Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 28, 1861, Image 1
TIE BRADFORD REPORTER. O*HOLLAR °ER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. T O 13 A.: Tltirsday Morning, February 28, 1861. THE SCOTT LEGION. 8V C. F. HOFFMAN. tVe wtre not many—we who stood Before the iron -kvt that Jay, Yet many a gallant spirit would Lire half his years if be but could Hare been with us at Monterey. Kow here, now there the shot is hailed In deadly drifts of fiery spray, Yet nol a *inde soWier quailed When w >unded comrades round them wailed yLieir dv,nc shouts at d'-nterer. And on. still on. onr column kept. Throueh walls of flame its withering way ; Where fell the dead, the living slept, St.:. charging on the guns that swept The slippery streets of Moutcrey. The foe himself recoiled aghast. When striking where he strongest lay. We swooped its flanking batteries past, And braving full their murderous blast, Stormed home the towers o! Monterey. Our banner* on the turrets wave. An 1 there the evening bugles play. Where orange boughs above their graves Keep green the memory of the rave Who fought and fell at Monterey. We are not many—we who press d Beside the l>rae > A., that day ; Hut who of us has not confessed He d rather share their warrior rest. IB- n not have been at Monterey, LINES ]!*- :s a little fiowret from the Louisville Amr*.', 1 -.• • rfuitie :* the soul of sweetness : tiic friends I low be near me When 1 die ? Will they shrink to touch the pallor Of the lips that turn to meet them. Trembling with the Last " Good hyel" My my father's arms cnfUJ me When 1 diei Tiiey w.i'. shield my heart fr-im terror When 1 g-> to not I the s uu *i That tinea:h the Cowers i.e. And my mother, sweet*.-t mother. When 1 die ! 1 wji.LJ hare thy \ ice to seoh.e 1 ii it iitiuglej * th the music Of the angels ia the sky. Brothers sisters, kiss rae often When 1 die. And my bpr will mail# in closing At if closed in dreams so golden That 1 would n t ie to sigh. B Ah. the w rid will <-n f rgct me. When I die, lAnJ its p wer mil b'.-.<om so brightly And it* b.rJs " . ' - ng so sweet'.y Though 1 loved them and I dx*. Slll cll k tf :t Ic. Widow Simpson's Spoons. T * ; irish of Bathgate, in Linlithgowshire, •" „• ; to be reckoned Rmong the classic spots i s '.land, inasmuch *•= it formed part of the i ry which Robert the Bruce bestowed on <; -st daughter Margery, when she rcarri t: Walter, the High Steward o r SeeUaad f aod : • b ante the progenitrix of the royal and '..ST onse of Suart. Lying mid wav be :*az Edir.bnrg and Glasgow, those rival reeas c ? east and west, but out of the corn - track of traffic and travel, it has been for ; pastoral parish, of small and rather rt.swsrd farms. Of late years coal has been [' t ".nrre ; and steam and trade, winch bid I'v te rave the world no rustic corner, are It - t it into a mining district: which k >:r thought of about the time of the gen .:• when Bathgate lived on its own -• v barky, wore its own hoddeu gray, at two suhjectsof interest—the corn a ; the kirk-session Among its peaee- Pfi , iistrious ppnlatlon there was one *J \ though neither the wealthiest nor f'* '--i orn. stood, in her own esteem, above P- t:' tie la.rd and the minister: andherstyle P- '*•'. ? was Widow Simpson This lady -id herself—not on the farm left her rood 1~-- ** ha i departed this life some seven F > *e * commencement of oar storv. P " Us res *ere few, and thej consisted of p : "" a 'red mooriaod not oo her erowu-np o . though he was counted a likely f - ad—not on her owa thrifty house r ■ tuvugh .t was kaowa to be oo the r* t -crew j r pie—but ou the possession of f ' ' sh- - teasp-vns. Her account of I i'- .hey had belonged to the Yonng f i had bee a bestowed upon her return for entertaining that t 4 B uish crown on his march from '"—in proof vf wn chshe wasaecustotn a* t out a half obliterated crest and the K 1 ' 1 S -th w h they were irkri g i or< however, had a differ p. .A.* regard g ;he r coming into the fami ■ " Wis l 'Y tne effect that her grandfalher. k. 1 small ,nn somewhere in Fife, had i • _ ■ 'ia of an i.l-doiQf .aird for three gal- snd whiskey, and had bestowed ! ' 4 ' -* r *' d-daccbter, as the one of his st kely to iioid fast to such an im p" 95 ac^ c: ' : ' oa - A-auy re< .led, ia the capacity of pj • Vi- cy i. aapbei'.a girl of about uinc h--r •* T suspected of having taken a n w ho reciprocated tbe senti- P r whmg, however, would soften tbe i. ■' " ' Irw tne match until ts.