LOCAL AND GENERAL. I „, T __A Fur Glove. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office. SLEIGHING AT LAST.— This vicinity is at - h blessed with a plentiful fall of snow, which prom ,. a season of excellent sleighing. It will add greatly j, the business activity of the place, and to the means of enjoyment. INDIAN DOCTOR —All those wishing to be red of any disease should call on Doctor Blttkkfiei., Xi is at his office, in Towanda, aud will remain there t ] the first of February, to help all who call on him. Let 'the afflicted improve this opportunity and conve nience. A LONG WALK —The chnmpion pedestrian TU ht MILKER, concluded, on Saturday last at Ely's Hall Kimira, the arduous task ot walking one hundred and six tonsecutive hours without rest or sleep. TOWANDA Tki.KGRAPH COMPANY. —A bill has heen introduced in the Senate, by our Senator Mr. Lan ivS to incorporate a company with the above title. \ LARGE HICK was run into the river, on Friday afternoon last, below the dam. and being in the condition of another well known "old Buck," pretty much used U P> was captured alive. He was con ducted to comfortable quarters in the Barclay engine house, and has been an object of great attraction. THE List A Bai.i. was a complete success.— Though owing to the had condition of the roads, not so manv were in attendance from abroad as was expected, Mill "there were enough to render it all that could be de sired. Everybody was pleased with the party, and espe cially the sapper, which was got up in the best style. PIT JAMF.s Bp.YAN and WH.UA* Xiciiolsox, of Philadelphia, the former G. W. P., and the latter G S of Pennsylvania, Sons of Temperance, will address Jh e citizens of this place on Wednesday evening, Jan. "3 I Mil. All are very earnestly invited to attend this Temperance Rally. Both the gentlemen who will speak arc reputed to be orators, and unquestionably the audi rUc- present on the occasion of thcit lecturing, will be entertained with very at-le addresses on that topic,which, much as ever, and very greatly needs advocating in our ; midst. The place of the meeting will be announced next J week. Dr. P.ry an will also speak Friday. By order Com. of Arrangements. THE BRADFORD COUNTY TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION will hold its next meeting at Athens, the first Fri dav ami Saturday in February. All friendly to educa tional interests are very earnestly invited to attend— Lectures will lie delivered by Mr. O. J. Chubbick and Rev. Mr. Tom; essays read by Misses M. T. PITCHER and Lvima Cabnkk, and selected articles by Miss HELEN Adams and Mr. P IK.ILARUIXO. A resolution regarding the necessity and propriety of Teachers detaining after •hoid. pupils, for disorderly conduct or failure at reci ftfwn. will be acted upon. The Business Committee also will report questions that will be discussed. GEO. D. SCOTT, R. Sec'y. THE CHENANGO CANAL. —We are glad to see that, among the very tir.t business of the session, the Hon. L. Truman and Hon. Cero F. Barber have in troduced a bill tor the completion of the Chenango.— The opponents of this important addition to the public works of the State, la*t year endeavored to make it out to be one of the corrupt jobs of the session. If it had been pressed by money influence its success would likely have been better. It stood there as it stand- now. on its merit* only. It has more real merits than many of the public works already finished. We hope in a short time to give such a mass of statistics as will convince all un prejudiced men that it will lie a lasting benefit to the State and nn in valuable blessing to the whole Southern Tier, Ar even to Albany.—Oirego Timet. I Vatriotic. — On Wednesday the citizens of I Wior'.y voluntarily met together and flung to the breeze a tiif (an Palmetto flag) bearing the inscription. "For I "ssident in lgfit. Major Anderson, of Kentucky." Re- I Millions were also passed declaring that the Union I • 'ilJ not be disrupted by the secessionists, and a vol ' natter company of minute men formed. South Carolina hail better look to her "laurels" and the Palmetto flags sow. THE POWER OF MEDICINE OYER DISEASE. — We know of no better illustration of this fact than the •mlcrful effects of tho Oxygenated Bitters, in eradicat ing from the human system dyspepsia and all functional i!isa-s of the stomach, and restoring impaired digestion. It is no new remedy. Ten years of trial by the public disestablished it as a standard medicine: and no family in the country should be without it as a sale aud sure remedy with both sexes and all ages. In our large cities n has W;i much used by the regular physicians, and is indorsed by some of the strongest certificates from well known individuals. For sale by all the druggists.