Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 14, 1861, Image 2

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The Landing at Beaufort Confirmed.
Important from Western Virginia.
600 Rebels slaughter 100 Unionists
YU BALTIMORE, Monday, Nov. 11,1861. )
The pnnboat Albatross, from the blockade
en the North Carolina coast, which ariived
last evening, reports that on Weduesday, the
fltb, she sighted a wreck about efght miles
north of Bogue Inlet, N. C , but the sea was
eo high she could not make her out, though a
flag of truce was hoisted on shore.
Next day, she stood in again, when another
flag was hoisted. On communicating, she
learned thas the wreck was the United States
steam transport Union, belonging lo the fleet,
loaded with horses and provisions, and that
she went ashore on the night of Friday, the
Ist iust. All hands were saved. When she
■truck, she was badly stove, with four feet of
water iu her hold. She was run square on
•hore, and broke in two abaft the smokestack.
Capt. Garvin and eighty others were •divided in
two parties, and seutto Fort Macon and Ka
leigh as prisoners
The beach was strewn with the cargo and
dead horses. She had 67, all but 15 of which
were killed before going ashore.
The Rebel oflieers informed the officers of
the Albatross that Capt Garvin had said he
feared the Wiufield Scott, with two regiments,
had foundered and gone down, because she was
iu company shortly before the Uniou struck,
and suddenly disappeared.
It was at night, and this conclusion is much
doubted. The rebels reported also that two
vessels of the fleet were ashore near Charles
ton, and others below Uatteras Nothing was
heard of the Ocean Express, or the names of
any of the others alleged to be lost.
Tho Spaalding has arrived from Uatteras.
Lient. Lowry reports that on Wednesday
morning last heavy firing was heard south of
that place, and news was received that the
French war steamer Pronna was on Ocracoke
Beach. Lieut. Lowry, with the gunboat Un
derwriter, was dispatched to her.
The sea was very high, and we could not
get nearer than three tniles. Lay there all
Bight, making signals. In the morning,finding
the Underwriter in a damaged condition, re
turned to Uatteras. At 11 o'clock the same
day, the French steamer was seen to blow up,
with a loud explosion and dense smoke. It
was supposed she had been abandoned and
blown up. This and auother French war
steamer have been in tho neighborhood some
time, but have repelled all intercourse with
our ships.
Before the Spaulding left, General Williams
received intelligence from the main shore that
the Expedition had entered Port Royal and
captured the batteries and Beaufort. It was
reported through the same source that the
May-flower and another ship belonging to the
fleet were wrecked.
Nothing has been heard from the Fleet ex
eept the above. Nothing whatever has neen
received here concerning the fighting at Port
Royal, except the first report through Norfolk,
that one gunbeat was disabled by the rebel
gnus, and another aground in a critical sittia- ;
tion. Excepting the wrecks, the belief is that
the expedition is successful.
WASHINGTON, Monday, Nov. 11,1861.
A dispatch received to night from Cairo con
firms the good news from South Carolina, by
way of Uatteras and Fortress Monroe. It
states that the three forts at Port Royal en
trance were captured with great loso to tl e
Rebels ; that the Stars and Stripes float in
Beaufort, and that the troops are within ten
miles of the railroad which they are marching
to seize. The report that Gen. Sherman had
already takeu possession of the railroad, which
Old Point dispatches add to this, may be true,
but that the army was hastening to Charleston
in three divisions by forced marches is probab
ly the offspring of Rebel fright.
GALLIPOLIS, 0., Monday, Nov. 11,1861.
Guyandotte, Va., on the Ohio River, 36
miles below here, was attacked last night by
600 Rebels, and out of 150 Uniou troops
stationed there, only about 50 escaped ; the
rest were killed or taken prisoners. The Reb
els, both male and female, fired from the houses
on our men.
Three steamers,which passed down last night
were compelled to put back. These steamers
went back to Guyandotte at 10 o'clock this
morning with 400 Unionists from Point Pleas
ant, but nothing has been heard of them since
Three steamers have passed up since the
•kirmish, and report not a person to be seen in
The steamrr Empire City has just arrived
from Guyandotte. The rebel portion of the in- 1
habitants, it appears, were looking for the at- I had a supper prepared for the Cavalry, 1
who were headed by the notorious Jenkins,and
numbered 800. Eight of our men were killed,
and a considerable number wounded and tuken
prisoners. The rebel loss is not known.
Col. Ziegler's sth Virginia Regiment, on its
arrival, fi.ed the town, and the principal part
Is now in ashes. Tiie Rebels left about an hour
before the arrival of Col. Ziegler.
WASHINGTON, Monday, Nov. It, 1661.
Several rebel batteries on the Lower Poto
mac have been withdrawn. It is probable that
they were composed entirely cf field-pieces.
The officers generally ridiculo the idea of
going into Winter quarters.
Reconnoitering parties sent out during the
pust thirty-six hours report the rebels rapidly
rctreatiug. A party from the 2d New Jersey
•truck the rebel pickets at a distance of ten
miles from their camps, which is twelve miles
from Alexandria, and three miles beyoad the
outposts they occupied three days ago. Army
officers believe that the South Carolina and
Georgia regiments have beeu withdrawn to the
relief of Beaufort.
CAIRO lit., Thursday Nov. 7, 1861.
An expedition left here la.t night under
the command of Gens. Grant and McClernaud,
j and,landed at Belmont, Mo, at 8 o'clock this
! morning.
The Union troops numbered 3,500, and the
l rebels about 7,000.
! Tlie Union troops made the attack at aliont
11 o'clock in the (noruing, aud the battle last
j td till sundown
The rebels were driven from their ititn-Hch
1 ments across the liver with great loss. Their
eainp was burned, tiieir baggae, cannon,horses,
and mules were taken, and oue hundred pris
oners were captured.
The Union forces then retired, the rebels
| having received re enforcements from Colum
Both the Union Generals had horses shot
uuder them.
Col. Dougherty of 111., wa3 wounded, aud
taken prisoner.
The loss of the rebels is not known.
The loss on the Union side is believed to
be from three hundred to five hundred.
CHICAGO, 111. , Friday Nov 8,1831.
A special dispatch from Cairo to The Tri
bane, of this city, gives the following particu
lars of the fight at Belmont, Mo., jester
day :
Our forces consisted of the following reg
iments : The 221 Illinois Regiment, Col.
Daugherty ; the 27th Illinois Regiment, Col.
Buford ; the 30ih Illinois Regiment, Col.
Fouke ; the 31st Illinois Regiment, Col. Lo
gan , the 7th lowa Regiment, Col. Lainou ;
Taylor's Chicago Artillery, and Dolleu's and
Dclan's Cavulry. They hi t Cairo on the atea
mers Alex. Scott, Chancellor, Memphis, and
Keystone State, accompanied by the gunboats
Lexington and Tyler.
After landing, the troops were formed in
line of battle, with Gen. MeClernand in com
mand of tho Cairo troops. They were en
countered by the rebels 7,000 strong, and
fought every inch of their way to the enemy's
camp, making sad havoc iu the enemy's ranks.
Col. Buford was the fir>t to plaut the Stars
aud Stripes in the enemy's earn p.
Col. Dougherty's regiment captured the reb
el battery of twelve pieces, two of which were
broi gbt away
Col Fouke's men suffered greatly, as they
were in front of the rebel butteries, before
they were takeu.
After taking possession of the camp of the
rebels it was discovered that they were cross
iug from Kentucky for the purpose of attack
ing us in the rear.
The order was now given to return to the
boats, when our men were attacked by a re
enforcement of several thousand strung from
Co umbus
Another severe engagement took place in
which our troops sefF*red severely.
Our losses as ascertained last night are as
follows :
Thirtieth 111 , Regiment, 160 missing. Ma
jor McClerken wounded, and taken prisoner.
Twenty first 111, Regiment, 140 missing.
Col. Buford's re.iaieut returned too late to
obtain any particulars.
Col. Dougherty is reported taken prisoner.
Col. Latnou is reported dangerously wound
Taylor's battpry lost one gun.
We have taken 250 prisoners, a number of
whom were wounded.
The number of rebels killed is 300.
The grouud was completely strewj with
dead bodies.
The rebel Col Wright of the 13th Tennes
see Regiment was killed.
Geu. Cheatam commanded the rebels, Gen.
Folk being at Colunbus.
It is stated that Gen. Johnston was wound
The gun-boats rendered efficient service in
covering our retreat, mwoirig down the rebels
will) grape, but at the same time killing some
of our own men.
A flag of truce left Cairo this morning for
Columbus with 40 or 50 wounded rebels.
evening last a heavy fire occurred in this vil
lage, which resulted in a large 10-s of proper
tv. The fire originated in Mrs. 11. K. Jones'
Millinery establishment, on Owego street,
about 12 o'clock, in the lower story. The
flames spread with great rapidity, and it was
with great difficulty that Mr. Jones and fami
ly could get out of the building. All the ar
ticles iri this es t ablisnment were ruined. In
sured for about $1,500 which will, perhaps,
cover the loss.
