Wscrllaitrous. ~A L BAN Y~ AGRICULTURAL WORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEEP STORE, EMERY BROS., Proprietors, RATENTT.ES ASP M IXRFACTL'RERS OF Emery's Patent Changeable Kail road Horse Powers, ALSO, LEVf R POWERS, tor Fnnr, Six and Eight Horses, of new and superior pen-truclion. to getter With a great variety o r labor-saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. TO THU FARMING I'UiUJC.-Xoti.o is hereby given th;• t RAYMOND M WELLES, ft Athens, Pa., "(who was until rereitly the senior member of the firm ot Welles. bhwri X .i Alliens.) i- the on ly authorized tgmt for the sale of EMERY'S HOUSE f()W KRS.TH EES HI N G M AC 11INE8 ,and utile r W A RES manufactured at the ALBANY AGFtICULI URAL WCRKS For the county of Bradford, with the privilege of selling for the counties of Tioga, Susquehanna and Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, and the adj iutng counties in New York State. ALL Heerwea ar.d contracts heretofore exMlng with other parties for their pauutacfure and sale in thj- ti ui torv having expired, the public are notified that They will tie held responsible directed totiie Puienfeestordum ages for using any other h >r-c* powr s, thresh- r.-. X ' and sold to them by "the parties and in imitation ef ami infringing upon the letters patent heid hy LSI Elt\ BROTHERS. *W For description of price*, term*. Ac.. see the 11-: liistrated Catalogue of the .Manny tunc.Rural W.-rk furnished gratis 0:1 appii. atien to EM EPS' Bl!< t'l HEKS, Albany, N. V.. or R. M WELLES. Athens. JnneSfi. ISJL Athens, pa. (Lollrqiaie Institute,! TOIVAXUA, BRADFORD CO., PA. KACC'LTv : Sev. JAMES 'McWILLT \ M Principal Professor of Ar.- 1 cient Languages. e.ud Mental and Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. EISI.ER. B. Pr'iesMTut Mathematics . and Natural Science. Prof.CHARLES U. COBURN County Superintendent. General Director of Normal Department. C. E. EATON, Professor ot Pcuuuuship and Rook keep ing. Mica NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mrs. HELEN A. ADAMS, Assistant Preceptress. Mist IIA It Y R. ALLEN. Teacher oi Vocal and lustrumeu fal Musir. Mr.D. CANFIET.D DAYTON, Stewari. Mr-. D. c. DAYToN. Matron. The Winter Tcrm commences WF.DNESDAY,NOVEM BER 27, and will continue la weeks. TrrrioN, ran TERM : (Payable invar'ahly in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one hall at the middle of the term—fuel uiid cmitingei cies included.) Primary, )>er term $ 4 on Preparatory ti Ofi Higher. Ist year, per term 7 will be taught in a hall adjoining the gronnds ot the Institute j by the Teacher ol Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has pioved it to be eminently super! >r to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as here tonne : Tuition on Piano Forte per term $1(1 o on the Theory and Practice .d Teaching, as ul.-oou other subjects connected with Normal tntiuin r. Those per- >n-. therefore intending to engage in teach ing for toe winter, wo lb. 1 ' gieatly-to tlieir .chantage to be present during the Pall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not inch as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his ' See. No pains will lie spared - on the prii t of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high re 'I tation the iu-titii fi'n has hitherto enjmed. and iu rendu ing it inure wor thy of future patronage and support JAMES McWILI.IAM. Principal. Aug. a. Threshing Machine Agency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT in the county ot Bradford and the neighboring conn licit iu Pennsylvania and New Yoik. tor Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO IIORSR POWERS, are too weil and nop l.illy to need any description from me, and I will only say that they continue i. dc serve the rtpututi ui they line enj >ycd tor ten years of being the '• be>t Endless Chain if *rse P iwer in use." These Powers possess conveniences and aJvautagei pon avste-J by no other power. E M EitY ' S NE W PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER Thiol nsi Machine, and his not imt.oe been intro duced into this region. It his no endless chain straw I r irrier, li t* separates ill kinds of grain th< roughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts" Endless Canvass Celled Apron a n*w Jm , ved Revolving Picker, and the .veil known Vibrating Riddle. It i-a simple.durable nd edi cient M i dtine. will thresh rapidly and <1 an tlior- | oiigiily. withoat wasting, all kinds ot grain. It will no 4 . , choke, run easily aud steadily. without jumping, ai d is warranted to superior to the common Bake Cleaner bow In use. It remains only to be -een and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to he. an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EVHY'3 IMPROVED TO'SH.RS & SEPARATERS, are not rxcetle i ny .anT in m irket. are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds ef AGRICULTURAL MACaiNJIIIY at ißtmufsatnrers pri-es sad terms. W For lurther iutur.ra ition. illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, pricea, Ac., apply to R. 'M. WELLES, Agent. Afhene. Pa.. July 30. SPBCjCAL NOTICE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT to I*; the of tbe times, end for mv own b w*ii::a.B necurity. i have coueluded to ell Goudu IFOR IH-AT)Y PAY ! I b-Heve I have as good rredit cn-tomera any one. and mas', of the n ilr impt frrviug ones, but tntnre pr>siierity iu bnsir.tsi f think requires that tirmcries and Provi sioii. should lie sold for cash. I h qn\ by attention to bu-inos. nnd an earnest desire to pieaau. to still retain all of my old patron*. WT Those who are indebted to me will oblige me ly ar-tStog up at tntcc. K. T. POX. * l "a<.,Aiir 4 L IFI. ittfsrcllnncous. NOW READY ! | BiRTUTTS'NIWIRBIWOIIIS TOWANDA, PENNA. THE Snbfe-riber iiejri- leave to call the at teiition of tbe public to the fact thafhe ha- enlaiged his motive power otnl pttrcliasad and set up additional 1 tiiai hinety, arid empluyed a larger uumlier of workmen I tiiau loiiaViiy. so that he is now prepared to execute or- j der-for Castings or Machinery with He lias at his works all the PATTERNS in use Vy the late firm M'm. 11. Pliiliip- A Son ot Elmira N Y." and lia- ali added to these, patterns ol varioos kinds, i MILL IRt>XS furnished for Hti-t Mills, Liang, Gate, j Circular and Muie-" Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES j °f different sizes and styles and in fiet almost any kind | °f Castings or Machinery in common use. Strim F lling* such as SI ram Pipe*. F.llirvs, Heturn He lis. lie,hirer*. Coupli g*. Olobi-F Ires', Check I 'alee*. (Ju tge Cocks. Oil Cups, ll', At c. always on hand and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish ST EAM BOILERS of any niz or kind wanted Small Casting- made in Brass or Composition. Cook itig and Heating Stove- of diflerent IliHnufhetlined and fr sale at the above works. Furnituie for Cooking St' ves and st ive Pipe alwny- ou hand Pt rwuis who want UF A RING . BARTLETT. ToWanda. April 11. 1-iil. I'urp 'tint. ' GREAT BXRGAINST i (in 83,000 to 84,000 Worth er ' Fashionable Furniture! TO BE SOLD EMiVIZDIATELY. Havl light recently the Athens C; nt Ware Rooms, And entire snack of FT'RN ITI'RE from the late pro- j prietor. B M WF.Lf.h'S. it will t.e sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. rr HE STOCK IS L\RGE J ami very complete, his in pii w ell selected, audi-well adapted for the ■nyHß wants ol the country. N B—lt i- a common remark made '•>* vi-itors to this e-tahlishiiient. ' Why. I had no idea yon had sin^h a large and splen ■'--"ftinei.t ot Furniture. 1 have J I fen nothing like it short of the city." ISrhf We have BEDSTEADS from ti aO and upwards. COTTAGE and other K 't'H in great variety, Iroin f on V, b to 125.1)0 set. TABLES from 2.00 V \ , upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. fit every sty!.-, size and price to -nit the mean* and ta-te ot any and all cu-t onei -. RjT Call and -ee our t ih. Athens, Pa., July 74 E.N. PAGE. BOOK BINDERY. r |MIE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argn- L building wou'.d respectfully int >rrn the public that he ba-removed hi-Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the iVatd Htm-e. formerly occupied by the Post t HBi e. wheic he i- now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the mo-t approved and workmanlike manner Having to.-luire my profits with no -rind per- >n I tht ti my-cl. that my prices w ill meet the satisfaction of the j public. Th.inkfn! for the confidence repooed in me and the pub- i lie appro utioii of my work, tor the last two yeats, 1 ! shall < u 'ervor in t'a future to merit the coritiuuance ol J puiilo- support. Particular attention given to re-himling Books. All j work will lie warranted. Terms, Cash i,A"A!- ".a lai-'v assortment qt ."ST ATIONERY of the i l*-t quality at the lowest prii*4- Justices' and Cousta ble's BI.aNRs;. „ f kind-. PICTURE I 1! round, -ipiare and "val ; and pic tures framed to mater, cheaper than ever known here. .Soil ANN F. BENDER. Towanda. Jan. 11. Bookbinder and Artist. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. KT >* 11 tie so serin nulv to iiicrp:ise tlie J- bastmss nnd nrospcrity of the Old Foundry and JVTACHTMS SHOP, (s-or.tli side of Pine st., one door East ot H. S. Mer cur's Ftere.) The un lersigned wuild call tie- attention of all con cerned t • the tact, that lie i- nrep ir- .1 to do and will ex ecute nil w 'ik entrusted to him w:th dispatch and iu the mn-t workman like manner. FITTING L'P MILL IRON'S. REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the rn -t complicate, in any ot their parts, aud WARRANTED to give satistac tion. PLOWS always on hand ot the nw-t approved pat terns wooi'ed in the tn >st snh-tanliirt manner Having ici cut v id'h d consideraldy to hi- lacilit cs for doing work itmi employing expviienced wrrkmeii iti every dcpartsUcnt he is i omideut that be can satisfy all who'tavor b in with tlu iv patran igc. ? JOHN CARMAN: T"wand.t Oct. la. lsfid. Ccal, lime, Cement, Tire Erich, Erain Tiles, cents per i bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up ill barrels, and 12) I rents per t'OstpT tor-lacked lime. Lime shipped on boat.- at Towanda without addftimfnl charge. Also Byracnse If*.jfrr f.ime at fl In per barrel, nnd Fi-e Bri kat s ! cent- each. /Ran lilts 2,3 and t inch size- at 2. 3 and jo cent -|u r toot, avi i v nice article for draiuin End or anout dwellings. Mer. hints supplied with Beardsley's j Axes by tlie d 'zen. J el. Screws, lo moving building*. to let at 2.> cent* per day each ! It / re'a n for Lump Coal ntd $2 imi pi r ton fir SiniMi Coal. Goal delivered in Towan da at 2.) i entrf per Kid. All the ab'Ve Irr sale at the office of the Barclay R. li. A Coal Companv, Towanda. J. MACFABI.AIN. Towanda. Feb. 22. lsfil. Gen. ."superintendent CAUTION. I" To he. or not to lie— hat is the question ! Whether 'ti- nobler in the mind to suffer I The slings and arrow* of outrageous opposition, I Or by taking up arms against a sea ci printing ink, And'opposing. end them." • nHIiE proprietor of the Argil* take* oca.-i' ii in ailNer 1 tisingW* Bindery to Indulge in an one*fled for fling about a sort of a concern," which is hoping •• to ibTud' the public." A-1 luive opened a Bindery on mv own ac | count the inlcrtuice is that if tlie public bring then | binding to me. tiny are in no danger ol being defrauded ! For twoyi ar- Ih n e worked for Nir. I'aii-us-, and tie i ha- taken great pains t satisfy tlmpublit I wa- the " he-! j Binder iu vtuerica,"a* the columns <>t the Aigu,* wil I tetify. l!a.-he been all that time " drhuling the pub . lie ?" If 1 have tieCn engaged in a fraud, he Ims t,een th I principal. But I refer to my work during that time a | evidence that there lias been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business. 1 hive resumed bnste*s here oil my own ac I know of nothing which prevents me froin fol lowing a logitim ite and haw fill calling for my support.— I shall endeavor by good work and attention to my buai lies-to give public satisfaction. March JHHAN'X 1". BENDER. Binder HON FY. A few small boxes, extra niee, for sale cheap at FOX'I4. Towniiil.i. Sept. IS, ISfil. I" ROSIN E OIL, FOR SALE CHEAP A. FOX'S, j Aug Ifll iHrrclmnWjr, See. j TmjT'NEW ATTRACTIONS \ tr* At Geo. H- Weed's Gallery JFC TOWANDA, PA. JL\ You can procure, at low prices, ft \Of all SIZES, up to life size, either plain or re . -J tone lied, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MRLAIXOTYPES and AMBUOTYPES. and a! 1 most all oilier kinds o) types. Pictures in good cases lor 23 cents, and oilier sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotypes made in all kinds ot weather, (except for children. ALT work w ariantt D. July 2.*> lstil. in I • QMRIS IS TIL K EST A RUSH M RNT • where you can find a very line assortment ol W ? r HKS \NP JEWELRY nt all DESCRIPTION" also a j (?0011 STIS k ol CLOCKS, price- ranging ''rom 10 shillings up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. ! nil also agent lor the sale of II R. LEVI 'H celebrated ; B iroineli is. W hich every lai iner should ALWAYS have. I'ri RE" IRMI $- TO SW. according to linish BEPIIRIXd done .is usual in a neat and workmanlike manner END war | ranted. WM A. ('HIMBERLIN. | NEW FIKM AT TIIR ©SID i OF II A. BURBAN'K. D. r. 6c IS. SHAW, HAVING RURCIIA-KI) THIS WELL known establishment Iliev W ill endeavor, HY strict attention to husiueaa. to sustain the excellent reputation I which this llakery and Eating >.IIIMUI ha- attained under | the supervision <,T the lute proprietor. WO shall con liuue to uiuuutai lute CKKR, ol every description, such a- cyster. tui'k, Boston, soda, luitier. water, pic nic. Graham, sugar, wine and common crackers. Also. Husk, Buns, Butter Rolls, Wheat, LU , diau and ( til BREAD & CAKE, ol all kinds, constantly on hand and made to order The attention ol the citizens ot this place ami vicinity, i cullid to the above, uml they ate Hosuii J that they can always L>e supplied with any of the-e arthles. Wedding and Social Parties, WI'L be fiirni-lied with every description and style ot FI it. Pound, and timer FAKES. Tavern kn-p< r- and (iroceir will he -uipplud on terms as dvant.igcous a> at my otlier ESTABLISHMENT iu the State. In connection with J the above he has an EATING SALOON, where everything in the liue will be served out to those who may lavor him witli a -all. Thanklnl lor past Uvora he respectfully solicits A con- ' tinonice OT the same. B. F. AH.SHAW. Towanda. June Z7. I*ol. ! COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!! LIL.M 11: \, X. Y. FACULTY: .N . CAT I.PWEI.L, PRESIDENT and PROFE—OR of Practical and Ornamental L'e'iima-liip, ..ND Science ol Bonp keeping. WM. M CROSBY, A M., Pr fe-sor nt Mathematics the i < la-ics UTNL Sciences, and Consulting AceonntHHt. j CLIFFORD K WAIHWoitTH . Principal of the Prepar ' ntory Department, and General Assistant Teacher j licv TLLOS. K. HEW HKR. Lecturer on Commercial ! ! Billies. Ui-lory . anil Political Economy, linn. A I.EX.. FI 01 YEN, Lecturer on Commercial Law Civil a D Internali"lisl Polity. I >. IT VAX c.VMPKN. Lecturer on Theoretical and Prac I tleal Banting and Finance. REFERENCES: CHAS. H. EL MER Esq.. Waveily. CIIAS J. L 0L.0T.11, Attorney, (ieneva. • I It. U 11.1 1 (MS E-q . Banker Ithaca. WM . lIII.DRKI 11, ill'. Cauaiidaigua. T. II THOMPSON, |'o-t Master, Corning. JOHN L. I.KM IS. Jr.. C oitisellor, Penn Yann. I OK IN (1 ,v CO.. PI UIU Maiuilact.ireis, S< neca Falls. WAslliNoToN TH CRM AN. Scc'y (7A - Light Can, Bath. I licv. AMOS till' Hl \ . Pie-. People .- College, Llavaiia. ! Rev E. L. WADSWOKTU. lu.-uraiice Ag T., NEW Gruel- ' euheig Mcs.-r- NICHOLS A LONG, Merchants' Troy. Bradford j county. Pa JOHN C. KLUWIN, Secretary NuilWoiks Co., IJunix burg. Pa. Elmira Commercial College. r ril'S INSTITU I'lON WAS EMAIL M- I.ISHEDin I*3*. and its snecess has ts-eu T,ryond the M--t -auguipe expectations of its toiiiultr. Prof, i CAL'LDWF.I.L. WHO lUtsreßcd more UP-AI untiring d< vo ! tion and indefatigable attention to'tlie intinpsts OL hi - pit- ! pils, than upon protu-e advertising and coiuplimetitarv SI holar-hips to extend a reputation. The Course ol ln-iruU 'on pousist# of iour Departments, i. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Here especial attention is given to youth in the Ele ments ol Knowledge, viz: Spelling, lie tiling. Writing, Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar, Elucutiou and COM POSITION. ir. DEPARTMENT OF PENMANSHIP. Embracing all varietie* of Plain. Practical, BUSINESS, and Ornamental Petuuaii-hip, German Tex". Old Kng lisli. Antique Lettering, Copying. Pen Draw ing, Ac. in. COMMERCIAL COMPUTATIONS. Embracing new rules, not published, ot the most rapid methods of Computation, as applied to Inteiest, Bunk Discount. Accounts CI rient, Situ | It- and Cotiijwmnd Lqo tatious. liisiirauce, Ex- hange, General Average, Cmu j mission and Br kerage, Partnership Settlements, Bunk | nipt Dividend-, Loss and Gain, Alligation, etc. IV. ROOK KEEPING DEPARTMENT. Embracing Commercial Law. Business Correspondence, Settlements. Ac .applicable to Wholesale, Retail. Import ing, Jobbing, or Couin issi. >n Business, This Department is organized and couducttd on the Counting Room Sys tem. with all the IMPROVEMENTS introduced by Bryant A Stiattou and others, and the students at once enter upon the Pcortical Working and ROUTINE o> Banking. Mining, Shipping, insurance. Railroading, Manufacturing. Ac., and da BO tote actual Iran-actions taken Irotn the Origin al Books ol exteusive firms. THE COLLEGE ROOMS Have recently laeu re-fitted and elegantly furnished, SO that now they are uvsurpussed in com ortat-d conve nience of arracgeitii-UT (separate I part men tis pr >vid ed lor Ladie*. To studi nt" ol oidttnny capacity and iu ; dnstry, entire satisfaction will TIE guaranteed For Terms and litrlher purtionUrs send for a Cir cular, or apply personally to N CATLDWELL.PUJNCIRAI.. River Buildings, opposite Brainard House, Elm.ra, N. Y. LI in ir. l. X. V.. Oct. B. ISOI.—M3 WILSON, BARNES A CO. WHOLESALE GROCER* And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 13 Warren street, (three doors BELOW Washington at., l NE W YORK. WILLIAM TT. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful Dr. Dayton A Co.. and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill. D V HTRNKS, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENLY, ol Wyoming county, PW. SAVTV.L v. DELANO, of V*w VorV TtiyVm JHCsceUinicotis. CHUPIIISS, STTLE 8 BEM NOW IS YOUR TIME TO HOY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. roc-aiiu it to the cple ! IUST REOEIVEn-A L*r e e Slock if J F A LI. AND WINTER <"LOTIIfN<>. at JOHN SHI.AM'S Elmira Branch Clothing Store. Says coolly, h- Idly and delltu-rately that he takes the foremost of the Chdhing Merohauts ot Towanda. Eiglheen hundred and sixty-one ha conie. and the light and beauty ot Spring shines upon us, with all its j radiants lender T shall continue to sell Clothing, lor j Cash, cheaper than any other man. as my good* ;ne all j bought i heap ter cash, and they will be sold cheap for cash. ; I My goods are all manuf ctured in Elmira. therefore. I ; can warrant them well mole. Enough for trie to say, 1 I have everything iu the line of C L 0 THING! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, *C., iskipt iu any other Store iu town. My banner i ou the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the luud ol the free, And the home of the brave ! While her Stars arid Stripes Shine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin " ! Thi-_.s a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do j their trading where they can do lie t-e-t. regardless of I the cross and sour looks of old logy merchants. I invite you to come and s(c me—country a- well as the city are | invited—every person, rich or poor, high or low, hood or free are invited to call. Come one, come all. and stop yourspetd. We've tlnods enough mrall in need. The boys, tht-m-elvrs. are at their posts, And they aline can supply a host. O'er other denier- in this town. These same b >y- have won r< nnwn. For selling the clo-ape-t and the best. And - llin'g no-re than all the re-t ! Hurrah! hurrah ' o'er lull a d plain. Accept our thanks, and call again. Among our assortments you'll always Gud, Goods to fit. and pl< a-e the mind. We're on hand, and always willing. To si II our Good-i. and earn a shilling ! Fo hold yo'-r lior-es. and come this way, We shall be el ol to see ym a v day, At JoIIN Sill. \,\|'s Clothing Store, next door to II S. I Merc r's Dry Goods Hti-re Main Mioe. T -wanda, I'a. N I! —A e wi-h to be understood, that we are not to lie : undersold t,v any man. or c"m'.,iiiai|on ot men. n kjbly line st"< k I ot gisids, all m ile lor this mai k> t , 'aial warrant ed as represented, which he flatter- him -cll he i-an s 1' lower forcsi-h than ha- ever been offered in this market ; f fur Cosh ! p KICKS jt E it, v* * i viz: Of Sap*, IVrfwiitn. Bni lii's iVmlh, Pcckct Rnvcs ~nd Razns, Turn])* and Mute rials for Li'jht. 'I IIU.-SES k sriM'OUTKKS. WiNS A,NO lIQ'JdaS, OIY FilH fOiC.NE ; TO3ACCO & SNUFF. AH the Popular Pufr.nt Mudici ties, Tooth, Skin &. Hnir Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, j Edrdir, fit)' vv our) lit nunpi.ikir i> S j'.ct". Hi J Sit!, /.o in j i Shiiir tint! (Jtsrdrn KISU TACKLE. AM ■ CXITIOS, Ac. Constituting tin u,o-t romplet. assortment eiubr.nii,, | ■ tht gnat want.-ol the Pen. U- reduced in Price. and I' Vistdfor the < i.-h System. t>K. PORTER'S C VMPHE.VK! PR PORTERS A l.COIIOL! PR PORTER'S BCRVIMJ FLUID' Aie Fresh daily prepared and unn vailed by anv in in Market. DR. PORTER'> PREPARATIONS For Faniily Use, ! Known as Sale and Reliable Remedies, arc warranted in what they are intended to give satisfaction viz : I Dr. I'orter'- Pectoral Syrup price 37i cent Pr. Porter's Family Em; rotation •* 25 •' ■Pr Potter'- Tonic Elixer '• .'