Department. Calendar of Operations for Nov., 1360. It is rect-ssarv that what now remains to !>t done in securing late crop.- - , lie finished quick ly ; frost and snow will soon take posessioa of j tiie fields, to act their important part in ameliorating the soil and preparing it for fu ture tilage. If the cultivator has controlled the growth ou his fields, sllowiug no weedy intruders to ripen their seeds, he has little to fear from the sweeping winds—if otherwise, every blast will send hundreds ar.d thousands of these, Lis enemies, flying to their safe win ter quarters, to emerge in Spring, ready to dispute with his crops for the mastery of the soil. In addition to completing preparations for "Winter—making every thing comfortable fcr the family in the house, and the family at the barn—drawing and composting muck, finish ing drains,, threshing and marketing grain, etc., will afford profitable employment The present leisure from more pressing work may be turned to great profit in reading, study of the science of farming, aud planning for luture improvement. BUILDINGS. —Examine after hard storms, and keep i:i thorough repair. Painting may yet be done better than in Spring or Summer. | CATTLE. —Feeding at the barn is now uec J essary. A great saving of food, and much J benefit to the manure heap, is secured by cut ting and cooking food. Stalks and "other j coarse feed so treated, will be readily eaten up clean. Feed from racks or boxes, and give variety as well a- plenty of food. CELLARS. —As the coid becomes severe, pro tect aguiuat frost. Straw or leaves are pre ferable to manure for banking against doors uud windows. There will be less danger hour frost, if sufficient ventilation be afforded to carry off moisture. In constructing houses, a ventilating flue should be carried up from tuc cellar toward the top of the building. CISTERNS AND VV EI.LS. —Arrange pumps and other fixtures so as to prevent freezing. CORN. —Complete husking, if not already done. c-tiei. and marirct n? soon as iuvotu .c prices are offered. Guard depreda tion of rats and mice. Save stalks, leaves, ar.d husks for fodder. Draining can be done until frost prevents Keep sluice-ways upon the highway open, a..d , occasionally examine drain furrows among j Winter grain. FRUlT. —Remove apples and to the cellar before they are frozen. It is important that they be kept dry and coo!, aud secure from rats aril mice. Hanging shelves are convenient for ripening choice Lite pears. GRAlN. —Select the best growth for seed, if not already attended to before. Thresh us fast as poa>ib!e. Allow no straw to be was ted ; me it cut aud mixed with meal lor feed ing, and for litter in the stalls and vurtls. U EDGES. —FI a:. t deciduous, it the soil be dry ; otherwise leave until Spring. HUGS. —Complete the fattening as rapidiv as possible. Give plenty of cot ':ed food. An occasional truss ol potatoes with their meal, will keep tip their appetite; a little sulphur occasionally is al J beneficial. Provide for early pigs by turning a male among the breed ing sows. HORSES. —Give plenty of cut feed, and add carrots, which are both wholesome and nu tritious. Gats in the sheaf, run throeJi the cutter, nuke excellent food. Give pieuty ol straw for bedding. Construct gutters at the rear of the stall It ; conducting ntv.ivuri:. A covering of muck upon the stable flnor makes a soft standing place. The stables should be warm, bit well ventilated ; many ! diseases are contract d in fotil stables Keep 1 horses well shod for traveling ou frozen ground. lee Houses may yet bo constructed if iiu enpplied. Have them in readiness to be filled j at the first iavorublc opportunity. IN-DOOR. —Cultivate tiie mind during the ! lesinre of the season. Leave.- are useful for bedding, for manure, aud for | rotecting plants. -d iviij.—Xotv i-. the time to commence to husband tiie stops for next year. Supply abundance oi muck to absorb liquids and gases, and to comport with cieanin-s from tin stable. Iso also plaster about the stables, poultry, house, etc., to fix escaping gas.-s ; al low nothing to waste that can be turned to ac count. I low heavy clay lands intended for culti vation next Spring, and leave the furrows to be harrowed by the Winter frosts. Poultry should be kept fat, to be profitable. Supply them with plenty of grain, and give waste meat chopped fine, two or three times a week. Allow them gravel, and ashes or chip dirt to waiiovv in ; they need sunshine, and al so free access to water ; treated in this way, they wo! give a good supply of eggs. Fowls for market should be confined senarateiv, in email coop-, fed liberally with booed corn, uud kept quiet. PUMPKINS —Continue to feed to fatten an imals and to milch cows, it there be a large supply, store where they will be safe from frost until used. SCHOOLS. — Give the children the best school advantages that can b: ; rocurcd. Al low them to commence early in the sea-on, and to attend rcquljrly. Encourage them bv fre quent visits at ill- school house, and sustain the authority of the teacher. fciiEEP.