tOCAL AND QENERAL. FIG- DKOWXKO. —We learn that n man nam L r.*os. o' Browntown, this county, was drotrned, C Jay. the 25th ult., near Seneca Lake, N. Y., in 05 eqiieuve of being thrown from a young horse Into the ♦iter- Sl'Dden* DEATH —We understand that IbTEW, wife ofJosHL-A DEPEW, of VVyaluslng. drop dead while walking across the floor, on Sun j the -th nit. Heart disease is supposed to have been cause of licr death. She leaves three chil dro- .... KICKED DY A HORSE.—On Friday night , .. -j, young man by the name of QIOHI MOODY, em '"(Pd in a livfery stable, was kicked in tlie side, by a I - ? and received such internal injuries that his rccov f , is considered doubtful. FA*T DAY.—The National Fast Day Thursday last—was strictly observed in this place. All s 0 f business were closed, and Religious service held [jtiie different churches. j.- loon —On Saturday niajht last the v r , ( B ran ch of the Susquehanna river raised several „ mseiitience ot an immense raise in the Chemung I, ill t i We understand that great damage was dune to ■'i :anl snd other property, on the Chemung. NOTICE. —A sermon will be . bed at the Baptist Church, in this borough, on Sun- Evening next, by the Pastor, from the text: "Can re'not discern the signs or times." 1C0,,. POOR BISCUIT —Ladies, if yon would avuid the mortification of having poor biscuit for tea, when y > have company, use only D. B. DcLand k Co. s Chemical Sulcata.. It w.l! produce the same happy re .ult every time, so that you may know wh it to depend up on. You can get it ol any respectable dealer in the country. FLORAL CO.VCF.RT —Roots " Flower tjuwn." or the Coronation of tlw Rose, will be given by fiftv young ladies,uader the direction of Mr. J. G. HUNT TING, in Towanda,Octber ff. Mr j. G. TOWSKB, of Rome, will enact the part oi the . gccluse "—Miss MAKV !!• Ai.LK* of - Susquehanna lu ititutc, " wiil personate tlie Lose. &2)~ By reference to an advertisement in tiior column, it will lie seen t'.iat R. W. EDDY lias pur the clothing store ot E. S. BKNKDICT, and has just r ,. r . i from (lie city the largest and in i.t splendid as irtmcntof ready made clothing, hats, caps, Ac., ever of- InfOin this place. Wc have examined his stock, and e-ia.tUt.-r it the cheapest and best assortment ever ottered trie. Lire hiai a call. MF.'TIN'o OF RETURN JUDGES —By the jtu. A lily, [lassed in IsJJ—an abstract of which •• hi ii.lied last week—t ie Return Judge* are directed •.irct'iii the second of November next, in.tead : ilicr. as heretofore, for the jmrpose of giving time retire returns of electi >n from the volunteer compa o'rom this county. Return Judges from the different ■r tion districts in the couuly, will please bear tiiis in M. SFT- FIRF.—On t'te tiiglit of tho 2ND ult. >h occupied by Mr. HALL, but owned by EOMUND I u:T"S, in Terrylown. was consumed by liie. with most ' its contents. Mr. HZN. and In* wife and three young ulies, who were Isiarding in the family, and attending : le Teachers' Institute, left the house about 7i o'clock to s;;end a lecture, at the church. Mrs. HALL thinking that r '.wo little girl*, whom .he had lelt at home, would be , "iweii t i see ami hear, sent for tliein. One was found i." i, and the other about going to sleep. About half i ght the house was discovered to be in Il.itues, and I. •n. was entirely destroyed. T'-f family -aved hut little atul the lady boarders lost k 'y hsd.exceptiug the garments they wore. The house |jii>... eld ono. VOLUNTEER MEETING —A moptinff of '• "..frs anil citizens of W'yalusing, was held in Camp ■ "m the l*th ult. Rinks of those enlisted were formed IN front of THOM i* - Hotel, by Capt. T. B. CAMI'. headed bv a band of Ivtial Music.they then inarched through the prin p-ets of town, and assembled in the Academy, where I were met by a large number of civilians, who greet l lien with cheers. motion. Rev. S. F. BROWS was chosen I'r'.'deit. Hi. 'I LI.KK, Vice President, and xl. O. CAMP. Secretary. ■ Mr li ioivs, upon taking his seat, stated the object of ■' - leathering, and introduced the Hon. GEO. LANDON B ■ addressed them in hi* u.ual eloquent, instructive and Be- tic manner. His sentiments were highly applaud- H with one exception: while speaking of the petty ■ c meetings, held in different localities, a few groans w n a • do all in our power to preserve the Govern- Itlie I nion.with no compromise wilh traitors, it we heart! y wish the volunteers success ci i ii. and responsinle duties they hive assumed ■ ■ that our sympathies and prayers will be given for " r 'd, That we tender our heartiest thanks to the H. , hiMi 'v, for his patriotic, soul-sterring and in- I hat Capt. T B. CAMT has shown a true pa- f ;I Fobtaining t le number of volunteers here ' m *he county papers [>igtied by the officers.] DIED, . ! ',f. of (I. I|. Eaton,in this borough, Oct. I ®n&.7r 1 d f avs r,J - >L SEAMAN ' a 8 e(1 25 years, !