PisccUantons. A Railway Train Saved Supernaturally. The Xenia (Ohio) Xtics is pnbiisfiiiijr a scries of reminifcenccs by an engineer. In No. 24 of bis series the writer gives the following rather startling incident: "I was running a night express train, and hnd a train of ten curs —eight passenger and two baggage cars— and all well loaded. I was behind time, and was very anxious to make a certain point ; therefore I was using every exertion, and put ting the engine to the utmost speeed of which 6ue was capable. 1 wason aseetion of the road nsuaily considered the best running ground on the line, and was endeavoring to make the most of it, when a conviction struck me that I must stop. A something told me that I must stop if I would save life. I looked back at my train; it was all right. I strained my eyes and peered into the darkness, and could see no signal of danger nor anything betoken ing danger, and there I could see live miles iu the daytime. I listened to the working of my engiue, tried the water, looked at the scales.and all was right. I tried to laugh myself out of what I then considered a childish fear, bat,' like Bauquo's ghost, it would not down at my bidding, but grew stronger in its hold upon me. I thought cf the ridicule I would have heaped upon me if I did stop; but it was all of uo j avail. The conviction—for by this time it' had ripened into a conviction—that I must j Btop, grew stronger, and I resolved to stop. — Accordingly, I came to a dead halt, got off, and went ahead a little way, without saying to 1 anybody what was the matter. I had a lamp j in my hand, and had gone about sixty feet,, when I saw what convinced me that premoni tions are sometimes po>sible. I dropped the lantern from my nerveless grasp, and sat down? on the track, utterly unable to stand, for there was a switch, the thought of which had never : entered mv mind, as it had never been used ; since I had beer, on the road, and was known ! to be spiked, but which was now opeu to lead ! me ofl" the track. This switch led off into a j stone quarry, from which stone for bridge pur . poses had been quarried, and the switch was left there, in case stone should be needed at any time; but it was always kept locked, and the switch rail spiked. Yet here it was wide open, and had I not obeyed my premoni tion—warning—call it what you will— I should have run into it. At the end of tiie track, only about ten rods along, my engine and tain j moving at the rate of forty miles per hour ! would have came iuto collision with a solid j wall of rock, eighteen feet high. The conse quences had I done so, can neither be imagin- , ed or described; but they could, by no possi- , bility, have been otherwise than fatally horrid. ; This is my experience in getting warnings from | a source that I know not and cannot divine, j It is a mystery to me—a mystery for which 1 am vhey thankful, however, although I dare 1 cot attempt to explain it or say whence it! came." A STORY is told of Dick, a darkey in Ken tucky, who was a uotorious thief, so vicious in this respect that all the thefts in the neigh- j borhoods were charged to him; on one occa ! 6ion, Mr. .Jones, a-neighbor of Dick,s master, called and said that Dick most be sold out of i that part of the country, for he had stolon ali his (Mr. Jones') turkeys. Dick's master could not thiak so. The two, however, went into the field where Dick was at work, and accused him of the theft. "You stole Mr, Joue3' turkeys," said the j master. "No I didn't massy," responded Dick. The master persisted. " Well," at length said Dick," I'll tell you massy, I didn,t steal dein turkeys, but last i night when 1 went across Mr. Jones, pasture I saw one cf our rails on de fence, so I brought homede rail, and confound it when I come to look, dare was nine tnrueys on derail!" KF: HAVE the following good one from an authentic source: A sub-committee of a school hoard not a thousand miies from this city, were examining j a class in a primary school. Que of the com mitte undertook to sharpen their wits by pro pounding the following question: "If I had a mince pie, and should give two twelfths to Isaac, two twelfths to Ilarry, and two twelfths to John, and keep half the pie myself, what would there be left ?" * There was piofouml study among the schol ars, but finally one lad held up his hand as a signal that be was ready to give an answer. "Well, sir,what would be left. Speak loud?" " The plate!" The committee man turned red, while the other member roared aloud. That boy was ex cused from answering any more questions. The brightest bov of the class examined for admissian to the Annapolis Naval Ac ademy, was a little fellow from Texas, about fifteen years of age, who had been three years seting type ia a newspaper office, and had studied mathematics and arithmatic with a dip candle in thegarlet of a log cabin at night, lie was poorly clad when lie reached Annap olis, and on being asked how lie obtained the means to reach Annapolis, replied that be worked for it and that his money fulling short on the route had got some small jobs of typeset ting in New Orleans and other points of his jonrney. If he should not be admited he ex pectcd to work his way home again. He is now to be seen on board the Constitution in Lis naval uniform, with his gilt buttons and anchor, looking as bright aed hopeful as if he autcipated becoming a Commodore. A FF.W FACTS ABOUT MINORITY PRESIDENTS.