—Provide ample sheds find feeding racks apart !"om other stock. IVi not keen tbeni :.i tu. ..asture too miy in the season.— teed re a .. iriv, and ui.uw free access to wa m Roots With hay, will be fooud profitable. Salt at ioa.,: once a week. For curiv lambs turn in the buck. STAC..3.— It IS wasteful ol hev and manure to leed from tiie stacks u; on the snrrcui grounds. Draw it to the barn and teed out under cover. SORGHUM SUGAR CANE —Complete cutting aud manufacturing, it may be kept under cover several weeks without injury—moderate freeing, after cutting, does not spoil it. TOOLS, ETC. —Have all impie.ueiitq c ar . riages, carts, etc., under cover, and improve rainy days by repairing and painting such as !*: , Fuan i oil harness, and put sleds ua i sleighs in running order. it U .IPs AND CARROTS. —Harvest any re toaini ig. btore in the cellar or in pits, with : sufli ieut protection from frost. WATER PIPES.— Cover with straw or other proper material where there is dinger of freez ing. \\ INTER GRAIN. Keep all animals from the fields; the roots need the late growth for \\ inter protection. Let no water stand on any pnrt of the surface. ClDEß. —Finish making before the epules decay or are injured by freezing. j .fHfscrllancous. jsasqiitjjiuma Culkjialt Institute, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., RA. FACCLTV : OLIVER S.DEAX, A. 11. Principal. Professor of Ancient j 1.-iiiviiages, and Mental nnd Moral Sciences. Wji. 11. rE.VN. A. IL. Associate Principal, I'rofesaor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Pret.CHARLES R. COBURN, County Superintendent, General Director of Norma! Deparliueut. Mrs. OLiV ER S. DEAN. Preceptress. Mies ANN \ M. DEAN, Assiftant Preceptress. V.iss UEI EN P.. DEAN Second Assistant Teacher. Miss MARIETTA G. DICKINSON, l'eaclier of Vocal and Instrumental Music. W'M. H. DE\N. Librarian. Mr. I). CANFIKLI) DAYTON, Steward. Mrs. D. C. DAYTON, Matron. The Pall Term commences WEDNESDAY", AU GUST 2'-', and will continue U weeks. TUITION, rrtt Tuna : [Payable invariably in one-half on entering tiie school, and one-half at the middle of tiie term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary,per term $ 5 UO Preparatory 0 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 oo ; Higher, Ist and 2d year, pet tern 8 00 t - '■■■al, Ist year, per ton 7 oo Cia dad; 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by tl.e most advanced branch they respectively pursue. rupils using scholarships arc charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. KXTKA EXPENSES: Frcnc'u $ 3 00 German.. •. 3 oo , Pr iw ing 5 00 j Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel | £nd light 200 J Washing, per dozen 33 • The tul -giate year - divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. Tic exercises will be held at • the close i-i the spring term. I No deduction will be n>. ue for absence, except in case of protracted illnt-< of ever two weeks. !. t rumen tal Music will not. ,\s hereti fore, be taught in •1 c Institution, but i y -pecial arrangement—a class will ' be t. gb: in a hal! adjoini ig the grounds of the Institute, 1 ! y the Teacher ol t wa! Music. This arrangement has 1 con adopted for the past term, ; : nd experience lias prove i it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former yeais. Special pains will be • tkea to secure the greab-st progress >' those wishing to ..i lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : ; Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 ! Use of instrument on whi h to Lke lessons 60 ' da for practice 2 03 ' i Pupils boarding in tin- Hall will furnish their own tow- ; ] . Is, Ac., and the tt) le Iver a* their option. It is de-ira ! Lie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding : woon it is convenient, "mt when otherwise, these will be 1 furnished at a slignt ci art '. it is ■ trough- recnmricn.ied that students from sbroad 1 .-I ;:d i • ar.i ... tno L.-htut -.. i. a- hi: • r opportunities i for ituvau' in study are thereby sucared. 2t .itnal Department—Spec i.;l fcxen i-i s are arranged w ; tl ••■itex'r i tin se preparing themselves .is ! T m -i.ersoi'C simwi h-*o! . Pr. i.t '.R COBI.'UN, t'le aid and W(: known Sup.- rintendr-nt of Common Schools j i ii. tl.e county, kindly consented to organize the Tea- j I cher's class, and direi t the coarse to be pursued. I lie will !• be present to conduct its exercises as often a- practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on l ie T.:> • y at:-': 1 rrc,- ,?o. :< g. as also on other aubje. ts |e ■ ted tvi h Norma! train::. r. Tii'-se ! f rsons, therefore. j- tending to engage in teach irg ior Lie v.- . \ i! lirul it great y 10 their advantage jto I e pr-spr.t ring t.- % Tall tt-r.n. Pr-if. C'obur .'a c necti >n with the in '■ his effi -c. No p.iii.s wil! 1 ■ -pared, or. the part of the Faculty anil , Trustees in s istainlng the high repulatstion the iustiic.- tion has hit'., -i t • i v ._ id, a i i:i it rdciiiig it more Wor thy ol luture patrol - o' support WILLIAM H. DEAN, 1- . , , ! Aug. f, 16C.1). OLIVER S. DEAN, f Principals. BOOK BJMDERY, j r|t 11 I-I subscriiior having withdrawn from the Argus I building would rr-spe, tt by inform the public that he hair -iiivnl i.!