Sgrkulfttral Department. A Good Whitewash. The Chemianl Gm-ltt contains the follow ing excellent receipt for a whitewash, or a wash of various colors: \\ hitewash is one of the most valuable arti cles in the world when properly applied. It pre vents Dot only Ihe decay ofjvood, but condn cos greatly to tlie hcalthfalness of all build ings, whether of wood or stone. Out build ings and fences, when not painted, should be supplied once or twice every year with a good coat of whitewash, which should be pit pared in the following way : Take a clear., water tight barrell or other suitable cask, and put into it half a bushel of lime,slake it by pouring water over it, boiling hot, nnd in*suflicient qu antity to cover it five inches deep, nnd stir it briskly till thoroughly slaked. When the slaking has beer, effected, dissolve it in water, nnd add two pounds of sulphate of zinc, nnd oue of common salt. These will cause the wash to harden, and prevent its cracking which gives an uuEseemly appearance to the work.— If desirable, a beautiful cream color may be communicated to tire above wash, by adding three pounds of yellow ochre or a good pearl or lead color by the addition cf lamp, vine or ivory black. For fawn color, add four pounds umber. Turkish or American the latter is the cheapen—one pound Indian red.aiul one pound cf common lampblack. For common stone color, add four pounds of raw umber, and two pounds lampblack. Tins wash may I e applied with a common whitewash brush, and will be found much superior, both in appearance mu durability, to common whitewash. llow TO MAKE c.ori> WLJITEWASI? FOlt I DOORS. — At the request of many subscribers who have not read the previous volumes of the Agriculturist,we have repubhshi d the direc tions given two years since lor the best white wash we have ever used For a mVd: rate - : ztd house, say 8 rooms, about thirtyt-hree Ins.— Paris wliitp. and one lb. best white glue need ed. Dissolve the glue in hot water; also make a thick wash with the I aiis white and hot wa ter, and add the dissolved glue and sufficient water to make the wash of the proper consis tence. As the mass stiffens over night, it is better to mix each morning what is wanted during the day. If left over night, warm, or add iiot water to make it limpid. The Paris white is chalk cleansed from its imparities, and is only a very pure whiting— better than is ordinarily used for making put ty. We use the Cooper Glee, which is con sidered the best here, but any good white glue will answer. It costs here 80 cents per Us. at retail, end the Paris white 3 cents ptr pound. Both articles can be obtained in almost every city or village. The above makes an excellent whitewash, clean and white, and not easily rubbed off Its first cost is more than lime wash, but is more durable, and for nice rooms it is far pre ferable. GAU.S ON lIORSES. —As the heat and labors of the season increase, horses will suffer from various flesh wounds, which, if not immediate ly cured will cause great suffering to the horse and waste of time and temper to the owner Let therefore, a hint or two be tow heeded : PrcTcutation is better than cure. In the first place, be sure that your harness is in per fect working order. See to it especially, that the coiiar fits well, smooth and hard.— If the inner surface is rough, it must chafe,and scon wear off the skin. A loose laycrof leath cr under the coiiar, is a good contrivance to lessen friction upon the animal's neck and shoulders. While Spring work is pressing, let the hor des, shoulders be washed, every other morning, with a solution of alum and whisky. This being a powerful astringent, will serve to tou ghen the skin and prevent its breaking. At night, when coming homo from work, sweaty and sore, let tiio shoulders be washed with topid water, then rubbed dry. If, notwith standing the seprecautior.ts, cails occur on tiie breast or back, wash them clean, then apply an ointment made by mixing together a spoon ful of pulve i:d alum and the while cf an egg. HINTS ON SOWING GARDES SEEO?. —Nature covers lightly. She scatters seed from the ri pened stalk, for rains to wash into the earth, or the falling leaves to cover. The gardener often plants too deeply. Seeds which push' up a large head, as squashes or Lima beans, and others with a feeble stem, like onions,parsneps etc., can not well force their way through sev eral inches of stiff soil, packed down by heavy rains. A covering one half inch deep is sulu cient for most seeds —less than that will answer for many. In covering, sec that lumps of dirt or small stones do not take the place of fine earth. — This often happens when the seed is covered by raking the drills lengthwise ; abetter w.