Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 29, 1860, Image 1

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DIE DOLLAR PER annum invariably in advance.
Thursday Morning, November 29, 1860.
Jsdcttcii Ipottrg.
A LITTLE girl witb a happy look,
Sit lovely muling a ponderous look.
All bonßd with velvet, and edged with gold ;
And it 4 weight Was more thnn the child could bold ;
Vet dearly she loved to ponder it o'er.
And every day she prized it more.
For it said—and she lookec at bet smiling mother-
It aid. " Little cfciidrea love one another.*'
She thought it was beautiful in the book,
And the lessee home to her heart she took :
y;, L . talked on her way with a trustin ~ grace
And a dove like look In her meek young face,
Which said just a< plain asweHoeaa say
The holy llitde 1 must always obey
So, Mamama, I'll be kiud to my darling brother
for " Little children must love each other."
I'm sorry he's naughty, and will not play.
Cut I'll love him sti.l for 1 think the way
To make him gentle and kind to me,
,\ ill be to do what I think is right.
And thu- when we kneel in prayer to-night,
I will clasp my arms around my brother.
And say ' Little children lo\e auother."
The little girl did a her Bible taught.
And pleasant indeed was the change it wrought.
For the boy looked up in glad surprise
To meet the light of Her loving eyes ;
His'beart was full—he could c t -peak -
But lie prosed it.* uu his sister s cac-ek .
And God Jo. ked down cn the happy
tt'hose " Little children love one another."
|fl isttllatttoas.
Joe Lane and bis Beans,
An>n corri-pendent vends the f<!-
,v g to the Sucitttiit-i.'to (California) L'n
Joe Line is suite on
d. |>u! tu.t it of tine arts kt is first witl.- j
.it ;;n> second. Doc; Crocket and "SpHi'j ;
Og.e" Aitc tot odv t< him. In. ud, ii you
took the sni oat of Jo.*, -you would :
leave hint like a ballooo with the g.i> out 01.
's —a very sir.ail >!n.vci.ed concern
Jpe had a uick of knowing everybody, and
cwrtbody Jot knew was his mos" iiitun.ite
: ! Lie would meet an a qua int.nice as
a utt-r would meet a brother. lie eh mgiit bad
I ist lit si a. He exu nds both hands,and :
nkes h:> countenance as expressive as uatori .
; alio* of affectiouate svuiiwtbv. Coating I
n Washington Cgv t > Oregon Jtu
>. th a countryman Mr riuiith near
v 1 . use lie lia|]M'ued to be traveling lie- .
election. Joe rocogniz-d bim at
0:. vllow," suid Joe, " G'hl liless you,
•• * ire you and the wife and the children?
.-j my eyes. I'm glad to see yon. I havn't
with anybody I was so ir'.id to see
iJ rve been I hi airing of you and the boys:
rf since I have tieeu to Concurs that's the
.y Joe spells it. Washington is a dull
see hate to stay titers—lively times here
* ant to come back ami lire *.rh the boys
•| .r 1 can Lire a good time. Old fcliow, I
tf.i you I'iQ glad to see you iraii.**
A .' r some words, the man, a piaiu farmer,
. v'. .i Joe in, saying :
' (leuerai, you iil stay to dinner won't
JOB '.
Certainly, cf course," an id Joe. ' I come
i .r; o-e I want some victuals I can cut.
T.itse city victuals don't suit cue. Your wife
far t r.'k to suit tne. I told Buchauan I
4 : give a d— n for al! their turrin girn •
'-.So A gvd Oregou dinner of park aai
: - •> - wonh uil the French restaurant*
'. get op :.nd mom too."
A v a wliiie dnnerwas put upon the table
• sure enough, Joe's favorite dish, pork
T.e pork was only toleralile ;•
tv s were very tine ; at least, Jo said so
; - . . 'ued Lunseif— talked of the Mexican
tics—Joe Line was very attentive
Mora ami cbddren—praised the cook
some more pork a: I leans—never
-- - bans—cooked to <uit bitu exactly—
lady of the house to givr hitu s->uk
■ i—wauteil to take tlietn to Washington
'f> an is—wanted to show tbeiu fellows
* 4 : ring uis Bo got a jiackage—
* '• a • > sa io.e bag —talked some mr<-
Mexican war—shookhoads—ltifd
* i s—took off his hat to madam—took
of ■ llilts J —and left.
