Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 07, 1861, Image 1
ONE DOLLAR D ER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Thursday Morning, March 7, 1861. jwlttltk JJoctrn. REGRET. BT F. WLLLLNGTLMT WXLCIT. u lh# J*y when and I were parted, uure to dwell in friendship here below ; 1 uw the tears when to your eyes they started, Bui haughty pride refused to let them flow. I ~ your bosom heare strange emotion ; 1 saw your cheek grow red. then ashy pale ; W* parted thus, and now o'er life's rough ocean Our once twin barques no more together sail. I do not murmur at this dispensation. But meekly bow in humble resignation. I know that we shall meet on earth no more, A, we have met in days that now are past; Those'days, so full of joy ami bliss, are o'er— Too bright, too beautiful were they to last. Ob. 1 had"hoped that life's short journey through. Your hand might guide me safeiv to the end ; And that amid its griefs and sorrows you Wouid be my battlement of pride, ray friend, 1 shall not wish that we iuav meet aga.u, •or well 1 know such wishing will be vain. U T soul is eick with longing, hope and dread— Longing for happiness that cannot be ; Oh 1 1 could bear to know that you were dead. But cannot bear to thick you lost to me ; far 1 had hoped that in the years to come, W might together sad life's changeful sea ; Those years will o be sad and weansuiae. The# hive no no joy in store for me. y r vary soul cr:es out in bitter pain. Ken for that love which ne'er will come again. Oar# vou were milder than the Summer wind. More f r and p ire than e'en the lillies be ; Lose as yo:a star, that with the twilight twined, Look* d >wn in loveliness from lleateu on me. Ton bore of ali my woes and cares a part ; You aud your lore were all the world to mo ; 1 wore your msge in my inmost heart, My monolith of faith and hope to b. Tis over now -'twas all a d rain—'tis paid, i a;c awake to iter a reality at List. MT " yUisctlhr.tous. Scottish Hoinor. "Nothing invidious is meant by the term, but relates to a general quality of mind that many writers hare contended does uot exist among Scotchmen. A lata writer refutes this and savs that the quality of Scotch humor consists in the fact that no ones tries to be humorous— that it is the Scottishnes* which gives the zest t t e same ideas dift'rently expounded might h*ve no point at all. There is, for example, K3ilhi:ig highly original iu the notions of Ite.cst ai mechanics entertained by an bocest Stott sti Fife In** regarding the theory of Having occasion to go out after dark s-d having observed the brilliant comet then , " 1 SfS x she ran in with breathless haste fa the honse, calling on her fo!!"W servants to Come out and see a new star that hasna got n i cnttit off yet !" Exquisite astronotn cal 'Ofcjiaiion ! Stars, like puppies, are with and in due time have thorn docked s? example of a story where there is no dis plav of anv one's wit or humor, and yet it is a cooi utorv. and one can't exactly say why : An English traveller had gone on a fine high land road so long, without having seen any cation ol fellow travellers, that he became astonished at the solitude of the country ; and no doubt before the Highlands were so much frequented as they are in our time, the roads bal a very striking aspect of solitariness. — Our traveler at last coming up to an old mar. hvsk rig stones, he asked him if there was any fsf* on this road —was it at all frequented ? ' Aye," he aid, " it's no ill that ; there was a boy yestreen, and there's yourself the cij ' No English version of the story could I mt half such amusement or half so quaint a I tii-scter. An answer, even still more charae- I krst 7, is recorded to have been given by a Ift trvman to a traveler. Being doubtful of I "ay be inquired if he were on the right I'i to Dunkfeld. With some of his natioua! ; '..vencss about strangers, the countryman *'t i h s inquirer where he came from. Offend ' v. 'he liberty, as he considered it, sharply "' fed the man that where he came from * r thing to him ;but all the answer he got | **■ the qaiet rejoinder, "Indeed, it's just as •f'.orce whar ye'r gaen." A friend has in® of an answer highly characteristic of ' -try a.i iuneoueerned quality,which he heard r r> ' to a fellow traveller. A gentleman sit • - pposite to him in the stage-coach at •'*. complained bitterly that the cushion • * he s: was quite wet. On looking ''o the roof he saw a hole through which descended copiously, and at once ac ; seated for the mischief. He calied for the 'a- ioiia, and in great wrath reproached him the evil under which he suffered, and ■oi to the hole which was the cause of it. A r.e ntVivtion, however, that he got was ■ UAMOTED reply. '" AT, money a ane has 1 ""1 o'that hole." Another anecdote 'at! from a gentleman who vouched for I "nth, which isjust a case where the narra- I - r .V' a * ' ,s not rom *be wit displayed. -• : "a : it mat'er-of fact view of thing* ~ lr to wee of our countrymen. The ' I ' tny informant wa waking in a street - 10 his horror, he saw a work t rem a roof where he was mending *. ' r r P on pavement. By extraor- - J good fortune he was not killed, aod, on ' ' rra an going up to his assistance and *- -*.ag *i;u much excitement, " God bless i !v' ' rs ' the answer he got " • rejoinder." "On the contrary,sir " , ". 