Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 12, 1861, Image 3
AND GEJSKRAL. underhand that a company ofscr mea under command of Capt. RXNSON Lcra '''!,ve Burlington, on Tuesday next, for Camp iii k The name of Havensville Po9t Office, ... township, this county, baa been changed to 1,C ° la °. e Ltmxn B. riLars has been appointed Post F UCE ofjAllKS MOROSJC. removed. Wr hft r- receited, bttt toc'.ftte for pub the troceedings of the teachers' Institute, held ** t priDg seld - last ' Wetk ' Tho proceedings will appear ; a i next issue. _ Monday last, fifteen or twenty vol „'t this plrce. to Join the " Goodrich Ouarda," SBleer " Uurtin. We ara informed that this Company, ** , J i a* full, is to march to Missouri, to Join Gen t RE >jyT'i division. tg-Wb understand that our young friend. A,gat, intends going to the In the capacity of a musician, beln* attached to rnuv a Kegimental Baml " We hope he may be the use of the sword, as he is in the more "wwalks of life, with the " ck and rule." May BU c- atteud hint- jtf-FiHE— A barn belonging to JOHN s about fcur miles from Tunkhannock, was de ihv fire on the 26th ult.. with All its contents, Sting of grain- nd farmmg not .he grain of tWssummer's harvesting, but there was j , . nu.ntitv of old graic in t*e barn. It is impossible U ascertain bow tbe fire originated. The loss la aaid tc j* about $2,000. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IA DUE. We jhall uerer tire of praLiug D. B. De Land A Co.'s Cbem lfSl Saleratus. We hail its advent with joy as we have : „g been out of patience with the inferior stuff thst has l it our bread, biscuit, cakes, Ac. D. B. Lfe Land A Co. : . e ht to draw a pension for introducing this wholesome ir'ttle before the world. It is now for sal- by most dual tr it the country. Seridus ACCIDENT —-\\ e len. n thut Mr.^ RcssELL, of Windham township, while out guu ! - , short time since, csme to the farm of Mr. R. Kcv ;;;.;aLL an d there stood talking with an acquaintance, 'a- r.f upon his gun. when the gun by sottib means dls , .d, shattering his shoulder terribly. By (.the aid jir.end lie got home and medical aid procured. We , learn the full particulars, consequently do not , ■ ahetber the wouud is considered fatal or not. TEG- BRADFORD COUNTY FAIR.— The Annual ; /the Bradford County Agricultural Society will , held, bj resolution of the Board ot Managers, on the U and 4th days of October next,on tbe grounds of the , tr. The it.lis with the Rules and Regulations of A, ietv will 1* furnished at an early day. The Kxcc- Committee. will meet on Monday the 9tb lust., to nt Judging Committees. By order of the Board. • wanda, Sept. 2,.1861. W.C. BOGART,Sec'y. j®-MILITARY TACTICS.— At this particular - it i- highly proper for volunteer Military men, offl it:, is well as privates, to post themselves In the tactics J.i ,:my regulation- , this can he acComplishrd be ex ---•a and olaervation, but in view of the recent army ; ders c -ruing tbe competency of officers—if not from s -n-e ot duty and arprecialinns cf the resprasi- ; tility which they hiYe Assnnied-they must ife-k to in form th. mse'ves sufficiently before entering the service, in order to gain Die respect and confidence of their men, and also to guard against the revocation of their commis < ,ns. To do this they must consult tbe which -.•a be readily obtained al small expense. K pif HEALTH or Hnv. DAVID WILMOT —We I .eve that soma of the newspapers are publishing very ■j iruping accounts of the state of the health of Me. ■ nor, can-rag much apprehension amoog his friends ■ zhout the country. Wr> are happy in being able to ■i .hut these statements are very much exaggerated, I: .a that Mr. Wimit'i health U uet such as to excite the f' ! -nsi mOt his neighbors. During Die late session health was much impaired, but since his t home, he has speedily re -oved, and regaining his ngth, and will be shle, by tho r.ex session ot <'on ,--s to take his seat, with health and strength to ptr t::n all bis Senatorial labors. AT®- Thk NUTRITIOUS PROPERTIES or EGOS. - \u egg the average size weigiis 1000 grnins, or one sleuth of a pound. Three-fourths of its weight is ws -o~e -eventh's nJbssnen, * highly nutritious sub '-.T. resemWiag lexn meat in its composition, and ' -refers .lirptei to produce strength of muscle when CrtMime-l as food. One tenth of the egg is fat or oil, which is useful to supply carbon for respiration, and heat :ag the b"<iy and thi-retore especially valuable for eating a hnt or cold weather. The yolk contains some sulphur and pis 'phorous compounds, the latter affordiug mate -1: i', f>r the bones and brain. The composition of an egg i' qn'te similar to that of a piece of good fat beef steak, rth the bulk ©'the loose fat, or tallow, trimmed ofi i::s arc. there-fire, nutritions food. Seven eggs, weigh eg * pnund, are nearly as valuable for food as a pound tfgxid meat, and they generally cost much less. TROT, Aug. 29, ISGI. Ir EDITOR; H Tne Volunteer Aid Socie [" 'f Troy, Pa., have made and forwarded to the Sani " r "nimis-ion, at Washington, a quantity of Hospital , consisting of 51 shirts, 53 pairs of drawers, 51 50 sheets, 66 pillow cases, 50 towels, and 50 ' ttt handkerchiefs. In acknowledgment of which, the ing letter was received bv the President of said As zrnlon. Win yon please Insert it in your valuable pa ■ W: and oblige, TUB PATRIOTIC LADIES or TROT. OFFICE OP SANITARY COMMISSION,) Washington. D C-, August 24, 1861. j I -I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt. I - ■ on.i tion.of four boxee of hospital supplies, as I-. ' . r• i t!,e 21th in-,t.. oil behalf of the ladies of 1.. '• . V article* will tie devoted, as iuteuded. to v ", rt ''f'hv■-it-k and wounded soldiers of the U.S. | •V r " - M jiu r rces, in wh<><e liehalf, and that • commission, I mot cordially thank the donors. 1 am. Madam. Very Respectfully, Your obedient Servant. FRSD. LAW OLMSTEAD, Sec. I At a meeting of tbe citizens of Stsit'n- I hi'id on the loth alt., to take into consideration, I ' • She expression to the feelings of the citizens, in re- I ™to tbe sppointment of R. M. WLNSON, in the Fed- I 4 Army : the following persons were appointed to in- I * -te the facts relating thereto aud report at the next 8. It. Crane, Jas. H. Webb, C. B. Rlggs, A. H. I and U. Moody. I j-." a nd A. 11. Seward having refnsed to zct, "is and f aleb Adams were appointed in tbeirstead. I a ... ~ e ai, J onrn cd meeting, held on the 17th, tbe Com- I re, nUdt 4 verbal re l ,ort > * ad v - 8 - Vincent offered I viug preamble and resolutions, which were nnati- I aoi "ljadopted:.- I • V>K arc imperiled with the scourge of civil I : upon our beloved country, (as we be- I mitl 1 m " st and wicked conspiracy to de- I I s-nt t n ,' ' have lately learned with astonish- I aoi- 3 I RANSON, a citizen of our township, has I Rqv !, V, m la lbe C°missary department oi the I 1 baTe l be most positive, evidence that I ?ato it- a * in " m ,been, and is, disloyal—that hissym- I*tiiw. i, " lbe r ®Dellio.'—the abundant proof of I T>at|, v j ID , own dispassionate aud fre- I "t hi I Jeclaratione, that if reqnireil to go V) the I ",™ uld fa South'*— that h, I £, t'-a 4 —and many othr tjaiUt M/iog* ineport—therefor*. Resolved, That we, the loyal citizens of Smithfield, in ! mass assembled, who have parted with sons, brothers and 1 friends, who are are now in active service in the Federal Army, do most solemnly and emphatically protest against and condemn the policy of appointing men of doubtful i loyalty to any position of trust, In the army br any de partment of trflst of the Cloverdmeut. Retolvtd, That the appointment of M. F Ranson.from our midst. Where nineten-twentie*.h of the entire colu mn fiity are Willing yi f need Ire) to sacrifice their lives and fortunes, for the support of the Government, is most demoralising, disheartening and humiliating. Rnolved, That we consid'H-M. F. Hanson, with his avowed treasonable sentiments, an unsafe person to hold an office of trust in the Federal Army. Resolved, That this meeting is not a persona! or po litical measure against Mr Kauson, only so far as he has expressed disunion or treasonable sentiments. Retolvtd, That copies of these resolutions be furnish- ' ed to the county papers and N. Y. Tribune, for publica tion. Also, that copies be sent to the Secretary of War, and the department of the army in which Mr. ltanson is I employed. C. P. TBASK, Pres. C. E. Wee®, Sec'y. BST" COURT PROCEEDINGS. —The September Term of Court comma need on Monday, 2d Inst., Bon. U. MERCTR, President, and Hon. JOHN F. LONU and Hon. JOHN PAS-MORE, Associate Judges. All the the Grand Jurors summoned to be in attendance j were present, and consequently one Juror was discharged. N. N. BEITS' Esq., was appointed foreman, and after dis posing of an unusually large amount of Commonwealth business, they were discharged Thursday afternoon. The following bills were acted upon : tnU K Bifcts. Pen St. Bacon—Assault and Battery, same, seme, James Condon—Selling liquor to druhkards, 4c. Steven L. Agney—Larceny, Aiobto Revellon—Assault and battery, James Malory—Violation of liquor laws t James B. Watts—Assault and battery, Daniel Beardsley— " '• Joshua Benjamin, " " Nelson Vanderpool, '* " Peter & Jeremiah Holienback, same. Ambrose Vanderpool—Fraud, Isaac N. Evans—Assault and battery, Nathan Parker-"-Larceny, Elijah Horton—Assault and battery Isaac Holienback, 1 Peter Holienback., - Dissuading witness from atlen- Jeremiah Holleuback.) ding Court and testifying. j POT A THUS BILL AND PROSECUTOR FOB FCOSTS. G. M. Elsbree—Selling liquor on Sunday, same Selling liquor to minors, Randolph L. Beardsley—Assault and battery, Ambrose Vanderpool same, Francis Ripley—Embezzlement. NOT A TRUE BILL AND COUNTY FOR COSTS. William Hoswell—Assault and battery. A large amount of Commonwealth business engaged the atteDtion of the Court, consisting principally of as- j saults, surety of the peace, and other trifling matters. In several cases, the defendants plead guilty, and in others ! the parties took tho " sober second thought," and ar ranged their difficulties without the assistance of Court and Jurors. The following cases were disposed of-. Com.vt. Elijah Horton. —Brought fro to May Sessions. Indicted for assault and battery upon his wife. Defen dant pleads guilty and is sentenced to pay a fine of $lO to the Common wealth, the costs of prosecution, and un dergo an imprisonment iu the County jail, Ac. Com. vs. Abraham Steel.— Brought from May Sessions. Indicted for assault aud battery upon W.J.N. Henson, in West Burlington. Alter hearing, defendant withdraws his plea of not guilty and pleads guilty. Com. vs. Isaac Powers. —ln the Oyer and Terminer.