LOCAL AND GENERAL. ■^-Piptheria —We learn that this dan rooaaud fatal disease is prevailing to a considerable ex^ Lt in parts of this county ; also, in portsona of gusquehanna county. Strkr —s. Felton k Co., who have just opened a new Meat Market lathis on Monday last, a steer, three years old which weighed 1,660 pounds, on foot. Domestic Economy. —No bonsekeeper ~-k u fully prepared to enter successfully upen her culinary duties without <>. B. De Land A Co.'s Chemical Saleratus ou hand. I relieves the mindl off much of the c re and anxiety experienced by the skillful cook. lou Zget it of most grocers and merchants in tha country. lor- On Monday evening:, about 6 o'clock, Mr Stkfbes Shores was crossing the river on the ice team broke through and were in imminent danger of L-ino under- The alarm was immediately given, when ms'e help arrived to his assistance, and his horses res £d from their perilous situation. The ice was consid ,rej perfectly aafe, and teams had been crossing since Saturday, Skating —On Saturday last the whole town seemed tube struck with the skating mania. The pool was alive with people, of every rank, color and po- X on Ministers, lawyers, bankers and merchants, young gentlemen and young ladies, old and young, of every cl.s. X variety, were on their skates making the air ring w,th gleeful shouts- As we are not posted in the science we will not venture an opinion as to who performed best. We noticed, however, some very fair skaters in crinoline. gflr An exchange says : " Boys, be kind to your sisters. Yon may live to be old, and never find such tender, i ov j,ig rrieud as these sisters. Think of how many things they do tor you ; how patient they are with - oo; how they love you in spite of ail your ill temper or rudeness ; bw thoughtful they are for your comfort,and he you thoughtful for theirs Be ever ready to oblige them, and if they express a wish, be teady to gratify it. It possible- Too do not know how much happiness you will And in so doing." Our devil—foolish fellow—says if you have no sister of roar own to "be kind to" be kind to somebody- else's iister. You will find it just as agreeable. Dr. Fleschhct's Stomach Bitters. — It is gratifying to find, occasionally, among the world ot 1 humbugs and quacks, a medicine that is really good, and ' possesses those qualities which it is said to combine. — Such is Dr. F'esenhut's Stomach Bitters, which are man - j ufactured only bv himself, by extracting that part of the j herb which is m ist healthful and beneficial. His bitters | re purely vegetable, no narcotic or mineral being used, j It is found to be au excellent medicine tor purifying the j blood aud keeping the stomach and digestive organs iu a rigorous state of health. It also an excellent remedy for coughsaad colds— creates a good appetite, and operates upon the whole system with advantage. Address, Dr. Fkkbkkick Flkschuut, Laporte, Sullivan county, Pa. Bradford Boys at the Batti.e of Dp.AiMt.-vII.LE —ln another column will be found a list ol the killed and wounded, together with fuller particulars of the Draine-v, lie fight. The Bradford boys who were engaged, are -aid to have conducted themselves like " ve "tetae soldiers." Lieut. H. B. McKkas, ot this place, le,\d one column in the first charge, and is said to have exhibited ma-.h coolness and bravery. One Towanda , boy. JOBS Bkitto.v, took three rebel prisoners alone. It wis Jone. however, hy sfatagem. They enquired of him the way to Oentreville. and he put them on the road -to Washington, and thus led them within our liues. No Bradford hoys were killed. We hope to receive letters from some of the boys giv ing full particulars, by the time of our next issue. t Ftitc— The W<-Hsboronjrh Agitator of last frees gives the particulars of the most destructive confls jration which ha- ever occurred in that place. The fire broke out about 11 o'clock ia the building occupied by C . I 1. Sears, Win. Roberts and Clark Wilcox, on Main street Lie tlaraes spread with great rapidity and the wholeline of stores from B >weu A Go.'s down t.> Kimball's harness shop were in a tew minutes beyund the hope of safety. The sufferers by this coiiflagrati m are J. It. Bowen A Co.. dry goods, Ac. ; Richard Jenkins, De mocrat print ing office ; Win. Roberts, hardware, Ac.; C. L Sears, boots and shoes ; H. H. Wood, photographic gallery, Ac; l A Seats, shoe shop ; C. L. Wilcox, stowk of dry goods udthrea store buildings ; E. K. Wright, feed, flour and pensions ; Judge Nichols, three story buildings ; E. E. Kimball, harness. shop ; John A. Roy, harness shop build sgs; George Guernsey and Geo. Baker, blacksmith shop -John J. Eaton, liquors and provisions. E-Umated loss of properly $23,000. Insurance on same mimed at $ >,030. There are several theories as to the origin of the tire, but all that it was accidental. Jar w n'tkr —The chilling frost, the snow- ] ' ttred ground and the keen air ol the last few days, iwconvinciug testimony that stern old Winter has in ftaSity commenced his reign, and that we must now he *>dy to meet and endure the season of cold. But repul* ie as th? season is in many of its features it still has Senjoyments and its blessings. The social hearth in our pre-em-e, and about it may gather in the even ' * the parent and child, and with joy, pleasure, love, sc?aent and instruction muse away the time,while the r *lvnd storm reign without, and nature is shut up in *' y dungeon. The boy may fiud pastime enjoyment sthwe sports that are congenial to the season. His wdiud skates become a deity which he worships with •**d>>ration of genuine enthusiasm. The sleigh-ride a measure of enjoyment that no other sport or 'f rmest ex, els. The evening party, tha social gath the ball, and the neighborly call supply ample "dfor enjoyment. Ju-t BOW. too. we are in the hoii u-tJ with all their sports, vivacity benefactions and -* ej memories. They bring with them associations, tt-ttaioas, gitts and recognitions of friendships, that last 1 • sl'iatihriigh the passing year, but for all time.— " "vtewot all these things, shall say that winter. fretful and icy as he is, i* not after all *".V * " * * ina heart and a genial nature, uu "' k'X'd ttt'tle, and one whose presence brings to ' ma„rjrjjous and happy hour. Ne clip ihe following from the Waver- j of the 27th u!t. O. H. P. Kinney , Esq., the * -h* l paper, will be remembered as the colleague ' 3 '-stives, during the sessions of 1859—60 : *3 V Marble yard of F. H. Bald _ ®8 - a tew days since, our eyes tell upon the follow- | JZI** 1 ** '■ " Thomas Sxead, died Aug. 12,1861, in I yeas of his age." - -e quality and p-opurtion of the stone, together i displayed thereon, necessarily at- • * °" r llt ntion. and compelled admiration. We death of >lr. Smead before, but ! > • called up anew, mauy reminiscen | , , P'easant and unpleasant. rj- *a a native of Bradford county—was bro't I -f iIS hills, and necessarily partook of ! I ri gmaiity. pj e p ()3S essed more miud than his T* 10 ' 64 to • dra ' l,knd more than ' llkihu' lr ' e,lds h**! courage to declare. His I seemed to require external ex * U< *' u l °° ike u** wlto such or- j l*htetaT res,jrled *o artificial stimulente to bring I lr. '' ' lo,rer * luto full activity. This was the great ! |*9a ' fe ' anre. Ridgbury—Orville C'ham , Wyalusing-—Charles Biles, berlin, B. L. Coo pen. J. V. Vannuker. Rome—Selim Murphy F. W We!ls--James Owens. Mayuard, Wm. Parks. Windham —Jefferson John | Springfield—E. M. Merville,! sou. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice I is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- I tate of J AMES GORDON, late of Wells tp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims again.-t said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. THOMAS OWEN, Dec. 11. 1-61 Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebied to the es tate f JAS M.SOLOMON, lute of Wyalusing tp.. dee'd.. are requested to make payment without delay.and tho.-e having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. DAVID O GOODIN, Dec. 11.1861. Administrator. 4 D MINI ST RA TO R'S NOTlCE—Notice l\. is hereby given, that all persous indebted to the estate ot Andrew Pendleton dec d.. late of Warren twp are hereby requested to made payment without d<- | lay. and all persons having demands against said estati wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDWIN E. BUFFINGTON, Mov. IMI. Admistrator. V DM I NISTR A TOR'S NOTICE —Notice A. in hereby given. tf?at all persons indebted to the estnte of BUEL SMLITiJ. deceased, lite of Cautoii township, are requested to nQ ind those having ciairas against the said estate will please present tLem duly aulLeniicated tof 'lf™*?*; - Ai*iL)Hb>\ KIFF. Dec. S,IML Administrator. A EDITOR'S NOTICE —Merlin, Peddle, J.\. Hum- >tk f,- Co t-t. I.otkxroad <§- Benedict In the Court of Common l'ieaa 01 Bradford county, No. 229, May Term. 1861. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute monies raised by Sheriff* sale ot defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his Appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda on THURSDAY . 1 the 23d day of JAN'U \RY, 1862, at 1 o'clock, p m.,and that all persons Loving claims upon said monies must : present them, or else Ire forever debarred from the same. BENJ. M PECK, Dec. IS, 1%1. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE —J P Kirby vs. j S. O. Cant-in. In the Court ot Common Pleas of i Bradford county, No. 791. Sept. Term. 1861. The undersigned .an Auditor appointed by said Court ; to distribute funds raised by sale of defendant's personal ' property, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his offi.-e, in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 25th day of JANUARY, 1862 at 1 o'clock, p.m., and ail persons having claims upon said monies must present them, or e!-e be forever debarred from the same J. WOOD, Doc. 18, 1861. Auditor. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE — ln the matter of il James Wilcox, dee d. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds in the hands of admiui trutors, aris ing from sale of personal property and real estate of said decedent will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda. on FRIDAY, the 24th day of JANUARY. 1862. at 1 o'clock, p. m . and ail persons having claims ou said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same G. H. WATKINS, Dec. 18,1461. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Montnnyes NE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well and popularly known to need any description from me, and I will only say that they continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of being the " best F.udless Chain Horse Power in use." These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region. It has no endless chain straw carrier, but separates all kinds of jjiaii; thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass felled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly. vT'thout wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not choke, run c.osily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner now in use. It remains to be seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cieaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATEES, are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds of AGRICULTURAL BZxNCHZKZIB.'S' at manufacturers prices and terms. (?* For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to B.M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa., July 30, 1861. AT THE UNION MARBLE WORKS! Located at Towanda, Penn'a. GEORDE McCABB WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS v f and the people of Bradford county in general, that he has purchased the Marble Yard formerly owned by Taylor A Cash, aud baa added to his stock a large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his large stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as he has the largest stock ever in this county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not be troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before the corpse is buried, and who are uot responsible. Come and see what you are getting. Having tieen in the busi ness for the last 26 years, iu the city of Philadelphia, he intends to keep a variety always on hand of Marble Man tles. Monuments, Grave Yard Posts, Head Stones and Tombs at city prices. Yard on Main street, opposite Gen. Patton's. N. B. Alterations and Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. McCABE. Towanda, Dee. 18.1861. S.PECXAX. NOTICE. TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT A seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, I have concluded to sell Goods FOR RExVDY PAY ! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one. and most of theiu prompt paying ones, hut future prosperity In busir.es I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, hy attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to .-till retain all of my old patrons. atr*Those who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Tnwanda, August 1,1861. T~ O THE COMMISSIONERS OF BRAD FORD COUNTY Gintlf.mkn As heretofore. I again nfler my servicea as clerk of vour BoaH for the sum of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS per annum. Believing ia the precedent established hy the Republican party of our county, of rotation in office, I am induced to offer my services to you as your clerk, without the intention in the least of trying to Interfere with the prospect of any other applicant for the same position. I pledge my self it appointed, to perform the duties to the best of my knowledge and ability. Very Respectfully, N. J. KELLER. Towanda. Nov. 1861. piGS, DRESSED AND FAT WANTED, In exchange for CASH or GROCERIES, at Towanda. Nov. 2t. 161. PATCH'S. TXTANTED !—SHEEP PELTS AND YV WOOL, for which the rrice in eaab will 1 be. paid at TAT?W*. I 'iV-anda H.IWI STATEMBITT Of the amount, description and valuation of Real and Personal Property, Trades, Professions and Ooeapetioas, Offl _ ces and Posts of Profit, Money at Interest, Notes, Judgments, Mortgages, &e., Gold Lever, Silver Lever snd Gold and Silver Watches, valued at over S2O, A*., Ac., as returned by the several Assessors of Bradford county,for A. D 1862. I 2 L?I J! SL'LF <5. £ 1 5-2 *9si-Sfr 8 TOWNSHIPS 5 I SJRT JJ; -*|F JJJ ? avn I * • t-l ?£■s* Il'l* I AND - 1 H : a ■S* -Si 3* H BOROUGHS, 1 *FF 1 ; 92 Armenia 1790T 2706 257 Asylum 84681 11662 2800 3 160 Athens Boro 99160 12240 0 447 Athens twp 321041 26672 6960 160 6 1 261 Albany 42321 8406 460 47 Burlington Boro 17786 2170 60 200 Burlington West 76881 8678 600 212 Burlington twp 83427 8066 40 431 Canton 169978 18093 2570 2 2 274 Columbia 166717 18786 40 189 Franklin 47861 9433 235 300 Granville 89363 11776 M 0 S 223 Herrick 6200K 11984 460 266 Litchfield 100927 13100 1600 214 leßoy 66 05 8669 .. Monroe twp 70929 8970 340| 61 Monroe Boro 16640 2550 410 4 329 Orwell 123046 17370 8476 466 2 1 93 Overton 21322 4019 .. Pike 166705 21068 3700 635 314 Ridgbary 106965 16267 680 190 254 Rome twp 92893 11137 61 Borne Boro 9927 2660 49 Sylvauia 17636 1968 1126 76 3 190 South Creek 71580 9676 490 173 339 She-bequin 149234 16208 1800 846 4 448 Springfield ... 140096 21582 015 375 404 Smithfleld 172643 21941 362" 260 2 175 Standing Stone 74869 1131! 2450 440 100 1 .. Tuscamra 75824 11*22: . . Towanda Boro 181946 172sy'; 52600 746 1400 3006, 10 6 133 Towanda North 64746 6680| 200 4 .. Towanda twp 67543 6490: 206 Terry twp 61914 8805 i 6852 260 1 152 Troy Boro 65005 80001 4375 100 20 348 Troy twp 177101 1866* 2390 60 1 212 Ulster... 90437 11495 , 2660 9 359 Warren - 135213 18880 2500 257 Windham 109034 172951 4100 $lO j 1 315 Wyaluaing 117014 15468] 5297 $lO j II 261 Wysox . 139052 15684] 1250 200 2 1 231 Wells 90306 14266 j 860 219 Wilmot 63669 10053 j $4093140 $518633;591949 $74481 CliOo! $3400! 17 691 12 BRADFORD COUNTY BS.—We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said county, do hereby certify the above to t>e a true and correct statement of the returns made by the neveral Assessors of Bradford county, for the year 1862; and. we also give notice that we will meet at the Commissioner's Office in Towauda, upon Thursday ths 2nd of January, 1862, for the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment. Given under our hands and official seal, at Towanda, tbia 2d day of December, A. D. 1861. WM. A.THOMAS, ) W. H. DECKER, V Cemtnlaalonerß ISAAC LYON. ) ATTEST, E. B. COOLB AUOH, Clerk. The New National Loan. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed by Hon. S. P. CHASE. Secretary of the Treasury. Agent.-, for receiving subscriptions to the New National Loan of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of 7 310 percent, perannum, hereby give notice that a subscription book is now open at the above named of fice. These notes will be of the denomination of SSO, SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, and $5,000, and are all dated 10th of August 1861, payable in gold in three years, or convertible into a twenty-year six per cent, loan, at the option of the hold er. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons attached, which can be cut off and collected in gold at the Mint ev ery six months, and at the rate of one cent per day on each SSO. Any explanations required by the subscriltor will be cheerfully made, and they will, by the plan adopted, be saved from any trouble of writing letters, the undersign ed raportiug each subscription to the Treasury Depart ment, from whence the Treasury Notes will be sent to each subscriber as soon as possible. Tht Loan will bear mierett >o each subscriber from the rfa tof" their -übsci iptum, at this office. The ample security ot this loan, its great convenience, together with the patriotic desire to sustain the Govern ment ol our country in the present crisis will, it is hop ed. will induce a liberal subscription from the citizens of this county. Payment of subscriptions may be made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF THE CITY BANKS. B. 3. RUSSELL, Subscription Ag't. I Towanda. Oct. 16. 1361. The New National Loan. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPAR ed to turniA, without the delay of sending to Wash ingtou. the new United States Trea-ury notes, and offer their services, without charge, to those of their friend* throughout the county who may wish to procure any portion of the loan. The notes are issued in sums of SSO. SIOO. SSOO. SSO. SI,OOO and $5,000 bearing interest from the loth of August lat, at the rate of 73 10 per cent, per annum.or two cents per day on every SIOO, payable every six months, and the face of the note redeaniable in three years with the privilege of exchanging at the expiration of the time for 20 years U. S. six per cent, stocjs. Any further information in regard to the loan will be heertully given upon inquiring at our office .or by address ed by letter. LAPOBTE. M i SON A Co. THE WAR TO BE SETTLED! THE OLD TAiLOR SHOP STILL IN MOTION. H. BUNTING, THE OLD STAND JT BY TAILOR, would inform the public that he is still doing business at his old stand, where be is still pre pared to execute all kiuds of work in his line on the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Having lately secured one of the most perfect systems for cutting in existence, he can warrant smooth and easy fits with safety. By an arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled to get up suits at a very low figure, for cash. He would inform the public that he is agent for A. Bartholfs Sew ing Machines, the best machine extant—which will be furnished for cash,for from S3O up to s*o, as may be de sired N. K.—He is prepared to clean and mend garments at reasonable- rates, to suit the times—making them look nearly as nict as new. Call and try him. -Cutting done as usnal on short notice. Shop on Main st.. opposite Codding & Russell's hard ware store, and three doors south ofof.Carter's grocery. Fashions received every six months. G. H. B. Towanda, Nov. 20. 1861. LATEST FROM W. A. R. W. A. ROCKWELL is again on hand with the first New Good of the Season ! DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, LEATHER, BOOTS A SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the bard times will not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we feel confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Sept. 25, 1861. lO TONS POULTRY WANTED! FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid in cash. All kinds of poultry should be shut up and kept without anything to eat for a' least tweuty-four hours before killing, that their crops may be empty. Pick them carefully so as not to break the skin, cut off the head, draw the skin over the neck bone and tie it neatly, your poultry if fat is then fit tor any market. B. T. FOX. Towanda, Nov. 20,1861 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE — Notice is here by given, that the Barclay Railroad and Coal Com pany, on account of its inability to pay its bonded debt, has this day executed and delivered to.lhe undersigned a deed of assignment, duly recorded, oi all its lands, mines, railroads, cars, engines, machinery, cbatries. moneyg, debts, dues, claims, right*, credits and effects, and gen erally all its estate and property, real, personal, aud mixed of whatsoever kind ana description, and whereso ever situated, for the benefit of its creditors, without pre" ference, among said creditors, except such as Is imposed by law. All persons are hereby notified to make payj ment to me of any money due by them to said Company, and to accrue to me as tne Assignee for any of ite prop erty in their possession or under their control. And all persons having claims against said Company will present the same tnr wttlenjetji- JAMES Towanda, New and Atttactive Opening OP ! wmm ims i AT TRACY & MOORE'S, (10NSISTIN9 OP A LARGE STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, included in which are the Is test styles of DRESS ROODS, TRIMMINGS, &C., Black, White and Fancy Plaid WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKS, TURBANS. PLUMES, &.C. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS A bl3 SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery, Paints and Oils, GLASS AND SASH, Also, Fine, Coarse and Solar Salt. Towanda. Nov. 20, 1861. TRACY A MOORE. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY DESIRABLE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Clothing ! FOR MENS A BOY'S WEAR, HATS AXD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, In all colors and sizes, for the present season, which I am offering at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES All those wishing to get good bargains may call at the CLOTHING STORE M. E. SOLOMON, Wo. 4 Patton's Block, TOWAFDA, IP.iL Nov. 13. 1361. 3ST IE "W FILL IHD WINTER GOODS, In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, West Side of the Public square, at the store of A. WICKHAM & SON. Towanda, Sept. 25, 1861. Eaton's Mercantile Academy, TOWANDA, PA. <£B 00 PAYS FOR A FULL COMMER *iP CIAL COURSE. Cheapest Commercial School in this or any other State COURSE OF INSTRUCTION The same as pursued in any of the largest Commercial Colleges. BOOK-KEEPING In all its various tranche*. PENMANSHIP Taught on a New and Improved Plan. Instruction in Commercial Correspondence. Commer cial Calculations, Bills of Exchange, Promisary Notes, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Ac., Ac., Ac. GRADUATES AWARDED A DIPLOMA. O" Specimens of Writing, Circulars, Ac., win be for warded to any address, whenever requested. C- E. EATON, Towanda, Nov. 6, !®6l. Principal- RUSH PAID FOR POULTRY. ▲ good article of FAT. WILL DRESSED POULTRY, can be sold for CASH, at Towanda. PURE cm ER VINEGAR at i FXF. iHlstfllantous. _ _ 23" ST"W" 2T I M 2u£~ NEW DRUG STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! MADILL A PATTON. THE subscribers would respectfully Inform th. paEb* that they have entered Into a copartnership, at tflft old stand of JOS. O. PATTON, where, by strict state tlou to business they lutend to make their store seeoad to none In Northern Pennsylvania, and merit and rtcatve a libera! ah ire of patronage. They will keep their large stock replenished by recent purchases, and are receiving every week from New York city and Philadelphia, seiavt DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Of the very best character, and other articles, as folic wc: PAINTS, OILS, VARfIISfIES, GLABB, DYE STUFFS, BRU3BES, Ac. Also, a floe assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, HAIR $■ TOOTH BRUSHES, In faet, everything kept by Druggist? generally. Our goods are selected with care, and as we bay only with cash we flatter onrselvea that we can offer a cheaper, and at the same time better article, than any other dealer in this part of the country. Physicians supplied on reasonable terms, wi Dr. MADiLL will be found In his office, at the Store, when not professionally engaged. Advice gratia, charging only for medicine. MADILL A PATTON. Dr. T. F. MSDILL. J. G. PATTON. Towanda, Oct. 17, 1861■ Sept. 10, 1861. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RE ceiving an extensive and well selected stoek of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS Purchased since the late depression in prices, and CCJB prising all the usual varieties of Gents., Ladies, Misaea and Childrens BOOTIES AND GAITERS Suitable for the season. Also, a large stock of XXOIVZE MADE WOS.K, The quality of which is too well known to need farther recommendation. Also, a luge stock of Sole and Upper Leather, Kip Skins, French and American Calf Skins, Ilar&ew Leather, Morocco, aud Lining,, it. An excellent asset v ment of SHOE FINDINGS, Saddlery Hardware, Harness Trimmings, A., &. I have established a HARNESS SHOP ! And will keep on hand Double and Single Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, Halters, Martingales, Whips, Ac., and wiM make to order any work in this line, all which, as weliaa my whole stock, will be sold lor leady pay,at remarkably low prices in order to meet the exigencies of the times. J. D. HUMPHREY. Towanda, Sept. 10,18*1. Come Along ! Everybody ! TO THE NEW GROCEHf & PRBVISIBH STORE JUST OPENED! BV H. H. STEVENS, At tht building formerly cfcupied by J. H. Serine, on Main street, opposite the Court House. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Ac., all very cheap, besides a splendid assortment ot Spices, Nuts, Candiia, Fruits, und Confectioneries, and a good assortment m the Provision line. Tobacco nod Stgars of every quality and price. He will also pay the Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, And such other articles of country trade as the farmer# may have to dispose of. ear He would sny to ail if you want any thing in hi# line of trade, give him a call, and you can lie accotnnso dated. H.H.STEVENS. Towanda, Jnae 19,1861.—tf 3N. *. dL B. RAIL ROAD CHANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV.-4,1861. Trains will leava Wa>- verly at about the following hours, viz : WfisTWAKD BOINP. ! EASTWARD BOr*. Buffalo Express. .6.04 P M X. Y. Express.. .11.48 A M Night Express 3.4J A M Night Express... 350 A M Mail .8.03 P M St amboat Kxpres-5.43 P M Fast Freight OAO A M Fast Freight.... 9.55 A M Way Freight 0-15 P M Way Freight ... 6.05 P M Accommodation.. 1.15 P M| The Night Express, N. Y. Express, Fast Freight teat and Fast Freight west run every day. Night Express of Sundays runs through to Buffalo, but does not run Dunkirk. The Mail west remains over uight at F.lmite OH A S. MTNOT. Gen'i Sup ft SPECIAL NOTICE. OWING to tbe fact that all cotifidence in the present Credit System is destroyed the auk scribcrs have determined to sell go >d? hereafter Exclusively for Ready Pay. All those havng unsettled accounts with os will ol.iigw us by settling the same at once, and all Notes and juig meats due us mu-*t be pu'd soon iu order to save cost. N. B- No respect o' persons shown. Rulington Aug H, t^j. j. p. LOXG A SON. New Eiiviiitiire and Chairs. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE A and assortment ot Sofas, Mohogany Chairs. Mahogar.y and Walnnt Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Wood, and Rush-bottom. Hair, Cane-seat and Cane,-back Rockers, Looking-Glasses, Cord and Taeae'ia. Picture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. •S" Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda. June 26. 18CE CHESTER WELES. MUSI C A I. . VfR J G TOWNER, having rutorncd if I from the " Normal Academy of Music," Geueeeo, N. Y-. and became associated with Mr. J. G. pupil of the abo-e In-titution aisooi the" Normal Musical Institute." North Reading. Mass , they would announce that they are prepared to hold Conventions in any Section of th country. Circulars, giving full particulars as to terms, regula tions, Ac., sent to any address upon application to J G. TOWNER. Rome. Pa., or J. G. HUNTTING, Towanda, Pa. Mr- HUNTTIXO would respectfully inform the people of Towanda and vicinity, that he will, (when not absent attending give instruction in BAS6INI'& System of singing, either private or in classes. Towanda, 0ct.17,1561. ■ THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IX cash will be rtM f"r Hides and at the3toyof M |J y?*. it. :*!