lOCAL AND GENERAL. The 7 3 10 interest coupons on tbo ... loaD . due February 19th. will be paid on de uhe oßice of LAPOKTB , M ASON A Co. TI • A XATIONAL LOAN* —The Coupons of the notes, due 19 instance, will be paid on ' ,t the office of the Government Agency, at the House of B. S. RUSSELL A Co., in this place. Br MADILI.'S office day in Towanda .Tlftcr be on Saturday, at his Drug Store, at which .frill be prepared to make special examinat ons % e condition of all sick persons who may desire to of charge. gA. GODKY's Lady's Book for March is Uv on hand, is freighted, as usual, with choice matter and beautiful Fashion Plates. This Magazine has few equals, and is considered ffthe ladies the ne p'us ultra of literature and fash -15,0 Vddress, L. A. GODEV, Philadelphia. -c V RELIABLE CONCERN*.— Reader we ' e vou from personal knowledge, that D. B. De *1 Co Chemical saleratus can be relied on as Uuog , tlv oure healtbv and uniform in its results. The ebors are aNo reliable men. who have, by integrity KS*ranee; built up a mammoth business within ' ' nas t Try the saleratus and prove our words ,few jears p • - ba n wholesale and ime for yourselves. It u for saie - u stail dealers in the country. Hcxors OF tiie Wak.-U is said that n with strong propensities wil: instinctively exhibit C \„ under singular and even funny circumstances. As .tan.e of this. FLOYD, the thief, at Fort Donelson, cesation of hostilities, finding nothing else to "stole atony or, in otner words stole a march. "iHiKSsrEABE REVISED.-Richard cried " a horse, a *._ my kingdom for a horse!"' Gov. W ISK, at the bat ' , Roanoke Island, acting, if not a wiser a more eco . aical part, only cried for 44 Nag'l Head." k "°Thc most flactuatiug price now quoted in the re - U PRICK of Missouri. It is thought, however, * .'f v rrment Stocks would hold firm if PEIGE(s) were (! t so S.'kic jj-Som? wicked wag perpetrates the fol '( on MISS SEIDELL. JV girl stool on the steiiiir's deck. I When men in arms were thick around, And from Jacinto's threatening sides \ score ol cannon on her frowned, bhe hade them leave her father there- She challenged 'hem to do her hurt- She madly laid her bosom bare, And fearlessly exposed her— in A man mean enough to perpetrate the above, is enough for an Army contractor. ■*3-Saturday last, Washington's Birth r was duly observed in this place. In the morning i-urs and Stripe-, were hoisted in the most public raof town, giviog our village a very patriotic appear it 2 .Tdock in the afternoon, the lie lis ofthe different - hts and Court House were rang, and our citizens cabled at the Court House, where, according to pie is notice. Washington's Farewell Address was read.— Court House was beautifully and appropriately dec rated with fiaga and pictures, and densely crowded ,th people. Th- me ting was organized by calling Hon. U MER u the Chair. Upon taking the Chair Judge M EH •rude a brie.' but pointed speech, which was froquent i n lauded. We will not attempt to review his speech ■ *b-e it to -uy it was patriotic and appropriate to i xision. ;r. B. J. DOUGLASS was then called upon and offer Hi'"vent payer, invoking I'ivine aid lu restoring oor -tr.ictcd country to piece and prosperity. r Ward, Esq., then came forward, aud after a few ninary remarks proceeded to read Washington's veil Address, which was ably read and well received ~r audience. lirtial Music—the Phesheqnin Band—was in atten 'and enlivened the occasion with appropriate airs, the evening the Court House was beautifully illu ,ted, and able and patriotic speeches wore made by :E Mekcur, C. L. WARD, E. SMITH, 11.I 1 . D. MORROW, . fibers. •s-ss a very pleasant and interesting affair, and pass sJ to the entire satisfaction of all present. The exertions put forth l>y the Indies j.fir.t.ti inruish supplies for the invalid soldiers ■ irtr,;..: perhaps second to those o." no other coun aS'Ate. Almost daily, Hospital supplies and cloth -el • i to the Sau&lary Commission from some tin- maty, and yet n > grand display ov 44 flour ' trumpets" ii made to Bera'd the fact forth to the : el: tpublic praise aud approbation. T'u-y work r: the principle of not 4 * letting the left h*nd know ■ I i wtb."content to receive only the is and prayers of those whose comfort and heaitli ■ ii ted by their unwearied exertions. letter trom Col. M AXWELL, is forwarded r publication by E. K. STKVITNS. of Stevensville. Ipe it a place in our columns, with pleaiuß HEADQUARTERS 57th REGIMENT , P. V.) CAMP MERGER, Feb. 1,1862. j i ladies cf Stevensville, Bradford County, Pa : *ith a hc.irt full of gratitude that I ackno.vledge - "lit of ;i box from you, tor the use of the Hospital ■•'K-'/iment. All it contained were articles which * *-■ c.l now. will be when we get into the field. 