Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 18, 1861, Image 2

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Recent Skirmish near Fortress Monroe.
The Battle near Carthage!
From Gen. Patterson's Column.
Eight Vessels Captured by the
Privateer Sumter.
WASHINGTON, Monday, July 15.
The following dispatch has just been receiv
ed by the War department :
HLTroNviLi.K, Sunday, July 14.
Col. is D. Toic a sand, Adjutant Genet al:
Garnett aud his forces have been routed—
his baggage and one gan taken—his army de
moralized and Garnett killed. We have an
nihilated the enemy in Western Virginia, and
have lost thirteen killed aud not more than
forty wounded.
We have, in all killed, at least two hundred
of the enemy, and the prisoners will amonnt to
at least oue thousand. We have taken seven
guns in all.
I will look for the capture of the remnant
of GAHNETT'S army by Gen. HILL.
The troops defeated arc the crack regiments
of Eastern Virginia, aided by Georgians,
Teuncsseeans and Carolinians.
Our success is complete, and secession is kill
ed in- this country. (Signed,)
G. B. MCCI.ELI.AN, Major General.
CINCINNATI, Monday, July 15.
A train arrived at Grafton at 10 o'clock this
morning, bringing the body Gen. Garnett,
late commander of the rebel forces at Laurel
Ilill. He was killed while attempting to rally
his reSrening fo rees at Carraeksford,. near St.
George. The rebels were completely routed
by the aolumn of Gen. Morris. All their
camp eqwppage} was captured. Fifty men
were killed, and many prisoners taken. The
loss on our side ia-fonr of the Fourteenth Ohio
Regiment killed, and a few wounded. The
rebels scattered in every direction.
No rebel forces are BOW within Gen. McCle
lan's district.
WASHINGTON, Sunday, July 14.
The following was received, July 13, from
Beverly, Va.:
" I have received from Col. Pegram propo
sitions for his snrreiider, with his officers and
the remnant of his command, say 600 men.
They are said to be extremely penitent, and
determined uever again to tako tip arms
against the General Government. 1 shall
have near 900 or 1,000 prisoners to take care
of when Cbl. Pegram comes in.
The latest acconnts make the los 3 of the
rebels in killed some T50."
Gen. McClellan's dispatches have diffused
general joy here, and none share it in a great
er degree than Lieut.Gen. Scott himself. The
Intelligence served to make the military here
about impatient for an opportunity to achieve
results similar to those narrated.
CINCINNATI r Sunday, July 14.
A special dispateh to the Commercial, from
Beverly, says that Gen. McClelland's ad
vanced division is moving rapidly to Cheat
Mountain Fass. The rebels burned the
bridges at Hnttonsville, and will burn the
Cheat Mountain Bridge, but it cannot delay
us an hour.
At Rich Mountain, 13-1 dead rebels have
been found. Our wounded are doing well.
Ten commissioned rebet officers were killed
and captured, including Capt. Skepwitb, of
Powhatan; Capt D. E. Langell, late of the
United States Army; and Capt. Irwin, of
Brunswick, are dangerously wounded. Dr.
Tyler, late of the Uuited States Army, and
I>r. Walk, laic of the United States Army,
are prisoners.
Some Georgians and South Carolinians arc
among the dead, but the rebels dead are
chiefly Eastern Virginians.
This morning, Col. Pegram, commander at
Rich Mountain, sent a letter to Gen. McClel
lan, ofTering to surrender himself aud com
mand of COO men. The surrender was ac
cepted, and the prisoners will march in to
day. Tho prisoners are much' reduced by
CHICAGO, July 12.
Three companies sent to the relief of Col.
Smith, at Monroe, Missouri, returned last
night to Hannibal, and report the road unob
structed between Hannibal and Monroe.—
On arriving at the latter plnce, they
formed a junction with Col. Smith's force,
which was entrenched in the Academy build
ings. The rebels, 1,200 strong, weregronped
over the prairie, out of reach of Col. Smith's
rifles. They had two pieces of artillery, which
were brought to bear, but the distance
wa's so great that the balls were almost spent
before reaching our lines. Col. Smith's artil
lery was of longer range, and did considera
ble execution.
The fight lasted until dnsk, and the last
shot front our side dismounted one of the ene
my's guns. Just at that moment Governor
Wood, of Illinois, fell on their rear with the
cavalry sent from Quincy on Wednesday, and
completely rooted them, taking seventy-five
prisoners, one gnn, and a number of horses.
About twenty or thirty rebels were killed.
Not one man on onr side was killed, although
several were severely wounded.
Col. Smith is determined to shoot some of
the most prominent rebels.
Gen. Tom Harris, the rebel leader, escaped.
ST. Loins, Thursday, July 11, ISGI.
Lieutenant Tonkin, Colonel Siegel's Adju
tant, and bearer of dispatches to Colonel
Harding, gives the following additional par
ticulars of the battle near Carthago :
The State troops were posted on a ridge in
a prairie with five pieces of artillery ,one twelve
pounder in the centre, two six-pounders on the
right and left, cavalry on each flank, aod in
fantry in the rear.
The artillery of Colonel Siegel approached
whitbin eight hundred yards, with four ean>-
non in the centre, a body of infantry and a six
pounder nnder Lieutenant Colonel Hassendbre
on the left, Colonel Solomon's command with
a six ponnder on the right, and a body of iu
fantrv behind the centre artillery.
Colonel Siegel's left opened fire with shrap
nells, and soon the engagement became gen
eral. The Rebels had on grape, and their
artillerists being poor, tbeir balls flew over the
heads of the National forces. After two hours'
firing, the enemy's artillery was entirely silenc
ed, and their rauk6 broken.
About 1.500 Rebel cavalry then attempted
to ont-flhnk Siegel, and cat off his baggage
train, which was three miles back, when a re
trograde movement was ordered. The train
was reached in good order, surrounded by in
fantry and artillery, and the retreat of the
National troops continued until a point was
reached where the road passed through a high
bluff on each side, where the enemy's cavalry
were posted in large nnmbcrs. By a feint, as
if intending to pass around the bluff, Siegel
drew the cavalry in a solid body into the road
at a distance of 150 yards from his position
when, by a rapid movement of his artillery, he
poured a heavy cross-fire of canister into their
ranks ; at the same time the infantry charged
at a " double quck," and in ten miDotes the
the State troops scattered in every direction.
Eighty-five riderless horses were captured and
sixty-five shot-guns, and a number of revolvers
and bowie-knives were picked up from the
Col. Siegel did not surround Carthage, as
reported yesterday, but attempted to reach a
piece of woods north of the town, and, after
two hours' desperate fighting in which all the
forces on both sides were engaged, and iu
which Lient. Toskin thinks the enemy lost
nearly 200 killed, he succeeded in doing so,and
the rebels retired to Carthage. Siegel fell back
on Sareoxie, whence he proceeded next day to
Mount Vernon.
Lieut. Toskin left on the evening of the 7th
inst., and rode to llol!a,153 miles, in 29 hours
He met Gen. Sweeney's command 5 miles from
Mount Vernon, and Col. Brown's command 16
miles from Mount Vernon, pressing forward
to reenforce Siegel.
Lieut.-Col. Wulff was not killed as report
Accounts received to night state that Gen.
Rains of the State forces was killed at the bat
tle of Carthage. The command of Col. Siegel
has been reenforced, and is now prepared to
renew the attack.
MARTINSBCRO, Tuesday, July 9,1861.
Captain Girard, of Company F. 7th Penn
sylvania Regiment, captured Sunday throe
troopers, four horses,two revolvers, one holster
pistol, one Hail's carbine, and four swords.—
Captain Girard is an old Algerine soldier,hav
ing served seven years in the Chasseurs
During a reconnoisancc made in force by the
14th Pennsylvania and Ist City trooj>,a nephew
of Capt. Butler, of the Confederate army, was
taken. Seventeen prisoners have been taken
who are well known Secessionists. The enemy's
troopers are under the care of Major Spear,
Provost Marshal. This number embraces all
the prisoners not sent from here to Fort Dela
The Ist and 3d Pennsylvania remain here
at present as a guard over this station There
are 160 horses in the Quartermaster's Depart
ment already unfit for service from various
canses. Orders have been issued that the
Brigade Quartmasters must forage for them
selves, giving a receipt in the name of the Gov
ernment upon the Quartermaster's Department.