— Brought from May Sessions. Defendant was indicted for entering the room of Peter V. Bennett, at the hotel of Isaac Howell, in Standing Stone, and taking from his! pockets a sum of money. Jury found the defendant not guilty, Com. rs. James Cnngdon —lndicted for furnishing li quor to Mafy Coleman, a person of known intemperate habits. Found guilty stud sentenced to pay a fine of l~>, I '-'eats of ptoeccutioft, and undergo an imprisonment of 30 ' davs in the County jail. Cum. l it. Daniel Dibble. —Surety of the peace on com plaint of Benjaman Hoyt. Proceedings from J. Vanloon, Esq. After hearing, Court order the defendant to enter into recognizance in the sum of S3OO, conditioned that he keep the peace, towards all the good citizens of the Commonwealth, and particularly towards, Benjamin Hoyt for the space of one year. Com. vs. Simuel 'llwmpson. —Surety of the peace on j complaint of Dr. D.J. H. Cole. Proceedings from Thomas j Mather, Esq. After hearing defendant required to give, bail in the sum of S2OO. Com. ct. Daniel S. Mi Itr. —Surety of the peace on complaint of J. G .Crandall. Proceedings irom J.L.Jones j Esq. After hearing, Court adjudged that defendant give j bail in t'ue sain oi S3OO to keep the peace, Ac. Cum. vs. Elixi dales and /.yi u Grover. —Surety of the peace, o:i complaint of Hiram Spear. Proceedings | from S D. Harkness, Esq. After hearing Court discharged ; the complaint, and order that the County pay the costs. Cum. vt. Alonxo Rev at km. —lndicted for assault and battery, upon Philander Huriburf, ia Standing Stone, i Defendant pleads guilty, and is sentenced to pay a fine of $lO to the Commonwealth, the costs of prosecution, and , undergo an imprisonment of ca days in the County iail Com. vs. Steven 1.. Agney lndicted for entering the ! store of David Gardner, at Orcutt's Creek, and taking ' from his safe about S7OO ia money. Eeieudant plead guilty. Com. vs. James MMoy —lndicted for selling liquor without license, at Granville Summit. After hearing, defendant withdraws his plea of not gnilty, ad pleads ! guilty, and the Court sentenced him to pay a fine of S2O ; to the Commonwealth and the costs of prosecution. Com.vs.J.D. IVatts.— Defendant was indicted for an assault and battery, upon his wife. Upon being arraigned he plead guilty, and the parties made each a statement | to the Court, disclosing a distressed state of matrimonial infelicity. The Court sentenced the defendant to pay a fiae of $lO, costs of prosecution, and give security for his good behavior, Ac. Com. vs. Daniel Beardsley Indicted for assault and I battery. Defendant pleads guilty and is sentenced to pay a tine of sls and costs of prosecution. Cum vs. Jushua Benjamin.— Defendant was indicted for shooting Geo. W. Benjamin, in Asylum township. The jury found him guilty. Com. vs. Peter Holienback and Jeremiah Holienback. | —Defendant's were indicted for an assault and battery 1 upon William Garmon, in bheshequin township. Jury , find them guilty. Corn. vs. Isaac N. Evans Indicted for assault and ; battery. Defendant was orator of the day at a celebra tion in Litchfield township, on the fourth day of July, whereat a party of" seceshers " showed a disposition to ! be riotous, and upon his interfering to stop the row' the , alleged assault was committed. The jury, ev idently thought he was justified in the means employ ed, for they returned a vardict of not guilty, and direct ed that the prosecutor. Jacob Campbell, pay the costs. Com. vs. Chauncey .McAllister Indicted at February Sessions for assault and battery upon his wile. The jury ! find him not guilty, but to pay the costs. Com. Richard Hancock and Harrison Vroman.—lndic ted at May Sessions for stealing a bee hive the property of Orrin Coleman. The defendants plead guilty of tho charge of receiving stolen property, and were sentenced to pay a fine of $5 to the Commonwealth, the costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment of twenty days in tbe.C-ounty jail, Ac. Com. vt. Elijah Horton —lndicted for assault and bat tery. Jury find the defendant not guilty. Upon reading petition, the Conrt appointed R.B. Barns Town Clerk of Rome township, in the place of S. Russell, in the array. Wc Will publish the remainder of the Court Proceed ings next week. ileto aubertfsemntts. F. CR COBURN, ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Towanda. Pa. Office in the building formerly oc cupied by H. B. McKean. All legal business attended to with promptness and care. Towanda, Ang. 30, 1861-tf. FRESH FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS Dates, Tamarinds, Granges, lemons, and al! kjsds FOX?. iicto ft&toerttsmeMs. pENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA vJT TlON.—Whereas .by an set of Assembly of the Cofil munwealth, entitled " an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth." it is eujoined upon melto give pub lic notice of such election tb be held, ami also the enu meration in such notice what officers are to be elected, 1, A. H. SPALDING, High Sheriff of the County Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county, that a GenCral Election wilt be held id said county, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of October, in tho several districts in said county, to wit: in Albaf.y, at the sub district school hoc9e, near Camp bell's milts. Iu the school house tieab Simeon Decker's, In Athens boro', at the house of E. S. Mattbewaon. In Athens tvrp., at the house of J. B. Hunt, in Athens Boro'. In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker. In Bariiugtu boro' at the hall of Henry Vosburg. In Burlington township, at the house of ROSA ell Leth er. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton, at the house of S. C. Myers- In Columbia, at the house of Jamas Morgan. In Franklin, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor. Iu the school house near Daniel Dur&nd's . In Litchfield, at the house of C- Bloodgood. In Leßoy, at the school house in Leßoy. In Monroe, at the house of R. R. Rockwell," In Monroe boro', at the house of M M Coolbaugh, In Orwell, at Orwell hill public school house, In Overton, at the house of D Waltman, Iu Pike, at the house oi D Johnsou, In Rome, at the Academy, Iu Ridgbury, at the house of B Herman. InSbelnequin, at t!e Valley House. In buiithiield, at the house now occupied by John Scon ton. In Springfield, at the house ol W. H. Root, now occu pied Hammond, In Sylvauia boro', at the house of C. Merritt, In South Creek, at the school house pear A Gillitt's, In Standing Stone, at the house of S Stevens, in Terry, at the house of E J Shcpaid, In Towauda boro', at the Grand Jury roots, In the Court House, in said boro'. In Towanda twp., at the school house, near Hi Scott's In Towanda North, et the house of S A Mills, In Troy boro' at the Eagle Tavern, In Troy twp„ at the house of V M Long, In Troy boro' ju Tuscarora, at the school house near James Black's. In Ulster, at the house of 8 B Hoicob, In Warren, at the house of R Cooper, In Wells, at the house of L Secley, In Windham at the house of B kuykendail, In Wyalusiug, at house of 8. H. Black. In of A. 1. Stone. Iu Wysox, at the houe of J M Heed, At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot. One "person for President Judge of the 13th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Bradford and Sus quehanna. Two persons to represent the county ofjßradford in the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person for Associate Judge of the County of Brad ford. One person for Treasurer of tne county of Bradford. One person for Gouuty Commissioner for the County of Bradford. Oue person for Auditor of the county of Bradford. And iu aud by said act. I am further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the government of the Uui'ed States or this State, or of any incorporated district and also that every member ofCon gress and or the Legislature aud the select aud common couucil of any city, or commissioners of any incorporat ed district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointments! Judge, In spector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth and that no Inspector or other officer of any such elec tion, shall lie then eligible to any office to be voted for. By the 4th section of an act p'a-sed the last uay of April. 1840, it is provided " that the 13th section ot an act passed July 2d, 1830 entitled •' An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," shall no be construed a- to prevent any military officer for serving as Judge, ( Inspector or Clerk, at any geueral or special election of | this commonwealth. Iu the Ist section of the act first above mentioned, it is ; enacted that every general and special shall be opened between S and 10 in the forenoon, and continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock iu the evening, when the polls shall be closed. By the 18th section of the act of February 3d, 184G, it shall be lawful Tor tlm inspectors and judges of any gen eral election which shall he hereafter held iu the Armenia election district < I Bradford County to close the polls of such election district at five o'clock, p. in. By the lltb section ol an act of 1853, it is provided that 'he polls -f tic- election Jistrict ot Tuscarora twp. be closed at five o'clock, p. m. it ts further directed, that the meeting or Judges at the Court House in T wanda, to make out the genera! return, shall be on the 3d day after tho election, which will'beou the 11th day <>f October. lt'is further directed that the meeting of return Judges for the Judicial district, shall be held at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, on the 7th day after the elec tion, which will be on the 15th. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Sent. 13 1881. SPECIAL COURT. —Notice is hereby triv ._ en that a special Court will be held at the Court House iu Towanda. Hun. R. G. WHITE presiding, com mencing MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1861, at t(JTo clock, a. in., to continue two weeks lor the trial of the following causes:— FIK3T WEEK. TERM. YR. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. NATURE. Mly 1856. Ellem Maria MeNcal A Co vs J . Merritt, ei al David Barter vs Chester Thomas 4 Co, case. Sept. 1850. 1. Smith vs s Kcllnin, 2d., et al. Trespass. Sept. 1857. Joseph Ingham vs Barclay It RA C Co. up. Sept. 18.57. I Smith bS K-llum, 2d. Trover. May 1858. Wm A Park vs Wra H Strong. •' Wm B Darlington vs C N Shipman. Debt. " " Matthew MeMahon vs J P Horton. Appeal. Sept. ISSB. Hiram Horton vs Josiah Stowell, et ex. Debt. " same same " " Ml) W Bishop vs Alfred Gore. Trespass. " " H P Moore vs Chester Pierce. Appeal. Dec. 1853. Geo K Elliott vs Jesse K Unwell, et al. " " " Charles H Shepard vs Abr Steers, et al. Tres. " " Samuel F Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Debt. " " Allen K A xtell vs A laon Patterson. Appeal. Feb. 1859. J It Ingersoli 4c, vs John Harkness. Eject. •' " Del L 4 Wll It Co vs Meylert 4 Ward. Det. same same " " same same " " Alvah Heath vs J W Denuison. Ejectment. SECOND WEEK . May 