AND GENERAL. "OIBT —Court commenced on Mon- wiU appear next week. I .'!• —— _ in examination of the classes in each "• W a 3d Monday and Tuesday, February 10th A 11th. riW' 1 nruH YOCSG. of the Tioga Agitator, 1? r —One nieht last week, a dwel 'l- ler I'ranch of Towanda Creek, in Moa- I parti*" I*"' 1 *"' t _ UOBBFKY -On Friday evening last a & KOB th black-monnted harness (a new 'ht bay ro are '* ' stolen from Rev. T. S. pu* ®o b *' B4pt,4t ° f Tw3 '' p4 '' ig a general thing jay- GET THE the en(Ji a)td especially best article is. the chap . chemical Sal |thU the case with D.B^■ who hag trie d it wil> L-itus, as article wbk it wa , made tor.- ~r i a i ustri.ethmgtor g P wholeha le, by the lltl manu'acturc ' CO j New York and ear ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN GONE.-We re . , .1 „rur T H. STBrnxNS, one L |t pi announce the ea b cjtjzens> w hich OC in North Towanda, on Saturday; 3 has been long and favorably known IhemosU-fthe citixens of this county,as he was at • ™ sb e-iff and for many years proprietor of a pub finse in this borough, lie was buried by the M.son , fstera.ty on Tuesday. ACCIDENT —Wo learn tha' „ CAnrssi t., a miller,in Elkland township, Sulli "rounty. came to his death in a singular manner, on S , j-ih u'lt. Mr CAMPBELL was engaged in his mill, "' w(nt OLt upon the icc on the pond to get some He shouldered a large pole and started for the ind't is supposed that he slipped down the pole f ; upon his neck and dislocated it. When found the | . - laying across his neck, und life was extinct. I AHEAD THE GREATEST I t ., ( r IKON IS THE WORI.D— We are gratified at be |. ilt to report that the greatest yield of iron ever lie by any furnace in one week was obtained last f k from No. 3. Three hundred and fifty-six tons is at No. 3 turned out in seveu days' production. Un rtbeskillful superintendence of Mr. Mattes and the ,ble practical knowledge of Messrs. Davis and , rfurnaces are reaching the maximum of efficiency.— /extraordinary product was obtained with Scranton C Let ir-n men take a note of it. Our coal is some isei said t he uusuiUd to furnace purposes. But now Lead, the world. As to its domestic use no oue un it -atea ,U value.- Scranton Republican, Jan. 31, I SPEECHES.—The following contains & L-Mwhat rougn Season, but one by which many who Let made prwentation speeches may profit : I Anamuwing .word presentation was made a short Limeaince,by the offi ers of the 78th Pennsylvania regi- Lent, to tkc.r Colonel. (Wu. SIBWXLL.) The preaenta l a i/'reoii ot Captain Gillespie was— I ' Her" w- are and here it ia ; this i a bully sword, Ltlcome* from bully fellows ; take it, and use it in a I 1 I. y aiaimcr. J liouel StRWEt.L's reply was Isptain, that was a bully speech ; let us take a bit rink." j#*S.VAIX— J. !X. GRIFFIN nnd others II passing through the narrows between Sheshequin p Athens on Monday morning last, found a large cop- I-' ?a.l (pilot,) lying in the sleigh track stupified with f old, vet alive. His snakeship nail probably crawled ;his hole in the rocks near by with the views to a the army of 44 Secesh,'* bnt found the land of the mud sills" in dead of winter not favorably to a for >.rd movement. The oath allegiance was administered nitn with a slielalah, as it should be to all traitorous utiles infesting the Northern States. - IVaveriy Ad j THE PENNSYLVANIA Orr. RECIO.v.—The I-sent from the Pennsylvania Oil region, for the k itb, over the Philadelphia and Erie railroad, are es- L ittd st 30. 