Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1861, Image 3

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POLK RAISING —On Monday last, the
different Companies of tbe Fire Department of this place
rsi-ed a splendid pole, at the corner cf the Engine house,
which is in the neighborhood of one hundred feet In
jgr ACCIDENTALLY J? HOT —We learn that
JOHN POAK, of Wilkes- Barre, was accidentally shot, on
Saturday LASL H- n hoy. He was formerly a member of
tbe " Wyoming Minstrels.'' who were giving coucerts
through the country some two yea's ago.
gay See advet tis nn iit in another column
of G. H. BCSTTSO'a TaiIor shop. MR. B. has been for ma
N V years in the business, in this place, and is now doing
work at " war prices."' If you want to gut - fit*,"' give
bim a call.
gts 1 * CAPTURED BY m REBECS —On the Sth
Inst., two privates of CompTOy 1., New York 23d Regi
ment, while standing guard over Brush's house, three
miles west of Fall's Church, on the Fairfax road, were
captured by a scouting party numbering over 100. We
did not learn their names.
Copt W H H. QOBR,of Company 1.,
6th Kegimeui, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, now encamp
ed new Lewensville, about twelve miles from Washing
TU N, was iu TOWN last week, on a SHORT visit. The Captain
reports the hoys all will and bcaity aud in excellentspir
The \Villiuni.-i>ort G-izillt sny* tliat
on Saturday evening George R. Parmeutier and William
IPUE were arrested by constable Coder, on a charge of
PASSING coun erteit tnouey. After a hearing before Jus
tice McClme. both ol the accused were committed to pri
son in default oi SBOO nail each.
■W- Tlip Suhscriptioo Rook for the Nation
al Loan <>f Treasury Notes, is yet opea at the office of the
A "cut, B S UFSSCLL. ia ibis place. We hope that those
of our citizens wh > have u t yet subscribed, will at once
determine to take some of the popular loan, bee adver
tisement ia another column.
EATON'S Commercial Academy, tve ore
PLEASED t •-E. ,isin U very NOURISHING coudition.aud pro"
IL. e- to Is L' tine ONE ol our lead. tig LU-'.ili.liotis. 1 oung
uir.'j ur* beginning to act.* t e jiGjjaesscd iy
JIM sc TX>L "Ver ol tiers, aud
•pieuJiJ O|>poi tuuiiy to acquire A TIUMIIESS EDUCATION at
ONE (JL*AKTR.K ILIE untial cost, UU PAY* lor the tail, UN
LIMITED cuur>E F iucl-idiiiff
TAP" T o OIK MERCHANTS —If yoti do not
ETP D B Pe Land A Co.'. CLIT-mical Saleratus. procure
U ■ I eas it is g I luing trieuds so last ammg t the goud
HOUSE keepers of the country you will ao.iu have a
cai. >R nothing el-A. You can get it at wh desale ot thi
propiletors, at Fairport. Monroe Co., N. V , or of IAOS
wholesale dealers in the cout try.
Clay- HORSE THIEF CACUH* —Lust Sairliy
night, SAYS the Wel sboroug'U AGITATH . Judge .V'uit..
h USE WAS stolen Irom his.table Ibeihiel rode to liog
and stole a sulky and h mess Irosi LN BSNTOS ot tin
village, lie was lollowed and arrested at Painted Post.
N. Y., aud all lound IU his pus*esoi U. !he 'hie! w.
found to he a colored gentleman unknown in this place
lie is now in Bath j til.
Clcveland L adtt stirs the mails are fiudiled wi h circu
lars appealing lor contributions to tbe " U S. Humat.l
Society," which Iroleaae* to act by consent ot the Gov
ernmeiit. and under its authority, iu obtaining tumls tui
the army anibu! uces and hospital supplies. The modest
sum ol NULY thirty thousand dollars is required, aud sub
■criptions trotn a dime uuwaras are solicited. 1* IS uied
,es-1 I say that the whole tiling IS a humbug, and a GROSS
slLtnpl to swindle the patriotic public.
PASSED through Elmira a tew days since, which never hud
in prototype iu the whole traiu of Hymen's devotees. —
T..e following items u regard to Ibis peculiar couple will
satisty every our that " uiatiim mini sweets," were utver
measured out on so small A scale I WORE. Their respective
agea are 21 aud IN years. Their respective weights are
about OB ami ltd pounds. Their respect ve heights, liir< C
leet live inches, and two leet eleven inches. The gentle-
Bin is a brother of the eele -rated Gen. XI'IT, TOM
Lilmb's great tival. TIM lady is known as the Fairy
Queen. formerly Miss San til BELTO.V. TLIE happy pair
were ON their way to the little lady 's home froui their
bridal trip to Niagara Kali..
feg~PtMP PHRA FS —An intelliizpnt coPnv
poraiy ssys tiiat an enterprising publisher might make
MONEY by getting up a cainp dicti >n try for the benefit ot
TB-E I, visit LIIE army .and are mystitieJ by the extra
I OR llU.iry WORDS 3iid phrases used. The word " arm." has
11-t irted into •ntiiii" brought forcibly forth like the
r mii i, a dying cat ; and lit place of " inarch" we
tear' utch." A sword is a" t md-sticker," aud any of
IJN -RED patterns ot muskets, are known as" bowitz-
E 11 ess In el is "salt horse" and butter 'strong
PA-R.'' • B illy" ts the highest term of commendation
'• : DISSENT isixpressed in the remark," 1 don't. -ee it.