— Weekly .Xnrellette. We can testify from experience that the above medicine ! | -ses.es all the merits claimed for it by our ti ieud of the [ .Yer r/trtte. I t VISIT TO DR. PORTER'S NEW DRUG STORE, ft Corner of A/uin and Pine Street*, 'l'otranda, Pa. ri I'welve years ago Dr. PORTER commenced rations for establishing in this vicinity a branch of ■ 'Air known as the Drug Business. At that time the in- I rihitants were poorly supplied by parties having too lit- I I' knowledge of the materials, with only a regard for I hie laws of trade in selecting their purchases, their chief I w-ire liein; to till a demand, trusting to chance for qual- I Regardless of snch cheap competition, and trusting I hi time for his patrons to vindicate an effort to furnish I Hi* Vif articlet in preference, to those simply cheap, the I IhKgur has succeeded in establishing a reputation for reli- I ability, and a depot from whence can be procured with I Mf ety, any and all articles in the various departments of I 11 inntry Drug Trade, which embraces in variety an al | -it endless selection, not only inc'uding all the combi | and preparations of Drugs for Medicines, but also I ■' r numerous other uses, viz: for Artisans, Gentlemen, I H usekeepers Ac., as Painter's materials. Glazier's sup- I ii'ies. Dyer's -tuffs and colors, Toilet and Fancy Goods, I ' ' u mery. Brushes, Combs. Snaps,Sportmen's wants and "npanions. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars Ac. In obtaining the I * v ' t ' °' Rfe it should appear reasonable to everyone that I be*: to trust those understanding their several avoca '■ 'is f., r instance, yuu seek the creditable Dry Goods I * for his goods, the honest farmer for his produce Ac > I - .!i'ame logic is applicable to this business. It is not I c vy understood how many different things strict ly I ( ' i) n " t0 'hi"" trade, all of which can Ire seen by a visit ■) ' urner Drug Store, as shown by its description. I „ r '; ' r ' n * ( ni K Store" occupies the first, see- I car-" I "'' , ' lr ' st ' ir ' e,i ' two ce " a r < . also a fourth floor or ■ c, T' u tir-t floor, or sale room. Is the dispensing I n "k" ' 1 * an, P'es or small parcels from the various ■ ar- C '"'U' cither in glass or drawers expressly de ft room it, f °c- each , " parHtc article. Upon entering this I tl , ir) ' sl '"w Windows on each side rivet your atten- Ithf " a '" e clis l ,1 y °f Toilet Goods, a broadside of Tru., ' lp '' rove( U jen ' s an, l Ladies' Braces, Supporters, oi-nr J' 4nd .* in H ,les of the various other mechanical bhieM,*V" ,enef ' t *' le infirm and sick—as "* Ti-i it r,nSeS ' Sri,,ptes ' pumps, Nnrsing-bot- I™ 0u i, . rm p' Ned-pans, Ac. Continue yonr gaze and Cft in irti 1 > of ll,e iUxidess Flora, with a modest H P bearing to invite the beholder to I I Hfrt.ni. ' K ' lt ''- v an ac q"iitive inspection of CL'T l>yr-,raid of Xew 4 Beautiful Uwps, with ■ n f W ' ,thoUt Which no borne can flourish Hand ~' CV rCp,MC ' hut w,,ul,J b® mstca(i * dark ■ ipu.jr- .Ire gain ycnir eyes and lo! the Sea 1 *'i Statue* the FL-hcr B"y and Girt, tum ing from the brink of a splendid Italian Marble Aquari um, who having filled their laps to overflowing, and showing the happy countenances of successful anglers, seem to impress you with the importance of mixing bu iuess with pleasure, as in this case the routine of daily ' pursuits with some aquatic ones, and as the Gold Fish of Chiua, the English Carp, the Western Catfish, the Susque hanna Bass, the South American Rock fish, the Triton, the Lobster and the Japanese Silver fi.*h, dart about the waters, yon are remiuded of immense satisfaction to be en joyed, for you behold all around this fairy pond, Hooks, Lines, Snells, Flies, Reels and Rods, no longer shaped for hoys' rnde casts, but implements tit for all the subtlety ami sagacity of mail, with steady eye and expert blow to send out his cast to capture the fiuny races, or with his traveling companion, powder, shot, wads and caps, to find in due season with -his faithful dog—means at least to make him hungry and healthy. Now observe the case of "Rich Perfumes" presided over by Canova's Statues of the Bacchantes, busy with toils of pleasure, holding out luxurious spirits and lra grant waters, which diffuse the most grateful odors. If not satisfied with their exquisite fragrance, turn to the mirror and declare yourself inhuman ! Turning round,von are at'the Soda stand .where Spark ling Water and Fruity Syrup minister to drive away the thirst of Summer toil and revive your faculties to ap preciate the wondrous cures before you, all simplified in that long array of glass and deep tiers of drawers, ready forth® skilful touch in divers combinations, all for your benefit in the hour