10 CA L AND GENER AL. river is below a good rafting pitch 'tie raits are still passing this place every day. BUT * A v Voi'N'O MENS' PRAYER MEETING is held \ Sun day evening in the basement of the Trcsbyte rjuChurch4t liaif pa-'t 8 o'clock. winter term of the SoFquehan )lle,pte Institute closed on Wednesday with appro. Jd interesting literary exercises. The revival still continues in progress , Methodist and Baptist churches, and we learn has ' ' attended with unlooked for success. The meetings treating a good deal of interest,—the conversation - iv' street corners and at social gatherings being Xtfiy upon the subject of religion. May it be the means of dcing much good. THE CHENANGO CANAL.—The bill to provide , the extension of the Chenango Canal from its present ' 3 , s at Biughamtun to the North Branch Canal at "Htatc Line, was passed in the N. Y. Senate on the - n> t This bil' authorizes the Canal Commissioners \ro'eed with this work, whenever the Legislature U m ,Ue the necessary appropriation therefor. r&-The tarrying of winter has been poet ry represented by the figure of "lingering in the lap . U,,, •> We had hoped from the sudden leave he ~v k ami the warm, bright days that followed, that old y, . ter had finally torn himself Irorn the smiling Spring ; iat be returned on the 6th and fairly overwhelmed the a tle damsel with his rudu attentions,—not only linger ... j„ j,er lap hut embracing her at a fearful advantage. • ze ro in March is not to be endured long, and at the present writing the warm air and smiling skies give to that his hyperborean majesty is fast relenting under tbigenial influence of the "violet crowned.'' J©-The Elraira Advertiser is very wroth at cur Associate Judges for the leniency shown in the sen tence of the two horse-thieves, who took a >tu!cn span of hirses to that place to be sold, anil asks "how long will it t Wore horse-thieves will be rewarded in Bradford cor sty ■ We w,U admit that as far as we understand the case the punishment was in no wise proportioned to the crime ; but presume that the Judges were influenced by i Pie fait that were they ti give more than n taste of jus- I e to all the criminals who come from within the cir , zit of Elmira influence, that mure than a year's time ! would induce a fearful crowding o( the Penitentiary. jgyFew nre aware of the real necessity of leering Cough or slight ci.'d in its first stage; that Iwb.'ch i:i the beginning won!J yield to a mild remedy, if LfglecleJ, soon attacks the lungs and leads to serious K,; jease Dr PORTKR'S Pectoral Syrup is a most valua gj , jrti -'e at this season of the year when Coughs, Colds, ftt s-o-ness, Sore Throat and Lung Affections are so A -vat. Immediate relief i* sure to be obtained by its I;J the price is very low and within the reach of - r sa c by respectable dealers throughout the H . Prepared solely nt Dr. POUTER'S Drug Store, ■ -,rMii.i and Pine Street, Towanda, Pa. MKDICCS. I Rsr. T K BKF.CIIEK, EI.MIRA.—This Ilev ft- I g-:itli-:;,an aud his family board at the Water Cure, ft ,3iit one n: > from his study, in the vill tge. ami he usn p walk# the distance back and forth twi-e each day— walking to hi study one of the very cold mornings ■ c present winter, lie saw a poor woman try iug to chop li me wood trim a little pile she had lying in the snow ■ ear tl house ; touched by her apparent necessities, lie ■:ij ; " Good w-iman have you uo man to cut your | >dShe answered tliat she'n id lo,t h*r husband, k.i had riot means to pay (or cutt.ng her wood and keep I 'am. !y of little children together. Immediately the 're!!'! gentleman was in the yard, laid aside his : it and mnfller, took the ax and chopped up the ■ - o nl wood, carried and piled it near the door ; next day a large load of good wood was un i- ' "owed by a man who sawed and piled it up , . v w.unari < residence, the pay for which came • j. • kit of the Reverend Preacher.— II nana '.FTTANT SPIT.—A very important suit •' * icl iii our Justice's Court last week—one that at " usiileiable attention from the public. It origi ■ asf'i'nws: A buggy standing before the Court attracted the attention of some legal gentlemen ;'ty officials who were sunning themselves in the : that temple of justice, and one of the legal fra. w '■} aforesaid entered into a contract with a county ( 'r that the latter should draw the buggy for an hour, F'- ' rents. Accordingly the legal gentleman got in, |t. the i fficial took hold of the shafts and started for *!•? river with his learned burden. But the "el qiicnt i #te not having time to consummate the "change heart that should precede immersion, concluded to ,:i?ehis mind, and jumped out; and the official not ig the prospect ot drawing the empty buggy, aban -J the undertaking. A demand was made to recover ' -6 cents on the ground of breach or contract, but it iirefused, and the case was carried up to Court by the fr'red counsel 'r, where it was ably argued by com. ■ • advocates, at different times for several days. The 1 ; awarded the plaintiff his 25 cents, but imposed B": :.,m the payment of all the costs, which had amount ft" ' ' nsiderahle si m. Our legal freinds opinion ola ' is that it is a good thing to be out of, aud says ever wishes to take another ride he will patron- v. AVP SCCCE3FL'L RoBDFP.Y.— e El '• G>:rtl, of Monday night, 4th inst., conU ned the '*s of a bold and successful robbery. Last Friday -a" ut eight o'clock, a man called at the resi- Mr. Ue.vßr TIIOJIPSON, of South Creek, about a ~ the State line, who stated that his wagon had - "a. and he wished to borrow a lantern. Mrs. ' 11 turnished him with the article, when he in ' " erp fas not some man about the house who - " -t him in righting his vehicle, remarking at :nc that his brother was then with the team. ■ *- .aformed by Mra. Thompson that her husband r man about the houc, and he was then con sickness. 'Tlie supposed teamster be accommodated with a hammer and nails, ■ . Wf nt into [another room to procure. On "itii the desired articles, a sight met her eyes • - have struck many a woman dumb with ' ,fa '' the one man she had left in the room, I l ' hy three, each wearing a mask, com . s.ng their faces. Two of them were in the f - the bed her sick and helpless husband, as sentinel at the door waiting . ( ' om l ir *bcriding the whole in an instant and i °'the moment, she sprang into their "j se.ore she could fie arrested, dragged one of f-'t ro- * ' Wd< " le nct c ''oking her husband, , ro " m - She was soon however over ' ' ! an< * P ln ' onc< ' an| l left lying helpless on ► -.0n,,* f , rt!lrce ,lps pei'adocs proceeded to search b-. - U money and valuables they supposed [ -VfrvV * ' 1 thorough ssarch, rumaging drawers Kr-jj, nr '"' a bie place for valuables, suceeeded in ['■-; in-. f " moDe 7' 8 watch and other jewelry Fthtvj ! about |2, more. After being satisfied I ' der.ar* r' ' ' rver J'thir,g of value, they proceed- i rce ' n t Thompson, of whom they r i; t0 drink, one of them following her w hieh he made free to tell her "•''"ofth. " rast an J treachery on her part < , '! m fina;1 J departed without offering otb * Watt.': ', tin o to her the good policy of quiet t'tuji,an I'' ' d make Rood the r ewape. Alter '•ttmileov, 1 "!! at, d the vidians tracked ' <*ihe ißsit s ID ' V n,on,ent to interruption, this was 1 which ever came under Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Where this article is known it is a work of supereroga tion to say one word in its favor, so well is it established as an unfailing remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, IVlsooping Cough, Asthma, Quinsy, Phthisic, diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well as that : most dreaded of all diseases, Consumption, which high medical authority has pronounced to be a curable disease. Those who have used this remedy know its value ; those who have not have but to make a single trial to be satis ! fled that of all others it is the remedy. Further Testimony. OWBOO, Nov. 9, 1859. Messrs. S. W. FOWLK k Co.,— I Gentlemen Some ten years since I was attacked with a severe and distressing cough, the long eoutintiance of which alarmed me, and admonished me to look for sonic remedy to rescue me from the dangerous condition in which I found myself. From what I had heard of IVistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I concluded to give that preparation a trial,which I did, and by its use obtained immediate aud permanent relief. Again, about live years afterwards, I was taken with a seveic hacking cough, accompanied with pain in the chest and side, tickling in the throat etc., which so reduced my health and strength as to unflt me for attend ing to my ordinary business. I applied to well known physicians and used their proscriptions without any per ceptible benefit; when, alter having been confined to my room for several months, 1 again had recourse to Wis tar's Balsam, and, to my great joy, found, as before, im mediate relief, and two bottles restored me to perfect health. I would also state that several of my friends have used the Balsam with the same astonishing result. 1 have known of there being in the market a miserable and worthless spurious Balsam. In ptirchasbi'ig, I al ways look for that prepared by S. W. Fowle k Co., Bos ton, which lias the written signature of /. Butts on tlio wrapper ; and I would caution all, as tliey value health, to do the same. SIMEON MARQUART. tIL Caution to Purchasers. The only ganuine Wis tar's Balsam has the written signature of " 1. BUTTS," and the printed one of the Proprietors on the outer wrap per ; all other is vile and worthless. Prepared bySETH AY. FOWLE A CO., Boston, and for sale by J. G. PATTOX and Dr H. C. PORTER, Towanda : The Drug Store, Sniithficld ; JOHN M ATUF.R, Ulster ; G. A. PERKINS, Athens; J. F. Loso k SONS. Burlington; D. N. NEWTON. Monroeton ; D. D. PAHKHCRST. Leßoy . LOCKwoon ,V BENEDICT. Alba; GUERNSEY .V MITCHELL,, Troy ; J. W. WOODBCRN k Co., Rome ; S. N. BROS*SON, Orweil: D. AD. M. BAILEY, Leßaysville, aud by dealoHi eveif where In Derrick, fcv Rev. W. Lathrop, March 1, 1861, CHES TER STEWART to Miss KM EI,IN E SNOW. BY the same on the 7th, Mr. JOSEPH LEE to Miss ELI ZEBETH MADISON, all of Derrick. DIED, At Athens, Thursday morning. Feb. 10, 1861, FRANCES wife of Mr. N. C'. Harris, iu the 34th year of her age. "O. death where is thy sting ? O, grave, where is thy victory? Thanks lie to God who giveth us the victory through onr Lord Jesus Christ." We appropriate this language of the Apostle Paul for the departed in full confidence. Not in deed for her in an exuitingly trium pliant departure, but iu her entire preparedness for the great change ; in the calm composure with which she waited lor ihe coming diss .lotion. Yea, in her longing ! fir the coming ol that messenger that was to bear her to ! her Savior's presence. In the long continued and severe I suflerings through which she was called to pass, the reli ' gi in ol j (--.us afforded her those comforts and consola ! tions which it alone can give. In the dark and trying hour her faith failed her not—and a few days less than ! two years from the time of low union with Christ's j Church Militant on earth, with a mind in perfect peace I and full of hope, she was removed to her place in the ranks of the ch irch triumphant in Heaven. We weep j and mourn, but not as those who have no hope. We [ suffer loss, but to her the change is great gain. She has i gone to Iter everlasting reward, to a rest that shall never ' l e broken—to joys that shall never cease. And through j our tears, we write " Blessed are the dead who die in the | Lord -for thev rest from their labors aud their works do ; follow them'" [COM. | hi Ridgbcry. Feb. 25, HENRY eldest Ron of George Coo ! per, aged 3d years. By the death of lIKNRY, community has lost one of its most worthy members ; parents have been deprived of i an anticipated stay and support in their declining years : • and brothers aud sisters mourn the departure of one : bound to them by the most eudearing of affectionate ! tics. " Behold the western evening light ! It melts in deeper gloom ; So calm the righteous sinks away, Descending to the tomb. The winds breathe low—the yellow leaf Scarce whispers from the tree ! So gently fl.,ws the parting breath Vi heu good men cease to be." A good man has ceased to be as an earthly being, yet by the truths given to the world it may be said iu reality that though earth has lost, Heaven has gained. " Brother, rest from e in and sorrow ; Death is o'er and life