- '• l ii.e next Ii u-e—was ju>t as elad
' -**. and just as polite to thai wo
*' m attentive to tkttn children--took 1
* •' whisky—talked ot the same
-• i.oan w 3 r f a:i( j ihrQia same jwiitics, that
j y-tr J e Line ; bad thought of this man
-srft a jof lta al Washington ; wanted to
' .sick to see them all. Come on purpose
" : - o;:e Got Buchanan to give him a
' " r re kind of beans—the €nest he j
i : Brought tiiem all the aay out es
■ ' He mill's w.fe to plant and grow
- thw took them out of his i
- the identical beans he had got at
se ; the landlady was rejiiced ;
'.. a —.he." dr,n a . nnj Irfr.
, 'by. Mrs. Smith came over to
•- Joaes the nejt dnv ; talked of the
. General Lane j frad of beaos ; great !
'■- r husband ; got some of tlieir
V .'j to< ' *""' m a '* a . v ' fo to Buchanan \
f~" 0 kr rale aliout Lane; good
Ptt* I P* Xe her beaus froui
' , '. s: '°* f d tlie package. It was
• 4 - - n J-oe's hand wr tn.g, ' ii ss
v vani ® iff* Smith had put uu \
i-. ", , *' a lae Lrei au j T( s te^
04--j.0 4 --j. Line.
A c ' ere ' s f Pkin)t or her children,
ira- •• i * f '° ws< hghtrr colored than the
* -brf CGuW lhtt ar ' br L kase
to easy
Donation Parties.
The following is from the Frotestaut Epis
copal Parish Visitor:
Llonation parlies and surprise visits are the
ways and means of giving material aid to
clergymen, who either need it, or do not. If
they do not need this aid, then the proceed
ings are simply a stultification of nil concern
ed ; if they do need such aid, it shows the
great inconsideration, if not actual injustice of
those to whom the minister preaches ; it clear
ly indicates the fact that he is not properly
sustained, and that his parishioners kuo.v it.
The practical workings of those rnnchiue
i ries are always deceptive, always degrading,
and lead to unmixed harm. They are a pe
cuniary loss to the people of his charge.
It is the nature of gifts to degrade, to
' cause a feeling ol dependency, of inferiority.
i and of obligation. A minister's palm should
be as guiltless of bribe as that of a judge
No foreign minister of our government is al
lowed to receive a present of any description
in his official capacity, or even privately, by
virtue of his •stat on ; not even the President
of the United States can receive a gift or
present from any nation. This is wise, and
ts based on a tree knowledge of human na
ture ; and neither ought u minister of the
j Gospel, who is, by virtue of his office, a min
ister from the court of the of tings, an
: embassador from the sk es.
j To the disgrace of the Araeiicin people,
; three fourths ot the clergy,who should live by
i ill:* Gospel, who should be amply supported,
are not adequately paid, are compelled if they
have no private means, to the most pinching
economies—live in circumstances distressingly
straightened and endured, too, in multitudes
iof cases, with an uncomplaining!.e>s and a
j heroic courage which is beyond praise.
MORAL —If you have anything te give to
i your minister, give it to him in money, and it
will be worth to him at least double its v .ik
ue in any anything else, in three cases ost of
A BLTTrn MORAL Stili. —lf the minister
| has not an "adequate support," be honest,and
raise his salary until iie has. If there are to
be any presents, let them be on the same foot
j ing as those which a pa-tor might also make
not '.o eke out u ,-uppo-t ; not charity. It
i- mean beyond measure to withhold an ade
quate salary and then bestow gifts.
