UTEST fBOM THE WiR. MORE FIGHTING IN MISSOURI. Reported Surrender of Mulli gan's Command. THE WAR IN MISSOURI. ST. LOUIS, Friday, Sept. 20. A gentleman named KING, who left a point on the Missouri River, opposite Lexington, Wednesday night, arrived this morning, reports that a 6evere fight took place on Tuesday for the possession of three ferry-boats which lay at the levee. PRICE'S forces advanced on the boats in two bodies, one from above aud the other from below the town, and after a very sharp engagement they w ere repulsed. The boats were not in fair range of Col. MULLI GAN'S guns, his fortifications being so situated BS to prevent him from commanding them completely, and his force was too small to ad mit of his making a sortie against PRICE'S overwhelming numbers ; but Mr. KING says he saw twelve wagon loads of killed and wound ed rebels taken oil after the fight. lie aiso says PRICE assaulted Col. MULLIGAN'S fortifica tions four or five times on Wednesday, but was repulsed each time with a loss of between 300 and -100. Reinforcements from the North, probably tinder Gen. STURGIS, were expected to arrive late on Wednesday ; but as PRICE had posses sion of the ferry-boats, they would not be able to cross the river, and, of course, could be of little or no service to MULLIGAN. Mr. KING'S account is quite incoherent, and entire reliance is Dot placed in it here. There is little ques tion, however, that a battle has taken place, but the details are yet unknown. FT. LOUIS, Friday, Sept. 20. The following additional particulars in re ference to affairs at Lexington have been as certained. The first attack upon the fortifica tions is said to have been made ou Thursday of last week, but this is certainly a mistake, as Gen. PRICE did not leave Warrcnburgh, forty miles south of Lexington, until Wednesday night. The attack was probably made on Moudav, as previous advices, with aboutrß,ooo men. The engagement lasted two hours,when the rebels were repulsed, with a loss of 10U kilied, and between 2UO and 400 wounded.— Our loss is reported at five kilied and several wounded. The fortifieatious are situated at the edge of the town, on a bluff, overlooking the river. The works are of earth, seven feet high, twelve feet thick, with a ditch of six feet deep aud twelve feet broad. Surround ing them is another and smaller work erected inside, defeuued by a ditch—the whole capable of holding 10,000 troops. The attack on Wednesday was determined, and lasted nearly all day. The reinforcements from the North under Gen. STURGIS probably number 3,000 ; but should they be unable to cross the river,which is quite likely, the only aid they can render will be to sweep with their artillery the points occupied by the rebels. It. is confidently bop-1 ed, however, that the six thousand troops that ! left Jefferson City on Wednesday,by steamers, i will Ire able to land at or near Lexington, and ' cut their way through the enemy's forces and join Col. MULLIGAN. It is said that MULLIGAN expressed confidence in being able to bold bis position against any force not more than ten times greater than bis. THE COMMAND AT LEXINGTON SURRENDERED. CHICAGO, Sept. 22,1861. A special dispatch to The Times, sent from Qincy at one o'clock this morning, says the | mail agent of the Hannibal and St. Joseph i Railroad, who arrived at seven o'clock Sat urday Jnight from St. Josephs, states that Col. Mulligan and his whole command at Lexington surrendered to Gen. Price on Fri day morning at live o'clock. The siege continued from Monday until the time of the surrender. Col. Muliigaa and men were without water all Thursday and Fri day, aud were completely exhausted. They fought desperately, but were compelled to yield to superior numbers. The Union loss in killed is said to be eight or nine hundred, while that of the Rebels is some three or four thousand, with a proportionate number of wounded. The reports of the battle and the result is fuliy corroborated by passengers ou the same train. The news was brought by stage to Hamilton, which is the nearest point on the railroad to Lexington, being a distance of fif ty miles. Of the fact ct the surrender there can be no doubt. The 3d Regiment of lowa Volunteers, on the way to Lexington to re-enforce (date not given) suddenly aud unexpectedly came across a body of 4,000 Rebels at Blue Mills, Mis souri, when a battle commenced and continued