- Plain arid fancy Bindery to tic- North | Room of the Maid !!<> ie, fo-merly oecnpied by the Post (ili-<■, where he is now prepared to bind al! kinds ot j , -i in the in isl approved ai. I workmanlike manner. Having to -diare my profits with no second person I j at j ter inv=eli thai my psices v. ill meet the satislui.tiou of the j j public. | Thankful f r the confidence repp.oil in me and the pub- I appreciation of my work, tor the la-t two years, I , ! mil endeavor i:. th ; future t<> jiierit the continuance of j pui lie su);>ort. I Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All : ' work will >e w.irranU i. Tot in-. V: .... Ms .a large rtment or STATIONERY of the : | !est quality, at the lowest prices. Justices' ami Coustu ; We"- lib >N :v. ■, oi ail kind-. PICTI ItE FRAMh 3, round, square and oval; and pic- ' lure .taait i tu lutar. cheaper than i-ver known liere. JOiiANN F. BENDER. ■ J Towanda. Jan. 11,18G0. Bookbinder and Artist. C&VTtQN. " I -or no: .i. - hat is the question ! j Whr-tln r 'tin t ler .r. t' ■ ml t■ - :f.;r I lie shn:_. ■' ivii: ■ iii.iL' ' t.s fippnxil'im, 1 | And o. po-iiig, end there.' • ' j l '*'!' proprietor ■ f tl.e Arpu* takes o ension in adver i J- ti-:ng ins Bindery t . iiii.-ulire in an um-a .'ed for tlihu about iq- soil of si concern,'' which is hoping '• to delude the piii <\ A- I have oi ened u Bindery en niv own ac count, the infereri .j is that if the public bring their binding to n-.e. they arc in no danger of icing defranded !'ir two years I have worked :.-.r Mr. PAKSOXS, and he I bus tuki >i gr< at pains t - .ti-fv the p. Dili ■ I was t ,e " best i . testify. Has he Icin ;.! tiiat time "deluding tb • pob o' 1 ! ■■ •' *'* i 1 i .'aged in :• irav.l, lie has been the principal. But I rel' my v. >rk unrir,: t' . t time as . business, I have resumed business here on my own av • •ii.. it,as li>.vz ot in w>i it prevents me from 1!- I 1 o h-giiiDi'ite ; )i is.e ii .jig tor my support.— ! -ball endeav ■' by guoii rk um atteuliju to my ousi ne-sto give public satisfact un. March i... JOH ANN F. BENDER. Binder. XiABSr, WrUSTUn, di CO.. IMPROVED TIUHT STITi If Sewing- Machines ! OIIIOPIS reduced D >">o and tq.wards, for { A. .' aru lie- an ! vnnu t inng csiaitli-limont s. Let Manufacturers, than ter-, I-arniers, Housekeepers, or nuv c ther pei so u in March of an instrument to execute any to.', at I. rat of .Vetoing nou Jon: 1,. y Machinery, make. ■turc <.- y secure the best, by cxamiaiog ours before pur ■ .rising. t'-'v of irigy reasons why the SE'.ViNG MACHINES of ! ADD, Vi'BBSTEH A CO., are urefered above all i s 1 key arc so rcmark ihli- •imp/# in tlic-ir construction. A chiM can operate tbem and umler-tand the mechanism , 2- They are the itnmgetl Sewing Machine made. It is ? o .'.' -' • 1 break or gel them out ot order. 3. They are rare in their operation; finishing the wo.k in a tiiii:. rmly perfect manner. f. 11 ey make ,i lock stitch, alike on both sides of the T.'ork. nvlii ii cannot be unraveled. ■ ili'-y stitch, hem, bind, id!, run and gather, with out I ;-ii ig. They sew equally well the lightest and tiie heaviest fabric?. • 7. They sew nvi" Die heaviest semi-' without changing the tension or breaking tiie finest thread. 3. 'I Ley u-e any "No. of Cotton, Thread or Silk directly from tiie spool. They use a straight needle; curved ones are liable to break. i>. i ..a needle has a orrprndirtilar motiun. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 11. 'iaey have a vnttl feed; none others are in constan contact with tiie work. 12. j Ley run easily and almost nw'irftsr ! I i.'-y are lint I;, et > oil the dress of the operator. I 14. Tju-y it not require a screw driverto set tiie nei-u.e. i 11. They d i not have to bo taken apart t.i oil on-lean. '< l-> . i Ley uie cap ible of doing a pi niter mnpe of work ' aiul in a m.>roptrf. t u.mncr than any other Seiving Ma- j ' i'-j • : '"Veil by the result of our challenge lor a ' t : - wbicii has novel been accepted. _ . , B. F. SHAW. ! T >wanda, Oct. 10,1 -'go. K. "S". & E. RAIL ROAZ>. CEIANGE of hours, commncing MONDAY, JUNE M I 'PI ains will leave Waveriy at about the follow ing hours, viz: n. I.- 2Z' SG nES *' GOING EAST. I .nkirr: Lxpress. .4.57 I*. Jf, X. Y. Express.. 11 nq \ u Night lax press... .3 57 A.M. Night Express.l2.ts \ \I I Ji.- 1 ' 1 s -ll P.M. \ • unmodation G. 53 P.M. Way ••••■ 8.13 A. M -tock Express. 4.55 \ M | Express Freight-.5.35 P. M 'V'ay ... " 2.55 I'.M* J- .'-t Freight S.l- A. M :Past Freight. ..10.10 V M Wav I reight 6.40 A. M. 1 Way Freight.. .4.20 P. M.' Cincinir ti Express doe? not stop at Waveriy. Night Express, Stock Express, Express Freight, Fast Freight (bou ways.) ra-i every day. Accommodation remains over night at Biughaiutoc. Mail remains over night at tlrnira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Eiinira. Ah otner trains run d-iilv, ex ept Sunday. K IT'I lSlm. iifflg l "''"""• (JOFEEES, TEAS AND SPWES-Tho vy beat la Town. C. U. PATCH. JHiscflUratQtts. | TEE FRIEND or WOMAN. ; E. Clark's Revolving Looper 1 DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE The Revolving Looper is a late improvement on liay* i moud's Warranted the be.