-v i? to pass the back of the rake crosswise over the drills. The old fashion of cutting up the gar den into beds four to six feet wide, thus wast ing a large portion of the ground in useless paths,is now nearly out of date, and very pro perly. A few long rows of beets, corrots, onions, etc., across the garden, are mere oasi ly worked than beds . f short row*. COAI. ASHES.— CoaI ashes arc said, by seme who have tried experiments with them, to be excellent for putting around the roots of peach trees and gooseberry bushes in the spring.— They are generally held to be of no use what ever, but as they contain some traces of potash and considerable lime, they will no doubt fend to destroy grubs and worms. Coal ashes no doubt possess some fertilizing powers ; but they are excellent in lightening heavy soil, answer a good purpose in trenching for grapes, to place above the bottom rnbbage. In garden avenues we prefer it to any other material.— Remove the soil, if necessary, and apply from four to six inches of coal ashes, then roll.— You will have a clean, dry walk in less than five minutes after it is done raining. The frost too, never affects its injuriously. No Dims IN* LATE SOSW PEAS —Mr. Jonx M. SMtrtr, of Wheatland, informs us that he sowed o 1-2 acres of peas last year, the first week in June, and they were entirely uninjured by the bug. They were sown cn corn ground. All but one acre was sown without being piowed—tie land being harrowed and cultivated in the spring, and the peas gang-plowed in. The peas on the acre that was plowed were the best.— The whole crop, however, averaged So bushels per acre. The variety was what is known here as the " Canada Creeper." The peas were off early enough to allow the laud to be sown to wheat in good season. JSUsctllaittous. pprfc, NEW ATTRACTIONS I tip At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery, jjk TOWANDA, PA. t\\ to.i ean procure, .at low prices, ||\IPH©T©©mAPIH§ 3 ; _fl \of clt tdaes. up to life size, either plain or re >jl too-hed, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYPE9 and AMBItOTYFES. and nl most all other kinds of types. Pictures ill good cases tor 50 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Mel.iinoty pes .made in all kinda of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August IU. 1559. /n /\ -a. &1, 4 - '* A -v -b\ rpiIIS 13 THE ESTABLISHMENT .1. where yon can find a very line assortment of WATC!IKS ANI> .!KWKLRY or all descriptions. nNo a , pood stock of Ci.Ot KS, prices ranging from 10 shillings i no, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, j iam also agent tor Hie sale ■>! I). Ik LF.N 1' celebrated ! T irometcrs, which every farmer shonhi always have. Pj i res t ram $s to J .it. according to tin eh REPAIRING , done r.s usual in a neat ana workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. ( HAMBERLIX. U O vOU Vv AM WIIISKEMS 1 DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'3 CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONGUENT, For tie Whickers and Hair. The s -rriiiers take pleasure in announcing to (he Cits- ! sens of the United States, that they have obtained the j Agency are now enabled tov magic upon the roots, causing j a beautiful growth of luxuriant h.iir. ti applied tu the; scalp, it will cure BALPNKSS, and cause to spring up in place of the bald spot a line gmuth ot new hair. Applied I according to directions, it will turn Kf.n or towy bair j DAKK. and re-"ore gray iurr to its urginal color, leaving j it sou, smooth, and (icxihlc. The " ONOTRNT is anil ; dispensable article ir. every g> -nt lonian'* toilet, and alter j one week's use they would not lor any consideration be ; without it. The subscribers are the only Agent* fhr the arti' ie in the United States, to whom all orders must be address! d. j Price One Dollar a box—tor sah* by all Druggists and j Dealers ; or a box of the " Onpn-nt," (warranted to ha -t- i the desired effect) will be '-cut to any who desire it, by j mail (direct), securely packed <>n receipt ol price and postage, ti .IS. A pi: ir t<> or adores iioR.u'L IIEGEMAX & co., purcoisrs. Ac., i.' f William Street. New York. NSW FX&M. CODDING & RUSSELL, TJA YE pun-hased tiie large and well known (-tnl.iish- I Anient of P. ('. Ilall, and arc now receiving from I. cvv York, the largest and most complete assortment of HARD-WARE, ever offered for vale in this market, which will he sold CHEAP for Cash orappnved Create We imve a large and well selected stock of Wood and Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety ok pattern nnd style ol Parlor, Dining-lioom. six Plate, and Cylinder Stoves, which we can. and will sell :.s cheap as can 1 purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a lull and eompiete assortment oi SROW AftD STEEL, Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils. House Ti itnmings. Car riage Trimming .Springs. Iron Axels and Ilexes, of aii sizes, Carpenters and .Joiners Tools, lit k. smiths T"o:s, Cross-cut. Circular and Mill Saws, Tahlc and Docket CFB: HJ r B BL. T&Z E 2 cf every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Cliaiu Pumps and Tubes. RRKTtWII AYR I'LiTI'B Wißi:, the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE AND STO\ K I'il'E. always on hand— Patent Stretched Leatiter BELTING. Every name and form of FARMING SOOLS. .TOR WORK city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited j to an examination of my entire stock of Liquor;, Cigars and Tobacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions,! Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Contident that 1 am enabled to sell my entir stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Itetsiil, less than like goods i can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so- 1 licit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Bow. i H. W. NOBLE. | Towanda, June 11, IftCO. Garden Seeds!! WARRANTED FRESH, At PATCH'S. | ittisccUauc ous. 1 Sosqutbanira Collcgiale Institute TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. 7ACI LTY : OLIYT-R ?.PEA!C. A.B. I'riiicipal.Professor of Ancient I Languages, :in* I The Collegiate year is divided into three trrn ofl t I weeks eti h. The Miiiiver*;iiv exercises will be he'd at the close of the Spring term. ' No deduction will he made for absence, except in ca-e ! of protracted illness of over two wei lii-tr-um ntal Musi will not, as heretofore, be taught in the InsDtntion. but hv wse< in! arrangement a class will be taught in a ii.iii ;-.d',oini:ig the grounds ot the Institute, ' by tbe Teacher ol Vocal M usic. ""Thisarrangement has licen adopted for the pa-t term, and fxperletf •• lias ) roved it to he eminertly superior to the plan p.a sued in huintr tears. Special pain* will he j taken to secure the gr efest progress of this.: wishing to ; take lessons in this hraiub- Terms will he as heretofore : ] Tuition on Piano forte, per term $lO |'o ' UhC of instrument ou whi; h to take lessons •'•' i da for practice 2 00 j Puj-ils boarding in the Hull will furni -h their oir t< w c's. A •.. cod the table silver a. their option. If is de-irn- I Ide tl it they also mmisb their v. a liecl anil Iwdding when it is convenient, but when otiici w isc, these wiil bo i furnished nt a slight charge It is strongly recommended that students fr-r ■ pportuuilics j for advancement .n study are thereby secured. Xormel Drpiutmatt Special cxcrct-cs are arrnngen without extra eh re ll for those preparing thein*e-ves as Teachers of Comim u Schools, Pint. C. it- Colli ID. the utile and well known Superintendent of Common h-hmds ; in the county, has kindly consented to organize tiie Tea cher's class, and direct the cnnre to be pursued. lie will also he present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, nml will deliver froipient lectures TMIE subscriber l aving withdrawn from the \rer I building would respectfully inform the pubic tii ;t he lias re inured iiis Plain and Fancy Bindery tot.:" Nor! It En iii ot the W;,:d House, formfcrlr occupied ny lv>t c. wliere*Tie Is i;ow prepared to l.ftnt all kiiids of P..iota in the most approved and workman!.kc man. > r.— ] Having to share my profits with 110 sts-onil per-: n 1 Hit ter i:.' -I n my prices will meet theautusfactiuu of the pal lie. j j in nhfui for the confidence reposed in me nr.d tiie pub tic appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in th future to merit the continuance ot ; pul.lic support. Partii given to re binding Banks. All work v.ill be w i minted. Terms, fash. 49* Also, a large assortment of STATIONERY f the 1 best uditv. at the buvc-t pi ices. Justices' a:; 1 Consta ble's :,l.A>ii;s. of ul! kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round. smare and -wil; and pic tures Iruiued to order, clieau'-r fh .n ever ko-.w here. JuiiAXX F. BENDER. ; Towanda, Jan. 11, ISGO. Bookbinder and Arti-t. J*. " To lie. or i.ot to hp— bat is The question ! V.'E-ihr r 'tis jj,.; bw in the mind : > s p.: ,■ Tiie slings and arrows of e.utr r.-ocs typn'ilim. Or iiy taking up arm - ag.u -l • .sea o. pi .tiling ml:, And opposing, end tlieni." nPlii! 'ipo rii tcr of the Argus takes o ee: n in adver- L tlsiug iiis Bindery to in.luige in an uncalled lor fiir.g about a "s- i t of n c. ,ecrn," w liicii is hoping "to deiud" the public.'' s I have opened a Bindery on uiv ow i \ count, the intcrence is t ...t if the public their '•lndu s to ine. tbey are in no danger of being ilefrauih th I Fur two years 1 have worked tor Mr. PAUSI NS. and i.e j has taken great; aii>-1 s itisfy the pubii I was tiie "hi -t I Binder in America," as the columns ol the yl. gut wil testify. Has he li en nil that time '• deluding the pub lie';"' If 1 have been engaged in a has been tii principal. But I refer to my work during that time a evidence that there lias been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business. I have resumed business here on my own ac I know of nothing which prevents me i'mni ioi lowing a legitimate and haw iul l- r my support—- I shall endeavor liy good work and attention to my bui nessto give public satisfaction. March 15. JOHANN F. RENDER.Binder. ; TREMEK2GUG EXCITEMENT. | LINCOLN TG BE ELEOTID, i \7~ET til those seem r.tily to inrrpnvc tho J. business and prosperity of the 0il I-'ounuiy and i 2MLA.cs:i3ri3 SHOP, (South side of Pine st.. one door East of 11. P. Mcr cur's Store.) Tim undersigned would call tiie attention of ail con- ' corned to the tact, that !m is prepared to do, and w ill ex (•cm ail work entrust', dto him with dispatch,and in tiie most workman-like manner. FITTING UP Mil.l. IRON*. REPAIRING STEAM ; ENGINES. Rom the Minnie-t to tlm most complicate, in 1 my of ; air parts, and WAR!; W'TED to give satislae tioii. PI.OVi'S always on hand of tlm most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantia! manner. Having reci i tiy added considerably to bis iacilit'cs for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every depart.nent. he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 15. IsCO. EO. il. BUNTING, r' > ESPECTFUI.I.Y informs his former customers and C the public generally, that he has removed iris t£l:los'S shot, To one door south of Tracy & Moore's store and imme dint.jy opposite D. C. HatFa Stove and Tin St-ore Main St. He flatters himself that from his longexperiencein hn -iness lie willlie aide to pfcase all who may favor him i with their custom. Owing to the loin pressure in themo j uey matket, he xviil make Coats tinni (1 50 to S-t 50each ' m'l other work in proportion for HEADY PAY. j Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, il offered Towaiula. March 20.1358, A. WICHSZABS & sou, ITIJOUI.D respectfully announce to the public that they j YY have purchased of.). 1). Humphrey, his entire I stock of GOODS, and in addition are now receiv j ing. from New York, large -uppiies of Goods adapted to ( the season, embracing all tiie varieties of j STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. HATS Si CAPS, Y ANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. I Which they now offer for sale, at the store formerly oc j copied by Humphrey A Wiekham, (west sideol the Pub I lie Square), 'l'iiey would most cordially invite all to call ' and examine their extensive assortment, as they are de termined to oflfer tlieir goods, for cosh, at such prices as j januot tail to suit the closest purchaser N. B --Dealers can be supplied by us with Gents Ro • . WICKH AM. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! THE best assortment in Pennsylvania. Consisting rf Mackerel, Trout. White Fish, Blue Fish, Salmon Codfish, Piekled arid Smoked Herring. Smoked Halibut Ac. Ac., on hand, and to be sold cheap, by Towanda, J one 10,1*60. C. B. P ATCJi ittmhauUfif, Sic. ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. GGNSISTING IN PART OF PRINTS, | GINGHAMS, BE LAINES, PARIS ESIIERELDA, DESMARETS, GLACE DE MESSINA. REPS. | AND OTHER DRESS GOODS. A LSO SHAWLS, HOSIERY, G Li O V E S , CANTON & WOOL FLANNELS, Cassimeres, Denim?, Jeans, d'c., JUST RECEIVED BY n. S. MURCUR. Iter. 6th, IBM. The Argus Book bindery Again in Fall Operation ! V[ r E hare the g: itifbatii n oi'annnnnring to our frfend*. t cu-fnaieie, a4:d tbe pubiii:, that wc aie now pre pared to do BOQ3C liIN I)IXG, in all Ie our patron-*. £... • Custom: rs shonid he particr.lar to rcmemher t tbe •• Argus Bindery," is in the \rgus B iildtng. as form erly, (first building nnytli of Ike Ward House) and i nei teu w .tii o:: r B ok and Si i. njierx Store and Pi luting Office, r. here all work should ! e ,!■!. vered. (At i'iON.— Wr art ci inpeli'd in just ice toour-elves. and our old cu-tomers. as well ;cs to prevt at au imposition upon tiie pubiic genera lly. to cant ion them against a sort I n concern, that falsely holds out to the public ihat it is i tbe Argus Bindery. This/c.nii/ is practiced ro doubt, , Willi a hopco! deiauing toe Pul.lic. Against this hoid and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. /tii- Particular attention pair! to re-Binding. All worh ; gum ranted. i'.B" t 'ountrv Produce of ail kinds taken in pavmcnt ! for vs , r k. p f I! vlng made enmr.lete arrangemnts, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style cr pattern at firlees as low as el-v.. Ite'e. Sonanda, March 5. ISuO. E. A. PARSONS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE T V UY Vjxii_iL LiiidJ—i L.aD GOcD FiTTITi'G iY.ENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, IS AT SOLOMON'S f-1 s^T 7 " s O5lPisP-"riST 5 LMhdL.jrttsMMi i T T WING just received ore of the I.arce-t Storks of { I I il and it inter Gloliiing that Has ever been offered tirs ni n ket before, wideb will be sold at greatly u ! • \r r.Ai.G \i::s in I! ■ k D. B. V S. B. Broadcloth Track Coat-. C'li.A I BARG A INS IN cv B. aver and Silk mixed Cassimcre Coat GIIEAT BARGAINS IN ! Ca simrre. I'l.l-.n and Sattinct Business CoaLs. GREAT BAUGAIN-s IN i weed and Kentm 1 v Jean and Cottbnade Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Blad; ''••.•skin. • a— mere, Union and Sattinet Pants. ' GRE AT R \I£G A INS IX j liar; i mil's t'as-iiucre. Silk raixo.l and Plain Pants. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fanev L'ninn Satinet oud others, Coata. GREAT jjABGAINS IN PI Em an 1 Kancv silk Velvet Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN M :;! •'-* Pill", ,:•:•] F :ney*S:*!c Vests. ; GRE AT P. \RG UN'S IN • iai: so. i avimere. silk Mixed and Clack Vests. GREAT BARGAIN:, IN V- n' >• 1 't i".i Velvet and Flush Vest®. GREAT l> \I?G A INS IN Fancy. Cnimi. *att>:;et and F'armer's Satin Vests. ('■ • r ol t lie . rgest stocks of (i VEltt'O ATS. c"usi-;ing of I. iter. I'i.ot, Sealskin. iVtersii-ttn. i.lanskin. i'.iaek j of nil qualities, and a large asr. rtnient of New Style* - . '.iso one of th* Largest -s!.. ks . i (lent* t-'umi-hing Good*, nlii. h will be sold 25 per rent, cheaper than '■! - e. !;ere. Call Itefore you buy and examine iny stock, ns | you can l.c soiled belter anil at lower figures. Remember the place, M. E. 'SOLOMON'S Clothing Establishment. | September 27. Im'.O. Towanda, Pa. S2::trGoruinary Znducen:cnt3 FITRNIII7e'/; AXD CHA IDS. -s. 7W /-- "Sj, I! WING great * v increase Imv formei its a-to I, ~ i Calinet Ware and Chairs, I am ■ "™™ , itt p I Vtermi t !cd to . ispose <>f these arciimlua lions rnpidly, and wnh tliat desigii offer ail ni tides at : unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at 51 ; l i 520. line t „:ie Beat Chairs 75 cts. ; each, a nice Bed-tea.l for 20 shillings. 1 hare !mw more than ("> different pattern* of rimirs 1 Bureaus. I'esi-.s lor the farmer or merchant. Looking Glasses. Looking giass I'iates,Portrait and Picture frame* of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Wa out corner : 20 patterns i t Btnnds : extension, dining, tea and work Ta . !•'.'*, Ila'.l stands, and in I.e I anything that • an l.c lound I in a city Ware-house. A large i**.-r'tnicnt of ready-made Coffins, with a good Hearse ready, at all times. J Purchasers wII be sure t-> find the rigiit plare, south ■ -• t.. of tF;- pul.lic t -,a, --UL- uuer ea*t or M intanve*. Towanda. Dec. 1. Iss'.fi CHESTER WELLS. Carriage Masnfactcry at c JTSrff. REVXOLDS, FELLOWS & I CO.. respectfully inform the people ol Western Bradford and the p-ldie general ! ly. that their operation* have not been in the least dis j tin-bed by the lire, and they are ns usual prosecuting their | hii-.iiioss in nlf its branches. They arc manufacturing to order, and wiil keep on hand, ! Carriages, SI-.ig/is, Bugg'os, Skeletons, Lum ber autl Democrat 1 1 'ogovs, A-"-. ! m-i-le of the very best materials, and in the mnt snbstan j tin! and workmanlike manner They ue nothing hut the best of stock, their timber being mostly from the | East, and everything being selected with reference to its j durability. A* an evidence of the value of tbeir work theypoin i to the fact, that they received the first premium at th I last RraifWd County Fair, and at a previous Fair th ' first premium for Cutters. BLiACIvSMITHfNG done in all its branches, and par ticular atjentiou paid to Custom Werk. Alba, April 4, lstiO. WILSOW, BAF.WB3 tSi CO. I WHOLESALE GROCERS And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 15 V> urren street, (three doors below Washington at.,) NEW YORK. WILLTAAI IT. A\ ILSON. formerly of the firm of I-'ul Dr. Davt'.n .t Co.. and Wilson, A Merrill. 1). V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENKY, ot Wyoming county. Pa. KAMI EL. N. DELANO, of New Yorla lflmy^VS JtttetfHatWttfr Ayer's Sarsaparilla. \ COMPOUND REMEDY. designed to bethc mo-t ef fectual Altrmne that can be made. It m a ron- C( Titrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to aff.ird an effective antidote tor the diseases Sarsnirnrilla is reputed to cure. It is luliired that such a remedy in want'.l I'J those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove ! of immense service to this large ' lass of our nftllctcd fel low-citizens. How completely this com pott ud will do it has been proven by cxncrinciit on many of the worst cases to be found of the Mlowieg complaints : Sckoh I.a ASn ScnoffLrs Court, AINTS, UKITTIOV? AVI> I'M rnvK Diskasi s, Ui.crr.s. I'ixri.ic. lftxTcur.s. TT MOKS.SAI.t I'.UEI x. Scald HEAD, SrfiiiLrs ANI> SY PHILITIC AFFECTION*. MEKCVUIAI. DISKASK. l)"irsvtXrc lt 41.01 A oil T. D.ifl.ofUEfX. HtlilElTr. DYSPEPSIA AND 1 M>|(.I;STION., lIOSE OK ST. AKTUOXY'v PIKE, i and indeed tiie w hole class of complaints arising from IjIPfKITY OF THE Itl.oOP. h'his compound will be found a great promoter of | health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hu- ' mors w idcli fester in the blood at that season of the year. Dv the timely expulsion of them many rankling d .-ol der* are iiipi'f'l iu the bud. Multitudes can. by the aid of tins icmi dy. spare tliemscheir-ffom tiie endurance ol eruption- and oh • runs cures, through which the system trill strive to rid itself of corruptions, il not n—isted to do this through the natural ciuumi ol the body by an .'iterative niid'cine. * iean.-e out tiic vitiated blood ! whenever you find its impurities bur-ting through the skin in pimples, eruptions. or sores ; cleanse it when ton find it is obstructed and sluggi-h in tin- veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt people enjoy i la tter health, and live longer, fur cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; hut with this ! pabulum ol life disordered, thetc can in- no lasting health. ; Sooner or later something INN-t go VIM g, fi.d TIT g'.in machinery of life i- disordered or overthrown. Kir-iiparilla lias, and deserves much, the reputation ot j accomplishing thtse ends. Kut the world has fern egrc ! giously deceived by preparations of it. partly because j the dn g alone has rait all the virtue that i- claimed for : it. hut more liecau-e many preparations, pretending to | lie re.uceutiated extiio-ts of it. contain but little ot the i virtue of Siirsapari!'.i. or anything else. During late \ • ars the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sara , par: Ila lor one uollat. Most of these have been frauds j tiimn the sick, for tlicy not only contain iittle. if any Sarsaparilla, btit often no cu'ative properties whatever. | Heme, bitter and painful disappointment has tollowe.l i the use ot tile various extracts of Sarsapariila whicii ' flood the market, until tiie name it-clt i- justly de spised, and has iieeome synonymous with imposition and cheat, Still we call this cotnpoun ; S-r.-apari!ia, nr..! in tend to supply such a remedy as shall re*ctie tire name i 'mm the load of obloquy whidh rests upon it. And vrc ; think we have gmiiud lor believing it lias virtues which ; .lie irresistible by tire ordinary run of the di-ea-cs it is ! int.ndcd to cute. In order to secure their complete I erad, alion trom tTTe system, the remedy should be judi ! ciojtsiy tak< n accordirig to directions y Dr. J. I'. AYERJk CO.. Lowell, MaUs-i - Price, $1 pi >' Eolt.'c ; .N.x Bull! s f r Z - Avers Chcrn Pectoral. 11.1= won for it-> If swell a renown for the cure of every variety >•! Tiir it and Lung Complaint, that it is entire ly utineeesry for us to recount the evidence of its vir tue-. wherever it has liccti employed. As it has long ' been iuconstant use throughout this aection, we teed not do more than r.—ure the j.euple its quality is kept tip : TO the lies- ,t ever been, and that it may he relied en i to i to; lucir iei:el ail it has ever been loucd to do. AVER'S CATHARTIC I'ILLS, i or tiie cure of Cos'iveticsa, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indi gestion. Dysentery. I -ul Stomach. Erysipe las. Headache, I'iies. ltiieumatistn. Eruptions and Skin Disra-cs. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, 'letter. Tmnors and Salt lihenm. ! C.i-ui. Neuralgia, as a Dinner Did, and tor Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take tiieui pieasau'.lv. and they arc the best apeii i>nt in tiie w .rid for all the purposes of st unity physic, i Price 25 cents per Box : l ive boxes fur 51. 00. (ii. .it numbers ol Clergymen, Physicians. Statesmen, ' a-• -I eminent personage-, have • at their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of the--* remedies, hut our space here wail not permit the iii-ertion of tiicm. The Ageiil-> below named lurtii-h gratis our American A!mn i.r:c ill which they ate given ; with itl-o full de-criptiors of tl'e ab 've ' op-iibijr.ts, and tiie treatment that should i lie followed tor their cure. I'o not I e put . I I y t.npriiieiplf il dealers with otiier | preparations they make tuore pi.-tit on. Demand Avfk'S and take no others. The si.-': mint the licit aid there Is lor tlieui. and should have it. j All our n medics are tor sale by Dr. H. C. Potrrrß. To. Willi.:' ; (.'KitNSKY ,V MlTi I! KD!.. Troy ; DALV fc \> il HE. i Leiin.' ltoy ; TAYLOR. Kyanvilie. I). Wn.cox & Co., Canton : Amu.F.-S A Rot K i writ.. Alba; B.xr.v, Wyahudng; I'tOI.LET, Wysox : >TE\ A lii'HKowii. Keven.-ville ; UOIUJEUS. V.'.-st Warreu : Lono .V SONS, Uuilington ; NF.WKI.I. A Co.. I*l - ; I' 1 kiss, Athens :MF utv, Partif-cton ; AVERY v ( 'AMI*. I aiiin'ow.i : NICIIOI.S. lierricitvide ; I-irTl.t:. LcKaysv iilo. ; ISIP'SSON. Orwell; IfmaLKMAN. Orcotl s ■ .t-.-i. ; ' v. Home; Kinney .V. <>ouc, Stieshequin, ! and I.v r- < vciywl.eie. j April in. Wfi|. Mansfield (la.s.slca] .Seminary. rtZansCcld, S s Gc., Pa. ; SI'IiINCJ TKUM of t!iis Insiiintiou JL will coniiitencc April 2d, 1S(J1, and eoutinue thir teen weeks. ! E WILDMAX. A. if Principal. | Mrs. H. P. it- WII.UM.IN Preceptress. ! Miss E. A.rn.tsr Music Teacher. I Mr. ISAAC Stk hntv Penmanship. EXPENSES. Tuition (Primary) per Terra 22 50 Common English. 4 50 Higher !'n,...-h and Languages (I ltd Music. Piano or Melode-an 8 00 Use of Instrument IN Hocun rent, per term 1 ">1 Fuel, per term 2 00 In. id- atals, per term 2> I' >urd in private tutnil : e. tor week ! 0.0 Every pn-sii'!e eff.a t wdl lie tnadu. Imth by the Trus : ties mi] faculty, to afford as good advantages as can t-e I had in any School in the State. The Seminary is now- in | ; luce-soi • ouipieti wi.i. ii will enable is to affird the lr-: aeciniod'.itiits to 11l students at the opening lof t'ltr Spring Term. Piv.-tieular attention wi.i be given i t . siicii as i.ic prep.'.r'iiig themselves tor teaching. Tlvw-e wlio iuive sains or iti ghters to educate, will do well to : send tliem to Mansfield. i Tn.lio'i urynbie ot,e half at the corumoncrnipnt of the ' term, and the remainder at the middle, or satisfactorily ! arranged. All of produ'-e taken in pnvraent for tuition if j hr-iugiit at tiie ciuiiuienccUßnt of the Term, at mnikct i I ,ri " e .' . ... I'.-r farther pattieulnrs adiiress tlie Prini.pu . Vacancies in the !\.culfe wiil h-.- fiii.d Immediately. * IU.-V. N. FELLOWS, l'rvs t. A.J. P.ssp. Pee'y. STarclY 21. i —'• 1. McCA B E ' S CENTRAL ML AT MARKET. tirlov J. Kingslff/s store, M'lin st. \ ryiiK would respectfully tender his sincere I J_ thanks ; . t'ue p'li.ii - br the very patronage cNtendcl I i him. and sniieits a eontiiiuauee of the same. , He begs leave t.> as-ure that he intends to keep on luirul as heretofore, a choice selection of ME.V IS ot all kinds, the best the country affords, which he intends to sell Ibr i very small pr.-lits, either by the side, quarter or pound. g-d-.\ qnantity of fir.-t qualit o! SALT I'OIUv, put up : by myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will he promptly delivered, at any place within : the corporation. fowanda, August J McCADE. STOVES! STOVES! CUSS STECEIVED ! HAVING Intely rpittrnpd from thp city where we have purchased for CASH a large as i sortment of STOVES, of all varieties ami sizes suited to ! this locality, we ate prepared t" sell Cheap tor Cash or approved credit. We would coll especial attention to tho Celebrated Coal Stove 13.C "w U BS ES-leo'iswr) the perfection of arrangement foe burning coal. We are ; also casting and setting up in onr own Foundry, a num ber ot kinds of excellent COOKINU KOX STOVES for SCHOOL-HOUSES and SHOPS. Persons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ac count ol broken plates. Ac., cau get just as good of llonte Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is the Largest and Mo-t Complete ever ollcred for sale in this market. V'e also manufacture aud keep constantly on hauu, a full assortment of Ti^-WARE, and will make to order any thing trom a Telescope up— to a Sausage Machine! AV" Call and examine for yourselves, and yon will he - itisiied that there is something in the world yet, besides Gas, JOHN CARMAN. Towandn, Aug. 30. ISt'.O., N. il.—Our Tin Store is on Main street, south store in i Mercur's Block. | QHARLES OAK I'OR I > A SO NS CELEBRATED HAT, Tor Spring and Summer Styles, Just received at E. S. BENEDICT'S Clothinp and Hat and Cap Store, ' TOW AND A, PA. * ~3 LSY 15113 lntsS i t- hiarart. will receive |>rf>mi>r ,.,• ,nH - W I Col. K. Smiili. orer Tracy J AprlllMMH. fetort. rpIIO.MAS .1 I.\(,UAM. .1 "/Y?^ ± AT LAW , I.Al'OliTfc, Bullnu/ I ■ I I N. WILLIAM?*; Afro \I • UHTI AMOX I'A.. will mJ.!t, 4 ' m-s* culru-t. dto bis care in tbe court# ol " ■■> w Lye < teg and Sullivan <;„•„. 01 r. OVERTON',. JR - Jv / \VERTOX A MOXTAXYr'T-K !U XE Vft AT/.A tr-Officc )U L-n'*: A y occupied by Jab. Macfahlank. ' IT. J. MADILI. T> rv~~" - \ I AIULL A MOIUIOW.'A TTnp> j i?l A.xn COUNSELLORS AT / !, I over Mercur Store. Towanda,Pa. -it Towanda. April 2, 18. { \R.E. 11. MASON, /V/Y.v/7^> J f SI lIGEOX, offer* his profo-m,,;, [?. A A i people oi I owanla and vicinity. opir.. 1t ■ . on I'ine Ktrect, where he can always he (v.,,./ ""h professionally engaged. ÜBd i*i, I. 1 B. PARSONS, ATTOliypzi U. LA W, TEOV. Bradford Co., p a ' ;M. As 11. F. Long* store. . '' I - - - • *•;. |i HENRY 15. M'KE.AX ATTnrZ AT LAW, TOWANDA, pa.; : attention to luminous entrusted to him! ivi! , • on reasonable terms, with prompt reiniflaiiA LMJIAXAX SMITH. Imrintr ntn-. iJ fowanda. ha* opened a Law Offi,., , I Ftote. Dec. I. I*l7. *B5 DR. H \\Ks'n\ l' l *?'- Permanently 10-at.-j {„ T , " ' ' * ■• —• OFFICE one door south 01 Bail,.