Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 20, 1861, Image 3

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Yhe Bradford County Medical Society,
f ju tht Borough of AlhtDS, on Wednesday, the
* ® ee at 10 o'clock, A. M. All regular physicians
to attend. E.H.MASON
See y.
\ letter from Capt. Trout, of tiie Brad
//;on guards, at Camp Curtin, under date of June
* that a number of his men are on the tick list
frtßW* rrheJ ' .
Fire in' Athens —About 1 o'clock, on
■ .'at last, fiie was discovered in the baru beloug
' ;'' V J "kdwis Wuitk, of Athens. The flames a.,read
v that it was impossible to stay tiieir progress.
' rJ ' j [ ie .i>yterian church, a tin shop and a dwelling
' e .° "o-'e destroyed. There was no insurance, and the
s* vre oa '' t0 Mr - VVIIITI - The flre " S "i'l' oked
T'Viiie work of an incendiary.
Susquehanna Coli.fgiate Insti-
TOWASDA.— The present able and efficient Princi
r'i' ,• the above Institute, having concluded to leave at
fS '" ■ e ofthe present term, for the purpose ol complet
ewn Theological studies, the friends of the In
' if ... wi'U be pleased to learn that measures will be im
KUk'.v taken to secure an able principal and compe
f*K'K\antt, that the school exercises may be rtsum
.'"after the usual vacation.
Festival —Imnklin I-iro Compitny,
1 will give a grand entertainment, at the Court
' V this (Thursday) evening, the proceeds to be sp
jted t .ward equipping the Company. The Towan-
L Bras, and String Bands will be present to enliven the
jeession. The following is the Bill of Fare :
Strawberries jij ® tB "
Ice Cream 5 „
l'ine Apples
To the above Bill other luxuries of the season will be
,lJed. Admission, 10 its.
Errata —TIM following extract from
, ~;,r written by Lieut. J. Dili. Mruss, of the Brail
j L'ni'tt Guards, (instead of the Towanda Rifles,) ac
'(■ iwledging the receipt of $75 from the ladies of Towan
; fj-the purpose of purchasing thirls lor tiie above
•is:iv: " The ladies of Towauja wiil please accept
--nost sincere thanks for the many favors shown us,
*e hope that we can in some f-tire day repay you
i tendering to you a good account of our services in
lining the Stars and Stripes of our glorious Union,
„ ictend to do if God spares our lives."
following is an extract from a iet-
I ; ■ 'r-.ffi Cump Curtin, addressed to a young lady, of this
Camt Ccrtiv, June 17, 1 -CI.
I If —la reply to your note, allow me to say that we
I. re e vi t supply of See lie B oki fc rn th-; e-t'un v
I■_jies nf Towand i. They are an article which arc
Ho-"", i able to the men. lacy wore very glad to
H • t'letn. and I have no d uibt will remember the ta
■ .. Towanda in heartfelt gratitud*, for the favors they
■ jre . interred upon their..
I - art with the of Towanda, receive our sinceie
Respectfully your Friend,
dpt. A. J. TROUT, B. U. G.
urc r. arirs, —We lenrn from the Owe
(j Gszr'.tt that sometime between tiie hours of tweiva
-.d tour o'clock, mi Mond iy morning, the sitting room
of the hotel kept by K. I'. Glkasov, in Flemingvilie, Tin
gs county, wis entered by a window, when the burglars
■oceeded to the bedroom occupied by Mr. GLFASOsand
• c—there they took from the pocket of Mr. Gi.kasox
.it ilOd in c.a,lt after which, they went in the bar
- <ix. helne i thrmselves to liquors, leaving three empty n the counter, and the brandy buttles upon the
i.r out-ide. From there they went to Vr. Brink's res
e which they entered in tiie same manner, byway
I low. l;e:e they succeeded in getting possession
I sdver \V,ire belonging to Mrs. lints k. and, after
f the quality of the spoons by breaking to learn if
verc genuine ; they took the good one- ami walked
I ' Suspicion rests upon certain parties, and some ar
'Kt La; e been ma Jc.
CST* A healthful binom to tie complexion
ss be secured to every lady or gentleman desirous of
: -sessing this mark of beauty. The shin may become
ir—pimpies. blotches and other unsightly marks may
i-ippear, rich and pure blood may flow through the
i! ns. the complexion may present the rosale line of
1m ... the nails may grow perfect in lorin and color, t!ie
•-c hi cht arid lustrous, the sigiit clear and strong, tiie
St.: luxuriant, rich and glossy, tiie breath fragrant and
tiie biweis regular—health, ■ hcerfuincss ot spirits ar.d
good disposition may prevail and to such a state ol phvs
:! p'a', all may arrive, who strictly"regard tlie
hwsol life, inform the mind, cultivate the heart, keep
theei'mmuidmrnts and use in connection with Dr. Pott
■s £ e;u I'ills, Dr. ' ortkk's Sanif.i Syrvp a
i.rj-.-itive a rid tunic, embodying ail the viitucs of that
•".j's' i plants similar in tiieir medical properties to Sar
uptriila. Queens Rout and Rock Rose. Dr. Porter's ,Van
ilV Syrup and ErUctxc Pills, for sale at the corner Drug
Sure, Towanda, Pa. Mkdici'S. —The Lndies of Towandn be
ce-irous to do all they can to add to the comfort off
Tunteers. who have gone forth at the hazard o
aesto maintain the very existence of this govern
: an l 11 protc- rt our property an I homes, and being
"nel of the destitute condition of some of our troops
*• Harrisburg, in respect to clothing, at a meeting held
-IstCourt House, on the 17th inst., resolved to ap
? 3! a permanent Committee, whose office it Is to pro
' k for the wants of the Companies from Towanda, arid I
'< end to make an appeal to the citizens generally .
