Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 31, 1861, Image 4

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32P.CCLAMATION.— Whereas tbe Hon.
tIATiD V&'f.MjOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dit ial Dull let of tlie Gohntiea of Rradlord
and Susquehanna, and Honorable* Joh.v Passmorb, and
John ) . I.oM, A-socuvtc Judges, ui uud f t said county
.f Bradford, bavcfie-iiod their precept bearing date tbe
27th day ot' Dec. A. I) 1860, to me directed, for holding
a Court '>f Oyer and Terminer, UeneralrQuarter Sessions
of the Peace, Conucou Pleas and Orphan's Court at To
wanda, for the County of Bradford, 011 the first Monday,
the 4th day of FEBkt ARY next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is then-lore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County el
Bradford, that tiiej fie thgn aud there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the lofenooa of said day, with
vlteir records, inqfiisitlofis and other remembrances, to
do those thine* w hlfti to their office appertains to be j
done ; and those who are bound by "recognizance or oth i
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may j
be in the jail of said County, or who shall or bound :
appear at the said court, are to be then and' tuere to 1
prosecute acainst them as shall he just. Jurors are re
quested to he punctual in their attendance, agreeably to j
their notcq-
Datedfat'Towanda ,'the 3d of January, in the year of onr j
Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty one, and
ol the lurii pendence oi the I'nited States, the eight v
tourtto. A. HANSON' SPALDING. Sheriff.
IIFRIFFis SALE.—Hv virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court ot
common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will
be exposed to public saleon THURSDAY. the 31-t day ot
January, A.D. lSiil, at the courthouse, in Towanda. I
at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following de-cribed piece of land
situate in Ulster ip., and hounded north and ea-t by ;
land* of Jantes M't art; , south bv land of J. Smith, and
west by the public highway. Containing half an acre, j
more or less, all impn ved, a trained Tavern house, and •
n few frnit trees tl.erdon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C. Ward
4 Co. vs. P. P. Sweet.
A JfSD—The following bit, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in S >uth Creek tp., and bounded a> follows : Begin- j
ning at tiie south east cormr of lot No. 1.77 o) the allot- i
tlient of the Bingham lands. In South Creek tp. Bradford (
county, Pa., conveyed to Valentine Lewis, thuuee along j
line of lot No. 130, conveyed to itansom Tanner, and lot
No. 137, south I W'-st 73 per., thence u'.uii,- the north
line ol the soutli part of lot No. 15s. north S-4 0
141 y-l'l p< r., t!11-1. c- along lines ol lot No. 99 aud Ac. |
conveyed to Nathaniel Smith, north tn-t 32 1-10 per ,
and north 8.-4'' west 32 0-Ki per., thence along lines of j
lot No. KM conveyed to Kben Dunning, north 30 li- 0 :
per. north 43° oust, 13 2-10 per. and east- is 1-10 perches,
thence along the south line ol lot No. 137, .noic.-aid,
south 8s J east lis per. to the place of beginning, j
< 'Detaining .seventy throe acres and six-tenths ol an acre, j
with the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac.,
be the same more or less, it bring the north part of lot
No. 13s of the allotment of the Bingham lands in South !
Creek tp. Bradford county, Pa., and part of warrant pur .
ctasra l:;si. about 30 acres improved, one log house aud j
log barn thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph
B. Ingersoll and John C.Miller, now Trustees of the
estate of Win. Biughaiu, dee'd. vs. John B. Town-end.
ALSO The 101 l owing lot ol" land situate in Tnscarora
tp. and bounded north by lands of Abml Ken ney. oast by |
laud of Thomas Shaw, south by land of Hamilton S.
Kmrdevurit. and west by land of George Dusenbury.
Containing about one hundred acres, more or less.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel ol lard situate ,
in Tuscarora tp., county and state aforesaid, bounded as j
follow-to, to wit : On the north and east by land of Leo. j
W. Thompson, south by the Tuscarora Creek, and on :
the west by land of (jeorge W. Thompson. Containing ;
about 1.4 acres, more or less, all improved, with <>ne saw
milium! machinery attached for manufacturing fence
paling, Ac., thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Charles
Johnson to use of U. Mercur, v.-,. I. X. Laeey and Wm.
ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate iu Rome tp , and bounded on the north by lands of j
George Fox. on the east by lauds of Harry Clark and A. 1
J. Taylor, on the south by lands of E. \V. Taylor and I*.
E. Muynard, dee'd. estate, on tbe north and west by land
ot Dauforth Chaffee, P. Forbesuud Alexander Man-aTm.
Containing 94 acres and 40 per., more or less, al mt 60
acres improved, oue framed house framed barn, sited aud
fruit trees thereon.
AI.S()--One other lot. piece or parcel of laud situate
In Home tp., and bounded on the north by land- oi J. W.
(VooilLnni, ori the east by the main road, on the south by
the Towner hill road, on the west 1,3- Mrs. X. E. Mat
nard. Containing about 73 perches, more or !e.-. all im
proved, with one framed house and a lew fruit trees
Seized and taken into execution at the -ait of Edward
Overton vs. Nancy E. Maynard, adin'r. of Wm. E. May
nard'. deceased.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit -
Pate in (>ranvil!e tp., hounded a- follow-: beginning at
a post, the sonth east corner of lot Xn. I9t> of the Batik
binds, thence along the -ame north 1 f'2 per. to a post,
tlicnce by lot No. 1-7 es;-t w l 35-lnuper. ton post, thence
by lands conveyed by <f. K. Mason to John J. Smith.
August 31, 18,57, south 132 per. to a post, thence bv lot
' No. 202 west b.-j 23-100 per. to the place of beginning.—
Containing 73 acres, be tlie same more or less, about 3
acres improved.
f>Dcd and taken into execution at the suit of Wm. A.
Park to the u<-c of Job I'. Kirhv vs. John A unable.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ot land sit
"uate in CT.-fi-r tp., and bounded as follows : beginning at
a stone on the north ea-t corner ot Wm. Walkers' lot,
on the east side of the public road, thence along said
Walker's line, worth 7*} :> west, 13 p., thence north 14j°
east 1 p. and 13.1 links, thence south 7-i° east 13 per.,
thence south 114 0 west 4 per. and 15J links to the place
of beginning. Containing 60 perches, 011 c two story
framed house, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of (I. H
Vandyke vs. Aaron Beckham.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land silttnfe in She-hepuin tp.. and bounded math by
lands of Man son Elsuree, 2d.. >. B. Hoyt and Harvey
Mallory.on the east bv laud of Wm. Line, 011 the south
by lands of llarvy Mnilory and we-t by lands ol Man-on
Elshree, 2d. Containing about 12(1 acres, about 85 acres
improved, two framed dwelling houses, tu limned barns
and sheds attached, one log house, one old saw mill and
orchard thereon.
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
lu tsheshequiu tp., Uour. led a.s follows : on the north by
lands ot Wm. Bishop, on (lie ea-t and south by lands of
Manson El-bree. 2d., ami on the west by the >.is(pu lian
na river.-Containing st) acres more or s, ;1 acres imp.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit 01 X. V. A
Erie Railroad Company vs. John Snyder.
