Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 14, 1861, Image 3

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pjg* Tie lime of holding the Sheriff's Sale
v | t , n cbsßged from Thursday, the 2Sth of November,
w Monday. December 2d.
DONATION' VISIT.— The friends of Rev
r FOSTER w ill pay a donation visit at the Parsoa-
Vediie-day evening, November 18th. Allareinvit
ti to attend.
FIRE DEPARTMENT. —The members of
T E y,, wanda Fire Department, are requested to meet at
, Hall- on Monday, November 19, I*6l at 3 P.M.,
Llluniform, for the propose of raising a flag pole.
18 E. 0. GOODRICH.
Chief Engineer.
We neghcted to state that the Pro
; Episcopal Convention of the Diocese of Pennsyl
-:AT JU JUTE session, elected Rev. WM. BACON STI-
the Rector of St. Andrew'* chuch. Philadelphia, to
U T „ffi eot Assistant Bishop, made vacant by the death
If'helamented Bishop BOWMAN.
g~ HARD WlNTEß —Farmers and other
„ -W people in the rural districts predict an early winter,
> lour one, and a strong one. One of the signs is that
I ,1- are already tijiug southward, and another, that the
I -KO! the corn i* very thick and close, and covers the
R> |UT I, E Y E RY ENDS, which ia considered a never-failing
by the " oldest inhabitant*."
OUR MERCHANTS —If yon do not
KEEP L>- B- De LauJ A CA.'s Chemical Saieratu*. procure
it at once a< it IS gaining friends so fast amongst the good
HOUSE keei*N of the country that you will oon have a
call for nothiug else. Y>u can get jit at wholesale of the
proprietors, at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. V., or of most
wholesale dealers in the country.
NF.W COUNTERFEIT —A finely execut
ed c <un erteit of the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank of
Philadelphia, $5 note?, was detected in that city on
Thursday last. The cniy difference of the counterfeit
iron the genuit.e is, that the letters in the name of the
bank are less regular, and the figures on the aiJe are
shaded too deeply. Vignette is perfect.
FIKE The Owcgo Gazette, of the 9th
inst. *ys the barn a:u corn house of Mrs. J. D. WEED,
a'uiiit two miles ea-t of that village, were destroyed by
fire last Friday night. A span of horses and several head
v utile acre burned in the barn, together with bay and
( zu- Tiie fire was accidentally set by a little girl who
*eiit into the barn with a lamp after a chickeu. No iu
ic ranee.
(•aT The late ato m has laid hare the branch
es of tiie trees. Trees that a few days since were living
pn.tmes i.i autumn's brightest hues, are now leaiiess and
de.-i'laie. Winter,with :ts stcru tread is rapidly approach"
kg, and—
'• fne searching winds the abrinking flesh appal
With sharp iuci- ous,
And everything denotes the approach of fail,
Except provisions.'
M nday nightlx-t, a young " buck" was caught in the jail
yard, i i close proximity- to the grated indow of a female
prisoner Tor whom he h id l*-. arne greatly enamored, aud
was accust, tned to pay Ins devotion* in the small hour*
of the night. On hearing a strange noiae in that locality,
the Sheriff proceeded to au investigation when the young
gent was caught in .he " act" and furnished with lodg
ing- in a cell adj doing his caged " loveyer." He is now
in • durance vial"—another evidence that the course of
true love never did run snioothe.
BIER" We understand that Gov. CURTIS has
sppoitited the following officers for the first regiment in
toe M 'untain Brigad",. now in Camp Cros-man. near
1!. .' agibin—to which we liare lieforealluded :—Wm.G.
r av. Colonel ; T. C. McDowell, Lieut. Colonel ; Wal
ler Barrett, Maj ir ; Dr. G. F. Hoops, surgeon ; Rev. Dr.
'A Lend, chaplain ; Lieut. S. Miles Kephart.Quartermas
ter. This regiment is now fully organized, aud as soon
in they are uoitoimed and arms can lie procured, will be
leady tor service. The regiment iu a great part ia com
posed ol Clearfield county men.
teD- On Tuesday night last, some graceless
rrariifi. who had neither the fear of the law nor the devil
hoi ore his eyes, maliciously and feloniously entered this
office, and with •• ni.ilice-aforethongffl'' did purloin.thiev t ike and carry away one bushel of turnips (of the
- ii id vtriety,) which we had taken of an honest farmer
n.-x-'li mge lor the Reporter, for three month*. Such an
outripe to be perpetrated in a civilized community is
w i•:t a parallel in the calender of crime. Stealing from
a printer is acknowledged an unpardonable sin, aud the
perpetni'or of this outrage is undoubtedly the vilest vil
liin inli mg May hi* dreams by night lie of turnips, and
h;- meditation by day be on tiie same delicate subject.—
May iie be obliged to eat the whole bushel at one meal
A.oil the last one—red hot— stick in hi* throat. So mote it
I*iff" ACCIDENT —We learn tliat on Satnr- j
Ir-t. ns a number of men were extracting stumps j
* :h A M I hine. on a farm in Ulster township, Mr. LEWIS j
- vis tuet with an accident which will probably result in I
U death. It SEEMS that a large stump had been raised
hra it? foundation, and Mr. LEWIS going under it, by
•ue means it flew back crushing Mr. L. under it. Here
remained for some time, while twelve men with levers
•".feavured to raise the stump off of him, but in vain.—
THEY were finally obliged to attach the machine again to
'•he stump, and by making it fast to another stump, suc
eeeded in raising it and liberating Mr. LEWIS from his
perilous situation. Nearly all of his ribs were broken—
tuny of them entirely dissevered from the back bone. —
H'WX* otherwise badly injured.
H:s brother was also caught under the stamp, but not
'try severely uijuied.
FAFF" The !at namher of the Wyoming In- j
T'IUGMRFR HAS a description of an animal, or " what is it"
CAPTURED & UVR WEEK? itgo in the Susquehanna river,near
TOE Horse Race Dam, ty Mr. Job* Ifelbshh. The editor
it I. CERTAINLY A s-.range creature to he found in the
a em of TLE Susquehanna, and no one that has seen it
PRETENDS TO G.VE IT A mime. We were informed that sev-
F " GEUTIEMEN WFL,, W( . RE intimately acquainted with the
''"'s animals THAT inhabit our Lakes, and southern riv
' bad never sce.u anything like this, in any of thera. —
about two feet, two inches in length, and in color re
es an eel though considerably darker about the
"id bin-k. Theh;ad is flat and measures about three
■ IEI OR IBREE and a half across. It has four feet (web
) ami HAS also th; appearance of having claws like
'* '■ * turtle. It will devour with very little trouble
' 1!R 'IN three to five inches in length. Altogether it
•ie of the curiosities ol nature.
DRUNKEN MEN —lthas been
* 1 'U.-ly decided in Boston that a contiactof enlict
■* ! D es not bind a man if he was drunk when he en
RT 'L into it. The CAM came before Judge DEWEY on
," F HE'I'I M of Mary Finn, for the discharge of her hus-
A soldier in the regular army, on the ground that
* OI his enlistment he wa so drunk as not to
* *hat he was doing, and that as soon as he became
TR , tie repudiated the act and asked to be released from
''l pstiou. There allegations were sustained by evi-
N E. and the judge held than an enlistment was but a
! TRI " T between the government and the individual, that
4 an assenting mind on the part of the individu
'■ J '*FF that A person no druuk as not to know what he
' NCA P*hIe of legal assent. The court ac-
S R ""' " R^ ERE 'L THE discharge of the man. This ruling
J.. "PP'icAtion.and it should admonish recruit
* "RS NOT enflstanj MAN when lnhoxktted.
teg- A number of onr friends of the coun
■ try press are in a bad way because some of their subscri
! hers refuse to come to time. The indignation expressed
by some of them at the rapscallions who discontinue their
papers without " pinling" is. terrible. The editor of the
i y mango Spectator lets off us follows :
j "MIAN MSN —The fellow who licked the mollaascs
from a biind nigger's pancake is genoialiy held up as a
sample of moral perversity. But he was a good Christian
compared to the scamps who swindle the printer out of
j a newspaper and then return it through the postmaster
[ as refuted. If a man is too poor to pay, he should be
houest enough to call and .' tip his paper like a man. It
I lie inclines to thieving, he should never commerce at the
highest grade of crime by cheating a printer. He should
lie gin small—rob children of pennies—steal chickens
serve six months as an army contractor—forge bonds of
the Southern Confederacy—and when he is ready for a
personal interview with the hangman or the devil, he can
cap the climax ol all villainy by subscribing for a news*
paper, and swindling the publisher."
t&~ We clip the following from the Waver
!y Advocate, ot a late dab; :
OKP FOR PENNSYLVANIA.— Aug. S. Perkins,weII known
to many of our business men, and prominent among the
military aspirants of our city, is off for Pennsylvania to
raise a company under a Captain's commission from Gov.
CCKTIN. His training in " Company D." and the " Ells
worth Zouaves'' has been most thorough, cf which he
carries abundant testimony.
We copy the above from the Chicago Tribune, of the
3d inst., and wish to add a word ofoorown. Capt.PER
KINS has arrived at Athens, aud is making preparations
for recruiting. Ho brings with him the strongest testi
monials of the highest fitness for his post, and will cer
tainly make a most gallant officer. We have personal as
surance from Chicago that liis drilling has been most tho
rough, and anyone who sees him will know that he unites
the best fighting qualities with his superiority as a drill
master. It is a pleasure to feel that our men serve under
Captains who have received their commissions on the
strength of,what they know—such an one is Captain PER
If Bradford county has one hundred men left for the
war, let them dud out Capt. P. A little of the Chicago
Zouave leaven will do old Bradford good "
been engag'-d during the past and present week in huld
irg a Special Court, for the trial of causes certified by
Judge MKRCTH. Tin; following causes have been tried or
i otherwise disposed of:
Htii eof Turner .McNeil v. Emma Jane Jleirett, et.
' —Action in Ejectment for a lot of land in Asylum town
ship. By agreement of parties, judgment for plaintiff. 7
David Barber vs. Ch- tier Thomas, late Sheriff. —Ac-
! tiou to recover damages for negket of duty. The Jury
: find for the defendant.
/I'm. li. lJattinglon vs. C. 2V. Shipmnn. —Judgment
■ for the sum of 5137 21.
Joseph I gham vs. The Barclay B. li. tp Coal Co.—
This was a suit brought to recover damages for alleged
j injuries to plaintiff's water power caused by the location
j ol the Barclay Railroad, in Monroe town-hip, whereby
| his woolen factory was injured in value. It lias been tried
i several times, the Supreme Court having reversed a for
I mcr judgment and se tit back for a new trial. The jury
i was empanelled Tuesday moruiug. November sth, and
[ proceeded to view the premises, and the trial commenced
| Wednesday pioruiug. The Jury retired Monday alter
i noon, 11th iost.. and came into Court Tuesday morning
w.lh a verdict for plaintiff of $3,128.
M. L). tl r . Bishop vs.Alf td Gore — Action brought to
recover damage* for personal injuries inflicted upon plain
, tiff ill I*sß.
itru) gUftertfsemewts.
I * is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate cf ISAAC NICHOLS, late of I*ike twp., dec'il., are
requested to make payment without delay, and tho.-c hav
ing claims again-t -mil e-tate will present them duly au
thenti'atcd for settlement. JUS. 11. MARSH, Adin.
Pike, Aug. "20. I*6l .-fit.
NOTICE. Notice is here
Xli by given, th at all persons indebted to the estate o
JOHN SMARTS. late ot Wilmot twp., deceased, are
heiebv requested to make payment without delay ; am:
; those having demands against said estate will present
them dulv authenticated for settlement.
1 Oct. 2,1861. Executor.
i is hereby given, all persons indelned to the <■-
j tate of THOM AS SM E AD, late of Sinithflehl twp.. dn'd
| are requested to make payment without delay.and tlio-i
. having claims against said estate will present them dull
! authenticated for settlement. JAS H. WEBB, Adm.
i Office address, Stnithtield Summit.
| Sinithtield. Aug.2o, I*6l
/"* UARDIAN'fS SALE —lit' virtue of at
, VJf order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county
w ill be exposed to public r ' at ti c Court House, in t!w
' borough ot T ovatida < MONDAY , the '2stli day ol OC
! TOBEIt, 1861, at 1 o'clock, P.M. the following property
iate the estate of D. P. Bar-tow, dee'd., situate ill Towau
: da twp., and hounded on the north by lands now or for
! merly belonging to Kdw. Overton, Bishop and C
i Moore's lot, south by lands belonging to the estate of Hi
j rani box, dee'd., and Hiram McGill and the public high
| way. west by lands of Dennis McGill, H. McGill, and Mi
| chael Walsh, east by lands of Win. and Michael Dreslaine
i and Bishop. Containing about 125 acres, more or
less. WM. MIX.
Oct. 2, ISf.l. Trustee Ac.
II RUST EE'S SALE —Ry virtue au or
der of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will
! be exposed to public sale, mi the premises, on THURS
j DAY, the Htli day of NOVEMBER, 1861, at 10 o'clock.
! A. M., tlie following real e>tite situate in Columbia tp ~
. late the estate ot Albion Build, dee'd., hounded as lid
! lows: Beginning at a heeeh, south-west corner of Sam
ue! Camphor's lot ; thence south 25 deg. west 71 aud i id
I per.; south 65 deg. east 165 per to a hemlock, north
east corner of Calvin and Luther Havens; north 25 deg
east 71 and 5-10 per. to a beet h. north 65 deg. west 165
per. to the begilining. Containing 73 acres and 117 per
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of laud situate
in Columbia twp., known as the Harris lot, bounded as
follows: Beginning at a hemlock, north-east corner ol
lot No. 107, by land formerly belonging to Albion Budd
north 05 5-10 per. to a post in David R. Hoswell's line
and by the same west 90 per. to a beech ; thence south
05 and 5 10 per. to a post ; thence by lot No. 107 east 90
per. to the place of beginning. Containing 53 acres and
115 per.
Terms made kuown on the day of sale
Oct. 2.1861. Trustee.
News from the Great Rebellion.
11. W. EDDY,
stock and fixt res ot E. S. BENDICT, first door
south of POWELL'S Keystone Store.
He has just returned from New York , where be ha a
bonglit for cash, at war prices, a remarkably tine stock
of goods, all made to order for this market, and warrant
ed as represented, which lie flatters himself he can set'
lower for cash than has ever been offered in this market,
for the same quality of goods.
His stock consists of Overcoats, from to up, Superior
French Cassiinere Coats and bilk Mixed Coats, aud a
lower grade.
:f.A. istts,
Doe Skin, French Cassimere, Silk Mixed Cassimere,
Silk Velvet, Grenadier, DoeSkin, French Cassimere, Silk
Mixed Cassiinere, Farmer's Satin, Satinett, and low
priced Undershirts and Drawers, he has 20 doz, at
Wool Socks, Celebrated British £ Hose, a large assort
ment. Linen Shirts and Collars, a big lot. Neck lies,
Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Mittens, Umbrellas, Caues,
Monkey Jackets, Baskets, Overalls, OvershirU,
Of all Binds, and prices to suit the times. Also,
Celebrated Philadelphia Silk Hats.
The best article made in the United States, all of which
he is anxious to sell to the public at a low figure, for cash
I only. B. W. EDDY.
I Town<!a,Oet. 3. IMf.
PROCLAMATION. —Wliereaa the Hon.
A U. MKRCCIt, Piesident Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consist .ng ot the Counties of Bradford
and SR&quehanna, and Honorable* JOHN I'ASSMOHK, and
JOHN F. LONU, Associate Judges, in nnd f..r said county
of Biadlord, have issued their precept hearing date the
21st clay of Oct A. D. 1861, to me directed, for holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Pleas nnd Orphan's Court at To
wauda, lor the County of Bradford, on the first Monday,
the 2d day ot Decenitier next, to continue two week*.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners nnd
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those tilings which to their office appertains to lie
done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
lie in the jail of said County, or who shall be hound to
appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute gainst them as shall be ins*. J';.,ors are re
quested to be punctual ia their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the' "th of November, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty-one, and
of the Independence of the United States, the eighty
sixth. A. H SPALDING, Sheriff.
SALE —Ry virtue of sundry
O writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court of
common pleas of Brodford county, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale on MONDAY, the 2d day
of December. A. D. 1801, at the court house, in Towau
da, at 1 o'clock,p. m. the following described lot, piece
or pan el of land, situate in Canton twp., bounded on the
north by the public highway oil the east and south by
land of Mrs. Sarah Mix, on the west by land of A.J.
Merritt—containing one-fourth of an acre, be the same,
mure or less, ali improved,one framed building occupied
as a store, and a 'ew truit trees thereon.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
lacd situate in Canton twp., bounded on the north by
lands of Irad Wilson and F. G. Manley, on the cast by
the public highway, on the south by the meeting house
lot, and land belonging to the estate of B Palmer, dee'd.
and on the west by landofirad Wilson. Containing one
and a half acres, be the same more or less, all improved
—trained bouse, framed barn and fruit trees thereon.
| AI .SO—'The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Canton twp., begining at the corner of
Union street, and Centre st., as ia.d down on a map or
, |ilot of Canton village, dated Oct. 1, 1*54, aud running
thence easterly along the south side of Union street 209
4-10 feet to Wright's Alley, as laid down on said map,
thence southerly along the west side of said alley, about
115 feet to the north-east corner of lot No. 19 on said
map. <.sold to C infield) thence westwardly along the
north line of said Canfield lot to a point on the ea-t side
of Centre street, afoiesuid. 124 feet from the place of
beginning, and thence n< rtliOrly along the east lotsNos
21. '22 A 23, as per said map. and containing about 2s,
0M) feet, square measure, be the same, more or less All
i improved one briek dwelling house, one framed barn,
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken by two executions at the suit of Mar
tins. Peddle, HamrickA Co., vs. H. Lockwood A- S. Ben
edict. Also, French, Richards A Co., v*. H. Lockwood
A S Benedict.
ALSO—The following de?cribe3 lot, piece or parcel
of laid situate in Athens boro', bounded as follows : On
ilu South by the public highway leading from Main st.
10 Palk ferry, on the Susquehanna river, on the east liy
the Susquehanna river, on the north by H. W. Patrick,
at don the we-t by Main street. Containing 1 acre, aud
one framed dwelling house thereon.
ALSO- Oiie other piece of land situate in Atliens bo
rough.and bounded on the south by the public highway
leading from Main street to the Susquehanna river, on
the west, north and east, by land of Mrs. Elizabeth Welles
and being about IDS feet front on said street,and about
*U ieet in the rear, all improved, with one two story
named iiwcliing house and one brick barn thereon.
ALSO—One other piece of land situate in the borough
of Atliens, and bounded on the south by J. B. Brock way,
on the west by land formerly owned by the hair* of Eti
stice Davis, on the north by the lot of C. !•'. Welles, Jr.,
and John Drake, and on the east by Main St., being
about 40 bet w ide on Main street, and about 65 feet in
'ln rear, all improved, witli one two story trained build
lug used as a cabinet shop thereon.
ALisO—One other piece ot land situate in Athens Bo
rough, bounded on the west by land* formerly owned by
the heir* of Eustice Davis, on the north by J. B. Brock
way, on tin- by Main street, and on the south by
being about 56 teei wide on Main street, containing a! out
one-eighth ol an acre, one two story trained ilwelliug
house, one trained barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other piece of land in Athens borough,
bounded on the north by A. 11. Spalding, on the west by
Main st , on the south by Thus It Davis, and on the east
by Constant Mathewson, being about 7 rod* wide on
Main st., and N rods iu tiie rear, all improved.
ALSO—One other piece of land iu said Athens boro'
bounded on the noitb by Guy 1". zer.ontlie west by Fran
cis Tyit-r, on tlie south ny laud ot C. F. Welles jr., and
011 tin- east by Main street, containing about 10acres,all
ALSO—The undivided half of a piece of land situate in
the borough of Athens, and bounded on the north by
Centre street, nu the cast by land ot Geo. A. Perkins
Drexwell and Main street, on tiie south by Bridge street.
iu< on ibe we-1 by Eluiira st , lioing lots No. 2, 3, 4 5.6,
7, t'7. :>■>, 99, lot), lot, 102 A 103, a* laid out in a survey
made by Orson it;, key lor lion. K. Derrick. All improv
ed, with one large Foundiy building, oue Machine Shop,
me biack-inith simp, oue store room or building, aadone
•a in. with the uppurtiiiunces and fixtures thereto attach
ALSO—One other piece of land in the said borough of
Athens, bounded on the north by land of O. D. Salulee,
on the east hy Main st.. on the west by Dr. ('orbin, and
• ;i the south by P. W Mi eker. Containing about 14 acres
-all improved, with two framed dwelling houses, and
one framed barn thereon.
ALSO —ilp'se lots in said borough of Athens, and de
-cribed as lollows : Lots Nos. 72. 73, 75. 76, 77, 78, on
the north side of North st. Each lot being 40 leet trout
• m Nrotli street, and 165 feet iu the rear. Lots Nos. 76
and 7* each having a ti.mied dwelling house thereon.—
Lots Nos. 47, 4s, 53. 54 A 55, ami one undivided half of
,\o. 4a, situate on the south side ot North street,each lot
being 40 feet front on North street, ami lilt feet in the
lear, and lot No. 55 having a framed dwelling house
thereon. Lots No. 88 and &9, situate on tiie north side
ot t hestnut street. Imt.No. 88 also fronting on Eloiira
-t. Nos Jo, 31. 35 39 A 40. on the north side of Chest
nut st. All tiie ots south side of Chestnut st.., be >g 40
leet iront on said street, aud 110 feei in the rear. On Nos
30 A 31, is a two story framed dwelling bouse, and on
No. 3a, one framed dwelling. Is its Nos. 23, 24, "2u, 26 A
>O, situate ou the south side of Chestnut st , each lot lie
iug 40 leet front on said st., and 110 feet in ttie rear, and
No. 109 situate at the angle of Main A Eiinira streets,
l*mg 205 teet on Main st„ and lt;2 leet on Elmira street,
with one two story Ira ncil building thereon. The above
described lots are in accordance with a plot made by Or
son Rickey for Hon. K. Herrick, and said plot having
bc'cu recorded. All of said lots improved.
AI.SO—Oue other lot situate iu the borough of Ath
ens, hounded on the north anil west by land ■ i Page and
Bristoil. on the south by E. Herrick, and on the east by
Main >t., being alsout 3d leet ou Main -t. ami about 60 It.
in the rear. Oue two story framed building thereon; all
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land in Alli
ens twp., bounded on the north by P J Stone and land of
the North Branch Canal Company, on the west by Jesse
Spalding and Gurnsey, ou the south by Edward Murray
and ou the east by the public highway leading from Ath
ens to Towanda. Containing about acres, about
75 acres improved, with oue framed bouse, aud oue train
ed barn thereon.
ALSO—The undivided one half of a piece of land situ
ate in Athens boro'. and bounded ou the north by laud.-
of Francis Tyler, on the west by the Chemung river, on
the south by lauds ot E Herrick A Drexwell East by lands
of Wm Kiff, N C Harris, Joseph Parsons and Mrs J Ry
on and the public, highway. Containing about 2(1 acres,
all improved, excepting about oue acre aud a half, sold
to Page A Bristoil.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land, sitnate
in Burlington.twp., beginning at a black oak, the south
east corner ot sub division ol lot No. 274, in the division
of lauds lately held by Timothy Paxsoii and Wm DaviJ
sijti iu trust lor ihe Bank ot North America, anu others,
thence north 89® west 146 pr to a corner, thence smith
i° west 4't pr to a corner ; thence north s*J° 150 pr to a
coiner; I hence south 2° west 231 7-lo pr to a corner—
thence noitli 71 east 241 8-10 per to a corner ; thence
north 1° east 93 6 10 perches to a corner ; thence south
*9° east 71 per to the south-east corner ol lot No 2*3 ;
thence north I 12® east lo* per to the place of begin
ning. being the whole ol subdivision ol lots Nos. 2*2,293
and 2s7.aud a part of lot No 2*6. Containing 358 acres
and 125 perches, be the same, more or less, about 40 acres
improved, two framed dwelling houses, two framed trains
oue Iramed shed, oue framed storehouse aud au orchard
ol fruit trees thereon.
AI.SO —Two lots of land situate in Towanda borough,
bounded on the n rth by lot of Wm Uiuudell, on the east
by Front Street, on the south by lutot James ii Pbintiey
and on the west by lots of Win U Dodge and S W Pren
tice. Being 100 feet on Front st. aud 100 feet ia the
rear, all unproved.
