\OCAL AND GENERAL. 0n go rifle y night.last, some person or | str ibutedmeat. containing poison, in differ II prson*. boroug i„ tor the purpose of killing canise pets were found •' laid out," on top- 5e jng . This mode or getting rid of the dogs serious accidents might easily oc- I P° iS °, netl mCat ' n PUW ' C PUC ° S ' The Bradford County Teachers' A*fo . bold its nest meeting at the Xew Church, in eUtinn L first Friday in June. Questions connected o,r " licet of education will be discussed. The rlbtb , e r'c 1 ' 1 xspoN and DABIUS Cook, have beeu ap *e°Vl.,'rwr Misses MART IVISON and Rosknx Du- K rOvists. and Miss MART CAMP and Mr. P. P- I readers f" r tbe occa,son ' * to attend. o*o. D. SCOTT. *1' u * " Rec. Secretary. |__ p ATi L ACCIDENT.— Mr. HORACE J. | T. n old and highly respectable citizen of Le Roy while on his way to this place.to attend Court. M s .'last met with an accident which caused Lis l cn , instantly. Mr. STONK warn in company with I gentleman, in a buggy, and tbe horses became ; I T el and unmanageable. Mr. 8. attempted to leap I S r. wi-on caught his foot and fell; the wheel pass-. |Tor bis head, killing him almost instantly. Mr. I was about 65 years of age. and mu ih respected by I i;: who knew him tar WHAT IS a REGIMENT ?-Vhis question Ifrequently asked by persons not familiar with Military I filters. For the benefit of such, we suV.jo in the follow I which, we believe, is correct , , ! I k reg i raen t consists of ten companies- -1 Colonel. 1 I' eutensnt Colonel,! Major. 1 Surgeon. I adjutant rank , Untenant. 10 Captains. 10 first Lieute cants, 10 sec load Lieutenants. All commissioned offlceiw. I•' A company contains 77 men. including officer,.-1 : I Cptain, 1 Ist and 2d Lieutenant, 4 SergeaitW, 4 Corpor- K gj ldrum, 1 flfe.St privates." , fgr Homk WANTS !—Families curt not ex I fie always free from vexations, unle is they pro- Ir e laoronghly fur all the little home wants, most need- II "for the maintenance of that comfort which tnakes <.vc- I • a bright spot in memory and an asylo tn of *w-et I "*./■ The-c little home necessities so essential to hap- : I - msy he procured, at Dr. Portkk'S Drug Itore. cor ■ 1 . 0 ; Mum aI, J f' ne treets, Towanda, I'a. Some of ■v- - nay now be mentioned as the season approaches ■ u, r *-earsnce of those visitors, indicating the tine I; r tin ess f Or. Portkr'S Ledhmg Poison. Price 25 j ■ e -'i s battle for the destruction of Bi dbugs. It used i ■gand .Ictamn,your houses will be freed tltrough |o i tbe "if. an( l Nature's sweet restorative, balmy I tew, may be enjefed without interruption. Mkdicus. r Mbktiso —On Friday evening f IT 1 meeting wis held at the Court House, in this place I . jrposeof taking measures to raise volunteers to , l> * vacancies in the Companies now at Camp Cnrtin place, er.'tsed by the declination of a number ol unteer, to enlist for three years. Jons A. Conors;a landed. The meeting was addressed by Col. G. F. Ma n cap*.. Sons. C.L.W*RD. Hon. D. WILMOT. and nth ■.l A iraraittcc of five wis appointed to visit the dif I inert townships of tue county, te asvi-t C apt. CORE am I 1 MEAHS, who had returned from Hirrishnrg on are tro ting tour, to procure men to fill up their Companies about fittv ltcn were required, which volunteered undei Cant. Gone, en Saturday. Hundreds more could have hetn raised, if it had beer, necessary Capt. Gore r-ports that the v lanteera at Camp Cur tin are wei! and in excellent spent*. I tST It rr.oK the I t.'rwrrsnrvr Rfrrß liCiV. - atal Accioent—A fatal accident occuired in ft K ..i. nom ft. -s ■■ ect'-d togsfher in a barn owned by R>- P-pper. to ."rouse t" ir-->.vts with pistols, If.- ; H>.' ..;crn. Stephen Evans V name, about fourteen ■ s h e. after taking the rap off his pistol, put ti.o ' ■T> its his pocket. Kaowing the cap to be off. be ■ - • ':;eu the pistol and pi.'.Sed the trigger, which ' B. ii-tc:, -iimentoi all, direharged live load into his ] H ~ 'roni the left pants pocket towards the right shoui- B.r sm. Dunham anil Crandall were called, but could Wr.:r ar aid ; the wound was mutually pronounced i ■:"a . T„e boy lingered along till evening and died. ! I Fu AC I*t f.SENT ATIO.n". —There was an enthusiastic meet I::it Eut Spring Hill. Bradford county, on tlic occasion Ie presentation and raising of a flag, by the ladies of j I ' ally. As tiieir fair hands raised aloft the Stars :. - pes, the assembled multitude fairly rent the a.r ;tit cheer* Speeches were ravle and resututiuns pass •d d ii'iiig that the citizens had full confidence iu the r-fseat Administration, and pledging the., best efforts to the mantenancc of the Federal Union and Constitution as bey ire. The thanks ot the meeting were tendered to ts ladies for their patriotic efforts. S* The fniiowinjj extract i* from a letter rtcvivc-J by one of our business men from a banker in Baltimore : Bat.tjmork, May 6, 186!. * * • "lam for the Union, and love it. Tivdear old home) more than ever. May God preserve my sincere prayer. The affair on 1 ratt street, on '■- bth of April, is looked upon by a large majority o! < r city, as an act of mob violence, for tcUich ihry paid '•a iy. The Union feeling is very strung here and through j ihf State—tre trill not stre it. Look at the vote cast j nvsrcity two necks ago. There was but one ticket put | E.nation, and they wtrt Dnumonisti. Only S.ofln wtfc vere ca>t- Our whole vote is 30.000 t no tlie Sc- j "*s -i.U were emphatically condemned by 21.000 voters | w -'; i. Tiie commission of Ultssks MERCVR, j ! ' F " President Judge of the 13th Judicisl District. wa "*e other three $lO tine each—and the costs of prosecu tioe, and stand eommitted, Ac. Com. vs. John Sweeney. —The dvfend.iut was indicted j for burning the barn of Alba Burnham. in Armenia town, ship. The Jury found him not guilty, but that be pay the costs of prosecution. 110 was accordingly sentenced to pay the costs, Ac. CUm. vs. Harlow Button and li'm. Johnson. —The de f tndants were indicted at present Sessions for stealing a ■>' teep, the property of Wrn. F. Cole, of Asylum town ship. It was proven on the trial, that about the time the -hivep was missing, they slaughtered a sheep, which the/ alleged had been worried by dogs and driven to the liver, near their residence The Jury found Harlow But ton guilty ol larceny, aud Wm. Jobnsou of receiving tiie -toien property. Button was sentenced to pay s tiue of II to tbt Commonwealth, pay the cOsU of prosecution, ma urn krgo an imprisonment in the County jail for the i"-m of < months. Johnson was sentenced to pay a like line, Ac., ".ad bo imprisoned 3 months. Com. rr. Oj iu rguson.— Indicted for stealing a bof" :alo robe, the property of Wm. A. Benedict, of Wysox The defendant occupied a canal boat near the outlet lock' and the i :* was iour.d in Lis possession, and fuily idea' tided. The Jury found him not guilty. torn. t- I.tvi I). Onnsby —Defendant was indicted for assault and Lpttery upon Geo. W. Campbell. The Jury found hiui uoc guilty , and say tliatLc shall payone fourth of the costa,and Geo. W. Campbell, the prosecu tor. three fourths. Com.vs. Stth H. Briggs. —The defendant was indicted, tried and convicted of Murder, at December Sessions. His counsel moved fo.r a new trial, which was granted at February Sessions. Upon being arraigned at the pres ent Sessions,the plead guilty. The Court thereupon pro- i ceeded to the exam inn tion of witnesses for the purpose < f fixing the degree of U .e crime, and place it at Murder in the Second Degree. ( 'pon being brought up fr sentence, he was asked if he bad any thing to say belore sentence was pßioed upon him. He answered that he had but to Say tu.it he was await that lie was under the charge of a so: ions crime—that tk ie whole afiiiir seemed as a dream to him,and he hoped the Court would be as merciful to him as consistent. The Court sentenced bin to pay a fine of $1 to tiie Com inonwealth, costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprison meat in the Eastern Penitentiary for the term of I we've years. Cum. vs. I.tvi f). Rennet. —Defendant was indicted for •tealing a skiff, fie was found guilty, sentenced to pay a tine of $l, costs of prosecution, and undergo an im prisonment in th% County jail for the term of 4 months. Com. vs. Eleanor Carey —Brought from February Sessions. Xo one appearing to prosecute, defendant dis charged by order of the Court. Tbe appointment of Anson Webb, as Deputy Consta blc of llidg bury, and F. W. Coweil.as Deputy Constable of Towanda boro', confirmed by the Court. Iu the ni: itW of the Application for the incorporation of Canton borough, the Court appoint May IS, at 9, A. M.. for hearing the application. On reading depositions, the Court grant a divorce to Mills SimmotLs, from her husband Benjamin Simmons. May C, on motion of Mr. Eiwell, WARNER H. CARNO CHO.V and F G. COBURN were admitted and sworn as At torneys. In the mat'ier of the application of the Baptist Church and Congregation of Canton, the Court decree charter of incorporation . The follow I .ng licenses were granted during the week : FOR A TAVEBN. Thomas R. .1 ordan, Towanda boro' I John Kendal 1 do do i S. E. Wilcox Troy boro" W. J Both rock do John E. 111 i lier Troy township I James P St rong Columbia tw'p. Jacob Reel Athens township John S. Sle an Atiicns boro' Elisha Satt erlee do do G M. Elsb ree Ulster township Harrison G ibbs Springfield township Joh S. TTiorapson Wyalusing township John Scon ton Smitlifii ld township M. M. Co. 1 1 ha ugh Monroe boro' John Wendall Wilmot township | William H yatt Ridgbery township Pari us My en Ulster twp. Benjamin Herman .. .Ridgbery Anna Hammond ; do A. Forbes Ulster I„ S. Case Rome Jason Chaffee do Ezra Holeomb Canton S.C.Myers do I). P. Knapp do John Dickinson Warren Hamilton Dickinson Sheshequin Willard Prentice Towanda boro' John M. Horton Terry twp Riley M. Ross Sylvania boro' M. P. Horton Wilmot twp. Rollin Wilcox Albany twp Isaac Howell Standing Stone X. T. Tuttle Smitbfield MERCHANT DEALEB. D. C. Hail Towanda boro' Dennis M'Mahon do do Michael Walsh Athens boro'. Court adjourned Saturday evening, having transacted, a large amount of criminal business. WAR NOTICE. — Seventy-seven able bedW mac. from 18 years if age tip to forty, ars woted oa a company during the war. None taken under S feet 6 inches in height. This company is to be qualified to act as Infantry or cavalry, learning the use of the sword. The following note was received by me from Harris burg, dated May 10, 18G1 : '• SlR: —Your name is entered at the Adjutant Gener al's office as haviug a company, with tbe requisite num ber. Yon are entered as •' on old experienced officer.'' The General says you may expect to be informed of your acceptance immediately. Of course you will be prepar ed. Truly yours, E. W. CAPBON, House of Representatives. The men who formed the old fourth company will please send me thair names, and I will answer them im mediately, paying the postage. Other persons anxious to enter the service will also write to me, promising to le ready at 24 hours notice. Those liviug close to a post office will have aa oppor" tunity of signing their names to a list. The members of this Company may reckon on bavin g everything clear before them, avoiding all hindrances on the way, and reaching liarrisburg by the nearest route, where aims and accoutrements will be furnished them. T owanda May 13,1501. John Mclntosu. DIES, In Wysox, Hay i, 1861, CHARLES D.,sou of O. C. Tay lor, aged 7 years, 4 months aud 13 days. ilrto SlfctofrUsrmeuts. LOST —Some days since, on the public jt highwav between the house of Dr. Crandall and Charles It. Brown's Mill, a BLACK LEATHER BAG, containing a Dressing Case, and a number ot other arti cles useful to the owner. A liberal reward wiil be paid for the return ol tiie bag and its contents, or if leit at Dr. E. Crandall's. C.L.WARD. Towanda, May 13, 1861—4w. A I)M INI ST LI A TOR'S NOTICE —Notice ! _a\_ is hereby given, that all persons indbted to the I estate of JOHN M. HORTON, deceased, late of Terry j township, are requested to make payment without delay, ! and those having claims against the said estate will please I present them duly authenticated h>r settlement. EDMUND HORTON. SUSAN L. HORTON, May 15, 1361. Admiuistratora. ' "TAPKEL 22,1861. AT THE j KEYSTONE STORE, I A I COMPLETE ASSORTMENT O F SPRING & Sin GOODS, CTTTST i BEEN OPENED. i I SII SWSiW ■ ARE INVITED TO AN Examination Of THIS STOCK. PLANTS! OH Am VI2YE3 &. FLOWER POTS, For sale at the Garden of j II aV 11 It Y MIX.! ! ! f-nbella, .('"ncord. j Clinton, i Hartford Prolific, Delaware, ' Brown's Catawba. Rebecca, j White Sweet Water, Catawba, i Diana. Northern Muscadine. , White Chasvelas, And a vaiietv of tenner Crape Vines, all of which will be ' •old at LOW RATES. LIST OF PRICES : 2 inch Flower Pots at 4 cents each. 4 " .5 •• V..3 " lO " l2 " 8 " " " " Is6d. 23 Early Winningadadt Cabbage 0 cents doz. Early Ox Heart " 6 " " Early Sugar Loaf " G " " Early York *• G *• " Early London Cauliflower 6 " " Large Late Cauliflower.. 6 " " Long Egg Plant )0 " •' Large Sweet Peppers 10 " " Iteli-shaped Peppers 10 '" " Sweet Chinese Tomato 10 " " Large Yellow " G " " Large Red " 0 " " ; Large Round Egg Plant 10 " " j AH lute Cabbage Plants, ont-door culture, 23 per hun dred. A few thousand Sweet Potato Plants will be in condi- j tion to set from the loth of May to the 10th of June, at ! 30 cents per hundred. French Yellow Aberdeen Turnp Plants, 25 cents per hundred. Cucumber Piants in Pots, 20 rents each Pot. j Celery, at 2i cents per hundred; thousands in fine comli- I tion to set Irom the 10th of May to the Ist of August 1 ui~ Much pains will be taken to make plant" as strong anil stocky as possible by transplanting. Ac. Plants and j vines may be carried any distance, as they will be packed ; in moss exceeding well. All grape vines warranted to | be true to name. Towanda, Mav I,ISCI. SPRING yiillffl GOODS,! In Great Variety, NOW OPENING, I Vest Side of the Public square, at the store of A. WICKHAM & SON. Towanda, Ap rii .'! ), lbGl. ihsW 'smi HMDS; RECEFFED BY H. S. MERCUR, Towanda, April 24, 1861. BUTTER FIRKINS & TUBS < At PAVCIH, Sicto R. M. WELLES, (Lot* Senior Proprietor of the Tioga Point Agriioal' tural IVorks ) Kas Recently Purchased the ITHEHS FURNITURE ROOMS, AND Cabinet Manufactory, ' and will giaa lila new bu.lne.shl, personal attention, and with the assistance of Mr. A. O. Hart, as Foreman, { he will strive to increase the popularity of this WELL , KNOWN and favorite establishment. | A Splendid Assortment of Goods! ; W have on hand and shall always keep the VERY BEST ASSORTMENT OF Bureaus, Secretaries, Book Cases, ♦o be fonnd within 100 miles of us.—all of our own supe rior manufacture. Come and see them. SOFAS. TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, EASY CHAIRS. MAHOGANY CHAIRS, i and Chairs of Every Description I Extension Dining Tables, | MARBLE-TOP AND CENTRE TABLES, {anything you may want in that line.) I Then again look at our BEAUTIFCJL SETTS OF Enameled Chamber Furniture, lof our own manufacture—goo 1 snough for any AilEltl , CAN SOVEREIGN ! | Bedsteads, Beds & Matresses! BEAUTIFUL MIRRORS, ; Looking Glasses, Plates & Frames ELEGANT SQUARE PICTURE AND OVAL PHOTO GRAPH ERAMES, and Goods 100 numerous to mention. We shall at alt times keen a full supply of nicely fin ished and furnished ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, WAL- I NUT, CHERRY and COMMON READY-MADE COFFINS. All order's, for Coffins of any description, size, style aud price, shall bo expeditiously an.l satisfactorily filled. We keep a GO< >D HEARSE, ready at all timea for use at low rales ; and can attend and conduct funerals any where within 'do miles. S. It. All articles of our ewn manufacture are war ranted ; and all other Goods art carefully selected from thejdocks of the besi and cheapest manufacturers in the I Middle and Eaatere States. PRICES CHEAP FOR CASH, 08 SHORT APPROVED CREDrT. I 5-3" Do not buy eheithe. ; till at least you hurt nam ' tiud our slock oj Goods. R. M. WELLES. j Athens, Pa., Marcli 29,1RC1. j "WART WAR!! JUST RECEIVED AT ; MONT ANTES' STO R E , I * LARGE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Purchased in New-York City during a Great I War Panic, . . | AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Which will bo offered at WHOLESALE k RETAIL, At prices that cannot fail to please, i April 22. '6l. MONT AN YES. Hurry Along, Everybody! the New Grocery and Provision Store, . just opened by H. K. SEEVE3SS, at the building formerly occupied by .1. 11. NEVIN'S, on Main street, opposite the Court Home. His stock con sists of various brands Of Coffee's Teas, Sugars Ac., all very rlieap ; besides a splendid assortment of Spires, Nuts, Candies. Fruits and Conl'eetionaries, Cigars of ev ery quality aud price. He w.ll ai sj pay the highest j price lor SUTTER AND ECCS, and such other articles of country trade as the farmers j may have to dispose of. He would ju-t say to ail. if you ! want anything in my line ot trade, give me a call, and | you can i>e accommodated. " Towauda, April 10, 1861. H. IL S. | BUY 3TOUR GARI'iIN FEEDS AT FOX'S. Ihuvc the largest stock and best v.triety of j Garden feeds ever offered for sale in this town. I It U a well known fact that a large proportion of the j Garden Seeds sold throughout the country, are old. infe rior, and often xeorth'es *. lu view of this lact I have ta ken great pains to procure Fresh and Reliable Seeds, in fact the best, to be found in market, in hopes to sup ply a want lung felt in this community, (and also to in crease my own sales in that line.) Will you examine my Seeds before purchasing elsewhere 'I ST REMEMBER THAT GOOD SEEDS COST NO MORE THAN POOR ONES. *3-WITH GOOD SEEDS YOI>CAX HAVE GOOD VEGETABLES. *3- WITH POOR SEEDS NONE. Towanda, March 21.1861. E. T. FOX. ~YTOTICE TO COLLECTORS —You it hereby authorized to deduct live per cent, from the State tax ot every individual who shall pay his or her Stale and County Taxes in full, on or before the 22d day j of June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your ! settlement with the Treasurer, provided the same is bv ! yon paid into the County Treasury on or before the 2Ctli I and 27th days ot June, next. By order of the Commis- ! sioners. E B. COO LB ArGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, April 8, 1861. A DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice ! XJI. is herehy given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol NATHAN B. HILL, late of Rome tp. dee'd., : are hereby requested to made payment without de- j lay, and ai! persons having demands 'against said estate, I wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement SMfTH LENT, April 17,1861. Administrator. \TTILMOT k WATKINS. ATTORNEYS '' AT LAW, TOWANDA., PA— Office formerly occupied bv D. Stgrcur. ! A. H ifctecellfinccus. "GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICES OF BOOTS, AT HUMPHREY'S j The subscriber offers his very Large Stock of B->ots of his own manufacture and also his Extensive aud well j selected assortment of LADIES' FINE WORK, of ail styles and varieties for the remainder cf this Sea son to Cash Customers at prices which make it a great cducemeut to g.ve him a call before purchiug elsewhere- Also, an unusually large stock of LEATHER Ml) SHOE FINDINGS iat reduced prices to suit the times. Also, a fine aseort | uieut of CROCKERY, which I will sell at bargains, la order to close that ' r unch of my business. , | FOUR TONS BOONETON NAILS, | COLLINS AXES, CAST STEEL SHOVELS, MANURE FORKS, SADDLERY-WARE, I MJHOARFF mm&mm. &0., 6(0., I Dec I.ISCO. J. D. HUMPHREY . - ..I— iSTOV. 24, 1860. LATEST ARRIVAL i OF WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OXXJ CLOTHS AND CARPBTINGS, .j BOOTS e sold at greatly reduced prices for CASH oi READY-PAY. Nov. 3D, I*oo. TP.ACY & MOORS. LATEST APRIVAL OF Q! 12 T? 7 " a '" r rvrvnn J7 JCL X JLX KJf Ll O JIJ O . William. A. Rockwell would invite attention to his new stock of Goods, which Lave been selected with great care to suit the wants of his customers. liaviug iouud it desirable to adopt the | Beady-P&y System, j lie offers his Goods at correspondingly LOW PRICES. Persons examining his present FASHIONABLE & EE SIB ABLE STCCR. l ' ! which was purchased at PAiyiO PRICES, I can not fail of being satisfied both with ai tides offered . &ud prices asked. IDs tOck consists ut Bry - Goods, G-PaOCEBIUS, i Boots (C* Shoes, Hats d; Caps, ! WALL AND CURTAIN PAPERS, HARDWARE, GLASS & SASH, Paints, Oils, and Nails, BIRD CAGES & SEEDS. CROCKERY, ; GLASS & WOOD EX- WA BE. Ti A. S T iU IT, | constantly on hand and lor sale at No. 1, Pattorx's Block ! April 19, 1861. IMroaTANT ITQTICS. To Farmers and others Interested ! | TREES.—3O,OOO Choice Fmit jJL Trees for sale, including ail the best variety of the Apple, the Pear, Peach, Plum. Cherry and Apricot, tw a tine collection ot me best Evergreens, such as Norway Spruce. Fir. Arbor Vilae, Austrian Plne.Se- tea Fir and Black Spruce, including ail sizes, fro.it 2 tn C f-et. suited to ornament lawns and door yard.-, also Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, European As'u. American do, Hor-e Chestnut, European Larch, Fringe or Smoke tree, Althea. I eutzia. Scabia, Aliican Ta.xarix. Wigelia Rosea. Forsythia. Spirea, Primifolio and many others not ramy!. 5000 i f our best Native hardy Grape Vines, for sale the coming spring, such as Delaware. Diana, Concord. Rebecca and (Jottage,also Clinton, Catawba and Isabella. 20 varieties of the best hearing Strawberries, including Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey & Hooker seedling; -old at low prices, by the 100 or 1000 ; the Red Cherry and White Grare Curt-rent*, also Red.A White, Dutch, Black English and Black Naples; 12 other kinds nut named here. 1000 Lawton Blackberry pi arts, these fruited in my garden i.wt summer and proved equal to the recom mend.. A line collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb ing Roses sod Dahlia*. In addition to my Nursery. lo I rated at this place, I have lately purchased the lioga Point Nursery, embracing over 25.000 fruit & ornamental j trees with all other things in the line. Our people will find it much to their advantage to buy these articles at home instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from Rochester aud other places at a distance. , DANIEL HARK INS. Towanda, Pa., Feb. 23. 1961. P B—A few good Salesmen wanted to act as Agents apply at my house. p. h. IN the, mo Iter of the. application of Asa Sla ter for the benefit of the Insolvent lasui To my creditors. Take Notice— l have applied to the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Picas of tor the Count} of Bradford, for the benefit of the Insolvent Raws of th'i Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appoint ed MONDAY the fith day of May next, at 2 o'clock, p m., to hear me and my creditors, at the Court House h; the Berougb of Tawaada, and where vou may at tend If you think proper Msreh 28.1891 AA SL K?BR .i&fscrUiwrctis. NOW READY! 6M ill m IMS TOWANDA, PEXNA Subscriber beps ieave to call the at- X tention of the public to the fact that be Las r,lar>>.l • hie motive power and purcbsied and set up additicmt machinery, and employed a larger uamber of v,oikaiu/i f than formerly, so that he u now prepared to execute ui i ders for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. lie has at iris work; all the PATTERNS ia use by the late firm of Win. H. Pbiliips X Scnol Kimira N. Y., ana i has aU) jdded to tiie.se, patterns ol various kinds. MILL I EON'S furnished for Ori-t Mills, Gang, Gate, t Circslar and Mule? Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENCtNES of ihiTerect sirea ainl styles and In fact >Jmoet any ktnd of Castings ui Machinery in comaioa use, I i Steam F.t tings a: Steam Pipes, Elba**, Rrtuf, ' ! Iltducert. CvtpUi hi. Cio'jr-V'lvti, CV.eJt Fu.'tts, (jmgt Cock,. Osi Cvps, Whistles, J ' alitor* on hand and made to order. lis is also prepared to furnish S7EAM BOILE-ES of any siz or kind wantc-d Small Catlings made in Bias or Composition. Cs*k t ' c " a,l< ' Heating S*. tea of d C'etcct snvr manufactory*', nud for sale at the above weeks. Furnituie tor Co..li*K Stoves and Stove Phpe always on hand Persons who want G?AhiAG of any kindarbafoiaed i that the subscriber has more p-Ueius for Gearisg than auy otner concert! In this part of the country. The/ would be quite sure of among his Patterns Oeau ing thru would answer their w -nti uiid thus save do lav and expense in getting up work. . He makes also a large variety of Pullers. Palnnbs Wbee's aud Cranks, V. ater U heels ; also Saw Cumuitr., Thimble Skeiru and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence. Caidruas, , Piows, ie. His equipment of machinery roosiats of as good tool* as arc made, and was bleated with Jibe design of faring able to do any job which might be oChred, nether larp, or smali. In short his effoi t has been tu get up in all respects a first cls.-w establishment. Terms Reasonable. Cideis solicited. Cash pall for OM Pewter and BritCnis. Works situated on hfain Street near Barclay R. R. Canal Basin. O. D. 3ARTLI.TT. Towanda, April 11 13C1. PivpritUrn. SULLIVAN COtiiNTY Hardware and Stove Store. D. C.TFALL, ) i X) ESPfXTFULLY informs the citizens of XV Sullivan Coney, and tho public generally, that . has commenced busir."63 in DCaHORE, wu%' j be ha* just received a very exiens-w stock of } -*''at 9 of every style and pattern, adapted for burning C)sl Wood, which wiil be scid as iow „ any other place tkl side of Albany or NV.v York. 'lke attention of those desiring to purchase Stuvrs is psuticularly directed to my assortment, which is especially adapted to the ntti of this 9ertion o! the country, and will be sole • :r I than can be purchased this side of Albany or New Tttx:. i I believe I can offer greater inducements than anjKA eg establishment ia the country. Also, i Hardware, lion, Steal, Walls, SUao, PAINTS AND OILS, j House and Carriage Trimmings, ! SPRINGS, IRON AXLES A BOXES, of ai! sizes, Car- I penter and Joiner's TooN, Blacksmith's Tools, Cross ' Cut, Circular and Mill > \ A S, Table and Pocket Cutlery. , I-umps. Lead Pipe, l.L.if-j lbimps and Tube. Farming P j Tools. Tin Ware a?.-! Store Pipe, alwavs on hand, ut . Wholesale aud Retail, j Job Work done on short notice. I BJT Grain. Old Iron, Copper, Britannia, Brass, Bc*- WBX and Feathers, taken in exchange for goods. Having Hud many years' experience in the business, I am conlideut 1 can ID ike it the interest ot* purchaser* ly give me a call. My good* will be bought at tho lowest rates, and sold at correpontllng pricc3. All muna'aetur t ed atti'Tes will be made from t:A; beat materials, aud by c competent woiknieu.and will be warranted. „ , D. C. HALL. Dushore, Oct. 25, lc€o. Burbank's Bakerv V THE snbsciibcr respoctfal!}'infornK the pub lic tii.it lie Lis resumed tiie management of the 1 above estoblishta ::. #ne dc • r south of the " Ward I House," where he is manufacturing CHACKEHS, of every description, such as oyster, milk, Boston, sod*, butter, water, pic-nic, Urahant, mtj ir, wdue and commas , crackers. Also. Bosk, Buns, BuUer Balis, Wheat, lu l | emu and Graham BREAD & CAKE, ' of fill kind-, cn:\: ♦.,?!y on hand and made to order. Tli I atten.ion of the citizen* of place and Vicinity, U | t tjie a'.r.ve, ni ; t!?ey .are u-dured liiat they 1 always he supplied with any vf atticles. V7eddi ng and Social Parties, I will be famished wi h every desenptkm ami stylo of M Fruit. Pound, and fancy CAKES. Tavern keepers and I (Irocers will be supplied on tcrnrs as < dvant.igeous M at I any other establishmentt.:e Statu. In conncctioa with i the above ho has cu 1 i a2 iSSSTO SAZGOTT, where everything in t: e !' ie wiU be served cut to thosn who niry ; ivor lrliu with a i-ail. Thankfat l.r past favors l.e respectfully solicits s con tin MI f the same.. HENRY A. BVRBANK. Tewunda, March 5,15C1. ■i : asi cia sxAsra STILL JN OPCKATION! !f" I I p'nf i"- > ■ • • 1 I. i PI'RNITIJRR. ; i: -.. "J '••• - - i-! ii ..:i be .joi;g..t in ally other Ware room m the country. BEADY-M kDE I OFFIN9. on kmd on the most rev so:::. Ic'terms. A good IjNaL>H will tie furni.-lied o It: ral occasions. JAMES MAC EINbuN. Towaudu, January 1. ISC7. RxYILTIOaVT) HOTEE the Bnvchiy Ttailrocd tcrminui, TOWAMBA, FZNWA. }T 1 a. .TOED \X ropectfuily informs the 4 * the p i .♦ vathe hn i a.- ! the we'l-known Ur ern stand lormei'.y w. capi : by M. T. CAKRIEK. ill tho lower part of the ! u-.•: : Towandi. which having been resitted an.! th ..•••■• : . ' -:-iM:..i. he invites the patronage of tbepuldic wiih every confidence tiiat he in g:vc i i.tira >.aii.-s action lo such us may favor bias with a I'-UL !'>• i> ia t el kept i naked with the best qualities of LIQGOi'tS. and she bo.-t brands of CHI AILS. BU BS !l e n **® connected with the house, and reliable attendants v.ull ~, , No pa ns or expanse w. i ispared to deserve the rat ronago of the public—aud tiia char o c3 will be reasona ble. Towanda, April 1,1551. lIOTJ2S. WAYEBLY, N. Y. A i 0 JE story brick cd..,: s, near the derwt, has i.irgs ** >y rooms, elegant parlors, and well furnished, i* owned an 1 c .ducted hyC. WARFOIIIJ with a .iesiro to please first class patronag", is open tor night trains, and pitaseuners ca'led up if desired. Boaiti 2.50 to 4.00 i week, and single m a!. 25 cats. A new born near by Horses kept at 50 i o:i s per day. Pass:ig.?r trains east 12.23, 4.iu and It, a. in. 4.0J p. in. to Binghamton West 3 42, 8.44 a. nr., 4.57 p. ia. a. 32 to Elnnra. Mage* south twice a dav. Exciting- Times! GET THE LATEST NEWS! FIE New York Dalies.—Tho New York . Tribune, Herald Times and World. I will furnish .iiiy of the above papers at IS cents per week, or single copies for sale. Farmers who want the latest news will always find a supply at the News Room ' A. p. cowr.pt. Now is the time to subscribe for the TIIE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A Clnb is now heing formed for the New York Week'v Tribune, at C-owle's New Room, only Opp foliar a Toaj. All who want this paper wijj please rail in so'-n. a shaft rend 1-4 the .wges tmusedlalr'v Tewinds, Tun. !?]