LO (AL AND GENERAL. + \ SERMON to the Young Men will be heJ AT the Baptist Church, in this place, on Sab- EVENING next, Jan. 13. All are invited to attend . \ SPECIAL COVRT will commence at this , ON Monday next, Judge WHITE presiding, for the [rial OF * VERAL importantcauswu TAVERN LICENCES.— We are requested by Prothonotary. to state that petition* for Tavern Li must be filed by Monday, 14th iusL, to he in time | OR February Court. > POST OFEICE has been established 4C north-west corner of Smithfield, by the name of ■•gmithfie'D Summit," and Joseph L. Jones appointed I'USUNITFWR. TJE MUSICAL CONVENTION* held at Leßays . IS to have been the most successful one ever in the Coubty. The number ot mem'uer* in attend Jce being upwards of two hundred. THE Wellsboro Fire Department made their T PUBLIC parade one day last week, with their appara- J.A first class engine and hose carriage. The Agita . ~ highly of their appearance. The same paper Informs of the addition to the town of a new church hell SAD a LIQUOR "tore. Wellsboro is looking up. APPOINTMENTS BY THE COMMISSIONERS.— The Commissioner* of this County have made the following , P(L fintments for the ensuing yesr : Clerk.— E B. COOLBACUH. Counsel. —I- LYSSK* MKRCUR. Mercantile Appraiser.— THE SECOND ANNUAL BALL of Linta Hose < o So. 3. takes place at the Ward House on this (Thurs- DTV) evening. The first ball of this Company will long }* remembered * one of the most brilliant gatherings known in this section of the country, sud we are as sured that no efforts will be spared to make this more successful. MKS.QRS. POWELL & SMITH have leased the "Ward House," and entered into possession on the first day of the present year. They, have had abundant op portunity to acquire the knowledge how to "keep a ho tel '• and' will by the attention to the comlorts and neces sities of their guests, make the Ward House second to no hotel iu the country. LECTURE.— Dr. J. Uollistcr leetnred on Monday evening at the Baptist church, on the subject ot Palestine or the Holy Land. The lecture was accompa' i DIED with paintings and views of the most interesting scenery in Palestine, and gave general satisfaction. MUSICAL CONVENTION. —The Bradford Co. ; Musical Association commenced its 7tli annual session at ibeCourt House on Tuesday, with a good attendance— kThe Convention is under the direction of Prol. Perkins, BTVUC well known ability as an instructor will insure a I PTOBLE session. The Convention closes with a Concert ■CA/hday eveuing. * I THE SLEIGHING. — It has been said that "a I thing of beauty is a joy forever" ; but the promise of the j one day's beautiful sleighiug which we had at the begin, ring ot the year has not lieen fulfilled, and has disproved | THE old saving. The few inches of snow that tell has en tirely disappeared under the influence of sun and rain, , ■nd the sleighs and "merry bolls" Ituve retired in disgust. ! RUNAWAY —As Mr. Preston, cf this place : JVA driving up Mnin street, Saturday morning, hi* horse became frightened at some boy* who were sliding down I THE side-walk of a cross street, and starting suddenly, I threw out the driver, and ran up street on the sidewalk, I ■smashing the buggy to atoms. Mr. P. was not Injured. ■ The boys can not be too careful in sliding down the cross ■lT'lKS, a a nural>er of accident* from frightening horse* I AW already occurred. I YJHRA AMUSEMENT?. — Howard & Camp- I>. ilinstrela gave an entertainment on Saturday even ■7 Ally's Hall, at which a prize of a gold braaeiet IHUFREA to the gentleman who brought the greatest Bit er nf Indies, and a gold pin to the gentleman who Brirht the next greatest number. On Monday evening Br: HER entertainment was given for the benefit ot the ■ire Department , at which a beautiful silver goblet was i"I to the author of the best conundrum, and a superb ■Hipper to the author of the worst one. The result in not transpired AS vet. I HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. —A dispatch from |W Tiamsport informs us of a shocking accident which KOK place there yesterday. During a salute which wan LIN? fired in honor of Major ANDERSON, Mr. ED WILKIN |M and Mr. JOSEPH 8188 were seriously injured by the [premature discharge of a cannon. The former had hi* left arm blown off at the elbow , his right hand shivered pieces, one eye p_iit out, and was otherwise horribly lirjorecland disfigured. His recovery is regarded a* ex bemely doubtful. Mr. Bunn had his right arm broken PAR the shoulder, aud nearly torn off He was not other |*> much injured. i * ■ CATAMOUNT