is won ; On thy slumber dawns no morrow : Rest ; thine earthly race is run. Brother, wake : the night is waning ; Endless day is round thee poured ; Enter thou the rest remaining For the people of the Lord." [Cog. In Owego, X. Y., of Pleurisy, on the 14th day of Feb. Isill, in tlie bstli year of her age, Mrs. SKI.IN A, relict ol late Joseph C. I'owcll, Esq., of Towauda. Th- deceased first came to this county from Vermont 1 about the year I*l7, the wife of Mr. VESPASIAN ELLIS j In a few years he was called away by death, and she was left with two daughters, both of whom survive to mouru ; the death of one of the best of mothers. Some time atter Mr. Kl.l.is' death she was married to Mr. I'OWKI.L and came to reside iu this place. A son and two daughters by the late marriage mingle their 1 tears with the above mentioned in this bereavement. To : these mourners, wc may add. tiie children of Mr. POW ELL. by a former marriage, who were won bv her excel lencies to regard bcr as worthy ol their affections as a i , mother. We find a letter from the congregational church in News'.m, Vt ,of Oct. 1523, recommending her to chris t an fellowship and connection with the church in this pla-e. Hie was one of the original sixteen that formed the fir t Presbyterian church in Towauda, of which she | remained a member till death. The church in Xewsom was then under the charge of the Rev. (.'handler Bates. The letter was in the name of SKI.INA PHILLIPS, her family name, showing that she ; cast in her lot with the people of God in her early youth, j She lived to adorn her christian profession. in consequence of the illness of the pastor her fur.eral j was attended by a neighboring clergyman. The follow ! ing is the very brief address to tbe lriends from the pas tor. which was read on the occasion : " The pastor of this church considers it a chastisement from God, that he is unable to be present at this time— | It is now over thirty-three years since he made the acquaintance of the deceased, and the high opinion he at first formed of her intelligence, refinement and purity, was heightened by subsequent acquaintance and inter course. Her life, in which the graces of the spirit shone with peculiar brightness may well aflord you consola tion now. It speaks of that better world for which she was preparing, to which she was hastening, and where we doubt not. she is now enjoying the rest that remains for the peop'e of (iod. She became a follower of the Truth. She not only re ceived the sacred scriptures as the truth of God, she re ceived Jesus Clu ist as the Great Central Truth, or as Himelf says : " The vyay, the Truth anfl the Life. We feel constrained to say. Be ye followers of her, even as she was of Christ Jesus, that you may he reunit ed in another family circle that shall never be broken up." " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." F. ilrtu attoertcsemnus. Burbank's Bakery! THE subscriber respectfully informs tbe pub lic that lie has resumed the management of the above establishment, one door south of the " Ward House," where he is manufacturing CRACKEES, of every description, snch as oyster, milk, Boston, soda, butter, water, pic-nic, Graham, sugar, wine and common crackers. Also, Bask, Buns, Butter Rolls, Wheat, In- j diau and Graham BREAD & CAKE, of all kinds, constantly on hand and made to order. The attention of the citizens of this place and vicinity, is called to the above, and they are assured that they can always lie supplied with any of these articles. Wedding and Social Parties, will be furnished with every description and style of Fruit, Pound, and fancy CAKES. Tavern keepers and Grocers will be supplied on terms as odvantageous as at any other establishment in the State. In conucction with the above he has an EATING SALOON*, where everything in the line will be served out to those who may favor him with a eall. Thankful lor past favors he respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the same. HENRY A. BL'RBAXK. Towauda, March 5, 1861. ilfto 35bertfjcmntts. IMFOHTASIT NOTICE. To Farmers and others Interested ! FRUIT TREES.—3O,OOO Choice Fruit Trees for sale, including all the best variety of the Apple,' the Pear, Peach, Plum, Cherry anil Apricot, also a fine collection ot the best Evergreens, snch as Norway Spruce, Fir, Arbor Vitae, Austriau Pine, Scotch Fir and Black Spruce, including all sizes, front 2 to 6 feet, suited to ornament lawns and door yards, also Dwarf Box for edging. Deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, European Ash, Amertcan do. Horse Chestnut, European Larch, Fringe or Smoke tree, Althea. Deutzia, Scabra, African Tamarix, Wigelia Bosea, Forsytbia, Spirea, Pritnifolio and many others not named. 5000 of our best Native hardy drape Vines, for sale the coming spring, such as Delaware, Diana, Concord, Itebecca and Cottage,also Clinton, Catawba and Isabella. 20 varieties of the bearing Strawberries, including Wilson's Albany seedling, Hovey & Hooker seedling; sold at low prices, by the 100 or 1000 ; the Ited Cherry and White Crai e Currrenls, also Bed k Whit#, Dutch, Black, English and Black Naples ; 12 other kinds not named here. 1000 1 .awton Blackberry placts, these fruited in my garden last summer and proved equal to the recom mend. A fine collection of Hybrid, Perpetual and Climb ing Boses and Dahlias. In addition to my Nursery, lo cated at this place, 1 have lately purchased the Tioga Point Nursery, embracing over 25,000 fruit & ornamental trees with all other things in the line. Our people will find it much to their advantage to buy these articles at home instead of giving orders to traveling Agents from Bochester aud other places at a distance. DANIEL HARKINS. Towanda, Pa., Feb. 23, 1861. P S—A few good Salesmen wanted to act as Agents, apply at ray house. D. H. Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Drain Tiles, die. rpFIERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay A Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh burnt II hite Lime, made from the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or fl per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12$ cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse U'atrr Lime at il 15 per barrel, and Fire Brirk at 8 cents each. Drain Tiles 2, 3 and 4 inch sizes at 2, 3 and 6 cents per foot, a very nice article for draining land or about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsley'a Axes by the dozen. J ick Screws, for moving buildings, to let at 25 cents per day each- Barrlay Coal at f" 25 per ton for Lnmp Coal and $2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay R. R. & Coal Companv, Towanda. J. MACFARLANE. Towanda, Feb. 22, 18(1. Gen. Superintendent. i;:? c ASH-q) ~ FOR BUTTER, EGGS\ POULTRY, GRAIN, Dried Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried Blackberries. SHEEP PI'LTS! WHITE BEANS ! ! POTATOES, lIIC3CORY NUTS, And Game, at PATCH'S. JANUARY 8, 1861. To the People of Bradford County and all other Patrom of the CASH DHUG STORE!! I TENDER my sincere thanks, for their very liberal patronage bestowed upon me. during the last year, in my New Medicine Building, upon the corner of Maine and Pine Streets. Devoting my whole attention to all branches apper taining to this business, and strictly adhering to the grand aim of giving the best satisfaction, I intend to present opportunities for purchasers to procure materials according to their quality, at lower rates, than in any other store in this vicinity. My usual assortment will be kept constantly supplied with fresh purchases. Medical advice gratuitously g.veu at the Office, charg ing onlv for Medicine. Towanda. Pa. H. C. PORTER. M. D M VEU S MILLS. r pi!E undersigned having purchased the above well 1 known mills and att.u hod to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modern improvements now in use in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill."' Mr. FROST w ill continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid fur all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Meal and Feed for salt at the lowest market price*. MYKR, FROST & CO. ISAAC MVKM j. o. FKOST K. T. FOX. NORTH TCWANPA, Oct. 6. 1858. r". Y. 6L E. KAIL ROAD. ("AHANGE of hours, commencing Thursday, Jan. 24. j l* il. Trains will leave Wavcrly at about the follow ins hours, viz : GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk Express. .5.40 P. M,IV. V. Express.. 11.25 A.M Nisht Express... .3.55 A.M.jXiglit Express. 1.21 A.M. Mail 5.05 P. M Mail 7.48 A. M. Way 8.42 A.M.! Way 3.54 P.M. Express Freight... U. 06 P. M a Fast Freight... 9.07 A.M. Fast Freight 11.32 A.M Way Freight... 5.50 P. M. Way Freight 8.15 A.M.I _ Night Express (both ways) Express Freight and Fast Freight going west, and Fast Freight going cast, run every day. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to El niira. The 8.05 P. M. Mail runs only to Klmira. The 8.42 A. M. Mail runs through to Dunkirk. The 4.20 P. M. Mail runs only to Bingliamtou. CHARLESMINOT, General Sup. CAMPTOWW ACADEMY, REV. S. F. BROWN. PRINCIPAL. fpilE Spring Term of this Institution will X commence March 4. IStil, and continue 10 weeks. TERMS : Common English Branches, $2 50 Higher Branches 3 50 Board convenient at reasonable prices. Feb. 7, 1861.—3t. "I ITSTl T ST RECEIVED nt the KEY STONE •I STORE, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Em broidcred Collars. Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered Inserting*, Marsailles Collars, Mar sailles Setts, Embroidered Flouncing*, Crape Collars, Crape Setts, Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large as ortment of Black Lacc Veils. IVTOTICE—Wherens ray wife MARY has It lett my lied and board without just cause or prov ocation. 1 hereby fo/bid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as 1 shall pay no debts of her contracting. THOMAS SULLIVAN. Ridgbery, Feb. 11, 1801. ]^STRAY. — Came to the enclosure of the J subscriber, in Canton, on or about the 9th of No vember, 1860, a Yearling HEIFER, small size, without any particular marks. The owner is requested to prove property pav charges and take Imr away. Canton, Feb. 27. 1861. MYRON FELLOWS. SALERJETUS. I)ABBITS, DeLando, Pvles and Herrick J Allen's, for sale in any qnantity by Dec. 20. C. B. PATCH. CLOVER SEED. A QUANTITY of CLOVER SEED just XX received by Jan. 28.1861. H. S. MERCTTH. Bajous Kid Gloves ! ALL sizes, ill colors, Black and White, of these celebrated gloves will always be found at the KEYSTONE. 1 TRIBUNE ALMANAC, for 1861, at - A. F. COWLES. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS k PUTTY at TRACY est materials, aud by competent workmen,and will be warranted. D. C. HALL. Dushore.Oct 25, 13C0. STOVES! STOVES"! JUST EECSIVIS! HAVING lately returned from tlm city . where we have purebred for CASH a large as | sortnient of STOVES, ot ail varieties and sizes suited to j this locality, we are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash <* approved ctedit. We would cali especial attention to the ! celebrated Coal Stove I the perfection of arrangement for burning coal. We ars 1 also casting and setting up in our own Foundry, a nuiu , I tier ot kinds of excellent COOKING STOVES,and BOX \ STOVES for SCHOOL-HOUSES and SHOPS. 1 Persons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ac ! count of broken plate-. Ac.,can get just as good of Home > Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is the | Largest ami Most Complete ever offered for sale in this ; market. We also manufacture and keep constantly ou hand, a full assortment of TIN-WARE, and will make to order any thing Irani a Telescope up— j to a Sausage Machine! XS" Call and examine for yourselves, and you will be satistied that there is something in the world yet, beside* ■ Gas. JOHN CARMAN. ' ; Towanda, Aug. 30. l -dO. i N. B.—Our Tin Store is on Main street, south store In ' Mcrcur's Block. | GROCERIES FuKTITE MILUOT! fTMIF tindersipned takes tLis opportunity to j A express his thanks to his friends in TOWANDA .It j Bradford County for their patronage, during the lat sir I ■tooths, and would also hnform thttn that he has just i received and opened a very large and complete assort i inent of ' GROCERIES & PROVISION Consi-ting in part of TEAS, CCrrilE. SUGARS, STRUT. MOLASSES, FRUITS, SPICES, SOAP. CAN DLES. TOBACCO, SEGARS, FLOUR, PORK, HAMS, FISH, SALT, WOODEN- WAR E, ST NO K WARE. CORDAGE, AC., AC. All of which, t 'getl er with any amount of otl.er Qoofla, i are FOR SALE, at I>w prices, for CASH or I PRODUCE. We will be happy to show our goods to our friends, and warrant everything sold to givee i.tirt suliw - j faction. j Remember the place. Opposite 3lontanyes, in Kings bui v' Block, tir.-t door above 11. S. Rut.-til A Co., Bai.l | ers. , • CASH for BUTTER. EGGS and Produce generally. Towanda, D'-c. to, 1- p. C. B. PATCH. Extraordinary Inducements 1 TO THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. i H AVING greatlv increased my former ; determined to dispose of these accumlna > tions rapidly, and with tb.it deGgn offer all article* at 1 unprecedented low prices, for Cash. 1 Good Sofas at fid to $2O, fme Cane Scat Chair* 75 eta. each, a nice Bedstead for 2o shillings. 1 have now more than t!0 different patterns of Chairs, Bureaus, Desks fu the farmer or merchant. Looking f Glasses, Looking glu-s Plates, Portrait and Picture frames I of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany aud Walnut corner ; 20 - : patterns of Stands ; extensii 11, dining, tea and work Ta i ! Ides, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be found I in a city Ware house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good , : Hearse ready, at all times. Pur baser.-. w II be sure to fiml the right place, south • side of th' public square, one door east of Montanyes. • Towanda, t)ec. 1,1159. CflESTfift WELLS. McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Btloir J. Kit "shnys store, Main st. ? r |" , IIE subscriber world respectfully tender his sincero I thanks to the pul !i • for the very liberal patronage extended to bin. and soli,-its a continuance of the same. He l egs leave tin- ire that he intends to keep or. hand as heretofore, a choice select 'r n of MEATS ot all kinds, the be-t the country affords, \\ hich lie intend* to sell for very small profits,, ither by the side, quarter or pound. . iur A quantity of first q i.ilit of SALT PORK, pat up ' by myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. .Meats will be pr mgtly delivered, at any place within • the corporation. , I Towanda, August 12.1*59. J McCARE. I TO I'LIISONS OUT OF EMPLOY JL MF.NT. Agents Wanted in every Co. of the U. 8., to engage.in the sale of some of the best ami most elegant ly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant t tliey are published , in the best style and bound in the most substantial man ner, and are worthy a place iu the l.ibrary of every j Household in the Land. To men of enterprise and industrious habits, this busi ness otters an opportunity for profitable employment sel dom to be met .a Ifh. Persons desiring to act as agents will receive prompt ly by mail full particulars, tonus. Ac., byaddressing LEAKY. GET/. A- CO., Publishers. No. 2_'4 N'.rtti Second street. Philadelphia WILSON, S2IRHE3 6c CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 15 Warren street, (three doors below Washington rt.,) N EW YORK. WILLIAM 11. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Fn! Dr. Dayton A Co., and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill. D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford eonnty. A. (". KEENEY, of Wyoming county. Pa. SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. Ifimyfim MUSIC. HRUICK respectfully informs the prop'e • of Towanda and \ i> inity, that he is prepared for giving LESSONS ON THE l'l A.NO. Also that he Tunes aud Repairs Pianos npon reasonable terms, and insures perfect satisfactioa Rooms in Bender's Bindery, south end of Ward House. Dec. t.th, IMIO. 3in. ; ~~ A CARD. TMIE present depressed stnte of the Money I. Market having had the effect to place many kinds of Goods within the reach ot C'nsb buyers, at much lower prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that lie has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never been equall ed in this market. Dec.. 10,18(10. JOSEPH POWELL. CTRATTON'S " YKAST CAKES" is the O best and cheapest article of the kind ever offered i for sale ; a-k any of the hundred families that have • used it in this town, if they can recommend it. On* cents worth is sufficient Cr a baking for a middle sizcY family. A large quantity just rcceivad at 1 Sept 12, 1&50, FOX'S.