1359. I'rancia Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Debt. " •' same same •' May 1859. Louisa M Wattles vs Saml C Maun. Trespass. " '• A M Kirk vs A B Smith Ac. Appeal. " ■' J B Foster vs same " " " Maria Child vs Anthony E Child. Trespass. Sept. 1859. M F Ransom vs David Arnold. FJectment. " " X Hicks' admrs vs N B Canal Co. Damages. " " Wm P Emerson vs Cole A Conaut. Debt. " " John Ijntz vs John Hanson. " " Michael O Sullivan vs It C Sinalley, et al. Ej. " " R S Middaugh vs Archibald Forbes. Appeal- Dec. 1859. Reuben Chapeu vs Warren Callen. Ejectment. " " Stephen Felton vs J B Webster 4 ter ten. " " " C Shumw ay vs Clark Holienback. " " Jane McQueen vs Edward Holcomb. Case. " " same vs Orlando Holcomb. '! " same vs Samuel Holcomb. " *• " Hiram Shaw, et ex vs Jonas Kilmer, et al. " Feb. 1860. Jno W Dc-unison vs Township of Terry. " " "J R Ingersoli, et al vs Thos Emend, et al. EJ. " "OP Ballard vs Bingham Rockwel, etal. Ej. " " Farmer's Un Ins Co vs Sarah Myers. Sci Fa M. " " J It Ingersoli, et al vs H S Vaughn, etal. BFE. ; " " Henrv W Tracy vs Alvah Young. Ejectment. | •• C T Bliss vs Sarah Stone admrs 4c. Sci Fa. | May 1860. Wm B Clymer'R use vs C L Ward. Case, j " " David Barber vs David Wilmot 4c. Trespass. | " '• J R Pratt's admrs vs 1) Pratt's adm et al. SciFa. ! Sept. 1860. Farmer's Un Ins Co vs C N Shipman, ter ten. j' " " Lackawanna I4CCo vs Meylert 4 Ward. Det. t " " Shipman A Welles vs Rogers Fowler. ! " " Eliza Jane Chapman vs Stanley S Hinman. Tr. i Dec. 1860. Henry Northrnp vs John J Reynolds. Appeal. ! " "S W Park vs Wm Frederick. Ejectment, i Feb. 1861. J L SavverAson vs C F Welles,Ac.Sci Fa M L ! " " Wm II Phillips vs JB M Hinmsn. | '• •' G M Hollenback's use vs Francis Tyler. SF M. " " Sam! Archibald's use vs Thomas Page. " j " " Burton L Smith vs CBA S B Chaffee. Appeal Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday, Nov. 4, s 1861, at 10 o'clock, a. m.—for second week, Monday, Nov. 11. 1861, at 10 o'clock, a. m. E.O. GOODRICH, Towanda, Sept. 3, 1861. Protbonotary. Special Notice. TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT JL seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my , own business security, I have concluded to sell. Goods FOB READY PAY! I believe I have as good credlt-custemers as any one, and most of them prompt paying ones, but inture prosperity | in busiues I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. I hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. esrThose who are indebted to me will oblige by settling np at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda, August 1, 1861. STRATTON'S YEAST COMPOUND has been tried by at least half the families ?n this ! town for the past year, and has proved to be right. It comes in convenient packages containing 10cents worth. ! One cent will buy sufficient for a baking for the largest ; family. For sale at FOX'b- WANTED-BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 3,000 bushels of WHEAT, for which the highest nrice is cash *"HJ b paid on delivery at tmr M'Ps 1 MTJLB. FROST A CO. North Toraida. Sept. 3,136 L JtUsifllanwus. GREAT BARGAINS! From 83,000 to 84,000 Worth; OF Fashionable Furniture # TO fiS SOLD IMMEDIATELY. Having bought recently tbe Athens Cabinet Ware Rooms, ! And entire stock of FURNITURE from tbe late pro prietor, R. M. WELLES, It will be sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. rpHE STOCK IS LARGE - JL and very complete, has been wall Jf&fgjgS® selected, and is well adapted for tbe iA-TyNP wants of the couutry. N. B —lt is a common remark made by visitors to this establishment, " Why, I had no Idea you bad such a large and splen did assortment of Furniture I nave ) yPC&e&GP i seen nothing like it short of tbe City." We have BEDSTEADS from $2.50 aut j upwards. COTTAGE and other CHAIRS, in great variety, from $4,00 % Sf to $25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,60 y \ upwards, and Everything else in Proportion, □ M TT MBS 9 In every style, size and price, to suit the means and taste of any and all customers. *S" Call and see our stuck. Athena, Pa., July 24 1861. F.N. PAGE. What Everybody Ought to Know 1 That Geo. P. Cash has a Pirst Class MARBLE YARD ! IN FULL OPERATION, A.T TOAVANDA !! THAT HE IS PREPARED TO DO WORK better and cheaper than any other establish- ; ment in the country. That he can put up sets of Toinb gtohes at any price from $5 to SSOO. That he warrants bis work to be well done and to give satisfaction. That be can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap , as they can be obtained In New York or elsewhere. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO DO ! Come to his Yard before purchasing elsewhere. Pat ronize a home enterprise, and not run away to x ork i State and get inferior work done. And finally every- j body ought to erect a suitable memorial over tbe re mains of their loved friends. j CAUTION.—A man calling himself Thomas,and bail- I ing from Bingharaton, has been obtaining orders for j wnrk bv representing that he is agent for a manufactory i in Towanda. Beware of hiin ! Some Agents htiv£ a habit of calling on the friends of j the deceased lor work, be/ore they have faiily baned j their dead out of their sight. Frown upon such men. j When you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine . his stock. 1 X. B.—Country pnuluce taken in exchange for work. | Don't forget the pfacc, Eagle Marble Works, opposite. Gen. Patton's residence, Towanda, Pa^.