-t in the world for Family line ! Trice Wilhiu the Reach of Every Family. PRICE 135. Ilemincr, Feller, Binder & Tucking guage, combined, $5. THE reputation of this Machine is now fully establish ed as the most reliable Machine in the market for family use. and let s hi -a attested too by thousands of the most respectable families in the I'uion. This Machine makes the celebrated "Penile Look Stitch," the only one made by machinery that meets all 1 the requirements of Family Sewing. Each stiteli is ti ■•] : twice, s i that every one is securely fastened and wholly ' independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that i if the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew- I ing must hbti good while the fabric will wear. Tint machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel of sim- : plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it. nor does it require adjustment more than the mere change of I thread and needles to adopt it to tie character of tin* work to be sewed—coarse or fine as the case may be. It will sew gauze lace®, and a!! varieties and kinds it' fate ' rics between and including heavy heaver cloth, without hanging either n cdlcs or thread equally well, i n 1 re turn to either variety of work with perlect satisfaction. 1 No ther Machine ever ofi'orid to the public will do as much. A perfect Sowing Machine, one making a stitch an swering all the requirements of the family, sewing course 1 and tine work equally well, was the great d'-sideratnri of the home eircie, previous to tie- invention of Edwin (.'lake's Iti voi.viNG The stitch is beiatifr!, trong. and elastic, and will not rip in tctur or in acci dental brc.iking a thread. E • ■ v Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the rr.. rev refunded Wo have a large list of references but w .11 give the of only a : ' Monkoeton, l'a., Feb. 11, MR. E. F.Shaw- .Sir : I have used for ti:e last three mont..- in iTab ir-ri.n ■ on ■ liay mind's Latest Improved Sc ng Machir -"and I do think it the be at in use lir taiiiin,' nrnose and v.-ould n•: i > without it for One hnn iced Oo.iars i; 1 -s Man .1- ; . B. F. SHAW. T iwanda. Pa. To Merchants and lipiiErs in Freight. fTIHE Boat if. U. S. Express Freight, will I- 'i i• oiii ti -"1 -or til l .' to Towanda and >:•< 1 ■' s •' • ' 'ill '■ • i■. \sin I . ,\l! Fr tight Ii i.i V. re ... i.lld ftbir i. • -.will 1 -p; .mptiy del'wr -1 asses will. at the i ;-k of the o'.. u. -. !! ;t fill care will be us. .1 !- ; • Captain and p. .p., • I ieight will tie ! ike: ; 111 '.owe i p.' • . :' tl river tn /.is • ('.ipt:i,.. yiT'iN.i. will u-i- hi- lc> •i- as t • find a '-.ife h..m.i. ,n Oi l -;- v. ii - 'a: ks will .f sli. • out. Ail • rders directed,at vthesis, will . - l s, iU. (■'. -TONF. proprietor. ' Ml .7. ! i >N"E. A g't and ('apt. Direct oid- to JABLE.-i OXK. Mlieus. Hi idford Co., Pa- -lABKZ STONE, Agent. Athens, Aug. 22.1860. Uarriajc Manufactory at Alba. rjrm.V* REYNOLDS, FELLOWS A VhT' respi i tfullv inform the people of **■— V. !• in liridl'oid and I . p.... . •.sacral ly, that their opei at .mis ha' • i t lien in the lea-t dis turbed uytla v. snd Mi / as usual prosecuting their business in ail •:. bic ■ 1 hey are manufacturing to order, and will ki • p on hand, Cum d >shx, /ji'tf-f'-v, S7,' let ens, Cum ber aw.• I - t \-. c .. tnna-i of t very ■ materials, ;ud in the most snhstan tial ai 1 vorkin unlike re.tini i Tin y use nothing lint the br-i f.ln.-rt. t in ir i nlnr being mostly truni the East, and everything being selected with reference to its durability. As an evidence of the value of their work they point to the fact, that, they received ihe first premium at the l ist Bradford County hair, and at a previous Fair the first, mernium I r(. tti. . BEACKSMITHI \'i doue in .:!! it i branches, and jar ticulat* atttnsi u, ,.i 1 to ( usti ;a V.'< r'.;. Alba, April 4, 1n>I). • Near tm Bridge, Towanda, I'u. TOTTX LAUCHTLIN respectfully informs c| the public that h - has leased the new and commodi ous Hotel recently erected near the Bridge, aud having furnished it thoroughly, i- now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. lie will endear i t by attention t i the wants nf his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of public patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Sprituous and Malt Lsquors. Good BtaMing is attached, with care ful attendance. May 23, TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE *' STORE, an cle r ant assortment of Embroideries. Em '■ r idi ied Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidor-'d Edg- Ings, Embroidered Insertings, Manailles Collars, Mar saillts .Setts, Embroidered Fiouncings, Crape Collars, Crape Setts. ( rape Veils, Black Love Veils. A large as sortment of Black Lice Veii-u sLACHSMZTninrc. \ DAM ESSENWINE respcetfully informs -TV the public that he may still Ist found at the old stand where he has wniked for - > m mr vears.and where he is now doing all kinds of BL-XCKSMITHINC. in the s itne workmau-like manner which ims distinguished him for years past. The public is requested to give him a trial, as by re newed ever! ion- to phase and strict attention to bnsi ness he is determiued to merit a siiare of public patron •e 4 " done in the best manner, and at the lnwi-t prices. l'l't)DL( K of nil kinds will be taken in the payment for wrok, tmt aed/l positively declined. Call at the old shop of AIMM I ~SE.V\VLNE, east side of Main street opposite Bartlctt's i'oundry. Towanda, May lti, H6O. WOOL! WOOL ! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. T WANTEDTI.e highest market price will be paid rt _ Mayk.!,lsGo. M. E SOLOMON'S. Co' t\ ash your Wool clean Before you bring it to mar ket, on tiie sheen, if possible, or in tub. as one-third will be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom in the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. tV\ME to the enclosure of the subscriber, / in Warren townslii >, Bradford county, Pa., on the 11th of June, five creatures,supposed to be one year old. —being 3 steers and 2 heifers,—l yet black -teer ; 1 pale re J steer, line back, some white under belly ; 1 Inutile steer with a white star th his forehead ; 1 red boiler, also 1 red heifer with briudle cast, with white undo - bellv. Warren, July 10, w;o. WM.e. BOWEJT. / HIEESE.—A fineartfelt! of Cheese ulwuys \J c:i L.ui l aud for sale, wholesale ar.d retuil, by I C 13. PATCH. 1 | ittfcrllancous. 1 , j - p NEW ATTRACTIONS ! At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery j TOWANDA, PA. | l|*i Yoa can procure, at low prices, | || \PH 0 T©(Er IRAFHSp I It \of all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re- J —J touched, coioyed in oil or pastille. Also. MEL AI NOT Y PES and AMBROTYPES. and al most ail other kinds of types. Pictures iu good cases lor 50 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10.1M59. Sk -3: y j rpHIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT i JL where von can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of nildeecripthms, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings I up, and warranted to give good sati-f. -turn or no sale. 1 I am also agent for the sale at I). E. I.KNT s m iobnted ' Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri ( ees from fs to f'io. according ti finish BEFMBING done ns usual in a neat and Workmanlike mailt" rand war j rinted. WM. A. CHAMBEKLIN. THE OSD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would announ< e 'I" to the pnidic that he has now on p-.-'WSHp?y'-!N 1 aim, and will make to order ail kinds oi< \ItINEI FCUMTCHK, CM s-'- lib* ] r,i J* such as Sofas, Ilivans. Lounges. ( en- IfS? tre.Card, Dinii garni Breakfast Ta- L- -eml', Mule gan.v, Walnut, Mapie and a ■ kf('!i'-rry Bureaus, Stand.- ot various " - JL, * kinds, Cliairsiind Bedsteadsol'every ' description, which are. and will be made of the be-i ma t-rial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper t! iu can be bougat in any other Ware room i:i tin- country. RFADY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea ' -■ri.i!, tcrii.-. A el HLARSE will He furnished on Fui era)o asinr.s. JAMES MACKINaON. Tow anda. January L IBST. nissoi.l" TIOX.—The co-partnership in re tefon existing between (M Mbnerltm under the lirni (.'(' l.l* fc Klll BY, D this day dissolved By mutual ; consent. 'l^'he books, notes,aocoonta, and <>t!ier obliga tions and i is I--longing to stud tirn , are now in the bands of JERE CULP tor set'it raent. All accounts and notes ovt rdue on the 1-t day of Felt rnarv next, will be put in course ol collection u itliont re -oec't to persons. Cntil that rinn Grain, Sheep Pelts and j Hides wu be reoeirod in payment. .JERRY CI'LP. 1 Towanda, August I,M ,q. J. p. KIKBV. jEP-xTir culp W" 1 t - ft . M.'.HNl>-' AND SADDLE BUSINESS, in all its various branches, at the old stand 'i.ip .r Ki •' i . a '■! •-!,••- >!i> ' - . !•••': 1 .. ■ •)- eof t 1 -• ; r'-tniLt nilh.-i ••• j- '. \ la- -f< '. >! Ready-Made art' U's and materia l -win f.. ],rpt , hand, aud every exertion made to de -et ve the lav:- of tic palilia. McOABE'B CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, L't /oW J. i\ ngiiei v's * f r , J\!ri:i st. I rpni-: -übscribi r would respectfnlb tender hi- sincere I. thank-t<> the public lor tiie very iilwral patronage extended to him, and solicits a continuance ,>i the same. He begs leave 11 assure that be intends t•. keep on hand as heretofore, a choke selection <•; MEATS ot all kinds, the bi.*—t tiie country uh'tids, v,-filch he inii uds to sell f.-r very small profits, either by the aide, quarter or pount. jl ,r A quantity of first qinfiit of >ALT l'dllK, put up by my-ell. < heap, by l I r.rri! 5r pound. Meats will I . promj/tL, dcliveied, u. any place wtlbiu tin- cor|)oration. Towanda. August 12.1K5& J McCABB. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. TowanJa Z'lC.arblc Factory. (Xear/■/ the litrplist Church.) T'L suß- -iticr* hve opened the iOWAN | MARBLE FACTORY wh- ehe j.F prcpurtd to turni- ii M-raiments and 'i'urnb l| Kfi-t ■ -. i; a! ::!a'Juied liuin tii" Be-l uualitie r.f IF. TL AND and ITALIAN MARBLE, an I ' ' hi •bt into such styles and designs a- will ' .-. * ' suit every variety ot ta-te. '-•j V*. Persons w.-ibing to make their selections can ih> so whenever in Towanda, by calling at this New Establishment. The siqierior quality of the stock, the artistical beaute of the work, and the promptness with which orders will be filled, will offfcr inducements to visit this new -hop. F. H. BALDWIN, MILLS 1! VRKER, Towanda, Jan. 2, l c fifi. Proprietor. HEKKnr.Ncr.s. TtVr :I,V. 1 TOWINDI. PA. : ffoit. Nathan ftri-Jnl, ;Frof.( . <'* burn, ; Casbfer, liter. Julius Porter, If. (J. Ouns. .'!• i I mt, 11. ri Mcrcur, Merchant, . . |R. i. (I. (V- ■ " t. M. V. ■ :*,T Sherir, j " tVn . Pi.i'iain, K'ol. A. M'Keau, Prul'y, *• D. A. Sl'.epard, (lion. I>. Wd i ', IF. Tyb-r. i're-'t. Bank. j " J.C. Ad-ms. CUKVi'MJ. I " Win. Eiweil, G. W. Buck, Esq. jE. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. w \ sox, jE. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter V. E. Pfofli t. Esq. New xVi rival of iloots & Shoes NELSO N ' S . f.adies* cek-brat 1 -ergo J. Mr GAITERS, at NEI.fON'S Lad i s' -i ige bottomed GAI TERS. at N ELSI) \ S. Ludics' French kid lieeied SLIPPERS, at NELSON S. Ladies' kid and morocco BOOTS. (liis own : lake and w iiTStnted not to rip) at NELSON'S. Mi-ses' serge Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' kid Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' French kid li- 'leu SLIPPERS,at NELSON'S Child's copper-toed SHOES,at NELSON'S. Infant's SHOES,at NELSON'S. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, at NELSON'S. Gent's Oxford TIES, at $1 C 3 and $1 75, at NELSON'S Gent's thi and kip BOOTS, i' 275.V5L at NELSON S. Gent's calf peg'd BOOTS, f3 50 to |l 50, at NELSON'S Gent's calf sewed BOOTS, ."> and fj 50, it NELSON'S They are determiued not to lc undersold, at. NELSON'S They have engaged the services of Mr.Wj mt, of New York city, a highly finished wi rk nuin. to make firat class pegged and setrcd ROOTS, at NELSON'S. Lndir- ' calf SHOES and BOOTS for S8 cts., Si 00 ami Si 25, at NELSON'S. Ladu--'Kid BOOTS made to order, for (1 37$ and $1 02)1, at NELSON'S. Call and leavoyour measure, r.t N ELSON 'S. All kinds of Repairing, done at NELSON'S. All kinds of Couiitiy Produce taken for Boots and Shoes, at NELSON'S. Towanda, April 18. WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY. INSUR ANCE at fair rates can be edit lined of the sub scriber in the following .SI or I: Companies : j .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, 11 ii Ij'ord, Con.ifcUeut. Cash Capital .$1,500,000 A—.-t- January 1,1800 2,1 fit.loo Liabilities, Claims not due 179,057 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Kno York City. Cash Capital st.oiio.(oo Assets, January 1, lxtJO 1,458,396 Liabilities, Claims not due 45J>b0 CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY. Hartford, Connrrlieuf. Cash Capital $ 309,000 Assets. January 1, 18n 3:9i.(i71 I.iabilities, Claims not due 21,968 AMERICAN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, _ . _ . An York City. Cash Capital, $ 200,000 Polices issued op >u Farm Lweli.igs, Burns, and their contents, for a term of years i •ft/iout evrpiiring <$ prewniuni note. Applications made to the subserib.r at* !i Banks Law Ouice, Wavei ly, will receive immediate aV tentioß. I*. A . KLMER. i Fee. 23, A^elit. I Fisn and Mackerel at 1 YY HUMPHREY'S. JHcrrttanMje, *Vc. PATIOS & PAYNE, Itfo. 1, x-atton's iiiocli, Xowanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of mm a medicines, CI I KM I C.\ I I FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand IU2LE WZNZI3 A3tfD ItXQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rat. n, and BURN ING FLUID, of superior [ < uality, matiidacUired expressly lor the gas-jet Fluid Lamps. 'i'hi y also keep aii the Popular I'AT EFT ME DIE EXES, ' of the day. Every article going from this store is war ' | ranted as represented, anil it uny prove diflerent. they will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. J. (1. PATTON", J Towanda, Feb. I. ISSO. Dr. E. I>. PAYNE. r ■ & +L- -.-N k &*¥*'; i/fr. r. - I ■ A "' VS. ■ -I**'- j H.-A-■<. :La ' " •' -' K :j Storrs and. Ohatfield. OWEOO, N. Y, t ; e £1 ere f r ('. • of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain j H O i ? S 1 : - VOAV E R. i VHEELKBN PATENT Coiiibinoi! TiuvMmt .mil Winnower. OVERSHOT THRESHER, ('A ith \ ibraling Separator,) Single or One liorsc Power and Srparator, M II iELER-.s UI.OYEP. DULLER, LAW IIEXI I. VW-MILLS (tor sawing wood, Ac.) All the >vu machines ire rainufactnred by W'heeier, Melick, &'' i. Albany, N. V., and are warranted to /jive entire sati- i ..s iai> be ratum dat the expiration Jot a reasonul 1 timei-r ~-!. 