000 bid., taxing the railroad to its full ca- Iv-ity The Oil trade is becoming a very important I \ aad ll:e business of refining it ar.d preparing it for I* profitable. It is a business that in Philadel r irii tiecurried on very successfully, and our mann |j.:rtrs'cou d not possibly put their enterprise and I. ui in a ("Intend more remunerative. The oil is af- I -led at a price which makes it the cheapest light now • i.and it is equal to gas in its illuminating qualities. I c.-ert railroad communication between this city ; the oil region will give our manufacturers advantages Itjiojiessed by those of other cities. These will be i!r increased when the Bunburyand Erie railroad is Ihieted. I ft* A Brilliant Fashion has just made its B'tfince in the progressive city of Now York, which it to outshine Paris in its lustre and extravigance. ■•' Stin .ays that a short time since a prominent resi "lthat city of weaitn and fashion, conceived the 1 -taaiy.dea of having his front teeth set with diamonds. \-' a'erred c-n the subject with two of his friends, one | ' n was a lady of literary celebrity, and all was so I*' pleased with the novel idea that they had large and *" -abte first water diamonds set in their fronth teeth, * -a Sunday afternoon they attended one of the most *- mble churches on Fifth avenue,where they attract ■ • '• ~a..1e notice,and diverted the attention of a I' pinViti of the congregation by the lustrous rays of I-.'-ttmh. On their return home, they wero followeJ . a crowd ofp rM)aßi whose attention and curiosity ' *S'!racted by the dazzling radiance of the brilliant I J Jf this fashion is adopted, jewellers, lapidaries 1 • •entiwts wi.i an abundant harvest. Verily, the *'r.d mares, I rtfswncnts. K ~J CORN htts bought|the en IT''' 1 of Beady Made Clothing. Gents Furnish- | and Caps, and all the rights, title ann If . p c! ? ims "f JOHN SHI.AM, and is ready to sell I ■" k r,t fa ] an( j Winter Clothing 10 per cent. H ost ' aU(I ''e will be very thankful to all of I \ g ciHtomers, if they will give him a call. Lu. ,1 J debtors of the establishment are request- I their debts to J. Corn, immediately. I"-1 ,i„'' ' n place—One door South of H. S. Mer- I J. CORN. | t "i! 1 *- Jsnnary 15.1862. LETTING.—SeaIed proposals . VracolTcd at Rockwell's Mills, in West Bnr ,e - ' n u lav Jan *7 31,182. until I o'clock PM. I'"< and completing a Bridge across Sugar >^. r ( ar place. Specifications for the same may ■if Rockwell's Mills, and at the Commission ' or ten days previous to said letting IW A.THOMAS, W. H DECKER, ISAAC LYONS, Commissioners. t^-~l_l , 1.5.1862 I\\ 0T bad TOITAKE ~ St cakes with seme of the best Golden . FOX'S. [PRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP, \ n i' nnV Toilet Soap .at FO X 'S. tSfACTS FOR FLAVORING OF ra " rh cheaper tiiau t Jl *n 26,1861. POX* ANNUAL REPORT, Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the ls£ day of January to the 31s£ day of December, 1861, inclusive. BXPB2ffDITTrB.ES. •Auditors 518 00 Assessors 1557 75 Bridge contracts 3208 36 Bridge and Road Views 55 00 Bradford Co. Agricultural Society 100 00 Crier of Court, 117 00 Constables for making return and at'g court... 491 38 Counsel to Comr's 23 60 Const, in Com'tb. suits,..., 1193 39 Civi1...,,, 18 15 District Attorney, 240 50 Election expenses 754 76 Fuel and lights 135 00 Grand Jurors 588 53 Traverse Jurors 2714 24 Justices Inquisitions, 19 59 Incidental expenses 6 75 Insurance upon Court House 133 50 Office Books and Stationery , 119 54 Account with the several Collectors of County Tax for tht County of Bradford. Townships $• Boros'. Collectors' Names. Year. Chargtd.Rtctivtd. Ex'td. Ptr Cent. Due^ Towanda Twp. IJames Santft, |1857 89 58 89 58| Monroeton, M M Coolbaugh, 11858 152 70 152 70 Monroeton Boro' |M Tewilliger, i 6 51 .. 