• Posed was formerly a rasident cf this place, and J ■ hnown t rnjH t 0 f our citizens. He re- j ' 'wr country's call for aid, by volunteering ] ■ 4 y7' n ' *' ia K* the .34th Regiment, New ! 'J ! He was on his way from Washington ■ " affairs at Add son, when he was taken ill *'(h (he disease which has terminated . ( Addison paj>ers please copy.) > rt''u : r 'i n " lf ' *'" t Septemlier, of disease of the ■ a LKA BAILEY, wife of the late ti. ti. 60 years. H ilrUi SMitrtfsritflts. ntsT' w"' |l IND WINTER GOODS, I Great Variety, NOW OPENING, of the Pvllic square, at the stun of j ■N WICKHAM & SON. ificto a&toerttecmcms. To the Electors of Bradford County. ITHE COMMITTEE APPOINTED FOR . that, purpose, having intcrrogat?d the Candidates nominated by the Republican Convention, held at To wanda, on Monday, the 2d inst., Messrs TRACY and Buss —the answer received being unsatisfactory, and iu many respects disingenuous, we hereby, in pursuance ot our appointment, tender for your support the name of tJOL. J. F. MEANS, of Towanda, as a Candidate for Representative at the coming election. Col. MEANS has fully and Irankly met the spirit of the meeting which appointed us, by a prompt assent to serve his constituents, it elected, tor the old compensation ot three dollars per day—an arrangement the other Candidates named, have evasively declined. Those electors who arc honestly m favor of economy and a reduction of salaries, in this dreadful period ot depression and taxation, have notv an opportunity of supporting that principle. Col. MKANS having not only engaged to serve In instil, for the oUI per diem compen sation, but pledges liimsell to use every effort lor a gen eral reduction oi salaries to loruicr and more economi cal rates. V. E. I'IOLLET, V. SMITH A. E. MANARDY, TOWANDA, Sept. 25, ISCI. Committee. To the Electors of Bradford County. AS YOU WILL HAVE SEEN, BY THE announcement of the nominating Committee ap pointed at the Mass Meeting held at Towanda, on the 3d ult., 1 have consented to allow my name to be presented for your consideration as a candidate for Representative in the next Legislature. It is due, alike to my Irieuds and myself, that I should state the single definite pur pose which induced this consent at the present moment. We are in the midst of a struggle which involves the life or deatli of our glorious Republic—it our present form of government shall lie blotted out, the brightest hope ot man, in all the world, will have perished with it. This is an hour then, which calls for every effort that honest and patriotic citizens ot ALL parties in the north can make, to save the rich legacy of our fathers, and transmit it unimpaired to our children. We are giving up sons aiid brothers and friends on every hand who go to hare their bosoms, arid risk their lives, in the deadly strife of battle. We are pouring out our substance in every form, to sustain the government and to strengthen its hands ; and privation, pecuniary distress, anJ the sorest taxation : -tart us in the tace on all sides—and must tie met, and • should be met, boldly, cheerfully and in the genuine spir it ot patriotism. At such a moment, we bcliuld the sala ries and per diem wages of the office-holder*, standing titrates ot extravagance, established in times of great pro-perity and prolusion. What was sought, as I under stand, by the Mass Meeting ot tiie 3d inst.. was simply to bave our Representatives lake the first step—exhibit, it you please, the first example of a return to former and inore economical rates ot compensation. If the party leaders amongst the Republicans—those who are accus : touted to relieve the people from all trouble, and chalk out party tickets years ahead, hid nut closed the doors ol their nominating Convention ag.iin-t all ideaof rsioN, ; and put aside all efforts at retrenchment and reform in ! salaries. I feel confident no Iteinoeratic Mass Meeting would bave been held this tall, in Bradford county. As it is, neither the special pleading of Mr TRACY, nor the ' unbecoming personal and parti-an tirade of Dr. BLISS, 1 can obscure tnis plain tact, that the members ot that Mass ! Meeting offered to support them 1 I'NAI Y and BLISS) it they * nit ID simply and patriotically agree in the.