Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 11, 1861, Image 3

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WILLIAM STUART, editor of the Rtjmblicnn,
Ken ppo u,ed Post Masler at Binghamlon '
I , ArrlsU __Focr persons receded baptism
river at this p ace on Sunday last, at tbe hands of
pg|,i,oifi of '.he Methodist Church.
REUGIOUS —A series of meetings are now
* 1 eld at tbe Presbyterian Church in this place—
Siing may be expected every evening this week
POM Dr- MITCIIM-L CF Scranton.
four Court, for the trial of all matters in which
Term ,'LYssBS Mmerit has been counsel—so that parties
"y experience no delsy from Mr. M s appointment ss
ujj" We are requested to slate that persons
to apply for license at May Court must file
!f t g petitions in the Clerk's office by Monday next, as'is tbe last day allowed by law.
jYAt a regu'nr meeting cf LIN TA lIOSE
Co So. 3. beld at their room. April 1, 1861, the follow
ing officers were elected :
H. B. MCKKAN, Fcrtmun.
J HINKT BARS-TOW, I*/ Ani'tant.
APPISOS G. MASON, Treasurer.
E. S. BENEDICT, Secretary.
CONCERT,— POWER HITCH, of Philadelphia,
U* Young American Violinist, assisted by Mr.
1J other volunteer performers, will give a Concert ,n
thil place in a short time. All lovers of music are'nvi
ttJ to attend, as no pains will be spared to make it the
musical entertainment of tbe season. Time and
particulars will be given in hand bills.
ladies, if yon would always have your husbands come
t-nnie to their meal- in good humor use only D. B. De
| tnd A Co.' Chemical Saleratus and you will lie enabl
ed at all times to place before then, perfectly light, nutri
tious and healthy bread, biscuit. Ac. If you doubt it,get
a paper and try it. It is manufactured aud for sale by the
proprietor*, at Fairport. Monroe County. N. Y„ and for
Lie bv all good grocers and dealers in the country.
THE INDIAN DOCTOR lias returned to his of
fice la Towanda, where be will remain during the Summer.
pr.BiTTEKHKLi's advice to all those wishing for help
!L a cure of any disease is to come and see liirn while
(Ley are within the reach of his remedies. Put not off
1 to-morrow what ought to be done to day. No matter
h< w bad. or long standing, or what your complaint may
|, e , come and see one who will cure you if there is any
■chance. So long ns there is life there should be hope and
Btfics used for recovery. t
H VrTAftc B v A D.iu. A little boy, *on of Mr.
Hpirsrf this place, while playing upon the sidewalk
B .' isdiy evening of last week was seized by the
Krnt by a large dog. and before he could be rescued
|L received considerable injury. The boy was carried
EL Dr. FOSTER'S Drug Store where his wouuds wcie
■ - ed, and at the present writing he is doing well—
I; * accident is a speaking commentary upon the value
Ir (lie hundreds iff worthless cur* that iufe*t our streets,
tad will perhaps bring about another recurrence <>f that
lawful mortality which so decimated the canine race last
In inter.
| ctay-At fiu election ot Northern Conman-
IG, held at Masonic Hall, in Towanda, Friday
) 29, 1861, the following officers were chosen for
isuing year:—
IKC.E E. Fox, E. C.
3. PJRTEH, Gen'l I.
J.CooLiACnn. C. Gen'l.
B. M 'KEAN, S. W.
il GOODRICH . Prelate.
J BENEDICT, Recorder.
m Ct'Lr, Sword Bearer.
HALL, Standard Bearer.
11. II. GORE, Warden,
us HARRIS, Sentinel.
If you arc in doubt, inquiries should
lie of those you can believe, who will inform yon
satety as well as the propriety of taking any med
viiitever. Yet during the months of April. May is evident the blood should be purified, and
ife reliable and effective medicine is required, you
not hesitate what 10 take, but at mice procure Dr.
K' Kc'ec ir Pills, which will prove a safe family
ne and give better satisfaction for an Janti-biliou*
and blood purifier than any other medicine I am
nted With. For bilious complaints of Spring,
mdy should use them, and every tamily should
Dr. POUTHR* Eclectic Pith on hand, by which
, the resort to other and perhaps unsafe remedies
C prevented. MEDICI'S.
have arrestpd and imprisoned at Buffalo, N. Y.,
ndretvs and his associates, whom they caught in
tof making a counterfeit of AVER'S Cathartic
Their detection was accomplished at the instance
ours. J. C. A YKR A Co., of Lowell, Mass., who have
commendable energy ahd promptitude in pro
"-V-lie public from imposition through spurious imi
'*! their invaluable medicines.
r AVER'S Sarsajarilla, Cherry Pectoral and Pills
~e to be staple necessities with the community,
"it Imposition upon the sick of spurious, worthless,
' njarioiis fabrications of them, is in fact the con
ration of villainy. We hope the scoundrels will get
1m and in tbe keeping they now are, they are pret*
"tof it.- / J o,'iCf Gazette.
f*" of the Ehnira Gazette states that a most invste
iro transaction came to light at Troy, Pa., on Tuesday
I"■ °f Ift week. On Monday, Mr. JAMES PATTKH-
P* aioved into a house, about one mile east of the vil
of TROY, formerly occupied by CHAUKCY MCCUUS
f: 3 1'wm-L hid been vacant tor several days. On
#* '.' t" :Mr. PATTERSON went into the cellar.
P 1 -hire to his horror, discovered a corpse. A coro-
I' ' inquest was immediately instituted. Tbe inquest
■ examination identified the body as that of a Miss
| U *CI MCCALLISTER, (a daughter of the former occo-
J - of the house,) who died of diptheria six or seven
" previous. Q n examination, the grave in which
| b a( l been pl.ii-ed, was found to have been rifled.
F- "i) the grave bad been opened, and the body taken
Pa its last resting place," proved the perpetrators to
F "-vn experienced "resurrectionists." Ot course the
I "*'■y produced intense excitement. Every one is
J who could have done this horrible deed, and
f* 1 " could have been done for? In vain are the ques
P°r Spring and Summer Styles,
I Just received at E. S. BENEDICT'S
lathing and Bat and Cap Store,
IP Bent de P ressed Rtft le of the Money
withir, ' lad l^e o'oct to place many kinds of
w hm i,„ reac h ot Ctuh buyers, at much lower
P iiat 1... k. r,: " re Die undersigned begs to give no
P-' rtV'.t ~ s ® vailc d himself of this seduction, to a
kv s.. . w 'Mn 111 past ten days and is now offering
f " # i marked hf-!Tt4>,ore neTer been equali-
ilrto aiibcrtlscmruts.
THANKS. —The undersigned desire to re
turn their most sincere thanks to their friends in
and arouhd Towanda, for the many substantial pfoofh of
kindness received by them, at their residence on Tues
day p. m. and evening, the 2d inst.
Our prayer is that the selectest blessings of Heaven
may rest upon all who have so kindly remembered us 1
John Layton and Wifel No. 649, Sept.T., 18G0.—This
vs. }• cause is settled, fas follows to
Henry Keyscr j wit: The defendant declares
that he has not charge i Mrs. Layton, the plaintiff, with
opening and detaining his letters, as imputed to him in
the declaration, and he regrets that anything which lie
may have said has been understood as making suth
charges against her. Aud the defendant further agrees
to pay all costs which have accrued in the case to this
time, and also the charges of plaintiff s counsel for ser
visces rendered in this case. And he also agress to and
does hereby discontinue and discharge a suit which he
brought against the plaintiff' to September T. 1861.
The defendant to luVe the privilege to tile the receipt
of witnesses lor their costs. March 18
Elwell & Adams, for plainitffs.
Arbitrators fees paid by defeudant March 18,1861.
thonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of the Coun
ty aforesaid, do hereby certify that tbe foreghing is a
full and correct copy of the settlement in the übove
cause, as tj)e same now remains of record in my office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seat of said Court, at Towanda, this 9th
day of April, A. D. 1861.
E. O. GOODRICH, Prothonotarv.
11 lIE subscriber offers for sale, on five years
credit, his new house on second street, near the
College. For further particulars inquire at the Drug
Towanda. March 29, 1801. J. G. PATTON.
.Year the Barclay Railroad terminus,
TR JORDAN respectfully informs tbe
• the public that lie has leased the we'l known tav
ern sUuid formerly occupied by M. T. CARRIER, in the
lower part of the borough of Towanda, which having
been refitted and thoroughly re furnished, lie invites the
patronage of the public with every confidence that he
can give entire satisfaction to such as may favor him
with a call.
IDs BAR will le kept storked with the best qualities of
LIQUORS, and the best brands of CIGARS.
Extensive stabling is connected with the house, and
reliable attendants will cnly bs kept.
No pains or expense wi 1 lie spared to deserve the pat
ronage of thepublic— and the charges will be reasona
Towanda. April 1.1861.
(/.ate Senior Proprietor of the Tioga Point Agricul
tural tVorke )
Has Recently Purchased the
Cabinet Manufactory,
and will give his now business his personal attention, and
with the assistance of
Mr. A. O. Hart, as Foreman,
he will strive to increase the popularity of this WELL
KNOWN and favorite establishment.
A Splendid Assortment of Goods!
We have on hand and *hail always keep the VERY
Bureaus*. Secretaries, Book Cases,
to be found within 100 miles of us.—all of our own supe
rior manufacture. Come and sec them.
and Chairs of Every Description !
Extension Dining Tables,
(anything you may trant in that line.)
Then again look at our BEAUTIFUL SETTS OF
Enameled Chamber Furniture,
of our Own manufacture—goo 1 enough lor any AMERI
Bedsteads, Beds & Matresses!
Looking Glasses, Plates Frames
and Goods Ino numerous to men/ion.
We shall at all timos keep a fill! supply of nicely fin
i*hed and fiirui-lied ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, \VAL
All orders, for Coffins of any description, size, style
and price, shall be expeditiously and satisfactorily filled.
We keep a GOOD HEARSE, ready at all times for use
at low rates ; and can atteud and conduct fuuerals any
where within 20 miles.
N. B. All articles of our own manufacture are war
ranted : and all other Good* are carefully selected from
the stocks of the best and cheapest manufacturers in the
MidJle and Eastern States.
flftf- l)o not tiny tls-trhere till at least you hw e exam
ined our etocK of Goods.
Athens. Pa.. March 2, T6l.
I have the largest stock and best variety of
Garden Seeds ever offered for sale in tiiis town.
It is a well known fact that a large proportion of the
Garden Seeds sold throughout the country, arc old, infe
rior, and often worthless. In view of this fact I have ta
ken gn at paius to procure
Fresh and Reliable Seeds,
in fact the best to be found in market, in hopes to sup
ply a want long felt in this community, (and also to in
crease my own sales in that line.) Will you examine my
Seeds before purchasing els-whcte ?
Towanda, March 21,1861. E. T. FOX.
To Farmers and others Interested !
FRUIT TREES— 30,000 Choice Fruit
Trees for sale, including all the best variety of the
Apple, the Pear, Peach, Plum, Cherry and Apricot,
also a fine collection of the liest Evergreens, such as
Norway Spruce. Fir. Arbor Vilae, Austrian Pine, Scotch
Kir and Black Spruce, including all sizes, from 2 to 6
feet, suited to ornament lawns and door yards, also
Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees and
shrubs, E-unqiesn Ash, Amettcan do, Horse Chestnut,
European Larch, Fringe or Smoke tree, Altkea. Dentzia,
Scabra, African Tamatix. Wigelia Rosea, Forsythia,
Spirea, Primifolio and many others not named.
5000 of our best Native hardy Grape Vines, for sale
the coming spring. such as Delaware. Diana, Concord,
Rebecca and Cottage .also Clinton, Catawba and Isabella.
20 varieties of the best bearing Strawberries, including
Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey & Hooker seedling; sold
at low prices, by tbe 100 or 1000 ; the Red Cherry and
i White Graye Currrenls, also Red A White, Dutch, Black.
English and Black Naples ; 12 other kinds no* named
here. 1000 Lawton Blackberry plaits, these fruited in
my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom
mend. A fine collection of Hybrid, Itrpetual and Climb
ing Roses and Dahlias. In addition to my Nursery, lo
cated st this place, I have Lately piircbaesd the Atom
Point Nursery, embracing over 25,000 fruit A ornamental
trees with all other things in the line. Our people will
find it much to their aavantage to buy these articles at
bome instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from
Rochester and other places at a distance.
Towanda, Pa., Feb. 23, 1861.
P. 8 A few good c lemen wanted to art as Agents,
apply at my house. D- D-
CHERIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of sundry
0 writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of
common pleas of Bradlord county, to rae directed, will
be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, ths 2d day of
May, A. D. 1861, at the court bouse, iu Towanda, at 1
o'clock, p. m., the following described lot, piece or par
cel of land situate iu Granville tp., and bounded on the
north andjeast by lands of R. Daily, on the south by lands
of Eliza Taylor, on the west by the public highway. Con
! taining one half acre, more or less, all improved, one
| small framed house, and a few fruit trees tbereon.
j ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
I laud situate in Granville tp., hounded north by the pub
| lie highway, and lands of Julius Bailey, on the cast by
i the public highWAy, on the south by lands ol Calvin
j Churchill and on the west by the public highway. Con
taining seven acres, be the same mote or less, all im
j proved.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel
i of land situate in Armeniatp. and bounded on tbe north
j hv lands of Gasper Webler and E. Knights, east by lauds
! in the possession of Andrew Monroe, south by lands of
John S. Becker and west by lands of John S. Becker and
lends of the estate of Joseph Cornell. Containing filty
liree acres, be the same more or less, about thirty-five
acres improved, a framed honse, a framed barn, and a
young orchard thereon.
Seized and taken iuto execution at the suit of 0. D.
Perry vs. Levi Barnum.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Athens tp., and bounded on the north by lands
of Elisha Smith and Frederick Weller, on the east In
lands of William Sawyer, on the south by lands of Tu
nis Vangorder, A. Campbell, Zenas Gibbs and A. Hun
siker, and on the West by lands of Samuel Sawyer. Con
taining two hundred ahd twenty acres, more or less,
about one hundred aud fifty acres.more or less, improved,
with one framed dwelling house, two framed barns,
and two orchards thereon.
i ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land.
| situate in Athens tp., and bounded as follows, to wit:
j Beginning at a post for a corner 011 the south east corner
I ot lot No. 5, thence south 89° east 105 rods along the
j south line of lot No. 4 to the south west corner of lot
j No. 1, thence south 1° west 74 6 10 rods thence north
1 d'J° west, 105 rods to the east line of lot No. 0, thence
j north 1° east 74 0 10 rods to the place of beginning.—
j Containing forty-eight acres and one hundred and thir
teen perches, be tbe same more or less, all improved.
I ALSO— All that certain, lot, piece or parcel of land
I situate in Athens boro'. and bounded on the north by
j lands of Horace Williston, on the east by the Susqtiehan
j 11a river, south by lands of Charles Day and west, by
| Union street. Containing about four acres,all improved
with a tew apple trees anil a nursery thereon.
I Seized and taken into execution at the suit of George
j H. Welles vs. E. H. Perkins.
j ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
; uate in Leltoy tp., and bounded on the north by laud of
Andrew Savereool, on the east by land of Christopber
! Smith, on the south and west by unseated lauds. Con
-1 taiiiing lifty-cight acres, be tbe same more or less, about
; twenty-five acres improved .
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. N.
| A W. W. Spalding vs. Francis Harris.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
' nets in Athens boro', and bounded as follows: Bcgin
-1 ning at the south west corner of a lot sold by Horace
Williston, jr., to Cornelius llareh. thence southwardly
, four rods, thence eastward!) - parallel with the north line
: of lot No. 4 to the east line id' said lot, thence north
! wardly four rods to the north line of said lot No. 4 ;
thence westwardly on the line ot said lot to the place
jof beginning. Being the same lot, as was conveyed to
1 the same Cornelius Haish by Edward W Peiton bv deed
| recorded in Deed Book, No. 32, page 522, Ac. Contain*
: ing as perches, inure or less, all improved, with a tew
I fruit trees thereon.
j ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
! in Athens boro'. and bounded and described as follows :
1 Beginning at the north-east corner ot a lot conveyed by
: il. Willintou, jr., to David D. Spencer, 9$ rods from Main
! street, said corner iu the south side of street leading
! from Maine streetio the Susquehanna river, thence south
! 12j° west 4 p. to the south e,i*t corner of said David 1).
Spencer's lot, thence north 77$° cast to the west line of
Constant Mathewson's lot. thence north 12.J° west to a
stake, thence south 77J 3 west to the place 01 beginning,
j Containing 38 perches, more or less, (being t e same lot
: as was conveyed to said Harsh by deed irotn Horace
' Williston. jr..) all improved, one trained house, aud a
i few fruit trees thereon.
j Seized and taken into execution at tile suit ofX.C.
' Han is vs. Cornelius Harsh.
| ALSO -The following lot piece or parcel of land sit
; uate iu Smilhlie'd tp,, aud bounded as billows : Begin
ning at a hemlock tree. or. the north line of Ira Adatns, and
j theuee running south 80° west 50 . 19 p. to a hemlock ;
, thence north 15.4 p. on the line between said land and
| land ot Frederick Williams to 11 birch tree ; tlicnceeast 50
to a hemlock post ; thence south 174 1-hi p. to the
I place ot beginning. Containing 51 acres aud 104 p.
more or less, a reserve made ol oue acre where Freder
j ick William's mill now stands, about *1 acres unproved.
I small framed house thereon.
i Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ulysses
Mercur vs. John Dnrston.
| ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
; uate in North Towanda tp. and bounded on the north by
j lands of Win. MeMorran. east by lauds of Horace Gran
j ger, on the south by lands of Stephen Bennett, and Still
' well Uundell, and on the west by land in possession cf
John F. Campbell. Containing G acres, be the same
| more or less, all improved, one framed house, log barn
and fruit trees thereon.
: Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Stephen
A. Mills, et. al, Road Commissioners of North Towanda
i Township vs. Chester Bennett and Horace Granger.
| ALLU—The billowing lot. piece or parcel ot land sit
' nate iu Towanda boro', and bounded on the north by
lands ot Mrs. Hiram Rice, on the east by the highway,
| called 2d street, south by the highway called state street,
i on the west by land upon which the colored Wesieyan
j church stands. Containing eighty seven feet, or tlicruil
j bouts, front on second street. 150 feet or thereabouts
I deep, and about 114 leet 011 tbe back end. next to said
j church lot. be the same more or less, all improved, two
! framed dwelling houses, one teamed barn, and a tew
! fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N.N.
Betts vs. James Mclntire. D. C. Hail and Alien Mi Kean.
| ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land snn
i ite in Springfield tp. and bounded on the north, east
! and south by land of Win. T. Williams, and west by the
i public highway. Containing one acre, be the mitne more
, or less, ail improved, with a framed tavern house, a
I framed barn, a work shop, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at Hie suit ot C. K.
! Fierce and W. S. Pierce, executors of the last will and
i testament of Abraham Fierce dee'd vs. Alexander Bowc.
| ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel ot land situ
ate in Litchfield tp. and bounded on tbe north by Wm.
1 Sackett and Wm. Cotton, cast by lands of Leonard Plant,
south by lands ol Jonathan Uudlook, west by lands ol
j Goble. Containing about 50 acres, more or less,
! about 20 acres improved, one log house, aDd slab shed,
| with a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution al tlis suit of H. C.
! Bennett A Co. vs. Thomas F. Evans.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
I land situate 111 South Creek tp., and bounded on the
north by lands in possession of Alanson Lewis, on the
' east by "lands of James Dunihiim, oh the south by lands
of Andrew Decker,oll the west by lands ot Dr. Smith.
J Containing 47 acres, be the same more or less, about
j 20 acres improved, two log houses, and a lew Iruit
; thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. W.
Preston, to the use of John H. Chapel vs. Xoaini W.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
! ate in Canton tp., aud bounded 011 the north by lands ot
: Wm. Bates, on'thc cast by lands belonging to the estate
of Charles Rogers, dee'd, on the south by lands of James
'A. Rogers, on the west by lauds of —— Mix. Contain-
I ing 20 acres, be the same more or less, about 7 acres im
; proved, 1 log house, 1 framed barn, and fruit trees
I thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Andrew
Kitf vs. Nathaniel l'ease.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
t uate in Standing Stone tp., anil bounded 011 the north
1 easterly side by lands belonging to the estate of Daniel
, Vannest, deceased, on the south by the Susquehanna
I River, on the west by lands of George Vannest and the
1 public highway. Containing 151 acres, be the same
; more or less, about 130 acres improved, 2 framed houses.
3 framed barns, wagon shed and other out buildings and
4 orchards thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ulysses
Moody vs. Henry Westbrook.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Smithlield tp ,and bounded as follows : Beginning
at the northwest corner, thence north 82° east 20 p. to a
stake, near a shop of C C Cofss, thence south 80° east
28 p. and 2-10 of a perch to a post at tire south end of a
stone wall ; thence south 15° east 4 c J-tO p. to a post:
thence south 40° east 2 rods to a corner ; thence north
75° east 5 3-10 p. to a stake, thence south 12° east 15
4 10 p. to a corner ; thence south 78° west, 16 p. to a cor
ner ; thence south 35° east 120 8-10 p. to a corner ;
thence south 81° west 37 6 10Y>- to a corner, thence north
23° west 106 9-10 p. to an angle ; thence north 12° west
24 and 4-10 p. to a corner ; thence north 81° east 15 1 10
p. to a ccrner ; thence north 7 5-10 p. to the mill dam ;
thence south I4°jwest 8 4-10 p. to a corner ; tbcuce north
32° west 31 p. to the place of beginning. Containing
25 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, with
steam grist-mill, with water privilege, a distillery, two
trained dwelling houses, a tramed barn, and a wagon
shop thereon,
ALo—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Smithtieid tp., and bounded on the north by the
public highway leading through Smitbtield Centre, on
the east and south by land of Angustus Phelps, and on
the west by lar.ds of K S Tracy. Containing about one
half acre, le the same more or less, ail improved, one
framed house, one framed barn and shed, and a tcrw fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken into executon at the suit of Job P
Kirby's use vs. G L Nichols.
Al£o—Tbe foßowrog lof, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in South Creek tp. ar_d bounded as follows : Begin
ning at the north east corner of lot No. 263 of tbe allot
ment of the Bingham's lands in South Creek tp. convey
ed to E'.en Dunning, thence along tbe north line of said
kit, noith 89° west, 88 p. thence along tbe east line of a
lot conveyed to David Relyea. north west 91 p..
then. e along the sowtb line of lot No. 271, conveyed to
David Pelyea, south 894° east 92 p.. thence along line of
lots S • 274 and 164, south 1° west 91 6-10 p. to tbe
place •>( beginning. Containing 49 seres and 610 of an
acre, witfi the usual allowance of 8 per cent for roads,
Ac., be the same more or less, it being lot No. 272 of the
allotment of the Bingham lands in South Creek tp.,and
part of Wafrant numbered 1381. about 20 flcres improved
1 log house and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Another lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
South Creek tp. and bounded as follows .- Beginning atl
the south east corner of lot No. 164, tbence along lines
of said lot. north Bs° east 13 4 10 p.. noith 24° east IS
p., north 12° east 31 p., north 4|° east 14 p., north 11°
west 8 8-10 p., north 17j° west 13 p., north 1° west 13
4-10 p., and north 10° west 12 1-10 p. thence along the
south line of lot No. 113, south 88J° east 29 8 10 p.,
thence along fine of lot No. 122, south 1° west 120 p.,
thence along line of lot No. 122 aforesaid and lot No. 132
conveyed to Eben Dunning, west 38 p. to the place of
beginning. Containing 19 acres, and 8-10 of an acre,
with the usual allowance of 6 per cent for roads, Ac., be
the same more or less. It being lot No. 273, and parts
of warrranU No. 1382 and 1383, about three acres im
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph
R. Ingersoll and John C Miller. Trustees of the estate of
Win Bingham, dee'd, vs. David R Moore.
ASLO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Armenia tp., and bounded on tlie north by lands
of Levi Yeomans, on the east by lands of P ll Fields, on
the south by land of H. A. Case and Harry Covert, and
on the west by lands of Joel P Burnham. Containing the same more or less, about 20 acres im
proved, log house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Good
rich. Newbury and Peck vs. O D Field.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Sylvania boro', and bounded on the north by the
State road, on the cast by the mountain road, on the
south by by lands of Curtis Merritt and on the west by
lands of the estate of David Brist 11, dee'd. Containing
one-fourth of an acre, more or less, ail improved, one
framed house and a few fruit trees ihereou.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Oliver
Bush vs. Jonathan Bush.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Columbia tp., and bounded as follows i be
ginning at the south west corner of lot No. 208 of the
allotment of the Bingham lands in Columbia tp., being
also the north west corner of lot No. 183, thence along
line of lot No. I*4. north 87° west 04 1-10 p.. thence
north 4° west 01 2-10 p., thence north 89° west 28 8-10
p. to a corner of No. 183, thence north 3° east 37 6 10 p.
thence north 2° cast 92 6-10 p., thence south 884° east
57 2 10 p.. thence south IJ° west 21 8-10 p.. thence south
88J° east 37 2-10 p.. thence south 2° west. 171 1 10 p. to
the place of beginning. Containing 91 6-10 acres, with
allowance, and being No. I*2 of the allotment aforesaid,
with about 20acres improved thereon.
ALSO—Another lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu
Columbia tp. and bounded as follows: beginning at the
north east corner o( lot No. 207 of the allotment of the
Bingham lands tn Columbia tp. aforesaid, thence north
14° cast 83 p., thence south 894° ea>t 14 2-10 p., thence
north I|° east along west line of lot No. 196. 121 3-10 p.
to the south east corner of lot No. 197, tlience along the
smith line of said lot west 140 p. to a corner in line of
lot 206, thence south 14° west 119 p., south 1° west 83
5 10 p.. tlience south 804° east 105 9-10 p. to the place of
beginning. Containing 151 2-10 acres with the usual al
lowance. lie the same more or less, with about 65 acres
improved, more or less, being lots No. 186 and 187 of the
allotments aforesaid.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph
R Ingersoll and John C Miller surviving Trustees of the
estate of Win Bingham,dee'd. vs. Joseph H. DeWitt.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ol land situ
ate partly in Armenia tp. Bradford county, and partly in
Ward tp. Tioga county. Fa., and bounded as follows :
Beginning at a lieech, tlie north-west corner of lot No.
