Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 07, 1861, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, November 7,1861.
Gen. Scott has resigned the command of the
National Army, and has retired to private life
laden with the honors of a long and brilliant
career. This intelligence, though the step has
been for some days anticipated, will affect with
sadness all who read it—for all have long
united in paying tribute to the bravery, skill,
and patriotic devotion of the veteran chief, and
to part from him is like bidding adieu to a
valued friend.
The record of Gen Scott's services is too
freth in the memory of the people to make
necessary more than the most hasty recapitu
lation: He was born on the 13th of June,
1186, near Petersburg. Virginia. Educated
for the law, he remaiued in that profession for
about two years, and was then, in 1808, ap
pointed a Captain of Artillery in the army.—
In 1812 he was made a Lieutentant-Colonel;
Adjutant General, with rank of Colonel, in
18IS; Colonel in the same year; Brigadier-
General in 1814; Brevet Maicv'-General, for
gallantry, in 1814; Major-General and Gen
eral in-Chief of tho army in 1841; Brevet
Lieutenant-Geueral in 1855.
His chief battles have been at Queenstown
Hights, Fort George, Fort Erie, Chippewa,
Lundy's Lane, various engagements in the
Black Hawk wars,. Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo,
Contreras, San Antonio, Cherubusco, Moliuo
del Rey, Chepoltepec, Mexico. He was
taken prisoner at Queenstown, and severely
wounded at Lundy's Lane. For his services
in this battle and that of Chippewa be re
ceived from Congress a gold medal. For his
gallantry in Mexico he was rewarded with the
thauks of Congress ; and, especially for the
victories achieved in frout of the City of Mex
ico, he received another gold medal. The
crowning honor won by him from his country
was the brevet rank of Lieutenant-Genera!,
which was to date from the day on which Vera
Cruz was captured.
Concerning Gen. Scott's skill as a Com
mander, nothing need be said. There has
never been any difference of opinion on that
point. His campaigns have received high
and enthusiastic praise from those whose ap
probation is prnise indeed, and his reputation
will rest securely upon his labors in the field.
The Ftate of his health long since made him
desire to be relieved from the arduous service
of his command ; but his patriotism held him
at his post till he saw the National Capital in
a position of security, and could deliver to Ins
successor a National army well ordered aud
efficient, confident that with tranquility he
could leave the destinies of bis couutry in the
keeping of its brave defenders.
The well-merited honors done to the retir
ing General in-Chief by the President and
Cabinet will cal' forth a sincere response from
all who peruse the record, while the modesty
nnd deep feeling evinced by the brief reply of
tbo veteran will add to the sentiment of admi
ration which his character inspires in every
heart. The highest wish which a true desire
for Gen Scott's happiness can frame is that
be may live to see the day when this TTuion,
iGnce more free from internal strife, shall re
name the pursuits of peace, aud rejoice iu
uudivided strength.
THE STOB*.— The easterly storm of Satur
day was one of the severest which has been
experienced for many years, and caused one
of the most terrible shipwrecks which has oc
cured on the Atlantic Coast for years. The
•hip Marilnaa was driven on the rocks near
Boston Light, and totally lost, involving the
destruction of twenty seven lives. Considera
ble damage was done in "New-York City, par
ticularly along the river fronts, where the tide
innndateJ the celars, and even overflowed the
pier destroying considerable quantities of
goods and rendtfiing the places untenable.—
The parks in the City suffered in their trees
and foliage, the grounds were gullied by the
heavy raia floods, aud some of the Railroads
leading iuto the City had extensive damage
done to their tracks. The Sound steamers
were compelled to make a harbor anJ wait
for the subsidence of the gale. They mostly
arrived on Monday afternoon, and report two
or three vessels ashore in the Sound. The
pilot boats report the gale as very severe out
side, and some of them lost sails and spars.—
The grounds of the Geenwood Ceraetry were
also considerably damaged. Our telegraph
reports indicate that the storm has been uu
usually severe elsewhere, especially in the
Chesapeake Bay.
Hjs- THE Trial of the Savannah Pirates, at
New-York, has resulted in a failure of the
jury to find a verdict. The jury, at the time
of,its discharge, stood, in relation to the ac
cused, as follows : Eight 'or conviction of
the whole of the prisoners ; four opposed
Three of the latter favored a verdict of guilty
In the cases of tbe first three officers. The
prisoners were remanded for a new trial, for
which no day has yet been appointed.
By order from tbe War Department,
tbe Provost Martial of Alexandria has been
directed to suspend the exercise of the civil
tunetions be has recently performed, and to
dismiss all tbe civil cases of which be has ta
ken coguizance. It will be remembered that
fhe Lad given judgment in several suits iu
eavor of New-York merchar 13, who had been
heated by Southern dabtc „
, Over the Towanda Telegraph Line.
Hew YORK, NOT. 6, 1861.
We have a despatch from Springfield, which
says that the order to Gen. FREMONT to re
lease his command was delivered to him on the
eve of a battle, and that his officers and men
refused to fight or stir a step.
There has been a battle between Floyd and
the forces of Gen. Rosecrans, on the Gauley
River ; but the accounts thus far received are
so meager that it is quite uncertain what bus
really been done. We have intelligence suffi
ciently accurate, however, to show that the
National arras are still successful, and to lead
us to hope that the rebel and traitor Floyd is
fairly entrapped. It appears that, on Friday,
Floyd opened fire from two points opposite
Gauley bridge, and succeeded in sinking a
ferry-boat, which, however, was raised again
during the same night. No one was i killed
on our side during his fire, which was some
what heavy, though badly directed, and few
were wounded, lie had cut a road around
a hill where Rosecrans were encamped ; the
latter, returning his fire, soon silenced two of
his batteries, and was at the latest accounts
about sending a force to attack him in the
rear, so that it was expected that he would be
entirely surrounded in a very short time.—
Ou Saturday there was no lighting ; at that
time the p< : tion of the forces ou both side 9
was as follows : The rebels held possession of
the west bank of New River ; Gen. Schema's
brigade was a few miles above the junction
of the Gauly and New River ; Gen. Cox't
brigade and Geu. Rosecrans were near the
junction, between the rivers, and Gen. Ben
ham was below the junction. It was believed
by some that Gens JSchenck and Benbam
would cross the river above and below Floyd,
who has 1,000 men, and that they would
catch him. We look with interest for fur
ther intelligence.
We have no definite news from the great
Naval Expedition, farther than it was spoken
on Wednesday morning. It is believed that
it escaped the severe gale which raged along
this section of the coast.
From Springfield, Mo., we learn that the
rumors of the removal of Gen. Fremont had
reached the Western Department, creating a
very great excitement, aud producing a deep
feeling of hostility to the measure. It was
not, however, really believed that the Gov
ernment proposed to take tbe6tep. The num
ber of the rebels killed the other day in the
charge of Gen. Fremont's body guard is now
ascertained to be at least 127. No news
bad been received at Sprinirfield of the ap
proaching change in the Rebel army by which
Gen. Johnston was superseded by Price. |
Our batteries on the Potomac are going
on rapidly to completion. On Monday the
guns of one of them were tried on the Rebel
steamer George Page, with what result it
could not be ascertained. The Resolute, ar
riving at Washington last night, reports that
seven of our soldiers have been wounded by
the shot aud shells from the batteries at Ship
ping Point.
A gentleman who left New-Orleans on Oct.
24th, has arrived in Washington, bringing
interesting intelligence from the Gulf States.
He reports that the cotton is still on the plan
tations, whence it cannot be removed for want
of rope and bagging. In bis opinion, there
fore, there was but little prospect of the great
naval seizing a lurgc quantity of
that staple, if indeed that were the object had
in view. In New Orleans, all possible pre
i parattoos had been made for the reception of
| the fleet should it attempt a landing there
Seven thousand men, fully armed, could be
mustered at any one point in a couple of hours.
The ram Manassas was again afloat aud
watching for an opportunity to do mischief.—
She sustained but elight damage from her
collison with the Richmond. Silver was at
10 per cent, premium iu New Orleans and
gold at 25.
We find in the Baltimore papers a variety
of interesting news from the South, copied
from Richmond papers of as late date as the
29th ult. An interesting account of the ar
rival of the National prisoners captured at
the battle of Ball's Bluff is given, with a list
of twenty two commissioned officers comprised
in the number—s2s in all. Among them are
Cols. Cogswell and Lee—the former of the
Tammany, and the latter of the Massachusetts
Twentieth, about whose fate there has been
considerable uncertainty.
lected by many of our readers, that about four
years ago we published the awful account of
the burning of the house of the Perkins farn Iv,
at Mtlburn, at when all the family, in
cluding father and mother, grandmother and
eight children, eleven in all, perished in the
flames! A Scotchman by the name of Walter
Mitchell, who lived in the neighborhood at the
time, and who had a dispute with Perkins as
to the property, was suspected of the murder,
but no proof could be found against him. He
left soon after for the West. Before the
burning of the house he warned Perkins off the
premises, and threatened if he did not leave, to
burn the house over his head.
This Mitchell recently died in Illinois, and
on bis death bed, confessed that he committed
the horrible crime! He stated that he threw
into the house a bottle of liquid, which set fire
to it, and stupefied the inmates—that Mr.
Perkins aroused himself ana came to the door,
when be knocked him back again, killing him.
This is a most revolting story, disclosing a
depravity, which was too horrible to die with
the murderer. If there he in the infernal re
gions one place deeper and hotter than another,
this eleven fold murderer will find it.—lhng
hamton Rrpublicai.
Advance of Fremont's Army-
Release of Col. Mulligan by Gen. Price.
Engagement between Generals
Rosecrans and Floyd.
Judge Grier on llie case of the Pirates.
Thurlow Weed and Archbishop
Hughes going to Europe.
WASHINGTON, Friday, Nov. 1,1861.
The following Inter from Gen. Scott was
received by tbe President ou Thursday after
noou :
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31,1861. J
" The Hon. S. CAMERON, Secretary of War :
"SIR: For more than three years I have
been unable from a hurt to mount a horse, or
to wall! more than few paces at a time, and
that with much pain. O'her and new infirmi
ties, dropsy and vertigo, adtnonis!.' me that re
pose of mind and body with the appliances of
surgery and medicine are nectssary to add a
little more to a life already protracted much
beyond Ahe usual span of man. It is under
such circumstances, made doubly painful by
the unnatural and unjust rebellion now raging
iu the Southern States of our so lately pios
perous and happy Union, that I am compelled
to request that my name shall be placed on
| the list of urmy officers retired from active
service. As this request is founded on an
absolute right, granted by a recent act of Con
gress, I am entirely at liberty to say it is with
deep regret that I withdraw myself in these
momentous times from the orders of u Presi
dent who has treated me with much distinguish
ed kindness and courtesy ; whom I know,upon
much personal intercourse, to be patriotic with
out sectional partialities or prejudices ; to be
highly conscientious in the performance of every
duty, ai.d of unrivaled activity and persever
ance ; and to you, Mr. Secretary, whom 1 now
officially address for the last lime, 1 beg to
acknowledge my many obligations for the uni
form high consideration I have reeeived at
yonr hands, and have the honor to remain, Sir,
with high respect,
-■ Vuui ooertlent servant,
A special Cabinet Council was convened on
Friday morning, at 9 o'clock, to take tbe sob
ject into consideration It was decided that
Gen. Scott's request, under the circumstances
of his advanced age and infirmities, could not
be declined. Gen. McClellan was thereupon,
with the unanimous agreement of thcCaoiuet,
notified that the command of the army would
oe devolved npon him.
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the Cabinet
again waited upon ihe President, aud attend
ed him to the residence of Gen. Scott. Being
seated, the President read to the Geuerai the
following order :
"On the Ist day of November, A-D. 1861,
upon his own application to the President of
the United States, Brevet Lieutenant General
Winfield Scott is ordered to be placed, and
hereby is placed, upon the list of retired offi
cers of the army of the United States, without
reduction in his current pay, subsistence, or
"The American people will hear with sad
ness and deep emotion that Gen. Scott lias
withdrawn from the active control of the army,
while the President and unanimous Cabinet ex
press their own and the nation's sympathy in
his personal affliction, and their profound sense
of the important public services rendered by
hint to his country during his long and brilliant
career, among which will ever be gratefully dis
tinguished his faithful devotion to the Constitu
tion, the Union, and the flag, when assailed by
parricidal rebellion. ABRAHAM LINCOLN."