of sickness. From whence come they ? What their merits ? How important is the trust connected with them! Before von are Plants, Roots, Herbs, and Minerals from all quarters of the Globe, collected by all race of people, barbarous and civilized, and having passed through the various channels of commerce are now reposing in this vast emporium. If they were simply stone from so many countries, then how great would be the cu riosity to see them, and how little the trust for those having them in charge; but no they are agents to contend for Life and the Master}' of Death, and your curiosity is sunk in mystery, while your trust Is too often placed in fearful ignorance, since the avocation "Druggist" painted outside will allay your fears! Or if the Dry Goods Merchant or Grocer sees fit to dispense cheap Opium, Paregoric, Godfrey's Cordial .Essences,rancid Cas tor Oil, Soda and C'rcam Tartar mixed with marble dust! ignorance is bliss, for the effects are on their patrons and not on them ! Passing these considerations, and before leaving this great room with all its fearful mixtures and hopeful compounds, notice the new and original contriv ances A facilities tor preparing Physician's prescriptions, with the large Chemical Apparatus,recently invented and made only in Berlin, Europe, at a cost of over one thou sand dollars including the block Tin Distiller and Conden sor, the Porcelain Evaporatiug Pans, Pots, Filters, Pres ses and all the furniture thereto belonging, for the Manu facture of all Medicinal Compounds, as Syrups, Extracts, Perfumed Waters. Ac., Ac. Also a long row of immense cans neatly painted and lettered by Kkklkr, of Antwerp, with the names of their contents, which may be drawn readily, the drippings running into strainers below, the cans having been filled from casks in the rooms above by means of movable conductors passing through openings in the ceiling, answering anojher purpose, that of venti lation, thus economizing much room and avoiding the ne cessary dirt consequent upon handling Oils and Varnish es. Turn aside to an adjoining room (occupied by em ployes for dispensing medicines at all hours of night) in which there are two stairways, one leading above, the other below. Descend to tho first cellar and you see the sides and floor, the whole space all filled with articles requiring cellar temperature for their preservation, also casks of " Pure" for medicinal use only, with lists ol Im ported Ales. Porteis, Wines, Fine Table Oils, Ac. The second cellar is filled and lined with another branch of the Drug Business, the great Paint and Oil trade. Huge casks of Linseed Oil, Barrels'of the various Varnishes. Piles of Lead and Zinc, all the Colored Paints in Cans, of all sizes, Barrels of Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Tanner's Oil, Neats Foot Oil, Coal Oil or Kerosene, Lamp or Whale Oil, Camphene, Alcohol, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Cans of the Finer Essential Oils, as Oils of Cinnamon, Peppermint, Bergamot, Origanum, Ac., Ac., in packa ges and stowed full in systematic order- Ascendjto the second story this floor is divided into sections and rooms—the front room contiguous to the I-aboratoiy directly over the Store or Dispensing room is arranged for putting up Dr. Porter's Home Remedies aftd Family Wants, among which the celebrated Pectoral Syrup, the Eclectic Pills and Horse and Cattle Powder, Ac., are here rapidly turned out by the busy operatives. Still ascend ing to the third story, you behold ennrmons shelves filled with boxes containing millions of Vials A Bottles ot every shape and size, many Carboys of strong Acids, boxes of Window Glass in Piles, Barrels of Dye Stuffs and Dry Paints, as Copperas, Blue Vitro It Log. Cam. Xic. and Red Wood. Ochres. Vermillions, Venetians and Mineral Paints, Bins of Corks and Sponges, Ac. Now up to the the garret go, and stooping low on the fourth floor, be neath the rafters, you observe spread out with careful pre ! vision Leaves, Roots Ac., for exsiccation. The whole building is protected from the risk of fire or explosion by water carried to every floor. Ingenious fixtures and original designs are seen to fill the plans in every part of the concern, and every spot from cellar to garret placed in systematic order, easy of access, presenting a neat and clean appearance and handy for the transaction and call of every day wants, seeming as if no pains or expense had been spared to ar range and .simplify this vast collection. Added to all these facilities for business, the experience of the Doctor himself as a Physician and Pharmaceutist of the high est excellence warrant the public in the confidence reposed in the establishment, especially since all pur chaes and sales made, and all prescriptions compounded are under his immediate personal supervision. MKDICL'S. ittfscellatuous. W. 7.6 L S. RAIL ROAD. CIHAXGE of hours, commencing MONDAY, Nov. 26, / 1860. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz : GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk Express. .5.33 P. M,IN. Y. Express. .11.28 A.M Night Express 3-50 A. M.(Night Express. 1.2.5 A.M. Mail 8.10 P. M Mail 7.45 A. M. Mail 8.42 A.M..Mail 4.20 P.M. Express Freight... 6.00 P. Mi East Freight... 0.07 A.M. Fast Freight.... 11.32 A. M. Way Freight... C.05 P.M. Way Freight.... 8.15 A.M.I Night Express (both ways) Express Freight and Fast Freight going west, and Fast Freight going east, run every day. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to El* tnira. The 8.10 P. M. Mail runs only to Elmira. The h.42 A. M. Mail runs through to Dunkirk. The 4.20 P. M. Mail runs only to Biughamtou. CHARLES MINOT, General Sup. TRIBUNE ALMANAC, for IS6I, at A. F. COWLES. IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here J bv given, that ail persons indebted to the estate of ELEAZER WRIGHT, late of Litchfield tp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persous having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS BLOODGOOD, SAMUEL DAVIDSON, Jan. t, 1861. Executors. GOODS AT COST. A FINE ASSORTMENT of Plain and "■ Printed French Merinoes, Reps, Valencias and other Dress Goods. Also a lot of very desirable Wool Shawls, will now lie sold for cash at cost by January 3. 1861. H. S. MERCUR. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had the effect to place many kinds of Goods.within the reach ol Cash buyers, at much lower prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many iai gain such as have heretofore never been equall ed in this market. Dec. 10,1860. JOSEPH POWELL. WANTED. \ LL THE WELL DRF;SSED, YOUNG -44- CHICKENS, GEESE and TURKEYS, at No. 1, Patton's Block, corner oi Main and Bridge st. Dec. 13, 1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL. SAXZZRJBTTrS. BABBITS, DeLauds, Pylcs and Herrick Allen's, for sale in any quantity by Dec. 20. C. B. PATCH, Hcto antorrtCsemcnts. I LIST OF JURORS drawn for February! term, 1861. GRAND Jt'BORS. Asylum —S. MeKean Lapoite, John Brauud. Albany—John Brown. Atheus township—King Hulett. Burlington west—Jehial McKean. " township— Hollister Comptoa. Canton—B. S. Porter. Leßoy—Harvey Holcomb. Litchfield—Samuel Wolcott. Monroe township—Orrin Spicer. Pike—Henry L. Stevens, Win. B. Stevens, Jeukin Da vis. Ridgbury-Hiram Dewey. Sylvania boro—Silas Smith. Standing Stone—Charles Sill. Springfield—John Harkness. Terry—E. J. Shepard. Tuscarora—Lorenzo Ackley. Towanda boro'—James H. Phinny. jr. Ulster—J. C. Btirnside, John Mather. Warren Samuel Lyon. Wells—Floyd Helmes. TRAVERSE JURORS lit tOCtk. Athens township—George Burchard. " boro'—James Peters. Armenia—James Mason. Burlington—E Guyer, Stephen Dood, L W Swartwood. Canton—J S Reynolds. Columbia—John Morgan, P A Palmar. Granville—James Merritt, Litchfield—Huston McKinney. Orwell—E M Farrar, Isaac Marsh. Overton—James Molyneux. Pike—H G Gage. Rome—J W Woodburne. Standing Stone—Joel Tuttle. Smithfield—Henry Phelps, James H Webb. Shesbequiu- Fraiiklin Biackman. Troy boro —I A Pierce. " township—L. G. Vanborn, Wm 8 Dobbins. Terry—M T Slattery Towanda township—Silas Shiner. " boro'—Chester Wells, D C Hall. Ulster—James McQueen, S B Galusha. Wysox—M H Laning. Wyalusing—L M Hewitt. Windham—James Ellsworth, jr. Warren—Otis Hamilton, Jackson Arnold. Howell How ell, Jacob P Rogers. TRAVERSE JURORS —2d tcetk. Athens township—William Stone, L T Weiler. *' boro'—W H Fritcber. Armenia—John Tomlinson, John B Morgan. Albany—Daniel Kellogg. Burlington west—Joseph Foulke. Columbia—Joseph N Worden. Franklin—John Kuykendall. Granville—Calvin W Churchill, Wm Shoemaker, Johu McNaught. Herrick—John Xcsbit j Leßoy—Levi Palmer, Coryell Morse. Orwell—Charles Ellsworth. Pike—S. B Stevens. Smithfield—lra C Bullock, l.ark Bird. Shesheqnin—George Rogers, L S Kingsbury, Hanson Elsbree, 2d. Springfield—Wilson Smith, Edward Voorhis, Homer Brooks. Tuscarora—Robert Montgomery, Hiram Shuraway. Troy township—John McKean, C M Pomeroy. Ulster—Charles Gorsline Wyalusiug—Burton Lewis, Bascon Taylor, Walter Bragg. Wysox—George Granger. Wjudhatu—Chester Neal. Wells—C C Updyke. NOV. 24r, 18(3G. LATEST ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS! I CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETINGS, SOOTS &c SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. HARDWARE, Etc. Feeling confident that we are now prepared to meet fhe wants of ALL, we would call ih attention of the public to our NEW STOCK, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices for CASH 01 HEADY-PAY. Nov. 2D. 1860. TRACY A MOORE. KEGS NAILS— Just received at fJyjyj f Nov. 89 ) TRACY A MOORE'S. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS k PUTTY at J- TRACY A MOORE'S. CHAD, MACKINAW, CODFISH. Ac., O at TRACY A MOORE'S. GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICKS OF BOOTS, AT HUMPHREY'S. The subscriber offers his very I-arge Stock of Boots of his own manufacture and also his Extensive and well selected assortment of LADIES' FINE WORK, of all styles and varieties for the remainder of this Sea son to Cash Customers at prices which make it a great inducement to give him a call before purching elsewhere. Also, an unusually large stock of LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS at reduced prices to suit the times. Also, a fine assort ment of CROCKERY, which I will sell at bargains, in order to close that branch of my business. FOUR TONS BOONETON NAILS, COLLINS AXES, CAST STEEL SHOVELS, MANURE FORKS, SA DDLER Y WARE, IFAEIfIIW &c., *c. t Dec. 1,1R60. J. D. HUMPHREY. A LARGE SUPPLY of Dried Peaches, Barries, Apples and Prunes, constanly on hand at ROCKWELL'S. WANTED! ALL the FAT and niceljr dressed POUL* TRY, in Bradford County. A nice article, with Empty Crop*, will bring good prices in CASH or Gro ceries, at PATCH'S, t'owanda, Nov. 27, 18S0. To Whom it may Concern! k LL persons having unsettled accounts, notes, or judg- J\ ments, with the late firm of J. tVOODBURN A CO. that is now in the hands of the subscriber, must he paid immediately, in order to sate cost. L. L. MOODY. Rome. Nor. 1 156". ittlscdlancous. AT THE KEYSTONE STORE HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARGE i STOCK FOR THE SEASON, OF PALL & WINTER 0001)8, WHERE WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF amsa, ©aaaiasßtßa, MERINOS, REPS, And other WORSTED DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES & HOSIERY, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS,\ CASSIMERES AND VES TINGS. HATS &c CAkIPS, BOOTS AXI) SHOES, CROCKERY, &c. HOTTSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOSES, ])RUGGETTS, MA TTRESSES, MA TTS, PAPER-HANGINGS, TRANSPA RENT WIN DOW SHADES. BROCCATELLS & DAMASKS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Bleached and unbleached Table Damask, White Damask. Table Cluths all sizes, Napkins. Towel, Diapers, Lace and Embroidered Curtain Muslins, Rose Blankets, Counterpanes, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Case Linens, Sheetiug, ! And Pillow-Cease Muahus, | LOOKING GLASSES, AC. Just received at the KEYSTONE STORE, To which special attention is invited. JOSEPH POWELL, Begs to announce that he his on hand and is constantly receiving from the Manufacturers, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, of the latest styles and most approved patterns. He would respectfully invite the attention of the ladies to them, and also to a large stock of UROCHE LHAWLB at half their value. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, All the desirable colors of double, single, and split Zeph yrs, and Shetland wool will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. LADIES' FURS, AT PANIC PRICES. JUST OPENED AT THE KEYSTONE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS Purchased during the present panic, much below their market value, and are offerep for sale correspondingly low. (Nov. 29, I860.) BAJOU'S KID CLOVES. All sixes, in colors, black'and white, of these celebrated Gloves wilLalways be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. PMCK.—Ladies, $1.0(1 ; Gents. $1,25. 100 PIECES ENGLISH PRINTS, Chintz-Patterns and Fast Colors, Worth 20 cents per yard, now for sale at ONE SHIL LING per yard, at the KEYSTONE STORE. ~ FOR BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, GRAIN, nccKSB -mmz Dried Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried Blackberries. SIELEEIP PELTS! WHITE BEANS !! POTATOES; HICKORY NUTS, And Game, at PATCH'S. TOBACCO, IN BARRELS, X In KEGS. In BOXES. In CANS. In TINFOIL, In LARGE PAPERS. In SMALL PAPERS, In BLADDERS, FINE CUT, LONG CUT, PLUG ! TOBACCC BOXES. TOBACCO PIPES, SNUFF, Black and Yellow, Choice SEGARS, Ac., Ac., at Wholesale and Retail, by Dec. 20. . C. B. PATCH. QBOUZro PSPFBS., ALLSPICE, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cayenne Pepper, Mustard Ginger, Coffee, Beards and Cum ings' pureast of each, for sale cheap by Dec. 20. (LB. PATCH. SOMBTHZSrO NEW : IHAVE an article of TEA, jast from Jap an. a splendid article, call and look at it. N. B.