133. on the subdivision of lands of C L Ward, thence
south SK° east 194 2-10 p. to an old beech, tlience south
3° west 68 5-10 p. to a post and stones corner, thence
north 89 12° west 191 p. to a corner; thence north
71 "-10 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 84
acres and 59 perches, being lot No. 133, contracted to be
sold by C L Ward to John Randall, by articles of agree
ment dated Jan. 11, 1858, about 15 acres improved, a
*in 0 II framed house, in Tioga county, and a framed barn
in Bradfoid county.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit cf Christo
pher L Ward vs. John Randall.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Albany tp., and bounded on the north by lands of
(.' I. Ward, cast by lands of S. Hillhouse, Fied. l'iatt, A.
Wolsey and H. Kinney, south by lands of A Wolsey, C.
Corbin and Gable, west by lauds of job Peekham
and John Reed. Containing 325 acres, more or less,
about 25 acres improved, one log house, 3 board sheds,
and an orchard of young Iruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into excretion at the suit of Ulysses
Moody now to the use of M W Wheelock vs. Ichab >d M
ALSO—The following lot piece or pnreel of land sit
uate ih Ridgbury tp., and bounded on the north by land
ol Thomas Galv.n, east by land of Michael Dineen,south
by land of John Carl and west by land of Michael Prura
mery. Containing 42 acres, more or less, about 25 acres
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C. F.
Wilson vs. Dennis Drnfninery and G. I'. Netves.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in North ToWanda tp., and bounded on the north by
laud of John Divine and U. Granger, east by R. Granger
and North Branch canal and John Dougherty, south by
laud of James Fineity and land in possession of Wm.
Mauger, John Dougherty and J Young and west by laud
of S W Rindell, Chester Bennett and Wm. McMorrun.
Containing 207 acres, more or less, about 120 acres im
proved, with three framed houses two framed barns 2
board shanties 3 apple orchards-, and other fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O D Bart
lett to the u*e of Jos Menardi vs. Horace Granger.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate inSmithficld tp.,aud boiinued north by lands of Wm
Cra.rton, on the east by lands of Aaron C Scott. 011 the
south by lands of N C Harris, and on the west by lands
belonging to the estate of Ebenezer Keeler. Containing
26 acres and 6-10 ol an acre, more or less, about 4 acres
improved, with one framed house, one framed baru, a
saw mill, and a lew fruit trees thereon, excepting there
from a lot soid by said Rose to Abner Davis, by deed da
ted tiie 3d of September, I*sB.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Harris
A Page, now to the use of N C Harris vs. Nathan Rose.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Wilmot township,and bounded as follows:
Beginning at a small beech corner ; thence north 2° east
53 perches to a post 1 thence south 83° 8 perches to a
stone corner; thence south 10° west 2 perches to a stone
corner ; tlience south 88° east by land in possession of
Jacob Miller. 158 perches to a corner j thence south 2°
west 57 perches to an old hemlock "down corner" thence
north B*° west by land formerly of Geo. Cotter, 106
perches to a small beech corner—containing fifty-five
acres and one huutlred and fifty one perches, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A
Rockwell v*. Daniel Bumgartncr.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
laud situate in Athens township, bounded as follows :
Beginning at a Corner in the centre ol the highway lead
ing from Athens to E. Wolcott, in front of the Abbott
Smith spring, thence north to the south line of the Coop
er tract, thence east to the cast corner of the said Coop
er tract, tlience south along .!•' Mnrrays west line to the
north corner of Williatn Phelps' lot" tlience alohg said
Phelps' lot to tiie east line of E. Wolcoti's upper mill lot,
thence north along the line to the highway aforesaid,
thence east along the centre of the highway to the place
of beginning—containing tifiy acres of land, more or less,
known as L. Wolcott's lower* mill lot,—reserving first a
lot sold and deeded to the wife of Stephen Wilson, about
two acres more or less—secondly buildings built by Hor
ace Ilow, having been sold at Sheriff's sale to N. V. Har
ris, about 30 acres improved, 2 framed bouses, saw mill,
shingle machiue, and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, being and lying in said township
of Athens, bounded as follows 1 Beginning at a stake on
the south line of warrant No. 1514. being the south west
corner 01 a lot conveyed to Peter Crumb, tlience along
lands of John Hopper, north 81 rods to the highwaf.
tlience north 75° west along lands of E Wolcott 119 rods
8-10 to a stake, thence south 112 rods and 1-10 along
lands of J E Cantield to a stake faced in the said south
line of warrant No. 1514, thence along said warrant line
104 and 010 to the place of beginning, being part ot
warrant 1514, in the warrant name of Charles Carroll.—
Containing 68 acres, known as the Jacob Curkendall
farm, reserving fiorn the last described premises 10 acres,
heretofore sold to the wife of Wm. Rolfc, on the south
west corner of said lot, about 25 acres improved, 1 fram
ed house. 1 log house, 1 framed barn, aud a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Charles
Comstock vs. Helen M II Wolcott bail for Erastus Wl
-cott. now Helen M B Lummis aud Edward F Summers,
her husband.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
nate iu Springfield tp., and bounded on the north by the
public highway, on the east by lands of E S Rice, on the
south and west by D Dickinson. Containing 1 1-4 acres,
be the same more or less, all improved, 1 framed house,
1 lramed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of B Gabri
el vs. S E Dickinson and Caroline Dickinson.
ALSO—The following fot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Springfield tp., and bounded on the north and east
by the public highway, on the south by lands of D Dick
inson, and west by lands of S E Dickinson. Containing
one acre, be the same more or less, all improved, one
framed house, an 1 ashed, and a few fruit trees threon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of B Ga
briel vs. E S Rice.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Ulster tp., and bounded on tbe north east by lands
of James McCarty, south by land of J Smith, and west
by the public highway. Containing half an acre, more
or less, nil improved, a framed tavern house, and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C Ward
& Co. vs. P P Sweet.
Also. Alexander Elsbrec to the use of James McCarty
who was defendant vs. P. P. Sweet.
ALSO—By virtue of snndry writs of Fie. Fare., I have
levied upon tue following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Troy Borough, and bounded on the north
by land of Alouzo Long, east by land of C F Sayles,
south by Ehnira street, on tbe west by lands of V M Couti.ining one half acre, be the same more or
less, all irauraved, framed house, framed barn and a few
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Troy Borough, and bounded on tbe north by tba
public highway, east by lands of Julia Freman, south by
mads of S W Paine and west by lands of Jerrc Adams.
Containing 18 feet bv 40 feet, be the same more or less,
all improved, 1 small framed office thereon.
Al2so—The following described lot, piece or parrel
of land situate in Troy Borough, and bounded on the
north bv lands of Alouzo Long, east by land of S W
A D F romeroy & Co.. and Cash Kendall, south by the
public highway.and west by land belonging to the estate
of Charles Kitig, dee'd, and 11. N. Hoyt. Containing 6
acres, be the same more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of SWi
D F Pomcroy A Co. vs. Henry Person.
NOTICE TO PURCHASERS.—TO prevent misnnd erstand
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary
to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex
cept iu cases,where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to the fuud as provided in the Ist section of
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846, which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at
Orphans' Court or Sheriff * sale, shall appear frotn the
proper record to be entitled, ns u lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appeur, from the record as aforesaid,
to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section slml!
not lie so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff,
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to he paid out of the proceeds
of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benclit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement from
tile proper records, under the hand and official seal of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled
to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, April 4, 1801. Sheriff.
L LUCY HORNBACK by her next friend Ceo* \V. I
Vincent v.-,. SAMUEL HOIINBACK. No. 04, Dec. term, I
To Samuel Horn back :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce |
was issued to l>ec.term. 1860, which was duly returned
non est iuveutus, and thereon an alias subpoena was is
sued in said case. returnable to Feb. term, 18(11, upon i
the return of which, proof was made that the said Sam
uel Horn hack could not ne found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court u the first Monday of May
next to answer said complaint, Ac.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. MM*. 21,1881. Sheriff.
PROCLAMATION. —Bradford county, ss.
In Bradford Common Pleas. No. 214, Dec. term, 1860.
To Pheiie A. Nichols :—Whereas a asbpa-na in Divorce
was issued to Dec. term, I*6o, which was duly returned
non est inventus, and thereon and alias snlqncna was
issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term, 1861, upon
the return of which,proof was made that the said Pbebe
A. Nichols could not be found in my baiiiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of tiie said Court on the first Monday of May
next, to answer said complaint, Ac.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Mar. 21. DM, Sheriff.
PROCLAMATION. —Bradford county, ss.
I.ER. In Dradford Caramon Pleas, No. 92, Dec. term,
To Diantha J. Wheeler -—Whereas a subpoena in Pi- j
vorce was issued to Dec. term, 1860, which was duly re
turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena |
was issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term. 1861. i
upon the return of which, proof was made that the said
Diantha R. Wheel"? could not be found in my baiiiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday ot May
next to answer said complaint. Ac.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Mar. 21, 1861 Sheriff.
DROCLA M ATION Bradford County, ss.
X. LOUISA CASSADY by her next friend Flias Mat
thewson vs. TIMOTHY CASSADY. in Bradford Com
mon Pleas. No. 95, Dec. term, 1880.
To Timothy Cassady :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to Pec'r. Term, I*oo, which was duly re
turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in said case,returnable to February term, 1801
upon the term of which, proof was made that the said
Timothy Cassady could not he found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require yon to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the lirst Monday of May
next, to answer said complaint, Ac.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda. .M: r. 21. I*6l. Sheriff.
"PROCLAMATION. —Bradford county, ss.
-L M11.1.A SIMMONS, by her next liiend John C.
Tompkinson vs. BENJAMIN SIMMONS. In Bradford
Common Pleas, No. .128, Dec. term, lHtiO.
To Henry Simmons i—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to Dec. term, 1860, which duly returned
non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issu
ed in said case, returnable to Feb. term. I*6l, upon the
return of which, proof was made that that the said Ben
jamin Simmohs could not be found in my briliwiok.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court ou the "first Monday of May
nest, to answer said complaint. Ac.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda,March 21,1*61, Sheriff.
PROCLAM ATION— Bradford connty. ss.
I MARIA BROWN by her next friend R. Van Valk
enbnrg vs. HENRY S. BROWN. In Bradford Common
Pleas, No. 232, Sept. term. 1860.
To Henry S. Brown :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to Dec. term. 1861, which was duly returned
non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpama was issu
ed in said case, returnable to Feb. terra. I*6l, upon the
return of which, proof Was made that the said Henry S.
Brown could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of
May next, to answer said complaint, Ac.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Mar. 21, I*6l. Sheriff.
For the Whiskers and Hair.
The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the Citi
zens of the United States, that they have obtained the
Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American
, public, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned
I article.
is prepared by DR. C. P. BELLISGII or, an eminent phy
sician of London, and is warranted tc bring out a thick
set of
Whiskeis or a MustacbO.
in from three to six weeks, This article is the only one
of the kind used by the French, and in Loudon and Paris
it is in universal use.
It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating
compound, acting as it by magic upou the roots, causing
a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the
scalp, it will cure BALDNESS, and cause to spring up in
place of the bald spot a tine growth of new hair. Applied will turn RED or towy hair
HARK, and restore gray hair to its orginal color, leaving
it soft, smooth, and flexible. The " UNGUENT" is an in
dispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after
one week's use they would not for any consideration be
without it.
The subseriliers are the only Agents for the article in
the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed.
Price One Dollar a box—for sole by all Druggists and
Dealers ; or a box of the" Onguent," (warranted to have
the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it. by
mail (direct), securely packed on receipt ot price and
postage, 11,18. Apply to or address
24 William Street , New York.
JANUARY 8, 1861.
To the People of Bradford County and
all other Patrons of the
I TENDER mj sincere thanks, for their
very liberal patronage liestowed upon me, during
the last year, in my New Medicine Building, upon the
corner ot Maine and Pine Streets.
Devotiug my whole attention to all branches apper
taining to this business, and strictly adhering to the
grand aim of giving the best satisfaction. 1 intend to
present opportunities for purchasers to procure materials
according to their quality, at lower rates, than in any
other store in this vicinity. My usual assortment will be
kept constantly supplied with fresh purchases.
Medical advice gratuitously given at the Office, charg
ing only for Medicine.
Towanda, Fa H C PORTER. M D
Jieto 2Hrtfrtfsrnunts._
SOILSSJ sMsasisissa,
Ar.d other
Bleached and ltnbleached Table Dama>k,
White Damask, Table Cloths all sizes,
Napkins, Towel, Diapers,
Lace aud Embroidered Curtain Muslins,
Rose Blankets, Counterpanes,
Linen Sheetings,
Pillow Case Linens, Sheeting,
And Pillow-Cease Muslins,
Just received at the
To which special attention Is Invited.
Begs to announce that he h sou hand and is constantly
receiving from the Manufacturers,
of the latest styles and most approved patterns. He
would respectfully invite the attention of the ladies to
thetn. and also to a large stock of BROCHE LHAWLB
at half their value.
All the desirable colnfs of double, single, and split Zeph
yrs, and Shetland wool will always be found at the
Purchased luring the present panic, much below their
market value, and are offerep for sale correspondingly
low. [Nov. 29, 1860.}
All sizes, in colors, black and white, of these celebrated
Gloves will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE.
IbticE. —Ladies, J1.01) 5 Oents, t1,25.
Chintz-Patterns and Fast Colors,
Worth 20 cents per yard, now for sale at ONE SHIL
LING per yard, at the
Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Drain
Tiles, Ac.
INHERE is n Lime Klin at the Barclay
. Company's Basin, in Towauda, where is kept con
stantly for sale, fresh burnt 11 kite l.ime, made from the
best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per
bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in ban-els, and 12$
rents per bushel for slacked lime. I.ime shipped on hosts
at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse
tValer I.ime at $1 15 per barrel, aud fire Brick at H
cents each. Drain Tiles 2, 3 and 4 inch sizes at 2, 3 and
6 cents per foot, a very nice article for draining land or
about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsley'a
Axes by the dozen. Jack Screws, for moving buildings,
to let at 25 refits per day each.
Barclay Coal al J2 25 per ton frrt Lump Coal and
$2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan
da at 25 cents per load.
All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay H. R.
fi Coal Company, Towanda.
Towanda, Feb. 22.18G1. Gen. Superintendent.
HTIUICK respectfully informs Ihc people
• of Towanda and vicinity, that he is prepared for
giving LESSONS ON THE PIANO. Also that he
Tunes and Repairs Pianos
npon reasonable terms, and insures perfect satisfaction
Rooms in Bender's Bindery, south end ol Ward House.
Dec. 6th, 1&60. 3m. _
Clover and Timothy
Of 300 bushels of West Branch Clover Seed,—also 100
bushels of Western Timothy Seed, of the very best qual
ity, and at the lowest prices for Cash.
"Feb. 2S. 1861.
~rUY TONS from Yaweer, Rowland & Co's.
)I M_/ beds, for sale by the boat loid, at the Ulster
Steam Plaster Mills, at $3.75. cash or approved three
months notes, payable at the Waverly Bank, interest
March 21,1861, fU F. WELLES. Jr.
A LLSPICE, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cayenn®
| XJL Pepper, Mustard Ginger, Coffee, Beards and Cutty
i 'ngs' pnreast of e"h, for sale cheap by
I Pat W C B FlTtli