Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 29, 1860, Image 2
UNITED STATES SENATOR. [From the Scraaton Republican, Nov. 22 J WILMOT AND THE SENATOR-HIP. — Prominent &monz the many names connected with the United States S\ natorsbip, is that of the dis tingoished uuihor of the Wilmot Proviso. — David Wiimot is known in every household throughout the hind where there is the slight est familiarity with our political hi-tory An ardeut Democrat of vigorous intellect, auu un tiring energy and dauntless pluck, he stood in the front milks of his Congressional delegation and filled a position of the highest mark in the lfnnse of Representatives. lie was pointed to with pride, as one of the most promising lead ers. Put lie did not and would not believe in Slavery extension. And the fell demon that has ruled our national councils with such stern purpose, sought to crush him under its relent less heel. Yet in vain. Appealing to consti tuency who have long trusted and honored him by convincing argument,and unwearying labor lie arraign them in deadly hostility to the de signs of the Slavery propagandised of all the Republican leaders in the State, none can bring with him such trophies of his prowess and his toil. Of dignified presence and manly bearing, of acute and logical intellect and impressive an eloquent speaker,perfectly conversant with our political history, and we'll known to our most prominent men, frank,courageous and relf reli ant, he is of just the material to represeut the great interests of Pennsylvania, in the Uni ted States Senate It is time that our com monwealth was giving the Key cote, to the Federal policy; and lying in a central geograph ical position 011 the Slave States,with unboun ded resources, and amply diversified productive power, an empire in itself free alike from the lieree brawling of the Fire Eater and the pas sionate declamation of the Gurrsonian, Penn sylvania is entitied to take the lead in shaping the policy of the Federal Government. And no man can better help her to her true position than David Wiimot. The one solitary objection urged against him is that lie was once a Free Trader. His party believed in it, and lie was true to his party. Unlike his fellow Democrats he did not profess Tariff while hobnobbing with Free Traders. He did not then understand the re lation between Siavery and Free Trade, be tween Protection ami Industrial Development. Rut from the hour that he was satisfied that Protection fostered the growth of Free Labor and was therefore opposed by the Slave owners who sought to extend the are a of Human Bondage, he has been an advocate of the Pro tcctive Policy, an 1 we doubt not that if elect ed to the Senate he will be found among the most earnest as well us '.he ablest defenders of the great doctrine of Protection. The Northern part of the State should at least be heard in the distribution of places of lionor. Tli • Republicans of the Bradford dis trict aru entitled to some rccogn 'ion of their magnificent services ; a: d you could riot afford them greater gratification than bv the selection of their illustrious leader On the there fore of lore!ilv, of great ability, of eminent services and future usefulness, we think David Wiimot is entitled to take tlie place of W in. Bigh r ; and in <•> saving, we believe we but echo the opinion of the majority of the party in t! li 3 country. [Tram the Honesdale Democrat, Nov. 22 ] T:IE U. S. SEN ATOP. SHIP. —The selection of a successor to Mr. Willi am B.gler in the V. S. Senate naturally excites considerable interest throughout litis Commonwealth Various persons are suggested for the po-t. end their fitness and claims dilated upon by their immediate friends and admirers. Th is well. In imitation of the example thus set, we desire to call attention to the lion. DAVID w ILJIOT. He is emphatically a representative m(W. The leadi; g ideas upon which the re cent decisive triumph was won are historically associated with his nnme. llenoe, it seems to ns most suitable that he should be sent to the Senate. His election wouid be one of those signal avenges which Tone works out in be half of those who are willing to suffer proscrip tion in defence of a great principle while it is unpopular. We know thore is a repugnance to representative men in particular quarters ; but we know as well that the. ascendancy which has been achieved can only be maintained by a steady adherence to the distinctive doctrine.