Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 13, 1862, Image 1

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Tlnrsday Morning, February 13,1862
Stkrftb Ipottru.
0n y e w Tears Eve I sat down, and looked
Into the el*ar blank air wherein anon
! M ttwOug visions, the—U>e BOBtb".
Bleak January, stem, and hard and cold,
Inexorable vanguard of the year ;
His brother following do*, down,
VuJ eyes avert, aud lagging, painful Head.
Than March—the youngerand lusty. In his breath
U life-fall, daring, fetterless, aud wild,
Eager and fatal as a thoughtless love.
Passionate April-girt-child of the year-
Weeping her heart out in the lap of spring,
Until the May-cometh, flowery fair,
And the earth smiles back the smile of heaven.
June— throbbing, tremulous with coming jo y,
Her rosebud pulses thrilling all the air.
And rich July, oppressed with empery,
Bathes in a flood ot gold, aud taketh rest
By starlight, with low sighs aud murmvrings.
August, queen, regnant, borne unto the throne,
(Holding her state with bland, assured content,
Grackws and regal-generous, large of heart.
Soptemlcr- gentle matron—with sweet ryes
Vud a low voice that penetrates, persuades,
And looks of love, and tender, guiding hands.
October, with a calm and thoughtful brow,
llut quick decision is the look of him,
And a great will that may not be gainsayed.
Sobbing November cometb, veiled in mist,
And weeps, lamenting o'er the faded earth.
Aud then the last—December—takes its rank
Submission, and contented to be old,
brateful for uutbougbt rays of happiness,
And cv<.r mindful of the holy time
i'iut cometh towaius the end-
So they passed on—
The Months, i:i long procassion, glad to go
Unto the goal ot all things—even to Uoo.
((■'or th: Bradford Reporter.)
Science of Teaching—N<>. 2.
In our first article we reached the conclu
sion that tiic fundamental principles of the sci
ence of teaching are to be found in the laws of
action, aiid developemeut of the mind.
These, it is the province of uieutal philoso
phy to develope. Before entering upon their
consideration, we deem it proper to offer a few
remarks iu regard to the use aud abuse of
Its bane in all days seem to bave been in
its use alone to establish or discover tacts ;
wht-rea3 its true province is, to trace or discov
er relations—to give the whys and wherefore.
As mans obligitions are mainly determined
by his rclatious, it will be seen tLut the cor
rectness of his philosophy, will te the measure
of the correctness of his estimation of his ob
ligations. Perhaps iu no department of hu
man knowledge, is there greater necessity for
care than in the study of nature and ccope
of the powers and (acuities Gun has given us,
us by these, and with them, wo estimate our
obligations to him.
Piiilosophy has beeu charged with leading
to skepticism and infidelity. The grounds for
such charges arise probably from its abusr.
Iu tiacmg relatiou from the known to the
uiiktiowu, tl e fault se rns to lie, in consider
ing reasoning suffeieiit to determine construe
tion or theoretical facts, as actualities, exist
ing external to the mind without the aid of
(Lr philosophical faculties receive their
primary education, mainly iu the department
of cumbers,and quantity,and our success there,
. gves us coutidenee and presumption, which
icad.s u-> astray in other spheres of action,where
active principles aud agencies prevail. The
farmer who has learned that a certain amount
of manure has increased his product tweuty
Vishe!s,might reason that five times the quan
tity would increase it one huudred bushels
So the physician might argue, that if a certain
cuiutity of medicine had produced a desired
fffect iu a given time, that twice that quan
tity could produce the effect in half the time.
Practice based upon such reasoning with
out being corrected by observation, would
lead to disastrous results. Yet speculative
pbii'woph rs adopt a similar coure where it
is impossible to verify their conclus ous by
owmation. They construct theories and re
"olve them in their minds until they have all
'he weight aud importance of facts, and not.
