Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 21, 1861, Image 2

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    The White House at Montgomery.
Some correßjwndent at Montgomery says
that President Davis has rented a very hand
some " White Ifonse" there. Why should it
be a white house ? Is it to keep alive recollec
tions of that other White House they have
lost ? Doubtless there be yearnings for the
flesh-pots of Egypt, and it is n dreadful thing
for those who have been fattening all their
lives upon the national spoils at Washington
to see them pass away from their grasp, per
haps never more to return. Ilenee to give
them something to do they have started a
government of their own at Montgomery, and
have got a "white house.'' Poor grown up
children ! if they had a dozen such the essent
al thing which cakes Washington glorious
would be wanting. Their government at Mon
gornery is but a moot court and their " white
house " a childish fancy.
There is but one White House on earth.—
It is that which is identified with the grandest
republican empire the world has ever seen.—
Its walls have heen hallowed by the residence
of "men entirely great," under w hose paterual
sway the mighty Union has gone on her splen
did career, covering vast regions with ber in
creasing State? and territories, and rendering
her name the symbol of human progress. That
White House has been the centre of democra
tic liberty, and men have learned to look up
to it as the summit of political ambition. But
from the would be "white house"at Montgom
ery the very name of libetty is banished as
a condemned and proscribed thing. Their
government represents nothing, and means
nothing but the mere attempt at power. It
is American republicanism stripped of all the
sublime precepts upon which it was based by
the fathers of the Union, and surrounded with
a Venetian secrecy and terror to prevent its
acts being known or understood. The busi
ness of the Congress is all done in secret ses
sion, and no act or resolutiou is allowed to he
known until finally issued in official manner.
But why should Jefferson Davis' Presidenti
al residence be white ? That is the emblem of
purity, whiis its ocrnpant and all the men who
surround him are the blackest of traitors. They
swore fealty to the national Union as members
of Congress and of the Cabinet, and while
resting under the solemnity of that oath plot
ted for the foulest and most damning treason.
White might be the appropriate color for free
dom, but how can it be for oppression ? The
White House at Washington was typical of
the supremacy and nationality of the free white
race. But in tbecott n republic white labor
is at a discount, and black slavery is held the
primal necessity.
We submit, therefore, that they have made
a mistake in the color of that house Let them
bnild Davis a new one of black Egyptian mar
ble, and place on either side of its portals sta
tues in the same materia! of Aaron Burr and
Benedict Arnold, the great exemplars of seces
sion. It is true that men like Davis feel great
ueed of a whitewashing process, and so prob
ably his presidential house has been white
washed with that view. But the sins of dem
ocracy and secession are past whitewashing.—
AH the efforts made at Washington for that
purpose have been failures, and so they will be
at Montgomery If black does not suit them,
let them make the white house red, in view of
their saugnnary purposes,or yellow to suit the
imperial aspirations of its occupant, or green
to symbolize the verdancy of the whole affair.
y orth American.
pondent of the Tribune tell this story : A
prominent gentleman in this State told me, no
unquestionable authority, a reminiscence of the
days of nullification. It seems that Gov.
Letcher, of Kentucky, who sympathized with
the nullifers in 1832, called upon Gen. Jack
sou to learn, if possible, what the Geueral
intended to do towards crushing Calhoun's
conspiracy against the Union. The Govtrner
opened the subject mildly, and Jackson only
answered by telling Letcher to read a certain
instrument ot writing on the table before
them. Letcher read it, and found it to be a
warrant for the execution of Johu C. Calhoun.
''But, my dear Geueral, you don't iutend to
carry ou what this paper calls for ?" "Gov.
Letcher, is my name signed to that paper ?"
"Yes, General it is."' "Very well, Governor ;
it is very seldom that I sign papers merely for
effect. Governor, look on the left corner of
the paper ; is the seal of the United Slates to
it ?" "It is, General." Gov. Letcher visit
ed Mr. Calhoun after he left Geueral Jackson,
and awakeued him out ot his sleep, related to
him his interview with Jackson. Gov. Letcher
alleged that Mr. Calhoun assumed the appear
ance ot a ghost, when he heard what General
Jackson inteuded to do, and uulilication lost
all its veuom from that hour. Gen. Jacksou
said ou his death bed that he had only one
thiug to regret, and that was that he bad not
kuug John C. C'albouu.
ing is General Cameron's letter, resigning his
6eat in the United States Senate :
WASHINGTON, March 11. 1861.
To II is Excellency Andrew G. Curtin, Gover
nor of Pennsylvania :
DEAR SIR :—Having accepted the position
of Secretary of War, tendered to me by the
President, I hereby resign my seat in the Sen
ate of the United States.
I leave that body with feelings of deep re
gret, as well because it severs my immediate
connection with the people of my native State,
as because it removes me from the cherished
personal associations of that high and digui
ficd body. Rut lam consoled by the fact that
the change in our Tariff laws, for which 1 have
labored for more than fifteen and which
I trust will add greatly to the benefit of Penn
sylvania, wasmccomplished at the close of my
Senatorial service.
I beg to say to the Legislature, and to the
people of Pennsylvania, that in my new posi
tion, which a deference to their earnest wishes
induced me reluctantly to accept, my be>t en
ergies shall be exerted for the benefit of the
* whole country, of which Pennsylvania forms
so important a part.
I am, sir, very respectfully your obedieut
AN instance of the distance at which the
sound of gnns may be heard is cited by the
Day Book , of Norfolk, Va., which }*per
states that the salute fired at Old Point on
Wahiogton's birthday, was heard in that
city, a distance of fifteen miles. The Herald,
of the same place, says that during the reign
of Lonis Philipye, a French frigate in the
harbor fired a royal saute on bis birthday,
and the sound was hearrdgt Elizabeth City, N.
C\, a distance of fortynhtfw *v'. >
iletus from all ilatlohs.
—The New Orleans True If "ileitis, in a
notice of the blind negro boy painist says I—" This won
derful prodigy held forth last evening at Armory Hall.
We heard Lira perform the Fisher's Hornpipe with one
hand, and Yankee Doodle with the other, and sing Dixie
all at the same time and each correctly. We think there
is no record of an equal feat by any musician before; and
yet every action and appearance show him to be a regu
lar negro, and short of sense at that. He performed Mon
astery Bells, airs from Norma, Somnambula, and other
difficult pieces, while we were present, and all in a man
ner peculiarly superior, and in a style eminently hip
own." *
—Edward Parson Weston, the Boston
pedestrian, who left that city at noon of the 22d of Feb
ruary, to walk to Washington, in fulfilment of a wager
against the election of Lincoln, failed to come up to the
scratch. He was to perform the feat in ten days, a dis
tance of 470 iniles, but did not reach the capital until five
hours behind time. He walked briskly, but snow, mud,
and bad weatber were " too mauy for him."
—ltev. Frauds O'Shea, of St. Paul's Cathe
dral at Pittsburg, deposited, a few days ago, with the
United States Depository of Public Moneys in that city,
$lOO to the credit of the United States, the same being
received by bim through the confessional.
—lt is told of Astor that, intending to op
erate upon the feelings of an acquaintance of whom he
was about to make some purchases, be gave to the son of
the latter, a bright penny. The trade concluded, he said
to the little fellow—"Johnny, you've played mit the pen
ny long enough; give it back to me."
—The Andersons of America have got
curiously mixed up in Europe. The Major of Fort Sum
ter aod the fugitive slave before the Canada Courts, are
regarded by thousands of persons as one and the same in
—The London Field of the 9th ult , pays
Tom Saycrs, the " champion " of England, has changed
his mind. He is not coming to America.
—The Bonaparte Family suit—to establish
the legality of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Paterson
and Jeromc.Bjnaparte--has been decided against the lady
aad her son.
—The Dunkirk Jonrnal says that there will
be eleven first class steamers running out of that port
during the coming season.
—The Pennsylvanian says there is no truth
in the report that Miss Lane was married before leaving
—lt is stated that there is a young woman
in the Detroit jail who was imprisoned for stealing five
dollars from one lover to pay a minister for marrying her
to another.
—The Post says there are over thirty emi
grant ships now overdue at the port of New York, some
of which have been at sea since the middle of January—
Eleven of the number sailed from Liverpool,six from Lon
don and the remainder from Havre, Hamburg, and other
ports. These long voyages are of course, owing to the
severe weather and contrary winds.
—The London Times is fairly amazed at
the last census returns of the United States. It opens its
eyes in astonishment, says nothing like such growth hai
ever been wituessed in Europe, and considers the statis
tics " astounding." The Times remarks. "If the threat
ened dissolution of the United States should be actually
consummated, the citizens will enjoy a singular opportu
nity of contemplating, at the very crisis of their destines
the magnitude and splendor of the political fabric which
they have just destroyed."
