local and general. JCT-lIARRT MIX of this place, has been ap . rl , r t in the Audttor General'* Office, at Har polute® naburg- _ aqueduct on the canal, a few miles this p'' ce - broke one day lMt week - which topped ,b °" ti in tor a tew days. It was ipeedily repaired and are gg- The Bradford County Medical Society, meet jn tbe Borough of Athens, on Wednesday, the t regular physicians are requested to attend. rth E. H. MASON, Soc'y. gg XOP.TH BRANCH CANAL. —There is an . men business doing on the North Branch Canal, the S " a t season. We are informed that the business is P * r *tbsn double what it has been previous years. The V.avCoal company And it difficult to supply tbe de- Jija,! There are now twelve or fifteen boata laying at Eplaee, * aitin * for l°adinX eg" SrECiAf. ELECTION.—GOV. CURTIS has limed his proclamation naming Saturday, the 22d June, to, holding a special election in the Luxerue Congreesion ' district, to elect a Member to fill the vacancy occasion li by the death of Hon. GEO . W. SCKAKTO*. If two can dids'es enter tbe field, the Democrats will probably pre sent Bon. HE>HEICE B. WUIOHT. and the Republican* flea. W. W. KETCHC*. j®- ALMOST 1 A FIRE —On Wednesday night of U.,t week, about 12 o'clock, the alarm of fire was sound ed through our town. In a few minutes the streets were thronged with citizens, wild with excitement, and as no light was visible, the general enquiry was" where is it. ' It was noon ascertained, however, that the alarm proceed• . A. MADILL, Esq., of this partner of Hon. JOHN J. TAVI.OK. and a young H jvyrr-of brilliant talent*. Two more brothers among the ! -|H Volunteer* of Pennsylvania, miking three in all—a pret tr good offering for a single lamily to the cause of the ail FOURTH or JULY Cf.i.f.RRATION AT LA- J CITVILLZ.— The coming Auniversary of American Inde )r.l penieace will be celebrated at Laceyville, ou Thursday. ar-H Jhygth, 1861. The lollowlng gentlemen have accepted b I h"' 11 ' 10 "* 10 present, and to assist on the occasion : I Read ng of the Declaration if Independence —O. W. [at-1 THOMPSON. Resolutions I. TI. BROWN. Oiafion.—Hon. GEO. LAMION, Hon. WM. PIATT. AFTERNOON. . Oration.—Hon. R. R. LITTLE, Col. SMITH. ' a M The meeting will be organized at 10 o'clock, a. M. For j ysrticulars see bills. "■H Per #rd*r of Committee, I. H. BROWN, Sec'y. t®~The Boston Traveller states that most ■ '''•aihirte made for the volnnteers are from four to six j ' l *- 3elr >o short! Whereupon some wg perpetrates the | Like a man without a wife. Like a ship without a sail. Tiie m >st useless thing iu life la a ahiit without a ..,H t®'IIAVELOCK Car COVERS.—Some ladies '"town were buaily employed last week, iu manufactur- ■ • 'orthe Bradford soldiers a new article of head-gear Havelockj," so named from having been worn by era under Gen. HAVBLOCK's command in India. H*velo-;k ' it a plain cap. high in the crown, made j , ' white linen, and having a cape which falls to the bo;- ders, covering the neck and ears, and with a long '-"or mailing the greater part of the face. The value of tap a j aecurity against sunstroke, was satiafactori the British troops in the Sepoy rebellion,and ' prove a great blessing to our men in the Southern cli- | This is a commendable work.on the part of the la- | u and we are sure that their reward will be many an 1 wM'" ,U3 ' J fe,Tent " Ihem," from the brave r w ' ,0!, comfort they have been laboring. The la- j ,e ' f** the soldiers and never forget their wants— j ut t ßrir Miuisteriag-angels, and in all parts of the , have shown a devotion unparalleled in any 1 |f ™ # '' a Ministering to their various wants, and those du'e taken iu exchange for Goods and Cash. Chah paid for Dairy Butter, j June 12, IMI. ET. FQY ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue | ot an order cf the Orphan's Court of Bradford county J will he exposed to public *ale. on the premises, on SAT j UItDAY. the 6th day of JULY. IS6I. at 1 o'clcck, P. M.. j i the following lot, piece or parcel of land, late the estate I . of.James B. Demony, deceased, situate in the township j of Rome. Bradford county. Pa., and bounded and describ | ed a* follows to wit:—Beginning at a *take in the line of j lands ol Smith Forbes, thence south