KILLED. —Daniel Moody, of this iice. while hunting on Friday of last week in Monroe wuship, succeeded in bagging a large specimen of the "< named animal. It appears that the catamount had MS; upon one of Mr. M's dogs, and npon hi* going to K"5 ha* teen set apart as a time of mutual effort by all " evangelical churches ot this and the old countries, as *WK of prayer for the advancement of the Christian TH movement originated in England, and has paeraily responded to. In this borough meetings HELD at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, and at >' BAPTIST on Wednesday evenings. To-night (Thura- A . T ) IT will be held at the Methodist church, und on Sat EVENING at the Episcopal. I THE PUTRID SORE THROAT is prevailing very Ileniively , AS WE have been informed, in the western | L ' LE county and contiguous portions of Tioga I specially THE townships of Troy, Columbia, Wells, and j "-''' N. The victims are generally young persons and | "TEA. Deacon JKSSE EDSELI. of Wells lost his young- i R son oil the 4th inst. A family by the name of SMITH, J ' ''kson, buried a daughter on the 3d ; two little boys ■ " 'AME family died on the 4th, and two more of the T I-'U WRRE dangerously ill when last heard from, and ' re this, probably, in their graves, at least we fear j people are much alarmed , and a general solem' ! P*RNDE B the community. TARRIOX, DIVISION 103.— At a meeting of !I ''uision. No. 103 Sons of Temperance, recently , •> 'E following officers were elected to serve during ■ beginning Jan. 1,1*61; • Y ~GLOOT D. SCOTT. —N. If. BETTS, JR. 0. MASON. L R S—-1.8. CART. '-CIOIOE P. CASH, ILLUM TELFORD. HIR '-*S DATTON. k V " 11 ' JoMES * ' --0. D. WICKHAM. L SULLIVAN. fi* *°!k!^ M,ERA * ce ' — next n° r terly ''"FIT the N^UP BS ° F TEM P ER * BF * "''l * held in ■-A M ' N JANWRY, commencing at jfctto a&tomfsemrnts. LIST OF JURORS drawn for February term, 1861. GRAND JCBORS. Asylum—B. McKean Lapoite, John Brauad. Albany—John Brown. Athens township—King Hulett. Burlington west—Jehial McKean. " township—Hollister Comptoa. Canton—B. 8. Porter. Leßoy—Harvey Holcomb. Litchtield—Samuel Wolcott. Monroe township—Orrin Spicer. Pike—Henry L. Stevens, Win. B. Stevens, Jenkin Da ! vis. Ridgbnry Hiram Dewey. Sylvania boro—Silas Smith. I Standing Stone—Charles Sill. Springfield—John Harkness. Terry—E. J. Shepard. Tuscarora—Lorenzo Ackley. Towanda boro'—James H. l'hinny, jr. Ulster—J. C. Burnside, John Mather. Warren Samuel Lyon. Wells—Floyd Helines. travkr.sk jurors—lt icttk. Athens township—George Burchard. " boro'— James Peters. Armenia —James Mason. Burlington—E Guyer, Stephen Dood, L W Swartwood. Cantou—J S Reynolds. Colombia—John Morgan, P A Palmer. Granville—James Merritt, Litchfield—Huston McKiuney. Orwell—E M Parrar, Isaac Marsh. Overton—James Molyneux. Pike—H G Gage. Koine—J W Woodburne. Standing Stone—Joel Tuttle. Smithfield—Henry Pbelps, James H Webb. Sbeshequin— Franklin Blackman. Troy boro'—l A Pierce. " township—L. G. Vauhom, Wm S Dobbins. Terry—M T Slattery Towanda township—Silas Shiner. " boro'—Chester Wells, D C Hall. Ulster—James McQueen, S B Galusha. Wysox—M H Laniug. Wyaliwing—L M Hewitt. Windham—James Ellsworth, jr. Warren—Otis Hamilton, Jackson Arnold. Howell How ell, Jacob P Rogers. TRAVERSE JURORS — 1(1 Week. Athens township—William Stone, L T Weller. '' bon'—W H Fritcher. Armenia—John Tomlinson, John B Morgau. Albany—Daniel Kellogg. Burlington west—Joseph Foulke. , Columbia—Joseph X Worden. Franklin—John Knvkeudall. Granville—Calvin W Churchill, Wm Shoemaker, John McNanght. Herrick—John Xesbit I>eKoy—Levi Palmer, Coryell Morse. Orwell—Charles Ellsworth. Pike—S. B Stevens. Smithfield—lra C Bullock. Lark Bird. Sbeshequin—George Rogers, 1, S Kingsbury, Man-ion Elsbree, 'id. Springfield—Wilson Smith, Edward Voorhis, Horaer Brooks. Tuscarora—Robert Montgomery, Hiram Shnmway. Troy township—John McKean, C M Pomeroy. Ulster—Charles Gorsline Wyalusing—Burton Lewis, Bascon Taylor, Walter Bragg. Wysox—George Granger. Windham—Chester Xeal. Wells—C C Updyke. TRIBUNE ALMANAC, for LSEI, at A. F. COWLES. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here bv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ' ELKAfcKR WRIGHT, late ot Litchfield tp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persous having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. CYRUS BLOODGOOD, SAMUEL DAVIDSON, J Jan. 1. 