atflal. rVfiFRIFF'S SALE — By virtue of sundry S its of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of ..leas of Bradford county, to me directed, will coa® 0 " p j ■m public sale on THURSDAY, the 2d day of be expos the court house, in Towanda. at 1 W- the following described lot, piece or par o'ciocK.P- jj uate in Granville tp.. and bounded on the cei of j" ds of Robert Baily. on the south by lands of ft -I—ior on the west by the public lijghway. ton* E'.'f 1 ne h'alf acre, more or less, all improved, one ttin n Lined house, and a few fruit trees thereon. *i ~ii—The following described lot, piece or parcel of \imate in Granville tp.. bounded north by the pub -I,n'. hLv and lands of Julius Bailey, on the east by lic Mic highway, on the south by lands ob-Calvin ,bf Lni'l and on the west by the public highway. Con tha - Leven acres, be the same more or less, all im ttining following described lot, piece or parcel .a situate in Armenia tp. and bounded on the north * D L of Gasper Webler and E. Knights, east by lands l'J ? Lspssion of Andrew Monroe, south by lands or iS L s Rffker and west by lands of John S. Becker and J° bn R, e estate ol Joseph Cornell. Containing fllty ' fn , r . |,e the same more or less, about thirty-five "s improved, a framed house, a framed barn, and a y££ e °a'and'taken into execution at the suit of 0. D. „ rts Levi Barnum. , ~ . Pe l7cn—The following lot, piece or pan el of land sit • Athens tu.. and bounded on the north by lands *?'BW and Frederick WelDr on the east by 5. nf William Sawyer, on the south by lands of lu ' Vsneorder. A. Campbell. Zenas Gibbs and A. Hun- D, \r and "I the west b >' Unds of 5:,n,,,e! ou ■ Lr tvo hundred and twenty acres, more or less, L, tone hundred and fifty acres.more or less, improved, ,ne framed dwelling house, two framed barns, .mi two orchards thereon. AlSo—All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land •ituate in Athens tp.. and bounded as follows, to wit. Cinninr at a post for a corner on the south east corner Wno 5. thence south 89° east 105 rods along the ,s line of lot No. 4 to the south west corner ol lot v l thence routb l west 74 0-10 rods thence north vj" west 10S rods to the east line of lot No, f, thence north 1° cast 74 6 10 rods to the place of beginning ■ConUining forty-eight acres and one hundred and thir- Uen nenhes. be the same more or less, ail improved. ALSO-All that certain, lot. piece or parcel of land aitnnfein Athens boro'. and bounded on the north by and" of ""nice WiUiston. on the east by the Susqnehan na river, south by lands of Charles Day and west bv Fuion street. Containing about four acres.all improved with a few apple trees and a nursery thereon. Seized and taken intr. execution at the suit of George 11 Welles vs. E. H. I'erkins. also— The following lot. niece or parcel of land sit n ,tein Leßoy tp.. and bounded on the north by land of Andrew Savercool, on the east by land of Christopher nrfth on the south and west by unseated lands. Con t tain? fifty-eight acres, be the same more or less, about twenty five acres improved . Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. N. > V W. Spalding vs. Francis Harris. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land fit nets in Athens boro'. and bounded as follows; Begin ning at the south west corner of a lot sold by Horace W.iiist'in, jr-. to Cornelius Harsh, thence southwardly fur rods| thence eastwardly parallel with the north line of lot No. 4to the east line of said lot, thence north ward!* four rods to the north line of said lot No. 4 ; thence wctwardly on the line of said lot to the place of beginning. Being the same lot, as was conveyed to ■the name Cornelius Harah by Edward W. Pelton by deed jecorded in Deed Book. No. 32, page 522, Ac. Contain ing 38 perches, more or less, all improved, with a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens boro'. and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the north east corner of a lot conveyed by ]l. WiUiston. jr.. to David D. Spencer, 9J rods from Main treet. said corner in the south side of street leading '•sin Maine street to the Susquehanua liver, thence south oja wes j 4 p jo the south east corner of said David I). tourer's lot, thence noith east to the west line of i/oistant Mathewon's l it, thence north 12° w-st to a ease, thence south 77J° west to the place of beginning. Containing 38 perches, more or "ess, (living t e same lot j< was conveyed to said H.iih by deed from Horace Willistnn. jr.,) all improved, one 'rained house, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of X. C. Harris vs. Cornelius Harsh. ALSO—The following lot piece r parcel of land sit uate in SmithlieM tp„ and bounded as follows : Begin ning at a hemlock tree, on the line of Ira Adams, and thence running south 80° west oU . 10 p. to :t hemlock ; thence north 183 p. on the line between said land and •of Frederick Williams to a bach tree ; thence east 50 p. to a hemlock post; them-c south 174 710 p. to the plane of beginning. Containing 51 acres and 104 p. more or le*. a reserve tnade of one acre where Freder ick William's mill now stands, about acres improved, amsll framed house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ulysses Merrur vs. John Burston. ALSO The following lot. pieco or parcel of land sit uate in North Towanda tp. and bounded on the no-th by Tunis of Wm. McMorran. east by lands of Horace Gran jsr. on the south by lands of Stephen Bennett, arid Still vell Bundell. and ua the west by land in possession cf Jibn F. Campbell. Containing 6 acres, be the same owe or less, all improved, one framed house, log barn i aaßruit trees tlreceon. vied and taken into execution at the suit of Stephen flhl's et. al. ltoad Commissioners of North Towanda Lenship vs. Chester Bennett and Horace Granger. 41,1.0—The toi'owing lot. piece or parcel ot land sit* rate ia Towanda boro', aud bounded on the north by anJr f M rs. Hiram Rice, on the east by the highway, railed 2d street, south by the highway called state street, c: the west by land upon which tire colored Wesleyau church stands. Containing eighty seven feet, or therca boots, front on second street, 150 feet or thereabouts deep, and about 114 tcet ou tire back end. next to said church lot, be the same more or less, all improved, two framed dwelling houses, one framed Uaru, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of N.N. Betts vs. J mies Mclntire. 1). C. Hall and Allen ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land snu f< in Springffeld tp. and hounded on the north, east and south by laud of Wis.T. Williams, and west by the public highway. Containing one acre be the same more or less, all improved, with a tramed tavern house, a framed barn, a work shop, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Reited and taken ioto execution at the suit ol C. E. Tierce and W. S. Pierce, executors of the last will and testament of Abraham Pierce dee'd vs. Alexinder Howe. ALSO -The rol'.owiug lot. pie- e or parcel of land situ ate ia Litchfield tp. aud bounded ou the north by Win. Kai kett and Win. Colton, east by lands of Leonard Plant, south by lands of Jonathan Mad look, west by lands of Guide. Containing about 51) acres, more or less, almnt 20 acres improved, one log house, and slab shed, with a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of H. C. Bennett A Co vs. Thomas P. Evans. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of tad situate in South Crek tp., aud bounded on the north by lands in possession of Alauson Lewis, on the tvt by lands of James Burnham, on the south by lands tf Andrew Decker.on the west by lands of Dr. Smith. Cvitaining 47 acres, be the same more or less, about * teres improved, two log houses, and a few fruit beeon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. W. Preston, to the use of John H. Chapel vs. Noarni W. nnteler. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land wit ate in Canton tp.. and bounded on the north by hnds of ■J™,"* 1 ", on the east by lands belonging to the e*tate Charles Rogers, dee'd. on the south by lands of James A- lingers, on the west by lands of Mi*. Contain acres, be the same more or less, about 7 acres im proved, 1 log house, 1 framed barn, and fruit trees wereon. B*ized and taken into execution at the suit of Andrew of vs. Nathaniel Pease. ALSO—Thg following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate ia Standing Stone tp., and bounded on the north fsntvrty side by lands belonging to the estate of Daniel >anne*t, deceased, on the south by the Susquehanna JJ'r '® n l ' !e west by lands of George Vannest and the pa iis highway. Containing 151 acres, be the same "re ur less, about 130 acres Improved, 2 framed houses, ■ tamed barns, wrigou shea and other out buildings and < orchards thereon. „ al) d taken Into execution at the suit of Ulysses • oodv vs. Henry \Ve*tbrook. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sitn e!" tp .and bounded as follows : Beginning ... E ''tthwest corner, thence north 82° east 20 p. to a 2s Dear 4 s ' 10 ' ) Corss, thence south 80° east 'P' 210 of a perch to a post at the south end of a ~ ne wa " : thence south 15° east 4 !) 10 p. to a post; see south 40° east 2 rods to a corner; thence north i "* 3-10 p. to a stake, thence south 12° east 15 P , tna cor ner ; thence south 78° west, 1G p. to a cor- south 35° east 120 8 10 p. to a corner ; n<- *", I,h s '° west 3' c lO P- to a corner, thence north jj-'f*.', 'P 'O P- to an angle ; the'ice north 12° west nu 410 p. to a corner ; thence north 81° east 15 1 10 th.r!' & CCra . er: thence north 7 510 p. to the mill dam ; JJO ' u " 1 74° west 8 410 p. to a corner ; thence north jr west 31 p. to the place of beginning. Containing ~i re< ' rnorp or ' es *. aboiit 20 acres improved, with fram / i st rn '"' w '" 1 watei ' privilege, a distillery, two ■ltop thereo*"' 11 '* k° UBM > a ' rumed barn, and a wagon t* l°" ow 'ng lot, piece or parcel of land eit etih'i,. i. "!. ® e ' d l P" an< l hounded on the north by the ths •-> IT' ea n to executoo at tha auit of Job P Air. 1 "* 11 L kiehols. at* f°"owing lot. piece or parcel of land situ- Mat •i is l P- aL( I bounded as follows ; Begin ment rf .i? n " rll ,'' a *t. corner of lot N T o. 283 of the allot *d to f,,t. 8:1101 * l an d* io South Creek tp. convey lot Hurts o .H! in, " UK ' thence along the north line of said lot curiT, i P- thence along the east line of a thence.!