BS° east along lands of Joseph R. Morton, IS6 2 10 per. to lauds ol M. Elliott, I thence north 2° east along the same 50 per. to a corner. ! thence north west along lands of said Elliott and ( other lands of the estate of James B. Demony, 186 2-10 per. to lands of said Forbes, thence south 2° west along I the same 50 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 58 acres or thereabouts, about 10 acres thereof improved. TERMS OF SALE—One-half cash on confirmation of the sale, and the balance in six months, with interest. CHARLES CHAFFEE. June 11, I R ®l- Administrator. AUDITOR S NOTICE —in the matter of Wm Champion vs. Hiram Root. In tbe Court of Bradford Couuty Common Pleas, No. 480, May T. 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute tunds arising from Sheriff's sale of defend ant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office, in tbe Borough ot Towanda, on FRI DAY, the 17th day of JULY. IH6I, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. when and where all persons having elaims against said estate, are requested to present the same or he forever detwrred therefrom. G. D. MONTANYE, June 12. 186f. Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.. will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SAT UR 'AY. the 22d day of JUNE, at 1 o'clock, P.M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land, late the estate ot MILTON 7 ROSS, def eased, situate in Springfield town ship. and bounded as follow#, to wit :—North by land ol Collins Tracy. ent by land of Stephen Fletcher, et. al.. south by land ol Stephen Fletcher, west by land of Levi S Dickenson. Containing about twenty-three acre#, nn improved, with oak and pine timber thereon. Tern* mad* known on the day of sale. LETT S. DICKENSON, My IJ. 1$1 Aominhfrxtor &cto awmcstmrnts. JUNE 12, 1861. THIS WEEK LARGE ADDITIONS WILL BE MADB TO THE STOCK OF übiis nits mm t AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, AMONQ WHICH ARE MANY NEW STYLES ! AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, AT A I Very Great Reduction FROM FORMER PRICES. I | ALSO A LARGB STOCK OP Ladies Sun Umbrellas, At Equally Low Prices ! Towanda. June. 10. 1861. ATTENTION! TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS and Shoes ever brought to Towanda. has Just been opened at the luug established and well known store of J. D. HUMPHREY. The assortment is composed of LA DIES CONGRESS GAITERS, KID GAITKKS, BOOTEES. SLIPPERS. BUSKINS, AND CHILDREN'S' SHOES, of every variety. Gentlemen. via are invited to examine those Patent Leather and Calf Skin Gaiters, Oxford Ties, and Gentle men's Slippers. Boots and Shoes made to Order, AND REPAIRED. SHOE FINDINGS. French and American Calf Skin, Kip and Upper Lea ther, Harness Leather, Oak and Hcinlock Sole Leather. SADDLERY, HAf DWARt AND SADDLER'S TOOLS, Groceries Very Cheap, And the whole stock will be sold for Cash at prices which make it an obieot tor all to buy at Towanda, June 4, 1861. HUMPHREY'S. TIIME ! FORWARD ! MARCH! TO TUB NEWB ROOM! Where You can get the Latest News! AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP I XL well posted on the event* that are passing tiefore the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS ! TKATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the j price we ask for them. And while you are there you ! may a* well get a MAP showing all the important point* iu the country. Or, you may want to write to friend*, and you can get the verv latest style of PATRI OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Come and see what we have got, and satisfy your selves. Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. Towanda, Jane 12. la6L 1 M POUT ANT NOTICE —All persons in A debted to the undersigned, either by judgment, note or book account, are hereby notified that the *ame must be settled, or satisfactorily adjusted, previous to the 15th of June, next, or costs will be made. Also, all accounts j tailing due alter that date, must be attended to s* aoon a* they become due. M. E. SOLOMON. Towanda, May 29,18G1. A DM INISTIIATOHS NOTICE— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the i estate or JOHN M. HORTON. deceased, late of Terry I township, are requested to make payment without delay. • and those having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDMUND HORTON, SUSAN L. HORTON, May 15,1861. Administrators. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS—YOU RE hereby authorized to deduct five per cent, from the j State tax ot every individual who shall pay his or her I State and County Taxes in full, on or before the 22d day I of June next, and the same shall lie allowed you in your ! settlement with the Treasurer, provided the same la hv yoq paid into the County Treasury on or before the 26th and 27th days oi June, next. By order of the Commis sioners. E. B. COOLBAUGH. Clerk. Commissioner's Office, April 8, 1861. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot HANNAH SMITH, late of Warren tp. dee d., are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and ail persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. W. H. RUSSELL. June 12, 1861. Administrator, with will annexed. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —7n the matter of the estate of Frederick Fischer, dee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford county. The undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the said Court upon exceptions filed to the account of Eecutor in the above named case, will attend to the duties of hi* appointment at his Office in the Boro'of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of JULY. A. D.. 1861. G. D. MONTANYE. j June 12th, 1861. Auditor. | WOOD WAJTVSD. Aqnanty of well senxoued wood wanted at tbe Towanda Lime Kiln. Apply at the Barclay R. R. A, Coal Go's., Office. J. MACFARLANE, Superintendent. Towanda, June 4. 1861 —3t. Cash Paid for Wool. |AA f\f t/A LBS. WOOL wanted be H JUaUI 1/ W. A. ROCKWELL. June 3, 1861. BUTTER FIRKINS A TUBS At MWBFB. glrtn gjftmtfcretg. AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI FICATION of the different person* engaged In the •ale of goods, ware* and merchandize, in the County of Bradford, for the year 1861, with the amount of license thereunto attached : Clati. L>cent*. ATHENS soao—C Comstock U $ 7 00 AOSnell 14 7 00 Horace Corner 14 7 00 K C Harris 11 16 00 EAverUl ~.14 7 00 Wm Ross 14 7 04 C Park A Son II 1160 O A Perkins 14 7 00 H J Friteher 14 7 00 Page A Bristol 11 15 00 ArosxsTP —A Beidieman 14 7 00 L A Gardener 14 7 00 Luther Parshall 14 7 00 ASYLUM —Ulyaeea Moody 14 7 00 ALBANY— H AA W uincaster 14 7 00 BmauiOTOM—J F Long A Sons IS 10 00 C T Merry 14 7 00 S W Miller 14 7 00 BURLINGTON WEST—S H Morlev 14 7 00 CXNTUN—Anderson A Rockwell 14 7 00 i J Vandyke. Jr 14 7 00 A N A W W Spalding 14 7 00 D Wilcox 14 7 00 J S Baker 14 7 00 A Doty 14 7 00 WSAENewman 14 7 00 E W Colamll A Co 14 7 00 Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 J M Foster 14 7 00 Wm S Baker 14 7 00 COLUMBIA—A B Austin 14 700 F&AMILIK—B BRA Coal Co 14 700 GHANVILLB—Wm H Phillips 14 7 00 L D Taylor 14 7 00 E Malny 14 7 00 Hsniuck—Geo Nichols 14 7 00 l.EKor—Lamb A Kilborn ~...14 7 00 MOMROB —Lyman Blackman 14 7 00 Smith. Cra timer A Co 14 700 Brown A Rockwell 14 7 00 H C Tracy 14 TOO OYBRTOM—Chas Heilherner 14 7 00 OKWELL— T Humphrey 11 16 00 S N llronson 14 7 00 H Gihbs A Son 14 7 00 Lyon A Taylor 14 7 03 G I Norton 14 7 00 PIE*— W F Robins 14 700 L H Bronson 14 7 00 LL Bos worth 14 7 00 Bailey A Bro IS 10 00 G H Little IS 10 00 Stevens A Burrowa 14 7 00 , Ro*B—LL Moodv IS 10 00 Geo Nichols 14 7 00 John Harding 14 7 00 ( RIMBUBY—Lyman Woodruff 14 7 00 \ B F Buck 14 7 00 A H Voorbel* 14 7 00 A K Tanner 14 7 00 i SOUTH CRKEE—J M Young 14 7 00 SHBSHBQUIN—E Brighara 14 7 00 Kinney A Gore 14 7 00 STANDING STONE— H VV Tracy 14 7 00 Geo Steven* 12 12 60 John Espy 14 7 00 SPRINOPIELD —DaiIey A White 14 T 00 Herman .•Voorbel* 14 7 00 SMUHPIELD—S S Tracy 14 7 00 C B Riggs 14 TOO Dailey A Friteher 13 10 00 M Bullock A Co IS 10 00 TCSCARORA—T Taylor 14 7 00 j TOWANDA Bano—ii H Stevens 14 7 00 1 A Wickbara A Son 14 7 00 J D Humphrey 14 7 00 C B Patch 14 7 00 E T Fox 14 T <0 Joseph Powell 9 16 00 E S Benedict 14 7 00 Tracy A Moore IS 10 00 11 W Noble 14 T 00 Codding A Ruasel! 12 12 50 J A Record 14 7 00 J Kiagsbery 14 7 00 H S Mercur ~..12 12 40 John Shlam 14 7 00 J G Patton 14 7 00 J M Collins 14 7 00 Montanyes 12 12 50 11 C Porter 14 7 00 Jchn Carman 14 7 00 J H Phinuey 14 7 00 M E Solomon 14 7 ©0 Wm A Rockwell .13 10 00 Dennis McMahan 14 7 00 John Beidieman 14 7 00 : K A Parsons.... 