- which were borne aloft in the contest. The attempt to ignore them is full of peril,and will end in the disgrace of ail who may be concern ed therein. In point of intellectual endowments Mr Wiimot will not suffer by competition with lb rivals. None of tiicra, in bur estimation, an giants. That order of men does not greatly abound at any period, and in the prt sent crisis there is a dearth of them. But as public mer of eminence now run he will not suffer by com pnrisOn. He has, moreover, a valuable exper ienceln congressional life, which would reudei his general powers immediately available. If services in the party are to lie counted not another man in the State L is so stronp claims as he. In his district, and as we hap pen to know, mainly through ids counsels and efforts, lull one third of ail Curliu's majority in the State was wrought out. It gives Liu coin ten thousand majority, whereas it used tc give ioeofoeos six thousand. Here is a change of sixteen thousand. We have, however, confidence in the wis dom and prudence of the republican member? of the Legislature, and with tliern we leave the matter. [From the Tioga Agitator, Nov. 21.] UNITED STATES SENATOR. — Nearly fifteen years ago David Wiimot stood up in his place 111 the House i>i Representatives at Washing ton, and inaugurated the struggle against the extension of slavery into free territory, which lias just culminated in the triumph of that doe trine in the national election. For fifteen years his name has been a household wprd wherever human rights are respected and re vered. No lover .of his country can easily forget the hearty zeal,the untiring and indomi table courage, the unswerving purpose with which he met the cohorts of the Slave power in the beginning of that great political war fate. No one can easily forget the burning words—the manly eloquence—with which he stood up, while in Congress,for the great prin ciples of Free Labor, Free Men, Free Speech and Freedom in the Territories. Great parties then existing endorsed his views, put them in their Platforms, stood by them for a time and then faltered and fell. Great leaders adopt ed and advocated hiu views for a time,* and gunk into oblivion only when they forsook them. Bui the lives of men and no- their lips manifest their political faith and their integrity to that faith. Of the old Democratic party, the Van Burens, the Cochrans.the Higleva uuu those who like theiu were faithless to their bet convictions, have been ?wallowed op by the maelstrom of slavery, and are now remeiu- ' bered and respected only for what they might j have hren ; while the names of WILMOT, PRES- I TON KINO, W. C. BRYANT ami those lik<* them who have been faithful and true to the Right, arc watchwords of freedom everywhere. And s> it is of the names of those who gave confi dence and courage to the once powerful but now defunct Whig party. Compromises .com pacts, bargains, and compounding:! with the Slave power have only postponed trom time 10 1 time the culmination of the conflict between : unorganized Right and organized V> rong. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise—a compact j as sacred, nearly, as the Constitution itself— by which Slavery was to be the gainer and Freedom the loser awakened the people of the North to the insecurity of such compacts and roused theiu to organized resistance. The J great Republican party was the result of this re-action of lite public mind of the country, i and when its representatives first met in 1 National Convention at Philadelphia in ISSG. DAVID WILMOT was fitly chosen as the man of nil others to write out the declaration of prin-j I fifties upon which as a great, National Parly it J 1 j was to stand or fall In the following year as the Republican | candidate for Governor JIDGE WILMOT declar ed these principles from every stump during his gallant and memorable canvass,and although he suffered defeat he was not discouraged, nor | was his faith shaken. lie believed in the ulti-; mate triumph of his cause, and his faith made liirn strong. He has lived to see his native 1 State cast off the shackles with which-the slave- ( power and its doughface allies had bound her, j and stand out the brightest star in the galaxy of Republican States. Ho might well be proud of this triumph, for he lias contributed ; more to bring it about than any other man.— j No man will, for no man can gainsay or deny , this. :It is for these reasons we intimate our pref- j I; erenee for him a> the successor of the time-! 1' serving and weak-kneed Bigler. There are i other reasons which we of this District might 1 urge why he ought to be chosen, but they are 1 not needed. With Wiimot and Cameron as her Sma tors, Pennsylvania might well be; I proud as she justly would be of those who 1 would speak for her in the highest council of j the nation. [Frutu the TViliurasport Pres3. IIoN DAVID WILMOT. —We give elsewhere j the opinions of Journals published in various , . | sections of the state, favoring the election of lion. DAVID WILMOT, to the United Slates , ! Senate. It is becoming apparent that Judge i WiluioL i- the man for the piace and times ; . and as the subject is discussed thoroughly, j •• every Journal in the State will see thenecesity ; of turning in, and aid in effecting his election. 1 ' Among them all, named for the exalted and 1 honorable position, Judge Wilmot, by many 1 odds, is the popular choice. We need not , | speak of .lis traiiscendant abilities and fitness ] ! for the position. The whole continent knows j , them. Nor need we speak of his attachment to the-principles of the Republican Party.— t History vouches for his record—history evid 11- ] ces tnat he is the bravest, noblest, and niosi . : >i tannine . vindicator of the equal rights and t liberties of the whole people of the confederacy j Pennsvlvaiiia lias ever had, or could send the Capitol at Washington. The Result in Pennsylvania. Counties. I.incolu. Fusion. Douglas. Bell. Ad. mis 2,721 2,ti1l 36 3s Alleghany 16,725 6,725 623 570 Anu>l:oug 3,355 • 2,lfiS 5 50 ' Braver 2,524 1 .'l3l t 5s F Bedford 2,50."> 2,224 * U Bft .. Berks 0.70 D 8,841 i 42u 130 Blair 3,050 1,275 230 396 • Bradford 7,091 2,183 9 22 9 hue k5........ 0.443 5,1,4 4s 7 |f,> a | lii-.tlcr 3.640 2,322 13 22 " C-uibria 2,227 1.043 110 125 Canon 1.753 1.301 369 21 ■f Centre 1 3,021 2.423 26 16 . ri;e*h r 7.771 5,003 2C3 202 L ' Clarion 1,829 2,078 12 & t i ai .ii Id 1,702 1,040 23 .. (T;r.t',:> 1,730 1.114* 72 Cnhtm :n 1,873 2.300 86 Craw lord 5,779 2.961 62 i-- Cumberiaflu 3.593 3,Jb3 2a Dauphin 3.."2 L 2,391 192 109 s Delaware 3,181 1,500 152 239 9 L.k 407 523 . Krie 0,100 2.531 17 00 ' Fayette 3,454 3.308 21 147 I Franklin 4,151 2.515 022 76 V Fulton 7sS 911 1 49 ■ Forrest 107 47 Greene 1,614 2,605 20 17 Htiniingtoa 3,0-9 1.622 55 22 II Indiana 3,310 1,347 22 Jefferson 1,704 1,134 6 5 I- JuniAta 1,494 1,147 2 62 Lan ai-Tcr 13.352 5,135 72S 411 I 2.957 788 16 Lebanon 3.868 1,917 10 103 - Lehigh 4.170 4.094 145 52 ! ii/riue 7.300 6,803 37 13.0 ' Lvcumiiisr 3.494 2.102 137 9! >' Me K can 1,077 sjl 2 is Sir:, r 8,855 2,546 2 49 Mifllin 1.071 1.1.9 83 36 n Monroe 844 1.202 291 1- Montgomery 5,526 5.590 509 690 . Montour 1.043 7so 391 4 Northampton ...3,839 4,597 115 171 r Northumberland 2.4'22 2.306 97 72 Perry '2.371 1,743 8 38 , Philadelphia 39,223 21.913 9,274 7,231 Pike 3s 1 851 1 g Potter 1.545 521 r Shcuylkill 7.568 4.968 122 139 Somcrsett 3.218 1,175 1 10 d I Snvu.-r 1.878 910 60 5 y j Sullivan 429 497 1 Susquehanna 4.470 2,548 2 6 j Tioga 4.754 1,277 11 0 O ; Union...."" 1,824 812 28 6 j Venango 2.680 1,932 6 6 L Warren 3,284 1.087 4 1 Washington 4,721 3.975 6 91 :. Wayne 2,8,57 2.618 2 Westmoreland 4 887 4,790 13 13 s Wyoming 1,286 1,237 3 C York 5,128 5,497 562 574 Total..' 268,030 178,671 16,677 12,609 Lincoln over Fusion 59.159 Lincoln over all 59,153 n _ 0 SHOCKING RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—A LADY'S ' ARM TORN FROM ITS SOCKET —A passenger on ~ the train of cars which ran off the track of the 1 Fall River and Bostou Railroad early Friday ~ morning last, says : j " Mrs. Drinkwater, who had cn arm off, was sitting near tlleiu at the time of the acci v dent, and was thrown down. She got UJI after : the train stopped,and was leaving the car,when ( she said to her companion, " I believe my arm ~ ; is gone !" He companion replied, "Oh, no, it .. jis only numb from a bruise." A moment af ,F j ter, she said—" It is gone, for I cannot find my hand !" Iler companion removed some of her clothing and found that the arm had been [, taken off near the socket of the shoulder. It s was afterwards found under the car, with a „ glove still upon the hand. THE FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. —Mr. i John M. Butler will contest the seat of Mr I Win. E Lehman, as Representative fro n the s First Congressional District. On Saturday y evening last notice to that effect was given to , Mr. Lehman, by Mr. Charles Gilpin, counsel i for Mr. Batler. Mr. Butler still holds the r certificate of election from the Return"Judges v of the city ot' Philadelphia. iljraMiritivejJortcr. E* O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. | . _ TOWA N i >.V : Thursday Morning, November 29, 1860, NEW ARRANGEMENTS. Ilereattcr, the Reporter will be printed and published by Mr. 11. W. STCRROCK, iu pur suance of arrangements of which notice has already been given. This number of the pa per completes the eighteenth year since I be came interested in its publication, during which time I have personally superintended all the departments of the paper, with scarcely j a week's exception. The people of the Coun ty having seen fit to place me in another Geld of labor, more remunerative, 1 trust, than printing a newspaper, I have relieved myself i of the burden and care of publishing the Re that I may have time to give public ' satisfaction, (if possible) in the oflice to which I I have been chosen. Mr. STCKROCK comes to me with the highest recommendations, as a young man of expe rience, ability and staunch Republicanism. 1 trust the patrons of the Reporter will have | occasion to congratulate themselves upon the j change. No change is made in the proprietorship of the paper, although the business will be en tirely in his control. Nor shall I resign en j tirely the editorial tripod, nor the control of ! its editorial colutuus, to which I hope to bo | able to contribute. I shall not lose my in terest nor anxiety in the future course and prosperity of the paper, to build up which I have for eighteeu years labored. On the coti- I trary, I shall have new inducements and im -1 proved opportunities to watch its prosperity, | and advance its usefulness. Under these circumstances it will not be ex pected that 1 should indulge in a valedictory, or make the occasion one for feeling remarks. I do not consider myself under any particular I obligations to those who have paid their dol . !ar and received the Reporter for one year, be cause 1 think they have had the best of tbe : bargain. To those who have endeavored to advance tlie prosperity of the paper, by va rious acts of friendship, I am under many ob ! ligations. Iu this connexion, I beg leave to proffer to the many warm friends, to whose exertions I am indebted for the office i am shortly to enter upon, my most grateful acknowledge ments, and to the people of the county gen erally my thanks for their votes. My Grst care will be that their action shall not be j matter of reproach to them. The attention of our subscribers is again called to the fact that under the new j arrangement the Reporter will be conducted upon the system of advance payments. Ex- I perienec has taught ns that such is the only ] safe rule, and we trust that our subscribers are prepared to bear testimony to the same ! effect. As the incoming publisher is a strati-" j ger to our citizens, he will not be expected to : discriminate. The rule will be made impera ; tive and general. December Court will afford j an excellent opportunity for those desiring ! the paper continued, to make the necessary arrangements. NOT A DUN—BV SO MEANS. —There is a large amount due upon the books of the Re porter office, for subscription, ad vertising, job work, Ac. It is mostly in small sums, the ! payment of which, in nine cases out of ten, would not embarrass those indebted, and to receive which, would be a great convenience | to ns, and a satisfaction to our creditors. - We ' hope that all knowing themselves indebted, | wiil improve the coining court weeks to settle I the matter. Those who are not coming them | selves, can send by some neighbor. If there j is anybody who hasn't the ability to pay, if ! they will signifv the fact, we will cancel the I f j account. jfeaf The Banks of Philadelphia, last week, after consultation, resolved to suspend specie payments, as a measure of relief to their customers. As a matter of course, the county banks nearly all followed their example. Rumors prejudicial to the Pittston Bank, and the Bank of Commerce, at Erie, have pro duced a feejing of insecurity iu regard to the notes of those banks. The bills of tbe Pittston : Bank are freely taken here, and we do not believe that the holders of the Bauk of Com merce money will suffer loss. iSa. ■ THE HON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President elect of these United States, left his home at Springfield, on Wednesday morning, accom panied by his family and several friends, for ; the purpose of meeting Mr. Hamlin, the Vice President elect, at Chicago. Along the route I Mr. Lincoln was greeted with great enthusiasm and in several places he was obliged to make short speeches in acknowledgment. Messrs. LINCOLN and ll.ivux met at Chicago on Thursday, where for the first time, they formed an acquaintance. They had a long in terview, and were called upon by thousands, including office-seekers from ail parte of th® country. The secessionists lose Georgia by a majority of not less than two thousand five hundred, Breckinridge have simply a plurality. As it requires a majority of votes to. choose electors, there is uo choice, and the electors will be chosen by the Legislature. The Legis lature, however, has adjourned, electors cannot be chosen, and Georgia will uctnallv have no vote in the Electoral College THE SECESSION MOVEMENTS. —Relative to ! ! the secession movements, there is very little new of importance. Our advices partake of much the same character as heretofore. As an indication of the condition of sentiment in Georgia,a series of resolutions have been offer ed in the Legislature which insist, as the con ! diliuu of the State remaining in the Union,up ' | on the repeal of those laws in the Northern ( I States, nullifying the Fugitive Slave law, and 1 the enactment of laws by Congress, enabling I Southern men to carry tucir Slaves into the i Territories. Retaliatory measures against the ! North, it seems, have already commenced,and ; the first demonstration® made are against the I free negioes who visit Southern pOrts iu the j capacity of sailors. A dispatch from Savan nah states that six have been taken from one ; vessel at that port, and three from another at Fernaudina, Fla. and conveyed to the parts unknown. The refusal of South Carolina to assent to the proposition of Virginia and other ! Southern States, that a Convention should be , held for tbe purpose of discussing calmly the j question of secession, is severely commented upor. by tie Virgiuia journals The opinion seems to be gaining ground that the South ; Carolinians are altogether too fust iu their proposal to drag all the Slave States after, i them whether they are inclined to go or not.— i . A significant commentary upon the outcry 1 ugain>t the North for refusing to enforce the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law, may be found in the fact that two Deputy Marshals arrived in Richmond on Wednesday from New- York, having iu their custody a runaway from i Kentucky, whom they took measures to de liver to his master. A dispatch from Norfolk slates that Gov. WISE has offered his services , to Gov. GIST.OI South Carolina,in case they are not want*d by Virginia. Some people may j consider this an indication that the report re lative to his insanity was very near the truth. ; FOREIGN NEWS. —The Canard steamship s /I f'ica, from Liverpool on the morning of the iUtli, and Q ueeiistowi* on UK; Htli, arrived j at New York on Friday last. Her advices j are two days later. Tl;e most important fea ture in the news is the speeches of Lord PAL VERSION and the Count E PER-N.S V, deliver ed on the 0;h inst. at the Lord Mayor of Lon- ! don's grand eivic entertainment. The French Ambassador rejoiced at the continuance of i relations between England 1 and France, and , maintained that the Emperor had faithfully observed tlx,- programme ot peaee lie had laid j down during his visit to London. 7/wl PAL- j MERSTON. iu returning thanks on behalf of Her Majesty's Ministers, spoke of the general ! prospects of peace as being " at all events ! > | satisfactory." He complimented the Kinperor of the French for the "sagacity " lie had dis- j played in co-operating with Iler Majesty's: s Government iu the great work of extending ! commercial intercourse between the two conn . tries, am) expressed a hope that while the . commercial treaty would tend to cement still : ; more closely the alliance between England and , i France, it would have the effect of inducing ■ other crowned heads to lend themselves to an enterprise which contained " the secret ele > i meats of peace." Lord JOHN RLSSRI.s., Mr. , GLADSTONE and Lord BROUGHAM; were also [ among the speakers of the evening. From J Italy we receive the announcement 'hat GAR j IBALIA's Dictatorship- of the Two Sicilies had j formally.terminated, the result ot the |>eopie.s j votes having been officially communicated to ' VICTOR EMANUEL by GARIBALDI and his Min J isters, and an act of annexation having been ; ' framed. GARIBALDI had left Naples for hi.- J Island home. There is said to exist a mcu- j acing dissatisfaction throughout the llunga ' riau and German provinces of Austria. How THE PRESIDENT is ELECTED. —The sue -1 cessive steps in the election of President and Vice President of tiie United Slates are taken according to existing laws, at the following dates : 1. By the act of Congress of 1545 the Elec tors for President and Vice President of the i United States are appointed in each State on , the next Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 2. By the act of 1792 the Electors are tc ' meet on the first Wednesday in December af ter in their respective States, to east their , votes. 3. These votes when cast are to be certified • by the Electors and sealed up and sent up to i the President of the Senate. 4. On the second Wednesday in February af ' ter, the sealed certificates of the Electors are to be broken open and the votes counted and the result declared, in the presence of Con- J gress. fiay-The Western People are so disgnstcd with those New York merchants who sought | to create a financial panic at the close of the i campaign, in order to defeat Lincoln,that they have determined to adopt the policy of ncn intcrcourse with every New York merchaut } who entered into this treasonable conspiracy. Through one of their journals, (the Detroit Advertiser,) they call upon the Republican pa pers of New York to publish a list of tbe dj ' union merchants of that city. MEETING OK CONGE ESS. —The second session i of the present (30th) Congress will assemble 1 ! at Washington,on Monday the third of Decem . ber. This is the short session oi the term,and : as there will be no organization to effect, it i will be likely to get under way at once. The - President's Message, it is said, is almost rom t pleted. It will be sent in advance of the meeting of Congress to the principal citie- of the country. ' LOCAL AND GENERAL, j —*— SHOCKING ACCIDENT —A terrible and fatal! ' accident occurred in our vicinity last week. As a young I ! man, Mr. Edwin Stebbins, and his wife were returning j in a ennige from Montrose to their horat in Bridgewa tcr, on Friday afternoon, lie dropped bis whip and alighted to get it. when his horse took fright ur d ran : ; away with Mrs. Stebbins alone in the carriage. After 1 : running about a mile, to near their their house, the horse : turned suddenly, overturning the cirri.-tge, and throw- ! j ing Mrs. Stebbins out with such violence as to break her : j neck and deprive her of life almost instantaneously. Mr. I 1 Stebbins who hurried on after, only an iveil at the spot to find his wife lying dead in the road. Tbcy bad been j ! married about a year.— MutUrott Republican. SQT REV J. G Noun--, Pastor of Ronton, ! I Columbia county, ha- lean holding a revival meeting in j SalUJsbiirg, Lycoming county, at which about Id souls j have been converted. AURICIT.TURAL NOTICE. —The Annual Meet- i ing of the Bradford County Agricultural Society, will be | held at the Court House, in the Uoro., of Towanda, on i Monday the 3d of December, iB6O. at 7 o'clock I'. M. \V. C, Boasur, Sec'y. 1 : ! i . COSMOPOLITAN ART AssociATrox— RLNS in stitution is now in its seventh year of its process, during which time it has increased iu public favor. Any person can become a member by subscribing-J tkrtc ilu/luis. for which sum they will receive Ist.—The large and superb steel engraving, 30x33 i inches, entitled " FalstafFmustering his lierruits.'' 2d—One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated ! magazine, " The Cosmopolitan Art Journal." 3d—Four admissions, during the season, to " TBI ' i GALLRKT OF I'AINTINOS. 648 Broadway, X. Y." In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums*, over five huu- > | died beautiful works of Art, comprising valuable paint ings, marbles, pariaus, outlines, <kc., forming a truly na : tional benefit. The superb Engraving, which every anbacribcr w ill re ! ceive, entitled. " FALSTAFF MUSTEKIXC tus RECKI ITS," ! is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever ! issued in this country. It is done on steel, in line line and stipple, and is printed on heavy plate paper. 30 x 33 j inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable lor the j I walls of either the library parlor or office. Its subject! i.s the celebrated scene of Sir John Palstaff receiving, iu ; Justice Shallow's office, the recruit* which have betr. gathered for his " ragged regiment.'' it couKFnotbc fur- , ! nished by the trade for less than'!rve dollars. The Art Journal is too well kcown to the whole coun try to need .oinmenditiotv. It is magnificently ilUwtra ted magazine of Art, containing Esuys, Stories, Foetus : Gossip, Ac., by the very best wrltex iu Amtii. a. Subscriptions received and forwarded hy K. S. BZSE IUIT, Agent for Towanda and vicinity, where specimen: Engraving* amJ Art Journal can be seen. CVJR We are indebted TO Moj JL. M. OF. MOTT for several numbimof I'K- " ILLCSTH vifel> I.;F. Asr.' TIMES OF WASHINGTON," a splesdid work publislied by JOHNSON, FK,V CO., of New York. Mr. D isalsoagent , for several popular publications which will be regularly | ami promptly delivered to subscribers. Persons who inny lie in durinsr > I Court should not fail-to eali nnd examine the large arid beaiitWul stock of B oiks and Stationery just lieing open- ' i ed at the Argus Book Store, which have been bought low | : and will be sold cheap for cash. The I'rothonotiiry avnl Iseois't-T and I Re .-order elected in October, take possesssoa of rtie.T of I hoes on Saturday next, December Ist. ST.VGCT.AK ACCIDENT. —Mr. L. S. Khjr-- bury, of Shesheipiin, while goitig from Ails place home, j one day last week, iu a two horse wagon, met with an i unusual accident, which was fortunately less serious in i its consequence* than might leave been expected. He j i above laud's in flie narrows, having with him tw o i young Germans, strangers in the county, wheu during a • strong wind, a ttre was bJfiwu down, failing directly up ion the wagon. Mr. K-., and'one of tire young in on went | \ fastened-in the wagon : the other was able to extricate j t himself and -tuited back for help. During bis absence 1 Mr. K by great exertion released himself, and-succeeded iu extricating the other German, who was senseless, and apparently dead. He was foaud to be seriously injured though at kvrt aceoants some hopes were entertained of his surviving his injuries. The wonder is, tli it ail the persons in the wagon were not seriously injured, if not killed. The wagon was a complete w reck. fcjY" " Winter has come, with its e!d chill | ing blast," with scarcely an hour's warnjbg, and giving | j us on Saturday and Sunday, a fair specimen of w-bat I mtgltl be encountered in the Aictic regions, ice formed : rapidly in the river, and the Canal has '• shut up shop. ' | We saw on Sunday, several boats endeavoring to unlock : the icy barrier which stayed their progress, but the at tempt was unsuccessful. " THANKSGIVING DAY " with its usual con comitants of religious exercises, family gatherings, roast 1 turk-'ys, punii>kiu pies, and other good lliings spiritual j and edible occurs to-day. I'liatik-giving i* now a settled Institution.and let us hope that at least to day, there will i not be one tire-ide. where grim want will iutrude, or that worse than wnnt, the heart corroding experience of crushed affections or unrequited care and tenderness. The giver of good and perfect gifts, has blessed this com nmnity with nn unusual share of prosperity, and it is meet that we should be duly grateful therefor. Thanksgiving exercises will be licld in all the churches in this place, on Thursday morning, at o'clock. A regular mouthy meeting of Frank lin Fire Co. No. 1, will be held at the Engine House, on Saturday evening, Dec., Ist. at 7 o'clock lor election of officers and transaction tif other important husines. A full attendance is desired. Ry order of the Foreman, J. H. HUMPHREY, Sec'y. DEATH OF HENRY K. STRONG.— It is with sincere regret that we announce tins morning i the death ol the lion, llenry K. Strong,which took place at Philadelphia, Wednesday morn ing. Mr. Strong was a member of the last ( House of Representatives of our-State Legis lature, and was recently the Speaker of that body. He occupied during his lifetime several important positions in the State. Mr. Strong was born in Berkshire county, Mass., but has been for nearly thirty years a resident of bur State. His geological researches iu our Com monwealth have been of such a character as to render his name familiar from ole end Of it to the .ether, and his very sudden death will be regretted by a circle of friends. Advices from California to the 10th of 1 Noveml er arc received, by the arrival of the Pony Express at St. Joseph, Friday evening. The full returns of the State had been received by telegraph at San Prancico, aud indicate the success of Mr. LINCOLN by a plurality of between one and two thousand over Mr. Doc- GLAS. The total vote of the State will not vary far from 1 15,000. The weather continued line, and trade was steady ilctos from all JWUons. By a bill now before tlie Vermont I/., i-lataro, a couple have but to live apart for three ye,? and they are divorced. There are now five railways in surcc.s.f operation fa, four of tlicm finished, and a t sixth in prog re** of construction. A recent advertisement of a masque^ ball, at Lnporte, California, requested g*nt|(-m* t i ladies to leave their fire arms and cutlery at the door The remains of Mr. Carland and ti> 0 female servants have been taken from the ruins of Clarendon Hotel. Search for others hxs been ditr>.. tinned, as no one else is missing. The full extent of t>, IONS of life by this fire, as far as known, is four |>N*,T ( ln the Supreme Court of Boston, in t| |t case of Joseph Bngl>ee, vs. the Maiden and M,.,„ Horse Railroad, the jury found for the plaintiQ a#d„ -essed damages of $.1.50# for personal injuries on the road by the plaintiff. The grand j'uryof Campbell county, y 4 have found a true bill against Geo. W. Hardwicke. of tlic Lynchburg Rcp'ibl\<an, for shooting and kii Joseph Button, at Lynchburg, last June. Among the passengers per steamer fro- New York to Aspinwall on Monday, were the Sism o . twins. Chang and Eng. with two of their children. Tbt are going to California. The value of the hop crop of the United States, this year is estimated at $ 1,00 J.OOP—nearly t; Otsego, Oneida and Madison counties, X. V. The New York Commercial learn (br, two or three hundred colored families will remove fr 8 Baltimore to New Haven, Ct., in the coming iprinz. The subscription raised in France for tli relief of the Syrian Christians amounts to tot .la.", f riUCk The station house at Crestline, Oliio,wi destroyed by fire Friday afternoon. The Pittsburg Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad's loss j* ft',.oo: Bellefontaine and Indianapolis road, £'>oo ; America Express Company, 1400 ; Telegraph Company, SIJO. —Dr Livingstone, the African traveler hits been beard of. He was safe and well up to last .MA, a d reported that the natives of .WricA- evince less lo tility to tra."tiers rliuri formerly. A brother of Charles Dickers is eis ployed in the "and office of the Illinois Central lUilrcti He does a little in lite literary line. X mnn named Page recently killed t Mr. Garrett, iu Texas, for w-bich he was forthwith hut by a nob. John jfvr-'Ot* Insf both' his- legs, i- Dubuque, on Wednesday, by i.r?ig run over bv a engine, while walking on the track, The Hon. Ilevtrdy Johnson, of Mtr iniul. lectured in San Franci*e n few week* ago. ont subject of churuhv*. -V aoiaewliat II JVCI ject tor a lawyer The remains of Mrs. Lumsden, ,v| I adopted dangliter, Wt it> the Lady Kigiu. have been: 1 covered, tsiren to Xew Orleans, and'buried. Crowds of disaffected "saints" are osi their way from Salt Lake City to San Diego, Califort > —• At die old fire companies bur* been dispensed witli and'the do the duty. The* is a saving'on this plan f>f $3 0,3P, arid the police forc - augmented by thirteen men. It is said that the new pl . is much more effective tli in the old. The only remaining ho )y in the mins o f i the Ifotel—that of A-in Mc \nley, the h. ' chambermaid'-—ha* been recovered ; all the vital part. were bnnit to a crisp. Ti:c commission given to Governor Coj dington by Cromwell, in the year 1030, has rer.r been found in Rhode Island. ln New York there was a proposition^ amend the Constitution so as to give negroes the rigas . > vote. This proposition was voted upon at the elects* 1 and wat dbfeated by a large m ij uity. Mr. Glass, postmaster of LynchhorJ Virginia, and editor of the lirpub ican. m a card in r.4 i paper, says ' he wilh sot- ho!,'♦ offit-e arty lunger tha# Bt; ! I'Uaoaw'oternw, arid if my Liueuluite wants it ; can Buvc it by saving so." fn the South of Russia, and in tlsj province of Ksew, more than 4Ht v persons have lost W lives fbinr ti.-e sKng of a veuomoua fly, which has rm front Asia. It made it* appearance in the same couca . about sixty or seventy years and then causeil'J ; death of a number of person*. •—The property ol Nicholas Longworth,r Citi-dnnnl:. is *a : | to have been ascertained within a e days to be as follows : Real estate, S'2.OCVCPPO'; persm property. $1,500,000. Totfil. Napoleon Bonapart useit to say r hostile newspapers arc more to be feared than a in-"'' j thousand bayonets." j —Hull, the snHptof, litis cotilrafted *.5 i the citizen* of Louisville, Ky., to cut the st.itae of Hcr.n j Clay for SIO,OOO. The work will be done at Flareact f A Del (iodfrey, convicted at Sprinefie J.l ! 111., of the murder of a fanner named Tr-ntt, forSTOf* ; money that He hud in his possession, under the no* j atrocious circumstances, has been sentenced to ten reu J imprisonment. Several months since, a Mr. McKnis'n of Conrtland Co., X. Y., bought of a pedler somew> for corns. He applied it, and it caused a sore which j tinned to spread aud cause intense pain until he was r-| licvtd by death. The Batavian correspondent of thcL?>i don Times gives the particulars of a recent script"ft tiny in the Dutch East India array. This army ,1C " £ of about twenty thousand men, of which less thino: I third are Europeans. Four steamers are supposed to have Hf-I lost, with all on board, in tlie North isea, betweenE-' l land and Norway and Denmark, in the great *tnrm : 3d and 4th of October. About a hundred men aaJ f 1 000 is the aggregate loss. lt seems almost certain that the violin'J a perfect instrument, since, although mare thin'- i years have transpired since its origin in Italy. i'i-l 1 less attempts have been made to improve upon its t l '-1 struetion, it remains without material change. The wife of a man named Lehay, in *| parish of Tullough, Ireland, went into the tit-id t ' j potatoes, leaving a female infant, three year* J in a cradle. During her absence, a pig entered.dn;: I the child from the cradle, ana devoured it, oa!y i ? I | tion of the back and of the skull being left. A dispatch from Mi I led Seville says "R'l Legislative committee is now down on the river a Connecticut gun, with which to fieht for the Scc'.h' | rights. I fear our northern gunsmiths will tni^ f: out of our present political difficulties thaa i. T |l else." There is a reaction against Gcr. I> r1 ®" I and his retaliatory policy, upon the discovtry , I communicated his message to the secessionists at' j bia, 6. C., bgforp he had sent it to his own 1 This is charged to be a consjiiracy to precipitate rfl " 1 tion. j The Albany Joqrnal remarks that f jiftcj obtaining her Independence, started with •*' Government, but soon wearied of it. and sough' | sion into the Union. But now. when tier tsfl-"' War Debts have t>ecn paid by the Genera! Gover'-"" kite Wigfalls go for Secession ! Mayor Wood has purchased Fifth avennc, cornercf ?tth street, for his pru dence,