1: • HI a Camp, as furnished by the Government, i "able pla.es for volunteer soldiers who were ac- Jtui to the care of a mother, wife or sister, in time r itdico could visit ray hospital, and see the poor lx ' : VJ the artiHe • you have so kindly sent for ' " v ,tr ■ their sparkling eyes, and hear their rent!*-of - GOD bless the ladies," you would feel 'i *tre repaid for the trouble of nrepari ig them. * i yrmit ine, on behalf of this Regime it, to re - for vo ir kindness, praying that GOD will * one ami all of Voa, ■ ttiaaio, with great respect Your taosl obedient, M. MAXWELL, Co'.. Com. '-* OF RAC TEACHER;;' ASSO VArS"v£NS V ,LL £ .— Feb. 14, 1862.—Association teir-p. s t one." The President not being i. r Bf"BBucK was called to fill the vacancy. J 1). Cook. andMisa R. F. Vaughan , v ■ nted a Committee to prepare a programme ■ ,,r the Association, and they accordingly ' J rt which was accepted. The Business Com 'Bappearing. O. F. Young offered the following vetion h 1 -tat it is the duty of the School Directors to l -'. f V." e , Sp , lr - 1 a! '"tent of the School Law, to its fj'thfuUy. That they should be compeil k' -' J ; nit -ftion of the law in regard to text- r ls twit as any other. i . ' )scr opened the discussion, setting forth the t ' ■ '"'-'-Bee of a want of uniformity in tuxt-bcoks, |s • '8 Cut Directors have, by law, the control of , an< * -hou'.d be compelled to do their duty.— i ® s chool law, and said that the failure b, - e Attributed to it, arose from its imjierfect cx '•"H.uned by O. W. Stevens, O. J. Cirabbuck, i . " 1 The latter gentlemen urged further, ' • : w necessary and oral teaching cannot k r Are —that uniformity could only result from I a single man, or an organized body, Legislature had wisely vested the pow i;r,-that almost any bock is good enough Nit j,* ~ a:oe • hence the object will be wellaceom ae I' rectors act with decision, according to 1 JU,l ßm*nt. v oun 3. Jr-, and C. M. Hints,opposed - rhy tontended that want of uniformity rtlac t,ecn represented, since all 1 the text-books, on any branch, contain nearly the same I principles—that oral teaching may, to a great extent, I I take the place of book-study, and that the head of the I properly qualified teach, ris the best text-book—that ! Directors are generally not competent to the task of I making a selection, aud that under the present law they cannot be compelled to do so. The resolution was laid over nntil next meeting. O. J. Chubbuck retired, and O. W. Stevens, one of the standing Vice Presidents, took the chair. J. B. Durand read, in his usual appreciative style 44 Locksley Hall," a selection from Tennyson. The following was proposed : Resolved, That teachers have no right to U3O corporeal punishment on their pupils. On motion of Dr. Crandall, it was amended so as to read— Resolved, That it is inexpedient for teachers to use cor poreal punishment on their pupils. Dr. Crandall. 0. F. Young, O. J. Chubbuck, J. B. Du j rand, C. M. Hnes, G. N. Dewo'.f, Rev. D. Cook, N.'Young Jr., W. H. Humphrey, Dr. Lacey, E. Jones, E. Wells and W. H. Thompson, participated in the discussion. Not withstanding the fact that the subject is old, and perhaps threadbare, the remarks did not seem commonplace,and the interest was well sustained throughout. The discus sion took a wide range, aud sever.'! collateral matters were touched upou, such as whether a teacher could gov ern well by remaining in his easy chair—whether corpo real punishment should be inflicted in the presence of the other pupils, or after the close oi the school, Ac. This resolution was also laid over. An expression from theaudience was called for, and was strongly against the resolution. Ou Friday evening, N. Yonng, Jr., delivered a lecture on the Growth of the Mind, which was well received, and listened to with marked attention. It was followed by a declamation 41 Humbug," by John Keeney, and another declamation 44 National Education," by Charles Andrews. Saturday morning, Mbs Elizabeth Jones read a selection " Life's End," which was followed by an original decla mation ' 4 Perseverance," by C. K. Canfield. J. B. Durand reported the following resolutions which were adopted by the Association : Resolved. That the cordial thanks of this Association be tcuderi-d to the citizens ot