ALSO—The following lot. pice or parcel of land - ; .t
unte in Athens to., bounded on the north by lands of P.
H. Sanford, east by Wm. and Edward Murray and John
Hopper, south by Helen Wolcott, we-t by i'. i! Sanford.
Containing two hundred acres, more or le--. abont 170
Improved. two framed house- three framed barn- aud
shed-, shingle machine and orchard therein.
Fcl/.ed .; ud tak ■ ".t 1. . -nf 11 at the - ,'. (f M Bul
lock A I'll. V-. lln 'l ; Wolcott,.
ALSO—The following lot, pi-re or r r- :1 of find sit
uate North Towanda to. hounded the north bv lands
of H. 11. Peek, S. A. Bills and Wm. welt, east by Su
gar Creek. -nitli bv land of PavT Ruttv c.n.l v. 1 \
land of Win. Bhvell and S3, is Mills, (lontainimr 2-u
acres, more or less, SO acre- iin|Havt,l, • >a- fi. nnd
hoiLse, corn hon-c, cd- r k -e. miih chop, iv- I'..
yhop,framed bun, with a bhcJ at:.. !. -c-e apple orch
ard. thereon.
Sclr-d and t iker. ••jfo execution rt the suit of If. J.
Madill Ac., \s. Lz-a Rr.'ti.
ALSO— The following de-cribed lot, piece - par •<•! of
land bituaie in Alhut-y and jjoaioe t| -. and Lauudud as
follow- : Beginning . t a corner 00 1 tnd- of the estate o
3Vm. lVard, dee'd, then • -outh Lij' 3 east 1.33 G-J0 p. to
a corner, thence south IJ° west 160 a comer, Uienoe
north 88° west 110 p. to a corner, tnence north 2° east
271 p. to the place of hi- Tuning. Containing lis acres
3.3 perches, more or less, about 14 a res impi >ved aud
about 6 acres chopped, 2 log houses, leg Lain uIJ fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken i: to oxecr.fwn at the suit nr Pally
Ward, executrix <d M'm. Waid, dee'd, v.,. Isaae W. Las
Also—The foll i, ing lot. piece or iwvol of land sit
uate in Canton tp- and (sounded ,ie follow.- : Beginning
at a maple tli 1. rth corner of a warrant in the
nante oi J icob Crook, thence south, 2° west along said
warrant line 63 rods to the corner ot John H. Rouse's
laud, thence north s7" e;t ' 37 rods along said Rouse's
line to a po.-t, theuce south l.'j 3 w ,[ 171 rods totlie
mill creek, thence down said creek its several courses
274 rods tolhe line of I nuls belonging to John Crandail,
then e south 79° east )61 rods to the beginiung. Gon
taining 33 acres and 141 p., uiore or less, about 30 acres
Improved, two log houses, lug barn, and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Hani
son Rutty - use vs. John M. Aiiyn.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parrel of 1 and sit
uate in Terry tp. and Uuir.-led on the north by lands of
J. W. Dennison, east hv lands of John and Peter Lameu.
squth by lands of Christopher Smith, west Ly land ol
Henry Smith. •' -:.tai: ing 50 acre-, mors Or !<■—. about
IJ acres improved, log house, log shed, lew fruit trees
Seized and taken into execution at the -nit of Ulysses
Moody vs. Morgan Morgans.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate in WyHlnsiug tp., hounded on the north by laud ol
Hiram Br. -k 011 the east by land of Nathan Stafford, and
Benin.nin Stalford and the Wy ilusingcreek, on the south [
by land ot Jc-.-e Stafford, and on the west by lands of j
Hiram Buck. Containing 30 acres more or less, about
2> acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn,
and a few tin it trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution nt the suit of S. H.
Setnrdn ant to use of L. D. Star- -vant vs. Simeon S Brown
ALSO- Ihe billowing li.t, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Wilmot tp.. and bounded north bv lands of Leo. i
Ebarly, east by lands 0; John Batw, south bv lands of
John Deilisitaciier and v.e-t by land* of Cliiirh-s Mor
ning-tar, and Mehetier. Containing lu7 acres. tnor or
teas, about thirty acres improved, with a (rained hon-e.
a framed stable, a log liarn and an apple orc!iard thereon
Seized and taken into execution at the suit ~t |). M. j
Jnmes 10 the use of N. T. I lor ton vs. Arthur MoJattt.
ALSO - i'he In,lowing lot, piece or parcel of land -ff
n*te in Smtthlb M tp.. ami boumlcd as follow- : 'ieaiii- '
•ing a( tne mirth wV-trornev tls-nee north S2 5 2O >1 I
■ -take near a -liopo, C. t' •'■tr-s, thvnoe south siW |
l 2s p. ulni .' H> oi it pi rch to .1 p>-4 t luc -milt end
of a stone wall, thence south east -f ami' 3-10 p. to a
post, titeme south 40° east two nods to-a corner, tbeqre
north 73° east 5 3-10 p. to a stake, thence south 12°
east 15 4-10 p. to a corner, thence south 7S° west 16
p. Kr a corner, thence -outh S3 3 east 120 8-10 perches,
to a corner, thence soutdi *l° west 37 and ii-10 p. to a eor
-1 er, thence north 23° west IoG and 910 p. an angle,
thence tiorih 12° we-t 24 aufl 4 10 p. to a corner, thence
north sl° ea-VU, and 1-to p to a comer, tlience n. 7 A 5
10 p. to the inilVdattt, tiience s. 11° west 8 and 4 10 p. to
a copier, 1 hence north 32° west 31 p. to the place ol
beginning. Containing 2V, acres, more 01 le-a, about 20
acres fntprored. with ;i steam grist min, with water priv
ilege, a distillery, two framed dwelling houses, a Irauie
I baru and a wagon -li pthereon.
Seized and taken into e.vecntion at fit* sitit of 11. M.
1 Feck to the use of E. T. Fox vs. Wyllis Hrownson.
ALS( I -Ail that c rtain lot, piece o; parcel ut land sit
uate in Smith ("reck tp. and bonified as tolb.w- : Begin
f iiing al tile southeast corner of lot No. 137 ol the allol
j incut or the Bingham lands, in South Creek tp.. couvey-
I ed to Henry Oldroyd, them e along tlie north line of lot
No. 159, north ss| a west 111 p.. thence along the ea-t
! line of lot No. 9'J Ac., oouveyed to Nathiuiiel Smith,
• north 4° ea-t .73 and 3 10 p., thence along tlie south line
! of north part of lot No. l ib, -•uth >6.; east lAI9-lU p,
1 then :e al mg the west line ol lot No 12.7, aforesaid s. A '
wit 56 the "place of hegTiiumg. rontaiiilug
47 ac:cs. With the usual allowance ot six pel" cent lor
roads. Ac., be the -nine more or ie--. it being the South
part of No. 15- of the allotment of the* Bingham lands
in South ( reck tp., Bradmrd (' >• Pa., and part oi wa:-
rant imnlbercd US'l. Abont 25 acres improved.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit oi Joseph
It. liicersoll and Jon ('. Miller now trustee- of the estate
of Vi'iu. Bingham, dee'd \-. .-.itnuel S. Baker.