1861. Kxrcutors. AT THE KEYSTONE STORE HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARGE STOCK FOR tfHE SEASON, OF FALL & WINTER | GOODS, WHERE WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF MERINOS, REPS, And other WORSTED DRESS GOODS, T, A-PTES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, 7 EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES & HOSIERY, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS\ CASS IME RES AND VESTINGS. HJk.TS Sc C.AJFS, BOOTS AND'SHOES, CROCKERY, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOSES, DRUGGETTS, MATTRESSES, MA TTS, PAPER-HANGINGS, TRANSPARENT WIN DOW SHADES. BROCCATELLS & DAMASKS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Bleached and unbleached Table Damask, White Damask, Table Cloths all sizes, Napkins. Towel, Diapers, Lace and Embroidered Curtain Muslins, Rose Blankets, Counterpanes, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Case Linens, Sheeting, And Pillow-Cease Muslins, LOOKING GLASSES, &C. Just received at the KEYSTONE STORE, To which special attention is invited. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had the effect to place many kinds of Goods within the reach of Cash buyers, at much lower prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never been equall ed in this market. _ ....... Dec. 10, 1860. JOSEPH POWELL. GOODS AT COST. 4 FINE ASSORTMENT of Plain and - Printed French Mcrinoes, Reps, Valencia* and other Dress Goods. Also a lot of very desirable Wool Shawls, will now be sold fen catk at cost by January 3,1861. H. 8. MERCUK- Jirto ftttocrtlscmmt*. TsTOV. 24, 18GO. LATEST ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS AND CAEPETINGS, BOOTS . Hoyt and Henry Mallory,on the east by land of 4Vm. Lane, on the south by lands of Ilenry Mallory and west by lands of Manson Elsbree, 2d. Containing about 120 acres, about k5 acres improved, two framed dwelling houses, two framed barns and sheds attached, one log house, oue old saw mill and orchard thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Shesliequin tp., bounded as follows : on the north by lauds of 4Vra. Bishop, on the east and south by lands of Manson Elsbree, 2d., and ou the west by the Susquehan na river. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. Y. A Erie Railroad Company vs. John Snyder. Al2Bo—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in Athens tp., hounded ou the north by lands of I'. 1!. Sanford, east by 4Vm. and Edward Murray and John Hopper, south hy Helen 4\'olcott, west hy I'. B. Sanford. Containing two hundred acres, more or less, about 150 improved, two framed houses, three framed bams and sheds, shingle machine and orchard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of M. Bul lock A Co. vs. Erastus Wolcott. AI ,SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate North Towanda tp, bounded on the north by lands of H. M. Peck. S. A. Mills and Wm. Elwell. east by Su gar Creek. south bv land of David Rutty and west by land of 4Vm. Elwell and Silas Mills. Containing 200 acres, more or less, about 90 acres improved, one framed house, corn house, c'der house, blacksmith shop, work shop, framed barn, with a shed attached, one apple orch ard thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of 11. J. Madill Ac., vs. Ezra Rutty. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in 4Vyalnsing tp., bounded on the uorth by land of Hiram Buck, on the east by land of Nathan Stafford, and Benjamin Stafford and the Wvalusing creek, on the south hy land of Jesse Stafford, and on the west by lands of Hiram Buck. Containing 30 acres more or less, about 2.5 acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and a few Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of 8. 11. Sturdevant vs. Simeon S Brown. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Albany and Monroe tps. aud bounded as follows : Beginning at a corner on lands of the estate of Wm. 4Vard, dee'd, thence south 434° east 155 6-10 p. to a corner, thence sontli I|° west 160 p. to a corner, thence north 88° west 110 p. to a corner, thence north 2° east 271 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 148 acres 35 perches, more or less, about 14 acres improved and about 6 acres chopped, 2 log houses, log barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of Sally- Ward, executrix of Wm. Ward, dee'd, vs. Isaac W. Cas ter. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit nate in Canton tp. and bouuaed as follows : Beginning at a maple the north west corner of a warrant in the name of Jacob Crook, thence south, 2° west along said warrant line 63 rods to the corner of John H. Rouse's land, thence north 87° east 57 rods along said Rouse's line to a post, thence south 12J° west 171 rods to the mill creek, theuee down said creek its several courses 274 rods to the line of lands belonging to John Crandall, thence south 79° east 161 rods to the beginning. Con taining 95 acres and 141 p., more or less, about 30 acres improved, two log houses, log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Harri son Kutty's use vs. John M. Allyn. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Terry tp. and bounded on the north by lands of J. W. Dennison, east by lands of John and Peter L'amen, south by lands of Christopher Smith, west by land of Henry Smith. Containing 50 acres, more or less, about 12 acres improved, log house, log shed, lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ulysses Moody vs. Morgan Morgans. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Wilmot tp., and bounded north by lands of Geo. Eberly, east by lands of John Bates, south by lands of John Deiffenbacher and west by lands of Charles Mor ningstari and Meheffer. Containing 107 acres, more or less, about thirty acres improved, with a framed house, a framed stable, a log barn and an apple orchard thereon Seized and taken into execution at the suit of D. M. James to the use of W. T. Horton vs. Arthur Moffattt. AI2BO - The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Smithfield tp., and bounded as follows : Begin ning at the north west corner, thenrs north 82" cast 20 p to a stake near a shop of C. •Coras, thence south 80" 1 east 28 p. and 2-lhjol a perch to a poet at tbe south end Zrfal. of a stone wall, theme so(b 15° cast 4 aud 54-10 p. to a post, theme south 40° east two rods to a corner, thence north 75° east 5 3-10 p. to a stake, tiience eonth 12° ea.-t 15 4-10 p. to a corner, thence south 78° west 16 p. to a corner, tbeuce south 35° east 120 8-10 perches, to a corner, thence south Hi" * est 37 and 6-10 p. to a cor ner, thenct north 23° west 100 and S>lo p. an angle, thence north 12° west 24 and 4-10 p. to a corner, thence north 81° east 15 and 1-10 p. to an angle, thence north 12° west, 24 and 4 10 p. to a corner, thence north 81° east 15 and l-lo p. to a corner, thence north 7 and 5-10 p. to the mill-dam, tbeuce south 14° west 8 and 4 10 p. to a corner, thence north 32° west 31 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 25 acres, uuore or less, about 20 acres improved, witb a steam grist mill, with water priv ilege, a distillery, two framed dwelling houses, a frame barn and a wagon shop ibereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of H. M. Peck to the use of E. T. Fox vs. Wyllis Brownson. AIJBO —All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in South Creek tp. and boundedas I'ollows : Begin ning at the south east corner of lot No. 137 of the allot ment of the Bingham lands, in South Creek tp, convey ed to Henry Oldrovd, thence along the north line of lot No. 159, north BS|° west 141 p., thence along the east line ol lot No. 99 Ac., conveyed to Nathaniel Smith, north 4° east 56 and 3-10 p., tileuce along the south line of north part of lot No. 158, south B*4° east 141 9-10 p, thence along the west line of lot No 137, aforesaid s. f° west 56 3-10 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 47 acres, with tbe usual allowance of six per cent for roads. Ac., lie the same more or iess. It being the South part of No. 158 of the allotment of the Bingham lands iu South Creek tp., Bradford Co. Pa., and part of war rant numbered 1381. About 25 acres improved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph K. lngersoll and Jon C. Miller now trustees of the estate of Win. Bingham, dee'd vs. Samuel S. Baker. ALSO —All that described lot, piece"br parcel of land situate in Wells tp, and bounded on the north by land ol Jesse Shepard. east by lands of Thomas W. Baker, south and west by the public highway. Containing 60 acres, more or less, nbout 50 acres improved,one framed bouse, one framed bam and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Stephen L. Parmeter vs. John B. DeWitt. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Springfield tp, and bounded on the north by land of Asa Wood, east by the highway, south and west by land of James U. Grace. Contaiuuig 26 acres, more or less, about 16 acres thereof improved, with a shed and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit uate in Sf ringfield tp, bounded as follows: on the north by land of Alanson Cole, James U. Grace, Loriu Grace and Theodore Leonard, east by land of Kussel Young, south by land ol' J. lteeser and Russell Young and west by land of Juines U. Grace. Containing 47 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, witb a log barn, a fram ed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield tp, and bounded as follows : north by land of Burgess, east by land of Charles Burgess and Charles Phelps, jr., south by land of Martin Phil lips and west by land of Enoch Merrill, La bun Cooper jr. et. al. Containing 77 acres and 152 perches, more or less, about 50 acres improved, Wing lot No. 24 on C. P. Welles map of Springtield tp, with a log house thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield tp, and tiouuded on the north and east by Theodore Wilder, south by the county road, and west by the north road. Containing one acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling house and store, a framed barn and shed, with fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Seized and taken Info execution at the suit of Horace Berry vs. Hiram Spear, Thomas Smead and S. D. Hark ness. A l.SO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Home township. Bradford County. Pa, bounded as follows : On the north by lands of Joseph Bennett, and lands formerly belonging to John Kockfel low, on the east by lands of E. C. Boardinan and James Gilbert, on the south by lands of Daniel Russel and Na than I). Hill, and on the west by other lhnds of the de fendant, Tliomes F. Hill. Containing seventy five acres, be tbe same more or less, about twenty-tive acres improv ed, one trained house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Home township, Bradlord Co, Pa, bound led as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Joseph | Seeley. on the east by lands of Thomas F. Hill, the deft, on the south by lands of Nathan D. Hill, and on the west by lands of John Passinore. Containing fifty-six acres, be the same more or less, about thirty acres improved, one framed house, oue framed baru and fruit trees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ran dall to the use of John Wilson vs Thomas F. Hill. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens township, Bradford county Pa, bounded as follows : beginning at a post. n. east corner of warrant line No. 1533, thence east 2.55 perches to a stone for a corner, thence south 35 arid 4.10 perches to a post, on fhe south line of Warrant line No. 1680, thence west 255 perches to a poet lor a corner, thence north 35 A 4-10 percnes to the beginning. Containing fifty-six acres and forty-one perches, strict measure. Seized, taken in execution at the suit of James B. Smith to the use of Geo. Sanderson vs. Erastus Walcott. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Athens tp, and bounded as follows : beginning at a white oak .corner of lot heretofore deeded to Erastus Wolcott, thence south 86° west 26 A 3-10 p. to the south west corner of a small lot upon which stands the Harvey Beach saw mill thence south 113 and 7-10 p. to the south line of lot No. 134, thence east 26 and 2-10 p. to the south west corner of said deeded lot. thence north 112 p. t the beginning. Containing eighteen acres and 83 6-10 p, strict measure. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of lames B. Smith to the use of George Sanderson vs. Erastus Wolcott. ALSO—'Tbe following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in North Towanda. and bounded north and east by lauds occupied by Jesse Woodruff, south by lauds of John C.Adams, and west by the highway. "Containing 10 acres, all improved, with a framed barn thereon, being the same land which was conveyed by Wm. Elwell and wife to Mary B. Kellum, by deed bearing date the 9th day of 0ct.1858, subject to the purchase money. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol William Elwell vs. Mary B. Kellum. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Troy tp. and bounded north, south and east by land of William S Dobbins, and on the west by lands belonging to the estate of C. N. Strait, dee'd. Contain ing 15 acres, more or less, about 4 acres improved, one log house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of William S Dobbins vs. Polly ('case A Henry Cease. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Ulster tp. and bounded oil the north and east by lands of James McCarty, south by Jason Smith, and west by the public highway. Containing one half acre, more or less, all improved, one framed tavern house, framed Aiarn and fruit trees theoeon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of W. A. Park to use of Charles Wright vs. P. P. Sweet. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Albany tp. and bounded on the north by lands of Leonard Carroll, on the east by lands belonging to the estate of Daniel Orrasby,deceased, on the Bouth by lands of Leonard Carroll, on the west by lands of Dyer Orras by, and Lucas Rice. Containing 50 acres, be the same more or less,about 25 acres improved,one log house, one log stable, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Brown A Rockwell vs. Elijah Green. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Smithfield tp. and bounded on the north by land ol Waterman Brown, east, by lands of Plynn Phelps and sons, south hy land of C. F. Wilson, and west by land of Philander Hall, Containing 75 acres, more or less, about 15 acres thereof improved. AI.SO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Smithfield tp. and bounded on the north by lands of Allen Califf, east by land of Amos Killey, south by land which lately belonged to the estate of Wm. Gibson, deceased. and west by land of Riley Hemmingway and William Courtney. Containing 50 acres, more or less, about 10 acres thereof improved, with a steam saw mill, a plank house, two board shanties, A a log barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Alien E. Califf. adm'r. of Champlin G. Brown, dee'd vs. Richard M. Killey, who survived Gardner Burlingame. ALSO—The fellowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp. and bounded on the north by lands of Samuel Owens, cast hy lands of Frederick \C'U!iams, on the south by lands of Elias Rockwell, on the west by lands of AK A xtell. Containing 100 acres more or less, about 60 acres improved, one framed house tyo frame barns, one horse barn, two orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Allen McKeau to the use of Charles T. Merry vs. Joseph B. j Roper. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- ; ale in Springfleld-tp. and hounded on the north, east and south hy lands of Win F Williams, and west by the pub-1 lie highway. Containing one acre, be the same more or j less, all improved with a frame tavern house, a framed barn, a work shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of C F Wil- : liams vs. Alexander Rowe. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit ate in North Towanda tp. and hounded on the north by lands of I II Stephens and David Rutty, west by land of Richard McKail, John Simons and Edward Overton, I south by Sugar Creek , and on the east by land of Ira H , Stephens. Containing about 85 acres, more or less, about 40 acres improved, one framed house, two framed barns, framed shed, and apple orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. j Seized and taken into execution at tbe suit of Montan- i yes A Co., vs. Jesse Woodruff, adm'r of Nathan Coon, 1 dee'd. and James Simons terre tenant. ALSO -Tbe following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Rome tp. and bounded on the Dortb by lands of Nathaniel Beeman, on the east by land of Charles Morey 1 and Isaac Pratt, on tbe south hy lands of Dennis Rock well, on the west by lands of Smith and Geo. Fox. Containing 70 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improv- i cd. one small framed house, few Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. W. Taylor vs. G. M. Prince. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Columbia tp. and bounded ou the north by lands of Paul Herrington, Frank Ilaker and Daniel and Hiram Canfield, on tbe east by lands of Uriah Ferguson, John Rowland and Luther Haven, on the south by land of O. 0. Besley and D. Harding, on the west by land* of Brad'cy. Daniel and Hiram Canfield. Containing 110 Iftfal. acres, more or less, about 80 acre* improved, one frame bouse, one frame barn, and orchard of fruit tree* thereoa. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of M. 11. Pomeroy vs. John Benson. ALSO—By virtue of writs of Lev. Pec. the following described lot, piece or parcel of ksurf situate m Spring field tp., in said county, and bounded as follows : Begin ning at a hemlock, tbe north east corner of llezckiab Crowell s tiiulier lot, tbence west 94 7-> p to tbe sooth east corner of Andrew Cummings' land, thence north 81 7-10 p. to the south west corner of EH Stocfcwefl'a land, thence east 04 7-10 p. to tbe south east corner Of said Eli Stockwell's lot, tbcnce south 81 7-10 p. to tbe place of beginning. Containing 18 acres and 57 p., ha the same more or less. Seiied and taken into execution at the suit of Stephen Pierce to the use of G. P. Kedington rs. Hiram Craudall and Ileury L. Ron* terra tenant. ALSO—The following described building and piece of ground situated in Shesbequio tp., Bradford County Pa., | on tbbe mam road leading from Wyaox through Suesba quin to Athens. Tbe lot on which it stands adjoining on ; the north a lot of Geo. C. Gore, on the south a creek and on tbe west a lot of Alfred Gore, the said building con taining viz : The story and a half part, 11 feet front, on the rose] aforesaid, 22 feet depth, and the said one story - Containing 18 feet front and 12 feet depth, and the lot and piece of grouud and curtilage appurtenant to said ■ building. 1 Seiztd and taken into execution at the suit of Martin Tompkins now to the use of John Randall vs. S. J. Legg. XOTICK TO PI ACUASKKS.—To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is lieveby given that purchasers at Sheriff's sales will be required to pay the amount bid at tbe time the land is sold. It has become imperatively necesaary to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept in cases, where the purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section of the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846. which 1# as follows : '• Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriffs sale, shall appear from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from tbe record as aforesaid, to be entitled to receive: Provided that this section shall not be so construed as topreventthe right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de maud and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover ail legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of said sale ; ami provided further, that before any pur chaser or purclutsers shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement from the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesaid. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff's Office. Towanda. Jan. 1, 1801. Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtns of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co. will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on WED NESDAY" , tbe 30th day of January 1801, at 1 o'clock p. nr.. the following property late the estate of James B. Demoiiy, dee'd. situate in "Home tp., and bouuded as fol lows : Beginning at a corner of lands of James McCabe. thence north 2° east along other lands of the estate of said James B. Ilemony 184 p. to ft stake on the line of lands of Oscar Elliott, tbence south 88° east along said Elliotts iiue 4.j 3-10 p. to lands of S. Cole, thence 2° west along lands of said Cole and lands of P. Towner 149 p. to a stake, tbence south 88° east along the line of said Towner's land 30 p. to lands ot said James McCabe,thenoe south 2° west along lands of said McCabe to a stake, thence north 8° we.-t along lands of the same 75 3-10 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 58 acres and 105 perches, or thereabouts, about thtrty acres thereof Im proved. One other bounded and described as follows : Begin ning on tbe line of Lands of Jaines McCabe. thence north 88° west along lands of G.Towner, and other land* of said J B. Demony's estate 45 and 2-10 p. to a stake on the line of other Uuds of said estate, thence north 2° east along lands of said estate and lands of Timothy Hinev 138 p. to the warrant line, thence south 88° east along said warrant line 45 and 2-10 p. to a warrant line, thence south 2° west along said warrant line 188 p. the place of beginning. Containing 53 acres or thereabouts, about 30 acre* thereof improved, with a framed house, framed barn, two small shops and two small orchard* i thereon. 1 One other, honnued.and described as follows : Begin ning at a stake in the line of lands of Smith Forbes, j tbence souih sk° east along lands of Joseph B. Horton ! 180 and 2-10 p. to lands of M. Elliott, tbence north 2* ! east along the same 50 p. to a comer, theuce north 88® west along land of said Elliott and other lands of the ! estate of James B. Demonv 186 and 2-10 p. to lahds of said Forbes, thence south 2° west along the same 50 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 58 acres or there at outs about 10 acres thereof improved. One other lot bounded and described as follows : B ! ginning at a -take on the line of other lands of said Jame* | B. Demony's estate and at tbe south east corner of Wm j Filbert's land, thence north 2° east along lands ol the ; -ante 1)5 p. to lands of Timothy Hiney, thence south 88® I east along lands of the same 114 aud 2-10 p. to other j lands of said Demony's estate, thence south 2° west | along lands of the same 67 and 8-10 p. to a stake, thencs south sx° east along lands ot the same, 13 p. to the cen- I tre of the public roaa, thence south 32° west along th* centre of said road 20 and 7-10 p. to the center of Bui lauds creek at the bridge, thence southerly along tho centre of said creek 14 and 5-10 p. to other lands of said Demony's estate and to a corner of lands of M. Elliott thence north B*° west along lands of said estate 128 and 4-10 p. to the place of beginning. Containing 6S acre* aud 157 p.. or thereabouts excepting therefrom \ of an acre occupied as a " buryiug-ground," about 25 acre* thereof improved, with a saw mill, barn, framed dwell ing bouse and wagon house, and small orchard thoreou. TKKMS—S2S on the property being struck down, on* half on the confirmation of the sale, and the balance In six mouths after with interest. CHARLES CHAFFEE, Jan. 1,1861. Administrator. IN the matter of the Presbyterian Church of Stevensville. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. No. February term 1860. Notice is hereby given, that a petition signed by Henry A. Ross, George L. Stevens and other citizens of Ste vensville, Bradford County, has been presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said county, praying to be incorporated under the name and style of the Presbyte rian Church of Stevensville, agreeable to a Constitution annexed to said petition. Whereupon, the same having been perused and examined by the Court, and the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth and contained appearing to he lawful, and not injurious to the commu nity. tbe Court directed said ruling to be filed in the of fice of the Prothonotary of said Court, and that notice be inserted in one newspaper printed in the County aforesaid, for at least three weeks before the next term ; that application had been made to said Court to grant said Charter of incorporation, and if no sufficient reason was shown to the contrary, the said Court will on tho first Monday of February next, decree said petition to bo a corporation as prayed for in said petition E. O. GOODRICH, I'rot'y. Prothonotari "s Office, Jan. 3. 1861. EEU ISTEIUS NOTICES —Notice is here i by given, that there has been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow ing estates, viz : Final account of W. 11. Fritcher and C. W. Clapp, adm'rs ofWiiliam Parry, late of Athens, deceased. Final account of Aun E. Braund, executrix of Wm. Braund. late of Asylum, dee'd. Final account of Isaac Lyon, adm'r. of Richard Lyon late of Orwell, dee'd. Final account of Daniel Lenox, executor of Jame* Lenox, late of Ulster, dee'd. Final account of Peter Wortendyke, adm'r of Neri Wortendyke, late of South Creek twp., dee'd. Final account "f Allen Califf, administrator with will annexed, of C. G. Brown, late of Smithfleld tp. dee'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on MONDAY the 4th day of Feb. next, for confirmation and allowance. NATHAN C. ELSBREE, Register, Register's Office, Jan. I. 1861. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mailer of JnL the estate rf .\et-on Johnson, dee'd. In the Or phanns' Court of Bradford county. The undersigned an Auditor, appointed to distribute funds in the hands of the administrator of said estate will attend so at the office of Overton A Montanye, lq the Borough of Towatida, on FRIDAY, February 1, A. D. 1861, at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be forever debarred from claiming any part of said fund. K. OVERTON, JR. Dec. 21. 1860. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of NATHAN TYRRELL, late of Pike twp. de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. HUTCHINSON, Jan. 1, 1861. Executor*. THOMAS J. INGHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW , LA PORTE. Sullivan Connty, Pa. BOROUGH ORDINANCE. BE it enacted and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Towanda, that hereafter at any fire which shall occur iu this Borough, it shall be lawful for the Chief and Aaatat ant Engineers of the Borough of Towanda, to call upon any persons to assist at the brakes of the Engine*, or render snch othe- aid aa may he necessary ; and any per son or persons who may refuse to perform such assistance when requested, shall be liable to pay a fine of not lean than one dollar nor more than five dollars, to be collected aa other fines are collected by law. and to be appropriated to the Fire Department Fund. E. O. GOODRICH. G. D. MONTANYE. See. AT it Burgess. Council Room, Dee. 21. 1860. SALT. —Coafse and Uiuc Salt at January 3,1861. MERC UK S-