3. IIOHTOET & Cc.'s . ; CELEBRATES DOT POWERS, FOR CHOKKEN3. AS. < ■ : 1 i WKanrrrs end other- widiiiig to procure any of the | above articles, will do well to u'.: t.p-ci us be; ore purchas ing- Jane J8.1^59. • 1 Sstraordinary Inducements ! FURXII IRE AM) CHAIRS. • : I! WING -really incr> ise.F rrtv fo-iner j : ' > - oil I:;t; !am . I o-O ' d '.O li.spOs" I.t th'-o a iiruliia I 1 tim< raj Idly, in whi that dcieu . : ra j; articles at I unptveedentr-d tow rices fo- o*t - s a li. • l>t dst< d for "_*< i - .e. I 1 have now more thin ti'J din. rent patterns of Chairs. Bmt.tus. Desks lor t •• farmer o, inerelmnt, Izxiking v 011"... Looking glass Id it. a Portrait and Picture frames j ■! F T . Rose wo.Mah - ty and Walnut corner; 20 patterns ol Stands : extension, diliing, tea and work Ta ides. Hail S'.|. ami in met anything Hut can be lound ill a <■ ty War. h >e. \ Lis _e i--> rtiiien* • *ri ly-tr.aue C. dins, with a good llcurse ft.. . ,iti ail t . I':::.-has. . ! e - .r-: t ■ lit- ' li •, t: Ft p. soul! .! S. M YE ITS M ! LLS.". | r "PI!G in. l i-a.Tr.t-! having ptnjcUaegjd the above wnl' 1 fcn< v. n - and atliu bed to i: a Meant Engine, and dsn pi t eVery thing - onnet ted \>irh it in perfect repair, with ail the modern inrpr. ••em-nts now in use in ti.-s-t ias.s Flouring SUtls—wonl/f resppc'fnffy s.ili.-it the m 'nmatreof the community trnsting thai the reontat • i the mill has heretofore borne m .y not sii 1 -r in tlieli md • f t!ie low lii ;r. It shall i"orrain to do all work t-tt 1 trusted to os : rompdy and a the es; p.. >i-je m nnet Customers i a di a are nmy -ly ..ion having tiieii u : k done at - nfe. so as to make but one trip '• to m : II." i y... I do-, i will continue to his own personal at lenti in to ti. .- in- .• • .• i. ' CASH pnld finr all kihdsof OftAOf; nlm Flour. Jleai and 11 ed for sale at the lowest market i rices. M VER. FROST A- CO. imac mvkr .i. o. rno.-T k. T. -OX. X.IKI H 'l. WANPA, Oct. ... IS.', s. ' GEOi 11. BtiISTTIISrO, FY F>PF.C 11-1 hi.A - i iforms his f..rnr.rr en=tonier.s and J.V the public generally, taut he has removed his TAILORS SH OP , To one door south of Tracy >V Moor ,- ~ store and imme diately opposite 1). C. Hail's Stove and Tin Store Wainst. He tlatteis iiinis. i, that from his lonirexperieneei-l bu siness lie will IK? able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the low immune in th" mo ney market, he will make Coats from 52 ,'>(• to M AO each and other work ip proportion lor EC VDY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will m>t be refused, i! Beared Towanda,March 20, it. Ilie Argus Book bindery in Pul! Orseratioii ! ■1 " * Uyk luivc tlie gratilTcat ii 11 of announcing to onr frfends. c istomcrs, and the public, that wc are now pre pared to do BOOK r.IXDIXO, iii ill its Uraiu bes in t!-,c latest and most approved styles, and 0:1 the most favorable i -n.-. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. c. finished workman from Philadelphia. I . and having nd.lcd extensively to the fixtures of the con cern—giving greiter facility tb m formerly—we can pre sent to ' ue public t he 111 i-t positive assurance of our abil ity to please our patrons. Customers slum! 1 parti nlar to remember that the •• Argus Binderyis in the Argus Building, as form erly, (first building north of the Ward House) and is con nected with Our B ok and Statiomu . -t >re and Printing Offire. where all work should be delivered. CAUTION'.—\Yr are eonn elied in jiistmc to ourselves, and our old c - toiners. a - well a-1.. prevent an imposition upon tiie public generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, tiiat talsA-ly Indds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery. This/can-/ is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. *i- Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work guarranted. Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. fte" Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattean, at prices as low as elsewhere. 1 Sowuuda, March 3. GCO. E. A. PARSON'S. riSH! StHIK riSH! ! ! R F HE best assortment in P, nr,-y,v.,.iia. C'uieisliug rf ■ n 1 1, L }M'o ' A ! ,il f T 1 Wue FFli. Mbuwn C odfish, 1 ickled and Smoked Herring. Smoked llalibi.t Ac. Ac., on hand, and to be sold cheap, by Towanda, June 10, IfOO, 0. R, p YTCH. JJtisfncss JV, ofTers his professional w-m. l . the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Olßee idence in the dwelling recently occupied Ly H It Esq., one door north of the Episcopal Church onu • Street. ' 4la Hi r- OVKKTOX. JK c „ w rt< ., (kVKIvTON A MONTANVK,' V/ Vf. YS ATI. A IV- Office in Union y occupied by J as. Macvaklakb. ' ort^(r- H.J.MAnrtt p ri \f r Ty \| ADILLA MORROAV, A '/'TORWjryr, I>l AM) COUNSELLORS AT LAWFAA overMerrut Store.Towanda,Pa. ''—Bice Towanda, April 2, is. n-f jf nU R. If. MASON, PIIYSICIAXA V r, JJ X t ROE OA, offers his professional sen ires u, N? people of Towanda and vicinity, Olliceat fi,. on Pi it- strn t, where he can always he tounl vtu.n ßc * piofewionailv enraged. 