AUB A N Y AGRIC^^^ALWORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE, EMERY BROS., Proprietors, TATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF Emery's Patent Changeable Rail road Horse Powers, ALSO. LEVF.R POWERS, for Four. Six and F.igbt Horses, of new anil superior construction, to gether with a great variety of labor-saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. TO THE FARMING PUBLlC.— Notice is hereby given that RAYMOND M. 5\ ELLES, ot Athens l'a., (who was until recently the senior member of the firm of Welles. Blood & Co., of Athens.) is the on ly authorized Agent lor the sale of EMERY'S HORSE POWERS.THRESHING MACHINES,and other WARES manufactured at the ALBANY AGRiCULI URAL WORKS For the county of Bradford, with the privilege n| selling for the counties of Tioga. Susquehanna, and Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, and the adj lining counties iu New York State. ALL licenses and contracts heretofore existing with other parties fur their manufacture and sale in this terri tory having expired. the putilic are notified that they will be held responsible directey to the Patentees for dam ages for using any other horse poweis, threshers. Ac., made and sold to "them by othc- parties and in imitation of and infringing upon the letters patent held by EMER\ BROTHERS. gg- For description of prices, terms, Ac., see the Il lustrated Catalogue of the Albany Agricultural Works, furnished gratis on application to EMLRT BROTHERS, Albany, N. Y..or R- M. WKI.LKS, Athens. June 26. 1861. Aniens, Pa. Siisqutljaunit (Collegiate I'nstituk, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : Rev. JAMES [MeWILLIAM. Principal, Professor of An cient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. FISLER. A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof. CHARLES R. COBURX County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. C. E. EATON, Professor of Penmanship and Book hecp ing. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mrs. HELEN A. ADAMS. Assistant Preceptress. Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Tracherof Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Mr. D. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. Mrs. D. C. DAYTON. Matron. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AU GUST 21, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, rEU TERM : [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and oue halt at the middleol the term—iuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 4 no Preparatory 6 10 Higher, Ist year, per term V 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships arc charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES: French * 3 °0 German :i Drawing & Board in the Institute, per week, including iuel and light 2 b0 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The \nnivers, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Norma! training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Cotiurn's connection with the institution is not anch as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will lie spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repuhitatinn the institu * tion has hitherto enjoyed, and iu rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support JAMES MctVILLIAM, Principal. Aug. 5.18G1. Threshing Machine Agency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! TnE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT in the county ot Bradford and the neighboring coun ties in Pennsylvania and New Yoik, tor EMERY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well and popularly known to need any description from me. and I will only say that they continue to de nerve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of being the •• best Endless Chain Horse Power in use." These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and lias not before been intro duced into this region. It has no endless chain straw carrier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple,durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and c! an thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not choke, run ea-fily and steadily, with >.u jumping, and is warranted to le superior to the common Rake Cleaner now iu use. It remains only to be seen and tpsted, to be pronounced by every experienced liand at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Meaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATERS, arc not excelled by any in market, are well constructed simple and durable, lam prepared to supply ail kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY at manufacturers prices and terms. For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to R.M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa.. July 30, 1861. XT. Y. d L 23. RAIL ROAD. CHANGEot time commencing Thursday, July 11 1861. Trains will leave Waverly at about the following hours, viz: WESTWARD BOrsn. I EASTWARO BOUND. Dunkirk Express. .4.2* I' M N. York Express.o.27 A.M. Night Express....3.l6 A.v. Night Express. .If. 17 l'.M Mail —7.7s I' M.,steamboat Kxpr's '4.30 P.M. Accommodation...9.33 A M Cincinnati Expr's 4.28 A.M. Express Freight.. .5 33 P.M. Fast Freight 0.32 A M. Fast Freight 7 17 A.M. Way Freight 6.00 P.M. Way Freight, ... 0.10 A.M.; *3uTbe Express Freight, Fast Freight.Cincinnati Ex press, and Fast Freight (going East and West.)run every day. The Niglit Express, Sundays,runs only to Elmira. The Mad train remains over night at Elinira. CRAB. Ml NOT, Gen'l Snji't. iHtecrHancHus. ~ NOW "READY Y BUMS' mill IRON WORKS TOWARD A, PENNA. TIIE Suhscrilter begs leave to call the at tention of the public to the fact that be has enlarged bis motive power and purchased aud set up additional machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly-, so that lie- is now prepared to execute or ders for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. He has at his works all the PATTERNS in use by Die late firm ol Wm. ff. l'hiliips & Son of Elmira N. Y., aud has alsi added to these, patterns ol various kinds. MILL IRONS furnished for Grist Mills, Gang, Gate, Circular aud Mu-1 -y Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES °t different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kind of Castings or Machinery in common use. Steam Fitting* such as Steam Pipes, F.lbotot, Return Bad*, Reducers, Couplings, Globe- Valves, Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Oil Cups, Whittle*-, £ e. always on hand and made to order. lie is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS of any siz or kind wanted Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook ing and Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured and for sale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand Persons who want GEARING of any kind arc informed that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than auy other concern in this part of the country. Tiiey would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay and expense in getting up work. He makes also a large variety of Falleys, Balanbe Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Cummers, Thimble Skeins aud Pipe Boxes, lion Fence, Caldrons, Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with ]t lie design ot being able to do any job which might he offered, whether large or small. In short his effort lias to get up in all respects a first class establishment. Terras Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for Old Pewter and Brittania. *v Works situated on Main Street near Barclay R. R. Canal Basin. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda. April 11. 1861. Prop, ietot. ~GREAT BARGAINS!" From 83,000 to 84.000 Worth OF Fashionable Furniture TO BB SOLD IP/S^IED!ATELY. Havi ught recently the C< net Ware Rooms, And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor. R. M. WELLES, it will lie sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. trp H L STOCK IS LARGE J and very complete, has been el! selected, and is well adapted for the wants of the country. N B —lt is a common remark made by visitors to this establishment, Why, I had no idea you had such a large and spleu did assortment of Furniture. 1 have seen nothing like it short of the city." We have BEDSTEADS from 82.30 and upwards. COTTAGE and other CHAIRS, in vari-tv. from J; on \\ Jf to $23.00 per set. TABLES from $2,30 _3r J upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. In every style, size and price, to sni tue mean* and taste of any and all customers, air Call and see ours'-.rg. Athens, Pa., July M WOT. F. N. P.'.GE. BOOK BINDERY. IMIE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus building would respectfully intorm the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to trie North Room of the Ward House, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where he is now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner Having to share in \ profits with no second person 1 Hat ter tnyseb that my prices will meet the satisfaction ot the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of my work, tor the last two years, I shall endeavor iuth u future t-j merit the continuance ot public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. AH work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. as-Also,a large assortment of STATIONERY of the best quality, at the lowest prices. Justices' aud Consta ble's IH.ANKS. ot all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures trained to order, cheap' r than ever known here. JOHANX F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11,1860. Bookbinder arid Artist. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. Y"ET ell these seem only to increase the business aud prosperity of the Old Foundry and MACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East of H. S. Mer enr's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the tact, that he is prepared to do, end will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,aud in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any ot their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisiac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns. wooded iu the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor liirn with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 13,15G0. Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Drain Tiles, 6LC. THERE isti Lime Kiln at the Barclay Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh burnt IVhit* Lime, made irom the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 124 cents per bushel for shirked liine. Lime shipped oo boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse Water Lime at $1 15 per barrel, and Fire Brnk at 8 cents each. Drain 'Files 2,3 and 4 inch sizes at 2. 3 and 6 cents per foot, a very nice article for drainin land or aiiout dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beards ley's Ares by the dozen. J ick Screws, lor moving buildings, to let at 25 cents per day each Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump Coal and $2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay R. 11. A C'oal Company, Towanda. J. MACFARLAIN. Towanda, Feb. 22. ISGI. Gen. Superintendent. CAUTION. " T> he, or not to he— hat is the question ! Whether 'tis noliirv in the mind to suffer The slings and aire 1 outrageous opposition. Or by taking up arms. n ' h sea of printing ink, And opposing, end then r pHE proprietor of the Argvs taktf* c ov"' in ndvrr -L tising bis IMndery to indulge in an uneali dL ' -i about a 'sort of a concern," which is hoping " to delude the public."' A< I have opened a Bindery on my own ac count, the inference is that if the public bring their 'finding to me. they are in no danger of being defrandt®. For two years I have worked for Mr. PARSONS, and he has taken ureat pains t satisfy tlie rmbiie I was the " best Binder itrAmcrica,'" as the columns of the Argu* wil testily. Has lie been all that time " deluding the pub lie?"" If I have been engaged in a t'ranfl, lie has been th principal. But I refer to my work during that time a evidence that there lias been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business, I have resumed business here on my own ac count, a* I know of nothing which prevents me from fol lowing a legitimate and Lawful calling for my support.— I shall endeavor by goad, work' and attention to my busi uass to'give public satisfaction. • March 15. JOH ANN F. BENDER.* Binder. HONEY. —A few small boxes, extra nice, for sale cheap at FOX'S. I'owMTida. Sept. IS, 1861. KKUOiHNE OIL, FOB SALE CHEAP at FOX'S. Aug. 38.1861. ' jfftrcttarttKfr, *c, NEW ATTRACTIONS I tr* At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery U TOWANDA, PA. I \ You can procure, at low price*, / \PH©T©©IRMIBIS, vJ touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYP.ES and AMBROTYPES, and al most all other kiiids of types. Pictures iu good raxes lor 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melavnotypes made iu all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work wariantcd. July 25,1861. THIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT where yon can find a very tine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. I am also agent tor the sale of IX E. LENT'K celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. I'ri res from #k to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war .ranted. WM. A. CHAMBLULIN. IUT YOUR GARDEN SEEDS AT TP X'S. I have the largest stock and best variety of Garden Seeds ever offered for sale in this town. It ia a well known fact that a large proportion of the Garden Seeds sold throughout the country, are old. infe rior, and often worthies*. In view of this fact 1 have ta ken great paiirs to procure Fresh and Reliable Seeds, in fact the best to he found in market. 111 hopes to sup ply a want long felt in this community, (and e.Lo U> in crease my own sales in that line.) Will you examine my Seeds before purchasing elsewhere ? aw REMEMBER THAT GOOD SEEDS COST NO MORE THAN POOR ONES. •a-WITH GOOD SEEDS YOU CAN HAVE GOOD VEGETABLES. *•- WITH POOR SEEDS NONE. Towanda. March 21,1861. E. T. FOX. "NEW FIRM AT TIIB fr ©&2 D I OF H A. BURBANK. B. r. STOYK f'IPK, fclways on band.— Patent bti etched Leatb jr iiKlLu\\*. kt\ vry name and form of FARMING TOOLS. JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted. GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, Brittannia, Brass, Bees wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for Goods. We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind," to call and examine our onr goods before purchasing. Onr motto will be use every man wetland submit to noth ir.a wrong. HiT One door sonth of Tracy and Moore and Powell's Block, Main street, CODDING A RUSSELL. itMIX A.CODDINO, ) ' * - c. a. itLssELL. 1 Towanda, Sept. 21, 1860. WOOL CARDING AND CLOTH 1 Y DRESSING.—We are now prepared to do the above work at the FACTORY IN CAMPTOWN, as usual. H. B. A JOE. S. INGHAM. Cainptown, June 26,18C1—4t PORE CIDER Y INFO All, at FOX*. JKtttellxrootis. MESS, STYLE S BEIUTY. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Proclaim it to the People ! 1 UST RECEIVED —A Larjre Stork of W SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, at JOh'. v SHLAM'S Llmrra BriMK'-h Clothing Store. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, tliat lie takes the foremost of the Clothing Merchantsol Towanda. Eigtheen hundred and sixty-one has come, and the light and lieauty ol Spring shines upon us, with all its radiant splendor. I snail eofltiftno to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods are all bought cheap lor cash," and they will be sold cheap for cash. My goods are all mannfictured in Elmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Euough for me to say, I have everything in the line of C LOTHIKG! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &C., That is kept in any other Store iu town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, And the home of the brave ! While ber Stars and Stripes Shine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin." This _ s a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can do the best, regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogy merchants. I invite you to come and see me- -country as well as the city are invited—every person, riek.or poor, high or low, bond or free are iuvited to call. Come one, come all, and stop yonr speed, We've Goods enough for all in need, The boys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone can supply a host. O'er other dealers in this town. These same boys have won renown. For selling the cheapest and the be^t, And selling more than all the rest! lluftah ! hurrah ! o'er hill a U plain, Accept our thanks, and call again. Among our assortments you'll always find, Goods to lit, and please the mind. We're on hand, and always willing. To sell our Good-f, and earn a shilling ! 80 hold your horses, and come this way, We shall lie glad to see yon any day, At JOHN SIILAM'S Clothing Store, next door to IT. S. Mercnr's Dry Goods Store. Main Street, Towanda, Pa. N. B.—We wish to he understood, that we are not to he undersold by any man, or combination ot meu. Mb~ So charge tor showing our Goods. Towanda, May 22.18C1. JOHN SHLAM. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WELL MADE AND GOOD FITTING MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, IS AT SOLOMON'S CLuTHiiG immm! HAVING just received one of the Largest Stocks of Fall and Winter Clothing that has ever been offered in this market before, whieh will be sold at greatly re duced prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN liiack D. B. A S. B. Broadcloth Frock Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy Beaver Doeskin and Silk mixed Cassimere Coats GREAt BARGAINS IN Cas-imcie, Union and Sattinet Business Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Tweed and Kentucky Jean and Cottonade Coats. GREAT BARGAIN'S i.N Black Doeskin. Cassimere, Union and Sattinet Pants. GREAT -BARGAINS IN Harrison's Cassimere. Silk mixed and Plaiu Pants. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy Union Satinet and others, Coats. GREAT AKGAINS IN Plain ami Fanev Silk Velvet Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN MatiktU l'Jain ond Fancy Silk Ve-ts. GREAT BARGAINS IN Harri en's ( i-simere. Siik Mixed and Black Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Vein ia. Cotton Velvet and Plush Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy, Union, Sattinet and Farmer's Satin Vests. One ot tlie largest stocks of OVERCOATS, consisting of Reaver. Pilot, Sealskin. Petersham, i.ionskin. Black of ail qualities, and a large assortment of New Styles.- - Also one ot the Fargest Stocks of Gents Furnishing Goods, which will be sold 25 per rent, cheaper than else where. Call before you buy and examine my stock, as you . an be suited better and at lower figures. Remember the place, M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Establishment. September 27,18(50. Towanda, Pa. ice Argus Look bindery Again in Full Operation ! XX7E have the gratifiratii nof announcing to our frfends, ▼ < ustouitTb, and the public, that wc arc now pre pared to do BOOK BINDING-, in all its Branches in the latest and mostlfpprovcd styles, and on the most favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the C. Wiiitkkak. a finished workman from Philadelphia, and haying added extensively to the fixtures of the con cern -giving greater facility than formerly—wc can pre sent to tiie public the most positive assurance ot our abil ity to please onr patrons. *>>- Customers should tie particular to remember that the •• Argus Bindery,'' is in the Argus Building, as lorin erly, (lirt building north of the Ward House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing Ofiiee.wliii e all work should he delivered. CAU I lON—\\ c are compelled in justice to ourselves, and our old customers, as well as to prevent an imposition upon the public generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that lalsely holds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery. This fraud is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. K3~ Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work paairantod. A®" Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. ag~ Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or patteau, at prices as low as elsewhere. Sowanda. March 5.1 SCO. E. A. PARSONS. ATTENTION! THE LARGEST STOCK OF ROOTS and Shoes ever brought to Towanda. has just been opened at the long established and well known store ol J. D. HUMPHREY. . The assortment is composed of LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, KID GAITERS, BOOTEES. SLIPPERS, BUSKINS, AND CHILDREN'S' SHOES, of every variety. Gentlemen, you are invited to examine those Patent Leather and Calf Skin Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and Gentle men's Slippers. Boots and Shoes made to Order, AND REPAIRER. SHOE FINDINGS. French and American Calf Skin, Kip and Upper lea ther, Harness Leather, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. SADDLERY, HAFDWARt AND SADDLER'S TOOLS. Groceries Very Cheap, And the whole stork will he sold for Cash at prhr which make it an object tor all to buy at Toivanda, June 4, Ibtll. * HUMPHREY'S. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the M- < \ Market having had the effect to place many kiml-'oi Goods within the reach ol Cash buyers, at much low', 1 prices 'ban heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction. ! • a large within the past ten days uml is now olh ring many bargains uch as have heretofore never oven initio IF ed in this market. Dec. 10, 1860. JOFF.PR POWELL, Jtttacellaitrons Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A COMPOUND REMEDY, designed to be the rooftfJ fectnal Alle, afire that can he made. It is * <-n --e.utrated extract ol l'ara Sarsaparilla. so combmed with other substances ol still jrreater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote lor the di -< ases SarsapaiTlla is reputed to cure. It is I Yu'V* <1 t>t *urh h rem* d\ is wanted l.y those who tmjtr Ir-m Mrnmoiis complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cine most prove of immense Her vice to this Jaiye cliwb of our aiflirU*j fel low-citisena. How completely tlii com pound will do it has been jiroven by experiment on many ol the worst . I cases to be found of the following complaints : ScKOKt't.A asp ScKoprLors Complaints. KarmaKS AND KbI'PTIVE DISEASES, ULCM. PIMI'I.BS. BLOTCHES. TTmors, Salt Biiki >i. Scald Head. Syphilis ASi'bt - PitiLiTic AHKKCTfo.*e. Meucvkiai Disease. Dhopsv.Nec- I KALGIA OR TtC DoTLOrBBItX, IH.I4IKITV. ItVSI-KPSIA AND I 7 NDIGESTION. EkVsJI'KLAS, RoSfc OH St. ASJHON V H FiKE, j and P'deed the whole class of complaints arising from j Imperii v OK THE Blood. This coni' ~ou "d will he found a great promoter of I health, when i 'hen in the spring, to expel the foul hu- | mors witicii tester .'1 the blood at that season ol the ytar. j Hv the tiinelv expnls,''ti of tliem many rankling diaor- j ders are nipped in the bud. Multitude.* citu. t>y the aid of this remedy, Kpare thems""l v ''" 'he endarance oi eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corrupt "oris, il not assisted to do this through the natural channels ol the Jsidy by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the' vitiated blood i whenever you find its impurilies bursting through tiie , skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse ll when you | find it is obstructed and slnggi-li in the reins : cleanse it . whenever it is foul, and your leelings will (ell yu when. , Even where no particular disorder is felt p opie enjoy j better health, and live longer, for cleansing inr hld. I Keep the blood healthy, and all is well: but with thi pabulum of life disordered, tlieie can be no lasting health. '• Sooner or later something innst go wiong. rod t lie giea machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of | accomplishing these ends. Hut the world lias been rim- j gionsly deceived-by preparations of it. partly Iwause j the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed tor i it. hut more because many preparations, pretending tc be concentrated extracts of it. contain but little ol the I virtue of Sarsaparilla. or anytnuig eise During late years the public have been misled by large t botlles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sursa- j parilia lor one dollar. Most of these have been frauds j upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any j Sarsaparilla, hut often no curative properties whatever, j Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has lollowed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which j flood the market, until tiie name itsell is justly de- ! spised.and lias become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call thia compound Sereaparitta. and in I tend to supply such a remedy as shall ret-cue the name j from the load of obloquy whidh rests upon it. And we think we have ground (or believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradi atton Iron) the system, the remedy should lie judi ciously taken according to directions on the b ttle. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY Eli & CO.. Lowell, Mass— Price, |1 pn Pol tie ; Six liolti* s f 1 f.5. Ayrr's Cherry Prctrat. Has won for itself such a renown lor the cure of every j variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entire- j iy unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its vir tues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long ! "been in constant use throughout this section, we i eed I not do more than assure the people i's qualify i- kept up ! to the best it ever has been, aud that it may t-e relied s-n j to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, For the cure of Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Indi gestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Ktysipela- Headache, Piles.Rheumatism, Eruptions and skin Disease-. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum. Gout. Neuralgia, as a Pinner Pill, and tor Purifying the j Blood. They are sagar-coated. so that themo.-t susUive i can take them pleasantly, and they are the I est apeii- j ent in the world for all ihe purposes of a family physic. Price 'J.i cents per Box ; Five boxes for sl. tad. Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians. Statesmen, and eminent personages, have ent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion ol them. The Agents below mimed tarnish gratis our American Alintt nac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their core. Do not lie put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayek'b and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and should have it. All our remedies are lor sale by Dr. H. C. Porter. To wanda : Gi-eknhky .V Mitchell, Troy ; Daly A White, Leonard Hollow : D. D. Pakkhcrst, Leßoy ; Taylor, Granville. D. Wilcox A Co.. Canton : Ashless & luhk- WELL, Alba; liixny, Wyalusiug; Pioi.let, Wysox ; Stevens A Bckkows, f-tevensville ; Bono Kits. West Warren ; Long A" Bum. Burlington ; Nkwkll A C<>.. Ul ster; Perkins, Alliens ; Merry, Burlington; a very A Camp. Cainp'own : N'iciioi.s. Derrick vole ; Eiitlk, I.eßaysville.; Bkonson, Orwell; Beidleman. OrvoltV j Creek ; Moody. Rome ; Kinney A Gore, Sheshequiu. and by dealers every where. April Ifi. li;i. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT 2>WIS, J&IKS&IffOSB ITT ATE just received from the City, e Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. M v stock of LIQUORS has been pur chased for CASH, directly Irom the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Farmers lor the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, >r any kind whatever, at I.OWER PRICES than were ever be fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS YY ill tind it greatly to their ndv-ntage to exumin my stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have (ii.-iJitiesf.-i purchasing, which eual.les me to WHOLESALE my goods a) New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquor l are warranted pure and nnad Itei ated. I have also on hand the largest Stock and est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to To wanda, which havinz l-cc •:t ;ha directly from the Manufacturers mid Importers. - rat > ine to compete with the Wholesale Toba-v-iii-its ot ti.< city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars and To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER titan elsewhere in this town. Confident that I atn enabled to sell mv entire stork of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, les'sthan like goods can lie purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so licit the public to an examination at No. 5. Brick Row. 11. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June 14. 1800. STOVES! STOVES! JUST RECEIVED! HAA INC? InhOy returned from the citv where we have nurrhased for CASH a large as sortment of STOVES, of all varieties and sizes suited to this locality, we are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash or approved credit. \\ e would call especial at teat ion to the celebrated Coal Stove ■ ■ RC ■ -C 9 the perfecti nof arrangement for burning coal. We are also casting and setting up in our own Foundry, a num ber ot kinds of excellent COOKING STOVES,and BON j STOVES for SCHOOL-HOUSES and SHOPS l'crsons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ar i count of broken plates. Ac..can getjust as good of Home j Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whoie. is the 1 Largest and Most Complete ever offered for sale in this i market. We also manufacture and keep constantly on ' hand, a full assortment of TIN-WARE, and will make to order any thing trom a Telescope up— to a Sausage Machine! *J- Call and examine for yonrselvus, and yon will be satisfied that there is something ia the world vet, besides Gas. _ JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Ang. 39, 1860. ■N. B.—Our Tiu Store is on Main street, south store in Memir's Block. FISH! FISH!! FISH! ! ! 'pHE best assortment in Pennsylvania. Consisting rf A A front \Vhil Fish, Bine Fish, Salmon < odfish, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Smoked Halibut a <;. Ac., on hnnd, and to he ohl cheap, bv Towatida, June 10, IKhQ. ' f, r PAW. Mnslntsa il y occupied by Jas. M ACKAKL-AWE. BiW *.f Ws ,. j H.J.MtniLk p n MADJ EE A MORROW A A SI) COUNSKU.UHa AT J over Mercur' Store.Towanda,Pa. •—Oko Towanda, April 2, IS. DR. E. H. MA&ON, piiysJcuNT^ HLJi O/. OiV.odeis hw professional .. .. i people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at ''"'"'■ is (Mi Pine street, where lie can always be found lt!? 4 '* ! professionally engaged. " e 'tut Eli. PA RSOiN S, A TTUIiNrT^ • LA IF, TRoV, Bradford Co., I', i )c ' '■ j .M. An. F. Long's Store. 7*' l pI.UA.N AN "SMITH, I,Uvino 7,rj^ , JJ Towanda. has opened a Office over u Store. Dec. 1.1867. "Wqu, THOM Ar- RVA N. A 7 Thliy'lETT' .1 LA H'. 025 e over Eddy', Cioihiag si T da. V*. * TonJ n da, Out. 2 l c 6l. T. fv. CCS . , ! A TTORNKV AKJ) NOTARY I'UliLif . il T< wand i. Pa. iCi'.e in 'he buildu g t,rrtier'- | copied i>\ H. B McKean. # Ali legai business attended to will, pron, ;..,.,,,. j care. j Towanda, Aug. 2b. 1801-tf. PR II WESTO\~IJB TIS T. permanently located in T; ;j ! Towanda, Feb. 18,1859. O. 11. WOODEUFF— DENTIST j "DERMAJsENTLY located in To*and^ X Office No. 5, Bri.-k Row. over H. \V. XOBLU' v.. Entrince one door sontr. of Tracy A Monres. . DIl G. S. I'ECK, SUJIGEOX A\L MFC HA SIC Al. tJESTIST, TOWASD) •. No. 1. Brir* Row, over E. T. V x'n *• ■> entrance tirt \Y IL MOT&vv AT K I NSTATTOKY AT LAW TOWANDA, pa.-office r..^, : occupied bv U Mercur. ' DAVID wri.MoT. | G. H. WATKIVS ! May 2. 18.1 DP JOHN M l NTOSII. u ill 1... f„„777 liis oWnffisfc. .'attou a Block, during Sj>: t;g t Summer Teeth n-erted on Vi.h-anised Intest improvement i deuti-ry. Spe> imn pic-.- n, . seen at tiie office. Fersous sudebtcd t> m vil pv up. JOHN M'ISTOSR T wanda. March 2P. t'Sft. M U S SC. HRUICK tes|e ifully i nfrirnis tlie pe > • of Tow:iiid.( and vicinity, that he is pwpralla giving LESSONS ON THE PI ANO. Also tgat'he " " Tunes and Repairs Pianos npon reasonable terms, and insures perfect satis'irtaj Rooms in Bender's Bindery, south end of Ward Hon*. 18? C. lit'a, fstjq. 3m. WAJR3D HOrSEf Towanda, Fa. TIIE SuWribers havinsr leaser] ilu' *"• known Hotel for a term of years, would inform thei? friend- and the traveling pnblio* that they will be bim happy to accommodate all who may favor then withi call. It will be he aim of the present make tiie WARD HOVSE at once comfortable, pleaMs; aud cheerful. Y'ours Truly, Jan. i" 1. POWELL ft SMITH McC ABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Itflmr J. hingsbci y's store. Main at. r pilE subscriber would respectfully tender hi-si:* I thanks t-. the public n-r the very liberal pair ..-J (xteoded i" hiiu, aid solicits a contiouaat-rt .. ~-M He l-ez- leave t-- assure that he intends t - ksep • as heretofore, a choice -election <-l lllvt i8i I the he-t the country affords, Uich he intend-1 ■ very small profits, either by the side, quarter or * ■ g-.\ quantity of flrveiu then, ney market, he will nuike Costsir-un >- in t-. >1 AOeecl and other work in proportion forltEAl>Y PAY'. Country Produeein payment, will no be retused i offer, d " Towanda. Mar- h 2n. I'A* HAILIiOAD ll( ) r i i;L St tr the Rirrtnii R,iilrrad termivw, TOWANDA, PENNA. TR JORDAN resjii ctfnllv nt'orni< 'fif • the pul-lic IDat he hns leased tiie we"' kn- em stand formerly by M. T. CAKKIKH - lower part ol the borough ol Towauda. hi . i.i ; -t i-ei n refitted and thoroughly re furtu-hed he ■ ;< put . -ze- ihe public with every cmfi-le'. • ni-i" • •an give entire satisthctk.u to such as m-y ' ** with a - all Ills BAR Will b-- ket.t stock- -i itb the i-e-f q :a!:".is l.lQl t'lvs y.oI lit. hesi t.rands oi t - th"* f .1-' ■ ve stabling is connected l:h iue Louse, & ■ ;i rai tt'-.i-iaoi - will . ui, be kt • : N • i us hi e:.;)tu~e v.; /be .-paie i v de-erte the W : n.ige ol 1 '-oo)') sbarges w'nl i rea-im Towauda. April 1,18fl. Extraordinary Inducements Tt) THE BEYERS OF FURNITURE AND HAVING greatly iDcrea-c bi; stock of Cabinet Ware ami Chai* * determint-d to dispose of thi -ef '* tlons rapidly, and with that design offer all artK-e'' unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at fit; to 120, fine Cane Seat Chair' each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. 1 have now more than tiO different patterns Bureaus Desks tor the fi-rnier or merchant, Glasses uiOoKing giass Ptaies.Porti-aitsnd Picture fo of giit, lose wood. Mahogany and Walnut l ' f ' r "'.' | iatterns of Stands , extension dining, tea anil * J, bles, Hull Stands, and in fact anything that ca:- ! ' in n city Ware house. " - A lurire assortment of ready-made C-'ffin<. with it™ llcurse ready, t all times. Purchasers w 11 tie sure to find the rizht i-H l '' side ol flie public square, one door east V Towsnda. l>ee I, 18S9. CHESTER "1 THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATIC THE subsctllev w-.M *° ft I , to the piil.b- that he ka wj iiM ** ''" l ■ (fff i sc-f W B,Tc-'l'o.:- ' f |MiiiWi | Wj|. - ; tre.Onl Diiiiiq ane .gl .• . 1-le. Mahogany. Mlnt >r ■ ■ f Cherry Ueieau- Stands '' ' I kinds, Chairsan-1 Bed-tf*' ((f : description, which nee,and will tie made of J terial and workmanlike manner ami which lh, Yjivr ! for cash cheaper titan can be bought in any room in tlm country. v _-)* READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand -># lhi ,®ur sonable tei ins. A good HEARSE *iR hr - Fuserai occasions. J A M ES M At hi* * Towanda. January 1.1857. GROUND FEPPU^ A ELS PICE, fiiinnmon, C'> ,v <*- ( I II Pepper, Mnsfard Ginger Coffee. Beard* ,n ings' pnreat df each, for rale eheap hy_ Dec. 20.