WOT every regiment has its nickname, an T ;ew officer*
' RATES receive their legal appellations or titles when
T it I UT 111 their absence. The Massachusetts men have
rechl istened their tiovernor, nor have liis •* inilila-
T baity" escaped receiving tlieir < om'-d- -gurrrt , one
*T*oit which are decididly uncomplimentary , though
-I-LLIE .\u,fiJk />.y Buok. under this heading, SAYS
G have recently seen soaie candles liich we were
'■ 1 had LA-EN made Irom sallow and tat tried from dc..d
• • L-E- WLIII had lieu slain in -< veral ol the Imttics
•T A Lave T„K> N pin- e I < twetn th -in jnd the sunt hi TN
* DO NOT know whether our inlmmaiit was j- -king
°r not, but CERTAIN it is the candle* look menu enough,
SET tuuk BAD enough, to have einiuated trout such a
: "S IS the ISNGUAGE OF these refined and cbfvnlric gen
■ uen. will, wh„„, H( . , |I( , IJ() , w<>r tliy to assoiiate, and
* ' AN SOME UL our patriots dub" our Southern breth
"ta "
'"TT" this WR ha* been carried on. en the part ol
iu a iijt OI (,* M ,„ hnniatiity as waradmits
■' IT' M> AS the ATU'VE. even granting that it
' "R.E J ding" will ROUSE a sjiiiit that will produie
'II UI . kind LLU:>E Southeiu gorrilaa little think
' "X SAYS 11, AT THE CHINESE Sugar Cane has
SSFNLLY cultivated tills year by many fanners
Tern p, ( rt of Ci.E-terc utnly . The crop is quite
_ 1 -ind AMR CLOCD. near Coclirunville . has N mill
■titling il ,y ,I D ligut ii. the in IN itacture of M •
T ' VLEON pow-cr. Tue apprehensi in that sugar
* '' ,R IND ued the rarnicrs to go cxleu-ivdy into
' TI'M "( the Sorghum. The same paper is also
1 UI I ppt r Oxford towt.ship. Chester cnunty. A
W S-EU erected lor the niHunfaotnre of Sorghum
"'"' H is now grinding sufficient cane to make
Ty five to ONE hundred gallons per day. The
I (II ~ 'tiding the cane and making INORUSSES are,
> ON. til lee I cents per gallon ; lor fifty gal
, " R - twelve and A halt cents |ier gallon. Thus it
A T NTI LAS.ES may in time L>ecotne one of the
Eeytniie State. It IS a pity that
L- "T* 0 ' Bradford did not torn their attention more
T". " F ' lO FILING tbiu valuable dunng tbe
POMTKR— Utav Sir: —ln yon issue of October 24th, an
anonymous writer has made an attempt to give an ac
count of a meeting held at LeKaysville, on the evening
of October 17th, for the purpose of (firing the Rev. GEO.
LANDON the privilege of stating his reasons for voting for
the repeal of the tonnge tax on the Pennsylvania Central
Railroad, in which, through a gieat deal of bad grammar
and punctuation, we perceive a strong proclevity lor
m,ire/ rut la.ion and blurl gu rditm.
Now, as many ol your readers were not there, and as
it is important that a correct and tmprejud.ced statement
of the case should be given thein, we take the liberty of
giving the facts ot the case, hoping tha' your sense of
justice w ill insure its publication. We are sure that the
majority of the Rev Senator's exponents even, who were
present, will concur in the following report of the pro
ceedings :
lbe Honorable Seuator was one Sunday attending
Church at Leliay sville and was invited to some re
marks after the conclusion ot the service. He excised
himself , but said that he would come and give them a
ser n i u < n National Affairs, it the congregation were de
sirous ot his doing so. He was, by vote, requested to do
ao. and a wetk or two afterward did—at which titr.e one
of his friend- and defenders arose and requested him to
give them an evening iu ex plaining the justice of the rc
p eal of the tonage tax He assented, and named October
17th as the time, and invited some one to meet him and
reply He caine. and was met by C >l. Pioneer. It was
arranged that the Rev. Senator should occupy the first
hour the Colonel the next, Ac. The Rev. Senator oc
cupied the first hour in showing that the country owed
al ol her prosperity to '• corporate bodies," and in get
ting the audience ( vhich was uhout one half hoys aud
girls —lovers of a pleasing s'ory.) into a good humor by
tilling i ti his own peculiar style, a variety ot laugh pro
voking anecdotes. Col Piollei then spoke an hour, treat
ing the Seuator in a very gentlein inly manuer. and, in
stead of. as " Listener" says " making nothing cleir, but
that he had been to the Legislature, and that the people
would uever want him there again," he made at least
three other points clear : Ist. That Corporate bodies
were tast getting the control of the Legislature ol Peim
sylvania. 2d. That the Senator voted coutrary to the
wishes of his constituents, and to hifown previously ex
pressed opinion, an 3d. That $-.'>o 000 which the Penn
sylvania Railroad had collected from transporters, (ac
cording to the Rev. Senator's own showing.) for the Com
monwealth of Petinsylvania, was given partly to the Ceu.
tral Rail oaj. to be lent by them t > ten sm it er It tilroads
at six per cent, interest, instead of parting it where it
belonged—in the State Treasury, anil partly to the mem
ber- iu return lor their vote- to help tne passige of the
Bill. The Colonel's hour being up. the llev Sen it T
spent hie second hour in telling fanny xtorus. and in
ipriling such adages as the following : " What'ssass for
the goose is sa-s for the giuiler." Ac., aud wound up by
comparing he tonage tax to a rent which A waspaying
to >l. on a mill which A.had already bought of B Alter
the h >ur was used up, and it became the right of the Co
lonel to an hour, as per agreement, some children who
li id liecaiue latigued. aud a lew of the sympathizers of
the Rc-verened Senator, made theirexit, iu rather a noisy
nanner, hut the iu till body of the audience remained to
■ear the Colouel '• n til the sophism ol the Rev. Senator
i the wall."
Such is a plain statement cf the proceedings, as in st
■ I the audience w ill testily If, as " LiVe.ier" siys," the
i • i->e met the Colmel's rein irks with hisses," it was a
very |n >r return for the gentlemanly man er with which
ir. Piolli-t and his linends treated the Rev. Senator and
liiemis, (which a ui.ij nily of those iu quesli >n would
nit like to acknowledge them -elves guilty 01 - . We are
0 exp 'uent ot the political cit-ed ol Col. Piollet, as re
■ ids National affairs, but we love lairuess.aud ku oviug
hat the letter of • Listener" was au incorrect sualemeut
1 the proceedings ol the evening in question, and liear
ng Republicans ou all sides. " wondering why some oue
•id not correct it," we have staled what ail unprejudic
ed " Listeners" will agree to be the plain truth.
fiaT" It will be seen by an advertisement in
.mothe* column, that the Winter term of the Su'qtielian
ia Collegiate Institute, w ill commence on Wednesday, J
N'ovemlier 271 h and continue tourteen weeks.
iirtu antorrtfstmrnts.
The New National Loan.
. appointed I')' H"n. 8. P. CHASE Secretary <>i tin
Tieiisury . Agents lor rei riving subMcriptious to the New
Xatiotuil L- .in ot Treasury Note-, bearing inteie t at tin
rate- of 7 3 In percent pcrautiuin, beiehy give uotire that
a subscription book is now opcu at the aliove named e>l
ft e.
These note* will he of the denomination of $.lO. SIOO
$1(10, $ I .000. mid $7,000 and are all dated I'.Ohol tngu-t
I*l,l, puyaole ill gold in lluee year- or eniivert l.le into .■
Iwt ul> Je .il' six per rent. h-au. at the option id the hold
er Kiel Treasury Note has inteie-t coupons attached,
which ran lie cut off and collec'ed in gold at the Mint ev
ery six mouths, and at the rate ot one rent per day on
eai h $lO
Any explanations required hy the subscriber w ill lie
cheerfully made, and they will, by the plan adopted, lie
aavtd Irom any troulde ot writing letters, the undersign
ed raportiug em h subscription to the Treasury Depart
ment, tr.ra whence the Treasury Notes will he sent to
each siilisrribei a- soon as possible.
Cfl. The /.nan tfill btar n eirnl oiarli tub■ tribtrfrum
(he tia eat ihe i vbc> iption, at Ihi> tjflre.
The ample security <u this loan, its great convenience
together with the |>atriotie de-ir- to mi-tain the Govern
mem ot nor country in the present crisis will, H is hop
eel. will induce a liberal subscription Irom the citizens oi
this county.
Payment of subs, riptinris mar he made in GOLD or
Subscription Ag't.
I T'lwanda. ort.ll. l c lll
The New National Zican.
-L ed to turnish. without the delay ol sending to Wa-li
i ington, the new United States Trea-ury notes, and nth r
their sei vires, without charge, to those of their friend
throogho t the comity who may wish lo procure any
portion ot the loan.
The notes are issued in sums of S7O. SIOO. SIOO. $lO.
SI,OOO and SI,OOO bearing interest from the lath of An,us
last, at the rate of-7 310 per cent, per almoin, or tw •
i-ents per day on every SIOO. payable every six mouths
and the fare ot the .tote r. de onalde in three years with the
privilege ot exchanging t the expiration of the time I'm
3d years U. S. six |ier rent, stock.
Any nrther information in regird to the h>an will I e
heeriuily given upon inquiring at our hy address
ed by letter. I.A Pt)KTB. M SOX .A Co
i. AT EST FR( ).M W. A. R.
VV. A. ROCKWELL is again on hand with the first
New Good of the Season !
Those wishing a good bargain will find if greatly to
their advantage to give us • call. as the hard times will
not prevent ih selling good articles at moderate prices.
Although r mpelled to adopt the ready pay system, we
eel confident that we ran give our customers perfect sat-
Towanda. Sept. 27. l ar -l•
M R .1 G TOWNER. ItHvine rein III
from the " Normal Academy of Music." Genes*o.
jy- v.. a i,d lierame associated with Mr. J. (>.
WLfg? HITNTTING.i'iai'i-t pupil of the aho-e Institution
'fiffW'aiid alsoottbe" Normal Musical Institute. North
CA Heading. MONK . they woiild aunounre that they
are prepared to hold Conventions in any Section of the
Circulars, giving full particulars as to terms, regula
Hons. Ac., sent to auy address upon application to
J G. TOWNER Rome. Pa., or
J. G. HUNT TING. Towanda, Pa.
Mr- HUNTTING would respectfully inform the people
of Towanda and vicinity, that lie will, (when not
attending Conventions) give instruction in BASSINI S
System of singing, either private or in classes.
fo wanda, 0ct.17,1?41.
1 2Lfflal.
PROCLA M ATION.— Where gTb Hon
U. MKRCL'R. President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford
and Susquehanna, and llonorables JOHN PA.SSMORK, aud
Jons' F. Loso, Associate Judges, iu and f -r said county
of Bradford. have issued their precept bearing date the
21st day ofOct A. D. Ix6l, to me directed, lor holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions
ot the Peace, Common Pleas aud Orphan's Court at To
wr mda. lor the County of Bradford, on the first Monday,
the 2d day ol December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice ia therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Ju-tices of the Peace and Constables of the County ot
Bradford, that they be then aud there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their office appertains to be
done ; and those whi arc bound by recognisance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
; be iu the jail of said County, or who shall oe bound to
I appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
' prosecute against tlieui as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual iu their attendance, agreeably to
; their notice.
Bated at Towanda, the 7th nf"Novcmher, in the year of our
; Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty-one, and
j of the Independence of the I'niled States, the eighty
! sixth. A. H SPALDING. Sheriff."
Sll KillFF'S SALE —Bv virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of
j common pleas of Rrod'iod county, to me directed, will
1 be exposed to public sale on MONDAY, the 2d day
of December. A. D. Ix6l. at tl e court house in Towan
j da. at I o'clock, p. m the following described lot, piece
or parcel of land, situate in Canton twp., bounded on the
| north by the public highway , on the east and south hy
I land of Mrs. Sarah Mix, on the west hy land of A.J.
• Merritt—containing one fourth ot an acre, he the same,
j more or less, all improved, one framed building occupied
as a store, and a ew truit trees thereon.
A LSD— The following described lot, piece or parcel of
la (1 situate in Canton tup., bounded on the' north by
lands of Irad Wilson and K. G Mauley, on tlie east by
; the public highway, on the south by the meeting house
| lot. and land belonging to the estate of B Palmer, dee'd.
and on the west by I and of Irad Wilson. Containing one
; and a hall acres, be the same more or less, all improved
; —framed house, framed ham mid fruit trees thereon,
i ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
j land situate in Canton twp., begining at the corner of
J Union street, and Centre st., as laid down on a map or
| plot of Canton village, dated Oct. 1. 1864. and running
| thence easterly along the south side of Union street 20!)
i 4 10 feet to Wright's Alley, as laid down on said map,
j thence southerly along the west side of said alley, about
| Ili leet to the north-east corner of lot No. 1!) on said
, map. (sold to ('airfield) thence westwardly along the
; noitu line of said Canfield lot to it point on the east side
I of Centre street, aforesaid, 124 feet from the plaie of
! beginning, and thence to tlhetly along the east lots Xos
• 21. 22 A 23. a- pi r said map. and containing about 28.
nfcO feet -qnare measure, lit the same, mote or less All
| itnnr vd one Ini< k dwelling house, one trained barn,
and fruit trees thereon,
i Seizi d and taken by two executions st the suit of War
tins. Peddle. HamrickA Co., vs. It. Lnckwood A S. Ben
i edit. Also, French. Bicbards A Co., vs. 11. Lockwood
A S Benedh t.
A LSD—The following de cribe 1 !"t. piece or parcel
;of la'd situate in Athens horn', bounded as follows : On
j the South by the public highway hod tig In ni Main st.
to Patk ferry, on the Susquehanna river, on the east l>y
' the Susqnehanna river on the north by 11. W Patrick,
i a don the west by Main street. Containing I acre, and
one tr imed dwelling house thereon
ALSO- One other piece of land situate in Athens bo
rough and hounded on the south by the public highway
leading front Main street to the Susquehanna river, on
tlie west, north and east, by land of Mr-. Elizabeth Welles
and being about lOS feet Iroul on said street,and about
K0 icet in the rear, all improved, with one two-story
framed bweliingr house and one brick barn thereon.
ALSO -One other piece of land situate in the borough
of Athens, and hounded on the mvith t.y J B. Brock way,
on the west by land formerly owned ny the hair- of hn
-ti.-e Davis, on the north by the lot of C. F. \\ eiles, Jr.,
arid John Pi ike. and on the east by Main st., being
atiout 40 feet wide on Main street, and about ivj feet in
the resi", all improved, with one two story trained build
ing used as a cabinet shop thereon.
ALSO— One other pieceol'land .-ituate in Athrns 80-'
rough bounded on the we-t by lauds formerly owned by
the heirs of Kustice Davis, on the north by J. B. Brock
way. on the sast by Main street, and Ou the south by
I eiiig about s> feet wide on Main street.containing about
one-eighth of an acre, one two story framed dwelling
bouse, one framed latin and a tew fruit trees thereon.
A I.SO—One other piece of land in Athens borough.
hounded on the north by A. 11. Spalding, on the west by
Main st . on the south by Titos Ii Davis, and ou the east
by Con-taut Mathrwsun. being about 7 rods wide on
Main st., and rods in the rear, all improved.
ALSO—One other piece of lattd in said Athens bnro'
bounded on the north by Guy Tozer. on the west by Fran
cis Tyler. on the south by land of C. F. Welles jr., and
ou the east by Main street, containing about 10 acres, all
A I.SO—The undivided half of a piece of land situate in
the borough of Athens, and bounded on the north by
Centie stieet, on tlie east by laud of lieu. A. Perkitfs
Prexwell and Mailt street, on the south by Bridge street,
an- on the we-l by Elmiru st.. being lots No. 2, J, 4,5.t>,
7, 07. 'JS, an, 100. 1"1, 102 A 103. as laid out in a survey
made by Orson Kiekey tor Hon. K. Herriek. All improv
ed, with one large Fouitdiy building, one Machine shop,
one blacksmith shop, one store room or buildiug, and one
nam. with the appurliitances and fixtures thereto attach
ALSO—One other piece of land in the said borough of
Athens, bounded on thenoith by lattd of O. D. Sat alee,
ni the east hy Main st.. on the west by Dr. Coibin, and
ni the south by P. W Meeker Containing about 14 acres
all improved, with two framed dwelling houses, and
uie trained ii.tiu thereon.
AI.Mi—litest; lots in said borough of Athens, and de-
cribed as follow- : Lots N"s. 72, 73. 75. 70. 77, 78, tin
he north side of North -t. Each I d being 4(1 leet front
m Nroth -tieet. and IGo leet in the rear Lota Xos. 70
■nd 7s each having a liumed dwelling house thereon
Lot- Nos. 47. 4-. 53. 54 A 55, and one undivided half of
\II. 4.1, situate on the south side of North -tieet, each lot
ocing 40 feet front on North street and 111) feet in ibe
rear, and lot No. 55 having a framed dwelling house
thereon, lad- No. ss and s'J, situate on the noith side
ol Chestnut street. Lot No. 88 al-o fronting on Elmira
-t. Nos 30, 31 33 3D A 40. on the ntrllt side of Chest
nut st. All the ots south side of Chestnut st., being 40
feet front on said street, and 110 feei in tlie rear. On Nos
lo A 31, is a two story framed dwelling bouse, and on
No. 3D, one framed dwelling. Lots No- 23, 24. 25, 20 A
MI. situate on the south side of Chestnut st , each lot !>e
iog 40 net liont on said st., and Ho feet in the rear, and
Vi. 101 l situate at the angle ot Main A Elntira streets,
■ sing 205 leet on Main st.. and I*2 feet on Kimira street,
writli one two story Ira tied building thereon. The above
described lots are in aei indait. e with a plot made liy Or
son 111. Kev lor Hun E. llerrick. aud'said plot having
been recorded. All ol said lots improved.
ALSO—One other lot situate in the borough of Ath
ens, bounded on tiie north and west hy land t Page and
ilris'o I. on the south by E. Herriek. and on the ca-t by
Mailt st . being about 3D leet on Main st. and about tit) It.
in the tear. One two story framed building thereon; all
ALSO—One other lot, pice or parcel of laif 1 in Alli
en- twp., bmiuded on the north by P J Stone and land ol
the North Brain It Canal Company, on the west by Jesse
>paldiug and Gurnsey, on the south by Edward Murray
and on the east by the public highway leading Irom Ath
ens to Towauda. Containing about acres, about
75 acres improved, with one named iiouse, and one Iram
ed barn thereoll.
ALSO The undivided one half of a piece of land situ
ate in Alliens born', and bounded ou Hie north by lauds
ot Francis Tyler, on the west by the Chemung river, on
lite south by lands ot L Herriek A Drexwell Eu-t by lands
ol Wm Kilt'. N C Harils. Joseph Parsons and Mr- J Ity
.>ll and the public highway. Containing about 20 acres,
all improved, excepting about one acre and a half, sold
to Page A Bristol!.
A—One other lot, piece or parcel of land, situate
in Burliugt at twp., tieginniiig at a black oak. the south
ea i corner ol sub divi.-ion ol lot No. 274. in the division
in lands lately held hy Timothy I'axsou and Wm David
son in trust lor the Bank ol North America, anu others,
thence north s!)° west 140 pr to a corner, thence south
1° west 4U pr to a corner ; thence north he J® l.>o pr to a
coiner ; thence south 2° west 231 7-10 pr to a corner—
thence ninth 71£ 3 east 241 s-lo per to a corner ; thence
north 1° east U3 <i 10 perclie- to a corner ; thence south
-U° east 71 per to the south-east corner ol lot No 253 ;
thence north 112° east His per to the place ol begin
ning. being the whole ol subdivision ol lots Nos. 282,203
and 2s7.and a part of lot No 2-0. Containing 358 acres
aud 12a perches, be the same, more or less,about 40 acres
improved, two framed dwelling houses, two framed barns
uie trained sited, one trained storehouse and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
AI.SU Two lots ol ljiid situate in Totvanda borough,
bounded on the it rlh by lot of Wm Blundell, on tbeea-t
by Front Street, on the south by lot of Juines H Phiiiuey
and on the west by lots of Wm I! Dodge and S W Pren
tice. Being 100 leet ou Front st aud 100 leet in the
rear.all unproved
Seized and taken in ex -cation at the suit of Francis
Tyler, 11 W Patrick A N C Harris vs Chauncey N Ship
A LSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Wyalusiug twp., beginning at a dogwood
corner, running south s° went 125 pr to a corner, for
tuerly a black oak sapling, thence norllr M° cast 54 per
ches to a corner stake, thence south Itj pr to a corner;
thence north *l° east 20 per to the old manor line,thence
north s° east 132 or to chestnut corner, thence westtiopr
to a corner, thence south 11 pr to a corner, thence west h
pr to the place of beginning. Containing til acres and 48
perches, alinut 15 acres improved. Irainc <1 house, log liaru
cw apple trees thereon, Excepting from the the above
a piece containing about ten acres of improved laud re
conveyed to Jackson Lewis, by said Crouk.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George C
Atwood s u-e vs Wm A Cronk AL M Hitchcock.
A LSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Canton twp., hounded on the north by
the public highway, on the east anil south by lands ot F
S Elliott, oil the west by the public highway. Contain
ing one-halt acir, he the same more or less, all improved,
trained house and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO— One other lot iu said township, bounded on the
nortii by lands of Wm Huberts, east by the pubiio high
way. sooth and west by lands of F S Elliott. Contain
ing 30 by 90 feet, mure or less, all improved, board shed
ALSO—One other lot in said township, bounded on the
north by lands of Judson Dunn, cast by lauds uf Juines
Mettler, south by lands of Juseah & Marcus LoomW, and
west by land of S K Elliott. Containing 4 acres, be the
same more or less, about two acies improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Slillweli £
Brown vs S M Newell.
ALSO—The following described lot. pice or parrel of
land situate in Monroe iioro', bounded ou the north bv
lands of Brown 3: Rockwell, ou the ea-t by lauds of j
Ilart, south by lands of Hinman 4 Pbiuuey, we<t by the
highway. Containing 30 leet front by 60 feet deep,more
or less,"all improved, one framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot E C Kellogg
vs S VV Alden.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Athens twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at
an oak for a corner on the north-west corner of the lot,
and on the line of the Cooper tract,thence south 21° west
along said line of the Cooper lot 167 rods to a corner;
thence south 69° east 79 1-10 rods to a corner of the di
vision line between the said parties, thence north 21° east
along said division line 167 rods to a corner ; thence
north 69° west. 79 I-10 rods to the place of beginning
Containing 82J acres, as per survey made by Orson Rick
ey, May 24,1(>40, excepting one acre more or less, sold
to T C Tigot.
Seizeil and taken in execution at the suit of N C Har
ris vs John I* Green. Also, X C Harris' use vs JP Greeu.
ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Carton twp.. bounded on the north by
Mill Creek and Win Matron's land, east by lands of Au
gu.-tns Cross, south by unseated lands conveyed to Jacob
Riley & Wm Brady, and v est by laud of Simon Urover.
Containing about 91 acres, about 20 acres improved, a
log house thereon.
Seized and taken in evecution at the suit of J E Bul
lock vs John Berty and Joseph M Berry.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp., beginning at the south
east corner ot a lot contracted to Heury V.mover, thence
south 1° west, 133 9-10 prto a post, thence west 15 per.
to a beech, thence 1° west 52pr to a beech, thence west
Migper to a post, thence north 180 9-10 pr to a beech,
thence north 89° east 109 8-10 pr to the beginning. Con
taining 113 acres and 2'J pr, more or less—about twenty
live acres improved, one trained barn and a lew fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Bustwick vs Wm Boslwick.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of lane situ
ate in Troy boro', beginning at a beach tree on the line of
fitch & liurtt's lot, thence south 53° east 12 8-10 per to
the centre of the road, thence by the same south 37$°
west (j0 feet, thence north 73° west 12 8 10 perches to a
stake and stones, thence north 37$° west 00 feet to the
nlace of beginning. Containing 40$ perches, more or
less, all improved, oue fumed house, shed and fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pomeroy
& Co vs C V Pare.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
lanu situate iu Overton twp., commencing at the south
east corner ot the Jonathan Haythoin lot, thence north
31° east 100 rods to lands oi W A Park, thence south o9°
east along said Park's line 94 r>>ds to a post, thence south
by the beagle lot, 31° west ItKJ rods to a post; thence by
Judson blackmail's land jy° west 'J4 rods to to the place
of beginning. Containing (12 acres and 44 pr, more or
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Eleanor
Thuist .n vs John *■ blown.
ALSO—The lulluw ing lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Albany twp., bounded on the north by lauds of
benj Wilcox A James Hatch, ou the east by lauds ot W
U ilcux, on the south by lauds ot Absoloiu Carr and tVm
Ayer.-, ou tbe west by lauds occupied by John Sliultz and
James Vausickles. Containing 111 acres, urore or less,
about 70 acses improved, one ll allied house, oue trained
barn, one log house, and iru't trees thereon.
ALSO- One other lot piece or parcel ot land, situate
iu Albany twp., bounded as follows: Ou the noitlr by
the public highway ana Welles Wilcox, ou the east by
lanu ol S W Chapman A O I' Lyons A M Ktidy, south by
land of Win Lancaster A E K joues, on the west by the
public highway. Containing 14a acies, more or less,
about oU acres improved, one trained house, three framed
barn- and ail orc.iai J ol fruit trees tuereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of John C
Adams vs J a Campbell A E It Joues,
ALaO— Tue followtug lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Athens twp., bounded on tile north by lauds ot 1'
11 Saiiloid, ou tbe east by Win A Edward Murray and
Jotiu Hopper, south oy Mrs. Helen M b l.ummius, and
west by lauds ol Plf ban lord. C ontaining ZOO acres, be
the same, more or less, about 100 acres improved, two
I rained houses, three trained barns and sheds, shingle
maclnue audoichaid thereon.
Seized and liken in execution at the suit of X C liar
ri's Use vs Erastus Wolcull.
ALSU—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Columbia twp., ouuuad on the north by lands ot
Paul Herrihgtou, crank baker and Daniel and Hiram
Cautield, ou lite east by lau <s ut Uriah Ptrguson John
How land and Luther Havens, ou flie south by lauds ut
(J O He-.le. and U Harding, audou the west by lauds of
bradiey and Hiram CaiiUcid, on the public highway.—
Containing 140 acres, more or less, about 100 acres im
proved. one trained house, trained barn, and orchard oi
lruit uecs lliereoh.
ALsO —l'he following described lot, piece or parcel ol
land Situate in Sinithlicid twp., bounded ou tbe north by
lot No. 4, sold to J W Campbell, west by lot No. 13, sold
to Clink A Brown ; south by lot Xo. 24, and east by lot
X'o. lj, sold to it. Weed, being lot Xo. 11, of the sub di
vision ol warrant No. 1407, as made by Zephou flower,
and being lo i rods north and south, lOu rods east and
west, more or less, aooul 4U acres, more or less, improv
ed, lug building and Hull trees thereon.
.Seized and taken by two executions at the suit of U'm
Elweil vs John Benson. Also, Allen Mckean vs John Lieu
ALSO—The following lot piece or pared of land situ
ate in Asylum twp., beginning at a certain corner ou the
Susquebuiiua rtvel. 12$ leet iroiu a certain white oak, up
said iiver nana adjoining l.uds lorineiiy ol tteuyaimu
Ackley, thence west 2i4 perches to a stone heap coruer,
thence north 2u" east 112 pet to a stake and stoues, ad
joining lauds ot Solomon Cole, then south h4g 0 east 24->
pr to a blaek walnut stub ou the bunk ol said river,thence
down said river the several corners theieoi.yl pr to the
place ol heginuuig. Containing 1 J.i acres, he the same
mure or less, about lUU acres, more or less improved, Iwo
orchards, three lramed dwelling houses, two barns there
on, lonueriy kuowu as tue Moses Warlord farm.
ALSO—I he lollowiug described lot, piece or paocel of
laud situate m said township, hounded ou the north by
lands ol Adolphus Burling and J M Bishop, east by J t
A V E I'iullel, south by VVm C'oolbaugli, and west by
the highway. Containing leu acres, be the same, more
or less, ail improved-
Seized and taken ill execution at the suit of Gurilou
llewelt vs Calvin Hewett, Euiina Jane Hcwett A Israel
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate iu North lowauda twp., bounded ou the
norty laud of Win .Vlcsier, ou the east by land of I'avid
Kuiiy, ou the south by laud.-, oi Jaiues flaw ley, and on
the west by lands ol sainu 1 Hawkins. Containing teu
acres, be lue same, more or less, all improved, one (rain
ed house and au orcuaid ol Iruil trees tnereou.
Seized and tukeu in execution gt the suit ot C M Man
ville's use vs Sauniei Hawkins.
ALSO— i'lic lollowiug described lot, piece or parcel of
laud situate in Lltclilield twp., bouuded ou the north by
lauds ol Alauson .Mil ii n and tUe highway .east by Joseph
I' Muun, south by Bamel Keasou and John Lay ton, west
by Laytouaiid Aiausoti Muun. Cotitainiug about hity
acres, more or less, about JII acres improved, frame house
framed baru, and lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in executiou at the suit of Robert
Sanders, to the use oi s B earner vs Elias >1 Muun.
AB.-sO—The following descrioed lot. piece or parcel of
laud situate iu Atlieus twp., beginning at tiie south-west
coiner ola lot conveyed to Mrs tiiilsou, ou the east bank
oi the Canal, tlicuce easterly along the line ol said Gil-
Koti lot Hit) leet to the south east coruer of the Ciiltsou
lot. thence south Jo feet, thence westerly lot) leet to the
towing path oi su.d oaual, thauce westerly along said
towing path 7 leet to the place of begiuuing. Said lot
not to un lude any part ol tue hank or towing path ou
tlu North Branch Canal. Said lot being Jo leet on the
tonal, mid running back lUO leet; all improved, with
one named house thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of Page and
Bristol vs. John Hosmer.
ALSO—The following described lot,piece or parcel of
laud situate iu Canton twp., bounded on the north and
east by lands ot Solomon l.indley, on the south by the
public highway, on the west by lauds of James A Hog
ers. Containing oue acre, wore or less, all improved,a
tew Iruit trees thereon.
ALSO—The deiendant interest in a piece of land used
for a mill yard, containing lour acres, more or less, part
ly improved, bounded on all sides by John P Lindsley'a
land. One saw will, and all the privileges thereunto be
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles
Wright vs I) W Denton.
ALOSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate iu franklin twp., bounded us follows : Be
ginning at a stake, the south-west corner of Alien Rock
well's lands, thence by land of S. 8. Hinman south 77°
west 44 3-11) per. to a slake thence by land ot Brown A
Rockwell north 20° west 351 per. to a beech, thence by
laud ot fcl. L>. Montauye north 70° east 44 pir. to a white
pine, thence by land ot Allen Rockwell south 20° east 335
per. to the place ot beginning. Containing htl acres ai d
t>s per , be the sarnd more or less, about 50 acres improv
ed, trained house, trained barn, and iruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bro<*; u j.
Rockwell vs. William Williams and Samuel F. Williams.
AI.SU —The following described lot. pie„ e or pan el oi
land situate in Asylum twp., bounde-j oa the north by
land of Israel Siui h. east i.y lar j „| Wm. Scott and other
lauds ol deiendant (J. M. 'iowman.) south by lands of J.
M. Bowman and J a ins „ miits. west by land of David Cash.
Containing 04 ~cres. more or less, about 35 acres improv
ed, b>g ho3„e, trained barn, and orchard thereon.
A.LSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Asyiwm twp., bounded north by other lands of defen
dant (J. M. Bowman.) east by laud ot John R. DeLong.
south and west by other lands of de.endant (J. M. Bow
man. Containing t>J acres, more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E.W. Hale
vs J. Al. Bowman and Allen McKeun (security.)
ALSO—The to.lowing descrbed lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Terry twu., bounded on the north by
lauds of Matthew McMabon, east by lands of Henry Yet
terjr., south by lands of 0. P. Welle;, west by land of
Alexander MeArthur, Philip Richards, I. P. & H. Hdrldn
—containing 146 acres, more or leas, about 25 acrea im.
proved, framed bouse. 2 sheds and fruit tieca thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot L-
Goetcbieus vs. Peter Yetter.
ALSO—At the suit of Chandler Bixbjr vs. Peter B. Star-
I devunt, a pit-ce of land in Tuscarora twp., and st the suit
| of Maxwell 4 Leonard vs. Wm Taylor, a piece of land in
| Troy boro'. adjourned trom October 17, ls6l.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Pi. Fa., will be exposed
to public sale, at the same time and plat e, the following
1 described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate In Smith
tield twp., bounded on the ea-t by lands of Billings Wai
| dron. south by laud of J O Tracy, west by land J N Rice
north by land of Ann Treu and the public highway
I Containing 83j acres, more or less, about 60 acrea ira
[ nroved, with a framed house, framed barn, with wagon
i house and shed attached, an old saw mill and a few truit
1 trees thereon. Excepting therefrom about 12 acre,more
or less, which was released from said judgment.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C E Pierce
4 W S Pierce, Executors of Abraim Pierce, dee d, vs
Bun M Bacon.
A. H. SPALDIXG, Sheriff.
Towanda, Nov. 6, 1861.
NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. —To prevent misunderstand
! 'ng, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs
; sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has become imperatively neccasarv
|to adopt this rule, and it will he strictly adhered to, ex
cept in cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
! is entitled to the fund us provided in the Ist section of
j the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1840. which is
j as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
i Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the
' proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
lie or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
i to lie entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall
not he so construed as to preventthe right of said Sheriff,
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of saie a sum sufficient to
, cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds
of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement iroiu
the proper records, under the hand and official sea! of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor, entitled
to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid."
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Nov. 7. 1861. Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—Rv riitae of a writ j
of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common j
Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, I
will be exposed to public sale. at. the Conrt House, in the j
borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of j
November, 1861. all that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land, lying in the Township of Franklin, and bounded as '
follows : Begining at a post on the creek, thence by I
lands now or late of Daniel and Charles Green, nortli one I
degree east DO perches to a post, thence north 7l£ ° east !
163 perches to a post; thence by lands late of Daniel L.
Dodge, south 1 ° west 168 perches, to a po-t, in the centre ,
of the road, thence along said road, north 76° west 51
perches to a post in the centreofthe road, theme south 1
til 0 west 23 4 7-I'* perches to a post.on the bank of said
Towanda Creek ; thence op the same north s3 ° west 83
perches to a post, tiience np the same, north 28 e west 18 !
perches, thence up the same north 52 0 west 18 perches
t<> the place of beginbiug. Containing one hundred and
thirty four acres, about 90 acres improved, one framed j
house, two framed barnesand shed and ore-bar! thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Josiah
Lawrence vs. Stanleys. Hiuuiau
Sheriffs Office. 1 Sheriff
Towanda, Aug 23,1801. {
-11 by given, that there has been filed and sittlcdin
tbe office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol
lowing estates, viz :
Final account of W. G. Hinman, administrator of A.
C. Hinman, late of Wysox deoaaed.
Final account of G. H. Vaddyke, guaidian of Jas. Math
er. of Ulster.
Partial account of E J. Espv.ono of the administrators !
of John Espy, late of Standing Stone, deceased.
Final account ol Jas. i>. Hammond administrator ot
Jesse Hammond, late of Springfield, deceased.
Final accouut of Isaac Marsh, gusrdiau of Welber F.
Filial account of O. R Cogswell, administrator of Her
man Cogswell, late of Pike, deceased
Final account of G. C. Porter, Executor of Jon Porter
late of Troy, deceased.
Final account ol Nathan Kiiburn administrator of Sally
Kilburn, late of Leßoy, deceased.
Final account ot Lewis W. Barton, G. W. Bowen and
Ltu-inda Bowen, administrators of Horatio Bowen, late
of Warren, deceased.
Final account of Jos. Perkins, administratorjof Charles
F. Perkins, late oi Smithtield deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court
of Bradford county, on MONDAY the 2d day ot DEC- next
tor the confirmation and allowance.
X C. ELSBREE, Register.
Register's Office, Towanda. Nov. 6, 1861.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mutter of
.V. C. Harris vs. A- F. Campbell. In the Court
of Common Pleas of Bradford county, No. 991, Septem
ber Term, I*sß.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Conrt
to distribute the monies arising from Sheriff s sale oi de
fendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his ap
[•ointment at iiis office in the borough ol Towanda. on
FRIDAY, the 29th day of NOVEMBER, A D. I*sl. at
2 o'clock, in the afternoon, and all persons having claims
on said monies must present them, or else be forever de
barred from the same. G. D. MONTAXYE,
Oct. 23.1861. Auditor.
1* an application has been made to the Court oi Com
mon Pleas of Bradford county, by Charles Comstock. N.
C. Harris, and others, to grant a charter of incopqration
for religious purposes to themselves, their associates and
successors, under the name and style of the •' Rector,
Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church,
Athens,"—and if no suciffient reasons be shown to the
contrary, the said Court will decree that they become a
corporate body. E. O. GOODRICH,
Nov. 13.1*61. Prothouotary.
i* an application has iieeu made to the Ocurt of Com
mon Pleas ot Bradford county, by A. F. Todd. O. A. Per
kins, and others, to grant a charter of incorporation lor
religious purposes to themselves, their a-sociates and
successors, under the name and style ot tne " Cousistory
ol the Protestant Reformed Dutch Church of Athens,"
and if no sufficient reasons he shown to the contrary, the
said Court will decree that tliev become a corporate
body. E. O. GOODRICH.
Nov. 13, 1861. Prothouotary.
1* an application has been made to the Court of Com -
inon Pleas ot Bradford county, by Wm. A. Benedict, Al
vah Cooley. and others, to grant a charter of incorpora
tion for religious purposes to themselves, their associates
and successors, under the name and style ot the " Meth
od! t Episcopal Church of Myersburg,' —and if no suffi
cient reasons be shown to the contrary, the said Court
will decree that they become a corporate bodv.
Nov. 13, I*6l. Protbonotary.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate cf ISAAC NICHOLS, late of Pike twp., doe'd., arc
requested to make payment without delay, and those hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. JOS. If. MARSH, Aiim.
Pike, Aug. 20. 1*61.-fit.
NOTICE.—Notice islierc
by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
JOHN SHARTS, late ot Wilmot twp., deceased, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and
those having demands against said estate will present
them duly authenticated lor settlement.
Oct. 2,1*61. Executor.
- 1 is hereby given, that all persons indeb.ed to the es
tafe of THOMAS SMEAI), late oi Smithtield twp.. dee'd.
are requested to make payment without delay.and tlio-e
having claims against said estate will present them dulv
authenticated for settlement. JAS li. WEBB, Ad'j, "
P-.-t Office address, Nmitbfield Summit.
Smithtield. Aug. 20, I*6l.
it is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate of DANIEL STRONG, dec'.'., late of Wells twp.
are hereby requested to mat payment without delay,
and all persons having de r ., tt uus against said estate will
[•resent them duly auVuentkated for settlem nt.
Sept. 25. . • '- •
.\u i iuis —.x...... . - ... |
by given, that all persons indebted to the estaie of
WARREN ALLEN, deed., late of Smithtield twp.. are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all
persons having demands against said estate will please
present thcin duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 16.1861. Executors.
LtXECUTRIX S NOTICE —Notice is hert*-
-Li by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
JONATHAN HALL, dee d-, late of Smithtield twp.. are
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all
persons hsving demands against said estate wi 1 please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
ACHSAH HALL, (now Aehsah Allen,)
Oct. 16,1861. Executrix.
cash will be paid fr Wool, Hides and Sheep Pe!&,
t tbe Store of M E. SOLOM'OF.
For. 13.1**1.
3sr K'w Wxlß rii' "
r I ''HE subscriber? would respectfully inform the pwblia
I X that thev have filtered into a copartnership, at the
old stand of JOS. 0. PATTON, where, by strict atteu
i tion to business they intend to make their store second
to none in Northern Pennsylvania, end merit and receive
| a liberal share of patronage. They will keep their large
stock replenished by recent purcbsiaes. and are receiving
I every week from New York city and Philadelphia, select
| Of the very best character, and other articles, as follows -
Also, a fine assortment of
In fact, everything kept by Druggists generally.
Our goods are selected with care, and as we bay
only with cash we tiatter ourselves that we can offer a
cheaper, and at the same time better article, than any
other dealer in this part of the country.
Physicians supplied on reasonable terms.
Dr. MADILL will he found in his office, at the
Store, when not professionally engaged. Advice gratis,
charging only lor medicine.
Dr. T. F. MADILT..
J. O. Parrow.
Towanda, Oct. 17, 1861.
News from tie Great Rebellion.
11. W. EDDY,
- stork and *lxt res of K. S. 11END1CT, first door
south of POWELL'S Keystone Store.
He has just returned from New York, where he has
bought for cash, at war prices, a remarkably line stock
of goods, all made to order for this market, and warrant
ed as represented, which he Hatters biinselt be can sell
lower tor cash than has ever been offered in this market,
for the same quality of goods.
His stock consists of Overcoats, from .< up, Superior
French Cassitaere Coats and Silk Mixed Coats, and a
lower grade.
Doe Skin, French Cassimere, Silk Mixed Ctuuitnere,
Silk Velvet,' Grenadier, Doe Skin, French Oassimere, Silk
Mixed Oassimere, Farmer's Satin, Satiiiett, and low
priced Undershirts and Drawers, he has 20 dox, at
Wool Sock?, Celebrated British J Hose, a large assort
meat. Linen Shirts and Collars, a big lot. Neck Ties,
Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Mittens, Umbrella*, Canes,
Monkey Jackets, Baskets, Overalls, Ovcrshirti,
Of all Binds, and prices to suit the times. Also,
Celebrated Philadelphia Silk Hats.
The best article made in the United States, all of which
he is anxious tu sell to the public at a low tlgure, for cash
only. • U. W. EDDY.
Towanda, Oct. 3.1561.
Sept. 10, 1861.
. ceiving an extensive and well selected stock of
Purchased since the late depression in prices, and com
prising nil the usual varieties of Gents., Ladies, Misaea
and Children:;
Suitable for the season. Also, a large stock of
The quality of which is too we!! known to need fnrlhor
recommendation. Also, a large stock of
Sole and Upper Leather,
Kip Skin?. French and American Calf Skins, Harnee*
Leather, Morocco, and Linings, Ac. An excellent assort
ment of
Saddlery Hardware, Harness Trimmings, Sc., Ac*
I have established a
And will keep on band Double and Single Harries?, Sad
dle?, Bridle?, Halters. Martingales, Whips, Ac., and will
make to order any work in this lint, all which, as well as
my whole stock, will besoh] lor teady remarkably
low prices in order to meet the exigencies of the times. '
Towanda, Sept. 10,1861.
Come Along ! Everybody !
At the building formerly occupied by J. H. \erine,
""tm Main street, oppositr the Court House.
brand? of Coffee, Tea, Sugar. 4c., all very cheap.
I? -ides a splendid assortment of Spice?. Nuts, Candies,
Fruits, and Confectioneries, and a good assortment in
the Provision line. Tobacco and Segars of every quality
and price. He will also pay the
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs,
And such other articles of country trade as the fartnera
may have to dispose of.
tar He would say to all if yon want any thing iu his
line of trade, give him a call, and you can be avcommrt
dated. tI.H. STEVEN'S.
Towanda. June 19,1861.—tf
N. Y. Ol B. RAIL ROAD. ~
vJ MONDAY, NOV. I 18(11. Trains will have Wa
verly at about the following homs, viz :
Rtifialo Express.. ..-,.04 P M N. Y. Express. .11 as A .\S
Night Express... 349 A M Night Express Liftxii
Nlail 8.03 p Ml Steamboat M
Fast Freight 9.50 A M Fast Freight ... ite ,K W
Way Freight ... .9-I.S P M Way Freight., • 5-to V M
Accommodation.. 1.15 P M i
The Night Express, N. Y. Kxprae*. Fast Freight east
and Fast Freight west run every day. Night Express or
Sundays runs through to Buffalo, but does pot ran to
Dunkirk. The Ma!l ■"•ett nentains ovVr night at Elniira