gfgartnuiit. In Behalf of Farmers' Eoys. Farmer's, did you ever think what a lone some business farming cau be.aud often is, made for your boys, just by your unsociability ? Do you talk with your sons as you go to and from •ad while at work? Or do you work in dreary, uncheered silence, unless a neighbor chances to come aioug or help you a day, and tueu suddenly rtcover the faculty of ech aud flow of spirits ? Do you kuow your boy's subject of thought ? His pet plans aid would he confide to your or advise wit I, y< u about any new plan or idea ? Do you complain that your son " takes no iuterest" in your work and at the same time do you take no interest in his plans for pieasuro and profit '{ Do you help hinn make his bow and arrow, or his trucks or bis sled ? Or does he have to coustruet these out of your sight and enjoy them by stealth, for fear of receiving a reprimaud from you for this waste of time ? Do you coinmeud bi3 good endeavors, or do ysn reprimaud him ou every slight occasion, without any mani festation of your appreciation of his diligence at other times ? There is nothing so terribly discouraging as this perpetual fault finding without auy commendation, and yet, who can not call to mind many fathers who so rarely commend their sons, that it is thought to be said iroui cally wbeu by chauce a word of satisfaction witb-their conduct is uttered. Farmers boy's feel this more from the fact that they are al most constantly with their fathers. They cau not, like village boys, meet companions at night after their work is done, and have a good time, nor can they every few days see 6ome show, firemen's parade, or eutertaiuing curiosity, that may serve them for subject of thought when at work iu silence. The farm is their world, and if the farmer does not try hard to make himself the companion of his boys, to not only seem, but to be interested in whatever interests his 6ons, to make the. hours of work a plesent sociable time in stead of a silent, dreary drag and if he does Dot by consulting with them, and ask iug for and talking over with them their plans and suggestions, and by proper commeudatiou, encourage them to better ef forts iu the future, why should ne be surprised to learn some morning that his sou had be come tired of farming, and " stepped out" to try the broad untried world outside ? flow rnauj fathers, whose boys leave home j just as soou as tliey cau, might justly blame j only their own reserve for their sous discontent. I Boys arc very much like men, and how can they be contented and happy while working j day after day in silence, only when the paten- j tal mouth is opcoed to repnma id some error ! of omission or commijsiou ? Mo one wonders j that the slaves of the south feel no interest ; in their work ; and many a father treats his j boys, so far as companionship is couserned, j just as if they were slaves. lie does not do , this because he does not love his boy, though : it seems so to the child ; but lie has "put J nway childish things" so far that he does not ; appreciate the teeliog of youth, and then the boy is his cwn, and he does not feel under any social obligation to him. 1 verily believe that ; loys who ' live out' will average to be more i contented, than •armers'boys who live at home i so far as companiouship with and eoinmeuUa tion from the father is concerned. Let any one observe in his own neighbor- ' hood, or still better, observe carefully his own boys, and ho will at once be convinced there is here a great evil, and one to be especially observed in the farmiug community. People who labor hard are apt to become cold and reserved. Farm work is usually very sugges tive of a most pleasant and instructive inter change of words, and in the quiet monotony of hoeiug one hill after another the lather for gets that the son is not as old as himself, with a lifetime of recollections for ins mind to feed npon. Think of this thing, fathers, and observe you son's conduct,and if you fiud that he feels any more confidence that he shall find sympa thy and encouragement aud ussistauce from you, your duty to hitn as a father has been neglected. SENDING POULTRY TO MARKET. Messrs. Briggs A Helfricb, of New-York, sends us the following directions for dressing, packing, ana forwarding poultry to market : First 6ee that all poultry is well fattened, as the difference in price in our market between fat and poor poultr? is very great, ilemem ber that you not only get pay for every pound your poultry gains in fattening, but by im proving the quality you gain from one-fourth to one-half in price on the whole. In fattening poultry, it is always the best economy to feed all they will eat. Poultry fed on corn is yellower and better than on buckwheat. Keep from food before killing a sufficient length of time so that the crop will be nearly or quiet empty, as full crops are quite det trimental. The best mode of killing is by opening the beck veins, though the head may be cut off. but, if so, the skiu should be drawn over jthe neck bone and tied after dressing. All poultry should be scalded ju3t enough to make it pick easy. The water should be nearly boiling hot ; dip the poultry in and talse it out two or three times, so as to scald evenly, then # pick off all the quills, feathers and pin feathers as quick as possible without breaking the skin. Don't rub them off, as that rubs off the thin outside skin, which in jures the sale. Next, immediately before it cools, dip it into clean hot water ; hold it in but a few secouds, then suddenly dip it into cold water for a few seconds more, then haag or lay it opto cool and dry. The intestiues or crop should not be drawn. Be sore it is all entirely cool through and the surface dry before being packed. Boxes are best to pack in, though barrels will rlo. Obtain bright rye straw, if possible, wheat or oat straw, if very bright aud clean, will do, but is not as good Shake out all the dust,place a layer in the box, then a layer of poultry, pack op, with the leg-i flat ou the straw ; put a little of the straw next the side of the box, then in the same manner alternate layers of straw and poultry. Btow very snug, so it cannot move ; put straw ou the top, press on the lid, and nail strong. If the weather is warm, use pleuty of dry straw. Genncsee Farmer. STARTING A BAULKY IIORSE —*A correspon dent describes what to him was u novel way of curing a baiky hotsc : Fasten a strong rope to his tail ; pass it between his legs ; tbtn attach a team to the rope and in re the word. Hrwnrd march ! NOW READY! IBIRTLETTS'NEW IRONWORKS TO WAND A, PENS A THE Subscriber begs leave to call the at tout ion of tin* public to the fact that he has enlarged Ills motive power and piircluUd and Bet up additional < machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, so that "he is now prepared to execute or ders f, r Castings or Machinery with promptitude. has at his works all thf PATTERNS in use by the i tte firm of Win. H. Philiiprfjfc Son ol Eltniru N. Y., and has also added to there, patterns of various kinds, j MILL 'RONS furnisher! for Grist- M-ille, Gang, Gnie, Circular and Muley Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENCINES of diffenrnt sizes and styles Mid iu fact almost aDy kind of Castings or Machinery in common use. Strum Fittings such as Stfarr. Pipis, fiilxnrs, Return Rends, Reducers, Couplings, Globt-Valves, Check Valves, Guage Cocks, dil Cups, IVhUUes, fyc. I always on hand aud made to-order. • [ He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS of , any siz or kind wanted. I Small Castings made in Rra-s or Composition. Cook ! ing aud Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured | and for sale at the above works. Furnitare for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe aiways OD hand Persons who want GEARING of any kindare informed that the subscriber has more "patterns for Gearing than auy other concern in this part of the country. They would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ling that would answer their wants and thus save dc lay I and expense in getting up work. He makes also a large variety of Pulleys, Halanbe | Wheels aud Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Gammers, 1 Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons, j Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with Jthc design of being I able to do any job which might he offered, whether large or small. In abort his effort has been to get up iu all j respects a first Class establishment. | Terras Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for , Old Pewter and Brittania. 