4 ®atter-of-fact answer was made by p. ' "'4 race of Montrose humorists.— of. ° nt o{ c hnreh aod in the press ; T ™g. a yoang man thoughtless ® gentleman's toe, which was n, He hastened toapologiae. ~*oi> forr J J ir; I beg your pardon.'' rWwW|tiit of which was the dry . Aid y ve asmuckle need, sir.' THE BRADFORD REPORTER. Popular Errors Corrected. I)o not use avoeatiou for vocation; the latter signifies occupation, employment, business ; the former signifies whatever withdraws or diverts us from that business. It was impossible to suspect the veracity of this story ; it should be, truth of story ; vera city is applicable to persons only. I had rather walk ; it should be, I would rather walk ; and denotes past possession, not desire. I doubt not bat I shall be able ; it should be, I doubt not I shall be able. He was too young to have felt his loss; it should be, to feel his loss. I seldom or ever see him now ; it should be I seldom or never, or seldom if ever. Do uot say, rather childish, rather satish, as the termination isk aud the word rather have the same meauiug; such expressions, though very common, are tautological. I expected to have found him ; it should be, I expected to find him. I intended to have visited him ; it should be, I intended to visit bim. I hoped you would have come ; it should be, I hoped you would come. I rode in a one-horse shay ; it ought to be, one-horse chaise ; there is no such word as ahay. He can write better than me ; say than I. When two things are compared, we must say, the elder of the two, not the eldest ; the richer of the two, not the richest ; my brother is taller that I, not the tallest. Though who is applied to persons, and which to inanimate things, yet to distinguish oue of two or more persons, which must be used : Which is the happy mau ? uot who ; which if these ladies ? The observation of the Sabbath is a duty ; it should be, the observance of the Sabbath ; observation means remarking or noticing ; ob servance, keeping or obeying. A child cf four years old ; it should be, a child four years old, or aged four years. The negligence of this leaves us exposed ; it ought to be, the neglect of this, etc. ; negli gence implies habit ; neglect expresses an act. No maa bad ever less friends ; it should be, fewer ; less refers to quantity. Be that as it will; it should be. as it may. The above discourse : it should be, the pre ceding discourse. The then ministry ; it should be, the minis try of that time. Afi over the country ; it should be, over ail the country. Provisions were plenty ; say plentiful. I propose to visit them ;it should be,l pur pose to visit them. The Sage Plains of the West. The reading public are familiar with the descriptions of the immense sage plains which are found on both sides of the Fvocky Moun taius, and which are frequently set down as irreclaimable deserts. A gentleman who has spent twelve years of his Lfe in these regions, and who adds to the opportunity of observation, the capacity to observe to advantage, expresses to us the opin ion, that these sace plains, generally coudemn ed as worthless,will prove to be the great wheat fields of the continent. His theory is, that a soil which will bear the sage, wiil bear other forms of vegetables, and he cites the experi ence of the Mormous, in their occupation of the San Bernardino mission in California, which they have made so famous by its agri cultural productions. He says that the Mor mons at that mission first sowed upon the bot tom or grass land*. The growth was too rank. They got plenty of straw, but no wheat. It was then, that as an experiment, but one in which they had no confidence, they commenced the cultivation of their sage lands, and with the most surprii-ing success. And it is these sage lands, and not the bottom lands, whose productions have given such an agricul tural celebrity to this mission. The sage has a staik of the average thick ness of a man's arm, and grows to an average height of eighteen inches, or two feet. A sage field has such au as[ect as an apple orch ard would have, with the trees reduced to the size of the sace. There is probably no such thing as a real desert existing between the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains, and, perhaps, no region where the difficulty of occupation is any great er than it was in what was called the grand prairie of Illinois, thonght twenty years ago to be incapable of settlement. Mr ater may be raised from wells, where there are no run ning streams, and the want of timber may be supplied, temporarily by railroads, and per manently by growing wood. A REAL RELISHER OF A JOKE. A man late ly received twenty lashes, well laid on. at the whipping-post, in an English town. The cul prit, instead of bellowing when the constable applied the lash, langhed immoderately, which made the angry officer lay on with harder force. On giving him the twentieth blow the angry officer conld stand it no longer. "Well, here. njister, r said he, " Ive done my duty, and can lick yon no more, but I'd like to know what it is that's so funny ?" "Funny 1" roared the other ; " why it's excellent—glori ous I—You're cot Sht rr rong Smith I ain't the man that was to be whipped ! It's the other one ! And now you'll havo to go it ail over again ! Really, itis too good ' You must lick the other man ! 11a, ha, ha !" A CREEVHORV standing by a sewing machine at which a voung lady was at work, looking alternately at the machine and at its fair op erator, at length gave vent to his admiration with. " By golly ! it's pnrty, specially the part covered with caiiker !" A CAVE, two thousand feet deep, has recent ly been explored near San Domingo, on the Trhuantepec roate. It has at sometime been inhabited, as several brokeu jars have been discovertd there. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY R. W. STURROCK. Sunset on the Prairies. A correspondent of the London Tints in describing the Prince's visit to the Western prairies writes as follows : " The Prince was certainly most fortunate in his visit, for the time of year, he had almost universal sport ; he saw a prairie thunder storm, a prairie fire of immense extent, and above all, a prairie sanset. The latter took place in all its supernatural glory—a glory which can never be described or understood, by those who have not seen it—while the party were shooting quail the night before their de parture. As the son neared the rich green horizon, it turned the whole ocean of meadow into a sheet of gold which seemed to blend with the great firmament of reds and pinks— pale, rosy orange hues, and solemn, angry looking crimson clouds above, till notouly the sky but all the land around was swathed in piles of color, as if the sinking sun 6hone through the earth like mist and turned it to a rainbow. The immensity of stillness which lay iu the prairie then—a stillness as profound and vast as the green solitude itself, while not a breath stirred over the whole horizon as the great transmutation went slowly on, and the colors over the land turned from rosy to pink, to orange, to red and crimson—darkening and darkening always as the tints ebbed out like a celestial tide, leaving the fragments of scarlet clouds over the heavens—the etnbers of a fire which had lit the prairie iu a llame of glory. There was such a quiet, unspeakable richness in this grand farewell of the day—snch a ter rible redness about the sky at last—that one could almost fancy that supernatural phenom enon had occurred, that the sun bad gone for ever, and left a deep and gory wound across the darkening sk v. Nicht was relief compared to this dread lurid fire in the heaven—a fire the clouds seemed to close in upon, and stifle out with difficulty—a fire which, like the pain tings of the suuset before the I>e!uge, left al ways an ominous anger iu the heavens, even when the night was far advanced, and the prairie clothed in a blue mist which rose over it like the water." JCDCE NOT FROM APPEARANCE 3. A lady friend.contributes to the American Agriculturist for boys and girls, the following capital story, showing the danger of judging by appearances; When I was eleven years old my mother removed to the country. Our nearest neighbor was a minister by the name of Wayland, who, in addition to his ministerial duties, owned and cultivated a large farm. Oue night, my atten tion was attracted to a bright light in one of the upper rooms of our neighbor's bouse. In a moment I saw the wife fly past the uncur tained window, closely followed by her hus baud, who was armed with a huge fire shovel; round the room she went, still pursued, and, as I listened breathlessly, I thought, nay, I was sure, I heard a scream. I hastened to my mother, and told her what I had seen, and we both looked out, but the light was gone, and all was quiet. Notwithstanding my mother's judicious warning to say nothing about it to any one, before school was out the next day, I had confided it to a bosom friend, and in a weak half the village koew it,and a great talk it made I assure you. Finally it reached the ears of the deacon-, who proceeded to investi gate its truth. My mother looked grave and troubled when they called ; but, conscious of having told only the truth, I met them fear lessly, and related what I had seen. They left, taking a bee line for the minister's to call him to account. With many apologies they made their errand known when, to ther surprise, the minister burst into a hearty laugh. " Wait a moment," said he, " till I call Pol ly. You see, that night I found a big rat in my meal chest, aud came down for the shovel, and bade her hold the light while I killed him. Finding no other place to hide, the rascal took refuge iu the folds of her dress, and she ran, screaming, till I managed to dislodge aud kill him." I have ever since been careful no to repeat an unfavorable report about my neighbors, at least until I knew the whole truth. A WARM BATH WAGER.—THE QCESTION or ENDURANCE TESTED. — Smith was a man who never permitted himself to be outdone—he could do whatever anybody else couid. Smith met Brown in a bath room, and Brown know ing the other's peculiar conceit, sa;d that he Brown cou'.d endure a hotter bath than any liviog man. Thereat Smith fired up, and a bet was made. The bathiug tubs were pre pared with six inches of cold water in each.— The fellows stripped, and separated by a cloth partition, each got in and let on the water at word—the wager being who should stayiu the longest with the hot water running. Smith drew up his feet as far as possible from the boiling stream, while Brown pulled oat the plug at the bottom of his tub. After about half a minute quoth Smith ?' " How is it. Brown—pretty warm ?'' " Yes says the other, " it's getting almighty hot, bat I guess I can hold out a minnte yet." "So can I," answered Smith.—" Scic-s-s ! squash !—lightning it > awfui ! Fifteen seconds, equal to half an hour by Smith's imaginary watch. " I sar, over there —bow is it now ?" "O, it's nearly up to the bilin' pint—Oh, Christopher answered the diabolical vi.,a;n, who was Iving in the empty tub, whhothe hot water passed oat of the escape pipe. By this time Smith was splurging about like a boiled lobster, and called again : " I sav, over there —how is it now T" " Hot as the devil ! repiied Brown ; but— when ! sciss s s guess I can hold out another miuute I"' "The hell's fire you can 1 shrieked the now boiling Smith, who ro.ied oat and bolted thro the partition, expecting to find Brown halt cooked. " Yon infernal rascal ! why didn't you pat the plag in ?" " Why, I didn't agree to," said the imper turable joker ; " why'n thunder didn't you leave jour's out ?' " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." MONSTER BELLS. —Russia is pre-eminently the country of great bells, where they may be heard in full vigor, "swinging slow with sullen roar," for they are too heavy to be swung, but incessantly tolling and booming, and deafen ing all cars but those of Russians, who almost worship their bells. In Moscow alone, before the Revolution, there were 1,700 large bells, which cumber has increased now to 5,000. — The great Bell of Moscow, of which every one has heard was cast in 1653, by order of the Empress Anne. Its weight is variously esti mated at from 860,000 to 440,000 lbs. It is twenty one feet three inches high, and about twenty-two feet in diameter at the mouth.— In 1857 the Czar Nicholas caused it to be taken out of the pit in which it lay, and to be placed upon the granite pedestal as it is now seen. Upon its side is seen the figure of the Empress Anne, in flowing robes. It has been consecrated as a chapel, the Rustiaus regard ing it with tuperstitious veneration, and will not allow a particle to be taken from it as spe cimen of the metal. The eutrance to it is through a large fracture or opening in the side, whence a piece has been broken out. — There is now suspended in Moscow, upon the tower of St. Ivau, a bell weighing 144,000 lbs., cast in 1817 ; the diameter of which at the mouth is thirteen feet. The bells of China rank next in size to those of Russia, there being several in Pekin, cast in houor of the transference of the seat of gov ernment from Nankin to that city, which are said to each weigh 120,000 lbs. Auother, at Nai.kin, of nearly cylindrical shape, is estimat ed to weigh 55.000. Of European bells, the famous one at Er furt, in Germany, cast in 1497, and weighing about 30,000 lbs., was long celebrated not only as the largest, but also as the best in Europe. One placed in the Cathedral of Paris in IS6I weighs 38.000 lbs. Another in Vienna, 1 cast in 1711, weighs 40,000 lbs., and in Olmutz is another of about the same weight. The eel ebrated Great Tom, of Oxford, Kugland, weighs 17,000 lbs., and was cast in 1860. The great bell recently #u*t for the Parlia ment House in London weighs 30,000 lbs. ; that in York Minister, called Great Peter, of York, weighs 27,000 lbs : and that upon the Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal, (the lar gest upon this continent,) weighs 29.400 lbs., aud was imported from England in 1543. " RALPH EASL," the correspondent of the New York Express, tells the following capital story. Oue of my Parisian confreres tells a capital story to the discomfiture of a celebrated phy siciau, who is not, as he carefully declares, the famous Dr. Trousseau, though the initial of his name is among the last letters of the alphabet. 1 will add mv own assurance that the member of the faculty in question is not Professor Valean, whose initial letter might be compromised, if this precautionary state ment were omitted. If you should really be curious to learn who is alluded to, I recom mend you to apply to one of our Parisian med ical brethren. " The celebrated physician, whoever he may be, had attended the only child of rich parents and had, with the aid of Providence, saved the infant's life. A day or two after the darling was pronounced oat of danger, the grateful mother visited the man of science at his office. " Doctor," said she, " there are certain ser vices which mere money cannot remunerate.— Scarcely knowing how to discharge my debt to yon, I have thought that you might be willing to accept this pocket-book, which I myself have embroidered, as a trilling tuken ot my gratitude." " Madame," retorted the disciple of JEsca lapius, somewhat rudely, " thepratiee of medi cine is not a matter of sentiment. 'Time is money. Pretty presents may serve to perpet uate friendship, but they do not contribute to the cost of house-keeping. "Well, then, Doctor," replied the lady, much wounded by his tone and manner, " be good enough to name the sum at which you value your professional services." "Certainly, Madame. My charge, in your instance, is 2,000f." Without further remark, the lady opened the rejected pocket-book, which she still held iu her hand, took two of the fire l,ooof. notes stowed inside, placed them on the great man's table, and quickly bid him good morning. The doctor has not yet entirely recovered his dis turbed equanimity. GOOD. —There are many kinds of "good." To trading people, any mart who cau pay his debts is " good." A moral person is un doubtedly " good bat then, a very immoral one is often esteemed a " good fellow." With commercial people goodness consists in mon ey : with the " fancy.' in muscle. In short, everywhere, and with ali sorts of folks, " crood " expresses simply what is much liked or desired. A traveler on the cost of Africa, writes that a native said to him, eyeiog his abundent apparel—of which the negro had next to none—" Yon very good man—yoa got plenty shirt !"' Ax exchange states that the breaking of ground for the commencement of the Lynch burg and Tennessee Railroad, at Lynch burg, a clergyman slowly and solemnly read a manuscript prayer—at the conclusion of which an old negro man, who had been resting with one foot on bis spade and his arms on the handle looking intently in the chaplain's face, straightened himself up, and remarked very andibiy. Well, I reckoned dat's de fust time de Lord's eber bin writ to oa de subjic ob railroads'.'' As the polite omnibus agent of the Lex ington and Louisville Railroad was going through the ladies' car, checking bageage, he asked a very pretty young lady if she had any baggage she wished taken to the hotel ? She replied, " No, sir." The agent then asked i her if she desired a 'bos ? No, sir, I am not jin a bnssing humor this evening " The agent • dropped his memorandum book, hastily retired 1 to the baggage C3r, and said he felt unwell. READINO BY SOUND. —Wo chauced to be conversing with the manager of a telegraph office in his connting-room, says a writer, when an individual entered, and proceeded to the counter where the business was transacted, which was at the father side of the room,some little distance from where we were standing, and commenced preparing a dispatch for the clerk, who stood ready to receive it. The manager, with whom we were conversing, made several apparently careless taps upoa a shelf behind him with a pencil, which he held iu his hand ; the clerk at the other end of the room was also, apparently to ns, drumming listlessly with bis penholder as he waited on his customer. All this time, while four of us were holding colloquial intercourse, the appar ently careless taps of the two telegraphers were intelligible communications exchanged between them. The following was the dialougue which oc curred ; MANAGER. —" Give your attention for a dis patch," (the usual taps for a "call" of an op erator from one station to auother implying the above). CLERK. —"AII right; go ahead." M.—" Don't send that man's message un less he prepays in cash." C. —" All right ; won't credit him a dime " M.—" After he pays this one, collect sixty eight cents for a message sent by him yester day, which he was trusted for." By this time the clerk had a bank note which the dilatory customer had produced, up on learning that it was necessary to be pre paid, and from which lie blandly made change, deducting the 68 cents. The communicated sound had, in this in stance, proved of some little service, and was utterly unnoticed save by the parties interest ed. CHURCHING AN OLD MAID. —An nnmarricu lady, a perfect specimen of an old maid, being on a visit to a friend who lived in a large manufacturing town, went on Sunday to church alone, and was shown into a large square pew, in which half a dozen females were seated. The prayers were drawn to a conclusion when the officiating minister deviated from the af ternoon service into another with which she was unacquainted. This was a novelty to Miss P—; who was in the habit of attending pub lic worship at a fashionable chapel in London. When this interpolated service began, her co pewers stood np ; she as a matter of course, followed their example and on doing so, was surprised to see ail the congregation ex cept thmseives either sitting or kneeling.— Iler companion presently knelt down' She again followed their lead, and by prayer she discovered tht it was a thanksgiving for safe deliverance from the great pain and peril of childbirth. The usual afternoon service being finished she rose from her seat with crimsoned cheeks in an agitated state of mind, which w as not lessened by the clerk coming into the pew, and asking her, 'have yon a child to be christened, ma'am V She pushed out of the pew, and made the best cf her way cut of the church. OD entering her friends drawing room, she looked so excited and alarmed that Mr*. M. exclamed : ' my dear what hes hap ened to you ? Have you been robbed or as saulted V ' Worse, worse, much wor?e,' hys terically sobbed the old maid, ' I've been churcJicd. NEWSPAPERS IN TURKEY. —An interesting letter from Constantinople has the following interesting items : There are new published in Constantinople more than twenty newspapers ; one in Eng lish—a well conducted weekly, with a daily bulletin, having a large circulation ; three in French—one daily, owned bv the government; one semi weekly, with a bulletin—an ably con ducted paper, which is very apt to expose all the weak points of the government ; one month ly medical paper ; three in Turkish—one offi cial, one semi official, and one altogether inde pendent ; oue in Gre f k. having a large circu lation representing Greek influences ; ten in Armenian, owned bv the American mission, and edited by Rev. Dr. Dwight, which is par tiallv religions and partly secular; one or two of the others are able papers.bnt most of them are of rather low order, and devote themselves especially to slandering the American mission aries. There are also two Bulgarian papers, which have a good circulation and much influ ence, especiallv at this exciting crisis of the Bulgarian church. There was also a small German paper, but it has died out, although among a German population of about 7,- 000. Asa whole, there is a steady improvement notieabiein the character of these papers, and, within a month or two.a new liberty has been given to the Turkish papers, which they im prove by publishing free criticisms on the inter nal affairs of the empire. BLACK DAYS. —Have yon ever known days that were black ? Have yon ever known days in which everything went wrong as thooirh seme invisible hand turned your whoie life tO}>sy-turvey ? Did every sharp instrument yoa handled pierce or cut ycu of iu own accord ? Did some u('.discoverable individual throw vonr neat'v arranged work into confusion,and abstract the book in which yoa were aeepiy interested ? Did the current of your thoughts, which usually flowed w th pleasant freedom, suddenly become stagnant ? Did the persons yon least wish to see force themselves into yocr presence, and those yon loved best re main absent ? Did yon labor with more than wonted zeal, yet accomplish nothing? Such unbalanced days when life seems ail a game of cross purposes, will come to meet us :and how is this unhoiy spell to be broken ? Very often the presence of s-me beinggifted withastrong genial temperament, and sympath etic nature, will chase all the shadows, restore serenity to the ruffled temper, and evoke order out of oofusioo even as the voice, the look of one single ai gel can put to 2 ght a legion of ewil spirits. VOL. XXL NO. 40 How TO FINISH ROOMS. —Bayard Taylor's opiuion on this subject is thus expressed in the Independent: " For the finishing of rooms there is nothing eqnal to the native wood, simplv oiled to de velop the beauty of the grain. Even the com monest pine, treated in this way, has a warmth and lustre, beside which the dreary white paint so common even in the best of houses, looks dull and dead. Nothing gives a house so cold, uncomfortable an air as white paint andplaeter. This color is fit only for the tropics. Our cheap, common woods—pine, ash, chesnut, oak maple, beech, walnut, butternat—offer us a variety of exquisite t'nts and fibrous patterns, which until recently have been wholly disre garded in building. Even in furniture we are just beginning to discover how much more chaste and elegant are oak and walnut than mahogany. The beauty of the room is as de pendent upon the harmony of its coloring as that of a picture. Some of the ugliest aud most disagreeable apartments I have erer seeo were jtst those which contained the most ex pensive furniture and decorations. My ex perience shows that a room finished with tha best seasoned oak or walnut, costs actually less than one finished with pine, painted and grain ed in imitation of those woods. Two verandaa of yellow pine, treated to two coats of boiled oil, have a richness and beauty of color be yond the reach of pigment: and my only regret connected with the house is, that I was pnr suaded by the representations of mechanics, to use any paint at all. AN INOENIOTS REBCIE.—A general officer, who was in early life addicted to profane oaths, dated bis reformation from a remarkable check he received from a Scotch clergyman. When be was lieuteuaut.and settled in New castle, he got invo ved in a brawl with some of the lowest class in the pnblic streets ; the altercat on was carried on by both partici with an abundance of impious language. " Oh, John ! John ! what is this I heard ? You only a poor collier-boy, and swearing like an laird ! 00, John ! have you no fear of what will become of you ? It may do very well for the gallant gentleman ''pointing to the lieu tenant) to bang and swear as he pleases, FTot for you—you, John, it is not for you to take in vain the name of liim in whom yoa live and have your being.'' Then, turning to the young lieutanent, ha said— " You'll excuse the poor roan, sir, for he's an ignorant body, and kens nae better." The yonng officer shrank away in confusion unable to make any reply. Next day he waited on the minister, and thanked him very sincerely for his well timed reproof, and was ever after an example of purity in language. LACGHABT.E XOTTCE —We are indebted to the Warren town, (N C.) News for the follow ing advertisement, which was posted np in the tavern in Newborn, while the Legidature was iD sessieti at that place Mice host, it seem?, was an honest, well moaning fellow, who had conceived tne idea that the members were tha very salt of the earth, and bad listened to tha complaints of certain of them, relative to the doings c>f a few wilder characters who did nol belong to their fraternity, Here is the notice which he posted in the most compicuons pla ces in the hou®e : " Look Here—The follow ing rules of order will be hereafter observed in this hotel : Members of the Assembly will go to the table first, and the gentlemen after wards." After reading it over, he did not exactly like it. It didn't say anything about rowdies and ! ; so to cautioo them particularly, he aJltd : " N'ota Bena.—Row dies and blackguards will please not mix with the members as it is hard to tell one from tha other."' SWAI-LOWEO A Ilot.n—The other day, oar Charley, live years old, found one of tboa cunous bone-rimmed circles, which, I believe, ladies have named eyelets, and while playing in the earden, swallowed it. The family were in the house, engaged with a wo.k on entomology, when Charley ran in with month wide open, and eyes distended to their utmost capacity His mother caught him by the arm and, trembling with that deep anxiety which only a mother can fee!, inquired : ■What's the matter ? What has happened T' The urchin, all agape, managed to articu late : " Water!" It was brought ; when, after drinking copi ously, he exclaimed : " Oh, mother, I swallowed a hole ! n "Swallowed a bole, Charley?"' " Yes, mother; I swllowtd a hole with a piece of ivory round it. n T:IE WHOI.E Tmvo IN- A NCTSHKLL. —The present aspect of the question between the North and the South i thus priefiv stated by the Albany Ecrvinz Jo&mai: " Those who have cherished the idea that Pe3ce will best be promoted by yielding to the Traitors, are getting rapidly udeeeived. The Secessionists ar? determined to coerce tha ! T"nited States Government to submit to them. They intend to siexe the Capitol and all the archives and pub;ic buildings, and to rule tha Nortern States as conquered provinces. We mav as well look the matter square in the face. Every time the U. S. Government takes oo step backward, the Traitors will take two steps forward. Their pretext of " Peaceable Secession"' is no looser persisted in. They are not content to go out of the Union peace ably and stay there. Toey tnean to rain and rob us, as they go, and to be oar LHctatora after they have gone. n WHAT a glorious world this would be, if all its inhabitant* couid say, with Soak speart's Shepherd: "Sir, lam a true labor er; I earn that I wear ; owe no maa hate ; envv no roan's happine®? : g'sd of other meaw i good ; content with my farm."