LOCAL AND GENERAL. IS- As" fly we ma J re ' ctr readers that it is said that if three or four on -8- L . boiled in a pint of water, and the liquid is brush fnß" 3 1 i.KM or frames, the flies will not light upon the . les washed. This way be used without apprehen j it will not do the least injury to the frames. eioDt One day last week, the ladies of this raised $l5O by subscription, to be appropriated to furnishing our Towanda Companies, at Camp Cur "V,th suitable underclothes. All praise to our patri jfle tadiM— when they undertake a thing they always ac {Oßilili-sl 1 IS" We pnhlish in another column, the , n3ltscti at the extra sest.ion of the Legislature, for the - jc r of the families of the volunteers, throughout the re who have enlisted in the present war. It clearly 1 forth the <"f urse to pursued liy all who claim its * af( its, and we recommend it to the attention of all in terested- It is not an ucfrequent occurrence, nl „ i every day, to see iu tl-is place, more or loss victims - tangle foot" whisky, preambolating the streets, iu "'boisterous manner, disturbing the peace, and laying themselves liable la prosecution. If a few examples were m de oi these " worthies," it might have a salutary ef fect asd go f ar towards preserving Ueeeucy in our streets. TVhera is our borough Constable . KA. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS.- It IN official lr announced by the head of the School Department that - County Superintendents re instructed to grant no cer tificates after the first Monday in June. 1661, without an examination into the theory as well as the practice of ..aching " and to mark the proficiency i both, in the cer tiflcate according to the same scale (from one to five) With tue other branches." Proficiency in the theory is to be tested by examination ; aud skill iu practice by obser vation ia the school room. Fes-SWORN IK— Companies A. and B. t fern this place, were filled nit. and sworn into service, AT Camp Curtin. one day last week. Lieut. MCKFAN vis aed this place, a short time since, for the purpose of rais ia recruits to fill out the Companies, which he accom • h.bed in a few days, and returned to Camp, and three Coai'iaaies from this County—two from this place, and 08 e from Athens, were sworn in and mustered into ser- The Troy Company 1 as not yet been sworn in, al tliorrh ! ' |pv have been accepted. We believe the Cotn yttj is nt yet full. TNR. CROP* —We lefsrn from prentlv men ~ Tereut parts of the County, that the winter grain csnot promise a very large yield, although an ordina ry crop may be expected. Owing to the backwardness tlie Soring, thus fur but a comparatively small amount or corn tuu potatoes bave teen planted. The corn that •i treii planted and come up, looks poor. If the pres et worm and pleasant weatbeT continues, there wiil, no he a large amount yet put in. The gra* crop r.r. abundant yield. From the southern and wes '• -art ~f this State, and also from the western States, /rroipeets of an abundant harvest are favorable. Scy In time of war it is weneraily ntiiue o icsrcity of food. Where man; are drawn away from pro cacing grain and roots, and oecoiae ou.y cotisuuiei s. there . great danger that the supply will not be equal to the Ueruaad. To obviate '-bis, let every patriotic farmer in Bradford, add to the extent, or the land he contemplates cultivating, at least one acre to supply lood i'-r our sol diers and cur soldier's fam 'lies. Iu Coli-eqitenre of ihe war. provisions of all Winch- will he in great demand and will probably briag large prices. As a timely necessary precaution, we would beg every farmer to plant at 'east if additional acre of corn, and other things in propor -I„iU. Now is tiie t.me. J'laiit ai d sow as a defence m avt scarcity of food ; histroy will record the wise act, til the godod harvest will reward you. I UARV TII.RNFD — The SiHivun County I ]frat sa-.