ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, TO W-AJtfIXA. : Thursday Moruing, October 10,1861. , Stlttto poetrn. (From Vanity Fair.) ALARUM. Men of America, t'p Irom your slumbers! L>sh the thick mist away. F.ach soul that cumbers! Freedom is yet alive ; j Wake, in her name to strive ; S varni. Irom each busy hive. Resistless numbers ! Were we not freemen t>o ra il ere-iwvmleU ? When shall the hiss of scorn Our fame have ended ? The soil of Washington Traitors should harbor none— Though all our rivers run With crimson blended. Our realm is half a world ; Ocean to ocean! Shall -ur tH; now 1* furled 'Mid war* commotion ? S . letr Chief's command, Over IT ,J L.tke and 'and. 11 aw every freeman's hand. Each heart's devotion! t" up for l.ibertv! The battle rages ; (if our laud's history l>iood stain- the paces. IVath may be welcome now ; Though cold the lantvl'd brow, Men to its tame shall bow All through the aces. From caitiff rear or S icht. Good Loan, deliver 1 By truce w .lh trait>r might. Give us peace, never 1 Rather go d .wat < dust. As in the end we m .-I. Flaring IN GOD our trust. Freemen te.rever 1 istt 11 anto as. (Frem'Ba: ker's M <.:.u > AN UNCLAIMED DEPOSIT. A ROMANCE"CF REAL LfFE. Former v con u try j -masters made quar to:. V re lIJ UUCH 10 H'C geaeral deportllleiit a'. ffstiwgloa, by depoattmg the MBUMI IU >uiue'i' * £ bai.k, to the credit of the post ms-t : gt .rrt 1. ami sending htu thereter a et rt.fn- tie of the depository 1H: k. A person iniewding wel an aycntioa, deposited IU our lat k, five hundred dollars, and took the us na. certificate. He was a strainer to u>. :or did we kuow bis rtadtMC : mod the occur rence hav g nothing pni ar a out it. e:u :• ed ttt gtMTtl uoticc. and was 5,,. 1; forgo' ten. &eterl years eip-*\i, when, OB a tran-!\ r of accounts cousnj'ieiit to fe op. i : g • ' n : a' ledger, our book keejwr stated to uie toe t x s lance ol tne defo.-ii, and t. e '.. me iiu j re- Ulume l il' a . vl ;t ut t..e >'• - - r.- ( ■ - ED BO parUctilwr actio I —WE sat MM I th tt : E depart AWN t, karieg faod* LA . I,.. I **. .. ■— en to let it i.e Vitb us Tbe U |>-.tor, boa* inr, as we sohstquri.t.'y lean ed. had, on re taraiaft bone, placed the entdcaie ia a draw er among otlier papers, ii.te. d i g to traasßMt to W ash lug ton, after he had copied some \ .chers which rre io4v\i uq ant it ; tut !>e c takes suddenly ill, and his illness lertHiu- j s g speedily in u.ath. the transmission was iff accomplished. The existence of the cer- • -c was utikn.'WD to anv ore person beloag iag to '.he p*t office. at:d the lux>k> of theo.e --t-exhibited oi.'y the amount of the in debtcdaeaa to the general detriment, while .. wh rewith to the n.vie 4adaeaa i be found, alter the most diligent search trie premises and inquiry of the widow The wmditioa of the office BMBBMd tuuch the ap- j re*r*:.ce of a de: a vat ion. and rt nu rs soon ' iv.necled therewith ibe sudden death of the Nipfsvsed detai'.er \\ hispers ciivolaied around ? l< ghlß.rhoovi that he had taken poison, • ie -oaae .i.stead n.s sted that he had hunsr : and a . remembered that he had. for *eral days previ us to his death, evinced a | ae-Tous and unbecoming urgency to collect i .:-;a i.og debts that, iu the period al '■ ■ were accorded by country postmas ers '•a o- residences. Nor was the de f-arta.-ct at Was too in iguorance of what 'i (;-.*••-d An active po lviau of the v.: f*. a..v bad Jong coveted the office, a; j bad ■•de frequent efforts to supplant the iucuoi r<-'-> *:. .e speedi yto Washington, for the p.av'e. taking occasion to justify hi# 'I itiv>a of the tenth commandment , •J " 1 .£ the eXiStmg defwh-atiou, and io ? -'I X tkat his :ong expectation of such a | .. isreu ibe icwdiug motive for his for* . s f atid in addition, re-ceited i s •' * * t uemaiii from the two of i w* drceased a liquidation ol the ta'ance due ~ th. of tre head of a fan iy ■ •fUat .alaai ty, io its most nnugatcd 'oriu . i ' assaßies ouwootrd w;en \ ' - * * ta a loss of the means of support ! i v t-r-ar-d i usehold, and the v.urn- . ' 1 " la .: i*. u st-Tbj i its • .vv.s SvX ho*t Vef, Was , "rr- ** • l . ol li*t * .tioi id the 1 " • *'. at.. itKombeftd auso .u '.tree - -rra Tey were too yu;gto u i - fu.l i.a ure of tbeT benwtentent; < ■ - posaaaaad strot-g set-.' It - as the greatest of her affi.e ions, the 5 "rTa- . y .er v.'Cv a-c. . u-i a i ; - - ' ' 'ue ituuced to beiieTe his geuit, j \ - * knew net to c trover; it-- , '**'• w oosUvvs 00 her part should ope- j , y* 'jury of h.s sare ies. and that thus \ - -cbwau * c„iracttr m gat part,a yre ; : - ?ke Tolautar.iy to cce of j '"t r j„t o: da a itra'.joa oa tae .ates. ♦ THE BRADFORD REPORTER. tate's estate, and the trifling effects might all be sold in the most expeditious manner. The adiuinistra or happened to be a benevolent man, and by udvaucing some funds of his own, j the government was paid the balance due from the deceased, and the family were left iu the | ownership of their small homestead, with most of its essential furniture—the efforts of the: widow suffi-itig to provide a scanty susteuauce for herself and children. Years passed 011 this way ; the subject had originally engrossed the I tile village, and reached to some of the surrounding parts ; but it bad king been forgotten by the young, and 1 was only occasionally rtmeuibered by the old; when one of tbe widow's children, a female, j just grown into womanhood, a>ked her mother ■ the use of retaining so many old papers that ' were lying in a trunk which the young woman had long desired to posses-. The mother ad- ! nutted she knew no use ia retaining them.— j Some of them, however, were letters which she had received from her husbm d during his I occasonal absence from h ine. and j>he was re luctant to destroy them though -he was equal ( ly reluLtaut to read them ; but the greater j part of tbe papers were old post office docu- j meats, way bills and blanks, of no u-e wh itev er ; and it tbe daughter would re- rve the let ters, (they would not amount to a large 1 - I ber. the other papers be destroyed Forth sped the girl, elated to take pos>e--:on of the long coveted trunk, and the letter* ware soon sorted from the mass that was des lined to be destroyed. Curiosity induced the g.ri to open a few of the unt'quated sallow letters, w hen in one of them she found a print- 1 ed paper, that so arrested her attention t.y it r.seui lance to a bank note, that she to.'k it ! w.tii her whenjslie returned to her mother, that its character might rie elucidated. The moth er no sooner saw it than she recognized it as a cert tieate of deposit ; and her true woman ly instincts, all loyal still to the husband of her youth, sarauMd immediately that it might, in ! -otue way, f e connected with hi- alleged le : fwicatiou. She lost n< time in sliwing it to the benevoit nt surety, vriio - ill lived 111 the neigh borhood, and who had eeattastij assisted her 111 her struggles to keep the family from want and to educate the children. He bid long exercised the office of justice of thi peace, wed understood enough of bu-ii.-- generally to I know the nature of such a pap I : jvrt • I to be issued by our 1 >. h r.-ce pt of five hundred dollars 1... n- credit of I I >st Blaster ■ .i. He kindly ; f t- •; -•. : . ' of uiT.. r, tic :gh t.-.e - ■ ed. He ventured, t owever, to • - • 1 ney to our bat k. and there as •to -i t %\ the money was still undrawn ; and OB this oc- j casiou we became aware, for the Cr-t time, of I all the preceding occurrence*. But we could not yet t>c sure that the government were not the owaers of the moaey ; fv>r though its bav g been left so long undrawn would have been c tsclusive aga.nst it- owner-hip by a private person, yet the gorerumeut m ght be influt nc- , ti by d.ff-rt " pnjic : at : ' ic k :v:-- ' ed lhut the cert fica'e shon' i I e -ei " to Wash ington. with a narrative of the circumstances, j is * a rquest t ai, if the Prpartmet.t had to ' claims iLrreon. thej should return the I • a'c da j e.Oi reed, -o thai live I ai.k could pay j lb. money to the widow. Tl.e I-*-.*'d" J'c was accordinglr sent, as we j had aviriseil. and, after no long delay, it was j returned with the coggeitodeadnrunaeat —the ; goti rumCßt alleging no claims thereon—and e ja i five hundred do! irs to the widow, who tna :e B joorwej to receive it ; though, a -he w as not the administratrix of fur husband, j the money had. in form, to be paid to hr fr end. the admiLi-trator. who accompanied, her. T: e amount seemed t > her very large ; but the greatest pleasure she derived from tbe transaction was the justification it produced of i the integrity of hei husband ; and though we had heard all tbe circumstances thereof before, j we could not resist bcr evident desire to re-1 count it to u- herself, and tbe g r at fcation we saw -he received from the recital relieved the tedium of a twice-told tale. She returned home a happier woman than she had been since ber widowhood, and insisted on reimbursing to her husbar i's surety what the t ff-c'.s of the estate had faded to meet ; though he resi-teothe of fer. t :. 1 he saw the recept.on woul i be more benevolent than the rejection. Tae amount remaining in her possessiou was a '.rifle over three hundred dollars, which, being judicious ly loaned on intcre-", added greatly to her re - : -mail as the income serais to persons in a d ffetent scviety T:.e sopp'>ed defa ca tioa had not produced, in its day. a greater -eu-ati n:n the v ige than the discovery of the missing money ; and what most surprised the widow, was the assurance of her neighbors t w for the fir-', t toe disclosed t at they i.ever had for a moment believed the o'd sto riew IB the d -a-ivantage of htrhu-band They a . new the truth w-ul-1 at length be man,test ed. a. d Lsd so\i a th • u-a i t.nies— the only j*r;ies who ever sceui-d toprojiagaie tbe ccwi dai oens some few who bad long since eea iru.J T Otherwise left tse v.. ge. The old trunk shared in the general appreciation of the fatuity, and was frequently exhibited to give a reality to the narrative But what made the ,rs to the poat master gentral, tna tLe w.dow should be ap 1 *.ei to ".:ie effi e f} -t tn-*-"tr —tae t\ st ing iccumhet-t haTi-g lapsed in his polities and become at pot ular—a .d as tbe petition was supported by the coogressonal represen tative f the district. Bbo knew all the listory of the little office, the application was speedily soceeswfwi : and I iearoed. but a tkmt 'imw sg s. that the widow was permuted to retain the cffice tiR ?h< vo'nntanir te'inqtiisbed it it ' favor of a highly respectable voting druggist, who had married her d*ugh*er. the young nomas that foand the cert fi.-ate, at-d that he - trie p"r-: : potstniA-s'er of the v. -ge, ". at wj- a vear ago. when I hward from the locality. A LAT SIXMOS A " curtais lectare PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. 0. GOODRICH. The Man who knows Everything. A mighty knowing man was Caleb Page, who kept the grocery ut the fork of tbe road, near Woodchuck Creek, Sprag Hollow, iu the village of Hornville. No occurrence had taken place, ot all the particulars of which : Caleb did not possess a thorough knowledge i in the minutest detail. All matters in tbe prospective were anticipated, discussed, arrao- ' ged aDd satisfactorily disposed of by Caleb long before tley look place. If a neighbor rushed into the store to communicnte what he Ix-lieved to be a very recent piece ot news, he would have the conceit takeu out of him by being told by Caleb that he " had heard of it a week ago." Events of the past, pres ent and future were al! the same to him ; bis obiquitous knowledge grasped and covered them all—to him they were all " stale news." A small bet was made one evening between Si Stevens and doe Stubbins. Si bet Joe couldn't nonplus Caleb with eny piece of intel ligence—real or imaginary. Joe took all such bets as that. The following evening Si and Joe, accompa nied by two or three more of the " boys'' of the