Gen. Scott therenpou rose and addressed the
President nnd Cabinet, who had also risen, as
follows :
" PRESIDENT : This honr overwhelms me. It
over pays all services 1 have attempted te ren
der to my country. If I had any claims be
fore, they are nil obliterated by this expression
of approval by the President, with the remain
ing support of his Cabinet. I know the Presi
dent aud this Cabinet well. I know that the
country has placed its interests in this trying
crisis in safe keeping. Their counsels are wise ;
their labors are as untiring as they are loyal,
and their course is the right one.
" President, you must excuse me. I am
unable to stand longer to give utterance to the
feelings of gratitude which oppress me. In
my retiiemeut, I shall offer up my prayers to
God tor this Administration, and for my coun
try. I shall pray for it with confidence in its
success over all enemies, aud that speedily."
Tne President then took leave of Gen. Scott,
giving him bis hand, and saying he hoped soon
to write him a private letter expressive of his
gratitude nnd affection. The President added :
" GENERAL : You will naturally feel solici
tude about the gentlemen of yonr staff, who
have rendered you and their country such
faithful service. I have taken that subject into
consideration. I understand that they go with
you to New-York. I shall desire them at their
earliest convenience, after their return, to
make their wishes known to me. I desire
you now, however, to be satisfied that except
the unavoidable privation of your counsel, and
society, which they have so long enjoyed,
the provision which will be tnade lor them wil
he such as to render their situation hereafter
as agreeable as it has been heretofore."
Each member of the Administration then
gave his baud to the veteran, and retired in
profnnd silence.
The Secretary of the Treasury and the
Secretary of War accompany Gen. Scott to
New-York to-morrow by the early train.
SfKiNOFLSLn, Mo., Tuesday, Oct. 29,.1861
The total number of killed, wounded and
missing of the Body Guard is 51. The killed
and wounded of the rebels, according to their
own statement, is about 80. The Home Guard
appears to hare come out strong. They captur
ed and brought buck Major White, who was a
prisoner, and the fourteen rebels who were
taking him to Gen Price's cauip. Last night
about twenty of them charged on Lieut. -Col.
John H Price and twelve other rebels, killing
one of them, twelve miles south of here, and
brought all the rest on, aud they are BOW |M'is
oners in our camp.
The rear divisions of our army are corning
np to us by forced marches. Gens. Pope's and
Hunter's commands are expected here this
evening, and Gen. McKinstry's to worrow.
Ali of our troops are iu the best of spirits,
aud full of enthusiasm.
Gen. Fremont has taken possession of the
flouring mill in this county, and is rapidly
gathering supplies for the army.
Gen. Price is near the Arkansas line. It is
doubtful whether he will give us battle.
The Rebel officers thought that the body
guard that made the attack was 2.50U strong,
and on their retreat swore at their in<*n as a
set of cowards. We got about 60 of their
muskets, dropped in their flight.
Our advance is at Ozark, 15 miles sooth of
Fifteen of the bodyguard were buried yester
day afternoon with military honors. The B*r
tcn Cadets, llolman's Sharpshooters, Gen.
Fremont aud staff, all the surviving and nn
wounded guards, und a large number of citi
zens, male and female, followed in the proces
sion. The bodies were buried in one grave,
into which Gen. Fremont cast tbe first earth. !
JKKKEKSON CITY, Friday, Nov, 1 1861.
Passengers from tbe west report that Col.
Mulligan bad been released by Gen Price.—
He was seen at Warrensburg today, on his
way to Lexington to briug away a child left
His release indicates that the Commission
from St Louis some days since to effect the
exchange of Cols. Mulligan and Peabody and
Yuri Horn for Gen Frost, Col Bowen,
and Maj. Williams, captured at Camp Jackson
has been successful.
ST. Lucia, Saturday, N<>v. 2,1961.
The following is from the correspondence of
The St. Louis Democrat: j
Judge McNeunt, a prominent citizen of this
county, reached home yesterday direct from
the headquarters of Gen. Price. He left the
rebel camp at Neosho, Newton County, on
Wednesday, the 22d, where Gen. Price and
lien. McCulloch had united their forces, mak
mg an army of a out 30.0U0 men.
Gen Price had received a large supply of
clothing, medicine, &c., and some arms llis
riflt-U cannon had not reached him, but were
expected to do soon Sunday ninht, under the
charge of Geu. George 11. Clark, WHO had sent
messengers forward to indicate his approach
The Legislature was in session at Neosho,
but lacked four of a quorum. This deficiency
was expected soon to he made up by the at
rival ot several of the members, when it was
believed tDey wuulj confirm Claib. Jackso Us
decluratiou of independence.
Geu Price gives out that he will stand at
Neosho and give Gen. Fremont battle, whom
he expects easily to defeat, and then march on
St. Louis and make bis Winter quarters in
Central Missouri.
A scout arrived here yesterday, and reports
at headquarters that he left G n Price in
Sunday last at Neosho, with 13.000 of his own
men, aud 5,000 Indians under lieu McCulloch.
They had uo intention of making a slaud iu
McCulloch himself had gone to Fayetteville, j
Ark. No change in the direction of re-enforce
nients to Camp Walker, Ark., instead of Mis
souri, where Gen Price will join hira
Gen. Lane is South of Geu. Price, and has
sent to Gen Fremont for re-euforcetnents, aud
a large mounted force has cone to his bid.
Gen. Lane had bud a skirmish with Gen
i Price's rear guard, but with what result is not
FORTRESS MONROE, Friday, Nov. 1. 1861. J
Via BALTIMORE, Saturday, Nov. 2, LSGL. )
The Ethan Allen reports that she left the
fleet off Cape Uatteras, and that the ferry
boats Eagle and Commodore Perry had already
been separated from the other vessels. The
Roanoke, which has just returned from the
blockade of Cbarhstou brings no intelligence.
The shaft OI tbe Roanoke was broken when
off Beaufort, and the prevalent heavy weather
along the coast compelled her to coma up out
side the course of the great expedition.
It is supposed that the fleet has already
reached its destination.
A flag of truce went to Norfolk to-day, and
has not yet returned.
FORTRESS MONROE, Saturday, Nov. 2,1
via BALTIMORE, NOV. 3. j
No intelligence of the Great Expedition lias
yet arrived It is supposed that it yesterday
reached its destination.
A terrific gale has prevailed since last even
ing, but there are uo apprehensions for the
safety of the fleet.
A flag of truce will go to Norfolk to morrow
and some news concerning the Expedition will
probabiy be received.
The George Peabody arrived from New-
York this morning to join the expedition,
laden with stores and beet cattle. Her ulti
mate destination was Key West and the Tor
tugas. She went ashore ou Hampton bar.but
will, probably, be got off to night.
CINCINNATI, Monday, Nov. 4, 1861.
A special dispatch *o The. Gazette, dated
Gallipolis the 2d inst., says that Geo. F'loyd
opened fire on Gen. Rosecrans's forces yester
i day morniHg from two points opposite Gnu ley
I Bridge, and Camp Tompkins. The Telegraph
Office and the Quartermaster's store are uo
i douht destroyed.
When my informant left Gauley yesterday,
the shells of the rebels were aimed at the feny
boats aud buildings above-named. The enemy
has heavy guns and a large body of. infantry
Gen. Floyd's force* opposite Camp Tompkins
ate uol less than 4,000
How many of the Rebels are at Gauley
Bridge, aud four miles this side, is not known.
Telegraphic commnnieation by the Kanawha
ltno is interrupted. The casualties are as vet t
unknown. There has been no communication ,
by tele}!roph with (seti Ilosecrans's headquurt- i
crs since Friday afternoon.
The operator at Camp Tompkins at that ,
time reported fighting going on at Ganley
Bridge,but gave no purticulan, and immediate
ly afterward ibe wires were broken
The Kanawha River line whs working to (
Camp Ewgart, 12 miles a>cve Cbaneslon on
Saturday, but nothing was ktiowu.of ibe uffair
at Gauley.
A lioai left Charleston at 7 o'clock on Sua
day morning, and arrived at Gallipoiis lst
night, but she brings no information in rtgard
to the affair.
MAJtrsvit.i.K, Ky., Monday, Nov. 4, 1*61.
A gentleman of this ci'y, from Ganley
Bridge, on Saturday evening, reports thai Gen.
Floyd had cut a road around the hill where
Geu. Rotoralis was encamped, ami was shell
in if his camp. (Jen Rosecraus was returning
ihe fire, and had silenced two batteries. He (
had sent a force up the new made road to at
tack (ien. Floyd in the rear, and would have
him completely surrounded. No Unionists had
been killed when he left.
Cin'cissati. Monday, Nov. 4. 1861. ,
The Commercial lias advices Irom General
Rosecran's headquarters to Saturday evening.
On Friday morning at 8 o'clock the enemy
opened fire wi h two guns at points opposiie
Gauley Ferry and Camp Tompkins, and a noisy
tire of muxketry Their object was evidently ,
to cut off the supply trains. They succeeded
in sinking a lerry boat on Gauley R.ver, and
threw about 40 shells into the camp ol the 1 ith
Ohio regiment. Not one of our uieo was kill
ed, and only about half a dozen wuuuded. A
uiHjority ol the shells thrown t y the enemy did
not explode, aud their musketry was wild and
The ferry-boat which had been sunk by the
enemy's shot on Friday last was raised that
night, and communication across the river re
There was no firing on Saturday on either
The position of the forces ou Saturday even
ing was as follows :
The Rebels were in possession of the left or
west bank of New River ; Geii. Scheuk's |
brigade a few utiles above tlm junction of Gnu- |
ley and New Rivers, ou the east side of New
River ; Geu Cox's brigade and Gen. Rose
craus near the junction of the river, and (--
tweeu theui, and Gcu Beninim, on I lie right
bank ot the river Floyd's lorce is believed
about 7.00 U.
It was believed in camp that Gen. SchenckV \
1 and Gen. Benliain's Brigades would be thrown I
! across the river above aud below Floyd and
catch then).
The loss of telegraphic communication was
occasioned by an alarm of the operator, who. i
when Lite firing opened, sent a hasty dispatch |
to Clarksburg, announcing a battle, aml th.en
commenced to move ins office up the Gauley. j
lie was two or three miles up the river when i
he was overtaken by orders from Geu Rose
craus to return; ami wliile returning, his wagou
was driven over a precipice and the apparatus
Floyd's demonstration was rather agreeable
to Gen Rosecraus iban otherwise. Gen. Iv*;
craus was certain ihai he could hold his own, ;
and expected to hag hu assailants
Col Sedgwick ot the 2d Kentucky Regiment
is reported wounded in the knee by a sp:iuler
of a shell.
Maysvillk, Ky.. Monday, Nov. 4. IStH,
A messenger, in this evening, reports that
Gen. Nelson took Brestonhurgr, Saturday
morning, without resistance. Williams fell j
back about six miles, where it was expected
he would make a stand.
Albany, Monday, Nov. 4,1801.
Thnrlow Weed and Arcbbßliop Hughes are
j about to sail 'or Europe, probably by the
steamer Africa, which sails on Wednesday, to
endeavor to counteract the operations of the
Southern Commissioners, ami prevent the re
cognition of the Southern Co .federai-y by
France or England Gen. Scott, it is under
stood, goes in the same steamer.
Washington, NOV. 3, TSFIT.
It is believed at the Navy Department that
the fleet did not feel tlie brunt of the s'onn,
tut may have been caught in the edge of it j
It seems to have been most violent inland
I The fleet could not, as reported, have been
' struck by the gale off Cape Hatterus on
! Wednesday, since it wus not felt at Fortress
Monroe, only 00 miles distant, until 2 o'clock
! on Friday afternoon. The report that llie lies
I tination of the expedition is Charleston is j
founded opon no sufficient ground. There
' might be a conjunction of circu nstances,which
would lead Capt Dupont to land at Bull's i
Bay, but that place is less likely to be his
pomt of attack than several others.
Gen. MeClellan wi'l, fcr the present, retain
command of the army of the Potomac, the
: headquarters of which will remain where they
| have been. The headquarters of the army will
i be at, the office of the Adjutant General,where
! the details of business will be attended to
■ Matters were so arranged when Gen Scott ;
! was in the field in Mexico If an exigency |
arises demanding the presence of another Ma- i
j jor-General of the army, Gen. Ilalieck will
prooahly be the man.
The British schooner Dash/way, of Halifax,
reports that on the 20th in>t, in Crooked
Island passage, was chased hy a hermaphrodite
brig, which continued in pursuit for two days,
when she hauled Iter wind and stood to the
north and eastward. She carried four staysails
and royal, looked very rakish, and was point
ed black, and sailtd very fa-t. On the 25th
| in lat. 25 degrees, lon 74 degre-s, saw a pilot
j boat rigged schooner' painted black, carrying
! a large flying staysail, ana supposed her to be
i a privateer.
A private letter from the United States
i Consul, at Nassau, N. P., da ed Oct 28, states
- that tnere have been several arrivals from the
; blockaded (?) ports, one of which brought a
, nephew of Geu. Hardee. "1 am under the ira
i pression," says the writer, " that he was on the
i | lookout for arms and powder, which, lam ojh-
evilly ivformed, were to 1* shipped f r ,
land. Last wiek, tlm arniwi bifftn, r
U |M Gordon, Capt. Lockwood d.r " c
Charleston, chased the New-York lr(Js >
tr'siiearow Johnston into the very
the harhor, but n Capt H o yt "^ u,tl °f
litfhi house, she stood ,Jf i" v*
Loptom of the Gordon told the. ( \ n „j ■
hoarded her, that he had a lot of v , IUr "
Evgland na Havana Anions t JJ[" f
Messrs Mason, BhdeH and copanv
heavily armed. ""-•*
PIRATES. j * t e
Pna*wu,i4. M aday.Ko, 4
In the Circuit Court this morning
of Patrel, the pirate, was railed np, | m . **
pore d till next Monday Whi'e the A-
District Attorney was urging the trial I
drier said he could not consent to ha*
regular business of the court intermix
seemed liken farce to try them at tin, ~
when the country played tied war Ti ie
talis of humanity would rown*<4 ff
meiit to treat capt ires rev the sea thesam,
those taken on land, and he could not u.
stnnii the |K>li-y of hanging the first and |/">
ing the latter as prisoners, or releasing
La*t the reliellion be crushed, and God jrr, w
that it may be sjieedily, and these men
be tried for treason or piracy, and he
as* -1, no matter how much he might bec,>
Jeffreys or Scroggs.
tW The Jura, from L : verpool and L%
donderry on the 24th ult., arrived off F.u>.
Point on Monday, with oue day's later n,
which i, howfeyer, not important. It j,
ported that Capt. Semmes, of the pirate
ter, reached Liverpool in the Edinhugb. Tt-
Bank of France ia expected to adopt soj,
new measures to palliate the existing crisis_
A competitive trial had taken place at Shoe
buryness of rifled 32 pound'-r service gni,. of
different inventors. The trial was broig;-,
to a close without any v>-ry satisfactori r.
suits The Whit worth and Armstrong m\,
alone appear calculated to meet the reocr*
merits of the navf.
XlrUi SHftrrifsrmrnts.
18. IMI. Ja.
Eaton's Mercantile Academy.
Cheapest Commercial School in this or any other-.uw
course op instruction 1
The amc as pursued in anv of the largest f-ai'-i
In alt its various branches.
Taught on a Sew and Improved Plan.
Instruction in ("■•mmerc tal Correspondence. C"T?-
cial Cwlenlations. Hills of Kxi-hanc*. IV o%irj
Notes, Detecting Cminb'r.'eit Money,
Ac., Ac.. Ae.
arr Specimens of Writing. Cir nh r-. ge„ will .*
warded to any address, w enever ret) ieted
Towanda. Nnv. 6. 1061. j
Our liuion, One and Inseperabie
ty g.w.d aide h ofied men wanted to complete i r
'• Aol the f.'.'th Regiment, commanded by ' i
I.VXX TIDHAI.L. who served as Captain in th.
war. The Regiment will tie armed with th
| Enfield Rifles. Lieut. Si X. ASt'l V '.' t. I
Troy. Oct. 2S. tsfil. Recruiting Oft* H
MR J. G. TOWNER, hiring rrtnrr'.B
from the " Xormal Academy of tt >ir.l
N. V.. ami liee.tme ass. M iatet with W- J 'I
sj&ibt Ht'NTTlXC.pianist pupil ol the ;rie' In-t :
wlrtnmhl also of t)e •" Xormai M Institute." N' ' |
Reading, Mass , tliev w mid .vin.">'V that
are prepared to hold Conventions in an) Sertuia uf iw
Circulars, giving full particulars as to term®. reg.i
tions, Ac., sent to anv ddre- upon ijipli ntu n l
J t;. TOU VKK. Koine. I'a .or
J. ; HL'.vrriVi:. Tuwandn. l'i
Mr. HCXTTiXC would '
of Towanda and vicinity, that lie will (when nut e-*
attending Conventions) give instruction in H VSr4.'
Sy-tem of singing either private or in classes.
Towanda. Oct. 17. Isfil.
The New National Loan.
7?. 8- KTTRSKLaT, ct CO
JL appointed hy H >n. S. P. CH ASB. Se rrU" ' v
Treasury. Agents lor re<-e;ving sulwcri|>ti >ns: fNe"
Natiofinl L'md <f Treasury Notes, tie inn^
, rate of 7 :t 10 percent per annum, hereto
a subscription lawk is now o]>en at the at>rr MlM**'
I fice.
i These notes will lie of the denoininnr'n nt J" I
J.">nn, $ 1.0011. and SI,OOO. and are all dated IVh
IHHI, payatde ill gold in three vears or* •'
■ twenty ) ear six per cent. loan", at the option nt
er. Each Treasury Note has intere-t coupons tVi ' 4
which can he cut off and eollec'ed in gold at the V
ery six months, and at tle rate of one cent per J*.'■
each s">o.
Any explanations required hy the snbscriVr * *
j cheerfully made, and they will, iy the plan ;
sav d from any trouble of writing letters the :
| ed raporting each subscription to the Tre.t- yv y
! ment. fr<>m whence the Treasury Notes will I*
'• each sohscriher as soon as possible. ,
Vw_ I'hr fjiait will bear ■niif tl a rarh juh'roV.
j the da eof their uftsn iptiem, at tlii* ofirt.
The ample security ol this loan, its great
together with ihe patriotic desir- to sustain
ment ol our country in the present crisis 11. "
! ed. will induce a litieral subscription from the i ;a "
j this county. j,
Payment of sut>s. riptions may he made "'j,
b. s. kcsseu
Suhseriptu* 4 !'
i Towanda. Oct. IR.
ed to lurni-h, without the delay ol send i ; ,
' ington, the new United States Treasury n 'tf-
their sei vices, wi'haut charge, to ihioe ol then
throagho t the county who may wish to p rJC; "
' portion nf the loan. , , p
The notes are issued in sums of s"> *. f „
i I! .mm and $ ..(100 bearing interest frnm the l-"h
hist, at the rat of 7 3 10 per cent, per
; cents per day on every f 100. payable every -i ,H
; and the face •>' the note rede itnai-le in three ye*' - * '
j privilege of exchanging at the expiration ot 'he
20 yvars U. S. six per cent, stock.
i Any nrther inhumation in regard t'> il"
. heerlully given upon inquiring at our "Ti >■ "' '! . .1.1
, " b T letter ■ L.M'OKTE. M
cutties in making mllectc lis. the I
concluded to hereafter sell goods oiil.v ff ,
persons with wh on he has unsettled ace 4 '" l H
arrange them either by payment or i" v
Towanda. Sept. 17, I*osl.
WANTED - A s- in ■ K
leirn the YKIXC. RI7SINE>S. Apr,„tM
ately with satisfactory references aM j, ggi*
Towanda.Oct. 22, lsf.l.
' IpOlt SALE -Scco-ul hand YH
. iJ COOK and OFFICE STOVKS>. , [)l(t i l >B
Wood. Enquire at the
Towanda. Oct. U. IStil.