Stevensville, for their mark ed hospitality in providing for the comfort of all visitors from a distance Resolved, That we also tender our thanks to the trus-1 tees of the Church, for the use of their budding—to the j choir for their excellent music, and to all those who have by their intellectual contributions, added to the interest ot the occasion. j Resolved, That we sincerely regret the illness which has prevented the attendance of Prof. Coburn, whose presence in times past, has given so much encourage ment to the Association. A. B. Bartlett proposed the following, which was adopt ed, on the part of the citizeus : Resolved, That we tender our thanks to this Associa tion, for the favor they have conferred by holding this session in this place—that we will always extend to the < .fuse of ed .cation our cordial suppovt, and we invite this Association to draw largely upon our hospitality whenever it can be made convenient. Adjourned to meet at Litchfield the second Friday in | May. ' H. KEELER, Itec. Sec. Towanda, Feb. 22, ISC2. THE TWENTY SECOND OF FEBRUARY AT TOWANDA The late hour at which the proclamation of the President was received, prevent: d, to a considerable degree, as extensive arrangements as would otherwise have been made for the commemoration of the birthday of the immortal WASHINGTON, at this place. At two o'clock p. M. the Church bells, and other bells of the town, announced in long aud merry peais, the as .e nbling of the people at the Court House. The meeting was largely attends, much of the space iu our large Court room beiug filled by ladies. The meeting was opened by calling to preside, the Hon. Ulysses Slcrcur, who, on taking the chair, thanked the meeting for the honor conferred on uim, and in announcing the object of the meeting alluded at length, in most eloquent and glowing terms, to the deep interest felt by all true and loyal people upon this occasion, in view of the moment ous condition of our beloved country, aud the late glori ous victories of the Union army. After the appointment of G. I). Montanye and W. C. Bogart as Secretaries, an appropriate prayer was made by Rev. B. J. Douglas.— C. L Ward. Esq. by invitation, then read in an impress ive manner, Washington's Farewell Address. Never, | perhaps, were those almost prophetic words of that ira- I mortal man, listened to with more profound and intense j interest, than now, as they fell from the lips of the 1 reader. After the reading of the Address a committee was ap pointed consisting of W. C. Bogart, William Elwell, J, C. Adams, G. F. Mason, and 3. S. Rusaeil Esqs., to pro cure materials and to illuminate the Court House during the evening. It was also resolved that this meeting ad journ until svening. There was a large attendance in the evening. The Court House was brilliantly illuminated, and the Court room embellished with the glorious Stars and Stripes.— ■ Portraits of the 44 Father of his Country," and the grsat LAFAYETTE, and pictures of places and scenes associated with the times of these illustrious dead, were conspicu ous to remind us of their virtues, tlieir patriotism, and their sacrifices in founding this great Uniou, which trai tors with unholy efforts are now attempting to destroy. The illumination iu front of the Court Hou-c, emtiiomatic I of the Red, White, and Blue, elicited mnch prube, aud ; reflects great credit upon J. F. Bender, Esq.. who design ed and prepared it. The meeting was presided over iu the evening by Dr. Charles Turner, assisted by II.S. Ifercnr and Col. John F. Means as Vice Presidents. Ad dresses were delivered by E. T. Eliiott, Esq., Hon. U% Mercnr, Col. Elhanan Smith, Harry Ward, P.D. Morrow, C. L. Ward. Esqs., and others, all eloquent and glowing with patriotic sentiments, an l with three rousing cheers for tire Union and the Constitution the meeting passed off", all feeling grateful that we still have a country to love and a will and power to preserve it. iiftn aubnTisnttfitts. VOCAL ravsxe- A£M, A MUSICAL DRILL AND COX MENTION, will lie held at the M E. Church, in Ulster, commencing on Tuesday, March 18, its 62, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to continue four days and close with a Conceit. on Friday evening, üßder the direction of J. G. TOWNER, pupil of the Normal Academy of Music, Geneseo, N. Y., assisted by good Pianist. Instructed giv en accordiug to Prof. C. Bassint's method. 44 The Olive BranWi," •' Oriental Glee" and 41 Anthem Book." by T. J. Cook and T. E. Perkins, will be furnished to the sing ers, during the Convention, free. TERMS -To the whole course, including Concert, 50 cents each. Concert 15 cents. W. C. EVANS. WM. RID ALL, WM. RIDALL, Jr. C. HOVEY. ' ■ , . Committee. IN the matter of Parthian of the estate of John Donnolly dee'd., late of IVyalusing Unvntkip, count;/ of Bradford and Stale of Pennsylvania. To Margaret and Grace Ponolly : Take notice, that on petition of guardian of Sarah and James Donolly, the Or phan's Court of the county aforesaid awarded an Inquest and a Jury of Inquest will be held on the premises, on 15th day of April, A. D. 1862, between the hours of 10 & 12 o'clock, to ascertain whether apiece of land situate in the town-hip aforesaid, described as follows, can be di vided without injury to the whole, &c. On the north by lands of Josepu Vanankin. on the east by lands of C ornclius Bump and James McCrossan on the south by land of Jame* Boyle and Charles Summer, and on the west by Johu Donnolly, Deldine Huff'and Henry Nurse, containing 76 acres, ot which the said John Donnolly died seized in tee simple. A. 11. SPALDING. Towaada, Feb. 18,1962. flfcartf. orrxczAL. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Feb. 4. 1862. HOLDERS OF BONDS OF THE UN ITED STATES, dated August 19, 1861, and paya ble in three years trom date, 1 are hereby notified that provision is made for the payment of the C oupons ot semi annual interest which became due on the Ihtk instant, in coin, agreeably to their tenor by the Treasurer of the Un ited States at Washington, or by either of the Assistant Treasurers at New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. All such Coupons .together with schedules showing the num ber and amount of each Coupon and the aggregate sum of each parcel, must be presented for examination and verification at least three full business day* before pay ment. S. P.CHASE, Feb. 12, 1862. Secretary of the Treasury. I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here h by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN NORMAN, dee'd, late of Springfield twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present thera duly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC N.COOLEY, CALEBS BURT, Feb. 12, 1582. Executors. ilctu atitofrtcsfnifuts. NOTICE —The Board of Revision of Brad ford County, has fixed upon the following days and places for the holding of Appeals in said County, for A. D. 1562, viz:— Asylum, at the house of Simeon Decker,Tuesday,Feb. IS Wilmot, " H. Martin, Wednesday, " 19 Terry, " J. L. Jones, Thursday, " 20 Albany, " R. Wilcox, Friday, " 21 Overton, " E. M'Govern, Saturday, " 22 Monroe Iwp., & Bo.' M. M. Conlbangh, Monday, *' 24 Franklin, " J. W. Taylor, Tuesday, " 25 Granville, 4 B F.Taylor,Wednesday, " 26 Le Roy, " H. M. liolcomb,Thursday, " 27 Canton, '• S. C. Myer, Friday, " 26 Armenia, " 11. Mason, Saturday, March, 1 Troy twp., & Bo.' W. J. Rothrock, Monday, " 3 Columbia &. Sylvania,J. O. Fine, Tuesday " 4 Welles, " James Brink, Wednesday, •* 6 South Creek, " John F. Gillett, Thursday, " 6 Springfield, " Harrison Gibbst, Saturday, " 8 Burlington twp, L. 1". Royse, Monday, " 10 Rurlington West, L. T. Royse, Monday, " 10 Burlington Boro', L. T. ltoyse, Monday, '• 10 Smithfield, " J. Green, Tuesday, " 11 Athens twp.," E. Satterlee, Wednesday, " 12 " Boro' " E. Satterlee. Thursday " 13 Ulster, " G. M. Elsbree, Friday, " 14 Sheshequin " C. H. Ames, Tuesday, 44 18 Litchfield, " C. Bloodgood, Wednesday, " 19 Windham, " Hi ram Sherry. Thursday, " 20 Warren, " R. Cooper, Friday, " 21 Orwell, " T. Humphrey. Saturday, " 22 Pike, " Nelson Ross, Monday, 44 24 Herrick, " School house in Herrickville, [Tuesday, 25 Tusearora, " Harry Ackley, Wednesday, " 26 Wyalusing " John Black, Thursday, " 27 Standing Stone, Isaac Howell, Friday, " 28 Rome twp-' & Bo.' Jason Chaffee, Saturday, " 29 Wysox, •' J. M. Reed, Monday, •' 31 Towanda Boro', Township, North, Commissioners Office, in said Boro', Tuesday, April, 1. Assessors will be punctual in delivering Notices to the taxables and in making their returns upon the day designated in their warrents. at which time, and place, the Board of Revision, will attend and hear such as think themselves aggrieved by said assessment and make sacli alterations as to them shall appear reasonable. By order of said Board. E. B. COOLBAUGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office,) Towanda. Feb. 1, 1862. j IE. .A.. Eaton's Mercantile Academy, TOWANDA, PA. o£B 00 PAYS FOR A FULL COM.MER CIAL COURSE. Cheapest Commercial School in this or any other State COURSE OF INSTRUCTION The same as pursued in any cf the largest Commercial Colleges. BOOK-KEEPING In ail its various branches. PENMANSHIP Taught on a New and improved Plan. Instruction in Commercial Correspondence, Commer cial Calculations, Bills of Exchange, Promisary Notes, Detectiug Counterfeit Money, cc., Ac., Ac. GRADUATES AWARDED A DIPLOMA. 