Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 12, 1861, Image 1
ME DOLLAR PER ANNUNt INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA : Thursday Morning, December 12, 1861. JrpHrtmtnt Reports. Report of the Secretary of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, Dec. 1,1861. g tR . I have the honor to submit the an nua! report of this Department The accompanying reports of the chiefs of ♦t, e several Bureaus present the estimates of the inoropriations required for the service of this n/pirtraent during the fiscal year ending June 30' iv} 3 and also the appropriations necessary M caver deficiencies in the estimates for 1861 -62 : Toe following statement presents the entire estimated strength of the army, both volun teers aud regulars : Volunteers. STATS*. ~ * " ' 3 mos. The war. Ag gate. ~ .... 4.038 4.689 CaHforo.a.. •••• W. 400 14.636 - 775 2.000 2,775 Delaware 4 GO.OOO 34,9*1 Indiana 19.800 20,768 S ::::::::::: -63 14,239 15.007 Ma*-' uusetts 3,435 26,760 30,195 WCUFPUI 781 28.550 29.331 Miiinrwitt 4.160 4,60 I y K ..,, ir i 9,356 22.130 31 436 VT* Hampshire 77'J 9,600 10,379 R J CR -T V 3.063 9.242 12.410 HE Yolk. 10,188 100.200 110.388 WILE bland 1.285 5.898 7.183 T'ernnmt 780 8,000 8,780 Vir-iaia 779 12.000 12,778 U i.iou-iin 792 12,153 14,945 j, 1.000 1.000 ~ J,KE 2.500 2,500 ; AIL 1.000 1.000 M.-x;,,. 1,000 1.000 eiriet of Columbia 2.823 1,000 3,823 Tot.IL 77,875 010,637 718,512>-J strength (if t lie re- Kilar aruijr. including tiie I;HV enlistment* under net f Congress of July 20, lMil -••• 20 Total 660,971 The several arms of the service are estimat ed as follows : Jim. of Iht service Volunteers. Regulars. Ag gale infantry 557.205 11.17., 568.383 Cavalry ' 1 Ariiilerv . ... 3- 21.638 Stifles and Sharpshooters.. • NJ-o I i.iiffineen 107 101 T„iai 610,637 20,331 660,971 Trie appropriations asked for the service of the next fiscal year arc computed for a force ' 500,000 ruen They have been reduced •i; ■ In vest possible amount consistent with public interests, and are based upon a ' y economical administration of the vari- I i.ranches of this Department, iae appropriations to cover deficiencies are '-r lered necessary by the excess of Iho force a the field over that upon which the estimates *ere founded, and by extraordinary expendi 'urea connected with the employment and dis arge of the three months contingent. An item of very heavy expense is the large counted force which has been organized,equip eil, and made available since the called ses • ! of Congress, and wliicli was not computed rin the estimate While an increase of ivalry was undoubtedly necessary, it has rracheJ a numerical strength more than ade cnte to the wants of the service. As it -can ■ vbe m i iitained at a great cost, measures CI be taken for its gradual reduction. •In org-ao zing our great army, I was r fTec aideu by the loyal Governors of the drf 'rresit t-Latf s, and I cheerfully acknowledge ■A- pr >D}i" patriotism win which they respood- K :o the call of this Department. H Congress, during its extra session, autlioriz i B 'he army to be increased by the acceptance j I ft vjlunteer force of 500,009 men, and made j ■appropriation of $500,060,000 for its sup- j ■ " A call for the troops was immediately so numerous were the offers that it tlßCiutid d fficult to discriminate in the choice j ■'"* the patriotism of the people demanded , M* there should be no restriction upou enlist- H v Every portion ol the loyal States de- j P'l to swell the army, and every community j ■ !ii anxious that it should be represented in a that appealed to the noblest impulses of j thoroughly aroused was the national! ■ i! ",'hat 1 have no doubt this force would j H*tbeea swollen to a million, had not the telt compelled to restrict it, in the ; ■ynce of authority from the representatives j ■"* people to inert ase the limited number ; ' 1 r, U ' r on * reS:j t0 decide whether the ■ * ail he farther augmented, with a view a more speedy termination of the war, or jer it shall be confined to the strength ■; V(>( I hy Jaw 11j the latter case,with ■ ' '" (> j reducing the volunteer force to W. 1 propose, with the consent of Con- H. i ° co s°lidat e such of the regiments as -aiii time to time fall below the regula ' iird. The adoption of this measure urease the uurnber of officers and pro ; e J diminish the expenses of the army aid of Napoleon by Jotnini that, in K c ! m P7 n °f 1815, that great general on H '' -N pril had a reirular army of 200,- ,k H' e Ist of June he had iucreas ■ ' )r(, e to 414,00#. The proportion, adds ' bad be thought proper to inaugurate \ v 'em of defense, would have raised it ' .JOM men by the Ist of September."