™ J? d norlt 'i° west Pi p.. David Rein o south line of jot No. 281, bonveyed to hta So- 27?.' "J o ,* p., thence along line of '' w d 164, aonth 1° west 91 6-10 p. to the f'oning. Containing 4? acres and 510 of an | Hrflal. acre, with the usual allowance of 6 per cent for roads. Ac., be the same more or less, it being lot No. 272 of the allotment of the Binghbam lands in South Oeek tp.,and rart of warrant numbered 1384. about 20 acres improved log house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Another lot, piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek tp. and bounded as follows : Beginning at the south east cornnr of lot No. 164. thence along lines of said lot. north Bs° east 13 4 10 p.. noith 24° east IS p., north 12° cast 21 p.. north 4j° east 14 p., north 14° west 8 8-10 p., north 17J° west 13 p., north 1° west 13 4-10 p.. and north 10° west 12 1-10 p. thence along the south line of lot No. 113, south SB|° east 23 8-10 p., thence along line of lot No. 122, south 1° west 110 p.. thence along line o( lot No. 122 aforesaid and lot No. 132 conveyed to Eben Dunning, west 38 p. to the place of beginning. Containing l'J acres, and SlO of an acre, with the usual allowance of 6 per cenf for roads, Ac., be the same more or less. It being lot No. 278, and parts of warrrants No. 1352 and 1383, about three acres im proved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph R. Ingersoll and John C Miller. Trustees of the estate of Wm Bingham, dec'd, vs. David R Moore. ASLO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in Armenia tp., and bounded on the north by lands of Levi Yeomans, on the east by lands of I' I) Fields, on the south by land of H. A. Case and Harry Covert, and on the west by lands of Joel P Buroliara. Containing 60 acres, be the same more or less, about 20 acres im proved, log house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Good rich, Newbury and Peck vs. O D Field. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Svlvania boro', and bounded on the north by the State mail, on the east by the mountain road, on the south bv by lands of Curtis Merritt and on the west by lands of the estate of David BiGtoll, dec'd. Containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved, one framed house and a few fruit trees vhereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Olive; Bush vs. Jonathan Bush. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Columbia tp.. and bounded as follows : be ginning at the south-west corner of lot No. 200 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Columbia tp., being also the north west corner of lot No. 185, thence along line of lot No. 184. nortli 87° west 64 1-10 p., thence north 4° west 02 2-10 p , thence north 89° west 28 8-10 p. to a corner of No. 183. thence nortli 3° east 37 6-10 p. thence north 2° east 92 6-10 p., thence south 88|° east 57 2-10 p., thence south 1 west 21 8-10 r.. thence south BSj° east 37 2-10 p.. shenee south 2° west. 171 l lo p. to ' the place of beginning. Containing 31 0-10 acres, with | allowance, and being No. 182 ol the allotment aforesaid, | with about 20 acres improved tbfcon. ALSO—Another lot, piece or parcel of land situate in i Columbia tp. and bounded as follows: beginning at the ; nortli east corner of lot No. 207 of the allotment of the j Bingham lands in Columbia tp. aforesaid, thence north i 14° east 83 p., thence south 894 J cast 31 2-10 p., thence ; north I£° east along west line of lot No. 130, 121 3-10 p. I to the smith east corner of lat No. 137, thence along the | south line of said lot west 140 p. to a corner in line of lot 200, thence south I£° west 113 p.. south 1° west 83 I 510 p., thence south S'Jj 3 e;lst 103 3 10 p. to the place of I beginning. Containing 151 2-10 acres with the usual al lowance. be the same more or less, with about 05 acres improved, more or less, being lots No. ISO and 187 of the ; allotments aforesaid. Seized and taken into execution at tlie suit of Joseph R Ingersoll and John C Miller surviving Trustees of the j estate of Win Bingham,dec'd, vs. Joseph H. DeWitt. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ol land situ ate partly in Armenia tp. Bradford county, and partly in j Ward tu. Tioga county. Pa., and bounded as follows : ! Beginning at a beech, the north-west corner of lot No. j 132, on the subdivision of lands of C L Ward, thence j south 88° west 134 2 10 p. to an old beech, tlieuce south | 3® west 68 5-10 p. to a post and stones corner, thouce i north S3 12° west 131 p. to a corner ; thence north ; 71 "10 p. to the place of beginning. Containing h4 ; acres and 59 perches, being iot No. 133. contracted to be ! sold byC L Ward to John Randall, by articles of agree ment dated Jan. 11, 1858, about 15 acres improved, a j r mall framed house, in Tioga county, and a framed barn I in Bradford county. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Christo pher L Ward vs. John Randall. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS —To prevent misunderstand in™, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's saies will be required to pay the amount hid atthe time the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept in eases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, approved April 'JO, I*4o. which is as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriff's sale, shall appear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall not be so construed as toprcventtherightof said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of said sale; and provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the benelit of this sec tion, lie or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said sale, a duly eertilied statement from the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled to receive anv part of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid. A. HANSON SPALL) I. NO, Sheriff's Office, Tovranda, April 4, isol. Sheriff. T >ROCBAM ATlON—Bradford County, ss. .L I.IJCV HORNBAOK by her next friend Geo. W. Vincent vs. SAMUEL HORN BACK. N'o. 94, Dec. term, lsro. To Samuel Hornhack :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce wu issued to Dec. term. 1860, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias suhpmna was is sued in said cae. returnable to Feb. term, 18GI, upon the return of which, proof was made that the said Sam uel Hornhack could not tie found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require roil to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the tirst Monday of May next to answer said complaint, Ac. A. HASCN SPALDING, Sheriff's Office. Townruln Ktr.2l.lMl. Sheriff. PROCLAMATION. Bradford countv, ss JAME? P. NICHOLS vs. PIIKBE A. NICHOLS.—" In Bradford Common Pleas. N'o. '214, Dec. term, IM'.O, To Phebe A Nichols :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce was issued to Dec. term. 1860, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon and alias snbpoena was issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term, 18(11, upon the return of which.proof was made that the said Phebe A. Nichols could not he found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next, to answer said complaint, Ac. A HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Mar 21. 18(11. Sheriff. ATION.— Bradford county, ss. 1 JAMES H. WHEELER vs. DIANTHA J. WHEE LER. In Bradford Cutmnon Pleas, No. 92, Dec. term, 1860. To Dinntha J. Wheeler • —Whereas a subpoena in Di vorce was issued to Dec. term. 1860, which was duly re turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term. 1861. upon the return of which, proof was made that the said Di intha S. Wheeler could not lie found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next to answer said complaint. RO('IJ A M ATION — Bradford County, KS. J. LOUISA CASS ADY by her next friend Klias Mat thewson vs. TIMOTHY CASSADY. In Bradford Com mon Pleas. No. 95, Dee. term, iB6O. To Timothy Cas.-ady :—Win reus a subpoena in Divorce was issued to Dec'r. Term, 1860. which was duly re turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said case.returnable to February term, 1861 upon the term of which. troof was made that the said Timothy Cassady could not be found in my hjiliwick. This notice is thei elore to require yon to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff"s Office, Towanda. M: r. 2L 1861. Sheriff. I)ItOCLAM ATlON.—Bradford county, ss. MII.LA SIMMONS, by her next friend John C. Tompkinson vs. BENJAMIN SIMMONS, in Bradford Common l'ieas. No. 328, Dec. term, 1860. To Henry Simmons Whereas a subpeetm in Divorce was issued to Dec. term. 1860, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issu ed in said case, returnable to Feb. term. 1861. upon the return of which, proof was made that that the said Ben jamin Simmons could not be found in my briliwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, March 21,1861, Sheriff. 13R0CLAM ATION.—Bradford county, us. MARIA BROWN* bv her next friend R. Van Valk enhnrg vs. HENRY S. BROWN. In Bradford Common Pleas. No. 232, Sept. term. 1860. To Henry S. Brown Whereas a subpoena in Divorce was issued to Dec. term, 1861, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issu ed in said case, returnable to Feb. term. 1861, upon the return of which, proof was made that the said Henry S. Brown could not be found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of May next, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Mar. 21. 1861. Sheriff. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! THE best assortment in Pennsylvania. Consisting ef Mackerel, Tront. White Fish, Blue Fish, Salmon Codfish, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Smoked Halibut Ac. Ao., on hand, and to be fold cheap, by i Towanda, Jne 10, 1860. C. B. PATCH. legal. LIST OF GRAND JURORS drawn for May Term, 1861. Athens boro'—C C Brooks- Asylum—Samuel Kellßin 2d'. Burlington boro'—Job Morley. twp—Charles Knupp, Henry HIR. Columbia—John Watkina. Canton—Shepard Casper. Granville—Ward Warren, Julius Bailey. Mouroe twp—S W Aldeu. Orwell—Samuel Lyon jr. Kidgbury—C O French, Daniel A Gillett. Rome—Lemuel Moody, E C Drake. Smithfield—Asa Allen. Troy twp—Henry Greeno, Alonco Morse. Towanda twp—S C Means. Ulster—Jacob Swartz. Windham—Levi Rogers, John M Warner. Wilmot—Daniel C Hall. TRAVERSE JCROR9—FIRST WEEK . Athens twp—lsaac Gregory, A Snell Jr. Burlington twp—Lawrence Kendall. ' west—Wm McKean 14 boro—Sherman Hill. Canton—John Landon, Wm Lawrence, Edwin Newman. Columbia —Wm Musher jr.. Jonathan Peck. Franklin—Edward Willy, John Whitetnan, Granville—Uriah D Baxter. James Gee, Volney Ttjlor. Merrick—Andrew Overpeck. Leßoy—Henry Griswold. Reuben Stone. Monroe twp—D W Harvey, Orwell—Charles N Morey, Rotiert McKee, J H Cowlea. Pike—Winchester Cobb. Rial Blister, Edwin Ford. Rome—Neheniiah Merrill. Itidgbery—Moses Herman. G M Manderville. Smithfield—Anthony Child, Stephen R Crane. Standing Stone—George A Stephens. Towanda twp—Roderick Granger. 44 boro—A F Cowles. 44 north—lsaac Myer. Troy twp— lairenzo Thomas, Stephen Wllber.W li Bush. 44 boro- -B S Dart. Warren—Josiah Wolcott, Rufus Buffiugton, Evan U Da vis, John Beardsley, Windham—Nelson Tyrrell. Wyalusing—Thomas Lamb, E R Vaughn, nomer Camp. Wysox—J B Smith. Wilmot—John P Shotts. PEOOVD WEEK. Albany—John B Sterigere, Wells Wilcox, Amos Quimby Burlington west—John Blackweil jr., Joseph Hilton. 44 twp—Silas Simpson. Columbia—Elias'Gustiu. Canton—C G Manley. Franklin—J C Ridgway. Granville—M H Anable, Volney Brovie. Herriek—Pembroke Squares. Litchfield—Chancey S Wheaton, David McKlnner. Monroe—Edwin Sweet, Jas R Irviu. Orwell—Thrall Blair. Pike—Chester Goodell. Rome—E F Barnes. Kidgbery—Samuel Tubbs, McKee Craig. South Creek—i.ewis Fassctt. Jacob Abers. Smithfield—John Chamherlaiu. Springfield—Charles C Gates. Towanda tivp—J M Swartwood. Tuscarora—J 0 Culver. Ulster—Edwiu Walker. Wysox—Alonzo Bishop, Samuel Chamberlain. Wyalusing—Andrew Fee. I.ewis Biles. Wells—Leslie Lawrence, John B Dewitt, J J Barnes, Ro bert Adams. THIIiP WEEK. Albany twp—H R Vanioon, Wm. Lancaster. Athena—Wm. Scott. Burlingtou—M.insou Long, Samuel Whitehead. Columbia—Allen S Parsons. Canton—Samuel Fitzwater jr., Jas A Bothwell. Franklin—Joseph Spalding, John Lantz. Granville—Hollister Catlin. Herriek—Bai tholomew Pulver, John S Crawford, Day ton Barnes, Austin Wetteiuore. Monroe—E C Kellogg. Ridgbery—lames Stevens, 0 W Peterson. She.-heqnin—Jesse Btown. Samuel Usborn, G W Lent. Smithfield—C S Chamberlain. Springfield—Hiram Spear, Alfred Brace. Standing Stone—'Guy lirowu. I'roy boro—L A Sayles. •• twp—Richard Montgomery. Towanda boro— Isaac Smalley Win. Mi*. 44 north—lra H Stephens. Wilmot J S Gambol, John Morrow. Wysox —Wm W Goodrich, Alexander Wivkizer. Warren—Wm Manchester. Wyalusing—Cyrus Avcrv. IN the mailer of the Baptist Church and . Society of Cur.ton. s In Bradford Common Picas, No. 178. Mav term, IHOI. Notice is hereby given, that a petition sigued by E. Loomis, E. \V. Lolwell, A. Doty, ami others, citizens of Bradford County, has been presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said county, praying to be incorporat ed under the name and style of the Baptist Cnurch and Society of Canton, agreeable to a Constitution annexed to said petition. Whereupon, the same having been pe rused and examined by the Court, and the objects, arti cles and conditions therein set forth and contained ap pearing to he lawful and not injurious to the community, the Court directed said ruling to be tiled in the office of the l'rothonotary of said Court, and that notice be in serted in one newspaper printed in the County aloresa d, for at least three weeks before the next term ; that ap plication had been made to said Court to grant said Charter of incorporation, and if no sufficient resaon was shown to the contrary, the said Court will on the first Monday of May next, decree said petition to be a cor poration as prayed for in said petition. E. GOODRICH, Prot'y. Protlionotary's Office, March 21, 1861. NOTICE. \\ r HKREAS, reports have heen circulated ft that WILLI AM W. EASTABROOKS, of the township of North Towanda, had obtained au order on the School Treasurer, of the school district of said town ship, under false pretences, tor the nurpose of paying his daughter. And whereas, the undersigned, without un derstanding the facts of the ease, have made remarks about said transaction, calculated to injure said Easta brooks and whereas, we have ascertained upon inquir ing and investigation that the conduct of Mr. Easta li rooks was wholely blameless in that transaction, and not deserving of any censure, therefore it now affords us great pleasure to be able to say. (which we do.) that no fault should be imputed to Mr. Eastfibrooks for any thing connected with the giving or receiving of said order as his daughter was justly entitled to said order. DANIEL KENNEDY, SILAS MILLS. W. S. RUNDALL, EZRA RUTTY. March 21.1861. M. H. AI.LOW.VY. Dissolution of Copartnership. rpHE Copartnership that existed between -L R. M. WELLES, J. P. BLOOI) and S. M. BLOOD, under the firm name of Wells, Blood A Co., proprietors of the Tioga Point Agricultural Works at Athens, Pa., was mutually dissolved on the .list day of Dec. 1860. at which time the subscriber withdrew from the said firm and business, and J. P. Blood assumed all the debts and liabilities of the same. Since that date I have had no connection with said business. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa., March 4. 1861. Clover and Timothy SEED. TUST RECEIVED at M. E. SOLOMON'S, • I 300 bushels of West Branch Clover Seed,—also 100 bushels of Western Timothy Seed, of the very best qual ity. and at the lowest prices for Cash. Feb. 28, 1861. __ —All persons are hereby notified JJv not to purchase a NOTE given to Wm. Braiu for Kilty Dollars, by the undersigned, dated April 20. 1850, Payable two years after cate. as I have not received any value for the same, and will not pay said note unless com pelled by law. March 5, 1861. C.EORC.E WILLIAMS. GATVGA GROUND PLASTER. " | U V TONS from Yaw<*er, Rowland &. Co's. /Uu beds, for sale by the boat loid, at the Ulster Steam Plaster Mills, at $3,75. cash or approved three months notes, payable at the Waverly Bank, interest added. March 21. 1861. C. F. WELLES. Jr. Exciting Times! GET THE LATEST NEWS! THE New York Dalies.—The New York Tribune, Herald Ttme and IVorld. I will furnish any of the aljove papers at 15 cents per week, or single copies for sale. Farrars who want the latest news, will always find a supply at the News Room of A. F. COWLES. Now is the time to subscribe for the THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A Club is now being formed for the New York Weekly Tribune, at Cnwle's New Room, only One Dollar a year. All who want this paper will please call in soon, as shall send on the names immediately. Towanda, Jan. 3,1861. M U SIC. HRUICK respectfully informs the people • of Towanda and vicinity, that he is prepared for giving LESSONS ON THE PIANO. Also that he Tunes and Repairs Pianos npon reasonable terms, and insures perfect satisfaction Romns in Bender's Binderv, south end of Wsrfl House. Per. i'h,l e 0. 3m, Jlcto 3hfcmi?rments. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To Farmers and others Interested ! FRUIT TREES.—£O,OOO Choice Fruit Trees for aale, including all the beat variety of the Apple, the Pear, Peach, Plum, Cherry and Apricot, also a line collection of the best Evergreens, each as Norway Spruce. Fir. Arbor Vitae, Austrian Pine, Scotch Fir and Black Spruce, including all sizes, from 2 to 6 feet, suited to ornament lawns aud door yards, also Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, European Ash, Araertcan do. Horse Chestnut, European Larch, Fringe or Smoke tree, Althea. Deutzia, Scabra, African Tamarix, Wigeiia Rosea, Forsythia, Spirea, Primifolio and many others not named. 6000 of our best Native hardy Grape Vines, for sale the coining soring, such as Delaware, Diana, Concord, Rebecca and Clinton, Catawba and Isabella. 20 varieties of the best beariDg Strawberries, including Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey A Hooker seedling; soid at low prices, by the 100 or 11100 ; the Red Cherry and White Grape OurrrenU, also Red A White. Dutch, Black. ! English and Black Naples; 12 other kinds not named ; here. 1000 Lawton Blackberry placts. these fruited in my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom mend. A fine collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb- j ing Roses and Dahlias. In addition to ray Nurserv, lo cated at this place, I have lately purchased the Tioga ! Pcint Nursery, embracing over 25,000 fruit A ornamental ' trees with all other things in the line. Our people will j find it much to their advantage to buy these articles at j home instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from 1 Rochester and ot her places at u distance. DANIEL UARKINS. Towanda, Pa-, Feb. 23,1961. P 8 A few good Salesmen wanted to act as Agents, ! apply at my house. D. H. j Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Brain Tiles, dec. TITERE l ft Lime Kiln at the Barclay! Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh hurut White Lime, made from the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, beaded up in barrels, and 12$ cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped ou boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse ! tValer Lime at $1 15 per barrel, and Fire Back at 8 j cents each. Drain Tiles 2,3 and 4 inch sizes at 2, 3 and j 6 cents per foot, a very nice article for draining land or ; about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsley's i Axes by the dozen. Jack Sci ews, for moving buildiugs, I to let at 25 cents per day each. Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump Coal and $2 00 per ton lor Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay R. R. A Coal Company, Towanda. J. MACFARI.ANE. I Towanda, Feb. 22,1861. Gen. Superintendent, j {V|-CASHC3 FOR BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, GRAIN, MMM33KS3SHB "mm" Dried Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried Blackberries. SHEEP PELTS! WHITE BEANS ! ! POT A TOES, HICKORY XUTS, And Game, at PATCH'S. JANUARY 8, 1861. 2c> the People of Bradford County and all other Patron of the CASH DRUG STORE!! I TENDER my sincere thanks, for their very liberal patronage upon me, during the last year, in my New Medicine Building, upon the corner of Maine and Pine Streets. Devoting my whole attention to all branches apper taining to this business, and strictly adhering to the grand aim of giving tlie best satisfaction. I intend to present opportunities for purchasers to procure materials according to their quality, at lower rates, than in any other store in this vicinity. My usual assortment will be kept constantly supplied with fresh purchases. Medical advice gratuitously given at the Office, charg ing only for Medicine. Towanda, Pa. H. C. PORTER, M.D. N. V. dt S. RAIL ROAD. CHANGE of hoars, commencing Thnrsday, Jan. 24, 184* 1. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz : GOING WEST. GOING EAST* Dunkirk Express. .5.40 P. M,IN. Y. Express.. 11.25 A. M Night Express... .3.55 A. M.'Night Express. 1.21 A.M. Mail 8.05 P. M. Mail 7.46 A. M. Way 8.42 A.M.!Way 3.34 P.M. Express Freight.. .G. 06 P. Mi Fast Freight... 9.07 A.M. Fast Freight 11.32 A. M. Way Freight... 5.50 P.M. Way Freight.... 8.15 A.M.! Night Express (both ways) Express Freight and Fast Freight going west, and Fast Freight going east, run every day. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to El mira. The 8.05 P. M. Mail runs only to Elmira. The 8.42 A. M. Mail runs through to Dunkirk. The 4.20 P. M. Mail ruus only to Binghamtnn. CHARLES MINOT. General Sup. YOU WANT WHISKERS ? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIN GH AM'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONCUENT, For the Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the Citi zens or the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT is prepared by Dr.. C. P. BELLINOHAM, an eminent phy sician of Loudon, and is warranted tc bring out a thick aet of Whiskcxs or a Mustache. in from three to six weeks, This article is the only one of the kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal uset It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure BALDNESS, and cause to spring up in place of the bald spot a fine growth of new hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn RED or towy hair DARK, and restore gray hair to its orginal color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The " ONGUENT "is an in dispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for any consideration be without it. The subseribers are the only Agents for the article in the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box—lor sale by all Druggists and Dealers ; or a box of the " Onguent," (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct), securely packed on receipt of price and postage, $l,lB, Apply to or address HORACE L. HEGEMAN A CO., DKL'GGISTS. AC., 24 William Street, New York. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had the effect to place many kinds of Goods within the reach ot Cash buyers, at much lower prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no ticc that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never been equall ed in this market. Dec. 10, 1860. JOSEPH POWELL. QHARLES OAKFORD & SON'S CELEBRATED HAT, For Spring and Summer Styles, Just received at E. S. BENEDICT'S Clothing' and Bat and Cap Store, Kerch 7. TOWANDA, PA, Jlrls SMiertfsevimts. AT THE KEYSTONE STOKE 11 AS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARUE STOCK FOR THE SEASON, OF PALL & WINTER GOODS, WHERE WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF SSDILK3, SaaaiDlißlS, MERINOS, REPS, And other WORSTED DRESS GOODS, | LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES & HOSIERY, I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ! CLOTHS; CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. HATS &c OA PS, BOOTS AND SHOES,! CROCKER Y^&c^ TTOTTSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOSIIS, DR UGGETTS, MA TTRESSES, MA TTS, PAPER-HANGINGS, PR A NSPA RE.XT WIN DOW SHADES. BROCCATELLS:.* iDAMASKS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Bleached and unbleached Table Damask, White Damask, Table Cloths all sizes, Napkins. Towel, Diapers, Lace and Embroidered Curtain Muslin*, Rose Blankets, Counterpanes, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Case Linens, Sheeting, And l'illow-Ccase Muslins, LOOKING GLASSES, &C. Just received at the KEYSTONE STORE, To which special Attention is invited. JOSEPH POWELL, Begs to announce that he h >s on hand and is constantly receiving Irotu the Mauulaciurere, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, of the latest styles and most approved patterns. lie would respectfully invite the attention of the ladies to i them, and also to :> large stock of DKOCHE LUAWLS I at half their value. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, All the desirable colors of double, single, and split Zeph- j yrs, and Shetland wool will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. LADIES' FURS, AT PANIC PRICES. JUST OPENED AT THE KEYSTONE STOBE, A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS : Purchased during the present panic, much below their i market value, and are offerep for sale correspondingly j low. [Nov. 29, 1860.] BAJOU'S KID CLOVES. | All sizes, in colors, black and white, of these celebrated ! Gloves will always be found at the KEYSTOXESTORE. PRICK. Ladies, $1.00; Gents, $1,25. 100 PIECES ENGLISH PRINTS, Chintz-Patterns and Fast Colors, \ Worth 20 cents per yard, now for sale at OXE SHIL LING per yard, at the KEYSTONE STORE. UNION MEETING, AT JOHN SHLAM'S, Elmira .'Branch. "P VERY UNION MAN should recollect Li that he can buy Clothing 15 PER CENT CHEAPER at JOHN SHLAMSthan at any other establishment in Pennsylvania. Please come in and try to satisfy yourself before you purc-ase elseweere. lie will keep a good as sortment of PANTS, PANTS. TANTS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. ear Cash paid for Furs and Sheep Pelts. Respectfully Yonrs, J. SHLAM. 8. OSBORN, Salesman. Remember the place. Next door to H. 8. Mereur' Dry Goods Store. Towanda, Jan. 3,1861. WILSON, BARNES dt CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 15 Warren street, (three doors below Washington at.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm #f Ful Dr, Dayton A Co., and Wilson, Jackson k Merrill. D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEBNEY. of Wyoming eonnty.Pa. SAMUEL V. PEL A NO. New York. Imy9a JKtsulltnrotts. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF BOOTS, AT HUMPHREY'S- The subscriber offers bis very Large Stoek of Boots U bis own manufacture and also Ida Extensile and well selected assortment of LADIES' FINE WORK, of all styles and varieties for tbe remainder of this Sea son to Cash Customers at prices wbicb make it a grant Inducement to give Uim a call before purcbing elsewhere. Also, an unusually large stock of LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS at reduced prices to snit the timet. Also, a fine assort meat of CROCKERY, which 1 will sell at bargaina, In order to close that branch of my business. FOUR TONS BOONETON NAILS, COLLINS AXES, CAST STEEL SHOVELS, MANURE FORKS, SADDLER Y WARE, AC,, AC., Dec I,IWO. J. D. HUMPHREY. "xov. 24, 1860. LATEST ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVEItY VARIETY, STYLB AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS. * AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS. OXXJ CLOTHS JASD CARPETINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, II ADR WARE, Etc. Feeling confident that we are now prepared to meet fhe wants of ALL, wo would call lhe attention of the public to our NEW STOCK, which will be sold at greatly reduced pricea for CASH at HEADY-PAT. Nov. 29, lst-O. TRACY A MOORB. SULLIVAN COUNTY Hardware and Stove Store. D. C.~HALL, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sullivan County, aDd the public generally, that ba hat commenced business in DUSHORE, where be bat juat received a very extensive stock of of every style and pattern, adapted for burning Coal or Wood, which will be sold as low as any other place thla side of Albany or New York. The attention of those desiring to purchase Steves is particularly directed to my assortment, which is especially adapted to the wants of this sertion ol the country, and will be sold lower than can be purchased this side of Albany or New York. I believe I can offer greater inducements than any other establishment ia the country. Also, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Hails, Glass, PAINTS AND OILS, House and Carriage Trimmings, SPRINGS. IRON AXLES A BOXES, of all elses. Car penter's and Joiner's Tools, Blacksmith's Tools. Croat- Cut, Circular and Mill SAWS, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Pumps. Lead Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tube. Farming Tools. Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on baud, at Wholesale and Retail. Job Work done on short notice. r Grain. Old Iron, Copper, Britannia, Brass, Beee wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for goods. Having had many years' experience in tbe business, I am confident I can make it tbe interest of purchasers to give me a call. My goods will be bought at the lowest rates, and soid at cones ponding prices. All manufactur ed articles will be made from the best materials, aud by competent workmen,and will be warranted. D. C. HALL. Dushore, Oct. 25, 1860. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. H A VINO greatly increased my former stock of Cabinet Ware and Chairs, I am determined to dispose of these accumlua tions rapidly, and with that design offer all articles a* unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at SIC to $2O, fine Cane Scat Chairs 75 eta. each, a nice Bedstead for '2O shillings. I have now more than GO different patterns of Chairs, Bureaus, Desks for the fanner or merchant. Looking Glasses, Looking glass Plates, Portrait and Picture frames of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner ; 20 patterns of Stands ; extension, dining, tea and work Ta bles, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be iound in a city Ware house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good Hearse ready, at al! times. Purchasers will be sure to find the right place, south side of the public square, one door east of Montanves. Towanda. Dec. 1,1859. CHESTER WELLS. CENTRAL 0 MEAT MARKET. Below J. Kivgsbeiy's store, Main st. THF. subscriber would respectfully tender his sincere thanks to the public for the very liberal natronage extended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. lie begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound. 03T A quantity of first qualitv of SALT PORK, put up by myselt, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. Towanda. August 12,1859. J McCABE. TOBACCO, IN BARRELS, In KEGS. In BOXES. In CANS. In TINFOIL. In LARGE PAPERS, In SMALL PAPERS, In BLADDERS, FINE CUT. LONG CTTT, PLUG I TOBACCC BOXES. TOBACCO PIPES. SNUFF. Black and Yellow, Choice SEGARS, Ac., Ac., at Wholesale and Retail, by Dec. 20. C. B. PATCH. A LARGE SUPPLY of Dried Pe*ch, Ferries, Appl*e nd Prunes, "