83" Specimens of Writing, Circulars, Ac., will be for warded to auv address, woeuever requested. C- E. EATON, Towanda. Nov. 6.1661. Principal- SPECIAL NOTICE TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT X seems to be the necessities of tbe times, and for my own business security, 1 bave concluded to sell Goods FOR READY PAY! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and most of them prompt paving ones, but iutnre prosperity in busines I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. 83-Tbose who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda, August 1, 1861. .A-ISrOTBIIEIR, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK or WINTER GOODS! IT TRACY & RIOCRE'S. Towanda. Jan. t. 1862. VALUABLE MILLS FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL HIS Grist Mill, Saw Mill, and Piaster Mill, with five Dwellings and out-housea, and about 25 acres of land, with some fine young fruit trees thereon, situated in the township of Monroe, Bradford county, l'a_, and on the Barclay Railroad five miles from Towanda If desired a part of the purchase money can be left on mortgage. I think this a chance for some one to make a good bargain, as I want to sell. Any person desirous of purchasing can find me at the office el Laporte. Mason A Co., Bankers, Towanda, Pa. G. F. MASON. Towanda, Feb. 12. 1862. Good Flour and Good Bread! WHY IS IT THAT SO MANY FA MI b Y LIE 3 HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will invariably receive in answer : The flonr 13 poor or the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir üblesbuy 3 our flour always at FOX'S and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of Wheat aud Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash Grocery Store. E. T.FOX. Jan. 28, ISO— QASH PAID FOR POULTRY. A good article of FAT, WELL DRESSED POULTRY, , can be sold for CASH, at Towanda, Nov. 20, 1861. PATCH'S. Cheese Worth Bating, R HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE RAI- X rv of Cheese from Courtland County, as good as was ever brought into this town. Please call and try it, it you like it you can buy it cheap. E. T. FOX.J| VTOW 18THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE 1> for the WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Hand in your mo ney. 1 will present to every subscriber a Tribune Almanac, who hands in the money before the Ist of March. Look to your interest. Don't forget the place—The News Room. A.F.COWLES. Towanda, Jan. 28, 1662. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of HENRY DURFEY, dee'd. late of Smithfield twp. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for -ettlemenf. E.G. DURFEY. Jan. 15,1862. Administrator. piGS, DRESSED AND FAT WANTED, In exchange for CASH or GROCERIES, at Towanda, Nov. 2(. 1861. PATCH'S. FINE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES 4 FAMILY SUPPLIES, Tea than can't be beat, the best black Tea in town, also iSugar, Coflee, Soap, Fish. Pork.Jand almost everything n the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S. N OT BAD TO TAKE. Nice Buckwheat cukes with seme of the best Golden Syrup, at FOX'S. p I GARS & TOBACCO. The best brands of Cigars in town at lowest prices— also, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, wholesale and re tail, at FOX'S. DMINISTRATRIXS NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAMES MEHAN, dee d., late of Towanda, borough, are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the said estate will please nresent them duly authenticated for settlement. P MARYMEHAN. Feb. 1,18152. Administratrix. ANNUAL REPORT, Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the lat day of January to the ?Ast day of December, 1861, inclusive, £222? EI 7DITtTE.ES. •Audit0r5,..,..,., 1 ' 08 Paid for prisoners support In Co. Jail v 25 68 Assessors.*! !! !?• 7To " " Eastern Penitentiary 343 31 Bridge contracts 3';9"j 3'i Conveying prisoners to Penitentiary 600 00 Bridge and Road Views J - 00 Printing 318 31 Bradford Co. Agricultural Society }'}! bo Prot. and Clerk of Sessions. 303 63 Crier of Court 11/ CO Repairs upon Public Buildings 32162 Constables for making return and at'g court... 4)i 3 Summoning Jurors }34 00 Counsel to Comr's -'3 60 Township Line views 47 75 Const, in Com'th. suits 11-'* 33 Township and School tax.. 40 45 " " Civil 1 13 Transcribing Mortgage ludix CO 00 District Attorney 240 50 Expense of VolaSupport of Volunteers'families 245399 Election expenses. 754 70 Wolf and Wild Cat Certificates 22 90 Fuel and lights 1" 09 VV. A. Thomas Com r 299 00 Grand Jurors. „ ? 5? IV. H. Decker 0,2 00 Traverse Jurors 27114 24 Isaac Lyons • 46 00 Justices Inquisitions, 19 59 P. H. Buck, late 304 00 Incidental expenses, 75 E. B. Coolbaugb, Clerk of Com'rs COO 00 Insurance upon Court House 133 50 _ , _ Office Books and Stationery 119 54 Total, 193b2 43 •Includes amount paid for rc-anditing late Protbonotary s acconnt. Account with the several Collectors of County Tax for the County of Bradford. Townships 4* Boros'. Collectors Xames. Year. Chargid. Rtceivtd. Ex'ed. Per Cent. Due, Towanda Twp. iJames Santee, [1657 89 58! 89 58 Monroeton, [MM Coolbaugb, 11866 152 701 152 .0 .. Monroeton Boro' MTewilliger, • 51! .. 6-1 Ridgbury, jJesse Hammond, I 9- 12 j .. si 11 Towanda North,; iA H Kiagsbury, j 70 83 •• 70 83 Asylum, D L Staates, , 1859 113 68 112 68 .. Albany, Geo M Cranmer, j 13- 91 •• * Burlington West, Jehial MeKean, | 3 53 3 53 Pike, M B Porter, I 45 61 45 CI Smithfield, J W Phelps, 96 10 96 10 .. j Springfield, AG Brown, 239 16 202 6b 83133 19 j Sylvauia, L L Grigory, 10 48 677 .. 3 77 Troy twp. H Spalding, 307 76 271 50 C -4 13 Armenia, J B Morgan, 1860 840 840 . Athens boro' H J Fritcher, 205 01 204 43, 5 Athens twp. L A Gardner, 318 74 318 74 .. j Asylum, DI. States, 165 29 79 COi 9o; 84 14 Albany, John Brown, 39 49 39 49 Burlington, R M Pruyne, 258 87j 259 87 .. 1 •' Boro' Philander Long, 23 39 20 20 1 .. -19 , " West. J H DcWitt, I 164 52! 80 01 84 51 Canton, (Lewis Wheat, 1 512 39 j 476 Oh: 29033 41 Franklin, |J P Buraham, j 99 53 99 53i j Herrick. j Thomas A Lee, | 169 69 156 01 11712 -1 j Leßoy, C D Holcomb. • 90 49 90 49 ! .. „ Litchfield, iDavid McKinny, I 108 73! 86 00; , j22 <3 Monroe twp. J L Coolbaugb, I 192 23' 189 33 290 '• Boro' jRR Rockwell, 20 2Si 8 00; •• iI, Overton, Jas Heverly, 60 99; 29 41' .. ; 131 -8 Rome, ! Simon Russell, I 323 47 226 00 • •• i J ' ' Smithfield, J O Gerould, i 165 41! 165 41 .. I , Springfield, IA G Brown, I 382 94! 347 ol y 88■28 04 j South Creek, jPeterJDean, ! 12 98 10 OS! 290 Sheshequin, John Brink, | 382 97 170 00; .. [ •• Standing Stone, (Jonathan Wood, 89 03 89 03; .. I Terry twp. IShubel Bowman, j j 30 65! 30 65! .. i Tuscarora, A J Sylvaria, 194 77 178 66 87 to *4 Towanda Boro' A J Noble, 201 72 201 .. j •' Twp. Geo L Davidson, 55 30 36 03 5 1G; J* *1 j " North, Daniel Kenedy, 94 17 83 09 85 *0 23 t Ulster, 6 8 Nichols, 106 64 106 64 .. j Windham, JIV Warner, 208 20, 208 20, .. I Wvalusing, (James Lewis, 137 1C 1 134 86 230 , Wysox, |John B Hinds, 415 14 184 65' 406 - 8 43 Welles, I Jas Mttchill, 22 14 22 14 .. I Wilrnot, Saul Quick, 43 36' 43 35 .. | I Armenia, J B Morgan, 1861 61 51 ,56 46 208 297 | Athens twp, iDavid Gardner, ! 1 1082 811 *O2l 09 7 901-53 82 ; Athens boro' |Wm Hancock, I 363 76j 173 00 .8 93 17 74 jjgj r Asylum, |W M Decker, 287 77( 149 67 ! 4 0 54 13 86 -g Albany, |Clark Sweet, 180 18 151 001 7 15' 865j 12 23 Burlington twp. :R M Pry re, I 281 05 ! 86 40 3 81; I 3 87 176 97 " Boro' jFred Whitehead, ( 56 18 41 50 30! 279 jj " West, Amasa Greeno, j 251 00! 237 41 107 (12 59 Canton, Sheldon Lindley, j 586 98 534 00 12029 42 2 2 36 Columbia, jMßSlade, 534 79! 428 4 31326 58 gg Franklin. Nelson Gilbert, | 172 1C; 159 09 4 70,8 37 Granville, 'David Sayles, 332 02 312 89. 266 16 Herrick, IJ J Anderson, 220 69! 159 8a! I 47110 96 *4B 38 Leßoy. |R R Palmer, 213 581 200 35! 22910 63 31 Litchfield, 1 Henry Wolcott, 330 98; 312 33] 22116 47 Monroe twp, 'J L Coolbaugb, 299 291 250 74'; 9 60.14 *8 24 41 Monroe-boro' Joseph Griggs, 51 47; 44 401 .. I 707 Orwell, I) E Ellsworth, 434 67! 407 8C 5 341 2 1 47 Overton, BJ McGovern, 72 91 j 66 32 3 10' 343 Pike, (Ransford Brink, 558 70! 272 00! 3 12j27 78 055 80 Rome, FC Cranmer, 333 701 149 00! 28816 54 165 Ridgbury. Anson Webb, 379 69; 356 42! 4 51'18 76 Smithfield, 1J W Phelps, 599 40; 315 00| 7 01(29 62 247 77 Springfield. .Geo Vooihis, 484 871 45 728 35224 07 South Creek, J K Seat use, 235 67 216 68; 75bU 4 1 Sylvania, RMRoss, 69 57 38 00 .. 1 , !21 52 Sheshequin, Charles Chafiee, 520 27 501 42'; 2 46|25 39 Standing Stone, i Jouathan Wood, 244 09 212 90 3 00|H 66 ; jg 13 Terry twp. Shubel Bowman, 192 07; 168 45 .. ! 23 62 Towauda boro' Geo E Fox, 651 50; 613 11 6 18 33 27 Towanda twp. Geo I, Davidson, 244 94! 229 63 3 20 12 11 Towanda North, D Kennedy, 179 10 104 Ofi! .. 8 96 gg gg Troy twp. Samuel Case, 589 80; 555 49! 5 13(29 24 Troy boro' Wm Morgan, 231 07 216 47; 321(H 33 Tuscarora, A J Sylvaria, 266 31) 195 51' 456 } 3 09 53 jg Ulster, G L Nichols, ! 322 05! 280 00 11 54 | ls > 63 1493 Warren, (RSCorbin, 492 IS 463 76 398 24 4 0 | Windham, |J W Warner, 391 56; 299 99 .. ' 91 58 Wyalusing, : John G Keeler, 397 561 366 67 15f;19 3 0 1 Wysox, J B Hinds, 464 03! 368 07 18423 12 71 01 Welles. Alvah Young, , 338 20 250 CO 11316 35 60 72 Y r i!moi, 'Paul Quick, ! : 209 68; 194 92; 4 50.10 26 j _____ 17281 Dr. Wm. Grifis, Treasurer, in account with the County of Bradford, for the year 18G1. Cr. To am't due upon duplicate for previous year, $6716 52 | By am't returned uncollected previous to 1861, $956 59 " " " 1961, 14203 92 " " " •' for ' 1649 57 '• of Re-Assessment, 409 " of exonerations to Collectors, 252 46 14 Incidental reoeivais, 85 31 " percentage, * 87g 40 " Fines and Juror fees, 193 00 •' Orders redeemod in 1861. 19499 98 Abatement upon State tax, 213 00 '• 2 per cent commission on same, 389 80 " In Treasury, Jan. 1, 18 l, 2447 02 " I •• <• (17604 73) 176 05 " In treasury, Jan. 1,1862, 172 01 _ Dr. Wm. Grijfls, Treasurer, m account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1851. Cr To am'nt due upon duplicate for previous years, 5280 33 By am't returned uncollected, nrevirll= to 'r,l , e , " , 1661, 11977 51 " for I Re- Assessment. 3 44 Exonerat'bua to Col'-McrH •/ilr •• Incidental rcccirala, 661 Percentage. ectcrß - 245 6 State Trea'; receipts datec! April 29 A July IT, BSIO 41 1 pr cent, commission on 12199 57. 12- 00 Due Com'th, Jan. 1,'62, (since paid,) 3266 51 Dr. County Orders in Account with the County of Bradford for the fear 1861 c7 * —"t&aurr-,,•. j ß ' ,,9 ss .. $19683 14 | $19663 1 4 I. S. •t™S coJ^.ut,m^or'tbrSYl£'l!S7l°p7nditerS'ofS' l Jraft/!ftj3! jsJsra D - ,s "- "•■ =" • 2 w. H . DECKERV Attest—'fe.H. CooLßxfdH, Ciera. i- U ° Commissioners. Threshing Machine Agency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT ' in the county of Bradford and the neighboring coun ties in Pennsylvania and New York, for EMERY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'B ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well and popularly known to need any description from me, and I will only say that they continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years, of being the " btest Endless Chain Horse Power "in use." These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PITENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region. It has no endless chain straw carrier, bnt separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. If, is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will nor. choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to he superior to the common Rake" Cleaner now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to lie an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATERS are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds of AORXCUX.X!t7RA& MA.CHXirBB.ir at manufacturers prices and terms. For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, &c., applv to R.'M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa., July 30,1861. NOTICE. —J. CORN has bought the en tire stock of Ready Made Clothing, Gents Furnish ing Goods, Hats and Caps, nnd all the rights, title and in'erest and claims of JOHN SHLAM, and Is ready to sell off his old stock of Fall and Winter Clothing 10 per cent, less than first cost, and he will be very thankful to all of his old and new customers, if they will give him a call. N. 13 All the debtorsof the establishment are request ed to caii and pay their debts to J. Corn, immediately. Remember the place—One door fkmth of H S. Mer cur's store. J. CORN. Towanda, January 15,1862. NO COMPROMISE! AT TUB, UNION MARBLE WORKS! Located at Towanda, Penn'a. GEORGE McCABa WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS and the people of Bradford county iu general, that he has purchased the Marble Yard formerly owned by Taylor A Cash, and has added to his stock a large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his large stock beforo par chasing elsewhere, as he has the largest stock ever in tlil3 county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not be troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before the corpse is buried, and who are not responsible. Cofne and see what you are getting. Having been in the busi ness for the last 2l> years, in the city of Philadelphia, he iutends to keep a variety always on hand of Marble Man tles, Monuments, Grave Yard Posts, Head Stones and Tombs, at city prices. *S- Yard on Main street, opposite Gen. Patten's. N. B.