- The best stock of Black and Grtca ITA6 la Bradford County. JttlscrUaiwous. THE BEST AND'CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WELL MADE AND GOOD FITT ING MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, IS ST SOLOJIO.YS CLOTHING OTULISIIUT! TTAVING jutt received one of the largest Stocks i.i IX Kail and Winter Clothing that has ever been offered in this market before, whieh will be swld at greatly re duced prices. CHEAT BARGAINS IN Black D. B. A S. B. Broadcloth Frock Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN „ A Fancy Beaver Doeskin and Silk mixed Cassimere Caats GREAT BARGAINS IN Cassimere. Union and Sattinet Business Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Tweed and Kentucky Jean and Cottonade Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Black Doeskin, Cassimere, Union and Sattinet Pant*. GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison's Cassimere, Silk mixed and Plain Pants. GJtEAT BARGAINS IN Fancy Union Satinet and others. Coats. GREAT a AUG A INS IN Plain and Fancy Silk Velvet Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Matilais Plain und Eancy Silk Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison's Cassimere. Silk Mixed and Black \ esls. GREAT BARGAINS IN Vencia, Cotton Velvet and Plush Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy, Union, Sattinet and Farmer's Satin Vesta. One of the largest stocks of OVERCOATS, consisting of Beaver, Pilot, Sealskin. Petersham, Lionskln, Black of all qualities, and a large assortment of New Styles.- - Also one of the Largest Stocks of Gents Furnishing Goods, which will be sold 23 per cent, cheaper than else where. Call before you buy and examine my stock, as yon can be suited better aud at lower figures. Remember the place, M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Establishment. September 27, 1860. Towanda, Pa. JEXCITE ME NT. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. YET til these seem only to increase the business and prosperity of the Old Fonudry and MACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East ol H. S. Met cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the tact, that he is prepared to do. and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch, aud in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS. REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satistac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded iii'the most substantial manuer. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, lie is confident that he can satisfy ail who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda. Oct. 15, 1860. BOOKS AND STATIONARY. (SUCCESSOR TO O. D. BARTLETT,) AT THE OLD STAND ! ! HAVING pnrchased the entire stock of Books and Stationary, Paper Hangings, Ac., Ac. of O. I). Bartlett, to which has been adoed a large assort ment of everything in the line of BOOKS A STATION ARY, making as large and complete an assortment as can be found in the county. I invite my friends and the public to call and examine for themselves. My stock consists of SCHOOL BOOKS. MISCELLAN EOUS LITERATURE, HISTORY'S A BIOGRAPHY'S, RELIGIOUS WORKS. A large assortment of BLANK BOOKS, of all shape and size, and as low as can be had at any other establishment. Also, a fine lot of BIBLES, large and small, Commentaries, Prayer and Hymn Books. I would call particular attention to my stock of PAPER HANGINGS. Of which I have a great variety of patterns and of the latest styles. I still continue the NEWS ROOM, and have constantly on hand all the Daily and Weekly papers, standard Monthly Magazines, Thompson's Bank Note Reporter. Monthly and Semi-Monthly. Also, Greeiy's Political Text Book. Subscriptions received for the Weekly Tri bune, Genesee Farmer, Ac.. Ac, It shall be my aim to sell everything at the lowest rates. All 1 ask is that my friends and citizens throughout the county will give me a call before buying elsewhere, and 1 think I can please them both as to price aud quality. I shall be continually adding to my stock and intend "to keep on hand the lar gest assortment that can be found in the county. Remember the place, at O. D. Bartlett's old stand. | Towanda, Oct. 15, 1860. A. F. COVVLES. MYE R' S_M ILLS. THE undersigned having purchased the above well known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modern Improvements now in use in first j class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not sutler in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en- | trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner. ' Customers from a distance may rely npon having their j work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill." : Mr. FROST will continne to give his own personal at- , tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN : also Flour. Meal 1 and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYEt? J. n. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWAKDA, 0ct.6,1858. GREAT RUSH OF STOVES, TO THE METROPOLITAN HARD WARE STORE ORWELL, PA., TOGETHER with an increased variety of IRON and STEEL. Heavy additions to the stock of HUBS, FELLOES A SPOKES, and almost every de scription of Hardware constantly arßiving. Carriage, House, Coffin. Harness, and Stove Trimmings, in large or small quantities, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Drag Teeth, Plough wheels and all Farming Implements. Heavy Goods in stock, or to older. Cash paid for Hides, Pelts, and Furs. Wanted, Old Copper, Lead, Britannia and Bras. Nov. 1,1K60. S. N. BROXSOK. BKACKSMITHZXra. ADAM ESSEN WINE respectfully informs the public that be may still be found at the old stand where he has worked for so many years, and where he is now doing all kinds of BLACKSMJTHIXG, in the same workman like manner which has distinguished him for years past. The public is requested to give bim p trial, as by re newed exertions to please and strict attention to busi ness he is determined to merit a share of public patron age. HORSE-SHOEING done in the best manner, and at the lowest prices. PRODUCE of all kinds will be taken in the payment for wrok, but a edit positively declined. Call at the old shop of ADAM ESSENWIN'E „east side of Main street opposite Bartlett's Foundry. Towanda, May 16, iB6O. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT, Agents Wanted in every Co. of the U. S-, t# engage in the sale of some of the l<est and most elegant ly ill jstrated Works published. Our publications are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are published in the best style and bound in the most substantial man ner, and are worthy a place in the Library of every Household in the Land. To men of enterprise and industrious habits.this busi ness ofTers ail opportunity for profitable employment sel dom to be met with. Persons desiring to act as agents will receive prompt ly by mail full particulars, terms, Ac., by addressing LEARY, GETZ Sr CO., Publishers. I No. 224 North Second street, Philadelphia ACARD.--J. H. CAREY respectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, and the pub lic geuerally that he has commenced the TAILORING business, in this place. Shop o#er Messrs. Montanje A Co., store where he will make to order all the various kinds of gents garments in all the latest approved fash ions, and warrant them to fit. CVTTISG done on short ! notice. A share of public patronage respectfully solicit : cd. Aug 1, 1860. STRATTON'S •• YEAST CAKES " is the best and cheapest article of the kind ever, offered | for sale ; ask any of the hundred families tliat have I uaed it in this town, if they can recommend it. One I cents worth is sufficient fcr a baking for a middle sized family. A large quantity just received at 1 12, 1860- FOXTS. PRAYER BOOKS and BIBLES for the Holidays, at COWLESY jiUty gftfetrttsmitfis. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS. FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WaV? IHAVR just received from tbe City, • Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS has been pur chased lor CASH, directly trora the Importers, whereby lam enabled to furnish Farmer* for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOW EH PRICKS tjia were ever be fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my stock before' purr basing elsewhere. I have facilities for purchasing, which enables cue to WHOLESALE ay goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my LiquOt>" are warranted pare and onaduitar ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of TOBACCO AND BECARS Ever brought to Towaiula, which having been parchoaed directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists 01 the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigarx and Totacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions^. Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER tliau elsewhere in this town. Confident that 1 am enabled to sell my eutire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so licit tbe public to an examination at N"o. 5. Brick Row. . H. W. NOBLE. Tow and a, June 11, IS6O. NEW FIRM, CODDING & RUSSELL, HAVE purchased the large and well known establish merit of I>. C. Hall, and are now receiving from Now York, the largest and most complete assortment of HARD-WARE, ever offered for sale in this market, which will bo sold CHEAP for Cash orappoved Creuit. We have a large and well selected stock of Wood and Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and style of Parlor, Dlning-lioom. Six-Plate, and Cylinder Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can be purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Car riage Trimmings. Springs. Iron Axels and Boxes, of all sizes, Carpenters aud Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill Saws, Table and Pocket mZZ of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes. BRITTAK.