* hard times, to serve in the comlortable balls ot legislation, tor the same price received by GAKKICK MALORY, GKO. DKN ISON, iterßKN WILBKK, WM. ELWKLL, Jons L. Wnuu.aud many o.her able and good men. Three dollars per day, isjiist six times as much as our brave soldiers get lor the jH-ril ol life and limb on the battle field. Both the other candidates named, expressly admit that seven dollars a day is too much ; and you have seen the evasive, hair drawn reasons given why they intend to pocket an ad milted uni eusuitable compensation, it elected. Ibe nominating Committee upon receiving their re i plies asked me t i accept s nomination upon the princi ples indicated by the meeting, and called for by Repub licans. a well as Democrats all over the county ; and I i have consented. I have no fears I shall humiliate my sell iii Irankly agiceiug to serve lor the old rate ot com pens.itlOll. Nor irdt J ilaim Nin, Hundred miles tiuvel. m settling milage And i 1 should lie elected, and not lie able to bring auniit a reduction ot the rate of compensa tion, I will remit all above ttie old, lair and honest daily pay. into the Countv fre isury, to go, as tar as it may, to tin* use ot the people of Bradtord I'artv may. alio d rubtless t Pill lie invoked- against inr And why '! Mj Irieuds offered to sink pzrtyand support triv competitors it only they would serve for a c<>mpnsa liun suited to the di-tress of the times. Party, in this hour should U- lorgottcu. 1 opposed President LINCON'S election, but 1 will sustain, it need Is-, with my heart's bin d, every proper efl'ii ton his part, to crush this uti lull rebellion in" the present crisis. When the national stip'iemai v si recognized, and the honor ol our country s flag vindicated, it will lie time enough to discuss the Com • paralivelv paltry issue of partisan politics. Very respecttully . your te.low citizen, J .if \tr\\* ■nnimission. to any prr-ui desiring to - scribe to the 730 100 Na tional Loan. Subscriptions received in sums of JSO anil upwards.— , The security ot this loan, its convenient and high rate of ; interest, combine with the calls of patriotism to recom j mend it to every one who may be pos-es-ed of means, however moderate, to take some of it l'ne interest smo,iiits to one cent per day for every {SO. and i- payu able semi annually, and the whole loan in three years. B.S. KL'SriKLI. A CO. | Towanda, Oct. 1,1*61. '• Our Country Forever !" LATEST FROM \Y. A.R. W. A. ROCKWELL is again on hand with the first New Goods of the Season ! DRESS GOODS, GEN Tl.l iMI iN 'S WEA R, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. LEATHER, BOOTS A SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times Will not prevent ua selling good articles at moderate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we tee! confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda. Sept. 25. I*6l. BEYOND AXiXI DOUBT. 4 LL persons indebted to E S. BENEDICT, XJL by Note. Judgment, or Book Account, are notified that if the afore-aid indebtedness is not cancelled by the first of Octobtr. proper steps lor the collection of the same, will lie taken, forthwith. E. S. BENEDICT. Tmra—BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, TT 3,000 bushels of WHEAT, for which the highest price in cash w ill be paid on delivery at our Mills. M YEU, FROST A CO. North Towanda, Sept. 3, 1861. ERESII FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS X Dates, Tamarinds, Oranges, Lemons, and ail kinds FOX'S. OOAP ! SOAP!—The best assortment of LJ Toilet. Chemical and Common Bar Soap, at To wanda,June 26. I*6l. FOX'S. KEROSINE OIL, FOR SALE CHEAP , at FOX'S. Aug. 28,1861. Jttlsccllancous. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo., issned out of the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sifle on THURSDAY, the 17th day ot October A. 1). lstil, at the court house, in Towanda, at one 1 o'clock, P. M. t the following described lot, piece or parcel ol land, situate in Tuscarora township, Isninded as follows : On the north and eut 50 acres, more or less—about 15 acres im proved, one log house, trained barn, and two fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chandler Bixby vs I'eter B. Sturdevant. ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in South Creek aud Welles townships bound ed and described as follows : On the north by the boun dary line between the S'ate of Pennsylvania and the State of New York, east by the east boundary line of a lot of land conveyed to Oeorge Canham by Jesse Lane and wife and Joshua Summons and wile, by deed of warran tee bearing date December, I*so, west bv the same lot of land, on south by a line parrallel with said north line, be ing said boundary line between said states of New York and Pennsylvania, and far enough southerly therefrom to embrace and contain '2OO acres ot land, strict measure. ALS')—One other piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek twp., being the west half of warrantee lot. No. 5086, surveyed to Johnson A Mifflin, and being the west half of 1 lob acre tract, and allowance, recently pur chased by said Kerby & Adams at Sheriff'sale. Seized and taken HI execution at the suit of Pocasset Bank vs John S. Cotton. ALSO—The following lot, piece, or parcel of land sit uate in Tuscarora twp., bounded as lollows : On the north by land of Bixby & Culver, east by the Susquehan na and Bradford county line, south by lands of Ja.. Hall, and west land of Lewis Silvaria. Containing 45 acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lathrop A Salsburpy vs Thomas Morley. ALSO—The following