1 Works situated on Main Street near Barclay It. It. Canal Basin. O. IT. BARTLETT. Towauda, April 11. I*6l. Prorprietot. GREAT BARGAINS! Rom 53,000 to S 4,oooWortli OF Fashionable Furniture! TO BK SOLD IMMEDIATELY. Havi ught recently the Athens C; nt Ware Rooms, | And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor, R. M. WELLES, 1t will be add fhfCASH AT PANIC PRICES, THE STOCK IS LARGE; and very complete, has been well j MJJaStwSiii selected, aud is well adapted for the ■ - ■ onntry. X. 11.- ft is a common remark made by vi.-itors to sjfeaSjßSßk tliis establishment, " Why, I had no you had such a large and splen rjdi-1 assortment, of Furniture. 1 have / £ fif i seen nothing like it .-hurt of the city." ( --• yyJ We have BEDSTEADS from •/.-><) and upwards. COTTAGE aud other CH AIRS, in great variety, from $4 00 \ \ m to $25,00 per--et. TABLES from *2,50 .jr \ upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. In every style, size and price, to suit the meansand taste | of any and all cu.-t raw-re. •" Call and see our -t- ck [ Athens, Pa., July 21 1861. F.X.PAGE. BOOK BINDERY. r T'IIE -übseriher having withdrawn from the Argns I X building would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by tlit Post Office, where he is now prepared to bind all kinds of Book- in the most approved and workmaulike manner Having to -hare my pr lit- with no -ecoud person I Rat ter myself that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in th future to merit the continuance of ; public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All j work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. Also, a large assortment of STATIONERY of the i best quality, at the lowest prices. Justices' and Ocnsta ble's BLAN KS, of all kinds, PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOITANN F. RENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11,1860. Bookbinder and Artist. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. j Y"ET ell these seem only to increase the | -L business and prosperity of the Old Foundry and ZVKACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st.. one door East ol H. S. Mer cur's Store.) The undersigned wold call the attention of all con cerned 1 o the fact, that he is prepared to do, ami will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,and in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM EXGIN KS, from the simplest to the most complicate, in auy of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilit es for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 1.5, 1860. Coal, Lime, Cement, Tire Brick, Drain Tiles, &c. I THERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barck.y I _L Company's Basin, in Towanda. where is kept con j stantly for sale, fresh burnt 11 hite Lime, made ircm the I best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per I bushel, or Jl pet barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12j cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped QUI boats lat Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse IVatfr Limf'at fl 1.5 jper barrel, and Fire Brick at 8 cents each. Drain 'Litis 2, 3 and 4 inch sizes at 2. 3 and 6 cents per foot, a v ery nice article for drainin land or about rby good work and attention to ray busi- j uess to give public satisfaction. hi".. JOHAXX F. BKXDKR. Hinder. HONB\ . —A few 'smiil! boxes, extra nice, for sale cheap at FOX'S, j Towanda, Sept. 18, 1861. KEROSINE OIL, rOR SALE CHEAP „ at FOT=J. Atg. 2i. l s tl. T\A- rrgfeprcfeaK&iff, *vc. f P, NEW ATTRACTIONS I At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery j jL lOWAMiU, PA. I \ You can procure, at low prices, \()f all to liTe size, either plain or re touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MKLAIXftTYPRK and AWBROTYPEB. and at ' most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases for ' 26 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotypcs made in all kiuds of weather, (except for children. All work wanautcd. July 26,1801. THIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT where you can find a very line assortment of j W> rCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings np. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. 1 am also agent for the sale of 1). E. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Prl ees from $8 to 120, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike raannerand war ranted. WM. A. CHAMUKRLIX. NEW FIRM AT THE jbaouot i OF 11. A. BURBANK. B. F. dL H. SHAW, HAVING PURCHASED THIS WELL known establishment, they will endeavor, by strict I attention to business, to sustain the excellent reputation | which this Bakery and Eating Saloon has attained under ! the supervision of the late proprietor. Wo shall con tinue to manufacture CI IA C ICE IT, of every description, such as oyster, milk, Boston, soda, butler, water, pic-nic, Graham, sugar, wine and common crackere. .Also, Rusk, Buns, Butter Rolls, Wheat, In dian and Graham BREAD & CAKE, of all kinds, constantly on hand and made to order. The attention of the citizens of this place and vicinitv. is called to the above, anil they arc assured that they can always be supplied wita any of these articles. Wedding and Social Parties, will be furnished with every description and style of Fruit, Pound, and fancy CAfcES. Tavern keepers and Grocers will be supplied on terms as ■ dvantageous a.- ut any other establishment in the State. In connection with the above he has an EATING SALOON, where everything in the line will be served out to those who may favor him with a sail. Thankful tor past favors he respectfully solicits a con tin n a nee of the same. B. I'. & H. SHAW. Towanda, June 27. 18(51. I COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!! ELMIRA, N. Y. FACULTY: N. C tUT.DWELT,, President and Professor of Practical and Ornamental Penmaship, and Science of Boop keeping. WM. M. CROSBY, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, the Classics and Sciences, and Consulting Accomitant. CLIFFORD E. WADBWORTH, Principal of the Prepar atory Department, anil General A- i-tant Teacher. Rev. i'HOS K. BEEt HER, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics, History, and Political Economy. Hon. ALEX. S. DIVEX. Lecturer uu Commercial Law. Civil end International Polity. S. R. VAN CAMPEN, Lecturer on Theoretical and Prac tical Banking and Finance. REFERENCES: CHAS. 11. ELMER. Esq., Warerly. CHAS. J. FOLGBR, Attorney, Geneva. J. B. WILLIAMS Esq.. Banker, Ithaca. WM. HILDRETH, Sheriff, Canandaigua. T. H. THOMPSON, Post Master, Corning. JOHN L. LEWIS, Jr.. Counsellor, Penn Yanu. COWING A CO., Pump Manufacturers, Seneca Falls. WASHINGTON THI'KMAN, Sec y Gas Light Co., Bath, ltev. AMOS BROW N. Pres. People's College, Havana. Rev. E. L WADSWORTH,Insurance Agt., New Graef enberg. Messrs. NICHOL6 & LONG, Merchants' Troy, Bradford county, l'a. JOHN C. KEiiVt IN, Secretary Nail Works Co., jfarris burg, Pa. Elmira Commercial College. THIS INSTITUTION WAS ESTAB LISHED in 1858, ar.J its success has been bevond the most sanguine expectations of its founder. Prof. CAULDWKLL. who has relied more upon untiring devo tion and indefatigable attention to the interests of his pu pils, than upon profuse advertising and complimentary Scholarships to extend a reputation. The Course of Instruction consists of four Departments. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Here especial attention is given to youth in the Ele ments of Knowledge, viz : Spellnig, Reading, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar, Elocution and Com position. rc. DEPARTMENT OF PENMANSHIP. Embracing all varieties of Plain, Practical, Business, and Ornamental Penmanship, German Tex', Old Eng lish. Antique Lettering, Manuscript Copying, Pen Draw ing, fee. 111. COMMERCIAL COMPUTATIONS. Embracing new rules, not published, of the most rapid methods of Computation, as applied to Interest, Bank Discount. Accounts Current, Simple and Compound Equ tations, Insurance, Exchange, General Average, Com mission and Brokerage, Partnership Settlements, Bank rupt Dividends, Loss and Gain, Alligation, etc. IV. BOOK-KEEPING DEPARTMENT. Embracing Commercial Law, Business Correspondence, Settlements, &c., applicable to Wholesale. Retail, Import ing, Jobbing, or Commission Business, This Department is organized and conducted on the Counting Room Sys tem, with all the improvements introduced by Bryant & Stratton and others, and the students at once enter upon tlje Practical Working and Routine ot Banking, Mining, .Shipping, Iniuyahce, Railroading, Manufacturing, ,fcc., and elaborate actual transactions taken from the Origin al Books of extensive thma. THE C 0 L LEGE ROOMS Have recently been re-fitted and elegautly furnished, so I that now they are unsurpassed in com Ort and convc l mence of arraLgement- A separate apartment is provid ied lor laidies. To students ol ordinary capacity and in- I dus-try, entire satisfaction will be guaranteed. For Terms and further particulars send for a Cir • cirlar, or apply personally to N. OAUI.DwELL, Pkimcupai.. : River Buildings, opposite Brainard House, Elmira, N. Y. Eliuira.N. Y-, Oct. g, 1861.—mii WILSOIV, BARNES rifi>h A Hose, & large Resort ment Linen Shirts mid Col! ir*. a" big lot. Xec and Cattle Lotion '• 37J • Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 2.>" " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink * 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid •• 37A Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 2,1 " >l ]> vpy • IjA IV. CANTON PA., will atteJ. AT !11 ess entrusted to his care in tbe courts of Iwis? W 1 Lycomg and Sullivan CVg. r. K. OVERTON, JR /iYKRTON A MONTAN'Ve T^ V./ XEYS A T /.A M'-Offio in Unit' f{ T j & y occupied by J AH. MACPARLAKK. nßlo< *,Ln ter . DR. E. IT. MASON, PHY SIC I A v IT SURGE OX, Otters In* j people of Towanda and vicinity. :h j on Pine street, where he can always be protessiomilic engaged Hot tp a PARSONS, A T TORN Em a* r.A If, TROY, Bradford Co. p a Al * M. A- H. F. Long's store. ' . -an a A tie- 7 T7LIIANAN SMITH, having returned 1J Towanda, has opened a iaw Office over u 10 Store. Dec. 1.1857. oTer *rcs r( T. m *. COBU&N, ! A TTORNEY AND NOTARY Pl'Mir Towanda, Pa. Office in the building tora.ri ' copied by H. B McKeaa. m,r '. •1. All legal business attended to with prom**- care. P lo "iia TowanJa, Aug. 20, 1861 tf. mnsA dr R WESTON m permanently I..cated in TowA 11 T J-JOFI ICE one door south of BailevAW *' | Tt'wamla. Feb. O. H. WOODKUrr DENTIST. ■ T) E[{M A N ENI LY located in Towanda _ I A Office No. 5, Brick Row, over H. W. N'oblb- ~ I Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moore*. j* WIL.MOT A W ATKINS. ATTOR\"py< ▼ ' AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA.-Offlee fomi' occupied by U. Mcrcur. om " r .' DAVID YVILMOT- | G. H. WATKIV'c May 2. ISUI. "W" AI'D HOI'SE. Towanda, Pa. r PRE Subscribers having leased this * ? || A known Hotel for a term of years. would inforirthr - friends and the traveling rmbjiq, that they win „.. happy to ai i >mui"diite ail who may lav r thera w, all. It will ho tho aim of the present iropr T rtrV in.ike the WAKI. Houks at onee comfortable Dltaunt and cheerful. Yours Truly, _ Ja . n " l ** j POWELL !c SMITH. McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Below J. liitiffsheiy s store , Mum st rrsHE subscriber would respectfully UmVr his n| n -. J. thanks to the public lor the very ..beral extomkd to him, and solicits a ccntiouauce ~t the He i.egc lehYe to assure that be intend- to keep on M a- heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ot the best the country affords, which he intends tondC very; pr-diis,either bv the side, quarter or potnA AS*A quantity of first qualit ofSALT PORK,put { by inyseit. cheap, liy the Imrrei 5r pound, ' Meats w iIJ be promptly delivered, at any pVwe wit: • the corporaiion. Towanda. August 12, Mi J IfcCAßt RAILROAD HOTSL, Xe .r the Barclay Railroad terminus. TOWANDA, PENN'A. R JORDAN respectfully inform' tl L e the public that he hu leased ti.e we'l ka n i era stand formerly occupied by M. T. CAHKIKR in th- i lower part of the borough of Towanda. which fctr:'- been refitted and thor- .ighiy re furni-hej. Iw iavitmii, patronage of the putdic with every . infiden fiutb '• , n give entire satisfaction to MICU a- may lavi.r ha * calf His BA .. ill le kept stocked with the be-t nn|ir>. IQT'ftRS and the l,e-t liriioD of ('|f> VPs l. at* ..-1 \ stHliliu. .- •iiMe-'tec with the house ; reliable ettend.ints will -- lily b= kept chat 1 Towanda. April 1. lgfil. Extraordinary Inducements M TO THE BEYERS OF fl FURNITURE AND CHAWM H A VINtl greatly increase mi IT I stock of Cabinet Ware and Cha -- I so I '• determined to dispose of these OT*I I tions rapidly, and with that lesign offer ail trudte :■ 'Jiprecedi uted low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at 216 to S2O. fine Cnne Seat Chair*7sct* I frt'-b a nii-e Bedst-end for 20 shillinirs. 1 have now more than 60 dilil-rerit patterns o' Ehtri I I Glasses • .coking gias* plates,l'ortraitand Picture frairn-B of gilt, lose wood. Mahogany and lY.i/nct corner: 11 patterns of Stands . extension dining.tea and w-rk T; I Hal! stands, and in fait.. >th ng can :-i low I in a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made C' ffins, with a r I Hearse ready, at all times Purchasers w1! be sure to find the right place. * ■ -ide oi the public square, one door east of M"iitante. I ■ THE OLD ETASfD STILL fi (IPL AT orl - THE subscril>er would mwm 'B the pnbTi. thai he has n" '"E hand, and wiP main tn order ■ -■ >. K ' D<} '' of OA Hi NET FCRVffi'ffi'E - such as Sofas, Divans Loucpr .- tre. Card Dining and Brethfi-D' ' Mahogany tValnnt Vs; t W Tf Cherry Bureau's, Stands f v ■ ik kinds, Chairs and UedstMdr ,)!fVtl -H description, which are. and will be made of the best is:*; ■ terial and workmanlike manner, ami which they ■ for cash cheaper tlian can tre bought in any other t-B room in the conntry. READi-MADE COFFINS, on band en the musts*■ sonable terms. A good HEAK>." will He furnished I Fanersi 0.-casions. JAMES MACKIfSbN ■ Towanda, January 1. 1857. NBW FIRM. 0D DING & RUSSELL I H AVE purchased tlie large and well known nuuit of D. C. Hall, and are now receiving- •- York, the largest and complete assortment HARD-WARE, I ever offered for sale in this market, which ml-I CHEAP Ur Cash or appoved Cre it. ... KJ We have a large and well selected stock o, . I Coal COOKING STtiVES, every variety ' - style of Parlor, DinTng-Room. Plate Stove#, which we can. and will sella l , ic'j| y' purchased in this i)r "any adjoining count)'- and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, B . -nrt N Br Nails and Glares, Paints and Oils. House Tii" '. rihgc Trimmings Springs. Iron Axel- .i J iv . s . ißif nllsi-zes. Carpenters and Joiner- T-M>IS. H , smiths Tools, Croas-cut, Circular asJ Saws. Table and Pocket m. m+z mm. ** of every description. Dumps, Chain Pumps and I 6 ■ BiIICTANIVI4 44'I> PI J tTEDW ,, H the latest and most approved patters. V ist-' of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, tl" - '.'" " r ,>■ Patent Stretched Leather BELTING, hvw) form of FARMING TOOLS .TOR WORK done on short notice and GRAIN. Old Iron Copper. Brittanni-' wax iuid Feathers, taken iu exchange for H We invite " the whole world .mil the rest to call and examine our our goods before i" v Our motto w ill be nse every man wella ! " 1 ina wrong. d vjt- S Due door aouth of Tracy and " J °j e rsSo- H Block. Main street, CODDIXO A * l ' joß* A.I'OPHISO, ) C. a. KPSSXLL. ( Towanda. WANTKD -UY TRE It 3.000 bushels of WifEA T. for w:: "gy. H price in rash will be paid on delo* ll B North Towanda, Sep!- 3, !**!•