village who were to "help the thing along,'' and " fill in," proceeded to Caleb's store After being comfortably seated here and there on boxes, barrels Ac , Si opened the evening's amu-toneut by askiug in a manner that indica ted be was continuing acover s ation commenc ed lie! re they had eutered the store : " So vou av, Joe, thev have caught him at last." " Yes, S'r, about seventeen miuutes after eight." " Well, Joe, how far np the creek was it ?" " On a careful consideration, I should -av it wa about three miles, or three miles and a huif up the creek Caleb, who had not lost a word of the con versation, dropped his sugar scuopwith astou i-hment and opened his ears, for the boys were talking about a matter in which he was not " po-'eo up " The conversation continued : " Well," say- Si, " that couldn't a been far from Deacon Hunt's." " Je-t so," answered Joe, " It was about e : o ' - 1- fr in Deacon Hunt's bog peD, in a - , ■ oh wi-e -t:•- " '* D t you leaf, .1 with a face as solid .-agra.e stone, " bow much lie they got ?" '* Yes, I did," replied Joe, with another a -olid a- two gravestones. " I heard that go*, nigh ahnt sixty ber'ls of He " I. e wrs observed that Caleb - getting • x . -y at "p! dit on." V) i. ' ~ W.. gW *- *1:0 ttp'i'f ?" " W- . S . • . • ii.s-c-.-t .ia. about e g'l'v two feet loog Bad iwei.ty-eight odd inches broad— " I . ..jt, J e. I re was a { air on Ym ?" " That's a fact, there wa# two on ' ut they only saugiit the be one." At this point of the dialogue, fiH V-cane -odes. - r • use m the East Genesee Confer-! c ce, v: ! • .it ...i piece of inrri* ire might as wt;! be disposed of. We learn t some of tl. • 1...0' were t ; exavt : y :a*i-facto ry. bat tbia i* aot —rptiaiug, a..i tbe only i woader is that such aad w in my changes I sh■■'tj' be made with so i 'tie ft'. a. Tt - remaikablc acquiescence of our preachers and j people io a system of annual changes affecting ; tbrir highest interests, aff rd* no -light proof ' that at least, the geria of Methodist policy is of more thau human origio.— St riker 1 Jnit jeitdent. . THE Snmvß ts OVER. —We can hardly re alize the fact, so short does the time seems since buds and blossom#, blue birds and lilacs welcome the refirn of spring ; but the sum- j mer is over, " done old rnan'3 hand, and ; conducted him to a seat, and spoke so kindly that the veteran's heart overflowed, aad he burst into tears. To those at all acquainted with the history of the Napoleonic dynasty, neither the kind ness of the Prince nor the emotion of the old soldier will be wondered at. All snch well know the remarkable power that the first Na poleon held upon the affections of his soldiers, as well as the wild and uncontrollable idolatry manifested by the latter toward the former, upou all occasions, whether iu victory or de feat. In this interview, the veteran " fought his battles o'er again." The Prince questioned him, and listened with glistening ey* to his recital of those thriving incidents which ever had as their hero a Napoleon. The quick eye of the Prince noticed the ab-euee of three fingers from one of the sol dier's hands. " Where did yon lose your fingers ?" "In tbe retreat from Moscow. I was at tached to the cavalry, and in one of the char ges of those villainous Cossack#, a lance de prived me of my fingers. But," and the o'd veteran's eye shone witb the old battle-light, "my saber fiuisbed him, sire. Ab. those Cossacks were the most splendid horsemen that I ever saw, but they afraid of Ma rat's cavalry, after all." And the old soldier's j mind wandered back to that terrible retreat from the burning capitoi of the Russians, sur rounded by tbe inflexible rigors of a Russian ! Winter, and barrassed day and night by those furious onsets of Cc--aek cavalry—those w .1 and daring children of the plains. " Tnis, sire, was done at Lodi," exhibiting a terrible scar upou his left thoalder made by a grape shot. "And this," baring the calf of his left leg. showing the track of a baliet through and through it, " was done at Acrola." " This saber cut upon my bead was received at An 'erlitze, and so was this sire," tenderly Li' .; up the Cross of the Lesion of Honor, bestowed apoa him by Napoleon for special service on bloody field. And thus the old battle-scarred veteran arhiled away two pl-a-aut hours—hours wuh proud and tender recollections to both Prince and soldier ; and when the veteran aro?e to go he blessed the munificence cf the Prince, which Lad pressed a well filled purse iDto bis hand, and given him assurance that ii L- t France had not forgotten her veterans, and that a liberal pension should be provid ed for him. ExTRAORriNAKT Poo—At Aider-hot camp there is a large -paciel, belonging to a sar geant in the Royal Artillery, WHO hax been taught by his master, during tedious days of camp life, to perform tricks that are almost marvellous. The dog is perfect in his drill, marching slow, quick, and at the donbi# in obedieuee to the word of command. After he had been put through his paces, his mas'er ea. Ed him up and a.-kcd hi- op.n.oc of the va rious reg.ments oo the grouud. Were the j Plungprs the best corps?—no signs of appro | val. Were the 42i Foot ?—silence on the part of the dog After going over hai? a doz en name*, the raster a-ked, exactly in the same tone as that be had put his previous queatioo, the dog's opinion of tbe Royal Ar tillery. He instantly burst out iuto lovons barking, jumping aboat, and rolling The ser geant called three cheers for tbe King of Prus sia—no sounds ; three cheers for the King of Naples—a low growi ; three cheers for the Emperor of Austria—a 'er.ce again ; three cheers for the of England—snob a voi ley of resounding barks that echoed again. tflmntionjil Departed. Teachers' Examinations. The annua' examinations of teachers for this county, be ho*.den in accordance * '-h the following programme. In three or four instances two town* have been pat together, ia order that the inspections may all be held teftre tbe winter SCIKK - cornice tee. Exautuatious commence prec:-ely a: 10 o'cl-x-k a. m , tone w ; be inspected who do aot cvae in before 11, unless the delay be unavoidable. Each teacher most bring Sander's fifth Reader, one -beet of fools cap paper, fen, ink aui led peocJ. A.: who lutend to teach during the year mast come forward aci be examined Nunc will be examined privately unless aa Aitcn:*-. r op.-:, t: r sS4-_ uat.ia was ble, o'd—cert fica'.es will not be renewed.— D rectors and others interested, are earnestly invited to attend.—-- h Cr*-~i S-wSey B-.i-:.:! H:_. <—CoiaaitAa. Aw Vewwriiie 1 •—es.-!&£!• d. ifiirt Scßoat How, IS—R :z> -v P*crri.>, " la—Swiilitki. Ctstn > Aool Howe, " " t T *—Tl P~rt' firkul llin — ** t-—UBIN, Cwaui Schowl BMM. ti—Fraaklia A Leßor. Chaf*i't sebaol Hew, " 11 Giuiißf, Tajtoc * a.:Sswe, H . ** V—Boriatft-3. i' Srbrx. H '•>—H *-' S r:. zi. . H --f ** is—Viwx, A fill ar Mjersbcrji. ~ - >—R.. 3K- Boro Sck- . i-j —>rwed. a .. > i il— J)OT : M.- -r * A.- s.-.- —• — ~ - _•* VOL. XXII. NO. 19* " 2—Wya]using, Merrjrnll, " 4 Acklejr School Hoose, " s—Terry 4 Wilrnot. Terrytown, • " 6—Albany A Overton. Browns Scboo) Boose. " 7—Towanda. Eoro'School Hons*, " 11—Aeyluoi. Frenchtown Lower House, 1 '• 12—Sheshcjoin \ Ulster, Kinny School Hoase, I '* 13—Athens, Boro" School Hon.'*, " 14—Litchtield, Centre School House. " 15—Windham, Kaykendall School House, ! - K—Warren, Bowen School Hou.-^ Aug. 3. lsei. C. B. CO BUBS. Superintendent. j t&T" The following resolutions were passed at the Teachers' Institute, held at Columbia X Roads, September 20tb. Be it resolved by I the teachers of the townships herein represent , ed. 1. That teaching is an honorable and re . sponsible calling, and to sustain, promote and . elevate the dignity of our profession, we will do , all in our power to make onrselves equal to the standard desired by our worthy State Superin tendent 2. That we recommend to every teacher to study carefully some standard work upon the science of teaching. 3. That we will exert our influence to per suade all who intend to teach, and all who are interested in the cause of education, to attend these annual drills. 4. That we recommend township associa tions, as beiug of inestimable valae to all teacber, and especially so to those who have had but little.or no experience in the business. 5 That we tender our thanks to those who have enlivened our sessions with music ; to the trustees of the chnrch for its use ; to all who have aided as in our discussions, and to the citizens of the place for their hospitality. 6. That our thanks are due to Prof. C. R. Co BURS', for his endeavors to make oar sessions Loth pl?asant and profitable to all who have attended, to li. C Johns, for his instrnrtioa in penmanship, and to Rev. Mr. GIBSON for his ! excellent lecture. T. That oar warmest sympathies are with our beloved, but now distracted country. We love its free institutions, and believe that the general diffusion of knowledge by means of common schools is one of the most efficient means of perpetuating them. Ca?* The Committee who have listened to the reading of the several teachers of the In stitute, would offer the following as their re port of criticisms. In general we have been gratified, and feel that the teachers do not underrate the very dv-.rabie C'-ompi:shaeut of being able to read well. ID giving onr criticisms on the Tarious readers, we shall be brief, and to the point, considering that " a word to the wise is snffi ■dent," and that each will endeavor to profit by the scggejtiocs wj _ay make. We mention DO name- of readers, bat only the selections read, so that each reader may recognize his own. It is also proper to remark here, that where the readers are many, and the variations in many ca-e- but slight, it fuilows, of necessity, that in onr criticisms there mast be a repeti tidn of words, and a sameness in onr remaks. " The School II use in the IVoodt r —Was smoothly and very cred tab'.y read, not however without some faults— .who has none ?) Rather rapidly, atdjwith a want of emphasis. "Try ah belong to Die" — Was well read con ; ider:ng the nature of the selection, for while the yenng reader may think poetry the more easy to read, t:. so does not make it so. The reading was too hurried, not suffi ciently distinct in enunciation, and was not I sufficiently emphatic to express the sentiment I of the lines. " The Lui Rote of Summer" -Lacked empha s's, and manifested a slight tinge of the unna tural. If we were not speaking as a critic we would say i; was well read. " Immortality"- —Was read under too much embarrassment to be criticised, though tha reader manifested the qualifications of a good reader. " The I- :ry —Was well studied, and too well read, i e the effort was too great, and consequently not natural. " Ot r L*; si to ot* r Countrf —Manifested want of practice in reading ; and was read withoa: a feeling of the sentiment expressed. " Mr:ncßial T-. it's" —An unhappy selection: and no; such as to test the reader's i abilities as such " Bat - Tie. I." —Too harried, not distinct in enunciation. " DLirru ge" —Want of expression of senti ment. " T in/;sg : .ving" —Well read, distinct and clear, bn: pressed a t-nre of the unnatural in tone " I'c* \ z" —Well read, eoanciatioa good. Manifested Self possession and aUo * proper i v;ew of the sentiment. Too low. "A Tri - •' < ■ :\ ■ l ~ —Want lag in oree an i eipres.- >a . " Liberty" —Very well, but not with suffi cient fee. ng ar*i eirrv-.-.on of sentiment. •• Vaalsigfn mi Prayer' —ln all repect we'.i rea:.. 1 ; a word, we would say of in is cor.-.dr: • z :. age and experience of the reader. " Excels • Set Ua s i the KAvm*—Enunciation good. A ::r_- of the nuoatural, bat with a feei.ig of me sentiment "P. i atofsii." —Want of emphasis. Too each tone. "Ilistc m the Study" —Very we 11, bat scarce ly beard. m Mmta Cure n Scotcl" —Much too hurried, and too lew Respectfully sacm tied. Coomittee. j A Farat. 0~'?-"5r-—Cxoeei Berian'f sight OT*r a a n.e rifia.