described lot, niece, or parcel of land situate in Troy boro, bounded on the north by land of N. M. ('amoeban, east by the highway, south by land of Silas E. Shepard, west by land ol Win. H . Peek. Con taining tcet front, and 70 teet deep, be the same, more or less, all improved, one two-story building,(occupied as a furniture store and shop thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Maxwell A vs. William Taylor. A IXO— The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in llidgbiiry twp., iiounded on the north and east bv lands o! Thomas Buck, on the south by lands of Jerre Driscall, and on the west by the public highway— containing one-half of an acre, more ol less, ail improved one framed hou-e thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil son vs. Dennis Drum my vs ('., I'.News. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Sept. 25, l*iil. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE — Ju the mutter of 2 V J I'm. Scott vs. The North Branch Canal Compa ny. In the Court of Bradford County Common Picas, No 021, September Term, l*sff. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute lunds arising from Sheriff's sale of defend ant'-; personal property, will attend to the duties of his J appointment at the office ot Wilmot .V Watkius, in the ; Borough ot Towanda, on MONDAY, the 21st day ot | OCTOBER, lstil, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where 1 all persons having claims against said estate, are re- j quested to present the same or be forever debarred therefrom. G. 11. WATKINS, Sept. lit. IS6T. Auditor, j \ DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Notice A 1 is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the os \ tate of OKUAMEL TRACY, dee'd , late ol SrtiithtieUf tp., I are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all person* having demands against said estate will ! present them duly authenticated tor settlement. A. L. TIIACY. Sept. 2f, I*sl. Administrator, j 1) RIDGE LKTTING.—SeaIed proposals ) will be received at th. house of Benjamin Herman, in Ilidgbury. on SATURDAY. the sth day ot OCTOBER, j I*iil, until 1 o'clock, p. m for the building and eomple- I ling of a Bridgencr-ss Bentley Creek, near that place, j -pecilicalions lor the sainc may be seen at the said Her- | man's, and at the Commissioner's Office, for ten days i previous to said letting. W. It. DEC'Khlt, P. H. BL'CK. * W. A. THOMAS, Commissioner's Offli-e, Sept. 25. 1* A NTS. NATI'RE. May 1*56. Elleni Maria McNeal A Co vs J. Merritt, ei al •' David Barber vs Chester Thomas & Co. case. ' Sept. I*so. 1. Smith vs S Keliuin, 2d., el al. Trespass, j Sept. 1*57. Joseph Ingham vs Barclay KR A C l'o. up. Sept. 1*57. 1 Smith vs S Kellum. 2d. Trover. ! May I*5H. Win A Park vs Wm 11 >trong. " Win B Darlington vs C N Shipmnn. Debt, i " " Matthew Mc.Mahon vs J P Horton. Appeal. ! Sept. I*s*. lliraiu li'irtoii vs Josiah ex. Debt. " same same " " M D W Bishop vs Alfred Gore. Trespass, . •' '• Hp Moore vs Chester Pierce. Appeal, j Dec. I*s*. Geo K Elliott vs Jesse K Cowell, et al. " " •• Charles II Shepard vs Abr Steers, ct al. Tres. i " " Samuel F Ripley v- Hiram Spear. Debt, j " " Alien K Axtellvs Alsnn Patterson. Appeal. Feb. 1 ;. Jlt Ingers dl Ac, v* John thickness. Ej,-ct. ' " •• Del L ,V. WRItCo vs Meylert k Ward. Det. " " same same " " same same " " Alvali Heath vs J W Dennison. Ejectincut- SECOND WEEK . May 1*59. Francis Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Debt " " same same .May 1*59. Eoui-a M Wattles vs Saml C Mann. Trespass. I '• A M Kirk vs A B Smith Ac. Appeal. " •' J H Foster vs same " *' " Maria Child vs Anthony E Child. Trespass. Sept. 1*59. M K Ransom vs David Arnold. Ejectment. " " '/. Hicks* admrs vs N B Canal Co. Damages. " " Wm P Emerson vs Cole A Coriaut. Debt. " " John I-a ntz. vs John Hanson. •• " Michael O'Sullivan vs It (1 Smalley, et al. Kj. " " R S Middaugh vs Archibald Forbes. Appeal.. Dec. l*sfi. Reuben hapeii vs Warred Callen. Ejectment. •• " Stephen Feltou vs J B Webster,t ter ten. " '• " C Sliutnway vs Clark Hollenhack. " " Jane McQueen vs Edward Holcoiub. Case. " " same vs Orlando Holcomb. '! " same vs Samuel Holcomb. '• " Hiram Shaw, et ex vs Jonas Kilmer, et al. •' Feb. 1860. Jno W Dennison vs Township ot Terry. " " " J It Ingersoll, et al vs Thus Sinead. et al. Ej. " " O P Ballard vs Bingham Rockwel. et al. Kj. " " Farmer's L'n Ins Co vs Sarah Myers.Sci Fa M. " " J R Ingersoll, et al vs H S Vaughn, et al. SFE. " " Henry W Tracy vs Alvali Young. Kjectment. " " CT Bliss vs Sarah Stone admrs Ac. Svi Fa. May IS r O. Wm B Olymer's use vs C E Ward. Case. •• David Barber v* David Wilmot Ac. Trespass. " '• Jlt Pratt's admrs vs D Pratt's adm etal. Sci Fa. Sept. I*6o. Farmer's l'n Ins Co vs C N Shrpman, tcr ten. '• " lan kawanna IACCo vs Meylert A Ward. Det. " " Shipman A Welles vs Rogers Fowler. " " Eliza Jane Chapman vs Stanley S I Unman. Tr. Dec. I*6o. Henry Northrop vs John .1 Reynold*. Appeal. " •* S VV Park vs Wm Frederick. Ejectment. Feb. I*6l. J L SavyerAson vsC F Welles.Ac.Sci Fa M E " " Wm H Phillips vs JB M Hinman. '• -• tl M Hollenhack's use v* Francis Tyler.S FM. " " Sam! Archibald's use vs Thomas Page. " " " Burton L Smith vs CB A N B Chaffee. Appeal Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday. Nov. 4, I*6l. at 10 o'clock, a. m.