Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 28, 1861, Image 3
LOCAL AND GEXERAL. | . T k >'. Y. STATE CANALS, it is intimated in 13 c of our exchangee, will Ue opened for navigation on £* of April- ./ FUR JERSEY SHORR BOOM BILL on a test . taken in the House of Representatives, on Friday, a majority ol 43 in itii favor. VLVSSF.S MKRCUR, Esq., has been strorn in J : uJ of the 12th Judicial District iu the place of I JoilDaviii Wiujot, I , ♦ ioiocs. —Services wiil be beld in the i vteriuu Church of this place every evening this •i Rev. J- 0. Cabsachan of Troy preached on , Monday ami Tuesday evenings. Daily service is also Le ;d in the Episcopal Chureb. FIRE.— An alarm of fire was given in this vou Friday last. A small wooden building ia the j f* „„,i of the P.orough caught fire, but it was fortun i ijUcl Ct'vA , r extinguished before serious damage was done.— j The"lire companies were quietly upou the ground but , •iieirservices were not required. ' CONCERT.— A vocal and instrumental Con- , ■i wiil be given in the Court House on Friday evening ' 7this week. The performers are mostly citizens of > j' s place, and tlieir well kiiown musical ability should • MU re for'them a full house. In addition to the attrac • 7 presented ia the bills, we learu that the Towanda Brass Baud will also be in attendant*. Mi.i forty se.—This is a world or misfortune snd one of the saddest t" a god house-keeper is to be tßicted with heavy, sour bread, biscuit, Ac. H y°'t are , crer troubled in tbis way get I>. B. Del. ANT & Go's Chem ical Ssieratus, wlien you will be surprised by its charm ing results in removing the cause of your misfortune. yjrTlio attention of school Directors is I called to a decision of the Supreme Court as found in lue Educational department of this pa[>cr. It touches a I question which has caused more or less trouble in most . I ul the townships ol this county. I DONATION VlSlT.— There will be it Dona- I tion visit for the benefit of Rev. 1. Cmu> at has residence I, , Tuesday altevnoou and evening. April 2d. Refresh- i lincuts will' be furnished in the evening at the church, at Is o'clock. All donations will be received at the house, ■where tickets for the Sapper will Lc furnished. The Lu'u.c aie invited to attend. [ Kesi'mep SPECIE PAYMENTS. —The I'hiladel- K a Itank- on Monday began again to pay out specie for ■ ~r | ipiT, u':cou(l;ti.ini!y. (The County Banks in ftrernl did not suspend.) Their stoppage was unneces ■ ting i. It .f the Democratic and Slave Party -—diit tl iir resumption will undo some of the dam hy their foolish yielding to .Southern bluster. P. M. Tvrner, of Towanda, lectured I • y acceptably indeed Ijeforc the Y. M. C. A., on Friday ■renin* the 15tli, upon the suhject of "the Influence of Regions sentiment upou Communities and States." ■. lecture dcscrvi 1 a iietti r andic-nco. We fear Waver- I * ■nuking and billiard saloons. Il'ovetly .lac ocalt. I ATHENS FI:P.NITI ;.e BOOMS. —Wo desire to ■ attetition t > the advertisement in another columu of j ■ new cutcrpiisc of .Mr. It. M., who has pur ■ „.eJ the Athens Furniture Rooms, and who will here ■her gire his attention to this branch of business. Mr. * Hi. is well known as an ruterp: .-uig business man .and an iurahle dealer, and we doubt not that the public will J it ta their advantage t • examine bis stock. svriDE RY HANGING. —Mr. Bjron Tiflanny, kii- 1 township, this county linng hunself in the I • etniaea, last Tuesday. I2tl . ■•7' is a • man. about thirty years of age, I •xa Tiffiuj, deceased. He had bee* living with I " .. i. year, and it is said he occasionally n. 1 symptoms of mental derangement. Deapon-. ■' wtu probably the exiling cause.- -V artUern Penn |";KN:ng Fiaid Accuent. — o:i Saturday I. Rar. hi-. Miss I.VPIA Kston, of this place, while k.;ng iicr i-tcr in Addison, N. V., met with a serious r >nt from the bursting of a HuiJ lamp. She went a the woodshed with the lamp in In i hand, which ku hut one wick in the tubes, and the other tube she t <i Ito be covered with Cue extinguisher, and as k- tipped the lamp up, the fluid ran out of the tute, * rau-ed the explosion. One aim was burnt very bad- J iud I'ue other to a considerable extent. ncsmcehanna LCMIIF.aTRADe. —Tue Susqne a river has bean in a good ratting stage d oing the leek. The Columbia Spy says : •• The raits com d passing last Saturday a week, and have been uing almost every day since. Some seventy or lumber rafts, principally from the North Branch, r lying at Columbia. About twenty timber rafts ■.i-atd below that point, and nearly the same mini lumber rafts. Some twenty rafts