UOf M*i'>n may dern nd.
• -ev further resolved to supply their wants imaudiatt '
" wcordingly do hereby eurnestly ami respectfully j
'contributions either in money or in articles of j
T !a, njappart-1 from our own citizens, and from thedil- j
" f f"*n>hips in tiie county.
I cutaloons already made, of good Summer material,
--1 '.tih serviceable, toweling, socks, Ao.,vtc., will be |
* a,e -•! received, and may be sent to the store ol E. T. ;
* w.iere a box will be open for the above purr ose. and |
- w I abo receive, on behalf of the Committe, dona
' :n mo "?. Mrs. JULIUS FOSTER,
Chairman of the Committee.
Editor; —While traveling over
r nty, I learn with some surprise that a report is in
( ~n ,0 the effect that Senator Landon voted
** he increase of pay to our volunteers, for wliich
--e' act some are censuring him. Being myself at 1
■ ? when tiie war bill was passed, and under- ;
I can unquallifledly deny the aliegv ,
Ijf., , n '' e j' ls t'ce to Mr. I.axbos seems to require the J
-'he given. Tiie case is simply this; The general •
7 r '," iuting three miUionsof dollars for the pur
" n - the State and paying the expenses of the !
en resiments of State tr -ops. kept as a reserve force,
"til i n the House and contained a clause giving
r ,„. fiTg dollars per month extra pay. This bill
fa. f a l< 6 ,l 0U *'* n ' 1 ber ° re rowing tp in the Senate
r.r Irr hie hands ofthe Finance Committee, who
;ii t f -xtra pay. The bill as amended passed
forT an -' Bul,,eq, ' entl y tb House. Mr. Landon vot- i
Wtbf w ' ' ls amenf l e d form. After the passage |
passer! II [ 9S AN,ENDED ' MR. LANDON- introduced and
ped ; 1 :rn P or t an t biii forthe volunteers that was
toai, l( ! '' r " , , s thc *sion—a bill giving pay and rations |
" ke " Cal!, ' <, ' nt,> lbe '" ervice of b>e State, '
intake u' t "° day * I' riorl ° tbeir marching from home.
See. a'atemcnt from a personal knowledge
• end a matter of )nrttce to ovjr Senator.
L- B Ptkucb.
S&- The Bradford Conntr Medical Societj
held its semi annual meeting at the Masonic Hall, in Troy
May Ist. *
, The following members were present :
. Troy.— Dra. Parsons, Rockwell, AxTCIL .
j Sylvanxa.— Dr. Tract.
Can on.— Dr. Holuks.
Ttrryioten.— Drs. Hokton and Honbt.
Smiliifie d.—Ur. A llkn.
Touiatxda. — Dr. Mason.
j The Piesident, Dr. Parsons, presided.
e Dr. Holmes reported two cases of diphtheria. Dr. Al
1 len reported the convalescence of his case of amputalioi
oi the h;p joint. Dr. Hokt n, a case of supposed Petechi
al Fever. Dr. Homer, a case of wouud of the hand. Dr
, Rockwell, a cas? of Hydrocele radically cured ty tht
wire Sut ire. Dr. Mason, a case of poisoning by strych
I nine. Dr. Tracy, an anomalous case simulating Rheu
matism ia its beginning, antieudiug fatally, with symp
toms much like Pheiehitis.
[ Mr. L x her wood, a student of Dr. Holmes', read un in
| tcresting Essay upon Opium.
Dr. Horton offered the following resolution which wa:
adopted :
liesolved, That at each annual meeting of the Society
in May. it shall be the duty of each memuer to lead a re
port 01 his practice lor the previous year, which report
shall be accepted in place ol the case to he repotted a:
t beiure required.
'The following were elected delegates to the State So
ciety : Drs. Allen, Holmes and Axtkll.
Drs. Parsons and Homet were elected delegates to th<
j U.S. Medical Association, Drs. Tracv aud Rockwell
- > alternates.
Adjourned to meet in Athens, the 27th of June, at It
i 0 clock, A. M. E. H. Mason, Sec'y.
Proceeding* of the Bradford Coun
~t Teacher s Association. — The Association met pur
! suaut to adjournuieut, at lierrick, June hth— Piesiuen
| Yocnu in the Chair
| In absence of the Secretary, Mr. S. H. Dcuand, was ap
j pointed pro. terx.
j On motion, a Committee of Arrangements was appoint
j ed. Meeting then adjourned to 1J o'clock.
| Tkiday, P. M.— Association called to order. The Com
. I mittee of Arrangements presented a report, which wai
: adopted. Minutes of last meeting were then read, am
j referred back for iome amendments.
1 The following resolution laid on tuo table at the last
1 [ meeting, was then taken up :
I 1
Rescind, That the practice on the part of Teachers o
keeping refractory or indolent pupils alter school, is c
necessity, and commeudabie.