—for second week, Monday, Nov. 11. 10o'clock, a.m. E.O.GOODRICH, Towanda, Sept. 3,1861. Prothonotary. ZE^TOINT'S MERCANTILE ACADEMY, r P()\V AND A, PA.,—OPENS FOR THE | X winter, SEPTEMBER ff, I*6l.—Penmanship and Double Entry Book keeping taught in all their various branches, on the same principle as that pursued in the largest Commercial Colleges, and at one quarter the usual cost. Kg- Pupils can enter at anytime, as each one receives individual instruction. TERMS. For full course in Book-keeping and Penmanship including diploma, 66 Partial course in Book keeping, 5 Off Penmanship—24 lessons, 3 Off ' do. 14 " 260 Ornamental Penmanship 5 00 The full course embraces Commercial Penmanship and Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry, as practical ly used in flic different departments of Trade and Com merce, including Wholesale and Retail, Commission. Man ufacturing, Shipping, individual and Partnership busi ness, with instruction in Commercial Eaws, Correspond- < ence, Ac. I Persons taking the full course will become qualified to j conduct a set of books by Double Entry in the most ex tensive establishment. Specimens of Penmanship will be sent to any address whenever requested. | For further information address C. E. EATON , Towanda, Sept. 10, 1861. tf Principal. ilcti) attorrHsfmrnts. ENERAL FLECTION PROCLAMA- I" TlON.—Whereas,by an act of Assembly ot the Com monwealth, entitled " an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give pub lic notiee of snch election to be held, and also the enu meration in such notice what officers arc to be elected. I, A. H. SPALDING, High Sheriff of tlm County Htadiord, do hereby make know n and give notice ?■ the elector- ot said county, that a General Election will I e lit I I in -aid county, on TUESDAY, the nth day ol October, iu the several districts in said county, to wit: In Albany, at the sub district school house, near Camp bell's mills. In Asylum, at the school house near Simeon Decker's, In Athens boro', at the house of E. S. Matthcwson. In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt, iu Athens Boro'. In Armenia, at fnd lionse of John S.Becker. In Burlington boro' at the hall of Henry Yosburg. In Burlington township, at the house ot l'.oswell Leth er. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton, at flic house of S. C. Myers in Columbia, at the house of Jamas Morgan. In Franklin, at the house ot Benjamin F. Taylor. In Derrick, at the school house in Herrickville. In Litchfield, at the house of C. Bloodgood. In Leßoy, at the school bouse in Leßoy. In Monroe, at the house of If. R. Rockwell, In Monroe boro', at the house of M M Coofbaugli, lu Orwell, at Orwell hill public school house, In Overtoil, at the house of D Whitman, In Fike. at the house ot I) Johnson, In Rome, at the Academy, In Ridgbury, at the house of B Herman. In Sheshequin, at the Valley House. In Smithfleld, at the house now occupied by John Scou ton. In Springfield, at the house ol W. H. Root, now occu pied by Jesse Hammond, In Sylvania boro', at the house of C. Merritt, In South Creek, at the school house near A Gillitt's, In Standing Stone, at the house of S Stevens, In Terry, at the house of E J Shepard, In Towanda boro',at the Grand Jury room, In the Court , House, in said boro'. In Towanda twp., at the school house, near H L Scott's In Towanda North, at the house o! S A Mills, In Troy boro' at the Eagle Tavern, In Troy twp., at tile house of V M Long, in Troy boro' I In Tuscarora, at the school house near J nines Black's. In Ulster, at the house of S B Holcob, In Warren, at the house of it Cooper, In Wells, at the house of I, Scclev, In Windham, at the house of B Ktiykendall, In Wyalusing. at house of S. 11. Black. In the house of A. I. Stone. In Wvsox, aithe house of J M Reed, At which time and place the electors aforesaid will j elect by ballot, i One person for President Judge of the 13th Judicial I District, composed or the counties of Bradford and Bus- , quclianna. I Two persons to represent the connty ofJßiadford in the i House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Peun- I sylvania. | One personfor Associate Judge of the County of Brad- I ford. j One person for Treasurer of the county of Bradford. I One person for County Commissioner for the County of Bradford. ; One person for Auditor of the county of Bradford. ! And in and by said act. 1 am further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any ntlice of protit and trust under the government o! the Uui'ed Slates or this State, or ot any ! incorporated district and also that every member of Con -1 gross and of the Legislature and the select and common ! council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporat i ed district, is by law incapable ot holding or exercising ; at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, lu I speetor or Clerk of any election id this Commonwealth and that no Inspector or other officer of any such elec ' tion, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted for. I By the 4th section ot an act passed the last day of I April. 1840. it is provided "that the 13th section ot an - act passed July 2d, 1830 entitled " An act relating to the ! elections of this Commonwealth," shall no be construed as to prevent any military officer for serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election ol this commonwealth. In the Ist section of the act first above mentioned, it is enacted that every general and special election shall he i opened between s and 10 in the forenoon, and continue : without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall he closed. Bv the fsth section of the act of February 3d, 1846, it shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gen eral election which shall he hereafter held in the Armenia election district c.l Bradford County to close the polls of such election district at live o'clock, p. in. j By the 11 th section of an act of 1853, it is provided I that the polls of the election district ol Tuscarora twp. he ih-seil at fiveo clock, ti. m. it is further directed, that the meeting of Judge* at ' the Court House iu Towanda, to make cut the general : return, shall be on the 3d day alter the election, which will be ou the lltli day of October, i It is further directed that the meeting of return Judges for the Judicial district, shall he held at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, on the 7th day alter the elec : tion, which w ill lie on the loth. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Sept. 13 l s ol. FARM FOlt SALE. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT A GREAT BARGAIN! TUIK SUBSCRIBER WISHING jjjfijjfjk I to dispose ot his farm in Litchfield i Bradford county. Pa., offers the same upon terms which are worthy of the attention "I those wishing to put chase. This farm is within two miles ! of the N". V. A Erie Railroad, and distant five miles from Waverly and Smilhboro depots, contains about 170 acres I of land, mostly improved, in a high state of cultivation. ■ and lias upon it good buildings and orchards. It is well I adapted for tillage or grazing, lieing well watered and well located. The attention of those desiriousol purchasing i alarm is solicited, in the confidence that no greater in ducements can be found elsewhere. The situation is de- I lightlul, the soil lertile, and the neighborhood embraces j schools, churches, Ac., while within a short distance are -i vera! large and nourishing towns. The N. V. & Erie If. B. affords admirable market facilities. Title unques tionable. and possession at tbe option ol the purchaser. \V. H. SPENCER. Litchfield, Sept. is, 1861. NOTICE. !f AWING TO THE PRESENT PIFFI : \ J culties in making collections, the subscriber has concluded to hereafter sell goods only for CASH- All persons with whom he has unsettled accounts will please arrange them either by payment or note, immediately. - " H. S. MERC Lit. Towanda, Sept. 17,1861. TIRANTED ! SHEEP PELTS AND t t WOOI., for which the highest price in cash will be paid at * PATCH'S. Towanda. Sept. 18,1861. HON K V.—A few siuull boxes, extra nice, for sale cheap at FOX'S. Towanda, Sept. IS, IS6I. HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP.— _ The best Soap ever made for all uses, for washing clothes, for the wa.-hstand, cleaning paint, glassware, ( ro.-kery. table ami kitchen utensils, sold at the same price as common soap. " Call ill and get a sample tree of charge, at FOX'S, j Towanda, Sept. 18.1861. Wars and Rumors of Wars ! War lias been Declared in Towanda, Against High-Priced Pictures. VOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES at the Car of D. W. HUGHES, opposite the Ward House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good cases. All kinds of high-priced Cases will be sold as low. in propor tion. Call and see for yourselves. No Pictures will be allowed to go out, unless the customers are perfectly sat isfied with the same. Particular attention paid to Copy ing Pictures. Pictures inserted in Lockets for 25 cent's. Car opened every day, excepting Sunday. Towanda, May 22,'lsiil. -tf. D.W. HUGHES. OTRATTON'S YEAST COMPOUND k_J has been tried by at least half the families in this i town for the past year, and has proved to bp right. It comes in convenient packages containing lCcenis worth One cent will buy sufficient for a baking for the largest family. For sale at FOX'S. Cash Paid for Wool. | A/ \ AAA LBS. WOOL wanted br 11 /I W. A. ROCKWELL. June 3, 1861. ORBENWAY S CELEBRATED XXX .A. Xj 15 , AN Draught, at JORDAN'S RAILROAD HOTEL. Towanda, Aug. 1, 18G1. EXTRACTS' FOR FLAVORING OF J.J the best marks, much cheaper than usual, at Towanda, June 26, 1861. FOX'S. QUGAR, TEA AND COFFEE, IN great variety, for sale cheap. We warrant every | pound of Tea we sell, at FOX'S. | FLUOR. OK. XX AND EXTRA, at • H.H.STEPHENS. Towanda, Ang. 26, 1851. ' JWisetllaittous. "GREAT BARGAINS! From 83.000 to 84.000 Worth Ol Fashionable Furniture t ■ TO BE 66L8 IMMEDIATELY. Having bought recently the Athens Cabinet Ware Rooms, And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor. R. M. WELLES, it will he sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. trpHE STOCK IS LARGE JL and very eompitte, has been well selected, and is well adapted for the Wants ol the country. M. B.—lt is a common remark made by Visitors to this establishment, " Why, I bad no idea yon had such a large and splen did assortment of Furniture. I have seen nothing like it short of the city." We have BEDSTEADS from *2,50 an<( upwards. COTTAGE and other gar" CHAIRS, in great variety, trom *4,00 X\ |r to *25,00 per set. TABLES from *2,50 y v upwards, and Everything else in Proportion* Jfci 'MWne* 111 every stjle, size and priee. to suit the means and taste of anv and all customers. Call and see our stuck. Athens, Pa., Julyjf4 1C1. F.N. PAGE. What Everybody Ought to Know! That Geo. P. Cash has a First Class MARBLE YARD ! IN FULL OPERATION", A T TOWANDA ! 11 HAT HE IS PREPARED TO DO . WORK better and cheaper than any other establish ment in the country. That he can put up sets of Tomb stones at any price from $5 to *SOO. That he warrants his work to "he well done and to give satisfaction. That he can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap as they can be obtained In New York or elsew here. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO DO! Come to his Yaid before purchasing elsewhere. Pat ronize a home enterptise, and not run away to A ork State and get inferior work done. And finally every body ought to erect a suitable memorial over the re mains of their loved friends. CAUTION.—A man calling himself Thomas.and hail ing trom Binghamton, has been obtaining orders for work by representing that he is agent for a manufactory in Towanda. Beware of him ! Some agents have a habit of calling on the friends of the deceased for work, before lltty have fairly buried tl.eir dead out of their tig hi. Frown upon such men. When you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine his stock. \ N. B.— Country produce taken in exchange for work. Don't forget the place. E agle Marble Works, opposite Gen. Patton's residence, Towanda, Pa. GEO. P. CASH. AGENTS—G. W. Brink, I.eßaysviUe; B. Overfield, Meshoppen; J. H. Webb, Sraithlield Summit; B. S. Dart, I Troy. Townata. Jane 11,1861. Sept. 10, 1861- TIIE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RE ceiving an extensive and well selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS Purchased since the late depression in prices, and com prising all the usual varieties of Gents., Ladies, Misses and Childrens BOOTIES AND GAITERS Suitable for the season. Also, a large stock of HOME MADE WORK, I The quality of which is too well known to need fnrtlier | recommendation. Also, a large stock of Sole and Upper Leather, Kip Skins, French and American Call Skins, Harness Leather. Morocco, and Linings, Ac. An excellent assort ment of SHOE FINDINGS, Saddlery Harness Trimmings, A., Ac. 1 have a I-IACRNESS SHOP ! ' And will keep on hand Double and Single Harness, Sad dles. Bridles. Halters, Martingales. Whips, Ac., and will j make to order any work in this line, all which, as well as |my whole stock, will be sold tor icady pay,St remarkably ! low prices in order to meet the exigencies of the times. J. D. HUMPHREY. I Towanda, Sept. 10,1861. 15,10 VOLUNTEERS WANTED! TO TRANSPORT OUR EXTENSIVE raw rK !SUMMER GOODS! • I,i ROM A THOROUGH EX AM IN A [ JL TION into the state of affairs in Bradford connty. | we have eoine to the conclusion that every family want j GOODS AT PANIC THIOLS ; Having made our late purchases accordingly we are now i opening a large stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Paints, Oils. Nails. Glass and Sash. Es pecial attention is called to our new stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES DRESS GOODS, &c., &c., &c., Which we CAN and WILL sell for cash or ready pay at prices which will astonish the natives, and our old cus tomers in particular. TRACY A MOORE. Towanda, June lu. lsc>l. Come Along ! Everybody ! TO THE NEW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE JUST OPENED! tTY 11. 11. STEVENS. At the building formerly ore-upied by J. 11. .\evins, on .Main * tree I, ujiposite the Court House. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS brands of Coffee. Tea. Sugar, Ac., all very cheap, besides a splendid assortment of Spices, Nuts, Candies, Fruits, and Confectioneries, and a good assortment in the Provision line. Tobacco and Segars of etery quality and price. He will also pay the Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, And such other article* of country trade as the farmers may have to dispose of. in- He would say to all If you want any thing in his line of trade, give him a call, and you can be accommo dated. H.H.STEVENS. Towanda, Jnne T9,1861. —tf SPECIAL NOTICE. OWING to the fact that all confidence in the present Credit System is destroyed the sub scribers have determined to sell goods hereafter Exclusively for Ready Pay. All those hav'ng unsettled accounts with us will oblige us by settling the same at once, and all Notes and judg ments due us must be pa ; d soon in order to save cost. N. B- No resnert of persons shown. Rulfngton Ang 14, 1881. J. F. LONG A SON. iUfsccllaurous. DR. PORTERS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be Tlfe largest, Mtfesf and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! tfltH An established reputation for Keeping the bct medicine, tJX'KQtJAM.PD In its facilities and apparatus fbr eotrtpottndlng and pra paring MEDICINE ANO PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned parity, ha* liecotne T?2S SA3il ©SSI ST©S® With prices revised fo correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND , ALL AHTJCLKS tV t KRAXTth is HKr-HESKNTEI). By recent artnngements with the Manufacturers, Impor ter* or First Holders of Goods and ('ash Purcha ses, the prices will alwg/.s be at the low est poffil tat Pncdfe Good?. FIGURES THAN* EtEfc IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive stud: will be sold Cheap far Cash ! +Hi t r.s REnrCfift, tf z: Of Soaps. Perfumert, Brashes, Comts, Pocket Knives and Kazors, Lamps and Materials for Liyhti TRUSSES H SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDIOINF TOBACCO &. SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin Sc. Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Botanic and Homoeopathic Medicines Spices, Bird Seed, Lamp Shades and Garden Seed*. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised lor the Cash System; PR. PORTER S CAMPHENFC ? PR. SORTERS ALCOHOL! PR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in ths Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Tor Family Use, KfKrWn as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction. viz : Or. Porter's Pectoral Syrup pVice 37} cents Or. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 25 " Or. Porter's Tonic Eiixer " 50 " Or. Porter's Wofm Syn-p •••• " 'IS *' Or. Porter's C'omp. Syr. Hypopbosphites.. " 100 " Or. Porter's Uterine Tonic " 160 " Or. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Or. Porter's Tooth Ache ITrops " 25 " Or. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 25 " I)r. Porter's Tooth Powder 25 " Or. Porter'sTricogene " 'IS " Or. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Or. Porter's Shampoo " in " Or. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37} " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 '' Or. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Or. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " Or. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37} '' Or. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice eiveu gratuitously at the office Charging only for Medicine. Thankful for past liberal patronage wonld respect fully announce to his friends and the public that no paina shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of their confidence and patronage, at the Cash Drug 1 Store ! Corner of Main and Tine streets. Towanda, Sept. 5.1861. NEW FALL IIIGI oj mm i AT MONTANYES' STORE, POR CASH ONLY. Embracing MILITARY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES. WOOLEN GOODS, GROCERIES, SADDLERY, And other Hardware, and other varieties of merchandise too numerous to mention. tof We earnestly desire all persons indebted to as to fnake an effort to help us in this our trying time of need. MONT AX YES'. Towanda, Sept. 3.1861. NEW FURNITURE! mw fmmt T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE l and extensive assortment ol Solas. Mohogany Chairs, Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Cane seat. Wood, ami Rush-bottom. Hair, Cane-seat and Cane hack Rockers, Looking Classes, Cord and Tassel*,• Picture Frames, &c., Cheaper than the Cheapest. gy Please call and satisfy yourselves. TovVanda, June 26,1661. CHK.STEI? WEf/fcS. Special Notice. TX ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT -L seems to he the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, 1 have concluded to sell Goods FOR 11 LA YDV RAY! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, an. 1861