-s a barn owned by Mr. James Taylor, H .on township, was emisumed by tire, at about 10 o'- .Saturday night last. It appears that there was Hums'stack near the barn which was set on fire, and Hahaes soon spiead to the building. Fortunately.the ■ • .dunged while Hie barn was burning, or Mr. Tay- SHiridwelling house would have been in ashes. It is said a threshing machine, fanning mill, corn shvllcr Hriother farming utensils in the barn which were ue ■ it.-'(c i. The entire loss is estimated at about $7OO. ■ Tuesday last, one Andrew Gowcr. of Lycoming '"• r.y. aire-ted, lie being tlic suspected incer.diary. Kt * brought befurc Jasti e Shipman. of this place, on Vinesdiv morning, and was bound ovor to Court. 5i e urs that s nee committal he has coufessed the crime. TOY- VCI.CNTF.FP.S EXEMPT TRCM PROCESS By the Stth section of the military laws of Pennsylvania. ' A'o execution or other process shall issue against any "Slcer. or non-commissioned officers or privates, of the a.litia when called into actual service under a requisition I'rom the President of the United Spites, or in pursuance I tithe order of the Governor of this Commonwealth, nor j H uni! an\ such process issue against him until thirty daya I Par he shall have returned from duty to his usual place 1 ■ <'residence, or until forty days alter he shall have been . H iichargfd ; and the coi it alderman or justice of the H?urr from which or from w mm any such process shall H-wcbeen issued, shall quash tlic same, as soon as the any such person being ordered on public duty shall tow .ten proven, and ail the costs which shall have ac- Hfrwc.a commencing or conducting any such process ■•Wbepaid by the person who shall have applied for H**u.d execution or process." I BaT FOCRTII OF JULY. —Are tve to have a iof July among us ? ,\s yet, we have heard very H" ; tui the overthrow of our glorious Republic, it seems to H -'iaattiie exigency of the limes demand a demon*tr.v • H'W. which, should it be our la-t, will be held by every ! ■"!! cit ; 7.e-r in grateful remembrance. On that day the ; I'"' - n ' >'-at< will probably give " three groans and a ■Fw for the Union, let US pivetiiree checis and a " ti- i "id renew our pledge of " life, fortune and sacred r to maintain, inviolate, the compact of our fore- ! '-•'Ms. Letus have an " old fashiivncd" celebration.and j ■svokethe blessing of Almighty Gon upon our t ehole I "dry, and upon our noble volunteers who bave gone H' 4 D?h; our country's battles. What say you ? I ' GOODRICH (L ARDS.'' —This Company, I ''d of young men from 15 to 21 years of age. late- . H 'Hoed in this place, made their fir-t debut on Friday j " K 'a laM, After f.irmiu gin rank in front of tlieir , "'. v marched down to the Fair Grounds, below ■ w!u -i, nmv fityled Camp T.lfurd, named in hon- | ■ - worthy Captain of this young Company. They re. j ' W iu Camp during the aftrnoou on drill, which was H " Msst d by many elder soMiens, who expressed their at seeing them so well disciplined, consider- ( '-be time they have been crganized. At 5 o'clock, I'. H, ,' marched back to town, when they were cou- F"to the residence of E. O. Goo MUCH , Esq.. (who H -'bonorof bearing the name which this Company , Hh where they w< re furnished with retresh- ; ■- A s* appropriate remarks were made by Opt. f J, ' Dw XI Lieut. ALLBS, whicli were responded to by f - uicn. Alter doing ample justice to the good Spared by Mrs. G , the yonr.g soldiers gave three 4, ' d a " tiger," for their host aud hostess, b 10 Lamp Tellord.to spend the night, ■^% r ieace, in a mtasure, the" hardships and priva- J kl '"iier'g life. Tais latter dmnoastration of by -he Uaton or Homo ( \ tards, 4@"POLK RAISING IN WINDHAM Wind. ham Cmtre, Junt 1, 1661—The cilieens of Windham have reason to be proud of tiie L'nian demoDstration here to day. A