- - Towamln, Feb. l!, 1*59. ' 01 O. 11. WOGDRUFF-DE?i lls? PERM ANENTLY lnrntcfl in T. Brick Bow. over 11. TV. No-. .. ' Kntranee one door south of Tracy .V Moores." DR. G. S. DECK, suncEox' MECHA.X/CA 1. DENTIST, TO'.Van""/ inf'Olßi c. \o. f. Isri#-k How, over L. T K | entrance liivt iwr %.? Pin# *t. February?* rvx 11 \v ATKIXS. a rroiLxi: U LAW, TOW AXI>A. PA. 1 Office opposite Laportp, Mason .V Co. ftjpOollection* made atul remitted with prcin-tt, Towanda. Jannurr 2. 1860. DIl. JOHN M'IXTOSH. will iTY hi* old office, I'atton's Block, duringSSt*p t * Summer. Teeth n-erted on Vulcanised" P, ' * latest immovement i.? dentistry. S|>ecimea pie-,, -een at the olliee. Pvrsoos iudebted to m pay up. JOHX iI'LXI. Towandt. 20. lr,n. WARD HOUsi Towanda, Fa. r I"5IIE Sn'wrriliera liavmor lease] /,,, L knowrf Hotel tor a term of year*, would ftiend* and the traveling puiiiic, tliat they w ,' s happy to acomtn o.iate all who may far r tic-,, mil. It wn te ike aim ot ttic- present • .J ..i.iketbe Wtia. Hoc *r. at once fox' 1 I siDtl (Uet-rful. lours Truly, Jan. 1" ■ hi. PiViVn.l. A c "a CHEAP GOODS AT J. H. PHINNEY'3,Jf aYn, 3, Patltm's Block. TTAVIXO mode np I;'.* mind to r.-, ike the V--- I i business a permanent business w.c.'j ao-trs liil'v solieit his old custom, rs ai d tlo- • 1 , ■ t i give bim 11 call and examine bis almost en. , , lwli ot Goods, just lociiviitK, and which eeffenti ; - J duced price*, for Ca-h or most kind* of CvuA' l duce. He asks particular attention TO lIIS T.nrjro of Codlc. c* | !e'jiin.Ticks. Stripes. Linen ami Cotton lMa&er.,[\ n>i; Trtkle and XJ Bed Spreads, Joan*, . Tliiiiiicls, tTvC. TO HIS Pr:nl. Ginchrn's. Coherjrs. all Wool undrabuWhli I Ih-ps, l'laids, Biack Silks. Ac. TO HIS | Stock of Cloth'nir, which i* the Cbcajest in I:na ' ami ail warranted. TO iiis 1 I .r.r:r* assortment of Men's and i. t'j Hats and Cm ' sreai bur S uiaj TO HIS CanSa. Snfr Pin*, x ." .. , v 1 Zephyr, navtlaud Varn, and everything iu the Hue* TO HIS : I.arce stock of Strtw and Chip IJopnetv, Um'te I | ers. Ac., which will he sold wholesale or r!x. - cent cheaper than at anv other place ir. town. TO HIS Crockery. Glass end Hardware. Ro< •* end Sir' I Ladies, Misaeo, Men and Children, a, iiai'gais-- 10 ins Lnrzc stock of Groceries. Brown. Coffee. TT verined Sugar*, fresh Linseed and La :, i I.cad Zinc, Putty, Sash: Vail*. Cnt,ee, Tra<■'.• TO HIS I Good Molasses nt ?A per gallon. IVr.lsfrn.itifW per yard. Coats' Thread 4 ct*. Be-t '• j ct* per dos. Yellow Bank, Bnerut,To'ucm Uet* \ ih. Smoking Tobacco, 8 cts. per i!r. •' wryth cheap at i'HiNXV.X : Towanda,' ct. 2d. IsOO. A CARD. ! ! Fill IE prepont tlcprpsseij *llllO of 1 ;; * N 1. Market having had the effect to pi ice retry k • • (i.iods within the rem it ot Cash buy"'*. r ' > prices -han heretofore, the underpinned ; M tire that lie has avaited himself of this id - large extent within tin- past ten days and i-sew* i many Inrsain- such a- have licrctoiure ncv ed in this in irket. 1 Dec. 10. lsiio. .Tosnpii rovrai Coal, Zlimc, Cctr.ent, Fire Sric!:, Tiles, &.c. npnERE i*:i Lime Kiin nt the 81 ; _k. Company's Basin, in Towanda. where i- if-"' 1 istantly for s.iic. fresh Burnt It hil* l.iuu. miui ■ best (putlily "f New York lime stone t . hiwhel. or ?l jm harrel. headed up in bank lj I cents per hushcl for clacked lime. Lime slm- - , at Towaiiil 1 without additional charge. A-■ * ' It'a.'rr Line at fl 1" per barrel, t " r . , cents each. Drain T tint 2.2 and 4 inch - ■ i ii i-ents pi-r toot, a very nice art;, ' • t ; ; aliont dwelling*. Merchants supplied ''l I-' . ' Axe* by the dozen. J tele Screws, 101 iie rug J r i to let at 2,"> cents per day each j f>:irr'ny Coat at ?2 2.1 per ton for Lures r * L 2 (Ml per ton for Smith Coal. Coal dc', vet j da at 21 cents per load. 1 : All the above tm -ale at the ofiice of the f ,jr ' ' & Coal Company, Towanda. . I J MUTAUAV Towanda. Fcl>. 22. IStil. Gen. > ijr '■■■* M U S IC. nRUiCK rcsjM'Plfully informs • of Towanda and vicinity, that he h !"P ' giving LESSONS ON THE IMANO. A!- 1 > i: : Tunes and Repah's Pianos 1 j upon reasonable terms, and insure* jw rrt * 1 i Booms in Bender'* Bindery, south etui 11 ' ' Dee. iitli. IMiO. 2m. Clover and Tiinoti S E E 17). I EST RECEIVED nt M I • J 309 l-u-hi Is of w.-t Br huiM*yl>f Western Tiniotiiy Seed.ol tin"?* • , ity. and at the lowest prices lor Cash. 1 j Feb. 2*. InC. 1. ' i GAXUGA GROUND Pi-ASl 51 ! s!| U V TONS from Vawger. 11 < ,v * ( { C/\/ beds, for sale by the boat i 1 . j Steam Blaster Mills, at fi 7". n-h ' ■' , month* notes, payable at the Wav.■ ') o*J- • I ~ , vF |i JSI | March 21.1861. C. GROUND JEPrER. LLSPICE. Oimiiimon. t U A'. •-• I | J\. l'eppcr. Mustard Ginger ings* pureast of each, for sale cheap -y p t i* Dec.2n. HOUSE FOR SALS THE snhst'i ilit-r oflers for salt'. credit, hi* new house on ser 1 3 , I Cilocge. For further pirticuwr* 1 W , siorv. , t. fL- Towanda. March 2ff.lfWi.