ING A gentleman of Rochester prof.-.sses to
have been an eye witness to the following
scene : Some 12 or 14 years ago. her liaiestv,
: a xuflipMietl by the prince consort, and the
• royal children, visited Set lifted in the roywl
I yacht, and calied at Aberdeen, a. d of course
the loyal itriabitants of that citv turned oui
ia large numbers. A guard of honor formed,
ami in all the g'o *y of bin. k brouh loili anu
; wliite kids, parao-d ou the edge of the d>ck,
while thousand- *.iTe assembled u little further
back, to (ftSft on ttie spectacle of an anointed '
queen Her -M de-ty good uaturedtj remainefi
on deck to gratify the curiosity of the bonne
Sou its, accompanied by the Prince of Wu es,
then a child of five or six years old. The
Prince, like other boys of his age, being of a
destructive turn, began to pull the tus- -I of a
splendid sofa on tße deck, ia a mnaner chat
threatened to detach it. II s raotii-r observ
ed tiie act, and ordered the boy to desist. II
did so, but as soon as her back wi> turned,
seized the ta->ei again and give it another
i p-rk In nn instant the queen turned, and
se:zb;g the In-k!e-- heir apparent of England
by the * scruff of the i eck." elevated one of '
her feet n;oti the sofa, h -ted the youngster
over her knee, adj .si- I in tlie position fa
in far to parents, and children generally.when
such ceremonies are to be perioriaed, and gave
' him a sound spanking. It is an interesting
tut that the ilia-trious suC rer kick-d and
bell vwed under the offlctive disp usatit n,
quite aslus'ly r.s children of lower birth. Tlie
amaztd silence with which the spectators
witnessed the example of royal dinripbtt, wa
' suddenly broken by a tremendous roa; of
laughter, which could not he nopprrnftrd by |
any thought of liecorom. rc-{x*ctior the queen,
or sympathy for the victim of hir rii.-ple-sun-
The explosion recalled the royal mother to a
s-misc of her pcsition, and having turned to
war, i tl>e crowd for a moment.lter ia -e suff . d
with crim-on. she ha-ti!y descended into the
cabin, and was seeu uo more by the expectant
of the woild ? grcute-t orators, -ays
that "there is not on y an art Lot aii eloquence
iu it."
Z tnmerman, whose very name is sugges
tive of deep rfleection in umbrageous groves,
writes : ">ilence is the sidt-t response for all
the contradiction that ari?e?froui tuipertiuence,
vulgarity, or envy "
The Tattler, whose name in this instance is
scarcely in keeping with precepts, affirms :
" T!ie deej>esl waters are the most silent ; I
empty ve—-Is make the greatest sound, ntid
lus ,g cvm'iel- the worst mu-;c. TLIEJ who
think lea.-t commonly sjeak must "
l>r. Biair saxs,—"the modes of speech are
scarcely more variable '.bau the modes of si
Shakespeare absolntely teems ith illustra
tions of the same ideas. "Paiabras, neigiibor
Yeages," p mous:r*tes Dogberry. " Words,
wonis, word-, sighs liatnlel ; apd even the
-wag ller. Foien Uj, is m i le to'declare
that " Brevity is the soul of wu."
The African —most garulous of race?— ;
finds a certain wisdom in the monkey, who.
Kiev say, u .a talk, but retrain least the white
man should make them work Incapable of
taciturnity the negro is th.s illustration ap
p>ear> to confess that men become the slaves j
o{ others in proportion to their inability to
hold tbetr toogoes. Unqoestionablr ihe"gift
of gab," is ofieutitoes prolific of evil rattier
than of good to iu possessor.
The late Senator Broderick occnrj to the
writer as a case in point. Of humble origin
' and defective education, b owed much of b?J
' success in life to the faculty, which he pos
sessed in a high degree, of great sententious
ntss ; and he owed his untimely deuth to being
j induced in au unguarded moment to trauscend
j his practice and say 100 much.
Playgoers bave realized in Sheridan's Critic
tlie effect of Lord Burleigh's shake of the head,
the very absurdity which silence scatters pow
der over the orchestra, invists bin lordship
with a ccrta : n responsibility. It is ev dent
that, like the owl, lie " keeps up a devil of a
1 thinking."— Cuttricr Sr Enqniter.
national development within the past few years
lias been extraordinary ; but that particular
i phase of it, which has been going on in the
northwestern range of States, is something
really inurvelious II story will scarcelv credit
the rapidity of growth and the solid stability
ol power which bus accompanied their wonder
| ful ex; ansion. The seven States of Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. lowa,
and Minnesota hold, to-day. nearly one third
of the country's entire population. The cen>us
g.ves them between eight and nine millions,and
tiieir inert-i.-e is so fast and certaiu us to soon
render tren that liberal computation below
the actual murk.
This greut Northwest is the producing re
gion—tlie granary of the land—from whence
we draw the chief necessaries of out own sup
poit, besides receiving a constant surplus for
the use of foreign countries, which give us in
return their spare capita! to help us on to
further enterprise and progress. This year's
statistics of tiie port of Chicago alone seem
almost incredible. Since January last the re
ceipts there amount to hirtv-iwo million?, two
hundred and eleven thousand bushels of vari
ous kinds of g-ain, an increase over last year
of more than twenty tn They will foat
up forty millions b-. fore the year is through.—
And this is the credit account cf but a single
port. It is true Chicago is the chief of our
great depots ; but not by any means in-igniti
ccut places are C.evelaud, M i waukce.W auke
can, Racine, Detroit, Toledo, Fremont, Milan,
cLind.i-kv, and a dozen others that ia the ag
gregate do an immense business.
The incalculable resources of the Northwest;
lier magnified.! lakes ; her long navigable
11vers ; her fertile fields of boundless acres—
a!! these inu-t elevate her to a pitch of wealth
and power that will eveutually control the
destinies-of the L nion. In a short time no city
but New \ ork will be able to compete with
iid splendid capitals ; and our superiority will
t. iu re social.y iuctro|>oi;tau than politically
influential So 'et it be. An agricultural popu
lation is, of all others, the m -t virtuous and
patrioth ; and, if our Star cf Lmpire must
Jon •- the sun, w c worn a not wi-n L to r-cst HI
belter iianiS than t!.o>e of our fellow country
men, who own end t.ll the soiith&t gives u
tooJ and brings the nations of the Old World
to our do:rs us needy customers.
A ROMANTIC LOVE STOHY. —During the late :
war in tiie Crimea, the Count de tit. Croix,
belonging to one of the noblest families in
Fr iuce, became engaged to a lady, bis equal
i in position and fortune. aaJ famous for her
beauty. Shortly after the marriage day was
appointed, the Count was ordered to the S-*ige
of Sebastopoi lie girded on L.s sabre, and
at the Leap of Lis regiment tuarciud to the
Li.'J. During his absence it happened that
ins beautiful Ji incr coutraeted the small pox,
and after hovering between life aud death re
cor. red, to find her beauty lost. Tiie disease !
had a-fumcd ihe mo?t virulent character, aud (
left Ler not only disfigured, but seamed and
> arrtd to -ucli au extent that she became
iiidtous to herself, and resolved to pass the re
raaindcrof her days in the strictest >tciu>ion.
A year pu-.-cd away, when one day the Count
immediately upon his return to France, cc
coiiipanicd by his ralet, }>reefUed Lim-elf at
the resi Jetice of bis betrothed and solicited an
interview. This was refused, lie however,
WHO tiie per-i-ten -e of a lover pressed his suit
and fina.ij tae iuuy made Ler appearance,
m-.i11.d in a double veil. At the sound of uer
| voice the Count rushed forward to embrace
• her ; but stepping aside she tremblingly toid
him the story of her sorrows, and burst into
tears. A sueie broke over the Count's hand
. -ome features, as. raising Lis hands almve he :
exclaimed. "It is God's work— l am blind'' -
It wa< even so ; when gal'antiv leading bis j
regiment to tlie attack, a cannon bail had
! ! i-sed so closeiy to h:s eyes, that while it left
tbe.r expression unchanged,aud bis conteqance
unmarked, it lias rotibed L ai fort-vtr of sight.
It is almost nnnecces-ary to add that their
; marriage was si ortly afterwards so!emiz-d. ;
It is said that to this day may often be seen
at tlie E n|eror\s receptions, an officer leaning
; iq>oii the am of a lady closely tailed — L*iter •
frvn Paris.
FORCE or VOLCANOES. —Cotopaxi, in 1833,
threw its fiery rtckt-ts 3.0'J0 feet above its
creator, vrbiie in 1744 the mass strug
ghng fur au outlet, roared so that .is awful
voice was beard a d;-tanee of n; >re than six
hundred miles. In IT'-'" tiie crater of Tangu
ragu.i, one of th 2 great ;>eaks of the Andes,
flung out torrents of mud, which damned up
rivers, opened new iakes, and in vaiievs of a
thousand feet wide made deposits six hundred
feet deep. The s'reatn from Vesuvius, which
in 173" passed through Torre del Greco, con
tained 33,bt>0,000 cubic feet of solid matter.
I m 1795, w lieu Terre del Greco wis destroyed
a recoiid time, tbg mass of lava amounted to i
■ 45.Q00.000 cubic feet. Iu 1G79 Etna poured
! forth a flood which covered S4 square raiies of
surtace.aiid mta<ured nearly 10-O.UQQ.QOUcubic
feet. Oz this occasioo the sand and scorias
formed the Monto near Nichoiosi, a
come two miles in c rcumferenee and 4.000
j feet high. The stream thrown oat by Etna, i
; in 1810. was in motion, at the rate of a yard
ler day, for nine mouths after the eroptioa ; I
and it is on record tnat the lavas of the same
mountain, after a terrible eruption, were cot
thoroughly cooled aod consolidated ten years :
after He veM. in the eruption of Vesuvius, j
A D 79. th? sccrie acd ashes enacted fortb
1 far exceeded the entire bulk of the mountain,
while iu 1660 Etna disgorged more than
twenty times its own mass. Vesuvius has
thrown its ashes as far as Constantinople, Syria
and Egypt ; it hurled stones, eight pounds in
weight, to Potnpei, a distance of six mile®
j while similar masses were tossed up 2,000 feet
! above its summit. Cotopaxi has projected a
block of 109 cubic feet yards in volume a dis
tance of nine miles, and Sumbawa, iu 1815,
during the most terrible eruption on record,
sent its ashe3 as far as Java, a distance of 300
miles of iurface, and out of a population of
12,000 souisouiy twenty-six escaped.—Rtcrta
lice Sceina.
THE MOORS. — In the eariiest times the peo
ple on the European and African sides of the
i Straits of Gibraltar were the same, and the in
tercourse between them over the uarrow chan
i r.els frequent. Iu the subsequent movements
of warlike tribes and people.Spuiu and Barbary
were successively, whole or in part, overrun
by the Carthageuiaus,Romans,Goths,Vandals,
and Saracens or Arabs, leaving both Spain
and Barbary, in the early part cf the eighth
century, under the dominion of the latter.—
Both became provinces of the Caliphs of Bag
dud, aud were ruled by their governors. The
Moors, as the Arabs of Spain and Morocco
were calied, mingled their blood with the in
habitants of the country,"and for eight hundred
years—much of the time as the predominant
power the Spanish Peninsula, notwithstanding
the invasions and civil wars, instigated by re
ligious bigotry, to which they were subjected
—maintained themselves iu Spain, and under
tteir swav the country became powerful and
great At the end of this period they were
subdued by the Christian States which had
arbeu among them, and tlie establishment of
the Inquisition placed their lives and every
thing they possessed at the mercy of theircon
querors. A Ct-ntury of persecution succeeded ;
when, what remained of them, ia the begin
ning of the sevemeentb centurj.whom ut ther
lire nor fn_'got could convert, were expelled
from Strain and driven into Africa, This,and
the expulsion of the Jews which followed,
i destroyed the greatness of Spain—her com
merce, her revenues, and her powet—leading
her crippled, lying helpless at the mouth of
the grave she had dug ; frcui which condition
after a lapse of two centuries, she is oniv now
beginning to recover. The Spaniards, like ail
the central and southern nations of Europe,are
of n.ixed blood, and made up of tlie several
peoples who have overrun their land ; but in
many of the provinces, t-pev.a!ly at the South
and East, the Moorish biood still predomina
appear of the same form to the naked eyes but
seen through a miscro-cope, exhibit different
shapes and sizes, globular, square ani conical,
and mostly irregular; and what is more snrpriv
it:g in their cavities have been found, I y the
•microscope, insects of various kinds. The
mouidy substance on damp bodies exhibits a
region of minute plantv Sometimes it appears
u forest of trees, w hose branches, leaves.flower?
ar.d fruits, are clearly distinguished. Some of
the flowers have long.white, transparent stalks
and the buds.before they open, are little green
balls which become white. The particles of
Ju e t on the w ings of butterflies, prove by the
uiiscroscope to be beautiful aud weii arranged
little feathers By the same instrument the
surface ot' our skin has scales resembling thoe
jof fish, but so minute that a single irrain
would cover two hundred and fiity and a single
-eaie covers five hundred pores, whence i.-sues
the insensible perspiration necessary to health:
con-equeutiy, a grain of sand can cover
one hundred and tweuty-fire thousand pores of
thz body.