very large and beaut if l flag had been previ ously prepared by the ladies, for the occasion. Tlie splendid pole prepared under the direction of B. Kuyken dall, Esq., 125 feet in length, was raised at 2 o'clock. P. M., under the immediate superintendence of JULICS Rrs- SEL, Esq., the old War Horse of Democracy of the town About tliis time delegations arrived from Rome, North Orwell,Litchfield, Nichols and West Windham, with the Stars and Stripes floating proudly in the breeze. Cheer after cliecr welcomed them, by the hundreds already in attendance. The stand tor the speakers being prepared and every thing in readiness for raising the flag, J. B G. BABCOCK, Esq., was chosen President, and Julius Russell, I'eter Kuykenaall, I'. 11. Joslin, Darius Brainard, Cl;as. Sweet and Ellery Cheney, Vice Presidents. The flag was then raised, the ladies volunteering to assist. Three hearty cheers for the Stars and Stripes and three for the ladies, proclaimed not only a firm and enthusiastic devotion to the Union, but that the wives, mothers, daughters, sit ters and sweethearts, were not forgotten. A hundred horsemen deployed around the flngaud pniticipatcd,ad 1- ing much to the splendor of the occasion. After which eloquent Union-loving addresses were delivered, inter rupted almost every moment by expressions of approba tion, by the Hon. (1. 11. Barstow and C. Sweet, of New York. Elder Spencer, ot Litchfield, Mr. Case, of Rome, and D. Brainard and Denuis Sullivan, of Windham. It was indeed gratifying to see the unanimity ot feeling, all. Democrats rind Republicans, seemed to vie with each other iu their devotion to that flag which has always float ed in triumph till struck by a traitor's hand. The sentiment here is the same as exists all ove the country where the Uuion sentiraen has not been muktd out, viz : The Union—oue aud indivisible— not one star the less. Those in sympathy with treason found no comfort, they arc few and knutcn. i Housekeepers ! Isy this time you have finished the Spring house cleaning, removed the stoves, whipped the carpets, overhauled the dishes, changed the ; bedding, cast everything out of the house into confusion, ! turned them upside down and brought them in again al most solely for the purpose of damaging everything and i surely of breaking a certain portion, resulting in iinmen-e horror to the masculine members aud giving intense de light and satisfaction to the feminine*. For all disasters accompanying such turmoils—as splinters chipped and veners scaled from tables, bureaux, chairs, Ac.,—for a break, smash, split, rip or tear—for mending wood, paper> pasteboard, ornaments, fancy articles, Dr. ROUTER'S l.i quid (Jlae is truly indispensable. For joining broken glass, china, earthenware, Aic., Dr. FOSTER'S Oiitulal Cemint is a sovereign balm—therefore before domestic i felicity and perfect harmony can be restored to the whole household, it is absolutely necessary to select some of Dr. ROUTER s " Home Wants," viz Dr. ROUTER'S Bed Bug Poison. Dr. ROUTER'S Fly l'oisoa Paper. | Dr. ROUTER'S Rat. MUe, Ant, and Vern.ia Poison, J Dr. PORTER'S Liquid Glue. Dr. ROUTE n's Oriental Cement, which will gif c much satisfaction in cass a quiet home is desirable. lixiuevs. _ bIED, In Pike. Friday. May 3J. IMl<. of ileptlieria,COß.V BFIN XUTT, only daughter ot John M. and Betsy E. Agucw, aged 1 year 4 months and 11 days. At Troy. May 30, 1661, Cel. ISAAC N. ROMEROY, ia the 7lst year of his age. The deceased was a resident of Coventry. Tolland Co., Conn. He was for some years a resident of Genoa, N. Y., and settled at Troy in the year 16H. Many and important were the changes he lived to wit ness in the region of his adopted home. To these impor tant improvements none contributed more actively and efficiently than he. His strongly marked traits of character were such as to command the esteem ot those who knew him. Active aud public spirited, as a citizen, cordial an! sympathiz ing as a frirnd, a kind husband ai.d a tender father,—a thorough going and i cho'.r touiii man- his mcuioiy will long he cherished in the annuls ol our village, and in the heaiU of his numerous surviving relatives ar.d friend*. [COM. : _ lirtu gPrttrtfefitiits. ATTENTION, rpilE LARGEST STOCK OF ROOTS JL and Shoes ever brought to Towanda, has just been opened at the long established und well known store ol J. D. HUP/IPHREY. The assortment is composed of LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, NID GAITERS, BOOTEES. SLIPPERS. BUSKINS, AND CHILDRESS' SHOES, of every variety. I Gentlemen, tob are invited to examine thote Patent Leather and Call Skill Gaiters, Oxford Ties, aud Genlia menV Slippers. hoots and Shoes made to Order, AX I) It E P AIRED. SHOE FENDINCS. French and American Calf Skin, Kip and Upper Lea- I thcr, Harness Leather, Oak aud Hemlock Sole Leather. SADDLERY, HA I DWART AND SADDLER'S TOOLS. Groceries Very Cheap, And the whole stock will be sold for Cash at prices which iiiuke it an object lor all to buy ai j Towanda, June 4. l>6l. HUMPHREY S. "iiw OF msm iiiDßj Opening This Week AT Tracy & Moore's. Towanda. June 4. IS6I. _ WOOD OTAIVTED. 4 qnanty of well seasoned wood wanted at OLJL the Towanda Lime Kiln. Apply at the Barclay | R. R. & Coal Cos., Office. J. MACFARLANE, Superintendent. Towanda, June 4. ISGI —3l. Cash Paid for Wool. jrtA f\f W v LBS. WOOL wanted Lr 11 " V A "U W. A. ROCKWELL. I Juno 3, laCl. IMPORTANT NOTICE—AII persons in debted to the undersigned, either by judgment, note ; or book account, are hereby notified that the same nmst s be settled, or satisfactorily adjusted, previous to the 15th l of June, next, or costs will be made. Also, uil accounts falling due alter that date, must be attended to. as soon as they become due. M. E. SOLOMON. i Towanda, May 29, 1661. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Bradfordl Co., will lie exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SA l- UR AY,the22dA'I' MOXT ANTES' STO R E , A LARGE STOCK OP ! i SPRING & SUMMER I GOODS Purchased In New-York City daring & Great War Panic, | AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, , Vt'l.ieli wi'.l be ollercd at WHOLESALE & RETAIL, [Lp— At prices that cannot fail to please. I April 22, '6L MONTANYES. Hurry Along, Everybody! TO the Now Grocery and Provision Store, just opened bv XX. 7Z. STEVENS, at the building formerly occupied by J. li. NEVTNS, on j Main street. oppnnite the Court House. His stuck con- I sists of various brands of Coffee's Teas, Sugars Ac., all ! very cheap ; besides a splendid assortment of Spices, Nuts, Candies, Fruit# and Confectionaries, Cigars of ev- : ery quality and price. He will also pay the highest , price for BUTTER AND ECCS, and such other articles of country trade as the farmers I may have to dispose of. He would just say to all. if you want anything in my line of trade, give me a call, and! you can be accommodated. Towanda, April 10,1801. 11. H. S. ' BUT YOUR GARDEN SEEDS AT FOX'S. I have the largest stock nnd hest variety of . Garden Seeds ever offered for sale in this town. It is a well known fact that a large proportion of the Garden Seeds soid throughout the country, are old. infe- ; rior, and ofim worthless. In view of this met I have ta kcu great pains to procure Fresh and Reliable Seeds, in (act tin.- best to he found in market, in hopes to sup- < ply a want long lelt in this community, (and also to in crease my own -alts in that line.) Will you examine my ; Seeds before purchasing elsewhere ? *7* REMEMBER THAT GOOD SEEDS COST NO MOKE THAN DOOR ONES. ra- WITH GOOD SEEDS YOU CAN HAVE GOOD VEGETABLES. j&i- WITH DOOR SEEDS NONE. Towanda, March 21,1861. E. T. FOX. "VTOTICE TO COLLECTORS.