Mr. A. Phillips, Merchant Tailor, was the
next building west and only separated by a
board partition. He bad a large amount of
cloths, clothiug &c., which were preserved in
a greatly damaged state. The room was flood
ed with water, aud goods removed. Room
greatly damaged.
Mr Phillips was insured for abont $4,000.
The damage has not yet been ascertained
The insurance may possibly cover the loss.—
Mr. Phillips has already eommenc> d repair
ing and will be iu operatiou again iu a few
Mrs. Landon, Milliner, was obliged to
move out Her goods were materially dam
aged. Loss not known, but presumed to be
about S3OO. She has again resumed busiuess
at the old stand.
Mr. F. A I'artenheimer Boot and Shoe
dealer, was also a great loser, but to what
extent we have not yet learned.
At the first alarm the whole fire department
was to the rescue, and owing to its indefati
gable exertion and vigilance the whole block
was saved from entire destruction. — Tompkins
County Democrat.
X T. ELECTION — Tlie returns of the recent
eleetiou in that State come in very slowly, but
the quality is very good, and tho<e aiready re
ceived indicate a majority of 80,000 or upward
for the Union State ticket, with the exception
of Canal Commissioner for the short term
The Tribune says the three-cornered contest
for this office lias doubtless resulted in the elec
tion of Mr. Wright, the democratic candidate
Late returns show the election of Mr. Jacob
S Freer, Democrat, to the Senate from the
Xth (Ulster aud Green) District, instead of
T R. Westbrook, Union Democrat, aud the
success of John Ganser, Democrat, instead of
Henry W. Rogers, Union Democrat, in the
XXXIst (Erie) District. There will be a
large Uuiou majority iu each brunch of the
§rabfcrti Importer.
Thursday Moraing, November 14, 1861.
Wlusu the preseut National Administration
was inaugurated, treason had prepared the
way for rebellion aud bloodshed, by robbing
the arsenal*, of arms and munitions of war,
which hud been seut to- the South, and by
scatteiing in far distant and inaccessible places,
the small army of the Nation. The war de
partinent was almost entirely stripped of its
accessories, aud without arms to furnish the
loyal men, whose hearts burued with patriot
ism. To add to this vexaiioos and dangerous
condition, many of the officers of the army,
who had been educated and petted at the ex
pense of the Government, proved treacherous.
In a word, the Department was without the
necessary paraphernalia for warlike operations,
and the army itself crippled by the desertiou
of its leaders, or paralyzed by the want of con
fidence in those who did uot "secede."
It was under such embarrassing circumstan
ces, that the present Secretary of War, assum
ed the portfolio of office. Several States were
in rebellion, after months spent in energetic
preparations for war, with armies levied, and
armed with the weapons filclud from the Gov
ernment. The attack upon Sumter kindled
the flames of war, and a mighty nation uprose
to protect and defend the time honored Flag
of our Union. The War Department sudden
ly became the most important branch of the
Government To organize, equip and arm the
hosts of Freedom, has been a task such as no
man ever before encountered. A man of or
dinary ability, of ordinary energy, of ordinary
judgment, would have been crushed beneath
the Atlean load which has rested upon the
shoulders of the Secretary of War. How
these duties have been performed history will
faithlully record. The future historian, in
writing of this Great Rebellion, will dwell
with profound admiration and wonder upon
the great spectacle which we have witnes ed.
and cannot fail properly to appreciate the abil
i y, energy and business capacity with which
the affairs of the War Department have been
conducted. Absorbed, as ive are, iu the ex
citing occurrences of the day, we can hardly
be expected to appreciate and do justice to
those who are bending their energies untiring
ly to direct the operations of the gigantic lutt
ehiuery now iu operation to crush the rebel
lions schemes of the traitors
We It uve watched, with the interest natu.
rally felt by a Peuusylvanian, proud of the rep
utation of his native State, how faithfully Gen
CAMERON has performed the trust reposed in
him. We have observed the clamor raistd
against the Secretary of War, aud the persis
tent and powerful attempts made to shake pub
lie confidence in him, aud drive him from the
War Department No public man has ever
encountered sin li systematic and lirutu! as
saul's upon his public character. It is hardly
necessary for us to point out the motives Ironi
which tht se assaults proceeded. They were
the ravings of speculators, disappointed in get
ting their hands deep into the public treasury.
Their name was legion ; and at one time it
seemed as tf their persistence was to be award
ed by success But the President, with his
usual shrewdness, detected the motive of the
detractors anil tiie falsity of their charges,
and retained undiminished his confidence in the
Secretary—while (Jen, CAMERON, with proud
dignity, looked with noble patience for time
'o vindicate him in the estimation of his coun
trymen. Nor has his confidence and his reti
cence beeu unrewarded. Sooner than his
warmest friend could have anticipated, tin-
People are rebuking his aspersers and testify
ing their appreciation and admiration of the
honesty, ability and energy with which the
War Department has been conducted. His
emergence from the fiery furnace of persecu
tion and detraction has been triumphant and
brilliant. No member of the Cabinet enjoys
the confidence und respect of the People iu a
higher degree than SIMON CAMERON. The
once busy tongues of his maliguers are silent.
B ifiled in their plundering schemes, and recog
nizing the judgment of the people, they are
sati.-fied that their poisoned arrows fall harm
less. So may it ever be, with all public men,
who honest y devote their best energies for
their eouuiry's good.
We do not presume that the administration
of the War Department has been infallible.
The circumstances which surround that De
partment render it impossible that everything
should be as desired. There may have been
aliuseu, —we know there have been bad ap
pointments—but a'l that is claimed for its
head is, that he has faithfully, honestly, und
euergetica ly conducted its affairs, so as to
gain for himself the plaudits of the people.
Gratified as we. have been, to observe daily,
the demonstrations which we felt, would in
good time await the Secretary of War. we
are glad to observe the Tribune, which has
never been specially friendly to Mr. CAMERON,
manfully speak the truth ns to the manage
ment of the War Department The following
article appears iu the Tribune of Tuesday, 6th
iust :
•' Mr. Cameron's great labors In raining, eqnipping and
organizing the aruiy with which the rebellion id to be
crushed—the vigilauce. wisdom and practical ability
with which he hus guarded the public interests while pro
viding lor the sudden expansion of the military power of
the uaiiou trom elghtreu thousand men to hall a million,
are at last recognized by the country, and will soon be
matter ot histoiy. At the age ol bit. and in the posses
sion ot an ample tort line acquired iu business enterprises,
the Secretary took charge ot the War Department at
time when ita duties were mere beetlensome thee eve
rested upon any War Minister of France in the years of
her greatest struggles, whe her under the Republic ur un
der the Empire. Hie National has UemaixJ
ed irajmssibiiities. When .tin ■ umgi itude ot tha contest
we are engaged in luis l e<jn apprer iuied by the people,
and their deU rinlnatiun tosiu ieed has into an iu
flexible moral priu iple, justiee will he done to
Caperon's aduiitiistraiion ol his euoiujoou trust."
From the Great Southern Expedition we
have uewft continuing the intelligence ol the
taking of Beaufort, though the details yet re
ceived ure very few. A steamer supposed to
bring official dispatches was on Monday re
ported on the way up to Annapolis. A ru
mor that Charleston had already been attack
ed comes in somewhat questionable shajie, but
is nor generally credited. Byway of Cairo,
we have news from Savannah, corroborating
the statement that Baufort has been taken,
aud saying that the Rebel loss was great. —
From Cairo, also, we have a dispatch saying
that New Orleans papers (date not given)
have reached thore, announcing the apperaiiee
of an immense fleet off Ship island if this
is trustworthy, it lacks as though a portion of
the squadron had passed down irom Fort Roy
al to the Gulf of Ml xieo, making New Orleans
the second point to be attacked. A man
who came from the Rebels to Hatteras Inlet
stated that the news of the successful lauding
of the National troops was received in North-
Carolina ; that no difficulty was experienced
in landing at Port Royal, but that at Bau
fort a hard fight took place, which lasted two
The gunboat Albatross, of the blockading
fleet arrived at Fortress Mourn® on Saturday,
reporting that she saw on Wednesday, near
Bogue Inlet, N. C , a wreck, and on the shore
a 11 ig of truce hoisted ; the next day she suc
ceeded iu communicating with the vessel, and
discovered that it was the transport Union,
already announced as having been wrecked
She went ashore on the 1-t instant, all hands
were Buved ;of 07 horses,all but 15 were lost.