^ AGENTS—O. W. Brink, Lcßaysville; B. Overfleld, Meshoppen; J. 11. Webb, Smithfield Summit; B.S. Dart, Troy. Towanda. Jui?e 15, 1861. _____ 5,883 VOLUNTEERS MUTED I TO TRANSPORT OUR EXTENSIVE wmw mmm, OF |SUMMER GOODS! ! T7IROM A THOROUGH EX AM IN A- Jl TION into the state of affairs in Bradford county, we have come to tbe conclusion that every family want GOODS AT PANIC PFJCLS i Having made our late purchases accordingly we are now opening a large stock ol Dry Goods. Groceries, Hard • ware. Crockery, Paints, Oils, Nails. Glass and Sash. E ■ pecial attention is called to our new stock.of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADFES DRESS GOODS, &c., &c., &c., Which we CAN and WILL sell for cash or ready pay at : prices which will astonish the natives, and our old cus : turners in particular. TRAC'Y A MOORE. | Towanda, June In. Is6f. Come Along ! Everybody ! TO TUE NEW GROCERY & PROVISION SISRE JUST OPENED! BY H. 11. STEVENS. At the building formerly occujiied by J. H. Pterins, on Main street, opposite the Court House. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Ac., all very cheap, besides a splendid assortment of Spices, Nuts, Candies, Fruits, and Confectioneries, and a good assortment in the Provision line. Tobacco and Segars of every quality and price. He will also pay the Highest Price for Butter and Egga, And such other articles of country trade as the farmers may have to dispose of. isdr He would say to a'l if you want any thing In his line of trade, give him a call,"and you can be accommo dated. H.H.STEVENS. Towanda, Jnne 19,1861.—tf ~ :M:_A..:R,K: TIME I~ FORWARD ! MARCH ! TO THE NEWS ROOM! Where You tail set the Latest News! AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP well posted on the events that are passing before the- American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They arc really worth double the price we ask for them. And while you are there yon may as well get a MAP showing all the important points in the country. Or, you may want to write to your friends, and von can get the very latest style of PATRI OTIC NOTE"PAPER AND ENVELOPES. ear Come and see what we have got, and satisfy your selves. Dou't forget the place—THE MEWSROUM. | Towanda, June 12, 1861. j Wars and Rumors of Wars ! I War has been Declared in Towanda, Against High-Priced Pictures. YOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES at the Car of D. IV. HUGHES, opposite the Ward j House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good cases. All • kinds of high-priced Cases will be sold as low,in propor tion. Call and see for yourselves. No Pictures wil, be allowed to ga out, unless the Customers are perfectly sat isfied with the same. Particniar attention paid to Copy ing Pictures. Pictures inserted in Lockets for 25 cents. Car onened every day, excepting Sunday Towanda. May 22. D. W HUGHES. SPECIAL NOTICE. OWING to the fact that all confidence in the present Credit System Is destroyed tbe sub : scribers have determined to sell goods hereafter Exclusively for Reedy Pay. All those having unsettled accounts with us w-Ul oblige as by settling tne same at once, and all Notes and judg ments due as must be pa'd sons in order to at?e roe{, y B- Wo raspect, of persoos BbowJi . fcULsgws Au# 14. J- T LONG A SON JUißctllatitotur ! DR. PORTERS " | OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be Tbe largest, safest and moat appro red DftUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA I WITH 4 An established reputation for keeping tbe best medicine. UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding sad pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS. Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote tbe most careful attention .pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, and medicines of unqoee tloned purity, has become TEH ©a©s Willi prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 41.2. ABTICLES WAHANTED aS RXfßjai-VTEfi. By recent arrangemerits with tbe Manufacturer*. Impor lers or first Holders oT Hoods and Cash Pdrcha see, tbe prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Ooods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS fit DYE-STUFFS. Evtrylfiing i*i this extensive stock icill hi sold Cheap for Cash ! rsicts BKDCCKn, rir: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, j Pocket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Light. '■ TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS. WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin fit Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, j Eclectic, Botanic and Honatppathic Mtdinms i .Spiers, Bird Amf, La*np Shades and Garden Seeds, j FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing i the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, i and revised for the Cash System, DP.. PORTER'S GAMPHENE I DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL 1 DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID I Ate Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any In tbe Market. DR PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Tor Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, ate warranted for what they arc intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup. price 37| cents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 25 " Pr. Porter's Tsde EUaw ** no " Dr Porter's Worm Syrup ... " 25 " I)t . Porter's Comn. Svr. Hvpophosphitea " 100 " Dt. Porter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops '• 25 " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 26 '• Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle IJbtiou.. " 37 J " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice given at the oflhe Charging only for Medicine. AS*Thankful for past liberal patronage would respect fully announce to his friends and the public that no pains I shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of j their confidence and patronage, at the Cash Drug Store ! Corner of Main and Pine streets. Towanda, Sept. 5, 1801. NEW FURNITURE] iMW (BMD1? I 7 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE j A and extensive assortment ol Sofas. Mohogany Chairs, | Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine | Cane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom, Hair, Cane seat and ! Cane-back Rockers, Looking-Ultisses, Cord and Tassels, Picture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. W Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda. June 26, 1861. CHESTER WELES. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate qf ISAAC NICHOLS, late of Pike twp.,'dec*d., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOS. H. MARSH, Adm. Pike. Aug.2o, 1661 -6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tbe es tate of THOMAS SMEAD, late ofSmitbfield twp.,dee d., are requested to make paymentlwithout delay, and those having elaims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAS H. WEBB, Adm. Post Office address, Smithfield Summit. ! Smithfield, Aug. 20 , 1861. AI) MIXISTRATORS N O'lT C E T—N.) ti7e is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to thecs ; tate of CHARLES PHILLIPS, dfe'd., late of Springfield. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against sa><] estate Will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES D. PHILLIPS, i July 24,1861. Administrator. A D MIX IST RA TO IVS NOTIUE —Xotk^e Bjl is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of J AMES CUDDEBACK, dee'd.. late of Athens tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands agaiust said estate will preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. ABRAHAM CUDDEBACK, ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the | estate of JOlfN BENJAMIN, deceased, late of Asylum township, are reqnested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against tne said estate will Mease present them duly authenticated for settlement. HARRY BENJAMIN, ROBERT BULL, Ang. 7,1861. Administrators. ADM INI ST RA TO R'S N OTICE Notice fs hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the ; estate ot JOHN FI.YNN, dee'd., late of Wyalusing twp., are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and all persons having demands agalust said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN M'MAHON. Ang. 7,1861. Admistrator. A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE —Notice -T~\- is hereby given. that all persons indebted to tbe es tate of JOHN ESPY, dse'd., late of Standing Stone twp., are hereby requested to make payment without dels v. and all persons having demands against said eetate will preeent them duly autnentteeted for settlement- EDWARD J - ESPY. MARY J. ESPY. July 24,1861. Ad minis bra tore KEROSINE OIL, FOR SALE CHEAP ti FOX? ! e-v "• JML XHfstcllaiuous. A LB AW Y AGRICULTURAL WORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE, EMERY BROS., Proprietory PATKNTEEa A.Si) *aNCFaCTCREM or Emery's Patent Changeable Rail* toad Horae Powers, ALSO, LEVER POWKR9, for Four, Six tail Eight Horses, of new and superior construction, to gether with a great variety of labor saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. TO THE FARMING PUBLIC.—Notlct la hereby givvn that RAYMOND M. WXLLEB A Athens, Pa.. ' who wa- until recently the senior manner of the Crfii of Welles, Blood 4 Co., or Athens.) Is the on ly aathotlzed Agent for th* sole of EMERY'S HORSE POWERS,THRE&UIXii AIACUINES.aad other WARES i manufactured at tha ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKB For the oounty of Bradford, with the privilege of selling for the counties of Iloge, Susquehanna, and Wyoming, In Pennsylvania, and the adjoining counties In New York State. ALL licenses and contracts heretofore existing with other parties for their manufacture and sale in this terri tory having expired, the public are notified that they will bfe hem responsible dircctey to the Patentees for dam ages for using any other horse powers, threshers, Ac., j made and sold to theni by other parties and In Ilnltatloh of and infringing- upon the letters ps.teht held by EXERk BROTHERS. , . , For description of prices, terms, 4c.. see the U i Initiated Catalogue of the Albany Agricultural Works, i furnished gratis on application to EMERY BP'jlUKltS, I Albany, X. Y.. or R. M. WELLES, Athens, June 2fl. Idol. Athens, Pa. i _ " ~ 1 ■ ' * ■ Collegiate Institute, TOWASDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACCLTT : , Rev. JAMES McWILLIaMs. Principal, Professor of Ah cleul Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences, i 9AMUEL L. FISLEP.. A. B. Proleaaor of Mathematics and Natural SClehce. Prot. CHARLE9 R. OOBURN, Coufaty Snperlntendealj Gen-ral Director of Xormal Department. Miss NAXCY BALLARD, Pieoeptress. ; Mrs. HELEN A. ADAMS. Assistant Preceptress Miss MAKY B. ALLEN. Teacher of Vocal and Instrmnec til Music. I Mr. D. CANFIEI.D DAYTON, Stewari. 