The order given yesterday to move this
morning was countermanded last uight at 12
ST. Lor IS, Sunday, July 14.
Capt. SMITH, from Springfield, Thursday,
reached here to-night, reports that a messenger
arrived there that morning with intelligence
that Gen. LYONS' command would reach there
that day. The entire National force, compris
ing the commands under Gen. SWEENEY, Cols.
SIEGEL, SOLOMON, BROWN, and four wounded
Home Guards, under JOHN S.PHEI.PS, are con
centrated at Springfield.
The last heard from the State forces they
were in Neosho, going South, communication
with Arkansas being opeu in consequence ol
Col. Si EG EL falling back on Mount Vernon.
A large number of Arkansas troops were
engaged against Col. SIKGEI., in the battle near
Carthage. The National loss in that battie
wns 10 killed, 43 vvouuded, and 4 missing.—
The rebels state their loss at 700 killed.
The guard of 120 men left at Neosho by
Col. Si EG EL, previous to tho battle, were taken
prisoners by a large force of Arkansas troops,
aud a proposition was made to shoot them, but
were finally released on taking an oath not to
bear arms against the Southern Confederacy.
The steamship Columbia, from Havana on
the 10th instant at 5 1-2 o'clock P. M , reach
ed this port yesterday, having made the pas
sage in three days and fourteen hours.
There is nothing new of local interest in
Havana. The health of the city is'in the usual
Summer condition—fever not malignant when
treated in time.
The privateer Sumter, which recently run
the blockade at New Orleans, put into the
harbor of Cienfuegos on the morning of the
Gth inst., bringing in as prizes the brigs Cuba
Machias, Naiad, Albert Adams', Ben Dunn
in<r, and the barks W 'est Wind and Louisa
Ki/ham. The same steamer fell in with the
ship Golden Rocket at sea, and set fire to her
having previously taken off her crew. SIMMS,
the commander of the Sumter, sent an officer
on shore with a letter to the Governor of the
town, who telegraphed to the Captain-Gener
al for instructions. The American Consul at
once also telegraphed to the Consul General
at Havana. The steamer left again the next
day, having received a snpply of coal and wat
The account given by the Parser of the
> Columbia, is as follows :
The privateer Sumter has made captnre of
eight American vessels on the south side of
Cuba, in the last ten days, all of which have
been sent into Cienluegos as prizes,except one
which was burned at sea. The barks West
Wind and Louisa Kilkam, from Cienfuegos for
Falmouth aud orders ; brigs Ben Dunning,
Albert Adams, and Naiad, from Cienfuegos,for
New-York, were taken, ns Consul General
SHCFEI.DT says, a short distance from Cienfue
gos ; brigs Cuba, Marhias, from Trinidad, for
New-York, taken out a short distance from
the coast of Cuba, and sent into Cienfnegos ;
and the ship Galden Roeket, from Havana for
Cieufuegos, was taken and burned near the
Isle of Fines. The officers and crew were
landed by the privateer at Cienfnegos.
It is reported that the Privateer which has
done all this mischief was the former steamship
llabana, but many seem to think it was the
former Marquis de la llabana.
CINCINNATI, Thursday. July 11.
A special dispatch to the Gazette, from
Bealington, near Laurel Hill, says that brisk
skirmishing was kept np with the enemy all
yesterday afternoon.
About 2 o'clock P. M. from the high hill
in the neighborhood two large bodies were
seen marching out of the enemy's camp. In
stant preparations was made to resist the at
By 4P. M. skirmishing in front by the
Fourteenth Ohio and the Ninth Indiana Regi
ment became very warm.
The enemy advanced nnder the cover of
the woods, when our skirmishers rnshed for
ward, pouring in a sharp volley, killing sever
al of the enemy.
The enemy's cavalry then advanced to take
our skirmishers in the flank. Our boys rap
idly retreated, and the artillery dropped a
couple of shells which exploded among their
cavalry. They instantly fell back and our
boys rnshed forward and ponred in another
The enemy now scattered in the woods.—
Their officers were; seen attemping to rally
them, but they could not be brought up in a
body again. Meantime our skirmishers pick
ed oil' the officers.
Several more shells were thrown in by our
men, when they made a fiual rush, driving the
enemy clear through their own rifle pits, and
bringiug back several of their blaukets, can
teens and guns.
The regiment engaged was a Georgian reg
iment, and is their crack regiment.
At dusk our skirmishers retired from the
woods iu capital order.
Astonishing pluck was displayed by our
skirmishers, and the only trouble was in keep
iug the men back Irora rushing into the ene
my's midst.
The whole skirmish was a most spirited af
fair, and our Ohio and Indiana boys gave the
Georgia men new ideas- ot Yankee pluck and
A prisoner who was taken says that the
Georgians refused to comedown to the woods
opposite our advance position again, and that
all were very much astonished and terrilied by
onr assault. He also says that their supplies
and provision sure all cut off, and that they
must soon come to extremes.
[From tlie New York Post.]
The War Bills Before Congress.
The war bills reported to Congress by Sen
ator Wilson, from the Committee'on Military
Affairs, arc six in number.
TLe iir6t bill legalizes the action of the
President in calling out the military and naval
forces of the United States for the protection
of the government, and empowers the Execu
tive, iu case of future exigencies of similar
character, to enforce obedience to the laws.
The second authorizes the employment of
volunteers to aid in enforcing the laws and pro
tecting public property. Cavalry, artillery or
infantry may be accepted in such numbers as
the President may deem necessary, and the
sum of three hundred millions of dollars is ap
propriated to meet the expenses of this force.
This bill also provides for the organization of
the volunteer forces into divisions of three or
more brigades eacb, each division to have a
Major-General ; not more than six Major-
Geuerals and eighteen Brigadier-Generals to
be appointed ; oue chaplain to be allowed to
each regiment.
The third provides for an increase of the
regular military establishment ; nine regimeuts
of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, and one
regiment of artillery, to be added to tho pre
sent regular army ; each regiment of infantry
to consist of not less than two nor more than
three battallions ; the terms of enlistment in
the years 1861 and 1862 to be for the period
of three years, and after Jauuary 1, 1863, for
the period of live years.
The fourth reorganizes to regular army ;
providing for the appointment of an Asssis
taut Secretary of War, at a salary of three
thousand dollars a year ; for an increase force
in the Adjutant-General's department ; for the
appointment of a Chief of Ordnance, and for
an iucreuse in tho Board of Engineers aud in
Medical Department.
The fifth provides for the detail of organiza
tion of a volunteer militia force, " to be called
the National Guard of the United States."—
This force is to consist of 240,000 men, rank
and file, exclusive o! iho commissioned officers,
and is to be farmed into two hundred regi
ments of twelve hundred men each. The Pre
sident is empowered to order the whole or any
part of tho National Guard into the service of
the United States during war, or on an inva
sion or apprehended invasion by any foreign
enemy, or an insurrection, rebellion, violation
of and combination against the Constitution
and laws of the United States. The following
oath is to be administered to each officer aud
private :
" I , a of the National Guard
do solemnly swear that I will support and de
fend the Constitution ami laws of the United
States, and will bear true faith, and loyalty
to the government of the United States, and
will support andjdefcud it against all its enemies
and opposers, whatsoever, and will obey the
orders of the President of the United States,
and such officers as may bo placed over me ac
cording to law, and the regulations of the mil
itary service, so help me God."
One chaplain is allowed to each regiment,
with the pay and allowances of a captaiu of
cavalry. The President is empowered to fill
vacancies in the appointment of cadets.
The sixth|is a bill " to promote the efficien
cy of the army." It provides for the retiracy
of commissioned officers of the army after a
service of forty consecntive years ; for promo
tions and disabilities ; for the formation of
camps of instruction for the National Guard ;
for the uniforming of the Guard ; for the dis
charge of volunteers after a service of six
years ; and for the enlistment of eighty thou
sand men at intervals of one, two and three
years, so that the entire number of 240,000
shall be enrolled within three years from the
approval of this act.
The radical changes proposed iu these bills
will place the military force of the United
States upon an effective footing, and provide
an abundance of men and means for the sup
pression of the rebellion.
Thursday Morning, July 18, 1861.
The defeat of the rebel forces at Rich
Mcuutaiu by general McClellan, and the sub
sequent occupation of Beverly by the latter,
have been followed by one of the most complete
and humiliating blows which have yet fallen
upon the head of this rebellioß. Gen. McClel
land has reported to Gen. Scott, under date
of the 13th inst., that Col Pegram has sur
rendered himself, his officers and the entire
reminent forces under his command, some 600
meD, —extremely penitant, they say, and de
termined neveMo take up arras against the
G eneraLGovernment. This swells tftenurabe
of prisoners to 000 or 1,000,
while the rebel loss in the battle, according
to the latest accounts, was one hundred and
fifty in killed alone. We expect next to hear
that Garnet, who, with his rebel force, was
last heard of in full retreat from Beverly, has
been cut off by Gen.l Morris, and between the
two forces of Morris and McClellan, has
been either defeated or forced, like Pegram,
to surrender. A dispatch from Beverly, dated
the 1 -4th inst., announces that the advance
division of Gen. McClellan's army is moving
rapidly toward the great Mountain Pass.—
The reb els have bnrued the bridge at Iluttons
ville, and were expected also to burn the one
at Cheat Mountain, but this would not delay
the advance an lionr.
The whereabouts of the rebel steamer Sum
ter, which recently run the blockade at New
Orleans, and has since succeeded in elud
ing the vigilance of our cruisers, has been as
certained. By the steamship Columbia, which
arrived at New-York on the 14th from Ha
vana, we learn that the Sumter on the 6th
iDSt, entered the harbor of Cienfnegos on
the south coast of Cuba, with seven American
vessels as prizes—the barks West Wind and
Louisa Kdham, and the brigs]/fcn. Donning,
Albert Adams, Naiad, Cuba and Machias; —
having burnt auother at sea—the slvip Golden,
Rorkci, the crew of which she took into Cien
fuegos. Siuirns, the commauder of the Suin
ter, immediately communicated with the Gov
ernor on shore, and the Governor communi
cated with the Captain-General the result of
which was that the prizes were thjjn retained
in port to await the decision of the Spanish
Court as to their disposition,'and the Sum
ter was obliged to put to sea again, within
twenty-four hours, having in the meantime
taken a supply of coal and water. The Uui
ted States Consul telegraphed tho particulars to
our Consul-General at Havana, Mr. Shufeldt,
and inquiry into the circumstances of the seiz
ures elicited the fact that they had been
made, at least in a number of cases, within
three maritime miles of shore.
The latest advice from the vse-'mity of Fair
fax Cout-llouse indicate that the report of the
withdrawal of the rebel forces from that local
ity was premature. They still occupy the
place, although iu reduced number. A slight
skirmish took place on Saturday, about twelve
miles ont from Alexandria, between a part
of the Fife Zouaves and Main boyes on our
side, and fifteen Alabama scouts, in which
three of the latter were taken prisoners, to
gether with their guide. The Zouaves have
also succeeded in capturing two of the parties
who have kept up communication betweeu the
Marj land and Virginia shores of the Potomac
by means of small boats.
The rebel forces in Missouri, when last
heard from, were in full retreat toward Ar
kansas, communications in that direction
having been opened by the necessary retro
grade movement of Col. Siegel alter the bat
tic of Carthage. Gen. Lyon's fommand was
expected to reach Springfield on Thursday,
where the entire National force uuder Gen.
Sweeney aud Col. Siegel, Soloman aud Brown,
and four hundred home guards were concen
trated. It is now reliably ascertained that
Col. Siegel's loss at the battle of Carthage
was only ten killed, forty-three wounded and
four missing, while the rebels admit their loss,
in killed alone, to have been seven hundried.
Intelligence from Fortress Monroe to Sat
urday evening has reached us. A party of
Col. Bendix's men having gone a consideable
distance from their camp at Newport's News,
without leave were surprised by a superior
number of rebels, aud twelve of them were
taken prisoners. Ou the return of those who
escaped, seven companies of the regiment
went out in pursuit of the rebels, but the re
sult of the expedition was not known when
the steamer left. Col. Bendix was attending
the Allen Court-martial at the time of this
On Saturday next, the 20th inst., the
Confederate Congress is to assemble at Rich
mond, Va. The Richmond papers are al
ready announcing the arrival of members;
and President DAVIS is donbtless busily en
gaged preparing his Message. If there are
any decisive battles fought this week, they
will be fought without President DAVIS' per
sonal presence in the field.
Iteaf The Army bill, passed by the Ilonse,
on Thursday last, appropriates $101,000,000.
For the pay of troops, $60,000,000; for sub
sistence, $25,000,000; for supplies <>f the
Quartermaster's Department, $14,000,000;
for the purchase of 84,000 horses, $10,500,-
000; for the transportation of the army, $l6-
000,000; for gunboats on the Western rivers,
$1,000,000. The Navy bill appropriate-
J®* Tie notorious traitor, Geo. P. Kane,
Marshal of Police of Baltimore city, was ar
rested oo Thursday morning last, about 3
o'clock, by crder of Geo. Banks, io command
of the IT. S. forces, and conveyed to Fort
McHenry, where he is now held a prisoner.—
Gen. Banks issued a proclamation to the peo
ple setting forth the motive for the arrest.
The secessionists, of course are indignant
at the arrest of their chief, but the Luion men
of Baltimore, arc delighted that this arch
traitor is placed where he can do harm. A
Commission as Brigadier Gemeral in the rebel
army was found in Kane's pocket when arrest
ed, and upon-searching the building in which
he had his office, a case of valuable pistols,
250 rifles, immense quantities of percussion
caps, several thousand ball cartridges, four
small cannons, half a ton of assorted shot, Ac.,
were found concealed in the cellar and about
the premises, all intended to .be used against
the Government, when a favorable opportunity
offered. It was time the villian was caged.
A day or two afterwards, all the Police com
missioners except the Mayor,, were also ar
rested, and coveyed to Fort McHenry. This
onght to have been done two months ago.—
Treason in Baltimore is now dead and
recent meeting of the Directors of the Phil
adelphia and Erie Railroad, apian was consid
ered and adopted for the completion of the
unfinished part of the line. It is in the
shape of a proposition to lease the Road to
the Pensylvania Railroad Company for an in
definiete period ; the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company to endorse and guarantee the interest
and payment, at maturity, $3,500,000 of the
bonds of the five million loan authorized by
the late Act of Assembly ; the said Company
to run the road, keep it in order, and pay 40
per cent of the gross earning to the Philadel
phia and Erie Company. A meeting of the
stockholders was called on the 27th inst., for
purpose of accepting or rejecting the propo
GENERAL SCOTT. —The public will be glad
to know that the veteran soldier is in excel
lent health. Close application to business
gives him a buoyancy of spirits, and is evi
dently favorable to his health, both of body
and uiind. Never, since the General made up
his mind to settle the secession question by a
rigid enforcement of Federal obligations, lias
he been more thoroughly convinced of the
wisdom of this course than at present, lie
believes that the war will be short, but
thorough, without a great loss of life, but re
sulting in a complete restoration of the I uion
THE DOUGLAS FUND. —One of the most fen
sible plans for raising this ftiud, we find
suggested in the New-York Titus—a sugges
tion in which we most heartily concur, for it
not only gives all a chance to contribute
their mite, but would in the aggregate form
a fund which would do honor to his country
men.— It is this:—that every voter who east
a ballot for Douglas should hand or send
the postmaster of the voters precincts, a sin
gle three cent postage stamp with the direc
tions to forward to the proper committee at
Chicago. According to its figures, if this
suggestion were carried out, it would raise
nearly $40,000, besides allowing all to par
ticipate in the accomplishment of the ob
ject had in view.
THE NEW U. S. REGIMENT.. —The official
list of officers appointed to the regiment in
the regular army of the United States, is pu'. -
lished iu several of the leading papers of the
country. We observe that these regiments
are organized upon a system new to our
army. Each regiment of foot is to consist
of 2,452 men, officers included, divided into
three battallious of eight companies each. —
Each battallion is commanded by a Major,
making three Majors to a regiment instead of
one as heretofore. The number of officers to
a company is not increased.
phis Appeal says : " It is told of Mr. Toombs,
that being recently importuned by an acquain
tance for a position as clerk in the state depart
ment, he replied, " What need for a clerk ?
Why I can carry the whole state department
in ray hat."
A GENTLEMAN who mingled with the rebel
soldiers in their retreat from Bonneville, Mo.,
says that the air was all alive with curses on
the ineompctancy and poltroonery of the Gov
ernor, and on their own folly in being taken
in by such a cowardly trickster.
B&~ The wife of the poet Longfellow lias
been fatally burned by her clothes taking
fire while sealing a letter, and the poet him
self was badly burned in trying to save her.
his nullification message of January 19, 1833,
says :
" The right of the people of a single State,
to absolve themselves at will, aud without the
consent of the other States from their most
solemn obligations, and hazard the liberties
and happiness of the millions composing this
Union cannot be acknowledged. To say that
any State may at pleasure secede from the
Union, is to say that the United States is
not a nation."
TENNESSEE ADMITTED. —The following dis
patch is published iu the Memphis Argus :
RICHMOND, Va., July 3.
" Yesterday, Tennessee was admitted into
the Confederacy. By proclamation of the
President the Confederate laws are extend
At the M. E. Parsonage, in !^Raiiviii
Rev. E. F. Roberts, Mr. DAVID p i'.wKlta
Also, by th same. Mr. JOHN C RIVPV.,,-
At the residence of the bride'* mother i
LEVI ANDKFW(>V. of Franklin >
to Mi* M A ItV HOPKINS, „f J
In Honesdale, la., June 29.1*61 of ...
aubmticrml *
2\- the relate of Mary Carmrr, dee d. In i
Court of Bradford county.
Notice is hereby given, that the under,;—,,
ditor, appointed by Haid Court to distribute " k
the hands of the Exeentor of raid estate ii s
the duties of his appointment at his office';.. .e'S'Xi
of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 17th ,i av Jic*"*
A. D., led!, at l o'clock in the afternoon .If
that all persons having claims upon said m , ;
present them, or else he forever debarred fro ra " '' h
July IS, 1H61.. 1
r uARDIAN'S SALE -Tb^r^'
VA Guardians of the minor children of Caleb'
of Pike twp., dee'd., will sell on the premise, l? 4
DAY. the 30th day of AUGUST, 1
the following described lot, piece or pan el of '•
ed on the north by lands of Osscan Pease and **
Conklin, on the east by lands <>t A. Conklin /■'"
Black, oil the south aad west by lands of u
Joel Johnson, A. Conklin, and O. Pease.
acres, 50 acres improved. JOXATH AN
July 17.1801. _ Luirdiaj,
JUNE 12, 1861.
Very Great Reduction
Ladies Sun Umbrellas.
At Equally Low Prices!
Towanda, June, in. lßfil.
©if© xaksbi i
B. r. tL H. SHAW,
known establishment, they will endeavor,bt>
attention to business, to sustain the excellent repaiat"
which this Bakery and Eating Saloon has attained 8
the supervision of the late proprietor. Wu shall *
tluue to manufacture
of every description, such as oyster, milk, Boston *
butter, water, pic nic, Graham, sugar, wine ami 'f o *
crackers. Also, Rusk, Buns, Butter Kolis, Wheat.*
diau and Graham
of all kinds, constantly on hand and madp to order
attention of the citizens of this place and vicinitv'
called to the above, and they are assured that the**
always be.supplied with any of these articles.
Wedding and Social Parties,
will be furnished with every description and
Fruit, Pound, and fancy CAKES. Tavern keepff "
Grocers will l>e supplied on terms as < dvactapeoo"
any other establishment in the State, lu connection T "
the above he has an
where everything in the line will he served out to u*
wlin may favor him with a sail. .
Thankful for past favors he respectfully solicits
tinuance of the same. B. F. A H.SHA
Towanda. June 27.18C1.
5,808 MilllftS MINI
X. TIOX into the state of affairs in Israif° r "
we have come to the conclusion that every faffl' J
Having made our late purchases accordingly * e s 3rf jjgf
opening a large stock of Dry Goods. GfOOj*. |
ware. Crockery, Paints, Oils, Nails. Glass and -
pecial attention is called to our uew stock of
&C., &C., AC., ri .
Which we CAN and WILL sell for rash or
prices which will astonish the uatHr- and 'ypgjßS
turners in particular. TRU ■
Towanda, June 10, ISOI.
Date*, Tamarinds, Oranges. I ' * jnjS
' of Nuts, at