6 81 Kidgbury, ■ Jesse Hammond, 92 12 .. 92 12 Towanda North,' • A H Kingsbury, j 70 83 .. 70 83 Asylum, D L Staates, |1869 112 68 112 68 Albany, Geo M Cranmer, j 132 91 .. 132 91 Burlington West, Jehial McKean, 3 53 3 53 Pike, MB Porter. 45 61 45 61 ; Smithfield, ;J W Phelps. 96 10 96 10 Springfield, [AG Brown, 239 16 202 66 83138 19 Sylvania, LLGrigory, 10 48 6 77 J3 77 Troy twp. H Spalding, 307 76 271 50 21334 13 Armenia! J B Morgan. 1860 840 840 Athens boro* H J Fritcher, 205 01 204 43 58 Athens twp. 'LA Gardner, 31 <4 318 74 .. Asylum, ,DL State/, ™ 79 60 95 84 14 Albany, |Johu Brown, f' *9 39 49 Burlington, -RMPruyne, 87 258 7 .. :: B c; SJ? :: CTAJ!*"' ILWIFWTSI, 'T 41 KSK*' AS iMo; in no Leßoy |C D Holcomb. 1? tl " 22 73 Litchfield, ;David McKiony, lo.? 73 °o 00 Monroe twp. J I, Coolbaugh, 192 'i., . 12 28 - Boro' |RR Rockwell, 20 28 8 " if tl Overton, Jas Heverly, 60 99 29 *.'( " 9T 47 Rome, Simon Russell, 323 47 226 001 * 4 Smithfield, J O Gerould, 165 41 165 41 j 04 Springfield. A G Brown, 382 94 347 o l' T 40 South Creek, Peter J Dean, 12 98 10 osj 290 loi 97 Sheshequin, John Brink, 382 97 170 00 ! .. 1-' Standing Stone, Jonathan Wood. 89 03 89 03 Terry twp. IShnbel Bowman, 30 6-5 30 65 1 Tuscarora, lAJSvlvaria, i I 194 77 178 66 87 15 24 j Towanda Boro' A J Noble. I 201 72 201 72 •• Twp. Geo L Davidson, j ' 55 30 36 03 5 *614 11 | " Noith, iDaniel Kenedy, ' i 94 17j 83 09i 85jl0 23 | Ulster, GS Nichols, ! 106 64 106 64 Windham, J W Warner, | 208 20 208 20- .. ! Wyalusing, James Lewis. 137 16 134 86 2 30: Wysox, John B Hinds, 415 14 184 65; 40626 43 | Welles, Jas Mitchill, 22 14, 22 14; .. Wilmot, Pan! Quick, 43 36; 43 36; .. I „ ! Armenia, J B Morgan, Igg] 61 51; .56 46i 2 08- 297 I Athens twp, David Gardner, 1082 81 *O2l 09; 7 90;5- 82 - Athens bor-j' IWm Hancock, 363 76 173 00 ,8 93 17 74 09 Asylum, W M Decker, 287 77 149 67 J 0 54 13 86 ; 13 70 Albany, Clark Sweet, 10 1" 151 00 7 161 565, 13 23 Burlington twp. RM Pry ne, 281 05 86 40 3 BM3 87 ,176 07 •• Boro' Fred Whitehead, 56 1$ 41 30! 2"9 ji 59 '• West, Amasa Greeno, ! 251 0(6 237 411 1 07 12 50 Canton. 'Sheldon Liudley, 586 9*! 534 00 12029 42 22 36 Columbia, iMßSiade. 534 79: 428 48 31326 58 76 60 Frankliu. j Nelson Gilbert, 172 16.) 159 09! 4708 37 Granville, David Sayies, 332 02j 312 89 2 66 16 44 Herrick, J J Anderson, 220 69! 159 8s; 1 47 10 96 "48 38 LeUov, R R Palmer, 213 6s 200 351 22910 63 " 31 Litchfield, Henrv Wolcntt, 330 98; 312 33: 221 16 47; Monroe twp, J L Coolbaugh, 299 29; 250 74, 96614 48 24 41 Monroe boro' j Joseph Griggs, 51 47: 44 40: .. 1 707 Orwell, : D E Ellsworth, 434 67 407 861 fi 34 21 47 Overton, ;BJ McGovern. 7'2 9i' 66 32; 3 10; 349 Pike, Hansford Brink. 558 70; 272 001 3 12 27 78 255 80 Borne. 'FC Cranmer, 333 70 149 00 28816 54 165 28 Ridgbury, Anson Webb, 379 69 356 42; 4 51-18 76 Smithfield, J W Phelps, 699 40 315 00 70129 62 247 77 Springfield. - Geo Voorbia, 484 87 457 28 3 6'2 24 07 South Creek. J K Seafuse, 235 67 216 68 7 58(11 41 Sylvania, R M Ross, 59 52 38 00 I 2152 Sheshequin, Charles Chalice. 