Bufrequently treat other's uncharitably because
they lioiot so regard thorn. Those who the
orize tutkeh, are apt to give oodce weight to
'fltrere&souiug, yielding to its high authority,
as affording better grounds of belief than com
aiu/ireports of facts, or common observation.
fur only safe course stems to be the care
'u ' exercise of our reasoning powers, in con
action with a close observation of facts. The
boundary liue between knowledge and belief,
never to Lave been very definitely sit
or scrupulously regarded. Man might us
*di deny the fact of bis existence as to deny
e evidence of his senses. For be can prove
• no other way If he sees cause for doubt
mgone, he may call others to his aid. This
kintal conception or conclusion.
1- might he interesting to review the vari
ous speculative opinions which have been ad
'-aeej m different ages of the world's history,
"zeroing tbe nature, location, action, and
of the mind But as we could
' G't occupy space tor that purpose. Our
! u < knowledge exteuds only to its mauifesta
as connected with the body. These come
•I in the range of our perceptions, and
therefore, legitimate subjects for our iu
-gwt on. 'lhe grand divisions under which
tM " re arrail K ' or study, by those consid
- |J ss the best uutbors, are, the intellect,the
sensibilities, and tie will. Farther divis on
and subdivisions are made, embracing an al
most endless list of the various phases of thought
feelings,desires, Ac Bui this system of analysi®,
embracing so many particular phases of
thought, feeling, aud passion, arising appar
ently without law or order, seems calculated
rather to perplex, than aid the teacher. We
shall not, therefore, adopt it. The teacher
should seek the formation of correct mental
habits, —correct mental and moral character.
The elementary sounds of our language are
comparatively few, yet in their combinatiou
they fill our vocabulary. The elements kuowu
to the chemist are also few, yet, in their com
binations tbey compose nearly all the materi
al substances known to us.
So also are the elements of our mental cha
acter few, comparatively. It would seem
that if a systeu based upon them could be
adopted, it wo- Id aid materially the study of
the manifestation of the minds.aud be of great
value. It is a frequently observed fact, that as
"The possessory, or acquisitive element of tnau's
character is strengthened, his to
that influence are increased. The same prin
ciple holds good in regard to other elements
of character.
The system of analysis adopted by phrenol
ogists comes nearest to such system by ele
ments of any other known. It has the ad
vantage of comparative simplicity, aud direct
ness, and seems to be in accordance with na
ture. We shall therefore, make use of it.—
But iu doing so we do no; affirm the truth
of all that ia claimed for it by its advocates.
Some object that sueu a system present a doe
trine of man and his relations contrary to the
scriptures We think if rightly understood,
it not only harmonizes with them, but, as it
aids man iu obtaining a better knowledge of
himself, consequently of his aids very
much in a correct understanding and use of
Man's internal experience is made up of
thoughts, feelings, promptings, suggestions,
A., which are characterized, as either good or
bad,and when refused to their spiritual source,
those term d good are attributes to GOD, and
those of an opposite character to the devil.—
Now if these are referred to a source externa!
to ourselves, it must be admitted, we must
have faculties orsen e. through wl ich they
are received, or deny our personality. Thus
one class of persons may habitually refer to
the spiritual source, the other only to the ac
tion of the laculties, and still, there be no real
difference of opinion
We may treat farther of objections to this
system hereafter. O. J. C.
Letter from WasMngton.
WASHINGTON. I). C., Jan. 31, 1862.
MR. E. O. GOODRICH!— Dear Sir:—Al
though I cannot send the "local items" which
you are asking, perhaps I may be aole some
times, to scribble a line for your valuable pa
per which will not be altogether uuiuteresting
to yonr readers—as a great number of them
are among those I have been proud aud hap| y
to consider my personal friends ; tbey would
readily excuse any tiling that seem to require
apolosry. I hope you will succeed in coaxing
our people to send you "local items,' for they
render the paper an object of such increased
interest to subscribers abroad. Your paper
to me, (when I get it,) is like a streak of sun
shine <n a stormy day. I say, when I get it:
well, J get it very regularly now ; at first I
was only able to get one o ,ce in two or three
weeks, from some cause, I could not guess
what ; perhaps the railroad track was torn up,
or else it v-us owing to the crookedness of the
Susquehanna liver. But one thing is certain,
they ulwajs came, and in good time when the
quarter was euded—the postage due. But 1
am not incliued to thins they were confiscated
by the clerks, and packed away for wrapping
paper. Oh, no ! no one would do such a
thing as that ; not at Washington, sure.