AIX) All that de-cribed lot. piece parcel of lanu
situate iu Wells tp.. and boumlcd on the north by land of
! Jesse Shcpard, east bv lands ol Tuomas A . Baker, south
and west bv the public highway. Containing GO acres,
I more or le-'-. about .30 acres improved,one framed faonse.
one trained barn and a few fruit tree- tltereou.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Stephen
I L. Parmeter v-. Joliß B. l.ei\ itt.
Al>'• —The following lot. piece or parcel of hind sit
1 uate iu rsurmglield tp., and bounded ou the north by laud
of Asa Wootl. east by the highway, south and west
; by Umi ot .(..on -U. Grace. Centainiog 26 mere*, more
i or less, about 1G acres thereof improved, with a shed and
! a few fruit trees IBereolf.
ALSO All that cerUhi Jot piece or parcel of land sit
uate iu S ringtield tq>.. bomidwi ;wl'dßo\vs: on the north
, by land of Alansoq Cole, James U. (trace, Lorin Grace
. and Tlicudol'e Leonard, east by land ol Rusrcl Touug,
-onth l.v land of J. Rvsn and Huasell Voting and west
f v hind of James t'.Ltirre. Containing 47 acres, more
1 or Ic -s. about 20 acres improved, with a log barn, a train
ed barn, and a few fruit trees tliei on,
A I. SO All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
-ituate ia Springfield tp., aud twain del r.s billows : north
by land of Barge—, eait ly land of Charles Burgees
' and Charles Phelps, jr., south by land ot Martin I'hil
| lips and west by laud oi' Enoch Merrill, Laban Cooper jr,
et. al. f'ontauiing 77 acre- and 152 penhes. nior- or
less, about 50 acres improved, being lot No. 24 on ('. 1\
V, dies map of Springfield tp., with a log house thereon.
ALSO -All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate iu Springfield tp., and hounded on the norlli and
ea-t by Theodore Wild, r, south by the county road, and
: we-t by the north road. Containing one acre, more or
'le--, all improved, with a framed dwelling house and
j -tore, a framed barn and shed, wiih fruit and ornamental
1 trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol Horace
Berry vs. lliram Spear, Tlioinaa Sinead and S. D. llark
-1 ness.
ALSO— The following descriiied lot, piece or parcel or
j land -itnale in Rome township, Bradford County, Fa..
hounded a- billows: On the north by lands of Joseph
' Bennett, and lands formerly belonging to John Roekfel
| low, 011 the east by lands of li ('. Boardiuan and James
Gilbert, on the south bv lands of Daniel ltassel and Xa
| tli in L>. Hill, and on ihe west by other Hinds of the de-
I fondant, Thonies F. Hill. Containing seventy-five acres,
he ihe same more or less, about twenty-five acres 'unprov
ed, one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon.
A LSl)—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome township. Bradford Co., l'a., bound
ed as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Joseph
Seeley, on the east bv lands of Thomas F. Hill, the deft.,
on He. -outh bv hind's ~i Nathan D. Hill, and on the west
hv lands ol John Passmnre. Containing fifty-six acres,
I be the same uiore or leas, about thirty ai res improved,
one named house, one trained ham and liuil trees theie
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ran
: dnll to the use of John Wilson vs. Thomas F. Hill.
ALSO - The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Athens township, Bradford county Pa,,
bounded as follows : beginning at a post. ll. east corner of
warrant line No. 1533. tlience east 235 perches to a stone
f r a corner, thence south 35 and 4.10 perches to a post,
on fhe south lint of Warrant line No. 11,80, thence west
255 perches to a post iov a corner, thence north 3.7 A 4-10
perches to the beginning, ("out lining lilty six acre- ai d
iorty-onp perches, strict measure.
S- iz'sl. taken iu execution at the suit of Junes li.
j Smith to the use 'if Geo. Sanderson vs. Eraxtns Waleot*.
ALSO—Tb following lot, piece or parcel of laud sit
| uate in Athens tp.. and bounded as follows : begiuning
at a white oak.comer of lot heretofore deeded to Eraatus
j Wolcott, thence south sfi° west 2*3 A 3-10 p. to the south
| west cornei ot a small lot upon which stands the Ilarvey
Beach saw mill tlience south 113 and 7-10 p. to the south
; line of lot No. 131. tlience ea-t 20 and 2-10 p. to the south
i we-t cornet of said deeded lot. thence north 112 p. to
1 the beginning. Containing eighteen acres and 83 t,-10
I p., strict measure.
i Seized arid taken into execution at the suit of lames
B. Smith to the use of George Sanderson vs. Ernst us
| Wolcott.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
j uate in North Towanda. and bounded north and cast by
lauds occupied by Jesse Woodruff, south l>v lands of John
C. Adams, and west by the highway. Containing 10
acres, all improved, witb a framed barn thereon, being
the same land which was conveyed by Wm. Elwell and
wife to Mary B. Keilnm. by deed bearing date the 9th
(lay ot (let. l-7s, subject to tbe purchase money.
Seized and taken into execution nt the suit ot William
Elwell vs. M try It. Helium.
.VLSI)—Tho fo'.lowiag Int. piece or parcel of land -it
uate iu Troy tp. and bounded north, south and ea-t by
'.l ncl of WObM S Dobbins, and <>n the west by lands
belonging to the estate of C. N. Strait, dee'd. Contain
ing 17 acres, more or less, about 1 acres improved, one
log house thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of William
S D'-bbins vs. Folly fence A- Henry Cease.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
j 11at(* ia Ulster tp. ami Umnded 0:1 the north and ea-t by
! hinds of James MeC'arty, south by Jason Smith, and we.-t
. by the public highway. Containing one half acre, more
I or less, all improved, one framed tavern house, framed
j barn aud frail u-es theoeon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. A.
! Fork to 11-' of Charles Wright vs. F. F. Sweet .
ALSO—Tie- 7,Blowing lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate i 1 Albany tp. and bounded on the north b.v lands of
; Leonard I arroli, on the east by lands lodpuiriiig to the
c- ate <>:' Dan- 1 Oriaisbv.deceased, ou the south by lauds
lot Jxi 'i,aril Carroll, 011 the west by land-of Dyer l lrm+
{ by, and Lu-as Rice. Loiitaining 50 acres, lie the seme
| more or le-.-, abort 25 acp - improved,one log liou ,ouc
i log stable, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Sei; 1 d ami taken into execution at the suit of Brown
, A Rock veil vs. Elijah Green.
1 LSf) All that ccrtal.i Jot. picpe.or parccl.of land sit
uate i ; SiqithiV W t.. am. hdncdad o.: the noi:'. liy land
. i ( . l.'aterir oi llro-./.i. ea-t. by lands of Plynn Phelps end
j eons,* oit by land of C. F. Wilson, and west by land of
" ; Phil older 1! ill, C nfain'.ag 75 acta ~.. re leas,about
: 15 acres thereof improvi 1.