—A motion has been made in the South
ern Congress to inquire into the expediency of prohibit
ing the introduction into the States of the Confederacy of
any negroes from the Northern Slave States,except those
brought in bv actual settlers. This is designed to "coerce"
Virginia into Secession.
—The publishers of the Tribune have per
fected experiments they have been making for upwards
of a year past, to stereotype their daily forms, after the
manner of the London Times. The Tribune entire is now
stereotyped every morning, and on two days in the week
double sets ol plates are made. By this process the pa
per appears as on new type, arid an hour gained each
morning in time—a consideration of the greatest im
portance tor morning papers.
A bill is now before the Pennsylvania
Legislature, requiring bank officers, whenever a counter
feit bank note is presented to them, to brand the bill so
offered, with the word 'counterfeit," by means of a stamp
to be kept for that purpose.
—When the bill was before Congress the
other day, to build seven war steamers, Mr. Garnett, a
prominent Democratic Member, offered this amendment
"that said ships shall not be used to execute the Federal
lairs,'' and thirty eight Democratic Members of Congress
actually voted for it.
A girl advertises in a German newspaper
for a situation as bar-maid or waitress in a refreshment
saloon. Among her qualifications for such a position,she
says she can cut 22.3 pieces of bread and butler, of satis
factory appearance, out of one pound of bread and two
ounces of butter.
—A correspondent of the Detroit Tribune
complains that the Democrats of Gaines. Mich., ran up a
black flag on Inauguration Day. We tbiuk there was
nothing out of character in the proceeding. The fellows
were merely endeavoring to show that they were dead.
A barge is now loading at the Arsenal
•lock, West Troy, with ammunition and gun carriages
for Fort Pickens. About two hundred tons of warlike
implements will go down upon her.
—Tne Augusta (Georgia,) Chronicle sug
gests that there is now an opening for fortunes t<V be
made in " Dixie," by reprinting Northern
works at the South, where the people depend almost
wholly upon the Northern publishers for their books.—
There is now nothing to prevent Southern publishers
from printing Northern books, and now is the time to
commence operations, in advance of any copyright law
by the "Confederated States." The idea is worthy ot a
Cobb or a Floyd.
Kansas contains as much territory as all
the Cotton States.
—lt has 1 been estimated that there are five
millions of horses in the United States.
—The New York papers print a list of
nearly sixty vessels now on their way to that city from
various European ports. A large majority of them are
already overdue,and considerable anxiety is felt by those
having or supposing themselves to have friends on board.
—ltipe Strawberries were on sale at New
Orleans on the Ist inst. At Raieigh, N. C., on the 6th
the peach trees were in full bloom, garden peas in flower
and cabbage plants quite large enough to transplant.
—A woman named Anderson died lately in
Scotland. S3 ycaisold, who never saw a toll-gate, (though
she resided wjthiu two miles of one,) nor )et the sea, or a
ship, or railroad, or steam engine in her life.
—Judge Harris, the successor of Mr. Sew
ard in the United States Senate, is pronounced by Wash
ington correspondents the tinest looking member of that
—lt is now generally known that the Cab
inet was almost entirely made up at Springfield, before
the President's departure for Washington. The only
open point was the member from tbe South. Mr. Chase's
appointment was never in doubt at any time.
—The Louisville Journal says : Our neigh
bor of the Couritr seems to doubt aa to what was the worst
act of Mr. Buchauan's Administration. We don't think
that you have auy doubt at all, dear neighbor. Yiu know
it was turning yea out of the Surveyoreblp. •
E. O. GOODRICH. ) - nrrne i,
Thursday Morning, March 21, 1861.
It is with pleasure we announce Mr. WIL
MOT'R election to the high office of U. S Sen
ator. It is a fitting recognition by the State
of the services of the man who has done more
than any other for the cause which js now for
the first time triumphant. Mr. WII.MOT will
bring to his new position ripe judgment,
strong talents, and a deep interest in the wsl
fare of the country. We predict that he will
command the respect of that body, and hold
more than an ordinary influence in its coun
sels. Our exchanges all speak in the highest
terms of the selection. The following is the
exp'ession of the Harrisburg Telegraph :
We have the proud satisfaction to-day to
announce the election of the Hon. DAVID WIL
MOT as United States Senator, to supply the
vacancy occasioned by resignation of General
CAMERON. Mr. WII.MOT left the Democratic
party when it was in the height of its glory
and powerful in patronage, for the purpose of
asserting the principles which he considered
just and right and essential for the promotion
of the welfare of Pennsylvania. When he
left that powerful Democratic party he repre
sented the strongest Democratic Congressional
district iu this State ; and through his person
al efforts it has now become the Gibralter of
Republicanism. He has ever since been sore
ly persecuted by the pro slavery party, who
used all dishonorable means to detract from
his personal character and influence, and in
the present canvass he was made the target
for their weapons. We arc therefore rejoiced,
not only that DAVID WII.MOT is elected a Uni
ted States Senator, but also that the claims
of the noble North have been duly recogniz
ed in his election.
The vote in caucus was a noble vindication
of Republican principles. On the joint ballot
he received seventy-six votes, whilst Mr.
KETCIIAM received thirteen, and JAMES 11.
CAMPBELL eight. Mr. KETCIIAM his many
warm friends in the Legislature, and was only
persuaded, at their earnest solicitation, to per
mit his name to be used as a candidate. The
nomination was, however, generally conceded
as due to Mr. WII.MOT and hence the result.
After the ballot had been taken in caucus Mr.
KETCHAM remarked that Ive congratulated the
Legislature OH the choice that had been made
by hia fellow-members. It was a proper re
cognition of worth and merit, and he would
therefore move that the Hon. DAVID WII.MOT
be the unanimous nominee of the party. This
motion was received with load applause by the
members. Mr. SMITH, of Philadelphia, who
had been a warm personal friend of Mr.
KETCHAM, seconded the resolution, and it was
adopted with deafening applau.*>e.
The hope of our friends of the Patriot and
Union, who expressed the earnest desire that
the Republicans would elect a thorough Peun
sylvanian, is now fully realized. DAVID WII.-
MOT, in conjunction with EDOAR A. COWAN.
will represent the State properly, and we shall
have no fear of being disgraced on the floor
of the Senate, as we were when GEO. M. DAL
LAS and WM. BIGI.ER were our Representatives.
We are satisfied that Gen. CAMERON desired
no more acceptable successor than he will have
in the person of DAVID W II.MOT, and his
friends are equally satisfied. The names of
M'MICHAEI, were withdrawn before a ballot
was had in caucus The ridiculous story start
ed by a lew unprincipled newsmongers here
that the friends of Gen. CAMERON were oppos
ed to Mr. Wilmot, stands fairly contradicted
by the fact that some of Gen. CAMERON'S most
intimate and confidential friends were the
warmest and most ardent supporters of Mr.
W. Mr. WILMOT has always been a warm
and personal friend of Gen. CAMERON, and we
know that he will be heartily welcomed by the
General when he arrives at Washington.
C *
FORT SUMPTER. —The policy of the Admin
istration in regard to Fort Sumpter is not
yet promulgated in any shape which may be
deemed official, thoogh little doubt remains in
the public mind at Washington that an evac
uation has been determiued opon. Wheu it
will take place, however, is wholly a matter
of conjecture—though some of the corres
pondents insist that the necessary order has
already been forwarded to Major ANDERSON.
The opinion that the fortress will soon be in
their peaceful possession now generally pre
vails among the Charlestonians, and even the
Mercury receives it with confidence.
LATER. —A correspondent of the N. Y.
Times savs that notwithstanding the apparent
certainty with which the announcements rela
tive to the proposed evacution of Fort Sum
ter have been promulgated, it appears, after
all, that there is no certainty about it. Our
correspondent telegraphs positively that no
fiual order for the withdrawal of the troops
has been given, and that it is by no means
certain yet that any such order will be issued.
Meantime the Southern Commissioners remain
in Washington awaiting the action of the Ad
ministration on their application for recogni
tion. It is understood that they express strong
hopes of a peaceful solution of the difficulties,
though the precise ground on which sach a
hope is based does not at present cle&rlv ap
THE NEW CONFEDERACY. —This dubious spe
culation of the slaveholders eootiuues its ses
sions at Montgomery,passing laws as if it were
a duly recognized and lirog established gov
ernment. It has adopted a new flag which
consists, we believe, of three stripes and seven
stars, and flatters itself that it will be ouly
necessary for it to be unfurled upon the waters
of any foreign port to be at onee respected. —
It might do the young upstart gootl to send a
Representative of its naval power (weakness)
CSiQme foreign nation and discover that they
were great only in their own estimation. We
would naturally suppose that a nnion of States
so devotedly attached to the one idea of Sla
very would be hurraonions upon every topic,
but we hear of rumors of jealousy and dissat
isfaction. It would bo somewhat humiliating
to the leaders iu this sham government to
find that their own people would not recognize
them. We think it would be well to ascertain
beyond a doubt whether they will find favor at
home before they talk of foreign recognition
The whole secession movement has been of
forced growth, without a fair reference to the
people, and it would not be strange if an inter
nal action should begin that would throw off
at a tangent the oltra leaders who have plung
ed the States into a ruinous and expensive dif
ftaJ- An interesting and exciting scene oc
curred in the Senate on Friday Inst, in which
Mr. Douglas figured in a manner which will
hardly be thought to be creditable to him.—
Mr. Mason, of Virginia, offered a resolution
of inquiry relative to the militia of the Dis
trict of Columbia, nnd the service in which
they had been employed by the Government,
which was laid over, its immediate considera
tion being objected to. Mr. Douglas then
called for the consideration of his resolution,
offered on Wednesday, making inquiries in re
gard to the fortifications in the seceded States,
and proceeded to make a speech censuring the
Republican Senators for their silence regard
ing the policy of the Administration, lie
was replied toby Messrs Fessenden, of Maine,
Wilson of Massachusetts, Hale, of New
Hampshire, and others, and finally lost his
temper, and consequently '.lie best of the ar
been unanimously confirmed as Minister to
Spain, and after some hesitation,, has accepted,
flic will return to Kentucky, and make his ar
rangements for speedy departure to Madrid,
taking his family with him.
Gov. CORWIN, duly appointed Minister to
Mexico, has at last agreed to accept. The
main object to be accomplished by Gov. Cor
win will be the construction of the great rail
road across the Isthmus of Tchuantepec, in re
gard to which there has been much litigation
and discussion since the last treaty with Mex
ico. Mr. Ccrwin has not yet been confirmed,
but doubtless will be,
Mr. HOLLOW AY, of Indiana, was on Friday
appointed Commissioner of Patents. He is
the friend of the Secretary of the Interior,
and is said to be singularly well qualified for
the place.
THE Louisiana Convention have decided that
it would be too dangerous au experiment to
submit the new Constitution of the "Confed
erate States '' to the people for their accept
ancc or rejection, and have accordingly refused
to do so, 7J to 26. It is evident, from the
tenor of dispatches from New Orleans, that
a division is rapidly being formed which will
eventually terminate in the construction of two
parties—one for reconstruction, and the other
for perpetual separation. The Union element
in the State, although overslaughed in the
Convention, is very formidable, and will make
itself felt and respected.
THE TARIK ON IRON. —The new tariff on iron
is highly favorable to Pennsy'vania. The in
crease on Welsh or English bars will,in future
be $l5 per ton, instead of $'.),12 the present
duty; watch spring,sleigh and horse-shoe steel,
the advanced rate will be $25 per ton, and 011
the finest grades of east-steel, the increase is
$25 per ton. It is thought that the English
ironmasters will sabmit to a reduction of at
least £1 per ton in the price, with a view of
jneetiug, as far as possible, the restrictive du
ties of the United States.
A proposition is before the Pennsyl
vania Legislature to change the term of office
for State Seuators and Representatives, ma
king the former four years and the latter two
years. The proposition originated with Sena
tor Finney, and is said to be iutended to head
off the grand army of borers who occasionally
walk in and take possession of the Legislators.
As the term of these offices are fixed by the
Constitution of the Commonwealth, it will re
quire au amendment of that instrument to
change them.
TEXAS. —By the latest advices from Texas it
seems that Gov. llmston, while acquiescing
in secession, as it has been resolved on by the
people of that State, yet resolutely sets himself
against the Montgomery government, as one
in the formation of which Texas had taken
no part. He is for Texas going it alone, and
believes that she is capable of becoming a
much greater republic than the cotton concern
over which Jefferson Davis presides.
THE Charleston Correspondent of the Tri
bane writes that the shot fired the other day
at Fort Snmter was the result of a deliberate
plan to try the temper of Major Anderson, and
that the statement that it was doue accident
ally in an uublushing lie. We may ad 1 that
oor correspondent is not likely to be mi-taken
iu this matter.
material changes nnd improvements in the
pOstar? service Imrc been authorized by an act
of the late Congfess. The second section of
the act empowers the Postmaster General to
procure and furnish letters sheets, with post'
age stamps impressed thereon, combining in
one both a sheet and an envelope. This sup
plies a desideratum in certain business and
legal proceedings where it is important to
prove the date of mailing of a letter by the
post mailt
Another section of the net requires that
letters which hare been advertised shall be
returned at the Fust Office Department, if un
claimed, Iwo months afur the date of the
advertisement ; except in cases where letters
are directed to sua).oris for persons on board
of designated vessels expected to arrive y and
also, in cases where letters are specially
marked to be retained for a longer period.
Maps, engraving, lithographs, or photo
graphic prints on rollers or in paper covers :
books, bound of unbound ; phonographic pa
per and letter envelopes ' f are to be rated at
one cent au ounce for any distance over fifteen
hundred milles, prepaid by postage stamps. —
The packages must not exceed four pounds.
Cards blank or printed, in packages weigh
ing at least eight ounces, at.d seeds or cuttings,
in packages riot exceeding eight ounces, are
made mailable matter at the same fates, pre
pared in the same way.
Hereafter ten cents postage is to he prepaid
on all letters couveyed in the mail between
any points in the United States east of the
Rocky Mountains, and any State or Territo
ry on the Pacific.
of Senator Andrew Johnson's terrible on
slaught of Saturday evening upon Senator
Lane of Oregon, the galleries applauded, and
an order to eiear them having been given, the
immense audience rose and gave three terrific
cheers for Andrew Johnson,and three more for
the star-spangled banner. The process of clear
ing them took place, and the gallery doors
were locked for the balance of their session ifl
the evening. Such a sctrve never before oc
curred in the Senate Chamber of the U. S.—
For some minutes mot) law ruled as complete
ly over its galleries as ever in Tammany Hall,
New York.
The above was one of the most exciting
scenes of the last session. It gave to the se
cessionists and their allies an idea of the terri
ble storm that was gathering at the North.—
This was the first time almost that northern
sentiment was expressed in the galleries, se
cession had often been applauded, but when
the above scene was enacted no secessionist
dared to show his face.
cils of Charleston have passed to tie point of
ratification, a bill for taxing persons and prop
erty to a frightful amount—sl 30 on every
hundred dollars of real and leased property—
the same on all goods and merchandize—sl
54t on every $lOO of interest on any obliga
tion—the same on every? 100 of dividends
on sto*k-—s3 a head on slaves—s3o on every
four wheel coach, for two horses—s2o and
$l5 on other vehicles—2 50 on every $lOO
of income and profit on the last year —the same
amount on all commissions $1 25 on every $1
00 of insurance premiums—so cents on gas
stock—ls cents on every $lOO invested in
shipping—slo, for every horse or mule—2
dollars on each dog —s2 50 on the receipt
of all agencies—$1 poll tax —ss for every
slave brought in lor sale—every free negro
$lO. within certain ages,orss ors3, if females.
Perilers are to give penal bonds in $l,OOO to
make true returns, Ac. The whole show a
sad condition of things and no community
could stand the load, except they were slaves.
WANT IN* Mississim. —The Brandon (Missis
sippi) Republican confirms the stories that
have come-to us, that the people in that sec
tion of the State arc actually suffering from
want of the necessaries of life. Major Haw
kins recently left Brandon as the accredited
agent of a number of the destitute in Smith
county, where a meeting had just been held
to devise means to procure corn. On his list
were 219 names, and the corn they needed
amounted in all to 24,136 bushels. Though
many of those who Major Hawkins represents
are responsible men, they canot just now raise
the money, and it is the Major's intention to
lav the facts before those who have corn for
sale, and rv to induce them to sell it on cred
it until next fall. When the corn arrives an
agent w ill be appointed at each depot to meas
ure it out, and take the notes of these who get
it, payable oat of their next crop. We have
already noticed the prompt responses ol the
people of Springfield, Illinois, to the appeal of
Maj. Hawkins.
Evening Tost says that Mr. John G. Nieolay,
the private secretary of President Lincoln, is
a German, and was bom in 1832 in tne village
of Essingen, in the Palitinate. In 1831 he
came to this country with his parents, who set
tled in Cincinnati. In 1842 his mother hav
ing died, his father removed to Pike county,
Illinois, where young N'ieolav was apprenticed
to the printing business, lie subsequently
published a paper at the county seat, Pittsville,
from which he was called to a position in the
State Treasurer's office, where he look an ac
tive part in ferreting out Governor Matteson's
worth Conservative, which has been seemingly
skeptical in regard to the reported famiue,
publishes the following : "We have received
a letter from a highly respectable gentleman
in Douglas county, who says : "There would
have been famine in December and Januarv if
it had not been for foreign aid, and if the
supplies should now fail, it is uiv opinion that
30,000 people would actually starve to death."
THE TARIFF of the Confedracy is a trouble
some affair. At Macon the Telegraph, says :
" There is bad news for the afflicted, as
the bar-rooms have, in view of the tariff, raised
the price of brandy to fifteen cents per glass.
This tariff' business is 'orful' on brandy, but
what is one's loss is another's gain, is an old
saying ; and, in view of this fact, won't the ex
tract of corn suffer in gotne parts ?"
ACCORDING to the Gazette of Baldwinsville,
N Y., at a mill in that place the Jews of New
York are having 2100 barrels of flour ground
for the purpose of tnakiug unleaveud bread at
the coming Passover. Each barrel as it is
filled is sealed with the private mark of an
agent of the Hebrews, who is present during
tne whole process of grindiug.
On the morning of the 13th in*t. HI tl,. .
bride'* father, Towanda. P a bv t1.,. o 'deito* .
Mr. J. HENRY OUCUTT, of Che„„£V'&
EMMA BROWN". emuug, x.y. iU -,
\{ W \ TONS from Yawcjer HowU.j
)l A / beds, for Hale by the boat lo „1
.Ste.iin Piaster Mill*,at J3.75. cash „r * th ' C,.
month* note*, payable at the Waverl/ffi!'* S
added. } "sols, i o u.*
March 21. isl. Cv
K WE^S. Jr
Ihave the largest stock and heit
Garden Seed* ever offered for sale it, u,;.. "7 I
It is a welt known fact that a large ore* I
Garden Seed* sold throughout the countrv ' rl '"" > ' 1 l
nor. uml ofun woilhleis. In view of this 'flaw 4 "''l
ken great pains to pro.-tire 1 • J
Fresh and Reliable Seeds
in fact the best to bo found in market in 1 ' I
ply a want long felt in this community (•lodlu."'*l
creiwe my own sale* in that line.) Wilj v ou J
Seeds before purchasing elsewhere ?
Towanda, March 21. Hi,i. E T p , I
Mansfield Classical Seminar
Mansfield, Tioga Co. p a '[
rFHK SPRING TERM of <hil l n , ti ,J
tin week* 0I ' imeUCe M ' IM1 ' "*
E. WH.DMAN A. M p nnri
Mr*. H. P. It. \Y ii.i.MAN Prer.n.ol
Miiw E. A. CHA-K Mu.ioVl,. I
Tuition (Primary) per Term ~ I
Common English ''O
Higher English and I-mguagc* !!!!.'!!"" j I
Music, Piano or Melodean , I
Use of Instrument '*(
Room rent, per term ;*l
Fuel, per term * f
Incidentals, per term " *1
Board in private familica, per week ........ tjji
Every possible effort will be made, both bvthc f
tees and faculty, to afford as good advantages
had in any School in the Slate. The Seminary U,
process of completion, which will enable us u' ij ■
very best accommodations to 1",0 students at tin nnTj
of the Spring Term. Particular attention will U.', 1
to such as are preparing themselves for teaching v. j
who have sons or daugliters to educate, will A,
send tliem to Mansfield.
Tuition payable one half at the commencement"', ]
term, and the remainder at the middle, or natish"-
Ail kinds of produce taken in payment fortune I
brought at the cominrncemeDt of the Term at c- '
For farther particulars address the Principal.
Vacancies in the Faculty will be filled immedh* iii
Rev. N. FELLOWS, !y i
A J. Ross. Sec'y. March 2i. I*6l. I
For Spring and Summer Styles!
Just received st E. S. BENEDICT'S
Clothing and Hat afid Cap Stcrt
March 7. TOWANDA, PA.
Burbank's Bakery
HP HE subscriber respectfully informs tlita
I lie that he has resumed the" management fi
above establishment, one door south of tLo I,
Houee," where he is manufacturing
of every description, such as oyster, milk, Boston,!-!
butter, water, pic uic, Graham,"sugar, wine andmijS
crackers. Al-o. Rusk, Hons, Butter Roils,
diau and Grnliam
of all kinds, constantly on hand and made to order, "if
attention of the citizens of this place and vicioit'B
called to tiic above, and they are assured that ;!>■
always be supplied with any of these articles. I
Wedding and Social Parties!
will he furnished with every description and stpl
Fruit, Pound, and fancy CAKES. T.tvcrn keeper, J|
Grocers will be supplied on terms as ■ dvanUgemiN
any other establishment in the State. In connectiwß
the above lie lias au
where everything in the line wilt be served oatsefci,
who rriav tavor lilm with a wall.
Thankful tor past favors he respectfully sohciaiH
tinuance of t!ie same. lIENRY' A. BL"IIDA'fI
Towamla, March 5. ISGI.
\V""HEREAS, reports have been n.Toh*]
f ' that W11.1,1 AM W. E AST A BROOKS. f
township of North Towanda. had obtained metier M
the School Treasurer, of the school districts.'*"d toB
ship, under fa!-e pretences, for the nury.w.'MrißgYß
daughter. And whereas, tlie undcraijt i without -■
dcrstaiiding the facta of the case, li i**
about said transaction, calculated lo injure wid laN
brooks and whereas, we have ascertained ct> >n "fl
ing and investigation that the conduct el Mr
brooks was wholeiy blameless in that transaction®
not deserving ot any censure, therefore it a)
us great pleasure to "be able to say. (which we <K)W
no fault should lie imputed to Mr. Eastabrwlu
tiling connected with the giving or receiving if®
order as his daughter was justly entitled to said
__Marrh 21, Fnl. M. H. AI.I.ntVAY.B
is hereby given, that all persons indci.ted
estate of Jonathan Bush deceased, iate '
township, are requested to make payment
and those havingclaims against the said estate
present them duly authenticated for settlement. II
March 21. 161. Admini ' 11 ®
-s V John Randall lo the use of John IVtin* r ',J|
mu.t F. Hill. In the Court of Bradford ComW> ' i;|
No. 37, Feb. T. 185h.
The undersigned, an Amlitnr. appointed by ,: 'j ] I
to distribute monies raised bv the Sheriffs I
dent's real estate will attend to the duties of-s ■
pointment at his office in Towanda Boro" on 53T.• B
the 13th day of APRIL. IR6I. at 1 o'clock. P- B ■
which.time and place all persona interested _; I
their claims or be debarred from claiming anypo" M
said fund. EI
P. D. MORRf '*■ y
March 13, ]MI. Bj
NOT I (Mb —Notice I
Aby given that all persons indebted to tiie '. : J
CHRISTIAN HEVKRLV, late of Overton t"P ■
arc hereby requested to make jiayment w ' : I
and all persons having rlaims against said H
present them duly authenticated o>r settlcvifßk ti
Jan. 26. F&I. ■
AjL the estate of G. F. Mason vs Chn'lei H
the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Own'.'
Feb. T. ISBI. |
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed b. v ®' I
to distribute funds raised bv Shcrifl > bale 0 ; , |
personal estate of defendant will attend to - ■
his apt>ointmenl at his office in Towanda j I
SATURDAY, the ttth day of APRIL. 41 I
p. m.. at which time and place all persons ars |
to present their claims or else be forever edA
said fumL .-..vrt I
G. P. U
March 5, lPfil.
A riH lOK S MiTil'i:
V IF. IV. Ctiamfnon vs. Hiram Root- '. ' '%
of Bradford County Common Ideas, No
1850. I
Tiie undersigned, au Auditor. PP°' n , • I
to distribute the monies in the hand' " -j ¥ H
will attend to the duties of his app" ll,,n ;' I
office of Overton an>l Moutanye. in Towai a ■
ou FRIDAY, the sth day ot April. IWI. 1
m , at which time and place all persons ] I|
present tiieir claims © r be deliorred fr°® ' H
portion of said fund. ~; i, 1
Marck (v, GkJ