— T The democratic papers are deriving what com fort they can from the reflection that Lincoln is a minority President—in other words that he has not a majority of the whole vote poll ed. Now, Mr. Lincoln has in round numbers, 2,000,000 votes, and that is more than any President before him ever got ; and very few of our Presidents, within the last 40 years, have had a majority of the popular vote.— Jackson and Harrison were about theonlv ex ceptions. There was a majority of 36,000 ngainst John Quincy Adams in 1824, and James K. I'uik was in a minority of 30,000 in 1844, as was Van Buren id 1836 The popu lar majority ngainst Gen. Taylor was 151,708 and the majority agaiust Buchanan iu 1856 was 377,620. ONE evening, we are told, after a weary march through the desert, Mohammed was camping with bis followers, and overhaul one of them saying, " I will loose my camel and commit it to God;' on which Mohammed took it up. "Friend tie thy camel, and commit it to God"—that is, do whatever is t'uiue to do, tad leave the i?ce with God. ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. GONSISTING IN PART O.F PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DE LAINES, PAEIS PLAIDS, ESMEEELDA, DESMAEETS, GLACE DE MESSINA, EEPS, AND OTHER DRESS GOQDS. ALSO SHAWLS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CANTON & WOOL FLANNELS, Cassimcres, Denims, Jeans, etc., ► JUST RECEIVED BY 11. S. MURCUR. Dec. Cth, 19C0. H. S. MERCUR Requests particular attention to his large stock of CLOTHS, CASSHI3ES, SATPNETTS, TWEADS.&O Also to an extensive assortment of Plain am] Printed Merinoes, Plain and Printed Coburgs, Plain and Printed Wool and Common De ains, Wool aud Union Plaids, Paris Reps, Mohairs, and other GOODS. Likewise to the Largest and best selection of English and ASV3ER2CAW PRINTS, And Ginghams, to be found in the County. BRUSSELS, VENETIAN,SUPERFINE, & INGRAIN C A. n !P E T INGS, WOOL AND COTTON 33HU3GET3 AND GIZ, CTOTIIS, MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Of Every Description. HATS AND CAPS. HARDWARE, X3.G2T, STEEL, 3?AILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, All cf ichirk arc offered at the Lowest Prices. Towanda, October 1,1900. A. CTZCZHAag 5C 203T, VfTOCLD respectfully announce to the public that they VV have purchased of J. 1). Humphrey, his entire stock of DRY GOODS, and in addition are now receiv ing. from New York. large implies of Goods adapted to the season, embracing all the varieties of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS A CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. Which they now offer for sale, at the store formerly oc cupied by Humphrey A Wickham, (west side"t the Pub lic Square). They would m -st cordially invite all to cail arid examine their extensive assortment, as they are de termined in oiler their goods, for cash, at such prices as cannot fail to suit the closest purchaser N. B.—Dealers can be supplied by us with Gents Eo soms and Collars, Sewing bilks auuGiliott's Pets, at the manufactures price. A. WICKHAM. Towanda. Oct. 12. 18 A. O. 1). WICKHAM. SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby giv en that a Special Court of Common Pleas wit! be held in and for the county of Bradford at the court honso in Towanda, commencing on MONDAY the 14tb day of January next, l-O'i, at 2 o'clock p. m., and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert G. White will pre side for the trial of the following causes to wit: No. 268 Feb. T, 18ot>, A B Smith vs. Samuel Helium, et. al., ejectment. No. 11'., Sept. T. 1856, Israel Smith vs. Samnel Ivel lu:n. et. al.,—trespass. No. 310, Feb. T, 1857, Edward Overton vs. A B Smith et. a!.,—ejectment. No. 470. Sept. T, 1957, Israel Smith vs. Samuel Kel lum 2d., et al—trover. And such other causes as may be at issne and for trial at that time. Subpoenas rcturnable at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Monday the 14th day of January, as aforesaid. ALLEN McKEAN, I Prot's Office, Towanda. Nov. 6. 1963. Prot'y. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun | ty. will lie exposed to public sale, on the premises on SATURDAY, January 12, 2960. at I o'clock, p.m. tiie i ollowing described property late the property of Jess | Hammond, 'ate of Springfield twp., dee'd., bounded anil J described as follows, to wit : Reginniug at a Norway I pine tiee being the south west corner of C. F. Wilson's I lot thence south to the band of Three Fall Run, thence ' c-is along the bank of said run to the foot of the bill, j i.i'.ice southerly direction to the corner of Kcnnver iV mley's land, from thence in said Wormley line to tiie | -i i lie of the Berwick Turnpike or highway, thence j north along said highway to the line of Calvin West's j laud, now occupied by A. H. Yoorhia, tltence west along ■ the line of said Calvin West to his south west corner of said lot, thence north to C. F. Wilson's line, to tiie place | of beginning. Containing six acres of land, tie the same j more or less, as per deed of Edwin and Gail Nichols, to I said Jesse Hammond. Dated teept. 26, 1860. j Terms ok Hall s2uo at tiie day of sale, balance one ! year thereafter date, with interest. J. D. HAMMOND, | Dec. 11,19C0. Administrator. | A UDI I OR'S NO TICE — ln the matter of JL X. the estate of Alexander P. Rites ,deceaead. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court h to distribute monies in the hands of the administrators, as per account filed, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his olfice in Towanda Borough, on FRIDAY I the 24th day of JANUARY, IS6I, at 1 o'clock, p. in., at which time and place ail persons inirrested will present their claims or be debarred from claiming any poition of said fund. P. D. MORROW. December 20,1830. Auditor. AL DI TOR S NOTICE.— In the matter cf the estate of Dani<l O'Keefe, deed. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute the monies in the hands of the Administra tor. will attend to the duties of hi* appointment at his office in Towanda Borough, on MONDAY, the 29th day J ANUARY , lsel, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of said fund G. H. WATKINS, Dec. 13. lsgo. Auditor. AUDI lOßb> NOl ICE.— In the matter cf the estate of J. F. L'hamb rtin. aim , r cf S. if'. Hdes, dec'd vs. IVm. IVi'liams. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County, No. 223, Sept. T. ISsl>. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's Sale of ieal and personal estate of defendant will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda Borough, on SATI'RDAY. the 26th day of JANUARY, l&el, et 1 o'clock, p. m., at which time and place ail persons are requested to present their claims or else be forever de barred from said fund. (1. n WATKINS, Dee-18,180. Anditer. - :?*: , f s< ittfscdlanrotts. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT In ATE just received from the City, Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur chased tor CASH, directly trotn the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES tliau wtre ever be fore offered iu Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. I have facilitiesfoi purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Bea'des my Liquors are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to "an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars and To 1 acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that 1 am enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less,ban like goods I can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully tto- I licit the public to an examination at No. 5. Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. I Towanda, June 14, 1800. NEW Finttt. CODDING & RUSSELL, HAVE pnrcl ased the large and well known establish ment of 1). ('. Hall, and aic nmv receiving from New I York, the largest and most complete assortment ot , HARD-WARE, (v-r offered for sale in this market, which will be sold CHEAP for C .sh or appoved ( te it. We have a large a-nl well selected stock of Wood and Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and style ot I'atlor, Lining Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder ' Stoves, which we ("in. and will sell as cheap as can be purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a lull ' , and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, - | Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Car | riage Trimmings. Springs, lrou Axels and Boxes, of ail sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, C'iiui.ir and ilill i 1 Saws, Table and Pocket cru; W TOT T -Bd BK "tk * of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain i'uiaps and Tubes. RRIiTAWIt V\l> I'IATCI) WARE, i the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE VXD ST<VE PIPE, slw-.tvs on hand— , Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and i form of FARMING TOOLS. JOB WORK dnre on short notice and wu-rnntcd. [ ! GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, Brittunni-i. Brass, Bees ! wax and Feathers, taken in exchange tor Goods, i We invite ' the whole world and the rest of mankind," 1 to call and examine our our goods before purchasing Onr mot to will be u-e every man well and submit to noth ! iaa wrong. ' I FB~ OT ■ door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's ' Block, Main street, CODDING A ItUSSELL. " i jcnx A. CODOISO, 'I C- s. Kt"-ski,i. • • Towanda. Fept. 21, IfiflO. STOVES! STOVES ! rcs2 asicsivss! 