Capt. Garvin and eighty men were sent to
Fort Macon and Releigh as prisoners. The
R> hels declared that Capt Garvin had re por
ed the Wii.field Scott as having bee i lost with
two regmeuts, but the report was not belivcd
On Sunday night bod? of Rebel cavalry,
SOU iu number, attacked 150 Union troops at
Guyandolte, V i., on O iio River, 36 in Irs
below G lllipolis, 22s miles elow Wheeling,
and 300 w; st by noith of Richmond Out of
the 150 Union troops spoken of, one dispatch
-ays that only 50 escaped ; another dispatch
says that 8 were kt'led and some missing The
Rebels iu the town, women as well as men,
fired open our soldiers from the windows of
their houses. Re-enforcements were nt once
-ent from Gallipolis to Guyandotte ; they
fired the town and reduced most of it to nshes;
he Rebels hud fled an heur before. Guyan
lotte is an important point of sU&uibout em-
out kation.
We bear from Missouri that Trice has fallen
buck near the State line,ami is moving south.
It is thought that his design is to draw the
National troops on, hut not to fight, siuiply
wishing to occupy their attention. In his
oiimp the general belief was that St. Loin
would fall into the hands of the rebels from
Columbus, Ivv.
The slaves are giving the rebels in Missouri
much trouble by i uuning away, and it is stated
that (reii. Hunter permits the masters to search
for tlieih in his camp.
Three thousand German of Gen B'enker's
Brigade on Monday evening honored Gen
McClellan with a torch light procession und
serenade. The G< neinl tii-Chiet made no
speech, but acknowledged the compliment
by bowing ; Secretaries Cameron and S< ward,
however, addressed the enthusiastic throng,
and the best feeling prevailed.
FREMONT T WITHDRAW EL. —The manifesto of
Fremont to his soldiers in announcing his re
tirement from the chief command dons credit
to both his head and heart. In vigorous terse
phrases he regrets that he can no longer lead
them, but exhorts them to do tln ir du'y. ID*
officers and men were most reluctant to part
with their chief, and for a time it seetnrd as
if an outbreak against the government man
date was inevitable. But Fremont exerted
himself to pacify them, and the next, day took
leave. No ninn who rends this address cm
fail to have a higher idea of of the man, what
ever may be his opinion of the commander :
SPRINGFIELD, M<>, Nov. 7, D6l. (
Soldiers of the Mississippi Army: Agree
able to orders received this day I take leave
of you. Although our army lias been of -nd
den growth we have grown up together, and
I have become familiar with the brave and
gi nerous spirits which you bring to the defence
of your country, and which makes me antici
pate for you a bright and brilliant career.—
Continue us you have begun, and give to my
successor the same cordial a-id enthusiastic
support with which you have encouraged me.
Emulate the splendid example which you have
already before you, and let me remain as I am,
proud of the noble armv which 1 have thus
far labored to bring together.
Soldiers, 1 regret to leave yon Most sinrerr
ly I thank you for the regard and confidence
which you have in variably shown me. 1 deep
ly regret that 1 shall not have the honor to
lead you to the victory which you are jut
about to win, but I shall claim the right to
share with yon in the joy° of every triumph,
and trust alwavs to be personally and remem
bered bv my companions in arms
(Signed) J C FREMONT.
The Return Judges for this county m°t
at the Court House, in this place, on Tuesday
last, and upon counting the vo'eit shows the
election of Messrs. TRACT and BLISS, by 2278
majority. Tue official table will appear uext
t&F Thpre are eighty four Brigadier Gen
erals and four Major Generals iu the Volun
teer tcmce of the United Statw
fvcr the Tonanda Telegraph Llie.
kews7kom the .naval fleet
From fin officer who cre ty
Point Boat this morning, we gather the follow
ingndilitioimi particulars :
None of our vessels were suik Ttie Powi,el!
lost 6 killed and 2 wounded. This vessel suffer
ed more injury limit any of the fleet hut WII
not disatdell. Round shot sent through 'he
ward room,and duuanged the Second Lieutents
room. The Wabash hud her main raa-t "badly
wounded," as the sailors say, with round shot.
She had one man injured 1 The Chief Engineer
of the Mohican was hilled, and an assistant
Engineer badly wounded—names unknown.
When our traops look possession of the
Foits, they fiund the Stg flvinsj at the Forts
of Hilton's Heed The Rebel* had mined
the works and fixed the Halyards of the fl oj
so that when the ft ig slioul I be drawn down
by our troops mines would be sprun? ; but j
in this they were disappointed. The Halyards
sprang a mine in the house used by ttie oflfi
cers, bnt did but very little damage—hurt no j
oue. The magazine did not explode.