— You are it hereby authorized to deduct live per cent, from the j State tax ot every individual who shall pay his or her ; State and County Taxes in full, on or before the 22d day | ot June next, and the same shall t>e allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, provided the sa-re is by you paid Into the County Treasury on or before the 26tn ; and 27th days ot June, next. By order of the Commis sioners. E. B. OOOLBADGH, Clerk. ! Commissioner's Office, April 8, 1861. AI) MINISTR A TO R'S N OTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot NATHAN B. HILL, late of Rome tp. dee'd., are hereby requested to made payment without de- j lay. and all persons having demands against said estate,; whi present them duly authenticated for settlement. SMITH LENT, April 17, 1961. Administrator. ! . i WI L MOT WAT KINS, ATTO UN KYS AT I.AW, TOWANDA, PA— Offlc® formerly oocnpiefl by C. Merour. I - H. TATfrWW. 1 1 NOV. 24, 1860. I LATEST ARRIVAL or WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AVL) QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS,; AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS AND C ARPETINGS, SOOTS &c SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HADRWARE, Etc. Feeling confident that we arc now prepard to meet he wants of ALL, ho would a!l ihe attention of tlie public to our NEW STOCK, which will be sold at great! j reduced prices for CASH or 1 READY-PAY. i Nov. 22, 1860. TRACY A MOOP.E. LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPUING GOODS J William. A. Rockwell would invite attention to bis new stock of Goods, which ; have beta selected with great tare to suit the want* of | his customers. Having found it desirable to adopt ths I Ready-Pay System, Lc offers Lis Goods at correspondingly LOW PRICES, i ; Persons examining his present FASHIONABLE & DESIRABLE STOCE. which was purchased at PANIC PRICES, can not fail of being satisfied both with articles offered and prices asked. His stock consists of Bry ; Gr IR, OCIE] IR/XIEJS, . ; Boots tf: Shoes, I Arts <£ Caps, WALL AND CURTAIN PAPERS, HARDWARE, GLASS & SASH, Paints, Oils, and Bails, BIRD CAGES & SEEDS, CROCKERY, GLASS WOODEN-WARE) IP I. ASTHR, ; constantly on lund and fur sale at No. I,l'atton's Block, j April IS, 1861. IMPORTANT ItfOTSCr. ITo Farmers and others Interested ! TREES.—3O.OOO Choice Fruit ! J. Trees for sale, including all tiie best variety of tlic Apple, the Pear, l'eacli. Hum. >ir yards, niso , j Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees r.nd i shrubs, European Ash, Amertcan do, Horse Chestnut, fh.ropcan l.arc'u. Fringe or Smoke Dee, Allbea. Dcutzia. ' Scabia, African Tamarix. Wigelia Rosea, Forsythia, • Spirea, Primifolio and many others not named. I duuO of our best Native hardv Grape Vines, for bale 1 ; the coming spring, such an Delswaie. Diana, Concord, ; Rebecca and Cottage .also Clintqp, Catawba and Isatx 11a, VD varieties of the best bearing Strawberries, including ' Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey & I looker seedling; sold ' et low prices, by the 100 or loot); the Red Cherry and White Grape CurrrenLs, also lied & White. Dutch, Liar!:, English and Black Naples ; 12 other kinds not named here. 10Q0 Lawion Blackberry plants, these fruited in my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom- ( mend. A line collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb- j ing Roses and Dahlias. In addition to my Nursery, lo cated at this place, I have lately purchased the Tioga I Pcint Nursery,embracing over 23,G0t) irnit& ornamental ; trees with all other things In the line. Our people will | ' find it inucli to their advantage to buy these articles at | home instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from i itochcster and other places at a di-dan™. DAN ILL II ARK INS. ! Towanda, Pa.. Feb. 23, ISC I. P S—A few gocd Salesmen wanted to act as Agents c apply at iny house. . I). K. t A DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTICE —Notice 1 a.iL is hereby given, that all persons indibted to the , estate of JOHN M. IIORTON, deceased, la'e of Terry j township, aie requested to make payment without delay, j and those having claims against the said estate will pleaee present them duly authenticated b>r setth-mort. LDMUNI) HORTON, HUSAN L. IIORTON. May 15, ISCI. Administrators. _____ 1 lOST. —Soma dnvs since, on the pnblic -a highway l>etwern the house of I)r. Crnndall and Charles 11. Brown's Mill, a BLACK LLATHKIt BAO, containing a Dressing Case, and a number of other aiti cles useful to the owner. A libera! reward will be paid for the return oi the bag and iU con ten. , or if left at Dr. E. Grandad's. C. L. WAPiD. Towanda, May 15, 1861 —4w. IjH)R SALE—A gfood COW. Enquire at J- the WARD HOUSE. May 21,1861. T OOK YE ! LOOK YE ! All persons 1J who are in arrears on their Daily Papers must SQUARE UP, this week, so as to commence June Ist, a : new account. A. F. COWLES. I Towanda, May 28,1561. PREPARE FOR WART A LL kinds of MILITARY BOOKS, for < J\ s.iie at the NEWS ROOM. Towanda, May 22, 1801. A CARS. THE nndersiffnctl having fennel it better for all concerned to do business on the Ready-Pay syn- < tcm would respectfully give notice that alter the £2d"of April no credit will be given. Those having unsettled accounts will please call and pav up without faither no tice. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 18, 1801. Wars and Rumors of Wars ! War lias been Declared in Towanda, Against High-Priced Pictures. YOU CAN GET GOOD PICTURES , at the Car of D. W. HUGHES, opposite the Ward House, for TWENTY CENTS, in good eases. Ali kinds of high-priced Cases will )>c sold A* low.tn propor- ! tion. Call and see for yourselves. No Pictures will be allowed to go out, unless the customers ate perfectly sat isfied with the same. Particular attention |aid to Copy ing Pictures. Pictnrts insorted in Lockets for 25 cents. Cwr opened evaryklay, eftepttsg T'-naS. MafH 1< T, I iKfscf _ * NOW READY! BiRILITtS' NEW IROI WORKS TOW AND A, PKNNA. • r PHE StiliKcril.fi" l>fgt leave to cail the al- JL tuition of (he pnbiiv t > the fact that be ha# enlarged hto motive power and purchased and set up addition*] I machinery, and employ ily. so that'll* u noV p:epared to exeevH: wa llers fur Ca.-t.lng3 cr Machinery with promptitude. lie ha* at hi- works al! the PATTERNS in o hy tLTS | late lirui ol Wm. 11. Phiiiip* i non ol Klnnra N. Y., and ha- ais> added to these. patterns ol various knJ*. MILI. lIIONa furuiuhed for Grist Mills, Gang, Uuftv, Circular and Mtiiey Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENCINES | of different -d.'e- and styles an,] in fact aliiost afly kind ' of Casting* uWMachintry ip common use. ; SUmm Fittir.ps tvh as Steam Pipes, Elbow, R/fwn Jit -u-'. Kii/iuu'i, Louf,.i<.gs, Oiobt - Y'ulres, 1/an.Jt Poire J, Gi.rgt tOt! Cups, Ithistles, ESPKCTFL'LLY informs tlio citizens ot- V Sullivan County, and the public generally, that La | has commenced business iii bUSHORE, where he Im just received a very extensive stock of i of every style and pattern, adapted for burning Coaler ■ Wood, which will be solid as low as any other place thu ! bide of Albany or Xc-v York. The attention of those desiring to purchase St. v.-3 is pailicularly directed to my assort merit, whit li is e-iiecially. adapted to the v*a*V> ot tins sertkm r,i the c<-ifltry, and will he sole ■ wrr , than can be purchased t1.1.i side of Albany or New T;x*. 1 believe I can offer greater inducement* thau nny.:i_'.7 establishment in the country. Also, XXardwaic, Iron, Steel, Uails, d',^, PAINTS AND OILS, ■ House and Corriago Trimmings, SPRINGS, IRON AXLES A COXES, of all sizes. Car penter's and Joiner'- T"' is, Macksraith's Tools, (.'row ' Cut, Circular :r:d Mi SA V, S. Table a.J 1' ckct Cutlery. Pumps. Lead Pipe, bain Pumps and Tube. Farming To..'. Tin Ware and .Stove Pipe, always oa hand. > ; Wholesale and Retail, i Job Woik done on short notice. C3~ Grain. Old Iro.i, C- i.jinr, Jdritannia, Srjafl, Lite*- wax and Feather®,-taken in exchange for p cds. Having hud niatiy years' experience In the business. 1 aui coniident 1 ,nn niase it ttie interest of purchasers to J give me a call. My goods will be bought .t the lowest : rates, and sold st corresponding pric... All manufactur ed ill tide w. ' be Tilade from the best material-, sad hy competent workmen, and will he warranted. V. C. HALL. ; Dushore, Oct. 22, 188(1. Burbank's Bakery fTHTE subscriber respectfully informs the puV- J. lie that he Las resumed the management or tke a'r ave es;>hiib„r.;c:\t. one door south of the " War d L jusc," a here he is manufacturing cf every 'I n, i ■ yst r, milk, BnM, aodn, butler, water, ] -.c :.'.:, Graham, -ngar. wine auk aommaa' i crackers. Abo, Rt.sk, Luna, Butter Roßl, V.'haat, In dian and Graham BREAD & CAKE, of ail Lin 1;. nstantly on hand and made to order. The attention of the ciCze: f this place ar..l vicinity, is railed to the above, and thev arc as-ured that they can always te.su; plied with any of these articles. and Social Parties, will! a furnished with every Jcs.!i.,tion and style of Fruit, Pound, and flißey CAKES. Tavern keepers and Grocers will ie mppiied on U rms as -dvantagenus as a* any other e-tuhilshment in the State. In connection with the above hn an B4TIN(v SALCOZ^, where everythin." in th" lino will be served oyt to th who may luvor him with a sail. Thankful :r i a-t favors he r. : pe tfuily sr.lw its a coa tin iar.ee cf the'same. HENRY A* EUUJJAXK. Tawanda, March 5, ISGI. •ZUH, OLD SrAiCD STILL IN OPERATION! THE sub * :II cr would announce - to the public that he has now on SL' J T:L l Fi'!i!rr.rjf. % ; y, liand, and will make to order all kinds (.1 (A 111 NET FURNITURR, such s- Sofa.-.Divans.Lounges,Cea- VjP, Ire. Card. Dining and Breakfast Ta iiy^^A^y..T*F-.5.1, v. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and \ Cherr. Bureaus, Stands of various 11—3 kinds,' Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, ami which they will sail for cash Cheaper than can be bought in any otlier Woio rooin in the country. liiIADY-MADG COFFINS, on hand op the most reap sonabteterms. A guod HEARSE will tie furnlilnd o- Fnneral occasion-. JAAIES MAC RINSOH. 'i'owauda, January 1.1857. Hun' SPlJffl SSDSI3 RECEIVED BY H. S. JWERCUR, Townnan, April 24, 1 ®#l. SI>T7D£R HOUSE. WAVKKLY, N\ V. A FOUR story brick ediiice, near the depot, ha* l.trga Ci airy moms, elegant parlors, and well furnished, I. owned and conducted I>Y C. WARFkUID with a desira to please first class patronage, is open for night trains, and pas.-enners ca'ied up if desired. Hoard 2.50 to 4.00 a week, and single incal- i."> cent*. A new barn near by Horses kept at. ftff cents per day. Passenger trains east 12.113, 4 40 and 11, a. m.. 4.03 p. in. to Ringhamton— We.-t 3.42, 5.44 a. ra., 4.57 p. in. S. S2 to Eluiira. Stages south twice a day. RAILKO AD HOTEL .Vr7 r the Hnrelay Railroad terminus, TOWANDA, PENN'A. TR. JORDAN refpectfully informs th# • the public that he has Teased the we'l-knewn tar eru stand formerly occupied by M. T. CasntEß, ir the lower part of the borough of Towanda. which having been refitted and thorosghly re furnished, he invites the patronage of the public with every confidence that he can give entire satisfaction to .such as nuy favor him with a call. lit* Bab will he kept stocked with the best qnalitiw of LIQL'OItS, and the best brands of CIGARS. Extensive stabling is connected with tho house, and reliable attendants will enly bs kept. No pains or expanse tj; i be spawd.to deserve o*o. pjfw aonago of the eh3rg~ | W "1 Do rcAotrv hTe. i Tawacdc, April 1.1561.