'IOCAt AND GENERAL. Judge WILMOT returned to his home, on Saturday evening last. \ break occurred in the Canal between .mil Athens, during the late freshet, which stop- P 'v Lt l ofl for several daya. It has since been repiar w* uow ruonin M usual ' The Members of Franklin Engine, No ue sted to meet at the Engine House, in uniform, August 54, at 4 o'clock, e. m.. lor parade, Foreman. J. W. Mix, Sec'y. pro Um. Lieut. J W. MEANS, who came home k f or the purpose of obtaining recruits, is now p of Typhoid Fever, at his mother's, lie is at l?ing i t,v skillful physicians, and we hope ere long to see t'atblo to resume his duties. The Bradford County Medical Society ,\!uiteannual meeting, at the Odd Fellows Hall, in ' not,uzh of Towanda. on Wednesday, September 4th. • i ~-k a m. The members are particularly urged • il3oc r ' ' E.H. MASON, Sec'y. k attend "half secesli" journal railing against . , Government and its war policy, winds up a long win ! on tb. subject by asking "What kind of can ! were first sent out by the present Nattonal Admin.s t:;oa,ST suggests that it might possibly hav. been , Bu chanan. To THK LADIES -Ladies, if yon only laew bow much difference there is between a good and i poor article of Saleratus, you would never use any oth ,t but D B. D hand A Co.'s Chemical Saleratus. It is Lly what it claims to he. the " house wire's favorite," aud we arc happy to see that our lady friends are finding it out sud using uothiiig else. i Paper.— The North Branch De mKratia t Tunkhannock, has been revived by D. C. KITCO- It'is anti-war in its sentiments—professes to go in fircomprunine, the Unton and the Administration,as far Reacts of the latter are constitutional, but like most .jid.-rstic newspapers, finds excuse lor opposing the ■ easuies of the Administration because it views them as tmcoustfutioual. Saf Hon. WARREN J . WOODWARD, of C<>l - a comity. President Judge t?f the Judicial District . T; tstd of the counties of Columbia, Wyoming and Sul • nn '.ras la-t week nominated lor President Judge of ae sfieath Judicial District, by the Democracy ol Bucks Montgomery counties. Mr. WOODWAKU has written i -;ter ol declination. jsg* Soldiers are wanted to fill op the Com * known as the "Shesliequin Valley Guards," to move Uarrisburg, on or about the Ist of October next— > wishing to join can leave their names with J . P. ir.Nsos. Warren, UIKAM SUBKKV. Windham. .Srei'ii pEVANS. Litchfield, ELISIIA SATTKKI.ke, Athens Boro'. [idCBAS. HOUCOUB. l ister, when they will be reported [i hm'. quarters, at Shesbequin. C. H. AMES, Gapt. - LOCAL NFWS. — Our friends in the DlF ferent townships of the county, would confer a favor up on us by sending us an account of all incidents of local interest tran-piring in their respective neighborhoods.— Correspondents need not b" particular about writing them out ready for publication—only send the main facts and ve will put them in shape. Every week there is something i-inspires in every township in the county,'which, were li.iMi.sbed, would he interesting to the reading public. I [hope our fiiends will keep us " posted." GOODRICH GUARDS. —This C mpany, Haised of thirty-five men, under command of (Japt. Bioitu, left this place for Cainp Curtin.on Friday last. >• were a fine appearing body of young men. and went Kin high spirits and lolly expectations. We hope they return, in due course of time, laden with laurels pj honors. I -A Company from Monroeton. Capt. INIIUAM, num r-ng about sixty men, left for Camp Cartin, on Thurs- DaT" A literary paper has an excellent ill tis• htion, apropos to the times, it represents a luscious r.i t-irpting cluster of grapes, high tip, marked Wash .nn, under which is a long, lank fox, labeled JEFF DA i. who is making off, casts back a wishful glance at the papes. remarking : "Those grapes up there which look so tine, Which I so lately thought were mine— Since thev are now beyond my power. I'll" fit alo/.e"—l ut'KStt THKY'kb sol a."' F?L."IItnRAn !"—The origin of this cxul liit interjection is, perhaps, unknown to nine-tenths of •• >e who u-e it. It is as old almost, as language itself, tod is used by nearly every rat e of people. From the aitof Daiinatis to Behring's Straits, it is the cry ot '. if asac!t and the shout of victory. In this country it s put to all sorts of congratulatory and defiant uses, tea most tremendous vocal efforts are comprehended A'Aree times three and a tiger." We find in a work that the source of the word is in the primitive "'!! idea that every man who dies for his country t" to Heaven— Hu-raj, the Sealvonian derivative mean- Si '.fully •• to Paradise." •$* AFFECTATION. —If there is any one h"?mnre disgusting than another, to a person possess- - i reasonable amount of common sense, it is to be 1 fcred to endure the presence and listen to the " soft" , tpression of persons given to the silly habit of affecta- | Some of our " nice folks" think it so " becom -* to put on airs" and try to appear so entirely dif- I ■treat from what they really are, that they overstep the J -a s and exhibit their" long ears" unintentionally. We ; 'er knew an affected person who was not Vulgar, nor' "" nal -rti manners to whom the phrase could be ap - ted. I®* The citizens of our neighboring village, have organized a Club for the support of the a and the Constitution. The members take the fol '-Wing omh . *e±;°!* mnl y " WPar that 1 will support, protect and : tta'i ~1 vonstitution of the United States of America, i '! s, * n d by the Union established thereby, and Wwi ,P ast cx,rem 'ty against any and all ene -. u-never and wherever they may be found." ttr-one persons took the obligation at the first meet- think if they wonld step over the State line iu I ■ t) le t^) r (] cr townships, tbey would find as ma '• 're who ought to take it. FATAL ACCIDENT. —On Tuesday of last l- . 3S , Veral men were engaged in cutting away the J: l ' lc " splash boards" on Mr J. BLACK •ket tw" ° n t ' le ' er ' iranc ' l of Towanda Creek , ' mi ' es "Give Monroeton, a young man named ■. UUL ' niet w '" 1 an "e'-'ident which caused his WtiS ca 'l* 6 ( l £lm chopping, when feet .'riir.' falling some fifteen or twenty | tato' lhe . I "\ hlS l "' ad u P° n a rock . fro® which he rolled fatal* T y h'Rh at the time, and in *** made ,''' ) * ared ra P'd current. illigent search Irisn. .. v,' r j'' 01 hut Was not recovered until •W w bten carried dl,Wn the stream about a mile, i "atit— 50 drra 'T imbffdded in the mud and sand 'call wu.! DCceBBar J to "e shovels to extricate it. His I ' *aa a v, ! lhe effect of upon the rock— | ! iC c a " m,D ot abont 22 yeßn ' of and iv eald wcellent aharaetcr. I An order has been issued from the Post ! Office department, enabling soldiers of the United States j army to mail letters without pre payment of postage.— I Each one must be marked " Soldier's Letter," and be en dorsed or tranked by the Major of the regiment. The pos l : tage is to be paid by the persons receiving such letters.— | Commissioned officers'dre required to pre-pay their pos tage as heretofore. The Department has also directed that whenever soldiers change their location, letters may j be sent after them without additional expense. On Friday, the 9th inst., a detachment ' from several of the Companies of the Southern Tier, (N. Y.) Regiment, were sent out on a scouting expedition, in | Yiiginia. While out some ten or twelve miles Iroin camp I they were met by a party or rebel cavalry, and a brisk j skirmish took place, In which three rebels were killed, some wounded, and the remaiuder fled in the direction of I'all Church. Lieutenant WILKENSOX narrowly escaped being killed, a ball from the rebels just grading his tern pie, and leaving its mark upon his scalp. Subsequent to j this affair, Sergeant-Majcr DE VOE and Assistant Surgeon ! MADILL obtaiued permission from the Colonel to Join the 1 party. They immediately mounted, and galiopped offiu the supposed direction of the scouting party ; but com ing upon them suddenly by an unexpected route, '• our I boys" mistook them for rebel horsemen, and come very | near firing upon them. They had ridden within a tew rods of the scouting party, who were partially concealed j behind a fence, when they heard the ominous clicking of firelocks, and Came to a halt, gome twenty rifles were j leveled at them, but before the order to fire Was given, the almost fatal mistake was discovered, and a bloody tra gedy prevented. No one in the Southern Tier party was j injured. WOMEN AND THE WAR. —The women of | the loyal States, who have already exhibited a commen dable degree of patriotism, and done much for the cause and comfort of our gallant volunteers, must not suppose ; that when they have provided nurses for the military bos ! pitals. and supplied everything needtul for the sick and wounded, that they have borne their full part of the bnr i dens of the war. If the war continues, and the soldiers , kept through the winter, there are many things which 1 they will need to make them comfortable This is alrea dy being looked to by the rebels. The importance of pro viding woollen socks for the soldiers is not under esli ! mated ty Gov. MOOKE.O! Alabama, who makes it the sub ject of a proclamation, urging that ea-'h lady should knit one pair for the Confederate army. This is an excellent i idea, and we hope to see K improved upon by the ladies ,of the North Our young misses, fresh from school, can leave their taiubonr and crochet work for a season, arm : themselves with knitting-needles, and work assiduously : for our brave soldiers, who will be exposed to the rigor of the approaching winter. It is a social employment, does not interrupt conversation.and can be carried about and taken up whenever convenient. We shall expect to see all our wives, sisters, and sweethearts busily engaged during the autumn, and as they busily ply the sharp ' steel points each will prove a conductor to carry tlie eke ; trie current of patriotism throughout the length and breadth ol the Union. The ladies of Bradfoi J have done | much in the cause of pbilatilhruphy and patriotism, but I tills prepat'nllou of woollen s "cks will be their crowning ' feat. Xirto afrtorrtfsrmeittg. . JUNE! 12, 1861. THIS WEEK LARGE ADDITIONS j WILL BE MADE TO THE STOCK OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, AMONG WHICH ARE MANY NEW STYLES! AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, * AT A Very Great Reduction FROM FORMER PRICES. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Ladies Sun Umbrellas, At Equally Low Prices ! Towanda, .tune. 10, 1?>G1. Wiiat Everybody Ought to Know! That Geo. P. Cash has a First Class MARBLE YARD! IN FULL OPERATION, AIT TOWANDA ! THAT lIE IS PREPARED TO DO X WOKK better and cheaper than any other establish ment in the country. That he ran put up sets of Tomb- Stones at any price from s•> to $.",00. That he Warrants his work to he well done and to give satisfaction. That he can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap as they can be obtained In New York or elsewhere. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO DO! Come to his Ya>d before purchasing elsewhere. Pat ronize a home enterprise, and not run away to York State and get interior work done. And finally every body ought to erect a suitable memoiial over the re main" of their loved friends. CAUTION A man calling himself Thomas, and hail ing Inun Ringhamton, has been obtaining orders for work by representing that he is agent for u manufactory in Towanda. Beware of him ! Some agents have a habit of calling on the friends of i the deceased for Work, before (hey have fairly buried their dead out if their eight. FWwn Upofl such men. When you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine his stock. N. B—Country produce taken in exchange for work. ■ Don't forget the "place, Eagle Marble Works, opposite Gen. Fatton's residence, Towanda, Pa. GEO. P. CASH. AGENTS—G. W. Brink, LeßaysVille; B. Overfield, Meshoppen; J. H. Webb, Bmlthfiefd Summit; B. S. Dart, Troy. Towanda, June 11, IS6I. J&fsce Raucous. ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE, EMERY BROS., Proprietors, PATENTEES AND MAN'tPACTCKKP.3 OK Emery's Patent Changeable Rail road Horse Powers, ALSO, LEVER POWERS, for Four, Six and Eight Horses, of new and superior construction, to gether with a great variety of labor-saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. rpo THE FARMING PUBLlC—Notice -L is hereby given that RAYMOND M. WELLES, ol Athens. Pa., (who was until recently the senior member of the firm of Welles, Blood A Co,, of Athens,) is the on ly authorized Agent for the sale of EMERY'S HOUSE POWKKS.TH RES 11 ING MACHINES,and other WARES manufactured at the ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKB For the county of Bradford, with the privilege of selling for the counties of Tioga, Susquehanna, and Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, and the adjoining counties iu New York State. A I.L licenses end cohtiacU heretofore existing with other parties for their manufacture and sale iu tiiis terri tory having expifed. the public ere notilied that they will lie held responsible directey to the Patentees lor dam ages for using any other horse powers, threshers, Ac., made and sold to them by olhe'* parties and in imitation of and infringing upon the letters patent held by EMERY BROTHERS. For description of prices, terms, Ac., see the Il lustrated Catalogue of the Albany Agricultural Works, lurnisiied gratis on application to EMERY BROTHERS, Albany, N. Y.. or It. H. WELLES, Athens, June 26.1861. Athens, Pa. Susqueljauna Collegiate Institute. TOWAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY I Rev. JAMES McWII.LTaMS Principal. ProfYssor of An cient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. SAML'EL L. FISLER, A. 15. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. ProI.CHARLES It. COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. Miss NANCY BALLARD. Preceptress. Mrs. HLI,EN A. ADAMS. AssUinnt Preceptress. Miss M VltY' B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Mr. D. CANFIELD DAYTON, Stewnrl. Mrs. D.O. DAYTON. Matron. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY", AU GUST 21, uud will continue 11 weeks. TI'ITION, PER TERM : J Payable invariably in advance, or one-haif on entering I tile school, and rrue-balt at the middle ol the term—luel and contingencies included.] ! Primary, per term.. J -I 00 ; Preparatory 6 00 • Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 ] Higher, Ist "and 2n year, per term S on j Classical, Ist year, per term 7 OU ! Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 i S. it. Pupils wili be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue, i Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for ! fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : French $ 3 00 | German 3 00 I Drawing 5 00 j Board in the Institute, per week, including luel | and light 20u ! Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 : weeks each. The A universal y exercises will be held at j ibe close of the Spring term. i No deduction will be made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music w ill not, as heretofore, be taught in the Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will he taught in a iiall udjolnlngthegronuds of the Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Music. | This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be rmincntly supcrta to i Dm plan pursued in former years. Special pains wffl be , taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to ! take lessons in this branch. Terms n ill be as heretofore : j Tuition on Piano Forte, per term. $lO 00 j L'ae of instrument orr which to take lessons 50 do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the Hali will furnish their own tow -1 els, Ac., and the table silver a. their option. It is de.-ira i bie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding i when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be i furnished at a slight charge. it is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the institution, as better opportunities f >r advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Drpat tmmt —Special exercises aw nrrangeo without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. ('. it. COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, lias kind!)- consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present - to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent le. tures on the Theory and Pract ice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to lie present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburu's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discbarge of the regular dulies of his office. No pains will he spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy oi future patronage and support JAMES MeWILLI AMS, Principal. Ang.3,1861. | Threshing Machine Agency. ATTENTION! FARMERS! ' THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT A in the county of Bradford and the neighboring coun ties in Pennsylvania and New Y'ork, lor EMEBY'B Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are | too well and popularly known to need any description I from me, and I will only say that tliev continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of I being the " best Endless Chain Horse Power in use.'' j These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos- I sessed by no other power. E M F. It Y' S XE W PATENT THRESHER AND CLEANER | This a new Machine, and has not before licen intro -1 dnced into this region. It has no endless chain straw ■ carrier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well Known Vibrating Riddle, it is a simple, durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to lie superior to the common Kake Cleaner Dow in use. It remains only to lie seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to lie an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher add Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESH:RS k SEPARATERS, are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, J simple and durable, i ain prepared to supply all kinds ° r AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY at manufacturers prices and terms. *- For further information, illustrative and descrip- 1 tive Catalogues, pHchs, Ac., apply to R. M. WELLES, Agent. i Athens, Pa., July 30, 1861. ! Pr. V. y recognisance or oth erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court, are to be then aud there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 29th of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred oud sixly-oue, and of the Independence ol the Cuited States, the eighty ii ft h. A HA N SOS SPA LP INC, Sheriff. UIIEKIFF'S B.ILE. —By virtue of sundry 0 writs ol Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to ine directed, w.ll be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, tb3 2'Jlh day 01 August, A. D. 1861, at the couit house, lu Towanda, atone 1 o'clock, P. M.,tbe following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate In Windhaui township, Bradford county, bounded as lollows, to wit: On the north by lauds of Simon and Darius Uraiuard and James Newman, east by Morris Lawrence, south by Norman Coles, and west by William Whcelhouse. Containing fifty acres, be the same more or less, about 40 acres improved, one framed house, trained baru. and a young orch.ii J thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol E. A. Juck j way vs. John Shoemaker. ALj the N. W. corner of said tract, and 120 acres sold and con ; vcyed by said Coolbaugh to Simeon Mcintosh from the I south-east corner of the same. Leaving 21J acres of j land, more or less, being the same lot conveyed by Heury Calls to Win.A. Park. ! Seived and taken into execution at the suit of Wra. A. I Park to the useot Joseph Towner vs. Hiram M. (Joif. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land, sit ! uatc in Albany township, bounded as follows : Ou the i north by lands belonging to the heirs oi l!. S. Wilcox, on ! the east by the south brunch of Towanda Creek, on the I south by lands of E. It. Jones and John Stcrigere, on the west by lands o| Aug.n-tusSterigere. Containing 94 acres, be the saute more or less, about 70 acres Improved, one framed house, one framed liarn, one horse baru, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at ine suit of Peter Steiigere to the u-e (it Welles A A -Uicy v.-. Freeman Wilcox A F. N. Wilcox,Jemima Hopkins, ii. W.Wilcox. S.nnnel Brown, 11. !*. Wile >r, E. Wilcox, Alice Wilcox, Weston W ilcox, aud Clatinda Wilcox, tctre tenants. ALS')—The following lot. piece or parrel of land situ ate in the township ol Herrick, bounded as follows : Ou the north by lands of Jnn. Hurst, Wnt. A James Nesbiitt. on the east by lauds of John McC'auua, south by lands of L. W. Baird and Stewart Harris, and on the west by lands jot J. M. Peed aud Heury Gibbs. Containing 105 acres, be the same more or iess, about three acres improved. Seized and iakcn into execution at the suit of Thomas Fitzgerald vs. Owen Dougherty. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens township, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a corner in the centre of the highway leading from Athens to E. Wolcott, ill front of tiie Ab bott Smith spring, tlie.iee north to the south line of the Cooper tract, thence east to the east corner of the said Cooper tract, thence south along F. Murray's west line to the north corner of William Phelps' lot, thence along said Phelps' lot to the east line of K. Woleott's upper mill lot, thence north along the line to the highway aforesaid, thence east along the centre of the highway to the place of beginning—containing fifty acres ol land, more or less known as E. Woleott's lower mill lot—reserving first a lot sold and deeded to the wife of Stephen Wilson, about two acres, more or less—secondly buildings built by Hor ace How, having been sold at Sheriffs sale to N. C. Har ris, about JO acres improved, 2 framed houses, saw mill, shingle machine, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, being and laying in snid town ship of Athens, bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake on the south line of warrant No. 1514. being the south west corner of a lot conveyed to Peter Crumb, thence along lands of John Hopper, north si rods the highway, thence north 76° west along lands of F. Wolcott 119 roils s-10 to a stake thence south 112 rods and 110 along lands of J. F. Canfield to a stake faced in the south line o! warrant No. 1.711. thence along said warrant llae 104 and 6-10 to the place of beginning, being part of warrant 1514. In the warrant name of Charles Carroll. Contain ing fis acres, known as the Jacob Curkendall farm, reserv ing troM the last described premises 10 acres, heretofore sold to the wife of Wro. Rnli'e, on the south-west corner of said lot, about 25 acres improved, 1 framed house, one log house, 1 framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into exe. ntion at the suit of Charles Comstock vs. Hcilen M. 11. Wolcott, bail for K. rust us Wol cott now Helen M. li. Luinniirs uud Edward F. Lummirs her husband. A..SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of iand situ ate in Ridgbury township, bounded as follows : Begin ning a: a post and stones, standing in the patent line of Elijah Bucks, from thence east along said patent line M perches to a beech tree, from thence sou'li 9° ea.-tO7 per ches to a hemlock tree, front thence west 96 perches to a post and stones, from thence north 10® east 50 perches, from thence west so perches, from thence south 10° e„-t 2n pcrelies to the place of U-giung. Containgsl acres of land, more or less, 40 acres improved, framed house, and framed barb, log house, saw mill and orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the -nit of C. E. Pierce A W. S. Pierce, Executors of the last will and tes tament of Abram Pierce dee'd vs. Charles Potter. A LSD—The lollowing described tot, piece or parcel of laud situate iu Albany twp., bounded as follows : On the North by lands of Amasa Hetrerly, on the east by the Fowler Branch of the Towanda creek, on tha south by lands of X. Smith, and Daniel Kellogg and on the west by lands belonging to the Coal Company. Containing 140 acres, be the same more or less, about fiO acres im proved, trained house, two framed barns, and an orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol Bradtord County vs. G. M. Cranmer A P. H. Wilcox. A LSD—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Sinithtield twp., bounded as follows : On the North by lands of Perry Nichols, east by lands of Philander Hall, Sowth by lands of Alexander Campbell, and Coil Ma reel I us, and west by Jacob Fletcher. Con taining filty acres, be the same more or less, about six acres thereof improved, aud three small log hovels there on. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of llirnm Beales vs. Philander IlaJl Thomas J. Beales A Win. Brague against plff. tor costs. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land sltrtate in North Towanda twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a pitch pine, being the north-east corner ol a lot of land formerly owned by Byron Kingsbury, theboe along the line ol said Kingsbury noith 51° west 1f.3 per ches to a post, thence south 604° west 98 perches to a corner in a small creek, thence south 31° east 164 7-10 porches, thence north 594° east 98 jterehes to the begin ning. Containing 100 acre's and 32 perches, more or less, as surveyed by Orson Rickey, Feb. 10, A. I). 1847, | and bring lot No. 31 in the old twp. of Claverack, which was certified to Shepard and Donance, by the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, excepting therefrom 25 acres deeded to James Howley, also 10 acres deeded to Sam'l. Hawkins, about 50 acres improved, Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. N. Rett's use vs. David Rutty and James Elliott, Executors ot Ezra Rutty dee'd. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Armenia towDship, bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Nathan Sherman, on the east by lands of J. H; Burnham.on the south by lands of Biirr'Wood, on the west by the public highway. Containing 50 acres more or Ic°s, about 27 acres improved, small framed house log barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and takeu into execution at the suit of I. M. Smith vs. Thomas J. Hulslander. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Herrick twp., bounded as follows North by lands of Henry Wandall, ast by lands of John Foile, so'nth by land ot Charles McCarma, and on the west by laud of Isaac Whipple. Containing about 25 acres, more or less —about 20 acres improved, one log house, framed barn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution 9t the suit of U. Mer- i cur vs. Timothy Ccggins. ALSO—The following described lot, p>ecV- or parcel of ! laud sftuatp in Canton twp., bounded as lollows : On the i north by the public highway, on the east by lands ofL S. j Reynolds, on the south by lands of John l.iliey, aud on the west by the public highway. Containing one-half of [ an acre, be the same more or less, all improved, 1 small j framed house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. D. Spalding to the use of Geo. Webster vs. F. G. Pierce. ALSO—The tolloWing described lot, piece or parcel of j. land situ:e n Canton twp., bounded as follows : On the ! North by land of William Bates, on the ea.-t by lands be- I longing to the estate of Charles Rogers, dee d., on the ! south by lands of James A. Rogers, on the west by lands j of Mix. Containing twenty acres, be the same more or less, about 7 acres improved, one log house, ohe framed barn, and fruit trfees thereoii. Seized and taken into eiecutloii at the suit of David Palmer, lo the nse of Helen M. Nichols vs. Nathaniel Pease and H. Pease. ALSO—The following described lot, piere or naroel of land situate in the township of Albany,boandea as fol lows: On tbe uuit.h by lands of Henry Hibbard, on the east by lands of Jeremiah Decker, on "the south by lands of Alfred Eddy, and ou tbe west by Ebeuerer Rogers.— Contaiuiug 49 acres, be tbe same more or less, about 25 acres improved, with a framed barn, one log shed, >ne small trained barn, aud ah orchaid of young fruit trees tbeieou. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Henry A. Corson vs. Robert P. Eddy. ALSO—-The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in ( anion township, bounded on tbe North by the public highway, on tbe east aud south by land of Mrs. Sarah Mix, on the west by land of A. J. Merrill— containing one tourt of au acre, bo tiie same, more or less, all improtcd. one framed building occupied as a store, and a lew truit trees thereon, ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded on tbe north by lauds ol Irad Wilson and F. G. Mauley, on the east by the public highway, ou the south by tbe tnetding house lot, and laud belonging to the estate ol B. Palmer.dee'd. j and on the west by lauds of Irad Wilson. Containing ; one aud balf acres* be tbe same more or less, all improv ed, framed hou-e. framed bahn and fruit trees thefeon. ALSO—The fallowing described 'ot. piei e or parcel of land situate In Canton t.vp., bounded us follows. Beginn ing at the corner of Union street, and Centre street, as laid down on a map or plot of Canton village dated Oct. 1, 1554, and running thence easterly along ine south side of Union street, 209 4 lu (eet to V right's Alley, as laid down on said map, tlience sou'lierlv along the west side of said alley, about 115 fbet to the noitii-east corner of lot No. 19 on said map, (sold to Canfield) thence wester ly along the north line ol sard Canfield lot to a point on the east side of Centre street, aforesaid, 124 from the place cf beginning, and thence northerly along the east of said street to the place ol beginning. 124 feet, it beiug lots N05.21, 22 A 23, as per said map. and containing | about 25080 feet, square measure, o! ground, be the same I more or less. All iuiuroveu, one brick dwelling house, j one framed barn, and fruit trees theroon. Seized and taken by three executions at tbe suit of i Stevenson A Bowen vs. H. Lockwood & S. Benedict. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of '• laud situate iu Athens aud Smithfield townships, bound ed on the north by land of Wm. l'helps. east by laud of i Samuel Califf, south by lands now in possession of Lewis ' Wall is, west by lands of fiimuel Muinton. Containing ! about s# acres'more or less, about 30 acres improved, 1 I framed house thereon. ALSO—A lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Smith ! field aownghip, bounded on the north by other lauds for merly id possession of Jno. Sherman, east ly lunds of I L. S.Gates,south by lands of A.C. Scott, aud west by I land of Nathan Quick. Containing 44 acres, more or leas —about 12 improved, log house, log baru, ami a few Iruit trees thereou. sccized aud taken In execution at- the suit of M,Bul j lock A Co. vs. John Sherman. ALSO—The foUdwiug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township, bounded on the north by lauds of Orson Career, on the east by the highway, on the south by lands of Thomas Perry, and Josepn Parks, on the west by land of B. IJ. Keeler. Containing 29 acres, more or less, about 18 improved, with one long bouse, framed barn, and a few fruis trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Cor ner (now to the use of X. C. Harris vs. Henry Mallory. ALSO—The following lot, pisce or parcel of land, situ ate in Armenia township, bounded on the north by lands of J. P. Burnliatn and Jno. Yeomsns, ca.-t by Hiram Case, south by E. Knights, west by E. Knights, John Richmond Coral Webber. Containing eighty acres, tie the same more or less, about 40 improved, a framed Uouse, framed i burn and fruit trees thereon. I A LSO--One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate | in Armenia township, bounded as follows : North by i land of Alfred Ripley, east by land of John Benson, south by laud of Peter Cole, and wr-t bv land of Almson r-mith I —containing lit) acres, mere or iess, about 30 acres im pi uVtid. j Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of E. Pom eroy to the use oi Alvan Stephens vs. Henry Covert and i George Fields. I ALSO—Tbe lollowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Smilhlield township, bounded an I de ! scribed as follows : On tbe north by lauds oi Jam :s H. Webb, east by land of Waterman Brown, and South by land ofOrrin E. Harris. Containing about 50 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, one log house, and a few ! fruit trees thereon. i Seized aud t..ken into execution atthe suit of John I Ward vs. Nathan E.Wood. AI.SO The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp.. bounded north by lands of Elmer Elliott, east by lands of Joseph Allen, sufith by lauds of William Blyher. and west by lands of Patrick ! Murphy. Containing forty-three acres, be the same. 1 more or less, about thirty acres thereof improved, a plank ■ house, a log barn, aud a few Iruit trees thereon, i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Bar i her vs. Eli Rolls and terre tenants. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of I land situate in Ulster twp., bounded north by lands o! ! D. Mills, east by lands ot Mrs. Barber, and John Bow ! man, south by lauds of William Bowman, west by the j highway; with one .-mall framed house, and .-lab cow shed thereon. | Seized and taken in execution ot the suit of David Bar j ber vs. Matthias Lent. Al.SO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of | land situate in Wells twp., bounded as follows : Begin j ning at the south-west coruer ol lot No. 214 of the allot ment of the Bingham lands in Wells township, convey j yed to John A. Ayres, tlience along the south line of ] said lot, south 894® east 144*1 10 per., thence along line , of lot No. 130, conveyed to Michael Rozelle, south >-94 3 j east 50 3-10 per. and north 1° ea.-t 39 9-10 per,, thence I aloug the so ith line oi lot No. 227 conveyed to Lucy Lu j cas. south 8940 east 49 per., thence along tbe we-t line 1 of lot No. 13!, south * 3 '.vest 150 9 10 per., thence Along j line of lot No. 124 north 89° west 40 5-10 per., south 1° I west 59 0-20 per., west 53 3-10 per., and south 4® west 11 9-10 per., thence along the north line of lot So. 125, | conveyed to John P. Barnes, north 894° west 150 4-10 I per., thrvnee along the ea-t lino ot lots No. 127. 129, 227, i north 1® east 195 510 per. to t/ie place of beginning. I Containing 278 acres, with the usual allowance of six I per cent, for roads, Ac. It being lot- No. 212 of the al lotment of the Bingham lands iu Wells twp., part of Warrant No. 1393, about 200 acres improved, framed ' house, 2 framed barns and cow-sheds attached, wagon ] house, three orchards thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution atthe suit of E. E. Skin ner vs. Jesse Shepherd. A LSO—The lollowing described lot piece or parcel of j land sii.ii.ite in Orwell township, boundedcn the north by lands of Elijah Walker, ou the east by lands of Abraham | French and Cook, on the south by lands of William Knapp, and west by lauds set oil to Dully Green. Con taining 22 acres, more or less, with about eleven acres ] improved. I Sebced and taken in execution at the suit of Henry J. MudiTl vs. Mary Cook. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sitv l ate in Ulster tp., and bounded on 'he north and east by j lands of James MeCarty, south by land Sf J. Smith, and west by the public highway. Containing half an acre, I more or less, all improved, a ifamod tavern house, iram j cd barn and a few truit- trees titereon. i Seized and taken into execution at the suit cf Charles j Wright's use vs. P. p. .Sweet. Also, Alexander Elsbree to tiie use of James McCartv vs. P. P.Sweet. A LSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda township, bounded on the south by L. 1). Bowman, westerly by the Hosmer lot. Norther ly by 11. H. Mace, and easterly by the public road, being all of the balance of the farm formerly owned by Nelson Gilbert, and late by Brown and Rockwell, excepting about 80 acres deeded by the said llrown A Rockwell to H. 11. Mace, (said farm formerly being supposed to con tain about 112accrs and some perches, with allowances, be the same, more or less.) Containing about 32 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. A. Park to the use of Job P. Kerby vs. H. M. Goff. A 1,5-o—The following described lot, piece or parcel of i land, situate in Litchfield twp.. bounded on the North by | lands ot Jacob Campbell and Sarah M. Campbell, east by j land of "John Titler and Cliauncey Wheauin, touih by land of Johnson Rogers, aud west by land of Wm. Tut I tlo. Containing 100 acres, be the same more or less— about 25 acres improteil, log house, framed house, one fnned barn, a shop, saw mill and Iruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at tiie suit ot Charles H. Sbeparo Executor of Isaac Shepard who was Execu tor of Job Shepard dee'd. vs. A. F. Campbell. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of I'i. Fa., will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in hiuithtield tp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a post for Die south-east corner of Warrant No. 1492, thence north on the cast line of Warrant No. 1192 151 rods to a post, thence west lOfi rods to a post, thence south 154 rods to a post, thence east to the place of beginning in j the south-east corner of Warrant No. 1432 and tot No. 35 | of sub division made by Zehon Flower on the tract for j merly known as Caton lands. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wni. S. | Pierce and Christo. E. Pierce, administrators of Abirarn Pierce, dee'd. vs. Richard M. Kiiley. ALSO —The following described lot.piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield tp., bounded north by the pub lic highway, east by land in possession of E. S. Ricc, and south snd west by iaud of D. C. Dickinson. Containing ! 11 acres, more or less, al! improved, framed house, fram ' eu barn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of E. S. Tracy ; vs. B. S.Dickinson and Caroline Dickinson. Sherifi's Office, | A.H.SPALDING, Towanda, July 30, 1861. f Sheriff. NOTICE TO PCKCIIASERS —To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is hereby giVen that purchasers at Sheriff s sales Will he required to pnj- the amount bid at the time the lamj ' s sold. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept iii cases, where tha purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to tiie fund as provided in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1346. which is as follows : " Whenever the purchasers rf !c.il estate at Orphans' Conrt or Sheriff"s sdle. BHAII appear from the proper record to be entltlel, is fi lien creditor, to receive the whole or any pffftkffi of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty 6f the sheriff, administrator, executor or othtr person making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to be entitled to receive: Provided that this section shall not be so construed as to prcveutthe right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive iU the time of sale a Bum sufficient u> covar all legal coats entitled to be paid out * XLrgal. of said Ml.' ; and provided further, that before an* pur chaser or purchasers shaij receive the benefit of this rec tion, he or they shall produce to tiie Sheriff. or other per son so making said sale, n duly certified statement tiooi the proper records, under the hand aud official seal of the proper ofiker, allowing that he is a lien credited, entitled to receive any part of the pi-o< ecds of the sale aforesaid. PROCLAMATION. — Bradford county, ss. ROBERT BAILEY vs. MARIETTE BAILEY. la Bradford County Common I'lt.rs, No. 93, December Term, 1880. To Mariette Baiiey -—Whereas a smbpwna in Di vorce tVas issued to Dec. leim. 1860. which was duly re turned non est inventus, and thereon on alias subpoena was issued in said ca-e, returnable to Feb. term, lsfcl, unon the return of which, proof was made that the said Mariette Bailey could not be found in my bailiwick. 1 his notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judge® of the said Court on tiie first Monody of Sep tember next, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff's Office. Towanda. Aug. 7.1861 Sheriff. ~4DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE —Notice A\. is hereby given, that-ill persons indebted to thu estate of JOHN BENJAMIN, deceased, late of AsyUm township, are requested to make payment withont delay, and those having claims against tiie said estate will please presellt tl.em Uu.y authenticated for settlement. HATIRV BENJAMIN, ROBERT BULL, Aug. 7, 1861. Administrator*. \ I).MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Nolite AJL is hereby given, that ull persons indebted to thu estate of JOHN FLYNN. dee d., late or Wyalusiug twp . are hereto requested to made payinent without de lay and all persons having demands against said estate, win present them July authenticated for settlement. JOHN MM A HON. Aug. 7. 1861. AdrMlstrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -Notice Is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e* tate of JOHN ESPY", dee'd.. late of Standing Stone twp , are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and ali persons having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement; EDWARD J. EStTT. MARY J. ESPY. July 24,1661. Administrators. VDMINLSTI FA TOR'S N OTiCE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of CHARLES PHILLIPS, dee d., late of Springfield, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands: against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES D. PHiLLIPf, July 24. 1861. Administrator. A DMIN JBTRATOR'S NOTICE—Not ira J. V .s hereby given that all [lemons indebted to the es tate of JAMES CL'DDEB ACK, dee'd., late of Athens tp., . are hereby requested to make payment without delay, alio all persons having demands against said estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. ABRAHAM CTDDEBACIf, July 21. 1- ;1. Administrator. VUDITUII'S NOTICE. — / tki matter of the estate of Mary La< tine, died. In tiie Orpbutfs' Court of Bradford county. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, an Au ditor, appointed by said Court to distribute monies in the hands of the Executor of said estate, will attend to the duties ot his appointment at his office in the Borough oi l'owanda, on SATURDAY', the 17th day of AtiGCST. A. D.. 1861. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and that all persons having claims upon sHid monies must present them, or else be forever debarred firm the seine P. D. MOIiROW. July 16, 1861. Auditor. / * UARIMANS SALE —The undersigtie.l, V 3 Guardians of the minor children of Caleb Lyon, late | tiff Pike twp., tee'd., will sell ou the premises, on FRI DAY', the 30th day of AUGUST, 1801, at 1 o'clock, P.M., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, bound ed on the n> rth by lands of Osseau Pease and Albert | Conklln, on tbe east by land* ot A. Conklin and Johu Black, on the south and west by lands of Asa Payson. Joel Iqlinson, A. Conklin, and b. Pease. Containing 75 acres, ■cf} acres improved. JONATHAN BUSH, JOHN BLACK, I Mjrll.lMl. Guardians. ! A EDITOR'S NOTICE— In the matter of ,11 Taylor, tl'ted A" Co , rs. Sitplten f VI. Hater. in the Court ol Common i'leas of Bradford County, No. eb. May term, 1861. The undersigned, an Auditor. appointed to distribute, Ac., funds in the hands of the sheriff, arising from sal* of defendant's personal property, will attend to the du ties of bis appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, ou MONDAY", the 19th day of AUGUST, A. D., 1861, at 9 o'clock, A. M.. when and where all per sons having claims against said estate are requested to present them or be fCreVer debarred from said fund. E OVERTON. Jr., JulyS, 1881. Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co., will be exposed to public sate on the premises on SAT UROAY, the 17th day of AUGUST, tBM. at 1 o'clock, P. M.,the following property .late the estate of orange Bos worth, dee'd., situate in' Pike tp., aud bounded and described as follows On the north by land of W. Brink'* Estate, east by land belonging to the heirs of said W. Brink's estate and Moe!y Ellsworth, south by lar.ds of Geo. D.Johnson and Jonathan Nichols and west by land of Stephen Brink, H. M. Tapper, and H. B. Easterbrooks. Containing about sixty acres, about fifty acres thereof improved, with a framed dwelling house and framed barn, small horse barn and two orchards thereon. Terms made known on the day of sale. \VM. B. STEPHENS, BETSY BOSWORTH, Jr.lv 10, 1861. Administrator*. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of A Hm. Champion vs. Hiram Hoot. In the Court of Bradford County Common Picas, No. 4st>, Ylay T. | 1859. I Tim undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Conrt I to distribute funds arising from Sheriff's sale of defend i ant's real e-tate. will attend to the duties of his appoint- I meat at his office, in the Borough ot Towanda. or. Fill ! DAY, the 17th day of JULY, I*6l, at o'clock, P. M.. when and where all persons baViti- claims against said estate, are requested to present iho same or be forever debarred therefrom. O. D. MOXTANY'E, June 12, 1861. Auditor, j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —Ik ibte maittt •/ I A*_ the estate of Frederick Fiseiiir. d'c'it. in the Or- I plians' Court of Bradford county. ' The undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the arid 1 Court upon exceplbiTM tiled to the account of Eecutor in the above named ease. Will attend to the duties ot hi* appointment at liis Office *u the Boro' of TowUnda, ou MONDAY, tiie 12th dav of AVGTST, A. P., 1861. June 12th, lsut. G. D. MONTANYE, Auditor. |IV"OTK ETO COLLECTORB—Vo iri i.l hereby authorised to deduct live per cent, from the | State tax ot every individual who shall pay his or her ( State and County Taxes tt full, on or before the 22d day ; of June next, arid the same shall be allowed you in your ! settlement with the Treasurer, provided the same is by 1 you paid into the County Treasury on or before the 26th and 27th days of June, next. By order of the Commis sioners. " E. P. COOLPAVGH, Clerk. Coidir.tssioner's Office, Aprii 8, lfcol. A DMINISTRATOR'S N()TTOE Notire il. is hereby given that all persous indebted to the es tate of JONATHAN BUSH, dee'd., late of Oofumbia tp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and nil persons haViffg demands against suid estate will present th-.m duly authenticated fpr settlement. ISRAEL A. PIERCE, June 19.1861. Administrator. ROC LA \l ATION. Bradford county, w. . ELIZABETH MA RON", by iier next friend, J. YV. Foster, vs. !M' IT - MASON. Iff ffradford County Com mon Pleas, No. 134, February Term, I*6l. To Rufus .Mason Whereas a subpicna in Divorce was issued to Feb. term. I*6l, which was duly returned nor, e-t inventus, aud UiCreon and alias snbp