Jcparimcnt. Turning Stock to Grass Early. Dear Sir: la tiic last number of the Far tter I uotieed un article e:t turning stock to grass early, and that yon requested your cor respondents to give their experience on that subject. Since then I have talked with some of onr most experienced graziers, and find this opinion to be general in this county, which annually fattens for market upwards of twenty j thousand beeves,) the earlier cattle are turned to grass tiie better. When I commented gra zing, four years ago, I found this to be the general practice, and I followed it without making any experiment myself, but I am in formed by one of my neighbors who has grazed for thirty years past, on an average, two hun dred head of cattle annually—that he has seen the experiment tried. Two lots of cattle, equal in all respc-cts, and which had been win tered alike, were selected in the spring, and cue lot turned to grass teu days earlier than the other. The first lot took a start of the other and maintained it through the season, being ready for market one mouth soouer than the second lot. A gentleman by the name of Fletcher, in the epper end of this county, was in the habit of reserving one of his sod fields through the winter and turning out a lot of cattle about the midd!e_ of February. He was thus enabled to send them to market about the first of June, when beef is geucraliv high. He was a very successful grazier. There can be no doubt whatever as to the fact that, in our country at leut, the sooner we can pet them to grass in the spring the ] Letter. The grass at that seasou is tender, and has the quality of purging the cattle, loosening their hides, and causing themtoshed off. It thus prepares their systems to take on fat rapidly as soon as the pasturage becomes stronger and more mature. Later in the sea son it seems to lose this quality in a measure, j I have known men to turn their cattle on their i meadows for eight or teu days, early in the spring, so as to give tueni a start against the j regular pasturage becomes Gt to turn 0:1. This is one of the finest grazing sections in ! the country. The land seems to be naturally ! adapted to grass, running into sod very quick ly after a fallow. One of my neighbors iias a : field of one hundred acres of greensward, up- j on which he fattens from eighty to ninety head 1 ot cattle every year ; and in a goo] grass sea- i son I have seen portions of the field from which I a good swath of grass might have been cut wlien the cattle were taken off in July. On the rest of his estate he fattens about two Luu dred head. On the adjoining estate of Airlev, Mr Sto- ! v 111 fattens about two hundred and seventy five head. lie has a field of about one hun dred and fifty acres, ou which last spring he turned one hundred cattle and ninety sheep, and kept them there until the first of June] when a portion of them were moved off. The grass was then nearly knee high over the field. There are sods in this county nearly fifty years old, and so firm and strong that, to quote the language of our representative, the Hon. V. m. Smith, '"a bullock of a thousand weight may walk over them after a week's rain with out soiling his hoofs more than a lady would j soil her delicate satin slipper bv crossing a I Turkey carpet.This may sound like hyper- | bole, but unto all that doubt, I say "conn" and see.'' LL. \V. DOWNMAX, larquar Co., Va.— [American Farmer. A New Jersey Florist recommends brick dust as the best material in which to propogate cuttings ef floweriug plants. He says : ".My material is brick dust—the refuse of the kiin after burning—or what may be made by taking soft bricks and pounding them op. Enough may be had at any brick yard 1 for a mere trifle to last a great while—but I I think the fresher it is the better. Eoi those plants more difficult to root, such as diapheues, heaths, cape jnsamines, &c., I fill shallow cut ting pots entire y with brick dust, (except about an inch at the bottom, which is filled with coarse lumps of brick, to secure a good drainage.) F..r plants that root most easily, I use half brick dust and half sandy loam, it is quite surprising how much more certainly and quickly cuttings of all sorts root in brick dust than in saui or iu loamy soil in the com mon way. KEEPING I'AP.II ACCOUNTS. —We were much interested recently in looking over the farm book of a friend, which was so kept as to en able him to calculate the expense of growing the different crops upon the farm. The cost of manure, cultivation, seed, harvesting and marketing, ns well as rent and taxes, was set off against the value of the product as sold or consumed upon the farm ; and it was to be seen at a glance what paid best and what least, and where in one case $lO expended in ma nuring half a field, gave a return of 150 per cent, upon the outlay. Such information is not only interesting but important to every far mer, and can be secured at the trifling expense of 'keeping an accouut with the farm.'—Coun try Centlcm-in. BAKED BEANS. —Few people know the lux ury of baked beans, simply because few cooks properly prepare them. Beans, generally, are not cooked half long enough. This is our method : Two quarts of middling-sized white beans, two pounds of salt pork, and one spoou ful of molasses. I'ick the beans over careful ly, wash, and add a gallon of boiling hot wa ter, let them soak in it over night ; in the morning put them in fresh water and boil <*en tly till the skin is very tender and about to break, adding a teaqmonfu! of saleratns.— Take them up to dry, and put them in your dish, stir in the molasses, gash the pork, and > pat it down iu the dish, so as to have the beans ■ cover all but the upper surface ; turn in boil ing water till the top is just covered ; bake with a steady fire four or five hours. Wash them, and add more water from time to time it dries away. LICE OR SCALE ON TREES.—J. C. Graves, Jefferson Co., Pa. Your soap sods wash was probably too weak. Make it very strong, using whale oil soap if it can be had, and wash the bodies about the middle of. June when the scales are young. Potash and water answers the same purpose. Two washings dn ring the season may be needful. Rubbing the bodies and limbs with a rough cloth, or with u broom, greatly facilitates the removal of the scale. The more vigorous yon make the growth by manure, ashes, or lime, dug in around the roots, the less will you be troubled with in sects upon, or diseases of the portion above ground —.l merica n Agricult u rist. MANY wish that the tree mav be felled, who hope to gather chips by the fall." JSHscfllaurous. ] HOTEL KEEPERS. DRUGGISTS, FARMERS,ALL WHO WANT I HAVE just received from the City, a Large Stock <>f IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS has been pur chased for i'.V-H, directly tram the Importers, whereby i am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any j Kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be fore offered in Towauda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my j stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have facilitiesfur j purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES 1 ; Reside* my Liquors are warranted pure and unadulter ated. T have also ou hand the Largest Stock aud Greut ; est Variety of TOBACCO .Ai\3D SEGARS Ever brought to Towandu, which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers aud Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the I city. Hotel keepers and others arc respectfully invited j | to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars ; i aud To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions,! ; Of every de- ripfion, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Ci nlident that 1 am enabled to sell ray entire stock of j Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can he purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so- ■ I licit the public to an examination at No. j. Brick Row. J U. W. NOBLE, j Towanda, Jnne 14, isoo. new rinivi. CODDING &" RUSSELL, n'AVE purchased the large and well known establish un-!,'. of 1). ('. Ilall. ar.d are now receiving from New j York, the lai gest and uiost complete assortment of HARD-WARE, | ever oflt ied for sale in this market, which w ill be sold j CHEAP for Cash orappoved Creoit. We have a large and well selected stock of Wood and 1 Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and style of Parlor, Diiiiiig-Koora. Six-Plate, and Cylinder ; Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can be puiv'a.t cd iii this or any adjoining county. Also a full j and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, : Nails and Gla.-s, Paints ai.d Oils, House Trimmings, Car riage Tiiaimings. Springs. Iron Axels and Boxes, of all sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black. j smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular aud Mill Saws, Table and Pocket r :® "a" m 9 of every description, rumps, I.ead-Pipo, Chain Pumps aud Tubes. BRITTAWI4 t.M) II,ITF.D W'ARE, i : the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity i f TIN-WARE A Nil STOVEPIPE, always on hand.— • Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and form of FARMING SOfU.S. I JOB WORK- d uie on short notice and warranted. I GRAIN, Old Iron, Copper, Brittanria, Brass, Bees wax and Feathers, taken iu exchange for Goods, j We invite *• the whole world and the rest of mankind,'' j i to cull and examine our our goods before purchasing.— i ! (iur motto will be use every man well and submit to uotli iaa wrong. He- One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's ! Block, Main street, CODDING A RUSSELL. j JOHN A. CODDING, I c. s. 81-SSKI.L. t Towanda, Sept. 21,1960. BOOKS AND STATIONARY. (SUCCESSOR TO O. D. BARTLETT,) AT THE OLD STAND ! ! HAYING pnrchased the entire siock of . Books and Stationary, Paper Hangings, Ac., Ac. ! of O. D. Bartlott, to which has been adced a large assort- j incut of everything in the line of BOOKS A STATION ARY, making as large and complete an assortment as can be found in the connty. I invite my friends and the public to rail and examine for themselves. Mv stock coiisi-ts of SCHOOL BOOKS. MISCELLAN EOUS LITERATURE, IIISTORYS A BIOGRAPHY'S. RELIGIOUS WORKS. A large assortment of BLANK ' BOOKS, of all shape and size, and as low as can be bad at any other establishment. Also, a fine lot of BIBLES, large and small, Commentaries, Prayer and Hymn j Books. 1 would call particular attention to my stock of PAFER HANGINGS. Of which I have a great variety of patterns and of the ; latest styles. 1 still continue the NEWS ROOM, and have constantly on hand all the Daily and Weekly papers, standard Monthly Magazines. Thompson's Bank Note Reporter, Monthly aud Semi-Monthly. Also, Greely's Political • Text Book. Subscriptions received for the Weekly Tri- ! bune, Genesee Parmer, Ac.. Ac, It shall be my aim to -.11 everything at the lowest rates. All 1 a.-k is that my friends and .-itizens throughout the county will give me , a call before buying elsewhere, and I think 1 can please them belli as to price and quality. 1 shall be continually adding to my stock and intend to keep on hand the lar gest assortment that can be found in the county. Remember the place, at 0.1). Bartlctt's old stand. Towanda, Oct. 15, ls6o. A. P. COWI.ES. A. WICEBAM 6L SOW, WOULD respectfully announce to the public that they i ?V have purch.iseU of J. D. Humphrey, his entire! j stock of DRY GOODS, and in addition arc now receiv-1 ing, from New York, large supplies of Goods adapted to the season, embracing all the varieties of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS A CArS, 1 YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. Which they now offer for sale, at the store formerly oc- ! copied by Humphrey A Wickham, (west sideof the Pub- j lie Square). They would m >st cordially invite all to call j and examine their extensive assortment, as they are de- ! ; terrained * 1 offer their goods, for cash, at such prices as | i cannot tail to suit the closest purchaser N. B.- Ih ilers van be supplied by us with Gents Bo- ■ ! soins and Collars. Sewing Silks and Giliott's Pegs, at the ! manufactures price. A. WICKHAM. i Towanda, Oct. 22, 1960. O. D. WICKHAM. ) GREAT RUSH OF STOVES, TO THE METROPOLITAN HARD WARE STORE ORWELL, PA., With an increased variety of j 1 J- IRON and STEEL. Heavy additions to the stock I j HUBS, FELLOES A SPOKES, and almost every de- | ; scription of Hardware constantly arriving. Carriage, i i House, C r Hi les, Pelts, and I'nrs. Wanted. Old Copper, Lead, Britannia and Brass. Nov. 1, In6o. S. N. BROXSON. WAlffi HOrSE. Towanda, Pa. Subscribers having leased this well . known Hotel for a term of years, would inform their i friends and the traveling public, that they will be mo t | happy to accommodate all who may favor them with a ] call. It will he the aim of tiie present proprietors to l J make the W AKD HOUSE at ouce comfortable, pleasant : I and cheerful. Yours Truly, JamJL, IS6I. POWELL A SMITH. ! WANTED! ALL the FAT and nicely dressed POt'L | TRY, in Bradford Connty. A nice article, with ! ; Empty Crops, will bring good prices in CASH or Gro ceriea, at PATCH'S. , • o wanda, Nov. 27,1®60. j, GROUND PEPPER, ALLSPICE, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cayennei' -xA. Pepper, Mustard Ginger. Toffee. Beards and Cura I s incs' pureast ot each, for sale cheap by 1 ( Dv. 2t. C. B. FATCIk | fHjscrllaurous. I | jwisquejjanna Collegiate Institute TOW AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. | FACULTY : j OLIVER S.PEAN, A.B. Principal.Professor of Ancient languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. J \YM. 11. LEAN, A. 8.. Associate Principal, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. * Prot. CII \ULES It. COBURN, County Superintendent, | Ccneral Director of Normal Department. I Mrs. OLIVER S. DEAN, Preceptress. {.Miss ANNA M. DEAN, Assistant Preceptress. . Miss HELEN E. DEAN. Second Assistant Tear her. 1 Miss MARIE! XA l and 3d year, per term * 01 ! N. li. Pupils will be classed l>y llic most advanced i branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES I I French J 3 00 ' German *. 3 00 ■ Drawing 6 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fnel I and light 200 ! Washing, per dozen 38 ! The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Annivcrsaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will V>e made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught in i the Institution, but by special arrangement—a clans will | i be taught iu a hall adjoining the grounds of the institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. ! This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 50 do for practice 2 00 j Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow- | els, Ac., and the table silver a. their option. It is dc-ira- 1 ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding | when il is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be j furnished at a slight charge. I It is strongly recommended that students from abroad j should board in the Institution, as better opportunities { for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Department- Special exercises arc arranged i without extra charge for th i>e preparing themselves as | Teachers of U' nimon Schools. Prot. ('. U. CI)BURN, the ; able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools ; in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be pre-ent to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the \ Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects | connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach- ; ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to le present during the Fall term. Prot. Coburn's connection with the institution is not such as to iu any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his oflice. t No pains will he spared, on the part of the Faculty and , Tru. tees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu tion iias hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy ot future patronage and support WILLIAM II- DEAN,! Pr!n j Aug. ft, 1860. OLIVER S. DEAN, f 1 nnupais. , BOOK BINDERY. rTM IE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus' I building would respectfully inform the public that ; l.e has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery totiie North j I Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by the Post | Office, where he is now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner— I Having to share my profits with no second person 1 flat- j . ter my seli that my prices w ill meet the satisfaction el the i public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub- 1 lie appreciation ot my work, for the last two years, I ; shall endeavor iu th j, future to merit the continuance ot ■ public support. Particular attention given to re-biniling Books. All i work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. RjrAlso,a large assortment of STATIONERY of the 1 best finality, at the lowest prices. Justices' and Uonsta- j bit's BLANKS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic- 1 tures iiaiutd to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHANN F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11,18(50. Bookbinder and Artist. CAUTION. " To be, or not to be— hat i the question ! 1 Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sutler I The slings and arrows of outrageous opposition, i Or by taking up arms against a sea of printing ink, I And opposing, end them." [ r T , iiE prupriet r of the .logic takes occasion in adver- I tising Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for fling i i about a " sort of a concern," which is hoping " to delude j the public." As 1 have opened a Bindery n Funeral occasions. JAM Kb XACKIN9ON. Towanda, January 1. 1857. t gesrrth.inWif, At. I ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOOD S. GONSISTING IN PART OF PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DE LAINES, PAEIS PLAIDS, ! ESHER ELI) A, DESMARET.% GLACE DE MESSINA, REPS, AND OTHER DRESS GOODS. ALSO SHAWLS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, CANTON & WOOL FLANNELS, i Cassimeres, Denims, Jeans, y the fire, and they arc as usual prosecuting their business in all its branches. They are manufacturing to order, and will keep on hand, Carriages, Sleighs, Buggies, Skeletons, Lum ber and Democrat Wagons, ST., made of the very best materials, and in the most suhstan tial and workmanlike manner. They use nothing hut the best of stock, their timber being mostly from the East, and everything being selected with reference to its durability. As an evidence of the value of their work they poin to the fact, that they received the first premium at th last Bradford County Fair, and at a previous Fair th first premium for Cutters. BLACKSMITH ING done in all its branches, and par ticular attention paid to Custom Work. Alba, April 4, 18(50. ASH PRICES of Goods just received at \J MONTAXYEB' Store : MERRIMACK PRINTS 10 Cents SHEETINGS from 0 to 9. FRENCH MERINOS, G shillings. DELAINS from 1 to shillings. All other Goods in proportion. N*. B.—Those having accounts due and unpaid we save cost to arrange them. MONT A K", Efr. j Towuftib, Oct. 13, 18$, Htfscrllanrous. PATTON & PAYNE, Ko. 4, Fatton's Block, Towanda, Fa., Have recently added largely to their stock of CHEMICALS, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand FUEL WZST23S AND LIQUORS, FOll MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, | At the lowest rates, and BURNING FLUID, of superior ■ quality, manufactured expressly for the gat-jet Fluid ' Lamps. Tlity al.-o keep ail the Popular I PA TENT MEDICINES, | of the day. Every article going from this -tore is war- I ! ranted a- represented, and if any prove dillerent. they | will he cheerfully taken hack, and tiie money refunded. ' J. G. PATTON, | Towanda, Feh. 1,159. Dr. E. I). PAYNE. fNEW ATTRACTIONS ! At Goo. H. IvTcod's Gallery. TOWANDA, PA. You can procure, at low prices, PH D'JOBIiiI'PHSj Of all sizes, up to life size, eitiicr plain or re i touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MEL VINOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases lor 1 50 rents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. j Melainotypes made in ail kinds ol weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10.1x59. i C? Cft r. w k/ i Mi THUS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT I A- where you ran linda very tine a-sortinent of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a | good stock of CLOI'KS, prices ranging from 10 shillings j j up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. I ] I am also agent for the stile of D. E. LENT'S celebrated ' Ban meters, which every farmer should always have, l'ri- ; I ee- from fx to s'2ti, according to tini-h REPAIRING , done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war- : ranted. WM. A. CHAM BERLIN. I j ■ : " A /v , COM3IEECIA L COLLEGE\ LOCATED OVER TIIE St'SQCEII ANNA VALLEY BANK. BiTuGUAr/ZTOItJ, N. r JT- Rooms open fur Instruction, frotu 3 A.M. to TGI'. M. FACULTY, . W. I-OWEf.L, P incipal, Professor of theS Accounts, l'r.icti-al Account mt, Auth-rof Lowell's I Treatise upon Book-Keeping, Diagrams illustrating the Fame, >V e. JOHN R ANKIN. Commercial Accontant, Professor of i Ko-'k Ke. ping and Practical Mathematics. A-J. WARNER. Professor of I'iaetical and Ornamental j Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Coriespon deuce. I.ECTU R E R S . I Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Lecturer on Commercial I Law and Political Economy. Hon. RANsOM BALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom- ■ issory Notes and Bills .u Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. ! EXAMINING CO M MITT EE. Hon. SHERMAN D. PIIEIAS, WILLIAM R. OSBURN Esq. TRACT It. Motto AN, Esq. The object of this College is to afford to all nn oppor tunity of'obtaining a thorongh Ru-ine-.x Education. The Books and forms arc carefully arranged by practi- } cal a- countants expre-sly lor this Institution, and em-: brace all the re.-eut improvements. The course <>t Instruction comprises every department \ of business. The learner will he thoroughly taught the ; science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping is applied to the following kinds of business, viz :—General ; Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Steamhoating, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, For- t eigu Shipping. Ac. Ladies' Department entirely separate from that of the • gentlemen. j Students can enter College at any time and receive in- j dividual instruction. By this arrangement every student j is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprize and ability will permit, and when thought perfect and com petent. will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve Weeks, i No vacations. Board $2 and $2.50 per week. Assistance j rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. TERMS: For Book Keeping, full accoutant's course, including ■ Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and I Diploma.—(Time unlimited) $35 on j Same cour-e for Ladies, (separate apartment) .. . '20(1(1 Penmanship and Arithmetic lu uo Teacher's course in Peumnn.-hip, practical and or namental 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship '2 00 j Hi" Occasional classes will he tormed in Phonography | For further particular!'.send for a circular. " I Binghamton, March 15, lSfiO ly4l. mi mmr ■ *r AND WINTER GOODS! JOSEPH KINGSBERY'S, LARGE STOCK. Now ready at Retail, and are offered at Wholesale prices. LOOK AT THE PRICES AND Examine the Goods! Towanda, Oct. 15, IBGO Uusfnrss Cams. rpHOMAS J INGHAM~ ATTOrNp* JL AT LAW, LAi'Olll'L, Snllittt Cum;, p^* UN W11,1,1A MS, A TTOR yj. : y , ■ • LAW, (ANION PA., will attend p, , neas entrusted to hw care iu'thecourt* of Bud- a "* C:> a £ ji ' lly aa Co '' Dec'.L'i^ K. OVKKTON, JK D I \VERTON A MONT AN YE ATr)\ VJ NETS AT LA W- office in Unwn y occupied by JAS. MACZARLAXE. 4 >"RAM, H.J.MADTLL Pn vt — * \f AI)ILL A MORROW, ii TTORyeI. ll ASH COUNSELLORS AT Lilir * over.Mercur' Store.Towanda, Pa. " • T—Wdt, April '2, I>s. T)B LBBL MASON, PH YSICIj i.yVyr ±J SL HOL ON, offers his professional rVK , . " people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at hi- r < ■ 011 Pine street, where iiecau always he found mi" professionally engaged. not B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY 7i , 12. LAW, TROY, Bradford Co., p a . ();,. Al I M. A H. F. Long'sstore. Aug- f ?£ T HENRY B. M kean, attorn^ AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA.; will |):iy " I attention to business entrusted to h*m. Col'< i-tiei'. jon reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. "' !5W ' PLHANAN SMITH, having retard t ! A'J Towanda, has opened a Law Offi-s over v. I Store. Dec. 1,1857. ' l 'i jesfsgw I)R. H. WESTON. permanently located m T-urY. j 11-T I-JOFFICE one door south of BailtrAV.s.i' | Towanda, Feb. 19,1853. 3 O. H. WOOBRUrP—DENTIST,^" PERMANENTLY located in Towandi^ Office No. 5, Brick Row. over 11. W. NOLL,' -> i Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moore-. d,' J DR. G. S. PECK, 81 11GEON 4Y'i MECHANICAL DENTIST, TOV.' AN'DA ?. ; 49-Olßee, No. 1, Brick Bow, over E. T. I-'-.x', e.w —entrance tir-t door en Pine st. February lg, / M Y 11. WATKINS. .1 TTOJLX£Y~i: U LAW, TOWANDA. PA. 1 Office opposite Laporte, Mason A Co. CirCollections made and remitted with prompts,* I Towanda, January 2,18(iO. DR. JOIIN M'INTOSH, will his old office, I'atton's Block, during Spring a4l • Summer. Tts-th nscrted on Vulcanised Rui,l*r_-, f I latest improvement ia denti-try. Specimen piereuwl | seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will p.** i pay up. JOHN MTNTusH I Towanda. March 20,1060. New Fall and Winter Goods AT Wm. A. Rockwell's, / lOMPRIPING the cheapest and handsomest lot off-1 V Goods ever ofVreJ in this market. DRESS GOODS—Merino Prints, Gingham*. Cev K ! Chene Mohairs. Canton Cloths, (irerielle e'e lls I nred Coborga, MoreUaCloth, Plain and Printed Hal ; Hamilton. Manchester and Wool de Laine-s, bignredJiß ! veans, l'oi! de Civ vies, Black Plaid Figured Mar.t.ittH Gro de Rhine Silks, at ROCKWELL'S. SHAWLS—Bro he, Bay State. Chcnile. Glr-S-\v Gentit .'ilea's Shawls, Ladies Scarfs, Cloaking* ttlTs : ,tls. at ROCKWF.I I.S. EMBROIDERIES, La es. Edgings, Dimitv, Ttsii 1 Veils, Culture*, ltihhons. Velvets, lijuncts and floem j at ROCKWELL'S. ' KNIT GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Iluodi, Suib [ i t hthliens Sacks, Mantles and Socks, at HOCK WELL'S. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS—Cloths, Ca-e ; mer, , | Jcaub, Denims, Suspenders, Cravats, Cullara -■ , j Shirt Bosoms, Drawers and Uuder-Shirts, 1U:, < m j | Gloves and Hosiery, at ROCKWELL'S. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Curtain Priw* L Oil Cl"t'n-. Furniture Print-, Traking, Paper llotf ip Window Sltades, Bed and Table spreads, at HOCK WELL'S. SHEETINGS. Shirtings. Jaquered and SeaecLiv Diaper, Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, at ROCKWELL'S. YANKEE NOTIONS, Combs. Buttons. BMw|j Threads, Stationery, Pins, Needle-. Hooks ana tal Looking Glasses. Percussion Caps. Beads, it *!<<. Pl. j Forks and Spoons. Crochet Needle-, Kniitiaj i'afl ; Zephyrs, Scotland Wool and Scotch Yarns, at ROCKWELL'S, i CROCKERY, Hardware. Glass, Sasli. o;'v, Putff Nail-, Puty. Burniug Fluid, Camphene, K-- - ne.ftJH cuware, Bird Cages, !! .<>(-. Sh-ies 1 ~<] Leather, at ROCKWELL'S. | GROCERIES—The best Crushrd and Pulver 1 Brown and <'"3ee Sugars, Black and Green Tes.NH and Rio Coffee. Chocolate, Syrun-i, Molasses, Spices, Indigo, Starch. Soap.Crackei -, Salae; a tus. 'SB Tartar, and everything else in the line will he fo JK: I ROCKWELL'S. | ALSO—Fresh Ground I tvuga Phister, at BOCK WELL'S. I Many thanks for the liberal encouragement h'C ] extended us. and we shall endeav-.i to continue ap I : ' satisfaction to ail our customers. 11J and new. ['3 WILLIAM A. RtH'KWE..:. ■ No. 1, Patten's is.l f ! Towanda. October lx. |J CHEAP GOODS AT J. H. PHSpSSMEY'SJ.?. ' \o, 3, Pulton's Bll'd. HAVING made Up his mind to make the Mtrc*st I business a permanent business wo .! ! ma! if?' H j fully solicit his old customers and the pul-i: ienem.' ■ give him a call an 1 examine his almost 1 nt'.rt re*at H of Goods, ju-t rec iving. and which""!' I dticcd prices, for Cash or most kinds of CuUtBJ J H duce. Jle asks particular attention TO HIS I Large sto.-k of Domestic Goods, Sheeting*. Dentins, Ticks. Stripes. Linen and Cotton Diaper* I nsk Table and M arse ills Bed Spreads, Jean*. Fiannels, Ac. TO HIS Prints, Gingham's, Cohergs, all Woo! and Union fitif H ! Reps, Plaids, Black Silks. Ac. H TO ins M j Stock of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in It** 3 1 and all warranted. C TO HIS Large assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats and CaW 1 fa i great bargains 9 TO HIS i , Combs, Brushes, Hair Pius, Needles. Crochet X<*' 3 t| ! Zephyr, Shetland Yarn, and everything in '.he j line. ffl TO HIS Large stork of Straw and Chip Bonnet*. IV 'I ■ era, Ac., which will be sold wholesale or retail'- „ cent cheaper than at any other place 111 town. TO HIS I Crockery. Glass and Hardware, Boot* and I ■ Ladies, Misses, Men and Children, at Bargains- og TO HIS of ! Large stock of Groceries, Brown, Coffee. Wb"" " f _ I.S veriaed Sugars, fresh Linseed and Lasap Oik H;- j Lead Ziuc, Putty, Sash. Nails. ('.•Cue, lea Ac- [■ TO HIS j Good Molasses at .IS per gallon. Print* tn m >t" T J| ! per yard. Coats' Thread 4 cts. I!e-i " P " cts per doz. Yellow Bank, fine cut. To ■ ilb. Smoking Tobacco, 8 cts. per lu.. ■' ; ~1 ttlf cheap at l'llit" '^ I !3 NEW AERANGEMSNI || T D. HUMPHREY, liavinsr •I • ~|H after enlarge the manufacturing drpcrttr.rrit in ,l ~ branches, always keeping on hand t'.i n> " 1 BO the 1 trgest an -.t! SOLE A UPPER LE VI HER, KIP 9 and AMERICAN i - INGS. SHOE PHREAD A SPAlfAllhl>. Flat he.l ] T VCKS, and i dj j found in Finding Stores. Al-o. a i irge -' i FAMILY (JKOI'ERIhS, ( ! Nails, Saddlery and Common Hardware. v -- | cheap lor Cash. i nl - s |H Tow O t. 25. 1-tft. ; \ CARD. J. 11 I Ih 1Y the citizens of Towanda and v 1 r lie gencrai'y that ha- 'q : n • Co., store where lie will make to orJch' 4 ' M! , r ,rei j kii.ds of gent* garments in all the l 'tc-t ~ d ions, and warrant them to fit. ( 1 m s '> +> ■' nqti.-e. A share th public patvovvjW fr ti. A'§ 1,