Seized und taken in execution at the suit of Francis
Tyler, 11 W Patrick A N C Harris vs Chauncey N Ship
man. •
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Wyalusiug twp., beginning at a dogwood
corner, running south 8° west 125 pr to a corner, for
merly a black oak sapling, thence north *l° east 54 per
ches to a corner stake, thence south 16 pr to a corner ;
thence north *l° east 26 per to the old manor line,thence
north *° east 132 pr to chestnut corner, thence west 65pr
to a corner, theuce south 11 pi to a comer, tbeuce west U
pr to the place of beginning. Containing 61 acres and 4*
perches, about 15 acres improved, trained house, log barn
lew apple trees thereon. Excepting from the the above
a piece coutaiuiug about teu acres of improved laud re
conveyed to Jackson Lewis, by said Crouk.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George C
Atwood's use vs Wm A Crouk A L M Hitchcock.
ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Cautou twp., bounded on the uorth by
the public highway, on the east and south by lands ot F
S Elliott, on the west by the public highway. Contain
ing one-hall acre, be the same more or less, all improved,
tramed house and Iruit trees thereon.
ALSO— One other lot in said township, bounded on the
north hy lands of Wm Roberto, east by the public high
way. erintr and w*t by lands of F S Elliott. Contain
ing 20 by 00 leet, more ur lead, ail improved, board abed
AlJiO—One other lot in said township, bounded on the
north by lands ol Judsou Duuu, east by lauds of James
Mettler, south by lauds of Joaeah A MarcufffLoomiH, and
west by laud ol d F Elliott. Containing 4 acres, be the
same more or less, about two acies improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit o. Stiilwell A
Brown vs S M Newell.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parrel of
land situate in Monroe boro', boundeo on the north by
lands of Brown A Boekwcll, on the east by lands of J
Hart, south by lands of Hinman A Phiunc-y. west by tile
highway. Containing 39 leet front hy tio icet ileop.uiuia
or lesa, all improved, one framed house then on.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol E C Kellogg
vs b W Alden.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land, sit
uate in Athens twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at
an oak for a corner on the north-west corner of the iot.
and ou the lint ol the Cooper tract,thence south 21° we t
along said line of the Cooper lot it>7 rods to a corner;
thence south 09° east 79 1-10 rods to a corner of the ui
visiou line between the said parties, thence north 21° east
along said division line 107 rods to a corner ; theuce
north 60° west 79 1-10 rods to the place ot beginning—
Containing 824 acres, as per survey made by Orsou Kick
ey, May 24, lo4ti, excepting one acre more or less, sold
to T C Tigot.
Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of N C Har
ris vs John 1' Green. Also, N C Harris' use vs JP Grecu.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or pan el of
land situate in Canton twp.. bounded on the north by
Mill Creek and Win Matron's land, east by lands ot Au
gustus Cross, suuth hy unseated lauds conveyed to Jacob
ltiley AWm Brady, and west by laud of Simon Grover.
Containing about 91 acres, about '2O acres improved, a
log house thereon.
[Seized and taken in evecution at the suit of J E Bul
lock vs John Berry and Joseph M Berry.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp., beginning at the south- '
east corner of a lot contracted to Henry V'auovi-r, thence
south 1° west, 123 9-10 prto a post, thence west 15 per.
to a beech, theuce 1° west 52pr to a beech, tlieuce west
Simper to a post, thence north IsO 9-10 pr to a beech,
thence north 89° east 109 b 10 pr to the beginning. Con
taining 113 acres and 29 pr, more ur less—about twenty
five acres improved, oue trained barn aud a tew lruit trees :
thereon. )
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Bostwi k vs Wui Bostwick.
ALSO —The following I t. piece or parcel of lane situ- ,
ate in TToy uum , neginuiug at a iieacii irte on the line of
Pitch A I >ui it's lot, thence south . 3° east 12 8-10 per to
the centre of the road, thence b) tiie same south 374°
west tiO feet, thence north 53° we.-i 12 8 10 perches to a
stake aud stones, theuce north 374° west 00 leet to the
place of beginuing. Containing 404 perches, more or
less, all improved, one framed house, shed aud fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of romeroy
A Co vs C V Dare.
ALSO—The tollowing described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Overtou twp., commencing at the south
east corner ol the Jonathan Haylhorn lot, thence north
21 3 ea-t liMi rods to lands of W A Park, thence south SV 0
east along said Park's line 94 rods to a post, thence south
l.y the Beagle lot, 21° west IMJ rods to a po.-t; thence by
Juii-orr Blackmau's land 69° west u4*rod* to to the place
of begiuurng. Containing G2 acres and 44 pr, more or
Seized and takcu in execution at the suit of Eleanor
Thurston vs John G Brown.
A LsU—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Albany twp., bounded on the uoith by lands ot
Benj Wilcox A James Hatch, oil the east by lands of W
Wilcox, on trie south by lauds of Absolorn C'arr and \\ in
Ayu -.oti the west by lands occupied by John Shultz aud
James Vansickles. Containing ill aires, more or It-*,
about 70 acses improved, one named bou-e, oue Iramcd
barn, one log hou-e,aud rruri trees tuereou.
Al.SU—One other lot piece or parcel of laud, situate
in Alb my twp., bounded as follows: Ou tire uoith by
the public highway aud Welles ttiicox. on the ea-t by
laud ot 8 W Chapman & O P Lyons A A1 Eddy, south by
land ol Win aster A L U Jones, ou the we-t by the
public highway. Containing IC> aiies, mora or less,
about 50 a res improved, one I lamed bouse, ihtuu Iraured
hovels and an orchard of trait trees tuereou.
Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Jobu C
Adams v* J BCampbell A E 11 Jones,
ALnO—The loilowing lot. pieee or parcel of laud situ
ate in Athens twp., bounded uu tire north by lands or P
B San lord, ou tne east by Win A Edward Murray and
John Hopper, south by Mrs. Helen M B uiauuius, aud
west by lauds ot P B sanlor d. Containing 200 acres, be
the same, more or less, about lad acres improved, l>v•>
I lamed houses, three tiaiued barns and sheds, shingle
uiaehiue audorchaid thereou.
Seized aud taken in execution at tho suit of N C liar
ri's use vs Erastus Wolcott.
ALSO—The lollowiug lot, piece or parcel of land -itu
ate iu Columbia twp , bounded ou the not la oy kind® ol
Paul Ik-rringtuu. t ruuk Baker and Daniel and Uuam
C.iiitielJ, on the east by lau is ot L i.nh f erguson John
tlowhiud aud Luther Havens, ou the aeutU by iauds ui
(t Be-sley aiul 1J Harding, and on the West by lands ol
Bradley and liirain CanUeid, on the public highway.—
Containing I4d acres, uioie or less, about 100 acres im
proved. one liauicd house, named barn, and urchaid ol
Irutt trees thereou.
ALSO—l'hc following described lot. piece of parcel ol
lai.d situate iu smithfield Iwj ~ bounded ou tne n nth by
lot No. 4, sold to J W Campbell, west by lot No. 12, acid
to Claik A Brown : south by lot No. 24, and east by lot
No. 15, sold to D. Weed, being 10l No. 14, of the sub di
vision ol warrant No. 14*7, as made by Zeplmu Flower,
and being loJ rods norm aud south, lbb rods east and
west, more or less, annul 4b acres, mora or less, improv
ed, log aud Iruit trees Ibereou.
Seized ;uid lakou by two executions at the suit of \Vm
Elwell Vo JuUli BeusoU. Also, A.leu 51. Lean Ys John Ben
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu twp., beginning at a cciluu corneruu the
Susquehanna river, 1-J ket troiu a certain while oak, up
said river oauk adjoining 1 - lids formerly ol Ueujuuun
Ackley, the'ice weal 1171 perches to a slune heap coiner.
I hence north '2o® east 112 pel lo a stake and stones, ad
joining lauds ot Solomon Cole, llieu soulh st{ J east 240
pr lo a hiaek walnut sinhoti the bank o! said river,liicitce
Uown said river tne several cornel s theieol, Jl pr to tiie
place ol beginning. Containing I'Jj acres, be the saiue
more orltss, about lbo acres, more or less improved, twu
orchards, three trained dwelling bouses, two nums ibeie
on, loruieriy known as the .Moses Warlord farm.
ALSO lhe tollowing described lot,piece or paocel ot
land situate in said township, bounded on the north by
lands ol Adolpbus Darling and J M Bishop, cast by Jr.
A \ E I'ioiicl, soulh by vVm Coolbaugh, and west by
the highway. Containing ten acres, be the same, more
or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gordon
Hewett vs Calvin HeWett, hill ma Jane He welt A lsiael
ALMO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ot
land situate in North Towauda twp., bounded on the
norty land of Win M osier, on the east by laud ot David
Rutty, uu the south by lauds of James llawiey. and on
the west by lands ot .->aiuu 1 Hawkins. Containing ten
acres, be tin same, more or less, ail improved, one nam
ed house and an ureuaid ot Imit trees tnereou.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit ol (J M Dan
ville's use vs Samuel Hawkins.
ALSO—The following described lot,piece or parcel of
land situate iu Lilchlield twp., bounded on the north by
lands ol Alaiisou Muntiaud the highway,east by Joseph
1' Munn, south by Daniel Reason aud John l.aylou, west
by Laytoii and A Inn son Munn. Containing about buy
acres, more or less, about Jb acres improved, frame bouse
trained barn, and lew truit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert
Sanders, to the Use ol S B Garner vs Elias ,M Munn.
ADSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ol
land situate in Athens twp., beginning at the south-west
corner ot a lot conveyed to Mrs uiitsoii, on the easl bank
of the Canal, thence easterly along the line of said Gil
sou lot lbU leet to the soulh east Corner of the Giiisou
lot. thence south Jo bet, thence westerly lui leet to the
towil. path ot -aid canal, thauce weslelly uiung . aid
lowing p .lb 7 tect 11 the place of beginning. Said lot
not to include any part ot mo bank r towing p.uu on
tlit North Branch Canal. Said lot being 7u leet on the
conal, aud ruining back ICO leel ; aii improved, with
one 1 rained house thereou.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Page and
Bristol vs. John Hosiuer.
ALSO—The following described lo*.piece or parcel of
laud situate in Canton twp., bounded on ihe north and
east by lands ol Solomon Litidiey, on the south by the
public highway, on the west by lands of James A Hog
crs. Containing one acre, more or less, aii improved,a
low truit trees thereon.
ALSO—The deieiidaut interest in a piece of land used
for a mill yard, containing lour acres, more or less, part
ly improved, bounded on ail sides by John P Lindsley's
land. One saw mill, and all the privileges thereuuto be
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles
Wright vs 1> W Denton.
AisSO —The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows : Be
ginniug at a stake, lire south-west corner of Allen Rock
well's lauds, thence by laud of S. S. Hiunian south 77°
west 44 J 10 per. to a stake, thence by laud of Browu A
Rockwell north 211° west 351 per. to a leech, thence by
laud ol E. D. Muutduye north 70° east 44 prr. to a white
pine, thence by laud ot Allen Rockwell south 2b° east Job
per. to the place ot beginning. Containing Srtf acres and
d.i per., be tiie same more or less, about 50 acres improv
ed, iramed house, trained baru, aud truit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken iu execution at the suit of Brown A
Rockwell vs. William Williams aud Samuel F. Williams.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel ol
land situate iu Asylum twp., bounded oa the north by
land of Israel Smi: b, cast by laud ol Win. Scott and other
lauds of deleudaut (J. M. Bowman,) south by lands of J.
M. Bowman aud James Ellis, west by land of David Gash.
Containing 04 acres, more or less, about J5 acres unprov
ed, log house, framed barn,, aud orchard thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of laud situate
in Asylum twp., bounded north by other lands of deten
daut (J. M. Bowman.) east by land ol Johu K. DeEong.
south and west by other lauds of defendant (J. M. Bow
inau. Containing acres, more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E.w. Hale
vs J. M. Bowman aud Allen McKean (security.)
ALSO—The following descrbed lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Terry twp., bounded on the north by
lauds of Matthew MeMabon, cast by land* of Henry Vet
terjr., south by lauds of O. F. Welles, west by land of
Alexander MeArthur, Philip Richards, I. P. A H. Iferlon
—containing 100 acres, more or less, about 25 acres im.
proved, trained bouse. 2 and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Levi L-
Goetchieus vs. I'eter Yetter.
ALSO—At the suit ol ( handler Bixby vs.l'eter IJ. Stur
devant, a niece of land in Tuscarora twp.. aud at the suit
I ot Maxwell A Leouard vs. Wm Taylor, a piece of land iu
: Tioy boro'. adjourned trom October 17, IBi>l.
| ALSO—Bi virtue ot a writ of Pi. Fa., will be exposed
to public sale, at the same time and place, the following
described lot, piece or parcel ol land, sitn.ite in Smuh
tield twp.. bounded on the cast by lauds ol Billings Wal
dron. south bv land of J O Tracy, west hy land J N ltiee
north by land of Ann Yren and the public highway.—
Containing 834 acres, more or less, about (10 acies iin
] roved, with u framed house, framed barn, with wagon
nouae and shed attached, an old saw mill and a few lruit
trees thereon. Excepting therelroin about 1-2 acre,more
or less, which was released from said judgment.
Seized and taken iu cxecutiou at the suit of L' E Pierce
A W S l'lerce, Executors of Ahraim Pierce, dee'd, vs
Dun M Bacon.
A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff.
Towanda, Nov. 6, 1861.
Nonet: tj Pcrcu AiKKS To prevent misunderstand
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It lias become imperatively necessary
to adopt this rule, and it w ill be strictly adhered to, e.v
cept in cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to the fund us pr vided in the Ist scti-m ol
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, lst'i. which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real c-tate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the
proper record to he entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds or said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall
not he so construed as to preventthe right of said Sheriff ,
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds
•f said sale; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff', or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement Iroiu
the proper records, under the hand and official >cal of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled ,
to receive any pail of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid."
Slier fT's Office, Towanda N v. 7, 1801. Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By viitue of u writ
of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of Towanda. ou THURSDAY, the 14th day of
NovemU-r, lMil. all that certain lot. piece or pin e! of
laud, lying in the Township of Franklin, and hounded as
lollows : Begining at a po* ou tlie creek, thence by
lands now or late of Daniel and Charles Green, north one
degree east 'JO peri he* to a post, thence north 71J 0 east
IG2 perches to a post; thence by lands late of Daniel L.
Dodge, sooth 1 ° west 15H perches, to a post, in the centre
ot the road, thence along said road, north 75° we-t .">1
perchestoa post in the centrevf the road, thence south
ti J ° we<t 22 A 7-10 perches to a post on the bauk of said
lowauda Creek ; thence up the same north s:l 0 west *2
perches to a post, thence up the same, north 2s ° west IS
| perches, thence up the same north S2 ° west Is perches
to the place of beginhing. Containing one hundred and
thirty-tour acres, about 00 acres improved, one trained
house, two framed harries and shed and orchuri thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Josiali
Lawrence vs. Stanley s. iliuinan.
Sheriff"s Office. j Sheriff.
Tnwanda. Aug. 22, ISCI. '
REGISTER S NOTICES —Notice is here
by given, that tiiere lta> been filed and s ttlcd in
the office ui the Register ol Wills, in aud for the county
ot Bradford, accouuts of Administration upon the fol
lowing estates, viz :
Final account of W. G. Hinman, administrator of A.
C. Hinman, late of Wysox dec. used.
Final account of U. 11. Vuddyke, guardian of Jas.Math
er. of Ulster.
Partial account of E. J. Espy.ono of the administrators
of John Espy, late of Standing Stone, deceased.
Final account ot Jas. D. Hammond administrator of
Jesse Hammond, late of Springfield, deceased.
Final account of Isaac Marsh, guardian of Wether F.
Final account of O. U. Cogswell, administrator of Her
man Cogswell, late of Pike, deceased
Final account of L". C. Porter, Executor of Jon Porter
late of Troy, deceased.
1 Filial account of Xaliian Kiiburn administrator of Sally
Kiibuto, late of Lelloy. deceased.
Final account ot Lewis Vf. Barton, (I. \V. Bowtn and
Lui'iiida Boweu, administrators of Horatio Loweu, late
ol Warren, deceased.
Final account of Jos. Perkins, administratorjjf Charles
F. Perkins, late of Sruithlieid deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court
of Bradford county, on Mo shay the 2d day ot DEC. next
lor the confirmation and allowance.
N C. KLSBP.EE, Register.
Register's Office, fowanda, Nov. G, IGGI.
VUDI TOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter cj
IF. A Faik to the use of Charle a t Flight es. P.
P. Swut. In the Court ot Common Pleas ot Bradlord
County, No. 224, Sept. Term, J salt.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, an Au
ditor, appoiuted by said Court to distribute the monies
rai-ed by Sheriff's sale of said defendant's real estate,
will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office
in the Borough ot l'owanda.on MONDAY.NOV". Is. Istil.
at 10 o'clo-. kjiii the ioreuoou ol said day. and that all per
sons having claims upon said monies must present them,
or else la; toreverdebarred liuw the same.
Oct. IG, ISGI. Auditor.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE — ln the mutter of
-aJL Job P. Knbyrs. (ito. /. 2V chits. In the Court
1 ot Common Picas of Bradlord county.
Notice is hereby riven, that the undersigned, an Audi
tor. appointed by the said Court to distribute the monies
rai-ed by the Sheriff's sale of-aid delendant's real estate,
will attend to the outies of his appointment at his office
in the Borough ol Tow&nda, on TUESDAY, the 19th d. y
NOVEMBER, A. D., IMl,at l w'ckxk in the afteraodn,
and that all persons having claims on said monies mn.-t
present thctn, or else be forever debarred from the -ante.
P. 1). MORROW,
Oct. IG, IN6I. Auditor.
VUDI TOR'S NOTICE— In the matter of
U. Mooily rs. John Mills. In the Court of Com
mon Pleas or Bradlord County. No. 12. May Term. I*s*.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, an Audi
tor, appointed to distribute funds arising from Sheriff
sale of defendant's real estate, will atfciiil b> the duties
of his appointment at his office in the 11-rough of Towan
da, on FRIDAY, the lath dav of NOVEMBER. A.D..DGI.
at 1 o'clock in the aiteruoon, and that all persons h ivin
claims against the said estate mu-t present tneru, or else
be torever debarred Iroiir said tuud.
Oct. IG, IS6I. A mlit'T.
4 EDITOR'S NO TICK.— In the matter >J
y. C. Harris r. A F. t'nmjibell In the Court
of Common Pleas of Bradford county, No. 991, Septem
ber Tvtm.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute tire monies arising from Sheriff's sale id de
fendant'* real estate, will attend to the duties of his ap
poiutnient at his office in tire borough ot Towanda. on
FRIDAY, the 29th day of NOVEMBER, A D I*sl, at
2 o'clock, in (he afternoon, aud ali persons having claims
on said monies must present them, or else lie torever de
barred from the aante. (J. I>. MuN I'ANYE,
Oct. 21. l*:l. Auditor.
V EDITOR'S NO TICE— In the matter of
the estate of Jobez Tompkins.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Bradford county to distribute funds iu
the hands of administrators, arising from sate of per
sonal estate ; and also, to re examine the report of E.
Ovetton, Jr., who was appointed Auditor to distribute
proceed* of sale of real estate of said decedent, w ill at
tend to the d ities of Ins appointment at his office in the
borongh of Towanda, on TUESDAY, the I'dlr day of
NOVEMBER. A. D. 1861, and all persona having claims
upon saifl monies mu-t present them, or el-e I c forever
debarred from the same. J. WOOD,
0ct.2.1,150L -
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of OUR A MEL TRACY, dee'd., late of Smithtieid tp.,
arc hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and all persons having demands against said estate will
present tliem duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 24, 18G1. Administrator.
XJI is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of DANIEL STRONG, dee'd., late of Wells tw-p.,
are hereby requested to make payment without delav.
and all persons (raving demands against said estate will
present them duly authenticated tor settlem nt.
Sept. 25. ISGI. i •
-U by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol
WARREN ALLEN, deed., late of Smithfield twp.. arc
hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all
persons having demands against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. IG. IRGI. Executors.
EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE -Notice is here-
JLJ by given, that all persons Indebted to the estate of
JONATHAN HALL, dee'd., late of Smithfield twp.. are
h'V-eby requested to make immediate payment, and all
persnus hsring demands against said estate wi i please
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
ACIt?AH HAIJL, (now AehKah AJTan,)
Oe't Iff,TPL PxVeutrU.
isr E w SIB IM: r"
uln>':ri!ers "iilil rc-jpeci uily inform the puLiio
Jl that they have entered into a onptrtDfrlii|l, tit the
old stand ol JOS. <l. PATTUX, where, by strut tUtca
t ion to business they intend to make their store second
to none in Northern Pennsylvnnia. and merit and receive
a lilieral abate ot patronage. They will k• ep their largo
stock replenished by re e t purchases. and are leieiviug
every week i'roiu New York citvand Philadelphia, select
Of the very best ciiuieter, ami other article*, astollowst
Also, a fine assortment of
In fact, everything kept by Druggists gen' "ailv.
Our good* arc .-a lerted with care, and as we buy
on I v with cash we flatter ourselves that we can olTt r a,
cheaper, and at the same time belter article, than any
other dealer in thi- part or the country.
Physicians supplied on reasonable term*.
Si. Pr M *1)11.1, will be found in his office, at the
Store, when not professionally engaged. Advi-.e gratis,
charging only lor medicine.
Pr. T. F. II vniLT..
Towanda, Oct. 17,1*61.
Sept. 10, 1861.
A ceiving an extensive and well selected stock of
Purchased since the late depression in prices, and com
prising all the usual varieties oi Gent.-., Ladies, Misses
and C'hildrens
Suitable for the season. Also, a large stock of
Kdmia MADE wozaE,
| The quality of which is too well known to Deed further
recommendation. Also, a large stock of
Sole aiul Upper Leather,
Kip Skius, French and American Calf Skins, Harness
Leather, Morocco, and Linii Ac. An excellent assert*
meut of
Saddlery Hardware, Harness Trimmings, A., Ac.
I have established a
And will keep on hand Double and Single Harness. Sad
dles. Bridles, Halters. Mart' jrtales, Whips. Ac., and wi.l
make to order any work in this hoe, all which, as wl! as
my whole slock will Is -do t-r leady rcmurkui 1/
low prices iu order to meet the exigencies o: the lines.
Towanda. Sept. 10.1*01.
l_ TIOX into the state of affairs in Bradford comity,
we have come to the coii i ion that every iamily want
Having made ,iur late purchases accordingly we are now
opening a large sto k ol lby tim Us, (iroceiies. Hard
ware, Crockery, I'aii Oils, Saiis. Olu-s and Sa.-li. lat
pecial attention i- called to <ui new sti k t
*c., &c., ac.,
Which we C IX and WILL -ell for M*h or ready nav at
i rice- which will a-toni-h the native-, and our -M i us
tomers in particular. TRACV A MoOKE.
Towanda, June 10, I*ol,
Come Along ! Everybody !
IT. IT. S T K V E X S.
At thr bit tilling farmrrlij nrrti; ird by J H. Xcrint,
on Au xti rrf, the Court llnnf.
brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar. Ac., all very cheap,
besides a splendid assortment of Spices. Nuts. randies,
(•'mils, and CoTifectioneriea, and a good assortment iu
the Provision Hue. Tobacco and Segal's of every qualify
anil price. He will also pay the
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs,
And such other articles of country trade as tUa farmer*
may have to dispose of.
tie would say to all if you want ar.y thing in his
line of trade, give hiiu a call, and y<u mu be arrotuima
dated. il. U.SltlVliNS.
Towanda. June 10. I*6l.—tf
r pHE>ÜBS( > Rll>Elv WISHING
-L to dispose of his fann in Lib hfnhi twp ,
Bradford county. Pa.. olßr- the -ime upon VpW*
terms which are worthy of r!ie attention ot
those wishing to pnichase. This term is within two miles
of the X. t. A Erie Railroad, nd di-tuni five miles from
Waverly and Sujitk'. em depots contains about 17>a< res
of land, mostly improved, iu a high -titeol cultivation"
and li is upon it g>>. d buihliugs and or Kurds. It is well
adapted for tilhige or gr.tsi g, la ing w ■■■ I v. ttcrvd and well
located. The attention ol those de-iii- _.oi purchasing
a farm fs aoficited. iu the confidence t!_" no ;re iter in
ducement- can be found elsewhere. The -itnnti >n Is de
lightlut, the - 11 fertile, and tin neighbor !:•>. .1 . m> iM. es
school*, churches. Ac., whiie within asb art distance ire
-everal large and flourishing towns. The N. Y. A Kr*>
if. ILaffiirii- admirable market facilities. Title unques
tionable, and possession at the option ol the p ha er.
W. ft. r-PEXCER.
LitchlleTd. Sept. I*. I*6l.
\ LL persons indebted to E.S REN EIHCT,
£\. by Note, Judgment, or Book Aceonnt. are notified
hat if the aforesaid indebtedness is not cancelled by the
irst of October, proper step® for the collection ot tbe
-ame, will be taken, iorthwith.
Towanda, P#pt