lie at Wrights Mil we hear of a few at Marietta. The sales at i •taa have been light, and buyers backward. The '""-ire backward about seeking a market below, -("she unsettled stale ol the political relations be- Xorth and South. From what we can 1 ear n, ? that the main body of lumber nil! be held -"the later spring fieshets." What a noble animal the Horse is ! lis naturally high spirit is affected. you mav, | b'.iiuty rely that some disease is afflicting his that it is necessary to ascer tain what is the i'l adopt rational means for his relief. It is as remedy the complaints of the horse as those of j -I'n being, as they demand similar medicinal At tiiis >ea->on the Lungs, Liver, Skin and lvid ''••ld art with each other in exact unison, and i •uc so arranged and compounded as to meet these us would seem to be all that is desirable to cure j arising from obstruction of those organs, j 'be reason is obvionsthat Dr. PORTER'S Hone and PiM-ttr is beneficial for a large number of com ni l a'ter years of trial, it is an estaldished fact ' •i>"tonly cuies their diseases but acts as a I eni- \ * rnder, not a sen-ielcss compound ot Drugs but i f 'd to promote the appetite- give the skin a j ' f-arance and produce Life und Style without the , •"j-rj to the animal. MEDICI'S. <i clip tiie foliowinpt item of it case of l " ■cin a neighboring town from the Dramer r rp ' r ' Uagamne for April. i [ "f under policies of insurance I K have funny cases, or meet an cxhil ,common method of measuring t'ue dam ' l u, t* the cost of restoration or repair of the i'.ui.. J !tt " An a( lj"ster of one of tiie Hartford \ r,, r . ".' ts recently hurried out to Klmira to pay for ( p . destruction of steam-engine used in a saw - .-,, 1 'i r . l ' le Policy demanded six hundred i> . tl uinity, and had procured llie formal cer- ! in. w i.„ ' ll sum - The adjuster had a survey by an 1 I i;.,;. repair all damages for two huu- j ' "'"iars.and he proposed to pay the claim ' repair the machine. Mr. Chumaut j B- t*teir IK J ' ( ' •he didn't believe any man living . ' l6 p l[ n.'ige for that sum ; protested earnest- K,! n i 1 " ,l ', Ce 01 ""h'tß him to take less than j red dollars ; buton the wiiide, if lie Mr iT hay,lie would take four hundred >rti„. nil er fi,,a "T him he must take one ' isllan, ! e f r ' u "'l he acceptea the two hundred and ? ' r "! rial ? e settlement was made. Mr. Adjus *hi -h hi ® contract to repair for the sum B "V, , refused, with the delicate re- ,l , j 'he s'uan't do it! There's a man s ul do it for a hundrtd and fifty dollars!"' itrtu asiitrttscmcnts. it. SI. VELLES, . (l.ate Senior I'ruprittor of the Tioga Paint -Jgrfjcu/- taral IVorks.) j Has Recently Purchased the ITHENS MIM.MORS, Cabinet Manufactory, jnnd will give his new business liis personal attention, and with the assistance of Mr. A. O. Hart, as Foreman, ( he w ill strive to increase the popularity of this WELL j i KNOWN" and favorite establishment. I A Splendid Assortment of (ioods! We have on hand and shall alwavs keep the VERY BEST ASSORTMENT OF I Bureaus, Secretaries, Book Cases, to be found within 100 miles—all of our own supe rior manufacture. Come auU see them. SOFAS. TETE-A-TFTES, LOUNGES. EASY CHAiRS. MAHOGANY CHAIRS, and Chairs of Every Description ! j Extension Dining Tables, MARBLE-TOP AND CENTRE TABLES, j (anything you may tcant in that line.) Then again look at our BE AUTIFUL SETTS OF Enameled Chamber Furniture, of our own manufacture—goo 1 enough for auy AMElil- ' CAN' SOVEREIGN! Bedsteads, Beds & Matrcsses! i BEAUTIFUL MIRRORS, Looking Classes, Plates (f: Frames ELEGANT SQUARE PICTURE AND OVAL PHOTO- ! GRAPH ERA MLS, and Ggods too numerous to mention. We shall at aii times keep a full supply of nicely fin i.-hed and furnished ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, WAL- i NUT, CHERRY aud COMMON READY-MADE COFFINS. All orders, fur Cortina of any description, size, style and price, shall be expeditiously and satisfactorily filled We keep a GOOD liE ARSE, ready at uli times for use j at low rates ; and can attend and conduct funerals any- | where within 20 miles. N". B. All articles of our own manufacture are war- j ranted ; and a'l other Good.- are carefully selected from the st i.-ks of the best and cheapest inanulacturers iu the Middle and Eastern States. PRICES CHEAP FOR CASH, OR SHORT AITROVEIX CREDIT. rS" Do not buy el fwherc till at least you hai c t.ram- j inCii our stock of Ocvds. R. M. WELLES. Athens. Pa.. March N, )M1. Mansfield Classical Seminary. IVlansfield, Tioga Co., Pa. lIK SPRING TERM of this Institution .1 i! 1 commence April 2d, 1801, and continue thir teen weeks. E. WiLHMAN. A. M Principal. Mrs. ii. P. R. Wildman Preceptress. Miss E. A. Chase Music Teacher. Mr. Isaac Sticknkv Penmauahip. EXPENSES. Tuition (I'iimary) per Term $2 SO C'nmnion English 4 "0 ; Higher Knglis-U and Language* G 00 Musi.;. Piano or Melodean SCO I l'-e of instrument 2 CO Room rent, per term. 1 .">0 Fuel, per term 00 Incidentals, per term 25 Board iu private lambics, per week Ig3 j Every possible effort w ill be made, both by the Trus tees and faculty, to afford as good advantages as can he had in anv School n the State. The Seminary is now in i process of completion, whit ii w ill enable us to aflord the very best a to 150 students at tiie opening ■ of tiie Spring Term. P.i'ti attention will be given to aucli as are preparing themselves lor teaching. Those j wh i hive sons or daughters to educate, will do well to send them to M.mdield. Tuition payable one half at the commencement of the term, and the remainder at the middle, or satisfactorily 1 ai ranged. i All kinds of produce taken in payment for tuition if brought at the commencement of the Term, at market , ; price. Ft fat titer particulars address the Principal. Vacancies in the Faculty will le filled immediately. Rev. N. FELLOWS, Pr.s't, A. J Ross, Sce'y. March 21, lsG 1. Burbank's Bakery! fTUI K snlscrilrr rpspwtfoily informs the puli- J- tic resumed the management of the slnve cst.i'uii.shnieiit. one d >or south of the " Ward II >use," where lie is manufacturing CRACKERS, of every description, such as oyster, milk, I! iston. soda, butter, water, plc-nic, Graham, sugar, wine and common c.raikers. Also, Rusk, Cuus, Butter Rolls, Wheat, lu aud Graham BREAD & CAKE, of nil kinds, const uitly on hand and made to order. The ■ attention of the citizens of this place aud vicinity, i. c i leJ to the above, and they are assured that they can always- be supplied with any of these articles. Wedding and Social Parties, will be furnished with every description and style of j Fruit. Pound, and fancy CAKES. Tavern keepers and ! Grocers will be supplied on terms as cdv.intageous as at i any other establishment in the State. In connection with j the above lie has an SATirra SAZ.OO2J, where everything in the line will be served out to those who may lavor him with a tall. Thankful tor past favors he respectfully solicits s con tinuance ol the same. HENRY A. BL'RUANK. Towanda. March •">, 1861. XrOTZCB. \Y II ERE AS, reports liuve Vieen circulated H that WILLI\M W. EAST.VHROOKS, of the! tow nship ol North Towanda, had obtained an order on ; ti.e School Treasurer, of the School district of said town- j ship, under false pretences, for the nnrpose of paying his daughter. And whereas, the undersigned, without un- ; derstauding the facts ol the case, have mule remarks] about said transaction, calculated to injure suid East.i brooks and wliereu, we have ascertained upon inquir ing and investigation that the conduct of Mr. Easta brooks was wliolely blariielcss in that transaction, and j not deserving ot any censure, therefore it now affords ; us great pleasure to lie able to say, (which we do,) that no fault should be imputed to Mr. Kastabrooks tor any thing connected with the giving or receiving of said ! order as his daughter was justly entitled to said order. i DANIEL KENNEDY, SILAS MILLS. W. S. RUN'DALL, EZRA RUTTY. Uar.-li 21. 1861. M. H. ALLOW AY". ! Dissolution cf Copartnership. ffAHE Copartnership that existed between! 1 R. M. WELLES, J. I*. BLOOD and S. M. BLOOD, under the firm name of Wells. Blood A Co., proprietors ! of the Tioga Point Agricultural Works at Athens, Pa., was nintuallv dissolved on the 31st day of Dec. lSiiO, at which time ilie subscriber withdrew from the said firm and business, and J. P. Blood assumed aii the debts and j liabilities of the same. Since that date I have had no • connection with Mid business. It. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa.. March 4, lsfll. | Glover and Timothy s k k r>. I EST RECEIVED at M. E SOLOMON'S, ■ •* 300 bushels of West Branch Clover Seed,—also 100 ; bushels of Western Timothy Seed, of the very best qual- j it,", and at the lowest prices for (ash. Feb. 28, 1861. "VTOTICE.—AII persons are hereby notified _Lv not to purchase a NOTE given K> Wm. Brain for Fifty Dollars, by the undersigned, dated April 20. 