M.sO— All that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland sit
: uate in Smlthfield tp. and lmnnded on the north by lands
of Allen C Tiff, ea-t by land of Amos Killev, south by
l.iit lb' hi' h lately belonged to the estate of Wm. Gibson,
deceased, and west by land of Riley Hemmingway and
William Courtney. Containing 50 aeres, more or l°ss,
about 10 a res thereof improved, with a "team saw mill,
a plank house, two board -banties, A.a log Imrn 'hereon.
Seized and t-hen inio execution at the suit of Allen Ej
faiiff adm'r. of Champlln O. Brown, vs. Richard
M. Kiiley, who -nrvived Qardner Buvlingame.
ALSO—The frTowing described lot, piece or parcel
of 1 mil -ituate in Canton tp. and bounded on tbe north
by laud-of Samuel Owens, east by lareta of Frederick
William-, on the south by lands of Ellas ltm kwell, 011
the west In lane •wf \ K ixtell. UotilehilU'.r 100 aeres
j nmre Ic-s,it i.n acre' improved, one (rimed house
1 two frame barn-, 011 c horse barn, two orchards of fruit
j tree- thereon.
1 Seized and taken into excretion ef the suit of Allen
1 McKean to the use of Charles T. Merry vs. Joseph B.
; Roper.
a LSO— I The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Springfield-tn. and hounded 011 the north, east and
south by lands of Wm F Williams, and west by the pnb
' lis high way. Containing one acre, he the same more or
less, all improved wiyi a frame tavern honse, a framed
ham, n work -imp. and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C' F Wil
liam- \ i. Alexander Howe.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parrel of land sit
ate in North Towanda tp. and hounded on the north by
lands of I H Stephens and David Rutty, west by land of
Richard McKail. John Simons and Edward Overton,
smith by Sc.zar Creek . and on the east by land of Ira II
Stephens. Containing about n.% acres, more or less,
about 40 a - re- improved, one framed house, two framed
j barns, framed shed, and apple orchard, and other fruit
i trees thereon,
| .Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Montan
yea.'. Co., vs. Jesse Woodruff, adm'r of Nathan Coon,
dee'd. and Jaine- -Simon- terre tenant.
, ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
' .ite in Rome tp. and liounucil on the north by lands of
Nathaniel Herman, on the c.. t by land of Charles Moray
and Isaac Pratt, on the south by lauds of Dennis Rock
-1 well, on the we.-t by lands of Smith Lent anil Geo. Fox.
( villaining 70 arcs, more or le-s, about 2.7 acres improv
ed, one -mall framed house, few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. W.
Taylor vs. C. M. Prince.
iAf.SO -The fellow ing descriiied Int. niece or parcel of
land -itnite in < duni'da tji. and bounded on the north bv
lends of Pani Ilerringtnn, Frank Baker and Daniel and
Hi rapt < '.infield, 0:1 *'ie east ly lauds of Uriah Ferguson.
| John Howland and Luther Haven, 011 the south by land
j of O. O. Be-By and D. Harding, on the west by lauds ot
B at. oy, D.viiici ami Hiratu Canfield. tkuitutßllig I4<l
acre-, more <>r lr- nisait acres itßprotcd, "uc frame
fcraal. ———*
- ~~— - f vnyruflifi~
house.oue frame burn, and otc hard of' fruit tree* I hereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of M. M.
Pomeroy vs. John Hen.-.on.
AI.BO -By virtue of writs of Lev. Fac. the folibwlug
described lot. piei'C,orparcel of latuUsituate in .S|iriitg
tield tp., in said county, and bounded as follows : Begin
ning at a hemlock, the north east corner of Hexekiah
Crnwelt'n timber lot, thence west 94 7-10 p. to the smith
east corner of Andrew Cumtiiitigs' land, them e north ;
S| 7-10 p. to the south west corner of Eli Stockwell's j
'and. Ihettce east I>4 i-ln p. *► the south eao-cii*iier at
-stW Eli Htoekweii's let. thence south si 7-J■ I p. to the
|i7 ire of Containing Kacre§anas7 )>., he
tii" mbm more or less. A beef SO acres improved, one
framed house, a small Irameilrhurn, and a few fruit trees
thereon. (I I 1I J I
Seized and taken into sriit of Stephen
Pierce to the use of (J. F. Itedingtou vs. Hiram Uraudall
and Henry i.. It. terra tenant.
A t.SO 'Hie following' described building and piece of
ground situated in Shesliequiu tp.. Bradford Countr Pa.,
on ihlie main road h-ad'ng from W vsoi through Shekbe
<|ii:U to Athens. The lot on which itstand* adjoining on
the north a lot of Geo. C. (iore.on the south a creek and
on the west a lot of Alfr-.-.l t.ore, thea}i4 inrthMng con
t,lining* vi? : 1 iipvtfcry .irtdn Twit pm-f. rf-im front, on
tlie road aforesaid, 22 feet deptli, and the said one story.
Containing Is feet front and 12 feet depth, and the lot
and piece ot ground ami curtilage appurtenant to .said
building. All improved.
; Seized and taken into execution at the wilt of Martin
Tompkins now to the use of John Itaudall vs. S. J. Legg,
Sonars TO I'iUiCHASEHs.—To prevent misunderstand- |
in?, notice is hereby given tliat purchasers at Siit-rifl s j
saies will be lequircu to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is old. it has become inffw-ratively necessary |
• ; to adopt this rule, and it will he strictly adhered to, e.\- I
cept m crises,where the pur. baser is a lien CTedftor and
is entitled to tire fund as provided in the Ist section ot
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, lslC. which is I
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at !
Orphans" Cotirt or Sheriff's sale. Shall appear from the
proper record "to ho prttlth-d. i- a lien rrrih'Mr. to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it j
shall, be the duty of the sin riff, administrator, executor
or other paraos umkitig audi sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall |
not Is so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, i
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de-j
. maud and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to In paid out of the proceeds I
of said sale ; ami provided further, tiwt before any pur- \
chaser or purchasers shall receive tin benefit of this sec j
tioii. lie or tliey shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per- :
son si making-aid safe, a duly certified statement from
the proper records, tmder the hand ami ofih-ial seal of the ■
i proper nflieer, showing that lie is a lien creditor.entitled
i to receive any part ol the proceeds of the sale a ore-said.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. 1, 1861. Sheriff, j
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
kl? writs ol Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of .
| common pleas of Bradford comity, tome directed, will j
j lie exposed to public sale on FRIDAY, February 8, A I>. |
I*6l. at the court house, in Towanda, at I o'clock, p. in. ■
J the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate
, in Pike tp.. and bounded on the north by lands of Edwin ;
Ford and Richard A-hton,nn the east ami siMifh by lands
; of Edwin Ford and John Ford, id.,on the west by lands j
of Abel Moore. Containing forty one acres more or less, I
about 2.7 acres improved, n framed house, a framed Utru.
, with shvls attached, a cider mill and other out out-build- i
big-, two apple on hards and other fruit trees thereon.
' ] Seized ind taken into execution at tho s (l jt ( ,f Richard 1
1 Ash ton to the use of David Blackmail now to the use ol ,
Charles If. Sh.iter vs. John Ford.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land.situ- '
ate in Albany ty>. and lautnued north bv the public high
way, east by Daniel English, south by lands of Mrs Mary '
' Sabine, west by lands o! Edward Xiiflml*. Containing ■
•jr. acres, mere or b-ss. with ten acres improved, with a '
.. \ hewn log house and fruit trees thereon.
Seizt <i and taken into execution at the suit of S. S. j
Hinmau vs. William Campbell.
1 ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- |
' ate in Springfield tp.. and bounded north by land- ol Pi
ter IVrli.trou-uuil widow by land of Daniel i
R. Bailey, smith by lands of E. S. Tracy, and west by
' land of Lewis Beach. Containing about 30 acres, more j
or less, about 40 acres thereof improved, a hewed log !
house, a framed barn, and an orchard of fruit trees ■
>t i/.ed and taken into execution at the suit of Come
t litis llunsLker, a>w to use of X. C. Harris, vs. Alonzo .
■ Sherman.
i A. H ANSON* SPALDING, Sheriff, i
She tiff "s Ofiico, Jan. 17, IMG.
1 : V / of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford t'o.
will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on WED
. i N'ESDAY . the 30th day ol January i o'clock p.
in., the follow ing property late 'he estate of James If.
Demony. dee'd. situate in Rome tp.. and bounded as fol
• i lows : Beginning at a corner of lands of James McCabe,
' : thence north 2° cast along other lands of the estate of
s ; .-aid James B. Demouy Ix 4 p. tc a stake on the line ot
finds of Oscai Elliott, thence south cast along y.iid
Elli'-tts line 45 8-H) p.lo lauds of S.Cole, thenre 2° vret
1 along lands of said Cole and lands of P. Towner 14'.( p.
' to a stake, thence south ss° eitst along the line ol said
' 1 owner's land 3u p. to lands ot said James MeCabe,thence
1 ,-oiith 2° west along hinds of said McCabe to a stake,
! thence north s- west along lands of the saute 7.7 3-10 p.
! t > tiie place of beginning. Containing 5s acres and 1(17
: perches, or thereabouts, about thirty acres thereof im
i proved.
~ One other bounded and described a- follows: Begin
-1 j tiing on the line of Lands ot James MeCabe, thence
1 1 north ss° west along lands of G. Towner, and other lands
' ; of said J B. Demony s estate to and 2-10 p. to a stake
: on the line of other lands of said e-tptr, thence north 2°
east along lands of said estate and lauds ol Timothy
Hiney lsg p. to the warrant, liny, tlo-nce south >-' J ■ a-t
; along said warrant line 1"> and 2-1(1 p. to a warrant line,
' them e south 2° wt along said warrant line Jss p. the
1 place ot beginning. Containing 53 acrqp or thereabout.s,
j about 30 acres (hereof improved, with a (ranted house.
' i framed barn, two small shops and two small orchatds
i thereon.
! t tut- other, bounded, and described as follows: Begin- i
! tiing at a stake in lite line of lands of Smith Forbes,
! tlience s.mtlt t-S" east along lands of Joseph R. Morton J
' Isi: and 2-HI p. to lands ot M. Elliott, tlience north 2° j
cast along the s.uue ~u p. to a corner, thence north >t 0 j
west along laud ol Elliott and other lands of the !
1 ,"- of James R. Demony 18$ and 210 p. to l&hca ol j
| -aid Forltes, tlience 'south 2° west along thy same 70 p.
to tin-place ot beginning. Containing 57 a4rua>r tlicrc- ;
i at outs about lo acres thereof improved.
One other lot bounded and described as follow s : Be
• ; rtnnti gat a -tab. on the line ol other itinaaor s.ii.l fames i
If. Demonv's e.-tate and at the south east rornerot W'm.
Vllbert's land, then en >rth 2° along land- ol the i
- inte ••', p. to hinds' of Tint" by Hiney, thence south hh°
e ' east along fanils of the same 11 1 and 2 10 p. to other j
lands ol said Demouv's c-tut-, liivnei- eoulli 2° west
along lands of t ie same >7 and S Hi p. to a stake, thence ;
south cast al 'i g lands of fife same. TS p'. to flic een- |
tie ot the puljlic rna ~ thence south 32° west along the !
j ••cutre of Maid 20 and Vlon. to the center,ot Bill
' ' C" el. : ' the i.rid. thence southerly along the !
. 'metre of .-ai l t .tok 14 ami 7-lu p. to other lan is of sold j
• j 0t m iny'ii > state an 1 t > a qpiMr of lands of M. Elliott j
• .la gyrih >s° west aloug lauds of .-aid and J
1 ! ' sOihe pladc of btieinnln*.' fe' ntuiiiug idfcucrcs :
and 157 p., or thereabouts excepting therefrom j of au !
' - ere i - copied as a ".huryjtigjxrouiiid.'' about 27 r.cre.- i
to. re of improved, with are\. in.ll, ifcrn, framed dwell
iti.r house and wagon horse, and munll orchard thoreon.
" Tbiims.—J27 on the property being struck down, one
i' | half on the confirmation of th sale, anu the balance in
. -ix months after with interest.
•'• Jan. 1. I V GI. Administrator,
. I X .liu- TT 'tter i,( Hut l',resbyteriin Church of \
! v Stercnsville. lu tiie Court of Common J'leas nf
1 Bradford County, No. I'ebtnary term l->6o.
I ; Notice is hereby given, that a petition sigiyil ' y Henry
, A. Ross, (.tuirge L. Stevens and other citizens of sit
venjville, BratUord County, lias Lteu preseuted to the
! | ( ourt ot Comtnon Pleas of -aid cpnnty, ptayiug to be
. incorporatgil pnder the tutor and -tyic of the I'rcshytc* j
, : n in Chureh ot stcwuFvillf. agieeatjle to at >nt tutinn
t annexed to -aid petition Whereupon, the mme hatrihg j
i been perused and examined by the Court, and the objects, !
, hi ti'-ics ami conditions therein set fotth and contained j
appearing to be lawful, and not injurious to the comma- i
nity. the Court directed said ruling to bo tiled in the of- j
. fi. ,-of tiie Prothohotary of said Court, and that notice
1 I be inserted in oae newspaper printed In the County
afore-.i I. lor at h ast three weeks before the next term : j
r that application had been made to said Court to grant j
I -aid Charter of incorporation, and it no sufficient reason j
i was shown to the contrary, the said Court will on the
. ; first Monday of February next, decree said petition tube j
a corporation as prayed for in said petition
Hi tX C.ooDIUOIf, Prot'y.
Prothofiotary's Office, Jan. 3.1861.
BE it enacted and it is hereby enacted and
ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of
' Towanda, that hereafter at any tire which shall occur in ,
this Borough, it shall be lawful for the Chief and Assist- |
ant Eugim ers of the Borough of Towanda, to call upon I
' any pt-r-ons to assist at the brakes of the Engines, or i
render such othe- aid as may be necessary ; and any per- |
' r son or persons who may refuse to perform such assistance I
. when requested, shall be liable to pay a flue ol not less <
than one dollar nor more than livedollara, to he collected I
as other lines are collected by law,and to be appropriated •
to the Eire Department Fund. E. <>. COODKH'H,
(1. 1). MONTVNYF, Sir. As'st Burgctu• |
Council Room. Dec. 21, I-CO.
• pVECrTOIES NOTlCE.—N'nticc islierc-
IJ by given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate 'ot NATHAN TYRItEEE, late of Pike twp. Je
ceased, are hereby requested to make pnymeiit witliont
delay, and all person- having claims against -aid estate,
will present tliem duly authenticated for -ettlemeut. .
' Jan I, 1-01. Executors. !
ittrrchantJßr, vVr
■*'.s-s-'pi,' rfgf
Cass uric res, Denims, Jeans,
| Dec. fith, 1800.
| Requests particular attention to his large stock of
Also to an extensive assortment of Plain and Printed ,
ileripoes. Plain and Printed C'oburgs. Plain and
Printed lVool and Common De ains, Wool and
Union Plaids, Paris Reps, Mohairs,and other
Likewise to the Largest and best selection of English and
And Ginghams, to be found in the County.
C .A It II Y<: TIN GS,
Of Every De-rripiiou.
All i f which art offered at the Lowest I'rices.
Towanda, October 1, 1-00.
of an order of the Urebans' t ourt of Brndterrt Co..
will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on WED
NESDAY, the Hut It day of January, 10 o'clock
a. in., the following property late the estate of John
Owan, dee'd situate in Athens tp. and bounded and de
seribed a.- lollowc : On the moth, east south and west
by land ol Aruii a. Miniei . Containing 2 teres or there
afionts. all Inrpt-oved, with an' old Saw Mill tliereou
Also, one other lot situate in Litchfield tp , and bo tnd
ed and deseribed as follows.- Dn the north by the pub
lic highway and lands of Daniel Reiser east by lands ot
Stephen Evans and lands of Allen Baldwin, south by
amis of Orson (Jane ver and wc-t by lands of Thonia-
Masoti. ( ontaiiiing nhout 80 aeres, ahntif 17 acres there
of improved, a framed barn thereon erected. Sale on the
premise- at 2 o'clock p. m.
Jan. 1.1861. Adiniui-tratrix.
111 OUI.D respectfully announce to the public that they
\Y havu purchased ot J. D Htimphny. his entire
j stock of DRY GOODS, and in addition arc now rcceiv- ;
ing. from New York, large -applies of Goods adapted to
I the season, embracing all the varieties of
| Which they now offer for sale, at the store formerly oc- '
; eupled by Huroidirey A Wickham, (wc-t aide of the Pub
lic Square). They would most tsirdially invite all to rail
and exantina their extensive assortment, as they are de
i lerioined to otter their goods, tor cash, at such prices as j
i cannot tail to -nit tho closest pun ha.-cr
X. B.—Dealers can be supplied by us with Gents 80- ;
j sopis and (' liars. Sewing Silks and Gillott's Pegs, at tlic
I manufactures price.
' Towanda, Oct. 22,1860. o. D. WICKIIAM. '
./>, II THANK' COt RT SALE.—By virtue
VA of an order of the Orphans' Cuprt of Bradford coon- ,
| ty, will be expo.-ed to public -ale, on the premises on I
SATURDAY. January 12, 2-iib. at 1 o'clock, p.m. the'
j ollowiug described property late the property ot Jess, j
Hammond, late if Springfield twp.. dre'd., bounded and I
1 described as iollows, to wit : Ifeginning at a Norway
pine-wree being the south west corner ot ('. F. Wilson's
lot tlience south to the band of Three Fall Run, thence [
ens along the hank of s .id run to the foot of the hill,
t;i nee southerly direction to the corner of Kcuover I
VV niicy's land, from thence in said Wormley line to the i
mi He ot the Berwick Turnpike or highway, thence !
north along said highway to the lino of Calvin West's i
land, now occupied by \ . If. Voorhis, thence west along ;
the Hue of said Cah in West to his south west corner of
said lot, tlieuce north to C. F. Wilson's line, to the place J
ot beginning. Cout,lining six acres of land, he the same ;
tuore or loss, as per deed ol Edwin and G >! 1 .'flichols, to
said Jesse Hammond. Dated Sept 26. l*titi.
Tkusis ei 5.*, i.:..— 420 ii at the day of sale, balance one |
year thereafter date, with interest.
Dec. 11, 1800. Admini-tiator. j
\ I DITOR'S NOTICE— In Ihr nui/frr of
' the eshitr of Alexander P.Biles .deceaxad. In the I
J Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court ;
I to distribute monies in the hands ot the administrators, '
| as per account filed, will attend to the duties of his np- j
pointment at his office in Towanda Borough, on FRIDAY
! the 24th day of JANUARY, 1861, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at
whichjtinie and place all persons interested will present
| their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of
said fund.
December 20, 1860. Auditor.
! EDITOR'S NOTICE —in the matter of
! J.\ the estate of Danit f (rtCAff, Itcc'h. ' In the Or
| phan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court.
; to distribute the monies in the hands of the Administra
tor, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his I
i office in Towanda Borough, on MONDAY, 'he 28th duv '
\ JANUARY, 1861, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and
! place all persons interested will present their claims or ;
be debarred from claiminganv portion of said fund
Pec. T3. lr-'fiO. Auditor. " j
\ EDITORS NOTICE— In the v - f
iLV the entitle of J. Chamljeetin, titlnt'r of S. If*. '
Biles, iler'd r* It m. It'iUiiims. In tin Court of Com
j mMi Pleas oi Bradford County, No. 223, T. 18.70. i
The undersigned, an Auditor, appofnt >d by said Court |
1 to distribute funds raised bv Sheriff's Sale ol real and
personal estate of defendent will attend to the duties of |
liis apii.iintiueut at his office in Towanda Borough, on j
SATURDAY, the 20th day of JANUARY, 1-61. all!
o'clock, p. m ., at which time and place all persons arc '
rcque.-ted to present their claims or el-e be forever de- ,
; batted from said fuu'L
! Dec. I", li6o. Auditor' I
At Oco. H. Wood's Oallcry.
I \ Ymt can pfocttre, at low price#,
■ S \Of all sizes, up to life xiae, either plain or re
>J 1,11 * touched, <;ulore4ju oil or pastille.
' most all other hinds of types, l'i.-turex in good ca=es tor
50 cents, mid other sizes and qualities in proportion.
Meiafnotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for
children. JHI work warranti d. AWgnfjt 10. I.W.
a. where von can find a very fine assortment of
WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a
good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings I
np, and warranted t give good satisfaction or no sale.
I am also agent for the sale of D. K. LLN i S celebrated
Barometers, which everv farmer should always have. I'ri
-1 ees from #h to $2O, according to finish REPAIRING
! done as uual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war
ranted. WM.A. t IIA.MBEUI.IN".
E. Clark's Revolving Loopcr
; The Revolving Looper is a late improvement on Ray
mond's Latest Improved.)
Warranted the best in tiie world for Family L'se !
Price Within the Reach t.f Every Family
Plain Machine. Walnut Table, Tools, ,Yc flO on
Kclsey's Feed, " 45 00 .
Extra Ornamented Machine, Mahogany Table,
Ton's, Ac
do do Kel-ey Feed 50 00
Needles 10 Cents each
| Heiuniei s. turning any width from one sixteenth
to two inches 5 00
, nnnE reputation of lliis Machine is now fully estahlish
-1 ed as the rmaf reliable Machine in the market for
family use, and lias been attested too by thousands of the
most respectable families in the Union.
This Machine makes the celebrated " Donble !>>ck
Stitch," the only one made- by machinery that meets all
the requirements of Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied 1
twice, so that every one is securely fastened and wholly |
| independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that
' if the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew
i ing must hold good while the fabric will wear. The
machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel of *im
plieity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it. nor
does it require ailjutineiit more than the mere change of
thread and needles to adopt it to tha character o) the
I work to be sewed—coarse or fine as the case may be. It.
will sew gauze lares, and all varieties and kinds of fab*
I rios between and including heavy beaver clnth. without
changing either needles or thread equally well, and re- I
turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfaction.
No other Machine ever offered to the public will do as
A perfect Sewing Machine, one making a stitch nn
| swering all the requirements ot the family. sewing coarse j
and tine work equally well, was the gre.ii desideratum of I
the home circle, previous to the invention of Edwin
i (T.aiik's Rkvw.vini; Loockk. The stitch is beautiful, |
trottg, and elastic, and will not rip in wear or in acci
dental breaking a thread.
Every Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the
j TKi-cey refunded.
Wc have a large li-t of references but will give the
i names of only a few :
Mr. R. E.Siiaw Sir: 1 have ttsed for the last three
mouths in my Tailor-Shop, one of " Raymond's tatest j
; mproved Sewing Machines." and I do think it the l>est
n use Ibr tailoring purposes, and would not do without i
it for One Hundred Hollars if i could not get another of j
the kind for less money.
ANTHONY Ml'i.l.tlN.
Mrs. Wm. F.lwell, Towanda. Pa.
Miss Harriet Alloway, North Towanda.
Miss Minerva Voslmrg, (tailoress) Burlington, Pa. j
| Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, l'a,
Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy. Pa.
Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Sheshi quia. Pa.
Rev. X. A DePttv. Pcntidd, N. Y.
Calvin Carpenter, Kq. Klmira, N. Y.
Mr. K. A. Scott. Elmira, N. Y.
Mr. M. Richardson. Elmira, N. A".
' Mrs, J. H. Webb, Towanda, Pa.
Mrs. J. 11. Neviits. Towanda. Pa.
Mr. (I. H. Hunting, (tailor) Towanda, Pa.
I Mrs. C. W. Vincent. Sheshequin. Pa.
Mr. A."Million, (tailor) Mtmroelpn. Pa.
' Mr. Percival Powell, (tailor) Shr-diequin, Pa.
Mrs. Oweq Spaldinv. Waveily, K. Y.
Dr. ti. li. Mor.' LB. Wjrsox, l'a.
All oriffi by ui. 'oi Express will receive prompt at
i tent ion. Persons not having the full amount can be uc- ■
| eommodated with short credit,
j A liberal discount given to Agents. Address
Mareli ">. lsiio. I!. F. >ll AW. Towanda. Pa. j
r) EGISTKR'S NOTICES—Notice is liere
l by given, that there has been filed and settled in j
! the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county \
I of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow- \
: ing estates, viz :
Final account of \V. H. Fritcher and C. W. Clapp, i
j adm'rs ofWilliatu Parry, late of Athens, deceased
; Final account <-f Ann E. Rrauud, executrix of Wm. \
Rratiud. late ot Asylum, dee'd..
Final Recount of Isaac Lynn, ndtn'r. of Richard Lyon i
: late of Orwell, dee d.
Final account of Daniel Lenox, executor of James j
I Lenox, late of Ulster, dee'd.
Flual account ot Peter Wortendyke, adtn'r of Neri ■
W ortendyke, late of South Creek twp., ilee'd.
Final account of Allen Calif!", administrator with will]
i annexed.of C C. Brown, late of Smitlitield tp. dee'd.
' And the same will be iiresented to the Orphan's Court '
of Bradford county, on MONDAY the 4th day of Feb. !
next, for continuation and allowance.
i Register's Office, Jan. 1, ls'Gl.
\ I DITOR*B NOTICE.— In the matter of
aw the estate of XiLon Johnson, dee'd. In tiie Or
i phanns' Court of Bradford county.
The nndprsigtied an Auditor, appointed to distribute
funds in the liAtida of the administrator ot said estate
will attend to the duties of the said appointment
at the office of OVERTON A MOXTAXYK, in the
Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, February 1, A. j
D. 1861 . at!) o clock a. m., at which time and place all •
, persons interested w ill present their claims or be forever
debarred from claiming any part of said fund.
Dec. 21. 18fi(). Auditor.
i O STORE, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Em
broidered Collars. Embroidered Sett*. Embroidered Edg-
I ings, Embroidered Inserting®. Marsailles Collars, Mar
sailles Setts, Embroidered Klouncings, Crape Collars,
Crape Setts. Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large as
l sortment of Black tace VeHs.
J STORE, Boots and shoes, Hats. Caps and Straw
Hoods, Crockery, Oils and Pai,its K Glaas aud Sash, Choice
Family tiro eeriest
HAM BE HG CHEESE.—The finest and
most desirable Cheese in market, for sale at
~ TONS IRON —Ali sizes and qualities at
. Y TRACY A MooUK s.
I)R.\ YEll-BOOKS and BIBLES for the
' J Holidays, at IOWLES'.
Thomas j Ingham, ATT o/?v,
XAT LAW, I.M'ORTE, S„l!,van;c, Jlmty , p, '
UN WILI. IA M Sf, A TTO K \).- V i t
• LA W, CANTON PA., will attend,,' .** f
ness entrusted to his cats in the courts of Hradf, 7 V '"- '
Lycoming and Sullivan Co's. 1,., I
_ •• l|fr E
Overton a montanye attY
XK FN A T LA fC-Office in Union Block .
y occupied Jan. Mackarlank.
H.J. MA dill j> jv M
overMereur' Store.Towonda, I'a. '
Towanda, April 2, 18.
MU 1
BtJROF. OX, offers his professional servV/ f
people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at hi, r f
on Pine street, where be can always be fnunii V " 1
professionally engaged. "tit ;
LJ. LAW , TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. o,.
M. AH. F. Long's store. Aug.; ' , r f
Henry b. m-kean, ATTORR P ;
AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay Y ' I
attention to luisiness entrusted tohim. Coil.-.-p,,!. " I
on reasonable terms, with prompt remittance..
I7LIIANAN SMITH, having retorneT \
MJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office over w.
Store. Dec. 1.1857. |
I WESTON, J)f y |
77.57'. permanently located in
| ITT t-TOFFICE one door south of Bailcv.vv... |
I Towanda, Feb. I'a.lbo'J. " t
PERM ANENTt.Y located in Towanda,
Office No. 5, Brick Row. over H. W. Noblk'
Entrance one door south ot Tracy A. M<sires. Ge>-1
*"j-OSiee, No. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. Fox', ,w
—entrance first door on Pine >t. February 16. IKfit
] Office opposite Laporte, Mason A Co.
♦•"Collections made and remitted with promptnesi '
| Towanda, January 2,1800.
DR. JOIIN MTNTOSH, will be foundt
his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring u'
I Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rubhrr- g!
' latest improvement in dentistry. Sjieeimen pie.-eto
: seen at tiie office. Persons indebted to me will p—_
Towanda. Kuril 20. ison.
New Fall and Winter Goods
Wm. A. Rockwell's
(IoMPRISINO the cheapest and handsomest lot op.
J Hoods ever offered in thi® market.
DRESS HOODS—Merino Prints, Oinphams, fir
Chene Mohairs. Canton Cloths. Hrerielle de l a-tie. n'.
iirt-d Coburgs, Morel la Cloth. Plain and Printed TU; jea „
Hamilton. Manehester and Wool de laiiues. Figured {A
veans, Poil de Chevies, Black Plaid Eigured Marcrlumi
Hro de Rhine Silks, at
SHAWl.S—Broche. Bay State, Chenile. Hlentffn,
'Jentlemen's Shawls, lanties Scarfs, Clunking, and !
ctls. at
EMBROIDERIES, laves. Edgings, Dimity. fUn<a
Veils, Coifures. Ribbons. Velvets, Bonnets and Eloven
KNIT-HOODS. Ladies' ami Children's Hoods, Nul
Children;-, Sacks. Mantles and Sock*, at
(1 EN i LEM E.N S Hot 11 is t lot lis, Cassimeres, Satsui
.leans. Diniuis. Sii-pender-, Cravats. Collars, Shj
Shirt Bosoms. Drawers and Uuder-Shirts, Hats, C*[
Cloves and Hosiery, at
1 Oil Cloths. Furniture Prints, Traking, PajK-r lUupon. ?
Window Shades, Bed and Table Spreads, at
SHEETINHS. Shirtings. Jaqnered and SenenliMt
Diatier. Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, at
YANKEE NOTIONS, Combs, Buttons, llmdrn.
Threads, Stationery, Pins, Needles, Hooks ann Kml
Looking Hlasses. Percussion Caps, Beads, Bugles, I'lcsl
Forks and Spoons, Crochet Needles. Knitting I'is I
Zephyrs, Scotland Wool and Scotch Yarns, at
CROCKERY, Hardware. HI ass, Sash, Oils, I Van |
Nails, Putv. ituriiing Fluid. Camphenc, Keriwine. Wooi
en ware, Bird Cages. Boots. Sieves ar.d la-atlicr, at
j HROCERIES—^The best Cntshed and Pulverised
Brown atul Coffee Sugars. Black and Hrcen Teas.Ji
and Rio Coffee. Chocolate. Syrup;.. Molasses, TulwtJ
Spices, Indigo, Starch, Soap, Crackers, Saia-ratus. Cro®
Tartar, and everything else in tiie line will be tonne®
ALSt)—Fresh Hround Cavnga i'laster, at
Many thank-for the liberal encouragement hitk*. I
extended n-. and we shall endeavoj to continue topi
satisfaction to ali our customers, old and new.
No. 1, l'nttoii'k Block
Towanda. October is. isgn.
3, Potion's lilock.
H A VINO made up his mind to make the Jlercantoe
business a permanent business would most rfpet-
I'utly sulii it liis old customers and the public genera
give bint a vail and examine his almost entire ne*
id Hoods, just reciiving, and which 1 e offers at *1
dtieed prices, tor Cash or most kinds ot Couutrj l' j
duce. He asks particular attention
Large stork of Domestic Hoods. Sheetings. Sli rtiiw.
Dentins, l icks. Stripes. Linen and (Jottoii Diapers. Iba
a>k Table and Marscills Bed Spreads, Jeans, TwA
Flannel-, Ac.
; Prints. Hingham's. Cotiergs, all Wool and Union !Mi
j Reps, I'laius, Black Silks. Ac.
] Stock of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in Towica
and all warranted.
; Large assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats and Csp. #
great bargains
| Combs, Brushes, Hair Pins. Needles. Crochet
Zephyr, Slietlaud Yarn, aud everything in the new
! line.
I Large stock of Straw and Chip Bornets. Rnche* E'r
ers, Ac., which will be sold wholesale or ntailJ-'l*"
; cent cheaper than at anv other place in town.
Crockery. Hlass and Hardware, Boots and Show. |
j Ladies, Misses, Men and Children, at Bargains.
I Large stock of Groceries, Brown, Coffee. White j
j verized Sugars, fresli Linseed and tamp >iU, w " ! '* |
Lead Zinc, I'uttv, Sash. Nails, Coffee, Tea Ac.
Hood Molasses at 38 per gallon. Prints from ■"> |
per yard. Coats' Thread 4 cts. Best Hoop * I
ets per doz. Yellow Bank, line cut. Tobacco ;
lb. Smoking Tobacco, 8 cts. tier lb., atwl I
cheap at WIWBH® 1
Towanda. ' ct. M, ]sr,o.
T I). HUMPHREY, having c ; ' [
• the Dry Hoods department of his store, will I
after enlarge the manufacturing department in itw"' |
j branches, always keeping on hand the most '
' sortment of BOOTS.SHOES A GAITERS, botii of
I and eastern mamitaeture, and at the low**! i I
at which reliable work can tie sold. -, tk '
Thankful tor past natronaga. the subscriber
attention of the puhlj't. as well to his extensive I
lUhjls and Shows as *o the largest and lie-l 1
Flathead TACKS, and in short every *h> n 2 ;
found in Finding Stores. Also, a hirgv stock of cß< "' I
FAMILY (iROf ERiES, f - \
Nails, Saddlery and Commou Hardware, Ac.
cheap lor Cash. „,,„ r c
J. D. HI'MPHKI-l f
Towanda. Oct. 2.">. iB6O. --- I
1 cJ AR r V J H. CABBY rtspwtfofit
a\ the citizens ot Towanda and vieluity. * B f.''<
lie generally that he has commenced the t-J l '' j
business,'n this iifcu-e. Shop over Messrs.
Co., store where tie will make to order all " u ' .
kii.ds of gents garments in all the latest api't r '
ions, and warrant theni to tit. Cl'ttinc don* .-4
notice. A share of public' patronage rcspettno-j
, cd. Aug 1, lbtiti.