IOCAL AND GENERAL. CORN AMD POTATOES —The recent rains duced the most marked and favorable change in of corn and potatoes. The'prospect of a large ' lie these cr ops in Bradford lb excellent. Buckwheat jother late crops look well. One of the most sensible women of the 65 (>ST fkbn. She says that it is just as sensible ' ,nie ' " to get married without courting as to attempt in business without advertisiug. Let our mer Cand business men take notice. Aid DIGESTION.— Some people are pre , cinst the use ot Saleratns and say that it it '^ ]th Rut chemists and Physicians say that " r7 saleratns is not only perfectly healthy bat is a cor- "ot the stomach and au aid to digestion. We arc rAlor to assure our patrons that in procuring D. B. l)e- Uvf7 chemical Saleratus they will bejn the poa- U i>f a perfectly pure article and one that will do you food- CJJJJPMF.NTS OF BARCLAY COAL, tor the tk ending August *"• Previous shipments, __l AB ount for the season JUM " p or same period last year 5,73d • Increase tS- DEATH OK A VOLUNTEER -OSCAR BROWN, L-Olnblson BKOWS, of this Usee died ol typhoid Zr at Wasgington. on Friday last. He was a member f f C s Company, which moved to Washington , *ort time since. His remains arrived at th.a place on .undav and were i ntened on Monday, the different M.U.- ureWn.e sof this place appearing in uniform on the occasion- M-. Baow* was a young man, much re nted by all who knew him. I The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting I or the Lin ta Hose Co., on Monday evening, sth 1 WHEREAS. In the providence of GOD, our friend and former felbw member. OSCAK H. BBOWS, has been re eved from among us by the hand or death, while in vit discharge of his duties as a soldier, Hisulrrd That we recognize in this dispensation the t "ofa true and tried lriend. a faithful and zealous of this Company : that the remembrance of his his firm integrity, his modesty and manliness ' ' -i'lv e-tablbh his "memory and render the sacri- made, a just and suitable memorial ot his RutJrfd. That mingled wi.h the sorrow we feel ...... ifv at his untimely death, with the sympathy ,ald tender to his afflicted relatives and triends, we iaret"o. a pride in that, tliat death has beeu so honor , . satisfaction even in the glorious martyrdom he , ftrtd : that,as he was among the first who have (alien , tiiegreat struggle, from our community, so the rec „r,i,if his honor shall long endure among us. Haoletd. That we wear in token of respect the usu , ol mourning for thirty days ; that these resolu ,be |Miblished in the papers ot the county, and that > ( ,r ur tlreiu be sent to the tamily of the deceased. 'IIENKV WARD, CHARLES MERGER. LESTKK If. M'INTANVK. Committee. a- As the blackberry season is at nnrtd, •• publish the following excellent receipes, furnished hy n .table housewife. There are no wines or cordials Haii to those of domestic manufacture, and in this re- j j >n where berries are abundant and cheap every family , ,(isuid provide an ample supply ot these wholesome aud j delirious drinks : Blackberry H'litr.—' To three quarts of blackberry jnice Gdotic quart ot water and three and a halt pounds ot j cigar, white or brown. Put man open jar, and let it lUndtwitor three days to work; then bottle, aud set iway in a cool plui e for a year before using. lUackhtn y Cot dial— Take any convenient quantity of !blackberries, and stew in a preserving kettle for half ta hour, adding one pound ol sugar to each quart ol juice, mag spice* to the ta te. When cool, add one gill or more frtiuiue Cognac brandy to each quart of juice. Then I utile aud cork light. A GOOD WAY TO MAKE ' HARP TIMES.' I c to pay all little bills although you have the pvr iu your (tucket —push men to pay you who have tithe money although you can get along without it—if sin don't meet his obligations just at the time they r"'ite due, report that he is about to " bust," —cut down t'i" vsges of your hands before it is necessary—keep back I rraiu from market until the prices get up to starving r;j*" —use money in speculations that you should pay to - creditor*—lerget that unnecessary " retrenchments' ■ roa*e hard times instead of bettering them—carry a mface and taik long and mournfully of evils to come -lis these and other acts like them and " hard limes" • surely come, however little real cause there may he ' r them. Dsf INDUCEMENTS TO Vh.UNTEERS. —In the sur of danger the country is offering the very greatest iducemtnls to in its defence, and we are proud to l'"'Wil the fact that the proportion of those who are re- I'.listing is vastly larger than those who are returning to Vsfir home*. This it creditable to the men and armies I" for the success of the cause in which they are en- Bpcri. The inducements which the Government effer for Mfr-iitsare as follows : I Here an entire regiment re-eiili-ts, a lmtinty of $5O H* be paid to every man immediately after the re-organ- Baton ud mustering in.o service of ihe now regiment. H here a full company offers and is received and sworn Bsiwrvice, a bounty of $4O will l>e paid to each man. ■* recruits and individual enlistment. $3O isoffcr man. '" the e great encouragements, add the still greater "'sent of danger to a country and laws which we V *"t and respect, we expect to see a great many regi reorganized and on their return to the scene of B" it a very few days. Slcto SUtoertfsemrnts. I *. Y. 6L E. RAZE ROAD. If ,p ' "! '' me commencing Thursday, July 11, 1861. us will leave Waverly at about the following K, *' VRR * RN ZOCND. KASTWARD BOFSD. HirkU|weM..4.2H P.M. N. York Express.9.27 A.M. jA" 1 Lxprewi —3.16 A.M. Night Express.. 11.17 P.M j"; '-5R PM. Steamboat Expr's 4.30 P.M. A M Cincinnati Expr's 4.2s A.M. br i£' 533 P-M East Freight 9.3.' A.M. 717 A M VV *T Freight 6.00 P.M. _ n i*• ■• • 9 10 A.M. ''*• n 5 Kreight. Fast Freight.Cincinnati Ex ti, T l '' |". a * Freight (going Fast and West.jmn every *t Mail, Express, Sundays, runs only to Klinira. train ve.uj,j ns W e r night at Klmira. C'HA'S. MI NOT, Gen'l Sup't. #IVOLBNTEERS WANTED! Tf > TRANSPttBT OL E EXTENSIVE GOODS! rS*. A THOROUGH EXAMINA k '- bve conip ♦ htate ' n Bradford county. ■ eto the conclunion that every family want J* AT PANIC PRICES it' r ,P uri 'haes accordingly we are now >ir * f >' ksrv "o K Dr T Goods. Groceries, Hard - 25 r BOOTS AND SHOES, I lA]) lES DRESS GOODS,' Viwt CA^"' • I*' * h "h wil, Wl u L .**" for ca!,,, or ready pay as Parti.-. I " tou,sh th e natives, and our old cus lO.lxti, TRACY i MOORE. &etn atrtjcrttscmcnts. JUNE 12, 1861. THIS WEEK LARGE ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE TO THE STOCK OF LADIES DRESS IMS* AT TH KEYSTONE STORE, AMONG WHICH ARE MANY NEW STYLES ! AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, AT A Very Great Reduction FROM FORMER PRICES. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Ladies Sun Umbrellas, At Equally Low Prices ! Towanda. June, 10. lr,l. What Everybody Oimht (o Know! That Geo. P. Cash has a First Class MARBLE YARD! IN FULL OPERATION, AT TOWAXDA! THAT lIE IS PREPARED TO DO X WORK better and cheaper than any other establish ment iu the country. That he can put up sets of Tomb stones at any price from $-> to s.*>oo. That he warrants his work to lie well done anil to give satisfaction. That he can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap as they can be obtained In New York or elsewhere. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO DO! Come to his Ya>d !>efore purchasing elsewhere. Pat. ronize a home enterprise, and not run away to York State ami get interior work done. And finally every body ongbt. to erect a suitable memorial over the re mains of their loved friends. CAUTION.—A man calling himself Thomas, and hail ing from Binghamton, has beeu obtaining orders for work by representing that he is agent for a manufactory in Towanda. Beware of him ! Some agents have a habit of calling on the friends of the deceased for work, before they burr fairly buried I eir dead out of their sight. Frown upon such men. i When you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine i his stock. N. B—Country produce taken in exchange for work. ! Don't forget the place. Eagle Marble Works, opposite j <>en. I'atton's residence, Towajida, Pa. GEO. P. CASH, i AGENTS—G. W. Brink. Leßaysville; B. Overtieb], Meshoppcn; J. H. Webb, SinitlilielJ Summit; B.S. liart, 1 Troy. Tow mda, June 12, 1861. TIUVCIE I FORWARD ! MARCH ! TO TIIC NEWS HOOM! Where YOII cau net the Latest News! ,\NI) IF YOU WANT TO KEEP A well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the price wc ask for them. And while you arc there vou may as well get a MAP showing all the important points in the country. Or. you may want to write to your triends. and you can get the very latest style of PATRI OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Of Come and see what we have got. arid satisfy your selves. Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. Towanda. June 12. IhgL Wars and Rumors of Wars ! War has been Declared in Towanda, ! Against High-Priccd Pictures. VOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES I at the Car of D. W. HUGHES, opposite the Ward House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good cases. AU kinds of high-priced Cases will be sold as low. in propor tion. Call and see for yourselves. No Pictures will be allowed to go out, unless the customers are perfectly sat isfied with the same. Particular attention paid to Copy ing Pictures. Pictures inserted in I/ockets for 25 cents. Car opened every day, excepting Sunday. Towanda. May 22. Ih;l—tf. D. W. HUGHES.^ NEW FURNITURE ! AND m eaaißSi R HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE L and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mohogany Chairs, Mahogany aud Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Cane-seat, Wood, and Hush-bottom. Hair, Caue-seat and Cane-back Rockers, l,ooking Glasses, Cord and Tassels, Picture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. grg- Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda, June 26, 1861- CHESTER WF.I.ES. SPUING I SUMMER GOODS, In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, Wttl Side of the Publir square, at the store of | A. WICKHAM & SON. Cash Paid for Wool, IAA fIAA LBS. WOOL wanted by lAAAUV nJ W. A. ROCKWELL. Jnne T>, 1861. pURE CIDER VIREGAft, at ittlsccllaucous. ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKS, WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE, EMERY BROS., Proprietors, PATKNTKBS AND XANITACTCRKRB OL Emery's Patent Changeable Rail road Horse Powers, A I.SO, LEVER POWERS, for Four, Six and Eight Horses, of new and superior construction, to gether with a great variety of labor-saving AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. TO THE FARMING PUBLlC.—Notice is hereby given that RAYMOND M. WELLES, ot i Athens. Pa., (who was until recently the senior member of the firm of Welles, Blood A Co,, of Athens.) is the on ly authorized Agent for the sale of EMERY'S HORSE POWKRS.THRESHING MACHINES,and other WARES manufactured at the ALBANY AGRICULT URAL WORKS | For the county of Bradford, with the privilege ot selling j for the counties of Tioga. Susquehanna, and Wyoming, in Pennsylvania, aud the adjoining counties in New York State. ALL licenses and contracts heretofore existing with other parties for their manufacture and sale in this terri tory having expired, the public are notified that they will lie held responsible directey to the Patentees for dam ages for using any other horse powers, threshers, Ac., made and sold to "them hy othe* parties and in imitation or and infringing upon the letters patent held by EMERY BROTHERS. 0W For description of prices, terms, Ac., see the Il lustrated Catalogue of the Albany Agricultural Works, furnished gratis on application to EMERY BROTHERS, Albany, N. Y..or R. M. WELLES, Athens, June 2fi, 1861. Athens, Pa. WAR! WARM JUST RECEIVED AT MONTANYES' STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOO R S Purchased in New-York City during a Croat War Panic, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Which will be offered at •WHOLESALE & RETAIL, (LP* At prices that cannot fail to please. April 22, '6l. MONTANYES. LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. William. A. Rockwell would invite attention to his new stock of Good*, which have been selected with great care to suit the wants ol his customers. Having found it desirable to adopt the Ready-Pay System, he offers his Goods at correspondingly LOW PRICES. Persons examining his present FASHIONABLE & DESIRABLE STOCK, which was purchased at PANIC PRICES, can not fail of being satisfied both with articles offered aud prices asked. His stock consists of Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Boots & Shoes, Hots <£• Caps, WALL AND CURTAIN PAPERS, HARDWARE, GLASS & SASH, Paints, Oils, and Nails, BIRD CAGES d' SEEDS, CROCKERY, GLASS & WOODEN-WARE. PLASTER, constantly on hand and for sale at No. 1, Patton's Block. April 18, 1861. _ Come Along ! Everybody ! TO THE SEW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE JUST OPENED! BY 11. H. STEVENS. At thr building formerly orcupied. by J. H. AVriiw, on Main street, opposite the Court House. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS I brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Ac., all very cheap, besides a splendid assortment of Spices, Nnts, Candies, Fruit*, and Confectioneries, and a good assortment in the Provision line. Tobacco and Segars of every quality and price. He will also pay the Highest Price for Butter Eggs, And such other articles of country trade as the farmers may have to dispose of. He would say to all if von want any thing in his line of trade, give him a call, and you ran be accommo dated. H.H.STEVENS. Towanda, Jnne 19,1961.—tf PODFISH, MACKEREL. SALMON, \J Shad, Whitefish, and Trout, for sale cheap at Towanda, June 26,1861. FOX R. SOAP I SOAP !—The best assortment of Toilet, Chemical and Common Bar Soap, at Tow&pda, June lSt>l. FOX S. Urgal. PROCLAMATION.— Whereas the HOB U. MEKCUR, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Rradford and Susquehanna, and Hnnorahles JOHN PXSSMORE, and JOHN F. LONO, Associate Judges, in and FOR said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 18th day of July, A. D. 1861, to me directed, tor holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphau's Court at To wanda, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the 2d day ot September next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therelore hereby given. to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ot Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bouud by recognizance or oth erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or ruay be iu the jail of said County, or who shall he bouud to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 29th of July, iu the year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty-one, and of the Independence of the United States, the eighty fifth. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff. OHERIFPS SALE. —Ky virtue of sundry O writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, w 11 be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, thj 29th day of August. A. I). 1861, at the court house, in Towaada, at one 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Windham township, Bradford county, bounded as lo'lows, to wit: On the north by lands of Simon and Darius Brainard ai d James Newman, east bv Morris Lawrence, south by Norman Coles, and west "by William Wheel house. Containing fitly acres, be the same more or less, about 46 acres improved, one framed house, framed barn, and a young orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of F. A. Jack way vs. John Shoemaker. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or narcel of land situate in Wysox township, bounded on the north by lands of Butrand Whitney, on the east by lands of Jasper Brown, on the south by lands of Gondine.ou the west by the public highway. Containing nine acres, more or less, about six acres improved,one framed house, one framed barn, and au orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Edward Rnynaford, to the use of E. T. Fox vs. R. 11. Brown. ALSO—I be following desreibed lot, piece or parcel of | land, situate in Canton township, bounded as follows : ! (living n portion af a tract of ljud iu the warrantee name I of William Pueston.) On the west by the Tioga Couuty line, on the north by the Joseph Whitehead tract,on the ' east by the Francis .Mifflin tract, and on the south by the John Vaughn tract. Except 10(1 acres, sold and con | conveyed by Benjamin Coolbaugh to Samuel Moore, from 1 the N. W. corner of said tract, and 120 acres sold and cuu i veyed by said Coolbaugh to Simeon Mcintosh from the south-east corner of the same. Leaving 213 acres of land, more or less, being the same lot conveyed by Henry : Gat is to Wm. A. Park. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Wm. A. I Park to the use of Joseph Towner vs. Hiram M. Guff. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land, sit ■ uate in Albany township, bounded as follows: On the I north by lands lielonging to the heirs of H. S. Wilcox, on | the east by the south branch of Towanda Creek, on the south by lands of E. R. Jones and John Sterigere, on the ' west by 'lands ol Aug ;tiis Sterigere. Containing 94 acres, be ttie same more or less, about 70 acres improved, one framed bouse, one framed barn, one horse barn, aud an orchard of fruit trees thereou. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Peter Sterigere to the use ot Welles A Aekley vs. Freeman Wilcox A F. X. Wilcox.Jemima Hopki'is,*H- W.Wilcox, Samuel llrown, H. S. Wilcox, K. Wilcox, Alice Wilcox, Weston Wilcox, and Clarinda Wilcox, terre tenants. ALSO—The following lot. pieoe r parrel ot land situ ate iu the township ol Derrick, bounded as follows : On the north by land- of Jno. Ilur*t. Wm. A James Neshiitt. on the east by lands of John McCanna, south by lauds of E. W. B.iird and Stewart Harris, and on the west by land* of J. M. Reed and Henry Gibus. Containing 165 acre*, be the same more or less, about three acres improved. Seized and aken into execution at the suit of Thomas Fitzgerald vs. Owen Dougherty. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Alliens township, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner in the centre of the highway leading Irom Athens to K. Woleott, ill front of the Ab bott Smith spring, thence north to the south line of the Cooper tract, thence ea*t to the east corner of the mid Cooper tract, thence south along F. Murray's west line to the north corner of William Phelps' lot, thence along said Phelps' lot to the east line ot E. Woleott'a upper mill lot, thence north along the line to the highway aforesaid, thence east along the centre of the highway to the place of beginning—containing fifty acres ol land, more or less known as K. Woleott's lower mill lot—reserving first a lot sold and deeded to the wife ol Stephen Wilson, about two acres, more or le*s—secondly buildings built by Hor ace How, having l>een sold at Sheriff's sale to X. C. Har ris, about 30 acres improved, 2 framed houses, saw mill, shingle machine, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, being and laying in said town ship of Athens, bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake on the south liue of warrant No. 1514, being the south west corner of a lot conveyed to Peter Crumb, thence along lands of .John Hopper, north 81 rods the highway, thence north 7.i° west along lands of E. Woleott 119 rods 8-10 to a stake thence south 112 rods and 1-10 along lands of J. E. Cantield to a stake faced in the south line of warrant No. 1514. thence along said warrant liae 104 and 6-10 to the place of beginning, being part of warrant 1514. iu the warrant name of Charles Carroll. Contain ing 68 acres, known as the Jacob Curkendall farm, reserv ing Irom the last deserilied premises It) acres, heretofore sold to the wife of Wm. Rolfe, on the south west corner of said lot, about 25 acres improved, 1 framed house, one log house, 1 framed barn, and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Charles Comstock vs. Hellen M. B. Woleott, bail for Erastus Wol eott now Helen M. B. Lummirs and Edward F. Lummirs her husband. A..SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ridgbury township, Included as follows : Begin ning at a post and stones, standing in the patent line of Elijah Bucks, from thence east along said patent line 84 perches to a beech tree, from thence sou'h 9° east 67 per ches to a hemlock tree, from thence west (Hi perches to a post and stones, from thence north 10° east 50 perches, from thence west 80 perches, from thence sooth 10° east 20 porches to the place of beginng. Containgsl acres of land, more or less, 40 acres improved, framed house, and framed barn, log house, aaw mill and orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C. E. Pierce A W. S. Pierce, Executors of the la.-t will and tes tament of A tra m Pierce dec"d vs. Charles Potter. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Albany twp., bounded as follows : On the North by lands of Amasa Heverly. on the east by the Fowler Branch of the Towanda creek, on the south In lands of N. Smith, and Daniel Kellogg and on the west by lands belonging to the Coal Company. Containing 140 acres, be the same more or less, about 60 acres im proved, framed house, two framed barns, and au orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Bradford County vs. G. M. Cranmer A P. H. Wilcox. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Smithlield twp., Ixuiudedas follows : On the North by lands of Perry Nichols, east by lands of Philander Hall. South by lands of Alexander Campbell, and Coil Marseilles, and west by Jacob Fletcher. Con taining filty acres, be the same more or le>s, about six acres thereof improved, and three small log hovels there ou. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Hiram Beales vs. Philander Hall Thomas J. Beales A Wm. Brague against plff. for rosts. ALSO—The tell nving described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in North Towanda two., bounded as follows: Beginning at a pitch pine, being the north-east corner of a lot of land formerly owned by Byron Kingsbury, thence along the line of said Kingsbury noith 31° west 163 per ches to a post, thence south 604° west 98 perches to a corner in a small creek, thence south 31° east 164 7-10 perches, thence north 59J° east 98 perches to the begin ning. Containing 100 acres and 32 perches, more or less, as surveyed by Orson Rickey, Feb. 10, A. D. 1847, and being lot No. 31 in the old twp. of Claverack, which was certified to Sin pard and Donance, by the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, excepting therefrom 25 acres deeded to James llowley, also 10 acres deeded to Sam'l. Hawkins, about 50 acres improved. Seized and taken iuto execution at the suit of N. X. Rett's use vs. David Rutty and James Elliott, Executors of Ezra Rutty dee'd. ALSO—-The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Armenia township, bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Nathan Sherman, on the east by lands of J. B. Burnham.on the south by lands of Burr Wood, on the west by the public highway. Containing 50 acres more or less, about 25 acres improved, small framed house log barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized anil taken into execution at the suit of I. M. Smith vs. Thomas J. Hulslander. A LSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Derrick twp., bounded as follows : North by lands of Henrv Wandall, ®ast by lands of John Foile, south by land of Charles McCarma, and on the west by land of Isaac Whipple. Containing about 25 acres, more or less —about 20 acres improved, one log bouse, framed barn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of U. Mer cur vs. Timothy Coggins. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded as follows : On the north by the public highway, on the east hy lands of 1.8. Reynolds, on the south by lands of John Lilley, and on the west by the public highway. Containing one-half of an acre, be the same more or less, all improved, I small framed house thereon. Seized and taken into execntign at the snit of A. J). Spalding to the use of Geo. Webster vs. F. G. Pierce. ALSO—The toilowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate n Canton CWp., bounded as follows : On the North by land of William Bates, on the east by lands be longing to the estate of Charles Rogers, dec d., on the south by lands of James A. Rogers, on the west by lands of Mix. Containing twenty acres, be the same more or less, about 7 acres improved, one log house, one framed ham, and Bruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of David Palmer, to the use of Helen M Nichols vs. Nathaniel Pease and H. Pease. ALSO—The following described lot,pieeeor parcel of APFLAI. land situate in the township of Albauy, bounded as fol lows : On the north by lands of Heury Hibburd. on the east by lands of Jeremiah Decker, on the south by Isuds of Alfred Eddy, and on the west by Ebenezer Rogers.— Containing 49 acres, be the sauie more or less, about 25 acres improved, with a framed barn, oue log shed, one small framed barn, and an orchard of young fruit trees tbeieon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Henry A. Of-son vs. Robert I*. Eddy. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Troy twp., bounded a* follows : On the north by lands of Timothy Roe, ou the eat by lands or Eldrick and John O. Ward, on the smith hy land of Wm. Avery, and west by lands of Comfort Peters. Containing •77 acres, be the same more or less, about 70 acres im proved, framed house, framed barn and orchard thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit ot Eli Baird vs. John Sadler. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu Troy twp., bounded as lollows • On the uorth by the public highway, ou the east by the public highway and laud ol Bulus Rack well, ou the South by Rjfu* Rock well, and on the west by lands of R. C. Rockwell A Isaac Todd. Containing about 34 acres, more or less, ull im proved, 1 framed house, oue framed barn, shed aud out buildings and fruit trees thereou. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of Alran Stevens's use vs. H.N. Fish. AlJsO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Canton township, bounded on the North bv the public highway, 011 the east aud south by laud of Mrs. Sarah Mix, on the west by land of A. J. Merrill— containing one fourt of an acre, tie the same, more or ieas, all improed. one framed building occupied as a store, and a lew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded on the north by lands ot Irad Wilson and F. G. Mauley, on the east by the public highway, 011 the south by the meeting house lot, and land belonging to the estate of B. Palmer.dee'd. and on the west by lands of Irad Wilson. Containing one and half acres" be the same more or less, all improv ed. framed house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following described 'ot, piece or parcel of land situate in Cautou twp., bounded aa follows. Beginn ing at flie corner of Uuioti street, and Ceutre'., as laid down on a map or plot of Canton village dated Oct. 1. 1854, and running thence easterly along the south side of Union street, 209 4 10 leet to Wright's Alley, as laid down on said map, thence southerly along the west side of said alley, Hbout 115 feet to the north-east corner of lot No. 19 on said map, (sold to CantielJ) thence wester ly along the uorth line of said Cantield lot to a point on the east side of Centre street, aforesaid, 124 Irom the ! place of begiuning, and thence northerly along the east j of s lid street to the place of beginning, 124 feet, it being > lots X 05.21, '22 A 23, as per said map. and containing about 25080 feet, square measure, of ground, tie the same tuore or less. All iuiproveu, one brick dwelliug house, One framed barn, and fruit trees theroon. Seized and taken by threw: executions at the suit of Stevenson A Bowen vs. 11. Lockwood A S. Benedict. ALSO—The following deserilied lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens and Smithlield townships, bound ed on the north hy land of Wm. Phelps, east by land of Samuel Califf, south by lands now in possession of Lewis Wall is, west by lauds of Samuel Mornton. Containing about 80 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved, 1 framed house thereon. AUsO-A lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Smith field sownship, bounded on the north by other laud* for merly in possession of Jno. Sherman, east by lands of L. S. Gates, south by lands of A. C. Scott, and west by land of Nathan Quick. Containing 44 acres, more or less —about 12 improved, log house, log ham, and a few fruit trees thereon. Secized and taken in execution at the suit of M. Bul lock A Co. vs. John Sherman. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township, bounded on the north by lands of Orson Carner, on the east by the highway, on the south by lands of Thomas Perry, anil Josepn Parks, 011 the west by land of B. B. Keeler. Containing '29 acres, more or less, about 18 improved, with one long house, framed liarn, and a few fruis trees thereon, j Seized aud tAen in execution at the suit of Wm. Car j iter (sow to the use of N. C. Harris vs. Heury Mallory. AI-SO —The following lot, pisce or parcel of land, situ ate in Armenia township, bounded on tbe north by land* ol J. I*. Burnham and Jno. Yeomans, east by Hiram Case, south by E. Kuights, west by E. Knights, John Richmond Coral Webber. Containing eighty acres, be the same more or less, about 46 improved, a trained house, framed barn aud fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Armenia township, bounded as follows : North by land of Alfred Ripley, east by land of John Benson, south by land of Peter Cole, and west bv land of Alanson Smith —containing 116 acres, mere or less, about 30 acres im proved. Seized anil taken iuto execution at the snit of F.. Pom eroy to the nse ot Alvau Stephens vs. Henry Covert and George Fields. ALSO—The following deserilied lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Siuithfield township, bounded and de scribed as follows : Ou the north hy lands of James H. Webb, east by land of Waterman Brown, and South by land of Orriu E. Harris. Containing about 50 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, oue log house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and Lken into execution at the suit of John WarJ vs. Nathan E. Wood. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Borne twp.. bounded north by lands of Elmer Elliott, east by lands of Joseph Alien, south In lands ot William Blyner, and west hy lauds of Patrick Murphy. Containing forty-three acres, be the same, more or less, about thirty acres thereof improved, a plank house, a log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of David Bar ber vs. Eli Rolls and terre tenants. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp., bounded north by lands ot D. Mills, east by lands id Mrs. Barber, and John Bow mzn, south by lands of William Bowman, west by the highway; with one small framed house, and slab cow shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Bar ber vs. Matthias Lent. ALSO—The toilowing described lot, piecp or parrel of land situate in Wells tivp., bounded as follows : Begin ning at the south west corner of lot No. 214 of the allot ment of the Bingham lands in Wells township, eouvey yedto John A. Ayrcs, thence along tbe south line of said lot, south 894° east 144*1-16 per., thence along line of lot No. 130, conveyed to Michael Rozelle, south MJ4 0 cast 56 3-10 per. and north 1° ea>t 39 9-10 per,, thence along the south line of lot No. 227 conveyed to Lucy Lu cas, south 894° east 49 per., thence, along tlio west line ot lot No. 131, south 4 0 west 156 910 per., thence along line of lot No. 124 north 89° west 46 5-10 per., south 1° west 59 6-20 per., west 53 3-10 per., and south west 11 9 10 per., thence along the north line of lot No. 125, conveyed to John I>. Barnes, north 894° west 150 4-10 per., thence along the east line ot lots No. 127, 129, 225, north 1° east 198 5-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 278 acres, with the usual allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. It being lots No. 212 of the al lotment of the Bingham lauds in Wells twp., part of Warrant No. 1393, about 201) acres improved, framed house, 2 framed barns anil cow-sheds attached, wagon house, three orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. L. Skin ner vs. Jesse Shepherd. ALSO—The following deserilied lot pie-e or parcel of land situate in Orwell township, bounded cn the north by lands of Elijah Walker, on tbe east by lands of Abraham French and Cook, on the south by lands of William Knapp. and west by lands set off to Dolly Green. Con taining 22 acres, more or less, with aboiit eleven acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Henrv J. Madill vs. Mary Cook. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ot land sitr ate in Ulster tp., and bounded 011 the north and east by lands of James McCarty, south by land of J. Smith, and west by the public highway. Containing half an acre, more or less, all improved, a framed tavern house, fram ed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. . Seiz'd and taken into exreution at the suit of Charles Wright's use vs. P. I*. Sweet. Al.-o, Alexander Elsbree to the use of James McCartv vs. P. P.Sweet. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the following uescrilied lot, piece or parcel ot land situate in Smithfielil tp.. bounded as follows - Beginning at a post for the south-east corner of Warrant No. 1492, thence north on the east line of Warrant No. 1492 154 rods to a post, thence west 106 rods to a post, thence south 1.54 rods to a post, thence east to the place of beginning in the south-east corner of Warrant No. 1492 and lot No. 35 of sub division made hy Zehon Flower on the tract for merly known as Caton lands. Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of Wm. S. Pierce and Christo. E. Pierce, administrators of Abiram Pierce, dee'd. vs. Richard M. Kiliey. ALSO—The following described bit.piece or parcel ot land situate in Springfield tp., bounded north hy the pub lic highway, east bv land in possession of E. S. Rice, and south snd west by land of D. C. Dickinson. Containing 14 acres, more or less, all improved, framed house, fram ed barn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. S. Tracy vs. E. S.Dickinson and Caroline Dickinson. Sheriff's Office, 1 A. H. SPALDING, Towanda, July 30, 1861.( Sheriff. NOTICE TO 'PURCHASERS —To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, ud it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept in cases, purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846. which is as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Conrt or Sheriffs sale, shall appear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of tbe proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such Rale, to receive tbe receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall not be so construed as to prevcutthe right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds •f said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers•fihall receive the. beneflt of this ,'e' tien, he or