, 1 The affirmative speakers were Messrs. CoBURN, Cook
- and Hckst ; the negative, Messrs. Ditaand. Dean and
Taylor. Mr. Bliss then read a let;er byAuTEMii
Ward. Rev*. Mr. Cook followed with an ad'lres3
, Discussion was resumed upon the question recently un
( der consideration, by Mr. Dean, for the affirmative, and
| Mr. Howell for the negative. ' The rcsolation was lost
1 The flrst resolution, as reported, was then debated, fc}
Messrs. Pcband and Cobles in the affirmative, and Hon
1 Geo. Las' don, thc negative. Taa discussion was inter
' rupted by a motion to adjourn.
Association met at S o'clock, Mr. H. Howell acting AS
: President, pro lerr..
Discussion was resumed. This, however, was soon sue
pen-Jed, and thc audience was next favored with au ad
dre->s by H >u. Geo. Landon, and an Essay by Miss It. B
i Dl'rasd, entitled '• Light/' Miss Mary Ctstr aUo read an
; article upa " Energy.'' Adjourned.
, Association met. On motion, A. Young was appoint
;ed Secretary; pro ten. It was then moved and carried
that the amendment to the4tb article oi the Constitution
- offcied at the last meeting be now acted upon The same
| was then adopted. Thc lolJowing resolu
, tion was then adopted :
| liesolveu, i hat the officers of this Association be au
' thoriied to give certificates to all peisous from this coun
ty woo desiie to attend the meeiiiig ot tiie btate leach
-1 ers Association, at Lewisburg, ia the mouth of August.
It was moved and carried, that Prof. Co burn, one ol
the editors ol the Educational C'olumu, appointed one
year ego, to prepare articles, and couuuct a column on
' education, be hereby continued with the privilege of se
1 lectiug an assistant. Discussion upon the first resolution
was resumed. Those speaking in the affiuuativc were
Mcs-rs Dukasd and Cobuk.n ; the negative, Messrs.
Craft and Cooz.
Debate was arrested Iran order of thc day. Miss Ma
• j r.Y Ivison then read an Essay entitled " Watts and Pope
Compared. ■' A vote ol tlianKs was tendered for her in
structive Essay, and a copy requested for publication'
■ i Ihe Association next listened to a declamation by Mr
j John Kkwett, called '• Madison's Review of Jefferson.' -
: A Committee was appointed to procure new members. —
The question upon the resolution a short time previ >usly
1 ' unuer debate, was decided in the negative, and having
' been submitted to the audience, it was again iost.
: | The following resolution was then adopted :
Resolved, That the thanks of the members of thi.r As
: ! ."Delation be presented to the Trustees of tiiis church lor
its u.-e. to tiie singers foi their iiin-ic, to tl,e decinimer
lecturer, e-suyist- and readers, and to the inliabitaiits ol
Herrnat for tacir sindess a.:u hospital'ty toward us our
• ing oor stay aiuong tntm.
The " Star Spangled Banner"' was then sung by Mr. P.
p. Bliss and wife.
The Association adjourned, with prayer by the r*cv.
Mr. Cook, to meet at Springlield Centre, the 3t.'tu day ol
August. The appointments lor the occasion are as fol
; lows :
Lecturers. Rev. Fl. O. Hall.
Es.oni l. — Miss Mart Sw.,nt.
Readers. —Mr. J. K. Gfic.n, Miss Martha Bxisßr.v.
Rxuinett Ci.mmitt-t — Messrs. A.G. Brown. H. Speap.,
Tuoa. bar. ad, Mis. Maria Clark, Martha Haukneh.
S. 11. Dukasd, Sec'y pro tern.
tea- The rrpuiur ivimuul meetins; of the
| Trustees of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, will be
held at the Institute, Tuesday, July 2, IsOl, at 2 P. M.
j C. C. Coitss.fiec.
ilrto Sltttcrtfstmiitts.
At the Standing Stone Hotel,
Dancing Room Tracy's Hall. Music— STEVENS,DA VIES
Bill $2.00. ISAAC HOWELL. Proprietor.
Come Along ! Everybody !
11. 11. ST E VEXS.
At the but hi trip formerly occupied by J. 11. Nevint,
on Main si, eel, oppos.te the Court House.
. brands of Coffee. Tea, Sugar. Ac., all very cheap,
besides a splendid assortment of Spices. Nuts, Candies,
Fruits, and Confectioneries, arid a good assortment in
1 the Provision line. Tobacco and Segars of every quality
j and price. He will also pay the
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs,
And such other articles of country trade as the farmers
! may have to dispose W.
ki>~ He would say to all if yon want any thing in his
'ine of trade, give him a call, and you can he accninmo
' dated. H.H.STEVENS.
Towanda, Jnne 1!), 1 SGI tf
Where You can get the Latest News
-t\- well posted on the events that are passing before
the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS
TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the 1
price we ask for them. And while yon are there you
may as well get a MAP showing all the important points
in thc country. Or, you may want to write to yonr
Iriends, utifi yon can get the verv latest style of PATRI
Come and see what we bare got, and aatisfy yonr
selvee. Don't forget the plate— THE MKWS ROOM.