an hour and a half. The lowa regiment was about to retire when the Rebels retreated and crossed the river in time to full into the hands Gen Lane's Brigage (4,000 strong) who were also marching to re-euforce Col. Mulligan. The Unionists captured seven or eight hundred, and killed 200. The Rebels fled, and cross ed the river, when the lowa regiment started in pursuit. In the first encounter the lowins lost 10 killcuaud 30 wounded. Ten or twelve Rebel prisoners was brought into Quincy from St. Joseph on Saturday, two or three of whom are known to have been concerned in the burn ing |of the Piatt Bridge a few weeks since A special dispatch to 'lhe Tribune, from head quarters at St. Louis, say the surrender of Col. Mulligan, was not believed there, but that re-enforcements were pushing toward him from four different directions. CAIRO, Saturday, Sept. 21, 1801. There was a skirmish yesterday below Fort Ilolt., between a company of the 10th Ilegi iment ana a small party of Rebels. The lat ter were routed. One of the Federal forces was wounded. DRAFTING FOR THE ARMY. CHICAGO, Sept. 22,1861. Drafting for the army begins in this city to-morrow. Orders to that effect were issued on Saturday. JSa?" A dispatch from Louisville quotes the Richmond Examiner as saying that Jeff. Da vis had so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to take an airing last Saturday in a carxjug. Unless that carriage was a hearse, the head rebel is not yet dead. lirabtoJUporter. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOAVANDA : Thursday Morning, September 26, 1861. Republican County Nominations! FOlt PRESIDENT JUDGE, ULYSSES MERCUR, OF Tow AX DA Bono. FOR ASSOCIATE JL'DC.E, VOLNEY M. LONG, OF TROY BORO. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, HENRY W.TRACY, OF STANDING STONE, CHESTER T. BLISS, OF LEROY. FOR TREASURER, FRANCIS WATTS, OF NORTH TOWANDA. FOR COMMISSIONER, ISAAC LYONS, OF ORWELL. FOR AUDITOR, ROBERT MASON, OF ARMENIA. A REFORM CANDIDATE ! —The late Demo cratic Mass Convention, having no idea that there were questions of greater public impor tance than the salary of members of the Leg islature, after applauding the Legislative career of Messrs. TRACY and Buss, resolved to support them, providing they would agree to serve for three dollars a day, and appoint ed a Committee to interrogate them upon the subject. The correspondence it seems, is not satisfactory to the Committee, and they have placed Col JOII.V F. MEANS in nomination as a candidate for Representative. We have not room this week for the correspondence of Messrs. TRACY and Buss—but we have no doubt, the reasons they assign for not at once accepting the propositions of the Committee, will meet the approval of their constituency. In the meantime we trust our Republicans will not all rush into this Reform movement, ineti uted by Col. P101.1.F.T, and to be carried out bv Col. MEANS. The bold hypocrisy of this un timely movement we shall comment upon more fully next week. —The announcement of the Committee will appear in our next, with the letter of Messrs TRACY and Buss. THE NEWS. Our latent news from Lexington reports the surrender of Col. Mulligan. The intelligence, however, is received with doubt both at Wash ington and St. Louis, and at the latter place re-enforccnieuts were still going forward on Sunday. The report comes in a dispatch to Chicago from Quiney, Illinois, where it was brought by the mail agent of the Hannibal aud St. Joseph Railroad, and is confirmed by passengers on the same train. It was brought to Hamilton, about 60 miles from Lexington, by stage. According to this statement, Col. Mulligan was compelled, at last, to yield to superior numbers, after four days hard fight ing—his men having been, for the last two days, without a k drop of water. The report of the loss on both sides is about, the same as previously received. A part of the story is that a body of 4,000 Rebels bad encountered the lowa 3d, and af terward fell into the hands of Gen Lane.— The date of this battle is not given. It had not,'however, been heard of at Jefferson City on Friday, a dispatch of that date to The St. Louis Democrat, reporting that Gen. Larie had arrived at Lexington. But of the truth of this statement there seems to have been no positive knowledge in St. Louis on Saturday. Ou the whole, considering tho round about way in which the report of Muilgian's surren der comes, the fact that it is said to have taken place early on Friday morning, and that no such information, in any other way, had reached St. Louis on Sunday morning, there is certainly room for hope that it is without foundation. We shall undoubtedly know the truth in a few days. At Blue Mills Landing, on the Mississippi river, on the 17th inst, a desperate fight took place between 500 of the Ist lowa Regiment, under Lieut.-Col. Seott, and about 4,000 of the Rebels. After an hour's fightirg, Col. Scott retired slowly and in good order. Af terward Col. Smith's command came to his aid, but night fell before the lighting could be renewed ; when morning again came the ene my had retired, and there was no one to strive against. In this engagement Lieut. Scott lost 5 killed, 84 wounded, G missing. From Kentucky we have a proclamation from Gen. Robert Anderson calling on the loyal citizens of the Static to sustain and fight for the Government. The rebel Gen. Buck ner has also issued a proclamation, wherein he makes a lying pretenses of aiding the State to preserve a neutral position, and promising to depart with his troops as soon as the National forces leave. Private advices from tha Sttate speak of the spread of the Union feeling, and say that the approach of Gen. Buckuer has arroused the indignation of the people, who are rushing to arms for the purpose of assist ing to drive the Rebels from their soil. A deserter from the Rebel army, just ar rived in Washington, says that Beauregard has 185,000 men under him ; that they are well fed, well shod, well clothed, that they are regularly paid, and in excellent health and spirits. Oa the other hand, a person described as a m "vst intelligent man, just from Manassas, states that the Rebel nrmy is demoralized, that great numbers of them are leaving for their homes in the Gulf States, and that tbey have not even force enough to defend them- selves from oar attsck, to say nothing of moving on Washington. 1 Our advices from Missouri contain a con firmation of the account of the repulse of the rebels under Price at Lexington, and some additional particulars of the operation of the first two days, but no indication of the final result. It appears that Price on the first day made an effort to gain possession of three ferry-boats lying in the liver on the Lexing ton side, for which purpose he detailed two large bodies of men to approach both above and below. Such was the vigor with which they were met, however, that they were repell. Ed with heavy loss, and subsequently removed twelve wagon loads of killed and wounded. The next day Price assaulted the National intrcnchments fourorfive times, but was each time repulsed, with a loss of between three and four hundred men. There appears to be little doubt that the National re enforcements arrived in season to render proper aid to Col. Mulligan in his gallant defence of the place. From Southern Kansas we learn that Rains was marching towards the North, but that Gen. Lane with the Kansas troops, was close upon [his heels. Another body of about a thousand rebels, supposed to have beee engag ed in the recent bridge-burnings, was being pursued by National troops from station on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Skir misbesc are reported to have taken place near Kansas City and Ironton, in which the rebels have been worsted. A descent was made on the 12th iust., upon a rebel camp at Petersburg!), Hardy County, Ya., by Capt. Kidd's company of cavalry from New Creek, Md., and a company of in fantry from Fort Pedleton. The rebels only waited for one shot frotn a twelve pounder, and then fled. Several were killed and wound ed, a number taken prisoners, and their camp and all their equipage were captured. On the same day a body of 250 rebels were attached and dispersed at. Barboursville. Interesting intelligence from the Pacific coast reaches us by the I'ony Express, which passed the outer telegraph station 101 miles west of Fort Kearney, on the 10th f-inst., hav ing left San Francisco on the 7th. Since the State election in California, the market had taken a much firmer tone, the overwhelming Union vote dispelling all fears of any domestic troubles. The returns of the election were stiil incomplete, but sufficient had been receiv ed to insure the success of the Republican ticket. The vote of the whole State was ex pected to be 120,000, and so far as heard, the Republicans had 45,500, the Union Democrats 20,500, and the Breekenridge Democrats 10.- 400. The United States Marshal, in accord ance with the provisions of the confiscation act, had commenced the seizure of vessels in the harbor of San Frncisco. lie had already taken possession of the 4 bip llenry Jjrigham, just arrived from Liverpool, loaded with coal, and belomred to Lathrop Brothers, of Sa vannah, Ga. feS** Those who, in spite of the treacherous, vindictive, cruel and unscrupulous spirit, which the traitors have constantly displayed since they commenced the preasent rebellion, still seek to represent them as objects of sympathy than of execration, should not forget the lan. gauge that the secession journals habitually use in speaking of the North, and the fierce threats they delight to indulge in. The fol lowing gentle recommendations of the Charles ton Mercury, of the sth, are fair indications of what the traitors would like to do if they could : " It is clf.ir that our Yankee enemies, always ji>liincr as into r the dev.i-tatinn of our sea roast. I'he Caroiinas, Ceorjria and Florida, are to he defended in Maryland. It is there, by a firm and aggressive war, that the L'niled States must, on our part l- forced to defend themselves. Immediately after the battle of Manassas, the troops threatening iiii-Tunoiid fr on the coast were removed to Washington. Let us burn Washington, liberate Maryland, and threaten or march into Pennsylvania, and our coast will be protect ed. Is not the invasion of Xorth Carolina, with alt its loss of men and torts, au admirable be. elit, if it forces us into the only policy by which a peace can he won by arms ?" The men in Pennsylvania who sympathizes with, or feels willing in any way to aid or abet those who desire to march into our State a devastating horde, which is as destructive and cruel as it is traitorous, deserves the scorn of every loyal citizen. DRAFTING BY TIIF. REBELS. —The Rebels have resorted to drafting in Virginia, the Car oiinas, Arkansas, and Tennessee only ; in the first State thoroughly by forcing every man tliut bear arms into the ranks. In the other but partially as yet. The best troops arc the volunteers from tlie Gulf State, South Caro lina and Texas. The drafted militia of Vir ginia are althogetber the worst in the army, except, perhaps, Gen. Trice's Missouri rab ble. DOWN ON GAMBLERS.—A dispatch to the New York papers, dated Washington, Sept. 17, says : " The soldiers' pay commenced go ing into gamblers' pockets. Col Christian of the 26vh, yesterday invited himself a mem ber of the card parties in the ground about his camp, summarily sent the players to the guard-house, and so confiscated the stukes to use of the hospital. Gambling in his regiment has got to cease. Organized efforts to stop it throughout, the army will probably be made from headquarters." Bsj" Kentneky appears to be safe. The on ly test votes thus far taken in the legislature were largely in favor of the Union, as will be seen by this table : IN THE SENATE. Yens Xayi. Motion to road a secession address 12 2t Motion to print a secession petition 15 21 IN THE HOUSE. Motion to hoist, the- Stars and Stripes 76 20 Motion ordering rebels out of the State 71 26 INDIAN* ALLIES. —The St. Louis papers re ceived yesterday couflrm the fact hitherto tele graphed, (and till now scarcely believed,) that some thirteen hundred Indiun warriors— Camanches, Chickasaws, Seminolesand Creeks have actually crossed the Arkansas river, en-rout for Ben McCulloch's camp, to help him carry on the war against the Union This scheme of getting the (Indian tribe into the conspiracy against the Union was set on foot, we believe, by Gov. Rector, as early as January lasi. He corresponded with some of the princi pal chiefs, making all manner of plausible mis representations as to their interests between the North and the South, and earnestly called up on them to be ready, when the secession blow was struck through the South, to promptly espouse the cause of the latter. This was nearly ftur months before Arkansas seceded. The circumstance goes to show how elaborate and thorough was the conspiracy-against the Union, aud how reckless the plotters were in regard to the mode of carrying on their pro gramme. fitS*" The President has appointed the fol lowing Commissioners to represent the United States, at the Great exhibition of 18(52 in London. William H Seward, Secretary of State ; Caleb I>. Smith, Secretary of the In terior ; Edward Everett, of Massachusetts ; James Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute ; Robert B. Minturn, of New York ; J. Daw son Coleman, of Pennsylvania ; John 11. Kirk hart, of Ohio ; James R. Partridge, of Mary land ; 15 P. Johnson, of New York ; Rich ard Wallach, Mayor of Washington ; W. W. Seaton, of Washington ; Joseph C. G. Ken nedy, Superintendent of the Census Bureau.— In appointing so many mem Iters of his Cabinet upon this Commission, the President indicates his belief that by next year our Government can turn its attention from matters of war to affairs of peace. BISHOP SIMPSON AND THE STARS AND STRIPES. Bishop Simpson, of the Methodist Episco pal Church, recently delivered a sermon on our national crisis in Chicago. It is de scribed as being the most eloquent and over whelming effort ever made by the Bishop.— Thousands heard it, and were effected beyond all precedent No language can describe the grandeur and emotions of the occasion. At one point in the sermon, and as the fitting close of a most impassionate paragraph the following noble sentiment was uttered : "We will take our glorious flag—the fiag of our country—and nail it just below the cross ! That is high enough ! There let it wave as it waved of old. Around it let us gather : " First Christ's, then our Country's." The New York II orld contains a strenuous call for men and more forces in the conduct of the war. It says : " had we half a million on foot which Cougress voted, or could we be assured of them by the first of December, it is morally certain that the rebel lion would meet its end before the heats of the next summer. With our present force, no man can say when it will be effected,or, in deed, that it will be effected at all." And again—" We should remember that every day this fell treason keeps its stand, is a day ad ded to its prestige, at tiie expenses of the good tiacie of the Republic. If we crush this rebel lion with one quick, decisive, overwhelming blow, we shall take higher rank than ever among the nations. If we allow a wavering, drugging, lingering stuggle, acting on the de fensive as long as we can, and in attack never assured of success—we rhall wade through dishonor, nod probably come out in defeat Triumph is ours, if we will it, but we must show ourselves more in earnest—must put forth more of our strength." The Volunteers and the Elective Fran chise. We give below the law authorizing our vol unteers to vote at the general elections. It seems to be unqualified both as to State and County officers. 74. Whenever any of the citizens of this Commonwealth qualified as hereinbefore pro vided, shall be in any actual military service in any detachment of the militia or corps of volunteers, under a requisition from the Presi dent of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, on the day of ihe gen eral election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exercise the right of suffrage at such place as may be appointed by the commanding officer of the troop or company to which they shall re spectively belong, as fully as if they were pre sent at the usual place of election : Provided, That no member of any such troop or company shall be permitted to vote at the place so tip pointed, if at the time of such election he shall be within ten miles of the place at which be would be entitled to vote, if not in service as aforesaid. 75. The proceedings for conducting such elections shall he, as far as practicable, in all respects the same as are herein directed in the case of genetal elections, except that the cap tain or commanding officer of each company or troop shall act as judge,and that the first lieu tenant or officer second in command, shall act as inspector at such election, so far as shall relate to such company or troop ; aud in case of the neglect or refusal of such officers, or either of them, to serve in-such capacity, the officer or officers next in command, in such company or troop,shall act as judge or inspec tor as the case inay be. 7. The officer authorized to perform the duties of judge, shall administer the proper oath or affirmation to the officer who shall act as inspector, and as soon as such officer shall have been sworn or affirmed, he shall adminis ter the proper oath or affirmation to the officer whose duty it shall be to act as judge ; and such officer arting as judge shall appoint two persons to act as clerks, and shall administer to 'hem the proper oaths or affirmations. 77. The several officers authorized to conduct sncb election, shall take the like oaths or affir mations, shall have the line powers, and they, as well as other persons who may attend,vote or offer to- vote, at such election, shall be sub ject to the like penalties arid restrictions,as ore declared or providt-d in this act, in the case of elections by the citizens at their usual place of election. 78. Within three days after such election, the jndpei thereof shall respectively transmit, through the nearest post-office, n return there of, to/rhcther with the tickets, tally lists and iists of voters,to the prothonotary of the county in which such electors would have voted, if not in military service. And the said judges shall transmit another return of such election to the commanding officer of the regiment or battalion, as the case may be, who shall make a general return, under his hand and seal, of the votes of all the companies or troops under his command, and shall transmit the same through the nearest post-office to the secretary of the Commonwealth. 7y. It shall be the duty of the prothonotary of the county, to whom such returns shall be made, to deliver to the return judges of tlie j same county, a copy certified under his hand and seal, ol the return of votes so transmitted to him by the judges of the election in the companies or troops aforesaid. BU. The return judges of the proper county or counties, in which the volunteers or militia men aforesaid nay have resided at the time of: beiritr called into actual service, as aforesaid, shall meet on the second Tuesday in Novem ber next after the election. And when two or more counties are connected in the election,the meeting of the judges from each county shall be postponed in such case until the Friday fol lowing the said second Tuesday in November. 81. '1 iie return judges so met, shall include in their enumeration the votps so returned,and thereupon shall proceed in all respects in the like manner as is provided in this act, in cases where ad the votes shall have been given ut the usual place of election. In Braintrim. Wvoming county. Ph.. oii Wednesday. (lie lDh in-.. 1. v Ifrv. I). Wan fit, Mr. A I.HI HI" OVER FIELD.of M> -nbppett. I'.i., t>> .Mi-- NELLIE M. daugh ter nl S. Kconey, ol the former place. iirti) SUfttrtfsemmts. TO HE IIEI.P AT TOWAITDA, October 2, 3, anil 4, 1861. , RRNIE GROUNDS WILL IN*: OPENED J- to receive animals and articles for exhibition, on Wednesday, the 2d of Octolier. I'eisirtis desiring to enter ..nitnals or articles for pre miums, must apply at the odire, oil llie grounds, staling to the i lei k the kind ol .iiiiui.il- or articles. and to what department the >ame la-longs, tngetht t with the t utne of the competitor, ail ol which w ill lie entered in a book tor thai purpose. Ihe person will then receive a ticket mini la-red in the department to which the same belongs, wliis It ticket must l earclully attu lied to the animal or arti cle, so that the Judges w ill be able to designate the pro- I per num>a-r to whit It an award has been made, tare must be taken that tickets are not attached to the wrong animal or article. The numbered tickets must he pre served. Exhibitors and visitors will lir.-t obtain entry tickets, to lie grounds, ut the ticket ofln c. Persons pun -basing meiiibet.-hip tickets mil be entitled to exhibit animals or articles, and when -n> li is produced in the county or . brought into ;t tor the purpose of promoting production therein, will lie entitled to compete lor premiums. 'l ite Judging Committees will commence their duties on the second dty ol tin Fair. The premiums will he Ue elated on the third day of the Fair. hxamiiiaiisii- ol the merits ot Horses and Cattle, trials ol strength, and trotting with single and .uatched teams, will take place < ii thetliird day ol the Fair, tor which premiums wtil be awarded ty the Committee to the best I not iag single horse, and the best not iug span ot horses. j All stock e\ cpt horses, t ill; KXIIIIUTIon ATTIIeF.VR, ' from the east -ide ol the river, to cross over lite bridge ' and return Ft'EE OF TOLL. \lt horses, eertilied by tiie j l'rcsideiit ot the S >eicty a- having i ecu regularly enter ed I'T exhibition at the Fair, and the tail ot the same I hat mg la i II paid on passing to the Fair, the toll so paid i vv.il he celuiided oii presentation and .-ut render ol the cer tificate at the toll offi eot the bridge. All persons cross [ ing the bridge with teams, .-iggte ixirriage. or on horse- j ; b.uk, trout the east-ide ot tile river, going to tiie Fair, | upon payment of tin-usual toll, will rere.te a ticket to n turn once fit at any time during the Fair, or the next day alter. ile grounds of the Society have been greatly improv ed, ami every facility and inducement aie uttered tor a I nge and beautitul display. Farmers. Mechanics, and Manilla, turets an earnestly invited t ■ exhibit theii ]rn. din L- in quant ities that will do credit t . our eoisnty. lat 1 > very per-mi that comes to the Fair bring rum- 'uug to exhibit, lajt the I .tidies' Dcpai linent ol tliis Fair not fall li :n the proud etuinence it ii.i- hereto! u e attained. Each OIK- lias some article to emboli-h and add to the attrac tions. JOHN F. MEANS, JAMES c. 11l in; WAY, F. HI.ACKM AN. Towanda, Sept. 27, 1861. Ex. Committee. u Our Country Forever !" LATEST FROM W'.A. R. \V A. lIrtCKWEI.I, j- again on hand with the tirst New Goods of the Season ! DRESS HOODS. GENTLEMEN' S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, LEATHER, BOOTS A SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will lind it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times will not. prevent us selling good articles at modciate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we teei continent that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM..V. ROCKWELL. Towanda. Sept. 2">. 1861. FEW Fill MD nine GOODS, In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, II est Kirle of the Ptib/ir square, at the store of A, WICKHAM St SON. Towanda, Sept. 2">. lsr.l. 3Elfo3ffD AXiXI DOUBT. VLL persons indebted to K.S. BENEDICT, i.v Note. Judgment, or Book Account, are'notificd that if t '■ aforesaid indebtedness is not cancelled by the first ot October, proper steps for the collection of the same, wi'.l be taken, torthwith. E. S. BENEDICT. Towanda. Sept. 20. 1861. LNSTL \ V cow —CAME TO THE EN 7 JLi ii e ■ if the undersigned, about, the Ist ot May. a RED COW. The owner is request ed to conic -award Anil prove property, nav Jt Vf charges. -! take her away, otherwise she will I."Vlis posed of ii. r.irding to law. J. STROI'D. Welles' Ferry, Terrytown, Sept. ID, 1861. FLUOR. OK X X AND EXTRA, nt • H. H. STErilENfe. ' Towauda, Aug. 26, 1851. ilfto ttlit lt^t| S™ co mmon pleas of Bradioid county to ml i* c ""n 7 he exposed to public sale on THI'KSi) , • ol October A. it. at the court I I ut "" e 1 " c '| K:k ' - M • •' following de jor P" ,(l 01 llU,d ' i" Tiiscan-ni tow. m" 7 ! i• , I as tollows ; On the north at .! e-t | ... ; " u,; - j Wy. ruing county line, and on the west j v - ' - i eel and Luther Kinney and land ot Peter pi' ' (or land now in passion ol Charles Sturiw. tatning about 5b acres, mure or less— abo . , ) r.* proved, one log house, trained bum and'tU'V 4 '' I '' * , thereou. 0 '""I tr tel Seized and taken in execution at the suit of r- Bixby vs I'eier 11. Sturdev.int. ' ALSO—The following descrilied lot pi t e, r land situate in South (reek ami Welles tow, i : ' ' ed and described as follows : On the north ! v it' dary line between the state of Penu>v!vai i, an . 1*;1. AUDITORS NOTICE.— In themit^f II a. Sri,it r- The Xortli Branch f < nit. hi the Court of Bradford County Common . No 621. September Term, Dv'.D. , The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed t.v thef to (ji.-trihute lurid- arising from SlierilT* sale'of dr. lint's personal property, will attei.u to liis duties i. appoiiittncut at the office of Wihuot A Wstk i - Bi-rough ol Towanda, on MONDAY, the 2Dtd.it ' H OCTOBER. IKGt, at! o'clock, P. M., when and win, I all pet sons having claims against said estate. • .* K t|i>eti-d to present the same or be forever , I i therefrom. G. H. WATKI.Vri I c •- ■ \DM I NISTUATOII'S NOTICE A I a. \ B tat.-o; ORR \MEL TRACY, dee'd., late ol Smit ■ are hereby requested to make payment wi'h,, ; i. ■ present tbem duly autheuticuteu for settlenu-nt A. L. Tlt.tCV. Sept. 2Llsil. Adniiiu-tr.it r. I> RI I'll K 1.1'.1 i i.N(r.—Senleil pTCtpo:i|< tt in Ridghury, on S tl'l'lll'AY, 'h- .*.l h day of OCT, t [s.;l, nn: J 1 o'rloc k. p. m for the building and ling of ;i Bridge acr-ss Benticy Creek, near that ■ • Spi-cilicati-uis no the - cue may he seen at tiie man's, and at the Commissioner's Office, for tr. t , previous to said letting. W. 11. DECKEIt I*. 11. BI'CK. W. A. TIIOM \s. Commissioner's Office. Sept. 2">, lsfil. t trr'i. A I)MINISTRA i RIX'SNOTICE X a V is hereby g ven. that all person* indebted t " n fate of DAN lEL STRONG, deed., late of U,;. ; 4 are hereby requested to m ike payment without d and all person-iiaving d--uianiis ag.iin-t -. I estate v present thym duly authenticated for se'tN-.-iii-nt. LL'CRKTi \ si'uNG. Sept. 2a. 1 siR, Admitii-tr.itrit. Q I'ECIAL COURT Not O en that a special Court will l>c held at tie I it House in To.vmidu, ILui. If. G. WHITE proidui; men ing MONDAY, N<(V 1. . .p 1 t-> continue two weeks for the trial o! the- 1-.q ; causes: — rn:T week. TERM. VR. n.AINTIKKS. PEFEVDAVT*. \i- 'MM May Isjt,. Ellern Maria McN'eal ,V Co vs J. Mtrrai David Barber vs Clicster Thomas At S. pt. 1-jii. I. Sinith vs s Kellum, 2d .ct al. Sept. 18S7. Ingham Barclay It K£ I May ISaS. Will A Park Vs Wni 11 strong, i " " Wni I! Dnriington vs ,' \ Shipman. P* i " " Matthew McManon vs J P Morton A; i. - " same same " " M D W Bishop vs Alfred Gore. To- - ■' " 11 P Moore vs Chester Pierce. AH*" Dec. 1 s.js. tie < K Elliott v-Je-se II C -wall, eta " Charles 11 Shcpard vs Ahr Steers, et al. Tro. " " Samuel F Ripley vs Hiram Spear. " " Allen K Axtcll vs Alson Patter-n. A; Feb. lSj'.l. J It Ingets .11 ,V , vs John H rku—*. L- '• " Del L A W R 11 Co vs Meylet: A Ward. i.Vt " " same same j " " same same " " Alvah Heath vs J W Dennison. fjeitmeat. SF.COM> WEEK. May 1853. Francis Ripley vs Hiram Spear. " same same May KID. I ami-a M Watth-* vs SamlC Mann. Trespsss " '• A M ICirk vs A B Smith A . -M'P • •' •' J 1> Foster v.* same " " Maria Child vs Anthony E Child. T *-p" 1 Sept. I-JJ. M F Ransom vs David Arm- 11. Lj' ' " j •• Win P Emerson vs Cole A Conaut. • H " " John lotntz vs John Hanson. | " '• Michael i .-iillivau vs It C Sin a Hey, et I, ■ It S Middaugh vs Archibald Forbes- ■ Dec. ls">D. L'enben Cliapen vs Warn n Cal'cti. Kj> •• Stepiieti Felton vs .1 B Welisti r A tertu ' '• " C shumwjy vs Clark Hollenback. " Jane McQueen vs Edward Holennib. 1 I " " same vs (trlando Holcotnb. 't " same vs Samuel Hole mb " Hirnm Shaw, cl ex vs Jonas Kuucr etn- 'j Feb. lsi',o. .Ino W Dennison vs Towns!.' i' rr . v " "J It lngersoll. et al vs Th>>s sineaii. * H " 0 P Ballard vs Bingham R • kwei. >'t -n t " " Farmer's l.'n Ins C>> vs Sarah Myers-r •I" " " J it lngersoll, et al v H S Vaughn >■' J " " Henry W Tracy vs Alvah Young- Lje'' r '" " C T Bliss vs Sarah Stone admrs .'tc. > '^H May lSfiO. Wm li Clymer's u->- vs ' I. War.l. H David Barber vs I>aid Wilmot ' JR Pratt's admrs v*D Pratt's admet H| Sept. 1860. Fatinei's Un Ins ('•> vs C N" Shipman ff I.ai k iwanna I .V C Co v> Meylcrt A B ir>: *• I " " Kiiza Jane Chapman vs Stanley S Huum! ■ Dec. 1860. Henry Northrnp vtMn J Reyn •• s W Park vs Win Frederick. l-u<- y | Feb. IS6I. J L Sa-yer,Vson vs C F Welles..Vr.S .D' ■ " "Wm 11 Phillips vs JB M llinmat). ... I •' G M Hollenbaek'a use vs Krani-is Tyler sH " " Saml Archibald'* use vs Thomas Page. et " " Burton I. Smith vs C B A N I! Chaffee ■ Suhpcenas for first week, returnable Momlm .N ' ' I i 1-61. at lOo'cloi k.a. in for second week. M • . I 11. 1861, at 10 o'clock, a. in. E.O.GDDB"" Towanda, Sept. 3, lsbl. I'n.tli a ' It EATON'S MERCANTILE ACADEJft | r pO\V.VNDA. PA ,—OPENS FOR TH| I winter, SEPTEMBER >. 1861. keeping tanght branches, on the same principle a* that p i>'" largest Commercial Colleges, anil at one j .at tcr t ■' ! h~ Pupils can enter at any time, as ci li one K ■ q individual instruction. TERMS. For full course in Rook-keeping and Penmw-*'"? j including diploma. • Partial course in Rook keeping I > Penmanship—24 lessons, Ornamental Penmanship, The full course embraces Common i' Peii"' 1 , Bo>>k keeping by Single and Double Entry. " ' ly used in the different departments t, merve, including Wholesale and Rota ■ ufacturing. Shipping. Individual and '■' l!l ''V II !•- ness, with instruction in Commercial Laws. Persons taking the full course will I" • ~t tl conduct a set of hooks by Double Entry in tin tensive establishment. r Specimens of Penmanship w ill be sent t . whenever requested. ~ r tTd N For further information address ' V'tiU-'H' I Towanda. Sept. It), 1661. tl