11 n t R R PARSONS, ATTORNEY AI •V* 'f* Tl:OV - HlaClfol ' l t0 " Pa ' Ddlceover V M. mH. F. Long s store. Aug-7 j-, lIE NR Y R M KE A X ATTO /; \, ■ ; 11 AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA.; will p ar ni ± , attention to business entrusted tohim. Colloctionsmj' on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. I?LHANAN SMITH, bavin# retnrned~t Li Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mer,-,' J Store. Dee. 1.18.77. ercat * I ShFISI DR H - WES TOX, DETI ; TIST, |ieni:aiKintly located in T„- v I —LXJ_La t) F'FTCE one door south of BaileyA \ e vr • Towanda, Feb. J m *' O. H. WOODRTTFF -DDWTIST. 13KR M A XRXTIiY located in Towanda— 1. OAio* N" 1. 5, Brick Bow. over H. W. Noblks'Bt'o |Lb trance one door south o! Tracy & Monte*. jj. j 2|R G S PECK, SF/IFJ/YJY j V/ J / METHA.XrCA/. DEM IST. T 'W \ y r) , ' [ Ciroaiee, \o. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. k„ x E s ' to „ —eiitram-e tir-t door ui Pine st. Fehruarv lb, 1,50 QVY II WATKtNS. ATTORNEY i v.* LAW, TOWANDA. PA. ' ! Office opposite Ldporte, Mason A Co. ' Collect ions made ait-i i-einilted with proniDtnes. ) IYw imhi. Jatinary 2. IsUO. 1 1 Qe! *' Dll JOHN M'IXTOSH, wi/I befeend^rt his old office, Patton's Block, during Spriu- and Summer. Te.-tli n-> rted on Vul -anised ttubt*r—the I la:st improvement is dentistry. Specimen pie.* to be | seen at the oLice. Persons indeht" I u. me will plea^ pi -y "'P- , JO UN M'IN TUSH. I DR. PORTER'S OLB DRUG STORE,, Already admitted to bs • I Tl.e large.-t. safest and most Approved I DRUG H3'JS£ IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! | WITH j Vn established reputation for keeping the best medium I UNEQUALLED j In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring and prescriptions. Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote j the most careful attention .pay the strictest regard , to accorary. and list- only se.'ected arti ■ cles. and medicines of unf|iies -1 tinned purity,hashecome TfiHil 1-ASii iiEllb ti^fDSlij With price- revised to c- :rr-oond with tlie market. WHOLESALE. AXD DETAIL I ALL Alir;e'LLS WAUKvSTLD AS KErRLSENTED. By recent irroncc'ieots with the Manufacturers. Irapd-I tv:.sor K: ;ii -i. sof (. .. n i> and C-i-h Per--ha- j bt.s, ti.e : ■ i -- will always fie at thelow es, point for I'rirnG Coods. LOtVEP. FIGL'TIF'- THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils. Varnislies. (ilassj DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. IZvtrylliug in THIS crf'tinr? STUCK tcill be KM Cheap for Cash ! feicis keiuhed, VIZ: Of hXiaps, Pi'rl'iiiiicry, BRIHLICS, Comb-| Fcckct Knives and Ilazors, LAMPS and Materials for FAJTU TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS, WiNES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR NIEDIGf I TOBACCO &, SNUFF. All the Popular Patent MEDICIO- Tooth, Skin Si. Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions. CCTCC'ir, Botanic and 1 Tom,* pat HI- Motif.'.'" |J Spicts, EI T! Strd, Lamp S/udrs and (J'ardrn Stfiu. M FISH T.V- KLE. AMMUNITION'. Ac. Const itutii; r tlie niod comnlete assort me nf. on i.B tile great v .t::'-oi tlw iv-Oj le. reduced m Pri.e, I and revised lor the Cash Systelif. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE! I)R. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by anv in i'H Market. DR. PGtRTER'S PREPARATIONS ' For Family Use, Known n Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warrantel'-B what they are intended to give satisiactiuu. Eg viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price "."1 Dr. Porter's i atnily Embrocation -• 2. " Dr. Porter's Tonic Etiser '• 50 "H Dr Porter's Worm Syrup " 2j Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites.. "lu i Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic •• I".J " Dr. Porter's Blackiierry Balsam. " 2i H Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " .i Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. •• 2". " I Dr. Porter's Tooth i' .wder •' .1 H Dr. Porters'lricogene ...... " i- "H Dr. Porter's Tricopliile •' 2-5 " H Dr. Porter's Shampoo " Li Dr. Porter's Hor.-e and Cattle Lotion " c'j H Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " R '' H Dr. Porter's Black 1nk..... " 2> ' Dr. Porter's ' demising Fluid " - T I r. Porter - Pat and Mi- <• Poison " |H Dr. Porter's C itrate Magnesia " 2-3 " lledical Advice given graliiiitnHy at ilieo4"i Charging only for Medicine. for past liberal patronage would fullv announce to his friends and the pni lic -Doll be spared to satisfy and merit the coutinuiiact'■ their confidence and |>atrouage, at the C A S I i DRUG STO iill Corner of Main and Pine streets. I .Tune 20. ls'so. H. C. PORTER. M. OitrjiANs' tonrr sale—n.v of an order of the Or; bans' Court of l!r:uh" r '''""l ty, will tie exposed to public sale, on the preniis* 9 TUESDAY. Nov. 20. ISOO. at I o'cl k, P M • ~ bf ,9 lowing property, 1 ite the estate of Jahez Tenipk'"" of Snesiiequiii tp. deceased, to wit: The fel. ovine " 1 piece or parcel of land ittaraut 4 f'/E about 2 j thereof improved, with a framed house *';' * and a log house, and an apple orchard and ttt--' t. ccs thereon. ~ Terms of Sale—The purchase money to be r 4 J " confirmation of the sale. |H XV Til AN BWI,: ■ I'EN.I \"'N E'' _,. f ■ VI AOKKRRL am\ Mackinaw Trout, o.tL whole, half barrels, at yiHipU" ■