Now if any of our people ask for war news
from " Head Quarters," why, " All is quiet ou
the Potomac" ot course ; we are vailing for
the mud to dry up, which will probably be
next July, when it will be too warm, aud oue
lialf our soldiers have sickened and died by in
action. Well, eo it is. Perhaps it is all for
the best somehow, but we do not see haw.—
Oh ! for the spirit of Old Hickory, to rise up
and cry, " I'll tight them, by the Eternal
but fault finding looks ill-natured ; the dark
cloud may have a silver lining. Patience is
the lesson now being taught. 1 do not believe
in rebellion, unless as a last resort to secure
rights. Unless this waiting is to give our ene
mies time to make a sure thiug of their Con
federacy, then we had better wait with pa
tience ; otherwise the people seem to demand,
not enly a change of Cabinet, bnt a change of
President and Generals. As we are a people
resolved to be a free people we uill not lay
supinely upon our backs, and permit the chains
of despotism to be riveted upon us. The war,
no matter what destruction it has been in other
places, so far it is the making of Washington ;
there never was 60 much business here as
now. It amuses me sometimes to see the
figuring of two-faced people; they are Secession
ists, when they think England will help the
South, but good Union people when they waut
employment under Government, or favor from
those in office
Oh ! this Washington City ; I mean the
streets, are full of mud—not that the uiiuds,or
principles of the people are at all unclear
Washington has by some means had a hard
name lor a tew years past. Ido not see the
reason why—the people here are all of the
• properest kind," Members of Congress ex
cepted. What a pity it is that the States
cannot find good men to send to Long! ess.
Perhaps they think it would only spoil good
men, therefore better to send those that are
already spoiled. As whether good or bad,
they are doomed to be the scape gouts, upon
which the sins of the city are laid. By the
way, I went up to Congress a few days ago to
take a look at the nation's swelled heads ; in
the Senate they were as usual, quiet aud or
derly, more polite aud respectful than ever.—
Perhaps the expulsion of Southern blood ac
counts for this feature. If there is any person
so brainless as to suppose all the geuilemen of
America are South, let them step into the
gallery a few momeuts and become convinced
of their error. If we were to gather lilies
from the valley, it would be hard to say to
one, thou excellest them all ; but while we
amuse ourselves by looking around aud ia im
agination compare one and another with the
memory of Washington, ask'mg who, by blend
ing wisdom, decision, and gentleness with
goodness, are nearest like him, our eye falls
upon one, although pale aud sickly—we invol
untarily exclaim, our Wilrnot. We pause a
moment to shed a tear aud heave a sigh over
the memory of departed ones—a Douglas and
a Baker ;we miss them here. Leaving the
Senate, we pass over to the House of Repre
sentatives ; we expect to seethe same confus
ion, and hear the same uoise and bustle as cf
old. The same walls are there, the same seats
and desks, the same design over their heads,
the same floor beneath their feet ; but what a
change ! 1 do no mean the new dressing
given the galleries since they were occupied
by the New York Seventh Regiment. The
House was so quiet ; perhaps they are follow
iug the fashion. "Be quiet." Oh ! the South
ern blood has sped away from there also ; be
sides there is one in the Speaker's chair whose
voice might awe a nation, and whose wisdom
might rule the universe. Pennsylvania may
well be proud of her soldiers and her states
men. A lady not long since, asked me how it
was that Pcnsylvania had so many noble, brave,
and wise meu. J replied to her in the lan
guage of the " woman of Sparta to the woman
of Athens : " It takes Pennsylvania mothers
to raise noble men. " But you have a James
Buchanan." Yes, so heaven itself has had its
fallen antrels. But there was some apology to
be offered for James Buchanan ; he is an old
bachelor, and had forgotten the counsels of his
mother. It is to be hoped that in future our
people will promote married men to their
offices. M. L. E.
THE RAILWAY QUEEN. —A lady of Pennsyl
vania, who has received the cognomen of the
Railway Queen, is in the habit of giving fine
parties. Ou one of these occasions, wishing
to show off a little before the magnates, her
majesty called ou one of the servants, when
the following dialogue occurred : "John,"
said her majesty. "Yes, ma'am," said the
servant " Bring me a bucket," said the queen
" Yes, ma'am." Joho, as in duty bound, in
stantly disappeared. On his way down to the
kitchen he began to wonder what her majesty
could want with a bucket ; and, wondering
whether ho could not have been mistaken, con
sulted the other servauts on the subject. It
was agreed, however, that her wishes should
be complied with ; and a backet was accord
ingly brought ont. John filled it with water,
carried it up stairs, and marching through the
crowd iu the drawing room, much to the as
tonishment of all present, placed it at her maj
esty's feet. "Here it is, ma'am." " What is
this, sir ?" "The bucket, ma'am,the bucket."
" Oh, you stupid fellow,"said her majesty, " it
was not a bucket of a water I wanted ; it was
a bucket o' flowers " Her majesty, it is need
less to say, had asked for a bouquet.
MODEL SENTINEL. —An anecdote is related
of otie of the citizen soldiers in the expedition
of,the Macphersou Blues against the insurgents
in'l794, which is worthy of being published,
as it may be of service to some of the wealthy
soldiers in onr own ranks. The person referred
to was a German by birth, of the name of
Koch, and was well known iu his day, as a
large out-door underwriter. He died some
twenty years since in Paris, whither he bad
gone for the benefit of the climate, leaving a
fortune estimated at one million dollars. Mr.
Koch, then a young man, was a private in the
Macphersou Blues. It fell to his lot one uight
to be stationed sentinel over a baggage wagon.
The weather was cold, raw, stormy and wet.
This set the sentinel musing. After remaining
on post half an hour, he was heard calling lus
tily : —"Corporal of der Gartz ! Corporal of
der Gartz 1" The corporal came, aud inquired
what was wanting. Koch wished to be reliev
ed for a few miuuts, having something to say
to Macphersou. He was gratified, and in a
few minntps stood in the preseuce of the gen
eral. " Well, Mr. Koch, what is your pleas
ure ?" asked Macphersou. " Why, general, I
wish to know what may be der value of dat
wagon over which I am sbentinel?" —"How
should I kuow, Koch?" "Well, something
approximate—not to be particular.' —" A
thousand dollars, perhaps." " Very well, Gen
eral Macpherson, 1 write a scbeck for der
money, and den I will go to bets," (bed.)
MAXIM FROM THE PorE.—One writes from
Rome, amoug other pleasiug things, that re
cently when a number of young ladies, led by
; their superior, weut to pay their homage to
the Holy Father, one of the company, when
s' e l ai rice ved the b easing FA her of
the Faithful, still lingered on her knees before
the Pontiff. When asked why she did not
arise, she answered—
" If I dared, I would prefer a request."
" Do not hesitate," said the Iloly Father.
Rut still the young woman forbore.
" Ask freely," said the Pope, most enconr
" Then," said the young woman, " if I may
take such a liberty, I would ask from your
Holiness some maxim by which ail my life may
be governed."
The Holy Father thought for a moment,
and then laying his hand on her head said—
" Perform every one of your future actions,
my dear child, as if that action were to be the
last of your life."
jfey- If you wish to know the value that is
set ou your society, announce that you intend
to give up giving parties, and then couut the
invitations you continue to receive.
fry- When you wind up your affairs, mind
you use the right watch key.
(Correspondence ot the Chicago Tribune.)
Little Eddie, the Drummer.
CAMP BENTON, December 20.—A few days
before our regiment received orders to join
Gen. Lyon, on bis march to Wilson's Creek,
the drummer boy of our company was taken
sick aud conveyed to the hospital, and on the
evening preceding the day that we were to
march, a negro was arrested within the lines
of our camp aud brought before our Captain,
who asked him, " What business he had with
in the lines ?" lie replied, " I know a drum
mer that you would like to eulist in your com
pany, and 1 have ccme to tell you of it." He
was immediately requested to iuforra the drum
mer that if he would enlist for our short term
of service he would be allowed extra pay, and
to do this lie must be on the ground early in
the moru'ng. The uegro was then passed be
yond the guard.
On the following morning there appeared
before the Captain's quarters, during the beat
ing of the reveille, a good looking, middle-aged
woman, dressed in deep mourning, leading by
the band a sharp, sprightly-looking boy, appa
rently twelve or thirteen years of age. Her
story was soon told. She was from East Ten
nessee, where her husband had beeu killed by
the rebels, aud ull her property destroyed.—
She had cc-me to St. Louis in search of her
sister, and,; not finding her, and being destitute
of money, she thought if she could procure a
situatiou for her boy as a drummer for the
short time that we had to remain in the ser
vice, she cbnld find employment for herself, and
perhaps fiiid her sister by the time wc were
During the rehearsal of her story the little
fellow kept his eyes intently fixed upon the
couuteuauce of the Captain, who was about
to express a determination not to take so
small a boy, when he spoke out, " Don't be
afriad, Captain, I can drum." This was spok
eu with so much coufideuce that the Captain
immediately observed with a smile, " Weil,
well, Sergeant, bring the drum, and order our
fifer to come forward." In a few moments the
drum was produced,and our fifer, a tall, round
shouldered, goodmatured fellow, from the Du
buque mines, who stood, when erect, something
over six feet in height, soon made his appear
Upon being introduced to his new comrade
he stooped down, with his hands resting upon
his knees, that were thrown forward into an
acute angle, and after peering into the little
fellow's face a momeut he observed, " My lit
tle man, can you drum?" "Yes, sir," he re
plied, " I drummed for Captain Hill, in Ten
nessee." Our fifer immediately commenced
straighteuing himself npward until all the an
gles in his persou had disappeared, when he
placed his fife in his month a r d played the
" Flowers of Edeuborough," one of the most
difficult thiDgs to follow with the drnm that
could have been selected, and nobly did the
little fellow follow him, showing himself to be
master of the drutn. Wheu the music ceased
our Captain turned to the mother aud observ
ed, " Maflam I will take your boy What is
Lis name ?" " Edward Lee," she replied ;
then placing her hand upou the Captain's arm,
she observed, "Captain, if he is not killed—"
here her maternal feelings overcame her utter
ances, and she bent down over ber boy and
kissed him upon the forehead. As she arose
she observed, "Captain, you will bring him
back wiifi you, wou't you?" "Yes, yes," he
replied, 1 we will be certaiu to bring bim back
with us We shall be discharged in six weeks."
In au hour after our company led the lowa
First ouf of camp, our drum aud file playing
" The girl I left behind me." Eddie, as we
called him, soou became a great favorite with
all the nien in the company. When any of the
boys hat? returned from a horticultural excur
sion, Eddie's share of the peaches and melons
was the first apportioned out. During cut
heavy and fatiguing march from Rolla to
Springfield it was often amusing to see our
long-legged fifer wading through the mud with
our little drummer mounted upon his back—
aud always in that positon when fordiog
During the fight at Wilson's Creek I was
stationed with a part of onr company on the
right of Totten's battery, while the balance of
our company, with a part of the Illinois regi
ment, was ordered down iuto a deep ravine
upon our left, iu which it was known a portion
of the enemy was concealed, with whom they
were soon engaged. The contest in the ravine
continuing some hours. Totten suddenly wheel
ed his battery upon the enemy in that quarter,
when they soon retreated to the high ground
behind their lines. In less than twenty min
utes after Totten had driven the enemy from
the ravine, the word passed from man to man
throughout the army, " Lyon is killed," and
soon after, hostilities having ceased upon both
sides, the order came for our main forces to
fall back upon Springfield, while a part of the
lowa First and two companies of the Missouri
regiment were to camp upon the ground and
cover the retreat the next 'morning.
That night I was detailed for guard duty,
my turn of guard closing with the morning
call. When I went out with the cfifcer as a
relief, I found that my post wa° vpon a high
eminence that overlooked the ueep ravine in
which our men had engaged the euemy until
Totteu's battery came to their a?sistaLce. It
was a dreary, lonesome beat. The moou had
gone down in the early part of the night, while
the stars twinkled dimly through a hazy at
mosphere, lighting up impevfectly the sur
rounding objects. Occasionally I would place
my ear near the grouud aud listen for the
sound of footsteps, but all was silent save the
far off howling of the wolf, that seemed to
scent upon the evening air the banquet that
we had been preparing for him The hours
passed slowly away, when at length the morn
ing light began to streak along the eastern
sky, making surrounding objects more plainly
visible. Piegjutly llnad a drum beat np the
morning call. At first 1 thooiht it enine from
the camp of the enemy across the creek, but as
I listeued I found it came up from the deep
ravine ; for a few miuutes it was sileut, aud
then as it became more light I heard it again.
I listened—the souud of the drum was famil
iar to me—aud I knew that it was
Our drummer boy from Tennessee
Beating for help the reveille,
I was about to desert my post to go to his
assistance when I discovered the officer of the
guard approaching with two meD. We all
listeued to the sound, and were satisfied that
it was Eddie's drum. I asked permission to
go to his assistance. The officer hesitated,
saying that the orders were to march in twen
ty minutes. I promised to be back iu tbat
time, and he conseuted. I immediately started
down the hill through the thick undergrowth,
aud upon reaching the valley I followed the
sound of the drum, and soon fonnd him seated
upon the ground, his back leaning against the
truuk of a fallen tree, while his drum hung
upon a bush in front of him, reaching nearly
to the ground. As soon as he discovered me
he dropped his drumsticks and exclaimed:
" Oh, Corporal, I am so glad to see you !
Give me a driuk," reaching out bis band for
uij cauteen, which was empty. I immediately
turned to bring him some water from the brook
that I conld hear rippling the bashes near by,
wheu, thinking that I was about to leave,* he
commenced crying, saying : " Don't leave me,
Corporal—l can't walk."
I was soon back with the water, when I dis
covered that both of his feet had been shot
away by a cannon ball. After satisfying his
thirst, he looked up into my face aud said :
" You don't think I will die, Corporal, do yon?
This man said I would not—he said the sur
geon could cure my feet." I now discovered
a man lying in the grass near him. By his
dress I reeogu zed him as bc-longieg to the
enemy. It appeared that he had been shot
through the bowels, and fallen near where
Eddie lay. Knowing that he could not live.aud
seeing the condition of the had crawl
ed to him, taking off his buckskin suspenders,
aud corded the little fellow's legs below the
knee, and then lay down and died. While be
was telling me these particulars, I heard the
tramp of cavalry coaiiDg down the ravine, and
in a moment a scout of the enemy was npon
us, and I was I requested the
officer to take Eddy up in front of him, and he
did so, carrying him with great tenderness and
care. When we reached the camp of the
I enemy the little fellow was dead.
It is cow about two weeks siDce I made my
escape from M'Cnlloch'a grasp. I have re-en
listed for the war, and as we are likely to be
in camp for some time, I may write again
of other scenes through which I have passed
master said one day to a miuister who had
come to examine his school :
" I believe the children know the Catechism
word for worcl."
" Bat do they understand it ? that is the
question," asked the minister.
