LOCAL AND GENERAL, -a- NO PAPER NEXT WEEK.— In order to U bands" an opportunity to celebrate the coming ® TE arv of our National Independence, no paper will ?' S f lbU oflk * WXt ,reek - 0 " Belt iIWUe WiU WTT E. OVERTON, Jr., Esq , has been op- OMU D Notary PublU, at this place, vice H. B. McKzax REl ijnd. -a- We understand that the " Franklin - received over one hundred dollars at their Festi- JTON TH-rsday evening last. JGY Small BILLN on different Pennsylvania are in circulation in thin place. They are very J BAODY T" making CHANGE- There is a " perfect jam" of Canal; AT thU place, waiting for loading, and the number j RL lv increasing- Some fliteen or twenty left here emp " last week, for P.tUton. Barclay coal is in great dc- this season. POLE RAIMSO.— At Mountain Lake School House, near E. NICHO.'S. in Burlington on Sat- Dl y JUNE 29th. AT 1 o'clock, P. M. A general mveta tion is extended to all Union-loving citizens. Good speak ers WILL HE IN attendance. ggy \ n examination of the classesconnect . w th the Susquehanna Collegiate IN.titata, will take place "iu the oratory of the ins-itution. on Thursday, Fri- LV and Monday. June 27th. and 28th. and July Ist. The annual commencement exercises will be held m the Presbyterian Church, on Tnesd cy even tug July 2d. The public are particularly lUV.ted to attend these ex- J ercises- j , THE S C-* QUKHANNA COLI.EGIATK IXSTI- j .-TS Towaxna.— The piesent able and efficient Princi- j V \' LT of the above Inst.tute. having concluded to leave at j UE close of the present term, for the purpose ol complet- j IN; their owa TUeulogical studies, tiie friends of the In j (Uute WILL BE pleased to lea RE that measures will be iin- | aediately taken to secure an able principal and compe J ua'- assistants, that the school exercises may be resuin- - tue uiuai vacation. lU'SAWAT. —A horse belonging to Dr. j REIRR. attached to a covered buggy, took it into his head, one DAY LAST week to tiy his speed without the aid of a DRIVER. He started tro"U the Doctor's barn on Second st ., B J rushed down the hill to Main street at a tearful rate, LA rnaaiag the turn he ran iuto the Court House yard fence, damaging the vehicle considerably. No farther Injury WAS done, we belii ve. GAG- TFSTITAI.. —The ladies of this place will I : VOW grand Strawberry Festival and Promenade Concei t, I; the Court Houae. this (Wednesday) evening, for the lENTLU of th# Bradford Volunteers. Ihe proceeds will UC devoted to purchasing summer clothing, and other neces- | urv articles, of which our men stand very much in need. . The ladies will be glad to see all who leel au interest in tins ereHt cause. Admission, 10 cts. * TAT" GOT TNR.irt COMHI-SIONS — Tiie Union Guards. Home GUR.ids, and Goodrich Guards, of this place, were organized last w-ck by the Brigade Inspec | lor, and the officers of each c< nupny received tiieir com- : mi-kion from the Governor. VVC understand that these' three Comuanie.siiold tliemselvcs in readiness to respond - to a cil from the Govern r, and march fit an hour's no iic—it* a Li£ Lorn. The II nrt isI IIR B. ANDREWS Ensign of Co. 11., 23d (YEW L'nrk) Regiment, writ ng to the Repubican Ran twr, of Cortland, pays the following flattering as well as latrited compliment to E'rs. S. Cttt'KciiKi.L and W'H. A. LIINIT.L. Surgeon and Asista it Surgeon of the Regiment : - Among the mviy good streaks of fortune with which wßegiment has lieeu tavored, not last nor least is the rxiutnient ot our Medical Staff, L)rs. Cncutitn.l. and lioitc. Not every one, by t leir skill, kindness, and uni" H-m success have so honored their profession. Always '.'ant at the call of duty. their unrea-ing ?ff- irts show Imw ID - iotis was their selection. A-ide from tbeir official t*. they are both gentlemen of the A. No. 1 variety, Mdihe frank salutation and aindly smiie of either would ATKE a rheum itisra tremble and put an army of ails to I:ght. More skillful practitioners are " very rare" and TRY scarce. Truer gentlemen I have never kaown, and J LSDER friends I never expect to meet." * TBR Citizens of Eastern Bradford ! Arouse ! I Awake! Defend your liberties ! Tbe 85th Anniversary ' TF American Independence, ill be celebrated at Leßays- J TITLE. July 4th, 1861. Orition BY JAOOB PFAVITT Esq., of Tunkbannock, and I Address by G. H. W'ATKIMS. L-Dq., of Towanda, will k delivered. Leßaysviile Brass Ban 1 has been engaged for tbe j •crasion. 1 "ner will be provided by O. W. NottTnitor, of the ; FOUNTAIN House, and XKLSON ROSS, of the Leliaysvillc Blase. A PRORESSION will be forme 1 on tbe rubl e Square, at j T-U clock, A. M., under tbe direction of the Marshal of FIT day. G.W, RNIKK. Esq., 1 Dr. B. PKWITT, - Committee. Rev. E. P. KOBKKTS. ) YOCB LOCAL PRESS —An CX ";e HA* the following very sensible remarks : The lo ■ press i< EMJ.hatically the representative and the expo °'' OCA! interests, wants and WISHES of each commit- j * 'Y nUrged and improved, so as to la >"■ ' T *P E, -BITIONSAIID wants of tbe community R^ W "'DI itUJocated. Pufdishers are always lilral in ®F th" : 10 A IU * RAL P RIT by the improvement IJJ !R HAR ' ERI M AN appreciation of such liberality. VIP , M ,' D 10 ULTE BTT ONE P A P ER * TB#T "Bonld l- llO ? paper, in order TO KP WMSLF PASTOD INTHE Hl* OAORTV. #ajr DROWNED. —We learn tbat SIMEON ] BIIOLUMAN, a sou of HENRY BEIDLEMAK, of the town of j Chemung, N. Y., aged about ten years, was drowned on j Tuesday, while bathing in the river. la seems the de ceased and another boy went into the river to bathe, 1 when young BKIOLUIAN got out into deep water,and be ing unable to swim, immediately went down. His body was shortly atterwards recoveicd, but not in time to re suscitate liie. S®- The following is a " fragment of a let' ter" from Camp Curtin, dated June 21st: Ma. CoouKicH, Lear Sir : —Perhaps the readers of the Riporttr are led to think from the absence of any com* I muuication from here ol late, tbat we are uot doing any thing, if so they can congratulate themselves, for they have hit the truth exactly. By not doiiig anything, Ido not mean that we are entirely idle, for that would Ue do ing iujustice to our worthy Captain's exertions in getting us up every moruing with the sun and putting us through the evolutions at regular hours iu the day, but doing nothing of what is the soldier's ambition—wearing a uni* form, handling a weapon, and enjoying nothing of the es prit du corps belonging to a well uniformed and equipped company. Yet, notwithstanding the delay, ragged clothes and diappoiutments. the boys are all iu good spir. Its, trusiiug in the Lope that though the old Common wealth, whose honor they are bound to maintain, is slow, that she may prove herself sure. The Camp has under gone but little change since lutt I wrote, but all for the better. Under the command of Col. BIDDLE, of I'uila ' delphia, who succeeded Cul. SRI LEU, in the command of the Camp, more attention is paid to cleanliness, the grounds being raked and swept every morning. Some think there is such a thing as carrying cleanll less too far, when they ure prohibited from using straw to sleep upon, as is the ease in barracks which have floors in them.but a majority have,concluded that a hemlock board and a blanket is just the nicest thing in the world for a bed, when they have'ut any other. The rations issued are sufficient and of a good quality, and the punctual atten | dance of th# boys at meal times, testifies to the skill of j the cooks of the two messes in which our Company Is j divided. | Orders have just come for, the Ist and 2d Regiments to 1 march immediately to Cumberland, Md. We go with the : Id, Col. SIMEONS. The Camp is all excitement. Excuse | 'he remainder of this letter till you hear lrom us below, i The boys are all enthusiasm. Good-bye. | I*. S.— CAMFBEX-L 'S Artillery go with us. Yours, iu haste, S. 3icto Stttomfscmcitts. IWO O L CARD ING AND C LOT II | v V DRESSING.--We are now ptepaied to do the i above work at the FACTORY IN CAMPTOWN. as usual. H. B. & JOE. S- INGHAM. Camptown. June 26,1861 4t SUGAR. TEA AND COFFEE. IN great variety, for sale cheap. We warrant every j p .und of Tea we sell, at FOX'S. PODFLSH, MACKEREL. SALMON, ! VJ Shad, Whitefish, and Trout, for sale cheap at | Towanda, Jui e 26. IKtft. FOX'S. ISOAI* ! SOAP!—The liest assortment of Toilet. Chemical and Common Bar Soap, at Towanda, June 26, IS6I. FOX'S. PX TRACTS FOR FLAVORING ~U F j ii the best marks, much cheaper than usual, at Towanda, Jnne 2a, lt'il. FOX'S. PURE CIDER VINEGAR, at FOX'S^ I FIGS, PRUNES RAISINS. J. Dates, Tamarinds, Oranges, unu ail kinds of Nuts, at FOX'S. INDEPENDENCE PAI.L, j ,\t the Standing Stone Hotel. *ksW/r%a--"- THURSDAY KV li.N I NO. inly 4.1m>1 • Dancing Room Tracy's llali. Music—STEVENS,DA VIES I & BENNETT. i Bill $2,00. ISAAC HOWELL.Proprietor. / — Whereas my wife, LOVICA, I \_y has left my bed and board without any just cau-eor (provocation, 1 hereby forbid oil persons harboring or 1 trusting her on my account, as i will pay no debts of her j contracting alter this date. FRANKLIN SWEET, j Monroeton. June 7. IMsl—ij ; A DMINI SI" 11A TO R'S N OL'C E—Not KE 1 is herehv given that all i ersons indebted to the es ! tate of JONATHAN HUSH, dee'd.. late of Columbia tp.. I are hereby requested to nutke payment without delay. and ail persons having demands against said estate will i present them duly authenticated lor settieinen'. ISRAEL A. PIERCE, i Jnr.e 13. 1861. Administrator. ~~txSI;ET~ FORWARD ! MARCH! TO Tll2 i XEAVS ROOM! | Where You can gel the Latest News INI) IF YOU WANT TO KEEP TY well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, jut ask lor one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the price we ask lor them. And while you ate there you may as well get a MAP showing all the important poir.t in the country. Or, you may want to write to your triends. and yon can get tile vei v latest style of PATRI OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Sif- Come and see what we have got. and satisfy your selves. Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. Townnd a. June 12. lists I. Como Along ! Everybody ! TO TIIF. NEW GSOCERT& PROVISION STBK JUST OPENED! 11. H. ST IU VENS. At the building formerly ocrunied by J■ 11. Nevins, on Main ,tieet, o/tpot.tr the Court Htmie. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF VARIOUS brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar. Ac., ail very cheap, [ besides a splendid assortment of Spices. Nuts, Candies, | Fruits, and Confectioneries, and a good assortment iu ; tiie Provision line. Tobacco and Sugars of every quality j and price. He will aiso pay the Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, • And such other articles of country trade as the farmers ! may have to dispose of. He would say to ail if yon want any thing in his i line of trade, give him a call, and you can be acemmo j dared. H. U. STEVENS. , | Towanda. Jnne 13,1861.—tf OR JC AD E ORDERS. lil'lUAOr: IV.-PKCTOK'S OKFICK, I Leßaysvillc, Pa-, May 20, 18G1. f i A LL persons liming in tlietr possession any ! 1 V United States or Pennsylvania State arms, such as i muskets, pistols, swords, drums, stand of colors, or any i other military property or accoutrements belonging to j the Government. or having a knowledge of tfie posse s- J sion of such property by ottiers, are required to give no : tice to me immediately by letter or otherwise of such property. 1 trust that alt the good and loyal citizens of the county will aid in giving to the State what is her own, in conformity to the existing law, as fo. ows:— •• If any person or persons shell have knowingly sold, bought, taken exchanged, concealed, or otherwise fraud ulently or unlawfully received, field or detained, rr shall unlawfully hold or detain, or shall refuse to deliver up to the proper brigade inspector, any arms, accoutrements, colors-or other military property of this Commonwealth, on any account or pretence whatsoever, the persons so offending shall forfeit and pay lor every such offence, tiebie the value of such property, to be recovered by the I said brigade ins|eetor in the name of the Commonwealth ! of Pennsylvania, before any aldei man or justice of the | peace of the proper city or county, and the amount so I recovered shall tie levied and collected of the offender's goods and chatties, by distress and sale thereof, in the | usual manner; hut for want of sufficient goods and chat* j ties, the offender shall be conimitte 1 to the jail ot the j county, there to remain at the expense of the said coun ty. for any term not exceeding one month, at the discre tion of the alderman or justice, unless the amount recov • ered. with the costs, shall be sooner paid." It is hoped that all patriotic citizens ot the county will aid and assist the Commonwealth to collect any of the 1 property above referred to without delay. If any persons s.ill persist in retaining said property, the above law will i be enforced strictly and impartially. To facilitate the speedy collection of the above prop erty. it is requested tiiat all arms. etc.. be deposited at the Store of CODDING & RUSSELL, in Towanda. Our country needs them. We ask every man to lend his aid In the above work. . 1.. B. PIEitCHk Brigade Inspector. Ist Bngnde, 1 k'b Divbdotj, P* #• ilcto gUftmtsimntts. JUNE 12, 186 L THIS WEEK LARGE ADDITIONS WILL BE MADE TO THE STOCK OF Umt B SMB. AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, AMONG WHICH ARE MANY NEW STYLES ! AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, AT A Very Great Reduction FROM FORMER PRICES. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Ladies Sun Umbrellas, At Equally Low Prices ! Towanda, .Tune, 10.1861. MMVOLUHTURS WED I TO TRANSPORT OUR EXTENSIVE EKBW SUMMER GOODS! TfROM A THOROUGH EX A MIX A* JL TION Into the state of affaire in Bradford county, we have come to lue conclusion that every lamiiy want GOODS AT PANIC PoICI S ! Having made nur late purchases accordingly we are now opening a large stock ot Dry Roods, Groceries. Hard ware, Cpickery, Paints. Oils. Nails • Ui-s and Sah. L peciai attention is calitd to our new stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES DRESS GOODS, &c., &c., &c., Which we CAN and WILL sell for cash or ready nay at price which will astonish the natives, and our old cus tomers in particular. TRACY A MOORE. Towanda. June 10, 1861. What Everybody Ought to Know! That Geo. P. Cash has a First Class MARELE YARD! IT? FULL OPEKATIOW, AT TOWANDA! rpilAT HE I.S PREPARED TO DO J_ WORK better aid cheaper than any other establish ment in the country. That he can put up sets of Tomb- Stones at any price from s."> to $5(10. That he warrants bis work to lie well done and to give satisfaction. Tbat lie can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mamies as cheap as they can be obtained In New York or elsewhere. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO 1)0 ! Come to liis Ya'd before purchasing elsewhere. Pat. | ronize a home enterpiise. and not run away to York State and get interior woik done. And tinully every body ought to erect a suitable mcmotial over the le mains of their loved friends. CAUTION'.—A man calling himself Thomas, and hail ing trom Binghttmlnn. has been obtaining orders for work by representing that be is agent for a manufactory I in Towanda. Beware of him 1 Si me agents have a habit of calling on the friends of tlie deceased for work, bet'nt they hive fairly buried I eir i ead out t f their tight. Frown upon such men. When you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine his stock. N- It—Country produce taken in exchange for work. Don't lorget the place, Eagle Mai hie Works, opposite Gen. Patton'a residence, Towanda, l'a. GEO. P. CASH. AGENTS—G. W. Brink, Leßaysviile; B. Overfield, Meshoppen; J. H. Webb, Smithticld Summit; li. S. Dart, Troy. Towanda, Jane 12, 1861. aiw OTMB SMI 3 RECEIVED BY H. S. MERCUR, Towondn, April 24, 1861. NEW Au!ia V 14 *OO FRANKLIN —B E P. A Coal Co 14 7 00 Granvrlle—Wm H Philifpa. 14 7 00 L D Taylor 14 7 CO E Ms'.oy. r .-14 7 Go HEWRICE— Geo Nichols....; ..14 7 00 LEKOY —Lamb A Kilborn...; 14 7 OE ! MONROE- -Lyman Blrtckmnn 14 ? 00 '.Smith, Cranmer A Co 14 7 00 Brown >k Rockwell 14 7 00 HC Tracy 14 7 rheis 14 7 00 SAITHFIELS -E S Tracy >..14 7 Co CHP.iggs 14 7 Co Dailev A Frltcher li 10 0# N Buiiock A Go .....13 10 00 TCSCAEGRA—T Taylor 14 7 00 TOWANDA BWKO—H it Stevens 14 7 OO A Wiekham A Son ..14 7 00 J D Humphrey 14 7 CO CJi Patch ;... 14 7CO E l' Foi 14 7(0 Joseph Powell C 25 00 E S Benedict. .„... .T........ 14 7CO Tracy A Moore-, 13 10 00 11 W Noble .14 7 00 Coddir-.g AHuflsell 12 12 50, J A Record 14 7 OO J Kingsberv 14 7 00 H S Mercur _ 12 W 60 John Shlam 14 TOO 3 G Pafton 14 7 00 J M Coiling J4 7 00 Montanyes ...12 12 60 II C Porter -. li 7 00 John Carman r, 14 7 00 J H Phiuney It 7 00 k E Soiomun 14 7 00 Win A Rockwell.. .......13 10 00 Dennis MoMaban.... 14 7 00 Joha BoUffemap ■. 14 7CO EA Parsons n. 14 J 00 Wm A Cbamberiin .#.'l4 7 Co A M Warner 14 7 00 A Co 11 15 00 Nichols A Long... 12 12 50 § li Leonard 12 12 60 acWeil A i'omeroy 14 7 CM) Guernsey A Mitchell 14 7 00 F J Calkins A Co 14 . 7 00 if.,xwell A Leonard k l2 12 60 OP Ballard ' .14 7 00 P L Ballard 14 7 OO J 11 Grant. 14 7 00 EH Dewey 14 7 OO- S W Paine.. 14 TOO Reuben Stiles 14 7 00 TEEKYTOWN— Uriah Terry 14 7 00 John Hcrton 14 j 00 WILMOT —F.Imoro Horton 14 7 OO ULSTER— NeweII, Bdhiey A Co 14 7 00 WI.NDHAE—WNI H Russell 14 7 Co Warren —Kur k Brant 14 7 00 liobt Cooper ;.:.14 T Oo Talmage A IJowcn .11 ? Ct> IVr ALt'Stfo—A very k Camp 14 TOO E M Bishop.... 14 7 00 A Lewis 14 I 00 Gil Bixby 13 io 00 VTTSOX—J Alien A Co 14 TOO 0 II Jones 14 7 uJ VEJJS Piolett 14 7 Oo A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF •A/A persois engaged in the sale of Nostrum* in too county ol Bradford, ffr the year ISCI. Lictn sc. | License. ATHENS. TOWAN3A. G A Perkins. i 5 00 J G Patton, $5 00 TROT. II C Porter. 5 1-0 Guernsey A Mitchel, 500 K L Ballard. 6 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF R-A- the different Breweries and Distilleries in the county of Bradford, for the year 1861. /.ienre." " /.iVerue. prstNOFisLP. | TROV. A Brace. $25 00;G F Bcddiugton A Co. 25 00 TOWANPE. JI'N&U FVeile. 25 00 A Loder, 15 001 TESTER. E Murray. s OO Charlea Olmstead. 25 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF -5-A. the different Beer Houses, Eating Houses, Ac., in the conuty of Bradford, for the year 1861. Li ztrnt.! Llctr. it, ATHENS. I TOTfANDA'. Miehaal Walsh. !0 OOjH A Bnfhank, fiO CO J d Carpenter, 10 00 d C Wilson, 10 tw Joseph Gills>n. 1Q 00'A D Rhipmaa, 10 00 BCUEINQTON. K Kroraer, 10 00 C P F.CE3. 19 90 v l;les Carter, 10 uO CANTON, j.lohn Con ley, 10 00 E Porter, ' 10 CO .1 W Shear, 10 00 H Tuttie. 10 00 B F Ford. 10 tM4 5 WOICQ.L 10 TROY". Granville |3forgan Davison, 10 00 P S Bttiiey. _ 10 00: Thomas ftorden, |lO 00 Monro*. ! A B Eckert. 10 90 WnxA Kciiogg, 10 00 ! VLSTKK. RRRutkweii. 10 00 Plowman A Claif, 10 CO WYALteIRO. I" SIIHW A Sons, 10 00 J M Soioe.oa. 10 00, H S Davidson A Son, 10 00 J Smith. 10 00 ,A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF -L A. Bankers in the count? of Bradford, for tte ver lkul. License. Literye. TOWANPA. TROY. l5O 00 Pomeror A Bro. $lO OO B S Russell A Co. 20 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF the different Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys in the county of Bradford, for the year ISiil. License. TOWANTA—P F Ford, Two Tables 540 OO co Chase A Laugh tin. Two A11ey5...... 40 00 Appeal at the Commissioner's Offlce. Batnrday. June 2b, istjl. Any persons fce.ing bemsclrcs aggrieved by the foregoing Auciraisement can attend if the? see St. A. C. I'RJSIWK, Orwell, May 2fl.l*ftl. Mercantile Apprawter. Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Praia Tiles, &c. THERE ?sr Lime Kiln nt the Rarclnw Company's Brsin, in Towsnda, where is kept con stantly for sa;e, fresh burnt ll'hitc J une, made irom the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or 51 per barrel, headed np in ha ire is, and l'ij cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse Water Lrme at $t 15 per barrel, and Fire Brick at a cents each. Drain 'i\hs 2,3 and 4 inch sizes at 2. 3 and 6 cents per foot, a very nice article for drain in lan ' or about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsley's Axes by the dozen. Jack £crtics,lnr moving buildings, to let at 25 cents per day each Barclay Catii at 52 25 .per ton for Lamp Coal ar.3 52 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered iu lowap* da at 25 cents per load. AH the above for *a!e at the office of the Barclay R. If A Coel Company, Towsmda. J. tf ACFARLAIN. ItfwatvU, Feb. ??. 131. Gea. snpo r vnteioJonl.