—Alterations and Repairing promptly atte-.deo to. GEO. McC kBE. Towanda, Dec. 18.1861. 6l e. rail /CHANGE OF TIME COMMENCING V/ MONDAY, NOV 4,1861. T-, a j ns w jji ]^ ave y,- a . verly at about the following ho.ors viz : _ WESTWARP nOUN-p. | KASTWARD BQCND. Buffolo Express.. .5.04 P v X. Y. Express.. .11.48 A M Night Express....3.4o \ MjNight Express... 350 A M JJ 31 '-• • • 8 -0 jP M Steamboat Express3.4o P M Fast Freight 9AO A M Fast Freight..... 955 A M \\ ay 1 reight 9-15 TM, Way Freight.... 5.05 P M Accommodation... l .15 pM | Express, N. Y. Express, Past Freight eas and Fast t reight west run every day. Night Express to Sundays tuns through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk The Mail west remains over night at Elmira __ __ CHA'B. Ml NOT. (fenl Sup't A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice J.\- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Joseph Biddle dee'd., late of Armenia twp.. are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate wul present them duly eufhenticeted for settlement. ROBERT MASON. Admistrator. Jan. 13,1862. jKfeccilßtuous. jsusqntlmuita Colltgtalt institute, TOW AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. faculty : Rev. JAMES McWILLUM, Principal. Profcior #f An cient Languages, and Mental and Moral Science*. SAMUEL L. PISLER. A. B. Professor of Matbematic# and Natural Science. Prot.CHARLES It. COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. C. E. EATON, Professor of Penmanship and Book-keep ing. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mis. HELEN A. ADAMS. Assistant Preceptress. Miss MARY B. ALLEN. Teacher of VoeaUud instrumen tal Music. Mr.D. CANFIKLD DAYTON, Stewar 1. Mrs. D.C.DAYTON. Matron. The Winter Termcominouce# WEDSEoDA Y,NOVEJ( BER 27, and will continue it weeks. TUITION, PZU TERM S [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one hall at the middle of the teim—feel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 4 00 Preparatory ~ a Higner, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term b 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they resjrectivelv pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged tl per term for fuel and coatiugents. EXTRA EXFSKBV9 ■ French $ 3 00 German J 00 Drawing. ; 6 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light , J 00 Washing, per dozen M The Collegiate year is divided Into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Anniversaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction wiil be made for absence, except (a case of protracted iikiess of over Uvo weeks. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, he taught in the Institution.but by special arrangement—a class vrlll be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special paius will bo taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will beas heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte.per lem ...... their option. It na Solar Salt. To- a nda. Nov, 20. IS6I. TRACY & MOORE. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY DESIRABLE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing ! FOR HENS Ik BOY'S WEAR, HATS L> C.AJPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, j la all colors ur.d sizes, for the present season, which I am offering at ASTONISHING L 0 W PRICES All those wishing to get good bargains mav call at th# CLOTHING STORE M. E. SOLOMON, STo. 4 Pattern's Slock, TOWAITDA, 3PJL j Nov. 13, tSol. LATEST FROM W. A. R. W. A. ROCKWELL is agar,, on hand with th# ftrit New Goods of the Season I DRESS GOODS, GENTLE PYX'S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS. PROVISIONS. , GROCERIES, LEATHER, BOOTS A SHOES. WOODEN WARN. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly t# I their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times will Hot prevent us selling good articles at moderate price#. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, w# feel confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. V. M, A. ROCKWBLL. Towanda, Sept. 2.1.1801. 60 TOUTS FRESH GROUND FUSTER, LOR SALE AT WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. Towanda, Jan. 8,1861.