranton. Pa., cut of a cedar stick. It is very curiously carved, the top j into no American Eagle. Upon its throat is the nation al shield with the words "Union Forever!" inscribed thereon. The eagle grasps Jeff Davis by the seat of his breeches. Below hiin on one side is a cannon—on the ether a lion in full spring witk a iatble.sna.ke near by. Trimming TREES —An exolinnjf* says: Tne pre-ent i- the proper season to att nd to this work, '.etore the sap begius to ascend fiow tire roots to the ' t trunk and 1 inbs aad thus in.ore a plentiful growth ol ] :• ts and con-equenlly an abundant foliage, which, as 1 everybody knows, is a veiv desirable thing around one's ' dwelling duiing the sultry months of summer. The pres ent mouth will do iur prepai iug and planting young trees. I + t SURGICAL OPERATION- The Argus of Ist v.et-k says: vVe learn ih it our townsmen, Dr. D.B. ?HATT. assisted by Dr. B. T. ABU., of Athens, pert- M- 1 [ ( D A operation or. Mrs. WESTS KOO*. of Duieli township, ' s./ich reflects much credit en their surgical -kill. Ml-. | IV. has been afflicted for manyyears with a ! irgc tumor, 1 ande- one of her arms, which had increased to such size Mto be almost insufferable. The patient vu put uuder ] the iuftuen e of ether, and the tumor removed, with prr fect snecesa At last accounts site was getting along ; ioe'.r. fig"* THE DOR TAX Bo to the Jail unite in praising the neatness of -prisoner-, and the efficient manner in which the i n- I >of Turnkey" are performed by Mr. MCCANN, the I - "i'-ty Bher ff. There are at present twelve prisoners, ir crated fur vaiious oflipDses, two ot whom are c- I-i.es. We learn that on Saturday last Rev. Mr. CHASE ■ nied the prisoaeri who were greatly pleased at this ■ a.ikot V.adness, and earnestly requested him to " call ■ question put to each one of I -6cra hy Mr. CRANE, " what brought. you to this 7" the I rr'i ' V ' 5 ~~ *kiVey !" There was not an exception. "■-key wjU j, av . e a . a j auswer p or ti_ e I -Lr of Burning.'' I •ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. —The Lv- I - Gazette, of the 9th inst.,says:— '* Two murder - I J l " ans "'tempted to assassinate Charles P_ Hepburn, I •'■fnstDng township, on the river bridge.on Saturday I• . , r>nf °' struck at hira with a knife, but for * "it a watch which Mr. H. had in his pocket, I the crystal and damaging the back of the case. fired a revolver at his a.-.sailants, and b<- ' 'hat he shot the one who struck at him in the band They both left on being fired at. Theohjectof - UNa.ins evidently was to obtain money, and they I "ave been familiar with Mr. Hepburn's business, for i •pto fliiamsport was to get. money." ~ OWN MEN FlßST. —lmmediately on -■ 4c ! the \4 iucbester fight—ln which volunteers acted so honorable a part—Gov. CCR t ni - e despatched extra surgeons cud nurses to at ) • wounded, ar.d to bury r - rry home our dead Pfacticable. This is in comformity with arrange • made some time since, in a spirit of wise, patriot * henificent forecast. nndersUnd that since the battle at Pittsburg lor'"?' T '" , '' Jnte<:r surgeons and nurses are found on al •jv, f •' t 6uiGg west, on the u nmane mission of l, 4 Jn ' car wonuded soldiers woo fell in that bat ftcaal. SUPREME COURT OF PENN A -EASTERN DISTRICT. G, v JVe [ la Equity, Barclay R R. ,i Coal Co. et al J Jaa * T#na ' IWb ' 2 ' Ko ' 26 IN pursuance of a Decree of t e Supreme Court of Penn sylvania, iu and fur the Eastern District, made in the above cause, the undersigned will sell at public sale, at the Exchange, in the city of Philadelphia, on 'luesday. the 29th day of April, 1582, at 12 o'clock, noon, the f. I lowing described estate, property, rights and irancliises late belonging to The Barclay Kail Kuad aud Coal Com pauy, to wit: No. 1. All that tract or body of Coal lands, situate iu the towusbiput Franklin,in the county of Bradford and State ot Pennsylvania, containing altogether 24lt> acres and allowance, bounded by lands surveyed in the war rantee names of Andrew Graydon, James Shoemaker, VV'illijiu Cray, John draff. Thomas Dundas, James Bid die. John Barron Jr., Andrew Tybout, Peier Edge, Geo. Edge and Samuel Edge, being composed ot six. co'.tigu uua tracts of laud surveyed iu the warrntee names ot Jacob Cox, William Hail, William Guvet, Joanna Curry, Aarou Levy, aud Jacob Heiltzheimer, ol which ahout 2uo acres sre improved land. Uu this tract, No. 1, are the Barclay Coal Mines, yielding a superior quality ot semi hitumiuous coal, and the works, fixtures aud apparatus for mining coal. Also, lorty-one dwelling houses, aud other buildings and improvements. No. 2. Also, the Ran Hoard constructed by and here tofore belonging to the said Company, Id 2J-100 miles in length, extending Irom the Coal Mines on No. 1, to the North Branch Cauai, at Towanda, in the said county of Bradford, with the Inclined Plane, Plaue House and fix tures, three water stations, sidings aud lands appurte nant to the said Kail Koad, with the right oi way, and with all corporate rights, powers, privileges, immunities and franchises heretoiore belonging to or vestej in the said Company. No. 3. Also, all those adjoining lots cr pieces of land situate at the turminusot said Rail Road, in Towanda aiortsaid, bounded by the Susquehanna river on the east, Elizabeth street on the north, a lot of Tracy & Moore on the south,and on the west by an Alley, Main street, and lots ot Job Kirby, J. A. Record. E. Overton, Jan. Hairis, and Thomas Elliott; Containing 14t acres, more or less with a Water Basin,trestle and fixtures for shipping coal! Engine House, Turn tabic, office, barn, lime kiiu, and other improvements thereon. N'o. 4. Also, another lot or piece of land, situate at To wanda afore-aid. on the aforesaid Rail It >ad, bounded bv Tracy A Moore's lot on the North, (which separates ft Irotn lot No. 3). by laud ot Gordon F. Mason on the West and South, and by the Susquehanna river on the East containing 10 acres ol laud, more or less. The terms of sale will be as follows : Nos. 1 and 2 will be sol J together, subject to a first .Mortgage thereon, executed by the .-aid Company to Patrick Brady and Isaac R. Davis, trustees, for $l5O 000 with interest "thereon at 7 per cent, lrom September 1, 1337. Nos. 3 aud 4 wiil be sold separately,and clear of incum - brance. $51)0 will be requ.red to be paid in cash at Hie time of sale on Nos. 1 & 2 ; autl $230 each on Nos. 3 aud 1. anil flic balance ol purchase money ou the coulirmatiou of the sale by the Court. EDWARD HOPPER, CHAS. W. BERE3FORD, Trustees, Ac. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. April 8, ls2. VJ HERIFF'S SALE.— iiy virtue of sundry k_) writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will i he exposed to public sale ou THURSDAY, the 1-t day ot MiV. A. D. 1802, at the court house, in i'owauda, da, at 1 o'clock, p. in. the following described lot. piece or parcel of laud situate iu North Towunda twp., begin ning at a pitch piue. being the north east corner oi a lot of land formerly owned by Byron Kingsbury, thence llong tlie liueot said King-bury, north 31° west 163 pr. to a post: theuce south 004° west Us pr to a corner in a small creek, thence south 21° east 104 2-10 pr, theuce north 6'Jj° east as perchas to the place of beginn'ng.— Con ainiug lUO acres, and 152 perches, more or less, its stttveyed by Orson Rickey Feb. 111, IM7, and being lot No. 01 , iu the uid township ot t'luvera k, which was cer tided to Sliepard & Dourance, L> the < ommouweaith of Peiiu.-ylvania, excepting thcrclr uu 25 acres deeded to James Howley. al u 10 acres deeded to Samuel Hawkins, titanic 5b acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. N. Belt's use vs. lui.d utty and Jjmes Executor ot Ezra Ratty dee'd. AESO lite tulluwing lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate iu Tuwunda Borough, beginning at tlie south-west corner ot J. I). Muutaine - store ou ilaiu St.. thence ea-t ibout 54 feet, tr. >re or iess, to the west line oi Mrs. D. F. B.iratow's lot: thence south along said Bars tow's line to i'iue street, thence west to Dr. Porter's store, south-east • corner, thence north along said Dorter's west line to his N. E. corner, theuce west to Mr-, llice'a lot, thence north j along Mrs. Rice's east lute about lu tect to iter north hue, theuce west to Main street, thence north 21 leet to the ! place of beginning, it being intended to include all the j interest the deicndaui has in the store and let lately oc- i cupied by him, ail improved, one brickehutlding thereon, used and occupied as a store —the same being three sto nes high. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Burton Kingsbury vs. Joseph Kingsbury. ALSO—The billowing described lot, piece or pwcel of land situate iu Monroeton and Franklin townships.bound ed on the nortli easterly side by the public highway lad ing irom Monroe to Burlington boiough.oii the souther ly side by lands o: Joseph Hornet, J. B. Smith and the ' highway, and on the westerly side by laud ot S.iS. ilin iu an and Wm. a. i'.irk, containing 05 acres, mure or less ' übout 45 acres improved, a itameu bouse, trained bam, and Iruit trees thereon ' seized and ta ken iu execution ut the suit of Moutanye & Eliioti vs. John Il.tus zed and take? in execution at the suit of J. E. Bui- t •ck i J USE ol Wi. ' U liausom vs. oamuel B. iiolcomb& 11. F. Ruusorn. 1 ALSO Hie following described lot, piece or parcel of 1 and situate in Le Roy twp . bounded on the nurih In lands ot Eii-ha Andrus, east by lauds ot Jackson Walter I moth by the highway, mid went by lands of Jedediah Hint and Davis Vandyke, containing 3d acres, more or 1 I -s, about 20 acres improved trained house, frame burn 1 ,ud corn house, and Iruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Elezer i'amt roy \ *). M. tl- Aula .e. ) ALSO—l'he following uescriiiedlot. piece or parcel of c laud situate iu B irliugtou and North Tuwundat wu.Uips I bounded ou the north by laud ot Barna H iron and J. F. t Means, east by J. F. .Means, south by Ezra Strope and 1 highway, west by Barna lierrou, couUmiug 10U acres, I :noie or less, about 70 acres improved, framed h .use,two framed barns, cow shed and truit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. Xewell A Co. Nathan Olm-teod. ALSO.— fhe following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu 'l'owanda borough, hounded as follows: beginning on the west litfe of Second street at the corner of the lot conveyed by u. 1). Bartlett to Josiah Francis co, now owned by C'has. M. Mauville, thence south west t0 leet to a con er, thence west 3j° north i 47 feet to a corner, iheuoe north Jj J east 6Uf to the lot conveyed to Josiah Francisco, aforesaid, and IMW owned by C. M. Mauville, I hence ea-t dA° south Iff feet to the place of beginning, reserving, nevertheless, seven feet of the west end ol saoJ lot fur tire purpose jf an alley, whenever one i can he procured through to the adjacent street on the j north. Containing tiO I'eet by 147 leet, more or jless. all i improved, framed house, framed baru, and lruit trees j thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. C. Hall j and E. !. Fox to the use of J. C. Adams vs. E. D. Payne, j ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rune two., bounded north by land of j Hugh McCabe and (Tersham Towner, east by land of j Hugh McCabe, south by laud of tlugh McCabe, west by land ot James B. Lfeinouey. Containing 4j acres, more or less, a I improve ~ with an old trained house, work shop, grist uiiil, anil a lew fruit trees thereon. Al.sO— Another piece ol land situate iu Rome twp., bounded north by laud of T. S. Kinuer, east by laud of Jan.es Liyti n, south by land of Jacob Ercanbrack, west by laud oi Geo. Hortou and Chauncey Ransom. Contain ing 105 acres.be the same more or less, about 60 acres impro'.ed. 2 plank houses, 1 framed barn, an apple or chard and other fruit tiees thereon. Seized and takeu iu execution at the suit ot J.C. Adams' use vs. John Gore and Silas Gore. ALSO—The lollowiug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Litclilield twp., bound ,-d north by land of Allied Hicks, east by land of Joseph Kinney, south by land of Edward Ovenshire, west by land ot Alsop Bald win. Couiaiuiug 80 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved, with a iramed barn and a few fruit trees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William B. Clymer vs. Stephen Evans. ALaU.—The follow.ng describe 1 lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Franklin twp.. hounded north by the high way. east oy Wid oi E. <> WtUejr, MM til by the Tow.ui da Greek, weby the highway. Containing £ an acre, more or less,a 1 improved, framed house thereon. ALSO.—A nothei piece ot laud situate in Fran Win tji., bounded north by Towauda Creek, east by laud of VVm. A. Rockwell, south by laud ot S.S Hi'iman, west by land of U'esley and Levi Anderson. Containing 43 acres, more or less,about U acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William T. Mead vs. l)avid J. Beardsley. ALSO —The lollowing described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in South Cieek twp., bounded as follows: beginning at the south-east corner of lot No. 137 oi the allotment of the Bingham lands in South Creek twp., con veyed to Henry Oldtcyd, thence along the ncyrth line of lot No. 157 north west 141 per., thence along the east line of lot No. uJ, conveyed to Nathaniel Smith, nor'h J°e. s'i 3-io pr. thence along the sout i line of north part ot lot No. lad south east 141 y-It# per , thence along the west Hue of lot No. 137 atoiesaid.soJth west 56 3-10 per. to the place ot beginning. Containing 47 acres, with the usual allowance of G per cent, for roads, &c , i.e the same, more or less. It being the south part of lot N"o. 15S ol thu allotment of the Bingham lands iu South Creek twp., and part of Warrant numbered 1351, about 25 acres improved. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of William Bingham's trustees, to the use ol S Vanßuskirk vs. Sam uel S Baker. Hesal. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Canton tvrp., bounded uorth by land ex tracted to Jacob Roberts, east by the we3t line of War rant in name of John PMoe and land contracted to Sim eon M'Mahon, south by land of S. M'Muhou and Isaac Williams, west by land of T. aud S. Manley. Contain ing 62 acres,about 4 acres improved, with a"small house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Stockwell vs. John C. Craven. A LSO.—The following described iot, piece or parcel of land lituatein Troy borough, bounded north by land of Daniel Benedict, east and south by the highway, west by luinl ol B. t. Taylor. Containing 1 acre, more or less all improved, framed bouse, framed barm, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. A. Park, to the use of George Tracy vs William T. Mackney. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin twp., bounded north by the pub lie highway aud lands of Ahira Gay. south by land of M. Marslwl! and John Kuykendall, west by Madison Kny kendalt. Containing 4 acres, more or less, all improved, framed house, board -bed, and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A Rockwell vs. G. W Hoi ford and Alraira Hoi ford his wife. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu South Creek twp., bounded as follows, be ginning at the sir.th-ea.-t corner ot lot .To. 157 of the al lotmentof the Bingham lands iu South Creek twp.,con veyed to Valentine Lewis, thence along line of lot No. 13d, conveyed to Ransom Tanner, and lot No. 137, south west 72 per.. thence along the north line ol the south part of lot No. 168, north Bt-|° west 141 9-10 per., thence along lines of lot N'o. 9a, Ac., conveyed to Nathaniel S iiith. north 4° east 32 1-10 per., and north 88.}° west 52 0 10 per , thence along lines of lot N'o. 100, conveyed to Eben Dunning, north 30 3-10 per. norl'u 43° east 13 2-10 per.. aud east 03 9 10 per., thence along the south line of lot N'o. 157. aforesaid, south 884° cast 113 per. to the place ol beginning. Containing seventy-three acres and six tenths ol an acre, with the u-ual allowance of six per cent, lor roads, Ac., be the same, more or less. It being the north part of lot N'o. 163 of the allotment of the Bingham lands iu South Creek twp., and part of Warrant numbered 1381, about fifty acres improved, oue log hou-e and log barn thereon. Seized and lakeu in execution at the suit of William Bingham's trustees, to the use of S. Vanßuskirk vs. John B. Town-end. AESO—The (ollowsng described lot, piece or parcel of lane situate in Wysox township, liourtded as foil ,ivs North by land t Pomeroy Gorsline, Jr , east by laud of John Johnson, south by - the warrant line anil west by land of O. D. liartlett. Containing 65 acres more or less, about 30 acres improved and a log house thereon. • . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Martin Elsbiee's Ex.,vs (. H. Gorsline. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Armenia township, bounded as follows : On tiie muili by lands of Chus. Lyon, east by lands of Orrin Morse, south by land of Orrin Fletcher, west by land ot'Chas. Lyon Containing twenty-eight acres, more or le-s, about two acres improved ; log house thereon. ALSO—A piece of land in Armenia township, afore said, bounded north by lands ot Orrin Morse and Horace Demon, cast by lands of Li- L. Knights and J. Jerolomon, soutli by lauds n possession ol'J. Cummings and west I y lands of Orrin Fletcher. Containing sixty acres and lortv rods, more or less, about 28 acres improv d. Seiz i ami taken in excution at the suit of E. Pomeroy ; vs. Alfred Ripley. Jr. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land -ituate in Asylum township, bounded as follows : Beginning at a corner near the dwelling house formerly of Dehortii Chamberlin, now Sarah A. Emery, running north Gl° west 4 perches, theuce north 7i J west 234 perches to a corner, (atone heap,) thence south I s west 14 pert In t t i a corner ; thence south 75° east 20 perches to a corner, below the main road, theuce north 33$° east 11£ ireivhes to toe place of beginning. Containing 01 e acre aud I3o£ perchc -, more n: ievs, ail improved, one trained dwelling house, u small framed barn and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tho suit of C. L. Ward to the use of Aim E. Bull vs. Edward Davies. AlX)—The luliowing descriheu lot, piece or parcel of land situate in SinitlHicld tow nship, bounded as follows : North by land 01 Edward Fcrgiisou, t.ist by land ol John j Gellioyie. south by land of H. Heath and west by laud ! ot A. French. Containing 150 acres 111 re or less," about 125 acres imj roved, 2 framed houses, 2 framed barns ! Irained wagon house and 3 orchards thereon. A Est)—Another piece of land situ ate in Ulster town-I ship, aforesaid, bo a uded north by laud of William Mc- ' Canity, cn the'east by i ind of Edmund Lockwood and I the Susquehanna river, on the south by Edmund Eock- 1 wood and west by Ed uunj Lock wood and C. F. Welles, Jr. Containing a mut llii acres, about 60 acres iui j proved, framed house, framed barn and an orchard of, young fruit trees theeron. j Seized and taken in exeeuti n at the suit of Jesse E. | Balls , it vs Samuel B. Hohoinb and T. 11. Hclcomb. j ALSO—The i illowing described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate iu Uurliugi-m West aud Burlington Borough, bounded as follows : Being a lot of land deeded by Jas. Long to J. G. Loveland the 22d day ot February, 1545, tieginning at a .-take and stones on"the top of hill on the turnpike, i n the lute between John Bloom and said Long; thence along the line of John Bloom's lot, north 56 perch es t > a stake and stone, thence east along the line of a lot sold to 'futile to the m.ll pond 011 the Tom Jack, theacc south along the Tom Jack Creek to the head or Loveland and Long's mill pood, theuce along west side of said run some thirty rids, thence southwest to the ' tui upike road, thence along said turnpike, west 40 rods' t> tlie pta.-e of beginning, containing 15 acres be the same ■ more or less, a framed house, framed bain aud fruit trees j thereon. Pi z>d and taken in execution at the suit of 11. 15. Wil- ' he! 1 v.-. J. G. Loveland and K. R. I'helps. Al.SU—Tin: following described lot, piece or parcel of 1 ind situste in Site>heqniu towtiship. bounded a.-> follows: • North no I e Ist oy land of Adu.-o.i Beidicui.'in. -outh by laud of C. M Segar nod west by the public highway, con- i taming one and a half acres more or less, ali improved, one trained lions'- a trained Imrn and a few Iruit trees. ALSO—Another piece of land situate in .Sbeshoquin ■ township, bounded as follows : North by land of A.J ' Cole, ca-t by Find id Guy Inzer, south by land ol Eemti- ; el Kingsbury and on the west by land <•: > mtuel Marshall, ' co -Raining 55 acres more or less, about ten acres im proved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofD. vash to the u-e ot John H >lmes vs. Geo. M . Smith. ADSO—The luliowing described lot, piece or parcel of ' land silo itc iu Canton township,being a portion ola tract 1 of land in the warrantee name of Win. Freeston, said tin t hounded toiltw 1 WM) by the Tioga comty line, north by Jose-It Whitehead's tract, east by the Francis Mifflin 11 t, ari l y lands of s.iid 1 racy, iff! per dies to a post, thence norte 8s£ J cast by land lute of -Ybiram Pierce, 48 perches to a post, thence .-outh 14* 3 east by land oft'. K. Pierce. 31)8-10 porches to a p"sT. thence south 75° west 122 perches to a post; thenee south !M° east 81 perches to a post, thence south 80$° west 55 jierches to a comer of land contract ed to Albinus H. Cranmer thence north 94° west along the line of said lands, contracted to said Cranmer, 78 5-1© peri lies, to a post; thence north 88j° west 20 perches to the line of the highway leading towards Andrew Cumins, thence along said highway north 3° east 20 perches to a post ; tl*uioe north BS|° west along the line of land so contracted to said Cranmer 179 S-10 perches to a post, thence north 144° west 78 perches to the centre of the highway, thence along the centre of said highway east 42 perches, thence along said centre north 52° east 126 perches, thence north 74 east 53 perches, thence north j° cast 8s 610 perches to the place of liegiuning. Con taining 267 act us of land, be the same more or less, about 217 acres improved, two framed houses, two framed barns, two li.iy barns,two orchards thereon. Seized and take® in execution at the suit oi Hiram Car penter vs. Warren Diirand. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalusing twp., bounded north by land of Phelemon Stone, east by laud of John M Allister, Jack son Elliottood Cyrus Shumway, south by land of Hiram and I:l.sha Elliott and John Elliott, west by land former !y owned by Eben. Lewis, dee'd., Calvin Camp and Charles Camp. Containing about 500 acres, more or less, alumt 250 acres improved, with 6 framed dwelling houses, o framed barns, gristmill, saw mill, woolen factory and work shop, and 3 apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of I*. Mercur anil J. C. Adam* vs. H. B Inghim. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy twp., bounded n rtli by lands in pos session of John Salieborv. Jr..east by land of John Salis bury, Ali* lein Baxter and l>. .V. Allen, on the south by land "I 1). N. Allen, Lydia Jones. L. Baldwin and John Saddler, on the west bv laiijl of Josiah Little nnd W. N. Ward. Containing 1-32 acres, more or less, about 100 acres improved, lramed house, 2 framed barns and 2 orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles C- I'aine 7s. Timothy L >e. A Lstj. —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Asylum twp., boundc I north by land of Km ma Jane Hewi t, east by land of Jonathan Stevens and V. E. & J. E- Pioliet, south and west by the public highway. Containing JO acres,more or less, ail improv ed, one trained house, lramed barn and an orchard there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Hornet's use vs. William Cuolbaugh, 2d., and A. R. Cooi baugh. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda borough, bounded north bv land of Mrs. Hiram Rice, east by the highway called Second street, we-t by the land upon which the colored Wesley an Church stands, south by the public highway railed State street. Containing feet tront oa Second street, 150 I eat deep, and about 114 feet on the back and next to said Church lot, be the same more or less, all improved, with 2 framed dwelling houses, ono framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seisea and taken in execution at the suit of Job P. Kirby vs. James Mclntire. Hcflal. f ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of . land situate in Wysox township, bounded as follows On the north by land of Patrick Kilduff, east by land of Richard Barrett, south by land of J. M. Reed, and E. R c Myer, and west by land of J. M. Reed and ft. R. Myer.— . Containing two acres be the same m>.re or less all im j proved ; oue framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Bar „ her vs. Abraham Martin. ALSO—The following piece or parcel oi land situate tn f Smithfield township, bounded as follows : On tbe north , and west by lands of Almon Seward, south be David For rest, east by the highway. Containing two'abae*. more 1 or less, all improved, tramed bouse, cow stable, lew liuit t trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Marshall Bollock vs. Robert Mallady. ALSO-By virtue of sundry writs of Lev.Fac.will be ex f posed to public sale, at tbe same time and place, tbe tol lowing described piece, or parcel 01 land, situate in Ath j ens twp., being on the west side of the Chemung river, and bounded on the south by lands of Edward Murray .on ; the west by land ol C. Thurston and H. Williston.on the north by lands of Owen Spalding and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and on the east the Chemung river ; con ] ! tabling about 200 acres, less about 30 acres deeded to John Drake, according to deed upon record, he the same more or less, 74 acres improved, framed house and fiame ; barn thereon. 1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John J.Tay j lor vs. Chauncy N. Shipmau i | ALSO—The follow lug described lot, piece or parcel of | land situate in Athens borough, bounoed as follows, to , 1 wt 1 On the north, east and west by C. F. Welles Jr., on : ' the south by Hopkins street, being 90 feet front by 75 ( deep, ail improved, tramed house thereon. ALSO—His interest, being the one half, in village lot , > in the borough ot Athens, hounded on the north by land of Johu Drake, east by Main st., south by lands of Ed ward Herrick, and west by Chemung river ; containing about 2 acres, large framed building used as a store, framed house, framed barn, framed shed and fruit trees 1 thereon. ALSO—Another lot of land in Athens boro', bounded north by J. B. Brockway, east by Main st., south by j Johu Jones,and west by keiisof Eustis Davis, being 50 feet front, by 260 deep. AH improved, framed house | thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro, bounded north : by Wm. Kiff and others, east by Main st., south by J.B. Brockway and west by lands of M.S. Rogers, being 44 feet i by 100 feet. Ail improved, framed building used lor a Cabinet shop. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro' bounded on the north by lands of E. Ellsworth, on the west bv the Che mung river, on the south by a street leading from Main st. to the Chemung bridge and a lot belonging to the Bridge Company, and on the east by Main street ; con taining about three-fourths of an acre. All improved, framed house, small framed baru and a few fruit trees i thereon. A LSD—One other lot in Athens boro", bounded 011 the j north by lands of Satteilee, Eby Main at.,B. byC. N. j Shipmau, and west by C. N. Shipuian. Containing I atiout on-third acre, all improved, framed house, small | trained stable and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro', bounded north ■ byC. N. Shipmau, east by Main St., south by Peter Meeker, and west by C. N. Shipmau. Containing about j one third acie, all improved, framed house, small framed i stable and a few fruit trees thereon, ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro', bounded north i by Satterlee, east by Meeker & Sbipman, south by Paine : sc., and west by Wells Wilkinson Containing about j | acre, all improved, framed barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro', hounded north j by Paine and Satterlee east by W'.lk nson,outh by Paine stn et and west by W Coleman. Containing about 4 acre, j framed house and barn. ALSO —One other lot in Athens boro'. hounded on the i west by F. Tyler, 'in the north by Guy Tozer, on theeaol | by Main st.. on the south by C. F.Welles jr., containing I ten acre-. All improved. Seiced and taken iu exscution at the suit of Farmers' Union Insurance Company to use of John Saltraash vs. Cbauncy N. Sbipman. ALSO—I he ii I owing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in l.itcldield twp, beginning at the south • west corner of Wm. Saekett's lot, thence east 127£ perch ! es to a post un the road, thence south 45 perches to a post : thence west 63 7-10 perches to a post tor the east j line of Jas Park's lot. thence north 18 2-10 perches tothe j north-east corner of said Park's lot, thence west 63 2-10 | perches to a post for a corner, thence north 27 4-10 pr. to ! the place of beginning ; containing 98 acres and 159 pr. of auj, be the -aine more or less, about 12 acres improv ed, lag house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO- -One other piece or parcel of land bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake south-west corner ot a lot owned by Orson Carner, no.th 1.4° east "s 9 10 perches ton stake,thence south 89$° east, 35$ perches to a stake iu a line ot H. Garner, dec d ; the ice along said line and the line of the Morris lot, south west 7s 8 10 perches t > a stake in the line ot lot recently owned by Aaron Stone, thence along said line north -"-J 0 west3s£ perches to the pi o-e of beginning. Containing 17 acres and 67 pr strict measure, all improved, log bouse, framed bam, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taxen in execution at the suit of George Kirby vs. Alans.>n Carner and Eliza Carner. ALSO—The following described lot. pieo.e or parcel of land situate in Warren twp., with all the buildings and improvements, beginning at a stake and stones on the south sine ot highway leading trom Susquehanna county line, and by the home ot C. M. Chase to John F. Sleeper and others, in a northerly direction, the point tf begin ning, being south 44° eart.on the highway,B4 7-10 rods from said Chase's north line, thence south by said high way 1I J c.i>t 6 3-100 perches t . a stake and stones, then south 6° went 15 4-10 parches by land of Cli n M. Chase to a stake and stones, a run. thence north 14° west, ti 3-10 perches to a stake and stones,thece north 46° east 25 4-10 perches to the place of beginning. One acre, be the same m .re or less, , j v.,-am -1 win:li thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert L. L.Thurston. Henry W. Gardner & Gideon Hicks,co-part ner- under the lirm ot Thurston, Gardner, rk. Enquire at the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL A CO. B S. RUSSELL. Towanda, March 18,1862. Dissolution of cofartnkrship The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm name of W.& R.D.LANCAS i'EK, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to the late firm, are hereby notified to make payment to R. D. LANCASTER, who will also pay all debts of said firm, having purchased of W. Lancaster his entire interest in the business and property of the late copartnership. W. LANCASTER, R. D. LANCASTER. Albany, Feb. 24.1862, Hfflal. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED X LANDS IN BRADFORD COUNTY.— In pursuance of an Act of Assembly, pas*e 181 Witzell John, 14 51 200 Beck Henry, 5 15 j 414 Biddle William M., 33 23 ' 285 Baron John, Jr., 22 90 j 427 Boyd John, 34 34 i 179 Beek Henry, 14 45 200 Baker William. 16 05 156 Chapharnson Samuel, 12 52 200 Dundass Thomas, 16 05 381 Graydon Andrew, 30 66 349 Gratz Michael, 28 09 221 Gratz Hytnan, 17 72 340 Gentlewortb George, 27 29 395 Gratz Barnard, 31 74 3*o Gratz Simeon, 30 60 408 llenry Joseph, 32 73 485 Hail Charles, 38 89 388 Harmon Josiah, 31 13 414 Lloyd Peter, 33 65 437 Pennington Benjamin, 35 10 335 Patton John, 26 90 222 Read Collinson, 17 83 435 Shoemaker James, 34 93 363 Simmon:- Joseph, 29 76 425 Wilson William, 34 19 MONROE. 400 A nderson Samuel, 28 50 391 Anderson Joseph, 22 03 322 Castator Frederick, 22 04 172 Ellis Jlarcy, 12 26 97 (tray Wm, 6 90 400 Hcniptoa Robert, 38 50 50 Hopkins Robert, 3 58 200 North Samuel, 14 55 400 Sholts I'eter, 28 50 400 Shotts Frederick, 28 50 400 Shotts George, 28 50 2SO Wallace Mary, 10 95 100 Woodruff Hannah, 2 13 OVERTON. 343 Betz Henry, 44 05 343 BetzSobn* 44 05 343 Betz Joseph. 44 05 343 Betz James, 44 05 400 Bysoo Henry, 51 3e 375 Cooley Samuel, 47 95 400 Castator Harmon, 51 30 400 Castator Joseph, 51 30 400 Cooley Joshna, 51 30 343 Edge Peter, 44 05 100 Ellis Marcy, 12 83 172 Edge George, 23 06 343 Fritz Samuel, 41 05 4UO Haga Peter. 51 30 400 Haga Nathan, 51 30 400 Haga Samuel, 51 35 200 Haga George, 21 60 400 Hardy Samuel, 61 30 375 Hardy Jame3, 47 95 225 Hardy Henry, 28 04 300 Harris Ann, 49 91 400 Hillingsworth Stepbea, 51 30 100 Lad ey Andrew, 12 S3 375 Moore George, 47 95 400 Moore Paul, 51 30 393 Moore John, 49 95 200 North Samuel, 25 65 400 North Jonathan, 69 30 200 Palmer Thomas, 25 65 400 Seeley Peter, 51 30 400 Seel}- Henry, 51 30 400 Seely Joseph, 51 30 400 Side one Andrew, 51 30 400 Sicklons George, 51 30 ' 225 Siddous Peter, 28 82 75 Siddons James, 9 66 400 Temple George, 51 So 400 Temple Samuel, 51 30 j 400 Temple Peter, 61 30 ; 180 Woodruff Hannah, 23 0.0 i 121 Baker John, 15 72 450 Eckhart George, 67 73 241 Erwine •' 29 93 i 50 Gentleworth George, 6.43 1 467 Hiitzimer Robert, 69*85 i 198 Tyvout Andrew, 25 4] j RIDGBfRT. 1516 60 Carroll Charles. 1 q; 1507 63 Carroll Charles, 1 iq TCSCAKOKA. 250 Keeler John Section 41st, at the same time and place will be exposed ■at public sale, the tracts or parcels} of lands or real'estate ' designated 111 the following list, unless the taxes due un on the same are paid betore that time j * a ? P 2.2. H | J j >■ f" f-3 m £ S3 8 5 a F£ 1 £ 2 2.2 p. §.3 £ ATHENS TWT, 1859—Morrow Wm. House and Lot, 1 03' .... Mo Asa James, 32 32 92 .... Nerrnaile John, Lot 31 Park* George, 60 * 50 1 03 1860—Gorton W A. 40 40 96 .... Kain CorneliuH, 40 40 55 Watkina Win. house & lot, 1 03 ARMENIA. 1859—Fields Widow 100 100 114 .... MaumWm 50 50 309 .... Stockwell Charles, 200200 12 3u 1860—Field Widow, 100 100 436 .... Ballard FL, 80 80 240 fttgal ) .... Kvan Martin, 50 60 396 „ .... Stock well Charles. 1170 .... Houghi/Joku, 132 132 S#• ALBANY. * 1869—Boylnj;toa 00. 100 100 902 • .... Murphy Stepbsa Jr, 130 130 1172 1 .... Corson Ichabod,. 119 219 80* .... Martin John W. 200200 18 0* . .... Harm Thomas. 230 220 19 8* 1860—Corson Icbabod 219 119 8 63 .... Castor Isaac, 10 if ' 98 430 .. ignoble Mrs J 60 * 71 .... Martin John W. 200200 264 | .... Nichols Edward, 100 ® J .... O G 100 ® ASYLUM. r 1859—Macaffee Susan, 13* I*? 4 J , .... Ward C L 400 *(h? " 2( > , iB6O Macaffee Susan, 134 13* 2 00 I .... Vanderpool Heury, 70 70 X 27 .... Wearm Jacobs 36 2 34 ££ , .... Ward C L 400 *OO 13 1860-Benson John 260 60 200 775 LKBOY. 1860-Bailey Jer'h, 43 3 40 33 , .... Cranmer Perry, 50 50 50 31 I LITCHFIELD. i 1859—Gooduell Zina 50 25 25 1 eO I .... Owen# Est, 79 79 {43 1 .... Sherman LH, 50 15 35 2 40 I .... Stanlest Joseph 106 JO6 190 • .... Snyder Wm. 50 10 40 I 44 ! Drake Marcena, 27 15 12 1 03 1860—Clafflin R R 25 25 60 MONROE TWP. 1859—Corblt George, 300 300 57* .... Jackson Anirew, 100 100 6JO .... N.Y. APa IronAC.Co 400 400 760 i Naglee S. C. 250 1000 150 14 38 i Tnwanda Iron 4 C Co, 1100 1100 26 34 1860 Corbit George, 300 300 5 40 ! .... Jackson Andrew, 100 100 540 i .... Mnuuhan Dennis, 50 2 48 83 .... N.Y.APa.Iron &C Co. 400 *OO 7%j .... Towandalron & C Co. 1100 1100 29 73 OVERTON. 1859 Campbell GW. 59 50 61 .... Cuaick John, CO 6 52 60 .... Hiuman&Park, *OO 400 12 40 .... Haythoru John, 50 60 81 .... Leahy Patrick, 50 6 44 34 .... Willey John. 33 33 *9 1860—Campbell W E 300 IS 282 8 85 .... Campbell GW. 50 50 69 I .... Hinrsan A Park, 400 400 10 89 .... Hayt.horr John, 50 50 50 . McMichais Peter, 67 67 1 17 { .... Willcy John, 33 .33 49 ORWELL. 1859—8u1l Ann E. 36 3C 73 1860—Bull Ann E. 36 36 72 I .... Mathews Geo. 18 48 36 FIXE. 1859—Humphrey W 116 15 100 202 .... Vanankin A mas 149 149 1 71 1860—Vanankin Amas 149 149 1 78 BfSOBCRX. | 1859—DeLaney F.dward 2d 50 2# 29 .... Donovan Ellen 100 46 90 2 23 Wallace John 9 9 1 56 SMITEFIELD. 1859—Allen Jonathan 58 50 1 06 BealsTJ 58 60 1 27 ..... McNinny Patrick 50 8 42 128 .... Marcelus Carl 25 25 S3 .... g Pease Jesse, House A Tannery Lot IJi .... Bobbins Moses 100 16 84 2 47 Seeley Montillion 50 5 45 103 Strong John 20 7 18 66 1860—Bobbins Moses 100 U 84 1 43 SOUTH CREEK 1859—Berry John 75 10 65 2 fill .... Berry Geo 50 50 4 64 .... Berrv Joseph 50 50 4 64 B illard O P 200 40 190 3 16 Ferris Emmet 50 50 2 80 Haight Cornelius 110 10 100 8 78 Hathtway A Griffiu 443 440 46 45 1 .... Kerriok Mahlon 45 6 40 3 26 .... Leonard Valorrs 100 100 374 .... Murdoch W 67 15 52 I 55 ....... Overton Edward 63 60 1 3X .... Parybett R 50 30 20 222 Qua. ; Robert 34 34 1 28 1860— Emmet* Fee* is 50 50 1 06 .... liatimway A Griffin 440 440 580 Kerrick Nelson $64 | 64 144 ..... Kerrick F A Tubbs 3 3 28 .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 4 32 .... Preston Ebenexern 100 100 1 99 .... -Quad Robert 34 34 45 BTAWBING STONE IB6o—Sill Charles 100 20 80 J 24 SHKSUEQCIN. ISs9—Voug'ut Laurence 1 22 TERRY TWP. 1859—Brown Julius 50 56 1 60 Fessendon Theodore 60 60 1 92 .. .Wheeler Richasl 4 2 2 33 1860—lioswubauin 60 60 73 towa.nda boro. 1959—Carrier Sylvester. 1 House and Lot 59 TUSCABORA. 1859—Lacey J W 171 171 615 warren. : 1859—Morse Hiram 5 2 36 WYALUSING. 1559—McCracken Lode ma 20 2 T8 35 WELLES. 1559—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 13 20 1860—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 60 60 WILMOT. 1859—Kirbankin Charles 43 43 gf Stalford G H 65 65 79 1860—Aenta John 36 34 <3 .... Carroll Pat 63 63 1 oft .... Kenedy Charles 4/) 40 4 .... Park John 12 12 14 .... Sullivan W 62 52 62 N. P.—Notice is hereby giv