1859, Payable two years after eate. as i Jrave nt received any value for the same, aud will not pity said note unle&scom pelled bv law. March 5, 1961. GEORGE WILLIAMS. I Segal. LIST OF GRAND JURORS drawn for May Term, 18C1. Athens boro'—C C Brooks. Asylum—Samuel Keiluni 2d. Burlingtcn boro'—Job Mortev. " twp—Charles Knapp, Henry Hill. Columbia—John Watkius. Canton—Slx-pard Oasper. Granville—Ward Warren, Julius Bailey. Monroe twp—S W Aldeu. Orwell—Samu-I I,yon jr. Ridgbury—C O French, Daniel A Gillett. Rome—Lemuel Moody, E C Drake. —Asa Allen. . Troy twp—Henry Greeno, Alonzo Morse. Towanda twp—S C Means. Ulster—Jacob Swortz. Windham—la;vi Rogers, John M Warner. Wilmot—Daniel C Hall. TRAVERSE JCUORS— FIRST WREK . Athens twp—lsaac Grpgory. A Sneil jr. Burdngton twp—Lawrence Keudall. ' west—Wm McKeau " boro—Shermau Hill. Canton—John Landon, Wm Lawrence, Edwin Newman. Columbia —Wm Mosberjr.. Jonathan Peck. Franklin—Edward Willy. John Whiteiiian, Gra.iville—Uriah I) Baxter. James Gee, Volney Taylor. Derrick—Andrew Overpeck. Lcßoy—Henry Griswolu, Reuben Stone. Monroe twp—D W Harvey, Orwell Charles N Morey. Robert McKee, J II Cowles. Pike—Winchester Cobb. Rial Brister, Edwiu Ford. Rome—Neheruiah Merriil. IJidgbery—Moses Herman. G M Manderville. Sinitlilield—Anthony Ctiiid, Stephen R Crane. Standing Stone—George A Stephens. Towanda twp—Roderick Granger. " boro—A F Cowles. " north—lsaac Mver. Troy twp—Lorenzo Thomas, Stephen Wilder, W R Bush. " boro- B S Dart. Warren—Josiah Wolcott, Uufas Bufliugtou, Evan II Da \ is. John Beard-ley, Windham—Nelson Tyrrell. Wyalusin.g—Thomas Lamb.E U Vaughn, Homer Camp. Wysox- .1 B Smith. Wilmot—John P Shotts. szcoxn WEAK. Albany—John B Stcrigere, Wells Wilcox. Amo* Quimby Burlington west—Johu Rlackwell jr., Joseph liiitou. •• twp—Siias Simpsou. Columbia—Kiias Gustiu. Canton C G Munlcy. Franklin—J (' Ridgway. Grativilie—M II Anable, Volney Brovie. Herrick—Pembroke Squares. Litchfield Cii ancey S Wlieatun, David McKinuev. Monroe—Edwin Siveet, Jas It lrvin. Orwell—Thrall Blair. Pike—Chester Goofiell. Rome—E F Barnes. Ridgliery—Samuel Tubbs, McKee Craig. South Creek -I.ewis Fassett. Jacob Auers. Smithlield John Chaiulierlaiu. Springfield—Cliarles C Gates. Towanda twp—J M Swartwood. Tuscarora .1 C Culver. Ulster—liiiw iu Walker. Wysox—Alonzo Bishop, Samuel Chamberlain. Wyalusing—Andrew Fee, Lc-wis Biles. Wells—Lc.-lie Lawrence, John B Duwitt, J J Barnes, Ro bert Adams. THIRD WEEK. Albany twp—H R Vanloon, Wm. Lancaster. Athens—Wm. Scott. Burlington—Man-on Long, Samuel Whitehead. Columbia—Allen S Parsons. Canton-Samuel Fitzwater jr., Jas A Bothwell. Franklin—Joseph Spalding, Joliu Lautz. Granville —lloihster Catlin. Ilrn iv I.—Bartholomew l'ulver, John S Crawford, Dayton Barnes, Austin Weytemore. Monroe—E C Krllogg. Ridgbcry James Stevens. G W Peterson. She-lieqiiin— Brown. Sauiuel Osboru, C \V Lent. Sinitlilield—C S Chamberlain. Springfield—Hiram Spear, Alfred Brace. ' landing Stone Guy Brown. Troy boro—L A S.tyles. •• twp—Richard Montgomery. Towanda boro -Isaac Smalley Wm. Mix. " north—lra H Stephens. Wilmot—J S Gambol, Johu Morrow. Wysox Wm W Goodrich. Alexander Wichixer. Warreu—Wm Manchester. Wyal usi r. g —Cyrus Aver y. I >ROCLAMATION. — Bradford County, ss. | I. L'JCY lIORNBACK by her next friend Geo. W. Vincent v. SAMUEL HORN BACK. No. 'J4, Dec. term, I S GO . To Samuel Hrnhack Whereas a subpoena in Divorce j was issued to i>ec. term. 1960, which was duly returned non est inventus, and int-reou an alms subjuena was is sued in raid case. returnable to Feb. term. Is6l, upon th" return r which, proof was made that the said Saui- Uvl Hornback could not ne found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said I'ouit "n the first Monday of May next to answer said complaint, Ac. A. HASCX SPALDING, Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Mar. 21, leCl. Shei iff. "pROCLA M ATION.— Rnuifurd eonntv, ss. I J AM!'.- P. NICHOLS vs. PHERE A. NICHOLSe- In Bradford Common Ph as. No. 214, Dec. term, l s 6o. To Phebe A Nil hols :—Wlicreas a ssbpeena in Divorce j was issued to Dec. term, 1360, which was duly returned j non est inventus, and thereon and alias subpoena was issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term, 1861, upon the return of which.proof was made that the said Phebe A. Nichols could not be found iu my bailiwick. Tlii- u Ai re i- therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the -aid Court on the first Monday of May j next, to answer said complaint, A - . A HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff's Office. Towanda. Mar. 21, ISCI, Sheriff. J >ROCT,AM ATION. Bradford count y, ss. i ! JAMES H. WHEELER vs. 1)1 A.VTHA J. WHEE LER. In Bradford Camnion Pleas, No. 92, Drc. term, iB6O. To Diantha S. Wheeler*- Whcrcan n subpoena in Di- ! voice was issued to Dec. term, iB6O, which was duly re- j turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena j won issued in said case, returnable to Feb. term. 1861, < upon tiie return of which, proof was made that the said j Di.intha S. Whei rr c<- id n i be found in my bailiwick. I This notice is therefore to require you to appear before i tiie Judges of the -aid Court on the hrst Monday of May next to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Mar. 21, 1-61 Sheriff. ] I)ROCL A M ATION.— Bradford County, ss. I LOUISA CASSADY by her next friend Elia.s Mat thewson vs. TIMOTHY" oABsvi>Y. 11l Bradford Com mon i'ieas. No. 95. Dec. term, iB6O. T i Timothy Cas-sady :—Whereas asuiipoenain Divorce was issued to Dec'r. Term, 1800, which was duly re turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was i-sued in said case .returnable to February term, 1801 upon the term of which, proof was made that the said Timothy Oassady could not. be found ia my bailiwick. Tbis notice is therefore to require von to appear before j the Judges of the said Court on the iirst Moutlay of May next, to answer said complaint, Ac. A. H ANSON SPALDING, Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Mi r. 21, IsOl, Sheriff. J )IU 10LAMATION.—Bradford county, ss. .1 MILL A SIMMONS, by her next friend John C. Tnmpkinson vs. BENJAMIN SIMMONS. In Bradford! Common Picas, No. 328, Dee. term, iB6O. T< Henry Simmons Whereas a subpoena in Divorce j was i-sncd to Dec. term, 1860, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issu- j ed in said case, returnable to Feb. term, ls6l, upou the j return of which, proof was made that that the said Ben- j jnniin Simin"r.s could not be found in my briliwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the iirst Monday of May next, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 21,1861, Sheriff. J MtOCLA ATION. Bradford voiinty. ss. I MARIA BROWN by her next friend It. Van Valk enburg vs. HENRY S. BROWN. In Bradford Common | I'ieas, No. 232, Sept. term. 1560. • To Henry S. Brown :—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce j was issued to Dec. term, 1861, which was duly returned I non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issu- ; oil in said case, returnable to Feb. term, 1861, upon the i return of which, proof was made that the said Henry S. Brown could not be found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of • May ucxt, to answer said complaint. Ac. A. HANSON SPALDING. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Mar. 21,18G1. Sheriff. IN the matter cf the Baptist Church and . Society of Canton. In Bradford Common Pleas, No. ' 173, May term, 1861. Notice is hereby given, that a petition signed by E. ! Ixiomis, E. W. Colwell. A. Do.ty, and others, citizens of | Bradford County, has been presented to the Court of j Common Pleas of said county, praying to be incorporat- I ed under the name and style of the Baptist Church and Society of Canton, agreeable to a Constitution annexed to saiii petition. Whereupon, the same having been pe rused aud examined by the Court, and the objects, arti cles and conditions therein set forth and contained ap pearing to be lawful and uot injurious to the community, the C'.uft directed said ruling to be filed in the office of the I'r ihonotary of said Court, and that notice be in serted ::i one newspaper printed in the County aforesa'd, for at h-ast three weeks before the next term ; that ap plicat i in had been made to said Conrt to grant said Charter of incorpfration, and if no sullicient resaon was shown to the contrary, the said Court will on tiie first Mommy of May next, decree said petition to be a cor poration as prayed for in said petition. E. 6. GOODRICH. Frofv. Prcthonotary's Office, March 21,1961. ilcto airticrtCKincnts. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To Farmers ami others Interested ! FRUIT TREES—3O,OOO Choice Fruit Trees for sale, including all the best variety of the Apple, the Pear, Peach, l'lum, Cherry and Apricot, also a tine collection of the best Evergreens, such as Norway Spruce, Fir. Arbor Vitae, Austrian Pine. Scotch j Fir and Black Spruce, including ail sizes, from 2 to C j feet, suited to ornament lawns and door yards, also j , Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees and | i shrubs, EuYopcau Ash, Amertean do. Horse Chestnut, | European Larch, Fringe or Smoke tree, Althea. Deutzia, i Scabra, African Tarnaris, Wigclia Rosea. Forsythia, I Spirea, Primilolio and many others not named. I 5000 of our best Native hardy Crape Vines, for sale i ! the coming spring, such as Delaware, Diana, Concord, ! i Rebecca and Cottage .also Clinton, Catawba and Isabella. | J 20 varieties of the hi st bearing Strawberries, including , 1 Wilson's Albany .seedling, Hovey & Hooker seedling: sold : at low prices, by the 100 or 1000 ; the Red Cherry and | White Grai e Currrentn, also Red i White. Dutch, Black, | English and Black Naples ; 12 other kinds not named j here. 1000 Lawton Blackberry placts, these fruited in my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom- | mend. A fine collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb ing Roses and Dahlias. In addition to my Nursery, 10-j caietl at this place, I have lately purchased the Tioga j l'cint Nursery, embracing over 25,000 fruit A ornamental j trees with all other things in the line. Our people will find it much to their advantage to buy these articles at home instead of giving orders to traveling Agent-, from : Rochester and other places at a distance. DANIEL HARKINS. Towanda, Pa., Feb. 23, 1801. P S A few good Salesmen wanted to act as Agent 3, apply at my house. I). H. Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Erich, Drain Tiles, die. ia a Lime Kiln at the Barclay JL Company's Basin, in Towanda. where is kept ecu- i stantly for safe, fresh burnt ll'hitr Lime, made from the ! boat quality of New York limestone at 25 cents per j bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12j | cents per bushel for slaked lime. Lime shipped on boats | at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse IVater Lime at $1 15 per barrel, and Fire Brick at 8 ! i cents each. Drain 'J'tles 2, 3 and 4 inch sizes at 2, 3 and ! i> cents per foot, a very nice article for draining land or . ! about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsley's j j Jues by the dozen. Jack Screws, for moving buildings, | 1 to let at 25 cents per day each | Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump Coal and i 12 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan !da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay R. R. ; A Coal Company, Towanda. J.MACFARI.ANE. ! Towanda, Feb. 22,1501. (Jen. Superintendent. [ 03-cash.C! ~~ FOR BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, GRAIN, s c B-: n CM tatm.' . i sk • Dried Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried Blackberries. SHEEP PELTS! WHITE BEANS ! ! POTATOES; HICKORY NUTS, And Game, at PATCH'S. JANUARY 8, 1861. To the People of Bradford County and all other Patrons of the CASH DRUG STORE!! I TENDER mv sincere thanks, for their very liberal patronage bestowed upon mc, daring the last year, in my New Medicine Building, upon the corner of Maine and Pine Streets. Devoting my whole attention to ail branches apper taining to business, and strictly adhering to the grand aim of giving the best natisim-tion. I intend to present opportunities tor purchasers to procure materials according to their quality, at lower rates, than in any other store in this vicinity. My usual assortment will he ! kept constantly supplied with fresh purchase*. Medical advice gratuitously given at the Office, cliarg- j iiig only for Medicine. Towanda, Pa. 11. C. PORTER, M. D. rsr. IT. CL E. EAIL road. ("THAXOE of hours, commencing Thnrsday, Jan. 21, j 18bI. Trains will leave Wuverly at about the follow i iug hours, viz : GOING WSST. GOING KA*T. ' Dunkirk F.xprcs.s. .5.40 P. M.IN. Y. Express.. 11.25 A. 51 Night Express 3.55 A.M.-Night Express. 1.21 A.M. Mail 8.05 P. M i Mail 7.4b A. M. i Way 8.42 A. M.i Way 3..54 P.M. Express Freight... G.Oti P. M|Fa *t Freight .. 8.07 A.M. Fiist Freight.... 11.32 A. M Way Freight... 5.50 P.M. Way Freight 8.15 A. M.i Night Express (both ways) Express Freight and I-'a't Freight going west, anil Fast Freight going east, run everyday. Night Express of Sundays, run* only to El niira. The 8.06 p. M. Mail runs only to K.luiira. The 5.42 A. M. Mail runs through to Dunkirk. The 4.20 P. M. I Mail runs onlv to Binghamton. CHARLES MINOT, General Sup. TJO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANTAVIIISKLIIS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONCUENT, For tho Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the Citi zens of the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. TUB STIIYIUXATI3VG OSTGUENT is prepared by Dit. C. P. RELLTVOHAM, an eminent phy sician of London, and is warranted tc bring out a thick set of Whiskeis or a Mustache. in from three to six weeks, This article is the only one : of tlip kind used by the French, and in London and Paris [ it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating j compound; acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing I a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. II applied to the 1 scalp, it will cure BALDNESS, and cause to spring up in j place of the bald spot a fine growth of new hair. Applied j according to directions, it will turn BKD or towy hair j n.tKK, and restore gray hair to its orgimtl color, leaving i it solt, smooth, and flexible. The " ONGFEKT "is an in- | dispensable article in every gentleman's-toilet, and after : one week's use they would not for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed, j Price One Dollar a box—tor sale by all Druggists and Denier* ; or a hnx of the' - Ongnent," (warranted to have j the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct), securely packed on receipt of price and postage, $l,lB. Apply to or address HORACE E. II KG EM AN A CO., DKCGUIRT*. AC., 24 William Street, New York, j A CARD. HP HE present depressed state of the Money JL Market having bad the effect to place ninny kinds of : Goods within the reach of Cash buyers, at much lower j prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a ; large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never been equal!- j ed in this market. Dec. 10, ISGO. JOSEPH POWELL. QIIAIILES OAKFORD A SON'S CELEBRATED HAT, For Spring and Summer Styles, Just received at E. S. BENEDICT'S Clothing- and Bat and Cap Store, March 7. TOWANDA, PA. SUto ahtoertfscmcnts. A'FTHIT KEYSTONE STORE HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARGE STOCK FOR THE SEASON, OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, WHERE WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF : 331113, SRSBIASI&SS, MERiNOS, REPS, A nd other WORSTED DRESS ROODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, ! GLOVES & HOSIERY, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, i 1 CLOTHS, CASSLMEAND VESTISGS IDJATS &S CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, ! CROCKERY, &c. HOUSE j FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL C LOS ITS, DR UGG'ETTS, MA TTRESSES, MA TTS. PAPER-HANGINGS, TRA X SPA RE XT WIN DOW SHADES. BRCCCATELLS; & .DAMASKS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, ! Bleached and unbleached Table Damask. | White Damask, Table Cloths all sizes, Napkins. Towel, Diaper*. Lace and Embroidered Curtain Muslins, liose Blankets, Counterpanes, Line ll Sheetings. Pillow Case I.iuens. Sheeting, And Pillow Cease Muslins, LOOKING GLASSES, &C. Just received at the KEYSTONE STORE, To which special attentiou is invited. JOSEPH POWELL, Begs to announce that he h s on hand and is constantly receiving from the Manufacturers, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, of the latest styles and most approved pitterus. He would respectfully invite the attention of the ladies to them, and also to a large stock of BItOCIIE EHAWLS at half their value. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, ! All the desirable colors of double, single, and split Zeph > yrs, aud Shetland wool will always he found at the KEYSTONE STORE. LADIES' FURS, .17' PANIC PRICES. JUST OPENED AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS Purchased during the present panic, much below their market value, and are offerep for sale correspondingly low. [Nov. 29, 18G0.] BAJOU'S KJD CLOVES. All sizes, in colors, black and white, of these celebrated Gloves will always found at the KEYSTONE STORE. PRlCE.— Ladies, $14)0 ; Gents. $1.25. 100 PIECES ENGLISH PRINTS, Chintz-Patterns and Fast Colors, Worth 20 cents ppr yard, now for sale at ONE SHIL LING per yard, at the KEYSTONE STORE. UNION MEETING, AT JOHN SHLAM'S, Elmira Branch. PVERY UNION MAN should recollect IJ that he can buy Clothing 15 PER CENT CHEAPER at JOHN SHI.A MS than at any other establishment in ; Pennsylvania. Please ernnc in and try to satisfy yourself ! before you purc-ase elaeweere. He will keep a good as | sortiueut of PANTS, PANfS. PANTS, OVER COATS, i OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, I GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Of Cash paid for Furs and Sheep relts. Respectfully Yotir*, J. SHI.AM. S. OSBORN, Salesman. Remember the place. Next door to 11. S. Mercur' Dry Goods Store. | Towanda, Jan. 3,1861. WILSON, BARNES 6L CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS And Extensive Dealers in Tea, 15 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the Ann of Ful Dr, Dayton & Co., and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill. I). V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENEY. of Wyoming county. Pa. SAMUEL N. DELANO, of Ne v York. IdiajSm ! iHteceUawous. GREAT REDUCTION IN" PRICES OF 800 T S, AT HUMPHREY'S- The subscriber offers his very Large Stock of Boots of his own manufacture and also his Extensive and well selected assortment of LADIES' FINE WORK, cf all styles and varieties for the remainder of th'e S*®- son to Cash Customers at prices which make It a great Inducement to give him a call before purching eisew hero. Also, an unusually large stock of LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS at reduced prices to suit the times. Also, a hoc assort ment of CROCKERY, which I will sell at bargains, in order to close that branch of my business. FOUR TONSBOONETON NAILS, COLLINS AXES, CAST STEEL SHOVELS, MANURE FORKS, SADDLERY WARE, yaiaaiLtr mmmzm. &C•, fitCif Dec. 1,1800. J. D. HUMPHREY.., TSTOW 24, 1860. LATEST ARRIVAL OP WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLH AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS LAND CAEPETINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, i CROCKERY, HAIIRVARE, Etc. Feeling confident that we are now prepared to meet flie wants of ALL, we would call ihe attention of the public to our NEW STOCK, which will he sold at greatly reduced prices for CASH oi i HEADY PAY. Nov. 2'J, ISCO. TP.ACY A MOOBK. NEW ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Clothing. J. m. COLLIK'S, 1 S now receivintr, at his Old Stand on Main I street, next door to Codding A Russell, one of the lar . gest. best selected and cheapest stocks of READY M'ADE CLOTHING, • ever brought into this market, to which he invites tha attention of purchasers. Having had some experience ' in the business, he is able to offer inducements as to | quality, style and price of goods not to be met with at i any other establishment, ilia stock embraces the usual j assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS, VESTS & PANTALOONS. \ of every style and price to suit the taste aud pockets of customers. To those who prefer or desiring garments made to or der he would say that he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A TESTINGS, which will be made np, on Short Notice, by experienced workmen an i warranted to give satisfaction in every way or no sale. Particular attention will be given to this class of custom, and every exertion made to please customers. Also, keeps on baud a large assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods, Sneh as Shirts. Collar*. Cravats. Under Shirts and Draw ers. Lents Half Hose. Hats and Caps. Carpet Rags Ac. Cti'TiNO done as usual and warranted to fit. it proper ly made up. No charges for Cutting when the goods are bought of us. Tuwanda, Nov. 1. ISC'*. Exciting' Times! GET THE LATEST NEWS! New York Dalies.—The New York Tribune, Ha aid Times and World. I will furnish any of the above papers at 15 cents per week, or single copies for sale. Farmers who want the latest news, will always tind a supply at the News Room of A. F. COWLES. New is the tunc to subscribe for the THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A Club is now being formed for the New York Weekly Tribune, at Cowlc's New Room, only One Dollar a year. All who want this paper will please "call in soon, as shall send on the names immediately. Towauda, Jan. J, IS6I. /MJARDIAN'S SALE - By Tirture of an Y J order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will lie exposed to sale by public vendue, on the 15th day of March next, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. at the Steam Saw Mill of Plynn Phelps A Son, in Smithfield township, the undivided one bait part of a lot of land situate in Smith field aforesaid, bounded on the north bv lauds of John Benson. on the east by Plynn Phelps, on the south by Waterman J. Brown and on the west by Enoch Smith. Containing 50 acre-, being the interest of Sarah M Brown and Alice A. Brown, minor children of C. G. Brown, de ceased, in said lot. TKKMS—One half at confirmation of sale, and balance in one year. ITlie other half of said Jot will be sold at the latzth time and place, by the heirs who are o f age.] DAN VERS BOURNE. Feb. 21, 1861. Guardian of said Minora, TOBACCO, TN BARRELS, L In KEGS. In BOXES, In CANS. lu TINFOIL. In LARGE PAPER*. In SMALL PAPERS, In BI.ADDERS. FINE CUT. LONG CUT. PLUG ! TORACCC BOXES. TOBACCO PIPES, SNUFF. Black and Yellow, Choice SEGARS, Ac., Ac., at Wholesale and Retail, by Dec. 20. C. B. PATCH. M USIC. HRUICK respectfully informs the people • of Towanda and vicinity, that he is prepared for giving LESSONS ON THE PIANO. Also that he Tunes and Repairs Pianos npon reasonable terms, and iosnres perfect satisfaction Rooms In Bender's Bindery, south end of tfstis*, Dec. 6th, IS6O. Jm.