1 Mrs. D. C. DAYTON, Matron. ; The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AU i OUST 21. and will continue 1* weeks. Tciriot., r-tn rcßb : | [Payable invariably In advance, or one half on entering ; tlie school, and one-halt at the middle of the tor hi—fuel | and contingencies included ] Primary, per term .... $ 4 <JJ Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, tier term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, pel terra g 00 Classical, Ist yenr,"per term 7 00 , Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. Pupils will 'oe classed by the most advanced ! branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for ! fuel and contingents. at:ha. El?£-.'S£S : ' French SOO German. .. 3 00 Drawing r 600 ! Board In the Institute, [Mi week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate y-tt is divided into thieo terms of 14 weeks each. The Anntveisaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except !fi cask i of protracted illness of ever two Weeks, i Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught in 1 the Institution, but bv special arrangement—a class will j be taught in a hall adjdlninethegrounds ofthe Institute, j by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. ! This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Bpecin! pains will be taken to secure the great est progress of those wishing to • take lessons in this branch. Tei ms will be as heretofore : ; Tuition on Piano Forte, per term. ilff 00 Use of instrument on which to tak# lessons. SO do for practice 2 U0 Pupils hoarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow ! els. 4c., r-nil the table silver av their option. It is desira j hie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be . furnished at a slight charge. It is strougly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in stud y are thereby secured. Surmal JJc/iu/ tmoif- Special exercises are arranged | without extra charge for nM preparing themsdlvea As Teachers of Common .Schools. Prof. C. K. CO BURN, the ' able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools ' in the county, has kindly £ uisent'-d to organize the Tea ! cher's class,'and direct the course to lie pursued. He will also he present to conduct its exercises as oftetl as practicable, and will deliver ffoqueht lectures on trie Theory and Pr.v -tiee of Teaching,as aldoonother subjects connected with Normal training. Tho.-e person , therefore, intending to epgage in teach ing for the winter, will lind grbatly to their advantage to lie present during the Fall term. I'rof. Coburn's cunneotiou with the institution Is not such as to in any way ..iterfefe with the dist:Barge Of the j regular duties of his oflfoe. No pains will he soared, on the part of fhe Faoaltv and I Trustees in sustaining the high repiuatation the institu tion has hitherto enj >yed. and m tendering if more wdr • thy of future patronage and -uppoi t JAMES Mr WiI.I.iAMB. Principal. ' Aug. I, ISP* Threshing Machine igency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! rrilE SUBSCR! BHR IS SOLE AGENT A in the comity ol Bradford and the neighboring conu* i ties iu Pennsylvania and New Yo:L, for EMERY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are | too well and popularly known to need any description i from me, and i will only say ihat they continue to de : serve the reputation they have enj >yed for tda yfars. of i being the "best Endless t Chafn Hofsc Power in use." ; These Powers possess conveniences and advantages poa ! sensed by no other power. EMER Y' S X* LI" 1 AT E X T THRESHER AND CLEANER ! This i new Machine, and has not before been intro : dnced into this region. It has no endless chain straw , carrier, but separates all kinds of giain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and | the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple, durablA and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thof onghly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will nok choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to Cue common Rake Cleaner j now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, kerbs i pron9uncedby_ everyexperienoedhap.dat threshing, to j fcesu admirably contrived and fonefrultc'ff rbrcsher and I Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATEKS, are not excelled by any in market, are. well constructed, 1 simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kiuda I AGaXICULTUIIAL MACHINERY at manufacturers prices and terms. ATP For further inTofmation, ifnsfrafive and descrip : tive Catalogues, prices, 4c., apply to R. M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa., July 30', 1861. ! 1 , —_— JY. Y. X 3. SiAlt- ROAD. CUJANG2 of tipie cons-uendbg Thursday, JulJ- 11. f!6l. ' Trains will leave Waverly at about the following j hours, viz : WESTWARD rorSD. i EASTWARD MWP Dunkirk Express. 42* P M N. York Express 6.J7 A.M Night Express ...3.16 A M. Night Express.ll.l7 ?V. Mall 748 P 11. Steamboat Expr's 4.34 P M Accommodation.. .9.35 A M Cincinnati Expr's 478A M. Express Freight 533 P.M.'Fast Freight... V 32 AM Fart Freight .7.17 A.M Way Freight. Way Freight,.. 9.10 A M.j Aea- The Express Freight. Fast Freight . Cincinnati Ex rrees, and Fast Freight (gvdag Etrtaad Woet.jron every cay. The Nlgst Express, Sac-aye, runs ealy to Shairs The MaL train remains o-mr aigst at Elm Ira. ca: