GENERAL. Saturday evening last, a Saloon on Main and Bridge streets, kept by Joon "" "i , lariouhly entered and the most of the : ft therefrom- The thief entered the estab. * SL |j,V"y of a window. The loss to the proprie- S.S-gcur * ,RKAK of * AT " K - We ossession an ordinary potato, of last year's < 3 ctr I was lately takeu from the cellar, and con ,li'' "' ul rfectly formed young potatoes. The old BiS * rPf , id cracked; open, and in these crevices the 4 l'"' ull .' ltoe9 _as large as common sized marbles— ioßß? \\e never before saw anything of the kind, '' ' rv ,- it as curiosity. It can be seen at this of -\n exchange *ays : " Fasten a nail or *, ... 2 and suspend it from your thumb and fin- W S ■ n iii will oscillate like a pendlum. I*t some ,rd , ; 01 , c ,i hand under the nail and it will change ,'motion Then let a third persou place his ' "'"enu'r shoulder, and the nail becomes in a mo jpon > uu ,uiUouarJ'- ~ Cw Fair The Annual ,h, Itradford County Agricultural Society will ! v resolution of the Board of Managers on the "ah dors of October next, on the grounds of the in . lulls with the Rules and Regulations of L Will be furnished at an earfy day. The Exec ■ mm ttee. will meet on Monday the 9th inst., to „i.,< Committees. By order of the Board, ntjid-uige. BOGAltr.Sec'y. iU dsSept.2„lßhi. a- We are informed by a farmer residing i-„ v,at the late wheat and oat crop. 1, " ! ""f" v: . ntirclv AS the grain becomes npe the in nlmost rnureij* ** ** 1 saupear It was thought, at first, that they would " destroy the crops, but some pieces escaped en- Looted, while others were slightly damaged from Cherry township, bullivan county, ■ \ rms us that a similar insect infests the oat crop ■' This is soinethiug entirely new, as notli" B "If the kind ever before made its appearance in this B £ " vn interesting article ou 44 Insects," will be B 3 our Agricultural column, on the fourth page, B may iii row some light upon the subject. We coni- L t |J thcaUeJition of our readers. I jy.trrF.NTioN, Musicians !— The various ■ ~]< of Bradford county, are requested to meet i, B "ji: Towanda, on Tuesday. September 10,1801, Brr ; tim and place, business of importance will be , v the ,n. Ten or twelve good Horni*ts are wanted .tit iff a Regimental Band .for Regiment, I'. [ , i. 8. (J. Simmons, under the "leadership of l'rof. E t\'ty while in Towanda. By oi Jcr of LV uC J. Bill Means, sth Uegiment P. R. C. I Shocking Accident in Sullivan Coin it.-Welearn that *m Saturday last, as a number of men L. engaeed in filiating logs on Mill Creek, near Laporte* Iniisst sh„, king accident occurred, which resulted in the Ccafii of Mr. Joux L. Dimiaii. or.e of the men engaged in i atiug. It seems that a "jam" nccuiml in a bend of l;,tcre'k, in which was a large number of logs, when Mr. H \:j*h, with several others, went on to the logs for the I of loosening them , and starting them on down I mi-am. While thus engaged the whole mass started, ■ Mr. Dcnii am was caught between them and carried the stream. T,.e other men followed, on the shore, ;to rescue him. bat fv no purpose. His head and rs were out of water, bnt the rtoatiug mass ot logs the loas were upheaved and Mr. Dunham disappear r i the floating mass. The logs still sped on. draging f D. with thera, a distance of about two mi'.es. into the I alsock . His body was found about eleven o'clock the ..-night. uiiugieJ and maimed in a most shocking pinner. Vr Dunham was about 50 years of age, and highly re -■■ • ted Ly all who knew him. He formerly lived in iiJuain township, this county. Ic?* A'Ttov of thk Pi;e*jiyteky of Simji e Bivna. on the State of the Country, at Lawrknce > ax. Pa., Ai o. 28,1861—Whereas, Our Government has called upon our patriotic countrymen to protect our t -JraaWf Constitution, and put down a most wicked eotj ■ r.rvy and rebellion against the Union and the laws : al, 1 , fi'l.ereas, In answer ta this call, many of the mem > 'f aur churches and congregations, have left home | r .. 'amily, for the battle-field — and therefore, as citizens, 'mu-t take ground for or against the measures of tire iii-.- ulivc.and as rve must approve or condemn the enlist : " into the service, of many of the members of our *. therefore we unanimously and soieinuly Resolve : Thar we have an increasing devotion to th? Consti v n oi the United States. | That the citizens of the so-caltad 44 Confederate never having complained of the Federal Govern .and never having remonstrated against one of its - arc w ithout a semblance of a justification for the re- I ... in which they have inaugurated. J 't as any establishad Government Irecomes, by p " t of itsexi-tence," an ordinance of God," and its iLvr officers 44 God's ministers," the government - -*r w.i ch it is on- nrivilege to live, founded in prayer, paeated by tbe blood of hundreds of patriots who 44 coun •-*ii : tlic-ir lives dear to them." pervaded by the laws 4 y morality of our holy religion — this government is tfp.utically of God, and as such should be sustai ned, no --•'■tr the cost of money or blood required; that they p'-ist it. power resist a divine ordinance, and that . * one gone or may yet go forth to defend the • s d oar imperilled nation, " not bearing the sword V pp. arc Gun's, avengers to execute wrath upon evil ; v ' ■•a', e, as a Preshytcry , approve the recomraen our''," 1 -''resident ot the United States calling upon ai ! i- 7f as ,ri " ,,e forwarded to the if r* '• ">•'*'' "" I'nihy'rt ian Banner, The .V. Y. Oh " and Uie county papers published witnin the bounds *'"us Presbytery. A correspondent writing from this *e, l to the Llmira Pr of tbe 30th ult., speaking ot session of the East Geueesee Conference, held at this p • pays the following deserved compliment to our p ' - and citizens. The letter says : 44 This session 1 1 "nference closed ou Tuesday evening last, at 9 r K ' 7 ' le se< "hui was more than usually pleasant, — , r lli! 'ies who entertained the members of the Con upp "laring the session are entitled to great credit for k.ud hospitality. It was a matter or common re- n, mg the mini*ters that the Conference had never '•*,J where its members had received such pleasant Nothing calculated to contribute to th- rI °f th* la '"ipters was left unattended to by •• ;' ner " Hciti Towmnda. Bishop O. G.Baker t! w ' great satisfaction to all concern, fi* n* Atm ivers*ries of the several fienevolent institu- B J1 l "^ on^ ereDee —^ the Missionary, Sunday School, v -( T', H<:t oC ' e, ' eß — w ere very interesting, and the Col f - A pleasing incident connected with the Pa'J'- 1 " r WaS t ' >e P resfnt,t ' on °f certificates to the is i ' r " liif ! * Teral denominational churches in Towan aett then > ''fe memliers of the Missionary So tatau' M.E. Church. The condition of Memtiership jj. ' ' 'B' n the payment of S2O. This conrt*y was —- dby the Conference to the paitors of the efcnrch- es of the different denominations in Towanda, as an ac knowledgement of their cordiality and heaity good will, manifested towards the Conference in many ways. The presentation of the certificate to Rev. B. J. DOCULASS, Pastor of the Episcopal Church, at Towanda, was made In open Cohlerence, accompanied with a short and excel lent address, which was responded tn by Rev. Mr. DOCO LASS in a very beautiful and feeling speech. At the con. elusion o{ his remarks the Conference sang the hymn com mencing— Together let ns sweetly live, Together let us die ; A nd each a starry crown receive, And reign above'the sky. Mr. DOUGLASS had been very cordial and hearty in his intercourse with the members of the Conference through out the entire session, contributing liberally to the sever eral contributions for benevolent objects and entertain ing a number of Methodist ministers at his own house." p&r MR. GOODRICH : You have probably been informed that an effort was being made in western Bradford, to enlist a Cavalry Company, for the war, to be attached to Col. HARLAN'S Regiment. You and the public w ill he glad to know that the effort has been suc cessful, and that the Company, one huudrtd and licenty tij-fve strong, departed from Troy, to join the Regiment, on Monday, the 26th inst. The friends of the Union, in this vicinity, have felt, and will continue to feel, a deep interest in this company. There was a great crowd as sembled to see them depart, and bid them GoD-speed on their mission of stem and purlieus duty. And well may v e feel proud of this Company, for no better one has pre ceded it to the battle-field, and no better men are left be hind than a majority of its members. The following are the officers elected by the Company : Captain —N. E. CALKINS. Ist Lieut. — B. B. Mitchell, 2 44 D.C. Tears, Orderly Serg't —Victor A. Elliott, 2 d '• " Phillip A. Palmer, Sergeants in order —D. W. Crandall, H. E. Wheeler, Chauncy Ackley, Morris Cummins. Corporals, in order —Wm. M. Hampton, W. C. Lamb, Nelson M. Davenport, Ritner Wicks, C. D. Robinsou, Al ien Perry, Orrin VVard.N. P. Aspinwall. Farrier —Simeon MYlwain, Buglers —B. B. Borden, Ceo. W. Tooker. It'rgonti —S. W. Phillips, Blacksmith —H. P. Whiteman, Saddler —S. K. Gaskill. Capt. Collins deserves great credit for the energy and persevervance displayed in must* ring this company.— From the commencement of the war, he has been anxious to take part with such a regiment in defence of the Gov ernment, but cavalry seemed to he out of fashion in our army, and he could get no chance. At last he applied to Col. Hakan, and was informed ilia' if he would raise a company of nintyfive men by the 25th of August, lliey would be accepted. Although this gave the Captain on ly some fi teen days notice, he went to work with a will zealously assisted by Lieuts. B. B. Mitchell and D. O- Tears. On the 21th they called their men together and found they had enough, and some for contingencies. On that day the men were sworn into the service, and pro ceeded to elect their officers, with the result above stat ed. On Monday, the 26th inst., they left ns.aniid the shouts and huzzas of their numerous frieuds, and the waving of handkerchiefs by many fair hands—with the good wishes of all wh a love the Union, which they have sworn to de fend, and with many earnest prayers for their s fe return. At Alba and Canton, a similar greeting awaited them when the truid arrived, and at Ralston the " loud mouth ed" cannon gave them cheering welcome. So, from their friends, and these peaceful scences, they have passed from among us, to meet traitor enemies in the " tented field," " And cut through traitor hearts a track, To nobler fame and freedom back?" D. LILLKY. Columbia, Aug. 31,1861. o On the int., at Greenwood. Bradford County, Pa., by the R v. B. J. Drut.Ass, BENJ AMIN' GEER, of Tioga Conn v. to DELPHINE, daughter of SAMUEL C. N'eo. LEE, Esq. At the house of the brides fathers in Pike Pa,. Aug. 3. IstU.b* the Rev. E.F Roberts. Mr. MYROX H.ED SELL. to Miss AMANDA H. FORD both of the above named p!a -e. In Ridgehury Bradford. Co.. Aug. 24. bv Rev. J. Larison, Mr E. E.CH A.MBERLLNof smithfield, to Miss JO HANNA BURT.of Ridgehury. Aho, Mr J. O. f'HAMBERLIN, of Smithfield, to Miss FRANCES BURT of Ridgehury. DIED. In Sheshequin, July 27th, FLORENCE ESTHER.daugh ter of S. F. and Lucy Aun Blackmail, in the 3d J ear of her age. •• Suffer little children,and forbid them not, to come unto me ; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." ilrtu anurru'srmnus. O FECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby giv k3 en Hint a special Court will be held at the Court House in Towanda. Hon. R. G. WHITE presiding, com mencing MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1801, at 10 o clock, a. m., to continue two weeks for the trial of the following causes : FIRST WEEK. TERM. YR. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. NATURE. May 1M56. El lent Maria McNeal A Co vs J . Morritt, el al •' David Barlter vs Chester Thomas & Co. case. Sept. 18.57. Joseph Ingham vs Barclay URSi C Co. ap. May 1858. Wm A Park vs Wm 11 Strong. •' " Win B Darlington vs C N Shipman. Debt " 44 Matthew McMuhun vs J P Horton. Appeal. Sept. 1858. lliram Horton vs Josiah Stowell, et ex. Debt. *• same same " 44 M D W Bishop vs Alfred Gore. Trespass. " " H P Moore vs Chester Pierce. Appeal. Dec. 1858. Geo K Elliott vs Jesse B Cowell, et al. " " " Charles H Shepard vs Abr Steers, et al. Tres. " •' Samuel F Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Debt. " " Alien K Axiell vs Alson Patterson. Appeal. Feb. 1859. J R Ingers'll Ac, vs John Darkness. Eject " " Del L A Wlt R Co vs Meylert A Ward. Det. 44 " same same " 44 44 same same 44 44 Alvah Heath vs J W Dennison. Ejectment. SECOND WEEK. May 1859. Francis Ripley vs Hiram Spear. Debt. 4 * 44 same same May 1859. Loui-a M Wattles vs Saml C Mann. Trespass. " '• A M Kirk vs A B Smith Ac. Appeal. 44 - 4 J B Foster vs same 44 44 Maria Child vs Anthony E Child. Trespass. Sept. 18.59. M F Ransom vs David Arnold. Ejectment. 44 Z Hicks' admrs vs N B Canal Co. Damages. 44 44 Wm P Emerson vs Cole A Conaut. Debt. • 4 44 John iamtz vs John Hanson. 44 4 4 Michael O'Sullivan vs R C Smalley, etal. Ej. 44 44 R S Middaugh vs Archibald Forbes. Appeal- Dec. 18.59. Reuben C'hapen vs Warren Callen. Ejectment. 44 " Stephen Felton vs J B Webster A ter ten. 44 44 44 C Shumway vs Clark Hollenback. 44 44 Jane McQueen vs Edward Holcomb. Case. 44 44 same vs Orlando Holcomb. 4 4 44 same vs Samuel Holcomb. 44 4 - 44 Hirstw Shaw, et ex vs Jonas Kilmer, etal. 44 Feb. 1860. Jno W Dennison vs Township ot Terry. 44 44 44 J R Ingersoll, et al vs Thus Smend, et al. Ej. 4 4 44 O P Ballard vs Bingham Rockwel. et al. Kj. 44 44 Farmer's Un Ins Co vs Sarah Myers.Sci Fa M. 4 4 4 4 J R ItigersnH. et al vs H S Vaughn, et al. SFE. 44 44 Henry W Tracy vs Alvah Youug. Ejectment. " " C T Bliss vs r?arah Stone admrs Ac. Sci Fa. May 1800. Wm B Clymer's use vs C L Ward. Case. 44 44 David Barber vs David Wilmot Ac. Trespass. 44 44 Jlt Pratt's admrs vs 1) Pratt'sadin etal. SciFa. Sept. 1860. Farmer's Uii Ins Co vs C N Shipman. ter ten. 44 14 Lackawanna 1 A CCo vs Meylert A Ward. Det. 44 44 Shipman A Welles vs Roger* Fowler. " " Eliza Jane Chapman vs Stanley S Hioman. Tr. Dec. 1860. Henry Northrup vs John J Reynolds. Appeal. " SW Park vs Wnr Frederick. Ejectmeut. Feb. 1801. J L Savyei Ason vs C F Welles,Ac Sci Fa M L 44 44 Wm H Phillips vs JB M Hinman. 4 - ,4 GM Hollenback'a use vs Francis Tyler.S FM. 44 44 Saml Archibald's use vs Thomas Page. 44 44 44 Burton L Smith vs CB A N B Chaffee. Appeal Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday, Nov. 4, 1861. at 10o'clock,a.m. —for second week, Monday, Nov. If. 1861, at lOo'clock, a. m. E.O. GOODRICH, Towanda, Sept. 3,1861. Prothonotary. SPRING 4 SUMMER GOODS, In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, West Side of the Public sguarr, at the store of A. WICKHAM & SON. TNTEW FALL STOCK IF Hill AT MONTANYES' STORE, FOR CASH ONLY. Embracing MILITARY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WOOLEN GOODS, GROCERIES, SADDLERY, And other Hardware, and other varieties of merchandise too numerous to mention. We earnestly desire all persons indebted to us to make au effort to help us in this our trying time of need. MONTANYES'. Towanda, Sept. 3, 1861. WANTED— BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 3,000 bushels of WHEAT, for which the highest price in cash will be paid on delivery at our Mills. MYER, FROST A CO. North Towanda, Sept. 3, 1861. ~GREAT BARGAINSF From §3.000 to §4.000 Worth OF Fashionable Furniture TO Bit SOLD IMMEDIATELY. Having bought recently the Athens Cabinet Ware Rooms, And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor, It. M. WELLES, it will be sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. rn IIE STOCK IS LARGE /Sg&KjiMMIN J. and very complete, has been well selected. and is well adapted for the W&SSBSi wants of the country. N.B.—lt is a common remark made by visitors to this establishment, 44 Why, 1 had no - idea you had such a large aud splen d''l assortment of Furniture. 1 have - (?• .? -.4® 1 seen nothing like it short of the city." 4* We have BEDSTEADS from $2.50 f ■ arid upwards. COTTAGE and other S ec - CHAIRS, in great variety, from $4.00 If to $25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 _3r y upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. mi~Z MS- JEU M MY 9 In every style, size and price, to suit the means and taste ef anv and all customers, ft*" Call aud see our stuck. Alliens. Pa.. July 24 1861. PAGE. TXJVCEI ! FORWARD ! MARCH! TO TUB 7ST EW S li OOM ! Where You can get the Latest News! AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP TA- well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, just ask tor one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the price we ask for them. And while you are there you may as well get a MAP showing al! the important points in the country. Or, you may want to write to your friends, and you can cut the very latest style of PATRI OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. S3* Come and s*e what we have got. and satisfy your selves. Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. Towanda, June 12, IH6I. 5,000 VOLUNTEERS WANTED! TO TRANSPORT OUR EXTENSIVE TIWW u OF SUMMER. GOODS! Ftes. Burlington twp—Alexander'South Creek Lloyd Hil- Laue. : dreth. Canton—Allen M Wilson. (Troy twp—Jacob A Linder- Granville—David Sayles. man. Derrick—Henry L Phelps, Terry—William Terry, Jr. Shepard Fairchild. Tuscarora—Bebee Wood. Litchfield Andrew Brain Towanda boro'—N N Betts. ard, Cyrns Bloodgood. Warren—Jacob Alliger. Monroe twp J L Cool Wells—Amos Backer, baugh. TRAVKKBE JURORS— FIRST WEEK. Athens twp—B G Rice,Kid-iSmithfi*ld - Jos. Smith, ney Hay den, DL F Clark, i Jos. Hinchman, C E Wool, Silas Carner. | I Phillips. Colt.mbia—Clinton Slade. Troy boro'—Alonzo Long, Canton—A H Thomas, Ej Theodore Waldron. Lilley. jTroy twp—N B Case, Ca- Granvilie —Wm Vroman. j leb Case. Herrick—E BMintz, O W Towanda boro'—Jas H Nev- Stevens. j ins, C S Russell, Wm B Leßoy Elisha L Andrus.j Dodge. Jesse Robart. Towanda two H W Mc- Litclitield—Milo Merrill. ! Gill. Daniel Decker. Monroe bo'—Lyman Black-ITuscarora—Hiram Taylor. man. |Terry—John F Dodge. Pike—Joshua Roberts. jWilmot—Alanson Hobbs, Home John M Russell.l Andrew \Vilt. Enoch Towner, W WjWyalusing—Henry Gaylord. Wood burn. j Windham—Charles Hand. Standing Stone Miner Mj Wells - Horace Dunuing, Eddy. I Thomas Owens. Sheshequin—John Griffin. Warren—John Carey. E P Shaw, Charles Chat- West Burlington G H fee. Goddard. Springfield—U B Young, S Wysox—J M Wattles. C Geruett, TRAVERSE JURORS —SF.COND WEEK. Asylum—L G Arnout. ( Standing Stone James Athens twp—Geo. McAQee O'Herror, Hiram Gordon. Athens boro—LH Sherman.:Springfield Joel Adams, F A Allyn. t Alanson Berry. Burlington— Thomas Wa- South Creek—Cyrns Berk. ters. ; Sheshequin—P fi Kinney. Burlington West—Orlando Troy twp—L'yrennus Kel Rockwell. j ly. Canton— Ephraim Case. Terry—Francis Viall. Frederick Williams, Josi | Towanda bo'—Frank. Over ah Warren. Wm Wright,! tou. Goodwin Fuller. j Windham—Benjamin Glea Columbia—Fred. Cornell. son, Cornelius Ferbnsh. Litchfield—William HSpen- ; Wysox—David Sherman. cer, Harry Cooper. Wyalusing— Edward Hornet, Monroe twp—H W Nor C K Ingham. thrup,Charles Holland. [Weils —John Roberts. Orwell— Roswell Pitcher. kWarren—Daniel Foulke.l y Ifome—H W Drowning, S F"t man Arnold. EeGey jHfscellanrous. DR. PORTERS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, aud medicines of unques tioned purity, has become TH® HASH STBM With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS KKI'KESKNTKD. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Irapor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est poiut for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive stock iciLl be sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICKS REDUCED, VIZ: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Focket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Light. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO &. SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin &. Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic f Botanic and IfonueopatAic Medicines Spices, Bird Seed. Lamp Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, &c. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE ! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 37$ cents I)r. Porter's Family Embrocation •* 25 " Dr. Porter's Tonic Elixer • 50 44 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrep 44 25 " Dr. Porter's Com p. Syr. Hynophosphites.. "100 44 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic << 150 44 Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam. " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops •• 25 44 Dr. Portri's f"phalic Snuff" " 25 " Dr. Pe-ter's Tooth Powder • 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene 44 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile 44 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion... .. 44 371 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Red Bug Poison 44 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink * 25 44 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 374 " Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison 44 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia 44 2 5 44 Medical Advice given gratuitously at the offiie Charging only for Medicine, rhankful for past liberal patronage would respect* fully announce to his friends and the public that 110 pains shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of their confidence aud patronage, at the Cash Drug* Store ! Corner of Main and Pine streets. Towanda, Sept. 5, IS6I. NIW FURNITURE! I mw IBMSS? 1 [ HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE A and extensive assortment ot Sofas, Mohogany Chairs, Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Cane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom. Hair, Cane seat and Cane back Rockers, Lookiug-Glasses, Cord aud Tassels, j Picture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. as#" Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda, June 26, I*6l. CHESTER WELES. are and Humors of Wars ! T?ar has been Declared in Towanda, j Ajainst High-Priced Pictures. VOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES -I. at the Car of D. W. HUGHES, opposite the Ward House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good cases. All I kinds of high-priced Cases will be sold as low, in propor tion. Call aud see for yourselves. No Pictures will be allowed to go out, unless the customers are perfectly sat isfied with the saqje. Particular attention paid to Copy ing Pictures. Pictures inserted in Lockets for 25 cents. Car opened every day, excepting Sunday. Towanda, May 22, 1861—tf. D. W. HUGHES. A DM INISTRATOR S NOTlCE.—Notice -LX. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of CHARLES PHILLIPS, deed., late of Springfield, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate wi'll present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES D. PHILLIPS, July 24, 1861. Administrator, j A~ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- I tate of JAMES CUDDEBACK, dee'd., late of Athens tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement ABRAHAM CUDDEBACK, July 24, 1861. Administrator. ADM I NISTRATORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, tiiat all persons indrbted to the estate ot JOHN BENJAMIN, deceased, late of Asylntn township, are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the said estate will please present ticm duly authenticated for settlement. IIARRY REXJAMIN. ROBERT BULL, Aug. 7,1861. Administrators. ADM i NISTR A TORSN OTICET— NOTU* is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN KLYNN, dee d., late of Wyalusing twp., are hereby requested to made payment without de lay. and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN M'MAHON, Aug. 7, 1861. Admistrator. AD MINISTR ATO R'S N OTICE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN ESPY, dee'd., late of StanJing Stone twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDWARD J. ESPY, MARY J. ESPY. Jnly 24,1861. Administrators. FRESH FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS. Pater, Tamarind*. Orange*. Lamone, and a'.i kinds. for§. jttfsctUmteotts. H r. o COBUEN, A TTORNEV AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ! -ijL Towanda, Pa. Office in the building formerly oc- I cupied by H. B. McKean. All legal business attended to with promptness and ; care. j Towanda, Aug. 20, 1861-tf. ; A I> MINISTIIATORS NOTlCE.—Notice ' i is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the es- 1 (tate of ISAAC NICHOLS, late of Pike twp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims against said estate will present them duly au- : thenticated for settlement. JOS. H. MARSH, Adm. ! i Pike, Aug. 20, 1861.-tit. Special Notice, TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT ' X seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my 1 owp business security, 1 have concluded to sell Goods | FOR READY PAY! i 1 believe 1 have as good credit-customers a* any nqe.and . most of them prompt paving ones, but luturc prosperity I j in bnsines I think requires that Groceries aud Provl- j j aions should be sold for cash. I hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire j to please, to still retain all of my old patrons, j g£-'i'hos4Mvho are indebted to me will oblige me by i I settling up Wonce. E. J. FOX. j Towanda, August 1,1861. i SPECIAL NOTICE, j OWING to the fact that all confidence in the present Credit System is destroyed the sub I scribers have determined to sell goods hereafter Exclusively for Ready Pay. All those havmg unsettled accouuts with us will oblige j us by settling the same at once, arid all Notes aud judg j merits due us must be pa ; dsoou in order to save cost, j S. B. No respect of persons shown. I Uulingtou Aug 14. 1861. J. F. LONG Si SON. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By viitue of a writ j of Vend- Expo., issued out of the Court of Common j Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, j will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the j j borough of Towgoda, on THURSDAY, the sth day ol j Sept., 1861. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described • ; lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy township, j Bradford county, Pa., bounded and described as follow- : | On the north by lands of Timothy Roe, ou the east by lands of Eldrick and John O. ward, on the South by lands of.William Avery, and west by lands of Comfort | Peters. Containing 77 acres, be the same more or less, alxiut seventy acres improved, trained house .framed baru | and orchard thereon. Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of Eli Baird I vs. John Sadler. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff"s Office. J Sheriff Towanda, Aug. 20, 18G1. \ A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! is hereby given, that all persons indebied to the es j tate of THOMAS SMEAD, late ofSmithfleld twp..dee'd., \ are requested to make delay.and those ! having claims against said estate will present them duly . authenticated for settlement. JAS H. WEBB, Adm. ' Post Office address, Sinithtleld Summit. | Smithfield, Aug. 20 , l s 6^- JUNE 12, 1861. THIS WEEK i LARGE ADDITIONS' i WILL BE MADE TO THE STOCK OF lIAKS BUSS MQII* j AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, AMONG WHICH ARE MANY NEW STYLES! ! AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, j AT A Very Great Reduction FROM FORMER PRICES. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF I Ladies Sun Umbrellas, I At Equally Low Prices ! Towanda, June, 10,Ifcfil. What E\en body Ought to Know! That Geo. P. Cash has a First Class MARBLE YARD ! IN FULL OPERATION, AT TO W AND A ! THAT HE IS PREPARED TO DO WORK better and cheaper than any other establish ment in the country. That he can put up sets of Tomb- I Stones at any price from $5 to SSOO. That he warrants | his work to be well done and to give satisfaction. That he can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap j as they can be obtained In New York orelsewhere. j WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO DO ! Come to his Yard before purchasing elsewhere. Pat ' ronizeahome enterprise, and not run away to York State and get inferior work donfc. And finally every i body ought toerert a suitable memorial over the re mains of their loved friends. CAUTION A man calling himself Thomas, and hail- | ing from Binghamton. has been obtaining orders for work by representing that he is agent for u manufactory ' 'in Towanda. Beware of him ! Some agents have a habit of calling on the friends of ; the deceased for work, before they have fairly buried } their dead out of tlieir eight. Frown upon such men. ; Wljen you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine j his stock. j N. B—Country produce taken in exchange for work. Don't forget the place, Eagle Marble Works, opposite , i Gen. Pat ton's residence, Towanda, Pa. ! GEO. P. CASH. AGENTS—G. W. Brink, Leßaysville; B. Overfield I Meshoppen; J. H. Webb, Smithffcld Summit; B.S. Dart i i Troy. Towanda. June 12,1861. ~;FLOUR. T OK. XX AND EXTRA, at • H. H v STEPHENS. Towanda. Ang. 26, 18.51. KEROSINE OIL, FOITSALE~CHEAP at FOX'S. | Aug. 26,1661. : QUQAR CURED HAMS-A NICE AR j I O ticle, at PoX'§. I iUfscrllaneous. ALBANY AGRICULTOm WORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE, EMERY BROS, Proprietors, • PATENTKBS AM) MAM FACJTKEJUi OF Emery's Patent Changeable Rail road Horse Powers, i ALSO, LEVER POWERS, for Pour, Six and Eight Horses, of new ami superior construction, to githoi with a great variety of labor-saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. r ro THE FARMING PUBLlC—Notice 1 X is hereby given that RAYMOND M. WELLES, ot : Athens. Pa., (who wa until recently the senior member of the 111tn of Welles, Rlood A Co,, of Athena,) is the on* i ly authorized Agent for the sale of EMERY'S HORSE , POAVEKS.THKESHINO M ACHINES,and other WARES manufactured at the ALBANY AGRICULI URAL WORKS ! For the county of Bradford, with the privilege of selling ! for the counties of Tioga, Susquehanna, and Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, and the adjoining counties in New | York State. ALL licenses and contracts heretofore existing with | other parties for their manufacture aud sale in this terri l tory having expired, thjyiuhlic are notified that they will be held responsible®!; ectey to the Patentees for dam ages for nsing any other horse powers, threshers, Ac., ! made and sold to them by othe* parties aud in imitation ! of and infringing upon the letters patent held by EMERY I BROTHERS. For description of prices, terms, Ac., see the ll* i lustrated Catalogue of the Albany Agricultural Works, i furnished gratis ou application to EMERY BROTHERS, ! Albany, N. Y*. or R. M. WELLES, Athens, June 2tl. 13(it. Athens, Pa. jSiisquelwuna Collegia!* Institute, TO IV A SUA, BRADFORD CO,, PA. FACULTY : j Rev. JAMES McWILLIAMS. Principal, Professor of An cient Languages.and Mental anil Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. FISLER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof.CHARLES It. COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. Miss UfANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mrs. HELEN A. ADAMS. A--istant Preceptress. Miss MARY B ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumen tal Music: Mr.D. CANFIELP DAYTON, BtewarJ. Mrs. D. C. DAYTON. Matron. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AU GUST 21, and will continue 14 weeks. TCITION, TF.R TERM : [Pavable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and oue-hali at the middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary,per term $4 00 Preparatory..* 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per terra 8 00 X. 11- Pupils w ill be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA KXfBNSES : i French 1 3 00 I German ® 00 I Drawing •••• ®OB I Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen -8 The Ccdlegiate vear is divided into three terms of 14 week each. The A university exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will he nmde for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught ia the Institution, but by special arrangement— a class will ' be taught in a hall adjoining the gronnds cftke Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Music. " This Arrangement has in eu for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to tlie plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term 410 0') Use of instrument on which to take lessons 5H do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table Giver a* their option. It is desira ble that thev also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will bo furnished at a slight charge. , It is strongly rcurinraendel that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Dcpmtment— Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves a Teachers of Common Schools. Proi. C. It. ( OBURN , the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, kindly consented to organize the Tene cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present-to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, aaalao on other subjects connected with Normal training. . Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. ...... Prof. Unburn'a connection with the institution is not such a.s to in any way interfere willi the discbarge of tha regular duties of his office. .... , No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high rt-j ill station the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy of future patronage gnd support JAMES McWILLIAMS, Principal. Aug. 5,1801. Threshing Machine Agency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT iu the county of Bradford and the neighboring cocn ( ties in Pennsylvania and New York, for EMEBY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well aud popularly known to need any description j from rne, and 1 will only say that they continue to de | serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of being the "best Endless Chain HorsePower in use.'' These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. EMERY'S NEW PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region. It has no endless chain straw carrier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass ; Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle, it is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor j oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not I choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to he superior to the common Rake Cleaner now iu use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to bo pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATERS, are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY at manufacturers prices and terms. air For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to R. M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa., July 30,1861. Iff. V. 6c XL RAIL ROAD. CIHAXGEof time commencing Thursday, Jnly 11 1861. / Trains will leave Waverly at about the following hours, viz: WESTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND. Dunkirk Express. .4.2s P.M. N. York Express.9.27 A.M. Night Express... .3.16 A.M. Nigbt Express. .11.17 P.M. Mail 7.58 P.M.,Steamboat Expr's 4.30 P.M. Accommodation...9.3s A M Cincinnati Expr's 4.28 A.M. Express Freight.. .5.33 P.M. Fast Freight 9.32 A.M. Fast Freight 717 A.M.! Way Freight 6.00 P.M. Way Freight 9.10 AJI.| 6"!- The Express Freight, Fat Freight Cincinnati Ex press, snd Fast Freight (going East and West.)run every day. The Night Express, Sundays,runs only to gimira. Ia Jla' tra.c rej&aLis erer night at Eltelrc. CEAf - MTNOT. B-es 1 Say \