\I4 AMD PLATEDWARE, the late.-t aud most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, always on hand.- - Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and form ot FARMING SOOLS. JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted. GRAIN, Old Iron, Copper, Brittaunia, Brass, Bees wax aiul Feathers, taken in exchange for Goods. We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind,'' to call and examine our our goods before purchasing.— Our motto will be use every man well and submit to noth ina wrong. ear One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's Block, Main street, CODDING A RUSSELL. JOHN A. CODDING, I c. s. KI .SKI.I~ \ Tuwanda, Sept. 21, ISCOi STOVES! STOVES! JX7ST RECEIVED! HAVING lately returned from the city where we have purchased for CASH a large as sortment of STOVES, of all varieties and sizes suited to this locality, we are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash or approved credit. We would call especial attention to the celebrated Coal Stove tbe perfeetion of arrangement for burning coal. We are also casting and setting up in our own Foundry, a nnm tier ot kinds of excellent COOKING STOVES, and BOX STOVES for SCHOOL-HOUSES aud SHOPS. Persons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ac count of broken plates, Ac., can get just as good of Home | Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is the Largest and Most Complete ever offered for sale in this market. We also manufacture and keep constantly ca : hand, a full assortment of TIN-WARE, 1 and will make to order any thing trom a Telescope up>-~ S to a Sausage Machine ! Call and examine for yourselves, and you will b satisfied that there is something in the world yet, beside# i Uas. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda. Aug. 30, lfirlO. N. B.—Our Tin Store is on Main street, south sUe it Merenr's Block. SULLIVAN COUNTY Hardware and Stove Store. D. C. HALL, Respectfully informs citizens of Sullivan County, aud the pul-iv generally, that lie has commenced business in DCsHORE, where he has just received a very expensive stack of of every style amd pattern, adapted for burning Coal or Wood, which will be soil as to* as any other place this side of Albany or Sew York. The attention of those desiring to purchase St-.ves is particularly directed to my assortment, which is especially adapted to the want* of this serticua of th* country, and Will be sold tower th-,n can be purchased this side of Albany or New York. I believe 1 eaa offer greater inducements than aay other establishment in the country. Afco, Hardware, Iron, Steel, PTails, •lass, PAINTS AND OILS, House and Carriage Trimmings, SPRINGS, IRON AXLES A BOXES,of all sixes, Car penter's and Jotaers Tools, Blacksmith's Teoki, Cross t'ut.Cwnruhir ami Milt SAWN, 'fabk and Pocket Cutlery Pumps. bead ISpe, Chain Pumps and Tube. Farming Tools. Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on hand, at | Wholesale and Retail. ! Job Work done oa short notice. Mir Grain. Obi Iron, Copper. Britannia, Brass, Bees i wax and Feathers, taken io exchange for goods. Having hud many years' experience in the business, I am confident 1 tan make it the interest of purchasers to give me a call. My goods will tie bought at the lowest rates, and sold at corresponding prices. All manufactur ed articles will be made from the best materials, aud by competent workmen.and will he warranted. D. C. HALL. Dushore, Oct. U. Ifldfl. *5 00 FRZIMIUM ! AND THE rt lUHASK MONEY Wtt.l. UK PAID TO Alt. TCK CHASKKS OF MO • 4LML!HI9SK Celebrated family Sewing Machines, NOW for sale at the Towanda Agency, fer returning them, if after one month's trial they do not prove j satisfactory. These Machines have been thoroughly test | ed in this County during tbe past year, and was award ed the first premium at the State Fair at Wyoming, and 1 we only ask now that all wanting a first class Soring Machine to try them. Five thousand of these machines have been already sold in different portions of the country, and the satis faction that they invariably give warrantees in making the above liberal affer. We can refer to a large number who are using these machines, in their families, in the different towns of this County, for a list of which see another column. Great inducements are offered to local Agents, for ofh er counties in this state. tST All orders by mail or express will receive prompt, attention. Persons not having the full amount can ba accommodated with short neait. B r. SHAW lowaui: F*. Nor. IS, I*6?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers