JTF WAAR PER INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. XOWAXDA: Jtarsday Morning, March 13, 1C62. MARCH. BT BAIORO TAYL3R- With rushing 3V ind,gloomy The dark and stubborn Winter dies; Far off, unseen. Spring Dmitly crioa. ""^,,1 Bf streams .till held in icy snare On Scut'.rein hit; sidet. melting .-ire. O'er el* t'>- m T™ !?'=' Tkat lhe duß,rful *' T ' March! What though conflicting seasons uiako The days their field, they woo or shako The sleeping lids of Liie awake. And Hooe is strouger for thy sake. March ! Then from the mountains, ri'ubed with saow, Ou.e more thy rousing bugle Glow ! And Ea-t aud West, and to and fro. Pro. aim thy coaling to the foe : March c a -: the picket, cliiUed and numb, Sav to tiie raiup'simpatient hum, Sav t L.e trumpet and the druui: I.ift up your hearts, I come. I come ! March I -\ to the waiting hosts that stay I 0o - tally sea -ids. far away , >•< l.trsliy isle and gleamin? bay, Where Southern March is Northern May ; March ! Aacouuoe tii.. seif with welcome noise, \V!:cre Giory's vi. tor eagles poise \- iv the proud, heroic b<>ys Of lowa and Illinois : March ! Then down the 1 >ag Potomac's line Sh ■ t iiKe a storm i>n liili* of piue. "I ran. sis nog and bay j mis shine : •• Advance! vue CUlefUn's eaii is mine : March I" vjlisttllantons. Sut Lovegood's Dcg. " Boy-, 1 '.ever told cay ou ye ove my dog W.-ope, C: 11' .V Not, tint as we knows on ; you ve . icti /> o g-o in all yer doings that we cau't a. aJiic; what dog scrape you •V'c.l, 1 iutan old 'Stuffgut." D.d cuy ou i'. eve." see 'tui P I Wvil, ye missed a site. lie wur a powcr . Jog, an aouietimes ye'd think that he wur ior three dogs, if ye'd see hitn eat ; not a uutiu ove his tail, for he had'nt env. W hen *ur a pup, Dad, dnru bun. took him tu :t tw-cutter, jniued his stern elost up to the me of the cussed gullotiu, and fotch down le nife, uud there lay t'ae whole tail iu the uft, like a letter S, and here rua the pup u a/ing like a hound, and his staru looked iikc u'd hasted ripe looiutis onto it. Vt ell, il .langed his looks m.tely, and his natur more t j* as to Lis looks, rite onto tiie spot where - tail orter staid, tlpgg grow J a bunch ove J, ash cuiiured bristles, what puiied every it;, liae onto a split broom with the rappin . lease, and rite ;n the midil ove all Luis hssej looking patch ove bar, the pint ove his sea bone, kivt-red with a gnstil, stuck out £t .ij api '.giu's aig. caze he sot orto bit aiiich Well, the affair looked uii'y sassy .:i tie i.ke, eny how, purticolarly when he a strut:iu up to a big strange dog tu stncil j.-'i h:.a It taade his stam look hier thau hts i tiers, purpendicalar aud squar ;an he bed - *y ove walk.u slow and solemn, like I've i-i young fellers do at camp meetin when ap .'Mohin ove a gall at a spring with thar stud o- ose ou. agwiae sorter sideways aud uiity erfu!. I've seed little hogs go through the it; motions, wuu in a peach orchard and the *:in a lane, when they thot they wauled -it*, and wad a dun it but for the fence '.it war utwecn em. I never found out that *vt:good for euy thing but to keep bred -a m-jii i.u, and meat from spiiin ; and when k vaated to how glad, as he bed uo -Ca.il to e wagged his hole staru and his hind si.ppcu about oo the ground, sorter like a ...a:.. gal walks wbeu she thinks some fel- icckiu at her. He vrur cuiiured adzactiy 1 itwidsadil skirt, and he curried his a " -4 atoa in sort of coek, like unto a mule's * . -^,. ret ] 4 H e 'j whiskers round his a Li- hiue tegs Aod must have had * --..ve cQushiuce fur Ite war the xeMttii coos;ttaneei dog I ever eeed iu my Nov n ;alii> natur, you couldn't uever v " 3 "j:o any thing you wanted tu, aod ; —h.o off of anything he got atter &soa accivd. He war skeered all the i;,i - >tud ready to rna orto steal as the "- e --t't be ; and takin bun ahogethar, T **jasttke r.te sort fa dog to belong to a*: *artr. a d>ro, and orter been killed - tr 5 "-I 1 " °pen. t '' eli . S.uff Got, he followed nc to town t "" "ji-.'ust care I didu't want bias to ; and *-. #ur getun ua a bed of steam at the ' --" r T. ne .-tarred roau tewn on a steeling ;Wt'on ore bis own, and like hts cassed got hc and skvre half try.ng. and in less oor no l.tae at I ted giu niiself ashake in the doggery, cored the whiskey in me slosh. I ksowed - - my load aUiard, so I corn oot inter the ;i ~ the—fust ti>ing I seed he cum a * i';*a the street fifteen times faster tbau * • -ud rau, ji>t a blowin of hisself, his * -*t onto b.s neck, and his bristles ail a '-.Bck pearch's top fin, his eyes shut j*. ~ oa a ?ort ° Te ,ar " • ..~ i " oa * er steingi, sorter like the set Dad t *aen he acted boss, and he war hauling old stage lantern and it filled with wet . 504 afire. Now the sparks and 1 1 c acd tee dn* ao ratHn, and the £' JifHla int-m " s'ia -aas adt co f 1 CV~ > * i ffcf ' mtH {mi* bujiiusd )wl ? rUtad oildoq j oaerirmK wfJ 1? Juc* ,iwJnGD lBC?:in r* dwe ' | Hp}" '• * *'T THE BRADFORD REPORTER. youlin and growlin und barkin, and the eighty* uine or ninety dogs ove all kinds what wur a cbasio ove him made sum seaashun. Well— it did. Whew w-w. When I seed hiui pass without nowiu me, I thought ove dad's Lornet tribilation, aud felt there wur such a thing as a retributmo at last ; aud then I got mad, and looked for sum one to veot my rath on, and seed a long-legged cuss, sorter of the Lovegood stripe, with his hat cocked afore, sitting a straddel ove a boss rack, a swinging bis legs and a staging— " Rack back Davy, daddy shot a bar ; Shot ! iin m the eye, ami never tech a bar.'* " 1 seed it wur my best chance to breed a lite, so I jest lent him a siataeriu calamity right whar his suout began a sproutii; from atweeu his eyes, with a ruff rock aboat the siso ove a goose aig. It fotcbed him ? He dropped ofen the boss rack, but hit a jqurrel ho't on the pole with his paws and hine feet and buug hack douu. I jumped bead fust through atweeu his belly and the po e ; my left broke his holt, and we cum to the ground a fitio, me ondcrmo--t, and tarned heads and tails. So I shut my jaws onto a mouthful ove s:euk. Lie fit tuucly for the chat ces he lied, but I soon seed he hod a cross ov.j bar in liiiu, for lie couldn't stan tiekliu behine, if it be called tiekliu at all ; for every time he got his hitie legs onder hitn, he tried his durndest tu jump loose, but my holt hilt, and we would take a ui>t position ageu. 1 thot OVE a box ove matches what I Led iu my pocket, so I fetch the hall boxfui a rake on the gravel, an stuft eta alt a bluzta icter one ove the pockets in his eoat tail. New mind he knovred nirthiu ove the-e pereeedinErs, fur his miml wur exer cised powerful about tbehurtiu L wur a iielpin Li in to behine. I kuo.ved he'd soou show strong signs ove waatin ogo So the fust bi;r rare he fotch arter the fire reach his side, I jest let ray mouth fly open—so —an he went ! hi;) hole (ale iu an awful blaze. " Rite here, boys, I must teli von somethin I d : dn't know myself, or dura me if I hadn't let him beat me inter poultis uforu I d sot him afire —l'd seen him darned fust. He had two ponds of gunpowder in to*her pocket a takin home to a shooting match. " Well, he aimed to rnn past a tin peddlin wagon, whot *in a sUodin in the street With a lust rate set ove old live ooues atween the shafts, while the Yankee was in the dupery a firin up to tcave tona. Just as he got to the carryall, the powder eo'ch fire, and soon arter went off : and so did he, head fust, fro? fashion, rite throo the top lode ove tin war He lit u raaning, ten foot tottier side. His coat tails wur blowed off tu his shoulders ; the bine eend ove his gallu-ters wus rapp. d roan his nevk : the tail of bis shurt wus up in the air about thirty one feet, and still a rizin, bluz in 1 ke a koaiit ; his britches buns' loose ou the front side, like onto a foiked apurn, while the sittin part ove them was blown to. kuigdoni cum, aadb so war every thing else belongia tn that region ; while his back wur as black as a s'tle ove npper lether. It rained tin buckets, and pepper boxes, and pans, and stage horns, all over '.bat suett for taore'o two minutes and a half. " Now that explosion, and the tin war a ratlin and a rainin, made a rito smart aais, specially ove a still day ; in fack, enough to wake up the old boss bones, and gin him the idear that he'd best tu leave town quick, so he laid his ears back, and straitened out his tail, and shot, lie made kind lin wood ooteu the wagon agin a sine post, and then bo tuck bis self to the woods, stretched out about twenty feet long, and not nior'u three feet high 011 the withers, with about enuff harness stickin tu bitn to make a collar for a bed cow, Thar wus WUR cussed nutmeg ma kin Yankee broke plum up, and I'm darned glad ove it. Old Hack liack Davy, the ho->- rack man UQ ide for the river, and 1 lollered tu see tf he haunt drownded hisseif ; but LO sir-e e ! Thar he wur, about the middil ove the river, a swimmin fur tother side, j st a splitting the water wide open, and bis ousted britches lees a boating arter hiiu. He looked over bis shoulder every other lick, as if he specteu tu see the divil ; his face wur as black as a pot, sept a white ring roan his eyes, and the Smoke wur still risiu from among the sturop6 ore bis burnt bar 11.a bed, boys, iu that raver, was the ugliest, scraiesl, and sav.dgest site 1 ever seed or spec ,tu see iu this world, eny how. 1 drcauis ove it yet ove nights, and it skares the sweat outer rac. I seed a lot ove felhrs a fisbin ondcr the bank so I thot I'd belp him o:i a liule faster, so i noiiered. 'ketch ike murderer, five hun dred dullard abd a Dig bosa reward. He's R.Jed a womua an utne cuiiureu, and 1 spec a dog and like tu w hip another plum to deth.' They jumped inter thar canoes an tuck arter h;m. opening on hw trail like a psck ove bonus. The last I eve- see-ove him he wur a rackiu up to the Luther batik, on his all four, and looked miudy like an old bar tliat had cum out ove a burrykane. He still kepi up bis lookiu ' back, and *1 spect wus the w u.-t skeered man In i the wurhl. and it he aint ded, he's running yet ! The idear now begin to soke throo my har i that owiu to the fuvi atoff-tiut and he had raizt-d, that perhaps I d betier scout lest they moot want uie. to I left :Q a smart trot, and got on old Stuff's trail. It wus like a wugOn ' had been drug epside down by a par of runa way mules, and dy grass, and leaves, and in sum places the fences, wus sot on tire. lit tuck to the mountains, aud turned wolf, and tuck to the trade ove sheep ki'fiu Foriivio.and the hole settlement is new out arter his skulp. That trip tn touc, like the cuttin box lies •changed his diaper-it ion agin, ull showin the powerful changes that kiu be made even n a t dog I cum outen that scrape perty well, yet I bed tu show the family aispersiuou ta make d d fools ove tb&r sefs " •' How, Sot ?" " Why, I ought to have toted off a lode ove that permtscus tin war." A jolly old doctor said that people who , were prompt in their payments always recov ered IQ their sickness, as tbey were good cus j toraers, and physicians cooid oot afford to lose 1 tfcetn A good bint and a seusrb'ia doctor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. 0. GOODRICH. Abraham and Sarah. " And he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and lo' three meu sti-od bv him. * * * Aud he said, my Lord, if ! now 1 Lavs found favor in thy sight, pass not away, i * * * And 1 will fetch a morsel of Bread, aud com j fort ye youg heart* ; alter that ye shall passoa.*' Upon one of the cold, dreary, raiuy Satur , days of the last mouth, the 76th Regiment of i New York Volunteers, arrived in this city, after a cheerless night ride down the Hudsou Rtver Railroad from Albany. By some slight accident one of the trains was detained, with j all the priucipal officers, while the other train, full of hungry meu, arrived at Thirty first , street in time for a late breakfast, but with I little prospect of breaking it, for they had uo ' one to move them forward, and the orders of their officers, which a soldier's first duty to obey, were to await orders at that point; and : tbt re, till after teu o'clock, in cold cars or up on cold pavements, they did wait, tantalised with the thoughts cf being vpou the very threshhold of plenty, but un