.O " Pr Piter's Worm s\ r. • " 25 Pr 1' i ter's i omp. S\i. llypopho-phites.. " 100 " Or. Porter"* Uterine Tonic *• 150 " Pr. i'orter's Blackberry Hal-am •• z.', Dr. i'orter's Tooth \. he Props •• 25 Pr. I'orter's t eplnPii si.nt!' •' 25 Ur. Porter's Tooth I'owdtr " 25 " Pr. Porter s Trieooeiie. •• 2.5 • l>r. i'orter's Trieophiie •• 25 Pr. Porters Simmpoo • 2.5 (r. Porter's llor e and Cafile Lotion... . *" 37J " tr I'orter"-H"r-e and Citth Powder..... " 2.5" " Pr Porter's Red B g P'o-nu •• 25 Pr. I'orter's Itl.u K iiik. •• 2.5 ■ Pr. Porter"- Cleansing Fluid •• :i7; I Pi porter's Kat a* il Mio Poison •• 25" " jPr Porter's f'itrili Magio—ia .. " 2' " Uidicsl \i'.tin giviii gratuiti u>l} at ilit olli i i'hiifpiig only r>r Medicine •yTli;tr.k:i 1 ''• p.) t ii .. n| atr*: iir* respect '!!> .Uiii 'i in t tn Iji> Friend* mul the ptihVc thutno pain* •dull It*-• wp-.iffil t • hml merit the continuant e o theireiMitiden e and pHtmua it the Cash Diuo' Store ! a C rnsr or Main and i'ine streets. Towand t. Se| t .5 I •>!. HOTEL KEEPERS, DUGGISIS, r A ft ME US, Willi WANT IrTtQ'XTiO 3' , | 11 AVF i-i-i r. c veil from the fit}. e IMl'illlTEli PI KE I.IQI'ORS, : o every variety. My -to ho> LltjUrt I to an ex .mimiti >0 of my entire -to.-k oj Liquors. 1 ig 1, I and To ucco. Also, Groceries & Previsions, ! Or every deseiiption. will be kept constantly on hand at | prices LtI'VER than clsewlieie u. tlii- town! | Confident that 1 111 enabled to -ell itiy entire -took of ] tt'MxK, either at Wholesale or Retail less than like ;Ik1S I can tg. pnich.i'tsi this side 01 the City. I rest.ect'nlp w.- I licit tiie putilic to .hi examination at No 5. Rrick Row H W NOALE | Towanda June if l-fin. FORWARD ! MARCH ! To TUB XK W S li C) M ! Where Vtfii can act llie Laiesl Nawn ! i M) IF YOU WANT TO KRFD 1\ well posted .11 the event- that are pa-sing lietori the American neojile. j it a-k for one ot THE ILLL'ff- S TRATED PAPERS ['hey are really worth double the I pri. cwe ask tor theui And while yu arc then von 1 may as well get a *1 \P showing all theimjeirtant point in the country. Or, you may want to write to our fr'e-.d-. and you can get the ven htc-t -tvlc ol PATlil OTIC NOTE P yPF.R AND F.N'VEI OI'FS 'HC" C une and -ee what • h ve got. and nti-f* v -nr -elves. P-.u't torget the nlan—THE MEWS ROOM. | To wan da, dune 12 *CMIRSH FIGS, UHUNKS RAISINS X Date-. **'nartnde, Uumi, and ul! kinds ••T'B Uttsfiirrs CtArus. ' BF.NJ M i't( K, ;^TT.- LAW. TOWANPA, Pa-Ait AT 10 nis i are wi" re.eive pn.n ~t o t> u ,' ,' 'F'HOMas j IM;l!A^~Jrroii7r nN WIII.IAM , A • LA MM A.VM N pa., Kin 1 Ay I lie-s entrust* dto his care hi the . ..un-.,1 y," !" 11,1 1 .. . Lycomg and hullivaii Cu'a. i," i T.. " —-—■ —— '' K. OVKKTON. Ik i/\YERT(>S A MONTANVF T^V" \J AA' YS A T LA w-i fffi, , y occupied by das. Mackaki. .N, "'O 'NV, I ! )I! K II MASON,ei/r.N7f /| V ,- I' > I lUj hOA . ofW> frK nr.,fe~i. m , ' ' V', peop.r 10 1 owundr and vicinity. otn r , ,1 ; ® on Pint -tree?, where In can aiw., V s 7"'*:, professionally .-ngaged " n,i i, L' U I'ARSONS, A TTfJltxl 7^ m Jt L.A U , TUOX , Rradford Co., p a M. A H. F.'s stone ';][ 'mi i;i.llA.\.\\ SMITH , 'inviiio rr-in r „T T I lJ Towauda has opened a Law offio mr , T ' Store. I>ec 1. 1e.,7 T. O COB RN. I TTORNKY A Nl> NOTARY FrKfo S * Towauda Pa. Oltiie in tfce building i..„ - copied i.> II R McKeau * •a. \ii legal hiisine-sattendedtr. with pwiujtc^ Towai.da. . ug. ill, tsul-tf. DR H WKSTi^y^m LIST, pertnaneiitly located in T.* * •-* ' mp-'Hi Fone d'Hirsouthoi Bi,;],. T- wand i. Feb 1 r.l-sti. J O XX. WOOBRUFX—XJEICTI6I I )I'.l\ M V N EN'I EA' I' l-ateil it, ToWarn), 1 Offic * N'o. .5. B- ick 'P.w, over f|. V. N'OILI. -. ! Entrance one door sont> l Tr.oy.V M'STe- 4, Urn. vol A: w vTKINS AITORUL \T LWV TWAND\, P.i.-Offl,, |, " | occupied hv IL Mereoi. PA VIP Wit Mill | rn eotrpn 1 1 II who may a.i ti.e-n •!, call It wi I la- the aim o' the .ir.-esf • pcnt-it.; ! rn hi the IVaui, Hoi -K it co n uta'.lc . e.v and hetrful Vonrs Tt .ly, dan I* I P 'WrT.I, t S'fixtj VI c C ABE'S ( I NI II \I. Ml AT MA'.K T )eh ir / hingslr. y * <>"■, ,/ 't'iti -lit.-, rilr 1 wo. lit re-pe. tlidb cidt r ;;i- -u 1 ♦hank- t the pntili -or the v. r\ \ rat s; , extendeil lohin .a d solicit- .101. tit.. i.m e . ii. . t. —1 • ■ a- heietof. re a choice t ie. tion -.1 JJKa I'S s.J tin lie-t the count 1 y .fford- wiiiehlie intend tv>„ : Via y -mall pr fits, l ithel ' y the -ide qu .rtci .r ,vA ! air Aq a tity o: fir-t pi .lit It SAl.l i'OKK.fiJ, 'by mysel heap, by the oirrel 5r oound I Meat w ill be or .inptli leb'vered :♦ in ,la.e 3 'he corporation. Towanda August 12. Isoh. J MiVtEL ua i iaiK) AiTTr T'i i j AVar tht Barclay Rnln-ad tcrmim*. TOWANDA, PENN'A. ; r P R eIOItDAN 1 e-j • 'ullv inforni. 1 1 • llu p'ltdi. tli-it he ha- vie ae '-ku-.v a el 1.-laud tormerli occupied by .1 T < xkkiKm > b.wer part 01 the horuigb ot T wanda. aln.-h ueen refitted and thoroughly ie turn 1 Ind hi hivi'.c H I cm give • ntirv -.tils a< ti 11 t -ucli a- m n t.v Hi- Bi il! oe kept -t k< d w'.tli it e 'w-t q K| i.fOl'l>itS ai.d the he-t ui n il-.. KIhASS ■! K.xte -ii -tabling is c tine ti- with tin hnuo e. !' I If itteluialit- w il • lily I' kept X p t.:—or • xpt 11-0 w! : 1 ■ -pared t. deo ri. t| To war da 1 I 1- • 1 ■ E::ti aordtccry Xndt cec ttU T'• Tilh hi \ EKS V El RMI ERE AXD r// ■ ■t . l'al>in t t\"r. >ltd • 'I determinel t • disin-r ■! the e;i • ion- rapidly and with that e-ign orter II 111 recedented I w | rice- tor Pish Sofa- 't flc t #2n fine '".me scat ■he I nh. nice Red- tend 'or 2't'v.g- I have now m re than hit'. >eot panenis •>' •' t .lean- eek rnifi 1 -111 '• lie! l.c-^K '•l.i—es "oKinggia— "es.l'. rt' i *d"i t o of gilt i-.-a I 'I ' gany ami il*./ 1 r o itf. rn- ot Stand- . extension do t t. -i i"d rf 'H,, hies Hall -tami- alnl ' tut luythilig that all be io^r 11 a city Wart hon-e A 1 irge isHortmctit o> c dy-niad. t' ffin- ,r 'L '•ear-e ready . at all time-. pt,r-'h..-er- w 11 ie-tire t titid the right nice M intaiti T w i.d- P.c l.i-M. rH'.'.sTCT_WEC* TXIXJ CLF fTATCr S'l 11. la IV uPrß.ll'l'B - l ilt oinscribi 1 win:!, ifif -1 BP . er< ot''' kinds. Chair ml description whirl and wib .. mam ' i t-riai ti.i: workmatilik. ir.atinei 1 . • whlcf f.r '•!. i-henpi 1 tl at. can lie ougli' i |,:l 1 I room in tht coo at rv ,^B REAIiV-MAPE ( PKUNh .... Mmt ■* tl -oiiabli terms A good IIKA b>l i- ' a^B rtihi|jt JHn>in 1 |*M r; xw ns.wi. H CODDLNC "cN I.T'SSKUB n\VE |c ti l a-ed the large and web k' l "*' m. Nt t P Hall, and now re c r '"-' K V.'ik the large-t and m-ist complete i—.-rtnir 1 HARD-WARD | v-i ufeied tor sale in this m.iiket. win * |A> ; t HI.\P for C:-h >r upp. vetl I c li , We hive .I large mfi welt -eh . led -t V J ••0.11 COOK I-TifVEst. every 1 1 '' , -ty|. ot, P.IIII. Piliillg Room -i.x : i . ' f whi. h we eiin. and will -ill i- ' ,1 , pi rclia ed in this or any adj diiitig roiilit). aud.aomplcte ns -rtmeiA 't IRON AND STEEL. gt* Nails aad (JlaSs Paints ami ' M - i! ciage tnmmings spring- Iron \xrt- c t all sizes, flirjienicrs and Joiner- f" smith- Tool- Ci s-ci.t fiiciil." Saw- Table and I'. fm '2 ZL 'H B "• ' Sj 1 •t evety descliptmu. I'unips. 1.0 'rt-l'ipe. 1 "ham I li|i~ 'f . HI i ti nwii it - rn'i" 1 ' the I te-t and MI .-1 pi r veil natter- I 0 I'I.V H\ bE INK sTHV: l'il'K •l*'. 1 ' >' tent -Hit. bed l.ratn r KKI TINH h'r'J H, FARM X(i TP I" Hi ton VViiRK ,| on sh rt >^Bl 15R >l\ . Old Iron Copper. dr;t. .' . wax mil Fea'her- t iken in . xchaiige We invite tht wtioie world and '^ , rv> to call mil ex.iml'u our our jr " d- Our motto will ie use every ntan we'lind" 1 in* wrong. g/ffesfi iHr