-y"• fcihwiag event occurred and h" ; . ./" ? v - ay :—A t- .lie :.ay mak -1 ' ''-Ar,*. tL>d comparatively nc'h rela- ' i-. 10 cad and take tea that I -TaT, **y from LiaiithC'*. It was I ■ .'2 reiat v hooared 4 T • : Mrs 6 - j t-e wait.r-g iok^ entertainment, brooght out the treasured spoons early in the ferenoou,with many injunc tions to Nancy touching Jthe care she should take in brightening thern up. While this opera tion was being performed in the kitchen, in the midst of one of those uncertain days which vary the northern June, a sudden darkening of the sky announced the approach of a heavy rain. The hay was dry and ready for housing. Robin and two farm men waere busy gather ing it in : but the great drops began to fall while a considerable portion yet remained in the field, and with the instinct of crop preser vation, forth rushed the widow, followed by Nancy, leaving the spoons half-scoured on the kitchen table. In her rapid exit the girl had forgotten to latch the door. The weasel and the kite were the only depredators known about the moorland farm; but while they were all occrpied in the hayfield, who shoold coaie that wav but Geordv Wilson. Well, the kitchen door was open.and Geordy stepped in. He banged the settle with his staff, he cooghed, he hemmed, he saluted the cat, which sat purring oil the window-seat.and at length discovered there was no oue within. Neither meal nor penny was to be expected that day, the rain was growing heavier, some of the hay must be wet, A Mrs. Simpson would retnrn in bad humor But two objects power fully arrested Geordy's attention ; one was the broth-pot boiling on the fire, and the other the silver spoons scattered on the table. Bending over the former, Geordy took a considerable sniff, gave the ingredients a stir with the pot hook. and muttered, " very thin." His pro ! coedtugs with regard to the latter must remain unmentioned; but half au hour afterwards, when he was safely ensconced in a farm house a mile of. the family were driven within doors I by the increasing storm: they found everything as it had been left—the broth ou the fire, the j cat on the window-seat, whiting and flannel ou the table ; but not a spoon was there. I "\\ liar's the spooos ? cried Mrs. Simpson j to the eutire family, who stood by the fire drying their wet garments. Nobody could tell. Nancy had left tbeni on the tabic when 1 she ran to the hay. No one had !>een iu the house, they were certaiu, for nothing was dis turbed. The drawer was pulled out, and the stocking exhibited. Every shelf, every cor ner was searched, Lut to no purpose; the spoons had disappeared, and tbe state of the farm-house may be imncined. The widow ran through it like one distracted, questioning, scolding and searching. Hobin, Nancy and the farm-men were despatched in different di re>'; <uis, ns soon as the rain a' a'ed, to adver tise the neighbors, under the supposition that some strolling beggar or gipsy might have car ried off the treasure, and would attempt to dis pose of it in tlie parish. Nobody thought cf Geordy Wilson: he had uot be-n spied from the hayfield; his circuits were wide ; his vi-its to the honse were not frequent: and if heesch ewe.i Widow Simjison's from the day ot her loss, it was because Geordy know that neith r her tenver nor her liberality would be improved by that circumstance. 1. st the spoons were, beyond a doubt, and the widow bade fair to fcvte her set s s. The rich relation came at the appointed rime, and had such a tea that he voe i never again to trnst himself in the boose of hri cuter tainec. But ther sparch went on : rabbit holes were locked into for tie missing siiv. r and active boys were Bribed to turn out mag pie*'nests. Wells and barns in tbe ncigi.bor boo-d were explored. The criers of th- ueare>t par *hcs were employed to proclaim the loss; it was reguiariy advtrtised at kirkgate and tbe market : aces ; a:.d Mrs S ir.pson began to ta k of gettiug a search-warrant for the big gar's nual pouch Bathgate was alarmed through all its borders concerning the spoons ; but when almost a mouth wore away,ai.d noth ing couid be heard coucerning the spoons, the widow's suspicion turned from beggars, barns, and magpies, to light ou poor Nancy. She had been scouring the spoons, and left the bouse last : silver coul l not leave the table without Fan is. It was true that Nancy had a!way borne an unquestioned character but such spoons were not to be met with eTtry day and Mrs. Simpson was determined to have them back ia her stockii g. After sundry bints to Robin, who could not help thinking that Ins mother was losing her judgment, she, one day, plumped the charge, to the utter as tooishinent of tbe poor g;rl, whose anxiety in tbe search hap been inferior only to her own Toough poor and an orphan. Nancy had some ( honest pride ;sbe immed.atciy turned oat the whole contents of her kist, box.) unstrung her jxxket in Mrs.'s presence.and then ran tears in her ejes to tell the minister As was common theu ia the county parishes of Scotland, d.fficultics and disputes which xtght have employed the writers and puzzled tae magistrates were referred to his arbitration and thus iawsuits and scandal prevented. The n. ulster had heard, ss who in Bathgate had not ?of Mrs. Simpson's loss. Like the rest of the parish he thought it i> very strange: but Nancy t'ampbeii was one of the most ex empla-v g.rls ia his congregation—he could not believe that the charge preferred against her was true: yet the peculiarities of the caae demanded investigation With some difficulty the mini-ter persuaded Nancy to return to her mistress, bearing a message to the effect that he and two of his elders who happened to re side in the neighborhood, would come over in the following evening, hear what could be aaid on both sides, and, if possible, dear op the mystery. Tuc widow was wed pleased wnhlhe m : tster and his eider? coming to inquire after her sponv trite put oo ber best narci— tna: is to sav cap—prepared her best speecnes. and enlisted some of the most serious and reliable of ner neighbors to as-ist ID the investigation. Early in the evening ot the following day— when the summer was wearing low and the field w rk was over—they were ail assembled in the c.*ean scoured kitchen. The ministers, elders, and neighbors, soberly listened to Mrs. < Simpson's testimony touch tug her lost stiver, i Nancy, Robin, and tbe farm men setting by t;;l turn cam? ; when the door winch had been left opn to admit tbe breeze —for the tVtQiDg was saltry— WAS qu elly pushed aside, PITBLISHELt EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY R. W. STURROCK. and in slid Geordy, with his usual accompani ments of staff and wallet. "There's nae room for ye here, Geordy," said she; "we're on weighty business." "Weel, mem," said Geordy, turning to de part, " it's of nae consequence. I ouly came to speak about your spoons." " Hae ye heard o' them ?" cried Mrs. Simp son ; bouncing from her seat. " I couldna miss bein' blessed wi' the preci ous gift o' hearin"; and, what's better, I saw them," said Geordy. " Saw them Geordy ? Wliar are they 7 and here's a whole shilhV for ye;" and Mrs. Simp son's purse, or rather an old glove used for that purpose was instantly produced. " W eel, said Geordy, " I slipped in ae day, and seein'the siller unguarded,l thought some ill-guided body might covet it, and jist laid it by, I may say, among the leaves o' that Bible thinkin' yon would be sure to see the spoons when you went to read." Before Geordy had finished his revelation, Nancy Campbell had brooght down the proud ly displayed but never opened Bible,and inter spersed between its leaves lay the dozen loog sought spoons. lhe mioister of Bathgate could scarcely command his gravity while admonishing Geor dy on the trouble and vexation his trick had cansed. Ihe assembled neighbors laughed outright when the daft nan, pocketing the widow's shilling, which he had clutched in the early part of his discourse, assured them all that he kenned Mrs. Simpson read her bible so often that the spoons would be certain to turn out. Geordy cot many a basin of broth and a luncheon of bread and cheese on account of that transaction, with which he amused all the firesides of the parish, Mrs. Simpson was struck dumb even from scolding. The discov ery put an end to her ostentatious professions, and it may be hoped, turned her atteutioa more to practice. Byway of making amends for her unjust imputations on Nancy Campbell, she consented to receive her as a daughter in law within the year ; and it is said there was peace ever afterwards iu the farm house ; but the good people of Bathgate, when discussing a character of more pretence than performance still refer to Widow Simpson's spoons. Ancient Rains in the United States. Dim and mysterious is the eer'y history of man on this coutinent. It is enveloped iu thick darkness, never, it may be presumed, to be penetrated by human research. And yet the ruins of ancient cities are frequently discovered that tell of a race that has long since pass ed away—probably exterminated by the ancestors of our present Indians, who are also fast departing from the human family—fair'.y dying out, before the ever-advancing influence of the pale-faces But these monumental cities indicate great populations, and prove the exis tence of mighty men of old. A new stimulus is likely to be given to American archaeology, by a discoverv recently made siaie ninetv mile.- northeast of Fort Stan'on, a long account of wHch has appeared in Fort Smith Arkansas) Ti vj. The plain upon which lie the massive relics of g temples and magnificent halls,slopes gradually eastward toward the river Fecos, and is very fertile, crossed by a gargling stream of the purest water, that not only sustains a rich vegetation, but perhaps furnished with this necessary element the thousands who once iu ha 1 it-d this present wilderness. The city was . probably bu;:t by a warlike race, as it isquad ' raogu'ar, and arranged with skill to afford the highest protection against an exterior foe, many of the buildings ou the outer lines being pierced with loopholes, as though calcu'ated for the use of weapons. Several of the build -1 are of vast size, and built of massive blocks of a dark granite rock,which coul l only have beeu wrought to their present condition by a vat amount of labor. There are tDe ruins of three noble edifices, each presenting a front of three hunlred feet, made of ponderons blocks of stone, and the dilapidated wails are even now thirty five feet high. There are no partitions in the area of the middle (supposed temple, so that the room must have been vast: and there are also carvings in bas relief aud fresco work. Appearances justify to conclu sion that these silent ruins could once boa-t of halts as gorgeously decorated by tbe artist's hand as those of Thebes and Fa'myra The buildings are all loopholed in each side, much re"mbling those found in the old feudal castles of Europe, designed for the use of archers.— Toe blocks ol w hieh the ed uces are formed are cemented together by a species of mortar of a biiuminons character, which has such tenacity that vast masse? of wJI have fallen down without the blocks being detached by the shock. For a great many years had Mr Twist borne the title of Deacon. Clergy and laity recog nized it and everybody called him deacon.— "Go>l morn : ag Deacon Twist," was common salutation, and 't seemed fitting that he should be a deacon, because be was sach a good quiet, benevolent man. Your neighbor. Dea con Twi-t, seems to be a great favorite," oue said, who had lately moved into the neighbor hood, to an old settler ; "what church is he deacon of : " " Not of any church," wa the reply. " Well, what gives him his title, then ; the stranger continued. " Why." said the one questioned. " when they were piasteriag the new church down there, be and another mar. sat up one cold night to watch the fire so that their work should'nt freeze : and to keep awake they played old sledge in the o-gan loft, and he has been called deacon to this day." A Fashion Lose Nsedrt —lt is stated that the latest " fashion '' announced from Europe is that of dressing very p.a,:,iy when gong to church. Some of the ladies of the first circles go up to worship in plain calico. It is thus sought to encourage tbe attendance of the poor who have hitherto witnneid taere presence for lack of "Sunday clothe*.* " REFFIARDLESS OP DENUNCIATION PROM ANY QUARTER." The Banker of Antwerp. In 1814, there lived at Antwerp a bauker who had a passion of speculation, but who in variably was unsuccessful, This ilMack be came proverbial; his affairs fell iDto confurion, and all Antwerp looked to see him become bankrupt and retire from the preciucts of tbe Exchange, when suddenly his luck changed, and he gained in every operation he under took as invariably as he had formerly lost.— No matter how suddenly or how violently the funds went up or down in Faris, London, Vienna, or elsewhere, the Antwerp banker was always a gainer by every movement of the money market, no matter how capricions.— In the course of two years he realized a large fortune, quitted Antwerp with his wife and family, and established himself for the rest of his life in a charming country seat, where he abandoned himself to the delights of rural ex istence and the cultivation of flowers, which latter branch of horticulture he pursued with an abiding enthusiasm worthy of a Dutchman. Tbe electric telegraph was unknown at the period in question, and the clumsy signals by which statesmen contrived to communicate with one another were ouly worked by the heads ol the State, and for their own behoof ; and Autwerp puzzled its brains for some time in vain efforts to ascertain by what mysterious art the ex-banker had managed to turn the tide, and to win over to his interests the favors of the blind goddess who had hitherto been so decidedly against him. In these speculations upon the changed fate of the speculator, Ant werp simply lost its trouble ; nor was it until several years afterwards that the seeming mys tery was explained. It had been uoticed in Antwerp as a singu lar fact that two drivers of stage-coaches be longing to that city had made, during the lucky period of the banker's career, fortunes which in proportion with their means, were as considerable as that amassed by the specula tor. But no one thought of attributing tbe improved position of the two coachmen to the operations of the fortunate speculator. Yet all three owed their good luck to the same simple expedient. If any of the townspeople had bethought them of watching the doiugs of the banker, they would have seen that every evening, about nine o'clock, the latter betook himself to a lit tle lonely cottage of his, standing in the m dst } of a garden, a few miies from the town. There in siience and secresy, the banker received tbe visits of one or other of the two coachmen, to whom, after the exchange of a few words, he j handed a basket, carefully covered over with a I bit of tarpaulin, and which was at once de posited by the coachman at the bottom of a great hamper of poultry, collected by him from I the neighboring farms, and to be sold by him at the towns throngh which he drove his coach. As soon as the coachman had taken his de parture. the banker locked the cottage door, and went cp stairs to a room fitted up as a pigeon-house, of whose existence no one else was aware, in which a number of pigeons soon began to make their appearance with flagging wings, impatient to drop into their nests. The banker, having stroked and petted the weary birds, and given them corn, gently lifteJ their wings and detached the little billet conveyed to him by each unconscious messenger. These birds brought to the speculator news of the ex change on all the priac pal markets of Europe Sent off daiiy from London, Faris, Vienna, Brussels, Ac., about four in the afternoon, tbe home-loving little Mercuries never failed to reach their ne-ts about midnight. After re ceiving the intelligence thus sent to him by trnsty confederates in each capital, the banker locked the boor of the cottage and returned to Lis own dwelling, ready to operate next day on tbe Antwerp Exchange with certain suc cess. The carrier pigeon is now superseded by electricity; bat the Belgians have notrenooDC ed the old partial.ty for this bird, and "pigeon races" still give rise among them to numerous gatherings and heavy bets. On these occa sions the pigeons are carried in a ba-ket to a certain distance, aud are then waited for at a given spot by their owners—the bird which arrives first winning the prize, exactly as in the case of horse-races. Recently, at one cf these pigeon-races he'd at Malines. a feathered cour ser. let loose at six, a m . at Tonnerre. in the department of the Yoone, France, reached Malines at twenty-six minutes past eleven ! Not quite so quick as light or sound, but Tery much quicker than steam could haTe made the joarney—-Yrtr York Tost. A HA33 LETTER. —The following letter, says an exchange, was sent by a man to his son at college: " My SOD, I write to yon to send yon two pair of my old breeches, that yoa may have a new coat made out of them. Also some new socks which your mother bas just knit by catting down some of mine. Your mother sends yoa ten dollars without my knowledge, and, for fear yoa will aot use it wisely, I have kept I back half, and cn!y seed yea five. Your mother and I are well except your sister has got the measles, which we think would spread among the girls if Tom had Dot had them before, and he is the only one left. I hope you will do honor to my teachings ; if not, yon are an ass. and your mother and myself your affectionate parents.'' THE W:SD is the merriest, and maddest, ar.d saddest, and the gladdest of pipers in tbe world. He makes all thiags his instruments—he whis tles ou tae reed aud sighs on the fiig : some times he makes a ch mney bis mouth piece ; j then the tunes be plays on a simple smoke pipe are the wildest and weirdest, and he pnffs and blows and—smokes like a burgomaster. Seid a certain individual to a wag, " The man who has rased a cabbage bead has done more good than all tbe meupoysic ADS in the 1 worid !" "Then," replied the wag. " yoar mother oogh; to have the preiß.uc !~ fihcalianal Jtprimeub A GOLDEN RULE! One appeal to God above. Supplicating for bis lore Daily offer. Peace of mind Makes the happy, good, and kind. Daily sing one cheerful song, From the bosom's fiery throng ; Dally do on* noble deed ; Daiiy sow one blessing's seed. Daily make one foe thy friend ; Daily from thy snrphis spend ; Daily, when the gift is thine, Write one Terse in strains divine. Daily seek kind nature's face : Daiiy seek for some new grace ; Daiiy dry one sufferer's tear, Daiiy one grieved brother cheer. Daily drink from sparkling eye Sweeter rapture ; soar on high 1 Then thy life will know no night,} And thy death be robed in light. Experience—What it Costs. I have somewhere heard, or read, of a cel ebrted occulist in London, who, on being com plimented for his skill in managing diseases of the eye, replied : "It is true 1 have 6orne skill in preserving and restoring the sight, for I have devoted myself to this business ; but I have spoiled a hat-full of eyes to get this skill. I have deprived many a man of the blessed light of heaven, and shut np his son! in mid night darkness. I have compelled many a one to feel his way to the grave ; and my present skill cannct restore vision to the sight less eyes caused by my ignorance." The same anecdote was once quoted by a teacher who was complimented for his oktll in teaching the youDg. He replied : "It is true I have some skill in teaching, but 1 have spoil ed a great many minds to get this skill. I have deprived many a child, not of tbe bless ed light of heaven, but of the blessed light of truth. If I have any skill, I would that I could repair tbe injury I have caued in ob taining it. But it is too late, and I tremble in view of what the great uay of final account wiil develop." Now what I waot to impress upon teachers, is this : they should not insist on learning ev erything by experience. They should be willing to learn from the experience of others. The world would make but little progress in sci ence if each generation accomplished nothing more than the preceding one. Tbe " march of mind " so often alluded to, consists in tak ing what the preceding generation has acquir ed, as capital for further investigation and more vigorous effort. Some teachers are al ready too wise to learn, they look upon teach ing as a natural gift, and supposing themselves very gifted in this respect, think they have nothing to leara from the success or failures of others. But experience is a dangerous, as well as expensive school to the teacher. The education of a child commences very early. From the first view of the external world, the soul com mences thinking, and thi:,ks on forever.— The child looks opon this green and flowery earth ; he admires the broad blue arch of the sky, and the majestic sun, circiicg about his own home, which he imagines to be :be centre of the world. He rambles in the woods, pioeks tbe modest wild-flower, views with de light the beautiful cascade, and gazes with rapture at the bright colors of the rainbow. He listens to tbe song of birds, and tbe gentle murmur of the rippling stream dancing over the slippery rocks, and his son! is filled with wonder. All is beantifn! and mysterious.— He thicks—he reasons—be thirsts for know] edge. His education commences. At this period the mind shoold not be trifled with. It is easily influenced, and moved by Tery s, igbt impulses. The knowledge obtained at this time is apt to be very definite, and very lasting How important then that teachers shooid nnderstand tbe iaw which govern tbe devel opment of mind. They should not rnin the minds of their scholars in acquiring, by their own experience, that skill which they might learn from the experience of others. It is painful to see persons engaged in moulding the immortal mind, who understand so little of its nature. There are but few who study mora! and inteliectQal philosophy while preparing to teach, and still few school officers who make this any test in granting certificates. Teachers then should profit by other's ex perience as well as their own. But how are they to get this experience ? Read the School Journal, and other papers devot ed to the teachers' profession. Read books writteu fcy teachers of long experience. At tend teacher's institutes, ar.d visit each other's schools. In a word, hep up vuh the times. Teaching One Thing at a Time. Children who bare tbe habit of listening to words without understanding them, yawn SDd writhe with manifest symptoms of disgust, whenever they are compelled to hear sounds which convey no ideas to their minds. Ail supernumerary words should be avoided in cul tivating tbe power o? attention. A few years sgo, a gentleman brought two Esquimaux to London. He wished to amuse and at the same time astonish tbem with the tnagu.Scence of the metropolis. For this pur pose. having equipped them like Eoeiish gen tlemen, he took them out one morning, to walk through the streets of London. They walked for several hours in silence ; ther ex pressed neither pleasure nor adnriraiion at any thing they saw When their walk was ended, tfcey appeared uncommonly melancholy and tapefied As soon as they got borne," they sat down with their elbow? upon their knees, and hid their faces between their hands. The only words they cooH be brought to ntter, were : " Too much smoke—too much noise— too much honses—too much men—too much everything."* Some people who attend public lectures on natural philosophy, wr.h the expectation of being maeb aaaeed acd icstnxted, go heme VOL. XXT. —NO. 39 with feelings similar to those of the poor Es quimaux ; they feel that they have had too much of every thing. The lecturer has not had time to explain bis terms, nor to repeat them till they are distinct in the memory of his audience. With children, every mode of instruction must be hurtful, which fatigues at tention. \ skilful instructor therefore, will as much as possible, avoid the manner of teach ing, to which the public lecturer is, in some degree, compelled by hie situation.— Maria EdgacortA. A Printer's Christmas. [THK editor of Pandy Hill HtraM ay? that on Chriatm is Eva an txprawman delivered to h.u an ex ceedingly rny-teriou* box. After payiug the charges, thirty-eigbt i-euts—being the amount of ca*h on hand —he proceeded with nervous hands to examine its con tents. He says :] The cover was removed, when our eyes were erladdened with the sisrht of a fine fat turkey. The next thing brought to light wa a bottle of champagne, and the next and last was a huge demijohn, marked " O Tar." What in the world is O Tar? It must mean old tar— but what in the world induced any one to send os either old or new tar ? We havn't got any wagon ; ar.d as for getting up a bonfire for the benfit of the Pepublicans, we are not in humor. We have it! We will sell it to the livery man. Called on him, and he said he did not use tar, but grease on his wagons.— Brought it back to the office in not a very good humor, still wondering why it was sent to us. Resolved, finally, to draw the cork.