14 7 00 ! Wm A Cbamberiin 14 7 CO 1 A M Warner 14 7 00 j TROT— Psrrine A Co 11 15 W i Nichols A Long 11 12 60 I 8 M Leonard 12 12 50 i Jewell A Pomeroy 14 7 #0 ! Guernsey A Mitchell 14 7 00 j F J Calkins A Co 14 7 00 I Maxwell A Leonard. 12 12 50 ! OP Ballard 14 7 0C I FL Ballard 14 7 0)1 J H Grant 14 7 00 j E H Dewey 14 7 00 H W Paine 14 7 00 I Reuben Stiles 14 7 00 i TERR YTOWN Uriah Terry 14 7 00 John Hortou 14 7 00 ! WILHOT—Elmore Horton 14 7 00 ' ULSTER —NeweII, Btirnev A Co 14 7 00 WINKHAM —WM II Russell 14 7 00 WARREN—Kur A Brant.... 14 7 00 Robt Cooper 14 7 00 Talmage A Bowen 14 7 00 ' WYALUSINO —Averv A Camp 14 7 00 j E M Bishop 14 7 00 ' A Lewis 14 7 00 G M Bixby 13 10 00 Wrsox—J Allen A Co 14 7 00 C H Jonea 14 7 00 V E A J E Piolett 14 7 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF persons engaged in the sale of Nostrums in the county of Brad lord, for the year 1861. Licmit. Lietnn. ATtIEVt. TOWANDA. G A Perkins. $5 00 J G Tatton, $5 00 TROY. II C Porter. 6 00 Guernsey A .Vlitchel, 500 F L Ballard. 6 CO A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF ■A*, the different Breweries and Distilleries in the county of Bradford, for the year 1861. f.irnte | Lift n jr. SPRINOPIELD. TROY. A Brace. $25 00 G F Reddington A Co. 25 00 YOWANBA. IP NA G F Veil#. 25 00 A Loder, 15 001 ULSTER. E Murray. 8 00 Charles Olmstead. #5 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF the different Beer HOUHCS, Eating Houses, Ac., in the county of Bradford, for the year 1861. Lr, IW7 * ltttscellaiuous. NOW READY! BiRTLETTS' HEW IRON WORKS TOWANDA, PENKAL. THE Stibneriber beg l ? leave to call the at tention of the public to tlie fact that tie Las enlarged hi* motive power and purcLawd anil set up additirn&J machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, so that be is now prepared to cxt-out* or ders for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. He has at his works all the PATTERN!* in use by Lb* late firm of Win. H. Phillips A Son of Kim Ira N. Y., tad has also added to these, patterns of cartons kinds. MILL IRONS furnished for Crist UilU, Gang, Gate, Circular and Muley Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENCINEB of different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kuTd of Castings or Machinery in common use. Steam Fitting* such as Sttam Pipes, Ethoses, Itetscm Herd*. Reducers, Couplings, Giolc-Valvts, tWi Valves, Gauge Cotks, (Jit Cups, Whistles, 4c. always on band and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS . BARTLL'IT. Towcnda, April 11. ISCL Proprieto . IMPORTANT NOTICE, To Farmers and others Interested ! FRUIT TREES—3O,OOO Choica Fruit Trees for sale, including all the best variety of th* Apple.' the Pear, Reach, Plum, Cherry and Apricot, also a fine collection of the best Evergreens, such as Norway Spruce, Fir, Arbor Vitae, Austrian Pine, Scotch Fir and Black Spruce, including all sizes, from 2 to 6 feet, suited to ornament lawns and door yards, also Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamcntai-u-ees and shrubs, European Ash, Amertcan do, Horse Chestnut, European Larch, Fringe or Sinoke tree, Althea. Deutzla, Pcahra, African Taniarix, Wigelia Rosea, Froytbia, Spirea, Primifoiio and many others not named. 5000 of our best Native hardy Grape Vines, for sale the coming sprißg, such as Delaware, Diana, Concord, Rebecca and Cottage,also Clinton, Catawba and Isabella. 20 varieties of th* best bearing Strawberries, including " Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey A Hooker seedling; sold at low prices, by the 100 or louO ; the Red Cherry and White Grape Currrents, also Red A White, Dutch, Black, English and Black Naples; 12 other kinds not named here. 1000 Lawtoo Blackberry plants, these fruited in my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom mend. A fine collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb log Roses and Dahlias. In addition to my Nursery, lo cated at this place, I have lately purchased the Tioga Pcint Nursery, embracing over 25,000 fruit A ornamental trees with all other things in the line. Our people will find it much to their advantage to buy these articles at home instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from Rochester and other places at a distance. DANIEL IIARKINS. Towanila, Pa., Feb. 23, letG 1. j P S—A few good Salesmen wanted to act as Agent*, j apply at my house. D. H. Burbank's Bakery THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub* He that be bus resumed the management of tb# j above establishment, or.; door south of the " Ward ! House,'' where he is manufacturing CRACKERS, I of description, such as oyster, milk, Boston, soda, j butter, water, pic-nic, Graham, sugar, wine and common j crackers. Also, Rusk, Buns, Butter Rolls, Wheat, In | dian and Graham BREAD & CAKE, of ell kind*, constantly on hand and made to order. Tb* attention of the citizens of this place and vicinity, is called to the above, and they are assured that they caa always be .supplied With any of these articles. Wedding and Social Parties, will be furnished with every description and sty!* of Fruit. Pound, and fancy CAKES. Tavern keepers and Grocers will be supplied on terms as odvantagcous as any other establishment in the btate. In connection with the above he lias an EATING SALOON, where everything in tire line will be served or.t to tkot* who may favor him with a eall. Thankful lor past favors he respectfully solicits a cow tinuance of the same. lIENRY A* BL'RBANK. Towanda, March 5,1661. EUY YOUR, GARDEN FEEDS A.T FOX'S. Ihttva the largest stock and best variety of Garden Seeds ever offered for sale in this town. It is a weil known fact that a large proportion of tb* Garden Seeds sold throughout the country, are old, infe rior, and often worthless. In view of this fact I have ta ken great pains to procure * Fresh and Reliable Seeds, in fact the 1 >est to he found in market, in hopes to srj*' : ply a want long telt in this community, (and also to in. I crease my own sales in that line.) Will you examine sgy j Seeds before purchasing elsewhere ? I air REMEMBER THAT GOOD SEEDS COST NO MORE THAN POOR ONES. *3- WITH GOOD SEEDS YOU CAN HAVE GCOO VEGETABLES, - WITH POOR SUEDS NONE, Towamia. March 21.1861. H. T. FOX- Hurry Alona. Everybody! TO the New Grocery and Provision Store, juat opened by XX. a. STEVENS, at the building formerly occupied by J. 11. NEVIN9, on Main street, opposite the Court House. Ilis stock con* sists of various brands of Coffee's Teas, Sugars Ac., all very cheap ; besides a splendid assortment of Spice*. Nuts, Candies, Fruits and Confectionaries, Cigars of ev ery quality and price. He will also pay the higheat price fer BUTTER AND ECCS, an 1 snch other articles of '-onutry trade as the farmer* may have to dispose of. He would just say to all. if yon want anything in my line of trade, give me a call, and yon can ne accommodated. Towanda, April 10.1861. n. H. S. ra.il road hotel -Year the Barclay Railroad terminus, TOWANDA, PENN'A. TR. JORDAN respectfully informs thw • the pnbiic that he ha>*. leased the we'l-knowa tv. eru stand lornrerly occupied by M. T- CARRIER. in tb* lower part of the borough of Towanda. which having been refitted and thoroughly re furnished, he invites tb* patronage of the public with every confidence that he can give entire satisfaction to such as may favor hnn withn call. His BAR w'l he kept stocked with the best qualities of LIQUORS, and the best hmnds of CIGARS. Extensive stahling is connected with the honse, tad reliable attendants will enly be kept. No pains or expense wi ; i be spared tp deserve the pat rovage of the public—and the charges will be reiSlwuv ule. Tow A tlda. April 1,1661. Wars and Rumors of Wars ! War has been Declared in Towanda, Against High-Priced Pictures, YOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES at the Car of P. W. HUGHES. opposito the Ward House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good cases. All kinds of high-priced Cases wilt bo sold as low, fa propi.r tion. Call and see for yourselves. No Picture* will be allowed to go out, unless the cuatomers arc perfectly sat isfied with the same. Particular attention paid to Copy. Ing Pictures. Pictures Inserted in I-Ockets for 25 cents. CW oowed every rlay.-iaeeptiaf gonaay. IMwaetJe. Way fflST* TV* HUXJTIEF.