'j TTAVING lately returned from tLe city i I 1 where we Lave purchased for CASH a large as • Rortment of STOVES, of all varieties and sizes suited to ■ i this locality, we are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash or 1 ' approved c Or. We would call especial attention to the celebrate '. Coal Stove - ; the perfection of arrangement for burning c.,al. We are e ai.-u casting and setting up ill our owu Foundry, a nuui j-ber ot kinus oi excellent COOKING STOVES.aad LUX STOVES for SCHOOL-MOt.'SES and SHOPS, j Persons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ac count ot broken plates. Ac..can get just as good of Home j Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is the i Lnrge-t and Most Complete ever offered fur sale in this e | market. We aiso mauutacturc aud keep constantly on i baud, a lull assortment oi e TEN-V/ARE, : r.nd will make to order any thing trom a Telescope jip— | to a Sausage Machine 1 ' | #3" Call ml examine for yourselves, and you will be i saiistied that there is something in the world yet, besides ; Oas. JOHN CARMAN. j Towanda, Aug. 30. V-'ifi. I N. B Our Tin Store Don Main street, south store in ! Meteor's Block. SULLiVAN COUNTY r Hardware and Stove Store. I). c.Tiall, I> ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of V Sullivan County, and the public generally, that lie e | has commenced busic°ss in DUSHORE, where he has .. j just received a very exie"f>' v e stock of S*'" ' of every style a*ul pattern, adapted for horning Coal or ™ i Wood, which will be sold as low as any other place this I side of Albany or New York. "I he attention of those ' ] desiring to purchase Steves is patticulariy directed :o my assortment, which is espec jily adapted to the wants , j of this sertion ot the country, atid will be sold lower g j than can be purchased this side qf Albany or New Y rk. ! I believe I can offer greater inducements than any other y | establishment in the country. Also, e Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, e ! - PAINTS AND OILS, House and Carriage Trimmings, ! SPRINGS, IRON AXLES A BOXES, of all sizes Car penter's and Joiner's Tools, Blacksmith's Tools, Cross- Cut, Circular and Mill SAWS, Table and Pocket Cutlery. - Pumps. Lead Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tube. Farming f j Tools Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on hand, at e j Wholesale and Retail. j Job Work done on short notice, t j 83" Grain. Old Iron, Copper, Britannia, Brass, Bees ; wax and Feather-, taken in exchange for goods. I I Having had many years' experience in the business. I { | an. confident I can make it the intere-t of purchasers to t I give me a call. My goods will be bought at the lowest t | rates, and sold at corresponding prices. All manufactur ,f ! ed ai tides will he made from the best materials, aud by | competent workmen,and will be warranted. I). C. HALL. Dushore. Oct. 55. iseo. }\ *5 00 PREMXUIVx - I AND TBS rCKCUASE iIONEV WILL EE PAID TO ALL rCR CHASEKS OF s | Celebrated Family Sewing Machines, V \ TVfOVV for sale at the Towanda Agency, for returning ' _L\ them, if alter one mouth's trial they do not prove r satisfactory. These Machines have been thoroughly test j ed iu this County during the past year, and was award ed the first premium at the btute Fair at Wyoming, and ; we only ask now that all wanting a first class hewing . Machine to try them. Five thousand jof these machines have been already '• ' sold IU different portions of the country, and the satis - faction that they invariably give warrantees in making tbe above liberal affer. t We can refer to a large number who are nsing these 1 machine-, in Uicjr families, in the different towns of this f County, lor a Hat of which sec another column. > Great inducements are offered to local Agents, for oth l er counties in Lie- state. • UT Ail oedern by mail or express will receive prompt - attention. PerumA not having the full amount can be accommodated with abort credit. B. F. bHAW, Towanda, Pw . , Nv. 16, krb. jfttfCCllfllUOUS. j fpgj NEW ATTRACTIONS ! Tf* At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery, ft, TOWANDA, PA. Yoa can procure, at low prices, /|\FH©f ©©MPES, h \ o f all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re -J touched, colored iu oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYPEB and AMBROTYPES. and a! j most all other kinds of types. Pictures iu good cases tor , .10 cents, and oilier sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotynes made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10. lHoi). \ THIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT J- where yon can find a verv fine assortment ot WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. I am also agent for the wile of D. E. LENT 8 celebrated Barometers, which every fai mer should always have. Pri ees from to s".'o. according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war rant ,1. W.M. A. CH AM BERLIN. THE FRIEND OF WOMAN. E. Clark's Revolving Loopcr I ; II ■ DOUBLE THREADED 5; FAMILY SEWING MACHINE The Revolving T.ooper is n lirts improvement on Ray j wind a Latest Improved.) Warranted t'.e b- tin the world for Family Use ! Price Within !!*<* Rear!) ,f Every Family 1 Plain Machine, Walnut Table, Tools, Ac f4O (to " Ki key's Fttfd, 44 4.1 oo Extra Ornamented Machine, Mahogany Table, Too s, Ax 4.1 TO uo e > Kelsey Feed 60 CO Needles 10 Cents each ■ Heinmer.s. turning any width from one sixteenth to two inches 5 00 ! r I HIE reputation of this Machine is now fully establish- 1 j _I edaslhe most reliable Machine <ri the market for family use. and has in-en attested too by thousands oi the ■ mo-t respectable families in the Union. This Machine makes the celebrated " Double Lock i Stitch,'' the only one made by inaeliim ry that meets a ; ! | [. t requirements of Enmity Sewing. Etc h slit* his tied ; twice, so that every one is securely fastened and wholly | independent of all the other stitches f.ir strength, so that j _ i; the seam i- cut or evei v tonrtii stitch broken, tie sew- • i- ing must hold good while the fabric will wear. The i rraxiiinery tvhithl makes tYr stitch is a marvel of sim- i i t>l; *y, r r '.irtng tto' meeliati'aal skill to manage It. noi does it require adjustment more than the mete change "i i thread and uecoles to adopt it to the character of the w.rl: to be sewed—coi i-o < r fine as flic case nay be. 1 w ill >ew gauze laees. and all vari Ues and kinds of fale j He* Iwtween ami itu huling heavy lwaver cloth, without I v changing cither needles or thread equally well, and re- ! j turn to either vaiicty of work with perfect sati-ta-tion. I No otuer Machine ever offered to the aSUic will do u> I much. A i erftct Fewing Machine, one making a stitch an- Y swering alt the requirements of tbe family, sewing coarse 5- and tine wank equally well, was the great desideratum of ! 0 the home circle, previous to the invention of EDWIN <t I CLAIM'S! REVOLVING LOOPKU. The stitch is hcantifui. ! e trotig. and elastic, and will not rip in wear or in acci- j dent*! breaking a tin end. Every M n-hine is warranted to give satisfaction or the : ! tr.i-ey ret untied. e V. e Inven large list of references but will give the , , names of only a few : Mr. B. F.SHAW—Sir : 1 have used for the last three j j months hi my Tailor-Shop, one of " Raymond's Latest j e mproved S-wing Machines," and Ido think it the be-t 1 e j n use for tailoring purposes, and would not do without " | it for One Hundred Dollars if i could not get another id i u j the kind lor less money. ANTHONY" MULLON. j Mrs. Wm. Elwcll, Towanda. Pa. Miss Harriet Aliowny, North Towanda. - j Miss Minerva Vosbnrg, (taihwess) Burlington, Ta. j Mrs. Eli/.alietii Smith, Asylum, Pa, e % Mis. .1. \v. Vlexandcr, Troy. Pa. s | Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Shesheqiiin, Pa. Rev. N. A. Pi-I'cw. Pen field. N. Y. Calvin Carpenter, K j q. Elmira.N. Y. Mr. K. A.Scott. Elmira, N. Y. n , Mr. M. Richardson. Elmira. X. Y, Mrs,J. ii. Webb. Towanda, Pa. Mrs. J. H. Neviiis, Towanda, Pa. Mr. O. H. Bunting, (tailor) Towanda, Pa. Mrs. G. W. Vincent, She-bequin, Pa. , ; Mr. A. Million, (tailor) Mouroeton, Pa. Mr. Percival Powell, (• lilor) She.-hequin, Pa. j Mrs. Owen Spalding, Waverly, N. Y". ! Lr. G. 11. Morgan, My-ox. l'a. All orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at- I f ten tion. Persons not having the full amount can lie ac- ; p i commodated with short credit. A liberal discount given to Agents. Address s j March 5. lSfifl. B. F. SH \\V. Towanda. Pa. I NEW ARRIVAL OF ' Fall Sc Winter Clothing. M. COLLINS, ' IS now receiving, at liis o!ii Stand on Main ' X street, next door to Codding & Russell, one of the lar- ! I gest. best selected and cheapest stocks of !, | READY MADE CLOTHING, 1 ever brought into this market, to which he invites the j j attention of purchasers. Having had some experience j i in the business, be is able to offer inducements as to ' ! quality, style and [trice of goods not to be met with at j i auy other e-tablishment. liis stock embraces the usual ! " j assortment of i, OVERCOATS. COATS, VESTS & PANTALOONS. 1 | of every style and price to suit the taste and pockets of customers. To those who prefer or desiring garments made to nr ' i der he would say that he keeps constantly on baud a : j j large assortment of „ j " CLOTHS, CASS I MERES A VESTIXGS, t j which will be made up. on Short Notice, by experienced r- workmen au warranted to give satisfaction in every y way or no sale. Particular attention w ill lj given to this class of custom, and every exertion made to please customers. Also, keeps on hand a iarge assortment ol Gents Furnishing Goods, Such as Shirts. Collars, Cravats, Under Shirts and Draw t. ers. Gents Half Hose, Hats and Caps, Carpet Bags Ac. Ct'TTixo done as usual and warranted to fit, if proper ly made up. No charges for Cutting when the goods are bought of us. Towanda, Nov. 1, 18f>0. = TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE t (I STORE, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Em l_ j broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts. Embroidered Edg j itigs. Embroidered Insertii gs, Marsailles Collars. Mar „ s'-iltes Setts, Embroidered Flouncings, Crape Collars ~ ; Crape Setts. Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large us y sortraent of Black La -e Veils. g TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE ; STORE, Boots and Shoes, Hat#, Caps and Straw B Goods. Crockery, Oils and Paiuts, Glass and Sash, Choice s Family Groceries. HAMBURG I'iieese.—Tiie finest aud most desirable Cheese iu market, for sale at FOX'S. X TONtS IRON All sizes and quulities at TRACY k MOORE'S. iMfrchfrnfrffg, Set. PATTON & PA Y NE I'Jo. Pattou's Block, Towanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their tockof ffiRUGS & KtEPtCtNIS, CJIEMICALS, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand PURS WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rates, and BURXLNO FIXIO, of superior quality, manufactured expressly for the gas-jtt fluid J.amj/s. They also keep ail the Popular P A TEN TMED ICINES, of the day. Every article going from this store is war ranted as represented, and it any prove uitlerent, they will he cheerfully taken hack, and the money refunded, j. t;. PATTOX, Towanda, Feh. 1, ISoD. Dr. E. O. I'A VXE. r-. - JYf- Storrs and Chatfield. OWEGO, N. Y , Are agent* for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain I I On S A C - P O W E R. WHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower. OVERSHOT THRESHER. (With Vibrating Separator,) | Single or Cue horse Power and Separator, WHEF.LER's CLOVER Hli-Lllß, LAURENCE S.WV-MTU-S, (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler. Melhk.A Co . ML-auy. N. i ~ and are warranted to give | entire saiisiaetion <>; mav he returned at the expiration of a teaoona! to titoe ir lt d. S. ZIOHTO2J Cl CO.'S CELEBRATED DO! FOWFRS, FOR GHURNIN3, StC. Constantly on hand, gyFarmers and others wishing to procure any of the above articles, will do well to cad upon us behuv purchus ! ing. _ Juneau. !>::. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURXII URE AND CHAIRS. HAVIXG great!v increased my formei 'b*.' el I Til.inet Ware and Chair- i am wl determined n dispnee ot ti.ese accuinliia thins rapidly, nad with thatj|esigii offer ail articles at uupreceden'cd low price s. for Cash. Good Sofas at $1(1 to S2l), line t'ane Seat Chairs To cts ! tin it. a nice Bed-fond for -0 -hillings. i have n'v. ru iei in tit) dill Trent patterns o f Clialr niwt, ronta !• r the hmnVr ffr nhlMuft, Lookiuu Gla.- i Lookinggi; I'ii'ie-,Portrait and Picture frame of go' lin-.-w L Mahogany and Walnut comer: -0 I itfcrn- •{ SLyais : l Afensioii, dining,tea aud w rk Ta i Hal! stands, and in iact anything that can be lound i in a city Wine horns . A laroe assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good . Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers w If he sure to find the right place, south sid • of the j>llbl:c square, one uuor east ot Moutunyes. Towanda. Dec. 1. !*•>:>. CHESTER WELLS. MiMfl ILLS. r pilC undersigned liaviug purchased the above well I. known mills and uttai lieii to it a Steam Engine, ami also pot everyi thiug connected with it in pei f'n t repair, with all tie ninth-n improvements now in nsp in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting tint (lie reputation the iniJJ lies heretofore borne may not setter in the hand., of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the liest possible nt nner, Cu-toitler- from a di tame may rely upon having their wot k done at once, so as to m ike but one trip " to mill." *Mr. FBOST will continue to give his own person.il at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds ol GRAIX ; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. M V Elf, FROST A CO. ISAAC XVKR J. 0. FROST K. T. FOX. XoRI II TCWAFPA. Oct. li. l-.'LS. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! i THE subscriber would announce T ? ° the imblie that he has now on nnil. and will tnaki to order all | jy." ] M'd- of t'AIHNKT FI'RXITI'RE I [j &t-Lk'i | such as Sofas.Divans l ounges.Con tie. Card. Dining and Breakfast Ta j ole. Mahogany. Walnut . Maple and 9 g |1 I Cherry Bureaus, Stands of various | * v - * kinds, Chairsand Bedsteads of everj I description, which are, and will he made of the be-t ma I terial and workmanlike manner, and which thev will set i for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other W are j room in the country. READY-MADE COFFIN'S, on hand on the most rea sonal.lc terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished or ; Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKIXSON. Towanda, January 1.1R.T7. McCABE'S |CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. /iWotr J. hingsh'iys si ore, Alain st. r jnilE subscriber would respectfully tender his sincert I thanks to the public lor the very liberal patron aG, extended to him, and solicits a continuance of the sr.me. He begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on ham' as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds the best the country affords, \\ bich he intends to sell foi 1 very small profits, either by the side, quarler or pound AS" A quantity of fir-t qua!it of SALT PORK, put uj Iby myself, cheap, bv the barrel or pound. | Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within ! the corporation. j Towanda, August 12, lhaD. J McCABE. Otto. 11. BUNTING, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers ant the public generally, that he has removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, ' To one door south of Tracy & Moore's store and imme ; diately opposite P. 0. Hall's Stove and Tin Store Main st He flatter- himselfth.it from hr long experience in hu | sines* he will be able to please all who may favor birr , with their custom. Owing to the low pressure irr the nao ! ney market, he will make Coats from $2 50 to $4 SOeacf ' and other work in proportion for READY PAY. i Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, i! j flered Towanda, March 20, l"-5. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! THE best assortment in P< nnsylvania. Consisting R( Mackeft l, Trout. White Fish, Blue KBH, Salmon Codlish, Pickled and Smoked Herring, Sinoki d Halibut Ac. Ac., on band, and t < lie sold EKMTP, by TOWANDA. June IP, I MGR. C B. PA TLB ttustiuss era ids, HN. W ILLI AM A TTOUNE Yat • LAW, 'ANTON l'A.; will attend to a!] ne.- entrusted to hi* tan in the court* of Bradlor* r ! ''" l^fom.n.tr and hullivan, Co'*. , Djc.g. DR ci i A s7M ~TC iTyYAO'Tif^TTTi' $• IS UK GE ON, oßer* hi* professional aerviccii the iunabilautii ol Towanda and vicinity. Offee*' > U'ence in the dwelling recently occupied L.V H R rts * Esq., one door north of the Episcopal Cliarcb oii ii'' ' Street. 1 K. OVFKTON , Jit .* ......O. b. OVERTON k MONTANYK. Arroh X E Ys A 7' I. A ft' -Offie in Union Block f,, r . y occupied by J AS. M.iCt Ahi.AM. -"mar- H. J.MAMLL P. D.Mor^P \/f ADILL& MORROW. A TTOR V£vc- I'l AXD COUXSELLOKS AT •tvei Merciir' Ston . TiwsriUn, Pa. ' Towanda. April 2, lis. ' MBit DR. E. JI. M A SON, I'll YSICh i A ax}) SURGEON, ntlei-* lii professional * rrlcK { n people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his rexi,]*.,, ■>n Pine street, where lie can always he found when J*. professi.-millv engaged. 1 P H. l'A [{SONS A TTORNE Y~7} I— • LA If, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. OtfneoverV M. <V H. P. Long'* stoi*. An? 7, HENRY IT~.M'KEAN, attorney -AT I.A If, TOWANDA, PA.; will w p rnm ' attention to business entruMed tolilm. Collections nu . <m reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. ot Jj IpLII AN A X SMITH, luivine retoroeTta J Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercn. . I Store. Dec. 1.1 *67. 1 PR 11. WESTON," I>r;x. TIST. permanently located in Tew M * I OFFICE one door south ol Bailey A Jieveaa Towanda, Feb. 19,l^aS. O. H. WOODRUTF—DENTIST. PERM A NENTLY located in Towanda.- Ollice No. 5. Brick Row. over 11. W. Nouns*' Stan. ' Entrance one daor aoatb of Tracy A Moores. declri Dr o. S. RECK, svkGEOtf and MECHANICAL DENTIST, TOWA.VDA. P. a®-Office, So. I, Brisk How, over E. T. Fox's store i —entrance first door en Pine st. February 16, Js#. ;/U'Y H W ATKINS. A TTOUNEYAT , YA LAW, TOW ANO A. PA. 1 Office opposite Laporte, Mason A Co. I tyCoiiei tions made and remitted with promptness. I 1 T"W.iryia. -lannary 2, ixiiO. DR JOHN MTNTOSH, will he TonndTt! his old office, I'atton's Block. during Spring ar.i Summer. Teeth nscrted on Vulcanised RuMm-tkt | latest improvement i.t dentistry. Specimen pic eto la seen at the office. Persona indehte I to me "ili j pay tip. JOHN M INTOSH. I Tnwanda..Mareh 20. l fi Go. New Fall and Winter Goods AT Wm. A. Rockwell's : /"KjIIPBtSISO the . heai-est and In-ndsorncst lot of Ifl V_y ilnndiiever offitrrd in this market. J DRESS GOODS—Merino Prints, Ginghams. Ikr-B Chene Mohairs. Canton Cloths. Oret ie'le tie Liine*.:. I tired Coburg*. Morella Cloth. Pl ain and Printed Thibrt-B Hamilton. Manchester and Mixil ile latin.-., Figured 1 I veatis. Foil de Chevies, Biuik Plaid r inured MarccliiK.B tiro lie Rhine bilks, at ROCKWELL'S. SHAWLS—Broche, Bay State, Chenile. flhnfferi- l Oentlemeu'a Shawls, Ladies Scarfs, Cloaking* auu Lew sels, at KOCKWEI L'S. EMBROIDERIES. La.es. Edgings, Dimity. Ban.-J Veils. Cuiloics, ltioh'ins. Velvets. Bonnets anil Flww Is at ROCKWELLS. KNIT GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Xubial Childrens Sacks. Mantles and Socks, at ROCKWELLS. C, ENTI.EMEN'S GOODS—Cloth-. Ca^Hneres.ati*£ leans. Dmi uis. S .-pendei*. Cravats. Collars, S-,' . h Shirt P.O. ins. Drawer, and Under-Shirts, lists, t. ,n Gloves and Hosiery. H RtJCXWELL'S. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Curtain Dr I Oil Cloths. Fnmitiire Pr'nt=. Ir ikititj. Paper IL-sip. I vV 111 doiv tUaiits, lieu .111,1 To 1 >lt* >pru.id-s, at , . LOCK WEI.L'S. PITEETTNGS. Pliirttmrs. Jaqtterefl and SeneaLil Diaper. Duidusk Tablecloths and Napkins, at ROCK Wtd.L'S. YANKEE NOTION'S. C'nmtis. Battnris. Bn;-*1 Tliremls. Staliercry, l in*. Ne.ilies, arm KiH I..H<kinar Glasses, Percun.ion Caps. Heads. If tries. l S Forks _and spoon-. Croyhet , d;,-, Krottiuj l'-fl Zt-o'uyra. Scotland W>. i apl S.-ot. i Tarns, at ROCKWELL'S. CROCKERY. Hardware Glis. gish. Ol!*. ?=.;■ Nails, i'uty. Burnirtg Fluid. C iniplicne. Kerosine. en ware, Bird Cages, 8001.. Shoes ar.d Leather, at I ROCKWELL'S. GROCERIES—The liest Crtislied and Pnlversed I; I Fr -.VII :1 ~1, t ----- c M k anil Hieen D-.-.-.. I and Rio Coflhe. f'h s o'.ite. Syrup-'. Mt*his fc es. To'e H Soi -e.-. liuoifo, Slari-h, S i.i|i. 1 rack, i-s. Saiseratus. Ct ■ i'ai tar, anil every tiiinjr ei-e in 1 Ik- line will he to— I ROCKWELL'S. ALSO—Fresh Ground Cavnga Piaster, at ROCKWELL'S. Many flunks for the lit.eril elicmimpement Mi •" B extended us, and we shall endeavoj In continutt{" a -alislaction to uii our customers, old and new. WILLIAM A. ROCKWELL I No. i, Pattoas £■ • I Towanda. October IS, ISfiO. CHEAP GOODS AT J.H.PHIWrJ£YS,JR/ JY", 3, Putton's Block. HAVING made np his mind to make the Mer-i" Jj husiiiess a penuaneiit business would mo-t re -!■ niliy solicit his old customers and the public genera •rive him a caiiaud examine his almost entire id tloods. jnsl rec'iving, and which e oilers at **■ duced prices, lor Cash or most kinds ot Uuce. lie asks particular attention TO HIS Large stock of Domestic Good-, Dhreting*. I Demins. Tii ks. Dtripes. i.inen and Cotton Dupery ask Table and MarscilU Bed Spreads, Jt-aiis, Flannels, Ac. TO IIIS Prints, Gingham's. Colrergs, all Wool and Union I ! Reps, Plaids, Black Silks. Ac. . TO HIS Stock of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in T , rt ß|B . and all warranted. TO HIS Large assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats and U*?"Bfl . great bargains TO HIS ■ Combs, Brushes, Hair Pins, Needles. Crochet I Zephyr, bhettatid Vara, and everything in the n A TO HIS 9 Large stock of Straw and Chip Burnets, Rue ' JB 1 crs,,ivli'ch will be sold wholesale or cent cheaper t'nau at any other place iu 1 -wu. TO HIS Crockery, Glass and Hardware. Boots and Sk*® B Ladies, Misses, Men and Children, ai Bargains. TO I HIS 1 Large stock of Groceries, Brown, Coffio. White verised Sugars, fresh Linseed and lump Lead Zinc, Putty, tsash. Nails, Cotlce, Tea Sc. TO 11 is H Good Molasses nt 3S per gallon. Prints from.) per yard. Coats' Thread 4 cts. Bc-t H ,>r P '' ct i perd"7. Yellow Cauk, fine cut. Tohacr-' lb. Smoking Tobacco, 8 cts. per lb . i" 1 !' ' F.:i.\S-™ 1 Towanda,' et. 20,18C0. TIEW AILILfI-NGEaiSStf | T I) HUMPIIREV, lwvinjr j U • the Dry tjoods department of his JH after enlarge the manufacturing dcpartim-i'" branches, always keeping on hand th 1 "-'; l 1 sortment of BOOTS,SHOKB V GAITERS- and eastern manufacture, and at theioivesi pay- ■ at wlii i t-liable work em be aoW. ; ,:y^B Thankful tor past patronage, the subscribe' attention of the public, as well to lus exics'*' \ Boots and Shoes as to the largest :o ■' 'fM , SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. KH' t■■ . and AMERICAN CALF SKINS MnitOU, MM INGS. SHOE THREAD A SlUliAß' Flathead TACKS, and in shoil every t" " 1 found in Finding Stores. A'so a large stot* ' FAMILY GlinUllßD Nails, Sadillcry and Cotntnou llaidwaic,- v cheap lor Cash. j p Towanda, Oct. 25. I^6o. BALMORAI. SKIRTS ' ' V .nrWs.t.l-e KEV^N* *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers