LOCAL AND GENERAL. Court convened at this place on Moil , Wc will publish the proceedings next week. if)' is*l - MKHAN, & volunteer from this in Capt. GORE'S Company, died suddenly in camp, ' Washington, one day last week. He leaves a WTO "" several children, who reside in this place. jgj- PRISTKRS, ATTENTION !—A Journey . Printer, who has had aome experience In uewspa Publishing, desires to procure a permanent tituatiun florae Rood Printing Office, Best of references given, immediately," Union, Box 158, Towanda, Pa. DESERTERS ARRESTED —Two deserters „ c 4 pt Pen's Comf any, were arrested in this coun fid lodged in jail, on Friday. One of them, a minor, < discharged on a writ of haheat eorpue, the other was ,t v f ed back to Camp Curtin, on Monday. CAPTION —ln calling for that excellent Cj rutufi (P. B Pcl.and A Co.VChemical Saleratus) be re that you get what yon call Tor, as there are, owing • 3 great success, numerous imitations in the market, •f in the same colored papers. Be sure and get that , tbthe nam* ot I). B. DeLand A Co. upon it, and then will be "re you are right. t v One day last week, a negro was bro't V this place and lodged in jail, charged with ravishing ftrte white women, it Albany township. We did not learn the full particulars .but from the fact he commit •fd the fiendish crime, it is surpri ing that he ever reach wi here alive. Summary punishment, in justice, should buvc been meted out to him, on the nearest tree. _0n Tuesday, he was brought before the court, and after a bearing was sentenced to fifteen years imprison- Bient in the peniteutiary. 8A DISGUSTING SPECTACLE. —One stormy rorning. last week, a woman, (or rather a female thing) in a beastly state of intoxication, endeavoring to pass iilong the side walk, in front of our office, tell to the pave ment. and being utterly unable to rise, lay there in the , lO rm for some time. Kven the dogs in the street did not ;,y ber that respect which they showed Lazarus of old. bat "passed hyon the other side,"'gazing witli canine curiosity upon the victim of "tangle-foot." An Irish *aman at last discovered her and conveyed ber away.— HreuKs, (no.' our special artUt. of the car,) endeavored v -Ae her picture, on the spot, but was unable to get a jay- COUNTERFEITER ARRESTED —Oti Friday ataman by the name of JOHNSON was arrested in this ice, charged with circulating counterfeit money in the tsr part of the county. There seems to lie a number them in company, and unfortunately the principal :■> liis escape. A despatch was sent from this place Waverlv, to secure his arre.t there, but received a few after the travntetton which lie had secured a f-agc. A despatch vas immediately sent Irom Waver- Elmirafor his apprehension there. He was arrest it Klmirn. lmt through some means was discharged, : ;i is now at large. liis confederate, JOHNSON, is now in jail at this place. : 1 -.Til', probably be tried at tin- present term ot Court, ■ is.h is now iu session. ItSf* Tire Bradford Reporter lias nt length, •It weeks after the election given us the official vote of that county Coming to ee it we can easily perceive why it hu< is'i-n m. long smothered. One year ago Brad- I >rd gave 1 33t> republi an majority. Now Col. MEANS . beaten or mem her only 2,2T€. We t lip the above from the Columbia Democrat, of the ! ill uit. The " bob-taii" editor of that frivolous sheet ; -t excuse us for not publishing the official vote soon i- we gave it publicity as soon as lite votes were eount f. \ tile Return Judges. I: we were accustomed to" an vte" a. extensively ns" Bob" is in the habit of do t itc might have giv.-n the " official'' several weeks .• the election, but we don't admire the style. How ft : is well enough for " Boh" to Amy ovvcasionally. J®* RORRED—Tire llarrislmrj* Daily Tel- IfojA, of the t'.ltli lilt., lixs tile following :—" C. U. Co v Esq., County Superintendent of Bradford county, l ran in attendance, as a delegate from that county he recent State Educational Convention, met with a -rious loss at the depot in our city, at noon to-day, -nigh the operations of one of the adroit pickpockets hi are ever on the alert in that locality to pounce upon .aspecting strangers. It appears that Mr. ConrftM, : .in h-nir or so previous to the robbery, drew his sal fri-m the Statu as County Superintendent, which con ■ -ted a- fur as he can recollect of five S2O bills, one hun .-i-l.ind twenty dollars in $lO hills, about thirty dollars l'i hill*, and three dollars in gold dollar pieces. This as placid in liis wallet, and he proceeded to the depot "tre he purchased a ticket for Washington city, and us in the act of getting iu tiie train of cars for that s-e when be discovered that his pocket book was mis -1 He immediately gave the alarm, but, of course, :-ha promiscuous crowd, the discovery of the thief Ii utterly impissible Mr. Conru.N remained in the nd made known bis loss to the Mayor, who has ta active measures for detecting the thief. Mr. Com nx i?'wr man, and the losi to him is a very serious one." The Montr or t Democrat, of the 28th •- itains the followiig particulars of two accidents, r .rn, Susquehanna county On Tuesday even 's* 14th inst., about dusk, David Millard, of Auburn, 'a lis wife and three children, and Phillip Hall and K ein a wagon returning from the river, and when Spring Hill, in Bradford county, Michael Dc -md Harris Roberts, of Auburn, who were in a wag • "and,attempted to pass them—Millard having pre run by Devine. On turning a corner, near Mr. j "T s house, the two women were thrown out—Mrs. Hd having a child n her arms. She struck, as is iposed,on her head, knocking a hole in her forehead j "bicha portion of her brains protruded. There f al-o marks of three corks of a horse shoe on the side j -•* head, supposed to fie caused by one of Devine's •<-* trampling upon her in passing. The wagon wheel •••A '' a * ma H village on the road to Tio- j P ■ twelve miles from the State line. I •'i tiiers named William and A1 ouzo Lot tin, were [ ' ■ lt! a quarrel, when Aionzo struck William with "pen his head from the top clear down : Lj l,le '"fehcad and nose. Mr. Taylor describes the | L7 fc '"Eh'ul iii the extreme, the most awful sight i L f,(fr '°°ked upon. Strange to say, the man was Pttn' * >ul wa * rti " ,lvln K w ''en Mr. Taylor P ike diwtor said it was impossible for ' L. ;v e but a few minutes longer. The infuriated L**, i " fr '"dieting this fearful blow .struck him upon | 'ihehead with the axe. l-ic iT, "' the B"*rrel was unknown, but Aionzo ful-1 I ': I m.iif to the people, saying that he was act j L . It must have been an extreme case I I•, ? l! ' JS re< l a i'e to chop his brother in pieces, i I "' W f;* a 4 3 £ tj ii iJJSllfl- ?Hft it S Twwsssirs j 1 s?| ,jj| rl-'sdar;;* l * *i i |il i; teHi'jiUi ? UOROFGHB I Ml :S I: fci S5- i Sit : F i.I i i 92 Armenia A7v*>7t 2706 * 257 Aaylum 8460 l 11652 2300 ! J 3 160 Athena Boro 991601 12240 j 90| I ®| 447 Athena twp 321041 25572 4960' . 150' 4 1 261 Albany 42321 8405 450 47 Burlington Boro 17786 2170 j 60 Burliugton West 75881 85T&; 500 . 2121 Burlington twp 83427 80CC | 40 ' 431 Canton 18907? 18083 SSTO ! i i *■ * 2741 Columbia 166717 18786 ! 40 189'Prauklln 47861 8433 235 ! • 3001 Granville 89363 11TT6 860| ; j j 3 233 Herrick 6200 M 11984 450| 266 Litchfield 100927 13100 1600 i 314 Leßoy 66 06 8688 . Monroe twp 70928 8870 34# 61 Monroe Boro 16540 2660 410 I f 329 Orwell 123046 173T0 8576' 466 ! 1 I 2 1 I 93 Overton 21322 4019 . Pike 166706 21068 JT00; 636 314 Ridgbury 106966 16267 eBO 190 254 Roue twp 92893 11137 CI Borne Boro 8927 9668 j 49 Sylvanle 17636 1958 1125 76 | 2, 190 South Creek 71680 676 490 173 339 Shesbequln 149234 16208 1800 846 4 448 Springfield 140096 21582 615 375 404 Smlthfleld 172843 21941 3620 260 ; 2 175 Standing Stone 74868 11311 2450 440 100 1 .. Tuscarora 75824 11823 . . Towanda Boro 161946 17280 22600 T45 l|oo| 3009 10 6 133 Towanda North 54746 6680 200 4 .. Towanda twp 67543 C 490 206 Terry twp 61914 8805 6862 250 1 152 Troy Boro 05005 j 8000 4375 | 100 20 348 Troy twp 1771011 18061 2390 860, 1 212 Ulster 90437 11496 2000 1 9 359 Warren 1352131 16880 2600 257 Windham 109034 17295 4100 310 1 315 Wyaiusing 117014 15468 5297 610 3 1 2CI Wvaoi 139052 i 16534 1250 , 3wo 2 1 231 Wells 90305 14265 860 219 Wilmot 63669] 10065! j j j J '14093140; *61863?!391949 $7449! • 1400 i $3400! 17! 6sl 12 j BRADFORD COUNTY 8S We, the undersigned, Commissioners of aald county, do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct statement of the returns made by the several Assessors of Bradford county, for the year 1962; and. we also give notice that we will meet at the Commissioner's Office In Towanda, upon Thursday the 2nd of January, 1862, for the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment. Given under our hands and official seal, at Towanda, this 2d day of December, A. D. 1861. WM. A.THOMAS, i W. 11. DECKER, V Commissioners ISAAC LYON, j ATTEST, E. 8.'C001.8 VUGII, Clerk. The Zfew National Loan. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed by Hon. S. P. CHASE. Secretary of the Treasury. Agents for receiving subscriptions to the New National Loan of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, hereby give notice that a subscription book is now open at the above named of fice. These notes will be of the denomination of 150, SIOO, $.500, SI,OOO, and $5,000, and are all dated 19th of August 1861, payable in gold in three years, or convertible into a twenty-year six per cent, loan, at the option of the hold er. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons attached, which can be cut off and collected in gold at the Mint ev ery six nioaJhs, and at the rate of one cent per day on each SSO. Any explanations required by the subscriber will lie cheerfully made, and they will, by the plan adopted, be saved from any trouble of writing letters, the undersign ed reporting each subscription to tbe Treasury Depart ment, from whence the Treasury Notes will be sent to each subscriber as soon as possible. 'l'ht I.turn will bear inter tut to each nubrcribtr from the da e of their subscription, at thii office. The ample security of this loan, its great convenience, together with the patriotic desire to sustain the Govern ment of our country in the present crisis will, it is hop ed, will induce a liberal subscription from the citizens of this county. Payment of subscriptions may he made in GOLD or CHECKS, or NOTES OF ANY OF THE CITY HANKS. B.S. RUSSELL, Subscription Ag't. Towanda. Oct. 16. 1861. __ Tbe New National Loan. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPAR ed to turnish, without the delay ol sending to Wash I ington, the new United States Treasury notes, and offer I their services, without charge, to those of their frisnds i throughout the county who may wish to procure any J portion of the loan. The note* are issued in sums of SSO. SIOO, SSOO, S6O j SI,OOO and $5,000 bearing interest from the l'Jth of August | last, at the rate of 73 10 per cent, per annum.or two j cents per day on every SIOO, payable every six months, j and the face of the note redo.unable in three years with the j privilege of exchanging at the expiration of the time for j 20 years U. S. six per cent, stock. Any further information in regard to the loan will be heerlully given upon inquiring at ourofflce.or by address jed by letter. __ 1, A PORTE. M.' SON A Co. THE WAR TO RE SETTLED! THE OLD TAILOR SHOP STILL IN MOTION. ti H. BUNTING. THE OLD STAND V • BY TAILOR, would inform the public that he i* | still doing business at his old stand, where he is still pre pared to execute all kinds of work in his lineon the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Having lately secured oce of the most perfect systems for cutting in existence, he can warrant smooth and easy fits with safety. By an arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled to get up suits at a very low figure, for cash. He wt aid Inform the public that he is agent for A. Bartholfs Sew ing Machines, the best machine extant—which will be i furnished for cash, for from S3O up to S3O, as may be de sired N. B—He is prepared to clean and mend garments at reasonable rates, to suit the times—making them look nearly as nice as new. Call and try him. *sT"CuttiHg done as usual on short notice. Shop on Main St.. opposite Codding k Russell's hard ware store, and three doors south of Dr. Cartel's grocery. Fashions received every six months. G. H. B. Towanda, Nov. 20. 1861. LATEST FROM W. ATR. W. A. ROCKWELL i again on hand with the first New Good of the Season ! DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, LEATHER, BOOTS A SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times will not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we feel confident that we can give oor customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Sept. 25, 1861. lO TOlfs POULTRY WANTED! FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid in cash. All kinds of poultry should he shut up and kept without anything to eat for a. least twenty-four hours before killing, that their crops may be empty. Pick them carefully so as not to break the skin, cot off the head, draw the skin over the neck bone and tie It neatly, yonr poultry if fat is then fit ior any market. E. T. FOX. Towanda, Nov. 20,1861. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE -Notice ia hero by given, that the Barclay Railroad and Goal Com pany, on account of Its inability to pay its bonded debt, has this day executed and delivered to,tbe undersigned a deed of assignment, duly recorded, of all Its lands, mines, railroads, cars, engines, mschinery, chatties, moneys, debts, dues, claims, right*. credits and effects, and gen erally all its estate and property, real, personal, and mixed of whatsoever kind ana description, and wbereso ever situated, for the benefit of its creditors, witbont pre' ference, among Mid creditor*; except such ss Is imposed bylaw. All persons are hereby notified to make pay ment to me of any money due by them to said Company, and to accrue to me as tbe Assignee for aßy of its prop erty in their possession or under their control. And all persons having elsims against said Company will present ibe same settlement JAME? MAO ARLAVT Towmuto, Nov 13, If 61. Aiil^ute. New and Atttactive Opening or mmm nil i AT TRACY & MOORE'S, /CONSISTING OF A LARGE STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Included In which are the latest styles of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &C, Black, White and Fanty Plaid WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKS, TURBANS. PLUMES, &.C. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS ABBS HOBS, HATB AND CAPS, GROCERIES\ HARDWARE\ Crockery, Paints and Oils, GLASS AND SASH, Also, Fine, Coarse and Solar Salt. Towanda. Nov, 20, 1861. TRACY A MOORE. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY DESIRABLE STOCK OF Fall anil Winter Clothing ! FOR MENS & BOY'S WEAR, HATS CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, In all color* aad sice*, for the present season, which 1 am offering at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES All those wishing to get good bargains may call at tbe CLOTHING STORE M. E. SOLOMON, Ifo. % Patton r Block, TOWAI-TX)A, F-A-. Nov. 13, 1861. 'hew Fill IMD WINTER HOODS, In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, West Side of the Public square, at the store of A. WICKHAM & SON. To>vnda, Sept. 25,1861. Eaton's Mercantile icademy, TOWANDA, PA. o*B 00 PAYS FOR A FULL COMMER -3P CIAL COURSE. Cheapest Commercial School in this or any other State COURSE OF INSTRUCTION The same as pursued in any of the largest Commercial Colleges. BOOK-KEEPING In a* its various branches. PENMANSHIP Taught on a New and Improved Plan. Instruction in Commercial Correspondence, Commer cial Calculations, Bills of Exchange, Promisary Notes, Detecting Counterfeit Money, &c., Ac., Ac. GRADUATES AWARDED A DIPLOMA. AS- Specimens of Writing, Circulars, Ac., will be for warded to any address, wuenever requested. C. E. EATON, Towanda, Nov. 6.1861. Principal- QASH PAID FOR POULTRY. A good article of FAT, WELL DRESSED FOULTRY, can he sold for CASH, at Towanda. Nov. 36,16; • PATCH'S PURECIDEffVrrEGAR .at ri! JfiUsallaiurous. irETw ip x"iß."iic' NEW DRUG STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 MADXLL A PATTOW NR\BE subscribers would reapectfully Inform tL#faUiw X that they have entered into a copartnership, at Ua oldstandof JOS. G PATTON, where, by strict attea tlon to business they Intend to make their store seor od to none in Northern Pennsylvania, and merit and receive ; a liberal share of patronage. They will keep their large stock replenished by reoent purchases, and are receiving every week from New York cltvand Philadelphia, seltvl DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Of the very beet character, and other articles, as f^Uewei. I PAINTS, OILS, rAfeaisnea. OLA9S, DYESTUFX3, BBCsnes, <*#. .Use. c fine assortment of FANCY ARTICL3S, PERFUMERY. HAIR tf TOOTH BRUSHES, In fact, everything kept by Druggists generally. Our goods are selected with care, and as we bey I only with cash we flatter ourselves that we can offer a cheaper, and at the same time better article, than any other dealer in this part of the country, i Physicians supplied on reasonable terms. Dr. MADILL will he fouDd in his office, at ties ' Store, when not professionally engaged. Advice gratia, : charging only for medicine. 1 * ' MADLLL 4 PATION, Dr. T. F. MaDrtx. J. Q. Patton. Towanda, Oct. 17, ItCl. Sept. 10, 1861. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RE ceiviug an extensive and well selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS Purchased since the late depression in prices, and com prising ail the usual varieties of Genu., Ladies, Misses and Childreus BOOTIES AN D CITERS Suitable for the season. Alao, a large stock of BOMS MADS WORE, The quality of which is too well known to need fertile* recommendation. Also, a large stock of Sole aud Upper Leather, Kip Skins, French and American Call Skins, Harntaa Leather, Morocco, and Linings, 4c. An excellent UMtt ment of SHOE FINDINGS, Saddlery Hardware, Harness Trimmings, & 4c. I have established a HARNESS SHOP I And will keep on hand Double and Single Harness, Sad dies, Bridies. Halters, Martingales, Whips. 4c., and wiM make to order any work in this line, all which, s well as my whole stock, will be sold for leady pay, at remarkably low prices in order to meet the exigencies of the times. J.D.HUMPHREY. Towanda, Sept. 10,1861. Come Along ! Everybody ! TO THE NSW GROCEAT & PROVISION STORE JUST OPENED! BY IT. 11. STEVENS. At the building formerly occupied fi J. H. Aetna#, on Main street, opposite the Court House. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Ac., all very cheap, besides a 8'* c ndid assortment of Spices, Nuts, Candies, Fruits, and Confectioneries, nail a good assortment in the Provision line. Tobacco and Segara of every quality and price. He w ill also pay the Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. And such other articles of country trade as the farmers may have to dispose of. He would say to all if you want any thing in his line of trade, give him a call,"and you can be accomm® dared. H.H.STEVENS. Towanda, Jniie 19,1661—tf rr. *. 6L E. RAILROAD. piIANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 4,1861. Trains will leave Wa verly at about the following hours, vis : WBjTWARn tom. I KASTWARP BOVXD. Buffalo Express. .5.04 P M!N. Y. Express. .11.48 A M Night Express 349 A MlNight Express. . 1.43 A M Mail 8.03 P M Strimboat Express4.o4 P M Fast Freight 9.60 A Mi Fast Freight 9.55 AM Way Freight ... 9-15 P M Way Freight.... 3.06 PM Accommodation.. 1.15 PM| The Night Express, N. Y. Express, Fast Freight cut and Fast Freight went run every day. Night Express of Sundays runs through to Buffalo, br.t does not run to Dunkirk. The Mall west remains over night at Elmira CPA'S. MfNOT. Gon'l Sup't- SPECIAL NOTICE. OWING to the fnct that all confidence in the present Credit System is destroyed the eufv scribers have determined to sell goods hereafter Exclusively for Ready Pay. All those hav'ng unsettled acconnts with us will oblige na by settling the same at once, and all Notes and judjp ments due us must be pa ! dsoon in order to save cost. N. B- No respect of persons shown. Rulington Aug 14. 1861. J. F- LONG 4 SON. New Furniture and Chairs. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE X. and extensive assortment ot Sofas, Mohogany Cbaira, Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Roikers, Fine Cane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom. Hair, Cane-soat and Cane back Rockers, Looking-Glasses, Cord aud TaaseU, Picture Frames, 4c., Cheaper than the Cheapest. OUT Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda. June 26.1961. CHESTER WELE9. FAMFFOR SALKT VALUABLE PROPERTY AT A GREAT BARGAIN! TIL E T?U BSCRI BF.R WISH ING GGBBK to dispose of his farm in Litchfield twp., egMmST Bradford county, Pa., offers the same upon terma which are worthy of the attention of those wishing to pmchlise. This farm is within two miles of the N. V- 4 Erie Railroad, .ind distant five miles from Waverly and Smithboro depots, eontains about 170 acres of land, mostly improved.in a high state of cultivation, and has upon it good builtings and orchards. It Is well adapted for tillage or graib p. being well wutersd and well located. The attention of those desiriout. of purchasing a farm Is solicited, in the confideuce that no greater in ducements can be found elsewhere. The situation is d llghtfnl, the soil fertile, anil the ueigbborbood embTacee icoools, churches, Ac., while within a short distance are several large and flourishing towns. The N. V. 4 Erie R-R. aff-rd* adm'rable manket fadjltlea. Iltle uaqoe® tionahie, tsd posseeefca t* 'he D f j, # jstjfchaeer ur-fciaM E"rt.n, ii