In addition to what had already been fonnd
in the Forts, a large quantity of powder was
dicovered, together with a large amount of
ammunition and projectiles.
Notwithstanding the heavy calibre of the
irons of the Rebel Forts, and their abundant
supplies of ammunition, —as subsequently dis I
covered—proved not one of our fleet were ,
either burin d or sunk, and none wi re evi n
severely injured or disabled.
city of Baltimore, out ot 21,063 votes —a pret |
ty full vote for Baltimore—ha- jn-t given an
average vote of 17 722 tor the Union, and the j
Union majority in tli Slate wili tie sotn • win-re !
iit-in 3').O"U. This tells the story foi Mary- j
land ; but is a clinched for Balt'tuorc. it
shows thai all the siciusion plot-, outbreak* j
and troubles of that city have been the woik
ol io O' three thousaml Bond Tubs, I'.ug
Lglns, Ft jus and other ft'Ocious savagis
>iini vagrants. Toe i*n at uiass of people of
Baltimore are sound tor the Union, as tlrey
have shown by thei votes. Tie y were uu
d r no compulsion to vote for the Union ; tor
if tiny desired, but Were afraid to vole other
wis*-, they could hnve staid at home. Bar
tiiey prefer!ed to come out end make known
their seniimeiits, and the re.-ui'sis magn tic-ni
And just so, we In lieve, to-day, i- t!ie 8 • t.-
ui ills of a great majority of the people of ev
ery oilier southern State ; hut tiny are kept
down by the armed ruffiuisrn which reign
over them. With the C-I decisive blow ti
the armed force id this r-ln ll.on it will turn
tile to pieces ; and such a blow wiil soon be
given This late voie of Baltimore is eh-ariy
sign fit-ant of a general southern popuiai n-l
actio.i for the Union.
ttsT Gov. Ct'llTlN has aildres-ed to the See
ret a, y of Stab; a coiniuuuicutiou in reference
in the recent cireular of ilmt officer recant
mending the foitlfving of our sen coast at tin
•'Xpeuse of the separate States. Tne Gov>in
or says he is glad IO learn that tnere is u<l
prospect of a disturbance of our relations with
foreign powers, but d-dares himself unable in
see why, such being the case, the indiv.dual
States should lie called on to hut Ay t heiu.-t Ive-.
He further remarks that the Legislature of
Pennsylvania will not im-et lilt more than a !
mouth after Congress asrubles, and that the
emergency does not seem suffi -iently great hi
aliihor z • hnn to i nil a special -i -sion IL
next stivs that he dnutits not Congr>-s would j
vote to reuutntr-e the S'ati - for their -xpeus-s ,
incurred in accordance with the circular of the j
Secretary, yet he calls attention to the di lay |
which has marked the payment to Peimsylva 1
ma f the money she advanced in raising and
equipping volunteers, and hints that it would !
be satisfactory if the Government would be j
more prompt in settling claims of this cln.rac- j
ter. He suggests, in conclusion, that it would j
seem proper for the General Government to do
its own work diree'ly in regard to fortifi<-ations, i
but promises, if this shall not seem de-iruble, '
that Pennsylvania will respond zealously to any
demand of the country.
We have intelligence of the death of
G'-N. SAM HOPSTON. late Governor of Texas.
He rendered good service to his country in
former year*, but lately became identified with
the Rebel States.
At the residence of lhe Urate'* hither, A Purple. F-q.,
N r in. 1 -til by Rev K. H Onrnmei, l,ieut J S. l.Mi
HAM, nt the SOtli Regiment Pa. Volunteers, tu Mi-s
BELLE M. PURPLE ol Deertitld Taiga county. Pa.
At Herri, k, O t. 31 l.y Rev W. Lathrnp. Mr. A 1.1.F.N
W BAR.NFS, to Mis- PA It WIN A U. MiI.LEU, Loth of
In Trinity Chnrch, on the 31th inst . hy Rev A. Hill. Mr.
CARLTON F I*l "KERIVG. oi, Ti .gs C" .
N.Y ,to Miss I.UCRETlA.danghterot oi. P.M. Ball,
of Elmira, N. Y.
At the house nt E. Gnu r-r. Esq.. in Highlands, on ihe
12th inst hy Rev. Benj. J. Douglass Mr. ADDIS X
At the liriHe's residence in I.eR >y. Nov 3. hv F,. Kellr,
both ot Ix'Roy.