The schoolnoaster bowed respectfully aud the
examination began.
A little boy had repeated the fifth command
ment, " Honor thy father and thy mother,"
aud he was requested to explain it.
Instead of trying to do it, the little boy,
with his face covered with blushes, said, al
most in a whisper—
"Yesterday I showed some strange gentle
man over the hill. The sharp stones cut my
feet, and the geutlcmau saw they were bleed
ing, and gave me some money to buy me shoes.
I gave the money to my mother; for she had
no shoes either, and I thought I coald go bare
foot better than she could."
DOIBI.ING-CP A JCDGE. —Ottiwell Wood, A
witness in a case at the assizes, on being sworn,
was asked his name, and gave it. The judge,
puzzled with the unusual Christian name.which
probably be had only imperfectly heard, re
quested the witness to repeat it, which was
done with no better success ; and the judge
somewhat testily said : " Have the goodness
to spell your name, sir." The witness respond
ed as follows : "O double T, I double U, E
doable L, double 17, double O, D." This
doubling upon the judge completely overcame
his lordship, and he gave up all efforts to spell
the name in sheer despair.
tlemen are rarer persouages than some of us
think. Which of us can point to many such
in his circle ? men whose aims are generous,
whose truth is coustaut —and not only constaut
in kind, but elevated in degree—whose waut
of meauness makes them simple who can look
the world honestly in the face, with an equal
manly sympathy for the great and the small ?
We a'l know a hundred whose coats are well
made, aud a score who have excellent muuuers,
and one or two happy beings who are what
they call inner circle, and have shot iuto the
center and bull's eye of fashion ; but of gen
tlemen, how many ? Let us take a little scrap
of paper, and each make out his list.— TlucJc
balmy fellow, braggiug that he could
carry a barrel of pork without difficulty, was
suddeulyput to his trumps when told that he
was frequently seen staggeriug under a load of
less thau 175 pounds of corned meat.
Imitation is the homage that dulne?s
pays to genius. Such homage is paid con
stantly at the throne of the great.
Education begins the gentleman, but
readiug, good company, and education must
fiuish him.
Milliners' bills are the tax which the
male sex has to pay for the beauty of the
Surely that man may be envied who
can eat pork chops for [supper aud sleep with
out a gruut.
Opinions fonnced on prejudice are al
ways sustained with the greates violeuce.
VOX,. XXII. NO. 37.
A Visit to the Great Wall of China.
Mr. Foublanqne communicates to the Lon
don Times a graphic description of a visite to
the Great Wall of China. The following are
extracts ;
Accompanied by Mr. Dick, an excellent
Chinese scholar, and attracted as interpreter
to the Commissural, I left Tien-tsin on the
18th of March, and after a three days' ride
through as uninteresting a country as can
well be conceived, came in sight of the fine
solid wall which incloses the straggliug mass
of rain, dirt and decay, called Pekin.
Chinese villiages are, at best, dreary and
squalid looking, but on this root, where the
dogs of war have so recently been let loose,
there is something harrowing in the misery
aud desolation of the scene. Has grinding
oppression aud long suffering deadened the
heart of the Chiuese peasant to all senses of
injary? Or has he, after all, a Christian feel
iug, of forgiveness towards his enemies, for
which no orthodox churchman would give the
Pagan credit ? 1 cannot cxplaiD it,, but I
own to something like a sense of shame hav
ing come over me as we two solitary unarmed
strangers pa-sed through crowds of women and
children,stuudiug by the charred ruins of tbeir
homestead and among tbeir shattered house
hold gods, withont being met by a single an
gry look or gesture—nay, more, always receiv
ing a ready and friendly reply to every ques
tiou. Perhaps they felt grateful that we had,
at any rate spared their lives, which is more
than they can expect from their countrymen,
the rebels, when they paid them a visit.
Some of the villages along oar road were
mere heaps of rubbish ; others retained more
or less the semblance of human habitations.—
lu the iargor ones,as Ho-si-woo, which, it may
bo remembered was for some time in occupa
tion of our troops, the late enemy's incription
on doors and walls seem to be piously preserved
as agreeable relic., aud such familiar garrison
words as " Officers' Quarters." " Cauteen,"
" Fane's Horse," Comuiissarat," " General
Hospital," meet one at every turn; though
one canuot but remark with regret that the
building which appear to afforded shelter to
the invaders are sadly devoid of everything
in the shape of woodwork which was probably
used as occassion required for codkiug dinners
aud boiling water. A celebrated aud impos
ing pawnbroker's shop, which was " looted "
here has not yet recovered itself. But let it
be borne in mind that in pillage, as in wanton
destruction, the Chinese themselves far excel
the Britis or even the French soldiers ; the
bonds of restraint once removed, and a Celes
tial mob have no patriotic or religous scru
ples as to the property of maodariau, priest,or
peasant —at they fully exemplified at the sack
ing of Yueu miug-yuen aud the Llama tem
ple, the sacred proceeds of which are to this
day openly offered for sale at more or less ex
orbitant prices in the shops of Tinu-tsin.
At Ho-si-woo we met a French missionary
bishop on his way to Europe, after having
passed twenty-five years in China. He was
dressed in the native costume, even to the pig
tail, aud appeared to be treated with great
reverence by the unbelieving crowd who flocked
in to see the "Mandariau priest." The self
devotioD, the zeal, and, as a very general rale,
the pure and simple lives led by the French
missionaries in China (aud their number
throughout the empire and the kingdom of Si
am exceeds 1500), are uot without their effect
upon the people,although this is not displayed
by wholesale aud indiscriminate conversation
to uomiual Christianity.
Another day's journey brought us to Cha
taon—a hamlet at the toot ofthe Great Wall.
The road for the last fifteeu miles had been
so bad that we were obliged to leave onr hor
ses at Naakan, hiring in tbeir places Tarter
ponies. Nothing less surefooted than these
shaggy, hardy little beasts could have carried
us through those rugged mountain paths,which
we would have doue ou foot, but that oue
miles march over the sharp rock which forma
the pavemeut would have left us shoeless.
At daybreak ou the following morning we
climbed the highest peak of the mountain
rauge, and there, standiug on the top .of the
great wall, reflected upoutbe stupendous folly
of this wonderful woik of human industry,
which is said to have cost the country two
hundred thousand lives from sheer physical
exhaustion. The wall, which is built of stone
aud brick is twenty feet high and fiftea broad,
surniouuted by a doable parapet-loop holed on
the uortb side. As far as the eye can follow
the mountain range it winds over the ridges of
the prcciptong black rocks like a gigantic
serpeut crawling along, and with its hreath
poisouiug all aronnd ; for, turn where yon
will, nothing meets the view but the desolate,
dreary track of rock, unrelieved by a blade of
grass or a tuft of moss, and huge boulders
strewing the base of the mouutain sides. It
was the whim of a tyrant to build a wall
where nature had already bailt a barrier far
more effectual than anything that human art
could con>truct. However, there it remains,
after a laps of nearly two thousand years—a
moumcnt of the cruel folly of oue man, and
the patient industry and sufferings of mauy
Having made an abortive attempt at a
sketch, and tried in vain to discover one re
deeming feature in this vast sceue of desola
tion, I secured my brick, and descending to
the pass, remonnted to proceed homeward.—•
Our guard could hardly believe his senses—
certainly he doubted ours. When at Naukan
mine host inquired what we were going to the
Great Wall for. Our honest answer met
with no credit. Were'there not walls every
where ? Was not the wall of Pekin much
better worth looking at ? And then, as for
shooting, why come so far for game when it
could be bought in the market at onr very
doors ? His impression evidently was that we
had some sinister project in view ; but when
we returned with the brick the good man sim
ply bnrstout laughing, and set ns dowo for a
conplc of harmless maniacs.