M DOLLAR CM ANNUM invariably in advance. TO WAN IDA : Thursday Morning, August 22, 1861. Siltrttb HJwtri. J. > TtiS TWO FURROWS. BY C. U- WEBB. Thf Spring time came. but not with mirth— The banner of our trust, A nd with the best hopes of earth Were trailing in the dust. The Farmer saw the shame from far. * And stopped his plow afield : got the Made of peace but the brand of war This arm-of mine must wield. When traitor turn* that *']* nould slai '' Their botn-ss let women keep , tntil its stars bum bright again. Let others sow and resp.' The Farmer—" s lifetime long The pi""' bs been my trust; 111 truth it wcro an arrant wrong ITo leave it now to ryul." With ready strength the Farmer tore The iron fr< m the wood. And to the village smith he bore That plow share stout and good. The blacksmith's arms were bare and brown, Hi, bellows wheezed and roared : The Farmer flung his plow share down Now forgo tue out a sword And then a merry, merry chimo The sounding anvil rung ; ,n,.d sooth, it ass a nobler rhyme Than evet poet sung. The blacksmith wrought with skill that day, The blade was keen and bright. And now where thickest is the fray The Farmer leads the fight. X ; as "f old that blade he sways To break the meadow's sleep, Bit through the rebel ranks he lays A furrow broad and deep. The Farmer's face is burned and brown. But light i- on his brow, Right we'd lie wots what blessings crown The furrow ol the Plow. •• Hut better is to day's success— *' Thus rau the Farmer's word— " For nations yet unborn "-Rail bless This furrow ol" the Sword \Uliiiai. It film Address to the Republican Voters of (fie i'tli Senatorial District. ft rvrr.FjfEV ; Two years ago your voluntary rffmgos placed mo in the Senate of this great Loinmonwealth, a position of lienor ami inilu- I t For this evidence of high regard, com r? as it did unsolicited on my part, 1 could t feel profoundly grateful, ami should now xsich regret having done anything to justly ! ' it your confidence. Between a representative and his constitu ents there exist reciprocal obligations. It is •re duty of tlie former to guard watchfully 'he interests of those he immediately repre sents, and at the same fime he ever ready to ,-emote the prosperity of other sections of the State, nnd do justice to all parties and all interest.*. On the other hand, constituents should re member that their representative must neces sarily legislate for others as well ns them, and should have some reliance upon his intelligence and integrity, nnd not pre judge his conduct, much less impeach his motives and character before the circumstances and merits of the ra-e are fully understood. Hasty judgment forur against, is always evidence of a shallow understtiiiiiitig, while a greedy proclivity to condemnation is sure proof of u debased na ture With the principles advocated and votes :ten by myself, I have heard no complaint at? in one instance. During the last session •'•the Legislature a bill was introduced, enti •*'"An Act for th# commutation of tonnage ■" esThis lull passed the House, sixty s-abers including the Speaker voting for it, •ad thirty eight against it. The members '"oat Bradford and khittpiehnnna voted in the negative, while the member from Wyoming 'otrd for the measure. the bill came into the Senate, nfter 'Wwtigating the subject with all possible care, •ltd calling to my aid the advice ot reliable men from mv own district, claiming at the -J)e time th e right to think and judge for fflyself. expecting to oc held strictly respond 'f- for every act, my rote was given in the nf '-riaabise. Of that rote some have complain their complaint, springing, as I think, •rem a superficial or misunderstanding of the e subject. I owe it to you to give the "•'on of my action, I owe it to myself to vin iJ lle conduct, a duty from which I have •he first tremor of shrinking. I have no * mmptring nor whining, no apologies to make, • pardon* to ask, hut soberly aud frankly I | -revs myself to the calm judgment of the '"•rightful and unbiased. should have given my views upon this (t -Mlion in the Senate, aud thus to my con wnts, hut for the fact that on the day this _ *as under consideration, I occupied the ) '"tion of the Senators an hour or more in eating another important measure, and e.-y required that I should not monopo ... ) , re t ' ,au portion of one day. Since ■ rt " :ur, i home I have waited for the second , bought to possess the public mind, act- I? P Oll ebster's axiom, " not to sweep the , u,ltl ' R L done snowing." Lest longer t ' eilCe ' s i' (, u!d be con-trued into fear or guilt, t / " v .""h to look at the history, facts ' merits of this question, briefly and cou- Ce 'Jy staled. -arv B g o f j, e State constructed and operat ion U r ailroad. forming a line of com cation between Philadelphia and Pitts lllis Wa * called the Main line In 1816 f ■i™^ ari * V W * s f° r,ue d Nnd applied to the Le tOL* nrC f ° r 4 garter authorizing tbem to i parallel Road betweeu the same THE BRADFORD REPORTER. ! points Foreseeing tbat this ltoad would ne cesrarily compete with the State wcrk, the Legislature granted the charter on condition the said Company should puV to the State five mills per ton per mile for all the freight car ried on the Hoar], dunvg the summer vionths when the Slate Canal would, be open. They were not required to pay this tribute during the winter, thus showing clearly that the ob ject of the Legislature, was to protect the business of the state work against a competing Company, and not to raise reveuue. The charter was accepted and the Road built sub ject 10 this tax. The coal and lumbermen, the transporters of iron and all heavy articles of production soon found that this tax was well nigh a prohibition nnd almost precluded them from the ose of the lload. They could not pay the freight aud then the tax (for they had to pay it,) and get their products to market as cheaply as other and competing producers who were not subject to this taxation. That this would and must be the result, any man can see at a glance. In compliance, therefore, with many and earnest petitions, the Legisla ture in 1855, exempted lumber aud coal from this tax entirely, aud reduced it on all other ' freight from five to three mills. In conse ; quence of this were your taxes increased?— Was the State swindled ? Were those voting for the measure branded as traitors aud rene gades ? Not a whit of it. This tax the Com ! punv paid punctually into the State Treasury until 1857, when the Legislature passed an Act providing for the sale of the Main line.— In this Act will be found the following pro visions : I •• Ai.d Provielt I further, That if the Pennsylvania Railroad Company fchall become the purchasers of said .Main line, at -aid public sale, or by assignment as afore said, they shall pay in addition to the purchase money, at 1 which it may he struck uown, and which shaM not he less ; ih.ui the sum of seven and a half millions of dollars, the sum of one and a half millions of dollars, tlie whole amount ol sale to ho paid in the bonds of the Company, i bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, rcr annum payable semi-annually, ou the thirty-first day of January anil July ot each year, and which bonds without further record shall remain a lien upon the said Main line, one i hundred thousand dollars of which said bonds shall fall l due on the 31st day of July ls.">B. and sll*o.ooo tbeieof, annually tberealler, until the 31st day of Jn!y,ls*Jo, w hen one million of the residue shall fall due. and one million | annually thereafter, until the whole is paid ; and upon the execution and delivery ol said hone s to the treasurer of the State, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and and the llairisbura'. Portsmouth. Mouti. Joy aud Lancas ter Railroad Company. Aa// in considrrat on thirruf, bt dis harged by the Commonwealth foi tvet, from lite pay ment ol all taxes upon tonnage and freight carried over said Railroads : aud the said Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany shsil also be released Irom the payment of allcihtr taxes cr duties on its Capital Stock . bonds dividends or property, except for sch >ol. city, county, borough oi toun ship purposes.' Now mark. It was thus legislatively pro vided that if this Company took the State work at 7 12 millions, the minimum price, and then paid one million and a half more they,should be rt-leived from the tonnage tax and from the State lax on their proper Iy, diri (lends, furrier. For this bill the Senator and Members from Bradford County voted and their conduct was indorsed by the convention held at Townnda, the following fall. Upon these terras the Company were ready to take the State work But at this juncture the Supreme Court decided that part of the Act exempting tiie Company from the State Lax to be unconstitutional and therefore null and void. The works were then offered for sale by the Executive without the release of taxes and no purchasers could be found. It is a well Known fact that no association of men except (lie Penna. Bailroad Company could or would I:try the Main line at the price fixed by the Legisla ture, and they refused to buy save upou the unconditional abrogation of the tonnage tax. Gov.'Bollock therefore gavi tiietn his pledge that if they became the purchasers at the price fixed, he would give the force of his official in fluence in favor of the repeal ot this tax, a measure which he considered right in as much as by the sale >f the wotk, the reason that called the tax into being wouhl cease to exist. Relying upon this plighted faith of the Gov ernor, and never doubting but that the Legis lature would favorably respond to a proposi tion so paipsibly just, the Company took the works and gave their bonds for the icvcn and a half millions. True to his pledge the Gov ernor in his next message, 1858, recommended the repeal of the tonnage tax, as follows. •• The law incorporating the Pennsylvania Railroad Company imposed a tax of three mills per ton per mile on all tounage passing over that road as an equivalent for any decrease in the revenues ol the Commonwealth that lnikht arise from the anticipated competition of the road with the t usiiiess of the main line ot the public improve ments. This tax is uot impo-cd upon the Company, but upon the tonnage and is paid by the owners of the height transported over the road, the Company acting as agents in its collection and payment to the State. It i- virtual ly a Lax upon the trade "and commerce of the Common wealth,%nd upon the commerce of other States whose productions seek an eastern market over this road ; and thus bv increasing the rate .ot charges and the cost of transmutation, the produce of the west is forced upon competing Railroads of other States,and toother markets than our own. The nece-sity that required this tax. as regards the Commonwealth and her improvements, has ceased. It should he the policy of the Stafe to invite the transmission of the products of other States through her territory, to her own markets, and therefore the propriety of relieving the trade and bnsine-s of the Commonwealth and country from this tax upou it, is respectfully submit ted for your consideration. The Legislature hesitated, and the session passing away and the law was not repealed. When the next installment of tax became due, the Attorney General, as the law unrepealed required him, demanded its payment. The Company refused and said repeal your law ae cording to contract. He sued them, obtained judgment and they appealed,resolved to vindi cate their rights to the last extremity. Not knowiug but prejudice and illiberality on the part of the Legislature would compel them finally to pay iu violation of all agreements to the contrary, the Company continued to collect the tax of tne transporters from 1557, the time of purchasing the State work, until last winter, and the aggregate amount thus collected was $850,000. Thus stood the case at the opening of our last session. The Company held the above amount in their hands collected since they purchased the main line. The State had obtained judgment against them for about $200,000, tor taxes demanded since the sale of that line. Had the the Legislature repealed the law at the proper time as it was recommended and as they shoul J have done all parties would have been satisfi ed, this tax uncollected aod this judgment un obtaiued. This being a fair and concise state- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E 0. GOODRICH. ment of the subject, what are the provisions of the bill passed last winter, a bill condemni t by so many and read by so few. (Wouldde not be well for the County papers to publish this bill entire for the information of their readers?) First. The Company is required in the ex press language of the luw "to pay into the State Treasury, on account of its indebtedness to the Commonwealth, by reasou of the pur chase of the Main Line of the public works, ou the thirty-first days of January and July in every year, uutil the thirty first of July, eigh teen hundred and ninety, inclusive, snch sum in addition to the interest ou its bonds owned by the State and in addition to its annual liability to the State ou account of purchase money for said line of improvements, as will increase each semi-annual payment on account of said debt and interest, to the sum of two hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($230,- 000) and the aggregateof all snch payment#, to the sum of thirteen million five hundred and seventy thousand dollars ($l3, 570,000).'' — The plain English of which, is this, they are required to pay to the State, each yeur for the veil thirty rears lour hundred and sixty thous and doliurs, making the above sum total. By the saaie Act, also, this amount "is hereby pledged to. and the same shall be applied only to the payment and extinguishment of the principal aud interest of the debt of this Com monwealth, and to no other purpose whatso ever." Secondly. " The Pennsylvania Railroad Company shnll be liable to taxation for all State purposes, and the said Company shall pay tue same rate of taxation which is now or may hereafter be imposed by any general law operating upon all ot he- Railroad Companies incorporated by this Commonwealth." Thus they are required to pav their State tax, trom which.they sought originally to Ire released. Their State tax actually paid into the Treasury last year was eighty-lour thousand dollars. Will the reader compare figures here for a moment. The State tax of this Senato rial District is as follows : Bradford pays $11,722,50 Susquehanna piys 6,869,95 U yomingpays 2,458,32 Sullivan pays i*53,98 Making the sum total twenty-two thousand and five dollars and five cents. Yet this single Company pays nearly four times as much State tux us this whole district and they are required to do it iu all coming t.iue by the very bill so wretchedly misconstrued and so miserably abu'eJ. The btate will realize from this single company during the next thirty years the following sums: Ju payments or indebted ness,thirteen millions live hundred and seveuty thousand dollars ($l3 570,000.) In taxes for State purposes - , even should its assessable pro perty be no more than last year, two millions live hundred and twenty thousand dollars ($2,- 520,000 ) Swelling the aggregate receipts to the vast sum of sixteen millions and ninety thousand dollars ($10,090,000.) Leaving them still liable thereafter to the same taxa tion for State purposes to which other pro perty holders are subject. Does this look like relieving corporations from paying tribute to the Treasury and casting all the burdens upon the poor farmers as clap trap, twaddling demagogues assume 1 It would he understood also that there is no financial quackery in all this. Those amounts are as sure to be paid as the years are to roll round. Thirdly. They are required to rednce their charges on freight just the amount of this t:nnuge tax, and a failure on their part to make such reduction shali render the Company itself liable to the Commonwealth for double the amount of the tonnage tax heretofore chargeable against them. Fourthly. That there may be no collusion, the Company is required to file its toll sheet of charges with the Auditor General, under the oath of the President of the Company, which has already been done. Fifthly. The $850,000 collected in tonnage tax by the Company since they purchased the State works, as already explained, they are "authorized aud required" to invest in certain unfinished roads located in that part of the State where the tax was collected. Some have complained that the Company was not required to pay this into the Treasury. It did not be long to the State either in justice nor equity, for she had induced this Company to purchase her public works on the condition that the law imposing this tax shouid be repealed, and had she fulfilled her part of the contract this sum never would have been collected. Mustjshe be paid for her own deriliction for a manifest lack of good faith? As well might a creditor demand annual interest on a book account already paid because forsooth he had neglect ed to balance the book according to promise Neither did this 6um belong to the Company for it was so ranch collected over and above their regolar freight. It belonged legitimately to the transporters from whose pockets it was wrung. The Legislature could not replace it in those pockets and therefore did the next best thing and required its investment in ten specified roads, thus further developing the Commonwealth, increasing the facilities and enhancing the value of the property of the com munities that had actually paid it. Was this a swindle ? Anything in this that should awak eu storms of muttering wrath, or call down upon any one the crashing thunders of public reproach ? The thing is but " even handed justice " and whoever is displeased with that, his censure is as impoteut as his approval would be worthless. Upon these conditions the famous tax was exonerated Such is the history of this matter and such are the provisions of the bill passed. My reasons for voting for the bill are briefly as follows ; First. The State through its Executive had contracted with the Company to repeal the tax if they took the Main line at 7 1-2 millions of dollars The Company took the works at this figure and the State was iu honor bound there fore to fulfil its agreement. Second. As this tax was most assuredly imposed originally to protect the commerce of the State line, when the Company purchased this line there was no longer any equitable " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." reason for exacting the tax. If A. rents B's. farm for one huudred dollars per year, and thus pays punctually for ten years and then buys the farm, should he be required afterwards to pay the rent ? Aye, but ibis Company is rich, you had them by the tbroat, they should have been beld to it that thereby our State reve nues might be increased. To increase revenue by legalized robbery, whether of Companies or individuals is unwise policy, and he that re , commends it has more of ihe attributes of u laud pirate than of a legislator. Besides if reveuue is to be rait-ed by ton nage tax let it be imposed upou all roads and not upon one only. Treat each fairly and alike. As this was the only road in the State subject to this tax it was but fair either to remove this or impose the same upou all otheis, and the latter course would drive from our markets the pro ducts of surrounding states aud hopelessly cripple our internal commerce. Believing firm ly that the continuance of this tax ou this road alone as a means of revenue was partial and unjust, and believing farther that by the sale of the work, for the protection of which the tax was originally imposed, the reason for its imposition was thereby wholly and completely removed, my vote was given in favor of the measure. Third. The Company itself never paid a dime of this tax but was collected by addi tional charges heaped upon the transporters of our own tState who were obliged to use the Road. The Company could not impose the lax upon the western produce seeking a market over this Road, for that would drive such pro duce to the Erie Road on the north and to the Ohio and Baltimore Road ou the South, thus robbing the Road of business nnd our own State of a large amount of western commerce. For be it understood that this Pennsylvania Road is the great thoroughfare connecting Philadelphia with the vast and teeming west The tax was therefore imposed upon the way freight, upon our own citizens who were obliged to use this Road or none. These citi zens appealed to the legislature against this system of unequal taxation. They inquired wiih an unanswerable pertinence, why shall we be compelled to pay this tribute to the State when all other citizens using other Roads and Canals an exempt therefrom? They elect ed Members upon this issue among whom is the present Speaker of the Senate,they poured in their petitious and crowded the Hails of the Legislature iu person praying lor the same thing. The Board of Trade of Pittsburg, the press of liarrisburg of loth political parties, the commercial, political and religious papers of Philadelphia, of all shades and sects, earnestly plead for the repeal of this tax. It may be a luet worth stating that in 1857 when the Dem ocratic party were in power in Philadelphia, the City Couucils unanimously adopted a memorial addressed to the Legislature beseech ing the same thing. This petition covered some twenty pages ot printed matter, attested by the Presidents ot Common and select Councils, and accompanied bv a special message from the Mayor. Will certain Democrats of this District stick a pin at this fact. To the credit of this party however I am happy to say that its intelligent members agree with the above memorialists and aiso with my vote. A prominent writer in a Phil adelphia paper sums up his views iu tho fol lowing synopsis : " Snail we by continuing this tax drive business and freight off the Ruad, away from our City and Suite, to seek other roads'! " Miali wo restrict the trade of the State and the com merce or Hiiladeiphia, to an infinitesimal proportion of what it might be lor the sake cl a certain sum ol money paid annually into our State Treasury, paid too in iarne proportion by our own citizens out ot our own pocket? For this poor pittance shall we deprive ourselves ol the imnieuseand ever increasing traffic of the gigantic em pires springing into unparalleled greatness ail over the teeming West ? " Is it better to do a small btisiniss on this Road at high prices ? Or having, a? ail must acknow ledge, the best route, and the amplest lacilities, is it not the part of wisdom to do the largest possible business to the lowest pos-ible prices? Viewed as a matter of justice, is it right that he who resides near the Reading Railroad, or any other road.save the Pennsylvania, shall pay, only the usual Railroad charges on all he sends to market; and that the farmer or manufacturer who is so unfortunate as to dwell beside the Pennsylvania Road should be compelled to pay in ad dition to the usual freight charges on his grain or his manufactured articles, a tax to the State lor daring to use that Road? " While you may carry what you please over the Roads of Ohio, New York, Maryland, or any State in the Union save our own. by paying a reasonable price therefor, is it right that Pennsylvania shall step in and say to the citizens ot those States, If you briug your produce or merchandise here through the old Keystone, you must not only pay the full price lor carrying your goods over the Railroads, but you must pay the tribu'le—the odious tax which a Pennsylvania Legislature levies on you tor pass ing over her great highway ? " Was it not humiliating that Pennsylvania should seek to impose a tribute not only upon the citizens of other States, but upon her own people, who used her great highway ? That many of her own Legislators should remonstrate against any change iu her policy in this re spect : that they should wi-h her any longer to force the payment of tribute upon her trade and commerce as odious as that which the Barlatry powers continued to levy lor years ou the commerce of the Mediterranean ?" All these facta, statements, circumstances, and considerations combined, afforded another and well nigh overwhelming feasou why this odious embargo, this commercial nuisance should be abated, and hence again my vote was given in the affirmative. Fourth. The imposition of a tonnage tax is i a measure to which my own constituents would not approvingly submit. The Lackawanna Western, the Williamsport & Elmira Rail- ; roads, and the North Branch Canal are your chief outlets to the maritime .world. If a bill had been introduced imposing this duty npon these works, subjecting you thereby to in- j creased charges on all your exports and im ports, wonld you have thought 'it magnanim ous in your own and other members to support • aud carry the measure through ? Would you applaud them for so doing ! Would the far raer and merchant, the grain bnyer and for warding man as they counted their bard dol lars in payment of the tax, say, this is the thing, grapple these companies to it, Decreas es the reveuue? No! No! Far, very far from it. You would have cursed with eternal opprobrium ail members voting for a scheme so narrow in conception and so prejudicial to your immediate interests. Well, gentlemen, when I fail io treat other portions of the State with tbat justice and magnanimity which yon demand for yourselves, I shall be no lon-1 ger worthy to fill the piece yon have assigned me, no lf*~;*er competent to cast votes tbat must necessarUy affect the well-beiug of indi viduals as M the prosperity of a vast and growing '[.wealth. Confident that you would seek the repeal of this tax if you had it to pay, and willing to deal by other constituencies as fairly as I wonld have my own treated, I felt justified in doing by others as I would have others do by you, and th' refore voted in favor of the bill. I am thankful to know that iu tLia district are not a few men of high standing and wide busiuess experience, men who have no private piques to gratify, nor selfish practical interests to promote by catering to public prejudice ; men, whose mental visioo overreaching the bounds of a siugle county, comprehends theiu terests of toe whole State ; men, who have investigated and comprehended the whole sub ject, and are therefore competent to jndge— not a few have signified to me their approval over their own signatures. I held in my possession enmerous letters from the foremost men in Bradford, and other counties, containing the following and similar expressions : " Had I been !□ yoar place I should have voted as you have voted, and il you are censured it will be by others and uot by rue." From another correspondent, whose name i 3 a tower of streugth : " Y'our votes upon the Railroad bills are perfectly cor rect and right, and statesmanlike." From a third : " The business men of the county wili sustain you, and no matter what fools or demagogues may say." The judgment of experienced men is cer tainly worth quite as much as the unsubstan tiated opiuion of those who decide from hasty impulse or vague flying rumors. Some indi viduals talk vociferously of corruption, bribe ry, fraud. Uuiversal observation uttests the fact that men who use hard names generally lack arguments or brains, or both, and those wo't ready tc suspect others are ever found to be the cheapest men when so successful as to worm themselves into the market sham bles. Their suspicion of others springs from an inward consciousness of what they themselves would do if favored with au opportunity, and their harsh accusations are intensified by a felt regret that the felicitous occasion should ever fly their approach. The vixen is always first to cry " cuckoldTo all such cormo rants of slander, greedy Harpies, ravenously devouring political ofl'al, dropped by the way side, and then vomiting it forth again as a fresh entertainment'to birds of their own fea ther, we have but to sny, put your charges in a tangible shape, publicly, over your own sig natures, and you shall receive all merited at tention. So long as you play the part of skulking, scalpiog cowards, giving your thrusts in the dark, bebiud one'a back, by innuendoes and anonymous squibs you must expect to be passed by in silent contempt. With you I have done, and only beg pardon of the decent reader for lifting you so lar out of your na tive meanness as to make you visible to re spectable eyes. The question has been put to were you 1 not formerly opposed to a favorable entertain ment of this Company's claim ? I answer frankly, yes ; for 1 have nothing to conceal, and wili never equivocate. I, with others, supposed that they would ask much more than they did, but when I fouud they claimed only what had been promised them, and this claim was both rational aud just, I put away preju dice, and went for the right. Would you have me do otherwise ? It has also been af firmed that the passage of thi3 Act would ne cessarily increase the taxes of the people. Will those thus affirming please inform as how this result wili necessarily follow ? Let us look at it. There has been paid into the Treasury since 1857, no tonnage tax. Mark that. Yet during this period your State tax has been reduced from 3 lo 2 1-2 mills on the dollar, aud there has been paid on our public debt a larger amount thau during any four yuais previous, aud when the war broke cot there was half a million in the Treasnry, ready to meet the first appropriation. If, during the past four years, without tonnage j tax, your State tax has been reduced, how will the Don-receipt of tonnage tax increase your iudividual taxes for the next four or for ty years ? So long as the assessment on the dollar remaius what it now is, your taxes are not increased. When this assessment is rais ed then search for the cause. Friends have said lo me, your vote was right, but will it uot injure you? Our an-i swer is this, we never paused to inquire. But just acts can permanently injure no oue in the judgment of the wise and impartial. He that cowers to clamor and shapes his entire con duct by its supposed reflex influence upon himself, sacrificing great principles, overrid ing vast rights, aud acting the fawning syco- j phant for the paltry meed of personal passing popularity, is too supremely selfish to fill any responsible position iu this age of couflietiug aud progressive ideas. The very public that I praises the sycophant to-day for his pliabili- . ly will spurn him to-inorrow for his lack of independent manhood. Brave, true men, stl dom full, while the timid and time serving [ pass away with the error that flung them into life. Whoever falls for doing right, let him die like a hero, and wait for the future to re verse the judgment of the present. Jackson was censured and Thaddeus Stevens ignored | by his own constituents, for advocating our present common school system. But the cen sured live in the hearts of the great and good, while their accusers are long since dead and forgotten. The only retreat from reproach is absolute obscurity, aud when a public man is no longer censured, be assured he is of no spe cial account, and is in no one's way. We now ask all grumblers to suspend fault finding long enongh to answer the following questions : Did not the Pennsylvania Company pur chase the Main line for 7 12 millions of dol lars, gi*iDg their bouds therefor, which to-day are at good as gold, upon the express condi tion that this tonnage tax should be repeal ed ? This being the condition, shoold it uot be complied with! - VOL. XXIT. NO. 12 Did uot the commerciaiists and busiue&j men along the Road, from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, who paid the tax, and were there for# directly aggrieved, earnestly ask its re peal, and should they uot be beard ? As the tax on tonnage was originally im posed to prevent a diversion of freight from the canals then owned by the State to tb projected Road, when the Company bonght these canals from the State, did not the rea son for imposing the tax eease to exist ? Was there then any reason for collecting a tonnage tax upon this Road more than upon any other in the State? If there was nol, should not ii be exempt or all others b# tax ad ? When yoar Senator and Members in 18i", voted for the Act providing for the sale of tbe Main line and the repeal of this tax,did not the very Dext Convention in Towanda indorse their course by resolution ? Having indorsed the initiation of the meas ure why condemn its consummation ? ! Has not every surrounding State found : tonnage taxes detrimental end has therefore I abrogated them ? And shall our owu great 'Commonwealth be behind all others in the march of progrossand liberality ? Would not you yourselves oppose every soch i tax if tailing athwart your own business op erations and constantly depleting yon profits, and will you not allow your fellow-citizens in an other part of tbe State to be treated with as much consideration as you would demaud for yourselves 1 Are there not better modes to raise revenuo than for one half the State to assess odiocs and unequal taxes upon the business opera tions of the other halt ? The repeal bill rtceived tbe vote of sixty Members and eighteen Senators, it received not only the votes but tbe earnest support of the Speakers of both Houses, it received th# sanction' of the present patriotic Governor, it was earnestly recommended us far hack as 1858 by Gov. Pollock.a man confessedly pura in principle and honest in all his acts. May we not reasonably suppose that theso Representatives, Senators, Speakers,-and Gov ernors have as much integrity and as compre bensre views of this whole subject as the ma jority, to say the least, of those who have cried so hugely of robbery and wrong ? We submit these question# for a candid consideration. Whoever lives long enough to answer them triumphantly in the negative will "itrus tid calutn redeat" —late to the kingdom of heaven . Until they are thu-s ansieered fully and demonstratively, we shall claim in the fu ture as we have in the past, that onr vote was Judicious and right. "With but little respect for those who condemn withont evidence and censure without cause, but with profound re gard for the generous and impartial, I humblv remain, 'GEO. LANDON. HEKRTCK, An/?. 3, 18C1. gtprfnunt. State Teachers 1 Association. This body commenced its ninth annual meet ing, at Lewisburg, on Tuesday, the 6th inst., in Commencement Hall of Lewisburg Univer sity. It was expected that owing to the war excitement, and the consequent bard times, tbe attendence would be small, but it was not so. Several hundred were preseut, from differ ent counties of the State, our county beiug more numerously represented than any other 'except Union, of which Lewisburg is the coun ty seat. Several prominent teachers and ed ucators were preseut, among whom may be mentioned Hon. Thos. 11. Burrows, State Su perintendent, President Loomis, LL.D , Profs. F. A. Allen, of West Chester Normal School, •T. R. Wickersham, of the Millersville State Normal School, J. P. Sherman, of the Potts vilie High School, and W T. Davis, of Jersey Shore. At the opening. James Aiken, an old teach er, welcomed the members in a witty, pointed, little poem. TLe business of tbe Association was attended to with promptness, and transact ed with despatch. Tbe presiding officer, Vice President, A. Smith, of Mifflin, was kiud and geutiemauly, but decided iu his manueriu con ducting tbe deliberations. The debates were carried on with considerable spirit, althongh at times the spirit of combativeness seemed to need something to call it forth—indeed the subjects brought before tbe meeting, were, many of them, not susceptible of being debat ed, being wholly one sided. One question, however elicited considerable discussion, it was based upon a report by VV. T. Davis, of Jer sey Shore. The reporter advocated the piac tice of having candidates for the office of Coun ty Superintendent, examined before their elec tion. The report was adopted unanimouly so, those personages who have been in the ha bit of scaring young girls almost cut of their wits, every year, wili have to be " put through the mill," themselves,when the Legislature pass es a law to that effect. The whole affair passed off pieasently and to the satisfaction of all con cerned. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Pres, A. Smith, of Mifflin: V ice Presidents, S. D. Ingram,of Dau phin, Isaac S. Grist, of Lancaster, Jog. E Jackson, of Schuylkill, David He< kendron, of Union; Recording Secretary, Wm. Sterling of Philadelphia, Henry Honk, of Lebanon } Cor responding Sicretary, 11. C. Johns, of Tioga, Treasurer, Amos Row, of Lancaster. It was found that abont four hundred dollars wonld be left in the Treasury, after defraying the ex penses for tbe year, and it was unanimously resolved, that this amount, and such other sum as may be necessary, be devoted to the purchase of a cannou, to be presented to the Government in the name of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, to aid in put ting down tbe rebellion. A committee of five,was appointed to raise additional funds, said cannon to be purchased, aDd presented by the State Superintendent. Great credit is due to .the citizens of Lew | isburg for their hospitality to those in atten dance, Specially to tbe ladies.