At the residence of he bride's parent.. Nov S liv Eider
Lane. Mr. HENRY v VERY, to Mis* EMM A ANN
BAILY, both ol (iranville.
At the residence of (lie tiride's father. Oct. 30 hy Rev
A J Swart. Mr. M. P. GAMBLE. M. D., to Miss A . L
BLAKE, both of Frank in.
By the same. Nov 3. Mr AARON COONS, to Mm MAR- i
TH A ROCKWE. L. U>ih uf Canton
. cash will be paid for Wool, Hides and Sheep Petls,
at the Store of U . F, kfOLOMON .
Hev. 13, IWI,
#cto auiiertfsrmcnts
Fall ami Winter C] o thi,.„,
11A T S AXI j (j A 'p
HOOTS AM) silo, s
i osier) , Gloves and [Tidcrvve ar
In all colors and izes, for the preatut
am offei ing at "■ *&<, •
All those wishing to get good bargains m , f
No. € Fattc&'s Block
Nov. 13, IS6I.
E3. A.
Eaton's Mercantile leader
t'LAL < OURSE. ' l r
Cheapest Commercial Schoo 1 in this < r ary ott n i
The name as pursued in any of the larger Comae-
Colleges. "
In ail its various brauchea.
Taught on a New and improved Plan.
Instruction in Commercial Correspondence, (>.,>
cial LaK-alatioos. Bills of Lxchsu.e, Prwu.uan
Notes, Detecting Countered Aloner.
At'.. Ac., Ac.
ur Specimens of WiHing, Circulars. Ac
warded to any address, w euever requested
T-.aan<l:t. ALT. 6. 1-61. J>, iu ,
The New riaticnai Loan.
Or'rlCH OF
TO IK UM)EII-IGNEI> II \ V/.\<; ue;;,
A .I |• iulej I,y H ill. S. P. CHAsE -• re M
ie . ry Agent- .r re *;v ug -ai s tit , \h e
Na I io.(al L .11 "I IH-asury N'.tes. ia-.r.;,; c.. tie re
late "i ,:i pi eneiit peraiiiiaui. hei< _\ u .
a aitheci ".ptiou b-mk i- now open at the a sire c,>.
ti. e.
I lie-e u'Ucs will tie of the denomination ot j
$",() I, ft .OtSI. aUit is.noo d are ill <].>!■ d 13 >
I Mil, i a\ a-le iti gold in three year- "I ennrrr 1.
twenty ye.-r six per • cut. i .au. at the <>|.t u ..i tflr .
er. Kiel, lrea-i.ry Note has inten-t . it ■
which ran lie cut of and collee'ed in g< ;at Ihe d-;
ery six iiiuths, ami at ti.e i..teoi uue ,e.A
each ■■■ >
Any i-X' !,ui.itions required by the snt.s r-,- 4 .
clieei ally made, and they wiil, by the plan au yw. ,
>av U iioiu any trouble ot willing lette:- itn .
ed raporltug em h subs, ripti nt i the !
me-it. Irein hence the Treastir* Note.- will
ea u milMcrilier a- s-sjn a-
Lm>ii i wit btar un r*t o ■ ack tub ct'jr ',
ttu -in ro< hr • üb'Ct if-litm. a li i tj* rr
The aui|.!e -e. urtty <>i this lo.<n. it- gre.-it -irri - <
together wiih the patriotic de-ir- to BU-lici the >•-
meiit o Oor country in the pre-ent eri-is will, i; -
el. wiil induce aLuial BUbSLiq.ti. n ir -i. the
thi- county.
Ply tneiit of siiti- ri tions niir be m ole in ('.
B >. RUrvsEi.L
So- - ripti u j,-;
ToarioUs, Oct t't, ] Ct
11 KUx lJ ..liji G LD .iRK I'ifKP
Let..... I
li tiie new United State- Ti' .i- irv :i il
their -c.vne-. wPb ut charge, to tiio-e of tn.r
thisMigh-i t the county ||, may wi-h
porn no. the 1 ,11.
The notes are issued in sums of s">o.
fi iJOiiaini J ..(Mill iteiri g inicte. t t'r >m tin 1 ck
1.1-1. at tiie isl" ol 7 3 In per e.;t. is.r uoi ■ a
cent- pot dy o-i every fLKI payable everv -ii
siol tile iace ■! the p.Ue r. Je .lil tole io litree vrc-" J
pi v lege ot est liaiiging t the exoiratiou oi th- isS
20 years U. s. six per cetit. St. ck.