530 27 501 42 24626 39 Standing Stone, !Jonathan Wood, 244 09 212 90 30011 06 16 13 Terry twp. Shubel Bowman, 192 07 168 45 .. j 23 62 Towanda boro' Geo E Fox. 651 56 613 11 S 18|32 27 Towanda twp. Geo L Davidson, 244 94: 229 63 3 20;12 11 Towanda North, O Kennedy, 179 10j 104 06 .. !8 96 66 08 Troy twp. Samuel Case, 589 BC| 555 49 5 13 29 24 Troy boro' Wm Morgan, 231 0"i 216 47 3 21 11 39 Tuscarora. A J Sylvaria, 266 31 195 51 4 5.5 13 09 53 16 Ulster G L NichoU, 322 05 280 00 *1 54i 15 53 14 98 Warren RSCorbin, 492 13! 463 75 3 98 24 40 ; Windham. J W Warner. 391 56 299 98 .. 191 58 Wyalusing John G Keeler, 387 56| 366 67 1 69 IS 30 Wysox JB Hinds, 464 03' 368 07 18423 11 !71 01 Welles A {yah Young, 338 20 250 00 11 13 16 35 j6O 72 Wilraot, Paul Quick, 209 68j 194 92j 4 50|10 26; 9 1 17281 87' 211 46 876 40 2494 16 I)r. lUm. Griffis, Treasurer, in account with the Cuunty of Bradford, for the year 1861. Cr. To am't due upon duplicate for previous year, $6716 52 | By am't returned uncollected previous to 1861, $8.56 59 " " " " 1861, 14203 92 " 44 •• for 1649 57 '• of Re-Assessment, 4 00 " of exonerations to Collectors, 252 46 44 Incidental receivals, 85 31 " percentage, 876 40 " Fines and Juror fees, 193 00 14 Orders redeemod in ISSI. 19489 98 " Abatement upon State tax, 213 00 '• 2 per cent commission on same, 389 80 44 in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1861, 2447 02 44 1 44 44 (17604 73) 176 0.5 44 In treasury, Jan. 1,1862, 172 01 $23862 86 23862 86 Dr. Wm. Griffis, Treasurer, in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1861. Cr . To am'nt due upon duplicate for previous years, 5280 33 By am't returned uncollected, previous to '6l, 1085 3" 1861, 11977 51 •' 44 " " for 3022 85 44 Re-Assessment. 3 44 •" Exonerations to Collectors, 245 67 44 Incidental receivals, 6 6 1 44 Percentage. 715 08 State Trea's receipts dated April 20 A July 17, 8810 41 1 pr cent, commission on 12199 57, 122 00 Due Com th. Jan. 1, '62, (since paid,) 3266 51 $17267 89 , $17267 89 Dr. County Orders in Accaunt with Ike County of Bradford for the year 1861. Cr. By amount of Orders issued in 1861, $19382 48 By am't of Orders redeemed in 1861, $19489 98 4 * 44 Outstanding Jau. 1,'61, 300 66 14 44 Outstanding Jan. 1, '62, 193 16 $19683 14 | $19663 14 —■— BRADFORD COUNTY, SS : We, the undersigned Commissioners of said county, do hereby certify that the L. S. above is a true and correct statement of the receivals and expenditures of said county, from the first day of —— January to the Slst day of Decemlier (inclusive) A. D. 1861. Given under our hands and seal of Office, at Towanda, this 27th day of January, A. D. 1862. WM. A.THOMAS, W. H. DECKER, I. LYONS, Attest—E. B.ICOOLHACGH, Clerk. Commissioners. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By viitue of a writ of levari Facia*, issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Towarida. on THURSDAY, the Gth day of February 1862, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lying in the Township of Wyaox and bounded as fol lows': Beginning at the north-west corner of Bertrand and Septimus Whitney's lot, thence north 1° east 111 pr. to a post on the Warrantee line. Thence south 89° east on said Warrant line 118 9 10 pr. to a post to the north west corner of a lot of Lyman Trumbull, /hence sonth 1° west 111 pr. to a post the north-east corner of said Whit ney's lot, thence nort 89° westh 118 9-10 pr. to the place of beginning. Containing 82 acres and 78 perches, being the same lot of land which was conveyed by Lyman Trumbull to A. J. Gorsline, by deed dated Dec. 6,1850, who by deed subsequently conveyed the same to Charlotte Gorsline. About 40 a-cresimproved —log house with fram ed addition, framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Martin Els bree's