— Did so. It wasn't tar. Smelt of it. Knew by the smell it wasn't tar. Tasted of it, and be came fully satisfied that it wasn't tar. Tasted again—knew it wasn't tar. Tasted again, and drew up a resolution declaring iu the most emphatic terms that it wasn't tar. Tasted again, and begain to feel happy. Tasted again and began to feel very rich, and resolved to give our cottage to a poor widow and purchase the elegant mansion over the way—to donate the office to Jabe, and buy cut the New York Ledger. Gave the "devil"' a $2O gold piece for Christmas, and promised him a round hun dred for New Year's. Bought a sj,ooo pair of nags and a sleigh cushioned with scarlet velvet, and decorated with gold and pearls.— Ordered from the South a driver and footman whose faces shone I ke a glass bottle under a direct sun ray. Went over to the " UDI'OD," and told Fred to send every poor family in town a barrel ot the best flour, and nameless ather article- to render them comfortable Bought all the wood in the market, and order ed it to be seat immediately to the aforesaid poor families. Gave each of the clergymen in town a thousand doilars ; adopted fourteen orphan trirls and orphan boys : ran around and paid all delta, what printer on earth did that pot on our slippers (ima?inirg we heard music did hear music—for somebody come near beinc kicked cut cf bed. Alas? we Lad only beeu dreaming! Queer People. Chambers' Joonal, in discussing a recent book of missionary travels in Africa tins al ludes to one of the tribes which were found in that terra inccgnii-i: I>Q: the strangest of ali are the stories told lof the Dokos, wno lire armcg the moist, warm wood' to the south of KaSa and Susa. : Only four feet hieh, of a dark olive color, savage ar.d naked, they have neither bouse | nor temples, neither fire nor ordinary buman food. They live only on ants, mice ard ser pents diversified by a few roots and fruits ; they let their naif* grow long, like talons, tbo better to dig for ants, and the more easily to tear to piect-s their favorite SDakes. They do not marry, but live the most indiscriminate lives of animal*, multiplying very rapidly, and with very little maternal instinct. The moth er nurses her child for only a short time, ac customing it to eat ants and serpents as soon as possible, and whet it can help itself it wanders away whare it will, and the mother 'hicks no more ah it it. Pokes are iuvalua ble as slaves, aod are taken in large numbers. The slave-hunter? hold up bright colored cloths 8? soon a? they come to the moist, warm bamboo woods where these human monkeys live, and the poor Pokes cannot re sist the attraction offered by such snperior people They crowd %'our.d them and are taken in thousand®. In slavery they are do cile attached, obedient, with few wants and eioellent health. They have only one fault—a love for acts, mice and ?eper.t*, arid a habit of speaking to Yer with their heads on the ground, and their heels in the air. Yer is their idea of a vuperror power, to whom they ta.k ia-this corn eal ma: rer when they are dispirited or angry or tired of ants and snakes, and longing for unknown fnod. TLev Pokos seem to come nearest of all people yet discov ered to that terrible cousin of humanity—the ape. PR. W OTFIP OCTOOSE—Dr. W7nbip. the celebrated Massachusetts athlete, who win asserted to be the "strongest man in the world," has met a superior in the person of William Thompson, whc is connected with the Chicago Gymnar'noi. The test of strength oc curred in that city one day last week, at a gymnastic tournament, a; which Pr Winship performed his ereat muscular feat of lifting nine kegs of, weighing 1000 p-nnds. and raising, with the aid :f harr.e-s .a his should ers, 151T pounds. He was by Thompson, who commoner z with the last lift of the Poctrr, then went on add'ng weights and lifting, with harness on shoulders and hips until the number stood suecessiTelr 1550.1756, '1754, 1r36, 1930, 2'36, 2136 pootds—a rery remarkable Eft the latter, to be sure He a'so experimented with dumb-bells weighing 100 and 265 pounds. Another competing gymnast, named Curtis, " pushed "* first 130 pounds, and then 150 pounds in each hand with the pulley, and lying down nj-oa h>3 back put up 110 pounds in each hand * But the feat of the evening waa the great hftof TV->- isoc, and the judges so considered it in tie award of tbt $209 prt* him