HEAT FROM THE STARS —It is a start'ir.g
fact, that if the eart.i were dependent alone
upon the San for heat, it would not keep ex
is.euce iu animal and vegetable life upon its
surface. It results from the reseaiches of
' Poniliet that the stars furnish heat enough Ia
the course of a year to melt a crust of ire
seventy feet thick—almost a- much as is sup
plied by the sun. This may appear strange
when we consider how imineasureabiy smaii
must be the amount of heat received from any
of tho-e distant bodies. But tiie surprise
vanishes when we remember '.hat the whole
firmament is thickly gemmed with stars.
man who can ,-tand in the breath of univer
sal public censure, with aii the fashions of
opin.on disgracing him in the thoughts of
lookers-on—with the tide of obloquy beating
against Lis br.-ast and the fingers of the
mighty, combined many, poiuting him to scorn
—nay, with the fury of the drunken rabble
threatening him with instant death—and,
worse than all, having present friend to whis
per a word of defence or palliate in his be
half to the revilers—but bravely giving his
naked head to the storm, because he knows
bitnseif to be virtnons in his purpose : that
man shall come forth from the fiery ordeal like
tried gold. Philosophy shaii embalm his
I name in her richest unction. History shall
g : ve him a place on her brightest pages, and
old, yea. hoary far-off posterity shall remem
ber him as or yesterday
Beautiful things are suggestive of purer
; and higher lite, and fiils us with a mingled
lore and fear. They baTe a graciousness
that wins us, an excellence to which we
I involuntarily do rererence. If voa are poor.yet
pure and modestly aspiring, keep a vase of
dowers on your table, aud tbey will help to
maintain your dizmty, and secure for you coo-
J sideratiou aud delicacy of behavior.
Phillips, the Irish orator, speaks thus
'eeiingly of bis birth-place : " There were the
scenes of my childhood which reminded tee
i'now innocent I was, and the grave of my fath
er to adsojlsh ma kow pure I ebca'd coo
(Educational Jjfpartmtnt.
i teiP" Will the Educational papers to whom
1 this number of the Reporter is seut please to
s exchange or return the paper.
t C. R. COBCRS, | „
; O.S.DKA.V, I" Editors.
' liar A young friend, formerly a teacher in
> this county sends the following. Will some of
1 our teachers reply to his question through the
j educational column of the Reporter:
" Him, Tuba: named, the I'uleun of oidt-n times,
The sword and fare Lion their inventor claim.
Mr. Brown intends that the three nouns
printed iu itaiies should be parsed as in appo
, sition. Question. What is the noun Tubal
j I put by apposition with 1 C. A. •
>) B&- The annual examinations of teachers
' • for the fall of lb6o, has just closed,and it may
i not be inappropriate to state some facts con- ■
c. rning these inspections of the instructors of the \
i | youth of our county.
t ! The examinations were conducted upon some :
- what of a different plan from those of former
- j years; they were, it is supposed, a little mpre
; j rigid, and better calculated to draw out the
) knowledge of the candidates, if it were in thetn
■ , and at the same time, they were free from
1 embarasiment. Still, after all is done that can .
t j be, it is impossible for the examining officer to
: arrive at a just conclusion, in all cases, us to 1
- the acquired qualifications of those who come
1 | forward to be inspected ; some are timid and '
" easily embarrassed and unable to do what, '
1 under other circumstances would be perfectly
? ea-y for them to accomplish, others are lodb,
i forward and stif confident, and can tell, or
f write all they know about a thing, all the bet
- ter from being in a situation where others would
be frightened; some do not teach Lut about j
; three mouths in the year and ate ru-tv, there- !
■ fore, and are not able to call to min i readily j
■ j w hat they actually know,others teach, or study '
most of the time, their knowledge consequently !
i is fresh and ready to come forth at their bid- j
. ding. Some are slow to catch an idea end
still slower to appreciate or unierstand.others I
' can see and understand aii they ever k:.uw of ]
1 a subject a? soon a- it is presented.
