AND GENERAL. OCCIDENT.— On Monday evening last, I® ' , VS. wife Of E. BUFFING TON who resides |:i met with a quite a serious accident jjftit*® 11 limbs with arnica, when it ignited 5W *'•' , n a ,, ttin g her clothes on fire, burning her the lamp. seu '" K Krttely- g ~ CHEAP BREAD— Bread is likely to be r otne time to come, and if it is well made it is ** [ stiff of * ut if poorly made it is truly the of death." If you use D. B. De Land A Co.'s ' u\ Baleratus you will have no trouble in making bread and biscuit. **■ WANTED— At this office, A boll-dog, of y e size of anv color except " valler," snub nose, abbreviated continuation, and bad disposi- C ome when called with a raw oeef steak, L the man who steals our exchanges and W ith the boys who make our lower hall a Iv-house, to the great annoyance of the typos, jtoeri' P w - - -.MR JOHN U. BARSTOW, son of G. H. \i Vir'aols N. Y., died at that place on the prtow, ears Mr Barsto w was much tvho knew him, and leaves friends in 'his as well as in bis own com ity to mourn his loss. GODEY'S LADIES BOOR —The April , nf .his excellent Monthly is rece.ved. It is a inrcberof '' iority over alt other period ..s perfect ge . • )erceptiljle on cver y page. Its fash iZsZZ the finest ol any work in the country, and ipproscbable, Price $2 ; address, L. A. Upturn tgauFißE—The Eiraira Press of the 23d JTvs-" About 2 o'clock yesterday morning a fire 1 out 'in a dwelling house on Hewitt street owned by broke oni and occupied by two or three Jew- Km lies' The furniture, A-', was insured in different bopanfes t® the ain >unt of 52.100 the building itself LL an insurance otouly #6OO. The Eutldmg. togeth !ithan adjoining dwelling lmuse owned by HKNRY . ER, ac d occupied by DAVID YOUNG, were destroyed— - re was an insurance of #6OO on the latter building, •to insurance on the furniture. The total loss will •' exceed w id,00." IN* THROAT DUEASF. —An ex saw, in laffe days, when diseases of the throat .so prevalent, and in many eases so fatal, the use of el u salt is recommended as an effectual remedy.— fcommcnced by using it three times a clay—morning. . a and night. We dissolved a large tablespoon full of [if table salt in about h .If a tumbler of cold water— •/.hthis we gargled the throat mo-t thoroughly before id time. The re.-ult lias been that during the entire :;cr we were not only free from the usual coughs and is to which, BO far as our memory extends, we have Tajslcen subject, but the dry. hacking cough has en- R V disappeared. We at'ributed this satisfactory re & entirely to the ealt gaig.e. jcv A row mode of computing interest at nper cent, has been published, which appears simple. Mjliiplytnv piven m mbcr of dollars by the number of Jaisofimer.-t required, separate the right hand figure, ltd divide by six, the result is the true rate of interest fat webs mint o.ich number of days at six per cent— •ybis r 'eis so-imnle and so true, according to all busi nes u,an-n*j.rkat all business men should bear it in mind j; v S o - re •; process can so desired infoimatiou be tbtaiaed with so few figuies. {o*- A LAFGE CONTRACT —THE IIBNRA Citi n says —The Messrs. Halsey's of this village have con seted to fnrni commencing Tue-d..y, April Bth, 1862, at tea --■"-K, A.M., t> continue lour days arid close W.ilr a Friday evening, under the direction of Mr. J. * .srexuH, pupil oi the Normal Academy of .Music, *®seo, X. v., and of the celebrated I'rot. C'. BASSINI, *---c method of instruct ion will le followed. The sue "a which has attended Prof. TOWNER iuhis Conventions 4 • • rose. TUl.khannock, &c., give promise that this no. e of upe. ior pleasure and profit to those that 1 " The Olive Branch," and " Oriental Glee and Book" ly T.J. COOK and T. E. PERKINS, will °- "niiahH to the singers during the Convention, free of nun i e arrangements have been made to fur - - aiemben trom a distance with board, free of (targe. ' U '* J For the whole Course, including Concert, 50 each. Concert, 15 cents each. -' ll " B. s Lydia Burritt, Fanny Scouton, "* L.ley, Ada Thomas, Julia Burt. Mr. Dayton " :ttn I'omcroy, Clayton Gerould, Jos. Strange, ANOTHER MAII, ROBEER ARRESTED - a Rim, of a late date says : " Dept. U. S. Mar- I-,? , . C - ve ' te,dj y 'elated to us the particulars of the Am. C. Wright at Newport News, on Friday wilh robbing the U. 3. Mail at Corning o.i ; 7* ° f last, of a check for $255, payable to I ® er - of Lima, X. Y. Officer Elruor found the , *; "> tie First Begiraeat -V. Y. S V., in which he lauoit one month after the robbery was coramit arrned with authority from Gen. Wool, found ''' difficulty in effecting bis arrest. The accused -*• became in ol the check by gain ► t r* l ' Jat presented it for payment, dply endors- .ngerlord s Bank in Corning, supposing that it "** :ers tl)e B.tnk discovered that there was vT * Wrun i? about it, and gave information to Spe- , 11 ' en f Humphrey, npon which an indictment - "d against the accu*ed at a session of the C. S. Court at Albany, in January. Upon this indict- * ucli warrant was issued, and placed in the ' i er lilraore for service. Tiie trial of the ac returned to his regiment on bail—will take place a —neater i n May next. jicto SMjertfsemftns. TREASURER S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN BRADFORD COUNTY—In pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 13th day of March, 1815, and other Acts of Assembly, will be exposed to Public Sale, at tue Commissioners Office, in Towanda Borough, on the 2d MONDAY in JUNE, 1862 the tract* o' unsealed land described in the following list, unless the taxes upon the same are paid before that time. No. Acres. Warrantee Names. Taxes. ALBANY Towssnir. 91 91 Anderson Joseph, $lO 67 107 Barron John Jr. 12 56 78 Castator Fredeick, 9 20 60 Morris Samuel, 5 90 84 Pear Abel. 9 89 188 Roberts Robert, 22 22 193 Roberts Hugh, 23 07 93 Rush Moses, 10 85 250 Wagner Adam Harris Reuben jr. 29 05 50 Boweu Timothy owner, 5 90 BURLINGTON. •442 Sackett SH, for "61, 19 89 CANTON. 60 Brady Win. 1 59 260 Shatuer Casper, 10 14 COLUMBIA. 1107 163 Welling Charles, 2 89 FKANKLIN. 113 Cunningham D H 8 08 57 Coolcy Henry, 8 14 400 Edge Samuel, 66 50 171 Edge George, 28 40 200 Haga George, 14 26 400 Hardy James, 66 50 400 Hardy Andrew, 60 50 400 Hardy Simon, 66 60 400 Hardy Nathan, 66 50 400 Hardy Paul, 66 50 800 Ladley Andrew, 21 38 400 Ladley Peter, 67 00 3JO Ladley Joseph, 23 52 80 Norton Wm. 7 60 355 Stuart Walter, 25 42 265 Stuart Deborah, 18 89 400 Siddons Samuel, 66 50 400 Siddons Joseph, 66 50 325 Siddons James, , 54 02 175 Siddous Peter. 29 13 200 Wallace Samuel. 14 25 LEKOY. 407$ Antis llenry. 32 75 202 Beatis Frederick, 5 40 402 BownJohnJr. 10 75 337 Douglass Andrew, 29 03 407| Morgan Jacob, 32 79 413 Pleifer George P. 10 99 181 Witzell John, 14 51 200 Beck Henry, 5 15 MONROE. 400 Anderson Samuel, 2S 50 39l Anderson Joseph, 22 03 322 Castator Frederick, 22 94 172 Ellis Marcy, 12 26 97 Gray Wm, 6 90 400 Heuipton Robert, 23 50 50 Hopkins Robert, 3 58 200 North Samuel, 14 55 400 Sbotts Peter, 23 60 400 Shotts Frederick, 23 50 400 Shctts George, 28 50 230 Wallace Mary, 19 95 100 Woodruff Hannah, 7 13 OVERTON. 343 Betz llenrv, 44 05 343 BetzSohn, 44 05 343 Relz Joseph, 41 05 343 Bclz James, 44 05 400 Byson Henry, 51 30 375 Cuoley Samuel, 47 95 400 Castator Harmon, 51 30 400 Castator Joseph, 61 30 400 Cooley Joshua, 51 30 343 Edge Peter, 44 05 100 Ellis Marcy, It 172 Edge George, 23 06 313 Fritz Samuel, 44 05 400 Haga Peter, 61 30 400 Haga Nathan, 61 3d 400 i aga Samuel, 51 30 200 Haga George. *2l 65 400 Hardy Samuel, 51 30 375 Hardy James, 47 95 225 Hatdy Henry, 28 04 390 Hams Anu, 49 91 400 Hil!ing>worili Stephen, 51 30 100 Ladley Andrew, 12 63 375 Moore George. 47 95 400 Moore Pa. l, 51 30 393 Moore John, 49 95 2l)0 North Samuel, 25 65 400 North Jonathan, 59 30 200 Palmer Thomas, 25 63 400 Seeley Peter, 61 30 400 Seely Henry, 51 30 400 Seely Josyph. 61 30 400 Siddons Andrew, 61 30 400 Siddons George, 51 30 225 Siddons Peter. 28 82 75 Siddons James, 9 66 400 Temple George, 61 30 400 Temple Samuel, 51 30 400 Temple Peter, 51 30 180 Woodruff llannah, 23 09 RIOODPRY. 1516 69 Cairoll Charles. 1 04 16U7 63 Carroll Charles, 1 10 TUSCAKSKA. 250 K-eler John A Co., owners, 4 32 130 hliura way Barrow cliff owner 2 5!) oG Field Henry, 06 50 Highs Murili, 67 35 For ter James, 60 TEURT. 272 Baldwin Jame3, 11 87 237 Cortright Cornelius, 12 20 3 5 3 Cortiight John, 19 66 301 Davenport Cornelius, 15 58 231 Davenport Daniel, 11 37 WILMOT. 126 Avery Christopher, 11 01 216 Barrett Joel, 19 92 307 Carver John 36 66 104 Hoilenhack M. 9 65 104 Hoilenhack Sally, 9 65 69 Hibbard Hannah, S 26 ISO Sterling Samuel Jr. 16 63 117 Sterling James, 10 77 ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the Act ol the General Assembly,passed the 29thday of April, 1844 Section 41st, at the same time and place will be exposed at public sale, the tracts or parcels of lands or real estate designated in the following list, unless the taxes due up on the same are paid before that time. ►< . H . tzi w, jj C 3 > a >-o P*o H 2= S S ffi £ • P Ho 7 ol £5 g = £3 5.3 §. g. 3 o ATHENS TWP. 1859—Morrow Wis. House and Lot, 1 03 .... Mc Asa James, 32 32 92 .... Nerraaiie John, Lot .... Park • George, 60 50 103 1663—Gorton W A. 40 40 96 .... Kain Cornelius, 40 40 55 .... Wat kins Win. house A lot, 103 ARMENIA. 1859—Fields Widow 100 100 1 14 .... MaumWm. 50 50 3 09 ... Stockwell Charles, 200200 12 3u 1860—Field Widow, 100 100 4 36 .... Ballard FL, 60 80 2 40 .... Ryan Martin, 50 60 396 .... Stockwell Charles, 11 70 .... HoughlyJohn, 132 132 396 ALBANY. 1859—Boyington OG. 100 100 902 .... Murphy Stephen Jr, 130 130 11 72 .... Corson Ichahod, 119 119 8 04 Martin J.din W. 200200 18 04 Harris Thomas, 220 220 19 84 1860—Corson Ichabod 119 119 8 63 .... Castor I-mac, 100 2 96 4 30 .... Donohue Mrs J 60 50 4 73 .... Martin John W. 200200 264 .... Nichols Edward, 100 968 .... Boyington O G 100 100 968 ASYLUM. 1859—Macaffee Susan, 134 134 2 00 .... Ward C L 400 400 13 20 1860 Micaflee Susan, 134 134 200 .... Vanderpool Henry, 70 70 1 27 .... Wearm Jacob, 36 2 34 46 .... Ward C L 400 400 13 82 .... Welles Chas F. 149 35 135 4 94 BURLINGTON. 1559—Harvy Samuel, 67 30 37 214 BURLINGTON WEST, 1859—Bailey Nathan, 60 50 91 .... English James, 48 10 38 110 .... Hemmiugway Daniel, 14 14 26 ... Potter Harrison, 50 13 37 98 18G0-Bailey Nathan, 50 50 91 CANTON. 1859 Baxter A F 10 10 19 .... Gcggee James 40 5 35 72 COLUMBIA. 1860—Benson John 260 60 2007 75 LEROY. 1860—Bailey Jer'h, 43 8 40 33 .... Craniner Perry, 60 50 60 31 " LITCHFIELD. 1839—Good sell Zina 50 25 25 1 80 .... Owens Est, 79 79 1 43 .... Sherman LH, 60 15 35 2 40 .... Stan test Joseph 106 106 190 .... Snyder Win. 60 10 40 1 44 Drake Marceca. 27 15 12 1 03 IB6o—Clafflin RR 25 35 60 iitHJcrttfctowts. MONROR: TWP. 1359—Corbit George, 300 300 5 74 .... Jackson Anlrew. 100 100 5 70 .... N.Y &Pa Iron AC. Co 400 400 760 .... NagleeS. C. 2.50 1000 160 11 38 Tnwanda Iron & C Co. 1100 11(8) 26 36 1860 Corbit George. 300 2-00 5 40 Jacksou Andrew, 100 .100 6 40 .... Mnuahan Dennis, 60 3 48 63 .... N.Y.&Pa.lron &C Co. 400 400 7 20 .... Towanda Iron & C Co. 1100 1100 29 73, OVERTON. 1859 Campbell GW. 50 60 81 .... Cnsiik John, 60 8 62 60 .... Hinmau&Paik, 400 400 12 40 .... Hay'thorn John, AO 50 81 .... Leahy Patrick, 50 6 44 31 .... Willey John. 33 33 49 1860—Campbell W E 300 18 282 805 .... Campbell GW. 50 60 59 .... Hiuraan & Park, 400 400 10 80 .... Hay thorn John, 50 50 50 McMiehals Peter, 67 67 117 .... Willey John, 33 83 49 OH WELL. 1859—8u1l Ann E. 36 36 72 1860— Bull Ann H. 36 36 72 .... Mathews Geo. 18 18 36 PIKE. 1859—Humphrey W 115 IS 100 202 .... Vamtnkin Amas 14J 149 1 71 1860—Vanankin Amas 149 t49 1 78 RTKOBURY. 1859—DcLaney Edward 2d 20 20 29 .... Donovan F.llen 100 10 90 223 •••• Wallace John 9 9 156 BMITHFIELP. 1859— Allen Jonathan 50 50 1 06 .... Beats T J 50 50 1 27 .... McNinny Patrick 50 8 42 120 .... Marcelus Carl 25 25 53 ....0 Pease Jesse. House Jt Tannery Lot 111 .... Bobbins Moses 100 16 84 2 47 .... Seeley Montillion 60 5 45 1 03 .... Strong John 20 7 13 CO 1860— Bobbins Moses 100 16 84 1 47 80UTE CREEK. 1859—Berry John 75 10 65 291 .... Berry Geo 50 50 464 .... Berry Joseph 50 50 464 .... B. Hard OP 200 10 190 3 16 .... Ferris Emmet 50 50 280 .... Haight Cornelius 110 10 100 873 .... Hatli I way &-Griffin 410 440 16 45 .... Kerriek Mahlon 45 6 40 326 .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 3 74 .... Murdock W 67 15 52 5 55 .... Overton Edward 60 60 1 37 .... l'arvbett R 60 30 20 223 .... Qun'il Robert 34 34 128 1860—Enmett Ferris 50 60 1 05 .... Hathaway & Griffin 44 1 440 580 .... Kerriek Nelson |64 $ 64 1 44 .... Kerriek F & Tubbs 3 3 28 .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 132 Preston Kbcnezern 100 100 I 9'J .... Quail Robert 34 34 45 STANDING ETON'S. IB6o—Sill Charles 100 20 60 325 SUESHEQUIN. 1859—Vought Laurence 1 22 TERRY TWP. ISs9—Brown Julius 50 60 1 60 Fessendon Theodore 60 60 1 92 .. .Wheeler Richest 4 2 2 32 19G0—liosenbaum 60 CO 72 TOWANDA BORO. 1959—Carrier Sylvester, 1 House and Lot 59 TUSCARORA . 1959—Lacey J W 171 171 6 15 WARREN. ISs9—Morse Hiram 2 2 26 WTALCSINO. 1559—McCraclten Lodema 20 2 18 35 WELLES. IRs9—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 13 20 1860—Hathaway & Griffin 1000 1000 50 6" WLLUUT. 1850—Kiihankin Charles 43 43 53 .... Stafford G U 65 65 79 | 1860—Aents John 35 35 43 I .... Carroll Pat 63 63 1 08 I .... Kenedy Charles 40 40 4S .... Park John 12 12 14 j .... Sullivan W 62 52 62 N. B.—Notice is hereby given, that an amount snffici j ei t to pay taxes and cost will be required in every case where the 'and is sold, at the time of sale, anu unless ! terms are complied with the lands will be again exposed to safe. FRANCES WATTS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, March 25,1862. SPCI AL COURT.— Notice is hereby given that a Special Court will be held at Towanda, Hon ' R.G.WHITE presiding, lommenoiug Monday, May 19. 1962, aud continuing two weeks, for the trial of the I following caues : FIRST WEEK. ' JVo. Term. Year. 173 | 115 Sept. Iss7—lsrael Smith vs Satn'l Kellum tt al. j 470 Sept. 1857 same vs same. 119 Sept. 1856 same vaSS Bradley et al, i 430 May. 1959—Wm A Park vs Wm H Strang, i 701 " " —Matthew McMahon vs J P Horton, 92 Dec. 1858—Geo K Elliott vs J U Unwell et al. I 377 Dec. 1958—C H bhepard vs Abraham Steer.-,et al. 259 I'eb'y. iß6o—Del. late. & W. R. R, Co. vs Meylert & I 3GO " " " sam.' vs same (.Ward. 361 " " same vs same 637 May. *' A M Kirk rs A B Smith et al, 541 '• •' J B Foster vs same, 558 " " Norruan Shaw vs Jesse Spalding, I 365 Sept 1859 —M F Ransom vs David Arnold, 1 S.I'J Sept. 1859—flopnock, Mooney & Co vs Merry, [Wilbeiiuuit Co. j 915 Sept. 1859—R S Middaugli vs Archibald Forbes, i 445 Dec. 1859—Cyrus Shuniway vs (.lark Hollcnback. ] 500 " '• —Hiram Shaw et ux v.s Jonas Kilmer etal Is Feb'y. I>6o J W DennLon v- Twp of Terry, 97 " " J R Ingorsoll et al vs Tho's Srnead et al 113 " " —O P Ballard vs Bingham Rockwell el al SECOND WEEK. 146 *' •' —Farmers Union Ins Co vs SarabMyers. 319 " " Jft lugersall et al vs H S Vaughn etai 126 May. "—W B Ulymer's use vs C L Ward, 598 '• " " —C T Bliss vs Sarah Stone, Adm'x 602 " " —J It Pratt's Adm's vs D Pratt's Adm's, 168 Sept. "—D F Barstow's Adm's vs Alien McKcun 314 •• —J R McCurdy's use vs Sarah Myers Ex. 539 " " —Farmers Union Ins Co vsC N Ship man [and ter ten. 550 " " _Lac Iron k Coal Co vs C L Ward et al. 554 • " —Horace N-Leaver vs J B Foster et al, 556 " " —Shipman & Wells vs Rogers Fowler, 612 " " —J N Weston's Ex rs vs J Corson et al. 56 Dec. " —Henry Noithrop vs John J Reynolds, 342 " " —Brown k Rockwell vs H L Scott Admr 422 " •' —S W Park vs Wm Frederick. I 545 " " —Robert Haney v.s David Armstrong. 555 " " —Stevens & Burrows vs N P Bosworlhet 320 Feb'y. 1861—Wm II Phillips v.s J M B llinman. ] 3DI " " "—G M Hollenback'a use vs Francis Tyler 401 " " —Sam'l Archbald's use Tho s Page, 404 " ** —Burton L Smith vs CB i N B Chaffee. 405 " •* —Wyilis Rrownson vs Geo L Nichols etui 470 " " —H A P Peck Jr vs C F Wilson, 277 " " —Hiram Horton vs Peter Yetter, 155 May " —Henry Hibhard vs S.imuel Quimhy, 170 • " —Am Life Ins A Co vs H W Patrick 177 " * " same vs Charles F Welles Jr, 370 " " same vs George A Perkins, 371 " " same Ed II Perkins 402 " " —B C Chilson vs Asylnm Twp. 541 " " —L M Hewitt vs Z Esseltine et al, 827 Sept. 1861—L M Rundell vs Asa Slate et al, 892 " " —A B Smith vs Samuel Kellum 2d et al. BRADFORD COUNTY, SS: Subpoenas for first week returnable Monday, May 19,1862. at 10 o'clock, A. M-, for second week, on Monday, Mav 26, 1862, at 10 o'clock. A. M. J E. O. GOODRICH. Prot. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Crphau's Court of Bradford coun ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock. P. M., on Saturday, the 20th day of March, 1062, the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, late the estate of P. C. Baldwin, dee'd., situate in Herriek tp., beginning at a pine stump, thence south 85|° east 43f pr to a pos and stones, thence south Is° west 100J perch es to a post,thence north 894° west, 78 perches to a post tlience uort 214° east 7perches, thence north 3 5 west 50 8-10 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 3S acres and 13 porches. TERMS— Onc-tourth the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, the balance in nine mouths there from with interest. PENBRORE SQUIRES.} , LYDIA A. WELLS, ( Aum9 - Herriek, Feb. 26,1862. IN the matter of Partition of the estate of John Donnoliy dee'd., lale of IVyalusing township, county of Bradford end State of Pennsylvania. To Margaret and Grace Donolly : Take notice, that on petition of guardian of Sarah and James Donolly, the Or phan's Court of the county aforesaid awarded an Inquest and a Jury of inquest will be held on the premises, on 15th day of April, A. D. 1862, between the hours of 10 A 12 o'clock, to ascertain whether a piece of land situate in the township aforesaid, described as follows, can be di vided without injury to the whole, Ac. On the north by lands of Josepn Vanankin. on the east by lands of Cornelius Bump and James McCrossan on the south by land of James Boyle and Charles Summer, and on the west by John Donnoliy, Deldine Huff and Henry Nurse, containing 76 acres,of which the said John Donnoliy died seized In fee simple. A H. SPALDING. Tcwseda. Feb 18, 1862. Sheriff Jttlscellancous. Threshing Machine Agency, ATTENTION! FARMERS! TH E SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE A (IE NT ill the county of Bradford and the wighuorlug cun ties in Pennsylvania and New York, 101 E HEBT'B Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'B ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS arc too well and popularly known to need any description from me, and I will only say that they continue to do serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years <>f being the " best Endless Chain Uorse Power in use. These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region, it has no endless chain straw carrier, but separates all kinds of gialu thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvasß Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to the common Hake Cleaner now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATERS are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple sad durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY at manufacturers prices and terms. ■ For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to B.M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa.. July SO. 1361. NO COMPROMISE! XT TKB UNION BUBBLE WORKS! Located at Towanda, Penn'a. GEORGE McCABE TVTOULD INFORM IIIS FRIENDS i 1 and the people of Bradford county in general, that he has purchased the Marble Yard formerly owned by Taylor A Cash, and has added to his stock a large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his large stock before par chasing elsewhere, as lie has the largest stock ever In this county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not be troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before the corpse is buried, and who are not responsible. Come and see what you are getting. Having been in the busi ness for the last 2 T LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of ! the house, and you will invariably receive in answer : 1 he flour is po< r or the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir üblesbuy your flour iway3 at "FOX'S and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to lie bad at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of Wueat and Buckwheat Flour and I fresh ground Corn Meal, ail at low prices, at the Cash I Grocery Store. E. T. FOX. \ Jan. 23,1862. EFSCIiII, NOTICE ITX ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT 1 JL seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, I have concluded to sell Goods FOR READY PAY ! 1 believe I have as good credit-customers as any one.end | most of them prompt paying ones, but tutiire prosperity i in busines I think requires that Groceries and Provi | sions should be sold tor cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire ! to please, to still re tain ali of my old patrons. Those who are indebted to me wiil oblige me by ' settling up at once. E. T. FOX. ! I'owauJu, August 1, ISGI. X. "ST. & £. E.AXX. KOA2. IpriAXGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 4,1861. Trains will leave YYa | verly at about the following hours, viz : WESTWARD BOUND. I EASTWARD BOUND. ! Buffalo Express. .5.04 P M'N T . Y. Express... 11.4S A M i Night Ex[.ress 3.4'. ASI Might Express... 350 A M Mai! 8.03 1' \ .Steamboat Kxpress3.43 P M ! Fast Freight 9.50 A Si Fast Freight.... 9.55 A SI j Way Freight 9-15 I' Si] Way Freight 5.05 PSI | Accommodation.. 1.15 P M] The Night Express, N. Y. Express, Fast Freight eas and Fast Freight west run every day. Night Express to Sundays runs through to Butililo. but does not run to Dunkirk The Mail west remains over night at Elmira ' CHA'S. SIfNOT. Gen'l Snp't. i IVrOTICE —J. CORN has bought the en- I 1> tire stock of Beady Made Clothing. Gents Furnish ing Goods, Hats and Caps, and all the rights, title and in'erest and claims of JOHN SHLAM. and is ready to sell off his old stock ol Fail and Winter Ciothing 111 per cent, less than first cost, and he will be very thankful to all of his old and new customers, if they will give him a call. N. B. All the debtors of the establishment are request ed to tail and pay their debts to J. Corn, immediately. Remember the place—One door South of H. S. Mer cur's store. J. CORN. I Towanda, January 15, 1862. I \TOW Is THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE ill for the WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Hand in your mo i uey. : 1 will present to every subscriber a Tribune Almanac* who hands in the money before tins Ist of March. Look to your interest. Don't forget the place—The News Room. A. E.COWLES. Towanda, Jan. 28, 1662. Cheese Worth Bating*. T IT ATE RECEIVED A LARGE DAI JL rv ot Cheese from Conrtland County, as good as was I ever brought into this town. Please call and try it., it ; you like it you can buy it cheap. E. T. FOX. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSH IP The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm name of W.& K.D. LANCAS j TEU, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AH per ! sons indebted to the late firm, are hereby notified to make I payment to It. D. LANCASTER, who will also pay all debts of said firm, having purchase 1 of W. Lancaster his i entire interest in the business and propertv of the late ! copartnership. W. LANCASTER, R. D. LANCASTER. Albany, Feb. 24,1862. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By vittue of a writ of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Conrt of Common j Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, ; will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, tn the j borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the 29th day of j March, 1862, the followiug described lot, pieeo or parcel nfland situate in Towanda borough, beginning on tlie | north side of Chestnut st.. 400 feet westerly from Fourth street, thence along Chestnut street, south 82° 40ra.,wvst ! 50 feei. thence by lands of M.j C. Mercur, north 7° 20m., west 209£ fe-t to an alley, thence along said alley north ; 77° 55m. east 50 feet, thence by land of M. C. Mercur, south 7° 20m. east 2144 feet to the place of beginning, with a dwelling house, nam and lot of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M.C. Mer cur vs James S. Fausy. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. To wan da .'March 5,1862. \ DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.-Notice J\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAiIES MEHAN, dee'd., late of Towanda, borough, are requested to make payment without delay, aud those bavins claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. MART MEHAN. Feb 1,1852 A!rtrlj ifttsccllancous. jsnsqutljautra Collcgialt Institute, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY ! Ilev. JAMES Mc WILL! AM. Principal. Professor of An cient Languages, and Mental and Mora! Sciences. SAMUEL L. FISLER. A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof.CHARLES It. COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Norma! Department. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mis MARY B. ALLEN. Teacher of Vocal and Instramen tal Music. Mr.D. CANFIEI.D DAYTON, Steward. Mrs. D.C.DAYTON. Matron. The Spring Term commences WEDNESDAY,MARCH 2(1, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, PER TERM I [Payable Invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-half at the middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 4 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per lerm 8 00 N. B. Pupils wilt be classed by the most advanced branch tliev respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXTSNSES ! French 1 3 00 German. 3 00 Drawing 8 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms .of 14 weeks each. The Auniversal y exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except In case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not. as heretofore, be taught in the Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds ofthe Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest "progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term 110 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons. 50 do for practice 2 (K Pupil 3 boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., nnd the iable silver a- their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own bed and bed iing when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that stndents from abroad should board in the Institution, as bettor opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Department— Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools, Prof. C- It. COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage inteach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the Institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the hi"h repnlitation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support JAMES McWILLIAM, Principal. March 23. 1862. New and Atttactive Opening O V WINTER GOODS! AT TRACY & MOORE'S, /•VOXSISTIN3 OP A LAIIGK STOCK I Yv' of Foreign and Domestic Diy Goods, included in ' which are the latest styles of MESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Black, T7(i7c and Fancy Plaid WOOL SHAWLS CLOAKS, TURBANS PLUMES, IkC. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS SHOES, i HATS AND CAPS, GR 0 CFRIES, HARR WARE, Crockery, Paints and Oils, GLASS AND SAS f, ' Also, Fine, Coarse ana Solar Salt. Towanda. Nov, 20, 13G1. TRACY & MOORE. LATEST FROM W. A. R. W. A. ROCKWELL is again on hand with the first New Goods of the Season ! DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, I PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. LEATHER, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times wiil not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we feel confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Sept. 25.1861. VOCAL MUSIC. JK A MUSICAL DRILL AND COX VENTION. will tie held at the M. E. Church, in Ulster, commencing on Tuesday, March 18, 18G2, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to continue four days and close with a Concert. on Friday evening, under the direction of J. G. TOWNER, pupil of the Normal Academy of Music, Geneseo, N. Y., assisted by good Pianist. Instructed giv en according to Prof. C- Bassini's method. " The Olive Branch," •'Oriental Glee" and "Anthem Book." by T. J. Cook and T. E. Perkins, will be furnished to the sing ers, during the Convention, free. TERMS -To the whole course, including Concert, 50 cents each. Concert 15 tents. W.C.EVANS. WM. RIDALL, WM. RIDALL, Jr. C. HOVEY. Committee. Ilnstoance7 THE undersigned has been appointed llie A gent of the Insurance Company of North America, located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks, in town or county. This Company is one of the oldest in the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has a capital of $500,000. and is managed by a board of Di rectors of the very highest character for honor and in tegrity. All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are as low as those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring in this Company may test assured that they can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case of loss. B. 8. RUSSELL, At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL & CO. _March 18,1562.—ni1-tf. tpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- JLJ by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN NORMAN, tlec'd, late of Springfield twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC N. COOLEr, CALEBS. BURT, Feb. 12, 1862. Executors, j JJR IE DF RUIT, GOOD BRIE!) AP'LgS, Blackberries, Raspberries and Whortleberries, cheap at FOX'ao TTTANTED !—SHEEP PELTS AND 1 T WOOL, for which the highest price la cash will be paid at JJ 1 . Jii. —I- 1 I--AJ LIB BIRTLETTS' lEW IROIWORKS TOWANDA, PENNA. TIIE Subscriber beg* leave to call the at tention of the public to the fact that he ban enlarged hi* motive power and purebred and act up additional machinerr, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, bo that he is now prepared to execute or ders for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. He has at his works al! the PATTERNS in uae by the late Arm of Win. H. Pbiliips & Son ot Elmira N. Y., and has aiso added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL IROXS furnished for Grist Mills. Gang, Gate, Circular aud Muley Saw Milts, besides STEAM ENGINES f different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kind f Castings or Machinery in common uae. Steam Fittings such as Steam Pipes, Elbows, Ret am Ee "ds. Reducers, Couplings, Globe- Fa Ires, Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Oil Cups, IVhistles, fr. always on hand and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS ot any siz or kind wanted. Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook ing and Heating Stoves of different arzes manufactured and for aale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand. Persons who want GEARING of any kind are informed that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than auy other concern in this part of the country. They would be quite sure of Hading among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay and expense in getting sip work. He makes also a large variety of Pulleys, Ralanb# Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Guintners, Thimble Skeias and Pipe Boxes, iron Pence, Caldrons, Plows, &C. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with Jthe design ot being able to do any job which might be offered, whether large or email. i:i short his effort has been to get up in ail respects a first diss establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid lor Old Pewter aud Brittania. Works situated on Main Street near Barclay R. R. Canal Basin. o.l>. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 11. ISCI. Prop' ietoi. GREAT BARGAINS! From 53, 000 to S4OOO Worth or Fashionable Furniture! ro rs SOLO IMMEDIATELY* Having bought recently the Athens C; hi net Ware Rooms, And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor. P.. M. WELLES, it will be sold fc CAS3 AT PANIC PRICES. trrUIE STOCK IS LARGE JL acd very complete, has been well selected, and is well adapted for the wants of the country. N.B.—ft is a common remark made by visitors to this establishment, " Why, I had wo idea you bad such a large "and splen did assortment of Furniture. I have seen nothing like it short of the city.'' We have BEDSTEADS from ttfiO """■VSI anJ upward* COTTAGE and other y CHAIRS, in great variety, from $4,00 &' to $25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 J3r _ S upwards, and Everything: else in t^oportion. In every style, piee and price, to suit the means and taste of any and Vu customers. s,f Call and see wot sfe-ck. Athens, Pa.. July 24 18C1. F. N. PAGE. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY DESIRABLE STOCK OF * Fall and Winter '(jothing t FOR MENS & B0Y : 3 WEAR, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, ! Id all colors and sizes, for the present season, which 1 am offering at ASTONISHING LO W PRICES i All those wifihing to get good bargains may call at the CLOTHING STORE M. E. SOLOMON, No. -2 Fatton's Block, i TOW-AJSTIXA., 1? A AK-CTHER I SEW ASD DESIRABLE STOCK or WINTER GOODS! AT TRACY & MOORE'S. Towanda. Jan. 1.15C2. 6o Toirs FRISK GROIIKD FLISTIR, FOR SALE AT WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. Towanda. Jan. S. 1861. ADM INISTR ATO Rsli OTICE —Notice is herey given, that all persons indebted to estate cf Henry Ransom, late of Orwell twp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those har iug claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. v , . WM. RANSOM, Adm. March 11,1862. FINE ASSORTMENT OB' GROCERIES t FAMILY StPPLIKS, Tea than can't be beat, the best black Tea in town, also ISugar. Codec, Soap, Fish. Pork, and almost everything n the Grocery line, for sale cheap at KOX'B. PRINTS & DOMESTICS. The cheapest in tie market, for cash at MiojyrT.A.isr'Y'Es, (Corner of the Public Square and Main Street.) THEY OFFER FOR SALE MERRIMAC PRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cts. Per Yard, And other Goods in proportion. The pnblio are invited to call and examine for themselves. All parous knowing themselves Indebted over six months, will do well to call and settle. MOKTANYBR. March IT, 13