— commencement of this rebellion, inaii • 'J the attack npeu Fort Suinter, the l Jent was 16,006 regulars, principally eß t to hold in check maraud . DE In April, 75,000 volunteers were I" enlist lor three months service, with such alacrity that 77,875 i obtained. Under the au- i m act of Congress of July 22,1861 ; m..:r Were aß ked to furnish 560.000 vol- i HI ,° S€r?e for three years, or during the BCI approved the 29th of the i • the addition of 2f>,000 men to the THE BRADFORD REPORTER. Regular Army of the United States was au thorized. The result is. that we have uow an army of upward of 600,000 men. If we add to this the number of the discharged three months volunteers, the aggregate force furnish ed to the Government since April last exceeds 700,00 men. We have here an evidence of the wonderful strength of onr institutions. Without con scriptions, levies, drafts,or other extraordi nary expedients, we have raised a greater force than that which, gathered by Napoleon with the aid of all these appliances, was considered an evidence of his wouderful genius and energy, and of the military spirit of the French nation. Here every man has an interest in the Govern ment, and rushes to its defense when dangers beset it. By reference to the records of the Revolu tion it will be seen that Massachusetts, with a population of 350,000, had at one time 56.000 troops iu tbe field, or over one sixth of her entire people—a force greatly exceeding the whole number of troops furnished by all the Southern States during that war Should the present loyal States furnish troops iu like pro portion, which undoubtedly would be the case should any emergency demand it, the Govern ment could promptly put into the field an army of over three millious. It gives me great satisfaction to refer to the creditable degree of discipline of our troops, most of whom were, but a short time since, engaged in the pursuits of peace Thej are rapidly attaining an efficiency which cannot (ail to bring success to our arms. Officers and men alike evince an earnest desire to aecomp lish themselves iu every duty of the camp and field, and the various corps are animated by an emulation to excel each other iu soldierly qualities. The conspiracy against the Government ex tended over an area of 733,144 square miles, possessing a toast line of 3,523 miles, and a shore line of 25,414 mil. s, with an iutetior boundary line of 7,031 miles in length. This conspiracy stripped us of arms and munitions, and scattered our Navy to the most distant quarters of the globe. The effort to restore the Union, which the Government entered on in April last, was the most gigantic endeavor in the history of civil war. The interval of seven months lias been spent iu preparation. The history of this rebellion, in common with, all others, for obvious causes, records the first successes in favor of the insurgents. The diastcrof Bull Run was but the natural conse quence of the premature advance o f our brave but undiscipliued troops, which the impatience of the country demanded. The betrayal also of our movements by traitors in our midst en abled the rebels to choose and intrench their positiou, and by a re-enforcement iu great strength, at the moment of victory, to snatch it from our grasp. The reverse, however,gave no discouragement to our gallant people ; they have crowded into our ra-.ks, and although large numbers have been necessarily rejected, a mighty army in invincible array stands eager to precipitate itself upon the foe. The check that we have received upon the Potomac has, therefore, but postponed the campaign for a few months. The other successes of the reoels, though dearly won, were mere affairs, with no important or permanent advantages. The pos session of Western Virginia and the occupation of llatteras and Beaufort have nobly redeem ed our tran-ient reverses. At the date- of my last report, the States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were threatened with rebellion. In Delaware the good sense and patriotism of the people ! have triumphed over the unholy schemes of traitors The people of Kentucky early pro nounced themselves, by an unequivocal declara tion at the ballot box, iu favor of the Union ; and Maryland, notwithstanding the efforts of bad men in power in the City of Baltimore, when the opportunity of a general election was afforded, under the lead of her brave and pa triotic Governor, rebuked by an overwhelming majority the traitors who would have led her to destruction. In Missouri, a loyal State Government has been established by the peo ple, thausands of whom have rallied to the support of the Federal authority, and, in con junction with troops from other portions of the country, have forced the rebels to retire into the adjoining State The Government established in Virginia by the loyal portion of her population is in successful operation, and I have no doubt will be sustained by the peo pie of the entire State whenever the thralldom of the rebel forces shall have been removed. Thus has it been made clearly apparent that iu whatever direction the forces of the Union have extended their protection, the repressed loyalty of the people, irresistibly manifesting itself, has aided to restore and maintain the authority of the Government ; and I doubt not that the army now assembled on the banks of the Potomac will, under its able leader, soon make t>uch a demonstration as will re establish its authority throughout all the re bellious States The loyal Governor of Virginia is proceed j ing to organize Courts under the constitution ; and laws of the State in all her eastern coun ties in the occupation of our troops. I re spectfully suirgest that authority should he triven to the President to send Commissioners with the army, with power to exercise all the functions of local government wherever the evil authority has ceased to exist, and especial ly to enforce the obligations of contracts, and the collection of debts doe to loyal creditors. As stated in my last Report, at the com mencement of this rebellion the Government found itself deficient in arms and munitions of war, through the bad faith of those intrusted with their control during the preceding ministration. The Armory at Harpers Ferry having been destroyed to prevent its posses sion and use by the rebels, the Government was compelled to rely upon the single armory at Springfield, and npon private establish ments, for a supply of arms. Every effort has been made to increase the capacity of that armory, the greatest product of which, prior to these troubles, had Dever exceeded 800 muskets per mouth. In charge of an energetic and able Ordnance officer, the force being PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. 0. GOODRICH. don led, and operations vigorously prosecuted day and night, there were made at this estab lishment, during the past month of October, a total of 6,900 muskets ; aud it is confidently expected that 10,000 will be manufactured during the present month. On a recent visit with a view to eularge the capacity of the armory, I directed the purchase of a large quantity of machinery already furnished,which when put in operation, will enable this estab lishment to produce,during the next year,2oo,- 000 stand of the justly celebrated Spriugfield rifles. I respectfully suggest the recommen dation of a liberal appropriation by Congress for the purpose of yet further increasing the capacity of this armory, believing that it can be made sufficient to supply all the muskets and rifles which the Government may here after need in any contingency. Located in a healthful country, to the midst of an industri ous and ingenious peopl-*, where competent workmen can always be obtained without dif ficulty .and sufficiently near to all the materials needed in the manufacture of arms, it is at the same time accessible to every part of the country by water end railway communication. After having made contracts for arms with privato establishments in this country, it was deemed necessary by the President to insure a speedy and ample supply, to send a special agent to Europe with funds to the amount of two millions of dollars to purchase more. I am gratified to state that he has made ar rangements for a large number of arms, pact of which have already been delivered. The remainder will be shipped by successive steamers until all shall have been received. Coinbinatio- s among manufacturers, impor ters, aud agents, for the sale of arms, have, in many cases, caused an undue increase in prices. To prevent advantage being thus ta ken of the necessities of the Government, Col lectors of Customs have been directed to de liver to the agents of the UuDed States all arms and munitions that may be imported into this country. The call for arms has called into existence numerous establishments for their manufacture throughout the loyal portion of the country, and it has been the policy of this Department to encourage the development of tbe capital, euterprise, and skill of our people in this di rection. The Government should never have less than a million of muskets in its arsenals, with a corresp nding proportion of arms and vquipments for artillery and cavalry. Other wise it may, at a most critical moment, find it self deficint in guns while having an abundance of men. I recommend that application be made to Congress for authority to establish a National foundry for the manufacture of heavy artillery at such point as may afford the greatest facili ties for the purpose. While a sufficient num ber of cannon, perhaps, could be procured from private manufactories, the possessiou of a Na tional establishment would lead to experiments which would be useful to the country, and pre vent imposition in prices by the accurate knowl edge that would be acquired of the real value of work of this character. In my last report I called attention to the fact that legislation was necessary for the re organization, upon a uniform basis, of the mi litia of the country. Some general plan should be provided by Congress in aid of the States, by which our militia can be organized, armed and discipline, and made effective at any mo meat for immediate service. If thoroughly trained in tine of peace, when occasion de mands, it may be converted into a vast army confident in its discipline and uuconquorable in in its patriotism In the absence of any gen eral system of organization, upward of 700,- 000 men have already been brought into the field ; and, in view of the alarcity and enthu siasm that have been displayed, I do not hesi tate to express the belief t! at no combination of events can arise in which this country will not be able not only to protect itself, but, con trary to its policy, which is pease with all the world, to enter upon aggressive operations against auv power that may intermeddle with our domestic uffairs. A Committee should be appointed by Cougress, with authority to sit during the session, o devise and report a plan for the general organization of the Militia of the United States. It is of great importance that immediate at tention should be given to the condition of onr fortifications upon the seaboard and the lakes, and upon our exosed frontiers. They sbenldat once be placed iu perfect condition for success ful defense. Aggressions are seldom made up on a nation ever ready to defend its honor and to repel insults ; and we should show to the world, that while engaged in quelling distur bances at home we are able to protect ouselves against attacks from abroad. I earnestly recommend that immediate pro visions be made for increasing the corps of Cudets to the greatest capacity of the Milita ry Academy. There are now only 192 cadets i t that important institution. lam assured by the Superintendent that 400 can at present be accommodated, and that, with vety trifling ad ditional expense, this number may be increas ed to 500. It is not necessary, at this late day, to speak of the value of educated soldiers. While, in time of war or rebellien, we must ever depend mainly upon our militia and vol unteers, we shall always need thoroughly train ed officers. Two classes have been graduated during the present year, in order that the service might have the benefit of their military education. I had hoped that Congress, ut its extra session, would authorize an increase of the number. Having failed to do so, 1 trust that at the approaching session an increase will be authorized, and that the selection of cadets will be limited exclusively to those States, which, co-operating cordially with the Govern ment, have brought their forces into the field to aid io the maintenance of its authority. In this connection justice requires that I should call attention to the claims of a veteran officer, to whom, more than to any other, the Military Academy is indebted for its present prosperous and efficiant condition. I allude to Col. Sylvanus T.iayer of the Engineer Corps, who DOW, by reason of advauced years end fajthfnl public services, is incapacitated "REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER.'' for duty in the field. Under the recent law of Congress he may justly claim to be retired from active service ; but believing that his distin guished services should receive some mark of acknowledgement from the Government, I re commend that authority be asked to retire him upon his full pay and emoluments. The health of an army is a consideration of the highest consequences. Good men and wo men in different States, impelled bv the high est motives of benevolance and|patriotism,have come in aid to the constituted sanitary arrang ments of the Government, and been greatly iu litrumental in diminishing diseases in the camps —giving increased comfort and hsppiness to the life of the soldier, and imparting to our hospital service a more humane and generous character. Salubrity of situation and pleas nntness of surroundings have dictated the choice of the hospital sites, and establishments for our sick and wounded, of which we have every reason to be proud, have been opened in St. Louis, Washington, Georgetown, Balti more and Annapolis, and will be attached to uvcry division of the army in the field. To the close of the war, vigilant care shall be given to the health of the well soldier, and to the comfort and recovery of the sick. I recommend that the system of promotions which prevails in the regular service be appli ed to the volunteer forces in the respective Siates ; restricting, however, the promotions to men actually in the field. At present each Governor selects and appoints the officers for the troops furnished by his State, and com plaint is not unfrequently made that when va cancies occur in the field men of inferior quali fications are placed iu command over those in the ranks who are their superiors in military experience and capacity. The advancement of merit should be the leading principle in all promotions, and the volunteer soldier should be given to understand that preferment win be the sure reward of intelligence, fidelity, and distinguished service. The coarse above recommended has been pursued by this Department, and it is my in tention, so far as is in my power, to continue a system which cannot fail to have a most beneficial effect upon the entire service. By existing laws and regulations, an officer of the regular army ranks au officer of volun teers of the same grade, notwithstanding the commission of the latter may be of antecedent date. Iu my judgment, this practice has a tendency to repress the ardor and to limit the opportunity for distinction of volunteer officers, and a change should be made by which seni ority of commission should confer the right of command. 1 submit for reflection the question, wheth er the distinction between Regulars and Vol unteers which uow exists, should be permitted to contiuue. The efficiency of the army, it ap pears to me, might be greatly increased by a consolidation of the two during the continu ance of the war, which, combining both forces would constitute them one grand army of the Union. Recruiting for the Regular army has not been attended with the success which was an ticipated, although a large number of men have entered this branch of the service. While it ia admitted that soldiers in the Regalar ar my, under the control of officers of military ed ucation und experience, are generally better cared for than those iu the Volunteer service, it is certain that the popular preference is largely given to the latter. Young men evi dently prefer to enter a corps officered by their friends and acquaintances, and, besides the bounty granted to Volunteers in the most of the States, inducements are often directly of fered to them by those whose commissions de pend upon their success in obtaining recruits. In addition the volunteer is allowed to draw his whole pay of sl3 per month, wbHe by law $2 per month are deducted from the pay of the Regular to be returned to him at tlw end of his term of service. In my judgment, this law should be repeuled, and the Regular sol dier be allowed to receive his full pay when due. He should also receive either a reason able bounty upon enlisting, or an advance of S2O of the SIOO which a law of the last ses sion of Congress grants to regulars and volun teers on the experatioo of their periods of ser vice. Tbif would doubtless stimulate enlist ments, as it would enable the soldier to make some provision for those dependent upon him for support until be receives his pay. By the act approved August 5, 1861, the President is authorized to appoint as many aids to Major Generals of the regular army, acting in the field, as he may deem proper The number .of aids, in my opinion, should be limited, and no more should be allowed to each Major General than can be advantageously employed upon his own proper staff. Much expense would thus be saved, and the Execu tive aud this Department would be releived by applications very embarrassing from their na ture and extent. The fifth section of the act approved Sep ' tember 28th, 1850, makes the discharge of mi nors obligatory upon this Department, upon proof that their enlistment was without the consent of their parents or guardians. In view of the injurious operation of this law, and of the facilities which it opens to frauds, I re spectfully urge its early repeal. Applications for discharges of minors can then be determin ed either by this department, in accordance with such regulations as experience may have shown to be necessary, or by the civil tribunals of he country. The employment of regimentel bands should be limited ; the proportion of musicians now allowed by law being too great, and their use fulness not at all commensurate with their heavy expense. Corporations, like individuals, are liable tc be governed bv selfish motives in the absence of competition An instance of this kiud oc cured in the management of the railroads be tween Baltimore and New York The sura of $6 was charged upon that route for the trans portation of each soldier from New York to Baltimore. As this rate seemed extravagent to the Department, when considered ID con nection with the great increase of trade upon these roads, made necessary by the wants of the Government, inquiry na3 made concern ing the expediency of using the roads from New York to Baltimore via. Harrisburg. The resnlt was an arrangement by which troops were brought by the last named ronte at $4 each ; and, as a consequence, this rate was at once necessarily adopted by all the railroads in the loyal States, making a saving to the Government of 83 1-2 per cent in all its trans portation of soldiers, and at the same time giv ing to the railroads, through increased busi ness, a liberal compensation. Tbe railroad connection between Washing ton and Baltimore has been lately much im proved by additional sideings, and bj exten sions in this city. In order, however, that abundant supplies may always be at the com mand of the Department, arrangements should be made for laying a double truck between this city and Annapo'as Juuctiop, w'uh improved sideings and facilities at Annapolis and along the Branch road. Should the navigation of the Potomac Riv er be interrupted by blockade, or the severities of winter, it would become absolutely necessa ry, for the proper supply of tbe troops in the District of Columbia and vicinity and of the inhabitants of this city, to provide additianal railroad connection between Washington and Baltimore. A responsible company with a charter from the State of Maryland, have pro posed to do this upon condition that the Gov ernment will endorse their bonds ; they btnd iog themselves to set aside annually a sufficient sum for their redemption at maturity, and thus eventually release the Government from any liability whatever, and to charge, for trans portation, rates in no case to exceed four cents a tun per mile for- freight, and three'cents a mile for passengers. During the continuance of the war, however, their charge for passen gt rs is not to exceed two cents per mile. The charge for the transportation of passengers be tween the two cities is at present 3 3-4 cents per mile, and for freight the rates per tun will average from five to eight cents per mile. The large saving to the Goverutncut in cost of transportation would amply compensate for all liability, anil give to the citizens of all the loy al States arreatly improred facilities for reach ing the National Capital, aud at msch less rates than they are uow compelled to pay. To the citizens of the District it would cheapen the cost of supplies, and prove of immense val ue in every respect. I recommend that a railway,be constructed through this city from the Navy-Yard, by the Capitol to Georgetown, formiug connection with the existing railroad depots, and using the Aqueduct bridge for the purpose of crossing the river at Georgetown. By a junction of this proposed railway with abc Orange and Alexandria Railroad, not only would the com munications with our troop? in Virgiuia, be greatly improved, but an easy access be ob tained to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Harper's Ferry, by means of the Loudon aud llampshier Railroad. To its importance as affordiug facilities for moveing troops aud supplies in time of war, may be added to the future benefits it would confer npon the Dis trict of Colombia. The outlay required would be saved iu a few mouths by enabling the Government to dispense with the expensive ferry at Georgetown, and by greatly decreas ing the costly wagou transportation of the ar my through this city. The injuries to railroads, instigated by the Rebel authorities of Baltimore, in order to embarras communication with the North and West, via Harrisburg, and with the East, via Philadelphia, have been repaired by the differ ent companies that own them. That portion of the Baltimore und Ohio Railroad, West of Harper's Ferry, which was so ruthlessly de stroyed by the rebels,has not yet peen restored. Tbe great interests of trade requires that this road should be reopened as speedily as possi ble by the company, for the transportation of the West. To ani tbi object the Department has tendered to the compauv a sufficient force for its protection during the progress of the work, aud will render such facilities as it may be able to provide, in conncctiou with its oth er important public duttes. For the purpose of faciliating the transpor tation of supplies to Alexandria and to points beyond, it has been found necessary to rebuild portions of the Orange and Alexandria and the Loudon and Hampshier Railroads, and to lay a track from the Railroad Depot to a point on the l'otomac Rriver, iu this city. Under an appropriation granted for that purpose at the last Session of Congress, a Telegraphic Bureau was established, and has been found of the greatest service in our mili tary operations. Eight hundred and fifty-sev cu miles of te egraphic line have been already built and put in operation, with an efficient corps of operators,and a large extension is now in process of construction. Congress at its late session, made an appro priation for the reconstruction of the Long Bridge across the Potomac, which, in its then dilapidated condition, was unsafe f or military purposes. The work which has been carried on without interruption to trade or travel, is rappidly approaching completion, and, when fiuished, will be a substaucial structure. On the first of the present mouth Lieut.-Gen. Winfield Scott voluntarily relinquished his high command as General-in Chief of the American army. He had faithfu'ly and gal lainly served his country for upward of half a ceutury, and the glory of bis achievements has given additional luster to the brightest pages of our national annals. The affections of a greatful people followed him into his re tirement. The President immediately con ferred the command of the army upon the officer next in rank. Fortunately for the couutry, Maj.-Gen. McClellan had proved himself equal to every situation in which his great talents had been called into exercise.— His brilliant achievements in Western Virginia tbe nntiriug energy aDd consumate ability he has displayed in the organisation and disci plin of an entirely new army, have justly won for him the confidence aud applause of the troops and of the nation. Extraordinary labor, energy, and talent have been required at the various Bureaus of thfs VOL. XXII. —NO. 28. Depatment to provide for the wants of our immense army. While errors may have been occassionally committed by subordinates, and while extravagent prices have undoubtedly in some cases,controlled by haste and the pres sures of rapid events, been paid for supplies, it is with great gratification that I refer to the economical administration of affairs dis played in the various branches of the service Our forces had not only to be armed, clothed, and fed, but had to be suddenly brovided with means of transportation to the extent hereto fore unparelleled. While I believe that there is no army iu the world better provided for in every respect than our Regulars and Volun teers, I candidly think that no forces so large, and so well equipped, was ever put in the field in short a space of lime at so small ex pense. Wbiie it is my intention to preserve the strictest economy aud accountability, I think the last dollar should be expended and the last man should be armed to bring this anholy rebellion to a speedy and permanent close. The geographical position of the metropo lis of the nation, menaced by the Rebels, and required to be defended by thonsauds of oar troops, induces me to suggest for consideration the propriety and expediency of a reconstruc tion of the boundaries of the States of Dela ware, Maryland and Virginia Wisdom and true statemenship would dictate that the seat of the National Government for all time 3 to come should be placed beyond reasonable dan ger of seizure by enemies within, as well as from capture by foes from without. By agree ment between the States named, such as was effected for similar purposes by Michigan and Ohio, and by Missouri aud lowa, their boun daries could be so changed as to render the Capital more remote than at present from the iufluence of State Government which arrayed themselves in rebellion against the Federal au thority. To this eud, the limits of Virginia might be so altered as to make her bouudarie* consist of the Blue Ridge oa the east and Pennsylvania on the North, leaving those on the south and west as at present. By this ar angemcut two-counties of Maryland (Allagha uy aud Washington) would be transferred to the jurisdiction of Virginia. All the portion of Virginia which lies between the Blue Ridge and Chesapeake Bay could then be added to Maryland, while that portion of the peninsula betweeu the waters of the Cbesapeak aud At lantic, now jointly held by Maryland and Vir ginia, could be incorporated into the State of Deleware. A reference to the map will show that these are great natural boundaries, which for all time to come would serve to mark the limits of these States. To make the protection of the capital com plete, in consideration of the large accession of territory which Maryland would receive un der the arrangement proposed, it would be necessary that that State should consent so to modify her constitution as to limit the basis of her representation to her white population. In the connection, it would be the part of wisdom to reanuex to thejDistrict of Columbia that portion of its original limits which by act of Cougress was retroceded to the S:ate of Virginia. It has become a grave question for deter mination, what shall be done with the slaves abandoned by their owners on the advance of our troops into Southern territory, as iu Beau -1 tort disteict of Sonth Carolina. The whole white population therein is 6,000, while the number of negooes exceeds 32,000. The pan ic which drove their masters iu wild confusion from their homes, leaves them iu undisputed ' possession of the soil. Shall they, armed by their masters, be placed in the field to fight agaiDSt ns, shall their labor be continually em ployed in producing the means for supporting the armies of rebellion ? The war into which this Government has been forced by rebellious traitors is carried oa for the purpose of repossessing tbe property violently and treacherously seized upoa by tbe enemies of the Government, and to re-estab lish the authority and laws of the United States in the places where it is opposed or over thrown by armed insurrection end rebellion— Its purpose is to recover and defend what is justly its own. War, even between independent nations, U made to subdue the enemy, aod all that be longs to that euemy, by occupying the hostile country, and exercising dominion over all the men and things within its territory. This be ing true in respect to independent nations at war with each other, it follows that rebels who are laboring by force of arms to overthrow a Government, justly bring upon themselves all ihe consequences of war, and provoke the destruction merited by the worst of crimes.— That Government would be false to national trust, and would jn-tly excite the ridicule of the civilized world, that would abstain from the use of an efficient means to preserve its own existence, or to overcome a rebellious and traitorous enemy, by sparing or protecting the property ot those who are waging war against it. The principal wealth and power of the Reb el States is a peculiar species of property, con sisting of the service or labor of African slaves or the deseudauts of Africans. This property has bceu variously estimated at the valoe of from $700,000, to $1,000,000,000. Why should this property be exempt from the hazards and consequences of a rebellious war ? It was the boast of the leader of the rebel lion, while he yet had a seat in the Senate of the United States, that the Southern States would be comparitivelv safe and free from the burdens of wur, if it should be brought on by the contemplated rebellion, and that boast was accompanied by the savage threats that "Northern towns and cities would become the victims of rapine and military soil," and that " Northern men should smell Southern cunpowder and feel Southern steel." No one doubts the disposition of the rebels to carry that threat into execution. The wealth of Northern towns and cities, the prodoceof Nor thern farms, Northern workshops and manu factories, would certainly be seized, destroyed, (Cono'uJtd on fourth )