' Making allowences for a!! these, and other I
untoward urcumstaro, it is due to the teach-
I ers to say, that, with oue or two exceptions, i
' the teachers of the several townships have sns
i mined themselves much better iu the iuspec-'
i tunc than they have heretofore. This ia espe- i
i cially true in regard to the oilier teachers, and ■
fewer young persons, young girls and boys,
have presented themselves Rr examination this :
, fail than any former occasion. Last year I felt
i it to be my duty to .-eject a great number of
. applicants who were in ro way qualified to!
: take charge of schools, and some who bore &j
tolerable examination-iu oue or two of the i
branches, but were entirety deficient in the I
• others. The consequence was, that but four
of that clav presented themselves for iuspec- !
, , tion this fall. It is not my intention to over- i
; estimate the importance of Teachers Institutes !
. but I think that ar.y person who Las been 1
present at the examinations most come to the i
. conclusion, that as a general thing, the teach
ers who have attended the Institute and tried
to improve the advantages to be enjoyed at !
them, hare borne the best examinations, not '
that attending a teacher's, three or four
! times will qualify a person for teaching, or j
that stayiuc away will disqualify him,but those'
who have attended regularly nud sought for
in.'ormatiou have improved, while others, who
have given no attention to teaching, or the
branches, to be taught, only while they were
! actually engaged iu the business, and who
think that any thing spent in preparation for
teaching, is money thrown away, bare falleu
behind iu their comparative qualifications. In
all the townships except three, some of the
directors have been present at the examina
tons, and in many places the whole board has
attended the whole day. This is as it should
be in all cases. Directors can much better
judge of the qualifications of their teachers by
being at the examinations and seeing how they
appear at them, than tLey can be merely see
ing bow the certificates are evaded,
j About five hundred and fifty persons have
received different grades varying
lrom the first to the third, aid iu a very few
cases, in oue or two of the branches as low as
the four'a. Tics number being nearly two
hundred more than there are schools in the
county, these can be noneces-ity for private
examinations upon the grounds that there are
not teachers enongb, and it is hoped that
directors will not encourage persons to cake
application for such examiuatiors unless it be j
absolute!? unavoidable. C. R. COBCBV
Bar From the official department of the
School Journal:
QVESTIOX : What is the duty of the County
Superintendent, when he knows that Teachers
take pains not to be examined in the District
iu which they really intend to apply for schools
but manage to be examined in some other ? i
County Snprinlendent.
ANSWER : He should at. once inform the j
Board of the avoided district, of the fact, iu
writing, that they may be prepared to deal
with such Teachers as they deserve, whenthev
1 come before them for schools ; and, if required j
, and bis othir engagements permit, he should
re-examine, and that thoroughly,ail such teach
ers in the presence of the proper Board.
QCESTIOK : If a Teacher change the figures '
or the dates of his certificate,or permit another •
to do so,what is the duty of the County Super- i
intecdert— County Superintendent.
ANSWER ; If the term for which the certi
l ficate was issued has not expired, the County
Superintendent should aonol the certificate ;
i and if it ha*, be shoold refuse to re-examine
scch Teacher, or renew bis certificate ; and
the same should be done if the change was
made by another with consent of the bolder of
the certificate ; for in both cases it is a fraud
and a forgery, and socb persoo shoold not
afterwards be admitted into the profession ;
except perhaps !a the CMS of a youttg
VOL. XXI. —NO. 26.
and thoughtless person, who really did uot
realize the enormity of the aet, and who mani
fests sincere sorrow, and a reliable determina
tion to avoid such acts in the future.
INTERESTING TO WIVES. —As a general rule
it is most economical to buy the best articles.
The price is, of course, always a little higher j
but good articles spend best. It is a sacrifico
j of money to buy poor cheese, lard, etc., to say
j nothing of the injurious effect upon health.
, Of the West India sugar and molasses the
S'ar,taCrutz and Porto ltico are considered the
best. The Havana is seldom clean. White
sugar from Brazil is sometimes very good.
K-Gucd sugar usually coutaius most of the
' saccharine substance ; there is probably mora
economy in using loaf, crushed and grauulat
ed sugars, than we should first suppose.
Butter made in September and October
is the be.t for wiuter use. Lard should be
j hard and white ; and that which is taken from
a hog not over a year old is best.
Rich chee.-e feels softer untfer the pressure
jof the finger. That which is very strong is
neither very good nor healthy. To keep out
that is cut, tie it upon in a bag that will not
admit flies, and hang it in a cool, dry piace.
If mould appears uu it wipe it off with a dry
j cloth.
t'k.ur and meal of all kinds should be kept
• in a cool, dry place.
The l>esi rice is large, and has a clear, fresh
j look. Old rice sometimes has little black in
. sects insiJe the kernels.
The small while sago, called the pearl sago,
'is the bei-t. The large brown kind Las an
5 earthy taste. The article,aud tapioca,ground
rice, etc., should be kept covered.
To select nutmegs, pick them with a pin.—
If they are good, the oil will instantly spread
around the puncture.
Keep coffee by itself, as the odor effects
| other articles. Keep tea in a close chest or
Oranges and lemons keep best wrapped
\ close in soft paper,and laid in a drawer of linen.
I Suft soap should be kept in a dry place ia
the cellar, and not Le used until three months
] old.
To thaw frozen potatoes, put them in hot
| water.
To thaw frozen apples, put them in cold
water. Neither will keep after being frozen.
' —lfousfkuptf'i Friend.
recent traveier says ;
" If the reader wishes to study natural his
j tory of tie reptiles to perfection "I recommend
i im to lire for a month or tv, o at Bang Kok,
.n 6;:i'D. lie will have the satisfaction, when
! he wakes in tLe morning, to see a snake peep
ing out of a iiole in eat o corner of the room,
and two or three little ones amusing them
selves at hide ar.d -eek ou the floor. It he
looks up at the ceiiing be wiii see a specimen
of the lizard tribe, called the Trqicay, from its
peculiar cry, a lizard that looks as if it was
I affected w:th the leprosy and which has the
i astonishing faculty of throwing itself ten yards
j across from or.e upright wall to another. If he
j carry his inclination for study still farther, he
can investigate the mysteries of a Siamese stew
| and find alligator the chief ingredient. Ha
I wiil find an opportunity of collecting out of bis
i soup plate, tea-cup, wine glass, or the hair of
his head, or from off the back of Lis hand
i specimens of the musquito fly, ant, green bug,
| grasshopper-bug, vulgus, earwig, flea, io ali
the clivers;ued branches of each genus. Nor
when the fatizaesof the day are ail over, and
he dons Lis slippers for ease aci comfort,need
he be surprised to find a scorpion in one, ana
a centipede in the other, while a colony of
i white ants are investigating the merits of liter
-1 uture in his Look-case.
tnf A little ftilow.eight years old,who wea
without a relative in the whole world, was
asked by a iaay if be aid not have fears as to
whether he would get along iu life. The child
looked up with preplexed and inquiring
if uncertain of her meaning, and troubled with
a r.ew doubt. " Why," said he, "don't jow
think God will take care of a feller, if he puts
his trust in Him, and does the best he can V
A r.c nf tourist in central France was
complaining, before retiring to rest, of having
ben greatly di-turbed the night before by
some dreadful cries and bowlines, which he
hoped would not be repeated. "No fear for
that," said the mailrtd' hold ; "no fear of
that, for they w>re the cries of that fine lem
cit yoa bad for dinner to day !"
ftarße-pect is always due to persons of
peculiar merit ; or those who fill elevated sta
tions, but civility is due to every one iu life,
whose base conduct has not forfeited it. A a
easy, kind and pleasing address, without sac
rifice of dignity, i arnooz the most valuable
acquirements, and is witbin the reach of every
person. It is a kind of current coin ; that
will pass universale even among savages, and
will gain you friends with those who cannot
understand our lauguage.
A goose that sees another drink will
do the same, though he ia uot thirsty. The
custom of drinking for company, when drink
ing is dispensable a;.d prejudicial, seems to be
a case of ihe same kind, and to put a man,
feathers only excepted, cpon a footing with a
*taP* When yoa forgive the man who has
pierced ycur heart, he stands to TOQ ia the re
lation of the sea-worm that perforates the
shell of the muscle, which straightway closes
the wound with a pearl.
A crust of bread, a pitcher of water
and a thatched roof, and love—there hap
piness for you, whether the day be rainy or
sunny. It is the heart that makes the home
whether the jests upoc a potato patch
1 a Sower gtrdfcr.