Towanda, Jane 12, lWr
Jieto aJtorrtfsfments.
iiUUUES DRESS 6008$,
t j
!: AT A
, Very Great Reduction
Ladies Sun Umbrellas,
At Equally Low Prices !
Towanda. June, 10.1RGI.
I lON into the-state nf affairs in Bradford county,
wc hu\e come to tue cunciusioo that every iaiuiiy want
j Iltviiig made our 'ale purchases accordingly ire ar w now
I owning a large Block of Dry Goods, Groceries, lluid
: ware. Crockery, Paint-. Oils. Nails. Glass and Sash. L
j pcciai attention i.s ca.ic-G to our new st„ck i.f
&C., &C., €:C.,
i V, a we C IX and WILL sell fur cadi or rendv pav at
price wiiich wiil astonish the native, and our ni l cua
j turners in particular. TRACY A MOORE.
Tnwaiidii, June Id. ISC'.
What Everybody Ought to Know!
shat G-eo. P. Cash has a E*irst CiasF,
xrj r-j-a omrainoa'.
rr-IEAT flf* is I-r.KPAI'.En TO 1,0
j JL GOIIIC b' tter anl cheaper than any other estabiisdi
; ment in the country. That he can put lip sets of Tomb
, Stones at any price from ti to ssOft. That* lie warrants
his work to lie well done and to give satisfaction. That
he can furnish Marble Table-Tops and Mantles as cheap
as they can be obtained In New York or elsewhere.
Come to his Ya-d before purchasing elsewhere. Pat
ronize a home eutorpiise. and not run away to York
State and get inferior woik done. And tinally every
body ought to erect a suitable memoiiul over thc- re
mains ni their loved friends.
CAUTION.—A man calling himself Thomas,and hail- j
I iiig Iroin Biiighamton. has been übtaiuiug orders for
work by representing tiiat he is agent lor a manufactory
I in Towanda. Beware of him!
Some agents have a habit of calling on the friends of j
the deceased for work, bej tie they hive fanaj barinl
t eii oead vul ,f their right. Frown upon such men.
U hen you get ready, call on the subscriber and examine
his stock.
N. B.—Country produce taken in exchange for work.
Don t loigct the place. Eagle Mai hie Works, opposite
Gen. Pulton's residence, Towanua, Pa.
AGENTS—G. W. Brink. I.eßaysville; B. Oveitield,
Meshoppeu; J. 11. Webb, Smithfieid Summit; U.S. Dart
Towmda, June 12, lfif.l.
SBlli 1
Townnda, April 24, 18C1.
I lIA VE tho moct. romplete nml prand as- ;
sortinent of Groceries 4 provisions ever before oSered
i lor sale in Towanda.
Nearly all Groceries are cheap, much cheaper than 1
usual : please give us a call and we will take pleasure in !
trying to convince you that such i< the fact. All kinds I
of Farmers produce taken in exchange for Goods and 1
Cash. Chasli paid for Dairy Butter,
i June 12,1861. E. T. FOX. j
1 MPORTAXT NOTICE. All persons in-!
X dehted to the undersigned, either by judgment, note
or book account, are hereby notified that the same must
be settled, or satisfactorily adjusted, previous to the 15th
of June, next, or costs will be made. Also, all accounts
falling due alter that date, must be attended to as soon
as they l*come due. M. E. SOLOMON.
Towanda, May 29,1*81.
Aqnnnty nf well seasoned wood wnntt*d nt
the Towanda Lime Kiln. Apply at tho Barclay
ft. It. & Goal Go's., Office. r ' J
J- MACFARLANE. Saperlntendent
Towanda, Jane 4, lwl —Bt.
Ecjjal. _
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virlue of sundry
writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court or
common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, w 11
be exposed to public sale on FRIDAY, the 6th day of Ju
ly, A. D. 1861, at the court house, ia Towanda, atone
o'clock, P. M., the following described lot. piece or par
cel of land situate ia Sinitbtield township,bounded as fol
lows, to wit : North by land of Samuel Furman, east by
the public highway, south by Henry Miller and John Vos
burgh, and west by land belonging to the estate of Mat
thew Howie, dee d. Containing 18 acres more or less,
about 16 acres improved, n frame house, a frame barn,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of William
Cory vs. P. <l. N'ewtou.
Al."sO—The following described lot. piece or narcel of
! laad situate ia Canton township, bounded as follows, to
i wit: Beginning at the nortlffeast corner of Warren
j Wright's lot at a post, thence west 40| perches to a post,
| thence south 11° west I*2 perches to a post, tlieure east
f.ij of a perch to a birch, thence north 11° east 182 per
ches to the beginning. Containing 51 acres and OC perch
c, be the same more or iess ; about twenty-seven acrea
improved, and a framed barn thereon.
ALSO—The undivided one-half of a piece of land situ
tinte in Canton towuship, bounded as follows : Begiu
/ Ding at the south-west corner ot a lot of land formerly
occupied by Henry lia'e, theuce north '2® east along
Besle's line, 80 lods to the line of A . B. Williams, tbenco
south 68° east along said William's line aud the line of
lar.d of C. C. Wright, tj the nurth-we-t corner of said
Hale's iot, thence south 2° west along said Hale's line to
the place of beginning. SO rods. Containing in all 05 acrea
be the same mote or less ; about two acres improved.
ALSO—One other lot of laud situcte in the township
I aforesaid, bounded as follows : Beginning at the north
east corner ol the lot of land iirst above described, thence
south 12° west aiong line of said first described lot, thence
south 12° west along said William's line about 45 rods to
a rock, thence north 37° east 57j perches to the intersec
tion of the road leading Iroin Aaron Bahne's to the Beech called, with the road leading from C. C. Wi ighi's
' to Dennis ami Daniel Websters, thence north BU° west
I : 24s perches to a post, the place of beginning. Contain
' ! iug four acres and sixty live perches, be the same more
I i or less. All improved ; a hewed log house and a iew fruit
! trees trees thereon.
j Seized and L.ken into execution at t'ue'suit of Thomas
| Williams vs. Geo. L Williams.
i ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., will be exposed
I to public sale, at the same time and place, the following
described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towauda
borough, bounded as follows : On the north by land of
j Edward Rowland. e;.st by sin alley, south by land of Jaa.
j Lliiott, west by land of Edward Rowland. Containing
i 60 feet by 06 leet, more cr leae. All Improved, small fram
ed house and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of D.9.
Pratt vs. Xiram H. Black
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Lev. Fac. will be
exposed to public sale at the same tiiae and place,apiece
of land situate in Athens twp.. being u village let in
| | South Waveiiv, bounded as follows; Beginning at the
L north-west corner ot Huwley Tozer'a !>>t on the east side
| ot the highway, thence along said Tozer'a south Hue six
j teen rods to the north-east corner of said Tozei's lot,
I thence northerly, parallel with saiu highway, five rod*
j to the corner of Richard Lambert's lot, thence westerly
along said Lambert's south line sixteen rods to the high-
J way, tbeuce along said highway to the place of beg.n
-i niag. Containing 80 perches of land, more or less, a!!
j imcroved, one framed ltou.-e and barn truit treesthereon.
bcizcu anil taken into execution at the suit of Charles
IH. Sbepard vs. Israel Mend and Maria C.Aiead.
ALSO—A piece of land situate ia A the as twp., and
1 bounded as follows; Beginning at a post the south-west
; coruer ot David Bosworth's lot, thence 116 S-10 per.along
| the south line' of said L >swi th's lot to the south-east
; corner oi the same to a post on the east line of warrant
'ot No. 108, thence v ute 4° wot along said warrant line
| 77 2 10 per. to a post, thence west ill *-ld per. to the
west of -aid warrant to a post, thence north 77 per.
; to the place of beginning. Containing fitty-fivc acres, ba
; the same mm or Ic—bein;: the same land conveyed by
j deed dated Mai :h 3.1855. by Joel H. i'ozor and wife, to
j said Lhi 1.-r.ncc Hub-.•. about 33 acrea improved, with a
j house and barn liiereon.
btized and taken ii to execution at the suit of Timothy
Lircen vs. Anothony Hu'oerawl Cbrisanro Hubcr.
Sheriff* OLi -c. I A. 11. bPALUIXO,
, Towanda. June 12. IP6I. f Sheriff.
| C IRPII A NS' COURT SALE —l>y virtue
! -1 an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county
( will Le c-xpostd to public .-.aie, on the premises, ou SAT
i I"RD AY. the €th day o: JULY. lsol, at 1 o'clock, P. M..
1 the loilnwiug lot, piece <.r parcel of .'and, late the
of .lurries 11. Detaony, deceased, situate in the towns' lp
; of ltome. Bradford county. Pa., and bounded auddeacrib
: ed as follows to wit :—Beginning at a stake in the line of
lands oi Smith Forbes, thence smith S-> a cast aiong lands
| of Joseph If. Horloo, ls,i 2 10 per. to lands c-fM. Elliott,
I thence north '2' east along the same 50 per. to a coruer.
thence north 8s west along lands of said Elliott aud
, other of tlie estntexrf James B. Demouy, IPC 2-10
per. to lauds o! said Forbes, thence south '2® west along
the same 50 per. to the place of beginning. Containing
55. acres or thereabouts, 10 acres thereof improver.
1 ERMs OP ALE—One-hnlf cash nu confirmation of
| the sale, and the balance IU six months, with interest.
June 11,1861. Administrator.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SAT
-1 L'R 'AY, the 2'2d day of JUNE, at 1 o'clock, P.M., the
Pillowing 1 .t, piece or wirut-1 of iand. late the estate cl
MIL.I'ON" Rofe>. deceased, situate in Springfield town
sli.p, and n-ninoed c.s t.diows, to wit:—North by land of
j C'.bins Tracy, ea-t i>y land of Stephen Fletcher, et. a!..
:e; .tli i y ..d u Stephen 1 ietcher, west by land of Levi
S Dickenson. Contaiulng about twenty-three acrea, on
. Improved, with oak and pine timber thereon.
1 ici'iiis made kuuwn on tne <1 >v ol sale,
_j-- *>" p-_]" *' ___ Administrator.
I DITOIt'S NOTICE.— In the ■mailer t.f
-C a II in . Champion vs. Hiram Had. In the Coui t
; ot Bradford County Common Pleas, No. 43b, May T
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed bytheCau-t
to I.i-triiaite funds arising from SheritYs sale of defend
ant s real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at fcw iu the Borough ot Towanda, on FRI
DAY, the 17*h day of JULY. LsCl, at 2 o'clock, P. ..
when and where a.I persons having *iaims against said'
: estate, are requested to present the same or be forever
; debarred therefrom. G. P. MUNTAXYE
j 12 - Auditor.
A l 1)1 lOll'.w NO 1 ICE — ln the matter rf
-8-k the e*iq!e < f Frederick Flicker, dee d. In the Or
- phans Court of Bradford connty.
j The undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the said
I Court upon exception* filed to the account of Eecntor
in the above named case, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his Office in the Horn' of Towanda on
SATURDAY, the isth day of JULY, A.!>.. 186!
j June 1 ,'h. 1- 1. Auditor.
h-1 hereby authorized t > deduct five per ont. from The
state tax ot every individual who shall pay his or her
i State and County 'luxes in lull, on or ln-fore the ?2u <i.y
ol June next, and the same shall lie shown! you in your
settlement with tiie Treasurer, provided the same is bv
| Y°" I';'hl into the County Treasury on or before the 26th
j and 2,th days oi Julie, next. By coder of tire Commis
, sioners. E. B. COOI.BAI Gil, Cierlc.
Commissioner's Office, April 8, 1861.
j -IT is hereby given, that nil persons indebted to the
estate ol HA NX .-VII SMITH, late of Warren to. riee'd.,
i are hereby requested to made payment without de
; lav. and ail persons having demands against said estate,
| wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement.
i June 12. 1861. Administrator, with will annexed.
is herein-given, that all persons indebted to the
estate ot JOHN M. HORTOX. deceased, late of Terry
j township, are requested to make payment without delay,
j and those having claims against the said estate will please
• present tLem duly authenticated for settlement.
May 15. 1601. Administrators.
Wars and llumors of Wars !
War has been Declared in Towanda,
Against Higfh-Priced Pictures.
I -L at the Car of D. W. HUGHES, opposite the Ward
House, for TV/ENTY CENTS, in good cases. All
[ kinds of high-priced Cases will he sold as low, in proper
i tion. Call and see for yourselves- No Pictures will be
. allowed to go out, unless the customers arc perfectly sat- :
I isfied with the same. Particular attention paid to Copy,
j ing Pictures. Pictures inserted in Lockets for 2.5 cents.
Car o ened every day. excepting Sunday
i Towanda. May 22.1561—tf. D. W. HUGHES.
In Great Variety,
West Side rf ifu Public square, at (he store of
Tc-rwd, April SO, 18(1 ■
THE Suhscriher leave to call the at-,
tention of the puUIo to the tuct that he has enlarged
his motive power and purchased and set np additional
machinery, and employed a larger number of woikmen
1 than formerly, so that'be is now prepared to execute or
, ders for Castings or Machiuery with promptitude.
lie has at bis work* all the PATTERNS ih use by the
[ late firm of W'm. H. Philiips A Son ol Klmiya N. Y., and
has also added to lhc*e, patterns ot various kinds.
MILL IRONS furnished for Gri-t Mills, Gang, Gate,
Circular aud Muley Saw Mills, besidee
°f uioisrent sizes and styles aud In fact almost any kind
of Castings or Machinery in common use.
Steam Fittings ru ch at Skam Pipes. E'txms, Return
lied-\ Reducers, Couplings, Clobc-V lism, Chtok
Valves. Guugt Cocke, Ot! Cups, H'bistits, 4<-
; j always on hand and made to order.
; | He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS of
| i any siz or kind wanted.
• I Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook
' j Ing and Heating Stoves of difftrent sizes manufactured
' | and for aaie at the above works. Furniture for Cooking
! Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand
' ! Persons who want GEARING of any kind are informed „
' : that the subscriber baa rnoie p.ticras fur Gearing than '
: | any other concern in this part of the country. Tbey
: would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear
' ing that would answer tlftir wants and thus save da lay
and expanse in getting up work,
j ' He makes also a large variety of Pulleys, Balanbe
L Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also S v Gumuers,
" Thimble Skeius and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons,
, Plows, Ac.
[ His equipment of machinery conslsta of 83 good tools
as are made, and was selected with Jthe design ol being
s able to do any job which might be offered, whether large
or small. Iu short bis (-Shit has beau ta get up in all
j respects a first class establishment.
Terms Reasonable, Orders solicited. Cask paid fur
I Old Pewter and BrSttanla.
f Works situated ou Main Street near Barclay P.. R.
Canal Basin. O. D. BARTLETT.
, Towanda. April 11. 1861. Propritios.
; i .
Purchased iu New-York City during a Great
j • War Panic,
M rv t.
] { W iiich will bo offered at
> i
{.-rices that cannot fail to please.
' | April 22, '6l. MONT AN YES.
William. A. Rockwell
would invite attention to his new stock of Goods, which
1 nave been selected with great care to suit the wants of
; Lis customers,
i • Having louud it desirable to adopt tus
Seacty-Pay System,
. j he offers his Goods at correspondingly LOW PRICES.
- i Persons examining his present
■ which was purchased at
can net fail of fcein? satisfied both with articles offered
, and prices a&kcd. iits altKk consisls of
Bry Goods,
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Paints, Gils, and Sails,
constantly on hand ar.d for sale at No. I, Patton's Block. 1
April 18, IBul.
and Shoes ever brought to Towanda, has just been
opened at the iong established and well known store of
| The assortment is composed cf
of every variety.
1 Gentlemen, yon are invited to examine those Patent
Leather and Call Skin Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and Gentle
men's Slippers.
Boots and Shoes made to Order,
| French and American Calfskin, Kip and Upper Lea
ther, Harness Leather, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather.
Groceries Very Cheap,
And the whole stock will be sold for Cash at prices
which make it an object for all to buy at
Towanda. June 4, 1861. 'HUMPHREY'S.
Cash Paid for WooL
"I AA fVVY LBS. WOOL warded by
jftcto a&fccrupwnts.
FIXATION or the different pefaocs tngaxeß In tba
nale of goody, wares and nisrebandile, in tin, County of
Bradford, for the year Ibttl, with Uic amount of lieoM.
thorcuuto attached:
CUus< LUtnii.
Ath*ks aoao— C U t T 00
AObijWl U tW
Hbraee Canmr .....1* TC
NCH<mis- 11 15 <JV.
t Avcrill 14 t M
Wm Uraw 14 T 0
C Park A Son 11 M 5V
G A Perkins , 14 T W
II J Friteher. .<* 14 7 00
Page ft Bristol *1 "15OOfT f
Athens tt- A Beidltman 14 7 00
I. A Gardener 14 7 l0
Lutber Parsball 14 7 00
AsTLtfa—Ulysses Moody 14 7 00
Albany— U AA W i-aucaster 14 7 Of
Bcklinuton —! P Lorfg & Sims 22 10 0O
C T Merry 14 7 00
F \V Miller 14 7 00
BnUKOroN Wiw—b II Morkw 14 7 0U ;
Ci*x —Anderson ft Rockwell 14 7 00
J VanJvkc.Jr >4 7 03
A S ft W \y Spalding 14 7 00
I) Wlieox 14 7 00
J S Baker 14 T 00
A Uotv 14 7 <£>
W S ft E Newman.. 14 7 00
t W Co! well JkCio 14 7 41
Mix&liooper /14 T W
J 41 Poster .14 7 00
Wind Buker 14 tW
•.aCS&ia— A B Aus*-iu 1 14 " CO
Kkanalin-B BRA Coal Co .......14 7 W
tss.iV;i_Li;— Wm 11 Phillips I* 7 *>
L I) Taylor 14 7 Go
L Mal"y 14 7 0o
IlEßßicr~<Jeo Nichols 4..14 7 0"
• Lekoy —Lamb ft Kilborn.. .% 14 7 o"
J Monroe— Lyman Blackmail 14 7 GO
Smith, Cranmer ft Co .' 14 7 GO
Brown ft Rockwell 14 7 0o
11 C l'raey ~..14 7 Oo
OvBRTON-Chas llellheraer >. 14 7tu
Uitwsu T Humphrey 11 15 0U
S N Bronson 14 7 GO
II (liMis ft Son 14 7
Lyon ft Tayior 14 7 00
G I Norton 14 7 GO
i Paxb—W P Kob'.ns 14 7 Go
L H Bronson. 14 7 C<*
LL Bosworth 14 7 GO
Bailey 4 Bro IS 10 GO
I 1! Little 13 10 00
I Stevens & Burrows 14 700
So** —LL Mostly >...13 40 00
, Ceo Nichols .... 14 7 Ct
John Hsrdirg It 7 M
J Rti>uac*r—Lyman Woodruff : 14 7 00
I B P Buck 14 7 00
A I! Voorhsis 14 7 00
A K Tanner 14 7 00
j Sown Cr.EKK-J M Young 14 7 00
! feuusiiiiviViN—K Crigharn 14 7 00
Kinney ft Gore 14 7 W)
'j Standing 3*one—H W Tracy 14 7 00
Geo Stevens 12 12 CO
John Espy 14 7 £|>,
• Srß—Daileyft White... 14 7 flb
llermau ft Voerbeis 14 7 00
f Soman eld- KS Tracy 14 7 00
C B Biggs : 14 TW
Dußev ft Fritcher IS 10 CO
M Bullock ft Cj IS 10 U
To^CABSaa —T Taylor 14 7 00
T.wanda Bwuo—H il Stevens 14 7 C J
j V Wickharu ft Sou 14 7 ®J
J it Humphrey 14 7 OO
j CB Patch 14 7 CJ
K T Fox .-...14 T to
Joseph Pnwell 8 SS 0
£ S Benedict U TOO
Tracy A Moore 14 10 00
11 W Nobla 11 7 00
Codding ft Russell 12 12 60
J A Record ft 14 7 00
J l4 7 00
HSMercUr 12 12 50
John Shiatt. 14 7 00
; J O 1'att0n....>...14 7*o*
J 41 Coilius 11 7 Oo
Montanyes u 12 4!)
Pi C Porter. x. 14 7 00
John Carman ....14 7 05
J H Phinney It 7 CJ
M PI Solomon . 14 7 C J
Win A Ruckwelt .T 12 It e-')
Dennis KoMafian 14 7 lO
■John Birfdienfaa 14 I 00
K A Parsons....... 14 7 £0
Wm A Chamberiin P4 7 00
A fl Warner 11 7 t®
TMY-a-Parrine ft Co It 15 o-l
Kichoia ft Lcug 12 12 5'J
S M Leonard 12 12 50
Jewel! ft I'omeroy. Jf .*.14 7 0<
Cuemsey ft ilitcbell 14 T CO
F J Calkins ft Co - li V od
Maxwell ft Leonard 12 1260'
O P Ballavd 14 7 GO
V L B.illard 14 7C
J II Grant 14 7 Oo
PI II Dewey 14 7 00
H VV ! 14 7 00
_ ReuLen Stiics 11 7 00
TkEErToWM—Uriah Terry 11 7 P'J
John ll'<4rton 14 7 CO
WiLJtor— Klmore Horlen 14 7 00
Ulster— Newell, lluajcy ft Co 14 7 00
j V.'iNijiiAii —Wm il Russell.. 11 T 00
j Wlkbiln—Kur ft Brant 1# 700
Roht Cooper 14 1 0"
' Talinage ft Bowea 14 7 10
r Wraatriisco -Avery ft Can.p 14 J >j
E M Bishcp • 14 700
A Lewis li 7 00
J *'■ li Bixby 40 (*.)
Wraox—J Allen ft Co 14 TO
Ct' Jones 14 > CKJ
V P. ft J R Pioleil U 7 00
' *- persons engaged in the sale of Nostrums in tfte
i county of Bradioid, for the year lfcGl.
Licente.i tAcenrc.
| G A Perkins. J5 00 J G " |3 00
! Tsor. | U C Porter. 5 00
j Guernsey ft M.tchhi, ! POi
; P' L BallarJ. 5 CO'
I a. w- tha ili.Terect Breweries and Nistilhrrres in tha
county of Bradford, for the year ISO I.
Litntt lActntr.
A Brace. f25 CO G F BwWlngton ft
towlsda. P N" ft G F. Veilo. %~> GO
\ f'Ooer, 15 Of-1 t-i.*TEB.
E Murray. S OO Ctasies Ohusteaff-. 15 Oo
; the difiVrsnt Beer Houses, Eating H ■, Ac.,
| in the county of Bradford, (or the year 1861.
l.icemt.\ I.ifcr&c-
ATJiSN?. towaldl.
! Mfthael Walsli, |IO 00 H A Burl.auk, sfO Oc
j J J Carpenter, lu 00 J C V. ilsos, 10 C i
; Joseph tiiiieon. fo Oc A I) fihipntan, 1" 00
BVKUNOTOx. R Kromer, 10 00
C I) Ross. 10 OO MihsTarter, in oo
CANTON, John Conley, 10 C>o
, F Porter, 10 Ot .1 \V Shear, 10 00
iH TnttJe. 10 00 BF Fcrd.. 10 GO,
5 it oleott. 1,0 00 TP.OT.
j granvillr j Morgan Davison. 10 00
-P S Bailey. 10 CO Thomas Bordeu, ,10 tX>
MONROE. V It IKktftt. 10 oo
■ Kc " "SJl> 10 00 i f'J.STBB.
RII Rockwell. 10 00, Plowman ft Clair, 10 00
i *wyAT.V4iso. 'U Bliaw ft Sons, 10 'M
J M Solomon. 20 05 H S Dnvidsvn ft Son, 10 Oil
J Smith. 10 OO
! -ft A- Bankers la the county cf Used ford, for tbs yc#r
; 1461-.
dftcrni* i Lftentt.
T-afirfrfe,Mason ft Co. 120 00 Pomeroy ft B*>. 110 00
B S Russell ft Cw. 20 00 i
-4 i. the diNrrcnt Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Mie' vin
the county of Bradford, fcr the year ISffi.
_ _ lArtnii.
low >:da-B r Ford, two Tables #lO dO
Mo X-'hase ft Langhlin, Two Alleys 40 00
Appeal at the Corrsrtiissloncr's 0;T e. Faturday, Jano
20, leOl. Any pert, ns feeling tlieni-elrrs aggrieved ty
| the foregoing Appraisement can ayend it they see fit.
„ . A.C. FRISBIiI,
Grwed, May 28,101. MerranJ'lo Apifiaieer.
Coal, Zaimc, Cement, Fire £rick,
Tiles, &Lz.
TU ERE is n Lime Kiin at the Rarclay
Company's Basin, in To#ntitia, where is kept con
ftantly for sale, fresh hnmt H'tuU Limt, made irorn the
best quality of Nea- York lime stone at 25 cent* par
bn.-hel. or f 1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and '''i
cents per bushel for slacked iipie. Lima shipped on boats
at Towanda without additional charge. Also Svractse
llaler L,mrali\ U fper barrel, and Fire It, irk at k
cents eacii. It ran i Tilei 2, 3 and 4 inch sues at ?. 3 pud
6 cents per foot, a very nice article for drainin land . ;
abont dwellings. Merchants supplied with ReanKev
,' "y dozen. Jick Screws, fov EwviDg I, ! Jri
to let at 2n cents per day ench
Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump tfsd
72 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in I. iu
da at 25 cents per load.
All the almve for sale at the office o/tke Barclay p it.
ft Goal Oompany, Towanda.
Tow%aos,Frb 12.1861. *en. St^eidnteudcnf..