F.xrs. vs Charlotte Gorsline who survived Pomroy Gorsline. . „ ... . ALSO—By sundry wnnts of Vend, Ex., will be expos ed to public sale at the same time and place, the follow ing lot piece or parcel of land situate in West Burlington bounded on the north by lands of A. Parkhnrst, east by lands of Phineas Diokinaon, south by lands of John Green and James Booth, and west by land of Wilber Gamage. Containing 75 acres, be the same more or less, aoubt 18 improved, framed house, framed barn and fruit trees there "seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. M. Man ville vs. Washington Taylor. ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Smithfleld township, beginning at a post and stones the south-west corner of a lot of land formerly own ed by Wm. Phelps, thence south 81° west 73 pr. to apost and stones, thence north 9° west 12 pr. to a post and stones, thence south 81° west 15 8-10 pr. to a line of a road leadind south from a saw mill owned in part by C. P. Irish thence south 2*° east 12 3-10 perches to a post thence south 81° west 51 2 10 perches to a post andl stones thence north 9° west 155 pr. to a corner in the aforesaid road, thence north 81° cast 130 nr to a post and stones, thence south 9° east 155 pr to the place of beginning.- Containing 129 i acres, more or less, about 90 improved, 2 framed houses, one framed barn, sow mill, and orchard thereon. .. ~ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Warren Al len's Ezra. vs. Joseph Hincbman k Lyman T Covell. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. Tnwanda, Jan 14.1862. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Josepn Biddle dee'd., late of Armenia tw P-. are hereby requested to made payment without de lav and all persons having demands against said estate will presentthem duly authenticated for settlement. ROBERT MASON, Admistrstor. Jan. 13, 16b.'. Paid for prisoners support in Co. Jail 925 68 " " Eastern Penitentiary 343 3' Conveying prisoners to Penitentiary 600 00 Priqtiug 318 31 Prot. and Clerk of Sessions 393 63 Repairs upon Public Buildings 321 62 Summoning Jurors 134 00 Township Line views. 47 75 Township and School tax 40 45 Transcribing Mortgage lndix, 60 00 Expense of VolaSuppcrt of Volunteers'families 2459 99 Wolf and Wild Cat Certificates 22 90 W. A. Thomas Com'r 298 00 W. H. Decker " 372 00 Isaac Lyons •' 46 00 P. H. Ruck, late " 304 00 E. B. Coolbaugh, Clerk of Com'rs 600 00 Total, $193.32 48 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of JAMES GORDON, late of Wells tp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. IHOMAS OWEN, Dec. 11,1861. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JAS M. SOLOMON, late of Wyalusing tp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay,and those haviug claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID G GOODIN, Dec. 11,1861. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby gven, that all persons indebted to thee s tateof WILLI AM SIBLEY, dee'd. .late of Windham p., are hereby reqoesited to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estatel wiil ' present them duly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN KUYKENDALL Jau. 8,1862. Adminisrato,r. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Executors of Abiram Pierce vs. Don M. Baron. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 43, February j Term, 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court to distrihnte funds arising from Sheriffs sale of defend i ant's personal property, will Attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the Borough of Towanda, ! on THURSDAY, the 23d day of JANUARY. 1862, at ] 1 o'clock, P. M. when and where all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to present the same or be forever debarred therefrom. THOMAS RYON, Dec. 11,1861. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the matter of the estate af Eli Oibbs. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, an Au ditor, appointed by said Conrt to distribute the monies in the hands of the administrators, will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the IBth day of JANUARY, 1862, at 1 o'clock, P.M., when and where all persons hav ing claims upon said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred from the Dec. 10,1861. Auditor. piGS, DRESSED AND FAT WANTED. T exchange for CASH or GROCERIES, at Jowanda, Nov. 2f, 188 L PATCH 8 JtttsccUaueous. jJnsqnttranita Collegia!? Institute, TOIVANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : Rev JAMES McWILI.IAM, Principal, Professor of An cient Languages, and Mental and Aforal Sciences. SAMUEL L. FISLER, A. B. Profes.-. >:.- of Mathematics and Natural Science. P.rol. CHARLES R- COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. C. E. EATON, Professor of Penmanship and Book-keep ing. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mrs. HELEN A. ADAMS. Assistant Preceptress. Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal Instrumen tal Music. Mr.D. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. Mrs. D. C. DAYTON. Matron. The Winter Termcommences WEDNESDAY.NOVEM BER 27, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, FEB TERM l rPayable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-halt at the middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term * * " Preparatory 5™ Higher, Ist year, per term.. • w Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term > 800 Classical, Ist year, per term I uu Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term. H 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged II per term Tor fuel and contingents. KXTBA EXPENSES 1 French # 3OO German J Drawing •••-- -• • • ••• ■• • Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light * Washing, per dozen ■ ls The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Anniversaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except In case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught In fthe Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will be taught in a hall adjoining the groe.nds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 50 do for practice . 2 C Pupils boarding In the Hall will famish their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver a_ their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding whC is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished a slight charge. It isgtro' , 0 I J ABIMTIM. Am"i of outalauding Orders, Jan. 1, 1862... 1107 01 Due on Boro' scrip, Fire Department, 271 01 1370 01 a stirs. Amount doe on Duplicate, MS 38 ACCOUNT WITH COLLBCTOH. COL. datb. am't. paid. bxon. pb. ct. DC I. A. J.Noble. 185 V 308 64 332 70 18 23 48 71 Sp'ibor. tax 185 V 101 2.1 24 51 25 00 41 72 .... A. J. Noble, 1660 076 48 915 09 12 18 49 21 1860 1000 35 46 07 953 38 DR. TBIABUBBB OP TOWANDA DOBO 1 CR- Bal. in Treasury, lOrders redeemed... 1160 24 Jan. 1,1861 20 17 Bal. due on dnplic'e 963 36 Bal due on Dupli- Pd on Bams Judg't, 48 98 cate, 1869 332 70 " Ward " • 12 8T Bal. special boro'. 10l 23 • Holmes " " 19 68 " duplicate 1860. 976 48 Exonerations 37 18 1861, 1000 35 Col. per centags.... 100 98 Rec'd on Licenses. 40 00 Sec. A Treas 60 09 | Boro' loan redeem'd 62 2T Trees for Park 6 06 Bal In Treaaory.... 14 48 2470 93 a * TO 84 C. L. WARD, Burgaaa. WM. EL WELL, E. O. GOODRICH. B. F. POWELL, JERRE COLLIN9, JAMES M'CABE. Town ConnoU, Attest—Q. D. Mont an t, Sec'y. Jan. 13,1862. We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough of *♦- wanda. do certify that we have examined the accounts of the Town Council and Treasurer for the year 1861, and find them correct. N. X.BETTB, 9. W. ALVORD, Auditors. POOR ICND -IXPHNDITUBIS, 1861. C. K. Ladd, services as Pysician and Over seer of Poor 35 00 Wm. Mix, services Overseer of Poor 10 00 Mrs. Vandercook for keeping Mrs. Miner 60 00 Temporary relief to Lancey 100 •' " " Straiton family 300 " •' " D. O'Boil 100 " " " Stone 1 00 Funeral expenses of Mrs. X. Wilcox, 8 00 Mrs, Baker for keeping Yager 9 00 , <• Mr. Baker 13 00 Mrs. Miskell for keeping daughter 17 00 Temporary reieaf to Daijey,. 7 00 Mrs. Deforest to keeping Louis Green 6 08 178 00 ACCOCNT WITH COLLBCTOB OP POOB TAX. COL. DATB. CB'D. PAID. BXON. SCB. A.J.Noble, 185 9 71 04 71 04 1860 376 07 173 15 303 96 275 00 DR. TBBAS OP POOH PCNB. CR. Bal in Treaa. Jan. 1, Orders redeemed.. 163 6T 1861 11 04 Bal. due by c 01.... 9 21 Due by late Treas,. 823 Bal in Trene. Jan.l Rec'd of Col IT2 11 1862 18 48 192 38 19> *• WM. MIX. C. K. LADD. Overseers of Poor. We, the Auditors of Towanda boroogh. do certify that we have examined the accounts of the Overseers of the poor and Treasurer of said borough, for the year 1861. and find them correct. N. N.BETTB. 6. W. ALVORD. Auditor*. Towanda, Jan. 13,1862. SPECIAL NOTICE OWING to the fact that all confidence is the present Credit System is destroyed the anb scribers have determined to sell goods hereafter Exclusively for Ready Pay. All those having unsettled accounts with as will oblige us by settling the same at once, and all Notes and Judg ments due us must be pa'd soon in order to save cost. N. B. No respeci of persons shown. Rulington Aug 14,1861. J. F. LONG A SON. another" NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK OP WINTER GOODS! AT TRACY & MOORE'S. Towanda, Jan. 1, 1862. S~~TRATTON'S YEAST COMPOUND lias been tried by at least half the in this town for the past year, and has proved to be right. It comes in convenient packages containing 10 cents worth One cent will buy sufficient for a baking for the largest amily. For sale at FOX'S. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IK cash will be paid for Wool, Hides mid Sheep PaM*. at the Store of M. fi. SOLOMON. Nov. 13,1861. FRESH FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS Dates, Tamarinds. Oraogee, and afl kinds FQ2TB. WT DA VIES, ATTORNEY AT • LA W, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Ofßca with Wm. Watkins, Esq., a few doors north of the Ward Housa. Jan. 8. 1861- QASITPAID FOR POULTRY. A good article of FAT, WELL DREBIKD PQCLTHY, can be sold for CASH, at Towanda. Nov. 20,1861. FATCRI. Good Flour and Good Bread! WHY IS IT THAT SO MANY FAMI LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will invariably receive in answer The flour is poor ur the yeast is poor. To avoid these ircnDles buy your flour always at FOX'S and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best nus'xity of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, all st low prices, at the Caah Grocery St are. E. T.FOX. Jan. 28,1862. _ A VDITOR'S NOTICE. Montanyet