Any urlher in.orinati min ' to tie Ia i
heer oly given apo i tig as ..ur 'fTn ■' ->r ■'a "
a hy le.ter . LAPuKTE M SON 11
\I il J (1 I OWN ER i ret
sI from the ' Norm.d A a.leniy ■: M - : cr. -
• s/.L a. Y.. and U'cittie a-s •. j -••<? 'ft V- 1
Vojy* Hl'NTTlN' t polo' ft.. i : "-c i'' 1
L . / and il-oo'the" X oind t! i II .-' .tee. N
* " Reading. Mass.
are prepared to hold Convc it n- in any S< t u
I'in dirs. giving full "arti iilirs as to term-, rf.'
lion-. Ac., sent tu anv bin- • ipp'o ati 'U to
J i, row SLR L"'Tc. Pa .or
J. G Ht'NTtIXG "li.waida.ll
Mr HDXTTING w 11 ••
of T ur "id < .. ■
attending <'. invention-) give iu-tr . tici in'c
.>y-teiu of singing ei her private >r iu cias-ts
[""Wanda. Oct 17 l-iil.
N r OnCK IS HEREBY (i \'K\ Tilt I
an application cas la't ti made to tnef • 3 ;
m . i pleas o: Britd'<>rd county, i.y Ch.ti!e-l it-' '
('. II nl is and "thci-s. t • grant i charier "f 1
for religions purposes t . theui-elve-. tiieir t-'
successor-. under the HI" e and style " t-
I'hurih Wardens and Ve-trvnacu id tr f
Alliens."—and if no iffieut reasons l> sh''* n 1
contrary, the said Court will dei ree th it tiift ■* ""
corporate lexiy. E. •). liiHipr,' l H
Nov. 13, lM6l
J..! an applicati >n has Iwen nude to tits ,v uB
in "ti Pica-ot Bradford county. by Ar .T shl i> 1 •
kins, and other-, to gruut a ch trier of mcrp '"t •
religious purposes to themselves, their
snceesßors. under tiie name and style ol me" '
ol tiie Pi'otcstuut Reformed Dutch t'hun hof •F' 6 ' ' )
and iI no .sufficient reasons fiesh'Wit to the re;
said Court will decree that th< v heei'iut *
b"dy. E O. li'NOPle' 1
Nov. 13, I^6l. IViKJi
Ul mii applie tion has Ireen made t 1 toe l'"t"
tn nt Pleas nl Ucid! id goiiuty, hy Win. V.B*"'■
vnli Cooley. and others, to giant a ch " f
tion for religious pur|-.oses to thein-elvc- 'he ,
and successors, under the n unc and style l! Ik ' .<
odi t E)'is opal Chur li of Myershurg —a.!
cieut reasons tie shown to the eonlrtrv. the *
will decree th it they oecoiuc a corporate '"f y
Jfi. 0. G b'R ",
Nov 13. IS6I.
M'fXD iV, X iV. 4 I Mil. Trains '
verly at about the tallowing hour- t t '■
WK T W IKll KoCMI I'St ir A ', ,|
Ruff ib. Express A•4 PM X N Fx u-s 1 '
Night I x, RM . . 3.4 ■ A M N
Mail ~ . KO3 I' ' - v Freight !' *• A M f ' I
Way Freight .. ft-In P M Way Freight
Accomtn d-t tion.. l.ld P li
The Night l-'xpre-s, X. V. Fxpre--. j!,
and Fast Freight we-t run >virv dav- N"- 4 -ii
Sundays runs thwugh i '" but g,i
Dunkuk. The M 'il we-t rem iin- ovet l ' "
"V'OTIi'E N't ■ ■ I* -•• v -. v .'. v
Xi' that I have s ddont m> tc ■ - i
iy s d that b. -'ness heieutter he r " ;
uatn *f d. Shaw r .
X0y.13. 'MB —-<
n \UTION -TltepubluMs ' O U .'
\J against pur Wing two to te* s V ' D n.
Wm \V Angle, or lie tier, for ti ty d "
: i rtoher last and p-tyd.b in one y " ' mß , c
terest. Having received no v.i! eh ' j t li 4
tn i pav them unlfss compelled hy D*-
Her rick X v 12
TV A NTI'H -A Sl ' flj
v v le ,rn the B \FI; tl v ' . . .. ■• 'W&
; ntely with satismctory rtieinv* I
| ada, Pt V , 'dOV